Contract Time Suspension: Checklist of Supporting Documents and Attachments For Dots

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Contract Time Suspension

I. To be submitted by the Contractor
1. Letter request of the Contractor for Contract Time Suspension
2. Straight Line Diagram showing the critical activities affected (indicate the project limits/stations)
3. Straight Line Diagram showing the contract effectivity, contract expiry and other vital dates of the
project such as previously approved time suspension/extensions and variation orders etc.
4. Certified Copy of the Previously Approved Time Suspension/Resumption/Extension and Variation
Orders (if there’s any)
5. Certified Copy of Original Contract
6. Copy of latest approved PERT/CPM Network Diagram Bar Chart prior to the request for contract time
Additional supporting documents for specific conditions:
A. Due to Rainy/Unworkable Days considered unfavorable for the prosecution of the
works at the site:
1. Certification/Monthly Weather Report from PAGASA
2. Pictures (with caption i.e., location/station, etc.) showing that the site is affected by unworkable
3. Certified Copy of Project Logbook (Date of Suspension)
B. Due to Delay in the payment of Contractor’s Claim for Progress Billing/s
1. Transmittal from the Implementing Office/Consultant submitting the Progress Billing/s and/or
Voucher complete with the required documents to the Accounting Division for appropriate action.
C. Due to Road Right-of-Way Problem
1. Certification from the Barangay Captain/City or Municipality Mayor that there is RROW problem and
the affected owners do not allow the entry of the contractor to their property.
2. Pictures with caption i.e., location/station, etc. of the site with RROW problem
D. Due to Peace and Order Condition
1. Certification from the PNP station commander concerned and confirmed by the DILG Regional
Director concerned that peace and order condition in the area is already stable
2. Proof/ Evidence of Peace and Order Situation (Pictures/ Police Report/ Project Engineer’s
Incident Report)
E. Due to Inaccessibility to Project
1. Exhibit Pictures (with caption i.e., location/station, etc.) showing the obstruction at the project
2. Straight Line Diagram/Structural Mapping showing the location of the obstruction to the project
F. Due to Obstruction
1. Exhibit Pictures (with caption i.e., location/station, etc.) showing the obstruction was resolved
2. Straight Line Diagram/Structural Mapping showing the location of the obstruction to the project
G. Due to Failure of the Government to provide necessary construction plans and/or
1. Pictures (with caption i.e., location/station, etc.) showing the effect of the absence of construction
plan and/or drawings
H. Due to non-availability of construction materials
1. Pictures showing effect of the non-availability of Construction Materials
2. Certification from DTI and the suppliers that the required materials specified in the plans and/or
substitute materials are not available in the market

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Annex K
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Contract Time Suspension

I. Due to effect of Force Majeure
1. Pictures (with caption i.e., location/station, etc.) showing the effect of force majeure on the project
2. Narrative account of force majeure with complete attachment
J. Due to absence of MMDA Permit/Clearance for Road Repair/Excavation/Traffic
1. Contractor’s request duly received by the Implementing Office for the Suspension of Work
2. Copy of the original letter request of the Contractor duly received by the MMDA to Issue
3. Copy of Application Form for MMDA Permit/Clearance for Road Repair/Excavation/Traffic Clearance
K. Due to absence LGU Permit/Clearance/Homeowners Association Clearance/Permit
1. Contractor’s request duly received by the Implementing Office for the Suspension of Work
2. Copy of the original letter request of the Contractor duly received by the LGU to Issue
L. Due to DENR Clearance/Permit to cut/remove trees/Coconut within the Road-Right-
1. Contractor’s request duly received by the Implementing Office for the Suspension of Work
2. Copy of the original letter request of the Contractor duly received by the DENR to issue
Clearance/Permit to cut/remove trees
3. PCA Clearance (for Coconut)
M. Delayed delivery of Imported Materials due to truck ban and/or port congestion
1. Contractor’s request duly received by the Implementing Office for the Suspension of Work
2. Certified true copy of Bill of Lading
3. Certification from the Implementing Office that the delivery of materials was delayed due to truck
ban and/or port congestion
N. Due to Encountered Hard Strata
1. Approved Drilling Monitoring Report
2. Approved Original and Actual Bore Log Data
3. Pictures/Photographs showing the encountered hard strata

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Annex K
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Contract Time Suspension

II. To be submitted by the Implementing Office
1. Executive Summary
2. Proposed Suspension Order in a standard format per DO 100 Series of 2015
3. Project/Consultant Engineer’s Report relative to the request for contract time extension
4. Evaluation/Recommendation with justification from the Implementing Office/Consultant of the
requested time extension
5. Complete Contractual Data
6. Copy of latest approved PERT/CPM/PDM Network Diagram Bar Chart prior to the request for contract
time suspension
7. Letters/Communications/Minutes of the Meetings made between the Implementing Office,
Contractors and Other Concerned Parties
8. Chronology of Events from the start until the Resolution of the problem (if any). It should contain the
efforts made by the Implementing Office in order to resolve the problem and resume the
implementation of the Projects at the soonest possible time
Additional supporting documents for specific conditions:
A. Due to Rainy/Unworkable Days considered unfavorable for the prosecution of the
works at the site:
1. Project Weather Chart duly signed by the Project/Resident Engineer
B. Due to Delay in the payment of Contractor’s Claim for Progress Billing/s
1. Certification from the DPWH Accountant duly noted by the Head of Implementing Office that
payment was not yet paid beyond forty-five (45) calendar days from the time the contractor’s claim
has been certified to by the procuring entity’s representative that the documents are complete.
C. Due to Road Right-of-Way Problem
1. Copy of approved Parcellary Survey/ROW Plan showing the affected lots and improvements
2. Certified copy of Permit to Enter duly received/acknowledged but disapproved/unsigned by the
3. List of Properties/Lots/Structures affected by RROW
D. Due to Failure of the Government to provide necessary construction plans and/or
1. Certification from the Implementing Office that construction plan and/or drawings were not yet
2. Explanation from the Implementing Office/Consultant for failure to provide the necessary
Construction Plans
E. Due to non-availability of Construction Materials
1. Certification from the Implementing Office that non-availability of Construction Materials has
2. Certification from the Implementing Office stating the distance/location of the nearest available
supplier of the said materials and its cost
F. Due to effect of Force Majeure
1. Certification from Implementing Office that force majeure has occurred
G. Due to Peace and Order Condition
1. List of similarly affected projects undertaken by other Contractors within the vicinity of the Project
H. Due to Obstruction
1. List of Utilities affected by RROW

I hereby certify that the above supporting document is complete

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Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
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Contract Time Suspension

I. Due to DENR Clearance/Permit to Cut/Remove Trees within the Road-Right-of-Way
1. Letter from the Implementing Office to the Secretary regarding the request for DENR Permit
2. Endorsement letter of the Secretary to the DENR Secretary regarding the request of the
Implementing Office for DENR Permit
J. Due to absence of MMDA Permit /Clearance for Road Repair/Excavation/Traffic
1. Contractor’s request duly received by the Implementing Office for the Suspension of Work
2. Copy of the original letter request of the Contractor duly received by the MMDA to Issue
3. Copy of Application Form for MMDA Permit/Clearance for Road Repair/Excavation/Traffic Clearance
K. Due to absence LGU Permit/Clearance/Homeowners Association Clearance/Permit
1. Contractor’s request duly received by the Implementing Office for the Suspension of Work
2. Copy of the original letter request of the Contractor duly received by the LGU to Issue
L. Due to DENR Clearance/Permit to cut/remove trees/Coconut within the Road-Right-
1. Contractor’s request duly received by the Implementing Office for the Suspension of Work
2. Copy of the original letter request of the Contractor duly received by the DENR to issue
Clearance/Permit to cut/remove trees
3. PCA Clearance (for Coconut)
4. Letter from the Implementing Office to the Secretary regarding the request for DENR Permit
5. Endorsement letter of the Secretary to the DENR Secretary regarding the request of the
Implementing Office for DENR Permit
M. Delayed delivery of Imported Materials due to truck ban and/or port congestion
1. Contractor’s request duly received by the Implementing Office for the Suspension of Work
2. Certified true copy of Bill of Lading
3. Certification from the Implementing Office that the delivery of materials was delayed due to truck
ban and/or port congestion
N. Due to Revision of Plans
1. Original Construction Plans approved by Authorized DPWH Officials. Proposed revision should be

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Date: _______________________________
Annex K
Page 28 of 53

Contract Time Resumption

I. To be submitted by the Contractor
1. Letter Request of the Contractor for Contract Time Resumption
2. Approved Suspension Order
3. Certified copy of Original Contract
Additional supporting documents for specific conditions:
A. Due to Rainy/Unworkable Days considered unfavorable for the prosecution of the
works at the site:
1. Pictures (with caption i.e., location/station, etc.) showing that the site is workable
B. Due to Delay in the payment of Contractor’s Claim for Progress Billing/s
1. Certified copy of Vouchers/Progress Billings
2. Certification from the Accounting Division of payments made for the progress billing/s was received
C. Due to Road Right-of-Way Problem
1. Pictures (with caption i.e., location/station, etc.) of the site before and after the RROW Problem was
resolved Pictures/Photographs of the site with RROW problem
2. Certification from the Barangay Captain/City or Municipality Mayor that the RROW Problem was
D. Due to Peace and Order Condition
1. Certification from the PNP station commander concerned and confirmed by the DILG Regional
Director concerned that peace and order condition in the area is already stable
E. Due to Inaccessibility to Project
1. Exhibit Pictures (with caption i.e., location/station, etc.) showing proof of resolution of inaccessibility
2. Relevant documents such as permit issued, communication letters, minutes of the meeting, etc.
F. Due to Obstruction
1. Exhibit Pictures (with caption i.e., location/station, etc.) showing the obstruction was removed
2. Relevant documents such as permit issued, communication letters, minutes of the meeting, etc.
G. Due to Failure of the Government to provide necessary construction plans and/or
1. Proof on the date of approval of construction plan and/or drawings
H. Due to non-availability of construction materials
1. Certification from DTI and the suppliers that the required materials specified in the plans and/or
substitute materials are available in the market
I. Due to effect of Force Majeure
1. Pictures (with caption i.e., location/station, etc.) showing the effect of force majeure was already
addressed to effect Resumption Order
2. Relevant documents such as communication letters, minutes of the meeting relative to the measures
undertaken to address the effect of force majeure that necessitates issuance of Resumption Order
J. Due to absence of MMDA Permit/Clearance for Road Repair/Excavation/Traffic
1. Contractor’s request duly received by the Implementing Office for the Resumption of Work
2. Copy of the MMDA Permit/Clearance for Road Repair/Excavation/Traffic Clearance issued for the

I hereby certify that the above supporting document is complete

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Date: ________________________________
Annex K
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Contract Time Resumption

K. Due to absence LGU Permit/Clearance/Homeowners Association Clearance/Permit
1. Contractor’s request duly received by the Implementing Office for the Resumption of Work
2. Copy of the LGU Permit/Clearance/Re-blocking permit/clearance issued for the project
L. Due to DENR Clearance/Permit to cut/remove trees/Coconut within the Road-Right-
1. Contractor’s request duly received by the Implementing Office for the Resumption of Work
2. Copy of the DENR Clearance/Permit to cut/remove trees
3. PCA Clearance (for Coconut)
M. Delayed delivery of Imported Materials due to truck ban and/or port congestion
1. Contractor’s request to the Implementing Office for the Resumption of Work
2. Certified true copy of Bill of Lading
3. Original copy of Custom Clearance
4. Certification from the Implementing Office that the delayed delivery of materials due to truck ban
and port congestion has been resolved

I hereby certify that the above supporting document is complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: _______________________________

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