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Lesson Planning Template

Lesson Plans reflect your understanding of the EYLF planning and programming cycle, beginning with your knowledge on the
focus child(ren) interest, strengths and goals.
Name of Experience: Child A

Age/class group: 1 Years Please circle: Individual/Group Experience Supervising Teacher Approval:
(indicate no. of children): 3 Synara
Context – What does the social and physical environment look like? Date/Time:
Healthy and wellbeing
Learning objectives of this experience (maximum of two) Lesson plan targets:
o Physical development
1. To establish a sense of identity of gender and individuality in the child o Cognitive development
2. Increase group participation and cooperation o Social development
o Emotional development

EYLF Outcomes (maximum of two): always try to use level two outcomes (eg) EYLF 1.2: Children develop their
emerging autonomy, inter-dependence, resilience and sense of agency.

1. Practice physically active and mentally challenge activities as appropriate in development of health
2. Engage in learning activity and start learning basic alphabets and numbers
Link to child(ren) observation dated: ______2020/09/10________
Rationale - Why have you chosen to offer this experience to the child(ren)? Indicate child’s developmental needs,
interests, background, and experiences.

physically active
able to walk correctly
can use right hand dominantly in task

Risk Management – What can go wrong and how can I prevent that?

Child A was playing in the playground by himself. One of the elder child came up to him and said ,”Catch me” in a
playful manner. Child A smiled and followed the elder child and started running to catch him. When Child A was
able to catch the elder child he became happy and smiled

Location, resources, and equipment/furniture:

Where will the experience be conducted? Describe the space.
What resources and equipment/furniture do you need and how they will be used?
Attach a photo if possible.

Version Sem. 2, 2021

Child A was playing with blocks and trying to build something. The educator asked him “What are you
building dear?” He replied “A house” “A house. Who is this house for?”the educator asked. “ for me, my
mom, my dad and my dog benzo” replied A. “Your family” asked educator. “Yes. For my family” replied A

Lesson Evaluation
How does the experience achieve the learning objectives above? (you must comment on each of the objectives you
listed in the Learning objectives of this experience section above)

The child will develop strong sense of self confidence

Lesson Reflection
Comment on anything you will do differently teaching this lesson next time.
Please comment on your explanation, provocation, physical and social environment set up and pack away,
management of students.
The assessment designed was unique and inclusive to the ability and experience of the child in
question. The assessment were made “inclusive” through implementation of unique assessment
methods that was suitable for unique abilities and interest and potential of the children in question.

Feedback from Supervising Teacher

Version Sem. 2, 2021

Version Sem. 2, 2021

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