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Felix, Jodi Kim
Gados, Maricar P. (Leader)
Mendaño, Ariel G.
Sy, John Emmanuel R.

Do you agree that Jollibee’s marketing campaign is effective? Why or why not?
Jollibee's advertising strategy has always been effective, in our opinion because
they would not have been as successful if their marketing tactics did not work like a
charm. Jollibee have already won the hearts of the people, because they caught not
only the attention of the viewers they also just caught the emotion of the viewers. The
Jollibee Studios made an impactful advertisement in the country because every stories
imprinted on the minds of the viewers. Furthermore, one of the aim of Kwentong
Jollibee is to inspired the viewer’s even though we inevitable experience conflicts. Their
marketing techniques consistently leave a lasting impression on the hearts of their
customers through the employment of their one-of-a-kind marketing campaigns.
Nevertheless, their marketing strategies have always been successful and
effective because they understand how to link their marketing styles to people's trends
and desires. Moreover, we can clearly see how they planned, created, and developed
each marketing campaign that they launch. The Kwentong Jollibee adoption of
marketing movies depicting various storylines left a distinct impression on their
customers. This is due to the fact that they use this marketing campaign to not only
advertise their products, but also to inspire and imply key life lessons to individuals,
particularly when it comes to family connections and relationships.

Assuming that your company is Jollibee’s main competitor, what counteractions

will you do to compete with Jollibee’s marketing efforts/success?
We will conduct a SWOT analysis to our company to come up with a good
marketing plan or strategy so that we can keep up and compete with other restaurants
not just only Jollibee. As part from this, we will improve and innovate our products and
services. If the Jollibee became successful about their marketing campaign, we will not
imitate the strategy they made. Therefore, we will focus on customer’s satisfaction by
through upgrading our products and promotes more variety. Additionally, we will also
strengthen everything about our company, and we will start to train our employees
monthly, promotes strong leadership to the managers, innovate our facilities, and most
importantly strengthening our commercial advertisements by getting most influential
celebrities or influencers. We believe that not only on the advertisement will attract
customers, they will attract based on their experience on a certain restaurant or the
Jollibee rather.
To elaborate, for us the most important thing is the customer satisfaction; if the
customer were satisfied about the taste, service, ambiance, and cleanliness of our
restaurant we will achieve our goals and surpass the Jollibee marketing advertisements.
Not all the time true story advertisement wins, because people’s
perspectives/preferences changes, and they get bored easily if they see same story
flashes on their televisions. We will be consistent in providing a quality products and
services. In addition, our company will develop creativity when it comes to our
advertisements. In conclusion, with unity, commitment, passion, and determination to
our company we will achieve gradually our goals and we can also be success as
Jollibee have done.

In the age of technology, should business heavily rely on social/media?

Nowadays, technology is one of the major instrument of advancement
particularly in businesses. It could reach and allows broad dissemination of
advertisement because of technology such as using social platforms, website, food
booking, any sort of technology that could reach the potential customers of the product.
We can definitely rely as of now in technology also because these are the helpful tool to
easily reach and we can freely promote our products without any high cost. It also
creates more effective and impressive ads like in television, radio, prints, web and social
apps. It is a very convenient and efficient way for us to promote and advertise our
product to be able to reach more potential customers worldwide.
For us, even if we are in the age of technology every businesses should not rely
on Social Medias because not all the time and all people have internet connections. In
addition, businesses must use all types of marketing because there are also type of
people that don’t used social media; they must prefer to watch on televisions, radio and
magazines. In a business industry it will be more effective if all marketing strategies are
used or tried to use because we can assure that more people will be aware on the
brands and the products as well. We should not forget the traditional marketing strategy
because this is where business before started, we can strengthen the used of it by
implementing it continuously. To conclude, nowadays businesses must not only rely on
the use of social media’s.
In a marketing perspective, what are the challenges most businesses face today
and how can they address it?
The challenges that most of the businesses facing today is the pandemic or spreading
of Covid-19 virus in our country. Additionally, because of this all of the establishments or
businesses are stopped in operations due to the continuously rise of the case in our
country. Moreover, because many businesses closed, many people lost their jobs, and
our economy really went down. All businesses have fallen into poverty, even if they
want to rise again but it is forbidden because the enemy is tough and strong.
Another challenges of the businesses nowadays, it will be difficult for them to recover
the income they have lost for several months. Adjustments to the new normal are also a
challenge to every businesses, because there are no profits since the closing of
establishments. Every CEO of the businesses will be forced to withdraw their own
money in order to spend for the expenditures, such as PPE, alcohol, spray bottles,
facemasks and face shields for their employees and other health protective equipments.
First and foremost, to address those challenges the managers and employees must
conduct a virtual meeting and start to think about the plans, ideas, and strategies to
comeback in operations. Secondly, the company can implement a skeletal workforce in
order to have the opportunity to work for the employees who lost their jobs, and also for
the safety of everyone in the company. Lastly, the businesses can promote their
services and products that they are concern about the health of their customers and to
showcase that they follow the safety protocols through the use of social media’s.

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