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Chinese Interior Designer Professional Vedic Astrologer, Vedic Astrologer, Numerologist & MBA, Thinker Layout Planner
Horoscope Expert & Vastu Expert Jeweller Sayan System Parashar System Nadi Shastra

Vastu Remedy Vastu & Innovator, Tarot Reader & Dowser Gems & Crystal Chemical SHARMA
Expert, Building Energy Educationalist Clairvoyant Therapist & Engineer & Vedic Samudrik
Architect Expert Healer Eminent Palmist Shastra Expert

NILESSH Innovator, Astro- Industrial Vastu PANJABI SHASTRI AGRAWAL Vedic Astrology
SARDA Educationalist Numerology Expert Certified Vedic Astrologer, Interior Designer Expert Trainer
Numerologist Expert Gemologist & Niryan System & Feng Shui
Tarot Expert
Students in every part of India
Students in 48 Countries

Institute of Vedic Astrology is the
Course 1 : Numerology
sole destination for all those who
are keen to learn Vedic Vastu since Course 2 : Palmistry
1999. Learn Numerology, Course 3 : KP Astrology
Palmistry, Kp Astrology, Feng Shui,
Course 4 : Feng Shui
Gems & Crystal Therapy and Tarot
Course 5 : Gems Healing & Crystal Therapy
Card Reading through our various
courses and become an expert. Course 6 : Tarot Card Reading

International Reach

Professional Diploma
Diploma Diploma with Video

Level Beginner Advance Advance with Practical

Eligibility 10+2 or 18+ Age Graduation or 18+ Age Graduation or 18+ Age

Duration 6 Months* 12 Months* 12 Months*

Modules 6 12 12

Audio Lessons - - -

Video Lessons (Tarot Card) - - 325+ Videos from Expert

Specialisation - Yes 1 FREE

Orientation Program - Yes Yes

Exams 1 2 3

Certificate 1 2 3 30%
Lumpsum Fees ` 9145 + GST ` 15092 + GST ` 30100 ` 21092 + GST

International Fees US$ 240 US$ 380 US$ 470

EMI Option 4047 +

` 6809 +
` 10891 +

3 EMI of `2018 + GST 3 EMI of ` 3009 + GST 3 EMI of ` 3700 + GST

Diploma Course Kit
Professional Diploma Course Kit
COURSE KIT Professional Diploma with Video
Course Kit
Integrated Advanced
Professional Diploma with Video
Course Kit

Disclaimer: *Audio books available with Astrology & Vastu Course Only. *All pictures shown are for for illustration purpose only. Actual product may vary due to product enhancement.
Numerology is the art of the
mathematical and scientific
explanation of the phenomena
happening in your life through
numbers associated with you (like
your birthdate, name spelling,
signature, etc.). Numerology has
emerged as one of the major
contributors to astrology practices
today, so much so that there are
many people enrolling for Institute
of Vedic Astrology’s Numerology
Online (distance learning) training
course in India and abroad. If you
are among them, then Institute of
Vedic Astrology offers in-depth and
highly insightful numerology
training courses and is the right
choice for you.
Objective of Institute of Vedic
Astrology is to impart deep insights
and knowledge on various aspects Diploma Course in
of Numerology in simple and Numerology – Modules 1 to 6
easy-to-understand language Professional Diploma Course
through our distance learning. So, in Numerology - Modules 1 to
we offer comprehensive and 12 + Specialisation +
organized study material to Orientation Program for
Numerology for beginners to Professional Practice
advance learners.

Module 1 Module 3 Module 6 Module 7

Evolution of Numbers, Numbers and their corresponding Simple and Compound The 9 Planets and their
develop-ment of Zodiac, Elements, Occupation. Psychic Numbers. How numbers, Planets and
Numerology, Methods Selection of cities on basis of name to make Numerological their characteristics,
of Numerology, number. Power and influence of reports, step by step effect of planets on
Numerological sys-tems, Lagnank number. hora, collation instructions on nature, personality,
Charac-teristics based numbers: Bride & Groom. Practical Numerological looks, vision, life aspects,
on Numbers, Various examples. systems. Practical relationship, days, dates,
personality traits, applications, tips that carrier aspects, gems,
Spiritual / Destiny Module 4 will influence your direction, zodiac signs,
Numbers and their Sarvank Number, Formula to presentation to clients, friendly & enemy
effects, Supporting calculate life number, effect and Case studies & numbers, etc.
numbers. influences of Life number. Nature & Practicals. Case Studies
Personality, Important days, months and Real Life examples Module 8
Module 2 and years, Health, Marriage, Hobbies : Pramod Mahajan, Constellation, their
Combined numbers and & business, What not to do, etc. Amitabh Bachan, Atal Planet Lords and Deity, 4
their effects, Application Selecting Name Letters. Effectiveness Bihari Bajpai, Kareena Parts of each
of combined numbers, and importance of each letter. Kapoor, Bill Clinton, constellation, nature and
determination of Adolf Hitler, Sheela basic life of native born in
auspicious dates, Module 5 Dixit, Pdt Ravi Shankar, different parts of a
co-ordination of name Personal number, Mutual relations Laloo Prasad Yadav, Constellation, sets of
and birth numbers, of personal number. Effect of Harshad Mehta, Ashok solutions : the deity to
making name numbers, numbers for each year for each Gehlot, Azharuddin, worship for fast &
city selection, number personality. Effect of numbers for Parvej Mush-haraf, effective results, gems &
and diseases. each month for people. Effect of RamKrishna Dalmiya, Crystal to wear, daana to
numbers for each day for each etc. give.
(Available with Professional
Diploma Course Only)
Module 9 Module 11
Practical Examples on Practical examples with
making Numerological applications of using the NAME NUMEROLOGY
reports on the basis of Chinese Number System. The subject covered at great length and
the systems taught. Yearly and Monthly
empowers students on matching and
Using all the systems. predictions. The East life
The Basic Number, The and West life Group recommending names of people,
Destiny Number, The people. The favourable and companies, matchings, houses, etc. as
Name Number, The Unfavourable directions for per Numerology for overall success in
Combined Number, The each person. Direction of life.
Lagnank Number, The luck, personal direction,
Life Number. Step by direction for health &
Step process. wealth. Avoid facing the 5
ghosts, the 6 evils and the ORIENTATION PROGRAM FOR
Chinese Number System (Available with Professional
: The Nine Numbers. Module 12 Diploma Course Only)
Finding elements based Remedy for Planets. Use of
on date of birth. Precious Gems, Crystals,
Elemental personalities, Mudra, Puja, Japa, Simple
nature, behaviour, solutions, Donations, Free program to every student who
characteristics, life Mantra, Yantra, Number successfully completes the Professional
aspects of people based Yantra, Drawing Yantra, Diploma or above course on how to
on date of birth. Annual Vedic Traditional Remedial
make a career professionally in this
forecasts. Month wise Measures. Effective and last
forecast. A very powerful milestone to become subject.
System of prediction with expert in subject of
numbers. Numerology.
Learn Palmistry – the Art of Hand
or Palm Reading and predict
nature, behavior, present and
future aspects of a person.
Become an instant attention
grabber in a party, meeting or
get-together through the art of
hand reading. For those
interested in learning Palmistry,
Institute of Vedic Astrology (IVA) is
the right choice. With around
300+ hand sketches and almost
1000+ pages of study material,
Palmistry is one of popular
courses in Institute of Vedic

Objective of Institute of Vedic

Astrology is to impart deep
insights and knowledge on COURSE OPTIONS
various aspects of Palmistry in
simple and easy-to-understand Diploma Course in Palmistry –
language through our distance Modules 1 to 6
learning mode of education. So, Professional Diploma Course
we offer comprehensive and in Palmistry - Modules 1 to 12
organized study material in + Specialisation + Orientation
Palmistry for beginners to Program for Professional
advance learners. Practice

Module 1 Module 3 Module 5 Module 7

Prayer, Art of Palmistry, ancient The Thumb: Features, Swelling or Mounts and Lines : Shape, form.
seers and experts of Hand phalange, position, length, their effects, identifying Life Line : origin,
Reading, Ancient Palmistry flexibility, apex, bending, position of mounts, relation to mounts,
Systems, Palmistry Vs other angles. The Fingers: Mounts of Sun, Jupiter nature, terminating
subjects of Futurology, Rules Phalanges, length, and Saturn. Mounts & point, relation with
and ethics for a Palm Reader, thickness, root bulge, corresponding fingers, other lines, faults,
Basic principles of Hand knots, shape, skin, colour, Highly developed and less marks, other related
Reading, Right hand and Left mutual distance, effects. developed mounts. effective lines in
Hand: Which hand to read? The Nails: form and shape, Co-ordination of these relation to Life line.
Introduction to readings. moon on nails, colour, mounts with other
spots. The Hand lines. mounts. Module 8
Module 2 Head Lines : Shape,
Methods of Reading Hands, Module 4 Module 6 form. Origin, relation
Taking Handprints, Developed, Main lines and Mounts of Mercury, Moon to mounts, nature,
Undeveloped and other Hands: subordinate lines on hand, and Venus : Developed, terminating point,
characteristic features, basic other effective lines, highly developed and relation with other
information, makeup, nature structutre and level of depressed areas and lines, faults, marks,
and variations; elastic, flabby, lines. Introduction to life their corresponding other related effective
stiff and mixed hands, palms, line, heart line, head line, results. Mounts and lines in relation to
normal, big & small hands. Sun line, luck line, other relation to corresponding Head line.
Methods of measuring Hands minor lines and fingers. Plain of Mars and
length and width. predictions related to Lower and Upper Mars
them. area.
(Available with Professional
Diploma Course Only)
Module 9 Module 11
Fate or Luck Line : Command Over The Wrist
origin, termination. Line, Child Line, Travel Line,
Home area, form, Marriage Line and the Girdle Remedy in Palmistry consists of various
quality, defects, of Venus. Effects of various aspects that can help in changing the
relation to other lines like Health Line, Line of lines of hands. Many Vedic systems that
lines, signs on luck Mars, Lines on Rascette, are based on Samudrik Shastra shall be
line, effects on Children Line, Travel Lines, covered which would be a great value
native. etc Marriage Line, Girdle of addition to the student's knowledge.
Module 10
Sun Line : origin, Module 12
termination. Home Discussions and analysis of ORIENTATION PROGRAM FOR
area, form, quality, Hands of many people, (Available with Professional
defects, relation to practically applying Diploma Course Only)
other lines, signs on knowledge of Palmistry into
luck line, effects on practice, step by step
native. Sun line and explanation on reading
head, heart, life hands, Vocational traits for Free program to every student who
lines. Marriage line reading palms to help successfully completes the Professional
Diploma or above course on how to
breaking Sun line. students master the subject.
make a career professionally in this
Formalized over 3,000 years ago in
China, Feng Shui is an ancient art and
science of placement. It deals with how
the placement of yourself and objects
within a space affects your life in various
areas of experience. Feng Shui teaches
how to balance and harmonize energies
in any given space - be it a home, office,
or other. Its aim is to assure good
fortune for the people inhabiting a
space. Feng Shui Online Training Course
from IVA will train you on how to create
a harmonious environment, to decide
the location, construction, and
architectural features of buildings, the
placement, and style of furniture, colors
and decorating schemes, and the
location of plantings, paths, and other
outside features. The course will also
help you learn how to improve family
communication, restoring employee COURSE OPTIONS
cooperation, and even improve
business. Diploma Course in Feng Shui
– Modules 1 to 6
Objective of Institute of Vedic Astrology
is to impart deep insights and Professional Diploma Course
knowledge on various aspects of Feng in Feng Shui - Modules 1 to 12
Shui in simple and easy-to-understand + Specialisation + Orientation
language through our distance learning Program for Professional
mode of education. So, we offer Practice
comprehensive and organized study
material in Feng Shui for beginners to
advance learners.

Module 1 Module 3 Module 5 Module 7

Introduction to Feng Shui, Art Chinese Astrology : Placements Part II : Roads, The balancing cures,
of placement, Scope of Feng Finding elements River, broken glass, doors, unifying principle,
Shui, acupuncture in space, based on date of birth, objects, tree, signboards, application of cures,
Chinese Philosophy, Elemental other house, etc. Dealing preparation to be done for
Geomancy, Yin & Yang, The 3 personalities, nature, with the Important parts of installing cures, applying
lucks, Schools of Feng Shui, behaviour, Life - Career, Marriage, cures for various aspects,
Universal rules of Feng Shui, characteristics, life Parents, Wealth, Fame, natural cures, artificial
Five Celestial Animals and aspects of people Income, Expenses, cures, cures with spiritual
their applications in house, based on date of birth, Enjoyment, Education and seeking and intention,
building, bedroom and Annual forecasts. Name. assessment of effect of cures, results, time
office. Month wise forecast. internal environment. of installing cures, etc.

Module 2 Module 4 Module 6 Module 8

The five elements, Chi : Sheng and Sha Layouts : structure of rooms, The 8 mansion style Feng
significance in Feng Shui, chi, Shapes and corridors, roof, entrance, Shui of Late Heaven
Instant Analysis of house, energy flow in them, stairs, garage, kitchen, sequence, Ba-Chop
Stages of Feng Shui Space Clearing and bedrooms, other rooms, introduction, basics,
consultation, The five senses, purifying ritual: front portion, driveway, open benefits, application &
Yin and Yang food, duration, ways, ground, verandah, balconies, scope, suggestions and
Predecessor Chi, directions benefits; clutter building material, corrective actions, Yin and
and analysis properties on clearing. Placements measurements; Finding Yang plants and trees, using
map. Map reading. Analysing Part I: doors, windows, Auspicious Directions of them for balance and
maps through Zones. toilets, mirror, etc. Vitality, health-wealth, harmony, Tai Chi for
Drawing the Zone plan. longevity and life. oneself.
(Available with Professional
Diploma Course Only)
Module 9 Module 11
Numerology based on Entrance of Apartment, REMEDY and CURES
elements, personal The Chinese compass :
characteristics of Setting up the Geomantic Remedies and cures as used and
people, areas of life, Chart, Generating the suggested by world-renowned Feng
Shui Masters. Specifically described and
health, likings, nature, Geomantic Chart for an
designed cures with an illustration.
professional aspects, Apartment, Categories of
After mastering this course student will
areas needing main door, taking have solutions to almost all the
improvement, readings, reading house problems related to properties.
prediction for year and and door direction,
month and precautions energy landforms, dragon
for year and month. veins.
Assessment of House and office warming (Available with Professional
properties, analysing ritual, Intuitive School of Diploma Course Only)
forms and selecting Feng Shui, Extention of
sites, the 60 year cycle, plots, Feng Shui and gems
Chinese divination and crystals, Case-Studies. Free program to every student who
methods and the Project. Practical case successfully completes the Professional
Diploma or above course on how to
Chinese almanac, etc. studies.
make a career professionally in this
Gems and Crystals healing therapy
possess an inexhaustible treasure of
healing and empowerment for human
beings. If one knows how to program
them, then they can be more productive
and result-oriented. Programming a
crystal is a conscious practice that
requires proper knowledge and the
technique. Crystals are capable of
storing, reflecting, and channelizing
pure light and color in various methods
of healing. They can be charged,
activated, and programmed as per
requirement. Gems and crystals prove
to be one of the best healing tools
available for humans. Gems and
Crystals act like catalysts in conducting
energy. They have an affinity to the
human spirit by creating spiritual links
when they are worn or hold. COURSE OPTIONS
Diploma Course in Gems
Objective of Institute of Vedic Astrology
is to impart deep insights and Healing & Crystal Therapy –
knowledge on various aspects of Gems Modules 1 to 6
Healing & Crystal Therapy in simple and Professional Diploma Course
easy-to-understand language through in Gems Healing & Crystal
our distance learning mode of
Therapy - Modules 1 to 12 +
education. So, we offer comprehensive
Specialisation + Orientation
and organized study material in KP
Astrology for beginners to advance Program for Professional
learners. Practice

Module 1 Module 3 Module 5 Module 7

Crystals and gems The 9 Divine Planets and their Colour Crystals : Physical Divination Methods :
formations, properties, Gems- Sun-Ruby, Moon-Pearl, properties, form, Gems and Crystals
systems, nature of crystals, Mars-Red Coral, availability, uses. Jade, Tarots, Gems and their
healing, jewellery, gifts, Mercury-Emerald, Jasper, Kunzite, Lapiz corresponding metals,
technology, spiritual Jupiter-Yellow Sapphire, Lazuli, Malachite, Uses in Vastu and
development, programming, Venus-Diamond, Moonstone, Opal, Astrology, directional
Therapy, prediction, Vastu, Saturn-Topaz, Rahu-Hessonite Obsidian, Peridot, healing, medicines,
Feng Shui, attributes of and Ketu-Cat's eye. Inspection Quartz, Sunstone, Tiger talisman and Gems
crystal healer. and testing, healing, Eye, Tourmaline, lockets, Gems and
availability. Turquoise, Zircon, etc. Crystal jewellery.
Module 2 Crystal Families : Quartz,
Causes of disease, Energy Module 4 Corundrum, Beryl, Module 8
healing, crystal cleansing Semi-Precious Stones Chalcedony, Jadeite. Rudraksh Therapy,
methods, Crystal forms, (Crystals) : Physical properties, Rudraksh and their
Crystal types: clusters, form, availability, use. Module 6 healing effects, Types of
laser-wands, geodes, slices, Alexandrite, Agate, Amber, Crystal Energy Healing, Rudraksh and their
doughnuts, Earth-keeper, Aventurine, Aquamarine, Layouts and Healing various faces like one,
terminator, celestial, Azurite, Beryl, Bloodstone, arrangements: Star of two, three, four, five,
phantom, record-keeper, Calcite, Hawk's Eye, David, double star of six, seven, eight, nine,
generator, tabular, teachers, Chalcedony, Carnelian, Citrine, David, Chakra layout, ten, eleven, twelve,
crystal balls. Choosing, Chrysoprase, Dioptase, cluster layout, head and thirteen, fourteen,
cleaning, programming, Epidote, Fluorite, Garnet, feet array. Self healing Gauri-Shankar and
charging and activating. Hematite, etc. layouts. Trijugi Rudraksh.
(Available with Professional
Diploma Course Only)
Module 9 Module 11
Environmental Effects Constellation, their REMEDIES
of plants, Planet Lords and
Environmental Deity, 4 Parts of each The Planets and their relation to
conscious designs, constellation, nature crystals and Gems, Uses of Gems &
Crystals in Astrology, Astro-Crystal
Plants and their and basic life of native
remedies. Basic Numbers and Crystal to
properties, Uses; Useful born in different parts
wear. Other important uses.
Herbs, Useful trees for of a Constellation,
healing and remedial sets of solutions : the
aspects deity to worship for
fast & effective
Module 10 results, gems & ORIENTATION PROGRAM FOR
Environmental Effects Crystal to wear, daana PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE
of plants, to give. (Available with Professional
Environmental Diploma Course Only)
conscious designs, Module 12
Plants and their Project. Practical
Free program to every student who
properties, Uses; Useful applications of Gems
successfully completes the Professional
Herbs, Useful trees for and Crystals.
Diploma or above course on how to
healing and remedial Area-wise make a career professionally in this
aspects significance. subject.
KP Astrology also better known as
"Krishnamurti Paddhati" Astrology
or KP Stellar System of Astrology.
This is a unique system that offers
accurate predictions for the
occurence of an event by using
certain tools and techniques,
which were invented by Late Prof.
K. S. Krishnamurti. KP Astrology
offers a very effective system
based on cusp treatment is very
accurate and effective.
Significators of various aspects of
life too covered at great length in
the course.

Objective of Institute of Vedic

Astrology is to impart deep
insights and knowledge on COURSE OPTIONS
various aspects of KP Astrology in
Diploma Course in KP
simple and easy-to-understand Astrology – Modules 1 to 6
language through our distance
learning mode of education. So, Professional Diploma Course
we offer comprehensive and in KP Astrology - Modules 1 to
organized study material in 12 + Orientation Program for
Professional Practice
Palmistry for beginners to
advance learners.

Module 1 Module 3 Module 5 Module 7

KP system, 12 Houses 9 Planets, Nature, Quality, Effects of Upadhipati Houses, that are causative
(Bhav) of horoscope Behaviour & Effects of Nakshatra in 12 Houses. in making events happen;
explained in great depth. Planets on people, their Indicators (suchak) Indicators of each house;
North & South Indian career, lifestyles, thinking houses of planets. finding and analysing
System of making patterns. Method of finding it out. indicators; Reading
horoscope & Analysis of events based Horoscope. Finding
conversions. Sayan & Module 4 on indicators. Planet causative of events.
Niryan System. Exercises Planets and 27 indicators of houses and
& Case Studies. constellation, their their effects. Module 8
properties, importance of Finding time of event
Module 2 constellation and effect on Module 6 based on Vimshottari
12 Zodiac Signs, Nature, people. Sub Division Resultant planet in Dasha, Antar, Pratyantar &
effect, basic System & Theory of Star horoscope, planets Sookshma. Judge a matter
characteristics. Written lord and Sub lord. Relation affecting houses. Theory in horoscope & Timing of
in user friendly language of planets with of Significator / Events. Calculate when an
so that just by reading it constellation, sub-lord and Significators. Finding event (marriage, child, job,
like a novel, you will sub-sub-lord of a planet significators for various etc) will occur in a person's
learn many and constellation and their aspects. life. A very powerful system
characteristics of signs. results in life of native with its details.
Gochar (Transit), i.e. Ruling Planets, The (Available Only with Professional Diploma &
present situation of Divine predictions. Integrated Advance Diploma Course)
planets and exact Birth time
timing of events. Transit rectification. Many
is a very important tool real life case studies Since no learning is complete unless it
in giving perfection in with solutions. enables the student to earn as a
prediction. Time of professional, we have tried to ensure
results can be Module 12 practical utility of these courses in
accurately analysed in Each house discussed terms of reasonable remuneration.
depth sometimes days in details, time of What separates our students from that
marriage, getting a of conservative pundits is the sense of
Module 10 good job, going self marketing vis-à-vis the prevailing
prejudices against Astrology and allied
Prasna Kundli, for abroad, disease etc.
sciences. The institute offers a one
people who do not have Case studies. Step by
month program free of cost to every
horoscope. Predicting step of predictions. student who successfully completes the
time of Results. The 249 Advanced concepts of Professional Diploma or above course.
table and charts related KP. Sub-Sub Table
to it. Example and Case (2193 table) and its
Studies. use.
Tarot Card Reading is a very COURSE OPTIONS
convenient way of prediction by
Diploma Course in Tarot Card
using Tarot Cards. Basically, a tarot
Reading – Modules 1 to 6
deck consists of 78 cards, each of
which has a specific meaning Professional Diploma Course in
associated with it. With the help of Tarot Card Reading - Modules 1
Tarot Reading, you can forecast the to 12 + Specialisation +
upcoming events of a human being Orientation Program for
and take the benefits of future Professional Practice
opportunities. If you wish to learn
the art of knowing your future in Professional Diploma Course in
tarot cards, you can take Institute of Tarot Card Reading - Modules 1
Vedic Astrology’s Best Tarot Card to 12 + Specialisation +
Reading Courses and Classes online Orientation Program for
in India. Tarot cards usually have Professional Practice + 325+
two kinds of readings – the question Online Video Lessons
reading and the open reading.

Objective of Institute of Vedic

Astrology, the best Tarot Card
Reading school is to impart deep
insights and knowledge on various
aspects in simple and
easy-to-understand language
through our Tarot Card Reading
distance learning mode of
education. Thus, we offer
comprehensive and organized study
material to Tarot Card Reading for
beginners to advance learners.

Module 1 Module 3 Module 5 Module 7

Tarot Deck, Major & Minor The Minor Arcana Tarot Spreads (Part 2) Chinese Tarot Reading
Arcana cards, The four suits, Cards (Part 2) : The with diagrams and Part 1 : This module
Court cards, effects on Pentacles and The illustrations. Reading shall cover 5 elements,
persons and situations. Swords : Pictorial Tarots for solutions basic concepts,
Upright and Reverse cards. representation, and querying about element & their mutual
Major Arcana Cards: divinatory meanings, many questions. relations. Tai-chi and
Pictorial representation, effects in a reading, Knowing past the various trigrams
divinatory meanings, effects meaning of reversed influences, current and basics of doing
in reading, meaning of cards, supportive and trends and chances of Chinese tarot is also
reversed cards, supportive opposing cards future development. covered in this module.
and opposing cards examples.
examples. Module 6 Module 8
Module 4 Tarot Card reading Chinese Tarot Reading
Module 2 Tarot Card Reading : practicals, Real life Part 2 : Many concepts,
The Minor Arcana Cards Rules of Reading, examples of Tarot theories and reading
(Part 1) : The Cups and The Reader and Querent, Card experts, Case Chinese Tarot is
Wands : Pictorial Ethics and studies, step by step covered in this module.
representation, divinatory responsibilities of guidance on reading It shall take a student
meanings, effects in a reader, Asking Tarot Cards, Tarot from start to the
reading, meaning of questions from reader, Card Spreads for deeper aspects of this
reversed cards, supportive Tarot Spreads (Part 1) specific life questions, system.
and opposing cards with diagrams and Tarot Card for
examples. illustrations. direction in life.
(Available with Professional
Diploma Course Only)
Module 9 Module 11
Chinese Tarot Reading Vedic Divination REMEDY
Part 3 : In this module Methods. Methods,
students shall get a fine practices and techniques Remedies in Tarot reading is the first
tuning about reading to enhance and awaken innovative topic that is developed by
our experts. Give remedies for negative
and interpretations on intuition and sixth sense
cards. Remedies for combination of
Chinese Tarot to become a powerful
methods. Various tarot Reader. Human
techniques and Aura, energy centers of
practicals will be Human Body and
explained at length on empowerment
the same. techniques. ORIENTATION PROGRAM FOR
Module 10 Module 12 (Available with Professional
Constellation, their Divination methods, why Diploma Course Only)
Planet Lords and Deity, it is so popular? What is
4 Parts of each Dowsing, Dowsing
Free program to every student who
constellation, nature Philosophy, How
successfully completes the Professional
and basic life of native, dowsing works?
Diploma or above course on how to
sets of solutions : the Dowsing methodology, make a career professionally in this
deity to worship for fast tools. Practice and subject.
& effective results, concentration. Concepts,
gems & Crystal to wear, Application of dowsing
daana to give. as a reader.
Chapter 1 Chapter 6
Introduction to Tarot Minor Arcana Cards –
Card Reading (8 Video Cups (52 Videos)
Chapter 7
Chapter 2 Minor Arcana Cards –
Tarot Cards Vs. Other Wands (52 Videos)
Divination Methods (5)
Chapter 8
Chapter 3 Minor Arcana Cards –
Tarot Cards (8) Pentacles (52 Videos)
Chapter 4 Chapter 9
Major Arcana Cards - Tarot Card Spreads
Part 1 (38 Videos)
Chapter 10
Chapter 5 Case Studies &
Major Arcana Cards - Practicals
Part 2 (40 Videos)
IVA Experts have created the
examination questions to test
the knowledge of the student.
GRADING SYSTEM Sample Certificate & Marksheet
The prestigious Certificate of
The pattern of the PERCENT GRADE Institute of Vedic Astrology will be
Examination is as such that a
issued to successful students and
Student will be able to pass 80% or above Grade A+ will be sent by to Student's given
ONLY if he/she has proper
60% to 79% Grade A address within 30 working days.
knowledge of the subject.
50% to 59% Grade B Gold Medal for Meritorious
Online Exams Students who submit
Students can take online 7 Projects. See details in
Below 50% Grade F (Fail)
examination as per their
convenience and time Failed students can take Student section.
through our Online Exam exams again after 15 days by
System. The questions asked paying US$ 2 or INR 100.
in the exams are based on
Theory, Practical and Case
Studies. Results are declared
Online Instantly after the
Examinations are complete.
Offline Exams
Exam papers are sent to
students at their given
address with last module.
Students DO NOT have to visit
any center for exams.
Students have to send back
their answer sheets within 30
days of receiving exam
papers. Results will be
declared within 30 days of
receiving answer sheets at the
As soon as your
application form and
payment is received,
first month's study
material will be
dispatched within 3
to 7 working days at
your given address.
Consignment details
with tracking details
are sent through

Regular Track Fast Track

(1 Module per month) (All Study Material Together)
COMPLETE COURSE 1 Module is dispatched
every month till course
In Fast track, complete study
material alongwith Specialisation
FASTER TRACK SYSTEM Completion, thus 1 Year Course and Orientation Program
Professional Study for Professional Practice is sent in
Material is sent in 1 Year. 1 Parcel.
Dedicated Department for
International Students
International students from 48 countries
have successfully completed course with
IVA. To ensure a fulfilling academic
experience Institute of Vedic Astrology
has created a special International
Students department.

Study Material Dispatch

Once a student enrolls from outside of
India then within 10 working days the
complete set of study materials
alongwith specialization and Orientation
Program by EMS Speed or Express
Dedicated Mentor NON-INDIAN ORIGIN
Once an International student enrolls at Students who are of
Institute of Vedic Astrology, he / she is non-Indian origin will get
assigned a dedicated mentor throughout support on understanding
the course. Students can email their various terminologies.
queries to the mentor and the mentor
ensures prompt replies to same.
West City Campus 20-D, Sector C,
Scheme No. 71 Behind Shreeji Vatika Garden Ring Road,
Indore, (MP)-452009. Call: +91 99265-61235, 90099-10008

Toll Free: 1800-212-1184

[email protected]

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