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Workplace Assessment

Assessment Task 2: Project You must observe, document and analyse the behaviour of
a child.

Assessment Task 3: Project You will develop a behaviour support plan in consultation
with a child, family and colleagues

Assessment Task 4: Project For this task you will work with a child who has a behaviour
support plan.
There are two parts to this assessment:
 Part A: Implement strategies to support child
 Part B: Review plan and reflect on its effectiveness.

Assessment Task 5: Workplace For this task you will be observed developing positive
observation relationships and supporting children’s behaviour.


Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a copy of your


Date of submission:

Topic: Error: Reference source not found


 CHCECE020 Establish and implement plans for developing cooperative behaviour

Assessor to complete

Satisfactory/ Was this a re-

Not submission?
Assessment Task Satisfactory Date Y/N

Project – Observe and analyse children’s



I ____________________________________________ declare that these tasks are my own

þ None of this work has been completed by any other person.
þ I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.
þ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment

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þ I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken
against me.

Student signature: ______________________________________________________________

Student name: _________________________________________________________________

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Workplace Assessment – CHCECE020 Establish and implement plans for developing cooperative behaviour
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Assessor name: ________________________________________________________________

Date: _______________________________________________________________________




You are required to observe, document and analyse the behaviour of a child.


 Workplace policies and procedures relating to supporting children’s behaviour

 One focus child
 Observation and analysis template (provided).


If you’re a workplace-based student you will complete this task in your workplace
If you’re a classroom-based student you will complete this task in your work placement
Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: _______________________________


 Completed information, observation and analysis template; and permission forms.


If your assessor sees that you have not completed all parts of this task completely and
satisfactorily; you will need to redo the parts of the task that are incorrect. The details of
resubmission will be discussed with you when you are provided with the outcome for this task.

Together with your workplace supervisor, identify a focus child to work with who requires some
support with their behaviour (for example aggression, biting, tantrums, bullying). Using the
permission form at the end of this assessment, obtain permission from the child’s parent or
guardian and your supervisor.
Spend time closely observing, listening and talking to your focus child to gather the information.
Make sure you use one-on-one interactions as well as group interactions to gather information.
You must gather information using a variety of settings and sources, for example, indoor/outdoor
activities, rest time, interaction with other children and adults, and playing on their own.
If possible, obtain information from the family about the child (verbally or through completion of
an “About Me” form). If this is not possible (eg due to workplace restrictions, unavailability of the
parent etc) you may use information that has already been provided by the parent under other
You must also gain information through discussion with your colleagues.

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You may use the information, observation and analysis form provided, or you may use templates
provided by your workplace.

 Obtain permission from parent/guardian and your supervisor to work with the focus child
using the permission form at the end of this assessment.
 You must protect the privacy of all children. Do not refer to any child by name in this
assessment and do not use photographs
 You must ensure that your discussions and reporting are unbiased. Avoid labelling children
in a negative manner and be respectful in your writing
 Templates have been provided. You may use these, or the relevant templates from your
own service.
 Ask your supervisor to sign off your observation templates.
If in doubt, always check with your supervisor and/or assessor.


Use this template to gather background information about the child.

Part A: Use this part of the form to gather background information about the child.

A.1Information from child’s records

Child’s initials: LN
Date of birth: 2020/09/15
Age: 4 Years
Commenced at the Early Learning Centre:


Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday:

9am to 4 pm 9am to 4 pm 9am to 4 pm 9am to 4 pm 9am to 4 pm

Learning goals
Document the goals set for this child against each of the learning outcomes:

Learning outcome Goals

Learning Outcome 1  Support to build up associations with different youngsters
 Support to start and participate in play
 Encourage BC to impart his inclinations and encounters to

Learning Outcome 2
o Develop a feeling of having a place
o Explore methods of creating connections
o Solve issues with others

Learning Outcome 3  Develop trust and certainty

 Enjoy time without help from anyone else
 Enjoy actual play

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Continue to discover more with regards to spaces of interest – broaden
Learning Outcome 4 learning on his advantage in the creature world

 Continue openness to numerical images and letters

Learning Outcome 5  Engage in supported discussions with instructors

 Start to trade thoughts with different youngsters
 Talk about interests
 Explore texts, especially about subjects of interest

Have there been any behaviour support strategies put in place previously?

 No
 Yes: Please describe:

A.2 Background information from discussions from family

Note: If possible, obtain information from the family about the child (verbally or through
completion of an “About Me” form. If this is not possible (eg due to workplace restrictions,
unavailability of the parent etc) you may use information that has already been provided by the
parent under other circumstances.

What is the child’s background?

Mother is China and Father is Australian. They live separated yet both offer BC's consideration – one week
is spent at the mother's home, the next week at fathers. The relationship between them is acceptable
before BC.

No Siblings

What are the child’s interests?

Video games  Computer games  Planes, trucks, heavy artillery vehicles  Physical activities  Football

Do you have any concerns about your child?

Pre-occupation with computer games.
Highly dynamic
Can be forceful and over energetic

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A.3 Background information from discussions with colleagues

Colleagues consulted with (do not use real names, provide a description eg Colleague A from
Toddler room)

I counseled LN conduct with JJ in Toddler room. We both think that LN is a piece self observer, he doesn't
actually prefer to cooperate with others. For the most part playing without anyone else.

Colleagues’ comments on child’s behaviour

JJ is a piece loner, doesn't actually play with different youngsters in the middle. Yet, he additionally has a
decent actual qualities. He is dynamic and preferences action in any case, he wonders whether or not to
make associations with his companions.

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Part B: Use this part of the form to document three observations.

Use these three observations to observe the child in a range of different contexts and settings.

What was the context I observed LN while playing on the outdoor equipment with a group of 3
and setting of the other children. .It was 11am.

What did you observe LN was exceptionally boisterous and went around all over. He was playing
during this activity? with CM and KD however at that point they headed out to play another
Include the child’s reaction
to the environment, activity  LN then, at that point, got a stick from under the tree. From the get go,
and interactions. he imagined it was a weapon and was "shooting" at the teacher. Then,
at that point, he began banging it against the climbing gear to make a
commotion. One of the youngsters requested that he stop and he
professed to hit the kid with the stick. There was no contact.
 One of the teachers occupied him and began him playing in the sandpit
 "burrowing for treasure". He appeared to partake in this for around 10
minutes however at that point began to run once more.

Using the following rating What happened before the Describe the behaviour Intensity rating
scale, complete the table behaviour? (Triggers) (positive or negative) 1-6
observing the child’s We had had some quiet LN was very overflowing.
behaviour – positive or 5
time with craft and reading, This isn't in itself negative
negative during the activity. then morning tea conduct yet can irritate the
Intensity rating scale: other kids. After CM and
1. Positive behaviour KD quit playing with
2. Child shows some him he began to display
aversion (eg refusal or more consideration looking
talking back) but for conduct. Claiming to hit
corrects behaviour the kid with the stick
within 20 seconds was not suitable conduct
3. Child continues and BC was moved to the
behaviour after 20 sandpi tto divert.
seconds. He had the option to give
4. Child leaves activity and the adhere to the. Teacher
expresses displeasure rapidly what's more, move
(eg cry, shout, tantrum) to the sandpit without
5. Child throws, breaks or inconvenience.

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knocks things over Did the environment What were the consequences of the behaviour?
6. Child makes physical contribute to the The consideration looking for conduct came
contact with child or behaviour? about in consideration – from the kid who he
adult. The outdoor environment imagined to hit and from the teacher who
allows LN to let off a bit of began him on the
steam – it appears that he "expedition".
became annoyed after MM
and NN stopped playing The kid who he claimed to hit was safe and
with him. proceeded to play with others on the climbing

Use these three observations to observe the child in a range of different contexts and settings.

What was the context Story telling activity in class

and setting of the

What did you observe I observe LN emotion when he’s telling his story, and his friends looks so
during this activity? enthusiastic listening to the story
Include the child’s reaction
to the environment, activity
and interactions.

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Using the following rating What happened before the Describe the behaviour Intensity rating
scale, complete the table behaviour? (Triggers) (positive or negative) 1-6
observing the child’s LN looks somewhat Show openness to his
behaviour – positive or modest in the start yet friends by telling his story
negative during the activity. after got into his 4
Intensity rating scale:
1. Positive behaviour story, he become
2. Child shows some
aversion (eg refusal or
talking back) but more sure and
corrects behaviour
within 20 seconds energetic
3. Child continues
behaviour after 20
4. Child leaves activity and Did the environment What were the consequences of the behaviour?
expresses displeasure contribute to the
(eg cry, shout, tantrum) behaviour?
5. Child throws, breaks or LN get more confident in himself.
Indeed, it contributed well.
knocks things over His companions look so
6. Child makes physical keen on his story, so he
contact with child or got more positive about
adult. telling his story

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Use these three observations to observe the child in a range of different contexts and settings.

What was the context Watching documentary about animals

and setting of the

What did you observe LN Enthusiastic to the new environment

during this activity?

Include the child’s reaction

to the environment, activity
and interactions.

Using the following rating What happened before the Describe the behaviour Intensity rating
scale, complete the table behaviour? (Triggers) (positive or negative) 1-6
observing the child’s Th educator gather the LN looks very enthusiastic
behaviour – positive or children to watch the to the new things. He
negative during the activity. animal documentary and watched the movie 2
Intensity rating scale: telling the children about seriously.
1. Positive behaviour the animals
2. Child shows some
aversion (eg refusal or
talking back) but
corrects behaviour
within 20 seconds

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3. Child continues Did the environment What were the consequences of the behaviour?
behaviour after 20 contribute to the
seconds. behaviour?
The children learn about new things
4. Child leaves activity and
expresses displeasure Indeed, the class looks so
(eg cry, shout, tantrum)
excited to the film, so all
5. Child throws, breaks or focus on the film and
knocks things over didn't make a commotion
6. Child makes physical to upset other youngsters
contact with child or consideration

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Part C: Use this part of the form to analyse the information you have gathered.

Using the information you have collected in Parts A and B of this template, analyse the
behaviour of the child.

Behaviour/s of concern Over action

Inability to focus on an assignment
Obsession with computer games
Aggressive conduct

Who was involved? Educator, Other children in centre

Are there any issues that  Life stresses

may be impacting on this  Environment
child’s behaviour
 Curriculum
 Developmental issues
 Emotional/social stresses
 Behaviour disorder
 Cultural differences
 Health issues
 Other, please specify.
Provide comments on any issues identified that may be impacting on

What action was taken?  Redirection of conduct.

 Talking to LN about limits

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Has there been any advice Discussed in meeting with supervisor and LN’s parents

Record of discussion with Was this discussion done with a family member, or simulated with another
family. person?
(Note this may be a  Family member
simulated discussion eg  Simulated discussion
with other colleague or class
mate) if family are unable
to participate in this part of Record of discussion:
the assessment) I talk about LN circumstance with his mom when she gets him from focus. I
enlightened her regarding his conduct and she additionally concur that he
prefers computer games as well much. She will attempt to remove the time.

Record of discussion with I talk about LN's circumstance with my administrator, and he needs me to
colleagues. begin establishing a climate for LN to coexist with different kids. It tends
to be in type of gathering play.

Student signature: Date

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What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?
Completed information, observation and

analysis template

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Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a copy of your


Date of submission:

Topic: Error: Reference source not found


 CHCECE020 Establish and implement plans for developing cooperative behaviour

Assessor to complete

Satisfactory/ Was this a re-

Not submission?
Assessment Task Satisfactory Date Y/N

Project – Develop a behaviour support plan


I ____________________________________________ declare that these tasks are my own

þ None of this work has been completed by any other person.
þ I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.
þ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment
þ I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken
against me.

Student signature: ______________________________________________________________

Student name: _________________________________________________________________

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Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.
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Assessor name: ________________________________________________________________

Date: _______________________________________________________________________




You are required to develop a behaviour support plan in consultation with child, family and


 Workplace policies and procedures relating to supporting children’s behaviour

 National Quality Standard
 Approved Learning Framework
 Information, observation and analysis gathered in Assessment Task 2
 Access to child, family and colleagues (simulated if necessary)
 Behaviour support plan template.


 If you’re a workplace-based student you will complete this task in your workplace
 If you’re a classroom-based student you will complete this task in your work placement
Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: _______________________________


 Completed behaviour support plan.


If your assessor sees that you have not completed all parts of this task completely and
satisfactorily; you will need to redo the parts of the task that are incorrect. The details of
resubmission will be discussed with you when you are provided with the outcome for this task.

Using the information you have gathered and analysed in Assessment Task 2 you are now
required to develop a Behaviour Support Plan for the child.
You must consult with your colleagues, the family (this may be simulated if necessary) and the
child in the development of this plan. You will need to report on your discussions.
Your plan must be suitable for the abilities, age and development stage of the child and must be
realistic and achievable.

 Permission must have been given by family member and supervisor (See Assessment Task
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 You must protect the privacy of all children. Do not refer to any child by name in this
assessment and do not use photographs
 You must ensure that your support plan is unbiased. Avoid labelling children in a negative
manner and be respectful in your writing
 A template has been provided. You may use this, or the relevant templates from your own
service. All items in the template must be covered. If you are using the templates from
your own service you may need attach additional responses to cover off all aspects.
 Ask your supervisor to sign off your planning template.
If in doubt, always check with your supervisor and/or assessor.

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Child’s initials: LN
Date of birth: 2021/07/08
Age: 4 months

1. Team members to be involved in the implementation of this plan

Person Role Relationship to child

JJ Supporting educator School

Marison LN Mothers Mother

Anderew LN Fathers Father

2. Description of the behaviour/s of concern (baseline of behaviour)

 Over movement
 Inability to focus on an errand
 Obsession with computer games
  Aggressive conduct

3. Context of the behaviour:

Why does it occur?

It may happen on account of his current circumstance where his folks are isolated, so he resides with
various individual consistently (Father and Mother sequentially)

When does it occur?

It started to occur last year since his parents separation.

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What are the triggers?
Parents separation

4. Goals:
List at least two long term goals and two short term goals for this child.

Long term goal 1:

To form meaningful relationships by demonstrating socially acceptable behaviour

Long term goal 2:

To make him more focus on his developmental ages

Short term goal 1:

To make sure educators understand LN’s concerns and use that knowledge to support him.

Short term goal 2:

To improve his self-esteem and sense of enjoyment.

5. Behaviour support strategies:

List the strategies (at least four) that will be used to work towards the goals listed above. Include who
will be responsible for each strategy.
If more than four strategies are identified please attach these to your assessment on a separate sheet of

Who will be How will this contribute towards

responsible the goals?

1. . Backing LN to express in case he is

disappointed about some different option
from keep it without anyone else It will make LN more open to his
his/her parents
social environment

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2. See when LN is moving past dynamic and
divert his conduct into something positive.
their parents and also It will help him vent his emotion
For instance, set up a physical movement
their educators into the positive action
that he is acceptable at; set up a
problemsolving action.

3. Get assets to LN's greatest advantage

regions – eg books/DVDs about football and
their parents and also It will make to divert his focus to
empower his fixation and consider calm
their educators something that more positive
action options.

4. Expand on LN's involvement with

innovation with an innovation themed
program. It will make him more open to
their parents and also
the things that he loves and
their educators
facilitate his feeling

How did you make sure the goals and strategies were in line with the child’s abilities, age and
development stage?
Perception of capacities and improvement stages
Discussions with different instructors and guardians
Discussions with the youngster

 Cultural considerations.
 Are there any cultural considerations that need to be made?
Are there any social contemplations that should be made?
Instructors should know that LN is living in a split family circumstance. The two guardians are
cooperating to
support LN. There are no particular social necessities.

 Alternative behaviours:
 What more appropriate, alternative behaviours will be taught? How will these help the child?
What more proper, elective practices will be educated? How might these assistance the youngster?

Verbalizing disappointment – will lessen the animosity

Thinking about the feelings of others – will empower compassion.
More organized, deliberate active work which incorporates critical thinking and participation –
empower joint effort and channel abundance energy.
Enjoying calm exercises that are specifically compelling to LN – further develop fixation.

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Response to incidents:
How will educators respond to incidents quickly and in line with the support plan?
How might teachers react to occurrences rapidly and in accordance with the help plan?
All teachers working with LN will know about the arrangement, mindful of triggers and the procedures to
address these. If LN begins to show hostility, eliminate him from the circumstance promptly and divert
his movement.

What resources are needed for this plan?

Note: resources must be realistic.
Note: resources must be realistic. Special interest books, DVDs, and computer games.

Record of discussion with colleagues:

I examined with JJ in regards to LN conduct and we concur that the parent's detachment may have an
passionate effect on him that make him less agreeable

Discussion on issues of concern

LN become thoughtful person and likes to do exercises without help from anyone else, He has great
actual strength and like computer games especially for his age. He can be forceful is something that he
doesn't care for happened like when other kids attempt also play with him and now and then it irritated

Needs of other children affected by the behaviour

Other children are sometimes are scared when LN become aggresive

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Discussion of strategies to guide behaviour
We consent to focus harder on his conduct and centering his energy into his diversion like playing
football when he's acceptable at. We additionally attempt to make him more open to his current
circumstance including different kids in the middle.

Record of discussion with family (may be simulated if necessary)

 Discussion on issues of concern

We talked about LN issues of forcefulness and his self observer character with his folks

 Discussion of strategies to guide behaviour

The guardians will attempt to put more consideration regarding him and go with him more to ensure he
doesn't feel forlorn.

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 Discussion on ways that the Service and family can work together to address issues.
The middle and guardians will examine his improvement on customary premise to ensure he creates in a
better way and can coexist with different youngsters.

Record of discussion with child:

 Was the child able to contribute to development of strategies? Describe.

Was the youngster ready to add to advancement of procedures? Depict. Indeed, LN was somewhat timid
initially, yet as time passes by he become more open with his current circumstance.

How does this plan reflect the philosophy of the service?

 Supports positive results rather than rebuffing conduct
 Fair and conscious to the youngster and their family
 Involves joint effort with the family and other staff individuals
 In accordance with NQS, the guidelines and work environment arrangements and techniques.

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Supervisor confirmation:
I have discussed this behaviour support plan with the student. Work was done in line with workplace
policies and procedures, the National Quality Framework and the approved learning framework for this

Supervisor name:

Supervisor signature: Date

Student signature: Date

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Completed behaviour support plan 

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Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a copy of your


Date of submission:

Topic: Error: Reference source not found


 CHCECE020 Establish and implement plans for developing cooperative behaviour

Assessor to complete

Satisfactory/ Was this a re-

Not submission?
Assessment Task Satisfactory Date Y/N

Project – Implement and review a behaviour

support planError: Reference source not found


I ____________________________________________ declare that these tasks are my own

þ None of this work has been completed by any other person.
þ I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.
þ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment
þ I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken
against me.

Student signature: ______________________________________________________________

Student name: _________________________________________________________________

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Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.
A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.

















Assessor signature: _____________________________________________________________

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Assessor name: ________________________________________________________________

Date: _______________________________________________________________________




For this task you will work with a child who has a behaviour support plan.
There are two parts to this assessment:
 Part A: Implement strategies to support child
 Part B: Review plan and reflect on its effectiveness.


 Workplace policies and procedures relating to supporting children’s behaviour

 Access to child with behaviour support plan
 Behaviour support plan
 Templates (provided).


 If you’re a workplace-based student you will complete this task in your workplace
 If you’re a classroom-based student you will complete this task in your work placement
Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: _______________________________


 Part A: Completed Behaviour Support Implementation template

 Part B: Completed Behaviour Support Plan Review template.


If your assessor sees that you have not completed all parts of this task completely and
satisfactorily; you will need to redo the parts of the task that are incorrect. The details of
resubmission will be discussed with you when you are provided with the outcome for this task.


 Prior to this assessment make sure that you read and understand, workplace policies and
procedures that refer to supporting behaviour.
 You will need to talk to your supervisor to identify a child with a behaviour support plan
that you will work with. This will ideally be the focus child from Assessments 2 and 3,
however if this is not possible you may work with another child who has a support plan in
 You must respect privacy and confidentiality. Do not name the child you are working with

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in your project report. You may use a fictitious name or initials to refer to the child.
 You will be supervised at all times when working with the child by a qualified early
childhood educator.
If in doubt, always check with your supervisor and/or assessor.


Work with the child during two different activities, implementing the support strategies as
described in the Behaviour Support Plan.
The two activities should be very different from each other, for example a group activity and a
solitary activity, or a physically active activity and a quiet activity.
During both activities you must work directly with the child so that you can implement the
You will need to document an observation of each activity so make sure you have some paper to
write notes as you go along.

What do I need to hand in for Part A of Have I completed this?

this task?
Completed Behaviour Support Implementation


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Behaviour Support Implementation Template

Observation report 1

Description of activity: Free play of outdoor activities

Date and time: 2021/09/05

8.10 am

What was the environment? Outside bunch play

Use of gear, sandpit, and water play
Group of seven kids with two instructors

Describe the strategies that a) What expectations for behaviour were communicated to the child?
you implemented to support
 Remind LN to contemplate different youngsters
the behaviour.
 Remind LN assuming he needs to release pressure he
 can do that in the open region where he can
 run however much he loves.
a) What instructions were given to the child?
To be delicate with different youngsters
To run in the open region
When LN was swearing (not with outrage) reminded him that the
words he was utilizing weren't great.

b) Was there opportunity to acknowledge responsible behaviour?

One of different youngsters stumbled LN accidentally and said sorry to
him. LN stood himself up and said "That is Alright". I let him know that
was great. I referenced to CM and LN that they were doing acceptable
delving in the sandpit with the tractors.

c) Did you need to adapt levels of support?

At the point when LN originally got outside, he was going around like a
distraught thing paying no ramification for different kids. We expected to
remain nearby him to deal with his conduct. Whenever he was settled
with an undertaking (utilizing the tractor in the sandpit) he quieted down
and played with CM.

d) Was redirection and diffusion of behaviour required?

LN was extremely over-overflowing and consideration looking for when
we originally got outside. We expected to accomplish something as he
may have harmed another youngster. We diverted his conduct by first
getting him to run off his energy in the open lush space, then, at that
point, we diverted him to the sandpit where he played with the tractor.

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e) Is there anything else you needed to do to implement the strategies
of the plan?
No. not in this scenario

What did you observe during At the point when we got outside LN was exceptionally vigorous and
this activity? Include the uproarious.
child’s reaction to the
environment, activity and
strategies. Regardless of being reminded that the hardware wasn't for running on,
he went around on it. He almost thumped another youngster off. I
diverted him to the open grassed region where he was ready to run
securely to go through some energy. At the point when he wrapped up
running, he was entangled (unintentionally) by another kid. He well
acknowledged the statement of regret and got up with no whine. He was
glad that I praised him on that. After that I inquired as to whether he
needed to play with the tractor in the sandpit. He did and settled down to
play. CM was currently in the sandpit with another tractor. CM and LN
made up a game where they expected to assemble a span. They utilized
their dozers to make a street for the trucks to come, then, at that point,
moved enormous heaps of sand to make the span with. I addressed the
two of them about their play and how included their game was. I
referenced that they were doing acceptable burrowing. LN looked glad to
play agreeably with somebody

Did you need to involve other I requested the other instructor to play with the rest from the youngsters
staff to support intervention? while I took LN onto the grass. This permitted me to dedicate my regard
Describe. for him and his movement

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Using the following rating What happened before the Describe the behaviour Intensity
scale, complete the table behaviour? (Triggers) (positive or negative) rating
observing the child’s Ready to consume a ton of Extremely sure – played 1-6
behaviour – positive or energy and make agreeably with MM for some
negative during the activity. commotion without time. Had the option to
Intensity rating scale: troubling anybody (ie in the focus on task 4

1. Positive behaviour open grassed part)

2. Child shows some

aversion (eg refusal or
talking back) but corrects
behaviour within 20
3. Child continues behaviour
after 20 seconds. Did the environment What were the consequences of the
contribute to the behaviour?
4. Child leaves activity and
behaviour? LN appreciated playing with CM. Since he
expresses displeasure
(eg cry, shout, tantrum) Indeed, the open region didn't request considerations, he was glad
gave LN a spot that he to remain playing with him. He was saluted
5. Child throws, breaks or
could securely run and yell. for his collaboration furthermore, great
knocks things over
The sandpit gave him an burrowing.
6. Child makes physical climate to be imaginative
contact with child or furthermore, productive.

Student’s comments:
At the point when we originally headed outside, I thought LN's conduct
was going to be testing anyway whenever he had run off a few
abundance energy and been assisted with tracking down an assignment
his conduct furthermore, mentality changed.

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Observation report 2
(this must be a different type of activity to Observation 1)

Description of activity: Telling supernatural story

(Must be significantly
different to Activity 1)

Date and time: 2021/09/03

09:15 am

What was the environment? The toddler class will do the story telling session about each child hobby
and interest

Describe the strategies that a) Communicating expectations for behaviour

you implemented to support
b) Instructions given to child
the behaviour
c) Acknowledgement of responsible behaviour
d) Adapting levels of support
e) Redirection and diffusion of behaviour if required
What did you observe during At the point when it's the ideal opportunity for LN to tell about his
this activity? Include the diversion he looks somewhat modest yet when he was at that point in
child’s reaction to the the subject and disclose he gets a kick out of the chance to play
environment, activity and computer games particularly the identified with the football, he looks
strategies. more excited

Using the following rating What happened before the Describe the behaviour Intensity
scale, complete the table behaviour? (triggers) (positive or negative) rating
observing the child’s LN looks somewhat timid in Show openness to his friends 1-6
behaviour – positive or the starting however after by telling his story
negative during the activity. 3
get into his story, he
Intensity Rating scale: become more positive and
1. Positive behaviour excited

2. Child shows some

aversion (eg refusal or
Did the environment What were the consequence of the
talking back) but corrects
contribute to the behaviour?
behaviour within 20
behaviour? The baby was more confident and

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Page 36
3. Child continues behaviour Indeed, it contributed well. intelligent
after 20 seconds. His companions look so
4. Child leaves activity and keen on his story so he got
expresses displeasure more positive about
(eg cry, shout, tantrum) recounting his story

5. Child throws, breaks or Student’s comments:

knocks things over At the point when talk about the things that he loves, LN become more
6. Child makes physical excited and get more certain
contact with child or

Collaboration and discussions.

Once you have completed the observations answer the following questions:

1. What discussions were  Conversations held with all instructors working with LN so they
held with other Educators are completely mindful of the help to be given.
prior to these activities so  Discussed reasoning of the arrangement to carry out to help LN
that everyone was aware to meet the objectives of the arrangement
of the rational, limits and
strategies of the support  Discussed methodologies and how these identify with the specific
plan? exercises being embraced.
 Discussed limits – what to do if conduct heightened. What
teachers ought to do, or not do in different circumstances.
2. How did you Before the movement remind the youngster that they should keep in
communicate your mind to pay attention to the teachers and other youngsters'
expectations to the child? perspectives.
Provide a description as  Remind LN of the cutoff points
well as actual examples
of your conversation.  Remind LN what he can say in case he is getting irritated.
 Let LN know his decisions and backing him to settle on his choices
 Examples of the discussion may incorporate a few things like:
"Hi LN. Recollect how we as a whole played together doing vehicle
assemble. recently. You did all around well when you were playing with
CM. Today we will play football, do you figure you might want Football?"
3. How did you support your  Talking about issues together
colleagues in the  Enabling one teacher to work intimately with the youngster
implementation of the
plan?  Observing and sharing data.

Student name:

Student signature

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Workplace Assessment – CHCECE020 Establish and implement plans for developing cooperative behaviour
Page 37
Supervisor confirmation:
The student has implemented strategies to support a child with a personal support plan and has
discussed requirements and outcomes with me.
The student has worked within workplace policies and procedures and the National Quality Framework
during this task.

Supervisor name:

Supervisor signature: Date:


When you have completed the observations in Part A of this Assessment Task, you must review
the Behaviour Management Plan and reflect on its effectiveness.
Complete the following Behaviour Management Plan Review Template.


Comment on each strategy in Requires

the Behaviour Support Plan. Strategy e as is
Did it work well or does it Yes/No
require modification?
1. Expand on LN's involvement with innovation Yes No
with an innovation themed program. BC
seems to partake in the innovation program.
He is extremely capable on the IPad and
partakes in the science information games.
2. Backing LN to express in case he is Yes No
disappointed with regards to something rather
than keep it without anyone else.

3. See when LN is getting overactive and divert Yes No

his conduct into something positive. For instance,
set up an active work that he is acceptable
at; set up a critical thinking movement.

4. Get assets to LN's greatest advantage Yes No

regions– eg books/DVDs about football and
empower his focus and take into account calm
action choices.


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Workplace Assessment – CHCECE020 Establish and implement plans for developing cooperative behaviour
Page 38
What changes (if any) would
you recommend to the Have a wider variety of IPad science knowledge games so that interest can
Behaviour Support Plan to be maintained by LN
make it more effective?

What process will you follow  Conversation with different Educators/boss

to implement any changes to  Discussion with kid and family
the Behaviour Support Plan?
 Suggest changes
(Answer this question even if
 Make changes as consented to help plan.
you are not recommending
changes)  Inform all partners of the arrangement so it tends to be carried out.
 Implement changes and survey

What do I need to hand in for Part B of this Have I completed this?

Completed Behaviour Support Plan Review


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Workplace Assessment – CHCECE020 Establish and implement plans for developing cooperative behaviour
Page 39


For this task you will be observed developing positive relationships and supporting children’s


 Workplace policies and procedures relating to supporting children’s behaviour

 Access to a group of children to work with
Note: Children do not need to be subject to a behaviour support plan for this task.


 If you’re a workplace-based student you will complete this task in your workplace
 If you’re a classroom-based student you will complete this task in your work placement
Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: _______________________________


 You do not need to submit anything for this task.


If your assessor sees that you have not completed all parts of this task completely and
satisfactorily; you will need to redo the parts of the task that are incorrect. The details of
resubmission will be discussed with you when you are provided with the outcome for this task.

Your assessor will watch you as you work with a group of children at your service. This work
may be during a group activity or supporting children during a routine. Following the
observation the assessor will ask you a series of verbal questions.

Your assessor will be looking to see that you:

 Interact with children and involve them in decision-making and planning
 Demonstrate positive relationships with children and display respect for family and
cultural values
 Use effective strategies to support children to manage their own behaviour
 Respond to any incidents quickly, consistently and calmly
 Communicate effectively with children and other educators
 Work within workplace policies and procedures.

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

You do not need to hand anything in for this NA

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Workplace Assessment – CHCECE020 Establish and implement plans for developing cooperative behaviour
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