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Application for
Please tick ( ) in the appropriate the boxes:

ANO (AW) Part- 145 Approval initial grant* Change* Renewal*

ANO (AW) Part- M Subpart F Approval initial grant* Change* Renewal*
ANO (AW) Part- M Subpart G Approval initial grant* Change* Renewal*

1. Registered name of applicant:

2. Trading name (if different):

3. Addresses requiring approval:

4. Tel. ............................................... Fax......................................... E-mail.........................................

5. Scope of approval relevant to this application: see page 2 for possibilities in the case of a
ANO(AW) Part-M Subpart F/ ANO(AW) Part-145 approval:

6. Position and name of the (proposed*) Accountable Manager:

7. Signature of the (proposed*) Accountable Manager:


8. Place: ........................................................

9. Date: ........................................................

Note (1): A note giving the address(es) to which the Form(s) should be sent.
Note (2): An optional note to give information on any fees payable.

* delete as applicable.

CAAB Form 2
Issue-1 Page 1 of 2 March 2017


A1 Aeroplanes / airships Quote aeroplane/airship type
above 5700 kg
A2 Aeroplanes / airships Quote aeroplane/airship manufacturer
5700 kg and below or group or type
A3 Helicopters Quote helicopter manufacturer or
group or type
A4 Aircraft other than A1,
Quote aircraft type or group
A2 or A3

ENGINES B1 Turbine Quote engine type

B2 Piston Quote engine manufacturer or group or type

B3 APU Quote engine manufacturer or type

COMPONENTS C1 Air Cond & Press
Quote aircraft type or aircraft manufacturer or component
OTHER THAN C2 Auto Flight manufacturer or the particular component and or cross refer to a
capability list in the exposition.
ENGINES OR APUs C3 Comms and Nav
C4 Doors – Hatches
C5 Electrical Power
C6 Equipment
C7 Engine – APU
C8 Flight Controls
C9 Fuel – Airframe
C10 Helicopter – Rotors
C11 Helicopter – Trans
C12 Hydraulics
C13 Instruments
C14 Landing Gear
C15 Oxygen
C16 Propellers
C17 Pneumatic
C18 Protection ice/rain/fire
C19 Windows
C20 Structural

SPECIALISED D1 Non Destructive Testing Quote particular NDT method.


With reference to the above scope of approval and item 6 on page 1, please complete the following example style, but
relevant to your organisation.
A1 Base & Line Boeing 737-200 B2 Lycoming Piston
A2 Base Piper PA34 B3 Garrett GTCP85
A2 Base & Line Cessna Piston Twins C2 SFENA
A3 Base & Line Bell 206/212 C4 Boeing 747
B1 CFM 56 D1 Eddy Current
There may be a number of types/manufacturers, etc listed against each rating.

CAAB Form 2
Issue-1 Page 2 of 2 March 2017

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