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Guía para el desarrollo de clases virtuales


1 8104889 2-3 *Past continuous
*Past simple vs Past continuous



● To identify the structure and uses of the past simple and past continuous tense.
● To integrate the tenses studied in order to engage in short written or spoken interactions.
● To be able to describe and talk about personal or general past experiences or events using the past simple and past
continuous tense.


Welcome to this new level! This guide presents a detailed explanation of two past tenses, the past simple tense, and the past
continuous tense. This topic will be very useful for you, especially when telling others about experiences you have had. So please,
get ready for this topic! Remember that your teacher will always help you out if you have any problems so do not forget about
getting in touch with him/her.

1. Introduction

Before starting our topic, take some time to answer the following questions, do not use a translator, and try to reflect on your

*Vocabulary you might not know*

Before: Antes After: Después Hate: Odiar To be bothered: Incomodar/preocupar Life changing: Algo que cambia tu vida
Midterm recess: Receso de mitad de semestre/año Few: Pocos Ago: hace

A. Before the pandemic started, what was your opinion about COVID-19?
I understood it was a virus like the flu

B. Do you like, hate, or are not bothered by being on quarantine? Why?

are not bothered, because these are things that have to happen

C. Was COVID-19 a life changing experience for you and your family? Tell me why?
we were very separated and that managed to unite us more
D. What were you doing in your midterm recess three years ago?
I was getting ready to go to college and I was working

E. What did you do in the recess we had a few days ago?

I was working all the time and in my free time I was rehearsing with my saxophone

2. Appropriation

In the previous sentences, there were 4 questions that used a form of the past tense and 1 question using the present simple tense.
Can you identify which questions were written in the past simple tense and which question was written in the present simple tense?



The four sentences in the past tense chart were written either in the past simple tense or in the past continuous tense. Look at the
following explanation to help you identify which sentences were written in either the past simple tense or the past continuous tense.



● It shows actions that happened in the past. ● It usually shows actions that have also finished but
were “in progress” at some point in the past.
E.g. When I was at school, I really enjoyed my drawing
classes. E.g. In 2019, the scientists working in the coronavirus
● It usually shows actions that have already finished. vaccine were trying to find a quick treatment that helped
us fight this virus.
E.g. The scientists working in the coronavirus vaccine found
different options to help the body fight the virus. ● It shows activities that were in progress for some
time, and not just for a moment.

E.g. We were cleaning the house all morning.

Affirmative sentences
● Remember that affirmative sentences would be all ● Remember that affirmative sentences would be all
of those in which we make statements: of those in which we make statements:

E.g. I really liked the meat, it was very tender and juicy. E.g. I was eating the meat quickly because I didn’t want to
share my fillet with Molly
● In the past simple tense, we need to use the verbs
in the sentences in the past tense. Remember that ● In the past continuous tense, we use the past
in English we have: tense of the verb to be (was/were) and a verb with
1. Regular verbs (cleaned, worked, studied,
loved, attended, waited, cooked, received, Tip: Remember that we always use subjects (I, you he, she,
learned etc.) it, we, you, they, names etc.) in our sentences.
2. Irregular verbs (Do 🡪 Did, Eat 🡪 Ate, Go 🡪
Went, Cut 🡪 Cut, Read 🡪 Read, Lose 🡪 Lost, To E.g. Last week, Carlos was teaching his mom to learn how
be (am/is/are) 🡪 Was/Were, Have/ Has 🡪 Had to drive a car.
etc.) E.g. I couldn’t go to the party because I was working.
E.g. Catalina was living in Cartagena two years ago.
When using your verbs in affirmative sentences, remember
we add only one verb in the past simple tense. **Some of the rules that we follow for -ing verbs are the
Tip: Remember that we always use subjects (I, you he, she,
it, we, you, they, names etc.) in our sentences. - Verbs ending in -e (take, have, bite, joke, hide,
hope, vote etc.)
E.g. We visited our family last year.
E.g. Luis and Angela ate all the cake that was in the fridge. Take🡪Taking Bite🡪Biting Hide🡪Hiding Have🡪Having
E.g. Sally had a problem with our friends because they were Joke🡪Joking Hope🡪Hoping Vote🡪Voting
rude to the new teacher.
- Verbs ending in -ee (agree, see, disagree,
**Remember that we need to learn the tenses of the verbs guarantee etc.)
by heart (de memoria) because we cannot guess if a verb is
regular or irregular, check the list attached in this guide** Agree🡪Agreeing See🡪Seeing Disagree🡪Disagreeing

- Verbs with a vowel between two consonants (get,

begin, hit, run, stop, put etc.)
Get🡪Getting Begin🡪Beginning Hit🡪Hitting
Run🡪Running Stop🡪Stopping Put🡪Putting

- Verbs ending in -y (play, fly, study, cry, try etc.)

Play🡪Playing Fly🡪Flying Study🡪Studying Cry🡪Crying


- Verbs ending in -ie (die, lie, tie, etc.)

Die🡪Dying Lie🡪Lying Tie🡪Tying

Remember that some verbs are considered “stative” which
means that, as they are states, they cannot be temporary
and used with -ing. (E.g. Hate, like, love, prefer, want,
seem, taste, agree, disagree, believe etc.)
E.g. She was hating our ideas for the project last year.
(Incorrect ☹)
🡪 She hated our ideas for the project last year. (Correct 😊)
E.g. I was liking my new car that’s why I bought it (Incorrect
🡪 I liked my new car that’s why I bought it. (Correct 😊)
E.g. My friends were loving my tomato soup recipe.
(Incorrect ☹)
🡪 My friends loved my tomato soup recipe. (Correct 😊)

Negative sentences

● When creating negative sentences in the past ● When creating negative sentences in the past
simple tense, remember that we have negative continuous tense, we use (was/were) and a verb
sentences with the verb to be or negative with -ing.
sentences with other verbs.
E.g. They weren’t listening to me.
1. Negative sentences with the verb to be: E.g. She wasn’t bullying the new guy.
E.g. Camila was not happy with her exam results. E.g. We were not playing with your sister at 10:00.
E.g. They were not French people. E.g. I was not walking to the hospital yesterday.
E.g. He wasn’t 34 years old.
E.g. Dani and Peter weren’t at the hospital yesterday night.

2. Negative sentences with other verbs:

E.g. My children did not break your window.
E.g. The company didn’t pay the wages of the workers

**Remember in the past simple tense we use the auxiliary

did not or didn’t to make negative sentences. After this
auxiliary verb, we use the next verb in the present simple


● When creating questions or interrogative ● When creating interrogative sentences in the past
sentences in the past simple tense, remember that continuous tense, we use (was/were) and a verb
we have questions with the verb to be or question with -ing.
with other verbs.
E.g. Was she lying to you?
1. Questions with the verb to be: E.g. Why were James and Alana arguing?
E.g. Were you happy when you met your dad? E.g. What was the most challenging moment in your life?
E.g. Why was she sad? E.g. What were you doing yesterday at night?
E.g. Was he fat when he was a child?

2. Question with other verbs:

E.g. Did you find your cat?
E.g. When did the company call you?
E.g. What face did she make when she saw you?

**Similar to negative sentences, we use the auxiliary did to

make interrogative sentences. After this auxiliary verb, we
use the next verb in the present simple tense**

● Remember there are some questions that do not

use the auxiliary verb did. Those questions are
special in English and highly depend on the verb or
information we want to learn when asking them.

E.g. Who painted the Mona Lisa?

(You cannot say Who did paint the Mona Lisa? ☹ because
as we don’t who the artist was, which means that we don’t
have a subject for the question, we can use the verb directly
in the past simple tense after using the word who)

E.g. What happened at the end of the film?

(You can’t say What did happen at the end of the film? ☹
because this verb can be used directly in its past form as,
once again, we don’t have a subject in our question, rather
we want to know about an action or situation that is

E.g Which team won the championship?

(You can’t say Which team did win the championship? ☹
because the verb can be used directly in its past simple
form in the question and we don’t have a specific subject,
we want to know the result of something)

Past simple and Past continuous used within the same sentence

● We can use the past simple tense and the past continuous tense within the same sentence. In this case, the past
simple tense shows an action that happen in the middle of other that was in progress (past continuous).

E.g. While I was taking a shower, the telephone rang.

E.g We were writing our final paper when the power went off.

*Note that in the previous sentences, we are using two expressions, while and when. They are frequently used to show
that an action was in progress when other interrupted it. These expressions can be used at the beginning or in the middle
of our sentences, make sure you use commas in the middle of the sentence if you use when or while at the beginning.
I suddenly felt sleepy while I was studying.
I broke my leg when I was skiing.
When she arrived home, I was cooking dinner.
**Remember that it is not necessary to use the present continuous and the past simple in the same sentence. Sometimes,
we can use both sentences in the past simple or the past continuous tense. It all depends on what we want to say**
I was doing the homework while my mom was talking to my teacher. (Past continuous - Past continuous)
They arrived when it started raining. (Past simple - Past simple)
3. Practice

a. Complete the following sentences using the verbs in brackets () in their appropriate form. Write the verbs in the past
simple tense and check the verb list sent if you are not sure about their appropriate form. Remember that if a verb is not in
the irregular verb list, it is automatically a regular verb.

o When I woke up this morning, it was snowing. (Wake)

o She was sleeping when you called her. (Call)
o Camila Said she wanted to quit her job because she was not happy with it. (Say)
o We told her parents about her problems at school. She needs some help. (Tell)
o They started their English class at 10:21 this morning. (Start)
o Carlos Hurt his ankle while he was running. (Hurt)
o I noticed there is a new shopping center just around the corner, do you want to go shopping with me? (Notice)
o Edgar was not very happy with the new secretary. However, he had to get used to her because she had a contract for a
whole year. (To be)

b. The following sentences need a verb using the -ing form as they were all written in the past continuous tense. Look at the
verbs in brackets to complete the sentences, and check the rules before noting them down in their appropriate form:

o While I was walking home, I saw a giant bear escaping from the zoo. (Walk)
o This time last year, I was also having virtual classes. (Have)
o At 6 p.m. yesterday, it was already Getting dark. (Get)
o Lucy saw Alex when he was driving home after work. (Drive)
o I saw you yesterday, where were you going? (Go)
o What were you doing at around 8 a.m. this morning? (Do)
o While I was washing the dishes, my mom was cooking dinner. (Wash/Cook)
o My brother was listening to loud music when his friends arrived home so he could not hear the doorbell. (Listen)

c. Can you identify which tense goes in the blank space? Remember that your answer must be either in the past simple or past
continuous tense.

o They _____ the shop when I got there, so I couldn't go in and buy anything.
a) Already closed
b) Were already closing
o The teacher told us to stop what we _____.
a) Did
b) Were doing
o _____ what you were looking for in the library yesterday?
a) Did you find
b) Were you finding
o When I heard the phone ring, I _____ it straight away.
a) Answered
b) Was answering
o I _____ to answer his question when he shouted at me.
a) Tried
b) Was trying
o We _____ our trip to the mountains because we could spend time together.
a) Enjoyed
b) Were enjoying
o While I arrived, my mom _____ her favorite show on Netflix.
a) Watched
b) Was watching
o Nicolas _____ very hard to finish his projects for university last year. It was a difficult term, but he did it.
a) Worked
b) Was working

d. Look at the following sentences and decide whether they should have a negative past simple or past progressive tense

o Last year, I tried not to go running every day because I hurt my knee. So, I went running only a few days a week because I
missed doing exercise. (Try)
o Molly and her boyfriend weren´t designing a crazy wedding cake. It was her mother who thought it would be cool. (Design)
o In January 2019, Sophia got not in touch with her therapist every day. It wasn’t really good for her recovery. (Get)
o My sister wasn´t isolated when people discovered she might have had the covid-19 virus. (To be)
o Lucy told not the truth in that meeting. One day, the boss will catch her lying. (Tell)
o The guy at the bar let not us in because the bar was already full. (Let)
o She cried not that bad when her boyfriend broke up with her. (Cry)
o My father wasn´t interviewed when the accident happened. (To be)

e. Look at the answers and write the best question for each one of them:

✔ Yes, it was a good movie.

Was the sinister island a good movie?
✔ The most difficult of living in Tunja was getting used to its weather.
What was the most difficult of living Tunja?
✔ My grandfather was a really tall guy.
Was my grandfather a tall of guy?
✔ They were playing with their cousin when they broke the vase.
What were you doing to make that happen?
✔ No, Paula did not need to buy a new car.
Did Paula need buy a new car?
✔ I was so angry with him because all this time he was lying to me.
Why were you fighting with your boyfriend yesterday?
✔ She was not reading her assignments for university; I was doing it for her!
Did you know if she reading her assignments for university yesterday?
✔ I thought bungee jumping would be a great idea for our summer vacation.
What were you thinking when you brought us here?
**If needed, check out these links for further explanations on how to use each of these grammar topics**

- Past simple:

- Past continuous:
- Past simple vs past continuous:

Look at the following animals, write their names using the vocabulary in brackets:
(Giant Panda, Siamese Crocodile, Antiguan racer, Humboldt Penguin)

Antiguan racer

Giant Panda
Humboldt Penguin

Siamese Crocodile

Listen to the interview of Jenny Daltry, a herpetologist and explorer, based on her interview, choose the correct answer in the
following questions:
*Herpetologist: someone who specializes in the study of reptiles and amphibians*

Audio 1.mp3
Jenny Daltry

1. What amazing thing did Jenny Daltry do?

a. She discovered a group of Siamese crocodiles.
b. She found a new kind of bird in Cambodia.
c. She helped scientists protect panda bears.
2. What was her biggest challenge?
a. Walking through marshes
b. Avoiding dangerous snakes
c. Educating people about crocodiles
3. How did she achieve her goal?
a. She explained that crocodiles are important to the marshes.
b. She explained that crocodiles are not really dangerous.
c. She explained that crocodiles are extinct.

Listen to the interview one more time and answer the following questions:

1. How many crocodiles are in the largest group?

 In the largest group are one hundred fifty crocodiles.

2. How many acres are now protected by the government?

 The government now protects the three millions acres.

3. How do most people feel about crocodiles?

 The most people fell that of crocodiles are very dangerous.

4. What was Jenny Daltry doing when she found out about the Antiguan racer snake?

 She was traveling in the Caribbean.

Taken and adapted from World English 2 Ed. (2015). National Geographic Learning, Cengage learning .

Did you know that some of the products or services that we have today were at some point invented by accident? Read the
following chart in which you are going to find three elements that were discovered accidentally.


Nearly one hundred years ago, a lady In 1928, Alexander Fleming was John Pemberton was trying to make
called Ruth Wakefield was making growing bacteria in Petri dishes. a cure for headaches when he
cookies when she ran out of cooking Bacteria are tiny living things – some invented Coca-Cola®. For eight years
chocolate. Cooking chocolate melts of them make people ill. One of the it was only sold in chemist shops. But
and makes the cookies all brown and dishes accidentally got some mould it became so popular that it was put
chocolatey. She didn’t give up and in it. He noticed that the bacteria in bottles and made available
used a different type of chocolate didn’t grow close to the mould. The everywhere. It eventually became
instead, called ‘semi-sweet’ mould is now used as a medicine, the best-selling fizzy drink in the
chocolate. But it didn’t melt. Mrs called ‘penicillin’. It can kill bacteria. world. The recipe is still a closely
Wakefield had accidentally invented You may have taken some, if you’ve guarded secret, but you can always
the chocolate chip cookie! She sold ever been poorly with an infection. make your own fizzy drinks if you
the recipe to Nestlé in exchange for a You can’t actually make penicillin want to experiment a little.
lifetime supply of chocolate chips. yourself, but you can investigate the
growth of bacteria and moulds in
Petri dishes.

Taken and adapted from

Based on the previous reading activity, answer the following questions:

Try to answer the questions with what you understood from each of the texts, do not copy and paste sections from them.

1. What was Ruth Wakefield doing when she invented the chocolate chip cookies?
she was trying to replace an ingredient she ran out
2. How did Alexander Fleming invent penicillin?
Alexander was growing bacteria in a petri dish, he immediately noticed the relationship that mold had with them and from
that research penicillin was born
3. What was Coca-Cola® originally used for?
The Coca Cola originally used to cure the headaches.
4. From the previous three accidental discoveries, which one surprised you the most? Why?
the coca cola because it’s the most delicious thing in the universe
5. When you were a child, what was a “discovery” you made without other people telling you about it?
(Think of the first time you learned how to tie your shoelaces, think of the first time you learned to use a sharpener, etc. or
inventions you thought were revolutionary and necessary for you or other people)
when I was a child I discovered how military time was interpreted and I also learned the fabric of several handles disarming
6. If you had the chance to invent or create something new, what would it be?
I’d like to invent an intramuscular chip cleavage for pet

4. Production

Choose one of the following topics:

- Accidental inventions or discoveries

- Inventions that are useful in your field of study or degree
- What do the current COVID-19 vaccines do to your body?
- What is an invention that you consider necessary, and we do not have yet?
- What is an invention that they have in other countries, and we need to have here in Colombia?

Record an audio which could last min. 2:00 mins and max. 3:00 mins explaining the topic chosen. In your audio, try to use the
past simple and past continuous tense, if possible, and other topics studied in previous English levels. If you can’t reach the time
limit given, give details, explanations or examples from your personal experience or your personal opinion to send your final
task using the parameters established.

CRITERIA SCORE (0.0 - 5.0)

1. Do I understand the structure and uses of the past

simple and the past continuous tense?

2. Did I create my audio using what I know of the

language instead of using a translation tool?

3. Before recording my final task, did I look for the

pronunciation of some of the words I didn’t know how to

4. Did I look for information on the topic chosen or

talked about information I know to create the audio

5. Does the audio last the time assigned?

Do you feel that you could not understand this topic and need extra practice on it?

Go to the following links to practice a little bit more this topic:

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