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Organization and Management – Grade 11

Alternative Delivery Mode

Quarter 1 – Module 2: Functions, Roles and Skills of a Manager
First Edition, 2020 Griffin, R.W. and Moorhead G. Human Behavior in an Organization 2nd Edition.
Philippines: Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd., 2012
Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work Lorenzana, C. Management Theory and Practice Revised Edition. Philippines: Rex
of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agency or Book Store. Inc., 2003
office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit.
Such agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment of Orjalo, V., Frias, S., and Pefianco, E. Organization and Management: Concepts,
royalties. Caselets, and Exercises. Philippines: The Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.,
Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
trademarks, etc.) included in this module are owned by their respective copyright holders. Payos, R., Espinosa, E. and Zorilla, O. Organization and Management. Philippines:
Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from Rex Bookstore, Inc. 2016
their respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim Williams, C. Organization and Management Concepts and Applications. Philippines:
ownership over them. Abiva Publishing House, Inc., 2017
Published by the Department of Education, Division of Palawan
Schools Division Superintendent:
Natividad P. Bayubay, CESO VI
Assistant Schools Division Superintendents:
Loida P. Olavario, Ph.D.
Felix M. Pamaran

Development Team of the Module

Writers: Mark G. Javillonar
Content Editor: Sidney D. Saldevia
Language Editor: Marianne R. Valdez
Reviewers: Eric N. Quillip
Layout Artist: Mark G. Javillonar
Management Team: Aurelia B. Marquez
Rodgie S. Demalinao
Eric N. Quillip

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Department of Education – MIMAROPA Region – Schools Division of Palawan

Office Address: PEO Road, Bgy. Bancao-Bancao, Puerto Princesa City

Telephone: (048) 433-6392
E-mail Address: [email protected]

ii 21
Introductory Message
For the facilitator: Additional Activities
Welcome to the Organization and Management – Grade 11 Modular Distance
Learning (MDL) Self-Learning Module on the Functions, Roles and Skills of a
Manager! Let us reinforce the skills/knowledge that you have gained from this lesson by
doing the next activity. This activity will be of help in developing your full potential
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators of becoming a manager as you will be getting first-hand information from a real
from public institution to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in helping the manager.
learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum Most Essential Learning
Activity 7: Develop Your Career Potential
Competencies (MELCs) in the “New Normal” situation while overcoming their
personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling. Directions: Carefully read and interpret the answers of a Beauty and Skincare
Facility Branch Manager at SM – Puerto Princesa from the excerpts of the interview
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
conducted. Prepare a summary and discussions of the interview findings.
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help
learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration Excerpt of an interview with SM’s Beauty and Skincare Facility Branch Manager
their needs and circumstances.
Q: What are the functions, duties and responsibilities of your current position?
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of
A: I make sure of a smooth and effective store operations, supervise staff’s
the module: attendance and performance, provide/implement necessary company protocols
and standards depending on the situation, maintain good external relationships,
and prepare reports, payroll, and government compliance.
Q: What are the job-related challenges or problems you encounter that affect you
A: Being asked for a favor, and making decisions especially when it concerns the
staff’s family matters.
Q: Just in case, do you have anything that you dislike about your job?
Notes to the Teacher
A: None actually. Yet, I am hoping to have a knowledgeable and dependable
This contains helpful tips or strategies colleague who I can rely on when I have so much on my plate.
that will help you in guiding the learners. Q: In your opinion, what makes a manager a top-performing manager?
A: The success of whatever or whoever he/she is managing.
Q: What do you think is/are the skill/s required to do your job as a manager?
A: A manager must be good in communication and decision making, competent,
and knowledgeable on the technical part of the business.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module.
You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to
manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist
the learners as they do the tasks included in the module.

Notes to the Teacher

This additional activity will help the students in realizing and
developing their full potential of becoming a manager as they will
be getting first-hand information from a real manager.

iv 19
Additional Activities In this portion, another activity will be given
to you to enrich your knowledge or skill of
the lesson learned. Assessment
Answer Key This contains answers to all activities in the
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.

At the end of this module you will also find:

1. A manager’s ability to communicate with, understand and motivate individuals
and group refers to which skills?
References This is a list of all sources used in a. Diagnostic skill c. Interpersonal skill
developing this module. b. Technical skill d. Conceptual skill

2. Which of the following is considered as relatively new kind of management job

that was developed due to the rise of self-managing teams?
The following are some reminders in using this module:
a. Top-Level Manager c. Frontline Manager
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of b. Middle-level manager d. Team Leaders
the module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities 3. Which managerial roles a manager plays when he performs ceremonial duties
included in the module. like speaking at or representing the company in a public forum?
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task. a. Figurehead c. Liaison
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your b. Leader d. Spokesperson
4. This kind of manager sets management-aligned objectives, and plans,
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
coordinates and implements strategies leading to goal achievement?
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
a. Top-level manager c. Team Leader
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not b. Middle-level manager d. Frontline manager
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are
not alone. 5. A manager needs this skill in order to properly make sound decision to a
situation in an organization?
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning a. Interpersonal skill c. Conceptual skill
and gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it! b. Technical skill d. Diagnostic skill

6. Which of the following is NOT an example of Frontline Manager?

a. Office Manager c. General Manager
b. Department Manager d. Shift Supervisor

7. Which of the basic managerial roles is under Interpersonal Roles category?

a. Spokesperson c. Disseminator
b. Entrepreneur d. Figurehead

8. Most successful managers have strong combination of managerial skills;

however, it may differ based on the manager’s level or kind. Which managerial
skills are required for Top-level Managers?
a. Diagnostic and Technical skills
b. Diagnostic and Conceptual skills
c. Technical and Conceptual skills
d. Interpersonal and Conceptual skills

vi 17
What I Know What I Can Do

This activity will help you transfer into real-life situations the knowledge and skills
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of you have gained or learned from this module.
Activity 6: Practice Being a Manager
1. Which of the following kinds of manager is responsible for the overall direction of Step 1: Identify a job – managerial position in an organization in your locality. List
the organization? the job requirements and qualification of the identified job position using the
a. Top-level manager c. Middle-level manager template below:
b. Team Leader d. Frontline manager
Job Requirements Job Qualifications
2. Which kind of manager sets management-aligned objectives, and plans,
(the Functions and Roles) (what is being looked from an applicant)
coordinates and implements strategies leading to goal achievement?
a. Top-level manager c. Team Leader ________________________________________ ________________________________________
b. Middle-level manager d. Frontline manager ________________________________________ ________________________________________

3. Which of the following is NOT an example of Frontline Manager? ________________________________________ ________________________________________

a. Office Manager c. General Manager ________________________________________ ________________________________________
b. Department Manager d. Shift Supervisor
________________________________________ ________________________________________
4. Which of the following is considered as relatively new kind of management job ________________________________________ ________________________________________
that was developed due to the rise of self-managing teams?
________________________________________ ________________________________________
a. Top-Level Manager c. Frontline Manager
b. Middle-level manager d. Team Leaders ________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
5. Which of the basic managerial roles is under Interpersonal Roles category?
a. Spokesperson c. Disseminator Step 2: If you are the owner or the executive of the company under study, how
b. Entrepreneur d. Figurehead
would you design the identified management position according to the following:
6. Which DOES NOT fall under Decisional Roles category?
a. Resolve dispute c. Scan competition What kind of a manager it
b. Allocate budgets d. Settle new labor law should be?

7. It is an interpersonal role a manager plays when he deals with people outside the What will be the functions
company. of the identified position?
a. Negotiator c. Spokesperson
b. Liaison d. Disseminator
What managerial roles
8. Which decisional role a manager plays when he is resolving disputes? would it play?
a. Disturbance handler c. Monitor
b. Negotiator d. Resource allocator
What skills should this
9. Which managerial roles a manager plays when he performs ceremonial duties
kind of manager must
like speaking at or representing the company in a public forum?
a. Figurehead c. Liaison possess?
b. Leader d. Spokesperson

2 15
Lesson Rubrics in Rating Activity 4: Amazing Notes
Functions, Roles and Skills
Identify and discuss each management levels in relation to its
of a Manager key functions, roles and skills for each level
1 Properly identified the kind of manager in the pyramid;
5 Comprehensively and clearly identified and discussed the
functions, roles and skills of the four kinds of managers
In the quest for a great workplace, a manager must be good not only on profit
generation and cost-cutting expenses but also on managing well and taking care of Correctly identified at least three kinds of managers;
its people. The task of ensuring that all employees are well taken care of especially 4 Satisfactorily identified and discussed the functions, roles and
in trying times like COVID-19 pandemic is in equal importance with other skills of at least three kinds of managers
functions of a manager. Correctly identified at least two kinds of managers;
Managing is becoming more and more important nowadays, however, managerial 3 Fairly identified and discussed the functions, roles and skills of
jobs are relatively not the same. A manager of a small enterprise has different at least two kinds of managers
functions, roles and skills from that of a multinational company. More so, Correctly identified at least one kinds of managers;
functions, roles and skills expected from a manager vary depending on the
2 Provided short discussions of the functions, roles and skills of at
managerial level he is in to. It is, therefore, essential to take note that in order for
least one kinds of managers
an organization to enjoy success, the functions and roles of a manager, and the
required skills for him to do such are clearly defined.
1 At least identified managerial level and provided ideas about it.

What’s In

In the previous lesson, you have learned the meaning, functions, types and theories
of management. Management is defined as a process of utilizing people and
resources efficiently in order to achieve organizational goals and objectives. It has
four functions namely: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Also, it is
said that management is as old as the pyramids of Egypt since it has been claimed
that it began evolving at the turn of the 19th century up to the present day.

Notes to the Teacher

Notes to the Teacher Activities 2, 3 and 4 are designed to develop and enrich students’
knowledge on the functions, roles and skills of a manager. The
Begin the lesson by letting the students do Activity No 1. Let the
activities ensure that students’ full understanding of the lesson is
students answer the given worksheet which will help them
achieved. The scoring rubrics will guide the students in doing the
familiarize with the key terms of functions, roles and skills
required of a manager.

4 13
2. Having the article as a reference, complete the following:
Case Facts Responses (with discussions)
What is It Kind of Manager

His functions

In Activity 1, you were able to define some of the key terms relative to the
functions, roles, and skills of a manager in an organization. In this part of the
module, you will find out more about the expected skills of a manager in order for
him to perform his functions and roles in an organization.
His roles
The Four Kinds of Managers and their Functions
1. Top-level Managers are executives or senior managers who are in charge for the
overall management and direction of the organization. They set performance
standards, institutionalize set of norms and values, and create corporate vision
and mission. His skills

2. Middle-level Managers are managers who report to top-level management and

responsible for setting objectives aligned with that of top management’s goals.
They are also tasked to plan and implement strategies leading to target

3. Firstline/Frontline Managers are managers who supervise the operational Rubrics in Rating Activity 3: Case Analysis
activities and the performance of non-managerial employees. They are also
tasked to prepare schedules and operational plans based on the middle-level Score
management’s plans. Case Facts 3 2 1
News Article/clip The article The article Only one
4. Team Leaders are managers that facilitate and manage team’s activities, and contains contains only two information
internal and external relationships. They emerge as the new kind of managers manager’s job, information needed is evident
since the shifting of companies to self-managing team schemes. roles or skills. needed
Kind of Manager The kind of The kind of No response
manager is manager is not
Exhibit 1. Jobs & Responsibilities of Four Kinds of Managers properly identified identified correctly
His functions All managerial Managerial Only few
Top Manager functions written functions written managerial
Jobs: CEO, COO, CFO, CIO, VP, Corporate Head
Duties&Responsibilities: Change, commitment, culture, environment
in the news clip in the news clip is functions written
partially listed
are listed in the news clip
Middle Manager are listed
Jobs: General Manager, Plant Manager, Regional Manager, Divisional Manager
Duties&Responsibilities: resources, objectives, coordination, subunit performance, His roles All managerial Managerial roles Only few
strategy implementation roles written in the written in the managerial roles
First Line Manager news clip are news clip is written in the
Jobs: Office Manager, Shift Supervisor, Department Manager partially listed
listed news clip are
Duties&Responsibilities: nonmanagerial worker supervision, teaching & training, scheduling
Team Leaders
His skills All skills of the skills of the Only few skills of
Jobs: Team Leader, Team Contact, Group Facilitator
Duties&Responsibilities: facilitation, internal and external relationships
manager written in manager written in the manager
the news clip are the news clip is written in the
partially listed
© Cengage Learning 2013 listed news clip are

6 11
Skills of a Manager

Another important element of managerial work is mastery of the skills necessary to What’s More
carry out basic functions and fill fundamental roles. Most successful managers
needed to have a strong combination of these skills namely: Technical,
Interpersonal, Conceptual, and Diagnostic skills.

1. Technical Skills are skills necessary to accomplish specific tasks within the Activity 2: Is Management for You?
organization. These skills are generally associated with the operations employed
by the organization in its production processes. Directions: Complete the self-assessment by responding using the following codes:
ML-most like me; SL-somewhat like me; NS-Not sure; SU-somewhat unlike me; and
2. Interpersonal Skills are skills pertaining to the ability to communicate with, MU-most unlike me.
understand, and motivate individuals and group.
______ 1. I can control others.
3. Conceptual Skills are the manager’s ability to think in the abstract. Having ______ 2. I regularly assess my job performance.
strong conceptual skills is simply the ability to see the “big picture” which means ______ 3. I do not want to get involved in office politics.
seeing opportunity where others see roadblocks or problems. ______ 4. I like the freedom that open-ended goals provide me.
______ 5. I perform best when things are organized and quiet.
4. Diagnostic Skills allow managers to better understand cause-and-effect ______ 6. I enjoy making oral presentations to group of people.
relationships and recognize the optimal solutions to problems.
______ 7. I am confident that I can accomplish difficult tasks.
The importance of these skills varies by level in the organization as illustrated in ______ 8. I dislike writing.
Exhibit 2, whereas, Conceptual and Diagnostic skills are usually more important ______ 9. I like solving difficult problems.
for top-level managers in organizations, whereas Technical and Interpersonal skills ______ 10. I am an organized person.
may be more important for first-line managers. ______ 11. I have difficulty telling others they made a mistake.
______ 12. I like fixed working hours each day.
Exhibit 2. Managerial Skills at Different Organizational Levels ______ 13. I view paperwork as small task.
Conceptual Skills Diagnostic Skills ______ 14. I like helping others learn new things.
______ 15. I prefer working alone.
______ 16. I believe in “padrino system”.
______ 17. I enjoy multitasking.
______ 18. I manage money well.
______ 19. I avoid arguments to stop possible conflict.
First-Line ______ 20. I can manipulate computer.
Scoring: start by reversing your scores for items 5, Score Interpretation
Technical Skills Interpersonal Skills
8, 11, 15, and 16. For example, if your response for
item #5 is ML, change it to MU. Now, count the 1 – 20: Management is not
total number of your ML, SL, NS, SU, and MU for you
21 – 40: Management is
responses and multiply it with 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1
somewhat not for
respectively. Get your total scores and interpret.
# of
ML answers _____ x 5 points each = _______ 41 – 60: Management
# of
SL answers _____ x 5 points each = _______ might or might not
for you
Notes to the Teacher # of
NS answers _____ x 5 points each = _______
61 – 80: Management is
The brief discussion above provided enough information for the # of
SU answers _____ x 5 points each = _______ somewhat for you
students to do the activities on the succeeding pages. Such # of
MU answers _____ x 5 points each = _______ 81 – 100: Management is
activities are designed for individual preparation and lesser TOTAL = ________ certainly for you
teacher intervention. Interpretation: _________________________________

8 9

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