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C/o. State Bank of India, LHO, Plot No.1, Sector-17A, Chandigarh - 160 017
Phone (Office) : 0172-4567142, 4567042, 2702518 Fax – 0172-2721716
Mobile – 09417032548 e-Mail – [email protected]

CIRCULAR No. UFBU/2021/16 Date :15.11.2021

Dear Comrades,
A meeting of the UFBU was held on 12.11.2021 at Mumbai. Representatives of
all our 9 constituent unions were present.

1. Our campaign and struggle against attempts of privatisation of Banks:

All our unions and members are aware that ever since the Government announced
in this year’s Budget that two of the nationalised Banks would be privatised, we
have been on the path of campaign and struggle against this move. On 15th and
16th March, 2021 we observed a massive 2 days’ continuous strike exhibiting our
protest against the Government’s decision.
Thereafter our unions have continued the campaign through meetings, webinars,
obtaining signatures in mass petition to Prime Minister, etc. ofcourse subject to
the restrictions obtained in different States due to the pandemic situation and
second wave of corona infections. During the last Session of the Parliament held
during July-August, 2021, we were preparing to observe strike actions but these
programmes were not undertaken because there was no move from the
Government side.
Looking to the media reports that the Government may introduce the connected
Bills during the ensuing winter session of the Parliament beginning from 29 th of
this month, the meeting decided that our unions and members should be on the
guard and get prepared to observe protest actions as would be warranted including
further strike actions.
In this background the following programmes were decided upon:
a) Carry out all the campaign programmes already chalked out
including Mass Petition to Prime Minister and signature collection
b) Dharna to be undertaken in all the States between 29-11-2021
and 4-12-2021 during the Parliament Session (looking to local
c) Dharna before Parliament by UFBU leaders (date to be finalised
looking to presentation of any Bill on privatisation of Banks).

d) Strike actions to be declared on the Dharna day.

All our Unions are requested to take note of the above programme and prepare
for the effective implementation of the same. Meetings should be organised at
various levels to mobilise our members for these programmes.
Important Pending issues:
The meeting, during the discussions, observed that some of the important issues
are pending resolution by the IBA. Though one year period has elapsed after
signing the wage revision accord, many issues like sanction of stagnation
increment, fitment for Ex-servicemen employees, etc, referred by the Banks to
IBA seeking clarifications are still pending at IBA level though IBA had been
assuring to issue an FAQ on these issues along with their clarifications. Similarly
no discussions have taken place on the residual issues. In the same way,
discussions have not made any headway on the important issue of updation of
pension. There are also other issues related to pension scheme which need further
discussion. The issue of repeated higher premium on medical insurance policy for
the retirees year after year also needs to be discussed with the IBA. But the
meeting observed that IBA has been adopting a non-serious approach on these
Hence it was decided to meet the Chairman of IBA at the earliest and to submit a
memorandum to him on the following issues seeking early discussion and
expeditious resolution.
i) All Residual issues
ii) Updation and other pension related issues
iii) Medical Insurance Scheme for retirees
iv) FAQ and clarifications to issues referred by Banks on wage settlement
Wage Revision in CSB Bank:
The meeting deplored the attitude of the management of CSB Bank (Catholic
Syrian Bank) in denying legitimate wage revision to the employees and officers of
the Bank. Instead of resolving the issue amicably and extending wage revision,
the management is resorting to vindictive actions and intimidation. The employees
and officers have so far observed 7 days’ strike and the meeting conveyed its
compliments to the fighting spirit of the employees and officers of CSB Bank. The
meeting noted that the United Forum of CSB Bank Unions has given further calls
for another 3 days strike by end of December, 2021 and indefinite strike in March,
2022. The meeting decided to extend its solidarity to this struggle in CSB Bank.
The meeting also discussed the issue of pending salary revision of Lakshmi Vilas
Bank as the Bank revoked its mandate given to IBA before conclusion of salary
revision and its subsequent take over by DBS and decided to pursue the same.

Adequate Recruitment in Banks

The meeting noted with concern that there is a clear tendency on the part of the
Banks to reduce recruitment of staff year after year due to which there is acute
shortage of staff in the Banks with the resultant impact on quality of customer
service and increased workload on the existing staff. The meeting also noted that
there is increasing tendency to outsource the regular and perennial jobs on
contract basis. The meeting decided to address a detailed communication to the
Government in this regard.

With greetings,
Yours comradely,

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