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Internship Report on

Operation and Production Management: A study on KDS Garments

Industries Ltd.

Submitted To:
Dr. Mohammad Morshedur Rahman
Associate Professor
Department of Accounting
University of Chittagong

Submitted By:
Fahmida Akter
ID: 16301052
Program: BBA
Department of Accounting
University of Chittagong
Date: 11-05-2020

November 05, 2020

Dr. Mohammad Morshedur Rahman

Associate Professor
Department of Accounting
University of Chittagong

Subject: Submission of an internship report on “Operation and production

management: A study on KDS Garments industries Ltd.”

Dear sir,
With great pleasure, I would like to submit my internship report on “Operation and
production management: A study on KDS Garments Industries Ltd.” that you have
approved and assigned as a compulsory requirement. I have tried my level best to
bring out the original scenario of KDS Garments with full of effectiveness and
efficiency. I have already learned a lot and have gained valuable experience and
knowledge while collecting the information for the report. It was certainly a great
opportunity for me to work on this real life work to actualize my theoretical
knowledge of this course in the practical arena and some more which is out of this
I hope that you would be kind and generous enough to accept my sincere effort and
oblige thereby. If you come across any questions or quarries regarding this report, it
will be my pleasure to clarify your questions.

Sincerely yours,
Fahmida Akter
ID: 16301052
BBA Program, Session: 2015-2016
Department of Accounting
University of Chittagong


I would like to express my gratitude to all the personnel who were involved directly
or indirectly in the preparation of this report. I apologize to the people whose name
that I have not mentioned but their contribution is highly appreciated by me.

At first, I would like to pay my gratitude to my respected supervisor Dr. Mohammad

Morshedur Rahman, Associate professor, Department of Accounting, University of
Chittagong, for his guidelines and cordial cooperation in preparing this report.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank Manager of Human Resource

department of KDS Garments for being cooperative with me. I also want to thank
managers of production department for providing me time to time information,
suggestions as well as procedures to work with my topic.

Finally, I will show my gratitude to all the Management and non-Management staffs
who have helped me during the internship period and the entire persons of the
organizations who somehow have the impact on me in completing my whole report.

Table of Contents:

Name of Contents Page No.

Chapter – 1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the study 07

1.2 Objectives of the study 08

1.3 Scope of the study 08

1.4 Methodology of the study 08

1.5 Limitation of the study 09
Chapter – 2 Company Overview

2.1 Overview of KDS 11

2.2 Corporate information 12

2.3 Corporate Vision 12

2.4 Corporate Mission 13

2.5 Organizational Objectives 13

2.6 Standard and Quality policy 13

2.7 Organizational Chart of KDS Garments Ltd 14

2.8 Departments of KDS Garments Ltd 15

2.9 Products of KDS Garments 15

Chapter - 3 Organization and Production Management

3.1 Introduction 18

3.2 Different Departments of a Garments Factory 18

3.3 Pre-Production Activities of KDS Garments Ltd 19

3.4 Production Process of KDS Garments Ltd 21

3.4.1 Cutting Department Activities 21

3.4.2 Sewing Department Activities 25

3.4.3 Finishing Activities 29

3.4.4 Tasks of Cutting Manager 31

3.4.5 Task of Production Manager 32
3.4.6 Quality Control Manager Responsibilities 32

Chapter – 4 SWOT Analysis of KDS Garments Industries Ltd

4.1 SWOT Analysis 35

4.1.1 Strength 35

4.1.2 Weakness 35

4.1.3 Opportunities 36

4.1.4 Threats 36

Chapter – 5 Findings, Recommendations and Conclusion

5.1 Findings 39

5.2 Recommendations 41

5.3 Conclusion 42

References 43


1.1 Background of the Study:
The readymade garment industry acts as a catalyst for the development of
Bangladesh. The “Made in Bangladesh” tag has also brought glory for the country,
making it a prestigious brand across the globe. Bangladesh which was once termed
by cynics a “bottomless basket” has now become a “basket full of wonders”. The
country with its limited has been maintaining 6% annual average GDP growth rate
and has brought about remarkable social and human development. The readymade
garment industry (RMG) of Bangladesh commenced its journey in the late 1970s and
within a short period of time emerged as an important player in the economy in
terms of export earnings, employee generation and poverty alleviation and
empowering of women. The sector accounts for 83% of total export earnings of the
country. When our only major export earner “the jute industry” started losing its
golden days, it is the RMG sector that replaced it, and then, to overtake it.

The industry that has been making crucial contribution to rebuilding the country and
its economy is none other than the readymade garment industry which is now the
single biggest export earner of Bangladesh. The apparel industry of Bangladesh
started its journey in the 1980s and has come to the position it is in today. KDS
Garments industries ltd. Is one of the most renowned business and industrial
conglomerates of Bangladesh, based mainly in the port city of Chittagong but with
extensive operations in Dhaka as well. They believe in quality and time and highly
emphasize in maintaining a concerted harmony in its working process and its
environment. The quick expansion of the industry was possible because of the less
complicated technology, cheap and easy way to operate sewing machines and
relatively cheap and abundant female workforce. There is no doubt that Bangladesh
is the world’s second largest Readymade Garment (RMD) exporter, just behind
China. Country’s 81% of exports come from the RMG sector and the textile and
apparel sector contributes around 20% to Bangladesh’s GDP. It employs around 20
million people in the country and is the major driving force of the country’s

As a student of Bachelor of Business Administration I have chosen an apparel

garment industry to do my internship and the name of the company is KDS Garments
Industries Ltd. The report is done on the topic of “operation and production
management” of KDS Garments Industries Ltd. It is a great opportunity for me having
practical knowledge and present situations of garment industries.

1.2 Objectives of the Study
Primary Objective: For any business student only curriculum activities are not
enough for handling the real business situation. Internship is a part of the Bachelor
of Business Administration program that provides a job experience for the students.
Internship program is a perfect match of the theoretical and practical knowledge. So
it is a mandatory requirement for the students of Accounting Department, University
of Chittagong.

Specific Objectives:

 To know about the company profile of KDS Garments Industries Ltd

 To find out the production process of the company
 To learn the planning and work study of the company
 To observe the production management system
 To find out the productivity of the company
 To identify the problems regarding of production and operation management
 To recommend some suggestions to overcome the problems related with
production process.

1.3 Scope of the Study:

The report is written based on operation and production management of KDS
Garments Industries Ltd. As I was an intern, my scope was very much limited and
restricted. I had to maintain some official formalities for the collection of data
regarding my report.

1.4 Methodology of the Report:

Data collection is a very important object for preparing a report. In order to make
this report meaningful and informative I have used both primary and secondary

Primary Sources:
 Face to face conversation with the manager of production department
 Direct observation of the employees day to day activities

 Personal daily notes that contains my daily acquired experience.

Secondary Data:
 The annual report of KDS Garments Ltd. That provides the public information
about their organization. It helps to find out the category of the company,
types of the company, corporate information of the company etc.
 Company official papers and other articles like production related books,
internet, newspaper etc.

1.5 Limitations of the Report:

To accomplish the internship program in a decent way, it needs to prevail
harmonious relation and close contract between the officials of the organization. All
the officials and high officials were extremely busy with their own task. So they were
not in a position to provide adequate time to me. The present study has been
conducted only for a short period of one and half months. I tried my best to collect
the maximum information from the KDS Garments Industries Ltd. But this report is
not free from short faults.

1. The annual report of the KDS Garments Industries Ltd. Did not provide
much information that I needed.
2. Though the top management formulates the strategy of the industry,
which is very much confidential, the manager failed to supply the
relevant data in respect to demand.
3. The duration of the study was short to know all the production
process and activities of the industry.
4. In garments factory most of the employee does not have any
educational background. They do their job only with experiences.
5. It is very difficult to discuss their Operations and HR practices
6. To protect the organizational security in regard of maintaining
confidentiality, do not provide sensitive data and information.


Overview of KDS Garments Industries Ltd.

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2.1 Overview:
KDS Garments Industry has made its mark in the readymade garments
manufacturing company in Bangladesh being the pioneer and one of the largest
export oriented company in our country. The group was founded in 1983, through
the establishment of one of the first garments industry of Bangladesh, and over the
last 35 years, through innovation, dynamism, untiring effort and dedication. Today
the total group can proudly declare over USD 500 million in annual revenues in total
with over 25000 employees, staff and workers along. KDS is also extensively involved
with a large number of corporate social responsibilities and philanthropic initiatives.
KDS believes in clean and transparent management of operations and breeds a
culture of corporate and independent governance by professionals.

KDS Since 1983

 One of the largest business conglomerate in the country

 Operating mostly in export industry and products
 More than 25,000 employees working across the group
 Leading export winner industry with global reach
 Has strong brand value of its products
 Adheres to most international standards.

Mr. Khalilur Rahman is the Founder of the KDS group and the chairman of the
company. He is a seasoned and highly experienced businessman and successful
entrepreneur. Starting his journey in 1967 from a small-localized business, he kept
on diversifying into many areas of his interests. His love for the struggling people of
his area inspired him to start exploring labor intensive ventures. Today KDS group is
one of the largest business conglomerate in the country having business links with
USA, Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia, India, China etc. and the group was awarded
President Gold Trophy for export 9 times and got recognition of Quality Garments
Exporter from foreign retailers 4 times.

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2.2 Corporate Information:
Type private company

Industry Conglomerate

Founded 1983

Founder Mr. Khalilur Rahman

Headquarters 255, Nasirabad I/A Baizid Bostami Road, Chittagong

Key people Mr. Khalilur Rahman (Chairman)

Products Garments, textile, trims and packaging, steel, logistic and


Number of employees 25000

Bankers HSBC Bank, National Bank Ltd.

Insurance companies Pragati Insurance Company Ltd.

Northern General Insurance Company Ltd

2.3 Corporate Vision:

KDS Garments Ltd. Is a trendsetter in the apparels industry. We provide the highest
value products and services possible to our customers. We seek to foster long term
relationships with our partners and provide industry leading benefits and
opportunities to our employees. To extend its position as a world-class manufacturer
KDS Garments Ltd. Strives to achieve global standards in quality, cost, service and
scale of operation.

Delighting our customers

Sustain performance
Achieving excellence in process and technology
Building culture of cost consciousness
Leveraging through competent people
Leadership through innovation
Trust in new product design

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2.4 Corporate Mission:
“To become a globally preferred supplier of apparel solutions upholding our social

We are focused on using innovative processes, technologies and machines to

manufacture the finest products at a reasonable cost. By being responsive to our
customer’s requirements and anticipating changes in market trends, we hope to
provide a superior level of service than they are accustomed to. We are committed
to the success of all the partners that we work with and try best to accommodate
their needs. Finally, we believe that our employees are our greatest assets and invest
in their welfare and development during and beyond the time that they work for us.

2.5 Organizational Objectives:

 To participate in the economic development of the country
 To create employment opportunity
 To play positive role behind the rapid development of the industry
 To assure quality and customer services
 Successfully facing the challenges of Garments sector for 21st century.

2.6 Standard and Quality Policy:

To meet customer’s need, expressed and implied by maintaining consistency in
quality through continuous up-gradation of technology and human endeavor for
maximizing return on investment to the stakeholders. Also, highly committed to
comply with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 international standards and
pursuance of consistent improvement of the effectiveness of quality management

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2.7 Organizational Chart of KDS Garments Ltd.













Figure: Organogram of KDS Garments (Administration)

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2.8 Departments of KDS Garments Ltd.
KDS Garments Ltd. had organized and restructured its different departments in order
to make the company more dynamic, effective and goal-oriented. According to that
KDS Garments Ltd. currently has seven major departments to provide smooth
services to its clients as well as efficient management of the company. These
Departments are:

Human resource
& Administration

IT Department

Sales Internal Audit
Department Department

Production Quality Control

Department Department

2.9 Products of KDS Garments:

KDS Garments Ltd. has over a decade of experience producing various products with
special finishing details such as embroidery, printing, sequin, beads and other
attachments. Special emphasis is placed on all aspects of product safety including
needle detection, packaging and accessory attachment.

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These products are:

Men’s and women’s wear

Children’s wear
Shirting and underwear
Sportswear and also work wear
Circular knit Garments
Flat knit Garments
Foundation and swimwear etc.

KDS Garments Ltd. has an in-house design team that is continuously involved in
analyzing the latest trends in the apparels industry. This effort culminates in the
development of product collections twice a year to showcase their capacities to
potential and existing clients. Their design team has extensive knowledge of the
different fabrics and finishing technologies and able to work directly with customers
to suggest innovative and cost-effective solutions to various design challenges.

KDS Garments Ltd. also provides a comprehensive product development lab where
their customers can work side by side with their design team to experiment and
develop samples. This effort reduces the cost and time required for product

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Operation & Production Management

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3.1 Introduction:
Operation and production management is not a new concept, in fact its history dates
back to the late 18th century. Beginning just prior to the industrial revolution, and
continuing into the 21st century, operation and production management has
continually developed, allowing for greater and greater production efficiency.
Operation management is the act of controlling and directing the design, production
and delivery of products. Although people have been producing and selling products
since the very beginning of civilization, the implementation of operation
management is a relatively new phenomenon. Operation management came to
prominence in the 20th century, but its roots can be traced back to the 18 th and 19th
centuries. Operation management is an area of management concerned with
designing and controlling the process of production and redesigning business
operations in the production of goods and services. It involves the responsibility of
ensuring the business operations are efficient in terms of using as few resources as
needed an effective in terms of meeting customer requirements. On the other side,
Garment production is an organized activity consisting of sequential processes such
as product design, fabric selection and inspection, pattern making, grading, marking,
spreading, cutting, bundling, sewing, pressing or folding, finishing and quality control

3.2 Different Departments of a Garment Factory:

Here is the list of garment factory departments. These departments include the pre-
production departments, production and post-production departments.

Designing department
Merchandising department
Pattern making, CAD department
Sampling department
Fabric store and sourcing department
Production planning and control department
Cutting department
Sewing department
Quality control department
Garment washing department
Finishing department
Packaging department

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3.3 Pre-production Activities of KDS Garments Ltd.
3.3.1 Designing department activities
Apparel design department is responsible for product development. They focus on
developing garments designs in similar product categories the company does its
business. Designers develop new design collection in every season. Designers make
designs as per the latest trends and buyer test. Designing department plays an
important role in retaining customers by showing new designs to their buyers in
every season.

3.3.2 Merchandising department activities

Merchandising department works as a mediator in between factory and buyers. This
department is considered as the heart and soul of the company. They co-ordinate
with buyers for orders, send garment samples for buyer approval and receive
comments on samples and other approvals. Merchandiser prepares the bill of
materials, prepares garment costing sheet and follows up of production activities.

 Communicate with buyers

 Review the garment sample
 Develop garment sample
 Product costing
 Develop good relationship with customers
 Scheduling of pre-production and production activities
 Prepare bill of material and fabric indent
 Conduct pre-production meeting
 Execute orders

3.3.3 Pattern making department

Pattern making department makes garment patterns and digitize patterns to CAD.
CAD stands for Computer Aided Design. Pattern making department is headed by
pattern master. Pattern making department is also known as the technical
department. CAD system involves any type of design activities which use to develop
or modify any engineering or garment design. This is specially printed paper having
symbols on it which enable the marker planner to visually control the positioning of
components according to specified grain lines.

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Following are the major activities of pattern making department:

 Pattern making
 Pattern grading
 Sample development
 Garment FIT checking and correction of patterns
 Incorporate buyer’s comments on samples
 Making production viable sample
 Fabric consumption calculation
 Marker planning

3.3.4 Sampling department activities

Sampling department makes all kind of samples that need to be submitted to the
buyer. Sampling department checks fit of the sample. Sampling department
communicates problems related to orders to the production department. Sampling
department’s activities of KDS Garments:

 Calculating fabric consumption

 Making garment samples by following complete processes of cutting, sewing,
finishing and checking
 Assisting merchants in preparing bill of material for the sample
 Measurement of all samples and check the quality of the garment samples.

3.3.5 Fabric store and sourcing department

The fabric store is handled by fabric in-charge and the in-charge is assisted by a team
of helpers for loading and unloading fabrics and issuing fabric to cutting department.
Fabric department receives and stores all kind of fabrics. Fabric rolls are kept in the
rack or on wooden pallets.

Following are the major activities of the fabric store:

 Sourcing of fabrics
 Receive of raw materials
 Prepare shade band for dyed and printed fabrics
 Basic testing of physical properties of fabrics
 Issue and maintain record of fabrics
 Fabric printing and fabric reconciliation.

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3.3.6 Production planning and control department
Production planning department is responsible for planning and scheduling orders.
This department is known as PPC department. They execute production and do
follow with all production processes. Production planning and scheduling of activities
are essential to produce raw materials on time and able to handover shipment on

Following activities are carried out by this department:

 Job or task scheduling

 Material requirement planning (inventory)
 Loading production
 Process selection and planning
 Facility location
 Estimating quantity and costs of production
 Capacity planning
 Line planning
 Production follow up and execution.

3.4 Production process of KDS Garments Ltd.

Cutting Sewing Finishing

3.4.1 Cutting department activities:

This department is responsible for cutting of fabrics and feeding sewing department
with cuttings. Cutting department’s capacity is planned as per daily feeding
requirement to the sewing lines. Cutting department set up with cutting department
head, cutters, spreaders, quality checkers and helpers for sorting, ply numbering and

List of activities of the cutting department are as follows:

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 Fabric receiving:
KDS Garments has separate warehouse or dedicated area to store their fabrics.
Before cutting they need to receive fabric from the store.

 Fabric relaxing:
“Relaxing” refers to the process that allows the material to relax and contract prior
to being manufactured. This step is necessary because the material is continually
under tension throughout the various stages of the textile manufacturing process
including weaving, dyeing and other finishing processes. The relaxing process allows
fabrics to shrinkage during customer use in minimized. Garment manufacturers
perform the relaxing process either manually or mechanically. KDS Garments has
their relaxing machine by which they relieve tension of the fabric.


1. Relax all fabric rolls using the relaxing-machine on priority basis
2. Attach relax detail tag to each relaxed roll
3. Store relaxed rolls on relax
4. Keep relaxed fabric for minimum 24 hours before cutting.

 Spreading, Form layout and Cutting:

After the fabric has been relaxed, it is transferred to the spreading and cutting area
of garments. The fabric is first to cut into uniform plies and then spread using a
computer-controlled system in the preparation for the cutting process. The fabric is
spread to:

 Allow operators to identify fabric defects

 Control the tension and slack of the fabric during cutting
 Ensure each ply is accurately aligned on top of the others

The number of plies in each spread is dependent on the fabric type, spreading
method, cutting equipment and size of the garment order.

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Figure: spreading, form layout and cutting

 Marking:
This is a manual or computerized technique. The marker planner uses full-size
patterns and arranges them in an economical manner on marker paper. This is a
specially printed paper having symbols on it which enable the marker planner to
visually control the positioning of components according to specified grain lines.

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 Cutting of fabrics:
This is the major operation of the cutting room when they spread and cut into
garments. Of all the operations in the cutting room, this is the most decisive action
because once the fabric has been cut, very little can be done to rectify serious

All cutting operations are carried out by straight knife cutting machines. Any cloth
problems created in the cutting room can affect the output in the sewing room.

Cutting process: work instructions of KDS Garments


1. Check the layer accuracy

2. Align the CAD marker properly on the layer and paste into the top ply on
each panel using gum tape.
3. Cut of the self-edge of the fabric
4. Block cut layer into few part
5. Use clamps to hold each layer part together with the marker
6. Cut every panel accurately by following marker line.


1. Block cut each panel of the layer

2. Re-lay/re-align every blocked panel to have stripe machine accuracy.

 Numbering/ ticketing:
Once the pattern pieces are cut by the cutting machine, they are then ticketed. Cut
components are grouped together as per their sizes and taken to the checking table.
Here the cut components are inspected for any error. It is very important to take

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care that pieces cut from different bolts of fabric are not mixed up. In this case color
wise sorting will also be required.

 Checking:

The ticked panels are now sending to the checking for inspection of every individual
pieces for any objectionable faults. Panels having faults like wrong grain line,
inappropriate size, incorrect shape and any fabric defects like holes, cut, shade
variation etc. They are not within the acceptable quality parameters, are removed
from the cut lay. A cutting component checking report is filled for the total quantity
cut, checked and approved. The rejected pieces are sent back and equal number of
trash panel are separately cut, replaced in the set and ticketed with the same
number as the rejected once. Other mend able faults are marked with an alteration
sticker and passed on. These will be spotted out during garment finishing or washing.

 Bundling:

The checked components of one style and in one size are now bundled. The size of
bundle depends upon the requirements of the production plant. Each bundle will
contain pieces of same style and same size only. These pieces are stored in racks
made beneath the cutting table. The cutting department issues the amount required
by the production department as and when ask for. The cut component may be
issued in installment or all at once as the needs of the production department
against the job order.

3.4.2 Sewing Department Activities:

Stitching or sewing is dine after the cut pieces are bundled according to size, color
and quantities determined by the sewing room. Garments are sewn in an assembly
line, with the garment becoming complete as it progresses down the sewing line.
Sewing machine operators receive a bundle of cut fabric and repeatedly sew the
same portion of the garment, passing that completed portion to the next operator.

For example, the first operator may sew the collar to the body of the garment and
the next operator may sew a sleeve to the body. Quality assurance is performed at
the end of the sewing line to ensure that the garment has been properly assembles
and that no manufacturing defects exist. This labor-intensive process progressively
transforms pieces of fabric into designer garment. To deliver quality with the
quantity KDS Garments ensure well checking and quality control procedure in every
assembly line.

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Figure: Sewing Department of KDS Garments Industries Ltd.

The main function of production department is stitching garments. But there are
many associated activities performed by the production team to run the production
floor smoothly. The major tasks of this department are described here but are not
limited to these only.

 Style Analysis

The line supervisor analyzes the garment construction of the style to be loaded to
the line. He calculates the machine requirements for the style, based on garment

 Estimating Labor Costs

Line supervisors calculate the estimated cost per production. In the piece-rate-
production system, the supervisor sets piece rates for stitching operations. KDG
Garments calculate direct labor costs based on the standard allowed minutes to
produce garments.

 Planning and scheduling floor level production

The floor in-charge and line supervisor plan the daily production output. They take
information on upcoming orders from merchandiser or the planning department and
planned manpower and machine requirements in advance.

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 Setting the line
Line supervisors set the sewing line for new orders. Line setting involves the tasks of
placing sewing in a sequence, by the allocating operators to each machine, giving
work to operators and helpers and giving instructions to operators on how to
undertake operations and the required stitching quality.

 Stitching garments
The sewing department stitches garments and makes clothes. Operators sew
garments using different types of sewing machines. An operator is given single or
multiple operations to sew.

 Balancing the assembly line

To get maximum production from the line, line supervisors balance line by adding
additional operator.

 Marking parts

Marking is done on the garment component needed to point a position from where
the stitching is to be done. Helpers mark on garment parts as per process
requirement by using marking chalk or magic marker.

 Ironing garment components

Garment components might need to be folded and ironed prior to stitching to
improve seam quality. Portable irons are used for ironing on garment parts.

 Checking stitched garments

Garments are checked in line and off the line. The purpose of checking garments is
to reduce defect generation from the line. The end-of-line checker segregates
defective pieces from the good pieces.

 Stitching alteration
After segregation, defective garments are sent back to the stitching section. Seams
are required by re-stitching. If defects are related to the fabric, part changing is done
by replacing the defective component with the correct part.

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 Managing documentation

The department maintains various logbooks and records. The sewing department
records the details of receiving cuttings from the cutting department and issuing
garments to the finishing department.

They make reports of the daily production on line-basis and the manpower used in
each line.

 Recruiting operations

In this factory line supervisors are responsible for bringing sewing operators and
recruiting operators through skill assessment test.

 Fusing

Fusing is one kind of alternative method of fabric joining which is widely used to
attach the interlining. At present, apparel manufacturing cannot be imagined
without fusing process. Fusing interlining is the process where wrong side of the
fashion garment is fused with a thermoplastic resin and can be bonded with another
strip of fabric by the proper application of pressure and heat at a specific
temperature and time. Fusing certain components creates strength and stability and
improves the shape of garments.


1. Switch on the machine adjust machine setting to required belt sheet

temperature and pressure and let it run for approximate 30 minutes before
stating fusing
2. Check the machine is heated up required level using thermal heat strips.
Report this step daily 2 more times in the afternoon & evening.
3. Fusing required panels carefully in a sequential manner
4. Bundle fused panels again in a sequential manner.

Sometimes garments needed to be washing after stitching to remove dust, tracing

mark and to give a washed look to the garment. This department washes the
garments, cut panels (if requires), wash garment samples etc. which are sent by the
production department. Normally the fabrics are not asked to go for wash by the
buyer. Whether the fabric department may internally send it to remove bowing,
control uneven shrinkage, lighten color shade etc.

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3.4.3 Finishing activities:
The folding, tagging, ironing, hangtag attaching, thread trimming, packaging etc. are
done in the packing section in the finishing department. Finishing is done to prepare
the final garment according to the quality standards for the buyer before packing it.

The major activities of finishing department are:

 Thread trimming
Pieces received from the washing department or from the assembly line now come
for thread trimming where trails of thread are cut off from the seams, buttons etc.
manually with the help of trimming scissor.

 Thread sucking

Figure: Thread sucking machine

Thread sucking machine is extensively used to remove dust particles and all loose
thread from finished garments products.

 Checking garments
All garments are checked at the finishing stage for visuals and measurement.
Finishing checkers check the complete garment inside and out. Checking is done for
garment detailing such as care labeling and trims.

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 Button attach and button holding
Products those have trimming like button, snap button, eyelets are attached in
finishing section.

 Ironing garments
Garments are ironed using a steam iron. This is done to remove creases in the

 Folding and tagging

Pressed garments are folded in a specified dimension. Tags such as price tags and
hang tags are attached to the garment.

 Measurement and final check

This is the final and most stringent done for garment measurement, appearance,
labels, trim etc. to study the final look and shape of the look and shape of the
product produced. Measurements are done according to the specification sheets.

Figure: final checking and segregation area for packaging

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 Packing garments

Packing is the last stage where the finished garments are primed, organized, geared
up for the shipment to the buyer. KDS Garments pack their products into poly bags

As per customer requirements. Individual poly bags are then packed into bigger
cartons. After this the packing-in-charge prepares a list for the shipment. After
packing is completed for an order, the finishing department informs the concerned

 Internal shipment audit:

Quality department finally perform internal shipment audit and check quality by
collecting ten or more samples and this audit is done prior to final inspection.

 Documentation and reporting:

Like other departments finishing department also maintain production records for
pressing and packing etc.

3.4.4 Tasks of cutting manager:

The cutting department is the feeding section of any garments industry. The garment
sector is a place where there is no excuse for mistakes in fabric cutting. A cutting
room manager is responsible for planning and managing the cutting of materials into
components for the production of the products. He ensures the work is done
accurately, cost effectively and within a given time.

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 Marker planning, calculating marker efficiency and work on saving fabric
 Check the quantity of the order from the merchandising department and the
quantity of fabric according to the marker ratio.
 Maintain and record amount of fabric consumption and determine
production fabric average
 Meet with production manager and discuss about cut plan and arrange to
keep the sewing section running continuously
 Conduct the activities of all cutting operators and assistant cutting operators
 Submit daily work reports to the technical manager and production manager
and ensure the daily productivity of the cutting section.

3.4.5 Task of production manager:

The production managers are responsible for the technical management, supervision
and control of industrial production process. Production managers ensure that
manufacturing processes run reliably and efficiently.

Here are the major responsibilities of a production manager:

 Planning and organizing production schedules

 Estimating, negotiating, and agreeing budgets and timescales with clients
and managers.
 Organizing the repair and routine maintenance of production equipment.
 Determining quality control standards and overseeing overall production
 Supervising the work of junior staff and organizing relevant training

3.4.6 Quality control managers responsibility:

A quality control manager supervises staff and oversees product development
procedures to ensure that products meet quality and efficiency standards. The
quality control manager will also work with clients to ensure the final products meet
their needs and requirements.

 Gaining an understanding of the client’s needs and requirements and

communicating them and the quality standards to the production teams.
 Devising the ways to improve the manufacturing process to ensure higher-
quality goods.

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 Ensuring legal obligations are followed and ensuring compliance with
regulatory bodies and with health and safety guidelines.
 Overseeing product development procedures to identify and any deviations
from quality standards.
 Inspecting the final output, comparing it to the requirements, and approving
or rejecting the final products.
 Gaining feedback from the clients, attending meetings, submitting reports
and assisting external auditors and inspectors.

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SWOT Analysis of KDS
Garments Industries Ltd.

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SWOT Analysis is the tool of analyzing of strength, weakness, opportunities and
threats of a particular company. Strength is the advantages coming from the internal
business environment. Weaknesses are the internal bottlenecks. Opportunities
indicate privileges that come from the external business environment where threats
make the external environmental disadvantages. The strength, weakness,
opportunities and threats of the KDS garments are analyzed in the following way:

 Their extensive experience in the industry has helped them to acquire
knowledge and information to design products and services that best suites
requirements of their clients.
 They offer flexibility, competitiveness and sharper lead-time to facilitate
demanding sourcing requirement.
 Their national network supported by a dynamic team of professionals allows
them to serve their clients as a strong supply chain partner providing
production consolidation and solution based services.
 They are preferred by world most reputed brand for as reliable and quality
supplier for their garment products.
 The quality of the products of KDS Garments Industries Ltd. is better than
most of the local RMG companies, comparing the quality, the prices of the
products are within the range of the target segment.
 They deliver innovation, efficient and value driven solutions for their

4.1.2 Weakness:
 The garments sector is fully dependent on either the import of local buying of
raw materials depending on the product. They have no production facility of
these materials.
 Maybe for poor salary structure or weak corporate culture, the employee
frequent turnover rates are affecting internal activities.
 Workers are not highly skilled as per as market requirement.
 Lack of proper motivation and training
 Lack of coordination within departments
 Lack of proper logistic support.

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4.1.3 Opportunities:
 The society is changing, people are becoming very conscious about what they
are consuming and using. This is a good prospect for garment industry.
 The number of dual income families is increasing at an alarming rate. The
lifestyle of people is becoming faster and this leaves them with minimum
time to spend in fashion. Therefore, it is a huge opportunity for fashion
 Globalization is a major factor for them to increase their market scope in the
international arena. For globalization, it is much easier now to enter foreign
market and increase their exports to earn higher margin.
 Location support advantage and government support
 Development of product design and the market intelligence capabilities to
cater to the new market demand.

4.1.4 Threats:
 Globalization can also backfire. There are many corporate giants which are
trying to enter our market. Being a third world country, our country is a
market for everything. Around the world, KDS garments face stiff competition
but they aim for a more better and sustainable future.
 With increasing technology, our country being high in corruption, use those
technologies in order to make fake products under different brand names.
These technologies help those people to make similar kind of product and sell
them by using the reputation and goodwill of those products.
 The KDS Garments Industries ltd. is a sister concern of the KDS Garment.
Therefore, the goodwill and reputation of the products is like a chain that is
binding all of them. If there is any problem with the reputation and quality of
any one sister concern, the effect would be on all of them. So all the concerns
have to maintain the same standards.
 The current corporate giants are the biggest threats not only in terms of
competition but also in ways of how they are exploiting or using the
supplying industries for their own operation.
 The unstable political condition is a big threat for any company. It can
hamper the regular official work and distribution of products.
 Changing pattern of buyer’s needs, increasing material cost, failure of

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 Sometimes corruption can result in certain changes of rules and regulations.
Any foreign company can easily bribe or can do heavy lobbying in order to
enter the market with a product of better brand image.

However, despite of increasing raw material and many other challenges they have
several initiatives to improve their operational fundamentals and continuously
putting focus on increasing operational efficiency, enhancing employee productivity
and improving their brand image through better service. They are looking to the
future, pursuing new ideas and innovation to serve their customers’ needs and
succeed in the changing, dynamic markets they will face in the future. Their
employees are also committed and hard working to mitigate several challenges. This
year they have transformed their company from a growth-driver to a value driver
where their primary focus has been to create more values to their customers for a
given sales price-point. Besides they have introduced several new product categories
within each of packaging soft-line packaging.

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Findings, Recommendations

& Conclusion

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5.1 Findings:
Garment manufacturing is a complex process that starts with sample development
and end after shipping the finished garments to the buyers. Thus departments are
set-up based on the group of activities to be performed by a team of people. From
pre-production activities to finishing activities every official bodies, managers,
machine operators, employees are very much focus and committed to their success
of the mission.

Cutting manager maintain various reports:

 Daily cutting plan

 Cutting consumption report
 Daily marker requirement
 Fabric relaxation status
 Spreading sheet
 Daily cutting report
 Fabric shade group & GSM report
 Daily cutting input hour report

Type of fabrics they use: Single jersey/double jersey, Rib, French Terry, Bonded
Fleece, Polar Fleece, Polyester etc.

Their main buyers are Target (U.S.A), Target (AUS), WAL-MART etc.

Planned style details

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Production manager ensures manufacturing process efficiently. Here supervisors
record daily production status by calculating efficiency of the target production.
Another important task supervisor ensures which is the maintenance of sewing
machine and preventing stitching faults. For increasing the productivity and
producing products within targeted time they maintain the improved process
regularly. Working situation is very much important to continue the work. It
depends on the strong machineries, clean and silent environment. KDS garments
ensure healthy workplace environment that improves their productivity and reduces
costs related to absenteeism, turnover, worker’s compensation and medical claims.
To become profitable they are keeping balance between prevention cost and
appraisal cost with internal failure cost and external failure cost.

KDS Division believe in working closely with their clients to understand their needs to
design services. They are always concerned for the better management of entire
production and service system. But every system is bounded by some kinds of
problem and limitations. The major problems that are confronted by this company
are given below:

 Poor selection method of employee for reducing cost purpose

 Workers unrest, nonstop working environment
 Frequent machine problem appears within working time
 Insufficient raw materials
 Cotton problem
 Frequent migration of workers
 Frequent order change of foreign buyer
 Lack of training program for factory workers and supervisors
 Poor merchandising team

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5.2 Recommendations:
On the basis of findings of the study, I would like to recommend the followings:

 KDS Garments is supposed to arrange some training program to improve the

efficiency of the helpers and workers
 Company needs to capable of arrange half yearly get together to improve the
relationship between the manager and workers.
 The company must have to appoint at least medium educated person
 The company can develop the advertising promotion.
 The salary system should be well structured regarding the job responsibilities
 Frequent scope of exposer to the external world should be provided by
arranging trade fair, increasing means of personal communication with
foreign buyers.

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5.3 Conclusion:
At last, we can say that the management portion of all departments of KDS garments
is performing its job efficiently. In fact, all the departments are important equally to
increase the productivity by low cost and to maintain the well reputation. Besides,
executives are very industrious and serious in performing their jobs. Though there
are also some who are not committed. The executives hardly try to achieve 100%

The organization is maintaining a high quality work environment in accordance with

the Labor Act of Bangladesh. Workers get adequate wages and they get their wages
timely. So the workers are satisfied and there is no industrial dispute or labor unrest.

If the company follows the recommendation made in this report, we believe that it
can overcome the present problem. And in the long run the company will be
benefited and it may become the market leader in near future. There is no doubt
that KDS Garments has created a good reputation in the market by its quality
products. It should maintain the quality and try to diverse the business.

I have ensured my best ability and attempts to present details of the functions of
KDS Garments Industries Ltd throughout my report in a decent manner. If there is
any shortcoming in this report, that is nothing but the limitation of my knowledge
and ability.

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 Annual report of KDS group 2018-19
 Guidelines of production manager
 Internet and other articles.
 KDS Website-
 Workers and employees and management staffs of areas

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