Committee: International Rescue Committee (IRC) Country: Philippines Topic: Providing Asylum For Rohingya Refugees

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Committee : International Rescue Committee (IRC)

Country : Philippines
Topic : Providing Asylum for Rohingya Refugees

Discrimination with violence strikes at the very heart of being human. It remains a
fundamental problem in the world today. It systematically denies every human
right of people just because of their own color, race, ethnicity, and especially of
who they are and what they believe. This act is harmful to the human race and
perpetuates the world into inequality. Each one of us has the right and deserves
to be treated equally, regardless of what we are as a person of color, having
different nationalities, ethnicity, religion, sex, gender, language, sexual
orientation, and other more statuses. Yet, news, broadcasts, stories from around
the globe gives a heartbreaking impact on most people who saw the suffering
victims of discrimination that is cruel and made them feel they belong “different”
from those who have the position of being in privilege and in power. 

One of the heartbreaking news of the world is that Rohingya citizens and their
people have faced decades of this systematic discrimination. They have become
targeted violence in Rakhine State, Myanmar. With this, Hundreds of thousands
of terrified Rohingya women, men, girls, and boys began to flood Bangladesh in
August of 2017. These refugees, especially the children, caught many people’s
attention. Most of the refugees are 60 percent who were children, and they
crossed the border from Myanmar into Bangladesh. The worst case is, they
brought with them tons of unspeakable violence and even brutality that had
forced them to flee from their home. 

The events that took place in Myanmar are both an eye-opener and
heartbreaking for the world to hear. The Rohingya’s entire village in their home
country was all burnt down to the ground, where different families were being
separated and killed, women and girls were gangs raped, and violence and
brutality took place in their land. We cannot imagine how traumatized were the
most surviving and escaped victims after they witnessed these unspeakable
atrocities. Since then, according to OCHA, an estimated 754,000 Rohingya and
400,000 children have fled into Cox’s Bazar in August 2017, which was by far the
largest and fastest refugee influx into Bangladesh. The children however are also
affected by this crisis. The unimagined disease outbreaks, along with
malnutrition, inadequate education opportunities, and risks that are related to
exploitation, neglect, and violence. According to Unicef, they stated quoting that
“as for older children and adolescents, they are also deprived of opportunities to
learn or even make a living are at risk of becoming a “lost generation”, ready prey
to traffickers and people who would exploit them for political or other ends.
Women and girls are at particular risk of sexual and other gender-based violence
during this situation, including being forced into early marriage and being left out
in school as parents keep them company at home.”

With all this at crisis, the Government of the Philippines was being appreciated by
the UNHCR and the UN Refugee Agency for its generous donation of $100,000
US dollars to provide life-saving assistance to the Rohingya refugees in
Myanmar’s Rakhine State. The Philippine president, Rodrigo Duterte vowed that
the Philippines is willing to extend assistance and continue to give its
commitment in accepting Afghan and Rohingya refugees, which Philippine
Foreign Affairs Secretary, Teodoro Locsin, described as an obligation rooted in
“malasakit”. Malasakit is a Filipino term that is defined as “being caring to the
point where you share the pain” and an “unbridled concern for the wellbeing of
others”. According to Secretary Locsin, malasakit is a response as it should be
as the “recurring scenario of being driven away from one’s home because of
strife, violence, and persecution.” 

Despite having limited resources, President Rodrigo Duterte mentioned that the
country will do its best to uplift human dignity. With that, the Philippines are open
doors for all Afghan nationals and Rohingya refugees to escape. Endless help
from the Philippines like preparing a cooperation program for the refugees,
providing temporary shelter, and welcoming them to the Philippines. However,
different families of these refugees are separated due to temporary shelters from
around the Globe, hospitals and medical centers are yet to be limited, education
centers are also limited for children and adolescents, and more importantly, a
home that cannot be called as a home for the refugees. Although there are
several heart-welcoming countries that have agreed to accept and recognize this
heartbreaking crisis, it is also a mess of providing different needs for them and
has the unequal treatments of what a country could only provide with their

Understanding this situation, as a Delegate of the Philippines, we propose 3 main

solutions on how countries around the globe could help together as one, which

1. Providing an Asylum for the Rohingya Refugees. This asylum would be a

place for the refugees and give them shelter as their protection to
criminals especially from violence, brutality, and discrimination. With the
several countries together, they can provide a specific financial goal in
building this Asylum and make it possible. Within the Asylum, health care
services, educational services and other more in making the asylum a
second home for their necessities. People around the globe can help
donate financially and can also provide any help in regard to this project.
Not only that, the Budget of the entire project, from food, clean water,
vitamins, vaccines, resource and etc. should also be discussed in order to
meet the project’s goal.
2. With this, if the asylum has been provided, not just the refugees are being
helped but also new graduates from medical fields, educational fields, and
etc. all around the globe who are still unemployed or retired are also
welcome in grabbing the opportunity to provide their help in giving the
refugees their new hope of a new generation in the asylum. Countries
around the globe can open applications to those who are willing to work in
the Asylum and provide their professionalism for the betterment of the
refugees’ future. 
3. Identify a country where the Asylum can be built. This should be a place
where resources for their necessities and daily needs are cheap but are
considered helpful for the financial budget. Philippines believes that this
should be a country that is willing to be the center of the organization
where different countries can become the second sovereign authority in
providing their needs. With this, it would become a new organization or
committee where voluntary countries all over the globe have their own
roles and are considered members in providing and meeting the goal of
this project.

We are all humans and are the same. We only have different races, ethnicity,
and other statuses that group us differently in a global village we call as our
country. A home where we are safe and secured, where human rights are treated
equally. But if violence, discrimination, the crisis takes place in a country, we
have a role as humans, as a global village to help others in need and to feel
welcome. We should not play blind, we should not ignore, we should not become
ignorant when it comes to these issues. The question remains “What if it also
happened to us? What help do we want from others that could help us in times of
these issues?”. With the question that remains at heart, we should give what we
want to be treated. We as members of the International Rescue Committee
should always look back to what being a Rescue committee means
internationally. Why it was built in the first place and why we are here to rescue

Philippines believes if all the Rohingya refugees are in one place, it would be
easier for the neighboring countries to provide a sheltering home, educational
and medical centers, and the provision of needs in one place. Especially in
providing equal needs and treatment from food, water, humanitarian aid, and
educational and medical necessities. Philippines feels that other countries only
have their own limit and capabilities of what they can provide with the refugees
they welcomed in their loving country. 

I, Herstine the delegate of Philippines is proposing a system where neighboring

countries take in Rohingya refugees like a sharing refugee network. As the
aforementioned solutions stated relies on the neighboring countries where they
accommodate the refugees and can contribute resources whenever they have.
This solution also helps evacuate the Rohingya refugees into a country where
they can settle. However, this will not end the discrimination towards the
Rohingya refugees and their people in their homeland, Myanmar. That is why
peacekeepers around the globe and with the aforementioned solution I stated
could help negotiate with the people and government in Myanmar. After
negotiation and a safe environment is built for the refugees, their evacuation
would be a lot easier for them to live their lives in their new homes and live
normally with the equal treatment, rights, and provisions that are provided in the
asylum and by their new country. 

Proponent: Herstine Dawn U. Sistual

Delegation: Philippines
Council: International Rescue Committee (ICR)

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