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Culture is that which shapes us, it shapes our identity and influence our behaviors. Culture is our
"way of being", more specifically, it refers to the shared language, beliefs, value, norms, behaviors and
material objects that passed down from the generation to next. With the increase of globalization and
the world, some other country are now being diverse or having composed of different races or culture.
And because of this cultural diversity in every country happened.

. So what is cultural diversity? Oxford Dictionary define cultural diversity as the excistence of variety
cultural and ethic groups within a society. It refers to people of different origins, cultures, and ways of
life living along side each other without one getting in the way of the other and trying to force their ways
on other people. Culture is diverse, meaning, people interpret their culture however they want and act
from their social location in other words their context. Therefore even even if the society seems racially
or ethically homogenous the culture isn't necessary uniform, in other words we don't experience culture
the same way

According to Amedeo, 2013 among other meaning "Cultural Diversity is when difference in race
ethnicity, language, nationality, region and sexual orientation are represented within a community".
Cultural diversity is the variety of human society and culture in a specific region or even in the world. It
exist between people such as language, dress, tradition and the way people interact with environment.
People will differ because of ethnic categories such as religion, tradition, and costums and even these
are all the same we dont all experience them the same way. We all have different beliefs and value
system which influence our perception and not only that each of us has a unique way of expressing

Cultural diversity also have some positive effects and negative effects in making up a nation,
community, society or in workplace. Some positive effects are cultures mix, it bringing different ethnic
groups together to create peace and harmony. There is good trade between countries for example,
Exchanging ideas from one ethnic group for the sole the purposed is getting one product. People may
appreciate other cultures and a range of perspective by growing up in society. Example, being invited to
celebrations and festivals.

Some negative effects are ethnic prejudices between different groups would lead to disagreements
about stature in society. Differences appear to be very great that myths and misconceptions of the other
race or ethnic groups are believed as facts. The ethnic politics develop with political parties splitting into
opposite sides according to race, Politics becomes a contest between Ethnicities.

Learning about other cultures helps us understand different perspectives within the world in which
we live. It helps dispel negative stereotypes and personal biases about different groups. In addition,
cultural diversity helps us recognize and respect “ways of being” that are not necessarily our own.

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