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Virtual Lab Report

Vectors and Scalars: Guide two astronauts

on a mission to Mars
This lab report is for you to reflect on what you completed and learned in this simulation, and to practice your
written scientific communication skills.


1. Describe the overall objective and make a hypothesis

2. Introduce relevant background knowledge on this topic
3. Summarize the steps taken in the simulation
4. Explain any obtained results
5. Discuss the conclusions and implications

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1. Describe the overall objective and make a hypothesis.
What is the overall purpose of the experiments or activities? Make a hypothesis if applicable.

Hint: The purpose is often stated in the welcome message of the simulation.

As per experience from the Labster Activity: Vectors and Scalars: Guide two astronauts on a mission to
Mars, I believe the purpose of the whole experiment was to learn how to differentiate between a vector and
scalar quantity and identify the magnitude and direction of a vector. In addition to the aforementioned overall
purpose, we also explored the platform by defining vector components and solve basic engineering problems
with the Cartesian coordinate system, while helping out two astronauts on their Relatedplanetary mission on the
surface of Mars

To summarize the overall purpose of the Vectors and Scalars simulation, its primary objective is to
introduce to the students or its users the fundamental physical quantities of displacement, distance, speed, and
velocity. Through this simulation, us, Bedan students were able to understand the difference between a vector
and scalar quantity and identify the magnitude and direction of a vector.

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2. Introduce relevant background knowledge on this topic.
What have you learned in class or researched on your own that would help prepare for this simulation?

Hint: You can review the “THEORY” section in the simulation or at if you need help.

In order to exhibit what I have learned throughout the whole experiment in an organized manner I will be
classyfying in into three main parts:

The Cartesian Coordinate System

My first mission in the Vectors and Scalars simulation is to guide the astronauts from the control panel,
through the hostile environment of Mars. In order to do so, I have carefully plotted and throughly studied the
Cartesian coordinate system. Moreover, I also learned how to efficiently utilize the real-time images that were
sent from a sattelite to provide information to the astronauts about their position. Furthermore, as I have learned
to ideally plot these components to the Cartesian coordinate system, I also learned how to identify the magnitude
of the vector and scalar quantities.

The Direction of a Vector

My next mission in the Vectors and Scalars simulation is to assist the astronauts in finding the safest route

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towards their spacecraft, and then the rover. In this part of the experiment I learned how to imagine, that by a
slight defiency on measurements it would cause my good faith to get lost on the surface of Mars. In the
simulation there were no signs or labels pointing in the right direction, so inorder to assist the astronauts in
finding the safest route towards the spacecraft I learned how to identify the direction of the vectors. Alongside
identifying the correct direction of vectors I also learned how to add these vectors using the Head to Tail method.

The Components of a Vector

Once I have succesfully guided both astronauts to the rover, my last mission was to try to find the best
solution to get LERS-M out of the loose mud that it is sinking in. In order to accomplish my last set of mission,
It was brought up for us to know that there is a shovel, a hammer, and two ropes at the disposal of the astronauts.
For my last mission, I learned how to think critically in how to utilize these tools wisely while defining the
components of the vector of force and expressing the components in the coordinate system.

3. Summarize the steps taken in the simulation.

Explain each step you completed including the equipment and techniques you used.

Hint: You can use the “MISSION” tab in the LabPad as inspiration.

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1. Welcome to Labster
 In this part the Labpad tells us about the objective of the activity, and we get the lab coat to proceed
working in the lab.
 Immedietely after, the Labpad tells us to proceed to Workbench One (1) for us to know our mission.
 Our first mission assigned was to guide the two astronauts from the nearby spacecraft to release

2. Activating the coordinate plane

 We go to Workbench One and work on the control panel. There we see two monitors. The one on
the left shows the astronauts while the one on the right shows the coordinate plane.

3. The Cartesian Coordinate system

 First, we are tasked to define their current location on the map using the Cartesian Coordinate
system to know their exact position.

4. Define the Coordinates

 We click the point of interest which is the middle and where the spacecraft is located.
 Then we determine the point where Astronaut A, B and the Rover are located

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 After determining their locations, we then answer a series of questions
 After answering it is time to guide the astronauts towards the spacecraft
 Now that we understand the nature of coordinates its time to go to Workbench Two

5. Direction of Vectors
 In Workbench Two, we are tasked to position the arrows correctly to go from one point to another.
 Before positioning the arrows, we are to determine the overall direction of the route from point A to
B using a compass.
 We then position the arrows which result in the overall direction of movement.
 The method used in knowing the direction is called the head-to-tail method which is a graphic
representation of the sum of all vectors starting from tail of the first arrow until head of the last

6. Difference Between Distance and Displacement

 We now are back in Workbench One wherein the Labpad will tell us about how the astronauts need
to go back to the spacecraft to get a hammer and shovel.
 Questions will be answered regarding the distance they will cover to get the hammer and shovel
 These questions help us understand what distance and velocity is.

7. Difference Between Speed and Velocity

 Still in Workbench One questions will be asked for us to understand the difference of speed and
 One of the questions allow us to know how much time it would take for them to get to rover while
also showing the formula to get the time.

8. Addition of Vectors
 Then we compute the distance for the astronauts to get to the rover.
 Now that the astronauts have reached LERS-M its time for them to release the rover from the soft
 They first remove the soil from the wheels of the rover

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9. Vector Components
 Now we go to Workbench Three
 The astronauts will use ropes to pull the rover in the direction of the safe path
 We will select a combination of force vectors so that the rover will get to the safe path.
 After selecting the right combination of force vectors the rover is not stuck anymore

10. Outro Scene

 A what if question is asked and after answering it, we are thanked for helping them

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4. Describe any obtained results.
Explain any obtained results. Were these results expected or unexpected?

Hint: You can use the “MEDIA” tab in the Lab Pad to find relevant images from the simulation. You can also take
screenshots while you are playing the simulation.

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5. Discuss the conclusions and implications.

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How do your results relate back to the original purpose and your hypothesis? Were there any systematic sources of
error that could have affected the results? What did you learn? What is the importance of these findings and how
can you apply them to other real world situations?

At the end of this simulation, you will be able to...

Describe the difference between vector and scalar quantities

Identify the magnitude and direction of a vector
Determine the product of two vectors
Define the components of a vector

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