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(A Constituent College of Saint Augustine University of Tanzania)

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I DOTO N SHINDAI. Undertaking Bachelor of Business administration in accounting. I

declare that this field report is the result of my own practical training which I understood at

MBARALI DISTRICT COUNCIL at MBEYA REGION. I started my practical training at 12

August 2021 to 29 September 2021. Frankly I declare that this report is my own work and that

is has not been presented at any other higher learning institution for a similar or any other

academic award.



DATE: …………………………………….

The undersigned certifies that has read and hereby recommends for the acceptance by Stella

Maris Mtwara University College”. In partial fulfillment of the requirement for award of

Bachelor of Business administration in accounting approval of a field supervisor.



DATE: …………………………………….

Accomplish of this field report was the result of combining efforts from different supporter as


Firstly, I would like thanks Almighty God for the charitable time and strength, aptitude and

persistence for magnificently completing my field attachment and this report. I could have

done nothing if it was not for his willpower and helped in attainment of different activities at

field area; Glory be to God.

Secondly, I wish to acknowledge certain individuals and organizations for their contribution

towards the production of this field attachment report.I would like to thank my uncle

Mihambo mbeshi and my lovely father Shindai Masunga with sincere gratitude for their

absolute support on everything in terms of financial assistance. I would also to like to take

opportunity to acknowledge the help provided to me Mr. samweli nzunda for providing me

with necessary materials and guidance to the completion of this report. I would also like to

thank Mrs.sephonia Mgimba and brother Jonas mbwilo for the respectable help me provided

in fetching some information of this report. I wish to humbly acknowledge with sincere, my

supervisor Mr. Joseph Ndimila and other employees Mrs.Sephonia Mgimba, Mrs. Tumaini

Gonzo and Jonas Mbwilo for their good direction which helped in attempting different

activities at field area.

Finally, I would like to thank my instructors at Stella Maris including Dr. Batho, Mr. Mabula,

other instructors and my fellow colleagues including those students who were working

together in Mbarali district council: Justine Ngao, yusuph Malemi, David Mvungi and

isayaNkone ,together with my fellow statistics students for their moral support that made

accomplishing of this field report.


This field is explaining all in detail about the activities I have done during the field practical at

Mbarali district council from Mbeya Tanzania.

In generally this field report explain some of duties which I have been assigned by my field

supervisor which regardless what I have been learning theoretically.

By fact the duties assigned is related to the principal, acts and regulation the guide the field of

Statistics. During whole period of my field attachment it has been to learn practically what the

council especially in department of accountancy provide services pertained to the statistics


Chapter one in this report is explain the introduction and historical background, mission and

vision, objectives/functions of organization, and organographies.

Chapter two of this report explains actual work/training done, department and duties

undertaken, professional experience and skills acquired, problems facing students encountered

and its possible solution.

Chapter three of this field report presents theoretical implications and output based on

statistical skills learnt at classroom and what meant at field area.

Chapter four in this field report is explain problem encountered the organization and last

chapter present conclusion and recommendation from witness to the field area.


LIST OF ABBREVIATION........................................................................................................4
TABLE OF CONTENT..............................................................................................................5
CHAPTER ONE.........................................................................................................................6
1.0 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................6
1.2 MBARALI DISTRICT COUNCIL....................................................................................6
1.3 LOCATION......................................................................................................................6
1.4 RESIDENTS.....................................................................................................................6
1.5 THE CORE FUNCTIONS OF THE DISTRICT ................................................................7
1.5 SERVICE PROVIDED BY MBARALI DISTRICT COUNCIL ........................................ 7
1.6 ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE OF MBARALI DISTRICT ............................................8
CHAPTER TWO ........................................................................................................................9
2.0 WORKDONE AND LESSON LEARNT.............................................................................9
2.1 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................9
2.1 DUTIES PERFORMED .....................................................................................................9
2.2 THE KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS GAINED ..................................................................11
2.3 CHALLENGES FACED ..................................................................................................11
CHAPTER THREE....................................................................................................................13
3.0 ANALYSIS .....................................................................................................................13
3.1 NEW THINGS LEARNED...............................................................................................13
3.2 THE GAINING FROM THE FIELD LESSON .................................................................13
3.3 GAPS BETWEEN THEORY AND PRACTICE................................................................14
3.4 IMPROVE GAPS IN THE PLACEMENT PROCESS........................................................14
3.5 THE STRENGTH AND WEAKNESS OF PRACTICAL ...................................................15
3.5.1 STRENGTH OF PRACTICAL TRAINING....................................................................15
3.5.2 WEAKNESSES OF PRACTICAL TRAINING...............................................................15
CHAPTER FOUR.....................................................................................................................17
CONCLUSION AND RECOMENDATIONS ...........................................................................17
3.0 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................17
3.1 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................17
3.2 RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................................................................................17
REFERENCE........................................................................................................................... 18


Table 1: number of employee..........................................................................................................5


Figure 1: Organization Chart of TMA........................................................................................4

Figure 2; Graphical presentation of temperature.........................................................................9

Figure 2; presentation of temperature and humidity.................................................................10


MDC: Mbarali district council

RH: Relative humidity .



My practical training was taken place at finance department in section of expenditure EPICOR

and section of revenue at Mbarali district council at Mbeya region. During my field training

attachment I performed different tasks based on accounting section as well as collection of

revenue within the council. The purpose of training is to fulfill STEMMUCO syllabus and get

exposure to practical issues related to different such as computer application, preparation of

payment voucher and to records POS and other books of the council that are sold to the agent

involving in collection mbarali council revenue from different sources.


Mbarali district is the among of the five districts and seven councils that make up the Mbeya

Region. This district was established was established on July 7,2000 in accordance with

section 8 and 9 of the local Government Act of 1982 and received a certificate signed on June


Mbarali district it is bordered to the north by Iringa region and the east by

Njombe region. To the south the district is bordered by Mbeya rural district and to the west by

Chunya district

According to the 2018 Tanzania National census projection, the population of Mbarali district

more than 350000.Before the expansion of the Ruaha national parks in 2008, Mbarali district

covered an area of 15560 square kilometers.

Mbarali district is the famous area for rice farming. The district is home to Kapunga rice

project and Mbarali estate. The district hosts a very fam

1.2.1 Location of Mbarali district council.

Mbarali district is between 33.40 and 35.40 degrees’ longitude towards the East ,7.14 degrees

and 9.25 degrees south of the equator. In the North East, it borders Iringa Rural District, On

the East side it borders Njombe District, On the south side it borders Mbeya District and in the

north it borders Chunya District


Locals are especially Sangu, Wabena, Wahehe, Wanji, Safwa and Nyakyusa Residents of the

occupied territories with villages cut 15 101. The majority (over 90%) maintain their living

through farming, especially the cultivation of beans, rice and beans. This area was the

epicenter of Tanzania cashew cultivation of about 35,000 hectares was used for this crop but

70 years since agriculture began to decline.

1.3 Mission, vision and core values of the Organization

Mbarali District Council vision is a broad statement of what it wants to be in the future and

reflects the goal it hopes to achieve. The mission statement describes why the council exists

and what it does. It describes the institutional core business and articulates the direction scope

of its work. Core values describe how the council intends to operate. They are guidelines that

frame the day to day decision, attitudes and conduct as well as its strategies and policies. They

permeate everything which the council does at the organizational and individual levels. The

core values are important for attaining the desired services improvements. In a changing world

core values remain constant

1.3.1 Mission of the organization

The mission statement of Mbarali District is “To provide accessible quality social- economic

services to its community through effective and efficient use of resources and good

governance in collaboration with stakeholders”

1.3.2 Vision of the organization

The vision of Mbarali District is to be “capable and efficient local Government Authority to

attain sustainable social and economic Development to its people”

1.4 Core Values

The council will provide services to its customers and the general public while observing the

following core values;

i. Equity
ii. Efficiency and Effectiveness
iii. Teamwork
iv. Accountability and Responsibility
v. Integrity
vi. Customer care
vii. Transparency
viii. Respect of law

1.5 The core functions of the district

(a) Integrated development planning for the district as a whole, including a framework for
integrated development plans of all municipalities in the area of the district municipality.

(b) Potable water supply systems.

(c) Bulk supply of electricity, which includes for the purposes of such supply, the
transmission, distribution and, where applicable, the generation of electricity.

(d) Domestic waste-water and sewage disposal systems

(e) Municipal roads which form an integral part of a road transport system for the area of the
district municipality as a whole.

(f) Regulation of passenger transport services

1.5 Organization Structure

Organization structure is a system used to define the hierarchy within organization. It

identifies each job, its function and where it reports to within organization. Its typically

hierarchical arrangement of lines of authority, communications, rights and duties of an

organization. Organization structure determines how the roles, power and responsibilities are

assigned, controlled and coordinated and how information flows between the different levels

of management.

MDC organization structure is not complex structure. It is functional type structure with all

necessary elements of an organizational structure like some kind of governance, rules by

which the organization operates and the works are distributed.

Due to the nature of the organization and the functions of its departments the structure has

described some person and groups in the organization who have the power of making decision

within the organization department and the organization as whole.

The division of labor is clear to all member of the organization.

1.5 Service Provided By Mbarali District Council

Issuing of land plot

For the people to cultivate their crops for District and other their life at Mbarali a district, and
the of the people living at Mbarali depend in farming at all, without make farming their life
will never go up, so they must have to keep more power to vegetable cashew and fruits of
different for selling it.

Issuing of District license.
The district have been given the power or authority to provide District license to people who
are starting their District for legality of District conduction at Mbarali a district example
bodaboda District registration, entrepreneurs, and all other District like shops, meal machines,
salon, mamantilies and stationaries
Education service
At the district there are many numbers of people living there so the district management were
planed different and many schools and they have plane to established different schools at their
ward depend on the number of people that are goes up every day.

Hiring of social halls

The government also is there to get money, so’ by the Mbarali district they make the effort to
Construct the different halls of different shape and size but not as many as to cover all human
needs and wants at a time because human needs and wants are many as compare to resource
which are scarce. This effort made was and will increase the government economy compatible
with human get service at a reasonable price than the private halls.
Environmental cleanness

As the head policy of preserving environment the district have keep more power to make sure
that as the day assigned as environmental cleanness all peoples at Mbarali district to engage
compatible to make the environment looking clear to where they live and where they make
their District in different of order be sued.

Figure 1. Organization Structure of Mbarali district council






1.6 Number of Employees.
In order for an organization to meet its objectives, the right number of employees with right

skills and experience must be in place at a right time. The organization with qualified and

right number of labor force faces little or no problems which may occur to the organization as

a result of under or over staffing.

Mbarali district council has a total of 2527staff members. Demand is 2971 employees so there

is a shortage of about 1012 staff as the table shows below

Table 1: number of employee

Administration and
Finance and trade
Pimary education
Secondary education

1.7 Nature of the Organization

The organization is public and nonprofit public organization that works on tracking

information pertains to the weather and climate. In this regards, the organizations dealt with

weather forecasting to the regional, zonal and country level by using modern technology

known as Rader established at Mjimwema area of high land.

1.8Roles of the organization

 To provide its community with high quality and sustainable social- economic services

1.9Assigned Task


1 To improve services and reduce HIV/AIDS infections through identification of number of

patient enrolled by ARVs and to improve education access on HIV/AIDS and disseminate

guidelines on HIV/AIDS advocacy to wards and villages

2. To enhance, sustain and effective implementation of the national Anti-corruption strategy.

Indicators of corruption that identified by the council are number of complaints received,

number of corruption cases and compliance to laws and regulation. The strategy taken to

reduce number of corruption in Mbarali district council is to establish anti-corruption clubs in

19 secondary schools so as to provide education about the effects of corruption that hinder

social and economic development in Mbarali district council

3.To improve access, quality and social services delivery. The performance indicators

identified in 2018/2019 are pass rate in examinations, number of students enrolled in schools,

number of pregnant women attended health delivery services. The specific intervention is to

conduct supervision of resources allocated for social and economic infrastructure


4. To increase quantity and quality of social services and infrastructures. The performed

indicators are number of improved water resources facilities, number of schools with

improved toilet facilities, number of agricultural and market infrastructures. The target that

made by mbarali district council to improve quality of social services are education learning

and teaching facilities that improved in 2018, 37 health facilities services , extension services

to wards improved by June 2018. The specific interventions will be to conduct supervision of

resource allocated for social and economic infrastructure improvement

5. To enhance good governance and administrative services. The indicators of good

governance are customer satisfaction levels, number of statutory and advisory meeting

convened, status of audit reports, own source revenue collection and own source revenue

collection. The specific interventions will be to convene district consultative committees

(DCC) and to mobilize community in participating in development initiatives

6.To improve social welfare, gender and community empowerment. Mbarali district council

aims to social and community empowerment through identified different performed indicators

like number of identified vulnerable groups, number of economic women and youth groups

supported, level of community awareness on gender issues and percentage decrease of

malnutrition. The specific interventions are to mobilize the community on early childhood

care and to conduct follow up of children abuse cases proceedings and advocacy on gender

based violence

7.To manage natural resources and environment management. The performed indicators

identified by Mbarali District council are number of village with land use plans, Area of

wetland and natural forest conserved, number of tree planted and survival percentage rate,

number of water catchment area conserved, number of modern bee hives, number of bee

keeping groups, number of land conflicts reported. The specific interventions are to control

urban development, resolving land conflicts in urban and rural areas and sensation on land law

and mobilize villagers to contribute in preparation of land use plans

8.To improve emergency and disasters management. Performance indicators are response time

to tackle disasters, number of established disasters management committees and disasters

management plan and budget in place. The targets make to improve emergence and disasters

management are awareness on disasters management to council staffs and community

improved by June 2020. Responsibility are human resource and administration, health and

agriculture departments

9.To participate in activities dealing with meteorology under Regional Organizations e.g.

Southern African Development Community (SADC) and East African Co-operation (EAC);

10.To publish weather and climatological summaries, bulletins and other interpreted products

11.To collect fees and charges for data, products and services rendered; and

12.To carry out any other function as the Minister may direct.



In this chapter the activities performed and what really found when matching the theoretical

knowledge with the practical situations during the practical vacation at Mbarali District are

explained in brief including challenges faced and what generally gained in the period


During my practical training at Mbarali District as the student I performed the following


 Preparing bank reconciliation through the new system of government payment

MUSE. Bank reconciliation is done to counter check the correctness of the

bank transaction and records in the books. The reconciliation is done for both

collection account, expenditure account and the district account

 To provide vendor forms to the customers or client who is needed to be paid by

the Mbarali district council

 To prepare payment voucher and to make attachment with hints

 Performing and making distribution and allocation of funds according sub

budget class through the new system of government payment MUSE


Below are some of the things I learned from training

 I learnt how to communicate with costumers (customer care).

 Working in teams yields higher and better results than working individually.

 Team works put workers work-motivated and not bored.

 It is important understanding the strength and weakness of your fellow workers and
team members so as to properly allocate work to best personnel respect to work to be
performed for better results.

 I learnt to use a printing photocopy.

 I learnt to use some computer application such as Microsoft Excel and some
application in Microsoft words

 I learnt how the deal with variety of personnel and how they provide responses to
questions asked.

 I learnt on how to budget and use my time in relation the tasks I perform and
completion of the task within required time limits.

2.3 Problems faced

Attending the field work in any organization or company cannot be done without some

problems. There are problems which hindered the smooth work of field work to the trainee in

Tanzania Meteorological agent. During the placement at the organization, the challenges faced

were the followings.

Complaints from customers

There were times customers with complaints faced me and even abused me without knowing

that I was just a student .most of these complaints came physical visits and telling me why I

am delaying making payment to them

Poor arrangement of files

MDC had a good and well organized registry room but the only problem was the

misplacement of files due to human errors. Because I was still new when I went back without

a file they never trust me and they also went back to search for the same file and they would

not find it that’s when they believed. This was embarrassing me that I’m not competent to the

tasks given by my field supervisor

Lack of enough computers and other facilities like scanners and printers

Due to the introduction of new system of government payment MUSE all activities are done

through electronic devices like computers, scanners and printers but MDC never had enough

computers specific for field students this made our operation of duties to be slow and a case of

any assignment one had and the other had to wait for the first to accomplish his duty for him

to use a computers, scanners and printers

Breaking down of the system due to loss of network

This was the major problem faced in executing my duties that was assigned by me. All the

tasks assigned by the my field supervisor involves application of network system, sometimes

the system slowed down most of the time and sometimes cut off completely for the whole day

and it mostly happened when we were uploading and retrieving data from the system and

always cause customers complaints and queuing due to the delaying of making payment to


First challenge was the result of the desire to work on modern system for the sake of

knowledge on how to do it. This consumes for time of the field attachment and it cause tasks

not to be completed in time.

The second challenge face is lack of facilities such as computer and other working instruments

like printers and scanners which makes the tasks given to be difficult that cause increase of

customers queuing that needed to be paid

The other problem is delay of getting required information when needed. And also shortage of

knowledge to workers concerning their organization historical back ground. Many workers in

the organization are committed to their work but have no any idea about when the company

was established as well as the changes that have been happen in the company.

Moreover, there is a problem of funds whereby this has created a great hindrance to the field

accessibility. This is due to the lack of fund to meet daily consumption during the field study.

2.4 Solution to the problems faced

The organization provided support to the student and give the practical training efficiently and

effectively so as to encourage them to be excellent workers for future.

The organization put a budget for field training and provided with important requirement such

as food, drinking water and transportation for some days. where necessary with the aim of

preparing suitable learning environment.

The organization provided good supervision to the trainee to work effective and efficiency in

the organization so as to reduce mistakes, the TMA Manager and other employee helps us on

how data are being observed and filled them to TMA slip and how to fill them in the computer

and then send them to Tanzania meteorogical agency Dar es salaam

Motivation; the organization use to motivate trainee in order to increase performance of doing

duties in the organization

We volunteers our own money for transporting in different area due to the lack of transport

facilities. We used one thousand per day for transport .and this is done frequently until we

finish our practical training.

3.0 Introduction
In this chapter I will explain the theories learnt In class and what is really happening in the
market I will describe the lessoned learnt and review how the experience has affect the carrier
and the skills that I may be lacking.

In my practical training I learnt a lot of things but some I learnt them directly and some
indirectly. Most of them I learnt them directly. On my first day at my field work I was
introduced to the members in the office and hence I learnt that through cooperation of the
members at the office makes the work simple and easy to do

3.1 Application of Theories

As trainee concentrated in the field of statistics as area of professional, therefore, this field

practical report was important to the trainee as it provides practical skills to the trainee

through physical observations of different statistical related activities that prevailed at

Tanzania Metrological agent.

4.2 Relations between theories learnt in the class and what is happening in the class.


I was also taught on how to handle the customer and what exactly the language is needed to be

used. I also learnt it though I didn’t stay for long in that post of customer services. And hence

I was taken to the finance department where I practice accounting in full. However from the

analysis it shows that the specialization comes after the activity has been practiced and well

understood from the reading of books or through lectures .Unfortunately what have been

studied in the class are exactly what is happening or are exactly what have been doing in my

field work.


In the class I was taught bank reconciliation statement manually where by the procedures were

the same as first you tick what is in the bank statement and the cash book if any item that

related to the cash book is omitted then I was taught to prepare the updated cashbook and that

is what I have been doing in my field work


On the other hand in class a lecturer have been insisting that we should learned to keep

records as an accountants because they maybe of beneficial in the future. In relation to my

field work I learned to keep records manually by printing the concerned document to the files

where by each file has its own document like reconciliation file, customer certificate file and

many other


3.5.1 Strength of Practical Training.

 It enables students to meet different challenges in their carrier when working with

people of different levels of education and how to execute them by following rules of

employment. When in the organization there are young people having various

qualifications and responsibilities, most of them being fresh graduates from other

universities and they were successful in their careers. This is a motivation to plan for

future career development.

 Practical training program is an essential tool in widening students’ skills and

Understanding in what they have been taught theoretically in class. It enables students

to experience different working environments prior to completion of their degree


 It helps in building confidence and understanding to students in various fields other

than only the understanding within the carrier. For example widening knowledge on

Information Technology and its application to various sectors, while in class it’s not

easy for such things to be full covered.

3.5.2 Weaknesses of Practical Training

During practical training there are number of problems that were faced but below somewhere

discussed which are;

 Financial difficulties, the field attachment was costly activity, it need a lot of funds to

assist for transport, stationeries and meal allowance. And the loans we get are not

enough at all.

 Limited time, the period of two month is very limited since some organization are so

big so it is not easy for an intern to fully learn about different operations in such

limited time. This program is very important to the student therefore it needs a lot of

time at least six months.

 Little attention to interns since most of the staffs claims to be busy with their duties

hence they have no spare time to teach the interns.

 Work schedule, in a sense that there is no series of what to do and when. This occurred

automatically simply because of many task to be finished at a time and shortage of

staff members of finance office

5.0 Introduction
In this chapter addresses on conclusion and recommendations on what was meant during field

train that held Mbarali District council Mbeya.

5.1 Conclusion
A practical training experience is very important for bridging theory and practice. Practical

training that lasted for two months was an opportunity for putting into practice all skills

obtained during classes. This has helping in shaping my professional towards development of

my career. Revenue collection, organization culture, accounting, behaving in the organization,

works experience are things offered during my training at Mbarali district council in Mbeya

region is also attributed by the support received from the MDC staffs which includes the

challenging works they assigned .As practical training is part of the institute curriculum under

the faculty of business administration, it was itself important and compulsory for the course.

Career development is a necessity for any student. MDC was a good place in advancing my

career since I have learned a lot of thing that was new to me. Networking, exposure and work

experience from MDC have all contributed in upgrading the most professional qualifications.

The importance of practical training should not be underestimated by anyone. Students by

their side should recognize the essence of its importance

5.2 Recommendations
My recommendation will be in three categories that are to the company or organization itself,

to the student and the university of Stella marris Mtwara (STEMMUCO)

I would also like to recommend to the university of STELLA MARRIS MTWARA that the

time for a fieldwork is very small because there are a lot of activities a student needs to

practice during the fieldwork but we cannot do all that due to the time of not being with us and

I would like to recommend university to provide time at least two weeks to student for good

preparation before the field work start.

4.3.1 to STEMMUCO

I would like to recommend that the organization should increase the number of students who

have or needs to have field work so as the organization gains fresh idea from fresh student. In

addition I would like the organization to provide the friendly environment for field work for

students that means students should at least be comfortable during the practical work like

provision of facilities including computers and chairs.

4.3.2 to organization (MDC)

Moreover I would like the organization to provide some kind of motivation to student the

motivation can be in monetary form or non-monetary for example the certificate of being a

smarted student during the field work and also bus fare during the field work.

4.3.3 to student

I would also want to recommend to my fellow students that during the practical work we

should work really hard despite the fact that we earn nothing out of it. In addition is that once

we go for a field work we should at least tried to share what we have learnt in the class and

what does the market real wants from us to acquire as a knowledge and to done well our field

work would increase job opportunity to us.


Wood F and Sangster A, (2008). Business Accounting 1.London

Tulli, M&Lyanga, J. 2011.Financial Accounting.Dar es Salaam University

Student logbook

STEMMUCO student guideline



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