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Copyright 2021 Vlocity LLC, a Salesforce company. All rights reserved. Information in this document is subject to change without
notice. This documentation and the software, tools, templates and other material described in this document (“Vlocity Materials”) are
furnished exclusively under a subscription services agreement or nondisclosure agreement. The Vlocity Materials may be used or
copied only in accordance with the terms of those agreements. No part of the Vlocity Materials may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording for any
purpose other than the licensee’s personal use as set forth in the applicable agreement without the prior written permission of Vlocity
LLC. Vlocity is a trademark of Vlocity LLC, a Salesforce company, as are other names and marks. Other marks appearing herein may
be trademarks of their respective owners.

Table of Contents
Vlocity Enterprise Product Catalog (EPC) ..................................................................................... 1
Business Benefits ............................................................................................................... 2
Solution Features ............................................................................................................... 3

What's New in EPC ..................................................................................................................... 5

Fall '20 ............................................................................................................................... 5
Overview of New and Enhanced Features .................................................................... 5
Spring '20 ........................................................................................................................... 8
Overview of New and Enhanced Features .................................................................... 8
Winter '20 ........................................................................................................................... 9
Overview of New and Enhanced Features .................................................................... 9
Fall '19 .............................................................................................................................. 11
Overview of New and Enhanced Features ................................................................... 11
Summer'19 ........................................................................................................................ 11
Overview of New and Enhanced Features ................................................................... 11

Vlocity Support for TM Forum Frameworx ................................................................................... 14

Vlocity EPC and the SID/TM Forum Model .......................................................................... 14

Comparison of the Product Catalog Applications .......................................................................... 17

Access to the Applications .................................................................................................. 18
See Also ........................................................................................................................... 19

Overview of Product Creation in Product Designer ....................................................................... 20

What's Next ....................................................................................................................... 22
The Vlocity Product Designer ............................................................................................. 22
Open the Vlocity Product Designer ............................................................................. 23
Navigate the Vlocity Product Designer ........................................................................ 23
Manage Existing Object Types in Product Designer ............................................................. 25
Products with Attribute Assignments Inherited from Object Types Only .......................... 26
Products with Direct Attribute Assignments .................................................................. 30
Product Lifecycles .............................................................................................................. 32
Product Selling Period Dates ...................................................................................... 33
Product Selling Period Definition ................................................................................. 34
Create Picklists and Picklist Items in the Product Designer ................................................... 36
What's Next ............................................................................................................... 40
See Also ................................................................................................................... 40
Attributes and Overrides ..................................................................................................... 40

© 2021 Vlocity LLC, a Salesforce


Uses of Attributes ...................................................................................................... 40

Overrides .................................................................................................................. 42
Encrypted and Not Assetizable Attributes .................................................................... 42
Attributes vs. Fields ................................................................................................... 43
Attribute and Picklist Overrides for the Object Type and at the Product Level ................. 44
Create Attribute Categories in the Product Designer ............................................................ 46
What's Next ............................................................................................................... 48
See Also ................................................................................................................... 48
Define Attributes in the Product Designer ............................................................................ 48
What's Next ............................................................................................................... 51
See Also ................................................................................................................... 51
Object Types and Guidelines .............................................................................................. 52
Object Types Inheritance ............................................................................................ 52
Guidelines for Creating Object Types .......................................................................... 53
See Also ................................................................................................................... 53
Create Object Types and Layouts in the Product Designer ................................................... 53
Create an Object Type ............................................................................................... 55
Define a Layout with Fields and Attributes ................................................................... 57
Applying Attributes to an Object .................................................................................. 59
What's Next ............................................................................................................... 60
See Also ................................................................................................................... 60
Product Specifications and Characteristics for Product Designer ........................................... 61
Types of Specifications .............................................................................................. 62
See Also ................................................................................................................... 62
Create Product Specifications in the Product Designer ......................................................... 62
Results ..................................................................................................................... 66
What's Next ............................................................................................................... 66
See Also ................................................................................................................... 66
Create Offerings in the Product Designer ............................................................................ 66
Results ..................................................................................................................... 69
What's Next ............................................................................................................... 69
See Also ................................................................................................................... 69
Configure Attribute Rules for Offerings in the Product Designer .................................... 70
Add Attachments in the Product Designer ................................................................... 72
Apply Context Rules to an Offering in the Product Designer .......................................... 74
Offer Bundles, Cardinalities, and Relationships for Product Designer .................................... 75
Types of Product Line Items in a Bundle ...................................................................... 75
Types of Cardinality in Bundles ................................................................................... 75
Cardinality and Inheritance ......................................................................................... 76
See Also ................................................................................................................... 76
Create Product Bundles in the Product Designer ................................................................. 76
Creating a Bundle ...................................................................................................... 77
Results ..................................................................................................................... 79
Overriding the Cardinality of the Child Product Bundle ................................................. 80
What's Next ............................................................................................................... 81
See Also ................................................................................................................... 81

© 2021 Vlocity LLC, a Salesforce


Override Product Attributes in Product Designer .......................................................... 81

Create Promotions and Offers for Product Bundles in the Product Designer .................. 82
Offer Pricing for Product Designer ....................................................................................... 89
Pricing Components ................................................................................................... 89
Pricing Strategies for Product Bundles ........................................................................ 89
Price Adjustments and Overrides ................................................................................ 90
Pricing Adjustments Using Product Bundles ................................................................ 90
Recording Adjustments .............................................................................................. 91
Managing Simple Product Pricing ............................................................................... 91
Product Cost ............................................................................................................. 91
Offer-Based Adjustments and Overrides ...................................................................... 91
Promotion-Based Adjustments and Overrides for Product Designer .............................. 92
Define Pricing for Offers in the Product Designer ......................................................... 93
Track Product Catalog Changes with Projects ..................................................................... 97
Results ..................................................................................................................... 98
EPC Project Editing ................................................................................................... 99
Export a Product Report in Product Designer ..................................................................... 100
Results ................................................................................................................... 101
See Also ................................................................................................................. 102
Configure the Product Attributes Report .................................................................... 102
Fix Duplicate and Empty Attributes ................................................................................... 105

Product Definition with Vlocity Product Console ......................................................................... 106

The Vlocity Product Console Interface ............................................................................... 106
Using Facets ........................................................................................................... 109
Navigating to the Vlocity Product Console ......................................................................... 110
See Also ................................................................................................................. 110
Product Lifecycles ............................................................................................................ 110
Product Selling Period Dates .................................................................................... 111
Product Selling Period Definition ............................................................................... 111
Product References in the Shared Catalog ................................................................ 113
Product Selling Period Dates and Vlocity Cart ............................................................ 115
Upgrade to Product Selling Period Dates ................................................................... 118
Product Entities Overview ................................................................................................ 119
Product Object Types ............................................................................................... 119
Product Specifications .............................................................................................. 121
Vlocity Picklists ........................................................................................................ 123
Product Attributes .................................................................................................... 123
Product Bundles ...................................................................................................... 130
Types of Products in a Bundle .................................................................................. 138
Create Products in Vlocity Product Console ....................................................................... 139
Create a Price Book ................................................................................................. 139
Create New Product Attribute Categories .................................................................. 140
Create a Picklist ...................................................................................................... 140

© 2021 Vlocity LLC, a Salesforce


Create Attributes ...................................................................................................... 142

Create an Object Type ............................................................................................. 143
Assign Attributes and Fields for an Object Type ......................................................... 144
Encrypted and Not Assetizable Attributes .................................................................. 144
Change the Product Attribute Display Sequence ........................................................ 147
Define the Layout for an Object Type ........................................................................ 152
Create a Product Specification .................................................................................. 155

Product Definition with the Salesforce Interface ......................................................................... 156

Add an Image to a Product ............................................................................................... 157
Associate a Product with a Price Book .............................................................................. 157
Configure Attributes and Fields for an Object Type ............................................................. 158
What's Next ............................................................................................................. 159
See Also ................................................................................................................. 159
Add Product Child Items to a Product ................................................................................ 159
Cardinality of Child Products in a Bundle ........................................................................... 160
Minimum and Maximum ........................................................................................... 161
Code to Enforce Cardinality of ProductChildItems ...................................................... 162
Add Multiple Price Types for a Product .............................................................................. 163
Update Products Designed in Aloha to Use the Product Console ........................................ 163
Product Attributes ............................................................................................................ 164
Create New Product Attribute Categories .................................................................. 166
Create a New Product Attribute ................................................................................ 167
Set Up Product Attributes ......................................................................................... 168
Configuring the Attribute Values Sort Order in Picklists ............................................... 170
Constrain Product Attributes Using a Format Mask .................................................... 171
Configure Attribute Rules ......................................................................................... 171
Create a Product Attribute Template .......................................................................... 173
Edit a Product Attribute Template .............................................................................. 173
Fixing JSON Attributes ............................................................................................. 174
Guided Selling ................................................................................................................. 178
Creating Guided Selling OmniScript Using CPQ APIs ................................................ 179
Refreshing the Price Book Prior to Winter '18 .................................................................... 184
Exposing the Refresh Pricebook Button .................................................................... 186
Creating Catalogs and Catalog Relationships .................................................................... 186
Creating the Root Catalog ........................................................................................ 186
Creating Product Catalogs ....................................................................................... 187
Creating Catalog Relationships ................................................................................. 187
Adding Products to a Catalog ................................................................................... 188

© 2021 Vlocity LLC, a Salesforce


Vlocity Enterprise Product Catalog (EPC)

Vlocity ‘s Enterprise Product Catalog (EPC) enables you to introduce and effectively manage a portfolio of
products that are relevant to customers, released at the most opportune time, and at a low cost. EPC helps
you manage the end-to-end processes and product data relevant to the product development, product
launch, and in-life product management activities of your organization.

Vlocity EPC provides the core components necessary to centralize, configure, integrate, and maintain the
product and service portfolio across the enterprise. Vlocity EPC, a centralized catalog, contains all of the
commercial and technical elements you use to define reusable product and service building blocks and
resulting offers

The following diagram shows where EPC fits into the enterprise. The catalog consists of a commercial and
a technical catalog.

Vlocity Enterprise Product Catalog uses the IDX Workbench build tool to synchronize the product
management process and corresponding data into a single, automated, error-resilient stream through
reuse, shared resources and common tools:

• Through an enterprise scope, enables the definition of a single product catalog on one place, with
multiple subscribers and systems that consume the product catalog.
• Enables the creation of products once, making them available for reuse across the enterprise by different
• Gives you a unified UI with common tools, enabling your teams to collaboratively and rapidly create,
manage, and deliver product offers to the market.

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company 1

• Once implemented, eliminates data silos and includes both commercial and technical entities in a single
• Allows you to import products from other systems. For example, if you want to move from a development
to a production environment, you can use Vlocity DataPacks and document the import process.
• EPC can be leveraged by different types of users, such as product administrators, product managers,
system administrators, and developers.

Vlocity EPC gives your business an industry-leading, catalog-driven platform that revolutionizes the CPQ
and order management space by:

• Using a metadata-driven approach to accommodate the incarnations of a product as it travels from

twinkle in the eyes of customer to physical implementation customer’s hands.
• Integrating with your end-to-end ecosystem using a product-service-resource (PSR) model to drive sales,
configure-price-quote (Vlocity CPQ) and Vlocity Order-Management capabilities.
• Using an evolutionary approach to transform both front-office and back-office systems into a shared-
catalog-driven architecture.

Business Benefits
Communications, media, and energy companies gain significant benefits through the adoption of an
enterprise-wide, centralized, product-management capability. An enterprise product-management solution
yields more highly competitive products with stronger profit margins and greater customer satisfaction.
Vlocity Enterprise Product Catalog delivers these benefits, improving the bottom line through faster time-to-
market and lower cost-to-market, enabling innovation and improving quality across product lifecycle

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Decrease Time-to-Order for New Products and Offers: Deliver a unified catalog across CPQ, CLM and
OM for all products & services to reduce sales cycle and order orchestration times.

Accelerate Responsiveness to Changing Market Conditions: Centralize product catalog management

within an agile, cloud platform to improve responsiveness and flexibility for changing business needs.

Improve Product Lifecycle Agility and Efficiency: Leverage next-generation catalog capabilities. View
customer assets across all product or service stacks. Automate notifications to appropriate teams for order
fallouts or manual intervention requirements.

Deliver a Cohesive and Consistent Catalog: Eliminate reliance on legacy systems and deliver a unified
catalog for centralized lifecycle product management.

Faster time-to-market means:

• Reduced design, build, test and launch time for products through component reuse.
• A reduced volume of data required to assemble and establish new offerings in the architecture.
• A first-mover advantage.
• Simplified and accelerated new product and service introduction through improved clarity around what to
offer, which is critical in responding to competitors.

Lower cost-to-market means:

• Reduced operational and delivery costs through fewer disparate data points to manage.
• Reduced complexity of business processes.
• Structured components that maximize compatibility with long-term reference architecture.

Enabling innovation provides:

• Increased ability to support complex propositions due to simpler set-up from any channel.
• Rapid monetization of data moving among people and systems through simplified definition of a unified
• Improved customer satisfaction through better understanding of the product purchased.
• Ability to compete with and support web-application and cloud-based solutions.

Solution Features
Vlocity Enterprise Product Catalog product provides the core components necessary to centralize,
configure, integrate, and maintain the product and service portfolio across the enterprise. Vlocity Enterprise
Product Catalog brings together, into a single catalog, all of the commercial and technical elements that
define the reusable product and service building blocks and resulting offers.

The Product Console user interface provides a single point-of-entry and single point-of-access to the
product and service data, through which users can perform all the activities necessary to manage the full

© 2021 Vlocity LLC, a Salesforce

company 3

catalog of product offerings and underlying services, including the creation, modification, reuse, launch,
maintenance, and retirement of products and services.

Key features of Vlocity Product Console include:

• Collaboration environment for both business and IT users.

• Cross-function, role-based user definitions and security.
• Centralized Data Management for the product and service catalog:
• Componentized data model for offers, products, services, devices, pricing, target system rules, and
• Simple and complex product and service structures.
• Definition of commercial and technical aspects of product and service components.
• Sharing of product components across different product and market categories.
• Cloning and modification of product structures or individual entities to enable rapid product modeling.
• Business and technical modeling of product offers and underlying component specifications.
• Highly configurable capability for defining rating attributes for charges and discounts, to support
attribute-based, tiered, threshold, and flat rating and discounting, variable across product lines.
• Channel-, market-, and customer-specific price lists to manage the reuse of products across target
markets through different offers.
• SID-compliant and SID-based XML available.

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What's New in EPC

This section provides a summary of the new features and enhancements for Vlocity's Enterprise Product
Catalog. Check back frequently as this page is updated on a regular basis, in between releases.

Fall '20
Overview of New and Enhanced Features
The Vlocity Enterprise Product Catalog (EPC) includes the following feature enhancements for Fall '20.

Vlocity Product Designer

The next generation Vlocity Product Designer provides a unified user experience and the agility to quickly
launch products and services. In this release, Vlocity introduces several enhancements to the Vlocity
Product Designer.

• Bundling Products — For improved usability, the Structure view of a product uses icons so that you can
more easily differentiate products and their relationships without having to open each to view the details.
The Structure view also includes a legend of the icons and their meanings.
• Specification types (product, offers, service, and resource)
• Simple and complex product bundles
• Relationship types between products:
• Parent-child relationship
• Associated product specification
• Attribute Metadata — You can now set select attributes to be excluded from searches of the basket
cache for the same bundled product to maximize the basket cache hits in Vlocity Digital Commerce
solution. Use this for attributes that are specific to a customer. If enabled, the attribute is not part of the
response cache when the Digital Commerce ConfigureOffer API is called. For example, you can set the
IMEI or serial number attribute to be excluded from the cache. By default, this property is set to False.
Use this property for attributes whose values are unique for each account. See Define Attributes in the
Product Designer.
• Reports (Beta) — To help with audits and product reviews, you can export a report of products with their
properties and attributes from the product search page in Vlocity Product Designer. You can also
configure the columns, or fields, used for the products and attributes.

EPC Projects
In Vlocity Product Designer, you can use Projects to track all changes made to any object in your product
catalog. Changes tracked when using Vlocity Product Designer but not with the Vlocity Product Console. In
this release, the Projects feature has these enhancements:

• You can select multiple changed items in a project and move them to another project or remove them
from the current project.
• You can also track the action (such as Add, Change, and Delete) taken on the referenced project item.

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• The options for the Lifecycle Status field has changed.

• The Deployed status is replaced with Released. You can use IDX Workbench to export Projects in
Released status in Fall '20 and Deployed status in Spring '20.
• The Testing status is replaced with In-Test.
• The Rejected and Approved states are deprecated.
• The Canceled status is new.

See Track Product Catalog Changes with Projects.

Versioning (Beta)
Products define a company. The products evolve over time and require changes in their configuration.
Versioning enables a company to control its products across the different stages of their maturity and

With Vlocity Product Designer, you can create different versions of the same offer and specifications and
manage their lifecycles from inception to retirement. This versioning provides increased agility to introduce
changes without disrupting the ongoing transactions.

As a beta feature, the Version Management feature of the Vlocity Product Designeris a
preview and isn’t part of the “Services” under agreement with Vlocity. This feature is for
evaluation purposes only in a sandbox environment, not for production use. This feature is
offered as is and isn’t supported, and Vlocity has no liability for any harm or damage
arising out of or in connection with it. Turning on Versioning causes irreversible changes
that render an org inoperable if Versioning is thereafter turned off. Use this feature at your
sole discretion, and make your purchase decisions only on the basis of generally available
products and features. Vlocity doesn’t guarantee general availability of this feature within
any particular time frame or at all, and we can discontinue it at any time. For access to
beta documentation, contact the Vlocity Customer Success team. For information on
enabling this feature, contact Vlocity.

Any use of this beta feature is subject to the Beta Services terms.

Versioning is supported for commercial offers and product specifications only. It is not
supported for technical products.

For this release, Versioning is enhanced with the following features.

© 2021 Vlocity LLC, a Salesforce

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• Version history and comparison — To see changes with products or offerings, you can compare versions
for additions, modifications, and deletions. For products and offers, you can see version changes for the
details (attributes and fields), pricing, and structure. Pricing includes changes to overrides and
• Versioning and EPC entities — When you create a new version of an object, commercial product, or
picklist, the related entities for each are either cloned or reused across the versions.
• CPQ Support — With the Versioning feature enabled, CPQ supports browsing and searching products as
well as order capture and MACD operations on assetized versions.
• New CMT jobs — New Upgrade EPC Schema jobs are provided to update the existing product catalog
data to align with the schema changes. This process should be run regardless of the use of the
Versioning feature.
You must run both jobs in the order displayed. These jobs are safe to run more than once. If you create
entries in Vlocity Product Console, you must run these jobs again before updating to Vlocity Product
• Populate New Fields job — Populates the GlobalGroupKey and VersionLabel fields in Product2,
Object Type, and Picklist objects. It does not modify the existing field values if they’re already
• Populate Product Hierarchy Group Key Path job — the ProductHierarchyGroupKeyPath field in
Promotion Items, Override Definition, Vlocity Attachment, Opportunity Items, Quote Items, Order Items,
and Assets. Run this job after the Populate New Fields job.
See Upgrade EPC Schema.

Realization of Product Offering based on Specification (Beta)

Communications Service Providers define products decoupled from commercial view (Product Offering and
Product Specification) and technical view (Customer Facing Service and Resource Facing Service). TM
Forum suggests this decoupling to efficiently support the needs of product marketing and delivery groups.

A product specification represents a tangible or intangible product as perceived by the business use. It also
specifies what product marketing can sell at a functional level. A product offering describes tangible and
intangible goods (such as a product specification) made available for a certain price to the market in the
form of product catalogs.

For this release, the Offer Specification Realization feature has the following enhancements.

• An offering (even a simple, non-bundled one) can realize a product specification that is a bundle. From
the Structure tab of a simple or bundled offering, you can see the parent product specification and its
child specifications. You can change the group and local cardinality of the parent or child specifications.
You can also override the attributes of the parent and immediate child product specifications from an

© 2021 Vlocity LLC, a Salesforce

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As a beta feature, the Realization of Product Offering based on Specification feature of the
Vlocity Product Designer is a preview and isn’t part of the “Services” under agreement with
Vlocity. This feature is for evaluation purposes only in a sandbox environment, not for
production use. This feature is offered as is and isn’t supported, and Vlocity has no liability
for any harm or damage arising out of or in connection with it. Turning on Versioning
causes irreversible changes that render an org inoperable if Versioning is thereafter turned
off. Use this feature at your sole discretion, and make your purchase decisions only on the
basis of generally available products and features. Vlocity doesn’t guarantee general
availability of this feature within any particular time frame or at all, and we can discontinue
it at any time. For access to beta documentation, contact the Vlocity Customer Success
team. For information on enabling this feature, contact Vlocity.

Any use of this beta feature is subject to the Beta Services terms.

Spring '20
Overview of New and Enhanced Features

Vlocity Product Designer

Vlocity Enterprise Product Catalog delivers a unified, cloud-based solution to manage product, service, and
resource catalogs and life cycles in a central repository. It provides the core components necessary to
centralize, configure, integrate, and maintain the product and service portfolio across the enterprise. You
can use Vlocity Enterprise Product Catalog to manage many complex configurations of commercial offers,
specifications, pricing, and rules.

In this release, Vlocity introduces the next generation Product Catalog Vlocity Product Designer
that provides a unified user experience and the agility to quickly launch products and services. The Vlocity
Product Designer provides intuitive user interface, quick actions, drag-n-drop capabilities, enhanced
searching, and improved performance to increase the productivity of the users. This allows the business to
react more effectively to changing market dynamics.

You can use Vlocity Product Designer to manage the configuration of products, product characteristics,
bundling, and pricing. See Overview of Product Creation in Product Designer.

The Vlocity Installation Assistant contains instructions for installing the Vlocity Product Designer. See
Vlocity Installation Assistant.

The Vlocity Product Designer can co-exist with the existing Vlocity Product Console. You can view and
manage products created using the Vlocity Product Console in the Vlocity Product Designer with few
exceptions, as long as the product attributes are assigned to the General Properties layout. See Manage
Existing Object Types in Product Designer.

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Winter '20
Overview of New and Enhanced Features

Versioning - Beta
With Vlocity Unified Product Catalog, you can create and configure a Product, Vlocity Picklist, or Object
Type and log and track any changes so you can introduce those changes without making them visible to
sales channels or other catalog functions. You can then release a specific draft version of the Product,
Picklist, or Object Type with effective dates and a custom auto-generated version number to sales channels
or other catalog functions.

Once the Product, Picklist, or Object Type is deployed, any further changes are not allowed. Any changes
require you to create a new version of the product, object type, or picklist.

The Version Management feature of the Vlocity Unified Product Catalog is a Beta version.
Therefore, you cannot use the Beta version for development or production because there
is no committed support. You can deploy the Beta version in a sandbox environment to try
it and provide feedback to Vlocity to make further improvements. Turning on Versioning
causes irreversible changes that render an org inoperable if Versioning is thereafter turned

In Vlocity Product Catalog, you can use Projects to track all changes made to any object in your product
catalog. When you set a project as the default, all changes are saved to that project automatically. You can
review the changed object from the change history. You can also manage changes manually, such as
moving a change from one project to another.

Each project has an owner, and only that owner can change the project—its default status, lifecycle status,
history, and any other properties. A user can own multiple projects.

See Track Product Catalog Changes with Projects. To configure, see Enable and Set Up Projects for
Vlocity Product Designer.

Realization of Product Offering based on Specification - Beta

Communications Service Providers define products decoupled from commercial view (Product Offering and
Product Specification) and technical view (Customer Facing Service and Resource Facing Service). TM
Forum suggests this decoupling to efficiently support the needs of product marketing and delivery groups.

A product specification represents a tangible or intangible product as perceived by the business use. It also
specifies what product marketing can sell at a functional level. A product offering describes tangible and

© 2021 Vlocity LLC, a Salesforce

company 9

intangible goods (such as a product specification) made available for a certain price to the market in the
form of product catalogs.

The Vlocity Product Console provides the following capabilities:

• Configure logical entities of a product, such as product offerings, product specifications, service
specification, and resource specification.
• Configure simple or bundled product offerings and atomic or composite specifications.
• Realize product offerings based on product specifications with characteristics, inheritance, and overrides.
• Ensure backward compatibility with existing implementations.

The Offer Specification Realization feature of the Vlocity Unified Product Catalog is a Beta
version. Therefore, you cannot use the Beta version for development or production
because there is no committed support. You can deploy the Beta version in a sandbox
environment to try it and provide feedback to Vlocity to make further improvements.

Unified Product Catalog - Beta

The Unified Product Catalog has the following features:

• Usability Pricing -- You can define price and cost, create promotions and offers, and apply adjustments,
and overrides.
• Price Adjustments and Overrides -- You can adjust or override a product’s price without changing the
price itself. You can manually adjust or override a price in the cart. You can add products to the bundle
and then change their prices when they appear in that context. You can also apply a promotion to a
product in the cart.
• String Translations -- You can configure the Unified Product Catalog to translate the names and
descriptions of catalog data to multiple languages for rendering in CPQ operations or eCommerce

The Vlocity Unified Product Catalog is a Beta version. Therefore, you cannot use the Beta
version for development or production because there is no committed support. You can
deploy the Beta version in a sandbox environment to try it and provide feedback to Vlocity
to make further improvements. For access to beta documentation, contact the Vlocity
Customer Success team.

© 2021 Vlocity LLC, a Salesforce

company 10

Fall '19
Overview of New and Enhanced Features
This section provides a summary of new EPC features and enhancements in the CME Fall '19 release.

Product Console (Beta Version)

Configuring Translation
You can configure the Unified Product Console to display object and field labels in languages other than
English. You can translate the names and descriptions of catalog data to multiple languages for rendering
in CPQ operations or eCommerce applications. This feature is supported by the Multilingual Product
Catalog Feature. You manage the Commercial and Technical catalog in a single base language, such as
English, Spanish, French. For every deployment or upgrade, follow the post-install steps for translation and
upload the translated JSON file.

Creating an Attribute Category

You can define attribute categories to group product attributes and influence a consumer's purchase
decision. Attribute categories appear as headings at runtime in Vlocity Cart’s Filter and Configuration
windows. Attribute categories are required to create product attributes. Once you create attributes
categories, you can add new attributes.

Applying Attributes to Objects

You can associate an attribute with an object. When you create an attribute, you can specify the product
objects to which the attribute applies. You create the attribute first. The attribute then appears in the
Attributes list, from where you can assign it to an object.

Overview of New and Enhanced Features

Product Console (Beta Version)

• The Load More button no longer appears on the Product Hierarchy tab when displaying direct child items.
All the direct child items of a product are shown at once. This fix has been chosen because there are no
customer use cases where a node in the tree has more than 100 direct children.
• The capability to add promotion or offer based adjustments or overrides is now located under the
Structure tab. This allows customers to define contextual adjustments or overrides for bundled products
as well.
You can select any node in the structure and modify an existing promotion, add a new promotion, or
create an offer-level adjustment or override.
• When deleting price list entries, there is now a prompt where you need to provide confirmation.
• When the price list is changed, the currency updates with new currency values. If no currency values are
present in the price list, the currency field is blank and a price list entry is not created. The customer must
input the currencies in the price list to allow the price list entry creation. No error message appears.

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• In the Pricing tab, all tables only show active records by default.
• New Product Console (Beta): Each table in the Pricing tab has an arrow button which, when clicked,
either expands or collapses the corresponding table. On load, only tables with records appear expanded.
All other tables are collapsed.
• The new order for the tables in the Pricing tab is:

1. Price Table
2. Promotion and Offers Table
3. Cost Table
• For the root product, the following cardinalities are displayed:
• Minimum, maximum, and default.
• Group Cardinalities (min, max) if the root product has children
You can override local and group cardinalities.
• You can now set the column layout and tab order in a section and indicate the column in a section
• In the Structure tab, you can configure the relationship when adding a product to a bundle. The
relationship consists of Relationship Type, such as Decomposition, and setting the quantity.
• New Product Console (Beta): In the Structure tab, you can now re-order nodes in the structure tree using
drag and drop, and the sequence updates accordingly.

Change of Plans
• As part of Change of Plans, transforming multiplay offers, you can:
• Merge multiple existing individual offers that belong to different product families into a new single multi-
play bundle.
• Split a single existing multi-play bundle into individual offers that belong to different product families.
• Perform a combination of Merge and Split.
• As part of Change of Plans, transforming multiplay offers, you can use a comparison feature that
recursively finds all the related items and dependencies so you are not missing anything in your
comparison and so you get an accurate price.
• A one-time charge of the intermediate matching parent products with action=Add and
subAction=Reassign is set to 0 after a Replace/Transform. For each matched leaf, the parent product is
also matched. Only exact parent products are matched. A new item relationship record is created with a
reassignment type and the sub action on the source and target line item is set to Reassign.
• With the introduction of the xli relationship object for the change of plan functionality, the existing move
implementation has been updated to create a consistent set of records with the new Replace APIs for
use with Vlocity Order Management. You now run a Create Relationship Records Upgrade job from the
CMT Admin console to allow customers to update their existing order which creates the required
relationship records for Movement.
• As part of Change of Plans, an API returns line item attributes and values to display on the Comparison
UI. The compare API will consider the includeAttributes parameter with possible values of true or false.
The default for this parameter is false if not passed. The parameter can be defined as part of Vlocity

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• As part of Change of Plans, transforming multiplay offers, the ReplaceOffer API and the Submit Order
API support additional custom fields to copy during replacements of offers. You must define a Field
Settings record for each field to copy during the Replace process.

For more information on Change of Plans, Transform Multiplay Offers, see Transforming Multiplay Offers.

© 2021 Vlocity LLC, a Salesforce

company 13

Vlocity Support for TM Forum Frameworx

Telecommunication service providers/operators and service providers in other verticals are facing
challenges when producing and deploying new products or upgrading existing products. The time-to-market
is very slow because of the complexity and volume involved in the enterprise catalogue.

The Vlocity Enterprise Product Catalog (EPC) solution is designed to help Communications Service
Providers (CSPs) to deliver innovative, profitable products at a lower cost and in less time. Other industries
like utilities, water, retail etc can implement the same solution as their key enterprise catalogue
management application integrated with their core billing application.

The Enterprise Product Catalog (EPC) solution helps CSPs create and maintain their product catalogues in
a user-friendly and cost effective way. The solution ensures the accuracy and quality of the product
catalogues and significantly reduces time to market. Vlocity Enterprise Product Catalog empowers
communication service providers (CSPs) to place products at the heart of their business. Featuring an
easy-to-use collaboration environment for business and IT users alike, Vlocity Product Enterprise Catalog
provides CSPs total control over their product data and processes.

Vlocity Enterprise Product Catalog takes previously inconsistent practices and products and consolidates
them into a single, unified catalog with up-front, role-based access and back-end system interoperability.
The result is a multidimensional, cross-product and channel catalog that sits at the heart of the CSP’s
order-to-install process, ultimately improving time to market, reducing the cost to market and improving
innovation and quality.

Vlocity Enterprise Product Catalog allows flexible hierarchical structure to suite any vertical, and has a
powerful rules engine to dynamically differentiate product properties such as price, presentation etc., and to
enforce overall product selection rules. Sophisticated cross product or cross vertical bundling can be
achieved using the hierarchical structure and the rules engine.

Vlocity EPC is powered by a shared product catalog. Vlocity’s shared product catalog uses a metadata-
driven approach to accommodate all of the incarnations of a product, as it travels from a twinkle in the
customer’s eyes to the physical implementation in the customer’s hands. Vlocity EPC is TMForum SID
compliant. It supports all levels of product definitions, including offers, product specifications, services, and
resource specifications.

• Offers are designed by Marketing, sold to particular channels, customer segments with specific pricing.
• The Product Spec is created by Product Management and describes all of the product components.
• Using Vlocity Order Management, the Product Spec is translated into the various technical and
manufacturing spec products that are tuned for each of the downstream systems that use them.

Vlocity EPC and the SID/TM Forum Model

Vlocity EPC is compliant with the SID/TM Forum model (frameworx), and supports various levels of product
definitions, including offers, product specifications, services, and resources. Marketing teams can design
product offers for sale to particular channels and customer segments with specific pricing.

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Product Spec Layer

The blue, Product Spec Layer is the commercial view of what the business sells. Product management
teams define the product specification, which describes all product components: Product name, code,
attributes, other commercial characteristics, service-level agreement (SLA), download speed and physical
aspects, such as size and color. The product specification can have a business hierarchy with child

Vlocity Order Management translates the product specification into technical and manufacturing spec
products tuned for the downstream systems that use them. The commercial view can be translated to the
service and the underlying technical resources.

Customer Facing Service Spec Layer

The next level is the Customer Facing Service Spec (CFSS) Layer, which includes technical products and
technical services. Multiple products can use the CFSS Layer, for example, a broadband internet service
requires a port and an authentication service to deliver the product.

Resource Facing Service Spec Layer

The third layer is the Resource Facing Service Spec Layer, which supports the CFSS Layer. For example,
this layer may include equipment, cable attributes, access port, trunk and other attributes, typically to
support the network.

The last layer is the Physical/Logical Resource Spec Layer, for physical resources such as phone number,
IP address, POP, local loop connection ID, physical cable – aspects that need to be allocated to the

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customer. These concepts are important, especially from a data-modelling perspective. For more
information, check the TMForum website.

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Comparison of the Product Catalog Applications

In Spring '20, Vlocity introduced the Vlocity Product Designer for Lightning. Vlocity also supports its legacy
versions of the Product Catalog administration applications.

• Vlocity Product Designer uses Lightning Web Components (LWC) and is available in Spring '20 and later.
You have access to the product catalog entities from a menu list.
Vlocity Product Designer has enhanced searching and improved performance. It also aligns with the
move to LWC design in Vlocity and Salesforce for a common user experience.Vlocity Product Designer
improves the usability for managing attributes, offers, product specifications, object types, and bundles.
For example, you can drag and drop products to create product structures or files to add attachments.
The Vlocity Product Designer
• Vlocity Product Console uses Angular, and you have access to the product catalog entities from a
• Product Console for Salesforce Classic uses the Salesforce Classic interface. This is the first generation
of Vlocity's Product Console.

The following image shows Vlocity Product Console with the dashboard on the left and the Vlocity Product
Designer on the right.

The Vlocity Product Designer supports creating and managing products:

• Object types
• Attribute assignment overrides
• Price list entries
• Cost list entries
• Product attachments

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• Attribute configuration rules

• Fulfillment rule

The Vlocity Product Designer supports creating and managing product structures:

• Bundle composition
• Attribute overrides
• Cardinality overrides
• Pricing overrides and adjustments

The Vlocity Product Designer supports managing these product catalog entities:

• Attributes
• Picklists
• Catalog
• Migration plans
• String translations
• Object types

For the administration of other product catalog entities, use the Vlocity Product Console.

Access to the Applications

To use Vlocity Product Designer, search for product designer, and select it in the list of apps.

To use Vlocity Product Console , search for product console, and select it in the All Items list.

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See Also
• The Vlocity Product Designer
• The Vlocity Product Console Interface
• Manage Existing Object Types in Product Designer

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Overview of Product Creation in Product Designer

With Vlocity EPC, you can create an offering to sell to customers, such as an iPhone 11. Before creating an
offering, you must create other entities, such as object types, attributes, and product specifications. You can
then create bundled offerings and set pricing.

This information is for the Vlocity Product Designer. For the Vlocity Product Console, see Create Products
in Vlocity Product Console.

You must use Vlocity Product Console to create pricing elements. See Pricing Definition.

You must also use Vlocity Product Console to update an older product that has layout
facets other than General Properties. See Manage Existing Object Types in Product

You must create attributes to capture specifics about the product that needs to be tracked. Some attributes
are options that might affect the product's price, such as storage capacity, while others might customize an
offering for a customer, such as the iPhone color. For attributes with specific options, like storage and color,
you need to create picklists so that a customer can select the option from a list.

Example 1. iPhone Offering Example

Before creating an iPhone 11 offering, you need to create more generic objects that have common options
and traits. For example, you can create a smartphone object with common attributes, such as model
number, bandwidth, operating system, storage, and dimensions. When you create an iPhone or a Samsung
phone based on the smartphone object, they inherit those attributes. You don't have to create them for each
phone maker and model. You can set the attributes for each phone offering. For example, for the iPhone
11, you might have a picklist for the colors specific to that phone and another picklist of colors specific to
the Samsung S10.

In Vlocity Product Console, create the pricing elements — price lists, pricing plans, time plans and policies,
promotions, and discounts.

In Vlocity Product Designer, create product bundles, or a set of products that are sold together.

For example, you could create a new account bundle of the iPhone 11, Apple Watch Series 5, and a mobile
data plan.

Then, in Vlocity Product Designer, you can set the pricing, promotions, and discounts for standalone and
bundled offerings.

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For instance, by itself, an iPhone 11 is priced at $699. In a new account bundle, the iPhone 11 has a $50

Figure 1. Product Creation Workflow

Before You Begin

• You must have at least one price book. You can create one generic price book and have multiple price lists that point to the same price
book. See Create a Price Book.

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Complete the following tasks in the specified order.

1. In the Vlocity Product Designer, create the attributes, object types, and specifications needed to define
an offering.
a. Create picklists.
b. Create attribute categories.
c. Create attributes.
d. Create object types and subtypes as needed.
e. Define the layout for the object type.
f. Create product specifications.
g. Create offer specifications.
2. Vlocity Product Designer, pricing is auto-created or re-used while defining Pricelist entries. But you can
define pricing elements in the Vlocity Product Console, define the pricing elements.
a. Create price lists, pricing plans, pricing variables, time plans, and time policies.
b. Define promotions and discounts.
c. Associate products as promotion or discount products.
3. In Vlocity Product Designer, create product bundles.
4. Set pricing for offers.
a. Add a price.
b. Add promotions and offers.
c. Add a cost.

What's Next
Create Picklists and Picklist Items in the Product Designer

The Vlocity Product Designer

Vlocity Product Designer is the next generation Product Catalog administration application. It provides a
unified user experience with improved efficiency and agility to launch products quickly to market. It gives
both business and IT users access to all the product management capabilities they need.

For a comparison of the Vlocity Product Designer and Vlocity Product Console, see Comparison of the
Product Catalog Applications.

The Vlocity Product Designer has several benefits:

• Defines pricing.
• Improves usability for product definition, pricing, and structure.
• Increases productivity for product marketing and admin users.
• Provides a cohesive view of shared catalog elements across Configure Price Quote (CPQ), Contract
Lifecycle Management, and Order Management.

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• Provides omnichannel capabilities directly within the catalog.

• Decreases time to market for new products.

Vlocity Product Designer provides seamless integration between the shared product catalog and the ability
to configure, price, and quote the products in the catalog.

Product managers use Vlocity Product Designer to:

• Define and maintain product entities.

• Manage product structure, rules, and offers.
• Build foundational constructs, including attributes and picklists.
• Build metadata constructs, such as product object types.

Catalog administrators use Vlocity Product Designer for the following tasks:

• Work with predefined objects, for example, to create reusable object types that define properties, such as
attributes and fields.
• Define common layouts for product entities, such as offers or product specifications, that are instantiated
from the object types.
• Perform initial setup tasks for Vlocity EPC implementation.

The Vlocity Product Designer can co-exist with the existing Vlocity Product Console. You can view and
manage products created using the Vlocity Product Console in the Vlocity Product Designer with few
exceptions, as long as the product attributes are assigned to the General Properties layout. For more
information, see Manage Existing Object Types in Product Designer.

Open the Vlocity Product Designer

1. Make sure you have completed the Configure Vlocity Product Designer.
2. Click the App Launcher and enter Vlocity Product Designer in the Quick Find box.
3. Click the Vlocity Product Designer app.

Navigate the Vlocity Product Designer

When you open Vlocity Product Designer, the first tab is the title, and you can't interact with it.

Use the tab after the title to manage the different product catalog entities. The navigation menu lists
the product entities that you can manage.

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When you select an entity, an entity manager opens in that tab, such as Vlocity Objects and Object
Types. The following image and list describe the common features of the new interface of the Vlocity
Product Designer.

1. Change views, such Recently Viewed or All. You can pin a view as the default.
• For the Products manager, Vlocity recommends that you make All Products the default view. After
you select All Products, click the pin icon to make it the default view.
• For the Vlocity Objects and Objects Types manager, Vlocity recommends that you do not use the
New button or click objects to edit from the list view. Instead, click Product2 Object to create, edit,
and delete objects.
2. Search for a specific entity.

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3. Create a new entity.

4. From the list of entities, click the name to edit the entity's properties.
5. Use the controls to update and modify the entity list.
6. Select an action for an entity, such as delete or edit.

When you create or edit an entity, it opens in a new tab.

Each tab has an action menu that you can use to refresh the tab's content, pin the tab (so that it opens
when you open the Vlocity Product Console), or rename the tab.

Manage Existing Object Types in Product Designer

If an existing product created in Vlocity Product Console uses facets other than General Properties, you
must manually modify the associated object type layout definition to make the product compatible with
Vlocity Product Designer.

The Vlocity Product Designer uses only the General Properties facet to manage the presentation of
Product2 fields and attributes. You can add multiple sections to this facet to organize the orientation of
fields and attributes in a single or two-column layout.

How you make the updates depends on whether a product inherits its attribute and field layout from an
associated object type:

• Products with Attribute Assignments Using Object Types

• Products with Attribute Assignments Without Using Object Types

There are no tools to convert the object type layout. In Vlocity Product Console, you must create sections in
the General Properties facet and move fields and attributes from other facets into them. You cannot use
Vlocity Product Designer for this task because it does not show facets other than General Properties.

Moving attributes and fields to another facet does not invalidate or change any attribute overrides. This task
changes only the presentation of attributes and fields.

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Products with Attribute Assignments Inherited from Object Types Only

To manage existing products in Vlocity Product Designer that were created in Vlocity Product Console, you
must modify the layout for the associated object type to use one facet, General Properties.

In this use, attributes are not assigned directly to the product but are assigned to an object type that is
associated with a product.

The Vlocity Product Designer shows only the fields and attributes that are configured in the General
Properties facet. All other facets are redesigned using web components in the Vlocity Product Designer
These other facets can be left for backward compatibility with Vlocity Product Console. To display fields and
attributes in the other facets, you must create corresponding new sections in the General Properties facet.

Example 2. Smart Devices Object Type

Monique's team wants to use Vlocity Product Designer to manage their products. The Smart Devices object
type has an Attribute Properties facet with the Design Time Attributes and Run Time Attributes sections.
Monique must recreate these two sections in the General Properties facet.

To update layout for an object type:

1. In the App Launcher, type product console in the quick find box, and open the Vlocity Product
2. Open an object type.
1. In the Vlocity Product Console, in the Metadata section, click the search icon next to Object.
2. In the Search Object page, search for Product2.
3. Click the pen icon next to the Product2 Object.
4. In the left menu, click Object Types.
5. Click an object type.
For example, Monique opens the Smart Devices object type.
3. In the object editor, click the Layout Management facet.
4. Review the object's facets other than the General Properties facet.
For example, the Smart Devices object has an Attribute Properties facet with the Design Time
Attributes and Run Time Attributes sections. Monique must recreate these sections in the General
Properties facet.

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5. In the General Properties facet, create a section for each section that is not in the General Properties
1. Click Add Section.
2. From the Section list, select a name for the section.
For example, Monique selects the Design Time Attributes section.
3. In the Sequence field, enter a numeric value for the order in which the section appears in the
4. From the View Type picklist, select Field Layout to add desired fields and attributes.
5. Click Save.
6. In the new section in the General Properties facet, add the attributes that are in the original section.
For example, in the new Design Time Attributes section, Monique adds the Brand, Size, Capacity, and
Mobile OS attributes.

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1. In a recreated section, click Add Section Element.

2. From the Field picklist, select the field name.

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3. In the Display Label field, enter the label for the field as you want it to appear in the UI.
4. In the Sequence field, enter a numeric value for the order in which the field appears in the section.
5. Click Save.
7. After you confirm that the new sections and attributes appear in the Vlocity Product Designer, you can
remove the facets with the sections that you recreated.

All Product2 attributes, and fields are in the General Properties facet.

Products with Direct Attribute Assignments

Vlocity Product Designer currently doesn’t support associating attributes directly to a product. As a best
practice, Vlocity recommends associating product attributes through an object type.

In Vlocity Product Console, products can have attributes that are not inherited from object types. Attributes
can be assigned directly to a product, whether or not the product is associated with an object type. Vlocity
Product Designer does not allow attributes assigned directly to products, so attributes must be assigned to
an object type that is associated with a product.

To create a new object type for a product with attribute assignments:

1. Create a new object type for the product specification or offering.

See Create Object Types and Layouts in the Product Designer.
2. If the product created in Vlocity Product Console has attributes assigned directly to the product, assign
these attributes to the new object type.
3. Recreate the product's layout in the new object type.
You can use only the General Properties facet. TheVlocity Product Designer shows only this facet.
1. In the Vlocity Product Designer, create a section for each section that is not in the General
Properties facet for the product.
2. In the new section in the General Properties facet, add the attributes that were assigned directly to
the product.
4. In Vlocity Product Console, note and delete overrides in promotions for the attributes assigned directly
to the product.
5. Note and delete attribute overrides in products that are not associated with an object type.
6. In the Object Type field for the product, select the new object type to associate the product with.

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7. After moving the attributes to an object type, edit the product, and delete the facets, sections, or
elements that you created and directly associated with the product.

8. Unassign the attributes and fields that are directly assigned to the product.

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9. In Vlocity CMT Administration, run EPCProductAttribJSONBatchJob.

See Running the EPCProductAttribJSONBatchJob.
10. In the promotion, add the override for the newer attribute (which is assigned to the new object type).

All Product2 attributes, and fields are moved from the product to a new object type, which is associated with
the product.

Product Lifecycles
Using Vlocity Shared Catalog, you can configure products at any level in the bundle, add new products, and
importantly, maintain the product entities through their entire product lifecycle. Vlocity Shared Catalog
supports the commercial product lifecycle by allowing you to define current, future, past and retired

You can consolidate products and services from different lines of business in commercial packages or
bundles. Customers ordering such packages can take an advantage from special pricing applied to the
bundles of products and from new functional capabilities created by combining different types of products or

• Current Product is a product that is currently available for sale.

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• Future Product is a product that will be sold in the future. This product can be configured and ordered,
but will be fulfilled once its selling period and fulfillment begins. In order to ensure that future products are
not assetized until they are fulfilled, Future Date Ordering functionality must be implemented.
• Past Product is a product that is no longer for sale but still can be fulfilled for orders that have already
been placed and changed for orders that have already been assetized.
• Retired Product is a product that is no longer supported, cannot be ordered or fulfilled, or changed for
orders that have been assetized.

Vlocity Shared Catalog defines these stages of the product lifecycle using Product Selling Period dates. For
more information, see the following topics.

This topic pertains to Vlocity Communications, Media, and Energy Fall '18 and later.

Product Selling Period Dates

Product Selling Period Dates allow you to set the selling period, the fulfillment start date, and a date to
retire commercial products. The selling period is the time period between the selling start date and the
selling end date of a product, and it controls when the product can be ordered or sold.

The fulfillment start date supports pre-orders for commercial products that are can be fulfilled at a later
date. An end of life date is used to retire commercial products when the business decides to discontinue
selling or supporting permanently.

Starting in Fall '18, you can create products in the shared catalog with the following dates:

• Selling Start Date( vlocity_cmt__SellingStartDate__c): This defines when the commercial product can
be ordered and sold.
• Selling End Date (vlocity_cmt__SellingEndDate__c): This defines when the commercial product can be
stopped from ordering. Changes to existing assets are supported after the end of selling and before it is
• Fulfillment Start Date (vlocity_cmt__FulfilmentStartDate__c): This defines when the commercial
product is ready to be fulfilled. By default, this is same as the selling start date but can be a future date.
• End Of Life Date (vlocity_cmt__EndOfLifeDate__c): The EOL date of a product is the date on which
the commercial product is no longer supported.

These product selling period fields have a data type of Date/Time and are intended for
commercial products only. Technical products and promotions do not use these fields and
should continue to use the existing effectivity date fields. Assets do not use these fields.

This topic pertains to Vlocity Communications, Media, and Energy Fall '18 and later.

© 2021 Vlocity LLC, a Salesforce

company 33

Product Selling Period Definition

You set the product selling period fields in the product dialog or in the General Properties facet for
products in Vlocity Product Console.

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You can specify a date and a time for each field. If no time is specified, it will default to 12:00 AM. You also
can choose to have no date or time, which implies that the product will be available for all of time, or you
can set some of the dates but not all, as long as the following is true:

SellingStartDate <= FulfillmentStartDate <= SellingEndDate <= EndOfLifeDate

Vlocity Product Console validates all dates and times entered using this rule and will not allow you to save
products until the dates are set correctly.

Product selling period data is stored in the platform cache. After you make changes to product selling
period fields, you must update the product hierarchy data in the platform cache by running Product
Hierarchy Maintenance, Clear Managed Platform Cache and Refresh Pricebook in this sequence.

When a product is used in bundles, it is the responsibility of the product administrator to ensure that the
selling periods are consistent. To assist administrators, Vlocity Product Console has been enhanced to
display the Selling Period dates in the Product Structure facet.

In addition, product administrators can use the Find References button in Vlocity Product Console to find
references to a given product in active promotions, product bundles, assets, quote line items, order line
items and opportunity line items. This button assists administrators in determining the effect of changing
product selling period and end of life dates. For more information, see Finding Product References in the
Shared Catalog.

This topic pertains to Vlocity Communications, Media, and Energy Fall '18 and later.

Create Picklists and Picklist Items in the Product Designer

A picklist is an ordered list of values that customers can choose from when buying a product. If an attribute
includes predefined values, a picklist represents all available values for that attribute. You can reuse
picklists across attributes assigned at the object type level or the product level.

This information is for the Vlocity Product Designer and later. For the Vlocity Product Console, see Create a

You must define picklists before creating attributes.

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You can create picklists for these data types: text, number, Boolean (True/False), date or datetime.

Example 3. Example: iPhone picklists

The SmartPhone object has color and storage attributes, but the iPhone 11 has specific options for each.
Monique is a product modeler and creates two picklists with the following list items for the iPhone 11. She
makes the first option the default for each.

• iPhone 11 Colors — black, white, red, purple, green, and yellow

• iPhone 11 Storage — 64 GB, 128 GB, and 256 GB

To create a picklist:

1. From the Vlocity Product Designer, click the button, and select Vlocity Picklists.

2. Click New.

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3. In the New Vlocity Picklist page, enter the following information.

Field Description
Picklist Name Enter a name. The name is used at design-time, not runtime. Customers do not see this name.
Code Enter a unique code that is shown only during design-time. Vlocity recommends PKL_<alphanumeric-value>
for the naming convention for attributes.

Version Label This field is reserved for the Versioning functionality (in Beta).

Enter a value to indicate a new version, such as v1.0.

Data Type Enter the type of data for picklist items.

Picklist attribute values are stored as text, even if the picklist you select has
another Data Type, such as Number. If you use a Picklist attribute in a Set Value or Set
Default Value rule, verify that the rule expresses the attribute's data type as text for the
Value to Set and in the rule's Expression box.

Description Enter a description of the picklist, such as its purpose or associated offering.
Lifecycle Status This field is reserved for the Versioning functionality (in Beta).

Set and track the lifecycle status of the picklist. You can only set this field if Specification Type is set to
Product or Offer.

Don’t use the Released value in Fall '20 because it can have undesirable effects.

Active Indicate that the picklist is currently in use.

Effective From Enter a date or date range when the item is effective.

Effective Until
4. Click Done.
The page for the new picklist appears with a section for Picklist Items.

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5. Under the Picklist Items heading, click New Picklist Item.

6. Enter the following information.

Field Description
Value Enter the value of a picklist item. This value must be unique within a picklist.

For example, for a Color picklist, you cannot have one item labeled Silver with a value of Silver and another
item labeled Default with a value of Silver. The Default item must either have a different, unique value or be

The data type of this field is set by the picklist data type. The text value is important if the picklist item’s data type
is other than text. For example, if the data type is numeric, and the value is 1, the text value is one (or 1 as text).
Code Enter the unique code (unique within this picklist) for the picklist item.
Label Enter the item name as it appears on the picklist.
Active Indicates that the picklist item is in use.

Picklists show only items that are set to Active. In Vlocity Cart, for example, if a line item has an attribute with a
picklist, only the active picklist items are shown. Inactive picklist items are not. Also, batch jobs that use attribute
assignments might be affected, such as EPCProductAttribJSONBatchJob which updates the JSONAttribute field
on Product2 based on its attribute assignments.

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Field Description
Effective Enter a date or date range when the item is effective.

7. Click Done.
8. Repeat steps 5-7 until you’ve added all your picklist items.
9. To modify an existing picklist item, click the Edit icon, change fields, and click Done.
10. To change the sequence in which the picklist items display at runtime, drag and drop the picklist items,
and click Save Changes.

The new picklist with its picklist items is saved and available to use.

What's Next
Create Attribute Categories in the Product Designer

See Also

• Overview of Product Creation in Product Designer

Attributes and Overrides

Products may or may not have attributes. A product that does not have attributes comes only in one form,
and customers do not make any decisions about the features of the product, such as a headset or a
computer cord that come in one color.

If a customer can choose from a selection of product features, you must define these features as attributes
before creating an object type. Also, if an attribute includes multiple values that a customer can choose
from, you must define picklists before defining the attribute.

Product attributes provide a powerful and flexible way to extend product entities. Product attributes are
stored in an aggregate JSON blob on the Product object. They are used extensively throughout Vlocity
CPQ and Vlocity Order Management.

Uses of Attributes
In Vlocity CPQ, you can use product attributes to filter products at runtime, displaying the best-fit products
to customers. You can use them to configure product specifications, allowing users to specify product
colors, sizes, and other options. You can also use attributes to change product pricing using attribute-based
pricing rules.

Finally, in Vlocity Order Management, you can use attributes to map commercial products, or the products
that customers see, with technical products that communicate with backend systems to fulfill the products
that are purchased.

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In the above diagram, the object is a smartwatch with various attributes, shown on the right. The
provisioning process requires the definition of the attributes, such as size and data capacity to cater to
customer preference.

When a customer orders an offering based on the smartwatch object, such as an Apple Watch Series 5,
you can think of it as a collection of statements that describe what they are ordering.

Table 1. SmartWatch product attributes

Attribute Value
Brand Apple
Band type sport band
Band color gray
Capacity 8 GB
Product width 38mm
Operating system watchOS 4
Feature GPS
International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number assigned during provisioning

You do not want to redefine all of these statements each time a customer orders a product. Instead, you
want to reuse attributes and the definition of a product. Some of these attributes are set during design-time,
some at runtime, and others during order decomposition (provisioning).

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With Vlocity EPC, you create attributes once and assign them to an object type for the product. For
example, Google and Apple smartwatches could both have the object type SmartWatch, each with a
different set of attributes. Having this structure in place helps the CSR support customers by giving them
the correct product details and place consistent orders.

Although you cannot delete any inherited attributes or fields, you can override them at the product level. In
the SmartWatch example, you could override the color picklist inherited from the SmartWatch object type to
include colors that are specific to the Series 3 Apple Watch.

You can also add additional attributes directly to the offering level.

Encrypted and Not Assetizable Attributes

In Vlocity Product Designer, you can flag attributes for technical products as not assetizable and encrypted.

Not Assetizable
The Not Assetizable attribute metadata flag is useful for transitory information that should not persist or
does not need to persist beyond the completion of order processing where assetization would usually
occur. This metadata flag is stored in Vlocity Order Management, not in the Salesforce platform.

An example of transitory information is the initial password that a customer uses to log in to the provider's
website for the first time. During fulfillment, the initial password is generated within an orchestration order
item, then saved on the technical fulfillment request line, which is then passed to the next orchestration item
that emails the password to the customer. The password does not need to persist at the end of order
management. Other information that does not need to persist can be the result of back-end services
connected to order items that do not become customer assets, such as a service needed to fulfill a
customer’s order. As an example, there might be a check to see whether a required modem is in stock and
on the delivery vehicle. This information is not needed after that check has been made.

The Encrypted attribute metadata flag is used to protect personally identifiable information (PII) and other
data such as the customer name, phone number, social security number, and so on. These pieces of
information can be captured as attributes and should be sent downstream only for legitimate purposes. You
can use the encrypted flag to indicate the PII or other information must be stored securely.

Setting Encrypted and Not Assetizable

Not Assetizable and Encrypted are attribute metadata flags. You set these flags when an attribute is
assigned to an object type in Unified Product Catalog. These flags can only be set when the Run-time
Configurable flag is also set. Once the attribute is marked as Run-time Configurable, you can then set
Not Assetizable or Encrypted or both.

If none are selected, attribute values will be stored in the technical inventory after decomposition. If both are
selected, the attribute will be encrypted during processing and not stored with the inventory items. However,
if you set the Encrypted flag to True, and Not Assetizable to False, the attribute is stored in the technical
inventory, but the attribute will be encrypted. Technical assetization stores the output of decomposition into
the technical tables in Vlocity Order Management, not in the Salesforce platform.

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Once assigned to the object type, every product that is created in that object type will inherit these
metadata flags, along with the other attribute and metadata. Not Assetizable, Encrypted and Run-time
Configurable are then non-overridable at the product level. This prevents any product manager or EPC
administrator from removing these flags during product creation.

If you set these flags on existing attributes, it will not affect attributes already stored in existing technical

Not Assetizable and Encrypted metadata flags are intended to trigger functions in downstream order
management systems, such as Vlocity Order Management. There is no encryption to these attributes when
used on commercial products in Vlocity CPQ or in Vlocity Order Management, and the information will
remain stored and accessible on the originating order. Consequently, these attribute flags are intended for
use in technical products only.

Using Encrypted and Not Assetizable

Once these attribute metadata flags have been set on an object type and inherited by a product, you must
create decomposition rules to map the attributes to the downstream fulfillment requests, which are the basis
for the technical inventory. See Partial Assetization of Product Attributes.

Attributes vs. Fields

When defining product properties, you can use attributes or fields. The choice depends on how you plan to
implement property data during order capture.

• Attributes: A list of all attributes and their associated Attribute Codes assigned to the Product2 Object.
If a data element, such as a SKU number, is intended to be common to all products across your product
catalog, then you should create a new field on your product object. Typically, adding new fields requires
Salesforce system admin privileges.
• Fields: A list of all fields and their associated Field API name for the Product2 Object.
If the data element is intended to be specific to a product, or class of products, then you should create an
attribute, such as download speed. At runtime, attributes are visible to customers in Vlocity Cart and can
be used to filter the catalog and provide configuration capabilities. Adding attributes requires access to
the Product Console.

The fundamental differences between fields and attributes are:

Fields Attributes
Where the value is Created in Salesforce Setup on a Salesforce In Vlocity attribute/category interface.
created? object.
Attribute example: Color.
Field example: Orderable.
Where the value is stored Each field value is stored in a separate Each attribute value and its’ metadata (including
(including metadata, such Salesforce field. Related metadata is stored picklists, default value, etc.) is stored in a JSON
as default value, picklist, separately in Salesforce. For example, if you blob (i.e. in a FIELD in JSON). For example, if you
etc.)? create 15 fields, there will be 15 field records create 15 attributes, all 15 attributes and all their
in Salesforce and each record will store its metadata will be stored in one JSON blob which is
value. stored in one Salesforce field.
Who can create? Requires Salesforce System Administrator A Product Manager with sufficient privileges.

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Fields Attributes
Is searchable at runtime? Each field is stored in a separate Salesforce Since all attribute data is stored in one JSON blob,
database field and is easily searchable. expect performance implications when using
When to use at design-time Use for commonly used properties that are Use for properties that are sparely used.
to define Product2 searchable and runtime (order time)
properties configurable.
When to use at runtime to Do not use. Use attributes only. For example, IMEI number,
define asset properties VIN #, etc.

Attribute and Picklist Overrides for the Object Type and at the Product Level
An attribute is a reusable key/value pair. An attribute can be associated with a picklist that has possible
values for the attribute. You can set the default value of an attribute. When you associate the attribute with
an object type, child object types and products inherit the attribute but can override it.

In summary, you are copying the attribute, which inherits the properties of the original attribute, then
modifying those properties.

At the object type level, you can also change or replace the Picklist Display Type and configure the attribute

At the product level, you can only change the attribute value for a product that was created from the object
type. For an attribute that uses a picklist, you can select a different value, but you cannot change or replace
the picklist itself.

Example 4. Example: Download Speed

As an example, you may have an object type to which you have added an attribute for Download Speed.
The attribute is associated with a picklist named Download Speed.

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The default value for Download Speed is initially 25 MB, but you can change it, for example, to 50 MB.

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Create Attribute Categories in the Product Designer

Use attribute categories to group product attributes. They also appear as headings at runtime in Vlocity
Cart’s Filter and Configuration windows.

This information is for the Vlocity Product Designer. For Vlocity Product Console, see Create New Product
Attribute Categories.

Attribute categories are required to create product attributes. You define the type of attribute at the Attribute
Category level.

Example 5. Example: Smartphones and Wearables Attribute Categories

As the product modeler, Monique has attributes that are common to both smartphones and wearables, so
she creates the SmartDevices attribute category. But smartwatches have options that phones don't have,
so she creates a Wearables category.

These categories are general to types of products rather than specific to a particular brand or model. She
associates the categories with the Base Product object in her product catalog so that they’re inherited by all
child objects, including the Smartphone and Smart Wearable objects.

To create an attribute category:

1. From the Vlocity Product Designer app, click the button, and select Vlocity Attribute Categories.
The Vlocity Attribute Categories page opens with a list of attribute categories.

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2. Click New.
The New Vlocity Attribute Category dialog box opens.

3. In the New Vlocity Attribute Category dialog box, enter the following information.

Name Description
Name Enter a name for the attribute category.

This name is shown at runtime in Vlocity Cart’s filter and configuration windows.
Description This description is used only during design-time.
Applicable Types Select Product2.
Applicable Sub Select one of the following:
• Product Attribute — For Product records. Only Attribute categories set to Product Attribute are available
in Entity Filter Conditions.
• Profile Attribute — For Profile records. Profile attributes are used with Vlocity Intelligence.
• Inventory Item — For attributes to set up housing filters.
Display Sequence Enter a unique number to indicate the sequence in which the category is displayed on the record detail

It orders the attribute category in Vlocity Cart’s filter and configuration windows.

Use a sequence of 10, 20, 30 so that you can add to the sequence at a later time.
Active Indicate that the category is in use.
Filterable If enabled, use the attribute category to filter products.
Status Set and track the lifecycle status of the attribute category.
5. Click Save.

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The new attribute category appears in the Vlocity Attribute Categories page. You can add attributes to this

What's Next
Define Attributes in the Product Designer

See Also
• Overview of Product Creation in Product Designer

Define Attributes in the Product Designer

A product attribute is a characteristic that defines a particular product and affects a consumer's purchase
decision. Attributes can include product characteristics such as make, color, bandwidth, storage, and other

This information is for the Vlocity Product Designer. For the Vlocity Product Console, see Create Attributes.

You can use attributes in several ways:

• Configure product specifications, allowing users to specify product colors, sizes, and other options.
• Change product pricing using attribute-based pricing rules.
• In Vlocity Order Management, map commercial products (the products that customers see) to technical
products that communicate with backend systems to fulfill the products that are purchased.

Example 6. Example: Smart Devices Attributes

In modeling the smart devices, Monique creates common attributes for the Smartphones and Wearables
attribute categories. She associates the attributes with the Base Product object in her product catalog so
that they’re inherited by all child objects, including the Smartphone and Smart Wearable objects.

• Smart Devices attribute category — Color, OS, Brand, Storage, Connectivity, Size
• Wearables attribute category — Band Type

Before You Begin

• Create an attribute category that the new attribute is assigned to. See Create Attribute Categories in the Product Designer.
• If needed, create any picklists that the new attribute uses. See Create Picklists and Picklist Items in the Product Designer.

1. From the Vlocity Product Designer, click the button, and select Vlocity Attributes.
The Vlocity Attributes page opens with a list of attributes.

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2. Click New.
The New Vlocity Attribute Category dialog box opens.

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3. Enter the following information.

Field Description
Name Names are used to identify attributes in searches.

Value Type Select the data type for the attribute, such as None, Checkbox, Number, Percent, or Text.
Code A unique code for the attribute that is shown only during design-time. Vlocity recommends
ATT_<alphanumeric-value> for the naming convention for attributes.

Default Value Enter a value for value types such as Text or Number. If the attribute uses a picklist, this value isn’t used.
Description Descriptions help users identify the purpose of the attribute. This description is used only during design-time.
Picklist Select the name of the picklist to use with this attribute (if the values are to be selected from a picklist).
Active Indicate that the attribute is in use.
Display Enter a unique number to indicate the sequence in which the attribute is displayed in the attribute category
Sequence and on the detail page when configuring in Vlocity Cart.

Use a sequence of 10, 20, 30 so that you can add to the sequence at a later time.

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Field Description
Attribute Attributes are organized into predefined categories.
Select or create a category.

• Click inside the field and search Vlocity Attribute Categories to select one.
• From the list, click New Vlocity Attribute Category to add a category.
Filterable If enabled, use the attribute to filter products in the cart.
Encrypted For use with technical products, enable Encrypted on an attribute to ensure privacy, such as Personally
Identifiable Information (PII).

See Encrypted and Not Assetizable Attributes.

Exclude From If enabled, the attribute is excluded from searches of the basket cache for the same bundled product. The
Basket Cache attribute isn’t part of the response cache when the Digital Commerce ConfigureOffer API is called. For
example, you can set the IMEI or serial number attribute to be excluded from the cache. The benefit is that
you can find more matches when you searching the basket cache, while excluded attributes don’t have the
same values.

Use this property for attributes whose values are unique for each account.

The CPQ engine doesn’t calculate the price and rules. The assumption is that if the attribute isn’t cached, the
customer has no price and rules on that attribute.

Attributes with the setting enabled aren’t available for rules that check the attributes in the cache. For
example, attribute-based configuration and qualification rules wouldn’t be able to use an attribute that is
excluded from the cache because it wouldn’t be present. Also, in Vlocity Rules with Product Relationships,
Modify Attribute relationships shouldn’t be defined that are based on attributes excluded from the cache.

The CPQ Cart APIs don’t process this setting. Only the Digital Commerce APIs
process it.

4. Click Save.
5. Under Applicable Objects, review the object types assigned to the attribute.
The default object type is Product (Product2 Object). All objects based on Product2 Object have the
new attribute. You might also select one of your base object types.
6. If you change the assigned objects, click Save.

The new attribute is saved, and you can add it to object types and can configure for product specifications
and offers.

What's Next
Create Object Types and Layouts in the Product Designer

See Also
• Overview of Product Creation in Product Designer
• Export a Product Report in Product Designer

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Object Types and Guidelines

An object type is a reusable entity that defines properties, such as fields and attributes, and layouts for all
product instances. Object types are like Salesforce record-types but with enhanced capabilities. You can
use object types to group products with similar characteristics and ensure consistent behavior and
application of rules.

Object Types Inheritance

Object types support hierarchy inheritance, which allows you to create objects such as a mobile device with
attributes like brand, capacity, and color that are common among mobile devices. From the object type, you
can create a child object type, such as an iPhone, and assign specific attributes, such as color. Any product
linked to the iPhone object type will automatically inherit the iPhone attributes from the mobile device parent
object type as well as any iPhone-specific attributes of the iPhone child object type.

Vlocity’s object types are designed as an "Is A" inheritance architecture, meaning you can create
relationships between abstractions, where one object type is a subtype of another object type. The first
level of abstraction is known as an object type, and the subsequent levels are known as subtypes. When
you apply this relationship to a product, you create a relationship consisting of a product instance.

You must add attributes or fields to the layout. Otherwise, they are not displayed when you
create new products from the object type.

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When defining object types and their inheritance:

• Vlocity recommends creating a base object during the initial setup. This is your product catalog’s prime
object from which all the other objects descend, and should include all the fields (but not attributes) in the
product catalog.
• You can then create child object types for all the product classes and all the products in your catalog, and
they inherit the layout of the base product and all the associated fields and attributes.
• You create the layout for the base product manually.
• An object subtype inherits the layout via deep copy, but any subsequent changes to the parent object
type’s layout are not replicated down the hierarchy after initial creation. This allows you to change the
layout, allowing you to add or delete fields for each object type without altering the layout with the
addition of any fields on the parent object type.
• Inherited attributes and fields cannot be deleted but must be unassigned from the parent object type.
Attributes are specific to products and classes of products and cannot be removed.
• New attributes and fields assigned to an object type are inherited dynamically by its subtypes. If you
assign new attributes to an object type, all object subtypes and products linked to the object type
hierarchy are dynamically assigned those attributes.

Guidelines for Creating Object Types

• Each object type can have only one layout.
• Each layout has sections and elements.
• The General Properties facet can have different sections to organize your elements.
• You can add metadata.
• Attribute Category is not hard-coded, so you can define it any way you want.

See Also
Create Object Types and Layouts in the Product Designer

Create Object Types and Layouts in the Product Designer

An object type that you create serves as a template that stores the configuration of attributes, fields, and
layouts. Object subtypes (or child object types) or associated products inherit the configuration of the base
object's layout, fields, and attributes.

This information is for the Vlocity Product Designer. For the Vlocity Product Console, see Create an Object

You can modify this configuration for each object type. But you must modify it before you create object
subtypes so that they inherit the newly modified configuration.

With an object type's layout, you control the layout and organization of its attributes and fields. A layout has
one or more sections, and each section has attributes or fields.

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Object types are internal classifications of products. Object types differ from specifications
in two key ways:

• Object types are used in EPC but not by order capture.

• Product specifications have cardinalities while object types don’t.

Example 7. Example: Smart Device Object and Child Objects

To model smart phones and wearables, Monique creates a Base Product object type for all object types.
She creates a child object type named Smart Device, which can be the parent for a variety of object types.
In this case, Monique creates two children of the Smart Devices object: Smart Phone and Smart Wearable.

The following diagram shows the objects that Monique creates.

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Don’t create child object types until you define attributes, fields, and layouts for the base
object type. This order ensures the children inherit the basic settings, which you can later

Create an Object Type

Before You Begin
• Review the guidelines for creating object types.
• Create the attributes that the new object type uses. See Define Attributes in the Product Designer.

1. From the Vlocity Product Designer app, click the button, and select Vlocity Objects and Object
The Vlocity Objects and Object Types page opens.

Vlocity recommends that you make Product2 Object the default view. After you select
Product2 Object, click the pin icon to make it the default view.

2. Click Product2 Object.

The page for Product2 Object opens.
• The left side of the page shows the hierarchy of all the object types that are linked to the Product2
• You can select an object type and click the Details tab to view the general properties and effectivity
dates for that object. From the Details tab, you can change settings for an object type, unless other
objects link to it.
3. Click New Object Type.

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You can also create a duplicate of an existing object and modify its settings. Click the
Clone icon for a specific object type.

4. In the object type form, enter the following information.

Field Description
Name Enter the name of the object type.
Parent Object Specify a parent object type when the new object type must inherit common properties. For example, the
Type Smart Phone object has the Color and Storage attributes. The Samsung Phone object must share those
attributes. To inherit those attributes, its parent object type is Smart Phone.

If you’re creating an object subtype, select the parent object type.

1. Click the Search button.

2. In the Lookup Search dialog box, enter the name of the parent object, and click Search.
3. From the search results, click Select for a parent object.
Version Label This field is reserved for the Versioning functionality (in Beta).

Enter a value to indicate a new version, such as v2.0.

Lifecycle This field is reserved for the Versioning functionality (in Beta).
Set and track the lifecycle status of the specification. You can only set this field if Specification Type is set to
Product or Offer.

Don’t use the Released value in Fall '20 because it can have undesirable effects.

Active Indicate that the object type is in use.

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Field Description
Effective Enter a date or date range when the object type is available to use.

Effective Until
5. Click Done.
The new object type is saved, and the Layout Management tab is available.

Define a Layout with Fields and Attributes

Use this procedure for new object types (not for the Product2 Object). An object type's layout has sections,
which contain attributes and fields that you can sequence. You can modify inherited sections and create
ones for child objects.

For each section, you can define the number of columns (one or two) and the movement direction when the
tab key is used (up-down or left-right).

Changes in the Layout Management tab are automatically saved.

Before You Begin

• If needed, assign attributes that you created to the Product2 object so that you can add them to the layout in the following steps. See
Define Attributes in the Product Designer.

1. Click the Layout Management tab.

The layout form opens with a panel on the right that has two tabs.

Tab Description
Attributes A list of all attributes and their associated Attribute Codes assigned to Product2 Object.

If a data element, such as a SKU number, is intended to be common to all products across your product catalog,
create a field on your product object instead. Typically, adding new fields requires Salesforce system admin
Fields A list of all fields and their associated Field API name for Product2 Object.

If the data element is intended to be specific to a product, or class of products, create an attribute, such as
download speed, instead. At runtime, attributes are visible to customers in Vlocity Cart and can be used to filter the
catalog and provide configuration capabilities. Adding attributes requires access to the Product Console.
2. Drag and drop fields or attributes onto the General Properties section in the appropriate locations.
The attribute or field that you drop is added to the layout. Child objects also have the sections with the
added attributes or fields.
3. To change a section, click the section heading, such as General Properties.

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4. From the Edit Section panel, you can modify the section and click Done:
• Search for a section name.
• Set the Layout Type to use one or two columns in the Details tab of a product specification or
• Set the tab key order. When the user uses the Tab key in the Details form, the tab order is either left
to right or top to bottom.

5. To edit a field or attribute, click in the section.

6. From the Edit Attribute panel, modify the attribute characteristics, and click Done.
The available characteristics depend on the type of attribute, such as the following characteristic
• Required
• Help text

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The text displays at runtime in the Vlocity Cart if users hover over the information icon (lowercase
letter “i”).
• Data type and value
• For attributes with picklists, set Excluded Value(s) so that products of this object type don’t show
the excluded values.
• For attributes with picklists, ensure that the Value Data Type is set to Picklist and the appropriate
picklist is linked.
• Behaviors (which define the runtime behaviors in CPQ)
7. To add more sections, click Add Section, and repeat steps 2–6.
• You can clone the Object layout or the Parent Object Type layout if a parent object type is present.
• To resequence elements in the layout, drag them into the desired locations.
• Use the delete icons to delete sections and elements.
• When you define a new product, the New Product page appears at runtime and contains the layout
you defined for the product object type at design time. The layout also shows in the Details tab for
the product.

Applying Attributes to an Object

When you create an attribute, you can specify the objects to which the attribute applies.

Use this procedure if you created an object after you defined an attribute or if you didn't assign objects
when you created the attribute.

Before You Begin

• Create attributes

1. From the Vlocity Product Designer app, click the button, and select Vlocity Attributes.
2. Click the name of an attribute.
The page for that attribute opens.

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3. In the Applicable Objects section, select the objects to which the attribute applies.
4. Click Save.
5. When you add an attribute to an existing object type that is associated with products, run the
EPCProductAttribJSONBatchJob job.
See Running the EPCProductAttribJSONBatchJob.
6. If an associated product has at least one attribute with an override, run the
See Running the EPCFixCompiledAttributeOverrideBatchJob.

What's Next
Create Product Specifications in the Product Designer

See Also

• Overview of Product Creation in Product Designer

• Fix Duplicate and Empty Attributes

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Product Specifications and Characteristics for Product Designer

A product specification is a fundamental entity for which you define parameters (attributes or fields), such
as bundling, pricing rules, fulfillment rules, and compatibility rules.

A product specification is an actual product that you plan to sell. Before you can define a product
specification, you must have a corresponding object type. A product specification inherits all the attributes
of the object type. For example, the iPhone specification has all attributes defined for the smartphone object
type (such as brand, finish, and capacity).

You can create many product specs from the same object type, but each product specification can only be
associated with one object type.

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Types of Specifications
The following specification types are available:

• Product Specification — Specifies the details of a product. An example of a product specification is a

iPhone with attributes such as phone model, color, storage, size, and operating system.
• Offer Specification — Specifies a product that is available to clients for purchase and has the pricing
• Service Specification — Specifies the details of a Customer Facing Service (CFS). An example of a
service specification is an Internet service for which you can define parameters, such as upload or
download speed, broadband type ( ADSL or Fiber), and so on.
• Resource Specification — Specifies the resources needed to implement the Customer Facing Service
(CFS). For example, an IP port address, or a router.

You can use the Product Console to create a new Object Template for defining Product Specifications,
Customer facing Services, Resource Facing Specifications and Offer Specifications with attributes, fields
and layouts configurations.

See Also
Create Product Specifications in the Product Designer

Create Product Specifications in the Product Designer

A Product specification is a record in the product object. You create product specifications from your object
types. Product specifications inherit all fields, attributes, and layouts defined for the associated object type.

This information is for the Vlocity Product Designer. For the Vlocity Product Console, see Create a Product

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An object type has a one-to-many relationship with a product specification. In other words, you can create
many product specifications from the same object type. For example, for the Smart Phone object type, you
can create iPhone and Samsung Galaxy product specifications.

After you create a product specification, you specify values for the attributes and fields defined for the
object type.

Example 8. Example: iPhone Specification

After Monique creates the Smart Phone and Smart Wearable objects, she creates a product specification
for each: an iPhone specification and an Apple Watch specification.

The Smart Device object has a layout with a section with the model, size, storage, color, operating system,
and processor attributes. The iPhone product specification inherits its layout with the same fields and

Before You Begin

• Create the required object types. See Create Object Types and Layouts in the Product Designer.
• Review Product Specifications and Characteristics for Product Designer.

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1. From the Vlocity Product Designer, click the button, and select Products.
2. If the view isn’t All Products, click the menu, and select All Products from the list.

Vlocity recommends that you make All Products the default view. After you select All
Products, click the pin icon to make it the default view.

3. Click Create New Product.

4. In the New Product: Class page, enter the following information.

Field Description
Product Name Enter a name for the product.

Example: iPhone
Product Code Enter a unique code for the product. At runtime in the Vlocity Cart, the Product Details window shows this

Example: C-DPP-001
Product Enter a description that is shown at runtime in the Product Details window of Vlocity Cart. It's also
Description searchable in the Search dialog.
Product Family Select a group of products that this specification belongs to.

Leave this field blank if this specification doesn't fit into a product family or if you don't use product families.

If the Product Family list doesn’t show all active values, click Refresh Tab from the tab menu for a product.
Specification Select from a specification type or offering.
Product Spec This field is reserved for the Offer Specification Realization functionality (in Beta).

Select a product specification for an offering. You can only select this option if Specification Type is set to
Object Type Enter the name of the object type and select from the list.

Example: Smart Phone

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Field Description
Specification Sub This field is reserved for the Offer Specification Realization functionality (in Beta).
Select one of the following types or leave it blank for backward compatibility. If blank, the product is treated
as a bundle and can have child specifications.

• Simple — The product doesn’t have child specifications and can’t be associated with another product
specification. It can be a child of a bundle product specification and can refer to an object type. In the
Structure view, it can’t be set as a Virtual Item.
• Bundle — The product can have child specifications and refer to an object type. In the Structure view, it
can be set as a Virtual Item when the specification is a child of a parent specification. But it can’t be
virtual when the specification is a root product in a bundle.
Help Text Enter the text that displays at runtime in the Vlocity Cart if users hover over the information icon (lowercase
letter “i”).
Status This field is a customer-defined.
Orderable For product specifications, this field is typically not checked. An offering for the product specification is
what is orderable.
Type This field is customer-defined. Use it to classify products.
Version Label This field is reserved for the Versioning functionality (in Beta).

Enter a value to indicate a new version, such as v2.0. You can only set this field if Specification Type is set
to Product or Offer.
Version Start and This field is reserved for the Versioning functionality (in Beta).
End Date
Enter a date or date range when the new version is available. The dates for different versions of a
specification can’t overlap. You can only set this field if Specification Type is set to Product or Offer.
Lifecycle Status This field is reserved for the Versioning functionality (in Beta).

Set and track the lifecycle status of the specification. You can only set this field if Specification Type is set
to Product or Offer.

Don’t use the Released value in Fall '20 because it can have undesirable effects.

Active Indicate that the specification is in use.

Deactivating a product after it's Active and available to sales channels can have multiple impacts, such as
product hierarchies, rules, and existing orders. For example, a deactivated product is removed from Vlocity
Cart, but the Vlocity Cart price isn’t changed.
Selling Start and Enter a date or date range when a commercial product can be ordered and sold.
Fulfillment Start Enter a date when a commercial product is ready to be fulfilled. By default, this date is the same as the
Date selling date, but it can be a future date to support pre-orders.
End of Life Date Enter a date when a commercial product is no longer available to be fulfilled.
Sub Type This field is customer-defined field. Use it to classify products.
5. Click Done.

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The new product specification is saved.

To modify or remove an existing product specification, click the arrow on the product row and select Edit or
Delete. You can also delete a product if it's opened in a tab.

What's Next
Create Offerings in the Product Designer

See Also
• Overview of Product Creation in Product Designer

Create Offerings in the Product Designer

After you define product specifications, you can associate them with prices, promotions, and context rules
to create offers or commercial products that customers can purchase.

This information is for the Vlocity Product Designer. For the Vlocity Product Console, see Create a Product

To create a offering:

1. From the Vlocity Product Designer app, click the button, and select Products.

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2. If the view isn’t All Products, click the menu, and select All Products from the list.

Vlocity recommends that you make All Products the default view. After you select All
Products, click the pin icon to make it the default view.

3. Click Create New Product.

4. In the New Product: Product page, enter the following information.

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Field Description
Product Name Enter a name for the product. Product names appear to customers in the product catalog.

Example: iPhone 6S Plus

Product Code A unique code for the product.

Example: VLO-MOB-0003
Product Enter a description that is shown at runtime in the Product Details window of Vlocity Cart. It's also
Description searchable in the Search dialog.
Product Family Select a group of products that this specification belongs to.

Leave this field blank if this offer doesn't fit into a product family or if you don't use product families.

If the Product Family list doesn’t show all active values, click Refresh Tab from the tab menu for a product.
Specification Select Offer.
Product Spec This field is reserved for the Offer Specification Realization functionality (in Beta).

Select a product specification for an offering. You can only select this option if Specification Type is set to
Object Type Select the object type you have previously created.

Example: Smart Phone type

Specification Sub This field is reserved for the Offer Specification Realization functionality (in Beta).
Select one of the following types or leave it blank for backward compatibility. If blank, the product is treated
as a bundle and can have child specifications.

• Simple — The product doesn’t have child specifications and can’t be associated with another product
specification. It can be a child of a bundle product specification and can refer to an object type. In the
Structure view, it can’t be set as a Virtual Item.
• Bundle — The product can have child specifications and refer to an object type. In the Structure view, it
can be set as a Virtual Item when the specification is a child of a parent specification. But it can’t be
virtual when the specification is a root product in a bundle.
Help Text Enter the text that displays at runtime in the Vlocity Cart if users hover over the information icon (lowercase
letter “i”).
Status This field is a customer-defined.
Orderable Enable the offering to be ordered. This setting is typically enabled for offerings and not the product
specifications that the offerings are based on.
Type This field is customer-defined. Use it to classify products.
Version Label This field is reserved for the Versioning functionality (in Beta).

Enter a value to indicate a new version, such as v2.0. You can only set this field if Specification Type is set
to Product or Offer.
Version Start and This field is reserved for the Versioning functionality (in Beta).
End Date
Enter a date or date range when the new version is available. The dates for different versions of a
specification can’t overlap. You can only set this field if Specification Type is set to Product or Offer.

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Field Description
Lifecycle Status This field is reserved for the Versioning functionality (in Beta).

Set and track the lifecycle status of the specification. You can only set this field if Specification Type is set
to Product or Offer.

Don’t use the Released value in Fall '20 because it can have undesirable effects.

Active Indicate that the offering is active and in use.

Deactivating a product after it's Active and available to sales channels can have multiple impacts, such as
product hierarchies, rules, and existing orders. For example, a deactivated product is removed from Vlocity
Cart, but the Vlocity Cart price isn’t changed.
Selling Start and Enter a date or date range when a commercial product can be ordered and sold.
End Date
Fulfillment Start Enter a date when a commercial product is ready to be fulfilled. By default, this date is the same as the
Date selling date, but it can be a future date to support pre-orders.
End of Life Date Enter a date when a commercial product is no longer available to be fulfilled.
5. Click Done.

To modify or remove an existing offering, click the arrow on the product row and select Edit or Delete.

The offering is saved, and you can add attachments, set attribute rules, or add context rules.

What's Next
Create Product Bundles in the Product Designer

See Also
• Overview of Product Creation in Product Designer
• Export a Product Report in Product Designer
• Fix Duplicate and Empty Attributes

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Configure Attribute Rules for Offerings in the Product Designer

You can display attributes and attribute values that correspond to specific offering (or product specification)
configurations. Product compatibility rules support attribute configuration. Configuration evaluations are
server-side and actions are client-side. Changing an attribute triggers attribute configurations.

This information is for the Vlocity Product Designer. For the Vlocity Product Console, see Configure
Attribute Rules.

You must explicitly define all required behavior. After an action is applied, only another configuration can
change it. For example, you can define a product configuration where changing the color attribute affects
the memory attribute choices.

Each configuration requires two sections—the CONDITIONS section and the ACTIONS section.

• Use the CONDITIONS section to create the conditions that trigger the configuration.
• Use the ACTIONS section to define the actions.

Example 9. Example:
For the Apple Watch Series 5, Monique needs to remove silver as a color option if the watch is 44mm. For
the configuration rule, she defines a condition based on the Watch Size attribute that has a value of 44mm.
If that condition is true, she creates an action for the Color attribute that excludes the silver option.

She creates the following attribute rule for the configuration.

The configuration setup is similar to setting up rules, which include, from left to right:

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• index number (for each condition)

• attribute
• operator
• value

In the example above, 0 is the index number, watch size is the attribute, the equal sign (=) is the operator,
and 44mm is the value.

Before You Begin

• Create attributes.
• Add required attributes to the layout of the object that the offering is based on.
• Create an offering.

1. From the Vlocity Product Designer, click the button, and select Products.
2. From the Products list, click an offering or product specification.
The product opens in a new tab.
3. In the Attribute Rules tab, enter a name for the rule in the Configuration Name field.
4. In the Conditions section, click New Condition and define a condition.
a. Select an attribute.
b. Select an operator.
c. Enter a value.
5. To add more conditions, repeat step 4.
All of the defined conditions in a configuration rule must be true so that the action occurs.
6. If an action should occur when any one of several conditions is met, enter the appropriate expression
in the Formula Expression box.
By default, all conditions must be true for the action to occur unless you specify a formula expression.
You can specify that only one of the conditions must be true.
A formula expression defines how multiple conditions are joined. Use the AND or OR operator with the
index numbers of the conditions. For example, if you've created two conditions, the action can occur if
only one condition is true with the following formula:
{index 0} OR {index 1}.
You can use bracket { } to group conditions. For example, the following example has three conditions.
But either the first and second conditions must be true or the third condition must be true.
{{index 0} AND {index 1}} OR {index 2}
7. From the New Attribute list, select an attribute to modify.
8. Select an action.
• Constrain includes or excludes specific picklist choices. It is only applicable for attributes in picklists.
• Assign defines a value to an attribute. For example, the Color attribute is assigned a value of White.
• Disable makes an attribute that is visible but cannot be modified.
• Require indicates that an attribute must be defined, such as the size of a smart watch.
• Hide any attribute in the user interface. The attribute definition is in the JSON but is hidden from the
9. To add more actions for the selected attribute, click New Action and repeat step 8.
10. To modify other attributes for the same conditions, click New Attribute and repeat steps 7 through 9.

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11. To create another rule with new conditions and actions, click New Configuration Rule, and repeat
steps 3 through 10.
12. When you are finished, click Save Configuration Rules.

What's Next
Create Product Bundles in the Product Designer

See Also
• Add Attachments in the Product Designer
• Overview of Product Creation in Product Designer

Add Attachments in the Product Designer

You can upload files for an offering or specification, including images and documents. On the Attachments
tab, you can indicate the product image to show across different channels. Previews of images and videos
are shown in the Details tab for a product.

This information is for the Vlocity Product Designer. For the Vlocity Product Console, see Add an Image to
a Product.

In the Attachments tab, you can also use the icons to preview, download, edit, or delete attachments. When
previewing attachments such as images, you can use the arrows to scroll through the list of attachments.

To define an attachment for the product:

1. From the Vlocity Product Designer, click the button, and select Products.
2. Click on a product specification or offering to edit it.
3. Click the Attachments tab.
The Product Attachments page for your selected product appears.

4. Click New Attachment.

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In the Attachments tab, ou can also use the Browse to select a file or drop files on
Drop Files area to upload the files directly.

The Add Attachment panel opens.

5. In the Add Attachment panel, enter the following information.

Field Description
Attachment Name Enter a name to show in the list of attachments.
Description Enter a description of the attachment.
Content Type Set the type of attachment: Video, image, or file.
Default Image Set the image as the default to display for the product. If another image is the default, it is reset as not
the default. This setting is not available for files or videos.
URL Add an image for the product as a URL or add the image

Browse or Drop Files Browse to the file you want to attach, or drag and drop the file to the drop zone.

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Field Description
Sequence Enter a unique number to indicate the sequence in which the file, video, or image is displayed in the list
of attachments

Use a sequence of 10, 20, 30 so that you can add to the sequence at a later time.
6. Click Done.

The uploaded file is listed in the Attachments tab. You might have to refresh the preview in the Details tab
to see a newly uploaded file.

In the Safari browser, the video preview does not work in the Details tab for a product or offering.

Apply Context Rules to an Offering in the Product Designer

With a qualification rule, you can control whether an offering appears in the Qualified or Disqualified tab in
the Vlocity Cart. A qualification rule determines a customer's eligibility to receive a product or promotion
before it is added to Vlocity Cart.

You can assign to a product specification or offering.

Example 10. Example:

A 5G network plan is available for customers in select locations. Monique creates and applies a
qualification rule to the 5G Ultra Plan offering so that only clients in those locations can get the 5G Ultra

Before You Begin

• Create a qualification rule set and the required scope, dimension, and rule in the Vlocity Product Console.
• Create an offering.
• Create a product specification.

1. From the Vlocity Product Designer, click the button, and select Products.
2. From the Products list, click an offering or product specification.
The product opens in a new tab.
3. In the Context Rules tab, click the + icon on a rule set in the Qualification Rule Sets panel to add it to
the offering.
All qualification rules are shown. Other types of context rules are not listed.
The context rule is assigned to the offering and shows in the Context Rules list.
4. To remove a rule set from an offering, click the icon for an assigned rule.

The context rule is assigned to the offering and shows in the Context Rules list.

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Offer Bundles, Cardinalities, and Relationships for Product

A product bundle is a set of products sold together.

Products are bundled using a “Has-A” Containment relationship as either a child or a realization. A product
can have one or more product child items (or PCIs), and you can define cardinality for each. PCIs can be a
single product or a product bundle, which allows you to create product bundles within product bundles.

Creating a product bundle involves the following:

• Creating a product bundle.

• Overriding the cardinality of the child product bundle.
• Creating a price list entry for a product bundle.
• Refreshing the product hierarchy cache.

Types of Product Line Items in a Bundle

There are two key types of product line items in a bundle hierarchy:

• Root product line item is the top-level line item. Root does not have a parent, so the ParentItemId is
always empty.
• Product Child Item (PCI) defines the relationship between a parent product and a child product.

Types of Cardinality in Bundles

Product cardinality defines the default, minimum and maximum quantities of the product that are allowed in
the product bundle. You can also override the cardinality of product bundles when they are included within
another product bundle.

As a product manager, you can define two types of cardinality:

PCI cardinality Min Quantity: The sum of the quantities of the instances of a PCI cannot be less than the value
defined in Min Quantity.
quantities of the product
allowed in the product bundle Max Quantity: The sum of the quantities of the instances of a PCI cannot be greater than the value
defined in the Max Quantity.

Default Quantity: The value of the Quantity field when a PCI is added as a Line Item.

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Group cardinality Min Children Quantity: The sum of the quantities of an item's children cannot be less than the value
defined in Min Children Quantity.
minimum and maximum
allowable quantities across an Max Children Quantity: The sum of the quantities of an item's children cannot be more than the
item’s immediate children value defined in Max Children Quantity.

Cardinality and Inheritance

You can set cardinalities for a product bundle:

• When an offering has a structure, the root offering has Group Cardinality with a maximum and minimum
number of children. You can create and delete cardinality overrides.
• You can add a simple or bundled product to the root product as a child. When doing so, the product
captures local cardinalities, which you can modify. You cannot override cardinalities in this case because
the base cardinalities are not shared across root products.
• When inheriting a simple or bundled product in the context of a root as grandchild at any level, local
cardinality applies to both simple and bundled products as a grandchild. Base cardinality is inherited by
default. You can override, create, and delete the base cardinalities if the changes are specific to the
current root product. If modified, the changes reflect on all the root products that contain the grandchild
• Adding or inserting a simple or bundled new product in a nested bundle can be done in the context of a
root as a grandchild at any level. Local cardinality applies to both simple and bundled products as a
grandchild. You can override, create, and delete local cardinalities. You can modify base cardinalities. If
modified, the changes are reflected in all the root products with the grand-child products.
• Group cardinality applies to a bundled product as a grandchild only. Group Cardinalities must be inherited
by default. You can override, create, and delete group cardinalities if the change is specific to the current
root product. You can modify base group cardinalities. If modified, then the changes reflect on all the root

See Also
Create Product Bundles in the Product Designer

Create Product Bundles in the Product Designer

Creating a product bundle as an offer involves creating the structure of the bundle, including the main
product and the product child items that comprise the bundle offer.

This information is for the Vlocity Product Designer. For the Vlocity Product Console, see Create a Product

Example 11. Example: New Product Bundle

Monique creates a bundle that is available to new customers. She creates a structure for an Apple iPhone
11 offer with three child products: 4G LTE data plan, unlimited talk and text, and Netflix.

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Before You Begin

• Add prices to the offers. Only offers with prices are listed in the Structure tab.
• Review Offer Bundles, Cardinalities, and Relationships for Product Designer.

Creating a Bundle

1. From the Vlocity Product Designer app, click the button, and select Products.

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2. In the products list, click the product that will be bundled.

The product opens on a new page.
3. From the product page, click the Structure tab.
4. Drag and drop products from the Quick Add panel onto the layout to create relationships. Only
products that have prices are shown in the Quick Add panel.

If you have more than 200,000 PCIs records in your org, contact Salesforce to index
the Product2.GlobalGroupKey__c field for your org.

After you drop a product into a parent node, it becomes a child of that node. You can modify product
• Update the relationship properties in the Edit Relationship form.
After you drop a product, bundle, or service on the structure tree, the Edit Relationship form appears
on the right side. Also, you can click the white space on a box to see the Edit Relationship form.
• Change the order of the nodes by dragging and dropping them into the desired order.

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To open a child product in a new tab, click the Open in a new tab icon.

5. In the Edit Relationship form, configure the following settings.

Setting Description
Min Quantity Set the minimum quantity required for a valid order.
Default Quantity Set the default number of child products that are included in the bundle when it is added to the Vlocity Cart.
Max Quantity Set the maximum quantity required for a valid order.
Group If the root product has children, you can set a Min Quantity and Max Quantity.
Virtual Item When checked, makes the product item not assetizable. This is customarily used as a grouping mechanism
and to set cardinality for the parent product nodes.
Collapse When checked, enables a Search Item dialog in the cart’s line items pane allowing you to search items
Hierarchy within the bundle and then add additional products to the bundle. This is intended for use with very large
product bundles.

For example, at run time, when you type in the name of the mobile handset that you are looking for in the
search item dialog box, if the Collapse Hierarchy flag is set to True, the product bundle displays all the
mobile handset items in a drop-down list as suggestions for you. This is useful as the Mobile handset
product bundle may be large and can have several items.
6. Click Save.

A new or modified product bundle is saved.

With Fall '20 and later, the Structure view shows icons so that you can more easily differentiate products
and their relationships without having to open each to view the details.

• Specification types (product, offers, service, and resource)

• Specification Sub Type (simple or complex product bundles)
• Relationship types between products:
• Parent-child relationship
• Associated product specification
• Parent-child relationship within an associated product specification

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You can delete a relationship from the product structure one node at a time. The deletion of a node is only
prevented if it violates referential integrity. You can rearrange child products by dragging and dropping

Overriding the Cardinality of the Child Product Bundle

You can override product cardinality in a bundle. Cardinality overrides must be between the minimum and
maximum limits set by the original cardinality.

For example, if the minimum original quantity is 2, you cannot create a minimum override quantity of 1; the
override must be greater than or equal to 2.

The product child item window appears on the right. Notice the existing CARDINALITY settings that were
set when a product child item was added to the main product bundle.

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1. Click Create Override.

2. In the override value fields, change the values for Min Quantity and Max Quantity.
3. Click Done.

What's Next
Define Pricing for Offers in the Product Designer

See Also
• Overview of Product Creation in Product Designer

Override Product Attributes in Product Designer

After you add a product as a child to a product bundle, you can override the existing attributes of the child

This information is for Vlocity Product Designer. For Vlocity Product Console, see Override Product

If you see empty or duplicate attributes, see Fix Duplicate and Empty Attributes.

If you don’t see an attribute to override and the attribute is available on the product, run these jobs: Running
the EPCProductAttribJSONBatchJob and Running the EPCFixCompiledAttributeOverrideBatchJob.

1. In the Vlocity Product Designer app, open a product or offering.

2. In the Structure tab of a product or offering, click a box.

3. In the Edit Relationship panel, expand the Attributes sections.

4. For an attribute, click Create Override .
A success message indicates that the override was created.
5. Click the Edit icon for the overridden attribute.
The Edit Attribute panel appears.

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6. Change values for any of the following:

• Primary information
• Data information
• Overridable behavior
• Non-overridable behavior
7. In the Edit Attribute panel, click Done.
8. To remove an override, click the trash icon in the Actions column for the attribute.
9. In the Edit Relationship panel, click Done.

Create Promotions and Offers for Product Bundles in the Product Designer
You can select a child product in the structure and modify an existing promotion, add a promotion, or create
an offer-level adjustment or override. From a child product, you can define contextual adjustments or
overrides for bundled products.

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This information is for the Vlocity Product Designer. For the Vlocity Product Console, see Add a Product to
a Promotion.

When you define a promotion, adjustment, or override from the Structure tab, it’s defined within the context
of the bundle for the parent product.

If you create an adjustment with a promotion in the Vlocity Product Designerand delete the promotion from
the Vlocity Product Console, the promotion is deleted but not the adjustment. Instead of deleting, mark the
promotion inactive if it's not required.

Specifying Overrides
Using the Override feature, you can create:

• A new promotion with an override

• An override on an existing promotion
• An offer-based override

You can see a newly created override in two places for a product:

• In the Structure tab of the parent product, select the child product. The PRICING ADJUSTMENTS /
OVERRIDES panel shows the overrides.

• In the Pricing tab of the child product, the Promotions section shows the overrides and the applicable

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Creating a New Promotion with an Override

1. In the Structure tab, click a product or child product.

2. In the Edit Relationship panel on the right, click the down arrow to expand the Pricing Adjustments/
Overrides section.
3. To add an adjustment click the + icon.
4. From the New Adjustment or Override dialog box, select Override on a new Promotion.
5. In the Add Override dialog box, enter the following information.

Field Description
Price List Select a price list.
Promotion Name Enter a name for the new promotion.
Display Name Enter the name of the override. This name is shown in Vlocity Cart.
Description Enter a description that can appear in the Promotions list of the cart. As best practice, include the details of
the price changes and durations for each product.
Promo Code Enter a unique code to identify the promotion from other promotions.
6. Click Create Promotion.
The promotion is saved in the product catalog.
7. Set the pricing and availability information for the adjustment.

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Field Description
Pricing Details Set the fixed amount and currency of the override price.

Select the frequency, such as One-time or Monthly.

After you set the amount, the Pricing Variable list appears after Add timing.
Add timing Click to specify the duration and the events that start and end the override. You can add timing if the product
has a time plan/policy.
Add delay If Add timing is enabled, click to add a delay to when the pricing override starts.
Availability Specify the start and end dates for the promotion.
8. Click Done.
9. (optional) Select one or more rule sets to apply to the promotion.
10. Click Done.
The new promotion override is applied to the product in the bundle.

Adding an Override to an Existing Promotion

1. In the Structure tab, click a product or child product.

2. In the Edit Relationship panel on the right, click the down arrow to expand the Pricing Adjustments/
Overrides section.
3. To add an adjustment click the + icon.
4. From the New Adjustment or Override dialog box, select Override on an existing Promotion.
5. In the Promotion field, search for and select a promotion.
6. In the Edit Override dialog box, enter the following information.

Field Description
Display Name Enter the name of the override. This name is shown in Vlocity Cart.
Pricing Details Set the fixed amount and currency of the override price.

Select the frequency, such as One-time or Monthly.

After you set the amount, the Pricing Variable list appears after Add timing.
Add timing Click to specify the duration and the events that start and end the override. You can add timing if the product
has a time plan/policy.
Add delay If Add timing is enabled, click to add a delay to when the pricing override starts
Availability Specify the start and end dates for the promotion.
7. Click Done.
8. (optional) Select one or more rule sets to apply to the promotion.
9. Click Done.
The new promotion override is applied to the product in the bundle.

Adding an Override to an Offer

1. In the Structure tab, click a product or child product.

2. In the Edit Relationship panel on the right, click the down arrow to expand the Pricing Adjustments/
Overrides section.
3. To add an adjustment click the + icon.

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4. From the New Adjustment or Override dialog box, select Override on an Offer.
5. In the Add Override dialog box, enter the following information.

Field Description
Price List Select a price list.
Display Name Enter the name of the override. This name is shown in Vlocity Cart.
Pricing Details Set the fixed amount and currency of the override price

Select the frequency, such as One-time or Monthly.

After you set the amount, the Pricing Variable list appears after Add timing.
Add timing Click to specify the duration and the events that start and end the adjustment. You can add timing if the
product has a time plan/policy.
Add delay If Add timing is enabled, click to add a delay to when the pricing adjustment starts.
Availability Specify the start and end dates for the promotion.
6. Click Done.
7. (optional) Select one or more rule sets to apply to the promotion.
8. Click Done.
The new offer override is applied to the product in the bundle.

Specifying Adjustments
You can create an adjustment to a bundled product in several ways:

• A new promotion or an offer

• An adjustment on an existing promotion
• An offer-based adjustment

Creating a New Promotion with an Adjustment

1. In the Structure tab, click a product or child product.

2. In the Edit Relationship panel on the right, click the down arrow to expand the Pricing Adjustments/
Overrides section.
3. To add an adjustment click the + icon.
4. From the New Adjustment or Override dialog box, select Adjustment on a new Promotion.
5. In the Add Adjustment dialog box, enter the following information.

Field Description
Price List Select a price list.
Promotion Name Enter a name for the new promotion.
Display Name Enter the name of the adjustment. This name is shown in Vlocity Cart.
Description Enter a description that can appear in the Promotions list of the cart. As best practice, include the details of
the price changes and durations for each product.

For example, "20% off data plan for 6 months and $150 off the iPhone X".
Promo Code Enter a unique code to identify the promotion from other promotions.
6. Click Create Promotion.
The promotion is saved in the product catalog.

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7. Set the pricing and availability information for the adjustment.

Field Description
Pricing Details Select the adjustment type (a percentage or a fixed amount).

Set the percentage amount or the fixed amount and currency.

Select the frequency, such as One-time or Monthly.

Add timing Click to specify the duration and the events that start and end the adjustment. You can add timing if the
product has a time plan/policy.
Add delay If Add timing is enabled, click to add a delay to when the pricing adjustment starts.
Availability Specify the start and end dates for the promotion.
8. Click Done.
9. (Optional) Select one or more rule sets to apply to the promotion.
10. Click Done.
The new promotion adjustment is applied to the product in the bundle.

Adding an Adjustment to an Existing Promotion

1. In the Structure tab, click a product or child product.
2. In the Edit Relationship panel on the right, click the down arrow to expand the Pricing Adjustments/
Overrides section.
3. To add an adjustment click the + icon.
4. From the New Adjustment or Override dialog box, select Adjustment to an existing Promotion.
5. In the Promotion field, search for and select a promotion.
6. In the Add Adjustment dialog box, enter the following information.

Field Description
Display Name Enter the name of the adjustment. This name is shown in Vlocity Cart.
Pricing Details Select the adjustment type (a percentage or a fixed amount).

Set the percentage amount or the fixed amount and currency.

Select the frequency, such as One-time or Monthly.

Add timing Click to specify the duration and the events that start and end the adjustment. You can add timing if the
product has a time plan/policy.
Add delay If Add timing is enabled, click to add a delay to when the pricing adjustment starts.
Availability Specify the start and end dates for the promotion.
7. Click Done.
8. (optional) Select one or more rule sets to apply to the promotion.
9. Click Done.
The new promotion adjustment is applied to the product in the bundle.

Adding an Adjustment to an Offer

1. In the Structure tab, click a product or child product.
2. In the Edit Relationship panel on the right, click the down arrow to expand the Pricing Adjustments/
Overrides section.

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3. To add an adjustment click the + icon.

4. From the New Adjustment or Override dialog box, select Adjustment on an Offer.
5. In the Add Adjustment dialog box, enter the following information.

Field Description
Price List Select a price list.

When the price list is changed, the currency updates with new currency values. If no currency values are
present in the price list, the currency field is blank and a price list entry isn’t created. Enter the currencies in the
price list to allow the price list entry creation. No error message appears.
Display Name Enter the name of the adjustment. This name is shown in Vlocity Cart.
Pricing Details Select the adjustment type (a percentage or a fixed amount).

Set the percentage amount or the fixed amount and currency.

Select the frequency, such as One-time or Monthly.

Add timing Click to specify the duration and the events that start and end the adjustment. You can add timing if the
product has a time plan/policy.
Add delay If Add timing is enabled, click to add a delay to when the pricing adjustment starts.
Availability Specify the start and end dates for the promotion.
6. Click Done.
7. (optional) In the Context Rules, search for and select a rule set to apply.
8. Click Done.
The new offer adjustment is applied to the product in the bundle.

Editing or Deleting an Adjustment or Override

When an adjustment is deleted, it doesn’t delete the promotion because other products may be tied to it.
Deleting the promotion adjustment or override entry doesn’t delete the promotion.

1. In the Structure tab, click a product or child product.

2. In the Edit Relationship panel on the right, click the down arrow to expand the Pricing Adjustments/
Overrides section.

3. To delete an adjustment or override, click the icon, and click Delete in the dialog box.
4. To modify an adjustment or override, click the icon.
5. When you’ve finished the change, click Done.

What's Next
Define Pricing for Offers in the Product Designer

See Also

• Overview of Product Creation in Product Designer

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Offer Pricing for Product Designer

You can price products and promotions according to your business requirements. You can also adjust
prices (by a percentage or amount) or override prices (set new prices) for products.

Vlocity's pricing solution includes the following benefits:

• Reusability — A component-oriented system with reusable items that are independent of products.
• Pricing types — Categories of pricing such as penalties, charges, and adjustments to existing charges.
• Frequency — Settings that determine the frequency of the charge.
• Updates — Transition from previous prices to updated prices for less expense and disruption.

Using Vlocity's pricing capabilities, you can:

• Adjust or override a price without changing the base price.

• Offer customers the option of paying with loyalty points.
• Change the price of a product automatically over time.
• Customize the pricing process by adding steps, such as a step to accommodate tax calculation.
• Automatically reprice products, draft items in the cart, and assets.
• Set up usage pricing, which lets you charge for usage quantities over units of time.

You must create pricing elements in the Vlocity Product Console, including price lists,
pricing plans, time plans and policies, promotions, and discounts.

Then, in Vlocity Product Designer, you can set the pricing, promotions, and discounts for
standalone and bundled offerings.

Pricing Components
Use pricing components to define the price aspects and assign them to the offering. This is the process of
creating a price list entry (PLE).

For a product to appear in the Vlocity Cart's Products list, it must have all the following settings:

• An assigned, effective price

• An active status
• An effective date

Pricing Strategies for Product Bundles

A product bundle contains one or more child products. The prices of all child products always roll up into
the total price for the bundle.

The overall bundle pricing can be accomplished in different ways:

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• The parent product has a price other than zero. The parent product price is added to the child product
• The parent product has a price of zero. The final bundle price is the total of the price of the child

For example, the parent product of the bundle can be priced at $49.99. It is combined with the child
products to make up the total price.

When bundles contain optional products, the display text might show the total price if all the products are
purchased. However, unless all products are added to the cart, the price in the Products list in the cart won’t
match what you see in the cart. You can change the display text to indicate a range or a starting price for
these types of bundles.

Use the two following means to change the price of a child product in a bundle without changing the base

• Adjustments — Percentages or amounts that reduce or increase the base price.

• Overrides — Amounts that replace the base price

Adjustments use the base price to calculate the new price. Overrides do not use any calculations.
Overrides simply replace the base price.

When you create an adjustment or an override to a product's base price, you create a price list entry that is
stored in the same price list as the base price. As a result, the system displays a message that multiple
price list entries are in the price list for this product.

When you create product adjustments and overrides for child products, you do so in the product's Structure

Price Adjustments and Overrides

You can adjust or override a product’s price without changing the price itself. You can make adjustments in
the following contexts:

• Manual adjustments
• Product bundles
• Promotional adjustments

Pricing Adjustments Using Product Bundles

When designing product bundles, you can add products to the bundle and then change their prices when
they appear in that context. This is done at design-time using the Vlocity Product Console. When you
create an adjustment, you can adjust the price by a percentage or by an amount. Adjustments use the base
price to calculate the final product price. For more information, see Adjusting the Base Price for a Product in
a Bundle.

Overriding the base price doesn't require the base price for calculation. It replaces the base price. The base
price, however, remains unchanged.

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Recording Adjustments
For any order, quote, opportunity or asset, you can review adjustments or overrides made to each line
item's price in Order Pricing, Quote Pricing, Opportunity Pricing, and Account Pricing records. The
adjustments that are recorded could be the result of an applied promotion, a manual adjustment made by
an agent, or an adjustment or override made in the context of a product bundle.

Managing Simple Product Pricing

You can select an existing price list, parent or child, and create one-time and recurring charges as absolute
amounts. You can also update or delete a price list.

Vlocity Product Console automatically detects pricing variables. If multiple pricing variables are found, then
you can choose. From the Vlocity Product Console, you can search for and select qualification context

Base prices appear in order of descending effective start date. You can use custom filters to search rows in
the pricing list.

Product Cost
You can edit or delete the (PriceListEntry) row in the Prices table using the Cost table Delete/Edit icon. The
delete action also removes the row from the table. You can also delete adjustments from Promotions and

Offer-Based Adjustments and Overrides

You can add, update, or delete an offer-based adjustment or an override for a simple product in the context
of its parent or parent hierarchy.

The page shows you all the parent and grandparent offers up to the top-level offer to which the simple
product belongs. A summary of adjustments and overrides defined in the context of an Offer or Promotion
appears in a single list.

You can use custom filters to search rows in the Promotions/Offer Adjustment and Override list and then
select an existing price list (PL), parent PL, or child PL. You can also create one-time and recurring
adjustments or overrides in absolute amounts for overrides, and percentage and absolute amounts for
adjustments. You can update or delete an adjustment or override price list entries (PLE) except for the PL

Vlocity automatically detects:

• Time Plan and Time Policy for recurring adjustments and overrides.
• Pricing variables. If multiple pricing variables are found, they are displayed so you can select one.
• Pricing elements. If no pricing elements are found, a new pricing element is created. If duplicate pricing
elements are found, they are displayed so you can select one.

You can also find and select qualification context rules.

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Promotion-Based Adjustments and Overrides for Product Designer

While you can create products and offers that have discount prices, use promotions to discount a product's
offer for certain customers, limited time periods, or specific subsets of products. You can also override or
adjust promotions

Promotions offer additional functionality:

• Discount the price of a product in a promotion without updating the product hierarchy or price book.
• Apply promotional discounts to products that are already assets.
• Automatically charge a penalty if the customer does not fulfill the promotion’s time commitment.
• Create promotions that begin automatically as soon as a previous promotion ends.
• Automatically continue or discontinue the subscription of a promotion’s products based on the customer’s

Differences Between Promotions and Products

In the shared product catalog, you can use can adjust or override the base prices of products in product

Product Promotion
Typically does not expire after a limited time For a limited time
Not for a limited group of customers For a limited group of customers
Products or quantities of each product that are not necessarily limited A limited subset of products

Products Within Promotions

A promotion applies to at least one product. You can add a promotion to both individual products and
product bundles. Then you can change the pricing and cardinality of any product in the promotion.

As part of the promotion’s settings, you determine:

• Time commitment: How long the customer must subscribe to the promotion’s products
• Changes to pricing and time frame: Whether the products of the promotion are changed by an
adjustment or override, and for what length of time
• Whether the promotion appears in the Promotions list of the cart

Promotion-Based Adjustment and Overrides for Simple Product Price

You can adjust or override a new or existing promotion by adding directly the simple product or its parent or
parent hierarchy. The page shows all the parent and grandparent offers up to the top-level offer to which the
simple product belongs. A summary of adjustments and overrides defined in the context of an offer or
promotion appears in a single list. For promotion-based adjustment or overrides, show the offer name that
is attached to the promotion.

You can select any offer and create a new promotion, and you can use custom filters to search rows in the
Promotions/Offer Adjustment and Override list.

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You can also create one-time and recurring adjustments or overrides in absolute amounts for overrides and
percentage and absolute amounts for adjustments. You can update or delete an adjustment or override the
price list entry (PLE) except for the associated promotion name.

The following are automatically detected:

• Time Plan and Time Policy for recurring adjustments and overrides.
• Pricing variables. If multiple pricing variables are found, they are displayed so you can select one.
• Pricing elements. If no pricing elements are found, then the Product Console creates a new pricing
element. If duplicate pricing elements are found, they are displayed so you can select one.

You can also find and select qualification context rules.

Define Pricing for Offers in the Product Designer

You can define price and cost, create promotions and offers, and apply adjustments and overrides.

Each table in the Pricing tab has an arrow button which, when clicked, either expands or collapses the
corresponding table. On load, only tables with records appear expanded. All other tables are collapsed. All
tables only show active records by default.

This information is for the Vlocity Product Designer. For the Vlocity Product Console, see Product Pricing.

In compliance with TM Forum Frameworx standards, offerings have pricing information, but product
specifications do not.

Before You Begin

• Complete the following tasks In the Vlocity Product Console.
• Create a price list with price list entries and pricing elements.
• Create context rules and rulesets.
• Create time plans and policies.
• Create promotions and discounts.

Complete each of the following tasks as required for your offering.

Adding a Price
This section shows product prices. In the Price table:

• Search for price list entries.

• Display all prices or only the active prices. Active prices are the default setting.
• Sort the rows by clicking the arrows beside the column headings.

To add a price:

1. From the Vlocity Product Designer app, open a product specification or offering, and click the Pricing
2. In the Prices section, click New Price.
The Add Price panel appears.

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3. In the Add Price panel, enter the following information.

Field Description
Price List Select the price list to use.
Display Name Enter a name to show for the price.
Virtual Price Select this option if a parent product does not have a price of its own but is the total price of all the child
Pricing Details Select the charge type, quantity, and currency.
Active Indicate that the price is currently in use.
Availability Specify the start and end dates for the price.
4. Click Done.

The new price is added to the Pricing table. You can edit or delete a price by clicking the appropriate action
icon. To view inactive prices, deselect Show Active Only in the Prices view.

Adding Promotions and Offers

This section shows the promotions and offers for product pricing. In the Promotions and Offers table, you

• Search for adjustments and overrides.

• Display only the active promotions and offers.
• Sort the rows by clicking the arrows beside the column headings.

To edit a promotion:

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1. Open a product specification or offering, and click the Pricing tab.

2. In the Pricing tab, click the Edit icon beside the promotion or offer you want to edit. The Edit
Adjustment panel appears.
3. Enter a display name for the price.
4. Select the adjustment type, quantity, and currency.
5. Specify the adjustment frequency and duration.
6. Select a pricing variable.
7. Specify the purchase date and end of plan duration.
8. Add a delay, if necessary, by specifying. the start and end dates.
9. Specify whether the price is active
10. Click Done.

You can delete a promotion by clicking the Delete action icon. To view inactive promotions and offers,
deselect Show Active Only in the Promotions & Offers view.

Adding a Cost
This section shows the product costs. In the Cost table, you can:

• Search for cost entries.

• Display only the active costs.
• Sort the rows by clicking the arrows beside the column headings.

To add a cost:

1. Open a product specification or offering, and click the Pricing tab.

2. Click New Cost.
The Add Cost panel appears.

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3. In the Add Price panel, enter the following information.

Field Description
Price List Select the price list to use.
Display Name Enter a name to show for the cost.
Virtual Price Select this option if a parent product does not have a price of its own but is the total price of all the child
Pricing Details Select the charge type, quantity, and currency.
Availability Specify the start and end dates for the price.
Active Indicate that the price is currently in use.
4. Click Done.

The new cost is added to the Cost table. You can edit or delete a price by clicking the appropriate action

Assigning Context Rules

To assign a context rule to a promotion, offers, prices, or cost:

1. Open a product specification or offering, and click the Pricing tab.

2. Expand the Prices, Promotions & Offers, or Costs section that needs a rule.
3. Select a rule from the Quick Add panel.
4. Drag and drop the rule to the Rules column on the row for your item.

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5. To remove a rule, click the Delete icon for the rule.

See Also
• Overview of Product Creation in Product Designer

Track Product Catalog Changes with Projects

EPC Projects track all the changes to entities in your product catalog. You can use projects as a history for
change management.

You can have as many projects as you want. Multiple projects can be active at the same time, but only one
project is the default. When entities are created, modified, or deleted, that change is saved to the default

A project is a record type called a work set. The project tracks all work done to any catalog object, such as
creating products, modifying promotions, creating picklists, etc.

This feature is available only for the Vlocity Product Designer.

In Spring '20 and later, you can use IDX Workbench to migrate the changes in an EPC Project to other
orgs. When configuring IDX Workbench, you can specify an EPC Project object in your Source org instead
of configuring a project in IDX Workbench. You can use IDX Workbench to export Projects in Released
status in Fall '20 and Deployed status in Spring '20. See "Configuring a Project Object" in IDX Workbench
Configuration for Migration.

Before You Begin

The Projects feature must be enabled and configured. See Enable and Set Up Projects for Vlocity Product Designer.

1. From the Vlocity Product Designer, click the button, and select Projects.
2. In the Projects tab, click New.

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3. In the New Project: Work Set page, enter the following information.

Field Description
Project Name Enter a unique name for a project.
Active Indicate that the project is active and in use. By default, active projects are shown in the query results.
Description Enter a description of a project.

The following fields are set automatically.

These values can differ from the values of the Salesforce system fields (Created By,
Created Date, Last Modified By, and Last Modified Date) if the Project record is
moved to another Salesforce org.

Field Description
Project Owner Select the user who owns a project. A project has only one owner. Only the owner can modify a project,
delete a project, or set it as the default project.
Creator The full name of the person who created a project. This field is automatically set.
Last Modifier The full name of the person to modify a project most recently. This field is automatically set.
Global Key A unique system ID for a project. This field is automatically set.
Original Created The date and time when a project is created. This field is automatically set.
Last Modified Date The date and time when a project was most recently updated. This field is automatically set.
4. Click Save.
The new project is saved, and a new page for the project opens.
5. To set the project as the default, click Set as Default ( ).
All changes are automatically saved in the default project.

A new project is saved and available to track product catalog changes. If set as the default, the new project
saves all future changes.

The Items list for a project shows information for each change:

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• The type of item that changed, such as Product, Picklist, or Attribute.

• The name of the changed item that either you set when creating the item or that the system automatically
• The version of the item as set in its Version Label field. This column is blank if the item has no version
• The action taken on the item: Add, Delete, or Change. The action can be No Change if the parent item,
such as a product, hasn’t changed but a child item has changed, such as a modified child product item.
If an item undergoes more than one action, the Action column shows only one action of the highest
precedent, according to the following order. For example, if a Region attribute is added and then deleted,
the Project Items list shows Delete as the action for that attribute item.
1. Delete
2. Add
3. Changed
4. No Change

EPC Project Editing

You can modify an EPC project as the following table describes.

Task Steps
Change a project. From the Projects page, click the arrow on the project row, and select Edit.
Remove a project. From the Projects page, click the arrow on the project row, and select Delete.

The change itself isn’t removed.

Assign the project From the Projects page, click the arrow on the project row, and select Change Owner.
to a new owner.
In the Change Owner dialog box, search for the name of the new owner, select, and click Submit.
Move a change to Move a change from one project to another. You can move only one change at a time. Only the owner of the
a different project. project can move items. You can’t move an item for a project if its Lifecycle Status set to Released.

Only moving of whole bundles starting from root product is supported. Intermediate parents or child items can’t
be moved on their own without moving the whole bundle.

If any items conflict with existing items, you’re warned and can cancel or continue with the move. If you click
Proceed in the dialog box, the matching root is deleted in the root’s hierarchy in the target workset, and the new
hierarchy inserted in its place.

1. From the list of changes in a project, select one item or multiple items to move.
2. Click Move.
3. In the Move Project Items panel, select the project to move the selected items to.
4. Click Done.
Remove a change Delete an item from the change history in a project. Only the owner of the project can remove items. You can’t
from a project. delete an item for a project if its Lifecycle Status set to Released.

The change itself isn’t removed.

1. From the list of changes in a project, select an item or multiple items to remove.
2. Click Delete and confirm the deletion.
The change is removed from the project's history.
Review the From the list of changes in a project, click the arrow for a change item and select View Item.
changed item.
The object with the change opens on a new page.

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Export a Product Report in Product Designer

To help with audits and product reviews, export a report of products with their properties and attributes. The
report is saved as a .xslx file.

The report is limited to 30 products, so you must use filters to limit the products. If you’ve more than 30
products filtered, no report is created. The report is created and downloaded to your computer as a file
named report.xslx.

See Results for a description of the reports.

You can’t use the Search tool to limit the list of products to 30 or fewer. You must use

1. In the Vlocity Product Designer, click the button, and select Products.
2. Select a view with 30 or fewer products.
The report includes only the products that are included in a filter. Products that don’t match the filter
values aren’t exported.

Selecting the checkboxes for products doesn’t change the products included in the

3. To create a view, click Show Filters, add filters to show specific products, and click Save As.

4. Click Generate Report.

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This step can take longer to complete depending on the number of products and

5. In the Select Report Options dialog box, choose the data to include in the export, and click Generate.
• Product with Attributes — This report has two tabs: one that shows a list of products and another
that shows attributes by product.
• Products Only — This report has one tab that shows a list of products.

The Product Only report shows all the products and the Description, Product Code, Name, ID, Created
Date, and Active columns for each.

The Products with Attribute report shows two tabs:

• Products — Each product shows the Description, Product Code, Name, ID, Created Date, and Active
• Attributes — The attributes are grouped by product and include the Product Code, Value, ParentID,
Name, IsFilterable, IsCloneable, and Active columns.

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See Also
• Configure the Product Attributes Report

Configure the Product Attributes Report

For the product attribute report in Vlocity Product Designer, you can modify integration procedures to set
the columns, or fields, are used for the products and attributes.

The report includes a list of the products and all their attributes with default columns for each product and
attribute. To change what columns are in the report, you can edit the UPC/ExtractProductInformation Vlocity
integration procedure. While you can add or remove these columns, you can't select which attributes are

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Example 12. Report Changes

Monique doesn’t want the ParentID column in the report and wants to add the IsNotAssetizable and
AttributeID fields as report columns.

Don’t remove the ProductCode column because it’s required to match products for the

1. Open the Vlocity Integration Procedures tab.

2. Expand and open the most recent version of UPC/ExtractProductInformation.
3. Click Create Version.
4. Expand the FilteredProductCondition block.
5. Expand and select the corresponding blocks for the type of report to modify.

Report Steps
Products and attributes report 1. Expand the ProductsWithAttribute block.
2. Click FilteredProductExtractor.
Products-only report 1. Expand the ProductsWithAttribute block.
2. Click FilteredProductsOnlyExtractor.
6. In the Properties tab, click the link icon to open the associated DataRaptor page.

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• ExtractAllProductWithAttributes is for the products and attributes report.

• ExtractAllProducts is for the products-only report.
7. On the DataRaptor page, click the Output tab, and change the mappings.

Task Steps
Add a report 1. Click the + icon to add a mapping, and select from the Extract JSON Path list.
column 2. For the Output JSON Path, enter a value.
• For attributes, you must use the attributes: prefix, such as attributes:IsFilterable.
• Product fields don’t require a prefix, such as active.
• Use a descriptive name of your choice.

3. Click the Collapse button.

Remove a Click the Delete icon.
report column

Don’t remove the products:ProductCode extract JSON path because it’s required to
match products for the report.

8. In the Product Information Extractor tab, click Save and, if ready to use, Activate Version.

Future product attribute reports include the changes to the columns.

See Also
• Export a Product Report in Product Designer

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• DataRaptor Extract Overview

• Create an Integration Procedure

Fix Duplicate and Empty Attributes

You can see empty attributes if you create an attribute for the Product2 object type and delete it. This
deletion can create an empty attribute assignment under a child object type of Product2. Duplicate
attributes can occasionally occur. You can run the following scripts to resolve these issues.

1. From Setup, click Developer Console.

2. From the Debug menu, click Open Execute Anonymous Window.
3. Enter the appropriate code, and click Execute.

Issue Resolution
Empty List<vlocity_cmt__ObjectFieldAttribute__c> ofaList = [SELECT Id FROM
attributes vlocity_cmt__ObjectFieldAttribute__c WHERE vlocity_cmt__AttributeId__c = null AND
vlocity_cmt__FieldApiName__c = null];
delete ofaList;
Duplicate List<vlocity_cmt__ObjectFieldAttribute__c> ofaList = [SELECT
attributes Id,vlocity_cmt__AttributeId__c FROM vlocity_cmt__ObjectFieldAttribute__c WHERE
vlocity_cmt__ObjectClassId__c = 'a214x0000000BzQAAU' AND vlocity_cmt__SubClassId__c =
Set<Id> attrIdSet = new Set<Id>();
List<vlocity_cmt__ObjectFieldAttribute__c> ofaListToDelete = new
for(vlocity_cmt__ObjectFieldAttribute__c ofa:ofaList)
delete ofaListToDelete;

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Product Definition with Vlocity Product Console

Vlocity Product Consoleprovides a single, contextual interface for managing your EPC elements. Using this
interface, you perform product management by defining and maintaining product entities. You can build
foundational constructs like attributes and picklists, as well as metadata constructs like product object

The product console is designed to build fundamental constructs, such as:

• System administrators can use predefined objects, such as Salesforce Object2, to create reusable object
types that define properties (attributes or fields) and layouts common for all product entities. For example,
you can create offers or product specifications that are instantiated from these object types. This is
typically done one time, as part of the initial setup.
• Product managers can manage product structure, pricing, rules, and offers.

Many elements of Vlocity CPQ and order management are co-located in the Vlocity Product Console to
provide seamless integration between the shared product catalog, the ability to configure, price and quote
the products in the catalog, and define technical specifications for order decomposition and fulfillment.

The Vlocity Product Designer is the next generation Product Catalog administration
application. See Overview of Product Creation in Product Designer.

The Vlocity Product Console Interface

The Vlocity Product Console provides a unified user experience to manage EPC elements in a single,
contextual interface. The Vlocity Product Console is a web-based application for managing the Vlocity
Enterprise Catalog.

It gives both business and IT users access to all the product management capabilities they need.

• Improves usability for product definition, pricing, and structure.

• Increases productivity for product marketing and admin users.
• Provides a cohesive view of shared catalog elements across Configure Price Quote, Contract Life Cycle
Management, and Order Management.
• Provides omni-channel capabilities directly within the catalog.
• Decreases time to market for new promotions and products.

The Vlocity Product Console provides seamless integration between the shared product catalog and the
ability to configure, price, and quote the products in the catalog. The dashboard contains workspaces for

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product management, pricing, rules, and more. Here, you can access many elements of Vlocity CPQ that
are co-located on the Vlocity Product Console.

Product managers use the Vlocity Product Console for the following tasks:

• Define and maintain product entities.

• Manage product structure, pricing, rules, and offers.
• Build foundational constructs, including attributes and picklists.
• Build metadata constructs, such as product object types.

System administrators use the Vlocity Product Console for these tasks:

• Work with predefined objects, for example, to create reusable object types that define properties, such as
attributes and fields.
• Define common layouts for product entities, such as offers or product specifications, that are instantiated
from the object types.
• Perform initial setup tasks at the start of Vlocity EPC implementation.

To access the Vlocity Product Console, in the Lightning interface:

1. Click the App Launcher and type Vlocity Product Console in the quick find box.
2. Click the Vlocity Product Console item.

The interface has the following sections:

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1. Product Management: Vlocity Product Console enables you to perform product management by
defining and maintaining product entities. You can create products, promotions, discounts, and offer
migration plans.
2. Pricing: Vlocity Communications, Media, and Energy enables you to price products and promotions
according to your business requirements. Vlocity's pricing solution includes the following benefits.
• Reusability
• Categories of pricing such as penalties, charges, and adjustments to existing charges.
• Settings that determine the frequency of the charge.
• Updates from previous prices.
3. Rules: In Vlocity Communications, Media, and Energy, you can use rules to change standard product
and pricing behaviors in Vlocity Cart. Vlocity Rules are essential to creating the perfect order. You
control all the products and services you offer to your customer and offer them at the right prices.
There are two rules frameworks that work in tandem: Context rules and advanced rules.
• Context rules help you determine which products, promotions, and prices appear in Vlocity Cart. You
can specify when to apply a penalty for cancellations and what the penalty will be.
• Advanced rules help you design product compatibility rules based on conditions in order line items
and related objects. You can also create advanced pricing, availability and eligibility rules.
4. Foundations contain attributes and picklists:
• An attribute is a property or characteristic. In Vlocity apps, attributes describe profiles and products.
An attribute is a property or characteristic. In Vlocity apps, attributes describe profiles and products.
Product attributes must be grouped under Categories. For more information, see Product Attributes
and Profile Attributes.

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• A picklist is a list of values from which a user can choose. Used in product attributes and in context
dimensions for context rules. Vlocity picklists are similar to Salesforce picklists, but are defined in a
Vlocity-specific custom object.
5. Metatdata contains objects and string translations:
• Metadata is the overall definition of the type of information you are storing. For example, the Case
object enables you to store information regarding customer inquiries. For each object, your org will
have multiple records that store the information about specific instances of that type of data. You
might have a case record to store the information about someone’s training inquiry and another case
record to store the information about someone’s configuration issue.
• If your org has multiple languages enabled, string translations let you translate labels in your org to
another language.
6. Layout Management: You can use the Vlocity Product Console to create a layout for a new product
object. You create the base product object-type, assign attributes and field, and define a layout, which
consists of creating a new facet and adding sections. You can then create object subtypes instantiated
on the base product object-type.
7. Move between pages using breadcrumb tabs, while staying within the context of the same object.
8. Open the Salesforce interface in a new tab by clicking the Back to Salesforce link.

In each section, you can use the add icons to create a new item and the search icons to search for an
existing item. When using the inline edit feature in the search page, if using Record Types, include a
Record Type Filter for a single Record Type in the List View criteria because inline editing only works for
lists that are filtered on a single record type.

Using Facets
When you find or add a new item, such as a product, attribute, or rule, the page for that item appears, and
various facets, such as General Properties, Pricing, or Context Rules, are displayed on the left side as
shown in the following example.

These facets let you navigate between functional areas to make various configuration settings, changes,
and additions.

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In the Vlocity Product Designer, only the General Properties facet is displayed and
editable. See Manage Existing Object Types in Product Designer.

Navigating to the Vlocity Product Console

To use the Vlocity Product Console, you must use the Lightning interface.

1. Click the App Launcher and type Vlocity Product Console in the quick find box.
2. Click the Vlocity Product Console tab.

You can create product entities.

See Also
• Product Entities Overview
• Create Products in Vlocity Product Console

Product Lifecycles
Using Vlocity Shared Catalog, you can configure products at any level in the bundle, add new products, and
importantly, maintain the product entities through their entire product lifecycle. Vlocity Shared Catalog
supports the commercial product lifecycle by allowing you to define current, future, past and retired

You can consolidate products and services from different lines of business in commercial packages or
bundles. Customers ordering such packages can take an advantage from special pricing applied to the
bundles of products and from new functional capabilities created by combining different types of products or

• Current Product is a product that is currently available for sale.

• Future Product is a product that will be sold in the future. This product can be configured and ordered,
but will be fulfilled once its selling period and fulfillment begins. In order to ensure that future products are
not assetized until they are fulfilled, Future Date Ordering functionality must be implemented.
• Past Product is a product that is no longer for sale but still can be fulfilled for orders that have already
been placed and changed for orders that have already been assetized.
• Retired Product is a product that is no longer supported, cannot be ordered or fulfilled, or changed for
orders that have been assetized.

Vlocity Shared Catalog defines these stages of the product lifecycle using Product Selling Period dates. For
more information, see the following topics.

This topic pertains to Vlocity Communications, Media, and Energy Fall '18 and later.

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Product Selling Period Dates

Product Selling Period Dates allow you to set the selling period, the fulfillment start date, and a date to
retire commercial products. The selling period is the time period between the selling start date and the
selling end date of a product, and it controls when the product can be ordered or sold.

The fulfillment start date supports pre-orders for commercial products that are can be fulfilled at a later
date. An end of life date is used to retire commercial products when the business decides to discontinue
selling or supporting permanently.

Starting in Fall '18, you can create products in the shared catalog with the following dates:

• Selling Start Date( vlocity_cmt__SellingStartDate__c): This defines when the commercial product can
be ordered and sold.
• Selling End Date (vlocity_cmt__SellingEndDate__c): This defines when the commercial product can be
stopped from ordering. Changes to existing assets are supported after the end of selling and before it is
• Fulfillment Start Date (vlocity_cmt__FulfilmentStartDate__c): This defines when the commercial
product is ready to be fulfilled. By default, this is same as the selling start date but can be a future date.
• End Of Life Date (vlocity_cmt__EndOfLifeDate__c): The EOL date of a product is the date on which
the commercial product is no longer supported.

These product selling period fields have a data type of Date/Time and are intended for
commercial products only. Technical products and promotions do not use these fields and
should continue to use the existing effectivity date fields. Assets do not use these fields.

This topic pertains to Vlocity Communications, Media, and Energy Fall '18 and later.

Product Selling Period Definition

You set the product selling period fields in the product dialog or in the General Properties facet for
products in Vlocity Product Console.

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You can specify a date and a time for each field. If no time is specified, it will default to 12:00 AM. You also
can choose to have no date or time, which implies that the product will be available for all of time, or you
can set some of the dates but not all, as long as the following is true:

SellingStartDate <= FulfillmentStartDate <= SellingEndDate <= EndOfLifeDate

Vlocity Product Console validates all dates and times entered using this rule and will not allow you to save
products until the dates are set correctly.

Product selling period data is stored in the platform cache. After you make changes to product selling
period fields, you must update the product hierarchy data in the platform cache by running Product
Hierarchy Maintenance, Clear Managed Platform Cache and Refresh Pricebook in this sequence.

When a product is used in bundles, it is the responsibility of the product administrator to ensure that the
selling periods are consistent. To assist administrators, Vlocity Product Console has been enhanced to
display the Selling Period dates in the Product Structure facet.

In addition, product administrators can use the Find References button in Vlocity Product Console to find
references to a given product in active promotions, product bundles, assets, quote line items, order line
items and opportunity line items. This button assists administrators in determining the effect of changing
product selling period and end of life dates. For more information, see Finding Product References in the
Shared Catalog.

This topic pertains to Vlocity Communications, Media, and Energy Fall '18 and later.

Product References in the Shared Catalog

Use the Find References button in Vlocity Product Console to find references to a given product in
active promotions, product bundles, assets, quote line items, order line items, and opportunity line items.
This button assists you with determining the effect of changing product selling period and end of life dates.

This topic pertains to Vlocity Communications, Media, and Energy Fall '18 and later.

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Using Find References

To use the Find References button, go to the General Properties facet for the product, and the button is
located next to the Save button. Once clicked, the Partial List of Active References dialog box displays.

The default number of rows returned for each reference object is 20, but this limit can be increased by
setting the FindReferencesRowCountLimit custom setting in CPQ Configuration Settings Overview. The
maximum number of rows returned is 1000.

To find order, quote, and opportunity line item references, each line item's fulfillment status
(vlocity_cmt__FulfilmentStatus__c) must be set to Draft, In Progress, PONR, or Pending. In order to find
asset references, the asset's provisioning status (vlocity_cmt__ProvisioningStatus__c) must be set to
Active, Changed, or Deleted. These values are normally set by order management processes. If the
statuses have null or other values, the references will not display.

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Product Selling Period Dates and Vlocity Cart

Vlocity Cart supports product selling periods. At runtime, users can see products in the Products list and in
the Vlocity Cart based on the Order Start Date.

This topic pertains to Vlocity Communications, Media, and Energy Fall '18 and later.

Product Selling Period Dates and the Products List

The Products list selection pane in Vlocity Cart now displays current and future products based on the
Order (or Quote or Opportunity) Start Date (Order.EffectiveDate).

Product selling period functionality does not override other standard controls for displaying products in the
Products list. In order to display, products must be marked Orderable, Active, and have a price list entry.
The price list entry Effective From date must be current as well.

• Current products are products with dates that are within the selling period based on the Order Start Date
or Quote/Opportunity CreatedDate. Products that have reached the end of their selling period or are at
their end of life date will not display in the product list and can't be added to the cart.
• Future products with a Selling Start Date that is later than the Order Start Date or Quote/Opportunity
CreatedDate also display in the product list, and they are indicated with a green clock icon. You can
hover over the icon and see the Selling Start Date or the product will be available. If you enter a
Fulfillment Start Date, you can add the future product to the cart and submit the order normally. Future
Dated Ordering functionality must be implemented in order to manage the fulfillment of future products.

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Product Selling Period Dates and the Cart

To support MACD and asset-based ordering (ABO), Vlocity Cart can display current, future, past and retired
products based on the Order (or Quote or Opportunity) Start Date (Order.EffectiveDate).

• Current and future products display in the cart normally, but future products are indicated with a green
clock icon like they are in the Products list. Both can be added to the cart and configured normally.
• Past products are products that have passed their Selling End Date but have not passed their End of
Life date. They are indicated by a yellow clock icon. They cannot be added to the cart or configured for
new orders, but they can be configured or deleted during MACD or asset-based ordering. You can hover
over the icon to see the Selling End Date.

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• Retired products are products that have passed their end of life date, and they are indicated by a red
clock icon. In a new order, they cannot be added to the cart or configured, but during MACD or asset-
based ordering, they can be deleted. You can hover over the icon to see the date the End of Life date.

Product Selling Period Dates and MACD / Asset-based Ordering

Asset Management card layouts display icons for future, past, and retired products. Hover over each icon to
see the exact date. Regardless of their state, you can select all assets for Change to Quote, Change to
Order, and Move operations. When they are in the Cart, the Cart rules noted above apply.

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Upgrade to Product Selling Period Dates

If your deployment is on an earlier release of Vlocity Communications, Media, and Energy, you must
upgrade to Fall '18 before you can set up your shared catalog to use product selling period dates.

To set up your shared catalog:

1. Update existing products in your catalog to use the new fields. The previous effectivity dates will not be
deleted. Use the Populate Product Selling Period batch job to copy the values from the existing
Effective Date field to the new Selling Start Date(time) and the existing End Date field into the Selling
End Date(time). For example, a product could have an Effective Start Date of 7/7/2018. After running
the batch job, this date is converted to the Selling Start Date, and it is a DateTime of 7/7/2018

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The Populate Product Selling Period batch job processes all products, both
commercial and technical, in your shared catalog.

2. Add the new fields to your existing commercial product object type layouts. For more information, see
Adding New Product Selling Period Fields to Object Types in the Shared Catalog.
3. Update existing customizations or integrations. Customers should ensure that any customizations that
evaluate the legacy effectivity date fields are updated to use both the new product selling period fields
and the DateTime data type. The legacy effectivity dates continue to be supported and will
automatically be kept in sync with the new product selling period dates for backward compatibility. New
installations will receive the new product selling period dates automatically and no conversion is

Product Entities Overview

Before creating products in Vlocity Product Console, you must understand the following product entities,
their dependencies, and the order in which you must create them.

Product Object Types

Product object types help you streamline the creation of your product catalog by creating classes of
products that have similar characteristics. A product object type is a reusable entity that describes a
common set of fields and attributes as well as the layouts for all linked products. You can use object types
to group products with similar characteristics, to ensure consistent behavior and application of rules.

Object types are designed with an IS-A inheritance type architecture. For those of you familiar with object-
oriented programming and design, you recognize that object types create relationships between
abstractions where one object type is a subtype of another object type. The first level of abstraction is
called a base object type, and the subsequent levels are called subtypes. Then, when you apply this
relationship to a product, the object type allows the product to inherit all of the characteristics (attributes,
fields, and layouts) of its object type hierarchy.

For example, a company may offer a set of different types of products: electronics, clothing, and furniture.
Products in each category share similar characteristics that are not applicable to products in a different
category; such as screen size and network speed are not applicable to clothing or furniture.

Instead of creating a separate electronic product, you can define the Electronics object type that contains
all characteristics related to electronics. All child object types of Electronics inherit these properties. You
can modify the properties of child object types by adding new properties. A Smartphone object type can be
a child of the Electronics object type. It inherits all properties from Electronics but also has additional
properties specific to Smartphones: IMEI Number or Bluetooth Capability.

After you create an object type, like a smartphone, you can instantiate it to create a hundred smartphone
product specifications to ensure consistent behavior and application of rules, such as fulfillment rules.

Object types are created during an initial setup by a system administrator. For instruction on how to create
an object type, refer to Create an Object Type.

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Inheritance Within the Object Type Hierarchy

A product object type is a reusable entity that has a common set of fields, attributes, and layouts for all the
linked products. Vlocity object types are designed with an inheritance type architecture where a child object
type inherits the layout of the parent product, along with all the associated fields and attributes.

In the object type hierarchy, attribute inheritance is dynamic where new attributes and fields assigned to an
object type are inherited dynamically by the nested object types. The following image illustrates the attribute
inheritance in the object type hierarchy. In this example, the SmartPhone attributes, Brand, Color, Capacity
and so on are inherited by the subtype SmartWatch.

You should not delete the inherited attributes and fields from the nested object types. Instead, you must
unassign or deactivate them in the parent object type.

The object type layouts use a different inheritance model. Layouts help you organize attributes, fields, and
custom elements into facets and sections. When you create a new nested object type, Vlocity Product
Console creates a new layout for the nested object type via a deep copy. The new layout is a copy of the
parent object type layout and contains all the associated fields and attributes. However, any subsequent
changes to the parent object type layout will not be replicated down the hierarchy. That is, the nested object
type layouts remain unchanged. This allows you to modify the object type layout, without having to worry
about the nested object type layouts being altered with the addition or deletion of fields from the parent
object type layout.

Layout Inheritance within the Object Type Hierarchy

Similar to Salesforce page layouts, object type layouts allow you to control the layout and organization of an
object type’s attributes and fields. New objects subtypes and products inherit the layout from the object that
they're associated with.

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Object Type Layouts

Using object type layouts, you can customize layouts for each class of product, so that the attributes and
fields displayed at design-time are different. For example, displayed attributes and fields for a SmartPhone
are different than for a backpack.

An object type layout is made up of facets, sections, and section elements:

• A facet appears on the left navigation menu, and it contains sections and section elements.
• A section is essentially a container for a Visualforce page, and a section can have either a standard field
layout view type or a custom view type. Vlocity provides several common custom view types, and
customers can create their own custom view types by creating custom Visualforce pages.
• Section elements are fields or attributes that are grouped in sections.

Layout Inheritance
Unlike the attribute and field dynamic inheritance model, object type layouts use a “hybrid” inheritance
model. When a new object subtype is created, Vlocity Product Console creates a new layout for the object
subtype via a deep copy. What this means is that any subsequent changes to the object supertype’s layout
are not replicated down the hierarchy after initial creation. This allows you to change the layout, adding or
deleting fields for each object type, without having to worry about your layouts being altered with the
additions of any fields on the object supertype.

Product Object Types Best Practices

Vlocity recommends creating a base object types for each layer of your SID model (Offer Specs, Product
Specs, Service Specs and Resources Specs) during initial setup. These are essentially your product
catalog’s “primordial objects” from which all other products descend.

You assign all of the fields in the product catalog to the base product object type, and then you can create
object subtypes for all the product classes and products in your catalog. They will then inherit the base
product’s layout, fields, and any attributes.

The base object type layouts must be created manually, all the subsequent object subtypes inherit the
layout when they are created.

At this time, to ensure data integrity, it is not recommended to change the object type hierarchy once it has
been defined by changing parent object type for a child. Instead, delete the child object type and recreate it
under the new parent.

Product Specifications
A product (or product specification) is a fundamental entity for which you define parameters (attributes or
fields), such as bundling, pricing rules, fulfillment rules, and compatibility rules.

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Before you can define a product specification, you must have a corresponding object type. A product
specification inherits all the attributes of the object type.

For example, iPhone has all attributes defined for the smart phone object type (such as brand, finish, and

You can create many product specs from the same object type, but each product specification can only be
associated with one object type.

The specification types are:

• Product Specification
An example of a product specification is a Smart phone with parameters, such as phone model, color,
size, etc.
• Service Specification
An example of a service specification is an internet service for which you can define parameters, such as
upload or download speed, broadband type ( ADSL or Fiber), and so on.
• Resource Specification
Resource specification defines resources needed to implement the Customer Facing Services (CFS). For
example, IP port address, or a router.

Vlocity managed package Product2 record types are:

• Product: Use for Vlocity products.

• Product Template: Use for Vlocity product templates to ease creation of similar products.
• Class: Not in use, but part of the Vlocity package.

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Vlocity Picklists
If an attribute includes multiple values, a picklist represents all of the defined values for that attribute. A
picklist is an ordered list of values that customers can choose from when buying a product. You must define
picklists before creating attributes.

For example, iPhone has three attributes, finish, capacity, and display. Each of these attributes has several
possible values, such as:

• Phone finish (Rose Gold, Gold, Silver, Black, etc.)

• Capacity (32GB, 128GB, 256GB)
• Display (4.7-inch, 5.5-inch)

You must define a separate picklist for each of the three attributes. When defining a picklist, you can
optionally nominate a default value for each picklist.

Picklists in Vlocity EPC perform a similar function as Salesforce picklists, but they are custom objects called
Vlocity Picklists (API name: vlocity_cmt__Picklist__c).

Picklists can be created with the following data types:

• Text
• Number
• Boolean
• Date
• Datetime

Picklists are designed to be globally reusable across attributes assigned at the object type level or at the
product level.

Picklist attribute values are stored as text, even if the picklist you select has another Data
Type, such as Number. If you use a Picklist attribute in a Set Value or Set Default Value
rule, verify that the rule expresses the attribute's data type as text for the Value to Set and
in the rule's Expression box.

For instructions on how to create a picklist, see Create a Picklist.

Product Attributes
Products may or may not have attributes, which you can use in Vlocity CPQ to customize a product, to filter
products to find the right one for customers, or to set pricing for a product.

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Products may or may not have Product Attributes. A product that does not have attributes comes only in
one form, and customers do not make any decisions about the features of the product. For example, a
headset or a computer cord that come in one color.

If a customer can choose from a selection of product features, you must define these features as attributes
before creating an object type. Also, if an attribute includes multiple values that a customer can choose
from, you must define picklists before defining the attribute.

Product attributes provide a powerful and flexible way to extend product entities. Product attributes are
stored in an aggregate JSON blob on the Product object and are used extensively throughout Vlocity CPQ
and Vlocity Order Management.

In Vlocity CPQ, you can use product attributes to filter products at runtime, displaying the best fit products
to customers. You can use them to configure product specifications, allowing users to specify product
colors, sizes, and other options. You can also use attributes to change product pricing using attribute-based
pricing rules.

Finally, in Vlocity Order Management, you can use attributes to map commercial products, or the products
that customers see, with technical products that communicate with backend systems to fulfill the products
that are purchased.

Attributes vs. Fields

When defining product properties, you can use attributes or fields. The choice depends on how you plan to
implement property data during order capture.

• Attributes: A list of all attributes and their associated Attribute Codes assigned to the Product2 Object.
If a data element, such as a SKU number, is intended to be common to all products across your product
catalog, then you should create a new field on your product object. Typically, adding new fields requires
Salesforce system admin privileges.
• Fields: A list of all fields and their associated Field API name for the Product2 Object.
If the data element is intended to be specific to a product, or class of products, then you should create an
attribute, such as download speed. At runtime, attributes are visible to customers in Vlocity Cart and can
be used to filter the catalog and provide configuration capabilities. Adding attributes requires access to
the Product Console.

The fundamental differences between fields and attributes are:

Fields Attributes
Where the value is Created in Salesforce Setup on a Salesforce In Vlocity attribute/category interface.
created? object.
Attribute example: Color.
Field example: Orderable.
Where the value is stored Each field value is stored in a separate Each attribute value and its’ metadata (including
(including metadata, such Salesforce field. Related metadata is stored picklists, default value, etc.) is stored in a JSON
as default value, picklist, separately in Salesforce. For example, if you blob (i.e. in a FIELD in JSON). For example, if you
etc.)? create 15 fields, there will be 15 field records create 15 attributes, all 15 attributes and all their
in Salesforce and each record will store its metadata will be stored in one JSON blob which is
value. stored in one Salesforce field.

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Fields Attributes
Who can create? Requires Salesforce System Administrator A Product Manager with sufficient privileges.
Is searchable at runtime? Each field is stored in a separate Salesforce Since all attribute data is stored in one JSON blob,
database field and is easily searchable. expect performance implications when using
When to use at design-time Use for commonly used properties that are Use for properties that are sparely used.
to define Product2 searchable and runtime (order time)
properties configurable.
When to use at runtime to Do not use. Use attributes only. For example, IMEI number,
define asset properties VIN #, etc.

JSONAttribute v2 Schema Upgrade Considerations

The upgraded attribute schema provides multiple performance and storage enhancements. For example,
the new schema extracts values from the vlocity_cmt__JSONAttribute__c field into separate fields:
Metadata components, default runtime values, and metadata changes.

This separation allows metadata to remain on the design-time object (the product) while runtime values and
metadata changes are maintained on the runtime object (the XLIs), which results in smaller XLI payloads.
The data shape of the XLI attribute fields is aligned with the API response, which results in fewer translation
operations and better runtime performance.

For deployments prior to the Fall '18 release, you can run an upgrade process to update product attributes
to the latest schema. However, any custom Apex code, configurations, and DataRaptors that depend on the
vlocity_cmt__JSONAttribute__c field must be updated to use the new fields. The new schema is optional:
the previous JSONAttribute field will continue to be supported and your existing processes can remain the

The migration is one-way only; the action is not reversible. Vlocity does not provide utilities
to migrate back to the old schema model.

Custom implementations using the JSONAttributeSupport class must use the new v2
methods outlined in JSONAttributeSupport.

The Asset Attribute Visualforce component on the Asset page is not supported by the v2
attribute model. If your org needs the Assets Attribute component, it cannot be upgraded to
the v2 attribute model. The Card Assets Visualforce component will support this
functionality for orgs using the v2 attribute model.

The following table provides the newly added fields by object:

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Object Field Description

Product2 AttributeMetadata__c Stores productAttribute JSON without default values.
Product2 AttributeDefaultValues__c Stores the default values for product attributes.
OpportunityLineItem AttributeSelectedValues__c Stores the attribute code and the value selected by the
OpportunityLineItem AttributeMetadataChanges__c Stores the attribute code and any metadata changes from
the default product configuration.
OrderItem AttributeSelectedValues__c Stores the attribute code and the value selected by the
OrderItem AttributeMetadataChanges__c Stores the attribute code and any metadata changes from
the default product configuration.
QuoteLineItem AttributeSelectedValues__c Stores the attribute code and the value selected by the
QuoteLineItem AttributeMetadataChanges__c Stores the attribute code and any metadata changes from
the default product configuration.
Asset AttributeSelectedValues__c Stores the attribute code and the value selected by the
Asset AttributeMetadataChanges__c Stores the attribute code and any metadata changes from
the default product configuration.
CompiledAttributeOverride__c AttributeDefaultValues__c Stores the attribute code and the value selected by the
CompiledAttributeOverride__c AttributeMetadataChanges__c Stores the attribute code and any metadata changes from
the default product configuration.
EntityFilter__c with attribute set AttributesMetadataFieldName__c • The value for OrderItem/OpportunityLineItem/
as the entity filter condition QuoteLineItem is PriceBookEntry.Product2.
• The value for Product2 is
EntityFilter__c with attribute set AttributesValuesFieldName__c • The value for OrderItem/OpportunityLineItem/
as the entity filter condition QuoteLineItem is
• The value for Product2 is

API Considerations
Prior to the Fall '18 release, all of the Cart-Based APIs return the new JSON attribute structure. Any
changes in the API services are transparent and require no modifications or updates. Any external
integration processes that directly access or modify the pre-Fall '18 JSON fields will be impacted.

Starting with the Winter '20 release, the Digital Commerce APIs support the JSONAttribute v2 schema.

Upgrading the Attribute Schema

The schema upgrade steps are listed in Upgrading the Attribute Schema.

Encrypted and Not Assetizable Attributes

Starting in the Fall '18 release, attributes for technical products can now be set as not assetizable (to
identify temporary data) and encrypted (to protect personally identifiable information or similar data).

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Is Not Assetizable
The Is Not Assetizable attribute metadata flag is useful for transitory information that shouldn’t persist or
doesn’t need to persist beyond completion of order management where assetization would usually occur.
This metadata flag is stored in Order Management, not in the Salesforce platform.

An example of transitory information is the initial password that a customer uses to log in to the provider's
website for the first time. During fulfillment, the initial password is generated within an orchestration order
item, then saved on the technical fulfillment request line, which is then passed to the next orchestration item
that emails the password to the customer. The password doesn’t need to persist at the end of order
management. Other information that doesn’t need to persist can be the result of back-end services
connected to order items that don’t become customer assets, such as a service needed to fulfill a
customer’s order. As an example, there might be a check to see whether a required modem is in stock and
on the delivery vehicle. This information is not needed after that check has been made.

Is Encrypted
The Is Encrypted attribute metadata flag is used to protect personally identifiable information (PII) and
other data such as the customer name, phone number, social security number, and so on. These pieces of
information can be captured as attributes and should be sent downstream only for legitimate purposes. You
can use the encrypted flag to indicate the PII or other information must be stored securely.

Setting Is Not Assetizable and Is Encrypted

Is Not Assetizable and Is Encrypted are attribute metadata flags. You set these flags when an attribute is
assigned to an object type in Vlocity Product Designer or Vlocity Product Console. These flags can only be
set when the Run-time Configurable flag is also set. After the attribute is marked as Run-time
Configurable, you can then set Is Not Assetizable or Is Encrypted or both.

If none are selected, attribute values are stored in the technical inventory after decomposition. If both are
selected, the attribute is encrypted during processing and not stored with the inventory items. However, if
you set the Is Encrypted flag to True, and Is Not Assetizable to False, the attribute is stored in the
technical inventory, but the attribute is encrypted. Technical assetization stores the output of decomposition
into the technical tables in Order Management, not in the Salesforce platform.

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Figure 2. Setting Is Not Assetizable and Is Encrypted Attribute Metadata

After assigned to the object type, every product that is created in that object type inherits these metadata
flags, with the other attribute and metadata. Is Not Assetizable, Is Encrypted and Run-time
Configurable are then non-overridable at the product level. This prevents any product manager or EPC
administrator from removing these flags during product creation.

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Figure 3. Non-Overridable Attribute Metadata on Products

If you set these flags on existing attributes, it does not affect attributes that are already stored in existing
technical inventory.

Is Not Assetizable and Is Encrypted metadata flags are intended to trigger functions in downstream order
management systems, such as Vlocity Order Management Plus. There is no encryption to these attributes
when used on commercial products in Vlocity CPQ or in Vlocity Order Management, and the information
remain stored and accessible on the originating order. Consequently, these attribute flags are intended for
use in technical products only.

Using Is Not Assetizable and Is Encrypted

Once these attribute metadata flags have been set on an object type and inherited by a product, you must
create decomposition rules to map the attributes to the downstream fulfillment requests, which are the basis
for the technical inventory. See Partial Assetization of Product Attributes.

Fix Duplicate and Empty Attributes

You can see empty attributes if you create an attribute for the Product2 object type and delete it. This
deletion can create an empty attribute assignment under a child object type of Product2. Duplicate
attributes can occasionally occur. You can run the following scripts to resolve these issues.

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company 129

1. From Setup, click Developer Console.

2. From the Debug menu, click Open Execute Anonymous Window.
3. Enter the appropriate code, and click Execute.

Issue Resolution
Empty List<vlocity_cmt__ObjectFieldAttribute__c> ofaList = [SELECT Id FROM
attributes vlocity_cmt__ObjectFieldAttribute__c WHERE vlocity_cmt__AttributeId__c = null AND
vlocity_cmt__FieldApiName__c = null];
delete ofaList;
Duplicate List<vlocity_cmt__ObjectFieldAttribute__c> ofaList = [SELECT
attributes Id,vlocity_cmt__AttributeId__c FROM vlocity_cmt__ObjectFieldAttribute__c WHERE
vlocity_cmt__ObjectClassId__c = 'a214x0000000BzQAAU' AND vlocity_cmt__SubClassId__c =
Set<Id> attrIdSet = new Set<Id>();
List<vlocity_cmt__ObjectFieldAttribute__c> ofaListToDelete = new
for(vlocity_cmt__ObjectFieldAttribute__c ofa:ofaList)
delete ofaListToDelete;

Product Bundles
A product bundle is a set of products sold together. Products are bundled using a “Has-A” Containment
relationship as either a child or a realization. A product can have one or more product child items (or PCIs),
and you can define cardinality for each. PCIs can be a single product or a product bundle, which allows you
to create product bundles within product bundles.

Types of Product Line Items in a Bundle

There are two key types of product line items in a bundle hierarchy:

• Root product line item is the top-level line item. Root does not have a parent, therefore the ParentItemId
is always empty.
• Product Child Item (PCI) defines the relationship between a parent product and its children.

Product Cardinality
Product cardinality defines the default, minimum and maximum quantities of the product that are allowed in
the product bundle. Most order line items have a minimum and maximum value allowed, which Vlocity Cart
enforces in the Quantity field for each line item. In the Vlocity EPC database, the product data model
defines the cardinality of product child items, which are displayed as order line items in Vlocity Cart.
Cardinality is like a rule that ensures you specify the right quantities in the cart: not too many, and not too

For example, a business account may be allowed to purchase up to two Complete TV products, with the
purchase of the product optional. In this case, the underlying Vlocity EPC data model defines the following
cardinality for the Complete TV product, where the minimum cardinality is 0 and the maximum is 1. With

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company 130

this cardinality defined, if you try to specify a quantity of "3", the cart notifies you that you can only add up to
"2" Complete TV products.

You can override the cardinality of product bundles when they are included within another product bundle.

As a product manager, you can define two types of cardinality:

PCI cardinality Min Quantity: The sum of the quantities of the instances of a PCI cannot be
less than the value defined in Min Quantity.
(quantities of the product that are allowed in the
product bundle) Max Quantity: The sum of the quantities of the instances of a PCI cannot be
greater than the value defined in the Max Quantity.
Default Quantity: The value of the Quantity field when a PCI is added as a
Line Item.
Group cardinality Min Children Quantity: The sum of the quantities of an item's children cannot
be less than the value defined in Min Children Quantity.
(defines the minimum and maximum allowable
quantities across an item’s immediate children) Max Children Quantity: The sum of the quantities of an item's children cannot
be more than the value defined in Max Children Quantity.

Cardinality Overrides
You can override product cardinality in a bundle. Cardinality overrides must be equal or greater than the
minimum and maximum limits set by the original cardinality. For example, if the minimum original quantity is
2, you cannot create a minimum override quantity of 1; the override must be greater than or equal to 2.

Create a Product Bundle

Creating a product bundle as an offer involves creating the structure of the bundle, including the main
product and the product child items that comprise the bundle offer.

1. In the Console’s tab navigation bar, click Dashboard.

2. Under Product Management next to Product, click the + icon.

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3. In the New Product dialog, enter information for the following:

• Object Type
• Product Name
• Specification Type
4. Click Save.
5. Click the General Properties facet and enter the following:
• Product Code
• Product Description
• Status: Active
• Orderable: ✓
• Active: ✓
• Effective Date
6. Click Save. A green Product saved! success message appears.
7. Click the Product Structure facet. This allows you to create the structure of the product bundle.
8. Click the Add icon to add a product child item (PCI) to the product bundle.
9. Enter the following GENERAL PROPERTIES information:
• Child Product: Use the lookup dialog to select the child product.
• Relationship Type
• Sequence: This value determines the order the child products will appear in the bundle. Use a
sequence such as 10, 20, 30 to ensure additions can be easily inserted.
10. In the Cardinality section, enter the following information:
• Min Quantity: Determines the minimum quantity required for a valid order.
• Default Quantity: Determines the default number of child products to include in the bundle when it is
added to the cart.
• Max Quantity: Determines the maximum quantity required for a valid order.
11. The Virtual Item flag, when checked, makes the product item not assetizable. This is customarily used
as a grouping mechanism, and to set cardinality for the parent product nodes.
12. The Collapse Hierarchy flag, when checked, enables a Search Item dialog in the cart’s line items
pane allowing you to search items within the bundle and then add additional products to the bundle.
This is intended for use with very large product bundles. For example, at run time, when you type in the
name of the mobile handset that you are looking for in the search item dialog box, if the Collapse
Hierarchyflag is set to True, the product bundle displays all the mobile handset items in a drop-down
list as suggestions for you. This is useful as the Mobile handset product bundle may be large and can
have several items.
13. Click Save.
14. Click the Add icon next to the parent product.
15. Using the steps above, add child products to the bundle.

Override the Cardinality of the Child Product Bundle

You can override product cardinality in a bundle. Cardinality overrides must be equal to or greater than the
minimum and maximum limits set by the original cardinality.

For example, if the minimum original quantity is 2, you cannot create a minimum override quantity of 1; the
override must be greater than or equal to 2.

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1. In the product structure window, expand the product bundle by clicking the toggle arrow. Click in the
white space of the line for a product child item. Do NOT click the product name link because that will
navigate you to the product record.
The product child item window appears on the right. Notice the existing CARDINALITY settings that
were set when the product child item was added to the main product bundle.
2. Click Override Mode.
3. Click Create Override.
Cardinality overrides must be equal or greater than the minimum and maximum limits set by the
original cardinality. For example, if the minimum original quantity is 2, you cannot create a minimum
override quantity of 1; the override must be greater than or equal to 2.
4. In the override value fields, change the values for Min Quantity and Max Quantity.
5. Click Save.

Excluding a Product Child Item from the Product Bundle

You can exclude a product child item from the main product bundle.

1. Click in the white space of the line for the product child item. Do NOT click the product name link
because that will navigate you to the product record.
2. Click Override Mode.
3. Click Exclude Item.

When you refresh the page and expand the product bundle, there are cardinality override notations beside
the product child item you excluded.

Override Product Attributes

With Vlocity EPC, you create attributes one time and assign them to an object type, which products inherit.
Within a bundle, you can override attributes for a product.

This procedure is for the Vlocity Product Console. For the Vlocity Product Designer
procedure, see Override Product Attributes in Product Designer.

For example, Google and Apple smartwatches could both have the object type SmartWatch, each with a
different set of attributes. Having this structure in place helps the CSR support customers by giving them
the correct product details and place consistent orders.

Although you can’t delete any inherited attributes or fields, you can override them at the product level, such
as overriding the color picklist inherited from the SmartWatch object type to include colors that are specific
to the Series 3 Apple Watch. You can also add additional attributes directly at the product level.

If you see empty or duplicate attributes, see Fix Duplicate and Empty Attributes.

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If you don’t see an attribute to override and the attribute is available on the product, run these jobs:

• Running the EPCProductAttribJSONBatchJob

• Running the EPCFixCompiledAttributeOverrideBatchJob

To override the attributes of a product in a bundle:

1. In the product structure window, expand the product bundle by clicking the toggle arrow. Click in the
white space of the line for a product child item. Do NOT click the product name link because that
navigates you to the product record.
The product child item window appears on the right.
2. Click the Product Attributes tab. Notice the existing product attribute settings that were set when the
product child item was added to the main product bundle.
3. For any of the product attributes, click Create Override. The override options appear.

4. Click Details. The appropriate field or dialog appears. This detail can be, for example, an Attribute
Metadata dialog, a drop list, or a number-picker.
5. Select the values for the product attributes.
6. Click Save.

If you decide not to override the attribute, click Delete.

Create a Price List Entry for a Product Bundle

You can add a price list entry to your new product bundle so that it rolls up prices for the child products
when it’s displayed in Vlocity Cart.

1. Click the Pricing facet.

2. Click New.
3. In the PRICE LIST ENTRY General Properties dialog, enter information for:
• Price List
• Display Text
• Base Price

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4. In the PRICE LIST ENTRY Pricing Variable dialog, enter information for:
• Charge Type
• Sub-Type
• Type
5. In the PRICE LIST ENTRY Pricing Variable dialog, click Search.
6. From the search results, select an option.
7. In the PRICE LIST ENTRY Pricing Element dialog, click an option.
8. In the PRICE LIST ENTRY Effectivity dialog, select a date and set it to Active.
9. Click Save.

Add an Attachment or an Image to a Product

Vlocity Product Console provides the ability to upload various types of attachments, including images and
documents. On the Attachments tab, you indicate the product image to show across different channels.

1. From the Vlocity Product Console, select the product to which to add the image.
2. Click the Attachments facet.
3. Click New Attachment. The General Properties panel appears.

4. In the Attachment General Properties window, enter the following information:

• Name: This value is only visible at design-time in the Attachments facet of the Console.
• Description: This value is only visible at design-time in the Attachments facet of the Console.
• Content Type: Click the down arrow and select an option, for example, Image.

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• Url: Select the URL to the image, video, or file. Vlocity does not have the capability to upload files, so
it only supports product images through an absolute or relative URL.
• Default Image: If the default flag is checked, the image appears as the default image in the Product
Details window in Vlocity Cart.
• Sequence: The sequence value is used to order multiple images in the Gallery in the Product Details
window in Vlocity Cart.
5. In the General Properties window, click Save.

In the attachment list, you can use the icons to preview, edit, or delete attachments.

Refresh the Product Hierarchy Cache

After you create a product bundle, you must update the product hierarchy cache, or the new product bundle
does not display properly in Vlocity Cart.

1. Build the product hierarchy data store by running the Product Hierarchy Maintenance job:
a. From the App Launcher in Lightning or the + icon in Salesforce Classic, click Vlocity CMT
b. Under Admin Console, click Maintenance Jobs.
c. On the Maintenance Jobs page, find the PRODUCT HIERARCHY MAINTENANCE job and click
For Fall '20 and later, see Product Hierarchy Maintenance about the Delete Old Data option.
d. Click OK to accept the notification that the job may affect your org settings and items.
Messages indicate that the job completed successfully. Salesforce also emails a successful job
completion report to the email address registered.

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2. Populate the platform cache and the attribute cache:

a. On the Maintenance Jobs page, find the REFRESH PRICEBOOK job and click Start.
b. Click OK to accept the notification that the job may affect your org settings and items.
Messages should display indicating that the job completed successfully.

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Types of Products in a Bundle

When adding products to a bundle, you can mark them as optional, required, or virtual.

• An optional item is an item that is not required by the product definition and is defined by having Min
Quantity = 0 in the PCI record.
An optional item may have Default Quantity = 1 and therefore show up by default when added to cart.
This does not make it mandatory. It is still an optional item and can be deleted from the cart.
• A required item is an item which has the Min Quantity > 0. A special case of required items is when Min =
Max (= Def). In this case, not only is the item required but users cannot change the quantity at run time.
• A virtual item is used as a grouping mechanism for like products using the minimum and maximum
children quantity to define the allowable items in the group. Virtual items only appear as products during
the product design phase. In the cart, virtual items appear as grouping categories, no line items are
created for virtual products. Virtual products are not assetized. When migrating assets, you must take
virtual products in consideration when you populate the product hierarchy path field for the assets (for
example, CHILD_OFFER).

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Create Products in Vlocity Product Console

With Vlocity EPC, you can create an offering to sell to customers, such as an iPhone 11. Before creating an
offering, you must create other entities, such as object types, attributes, and product specifications. You can
then create bundled offerings and set pricing.

Before You Begin

1. Create a Price Book
2. Create New Product Attribute Categories

Complete the following tasks in the specified order.

1. Create a Picklist
2. Create Attributes
3. Create an Object Type
4. Assign Attributes and Fields to an Object Type
5. Define Page Layout for an Object Type
6. Create a Product Specification

Create a Price Book

Every price list must be associated with a price book in Salesforce. You can associate multiple price lists to
the same price book. If you don't have a price book to use, you must create one.

1. Click the Price Books tab. If the tab is not displayed, click the All Tabs plus icon and click the Price
Books link.
2. Click the New button.
3. Enter a unique name for the price book.
4. For example, Standard Price Book.
5. Select the Active checkbox.
6. Click Save.

What's Next
Create New Product Attribute Categories

See Also

• Creating Products in Vlocity Product Console

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Create New Product Attribute Categories

Attribute categories group attributes. They also appear as headings at run time in Vlocity Cart’s Filter and
Configuration windows. Attribute categories are required to create product attributes.

The type of attribute is defined at the Attribute Category level. You must create Attributes Categories before
adding new attributes to the category.

For more information about housing listings or filters, see Configure Housing Listing Filters.

To create a product attribute category:

1. On the Vlocity Attribute Designer tab, click New.

2. In the Name field, enter the attribute category name (for example, Color).
3. In the Display Sequence field, enter a number to indicate the sequence in which the category is to be
displayed on the record detail page or Housing Listing.
4. In the Code field, enter a unique code for the category.

The code is not visible in the user interface.

5. Select the UI Control Type for the attributes in the new category.
Each attribute category has a specific user interface control type for its attributes:
• Select On-Off to add or remove attributes from categories.
• Select 3-State to set attributes to positive, neutral, or negative.
• Select 1-5 Scale to set attributes to a number from 1 to 5.
• Select Text Comment to add text to attributes.
• Select Multi-Select for housing filters.
6. From the Applicable Types list, select Product2.
When creating housing filters, select Any.
7. From the Applicable Subtype picklist, select one of the following:
• Product Attribute: For Product records.
• Profile Attribute: For Profile records. Profile attributes are used with Vlocity Intelligence.
• Inventory Item: For attributes to set up housing filters.
8. Select Filterable to be able to use the attribute category to filter products or housing.
9. Update the Color Code is used to determine the color of the category tag. Enter the color code using a
hex value.
10. Click Save.

Create a Picklist
A picklist is an ordered list of values that customers can choose from when buying a product. If an attribute
includes predefined values, a picklist represents all available values for that attribute. You can reuse
picklists across attributes assigned at the object type level or the product level.

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If using attributes with picklists, this is the first step in the Create Products in Vlocity Product Console
process. Otherwise, you can skip to the Create Attributes step. All steps must be performed in the specified

1. In the Vlocity Product Console, in the Foundation panel, click the plus icon next to Picklist.
2. Enter the following values for a new picklist:

Field Name Required? Description

Picklist Name Yes Names are used to identify picklists in search results.
Code Yes A unique code for the picklist.

Typical naming convention for picklist code is PKL_<alphanumeric-value>.

For example, PKL_100900.

The unique code is not enforced, but recommended.

Description No Purpose of the picklist.
Data Type Yes Data type for the picklist items. Available values include:

• Text
• Number
• Date/Time
• Date
• Boolean
Active Yes Activates the picklist.
3. Click Save.
4. Click the Picklist Items tab.
5. Click New Item.
6. Enter values for the following fields:

Field Name Required? Description

Text Value Yes Value for the picklist item. This value must be unique within a picklist.

For example, for a Color picklist, you cannot have one item labeled Silver with a value of
Silver and another item labeled Default with a value of Silver. The Default item must
either have a different, unique value or be removed.

The data type of this field is set by the picklist data type. Text value is important if picklist item’s
data type is other than text. For example, if the data type is numeric, and the value is 1, the text
value is one (or 1 as text).
Label Yes Label for the item as it appears in the picklist.
Code Yes Unique code for the picklist item (unique within this picklist - not enforced but recommended)
Sequence Yes Order in which the item appears in the picklist.
Abbreviation No Abbreviated version of the label.
Active Yes Activates the picklist item.
Effectivity Yes Date on which the item goes into effect
7. Click Save.
8. Follow Steps 5-7 to create additional picklist values.

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What's Next
Create Attributes

See Also
• Create Products in Vlocity Product Console

Create Attributes
A product attribute is a characteristic that defines a particular product and affects a consumer's purchase
decision. Attributes can include product characteristics.

To be compatible with the Summer ’17 release and later, you must create product attributes only through
Vlocity Product Console and never through the Salesforce Product tab.

1. In the Vlocity Product Console, in the Foundation panel, click the plus icon next to Attributes.
2. Complete the following fields:

Certain fields appear after you click Save.

Name Required? Description

Name Yes Names are used to identify attributes in search.
Code Yes A unique code for the attribute. Typical naming convention for code is
ATT_<alphanumeric-value>. For example, ATT_10040.
Description No Descriptions help users identify the purpose of the attribute.
Active Yes Activates the attribute.
Attribute Category Yes Attributes are organized into predefined categories.
Value Type Yes Available values include:

• Currency
• Percent
• Text
• Number
• Checkbox
• Date
• Datetime
• Picklist
• Multi Picklist
• Lookup
3. If you selected the Picklist Value Type, select a previously created picklist.

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Picklist attribute values are stored as text, even if the picklist you select has another
Data Type, such as Number. If you use a Picklist attribute in a Set Value or Set
Default Value rule, verify that the rule expresses the attribute's data type as text for the
Value to Set and in the rule's Expression box.

4. Click Save.
5. Click the Applicable Objects link.
6. Select checkbox next to Product2 Object.
7. Click Save.

What's Next
Create an Object Type.

See Also
• Creating Products in Vlocity Product Console

Create an Object Type

A base object type that you create serves as a template that stores configuration of attributes, fields, and
layouts. When you create object subtypes, they inherit configuration of the base object's layout, fields, and
any attributes.

This configuration can be modified for each object type. However, you must modify it before you create
object subtypes, so that they inherit the new modified configuration.

1. In the Vlocity Product Console, in the Metadata section, click the search icon next to Object.
2. In the Search Object page, click search.
3. Click the pen icon next to the Product2 Object.
4. In the left menu, click Object Types.
5. Click New Object Type.
6. In the General Properties area, enter the name of the base object, for example, Base Object Type.
7. When creating a base object type, leave the Parent Object Type field empty. For an object subtype,
from the Parent Object Type field, select the base object type that you have previously created.
8. In the Effectivity area, select the Active checkbox and optionally define the effective from and
effective until values.
9. Click Save.

Do not create child product types until you define attributes, fields and layouts for the Base
Product type, so that the children inherit the basic settings, which you can later modify.

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What's Next
Assign Attributes and Fields for an Object Type

See Also
• Create Products in Vlocity Product Console

Assign Attributes and Fields for an Object Type

You can create attributes to define the characteristics of products. Each attribute is associated with an
attribute category. The association of an attribute to an Object type or product is called Attribute
Assignment. You assign attributes to a product Object type and these attributes are later inherited by the
child object types when you add them.

You can only assign attributes and fields that you have previously created. For guidelines on when to use
fields vs. attributes, refer to Attributes vs. Fields.

1. In the Product Console, under Metadata, click the search icon next to Object. Click the Base Object
2. Select the object. For example, Product2 object.
3. Click the Object types facet.
4. Select the object type to which you want to assign attributes and fields. For example, SmartPhone
Product spec.
5. Click the Assign Attributes/Fields tab. The attributes and fields that can be assigned to the Object
type appear on the right side.
6. Select the attributes and fields by selecting the corresponding checkboxes.
7. Click Assign. Vlocity assigns the selected attributes and fields to the Base object type.
8. When you add an attribute to an existing object type that is associated with products, run the
EPCProductAttribJSONBatchJob job.
See Running the EPCProductAttribJSONBatchJob.
9. If an associated product has at least one attribute with an override, run the
See Running the EPCFixCompiledAttributeOverrideBatchJob.

What's Next
Define the Layout for an Object Type

See Also
• Create Products in Vlocity Product Console
• Overview of Attributes

Encrypted and Not Assetizable Attributes

Starting in the Fall '18 release, attributes for technical products can now be set as not assetizable (to
identify temporary data) and encrypted (to protect personally identifiable information or similar data).

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Is Not Assetizable
The Is Not Assetizable attribute metadata flag is useful for transitory information that shouldn’t persist or
doesn’t need to persist beyond completion of order management where assetization would usually occur.
This metadata flag is stored in Order Management, not in the Salesforce platform.

An example of transitory information is the initial password that a customer uses to log in to the provider's
website for the first time. During fulfillment, the initial password is generated within an orchestration order
item, then saved on the technical fulfillment request line, which is then passed to the next orchestration item
that emails the password to the customer. The password doesn’t need to persist at the end of order
management. Other information that doesn’t need to persist can be the result of back-end services
connected to order items that don’t become customer assets, such as a service needed to fulfill a
customer’s order. As an example, there might be a check to see whether a required modem is in stock and
on the delivery vehicle. This information is not needed after that check has been made.

Is Encrypted
The Is Encrypted attribute metadata flag is used to protect personally identifiable information (PII) and
other data such as the customer name, phone number, social security number, and so on. These pieces of
information can be captured as attributes and should be sent downstream only for legitimate purposes. You
can use the encrypted flag to indicate the PII or other information must be stored securely.

Setting Is Not Assetizable and Is Encrypted

Is Not Assetizable and Is Encrypted are attribute metadata flags. You set these flags when an attribute is
assigned to an object type in Vlocity Product Designer or Vlocity Product Console. These flags can only be
set when the Run-time Configurable flag is also set. After the attribute is marked as Run-time
Configurable, you can then set Is Not Assetizable or Is Encrypted or both.

If none are selected, attribute values are stored in the technical inventory after decomposition. If both are
selected, the attribute is encrypted during processing and not stored with the inventory items. However, if
you set the Is Encrypted flag to True, and Is Not Assetizable to False, the attribute is stored in the
technical inventory, but the attribute is encrypted. Technical assetization stores the output of decomposition
into the technical tables in Order Management, not in the Salesforce platform.

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Figure 4. Setting Is Not Assetizable and Is Encrypted Attribute Metadata

After assigned to the object type, every product that is created in that object type inherits these metadata
flags, with the other attribute and metadata. Is Not Assetizable, Is Encrypted and Run-time
Configurable are then non-overridable at the product level. This prevents any product manager or EPC
administrator from removing these flags during product creation.

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Figure 5. Non-Overridable Attribute Metadata on Products

If you set these flags on existing attributes, it does not affect attributes that are already stored in existing
technical inventory.

Is Not Assetizable and Is Encrypted metadata flags are intended to trigger functions in downstream order
management systems, such as Vlocity Order Management Plus. There is no encryption to these attributes
when used on commercial products in Vlocity CPQ or in Vlocity Order Management, and the information
remain stored and accessible on the originating order. Consequently, these attribute flags are intended for
use in technical products only.

Using Is Not Assetizable and Is Encrypted

Once these attribute metadata flags have been set on an object type and inherited by a product, you must
create decomposition rules to map the attributes to the downstream fulfillment requests, which are the basis
for the technical inventory. See Partial Assetization of Product Attributes.

Change the Product Attribute Display Sequence

In the product catalog, you can override or update the display sequence for the attribute and the attribute
category in the context of the product.

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An attribute category contains a set of attributes with a default display sequence. When the attributes are
associated with a product, the attribute display sequences are inherited. You can choose to either accept or
override the default display sequence of the attributes within the attribute category.

For a standalone product, the ability to change the attribute display sequence is on the attribute
assignment. The display sequence of an attribute represents the order of an attribute within an attribute

iPhone 8 and Samsung Galaxy Example

• Product: iPhone8:
• Attr.Category: Mobile_Handset (Seq:11): This sequence represents the sequence of attribute category
for the iPhone8.
• Attr: 1. Color (Red, White, Black): 1 represents the sequence of attributes within the Mobile_Handset
• Attr: 2. Storage (32 G, 64 G).
• Attr.Category: Mobile_Handset_Manufacturer (Seq:12): This sequence also represents the sequence
of attribute category for the iPhone8.
• Attr: 1. Manufacturer: 1 represents the sequence of attributes within the Mobile_Handset category.
• Attr: 2. Model.

When adding the above product to the CPQ cart, the attribute and attribute category appear in the cart
according to the sequence defined above.

Now, for a Samsung Galaxy Phone, you can use the same attributes as you did for the iPhone8 but in a
different sequence, as follows:

• Product: Samsung Galaxy:

• Attr.Category: Mobile_Handset (Seq: -11- 12): This sequence represents the sequence of attribute
category for the iPhone8.
• Attr: 1>2. Color (Red, White, Black): 2 represents the sequence of attributes within the
Mobile_Handset category.
• Attr: -2 -1. Storage (32 G, 64 G).
• Attr.Category: Mobile_Handset_Manufacturer (Seq:12>11): This sequence also represents the
sequence of attribute category for the iPhone8.
• Attr: 1>2. Manufacturer: 1 represents the sequence of attributes within the Mobile_Handset category.
• Attr: 2>1. Model.

When adding the Samsung Galaxy product to the CPQ cart, the attribute and attribute category appear in
the overridden display sequence.

To change the product attribute display sequence as it will appear in Vlocity Cart:

1. In the Vlocity Product Console, click the search icon beside Product and search for any given product.

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The Search Results page appears.

2. Click a product from the list of search results. The page for that product appears.
3. Click the General Properties facet on the left.
4. In the Object Types field, search for an object type and click Select.

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5. Enter any other required information, such as the Product Code.

6. Click the Attributes and Fields facet.
7. Click any attribute.

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8. Change the number in the Display Sequence field.

9. Click Save.
The attributeDisplaySequence is passed as part of the response to the product and to the
ObjectType calls. The attributeDisplaySequence is also sent as a parameter when other
attribute properties are modified through the product. The JSON on the product is updated and the new
display sequence appears at runtime in the CPQ cart.

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If the attributes belong to different attribute categories, then sorting occurs according to the
attribute category that already exists. Then, inside the attribute category, attributes are
sorted according to your change.

Define the Layout for an Object Type

An object type is a reusable entity that defines properties, such as fields and attributes, and layouts for all
product instances. Objects types are like Salesforce record-types, but with enhanced capabilities. You can
use object types to group products with similar characteristics and ensure consistent behavior and
application of rules.

Object types support hierarchy inheritance, which allows you to create such objects as a mobile device with
attributes such as brand, capacity, and color that are common among many mobile devices. From the
object type, you can create a child object type, such as an iPhone, and assign iPhone-specific attributes,
such as color. Any product linked to the iPhone object type will automatically inherit the iPhone attributes
from the mobile device parent object type as well as any iPhone-specific attributes of the iPhone child
object type.

Vlocity’s object types are designed as an "Is A" inheritance architecture, meaning you can create
relationships between abstractions, where on object type is a subtype of another object type. The first level
of abstraction is known as an object type, and the subsequent levels are known as subtypes. When you
apply this relationship to a product, you create a relationship consisting of a product instance.

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When defining object types and their inheritance:

• Vlocity recommends that you create a base, or prime, product during the initial setup. This is your product
catalog's base object from which all the other objects descend. The base object should include the fields
that are related to the base object and that apply to all products created from the base object.
You should also include fields that are configured at design time rather than runtime. For example, the
displayUrl field is useful to add because you can define it at design time in the Product Catalog Console.

Attributes are stored in a product's JSON blob and can affect the performance of runtime
searches. Fields are not stored in a JSON blob. See Attributes vs. Fields.

• You can then create child object types for all the product classes and products in your catalog. They
inherit the layout of the base product with all the associated fields and attributes.
• You create the layout for the Base Product manually. Layouts help you organize attributes, fields, and
custom elements into facets and sections. Facets are pages with corresponding links that appear in the
left navigation menu. Layout elements, such as fields or custom URI-based elements, are grouped into
• An object subtype inherits the layout via deep copy, but any subsequent changes to the object super
type’s layout is not replicated down the hierarchy after initial creation. You can add or delete fields for
each object type without altering the layout with the addition of any fields on the parent object type.
• Inherited attributes and fields cannot be deleted, and instead must be unassigned from the object
supertype. Attributes are specific to products and classes of products and cannot be removed.
• New attributes and fields assigned to an object type are inherited dynamically by its subtypes.

You must add attributes or fields to the layout. Otherwise, they are not displayed when you
create new products from the object type.

When creating object types in the Product Console, you:

1. Create the base product object-type.

2. Assign attributes and field.
3. Define a layout, which consists of creating a new facet and adding sections.

You can then create object subtypes instantiated on the base product object-type.

To define a layout:

1. In the left-hand-side menu, click Layout Management.

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2. To add a facet:
a. Click Add Facet.
b. From the Facet picklist, select a desired facet.
c. In the Sequence field enter a numeric value for the order in which the facet appears on the page.

In the Vlocity Product Designer, only the General Properties facet is displayed and
editable. See Manage Existing Object Types in Product Designer.

3. To add a section:
a. In a facet, click Add Section.
b. From the Section picklist, select a name for the section.
c. In the Sequence field enter a numeric value for the order in which the section appears in the facet.
d. From the View Type picklist, select Filed Layout or Custom View. Field layout allows you to add
desired fields and attributes. Custom view is a predefined view that you can use. For custom view,
you must specify a value for the View URI field. For more information on which URI values to use
for custom view, refer to Custom View URIs.
e. Click Save.
4. To add a field:
a. In a section, click Add Section Element.
b. From the Field picklist, select the field name.
c. In the Display Label field, enter the label for the field as you want it to appear in the UI.
d. In the Sequence field, enter a numeric value for the order in which the field appears in the section.
e. Click Save.

Custom View URIs

When defining a layout for an object type, you can use predefined custom URIs to create custom views.

Facet Section Type URI Name

Generic Layout Management LayoutManagement
Generic Attachments Attachments
Attributes Applicable Objects ApplicableObjects
Picklists Picklist Items PicklistItems
Object Class Attribute-Field Bindings AttributeFieldBindings
Object Class Attributes and Fields ObjectClassAttrsFields
Product Class Attributes and Fields VlocObjAttrsFields
Product Product Details ProductDetails
Product Product Structure ProductStructure
Product Pricing ProductPricing
Context Rules ContextRules ContextRules

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Create a Product Specification

You create product specifications from the object types. All fields, attributes, and layouts defined at the
object type level are inherited by product specifications. For product specifications, you set values for the
attributes and fields defined for the object type.

An object type has one-to-many relationship with a product specification. In other words, you can create
many product specifications from the same object type.

For example, for the Smartphone object type, you can create iPhone 6S Plus Product Spec and Samsung
Galaxy S8 Product Spec.

After you define product specifications, you can associate them with prices, promotions, and context rules
to create offers or commercial products that customers can purchase.

1. In the Vlocity Product Console, in the Product Management section, click the plus icon next to
2. In the New Product page, complete the required fields:

Field Name Required? Description

Object Type Yes Select the object type you have previously created.

For example, Smartphone type.

Product Name Yes Enter a name for the product. Product names appears to customers in the product

Example of a name: iPhone 6S Plus.

Product Code Yes A unique code for the product.

For example, VLO-MOB-0003.

Product Description Yes Description is displayed to customers in the product catalog.
Active Yes Activates the product so it can be associated with an offer.

Deactivating a product after it's Active and available to sales channels can have multiple
impacts, such as product hierarchies, rules, and existing orders. For example, a
deactivated product is removed from Vlocity Cart, but the Vlocity Cart price isn’t
Specification Type Yes Select the desired specification type.
3. Click Save.
4. Use the menu links on the left to complete additional fields that you have defined in Layout
Management for the object type.

See Also
• Creating Products in Vlocity Product Console

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Product Definition with the Salesforce Interface

A new product must have a description and usually includes attributes. You can exclude and update fields
and attributes. A new product may also be a part of a product family. You define the product relationships
and product and group cardinality. Decide if the product or offer is a line item. For example, you may want
to offer individual television channels, but you don’t want each to be available as a separate line item. You
can create order line items that are not necessarily individual assets.

To set up a new product in Vlocity Communications, Media, and Energy, start with your company's model of
what a product is. You're likely to load several products into Vlocity Communications, Media, and Energy at
once. In some cases it may be possible to import or integrate your existing product catalog. You probably
have a core set of picklist values and attributes that are reusable and are used over a variety of products
and offers. After you have loaded the existing products into Vlocity, you must create new products and
offers as your inventory expands.

Starting with Vlocity Communications, Media, and Energy Summer '17 release, all new
customers must define products using the Vlocity Product Console. For more information
on how to define products in the Vlocity Product Console, refer to Defining Products Using
Vocity Product Console.

For existing customers, to take advantage of the new functionality, Vlocity recommends
upgrading to the latest release of Vlocity Communications, Media, and Energy which
leverages the Vlocity Product Console. For information about the latest product release,
see Vlocity Communications, Media, and Energy Release Summary.

When creating products, you start by creating attribute categories. Use product attributes to differentiate
products instead of creating a separate product for each configuration. You can also price products based
on attributes. For more information about attributes, see Product Attributes Overview.

There is one instance of every product. You configure products by selecting attributes. Attributes drive
provisioning and pricing. Users and administrators can select attributes, or external systems can populate

Rules determine what’s available. There are hard and soft rules. With a hard rule, if a product is not
available, it is not displayed. With a soft rule, if a product is not available, it is displayed, but cannot be
selected. Rules run when the cart changes. Nonsaleable products, such as services and resources, can be
included to help with provisioning, but are not selectable. For more information about rules, see Set Up
Rules and Entity Filters.

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Vlocity supports product bundles. You can create a bundle that includes multiple phone choices, then
create a rule to specify that there must be a minimum of one and a maximum of one. Child group cardinality
specifies the minimum and maximum child products in a bundle. Bundles can also override cardinality,
price, and attributes. The following is a sample bundle:

Sample Bundle

• Product (offer) = Internet 50 Mbps, SLA Best Effort, Router, 4 IP

• Product (specification) = Copper VDSL, SLA B, Cisco modern model, IP address
• Internet speed can be upgraded to 100 Mbps and 500 Mbps

Every product must be in the default price book.

Add an Image to a Product

You can upload files for an offering or specification, including images and documents. Previews of images
and videos are shown in the Details tab for a product.

1. On the Products tab, click the product to which to add the image.
2. On the Product record detail page, scroll down to the Notes & Attachments related list, and click
Attach File.

3. Click Choose File.

4. Find the file to upload.
5. Click Open.
6. Click Attach File.
7. To add more images, repeat steps 2 through 6.
8. When you are finished uploading images, click Done.

Associate a Product with a Price Book

Products must be associated with a price book.

To associate a product with a price book:

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1. On the Price Books tab, from the View list, select All.
2. Click Go!.
3. Click the price book with which to associate the product.
4. In the Products related list, click Add.

5. Find and select the product to add to the price book.

6. Click Select.

7. Select Use Standard Price or enter a List Price.

8. Click Save.

Configure Attributes and Fields for an Object Type

Attributes and fields you assign to the Base Object object type are later inherited by the child object types
that you create. You can only assign attributes and fields that you have previously created.

For guidelines on when to use fields vs. attributes, refer to When to Use Attributes vs. Fields.

To assign attributes and fields:

1. Click the Base Object type.

2. In the left-hand-side menu, click Attributes and Fields.
3. Click Assign Attributes/Fields.
4. Select a checkbox for each attribute and field that is applicable to the base object.

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5. Click Assign.

What's Next
Define Page Layout for an Object Type

See Also
Creating Products in Vlocity Product Console

Add Product Child Items to a Product

Product child items (PCIs) are products associated with a bundle of products or services. A product can
have one or more PCIs. Add PCIs by editing the Product record detail page. Every product contains a root
PCI that defines the minimum and maximum number of child items for the root, or parent, product.

For more information about the root PCI, see Configure the Root Product Child Item.

Figure 6. PCIs in the Security Essentials Bundle

Figure 7. Product and Its Child Items in the Order Manager and Cart

To add a PCI to a product:

1. Go to the Product record detail page.

2. In the Product Child Items related list, click New Product Child Item.

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3. On the Product Child Item Edit page, enter the following information:
• Product Child Item Name is a name for the PCI.
• Parent Product is a lookup to the parent product.
• Child Product is a lookup to the child product's Product record.
• Sequence is the placement of the PCI in the sequence of product child items.

The Sequence box is meant to contain a number that indicates how the child
appears within the parent product. However, the Sequence box allows non-numeric
values. Make sure to enter only numeric values when using this feature.

• Default Quantity is the default number of this PCI this product has.
• Min Quantity is the minimum number of this product that the parent product can include. The
minimum quantity must be less than or equal to the default quantity and the maximum quantity.
• Max Quantity is the maximum number of this product that the parent product can include. The
maximum quantity must be greater than or equal to the default quantity and the minimum quantity.
• Min Children Quantity is the minimum number of child items all of the PCIs can include. That is, the
sum of the quantities of an item's children cannot be less than the value defined in Min Children
• Max Children Quantity is the maximum number of child items all of the PCIs can include. That is,
the sum of the quantities of an items children cannot be more than the value defined in Max Child
4. Click Save or click Save & New to add more PCIs.

Cardinality of Child Products in a Bundle

A bundle is a set of products sold together, and it is created by adding Product Child Items under a product,
on the Product page.

Product Child Items are component products associated with a package of products or services. A product
can have one or more Product Child Items, which are added by accessing the product record.

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Product Child Items must be added in their correct order hierarchy. All line items have a Line Number which
controls the hierarchy of products, but this is not displayed in the Order Manager. The Child Line Number
for the Product Child Item must follow the format 000x.000.

To add Product Child Items to a Product:

1. From the Product record, click New Product Child Item.

2. In the Product Child Item Name field, enter a name that indicates the order of the item—for example,
P1, 1, or 1.0.
3. In the Child Product field, enter a child product or click the lookup icon to select the child product.
4. In the Child Line Number field, enter the correct number of the item in the hierarchy; for example, 0001.
5. If the quantity is different to 1, enter a new quantity.
6. Click Save or Save & New to add more products.
7. Repeat steps 1 through 6, adding products in the correct hierarchical order

Minimum and Maximum

For each child item, there is a Min and a Max, which is set by the Admin who sets up the bundle. For
instance, the Admin adds bundle A, which brings along Child1, Child2, and Child3 (say, Triple-Play as the
parent and you get internet, catv, and phone). Let's say that the default is that you get one of each. But you
might want 2 or 3 set-top boxes for your CATV. The Min and Max parameters would say that you must have
at least the Min number and you cannot have more than the Max number. The code will roll back any
quantity change outside of the Min and Max.

Figure 8. Example of Product Child Items in the Mexico Bundle Product

This will appear on an order, quote, opportunity as the following:

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Code to Enforce Cardinality of ProductChildItems

DefaultHandleActionImplementation.updateProduct() when update is to Quantity
if LineNumber__c length() < 5 this is top level item skip constraint logic
query to get Product2.Id and Name from PricebookEntry which allows query
for ProductChildItem Min / Max
if Min < >null - need to enforce contraint
if Qty >= Min && Qty <= Max update Qty
else create message which posts to exception
else - update Qty
else - update Qty

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Add Multiple Price Types for a Product

Vlocity Communications supports multiple price types for Products in a Price Book, including Recurring
Price and Overage Charge. After a Product has been added to a Price Book, you can add these and other
price types for that Product.

For more information about price books, see Products Concepts in the Salesforce Help.

To modify price types for a product:

1. From a Product page, click Edit next to a Price Book.

2. Enter any additional pricing information for the product and click Save.

To modify the Recurring Unit of Measure (UOM) and Overage UOM picklist values, from
Setup, click Customize and then click, Price Books, and then click Price Book Entries,
and then click Fields. Select Recurring UOM or Overage UOM to add, modify, or delete

Update Products Designed in Aloha to Use the Product Console

The IsConfigurable__c flag was used differently in the Aloha interface than it is used in Product Console. To
update the flag to manage products in the Vlocity Product Console, you must run the
UpdateAttributeConfigurableBatchJob. The input includes a date/time. All attribute assignments created
before that date are updated.

The UpdateAttributeConfigurableBatchJob changes the flag according to the following logic:

If IsReadOnly__c is False and IsConfigurable__c is False, then set IsConfigurable__c to True (Otherwise
don't change IsConfigurable__c)

The UpdateAttributeConfigurableBatchJob updates the IsConfigurable__c flag for products with attributes
created in Aloha.

To run the UpdateAttributeConfigurableBatchJob:

1. From the User menu, choose Developer Console.

The Developer Console window opens.
2. From the Debug menu, choose Open Execute Anonymous Window.
The Enter Apex Code dialog box opens.
3. Delete any code that appears in the Enter Apex Code dialog box.
4. Paste the following statement into the Enter Apex Code dialog box, replacing the date and time with
the appropriate date and time for your data and replacing vlocity_cmt with your org namespace:

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Datetime createdBeforeDate = Datetime.newInstanceGmt(2016, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);

//example, change to reflect your date
vlocity_cmt.UpdateAttributeConfigurableBatchJob epcBatch = new
5. Click Execute .
6. Close Developer Console.

Product Attributes
Product attributes define product characteristics and can be categorized. You can use attributes to filter
products. Pricing is based on product attributes.

In Vlocity Communications, Media, and Energy Summer '17, use the EPC Product
Console to create attributes. For more information, see Create Products in Vlocity Product

Vlocity has extended the Product object to support product attributes. Attributes are organized using
attribute categories. Product attributes define product specifications. For example, a phone might come in
four different colors, three different sizes, and so on. You define attribute categories, such as color and size,
to accommodate these options. Using product attributes, you can filter products to display only those
available to a specific customer. You can also base pricing on product attributes. For more information, see
Use Cases for Calculation Procedures.

Products can be categorized and filtered by custom attributes. The product administrator can add these
attributes to the products in a price book. All product records support attributes. Product attributes can be
filterable and configurable.

• If a product attribute is filterable, you can use it as a filter in the Opportunity Manager, Order Manager, or
Quote Manager.
• If a product attribute is configurable, the user can configure the attribute after adding the product to the

Pricing can depend on rules based on attributes. The attributes drive the pricing. You can offer a product
with pricing based on its attributes. For example, you can offer broadband Internet service at different
prices for 50 Mbps, 100 Mbps, and so on. You can also define rules that specify one price for a product by
itself, but a different price when the Product is part of a bundle.

When searching for products in the CPQ user interface, you can filter the product list based on the product
attributes that have been applied. When you add a product to your cart, you can click the product in the cart
to configure the item attributes.

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Attributes are flexible. There are no limits to the number of attributes a product can have. Each attribute
corresponds to one field. Using attributes avoids some performance, search, and security issues. Pre- and
post-processing steps can use attributes.

Figure 9. Order Manager with Attributes Displayed

You can use attributes to configure products before or after they have been added to the cart.

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Figure 10. Product with Configurable Attributes

Create New Product Attribute Categories

Attribute categories group attributes. They also appear as headings at run time in Vlocity Cart’s Filter and
Configuration windows. Attribute categories are required to create product attributes.

The type of attribute is defined at the Attribute Category level. You must create Attributes Categories before
adding new attributes to the category.

For more information about housing listings or filters, see Configure Housing Listing Filters.

To create a product attribute category:

1. On the Vlocity Attribute Designer tab, click New.

2. In the Name field, enter the attribute category name (for example, Color).
3. In the Display Sequence field, enter a number to indicate the sequence in which the category is to be
displayed on the record detail page or Housing Listing.
4. In the Code field, enter a unique code for the category.

The code is not visible in the user interface.

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5. Select the UI Control Type for the attributes in the new category.
Each attribute category has a specific user interface control type for its attributes:
• Select On-Off to add or remove attributes from categories.
• Select 3-State to set attributes to positive, neutral, or negative.
• Select 1-5 Scale to set attributes to a number from 1 to 5.
• Select Text Comment to add text to attributes.
• Select Multi-Select for housing filters.
6. From the Applicable Types list, select Product2.
When creating housing filters, select Any.
7. From the Applicable Subtype picklist, select one of the following:
• Product Attribute: For Product records.
• Profile Attribute: For Profile records. Profile attributes are used with Vlocity Intelligence.
• Inventory Item: For attributes to set up housing filters.
8. Select Filterable to be able to use the attribute category to filter products or housing.
9. Update the Color Code is used to determine the color of the category tag. Enter the color code using a
hex value.
10. Click Save.

Create a New Product Attribute

Product attributes further define products. For example, an iPhone might have attributes for model, color,
storage capacity, and so on. You add attributes to attribute categories that you have previously defined.

Before You Begin

Create an attribute category. See Create a New Product Attribute Category.

To create a new product attribute:

1. On the Vlocity Attribute Categories tab, display all attributes.

2. Click the category to which you want to add the attribute.
3. To create the new attribute, go to the platform-appropriate page or dialog box, as follows:

If you're using Do this

Salesforce Lightning Experience 1. Click Related.
2. Click Attributes.
3. Click New.
Salesforce Classic (Aloha) In the Attributes related list, click New Vlocity Attribute.

4. Enter the following information:

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• Name is the attribute name.

• Code is a unique code for the attribute. DataRaptors use the code instead of the name.
• Primary Attribute Category is the category to which the attribute belongs.
• Active indicates if the attribute is currently used.
• Filterable indicates if customers can use the attribute to filter search results.
• Configurable indicates if the attribute can be configured.
• Display Sequence is the sequence in which the attribute should appear within the attribute
5. Click Save.

Set Up Product Attributes

After creating attribute categories and attributes, you can apply those attributes to products. End users can
find and filter products based on attribute values.

When setting up product attributes, you can select the Customizable checkbox. Doing so reveals more
options. You can select the user interface element for the attribute.

The following table lists valid formats for product attributes. Based on the attribute settings, such as
required, minimum, maximum, minimum length, and maximum length, some input elements will display
standard error messages. For example, if an attribute is required, the input element may read "Please enter
a value for this field."

Attribute Format User Interface Elements Restrict Length or Value

Currency Slider or single-value text box Value, Min and Max
Percent Slider or single-value text box Value, Min and Max
Text Text box or text area Length, Min Length and Max Length

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Attribute Format User Interface Elements Restrict Length or Value

Number Slider or single-value text box Value, Min and Max
Checkbox Selected or cleared (not selected) n/a
Date Calendar n/a
Datetime Calendar, time n/a
Picklist Radio button or drop down n/a
Multipicklist Checkbox or drop down n/a

You can use a format mask to constrain attribute values. Do not use a format mask to restrict the length or
value of attributes. For more information about the attribute format mask, see Constrain Product Attributes
Using the Format Mask.

You can also set up an attribute to use a custom action. For more information, see Adding a Custom Action
to a Card.

If you change the attribute setup on a product, and that product is in use in order line items elsewhere in the
system, the attributes on those line items do not change.

Attributes are stored in the JSONAttribute object. Vlocity Omnichannel APIs can use the code in this object.
You can edit the JSON directly, but, if you do, do not edit the attribute using the Vlocity user interface.

To apply attributes to a product:

1. On the Product record detail page, in the Product Attributes section, from the Add Category picklist,
select the attribute category.

If the attribute category has more than one attribute associated with it, the Add Attribute picklist is

If you have created product attribute templates, you can apply them to other products.
From the Select a template picklist, select the product attribute template. For more
information about creating product attribute templates, see Create a Product Attribute

2. From the Add Attributes picklist, select the attribute.

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3. Select Customizable to reveal more attribute properties.

4. From the first Attributes Setup picklist, select the information format for the attribute.
5. From the second Attributes Setup picklist, select how the attribute initially appears in the user
6. In the Value box, enter the default value for the attribute.
7. For attributes that are numbers or text, enter the minimum and maximum values for this attribute.
• For attributes that require text, the Min Length and Max Length boxes control how many characters
can be entered.
• For attributes that are numbers—currency, percent, and number—the Min and Max boxes control
the numeric value.
8. In the Description box, enter a description for the attribute. This text is displayed when a user hovers
over the attribute.
9. Select Required to require this attribute for product configuration. Required attributes appear in the
cart with asterisks (*) next to them.
10. Select Read Only if the user cannot change the value of this attribute.
11. Select Hidden to hide this attribute in the user interface.
12. To optimize performance when a rule pertains to an attribute, select Has Rule.
For example, you could have a rule that specifies when a processor has a certain speed, offer a
specific amount of RAM. For more information about rules, see Set Up Rules and Entity Filters.
13. To apply a format mask, see Constrain Product Attributes Using the Format Mask.
14. To apply a custom cards-based template, in the Custom Template box, enter the template name.
15. To use a custom action, click More Properties and perform the following steps
a. Select Use custom action.
b. Enter a label for the button.
c. Enter the Apex code for the custom action.
16. To add more attributes, select them from the Add Attribute to Logistics picklist.
17. Click Save Product Attributes.
18. To configure attribute rules, see Configure Attribute Rules.

Configuring the Attribute Values Sort Order in Picklists

To control the order in which attribute values are displayed in a picklist in Vlocity carts, set the
AttributeValueDisplaySortMode custom setting to the name of the field to be used for sorting. For
example, if your attributes are composed of three fields, DisplaySequence, Id, and Value, and you
want attribute values listed alphabetically, set AttributeValueDisplaySortMode to "Value".

If you prefer to configure the sort order by specifying a numeric index, set
AttributeValueDisplaySortMode to "DisplaySequence" and the the sort mode will use the
Sequence property of the picklist items to sort the picklist item values.

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company 170

Constrain Product Attributes Using a Format Mask

You can constrain attribute values using a format mask. For example, if a field contains a telephone
number, you can define an attribute mask that constrains the value to an appropriate set of data, such as
(999) 999-9999. By applying a format mask, you ensure that a user can type only in a predetermined
pattern. The format mask is a part of setting up product attributes on a product.

Do not use a format mask to restrict the length or numeric value of an attribute. Use the
Min and Max or Min Length and Max Length boxes instead. See Create a New Product

An attribute format mask can use the following characters:

• The letter A represents any letter.

• The number 9 represents any number.
• An asterisk (*) represents any letter or number.
• A question mark (?) means that part of the mask is optional.

You can also use any character or a space as a default placeholder character. If you omit a placeholder
character, the underscore (_) is used.

Configure Attribute Rules

You can display attributes and attribute values that correspond to specific product configurations. Product
compatibility rules support attribute configuration. Configuration evaluations are server-side and actions are
client-side. Changing an attribute triggers attribute configurations.

You must explicitly define all required behavior. After an action is applied, only another configuration can
change it. For example, you can define a product configuration where changing the color attribute affects
the memory attribute choices.

Each configuration requires two sections—the IF section and the THEN section, also known as the
condition section and the action section.

• Use the IF section to create the conditions that trigger the configuration.
• Use the THEN section to define the actions.

The configuration in the following image defines that, If the Color attribute is Red, then the Memory Size
attribute must exclude 16GB. If the Color attribute is Blue, then the Memory Size attribute must include

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company 171

The configuration setup is similar to setting up rules, which include, from left to right:

• index number
• attribute
• operator
• value

In the example above, 0 is the index number, Color is the attribute, the equal sign (=) is the operator, and
Red is the value.

To configure attribute rules:

1. On the Product record detail page, in the Product Attributes section, click Configuration Setup.
2. Click New Configuration Rule.
3. In the Configuration Name box, enter a name for the rule.
4. Click New Condition.
5. Select the attribute.
6. Select the operator.
7. Enter the value.
8. Repeat steps 4 through 7 to enter more conditions.
9. If the action should occur when any one of several conditions is met, in the Formula Expression box,
enter the appropriate expression.
A formula expression indicates if the rule action occurs when all conditions are met or when one
condition is met. By default, rules use and. Using a formula expression, you can specify that a rule
uses or, for example, {index x} OR {index y}.
10. From the New Attribute picklist, select the attribute.

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company 172

11. Select the appropriate action.

The following actions are available:
• Constrain includes or excludes specific picklist choices. It is only applicable for attributes in picklists.
• Assign assigns values to any type of attribute.
• Disable disables any attribute.
• Require indicates that an attribute is required.
• Hide hides any attribute in the user interface. The attribute definition is in the JSON but is hidden
from the user.
12. To add more actions, click New Action and repeat step 11.
13. When you are finished, click Save Configuration Rules.

Create a Product Attribute Template

If you have a set of attributes that you can apply to multiple products, create a product attribute template to
speed the assignment of attributes to a product. You can create templates using attribute settings that you
have already defined on a product.

To create a product attribute template:

1. On any product, set up product attributes. See Create a New Product Attribute.

2. In the Enter Template Name box, enter a name for the product attribute template.
3. Click Save Template.

Product attribute templates appear in the products list. To apply a product attribute template to a product,
when you are setting up attributes for that product, from the Select a template picklist, select the product
attribute template to use.

Edit a Product Attribute Template

Product attribute templates are displayed in the products list. You can edit them in the same way that you
edit product attributes on a Product record detail page.

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company 173

To edit a product attribute template:

1. On the Products tab, click the product attribute template name.

2. Edit as desired. For more information, see Create a New Product Attribute.

Fixing JSON Attributes

In Vlocity, each Product object contains a JSONAttributes field. In some cases, the JSONAttributes fields
can be out of sync with the attributes that are assigned to the products. When this happens, there are batch
jobs that you can run to sync up the Product JSONAttributes fields with the product attributes.

The batch job you run depends on how and where you defined your products.

© 2021 Vlocity LLC, a Salesforce

company 174

• For products that are managed in the Vlocity Product Designer or Vlocity Product Console, run the
EPCProductAttribJSONBatchJob. Run this job when you add an attribute to an existing object type that is
associated with products.
• For products that are managed in the Aloha interface using the attributes set up, run the

There is one additional batch job that fixes a different issue that may occur with the JSONAttribute field.
When products have attribute overrides, run the EPCFixCompiledAttributeOverrideBatchJob to regenerate
the JSONAttribute fields for those overrides. Run this job when you add an attribute to an existing object
type that is associated with products and an associated product has at least one attribute with an override.

Fixing Filterable Attributes In Vlocity Cart

To use filter products in Vlocity Cart, you must create filterable product attributes, assign them to products,
and run the ProductAttribJSONBatchJob Update All to populate the filterable attributes cache. If your org
has products with attributes that were created in another org—perhaps you have a sandbox copy or you
have loaded products and their attributes using DataRaptor—when you run the
ProductAttribJSONBatchJob Update All job by clicking the Refresh Pricebook button, you will find that the
Filter button in Vlocity Cart is blank or products are missing attributes because the batch job failed with the

First error: Insert failed. First exception on row 0: first error

cross-reference id: id.

You receive this error because each product’s attributes are stored in a JSONAttribute field. The
JSONAttribute field contains attribute record IDs, to enable faster direct access for CPQ processes.
However, when creating new orgs, the Salesforce copy process is unable to detect those record IDs
embedded in the JSONAttribute field. The record IDs remain coded as the original attribute record IDs from
the original org. Left untouched, these record IDs will create errors in the ProductAttributesBatchProcessor.

If you created and manage products in the Salesforce Aloha interface, there are two steps. First, you must
define the ProductAttribJSONBatchJob Update All custom setting. Then, you must run the
FixProductAttribJSONBatchJob. For more information, see Defining the ProductAttribJSONBatchJob
Update All Custom Setting and Running the FixProductAttribJSONBatchJob.

If you created and manage products in the Vlocity Product Console, you must run the
EPCProductAttribJSONBatchJob. For more information, see Running the EPCProductAttribJSONBatchJob.

After running the appropriate batch job, refresh the price book and check the Apex Jobs log. The errors
should be resolved. For more information about refreshing the price book, see Refresh the Price Book.

After the ProductAttribJSONBatchJob has been run once, the ProductAttribJSONBatchJob custom setting
displays the timestamp of the last time the batch job was run.

Running the FixProductAttribJSONBatchJob

For products that are managed in the Aloha interface using the attributes set up, run the
FixProductAttribJSONBatchJob to regenerate the Product object JSONAttribute fields. Run the

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company 175

FixProductAttribJSONBatchJob to sync the Product object JSONAttribute fields with the attributes that are
assigned to the products.

By default, the FixProductAttribJSONBatchJob creates the JSONAttribute field only for the products for
which the JSONAttribute field is null. To update all products, you must define the
ProductAttribJSONBatchJob Update All setting.

before you run the FixProductAttribJSONBatchJob, you must define the
ProductAttribJSONBatchJob Update All custom setting. For more information, see Defining
the ProductAttribJSONBatchJob Update All Custom Setting.

To run the FixProductAttribJSONBatchJob:

1. From the User menu, choose Developer Console.

The Developer Console window opens.
2. From the Debug menu, choose Open Execute Anonymous Window.
The Enter Apex Code dialog box opens.
3. Delete any code that appears in the Enter Apex Code dialog box.
4. Paste the following statement into the Enter Apex Code dialog box, replacing vlocity_cmt with your

vlocity_cmt.FixProductAttribJSONBatchJob batch = new

Id batchJobId = Database.executeBatch(new
5. Click Execute.
6. Close Developer Console.

Defining the ProductAttribJSONBatchJob Update All Custom Setting

This topic is applicable to Vlocity Communications, Media, and Technology V15. For
Vlocity Communications, Media, and Energy Summer '17 and later, see Running the

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By default, the ProductAttribJSONBatchJob Update All job queries for products with attributes with blank
JSONAttribute fields and creates a JSON blob for each of those records. However, when the
INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY error occurs, you must replace all
JSONAttribute fields. You must define the ProductAttribJSONBatchJob Update All custom setting to change
its behavior.

To define the ProductAttribJSONBatchJob Update All Custom Setting:

1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Custom Settings.

2. Click Custom Settings.
3. Next to CPQ Configuration Setup, click Manage.
4. Click New.
5. Enter the following:
• The Name is ProductAttribJSONBatchJob Update All.
• The Value is True.

The name is case-sensitive. Check your typing.

6. Click Save.
7. Click Back to List.
8. Go to Running the FixProductAttribJSONBatchJob.

Running the EPCProductAttribJSONBatchJob

The EPCProductAttribJSONBatchJob regenerates the Product object JSONAttribute fields for products
that were created and are managed in Product Console. Run the EPCProductAttribJSONBatchJob to
sync the Product object JSONAttribute fields with the attributes that are assigned to the products.

Run this job when you add an attribute to an existing object type that is associated with products.

When running the EPCProductAttribJSONBatchJob, you enter a script to get a list of Product2 IDs, or

To run the EPCProductAttribJSONBatchJob:

1. From the User menu, choose Developer Console.

2. From the Debug menu, choose Open Execute Anonymous Window.
3. Delete any code that appears in the Enter Apex Code dialog box.
4. Paste the following statement into the Enter Apex Code dialog box, replacing vlocity_cmt with your

List<Id> productIds = new List<Id>();

for (Product2 prod : [ Select Id from Product2 where
vlocity_cmt__ObjectTypeId__c != null ])

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vlocity_cmt.EPCProductAttribJSONBatchJob(productIds), 1);
5. Click Execute.
6. Close Developer Console.

When you import data that contains product attributes, such as when creating a sandbox environment, you
must correct the product attribute record IDs. If your org contains migrated product attribute overrides from
promotions, you must also run EPCFixCompiledAttributeOverrideBatchJob to correct the attribute record

Running the EPCFixCompiledAttributeOverrideBatchJob

When products have attribute overrides, run the EPCFixCompiledAttributeOverrideBatchJob to regenerate
the JSONAttribute fields for those overrides. The EPCFixCompiledAttributeOverrideBatchJob regenerates
the JSONAttribute field on CompiledAttributeOverride records for attribute overrides.

Run this job when you add an attribute to an existing object type that is associated with products and an
associated product has at least one attribute with an override.

To run the EPCFixCompiledAttributeOverrideBatchJob:

1. From the User menu, choose Developer Console.

2. From the Debug menu, choose Open Execute Anonymous Window.
3. Delete any code that appears in the Enter Apex Code dialog box.
4. Paste the following statement into the Enter Apex Code dialog box, replacing vlocity_cmt with your
org namespace:

vlocity_cmt.EPCFixCompiledAttributeOverrideBatchJob (), 1);
5. Click Execute.
6. Close Developer Console.

Guided Selling
Vlocity Digital Interaction Platform includes guided selling. Another name for guided selling is "sales
configuration." Guided selling involves a dynamic questionnaire that recommends opportunities for
upselling and cross-selling. Using guided selling prevents selling invalid product and service combinations.

Vlocity Actions launch OmniScript guided processes. Any information stored on the record from which the
process is launched can be passed to the OmniScript. OmniScript automates processes, such as guided
selling, troubleshooting scripts, and structured data collection. Guided industry interactions are prebuilt,
omnichannel process flows that help customer service to efficiently address common customer inquiries.
They enable customer and partner self-service, reduce average call handling time (AHT), and deliver better
customer experience.

Guided sales and ordering are prebuilt process flows that guide customers, partners, and customer service
representatives through the recommendation, selection, and ordering process. The guided billing service

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includes prebuilt process flows guide customers, partners, and customer service representatives through
timely resolution of billing service inquiries, including pay bill, dispute bill, request adjustment, resume
suspended service, and more.

Guided service troubleshooting includes prebuilt process flows to guide customers, partners, and customer
service representatives through timely resolution of service issues, including troubleshooting service,
resetting equipment, requesting service appointments, and more.

Creating Guided Selling OmniScript Using CPQ APIs

Guided selling can be used to lead the customer to the most appropriate products. These APIs enable you
to create an order, query and display products, add and update products in a cart, and submit an order, all
within an OmniScript.

After products have been configured for use within the OmniScript, you can create a customer-facing or
internal guided selling script. This OmniScript must be launched from an order or account record (the
Context ID must be from an account or order). If the OmniScript is launched from an account, the script will
create an order. If it is launched from a draft order, it will add items to the order.

When upgrading from releases prior to CME Spring '17, see CPQ APIs To Replace

Refreshing the Price Book Prior to Winter '18

In Vlocity Communications, Media, and Energy Winter '19 and later, use the Refresh
Platform Cache job on the Vlocity CMT Administration page to refresh price books. In
Winter '18 and Fall '18, use the Refresh Pricebook job on the Vlocity CMT Administration
page. For more information, see Administration Jobs Reference for Vlocity
Communications, Media, and Energy.

You must refresh all price books that opportunities or orders use. While refreshing, Vlocity
Communications, Media, and Energy processes the complete hierarchy, including the details of all product
child items, and caches that information in the org level cache. Refreshing a price book also updates stored
filterable attributes. If you do not refresh the price books after an upgrade, Vlocity Communications, Media,
and Energy caches the hierarchy at run time when a product is accessed for the first time.

© 2021 Vlocity LLC, a Salesforce

company 179

You must refresh the price book in Salesforce Classic, not Lightning Experience.

Refreshing the price book stores filterable attributes and caches product bundles when the cache is
enabled. You must refresh the price book in the following situations:

• When you add or modify an attribute or attribute value for any product in the price book
• When you add any new product to the price book, whether the product includes attributes or not
• When you add, modify, or delete the product child items for any bundle in a price book

This is applicable only if you are using the platform cache. For more information, see
Configure CPQ Platform Cache.

Refreshing the price book runs the following batch jobs:

• The ProductAttributesBatchProcessor batch job copies the product attributes from the JSONAttribute
field to the sObject Cached Filterable Attribute, enabling queries such as the filter in the Product List in
Vlocity Cart.
• The ProductHierarchyBatchProcessor batch job copies the product hierarchies created in the
ResolveProductHierarchyBatchJob to the CPQ partition platform org cache, leveraging the Salesforce
platform cache for optimized product hierarchy operations and enables support for product hierarchies.

Do not refresh the price book while orders are being created. Invalid orders and runtime errors may result.

To refresh the price book:

1. Go to the Price Book tab.

2. Click the price book to refresh.
3. Click Refresh Pricebook.

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company 180

If the Refresh Pricebook button is not visible, you must expose it. For more
information, see Expose the Refresh Pricebook Button

4. Repeat for each price book in your org.

Configuring OmniScript for Guided Selling

To create the OmniScript you plan to use with guided selling:

1. +Add New Key/Value Pair under the Element Type To HTMLTemplate Mapping section in the
OmniScript. The Horizontal Mode Persistent Component's HTML template is vlcHCartHyb.html. See
Overwrite OmniScript Element Template for more information.
2. Add an OmniScript Remote Action to call the createCart API of CpqAppHandler class from OmniScript.
The createCart method takes the following arguments:
• objectType (String)
• inputFields (JSON Array)
• AccountId (String)
• effectivedate (String)
• status (String)
• vlocity_cmt_PriceListId__c (String)
To create an order:
a. Add a remote action component, either in-between steps or in a step (in which case it will display
as a button).
b. In the Remote Class field enter vlocity_cmt.CpqAppHandler.
c. In the Remote Method field enter createCart.
d. In the Extra Payload section click on the + Add New Key/Value Pair button and enter objectType
in the left hand field and Order in the right hand column.

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The Extra Payload section holds the arguments, modeled in JSON, that will be
sent to the CpqAppHandler method being called.

e. In order to add a JSON array we need to edit the component’s JSON directly, to do this click the
Edit as JSON link in the top right hand corner of the screen.
f. In the extraPayload node, copy and paste the following JSON just under the objectType key/value

"inputFields": [

"effectivedate": "2018-09-20"
"status": "draft"
"AccountId": "0010O00001qJU3a"
"vlocity_cmt__PriceListId__c": "a3O0O000000bOXu"

The AccountId and vlocity_cmt_PriceListId__c IDs must be copied from
Salesforce records in your org. These can be extracted with DataRaptor or Apex
before the step containing the cart runs.

g. (Optional) Test the remote action by previewing the OmniScript and checking the Data JSON for
additional data.
For more information on the createCart method, see Create Cart.
3. To get the ID from the JSON array we can use a Set Values action to turn the Id into a String.
a. Drag a Set Values action after the step containing the createCart method call.
b. In the Element Name column add OrderId.
c. Under the Value column add =STRING(%records:Id%)
4. Use OmniScript Remote Action to call getCarts API of the CpqAppHandler class from OmniScript. This
action populates the top of the cart. For details, seeGet Cart Summary. Required inputs to this API are
cartId. This parameter should be input in the Extra Payload section.
• Under the Send /Response Transformation section, add vlcCart_Top as the Response JSON
Node. Leave the Response JSONPath blank. This will set Response JSON Node as parent node.

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5. Add an OmniScript Remote Action to call getCartsItems API of CpqAppHandler class from OmniScript.
For details, see Get Cart Items. This action populates the bottom of the cart. The cartId parameter
must be input in the Extra Payload section. Pagesize is also supported. If you want a different
pagesize, use an OmniScript Set Values element to set separate values for cart pagesize and
selectable items pagesize. For more information on Set Values, see Setting Values in OmniScript.
a. Change HTML Template Id to vlcSelectableItemHyb.html in Selectable Items.
b. vlcCart is the persistent component ID mentioned in script configuration. It should match. Under
the Send /Response Transformation section, leave the Response JSONPath blank. This will set
Response JSONNode as parent node.
c. Under the Extra Payload section, input the OrderId in the value of the cartId parameter (the
record ID that was returned in step 3).
6. Use OmniScript Remote Action to call the Get List of Products API of CpqAppHandler class from
OmniScript. This action populates selectable items for product selection. Required inputs to this API
are cartId and pagesize. These parameters must be input in the Extra Payload section.
• Enter vlcSelectableItemHyb.html for the HTML Template ID.
• Under the Send/Response Transformation section, leave the Response JSONPath blank for
your product. This will set Response JSONNode as parent node.
• Under the Extra Payload section, input the following parameters:
• cartId: Enter OrderId in the value. This is the record Id that was returned in step 3.
• pagesize: determines the number of records retrieved in getCartsProducts API call. For example,
pagesize = 10. A Load More button displays if there are more products than the page size.
7. Set Values in an OmniScript by adding a query parameter for querying products on name and
8. In order to query by attribute, use an OmniScript Remote Action. For each query before the
getCartsProducts call, add the parameters in the Extra Payload section. (For details, see Get List of
Products.) For example, an entry to the Extra Payload section looks like attributes and
• To filter by attribute, use the following format:

• For example, CPQProductAttributeRed is attribute code and iOS, Samsung, Microsoft, Motorola, and
LG are the attribute values.
9. To query by Name and Description, use an OmniScript Remote Action. For each query, before the
getCartsProducts call, add the parameters in the Extra Payload section. For example, an entry to the
Extra Payload section looks like query and iPhone. This entry searches all products with "iPhone" in
Name and Description.
10. To submit the order, use an OmniScript Remote Action to invoke CpqAppHandler.checkout. (For
details, see Checkout Items in Cart.) Add the following parameters in the Extra Payload section:
a. cartId: Same value as Order ID
b. ContextId: Same value as Order ID

Running the Product Hierarchy Maintenance Job

The Product Hierarchy Maintenance job populates the product child item IDs related to each product in the
data store object. The CPQ process uses this information to represent bundle hierarchies.

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company 183

This job needs to be run after creating or modifying products. For more information about the Product
Hierarchy Maintenance job and other Vlocity CMT maintenance jobs, see Administration Jobs Reference
for Vlocity Communications, Media, and Energy.

To run the Product Hierarchy Maintenance job:

1. Go to the Vlocity CMT Administration tab.

2. Click Maintenance Jobs.

3. Next to the Product Hierarchy Maintenance job, click Start.

Refreshing the Price Book Prior to Winter '18

In Vlocity Communications, Media, and Energy Winter '19 and later, use the Refresh
Platform Cache job on the Vlocity CMT Administration page to refresh price books. In
Winter '18 and Fall '18, use the Refresh Pricebook job on the Vlocity CMT Administration
page. For more information, see Administration Jobs Reference for Vlocity
Communications, Media, and Energy.

You must refresh all price books that opportunities or orders use. While refreshing, Vlocity
Communications, Media, and Energy processes the complete hierarchy, including the details of all product
child items, and caches that information in the org level cache. Refreshing a price book also updates stored
filterable attributes. If you do not refresh the price books after an upgrade, Vlocity Communications, Media,
and Energy caches the hierarchy at run time when a product is accessed for the first time.

You must refresh the price book in Salesforce Classic, not Lightning Experience.

© 2021 Vlocity LLC, a Salesforce

company 184

Refreshing the price book stores filterable attributes and caches product bundles when the cache is
enabled. You must refresh the price book in the following situations:

• When you add or modify an attribute or attribute value for any product in the price book
• When you add any new product to the price book, whether the product includes attributes or not
• When you add, modify, or delete the product child items for any bundle in a price book

This is applicable only if you are using the platform cache. For more information, see
Configure CPQ Platform Cache.

Refreshing the price book runs the following batch jobs:

• The ProductAttributesBatchProcessor batch job copies the product attributes from the JSONAttribute
field to the sObject Cached Filterable Attribute, enabling queries such as the filter in the Product List in
Vlocity Cart.
• The ProductHierarchyBatchProcessor batch job copies the product hierarchies created in the
ResolveProductHierarchyBatchJob to the CPQ partition platform org cache, leveraging the Salesforce
platform cache for optimized product hierarchy operations and enables support for product hierarchies.

Do not refresh the price book while orders are being created. Invalid orders and runtime errors may result.

To refresh the price book:

1. Go to the Price Book tab.

2. Click the price book to refresh.
3. Click Refresh Pricebook.

If the Refresh Pricebook button is not visible, you must expose it. For more
information, see Expose the Refresh Pricebook Button

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company 185

4. Repeat for each price book in your org.

Exposing the Refresh Pricebook Button

When you assign attributes to a product, you have to refresh the price book. PricebookEntryEditor is a
Visualforce page that includes the Refresh Pricebook button. It is not enabled in the release package in
Lightning Experience. You must use Salesforce Classic.

To expose the Refresh Pricebook button:

1. Go to a Price Book record detail page.

2. In the upper right corner of the page, click Edit Layout.
3. In the object palette, select Visualforce Pages.
4. Drag PricebookEntryEditor to the layout.
5. Click the Properties icon.
The Visualforce Page Properties dialog box opens.
6. Enter the following information:
• Width (in pixels or %) is 100%.
• Height (in pixels) is at least 500.
• Select Show scrollbars.
7. Click OK.
8. In the object palette, click Save.

Creating Catalogs and Catalog Relationships

In Vlocity, you can create a hierarchy or catalogs to configure complex relationships and dependencies
between products and promotions. The Root catalog (created in Catalog__c) is the top most node in the
catalog hierarchy. Catalogs added as child nodes (created in CatalogRelationship__c) of the Root catalog
are the catalogs that appear as the first level of the catalog category panel.

Once you have created catalogs, you must add all sellable products and promotions to a catalog.

To create catalogs, perform the following steps in the specified order:

1. Create the Root Catalog

2. Create Product Catalogs
3. Create Catalog Relationships
4. Add Products to a Catalog

Creating the Root Catalog

This is the first step in the Creating Catalogs and Catalog Relationships process. During the initial setup, all
steps must be performed in the specified order.

To create the Root catalog:

1. Click the Catalogs tab.

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company 186

2. Click New.
3. Complete the following fields:

Field Name Description/Value

Catalog Name Root
Is Catalog Root Check the checkbox to mark the catalog as root.
Is Active Select the checkbox to activate the catalog.
Start Date Time Select the start date when the catalog becomes effective.
4. Click Save or Save and New, if creating other product catalogs.

Creating Product Catalogs

This is the second step in the Creating Catalogs and Catalog Relationships process. During the initial
setup, all steps must be performed in the specified order.

To create a product catalog:

1. Click the Catalogs tab.

2. Click New.
3. Complete the following fields:

Field Name Description/Value

Catalog Name Enter a descriptive name, for example, Voice, Data or Service.
Is Catalog Root Do not select the checkbox.
Is Active Select the checkbox to activate the catalog.
Start Date Time Select the start date when the catalog becomes effective.
4. Add a unique catalog code with no spaces. This is required to use a catalog for digital commerce.
5. Specify a price list. This is required to use a catalog for digital commerce.
6. Click Save or Save and New, if creating other product catalogs.

Creating Catalog Relationships

This is the third step in the Creating Catalogs and Catalog Relationships process. During the initial setup,
all steps must be performed in the specified order.

To create a catalog three hierarchy:

1. Click the Catalogs tab.

2. Open the Root catalog that you have previously created.
3. In the Catalog Relationships section, click the New Catalog Relationship button.
4. Complete the following fields:

Field Name Description or Value

Catalog Relationship Name Use the name of the product catalog you plan to add as a child.
Product Catalog Root
Child Catalog Select the desired product catalog that you have previously created.

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company 187

5. Click Save.

Adding Products to a Catalog

This is the fourth step in the Creating Catalogs and Catalog Relationships process. During the initial setup,
all steps must be performed in the specified order.

To add a product to a catalog:

1. Click the Catalogs tab.

2. Click the name of the desired product catalog.
3. In the Catalog Product Relationships section, click the New Catalog Product Relationship button.
4. Complete the following fields:

Field Name Description or Value

Catalog Product Relationship Name Use the name of the product you plan to add to the catalog.
Product Select the product you wish to add to the catalog.
Effective Date Select start date of the time period when the product is available.
End Date Select the end date of the time period when the product is available.
Is Active Select the checkbox.
5. Click Save.

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company 188

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