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Theme for Class7

Stalingrad of the East'
Dear Parents and Students,

A global, novel virus that has kept us contained in our homes is already
reorienting our lives. Like any crisis, this also presents us opportunities to
be flexible & make powerful use of technology, less polarization, a revived
appreciation for the outdoors and life’s other simple pleasures.

It would be great if you explore new interests, play indoors, read books and
magazines of your choice, learn household chores and spend quality time
with your family.

Summer Holiday Homework is an initiative on our part, to inculcate

innovativeness, creativity and interest in the tasks assigned to our students.
It will not only enable you to recapitulate what was taught but will also help
you to connect yourselves to the various learning processes. These projects
will be assessed as Subject Enrichment Activity for Term I. Parents please
encourage your child to work independently. However, your guidance will
be helpful.

This year the Holiday Home Work Projects are in accordance with the
CBSE guidelines based on the ‘Art Integration’. This art-integrated
approach will make our students understand the diverse Indian art and
culture and will help them in imbibing the Indian ethos through integration
of Indian art and culture. The theme for class VII is ‘Nagaland- Stalingrad
of the East'.
Guidelines for Holiday Home Work: -
All projects / Homework to be done as specified.
o English, Hindi and Mathematics in one scrap book.
o Science, Social Science and 3rd Language in another scrap book.
o Computer Science printout in a folder.
Work to be done neatly, creatively and relevant to the question given.
Parental supervision required while surfing the internet.

Stay Safe, Stay Home, Stay Healthy

1. Make a Travel Brochure of Nagaland on an A4 size sheet.
Travel brochures are promotional documents that advertise
specific destinations, hotels, tours, vacation packages, or
exotic locales.
Things to Include in a Travel Brochure :-
• Brief summary of the setting, with highlights of important places
• Climate and overall weather conditions
• Location, including a map
• Entertainment
• Transportation
• Languages and Local Dialect
• Food that the area is known for
• Pictures/Graphics

2. Read the Supplementary Reader 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’

lesson 1 to 5 and write a character sketch in about 75 words of
any one character you liked while reading the Supplementary
3. Read any one book from the given list and write a book review
for the same. Also illustrate one of your favourite scenes from
that story.

*Pollyanna *Little Women *Anne of Green Gables

Complete both the activities in a scrap book.

Nagaland is a hilly State with mountainous terrain richly endowed
with natural resources whereas Madhya Pradesh has large area,
diverse climatic and soil conditions suitable for a broad range of
agricultural products.
Prepare a comparative study on
the farming methods of
Nagaland and Madhya Pradesh,
vegetation found in both the
states. The study to be
presented in the scrap book
supported with pictures.

Social Science
India is a country of architectural marvels depicting traditions and
culture. Madhya Pradesh is arguably India's finest repository of
architectural monuments whereas Nagaland has its own architectural
Study any two architectural marvels of Madhya Pradesh and
Nagaland. Highlight the important features of these architectural
marvels in a scrap book. Support your work with pictures.

Based on Chapter -5 (History),

Rulers and Buildings.

"Any knowledge that doesn't lead to new questions quickly dies out : it
fails to maintain the temperature required for sustaining life. "
Let's not forget to bring mathematics in your bag as you explore
Nagaland, the state of flora and fauna this summer.
Considering the summer, let's observe and do little maths with the
temperatures of the state. We know, Celsius and Fahrenheit are used as
scales for measuring temperature .Celsius is more common and
standard unit of measuring temperature. So here are your tasks that
will require knowledge of Integers, fractions and graphs.
Activity 1 - Collect the maximum and minimum temperatures ( in
Celsius) of the capital cities of Nagaland and Madhya Pradesh for a
week and complete the following table. To convert the temperatures
from Celsius to Fahrenheit, use any of the formula given below -

𝐹−32 5
C= OR C = 9 (F-32)

Date City 1(Name) City 2(Name)

Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum

Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature
In °C In °F In °C In °F In °C In °F In °C In °F

Activity 2 - Find the difference in the temperatures (in

Fahrenheit) of the capital cities and draw them on a graph paper
by taking days/ dates on X-axis and Fahrenheit scale on Y-axis.
Complete the above activity in a scrap book.
जल एक अमल् ू य प्राकृतिक संसाधन है , जो संपर्ू ण परिस्थितिक िंत्र के
ललए महत्वपूर्ण है । भािि दे श की महत्वपूर्ण सम्पदा में जल संसाधन
एक प्रमख ु घटक है । ‘पानी के थत्रोि’ ववषय पि नागालैंड औि
मध्यप्रदे श के छात्रों के बीच चचत्रों का प्रयोग कििे हुए वािाणलाप लेखन
कीस्जए जहााँ
वह अपने िाज्य में उपलब्ध ‘पानी
के थत्रोि’ पि चचाण कि िहे है I
पानी बचाने के नािे के साि संवाद
लेखन को समाप्ि किें I
इस गतिववचध को थरैप बुक में किें I

Computer Science
Write a script in python to input Population of any 6 districts of
Nagaland also input the area covered by these districts. Now calculate
the population density of these districts (population density= Total
population of district/ Covered area of District). If the density of the
district is above 500/km² then print ' the district is densely
populated' or else print '
the district is sparsely populated'.
Take the print out of the program
and the output window.
Submit it in a folder.

2. Find the total population of Nagaland. Convert this decimal number

into Binary Number. (Do be done on an A4 size sheet and submit it in a
One of the famous dishes of Nagaland, Akini Chokibo is an expensive
delicacy of the state. Write the recipe of this dish in French language.
L'un des plats célèbres du Nagaland,
l'Akini Chokibo est une délicatesse
coûteuse de l'État.
Écrivez la recette de ce plat en français.

भाििीय व्यंजन न केवल इसके थवाद के ललए, बस्ल्क इसके
पोषर् औि औषधीय महत्व के ललए भी जाना जािा है ।
भािि में खाना पकाने की कला कई संथकृतियों औि
सभ्यिाओं के लमश्रर् को दशाणिी है । इसे ध्यान में िखिे हुए
मध्यप्रदे श एवं नागालैंड िाज्य के कम से कम चाि- चाि
भोज्य पदािों के नाम ललखे । उन भोज्य पदािों पि
आधारिि दो -दो वाक्य ललखे एवं संबंचधि चचत्र चचपकाए
। इस काम को थरैप बुक में पूिा किें ।
Art n Craft
The Nagas have a rich tradition of art and craft rooted in a lifestyle that
has always been in harmony with the environment they live in.
Art Work - Make a tribal painting of Nagaland.


Craft Work - Miniature trophy masks are worn as a pendant in a

necklace by Naga warriors. They are symbolic of their bravery as
Using Shilp kar , beads create a Miniature trophy mask


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