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Independent Accountants’ Report On

Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures
June 30, 2020
For the Year Ended June 30, 2020

Table of Contents

Independent Accountants’ Report On Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures 1-10

Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Transfers 11

Notes to the Statement 12-13

American Institute of CPAS CLINE BRANDT KOCHENOWER Albert B. Cline, CPA (1923-2013)
Raymond H. Brandt, CPA

& CO., P.A.

Private Companies Practice Section Ben D. Kochenower, CPA, CFE, CVA, CICA, CGMA
Timothy S. Blake, CPA/PFS
South Carolina Association of CPAS Brandon A. Blake, CPA
Bethany S. Noblin, CPA
Governmental Audit Quality Center Certified Public Accountants
Established 1950

Independent Accountants’ Report On

Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures

Dr. George W. Hynd, Interim President

Winthrop University
114 Tillman Hall
Rock Hill, South Carolina 29733

We have audited the financial statements of Winthrop University as of and for the year ended June 30,
2020, and have issued our unmodified opinion thereon under the date of September 30, 2020. At your
request, we have also performed the procedures described below which were agreed to by the Board of
Trustees and management of Winthrop University, solely to assist these users in evaluating whether the
accompanying Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Transfers of Winthrop University is in compliance
with the National Collegiate Athletic Association (“NCAA”) Bylaw for the fiscal year ended June 30,
2020. The Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Transfers of Winthrop University Intercollegiate
Athletics Program and related note disclosures was not audited or reviewed by us. Management is
responsible for Winthrop University's compliance with the requirements of NCAA Bylaw, the
Intercollegiate Athletics Program's financial records, internal controls and compliance with applicable laws,
rules and regulations. This engagement to apply agreed-upon procedures was conducted in accordance
with attestation standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The
sufficiency of these procedures is solely the responsibility of those parties specified in this report.
Consequently, we make no representation regarding the sufficiency of the procedures described below
either for the purpose for which this report has been requested or for any other purpose.

The procedures and associated findings are as follows:

Procedures Related to the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Transfers

1. We obtained the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Transfers of Winthrop University

Intercollegiate Athletics Program and related note disclosures for the year ended June 30, 2020, as
prepared by accounting management of the University and shown on page 11 in this report. We
recalculated the mathematical accuracy of the amounts on the statement, traced the individual line item
amounts from the statement to management’s worksheets and compared the amounts on
management’s worksheets to the accounts in the University’s general ledger.

Post Office Box 848, 1225 West Floyd Baker Boulevard, Gaffney, SC 29342-0848, (864) 489-7121 Fax (864) 489-7123
Post Office Box 161300, 145 Rogers Commerce Boulevard, Boiling Springs, SC 29316-1300, (864) 541-0218 Fax (864) 541-0221
Internet Address:
Winthrop University
Intercollegiate Athletics Program

2. We compared each major revenue and expense accounts in the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures
and Transfers to prior period amounts. We obtained and documented our understanding of any
significant variations. If a specific reporting category total (specific line items of revenues and expenses)
is less than 4.0% of the total revenues or total expenses, no procedures were performed for that specific

• We compared each major revenue and expense account over 10% of the total revenues and total
expenditures to prior period amounts. We obtained and documented our understanding of any
variations over 10%. We obtained the following explanations from the University’s athletic
management regarding the reasons for the variances.

REVENUES 2020 2019 % Change

Student Fees $ 6,192,629 5,373,373 15.25%

Student Fees Decreased (15.25%)

There is significant variation from prior year because the amounts given for student fees are
actually athletics expenditures in the student activity funds which are supported by student activity
fee revenues. The Board of Trustees approved the FY20 budget giving athletics an additional
$500,000 from student activity funds. In FY20, athletics spent $6,192,629 which, in theory, became
the student activity fee revenue for athletics. So, of the $800K increase, approximately $500,000
relates to the additional budget approved by the BOT and the remaining increase of $300K relates
to athletic expenditures over their revised budget for FY20.

We found no exceptions as a result of this procedure.

3. We inquired of management the specific elements of the University’s internal control unique to the
Intercollegiate Athletics Program’s accounting system and financial reporting.

We found no exceptions as a result of this procedure.

Winthrop University
Intercollegiate Athletics Program


• We compared and agreed a sample of operating revenue receipts obtained from the revenues
general ledger to adequate supporting documentation. The sample of the individual receipts
selected for comparison is as follows:

Ref. No. Descriptions Date Amount

DP001074 MBB season tickets 8/14/2019 6:30 345.00
DP001159 Hampton Univ Inv 1379416 for Mar 8 6/26/2020 6:30 1,695.00
DP001141 MBB VS HIGH POINT 3/6/2020 6:30 943.00
DP001135 SOFTBALL TOURNEY 2/21/2020 6:30 2,585.00
DP001128 mbb tickets 2/1/2020 6:30 564.00
DP001122 mbb duke tickets david friedman 1/10/2020 6:30 345.00
DP001109 mbb tickets homecoming 11/19/2019 6:30 3,285.00
DP001128 FY20 U of Kentucky Game Guar 2/1/2020 6:30 25,000.00
J0033649 KK EOY Wingate by Wyndham 826 7/23/2020 15:32 833.33
J0033649 KK EOYAR Michele Boyne Pediatr 812 7/23/2020 15:32 875.00
DP001150 Inv 781 EFP Brands Penn Station Sub 4/24/2020 6:30 1,250.00
DP001126 INV 767 WINGATE BY WYNDHAM RH 1/24/2020 6:30 833.33
DP001106 inv 738 wingate by wyndham rh 11/8/2019 6:30 833.33
DP001091 inv 720 towneplace suites strand ho 9/28/2019 6:30 3,750.00
J0033638 KK EOY Rec FY20 BigSouthChampRing 7/23/2020 16:33 625.00
DP001135 WBB DONATIONS 2/21/2020 6:30 300.00
DP001107 mgo donation 11/13/2019 6:31 500.00
DP001091 carlton jr eagle club 9/28/2019 6:30 25.00
DP001083 lax background checks 9/7/2019 6:30 56.10
J0033701 KT EOY 20 GIK Lees Famous Chicken 8/4/2020 16:10 4,000.00
J0033638 KK EOY Rec WUFD Athletics 7/23/2020 16:33 725.00
DP001111 2019 USDGC 11/23/2019 6:30 1,000.00
DP001150 Dec Ticket return Web charges 4/24/2020 6:30 2,272.56
DP001099 MBB SEASON TICKETS 10/17/2019 6:30 906.25
DP001082 mbb season tickets 9/4/2019 6:32 230.00

We found no exceptions as a result of this procedure.

Winthrop University
Intercollegiate Athletics Program


Student Fees

1. We compared and agreed the student fees reported by the University in the statement for the
reporting period to student enrollments during the same reporting period and recalculate the totals.

We found no exceptions as a result of this procedure.

2. We obtained and documented our understanding of the University’s methodology for allocating
student fees to intercollegiate athletics programs.

We found no exceptions as a result of this procedure.

3. We recalculated the totals of the University’s methodology for supporting that they are able to count
each sport. We will tie the calculation to supporting documentation

We found no exceptions as a result of this procedure.

Direct Institutional Support

1. We compared the direct institutional support recorded by the University during the reporting period
with the institutional supporting budget transfers documentation and other corroborative supporting
documentation and recalculated the totals.

We found no exceptions as a result of this procedure.

Indirect Institutional Support

1. We compared the indirect institutional support recorded by the University during the reporting
period with expense payments, cost allocation detail and other corroborative supporting
documentation and recalculated the totals.

We found no exceptions as a result of this procedure.


1. We obtained and reviewed any supporting documentation and recalculate the totals for any
contributions of moneys, goods or services received directly by an intercollegiate athletics program
from any affiliated or outside organization, agency, or group of individuals (two or more) not
included above (e.g., contributions by corporate sponsors) that constitutes 10 percent or more in
aggregate for the reporting year of all contributions received for intercollegiate athletics during the
reporting periods

We found no exceptions as a result of this procedure.

NCAA Distribution

1. We compared the amounts recorded in the revenue and expense reporting to the general ledger
detail for NCAA distributions and other corroborative supporting documents and recalculated the

We found no exceptions as a result of this procedure.

Winthrop University
Intercollegiate Athletics Program


Athletic Student Aid

1. We obtained a listing from the University detailing institutional student aid recipients for the year.
We selected a sample of 26 students (10% of the total student-athletes).

2. We obtained the individual student account detail for each selection and compared the total aid
allocated from the related aid award letter to the student’s account detail.

3. We performed a check of each student selected to ensure their information was reported accurately
in the NCAA's Compliance Assistant (CA) software using the following criteria:

a. The equivalency value for each student-athlete in all sports, including head-count sports, needs
to be converted to a full-time equivalency value. The full-time equivalency value is calculated
using the athletic grant amount reported on the Calculation of Revenue Distribution
Equivalencies Report (CRDE) from CA as the numerator and the full grant amount which is the
total cost for tuition, fees, books, room and board for an academic year as the denominator.

b. Grant-in-aid is calculated by using the revenue distribution equivalencies by sport and in


c. Other expenses related to attendance should not be included in the grants-in-aid revenue
distribution equivalencies.

d. Full grant amount should be entered as full year of tuition, not a semester or quarter.

e. Student-athletes are to be counted once and should not receive a revenue distribution
equivalency greater than 1.00.

f. Athletic grants are valid for revenue distribution purposes only in sports in which the NCAA
conducts championship competition, emerging sports for women and bowl subdivision football.

g. Grants-in-aid are valid for revenue distribution purposes in NCAA sports that do not meet the
minimum contest and participants’ component.

h. Institutions providing grants to student-athletes listed on the CRDE as “Exhausted Eligibility

(fifth year) or “Medical” receive credit in the grants-in-aid component.

i. The athletic aid equivalency cannot exceed maximum equivalency limits. However, the total
revenue distribution equivalency can exceed minimum equivalency limits due to exhausted
eligibility and medical equivalencies.

j. If a sport is discontinued and the athletic grant(s) are still being honored by the institution, the
grant(s) are included in student athlete aid for revenue distribution purposes.

k. All equivalency calculations should be rounded to two decimal places.

Winthrop University
Intercollegiate Athletics Program

EXPENSES, continued

l. If a selected student received a PELL Grant, we verified that the student’s grant was not
included in the calculation of equivalencies or the total dollar amount of student athletic and
expense for the institution.

m. If a selected student received a PELL Grant, we verified that the student’s grant was included
in the total number of and total value of Pell Grants reported for Revenue Distribution purposes
in the NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System.

4. We recalculated the totals for each sport and overall.


1. In our sample of 26 student athletes, we found one instance where the students full grant amount
was not accurately reported causing the Revenue Distribution Equivalency Report to be incorrectly

Management’s Response:

In the future, each party involved in financial aid disbursement and squad list totals will be required
to audit reports for accuracy.

Coaching Salaries, Benefits, and Bonuses Paid by the University and Related Entities

1. We obtained and inspected a listing of coaches employed by the University and related entities
during the reporting period. We selected a sample of coaches' contracts from the listing. We
ensured that our sample includes coaches’ from men's and women's basketball.

2. We compared and agreed the financial terms and conditions of each selection to the related
coaching salaries, benefits, and bonuses recorded by the University and related entities in the
statement during the reporting period.

3. We obtained and inspected payroll summary registers for the reporting year for each selection. We
compared and agreed payroll summary registers from the reporting period to the related coaching
salaries, benefits and bonuses paid by the University and related entities expense recorded by the
University in the statement during the reporting period.

4. We compared and agreed the totals recorded to any employment contracts executed for the sample
selected and we recalculated the totals.

We found no exceptions as a result of these procedures.

Winthrop University
Intercollegiate Athletics Program

EXPENSES, continued

Support Staff/Administrative Salaries, Benefits, and Bonuses Paid by the University and Related

1. We obtained a listing of support staff/administrative salaries, benefits and bonuses paid by the
University and related entities for the year ended. From the listing, we selected a sample of support
staff/administrative personnel.

2. We obtained and inspected reporting period payroll summary registers for each selection. We
compared and agreed the related payroll summary registers to the related support staff
administrative other compensation and benefits expense recorded by the University in the
statement during the reporting period and we recalculated the totals.

We found no exceptions as a result of these procedures.


1. We obtained the general ledger accounts for recruiting expense, team travel expense, equipment,
uniform and supplies, game expense, medical expense, and other operating expense. We
compared the total expense reported to the statement.

2. We selected a sample of transactions (see below) to validate the existence of the transactions and
the accuracy of recording and recalculated the totals.

3. We obtained and documented our understanding of the University’s team travel policies. We
compared the existing University and NCAA related policies to determine if they were in agreement

4. For the selected expenses, we obtained the related disbursement package to determine the items
required by University’s procurement policy were included and that the expense had been
authorized in accordance with the University’s policy.

Winthrop University
Intercollegiate Athletics Program

EXPENSES, continued

The sample of the individual disbursement selected for testing is as follows:

Ref. No. Date Description Amount

I2005278 1/21/2020 14:46 Francis Marion University 1,600.00
I2004164 12/3/2019 13:34 Long, Aurianna Leigh. 1,300.00
I2002600 10/15/2019 15:01 STI LLC 1,500.00
I2000975 8/21/2019 13:44 Ridenhour, Daniel P. 1,408.00
I2000327 7/18/2019 15:39 Dunlap, Valerie Elissa. 120.00
I2005236 1/16/2020 14:45 Gray, Justin Eugene. 7.00
I2003780 11/19/2019 13:15 Segnini, Vivian 280.00
F0018648 9/3/2019 22:04 Womens Basketball Scholarship 15.00
I2008219 7/1/2020 12:51 Southpaw Screenprint & Embroidery 12.00
I2006124 2/20/2020 12:52 OrthoCarolina PA 174.97
I2006379 2/27/2020 15:20 Reinbold, Aaron Geoffrey. 300.00
I2002286 10/7/2019 16:21 McHenry, Andrew 100.00
I2001788 9/19/2019 10:54 Sign Techniques 115.56
I2003231 10/31/2019 14:14 Henry Schein Inc 38.98
I2001698 9/13/2019 14:12 Adidas America Inc 63.67
I2005199 1/16/2020 11:12 Adidas America Inc 1,066.84
I2003008 10/25/2019 13:11 Adidas America Inc 26.90
I2001518 9/9/2019 14:42 Adidas America Inc 24.08
I2000994 8/21/2019 14:07 Adidas America Inc 2,295.15
I2000754 8/14/2019 13:02 Adidas America Inc 1,348.20
I2002004 9/27/2019 11:26 JRM Inc 2,193.50
I2007028 3/30/2020 7:08 Southeast Toyota Finance 220.89
I2002923 10/23/2019 14:04 Southeast Toyota Finance 220.89
I2005362 1/23/2020 14:55 Nicholson, Grant Owen. 94.40
I2006177 2/21/2020 12:34 Segnini, Vivian 215.00

We found no exceptions as a result of these procedures.

Team Travel

1. We obtained documentation of the University’s team travel policies.

2. We compared and agreed the existing institutional- and NCAA-related policies.

3. We obtained the general ledger detail and compared to the total expenses reported and
recalculated the totals.

We found no exceptions as a result of these procedures.

Winthrop University
Intercollegiate Athletics Program

EXPENSES, continued

Game Expenses

1. We obtained the general ledger detail and compared to the total expenses reported. We selected
a sample of transactions to validate the existence of transactions and the accuracy of recording
and we recalculated the totals.

We found no exceptions as a result of these procedures.

Indirect Institutional Support

1. We tested Indirect Institutional Support with the revenue section- Indirect Institutional Support.

We found no exceptions as a result of these procedures.

Outside Organizations

1. We obtained from management a list of all outside organizations not under the University’s
accounting control that have as its principal or one of its principal purposes is generating resources
for or on behalf of the University’s Intercollegiate Athletics Program or the promotion of the program.
We obtained a copy of the outside organization’s audited financial statements.

2. We compared the amount received from this outside organization to the amount recorded in the
general ledger and on the statement.

We found no exceptions as a result of these procedures.


In order for NCAA to place reliance on the financial reporting for NCAA distribution purposes, we performed
the following procedures:

1. For Grant-in-Aid: We compared the sports sponsored reported in the NCAA membership Financial
Reporting System to the Calculation of Revenue Distribution Equivalencies Report (CRDE) from
Compliance Assistance (CA) or equivalent supporting equivalency calculation from the institution.
The NCAA membership Financial Reporting System populated the sports from the NCAA
Membership Database as they are reported by the institution. If there is a discrepancy in the sports
sponsored between the NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System and the CRDE or
equivalent supporting equivalency calculation, we inquired about the discrepancy and report the
justification in the AUP report.

We compared current year Grant-in-Aid revenue distribution equivalencies to prior year reported
equivalencies per the Membership Financial Report submission. We inquired and documented an
explanation for any variance greater than +/- 4%.

Winthrop University
Intercollegiate Athletics Program


2. For Sport Sponsorship: We obtained the Institution’s Sport Sponsorship and Demographics Form
Report for the reposting year. We validated that the countable sports reported by the institution
meet the minimum requirements set forth by Law for the number of contests and the
number of participants in each contest that is counted toward meeting the minimum contest
requirement. Post season contest are not countable toward the contest requirements. Once
countable sports were validated, we ensured that the institution has properly reported these sports
as countable for revenue distribution purposes within the NCAA Membership Reporting System. If
applicable, any discrepancies were resolved within the NCAA Membership Financial Reporting
System prior to the report being submitted to the NCAA.

We compared current year number of Sports Sponsored to prior year reported total per the
Membership Financial Report submission. No variances were noted.

3. For Pell Grants: We agreed the total number of Division I student-athletes who, during the academic
year, received a Pell Grant award and the total value of these Pell Grants reported in the NCAA
Membership Financial Reporting System to a report, generated out of the institutions financial aid
records, of all student-athletes Pell Grants.

We compared current year Pell Grants total to prior year reported total per the Membership
Financial Report submission. There were no variances greater than +/- 20 grants.

We found no exceptions as a result of these procedures.

This engagement to apply agreed-upon procedures (“AUP”) was conducted in accordance with attestation
standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. We were not engaged to
and did not conduct an examination or review engagement, the objective of which would be the expression
of an opinion on compliance with NCAA Bylaw or the expression of an opinion on The Statement
of Revenues, Expenditures and Transfers of the Intercollegiate Athletics Program of Winthrop University
for the year ended June 30, 2020, and, furthermore, we were not engaged to express an opinion on the
effectiveness of the internal controls over compliance with the laws, rules and regulations. Accordingly, we
do not express such an opinion or conclusion. Had we performed additional procedures; other matters
might have come to our attention that would have been reported to you.

This report is intended solely for the information and use of the Board of Trustees and management of
Winthrop University and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified

January 14, 2020

Gaffney, SC

Attachment A
Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Transfers
For the Year Ended June 30, 2020

Men's Women's Other Nonprogram

REVENUES Basketball Basketball Sports Specific Total
Ticket Sales $ 101,145 2,699 18,765 - $ 122,609
Direct State or Other Government Support - - - - -
Student Fees 959,319 560,751 2,257,946 2,414,613 6,192,629
Direct Institutional Support 306,401 359,083 1,998,024 437,217 3,100,725
Less-Transfers to Institution (1,919) (1,787) (21,460) (124,834) (150,000)
Indirect Institutional 200,666 98,256 392,464 629,807 1,321,193
Indirect Institutional-Athletic Facilities Debt Service - - - 120,000 120,000
Guarantees 305,000 42,000 1,000 - 348,000
Contributions 64,006 1,398 69,934 468,007 603,345
In-Kind - - - 488,340 488,340
Compensation and Benefits Provided by a Third Party - - - - -
Media Rights - - - - -
NCAA Distributions - - - 543,337 543,337
Conference Distributions - - - - -
Program, Novelty, Parking, and Concession Sales - - - 27,113 27,113
Royalties, Licensing, Advertisements and
Sponsorships - - - 374,309 374,309
Camp Revenues - - - 1,903 1,903
Athletics Restricted Endowment and Investment Income - - - - -
Other Revenues 625 4,883 47,236 126,293 179,037

Total Revenues $ 1,935,243 1,067,283 4,763,909 5,506,105 $ 13,272,540

Men's Women's Other Nonprogram

EXPENDITURES Basketball Basketball Sports Specific Total
Athletic Student Aid $ 490,663 565,033 2,955,444 81,195 4,092,335
Guarantees 6,000 2,000 5,990 - 13,990
Coaching Salaries, Benefits, and Bonuses Paid by the
University and Related Entities 700,605 364,773 1,566,615 - 2,631,994
Coaching Other Compensation and Benefits Paid by a
Third Party - - - - -
Support Staff/Administrative Salaries, Benefits and
Bonuses Paid by the University and Related Entities 80,556 37,131 - 2,272,757 2,390,444
Support Staff/Administrative Other Compensation and
Benefits Paid by a Third Party - - - - -
Severance Payments - - - - -
Recruiting 33,288 8,563 46,077 - 87,928
Team Travel 134,317 74,472 332,624 19,673 561,086
Equipment, Uniforms and Supplies 23,758 16,401 238,987 97,195 376,341
Game Expenses 133,208 36,401 42,123 681,465 893,197
Fund Raising, Marketing and Promotion 1,731 1,208 7,363 10,924 21,226
Sports Camp Expenses - - - - -
Spirit Groups - - - 18,170 18,170
Athletic Facilities Debt Services, Lease and Rental Fee - - - 125,508 125,508
Direct Overhead and Administrative Expenses - - - - -
Indirect Institutional Support 200,666 98,256 392,464 629,807 1,321,193
Medical Expenses 583 778 187 339,459 341,007
Membership Dues 28,780 17,411 28,232 37,119 111,542
Student-Athlete Meals (non-travel) 12,402 2,089 3,662 13,866 32,019
Other Operating Expenses 9,063 8,869 56,054 93,045 167,031

Total Operating Expenses $ 1,855,621 1,233,386 5,675,822 4,420,183 $ 13,185,011

Excess (Deficiencies) of Revenue

Over (Under) Expenses $ 79,622 (166,103) (911,913) 1,085,922 $ 87,529


Attached A
Notes to the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Transfers
June 30, 2020


Contributions and gifts to Winthrop University’s Intercollegiate Athletics Program totaled $977,255. This
amount is reported in the Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Transfers with the following captions:

Contributions $ 603,345
In-Kind Gifts 488,340
$ 1,091,685

Individual contributions which exceeded 10 percent of the total contributions and the related donors
included in the above amounts are as follows:
Winthrop Foundation $ 603,345
Atrium Health 130,000
Adidas 164,000
$ 897,345


Capital assets are recorded at cost at the date of acquisition or fair market value at the date of donation in
the case of gifts. Winthrop University follows capitalization guidelines established by the State of South
Carolina. All land is capitalized, regardless of cost. Qualifying improvements that rest in or on the land
itself are recorded as depreciable land improvements. Major additions and renovations and other
improvements that add to the usable space, prepare existing buildings for new uses or extend the useful
life of an existing building are capitalized. The University capitalizes movable personal property with a unit
value in excess of $5,000 and a useful life in excess of two years and depreciable land improvements,
buildings and improvements and intangible assets costing in excess of $100,000. Routine repairs and
maintenance and library materials, except individual items costing in excess of $5,000, are charged to
operating expense in the year in which the expense was incurred. The total estimated book value of plant
and equipment, net of depreciation, for Athletics is $8,603,914 compared to the institution total of

Depreciation is computed using the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the assets. The
University has selected a useful life of 25 to 50 years for buildings, renovations and land improvements.
The useful life for machinery, equipment and vehicles varies between 2 and 25 years depending on the
asset. A full year of depreciation is taken the year the asset is placed in service and no depreciation is
taken in the year of disposition.

Notes to the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Transfers
June 30, 2020


Interest cost incurred during the construction phase of capital assets is reflected in the capitalized value of
the asset constructed net of interest earned on the invested proceeds over the same period. During the
year ended June 30, 2020, there were no material capitalized interest costs incurred.

Fiscal Year 2020 Additions by Sport:

Athletic Facilities Basketball Other Total

Additions $ - - -
Deletions - 10,827 10,827


Intercollegiate Athletics Debt

Annual Maturities
Ath Fac
Rev Bonds

2021 125,508
Total $ 125,508


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