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Activity Sheet-Quarter 0 – MELC 6


Activity Sheet No. 7
First Edition, 2020

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

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This TLE 7/8 – AFA (Food/Fish Processing) Learning Activity

Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western Visayas.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or
mechanical without written permission from the DepEd Regional Office 6 –
Western Visayas.

Introductory Message
Development Team of TLE 7/8 Food (Fish) Processing Activity Sheet

Writer: Marivic D. Dingcong

Editors: Esther M. Tanate
Layout Artist: Jarrett Irvin C. Gayosa
Schools Division Quality Assurance Team:
Mylene D. Lopez
Reynaldo P. Evangelio
Jarrett Irvin C. Gayosa
Helen Grace S. Poderoso
Division of HIMAMAYLAN CITY Management Team:
Reynaldo G. Gico
Bernie L. Libo-on
Grace T. Nicavera
Reynaldo P. Evangelio
Mylene D. Lopez
Regional Management Team
Ma. Gemma M. Ledesma
Josilyn S. Solana
Elena P. Gonzaga
Donald T. Genine
Roland B. Jamora
Leo Tomulto
April C. Velez
Welcome to TLE 7/8 – AFA (Food/Fish Processing)!

The TLE 7/8 – AFA (Food/Fish Processing) Learning Activity

Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts of the Schools Division of
Himamaylan City and DepEd Regional Office VI - Western Visayas through
the Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD). This is
developed to guide the learning facilitators (teachers, parents and
responsible adults) in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K
to 12 Basic Education Curriculum.

The TLE 7/8 – AFA (Food/Fish Processing) Learning Activity

Sheet is self-directed instructional materials aimed to guide the learners in
accomplishing activities at their own pace and time using the contextualized
resources in the community. This will also assist the learners in acquiring
the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and attitudes for productivity and

For learning facilitator:

The TLE 7/8 – AFA (Food/Fish Processing) Activity Sheet will help
you facilitate the leaching-learning activities specified in each Most Essential
Learning Competency (MELC) with minimal or no face-to-face encounter
between you and learner. This will be made available to the learners with
the references/links to ease the independent learning.

For the learner:

The TLE 7/8 – AFA (Food/Fish Processing) Activity Sheet is

developed to help you continue learning even if you are not in school. This
learning material provides you with meaningful and engaging activities for
independent learning. Being an active learner, carefully read and
understand the instructions then perform the activities and answer the
assessments. This will be returned to your facilitator on the agreed

Quarter 0, Week 7

Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) No. 7

Name of Learner: ______________________________________________________________

Grade and Section: _______________________________________ Date: ______________


Observing Personal Hygiene and Good Grooming

I. Learning Competency with Code

Observing personal hygiene and good grooming. TLE_AFFP9-12OS-0g-1

● Explain the importance of good grooming in a workplace

● Follow the procedures in cleaning, checking and sanitizing personal
protective equipment

II. Background Information for Learners

Personal Hygiene and Good Grooming

Every food business owner has the utmost legal and moral responsibility of
producing and preparing food that will not harm the consumer. It is a must that all
personnel involved in the food processing adhere to GMP standards. GMP is short
for Good Manufacturing Practices. GMP’s are the basic operational and
environmental conditions required to produce safe foods. They ensure that
ingredients, products and packaging materials are handled safely and that food
products are processed in a suitable environment. GMPs address the hazards
associated with personnel and environment during food production.

Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) requires personal hygiene to be

implemented to all workers in any manufacturing industry. Food processors are
reservoirs and carriers of microorganisms and can act as source of microbial
contamination to food products. Microorganisms on and in the body can be found
on the external surface, example on the skin and hair, and in the nose, mouth,
ears and eyes, and those found inside the digestive tract, which are excreted in the

Food business owners must implement a comprehensive personal hygiene

policy to be carried out by their employees and visitors because microorganisms are
harmful when it contaminates the processing of foods. Raw materials, equipment
and clothing used in food processing should be free from uncleanness practice.

Hygiene refers to the practice of cleanliness which leads to the reduction or

elimination of microorganisms that cause diseases. Personal hygiene and good
grooming must be taken seriously by the food processors to ensure that food is fit
for human consumption. It is also the responsibility of the management to inspect
that all employees are adhering to the standard operating procedures of
maintaining personal hygiene and good grooming.

GMP Requirements on Personal Hygiene and Good Grooming

1. Health Status

a. A person applying for a job as a food processor must undergo a medical

screening. Assessment of his fitness to work must also be done daily to ensure
that they do not work as food handlers if they are suffering from infectious
diseases. Employees shall not be a carrier or diagnosed of being ill with any of
the following infectious respiratory tract or intestinal disorders like:
Tuberculosis, Cholera, Typhoid fever, Chickenpox, Dysentery, Measles,
Mumps, Leprosy, Jaundice, Red eye, Lymphatic filariasis, Hepatitis and skin
lesions and infectious diseases.
Employees with these diseases must not be allowed in the manufacturing
facilities and local health regulatory agency must be notified.

b. Report any flu-like symptoms, fever, diarrhea, sore throat, constant

sneezing, coughing, runny nose and/or vomiting to the supervisor. Employees
with these symptoms will be sent home or re-assigned to non-food related duties
or to apply for sick leave, whichever is most appropriate.

c. Report any lesions on the hand, wrist, or any exposed body part to
Industry workers should have no lesions or wound when handle any materials or
processes in food production to include packaging of finished products.

2. Personal Cleanliness

Upon arrival at work, food processing workers should always maintain

proper personal cleanliness. Visitors, contractors, and anyone who are in the
manufacturing area must abide with the company’s personal hygiene and good
grooming policies like:

a. Arriving to work with clean hair, teeth brushed and bathed daily.
b. Maintaining trimmed, filed, cleaned fingernails without rough edges.
Wearing of perfume, nail polish and artificial nails are NOT permitted in the
food processing area.

3. Handwashing

For employees working in the food processing area, hands must always be
washed following these protocols:
a. Before starting work.
b. Before wearing disposable gloves.
c. Between performing different task.
d. Immediately after using the toilet and returning to work station.
e. After handling raw materials or contaminated item.
f. After performing unsanitary task – ex. taking out garbage, handling
chemicals, wiping tables, picking up dropped utensils, etc.

g. After eating or drinking, touching face, nose, mouth, skin, hair or other
exposed body parts.
h. After sneezing, coughing or nose blowing.

Hand washing is only done using the sink intended for it at the
manufacturing area. Wash hands by scrubbing for at least 20 seconds. Turn off
faucets in a sanitary fashion in order to prevent recontamination of clean hands.
Dry hands with single-use towels and dispose used towels in closed trash bin.
Here are the steps in proper handwashing:

4. Processor’ Outfit as Part of Personal Hygiene

The wearing of food processor’s own clothing is generally not allowed in the
food processing area. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is worn to protect the
food processor from the food processing environment (cold, water, food products,

etc.) and specific safety hazards that may be present in the area. PPE’s also
protects the food from hazards (e.g. microorganisms, hair, foreign bodies) that may
be released from the food processor’s body or underclothes.

PPE Worn in Food Processing

Hairnet Mask


Rubber Boots


Proper Attire:

1. Wear clean properly secured coveralls, hair nets and gloves at all times in the
processing area. Coveralls shall be sufficient to cover all personal clothing. They
shall be changed daily. When using rest rooms for personal necessities, remove
all PPEs such as coverall, hairnet, and gloves. The same procedure is done
when using the mess hall and going out of the food factory.
2. Employees with any facial hair (beards or mustaches) must wear beard nets.
3. Change to clean, non-skid, closed-toe work shoes that are appropriate for
standing and working on processing floors. Footwears are to be maintained in
clean condition at all times.
4. Remove make-up, wrist watch and jewelry when entering the processing area.
5. Store personal clothing and belongings in designated locker facility. Food,
drinks, and personal medicine are not allowed to be stored in this locker facility.

Personal Behavior and Habits

Food processors should not do things that can cause food contamination. The
following actions are not allowed inside the food processing area:

1. Smoking 6. Coughing
2. Eating or drinking 7. Touching or scratching any part of the body.
3. Spitting 8. Wearing of jewelry or accessories.
4. Chewing 9. Brushing or combing hair.
5. Sneezing 10. Using fingers to taste food.

Managing Visitors

Visitors coming to food manufacturing, processing or handling areas should

wear appropriate protective equipment or clothing and follow the personal hygiene
provisions stipulated in the company’s policies. Visitors entering the food
processing area may also be asked to sign a health declaration that they are not
suffering from any sickness or foodborne disease or whether they have recently
travelled abroad.

Cleaning, Checking and Sanitizing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Routine cleaning of PPE is an essential requirement in order to maintain a

safe and healthy working environment. The PPE should be cleaned with a soft
brush and soapy solution to remove any dried debris and stains. Rinse well using
plastic bins and wipe using clean cloth or dry clean. The temperature of water used
for washing is generally limited to 105˚ F.

Wash the inner and outer portion of all rubber items such as gloves, footwear
and coverall. Thoroughly dry the cleaned and sanitized PPE before it is stored or
put it in a well-ventilated place to dry. Store clean PPE separately from personal

Ensuring Food Safety During COVID-19 Pandemic

Millions around the world have been affected by the novel corona virus
commonly known as the COVID-19. It is primarily a respiratory illness which can
be transmitted directly through droplets of saliva or discharges of the nose. It can
also be transmitted indirectly through contaminated surfaces. Although there is no
evidence that COVID-19 is transmitted through food, still it poses a major threat to
people’s health, including those of the consumers and workers in the food industry.
Like all other businesses, food business should be taking appropriate health and
safety measures to protect their workers from illness and contribute to lowering the
chances of spreading the disease.

The overall food safety management systems that focuses on the good
hygienic practices and additional food safety include physical separation of
activities, cleaning, sanitation and disinfection of hands, tools, equipment and
environment. These food safety measures should be completed with other measures
to avoid the infection of food workers and prevent the spread of the virus. These
measures include:

a. Keeping 1.5 – 2 meters (or 6 feet) physical distance between workers and
other staff in all of the premises of the food processing operation. It strongly
reduces the chance of transmitting the virus through droplets.

b. Installations of physical barriers between workers or staff and providing

adequate ventilation in order to control transmission through droplets.

c. Improved and systematic cleaning, disinfection and sanitation measures

are implemented in order to control the coronavirus and minimize cross

d. Food workers and staff are trained on the importance of personal hygiene
in general, and specific instructions on personal hygiene and PPE which must be
according to their roles and responsibilities in the food processing operations.

e. Educating employees on recognizing the COVID-19 symptoms and

ensuring that sick employees do not come to work but instead take appropriate
measures like self-quarantine or seek medical attention.

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Sites

Food and Drug Organization. “Recommended International Code Practice:

General Principles of Food Hygiene”. Accessed December 12, 2020.

Gorris, L. (2020, June 17). Ensuring food safety during the COVID-19
pandemic - a Codex observer view. Retrieved from CODEX ALEMENTARIUS
International Food Standards:

K-12 TLE AFA Food/Fish Processing Learning Module, pp 132 -139.

“Personnel and Personal Hygiene”. Campden BRI. Accessed December 13,


“Safe Food Handling”. Day Job Limited. Accessed December 9, 2020.

IV. Activity Proper

1. Directions / Instructions:

Carefully read the instructions for each activity. Refer to the
information and tables above in doing the activities. Write your answers in
a separate sheet of paper.

2. Exercises / Activities

Activity 1


Direction: Write DO if the statement should be done as part of Good

Manufacturing Practices on personal hygiene and good grooming, and write DON’T
if it is not. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

______1. Scratching of the head while handling food.

______2. Taking a bath before going to work.
______3. Chewing gums inside the processing area.
______4. Wearing a watch or rings while mixing ingredients.
______5. Reporting to work while having a flu.
______6. Refusing to undergo routine medical screening.
______7. Washing hands after handling raw materials.
______8. Wearing clean and properly secured PPE’s.
______9. Following company’s personal hygiene practices when visiting a food
processing area.
______10. Maintaining long and polished fingernails.
______11. Wearing make-up or perfume when processing food.
______12. Preparing food while infected with tuberculosis.
______13. Informing the supervisor if having a flu-like symptoms.
______14. Handwashing after doing unsanitary task.
______15. Sneezing or coughing over open food items.

Activity 2

Check It Out!

Direction: Read each question carefully and select the letter of the correct answer.
Write your answer in your answer sheet.

1. Everyone carries bacteria on and inside their bodies. Bacteria are found on your:
a. Hair and skin b. Hands and mouth c. Ears and nose D. All the

2. Identify which one is correct process?
a. Sanitize, Disinfect, and Clean c. Wash, Rinse, and Sanitize
b. Wash, Rinse, and Repeat d. Wash, Rinse, Towel Dry

3. When should one wash hands?

a. After wiping tables c. Before preparing food
b. After using toilet d. All the above

4. What is reason for drying your hands after washing them?

a. So that you don’t drip water everywhere.
b. Because germs and bacteria are more easily spread with wet hands.
c. Your hands are slippery when wet, and you will not be able to hold kitchen
utensils properly.
d. All the above.

5. For how long (at a minimum) should you wash your hands?
a. 15 seconds b. 20 seconds c. 25 seconds d. 30 seconds

6. What should be done for a person known, or suspected, to be suffering from, or

to be a carrier of a disease?
a. He/She should not be allowed to enter any food handling area.
b. He/She should immediately report illness or symptoms of illness to the
c. He/She should be allowed to handle the food.
d. Both a and b
7. When an infected person handle food, the hazard of passing bacteria from skin
surfaces to food increases. What should be done to adhere to GMP?
a. Physical examination should be required for every person applying to
work in a food plant to prove he/she is free from diseases.
b. A person applying as food handler should be hired right away.
c. Routine medical screening should be done to ensure food handlers are fit
to work.
d. Both a and c
8. Which of the following statement is NOT true?
a. Food handlers should maintain a high degree of personal cleanliness.
b. People suffering from or a carrier of a disease should not be allowed to enter
any food handling area.
c. A mask should be worn to cover the mouth during food preparation.
d. It is advisable to work or prepare foods even with infected wounds or cuts.

9. Which of the following is NOT a concern of personnel hygiene?

a. spotting hazards and risks
b. wearing of clean washable garments
c. observing sanitary habits and clean hands
d. freedom from any diseases

10. Which of the following is NOT a GMP requirement on personnel hygiene?

a. Hazard Analysis
b. Health Status
c. Personal Behavior and Habits
d. Personal cleanliness

11. Which of the following statement is true?
a. COVID-19 is not a threat to people’s health
b. COVID-19 is not transmitted though droplets of saliva.
c. COVID-19 is a food-borne illness.
d. COVID-19 is a respiratory illness.

12. Which of the following DO NOT contribute in controlling COVID-19 infection in

food processing workplace?
a. Ensuring that sick employees do not come to work.
b. Food workers and staff are trained on the importance of personal
c. Improved cleaning, disinfection and sanitation measures are
d. Keeping 1.5 – 2 feet physical distance between workers and other
13. The following are additional food safety measures that help avoid COVID-19
infection of workers EXCEPT
a. cleaning, sanitation
b. disinfection of hands, tools, equipment.
c. flooding the environment with visitors.
d. physical separation of activities of workers.

14. Which is true about good hygiene practices in food operations?

a. It is the foundation of ensuring unsafe food is prepared.
b. It increases the people-to-people spread of COVID-19.
c. It increases cross-contamination of COVID-19 in food operations.
d. It contributes to the protection of the health of food workers.

15. Who has the responsibility for ensuring food safety?

a. Everyone
b. Food growers
c. Food processors
d. Food retailers

Activity 3

“Habit of the Hands”

Direction: Prepare the materials needed to do the handwashing at home. Follow

the procedure of handwashing. You may use the picture on handwashing above
as your reference. Ask your parent or guardian or any adult person in your home
to rate your performance using the rubric that follows.

Equipment, Materials and Tools

▪ water
▪ soap
▪ faucet
▪ drier

▪ brush
▪ tissue or paper towels
▪ sanitizer
▪ alcohol (70% ethanol)


1. Wet hands with water.

2. Apply liquid soap and lather for at least 20 to 30 seconds.
3. Scrub backs of hands, wrists, all fingers, and under nails.
4. Rinse under running water, pointing down toward the drain.
5. Dry with a paper towel.
6. Turn off taps using elbows or paper towel.
7. Apply sanitizer.

Rubrics for Scoring Handwashing

Ask your parent, guardian or adult household companion to rate you by

writing your scores in each criterion.
Criteria 1 2 3 4
Missed all 2 or Missed one of Followed all
Missed all of the
Following of more of the the of the
Steps handwashing handwashing handwashing
steps. steps. steps.
Only did one of Only did two of
Didn’t do any Did all the
the the
Order handwashing steps in
handwashing handwashing
steps in order. order.
steps in order. steps in order.
Wash hands for Wash hands for Wash hands for Wash hands
Time less than 10 less than 15 less than 20 for 20 -30
seconds. seconds. seconds. seconds.
Had to be told to Had to be told
Washing Had to be told Wash hands
wash hands for to wash hands
Independentl to wash hands without
more times 3x for more times
y once already being told.
already 2x already

V. Reflection:

Complete the sentences below. Write your answers in a separate sheet of


1. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) ensures that






2. Personal hygiene is one of the most important aspects of good

manufacturing practice (GMP) in the food manufacturing industry




3. Cleaning, checking and sanitizing PPEs is important because





4. Practicing good personal hygiene and good grooming is even more

important during this time of pandemic because




Answer Key

Activity 1 Activity 2

1. DON’T 1. d
2. DO 2. c
3. DON’T 3. d
4. DON’T 4. b
5. DON’T 5. b
6. DON’T 6. d
7. DO 7. d
8. DO 8. d
9. DO 9. a
10. DON’T 10. a
11. DON’T 11. d
12. DON’T 12. d
13. DO 13. c
14. DO 14. d
15. DON’T 15. a


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