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Grade 5 English – Listening Task
“My Desired Occupation”

Every student has a desire to have a profession, a job, career or
occupation after school. There are various occupations in life and
everyone must make a decision about which one to pursue. It is
important to know about these careers before choosing one.
Prepare and present a 3-minute speech about an occupation of
your choice and try to bring out the significance of the occupation.
• This CALA has two separate parts – Part A and Part B. You need to complete both parts.
• Develop and implement a plan to research on an occupation of your choice and its
importance in society to inform the design of your 3-minute speech.
• As part of your plan, list key questions that you want to find facts about, and note
sources for this information.
• As you gather this information, record notes about the facts associated with your
occupation and its importance as well as ideas about how you might present these facts
to your peers to ensure that your speech has appropriate:
-interest and
• You can record your questions, sources and notes on the student Worksheet, or you can
record them orally using a recording device.
• When you are finished doing your research and making the plan for your speech, submit
your research to your teacher for marking.
• Use the facts that you researched and the presentation ideas that you generated in
Part A to prepare and deliver your 3-minute speech.
• Remember that you want your speech to have appropriate:
-interest and
• You will also need to consider practical elements associated with speaking to an
audience such as:
-voice projection
-eye contact and
• You will present your speech to peers at a time allocated by your teacher and in order
to make your presentation more interesting you might consider a dress code related
to the occupation
• To assess your speech, your teacher will assess both your planning evidenced in
Part A and your delivery evidenced in Part B.
• Achievement standards specific to this CALA will be provided so that you are aware
of the assessment criteria.

Some CALA “tips”

• Before you present your speech, think about key elements of “good” speeches that
you are aware of – for example, a strong beginning, clarity of key points,
coherence, poise, etc.
• While you are speaking, you can use notes or prompt cards to assist you to
remember the structure of your speech and key points.
• Remember that you are trying to show your teacher your highest level of speech
making, so include language and communication skills that will demonstrate this
level of understanding.
Grade 5 English - Achievement Standards “My Desired
CALA Title: My Desired Occupation
Achievement Standards
Dimensions/Criteria Excellent/Very Good Good Satisfactory Basically adequate Inadequate
17-20 14-16 10-13 7-9 0-6
Excellent/very good Good use of ideas Satisfactory use of Limited use of ideas Little or no use of
use of ideas and and information ideas and information and information ideas and
Understanding and information from a from a variety of from limited sources from few sources to information from
responding to variety of sources to sources to prepare a to prepare a basically prepare a speech very few sources to
context prepare a highly relevant speech relevant speech prepare a speech
relevant speech

Understanding and Excellent/very good Good use of Satisfactory use of Limited use of Little or no use of
controlling use of communicative communicative communicative communicative
communicative communicative features features features features
features features e.g. register,
intonation, fluency,
Creating and Excellent/very good Good knowledge of Satisfactory Limited knowledge Little or no
evaluating meaning knowledge of subject subject matter knowledge of subject of subject matter knowledge of
matter matter subject matter
Form 2 Maths – CALA 1 – Statistics CALA
CALA Type Short answer using real life statistics
Topic Statistics
Concepts/ Data collection and classification
Data representation
Measures of central tendency
Dimensions/  Understand, interpret and communicate mathematical information related to everyday life
to be assessed  Develop the ability to apply mathematical knowledge and techniques in a wide variety of situations, both familiar
and unfamiliar
 Develop good habits such as thoroughness and neatness
Objectives  Collect, classify and tabulate statistical data
to be assessed
 Read, interpret, draw and make simple inferences from bar charts and pie charts
 Calculate mean and mode from given data
CALA Context
Pupils will collect and examine data about road traffic around their school zone to determine how traffic control might improve safety for
pupils. They will interpret, present and explain data collected and calculate averages.
Teacher Notes: - Teachers should allow adequate time for the collection of the data prior to pupils responding to the CALA items – see
CALA Description below. - Teachers should prepare a table to display the data collected by pupils. Results from each group for each 15-
minute time-slot should be averaged and recorded in a table similar to the one shown below.
Time Mon Tues Wedn Thurs Frid
Table: The number of vehicles passing our school during the school week. day day esday day ay

7.00 - 7.15
Morning 7.15 - 7.30
7.30 - 7.45
7.45 - 8.00
3.30 - 3.45
Afternoon 3.45 - 4.00
4.00 - 4.15
4.15 - 4.30

CALA Description
Title -Safety On Our Roads
Background - Your school is on a busy road and teachers are worried
about the safety of pupils crossing the road. Your teacher has decided
that it would be helpful to survey the number of vehicles that pass by
the school around the beginning and end of the school day to determine
when traffic control is needed. A survey will be conducted by small
groups of pupils for 15-minute time slots between 7.00am and 8.00am,
and between 3.30pm and 4.30pm, from Monday to Friday. Results from
each group will be averaged and displayed in a table made by your
teacher. You should use this table to complete the CALA below.
Form 2 Maths – CALA 1 Cont…
The CALA - To help decide when traffic control is needed answer these four items, making use of the data in the
table as needed.
Item 1 - a. Calculate the average number of vehicles passing the school in the morning from 7.00am to 8.00am and
in the afternoon from 3.30pm to 4.30pm. b. Draw an appropriate graph to show this information. c. How did you
decide which graph to use?
Item 2 - Traffic control will only be provided if the number of vehicles exceeds ___ in a 30 minute time period.
Which times is traffic control needed? Use the data to decide, and show your working.
Item 3 - At another school, five pupils collected similar data from 7.30am to 7.45am. Their average was 12 cars.
Another pupil said he also collected data at the same time. When his total was added to the group’s, the average
became 16 cars. What was his total? Show your working.
Item 4 - Write a brief report for the School Head outlining the need for extra traffic control. Make use of the data in
the table to justify your recommendations. How you will be assessed:
Your answers and working on all four items will be assessed. Achievement standards specific to this CALA will be
provided so that you are aware of the assessment criteria.
Some CALA tips:
 Remember that you are trying to show your teacher your highest level of understanding of this topic, so give
clear answers and show your working when requested.
 You may want to include graphs and tables in your answers
“Safety On Our Roads”

Name School
Class Date
Your school is on a busy road and teachers are worried about the safety of
pupils crossing the road.
Your teacher has decided that it would be helpful to survey the number of
vehicles that pass by the school around the beginning and end of the school day
to determine when traffic control is needed.
A survey will be conducted by small groups of pupils for 15-minute time slots
between 7.00am and 8.00am, and between 3.30pm and 4.30pm, from Monday
to Friday.
Results from each group will be averaged and displayed in a table made by your
teacher. You should use this table to complete the CALA below.
• To help decide when traffic control is needed
answer these four items, making use of the data in
the table as needed.
• Item 1
• Calculate the average number of vehicles passing
the school in the morning from 7.00am to 8.00am
and in the afternoon from 3.30pm to 4.30pm.
• Draw an appropriate graph to show this
• How did you decide which graph to use?
The CALA cont…
Item 2
Traffic control will only be provided if the number of
vehicles exceeds ___ in a 30 minute time period.
Which times is traffic control needed?
Use the data to decide and show your working
Item 3
At another school, five pupils collected similar data from
7.30am to 7.45am. Their average was 12 cars. Another
pupil said he also collected data at the same time. When
his total was added to the group’s, the average became 16
cars. What was his total? Show your working.
The CALA cont…
Item 4
• Write a brief report for the Principal outlining the need for
extra traffic control outside the school. Make use of the data in
the table to justify your recommendations.
How you will be assessed
• Your answers and working on all four items will be assessed.
• Achievement standards specific to this CALA will be provided
so that you are aware of the assessment criteria.
Some CALA “tips”
• Remember that you are trying to show your teacher your
highest level of understanding of this topic, so give clear
answers and detailed working when requested.
• You may want to include graphs and tables in your answers.
Form 2 Mathematics – CALA 1 – Statistics CALA
Achievement Standards
CALA Title: “Safety on Our Roads”
Achievement Standards
Objectives Grade 1-2 Grade 3-4 Grade 5-6 Grade 7-8 Grade 9
100-90 89-70 69-50 49-40 39-0
Dimension: Understand , interpret and communicate mathematical information related to everyday life
Collect, classify and Excellent collection, Very good collection, Satisfactory collection, Below average Not pleasing collection,
tabulate statistical classification and classification and classification and collection, classification classification and
data tabulation of tabulation of tabulation of statistical and tabulation of tabulation of statistical
statistical data data
statistical data statistical data data
Dimension: Develop the ability to apply mathematical knowledge and techniques in a wide variety of situations, both familiar and
Read, interpret, draw Excellent application Very good Satisfactory application Unsatisfactory Failed to apply
and make simple of mathematical application of of mathematical application of mathematical
inferences from bar knowledge and mathematical knowledge and mathematical knowledge in the 4
charts and pie charts
techniques in 4 items knowledge and techniques in 2 items knowledge and items
Calculate mean and techniques in 3 items techniques in 3 items
mode from given data
Dimension: 4 items have been 3 items have been 2 items have been 1 item has been No items have been
Develop good habits completed completed completed thoroughly completed completed
such as thoroughness thoroughly and thoroughly and with some detailed thoroughly and in thoroughly and
and neatness include detailed include detailed explanation, as well as some items explanations lack
explanations, as well explanations, as well appropriate explanations lack detail or are not
as highly appropriate as appropriate presentation detail provided
presentation presentation
Grade 5 Mathematics – CALA1 – Perimeter Task Teacher Guide
Subject Mathematics Level Grade 5
CALA Type Short Answer Response: Demonstrating understanding of
perimeter through closed and open questions.
Topic Measures Concepts/Skills Length
- estimation- measuring - calculating perimeter - drawing
Dimensions/Criteria to be assessed ‐ Develop sound mathematical
skills that enable learners to interact more meaningfully with the
-Understand, use and communicate mathematical information
-Think and express themselves clearly and logically
Objectives to be assessed:
-Estimate and measure length using standard and non-standard units
-Find the perimeter of a figure using formulae or by measuring
-Draw rectangles and squares of different sizes to establish the
Grade 5 Mathematics – CALA1 – Perimeter Task Teacher Guide
CALA Title “Sports Courts”
CALA Context
Our school has land available in the school grounds to build
two new playing courts. The school needs to make a
decision about which two courts to build from Netball,
Basketball, Tennis and Volley Ball.
The standard sizes of the courts that could be constructed at
school are shown in the table. The column displaying
“Additional safety area” refers to the space around each
court that is needed for players to move around safely and
be free of any obstacles.
Court Type Length Width Additional
safety area
30.5 m 15.25 m 3.05 m on each side
28 m 15 m 2 m on each side
23.77 m 10.97 m 2 m on each side and 3
Tennis m on baselines
18 m 9m 2 m on each side
Volley Ball
Grade 5 Mathematics – CALA1 – Perimeter Task Teacher Guide
CALA Description
To make a decision as to which two courts should be built, answer the following questions.
1. A netball court needs an additional safety area of 3.05 m on each side.
Calculate the perimeter of the playing court and safety area combined.

2. Diagrams representing two different courts are drawn to scale below.

Use the dimensions provided in the table to decide which courts these diagrams represent.

Label the diagrams and explain how you made your decision.

3. One student, Tomas, said that the perimeter of the Basketball court is 16 metres longer than the perimeter of the Volley Ball Court.
Sam said the difference between the two perimeters was 32 metres.
Who was correct? Show your working.
4. A fence needs to be built around each of the courts to stop balls going from one court into another.
Find in metres the fencing required for each court and record this in the relevant column in this table.

Court Type Length Width Additional safety area Fencing

Netball 30.5 m 15.25 m 3.05 m on each side
Basketball 28 m 15 m 2 m on each side
Tennis 23.77 m 10.97 m 2 m on sides, 3 m on baselines
Volley Ball 18 m 9m 2 m on each side

5. Use the information from the table above to help you answer the following questions.
a. If there was only 160 m of fencing available which two courts could be built?
Show your working.
b. Calculate the smallest length of fencing needed to ensure that any two courts could be built.
Show your working.
Grade 5 Maths – CALA 1 – Perimeter CALA
Achievement Standards
CALA Title: “Sports Courts”
Achievement Standards
Dimensions/Criteria 100-80 79-60 59-50 49-30 29-0
Develop sound Excellent Good development Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Cannot measure,
mathematical skills development of of sound development of development of calculate perimeter
that enable them to sound mathematical mathematical skills in mathematical skills in mathematical skills in or draw rectangles
interact more skills in measuring measuring and measuring perimeter measuring perimeter and squares with
meaningfully with and calculating calculating perimeter and drawing rectangles and drawing accuracy
their environment perimeter and and drawing and squares of rectangles and
drawing rectangles rectangles and different sizes, but squares of different
and squares of squares of different lacks accuracy in sizes, lacks accuracy
different sizes sizes calculations in calculations and
Understand, use and Sophisticated Sound Some understanding, Limited Little or no
communicate understanding, use understanding, use use and understanding, use understanding, of
mathematical and communication and communication communication of and communication ideas related to
information of ideas related to of ideas related to ideas related to of ideas related to perimeter
perimeter perimeter perimeter perimeter demonstrated
demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated
Think and express Excellent thinking Can think and Can think and express Can express Cannot think and
themselves clearly and expression express themself themself, but themself, but not express themself
and logically Very clear logical clearly and logically presentation is hard to very clear and not clearly and logically
presentation follow logical
• Your school’s history is likely to have many interesting
chapters. From the time that the school began until
now, it has developed, grown and changed, and many
different students and teachers have come and gone.
Different subjects will have been taught and different
activities, events and celebrations will have taken
• What do you know about the history of your school,
and what would you like to know?
This CALA has two separate parts – Part A and Part B. You need to complete both
• Develop and implement a plan to research one aspect of your school’s history and
write a report between 250 and 300 words about these different aspects.
• Think of ways you might collect evidence about these different historical aspects.
For example, what resources will you make use of? What might you read? Who
might you to talk to?
• As part of your research plan, list key questions that you want to find facts about,
and note sources for this information.
• As you gather the information, record notes about the facts associated with the
different historical aspects as well as ideas about how you might present these facts
to produce a written report that is: - accurate - coherent and interesting.
• Record your questions, sources and notes on the CALA Worksheet.
• When you are finished doing your research and making the plan for your report,
submit your research to your teacher for marking.
• Use the facts that you researched and the presentation ideas that you generated in Part A
to prepare your written report.
• Remember that you want your report to be: - accurate - coherent and -interesting.
• You will also need to consider practical elements associated with report writing such as:
- title - introduction - sub-headings
- diagrams, photos or other images and - conclusion.
• Be sure to draft and edit your report prior to publishing it and submitting it to your
teacher for marking.
How you will be assessed
• To assess your written report, your teacher will assess both your planning evidenced in
PART A and your final report submitted in PART B.
• Achievement standards specific to this task will be provided so that you are aware of the
assessment criteria.
•Before you begin writing your report, think
about key elements of “good” reports that you
are aware of – for example, an appropriate
introduction, clarity of key points, coherence,
interest etc.
•Remember that you are trying to show your
teacher your highest level of report writing, so
include language, organisation and writing skills
that will demonstrate this level of understanding.
CALA Title: About our school
Achievement Standards
Dimensions/Criteria A B C D E
Excellent/Very Good Good Satisfactory Inadequate Unsatisfactory
21 - 25 17 - 20 13 - 15 7 - 12 0-6

Understanding and Good use of ideas Effective use of ideas Sound use of ideas Limited use of ideas Little or no use of
responding to and information and information and information and information ideas and
context from a variety of from a variety of from limited sources from few sources to information from
sources to prepare a sources to prepare a to prepare a basically prepare a report. very few sources to
highly relevant relevant report relevant report. prepare a report.

Understanding and Excellent/ very good Good use of report Satisfactory use of Limited report Poor report writing
controlling report use of report writing writing skills report writing skills writing skills skills
writing skills skills e.g. language,
diction, syntax

Creating and Excellent/very good Good knowledge of Satisfactory Limited knowledge of Little or no
evaluating meaning knowledge of subject subject matter. knowledge of subject subject matter knowledge of subject
matter matter. matter.

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