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Direction: Put a check on the appropriate space provided. Do not leave any item

Part I: Profile of the respondents

A. Students

Name: (optional) Mohammad Abdo N. Lucman Date: ____________

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Religion: Muslim

B. Parents

B.1 Father’s highest education attainment

[ ] elementary level
[ ] elementary graduate
[ ] high school level
[ ] high school graduate
[ √ ] college level
[ ] college graduate
[ ] others, please specify. ___________

B.2 Mother’s highest educational attainment

[ ] elementary level
[ ] elementary graduate
[ ] high school level
[ ] high school graduate
[ ] college level
[ √ ] college graduate
[ ] others, please specify. ___________

B.3 Parents’ source of Income

[ √ ] teacher
[ ] farmer
[ ] fisherman
[ ] vendor
[ ] driver
[ ] carpenter
[ ] others, please specify. ___________
Part II. Status of short stories of Manuel Arguilla

Direction: This is not an examination. This is a survey on your status of short stories of Manuel

Arguilla in terms of popularity and interpretability. You have to read each statement carefully

and decide how you feel about it. Then indicate your feeling by checking the appropriate option.

Be sure to answer every question. You will be given twenty (20) minutes to finish Part A, and B

of the questionnaire.


4- Strongly Agree
2- Strongly Disagree
1- Disagree


1. I am familiar with the short stories of Manuel Arguilla.

2. I have read some of his works.

3. Some of teachers in literature are using his works.

4. I have met his short stories in literature class

5. I enjoy reading his short stories.

6. I often read Manuel Arguilla’s five short stories.

7. I appreciate the style used on Manuel Arguilla’s five short

8. I have heard his five short stories from another person.

9. I will recommend his five short stories to the students

10. I often heard his works from other students.

4- Strongly Agree
2- Strongly Disagree
1- Disagree


1. The short stories of Manuel Arguilla were descriptive;
Manuel Arguilla used vivid imagery when depicting every
scene in the story.

2. The characters of the short stories portrayed their roles

3. Manuel Arguilla used figurative languages; example: She
was fragrant like morning when papaya is bloom.

4. The number of scenes of the five short stories were
basically similar to barrio setting.

5. The five short stories of Manuel Arguilla emphasizes the
main source of living of Filipino people such as farming,
fishing, carpenter, etc.

6. The five short stories of Manuel Arguilla portrayed a
typical rural Philippine environment particularly in

7. The five short stories of Manuel Arguilla talks about the
cultural practices of Filipino people including their
household articles, clothing, farming activities, herbal
medicine, and other architectural structures.

8. Manuel Arguilla used vernacular expressions in his five
short stories; example: Manang, Manong, Lacay, hoy etc.

9. The five short stories of Manuel Arguilla captured folk
life and other Philippine realities.

10. The messages of the five short stories was easy to
understand; it was clear and concise.

PART III. Extracted Filipino Values

Direction: Put a check mark ( ) on the appropriate space that corresponds to your answer.
4- Strongly Agree
2- Strongly Disagree
1- Disagree


1. In the five short stories of Manuel Arguilla, I learned that one √

of the most common values of Filipino people was strong family
ties; Filipinos are demonstrating their love and taking good care
of their family.
2. In the five short stories of Manuel Arguilla, I learned that one √
of the enormous values of Filipinos was Bayanihan; Filipinos are
helpful to each other in every difficult situation.
3. One of the notable values of filipino people includes √
hardworking; Filipinos work better and they also work overtime.
4. In the five short stories of Manuel Arguilla, I learned that one √
of the prominent values of Filipino people was adaptability;
Filipinos can still manage or handle every difficult situation and
they are flexible wherever environment they are.
5. In the five short stories of Manuel Arguilla, I learned that one √
of the stunning values of Filipino people was hospitality,
Filipinos extend a warm welcome to their guest and provide
them with food and entertainment.
6. In the five short stories of Manuel Arguilla, I learned that one √
of the markable values of Filipino people was religiosity;
Filipinos believe that God will help them in terms of their needs.
7. In the five short stories of Manuel Arguilla, I learned that one √
of the striking values of Filipino people was positivity; Filipinos
are hopeful and they can still smile despite of their hard life.
8. In the five short stories of Manuel Arguilla, I learned that one √
of the appreciable values of Filipino people was pakikisama or
companionship; Filipinos are very friendly and feel strong
affinity towards others.
Part IV. Filipino practices from the five short stories of Manuel

Direction: Put a check mark ( ) on the appropriate space that corresponds to your answer.
A. "How my Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife"

4- Strongly Agree
2- Strongly Disagree
1- Disagree

1. Filipino people value the education as their tool in order to √

improve their way of living.

2. Filipino family get-together every during meal time.

3. Filipino people are adaptable, it easy for them to adjust and
manage a certain situation where they are.

4. Filipino people have strong family ties; they warmly √

welcome every new member of their family.

5. Filipino people are respectful; they respect their parents or
the elderly, by a traditional practice kissing their parent's hand.

6. Filipino people are known as a happy, resilient people. They
can even manage to smile amid difficulties.

7. Filipinos are humble, they don't underestimate one's status.

8. Filipino people are appreciable towards others, for example,
they appreciate someone's name and beauty.

B. "Midsummer"

4- Strongly Agree
2- Strongly Disagree
1- Disagree


1. The Filipino people are friendly, the easily make a friend. √

2. Filipino men are impressive; they express their love to
women through courtship.

3. Filipino people are respectful; they call and offer food to √

those they see while they are eating.

4. Filipino people are hospitable; they prepare food for their √


5. Filipino women have a strong personality yet very charming.

6. Filipino are humble, they know how to say sorry.

7. Filipino people are kind, they are tender-hearted.

8. Filipino people are decisive; they don't hesitate to show their

C. " Morning in Nagrebcan"

4- Strongly Agree
2- Strongly Disagree
1- Disagree


1. Filipino people are diligent; they wake up early to do the √

household chores and other tasks.
2. Filipino people are sympathetic; they have empathy for the √
3. Filipino mother are concerned; they always give reminders √
and warnings to their children.

4. Filipino mother are very protective; they care for their √

children's sake.

5. Filipino children are obedient; they follow what their mother's

6. Filipino people are patient; they endure any kind of pains.

7. Filipino people are hopeful; they want their family
relationship peaceful like morning.

8. Filipino people are positive; they believe that they can
overtake every challenge they will encounter.

D. " A Son is Born"

4- Strongly Agree
2- Strongly Disagree
1- Disagree


1. Filipino people have joy and humor, they are still able to √
smile, despite of hard life.
2. The Filipino are hardworking; they are willing to work over √
3. The Filipino children are responsible; they do what their √
parents instructed on them.

4. The Filipino parents are loving; they are always concern with √
their children's welfare and health.

5. Filipino people are dreamers; they like to go abroad to earn
money for their family.

6. Filipino people have “Bayanihan Spirit”; they help one

7. Filipino people are honest; they always tell the truth.

8. Filipino people are religious, when a son is born, the image
of Virgin Mary is in the room where the mother is giving birth.

E. " Rice"

4- Strongly Agree
2- Strongly Disagree
1- Disagree


1. Filipino people possess solidarity; they are united in order to √

achieve one goal for their love ones.

2. Filipino people are God-fearing; they offer their life to √

3. Filipino people are fighter; they do not want someone abuse √

4. Filipino people know how to sacrifice; they are ready to do √

everything for the sake of their family.

5. Filipino people are contented they are satisfied of what life
they have as long as they have food to eat for their family.

6. Filipino people value the importance of rice.

7. Filipino people have "bahala na" attitude, they willing to use
the last resource available.

8. Filipino people are brave; they protest and fight against those
abusive people.


Direction: Put a check mark ( ) on the appropriate space that corresponds to your answer.
4- Strongly Agree
2- Strongly Disagree
1- Disagree


1. I enjoy reading the five short stories of Manuel Arguilla.

2. I learned different values of Filipino people from the five

3. I learned different lesson from the stories.

4. I learned a lot about Filipino culture.

5. I learned different characteristics of Filipino.

6. I learned a lot about the different beliefs of Filipino from the
five short stories of Manuel Arguilla.

7. I feel motivated in reading the five short stories of Manuel

8. I prefer to learn different Filipino values through the writing
of Manuel Arguilla in his five short stories.

9. I appreciate the five short stories of Manuel Arguilla.

10. I will recommend the five short stories of Manuel Arguilla
to the teachers.

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