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DIRECTIONS: Complete the table below by writing perspectives regarding the social implications of
non-state institutions to individuals in the community during the enhanced community quarantine.


Advancing Credit Facilities Advancing loans is an

essential function of banks since it accounts for the
highest percentage of revenue earned annually.
Banks mostly offer short-term and medium-term
(BANKS) loans from a percentage of the cash deposits at a
high interest rate.They do not provide long-term
financing due to the need to maintain the liquidity
of assets. Before advancing loans to customers,
banks consider the borrower’s financial status,
business profitability, nature and size of the
business, and ability to repay the loan without

investment banking industry, and many individual

investment banks, have come under criticism for a
variety of reasons, including perceived conflicts of
interest, overly large pay packages, cartel-like or
oligopolistic behavior, taking both sides in
transactions, and more.Investment banking has also
been criticised for its opacity.

Bank insurance both financial institutions, but they

have different business models and face different
risks. While both are subject to interest rate risk,
banks have more of a systemic linkage and are
more susceptible to runs by depositors.

Starbucks has long been known for its keen sense of

corporate social responsibility and commitment to
(CORPORATION) sustainability and community welfare. According to
the company, Starbucks has achieved many of its
CSR milestones since it opened its doors. According
to its 2020 Global Social Impact Report, these
milestones include reaching 100% of ethically
sourced coffee, creating a global network of
farmers and providing them 100 million trees by
2025, pioneering green building throughout its
stores, contributing millions of hours of community
service, and creating a groundbreaking college
program for its employees.

The three-part report addresses the social and

economic impact of the COVID-19 on
(COOPERATIVES) cooperatives,business activities, turnover and
workforce, the most needed support measures to
help them face the crisis, and considering the
specific structure of the cooperative business
model, how our enterprises are coping with the
crisis (resilience).

Trade unions try to foster a spirit of cooperation

and promote friendly industrial relations and diffuse
(TRADE UNIONS) education and culture among their members. They
take up welfare measures for improving the morale
of workers and generate self confidence among

promote notions of universal human dignity or

global justice, function within international legal
(TRANSITIONAL ADVOCAY GROUPS) norms and regulations (human rights), are
politically independent with independent sources of
funding, and give voice to or represent marginalized

Defining a pathway towards sustainable

development that will integrate social, economic
(DEVELOPMENT AGENCIES) and environmental dimensions in a balanced
manner is at the core of our concern. No doubt, this
will have great implications for social development,
one of the three aspects of sustainable
development.As we witnessed in the recent past,
the predominant focus on economic growth has led
to development that is not always inclusive or
sustainable.While many countries have successfully
lifted millions of people out of extreme poverty,
close to a billion people still live in extreme poverty.
Many more live just above the poverty line.
These are just some of the ways in which
international organisations form an integral part of
(INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION) our everyday lives. Whether these organisations are
working to build houses for the impoverished like
UN-Habitat does, or working to ensure a standard
of health for everyone like the World Health
Organization (WHO) does, there is no running away
from international organisations. Today, it is
increasingly difficult to imagine an international
system in which the only voices that matter are
those of states.

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