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Three-Phase Photovoltaic Grid-Connected Inverter using dSPACE DS1104


Conference Paper · December 2011

DOI: 10.1109/PEDS.2011.6147287


3 836

4 authors:

Zamre Abd Ghani M. A. Hannan

Technical University of Malaysia Malacca Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN)


Azah Mohamed Subiyanto Subiyanto

National University of Malaysia Universitas Negeri Semarang


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IEEE PEDS 2011, Singapore, 5 - 8 December 2011

Three-Phase Photovoltaic Grid-Connected Inverter

using dSPACE DS1104 Platform
Z A Ghani, M A Hannan, A Mohamed and Subiyanto
Dept. of Electrical, Electronic & Systems Engineering
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

According to Messenger and Ventre, the opportunities are

Abstract- This paper presents a simulation modeling for the still exist for the design engineers to improve the inverter
hardware development of photovoltaic three-phase voltage controller, since inverter failure remains one of the primary
source inverter utilizing dSPACE DS1104 controller platform. causes for photovoltaic (PV) system failure [13]. For this
The controller links the MATLAB/Simulink simulated model to
the inverter prototype for operation in real-time. It generates a reason, the enhanced inverter controllers are necessary for
sinusoidal pulse-width modulation (SPWM) signals for improving the inverter performance in PV or renewable
switching devices (IGBTs) with the accomplishment of fuzzy energy applications.
logic controller and Park transformation. Consequently, the Selvaraj and Rahim [11] and Saad and Rahim [12] have
inverter provides power not only to the local loads but also feeds developed DSP TMS320F2812 and FPGA based PV
the available excess power to the grid. The current and voltage
control strategies which are implemented by using the fuzzy inverters, employing the proportional-integral (PI) controller
logic controller regulate the 50 Hz sinusoidal ac output current and PWM control algorithm, respectively. However, it
and voltage for both modes of operations namely isolated and requires users to develop a quite lengthy software
grid-connected mode. The simulation was carried out with the programming or codes for the control algorithm. This might
PV generator simulator to facilitate the real PV power transfer be a hassle and time consuming task, especially for those who
to the local loads and grid. With the excellent results of 2.48% in
the total harmonic distortion (THD) of output voltage, suggests have little experience and background dealing with the
that the proposed control system exhibits a good performance, software programming. Besides, a simulation model has to be
thus can be translated into a prototype by utilizing the dSPACE developed prior to the hardware realization as well. A
platform. The simulation results waveforms such as ac output different approach to this development process is by
voltages, current and system power flow are presented to integrating the dSPACE DS1104 [14] DSP real-time data
validate the efficacy of the control system.
acquisition control platform into the system which enables
users to employ the MATLAB/Simulink linking tools
INTRODUCTION available features for the control algorithm development and
simulation and hardware implementation as well. The
A photovoltaic (PV) energy is becoming one of the dSPACE DS1104 control platform simplifies the control
important renewable energy sources. In order to transport this algorithm programming task by means of its library
kind of energy to the electric utility, an interface such as blocksets. Moreover, the data and codes of the successfully
inverter is necessary. Inverter efficiency is not up to the mark simulated model can be linked and loaded directly to the
due to its self-consumption losses [1]. Moreover the impact of controller for real time hardware operation.
unbalanced load on inverter output voltage [2], nonlinearity, Salam et al. [15] have implemented the dSPACE DS1104
and low efficiency of the PV devices [3][4], electromagnetic controller board in the design of high frequency link inverter.
interference, harmonics level [5][6][7], capability to operate Another different way to control and regulate the ac output
with high speed and frequency for generating pulse-width current and voltage is by implementing the fuzzy logic
modulation (PWM ) signals [8] respectively, are the crucial controller (FLC). Hannan et al. [16] and Ghani [17] employed
issues for inverters and its controllers. Thus, for regulated the dSPACE DS1104 controller in a PV standalone prototype
inverter output voltage and current, an efficient and enhanced inverter development. Another application of the dSPACE
inverter controller is necessary to improve the inverter DS1104 platform is in the grid-connected inverter. By using
performance in PV or renewable energy applications. the graphical object-oriented package, a dSPACE system has
Globally, researches in the development of inverter control enables the development of user-friendly inverter control
algorithm are still going on to advocate the applications of panels for on line monitoring and supervision [18]. A
renewable energy. Various types of controller and processor dSPACE system is quite popular in controlling platform and
are being adopted for design, analysis and implementation of is widely used in automation systems and car manufacturing
PWM controlled inverters. Among them are analogue circuit industries [19]. Controlling power converters such as an
controllers, microcomputers, digital circuit controllers, field inverter is one of the alternatives of the dSPACE system
programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) and digital signal application.
processors (DSP) [9][10][11][12].

978-1-4577-0001-9/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE 447

In this paper, the control system and the modeling for the (iii) 150% load – overload scenario (8.8kW), the
inverter hardware are developed which are then simulated in generation is less than absorption.
MATLAB/Simulink. The main element of the inverter output (iv) Grid voltage and frequency disturbance – over and
parameters controlling is the switching signals generation, under disturbances
e.g. sinusoidal pulse-width modulation (SPWM) that By applying different loads, the dynamic of the system
responsible for the output voltage and current control power balance (generation and absorption) and the power
regulation scheme. The control system architecture employs flow can be observed whether the inverter dispatches excess
the fuzzy logic controller (FLC) which shows better power to the grid or drawn power from the grid.
performance in reducing overshoot parameter in the The main objective of the control system is to regulate a
performance of the inverter compared to PI controller. A nearly sinusoidal inverter output current and inject it to the
detail explanation of the control strategy of for the inverter utility at unity power factor with an acceptable level of total
has been discussed. FLC has the advantage of controlling a harmonic distortion (THD). According to the standard code,
nonlinear system such as the PV inverter system and there is IEEE Std. 929-2000 [21], the THD level must be below 5%
no special design procedure involved in fuzzy control such as for connecting to the utility grid. The system is also managed
root-locus design, frequency response design, pole placement to protect the system under disturbances such as changes
design, or stability margins, because the rules are often occur in the grid/utility voltage parameters such as frequency
nonlinear [20]. and voltage level managing.


The configuration of the PV grid-connected inverter control
In order to validate the effectiveness of the proposed
system is illustrated in Fig. 2. It consists of a PV simulator
inverter control system, a simulation was conducted in the
with a MPPT feature, an inverter that is connected to the load
MATLAB/Simulink with SimPowerSystem blockset. It was and grid, and the control system. The connection to the grid
simulated for a period of 0.16 seconds with a sampling period is made possible by a three-phase controllable breaker or
of 5 µs. The detail inverter system simulation model is shown switch.
in Fig. 1.

Fig.2. Block diagram of the grid-connected inverter system configuration.

Fig.1. Inverter system simulation model

The control system manages the data acquisition of the
In this simulation, the PV simulator has the capacity of relevant variable system parameters and signals such as
5.8kW. To simplify the analysis, the simulation is executed at voltages, currents and control signals in order to maintain the
a fixed irradiation of 1000 watt/m2 and at a temperature of 25º system operation and stabilize the output voltage. Fig. 3
Celsius so that the PV simulator output power is at a constant shows the block diagram structure for the control system
peak. With the built in dc-dc boost converter and the components. The system reads the grid voltage and frequency
maximum power point tracking (MPPT) feature to extract as (50 Hz) for the grid synchronization which is accomplished
much power as possible from the PV, the PV simulator is by the phase lock loop (PLL) function block. The PLL gives
able to generate the output voltage of 700Vdc as required by outputs in terms of sinωt and cosωt which are used as the
the inverter input. To visualize the control system function, reference frequency in the calculation of the abc/dq
this simulation was done with the following resistive load transformation of the inverter current in the current control
profile which consists of: loop.
(i) 100% load – full-load scenario (5.8kW), a balance By using the Park’s transformation method, the sampled
between generation and absorption. signals of the inverter current are transformed from a three
(ii) 50% load – under-load scenario (3.0kW), the axes abc frame into a dq reference frame system. The dq
generation is higher than absorption. currents are compared with the reference current which is

generated from the voltage control loop so as to generate the 1.5
error signals which are fed to the fuzzy logic controller for
the output current regulation. 1


Voltage (p.u)



0 0.030.04 0.08 0.12 0.16
Time (sec)

Fig. 4. Inverter output voltage waveform, vabc

Fig. 3: Grid-connected inverter control strategy
In the voltage control loop, the dc input voltage, Vdc is
regulated by the fuzzy logic controller which generates the 0.5
current reference, Idref to be tracked on by the controller in the Current (p.u)

previous current control loop. The output signals from the 0

current control loop are fed to the conversion and PWM
generator block which uses a triangular wave of 15 kHz for -0.5
generating the switching signals for the IGBTs.
By utilizing the ‘Real-Time Workshop’ (RTW) feature -1.0

available in MATLAB/Simulink environment, the inverter

control system algorithm is converted to the C-codes and -1.5
0 0.030.04 0.08 0.12 0.16
simultaneously linked to the real inverter hardware. This is Time (sec)
one of the advantages of the dSPACE DS1104 which makes Fig. 5 Inverter output current waveform, iabc
it suitable for research and development purposes. In order to
link the algorithm to the real inverter hardware, the dSPACE From Fig. 4, the 50 Hz sinusoidal waveforms, va (blue), vb
input-output (I/O) library blocks are added to the (red) and vc (green) have peak voltages of 1.0 p.u which is
equivalent to phase voltage of 240Vrms or line voltage of
MATLAB/Simulink inverter model. They are analog-to-
415Vrms. As can be seen, they are displaced by 120º of each
digital converter (ADC) units, DS1104ADC, bit input-output
other. Initially, it started in standalone mode as a voltage
(I/O) unit, DS1104BIT_OUT, and 3-phase PWM generation
controlled inverter, and then connected to grid at t = 0.03
unit, DS1104SL_DSP_PWM3. With the aid of the dSPACE second with current controlled strategy. It is shown by the
graphical user interface (GUI) software, ControlDesk, the small ripples in the current waveforms after 0.03 second as
control and monitoring of the real-time hardware parameters shown in Fig. 5.
is made possible.
The total harmonic distortion (THD) for the phase voltage
waveform is 2.48% as shown in Fig. 6, which is below 5% of

Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 show the snapshots of the three-phase

output voltage and current waveforms of the inverter in per
unit (p.u) format respectively.

Selected signal: 8 cycles. FFT window (in red): 3 cycles
1 The simulation modeling and control system algorithm for

the hardware development of photovoltaic three-phase
voltage source inverter has been presented. It has been
0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 verified with the simulation results in MATLAB/Simulink for
Time (s)
the inverter output voltage stabilization and system power
Fundamental (50Hz) = 0.9855 , THD= 2.48% flow with different load profiles, which suggested the
effectiveness of the inverter control strategy. These results
Mag(% of fundamental)


serve as a justification for the inverter prototype


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