The Dark Den of Dagon: by Michael Mars Russell

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The Dark

Den of Dagon
By Michael Mars Russell
The Dark Den of
A Pathfinder 1e Adventure
for groups of 4-6 characters
of levels 5-7
Author: Michael Mars Russell
Layout: Michael Mars Russell
Cartographer: Chalkdown

Michael Mars Logo by Ryland Carlin

Walking Stick Man Portrait by Elise Ballesty
Art Licensed from Frog God Games and Fantasy Stockart
This product contains intellectual property of Frog God Games LLC under license. Such intellectual property is
considered Product Identity under the terms of the Open Game License provided by Wizards of the Coast.
Introduction the Eye of Dagon, but it has remained untouched
by human hands since Dagon, and the temple, fell.
This adventure is designed for a group of 4-6
A few weeks ago, a shopkeeper named Tryn was
characters of levels 5-7 playing the Pathfinder
expanding her underground storerooms on the
Roleplaying Game. While functional as a stand-
edge of town and broke into this ancient temple
alone module, this adventure is designed to be the
beneath the town. The laborers she hired vanished
first adventure in a series exploring the workings
with screams as the passage opened, leaving Tryn
and reasons of a deity of the Lost Lands referred to
to report the incident to Elder Sabratha who sent
as the Nameless One and her most faithful servant,
for adventurers from Port Manden and placed
“the Walking Stick Man” as they try to recover
militia to prevent anyone or anything from
ancient words of power and stir forces lost and
entering or leaving the business.
After arriving in town, the characters are
This adventure starts in the settlement of
intercepted by an older man who appears blind
Chesmire, though can be moved around with little
with a walking stick before they get to Elder
difficulty and placed in any campaign world with
Sabratha. He requests they retrieve an ancient
only minor changes, namely the addition or use of
tablet from the dungeon that they are headed to
an ancient lost or near lost pantheon. The reason
and offers some odd items in return. Elder
for the placement in this area is easy access to the
Sabratha arranges payment with the characters for
adventure “Sorcerer’s Citadel” from Quests of
clearing and securing the area but does not know
Doom, which should be played following the
the walking stick man if asked.
events of the second adventure in this series as a
return to the feelings of normalcy while still Inside the tunnels, warnings are scrawled on the
maintaining references to the ancient pantheon on walls despite no one entering. As the characters
which these adventures are focused via the statue plunge farther in, they face off against aberrations
of Mocham. and find objects unseen for centuries that are being
activated in ways unused by modern society. Upon
Adventure Summary returning to the surface, the walking stick man is
waiting in the house for them to retrieve the tablet
Long ago, the neolithic pantheon was the primary and make good on his offers. The guards do not
pantheon and Dagon was not yet a demon lord. recall anyone entering other than the party if
This was a time of great power, when gods still asked.
spoke the Language Eternal freely and rewrote
reality as they saw fit. Dagon had many coastal Elder Sabratha is ready with payment in town and
temples, such as this one, that over the millennia offers the party to stay the night with her to
have sank beneath the surface taking their recover before setting out again. In the morning,
priesthood with them. As Dagon fell, so did the Tryn offers a 10% discount on all items in her shop
priests that still venerated him in these sunken for the next week to the characters, if nothing was
temples. Those devout enough received blessings stolen from her of course.
on sacred relics within the temples to adapt them
to their new home. The blessing to do such at this Adventure Hooks
temple was twofold as Dagon bestowed upon the
Eye of Dagon, a 5,000 gp diamond that was kept Sent by the Church
on display in this temple, the ability for them to Should the party contain any devout worshipers of
survive underwater and upon the temple walls a deity of the Ethtuwate pantheon, Thyr, or
itself he granted the power to SUSTAIN. The Jamboor, that character may be given a mission by
temple has been found a few times over the years, the church the next time they go to a shrine or
most notably by a Xill seeking a safe nest and a temple to save the devout of Chesmire from a new
Xorn who arrived drawn to and seeking to devour danger that is being barely contained by the

population. Typical Worshipers: Magic-users, fortune-tellers,
Defending the Homeland
Worshiped in secret ceremonies now only by the
This could be the hometown of any human Daanites of Ynys Cymragh, the Nameless One is a
character in the group who did not specify where very old goddess who knows the fates of all living
they are from (or who happened to choose this things and is both the embodiment and the literal
town). If so, they receive a summons from a scareddeity of crossroads, which symbolize the important
family member requesting protection from an aspects of one’s life, and the places where major
unknown danger beneath the land itself. It outlines
decisions must be made. She is a deeply
that Elder Sabratha is offering a handsome reward,mysterious goddess, even to her followers, who
but is being very tight-lipped about what is believe that not even the other gods truly know or
actually going on. comprehend her. She is portrayed in a number of
different guises, including a cloaked and hooded
Adventurers for Hire female figure, and a humanoid figure with the
As always, adventurers wander from town to town heads of a dog, a snake and a horse.
solving problems. They could have seen an ad for The Nameless One’s priests are soothsayers and
this job in any tavern within 50 miles and walked diviners, and those who pray to the goddess
in themselves or been sent by an adventuring beseech her to reveal the truth of their destinies.
company based in Port Manden or even received These truths are usually delivered in the form of
the message directly from a runner on the road riddles and confusing, seemingly contradictory
who they assisted. symbolic utterances. Though the Nameless One’s
utterances ultimately prove true, they are usually
Nameless One not terribly useful, and there are many tales of
supplicants who completely misinterpret her
Name: The Nameless One, The Cloaked Goddess, oracular judgments, leading to either disaster or
Lady of Secrets, Goddess of the Crossroads sometimes great good fortune. The ultimate moral
Status: Greater God of all stories regarding the Nameless One is that
true fate can never be learned and should not be
Pantheon: Old Way, Neolithic sought — only by following the paths presented
Alignment: N can life be fully and faithfully lived.

Spheres of Influence: Darkness, Magic, Travel, As fate is a secret, so has the Nameless One
Void become a goddess of hidden knowledge, embodied
by the secrets of magic and spellcasting. In the old
Symbol: A spiral pattern world before the coming of the Hyperboreans,
many wizards, sorcerers and warlocks revered the
Garb: Simple belted tunics; priests are
Nameless One, some simply because she
blindfolded during ceremonies.
represented the quest for unfathomable
Favored Weapon: Longsword knowledge, and some in the hope that she might
somehow reveal the secrets they sought. The latter
Form of Worship and Holidays: The Nameless
were inevitably disappointed, but worship of the
One’s faith is a mystery cult, with her worshipers
goddess continued among arcanists, nonetheless.
performing secret rituals in hidden groves, caves
and concealed temples. In these rituals, the The Nameless One is rarely invoked in the current
goddess’ priests enter divinatory trances, uttering era, for her people have dwindled and the Old Way
her wisdom and prophesies, while other is only practiced in a few tiny, isolated parts of the
worshipers pray directly to her, hoping for visions world. Nonetheless, traces of her worship linger
or revealed wisdom. among the Daanites and a handful of magical

Part One: Chesmire Guard (2) CR 1
XP 400
hp 22 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game NPC Codex,
NG Village
Corruption -1; Crime -2; Economy -1; Law +0;
Lore +0; Society +0
Qualities insular
Danger +0 Seeing the Blind
DEMOGRAPHICS As you walk the streets of Chesmire towards your
Government Autocracy destination, a white-haired man wearing tattered
Population 115 (mostly mixed Foerdewaith- clothes and a stained blindfold steps out towards
Hundaei) the party, leaning on a bog wood quarterstaff as
Notable NPCs he hails you.
Elder Sabratha (NG female human druid 7) This man greets the party as adventurers and
Tryn, owner of Tryn’s Trinkets (N female human offers them a simple trade, pulling a heavily
expert 7) patched sack out from his belted tunic and opening
it. Inside is a small bit of agate (a stone of good
MARKETPLACE luck) that he says he will give the group in
Base Value 500 gp; Purchase Limit 2,500 gp; exchange for the “rock of written word, hidden
Spellcasting 3rd and revealed.” If more information is requested, he
Minor Items 2d4; Medium Items 1d4; Major offers “hidden by the three eyed fish, but still used.
Items None The word sustains.” If asked for his name, he
states that his name is no longer his, so cannot be
given. Any other information offered is also given
in riddles or confusing, seemingly contradictory
Approaching the Gate symbolic utterances. If any attempts are made to
identify the agate or any spells begin being cast
Sitting along the river, is a quiet town that consists
of a huddle of stone and sod houses surrounded by towards him, he reminds the character how rude it
a wooden palisade. As you approach the gate, you is to cast spells at someone without permission and
notice the streets seem empty except for guards refuses to give permission.
wearing equipment they do not seem comfortable
in near the gate and surrounding a business in the
square. The guards near the gate hold up a hand Walking Stick Man CR 14
to halt your entry and ask, “What’s your business
XP 38,400
hp 73 (Appendix A: New Monsters, “Walking
Almost any reasonable answer is accepted, though
Stick Man”)
the guard will express unhappiness if they don’t
say they are here to solve the problem with Tryn’s
shop and will ask they speak to Elder Sabratha
After the party is done talking with him, he walks
about it, giving directions to the town hall even if
off down a side path and lets them continue on
the characters refuse.
their way.

Respect your Elders Guard (8) CR 1

As you enter the town hall, you are greeted by the XP 400
sight of a wizened old woman comforting a hp 22 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game NPC Codex,
professional looking woman in her early thirties. “Guard”)
The older woman turns towards you and
introduces herself as Elder Sabratha.
Elder Sabratha reveals that the younger woman Tryn’s Trinkets appears to be a stone house that
here is named Tryn, and while expanding her was converted to a business by adding a sign over
storerooms revealed an underground complex. the door and covering the walls and floor with
Tryn tells the party that she was upstairs in the trinkets. There is a closed door near the back of
shop when she heard a scream from below, when the building with a piece of parchment pinned to it
she made it down to the basement the laborers that reads “Personal Residence.” The only other
were gone and there was an entrance to an area egress from this floor is an open door to the
that was slightly glowing purple. She rushed to basement.
Elder Sabratha who activated the militia to Around the shop, you can find lots of unique
establish a perimeter. Sabratha will then take over pieces of jewelry (a total of 20 pieces each valued
the conversation, saying that no one has been at 100 gp), gems (a total of 1,000 gp worth of
allowed in or out and what little they know has gems made up mostly of gems worth less than 50
been kept quiet so far. She then offers the party gp), and nicer mundane equipment such as silk
1,000 gp to secure the area and clear it of enemies rope.
so that her people can go back to their normal
lives. If the party succeeds at a DC 20 Diplomacy What’s in Store…room
check, she will up the offer to 1,500 gp.
As you descend the wooden stairs into the
basement, you see that the shelves are stocked with
Elder Sabratha CR 6 Tryn’s supply of magic items illuminated by the
phosphorescent purple glow that is emanating
XP 2,400 from the hole in the wall. Within the excavation,
hp 38 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game you glimpse worked stone steps descending
GameMastery Guide, “Hermit”) downwards.
The contents of these shelves represent the magic
items available in this town. If the party wishes to
Tryn CR 5 take these items, generate items for the town as
XP 1,600 you normally do and give them that list. Note that
stealing these items would be a chaotic act at
hp 31 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game NPC Codex, minimum and they will not be paid for their work
“Successful Merchant”) if any items are discovered missing or used, in the
case of consumables and charged items. If the
characters will not return any taken items, they
will no longer be welcome in town and Wanted
Tryn’s Trinkets posters will be distributed as far as possible by
Outside of the shop are 8 guards who prevent Elder Sabratha.
anyone from entering, though they will let the
party in as soon as they reveal that they are there at
the behest of Elder Sabratha.

Part Two: The Dark Den The southern door is stuck (Break DC 13 to
unstick [DC 20 to break open, use the higher
of Dagon result]; Hardness 5, hp 10) and trapped with a
falling block trap.
Standard Features
Unless otherwise noted, all doors are made of
wood and are unlocked. All archways are carved Falling Block Trap CR 5
with an aquatic motif. The entire area is lit by the XP 1,600
shadowy light from purple phosphorescent fungus
growing from the walls. The rooms all have 12 ft. Type mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable
high ceilings unless otherwise noted, with masonry Device DC 20
walls and flagstone floors. All creatures in the Trigger location; Reset manual
dungeon function as though under the effect of a
ring of sustenance. Effect Atk +15 melee (10′ stone block; 6d6);
multiple targets (all targets in a 10-ft. square)
Wandering Monsters
Check for wandering monsters every 30 minutes
by rolling a d20 and consulting the chart below: 1-2: Abandoned Temple
Roll Result
1 1 Will-o’-Wisp (from Area 1-7 or 1-25) This chamber has three rows of warped pews and
2 1d4 Rust Monsters (from Area 1-23 or a mosaic covering the western wall of a monstrous
1-43) merman wearing a golden crown and wielding a
3 1d3 Cockatrices (from Area 1-46) trident gazing down upon images of men in
worship that become more fish-like as your gazes
4 1d3 Darkmantles (from Area 1-36 or 1- drifts from south to north. There are three doors
37) exiting to the east of this chamber, as well as one
5 1 Xill (from Area 1-8, 1-34, 1-35 or 1-38) to the north and one to the south. There is also an
6 1d3 Gelatinous Cubes (from Area 1-28, archway exiting this room to the south.
1-29, or 1-45) The figure represented in this mural can be
7-20 No Encounter identified with a DC 15 Knowledge (religion)
When you use a wandering monster remove it check as Dagon. The pews contain nothing of
from the room you drew it from, if you have no value, though there are the remnants of what could
more of that monster remaining, treat the roll as be the unholy texts here covered in the purple
No Encounter. fungus.
The northern door is reinforced with iron.
1-1: The Entrance Hall The northernmost eastern door is stuck (Break DC
After you descend the stairs, you see two hallways 19 to unstick [+1 to Break DC from sliding
branching off to the west. This walls here are northward included; DC 24 to break open, use the
growing large patches of fungus that is glowing a higher result]; Hardness 5, hp 15) and has a lidless
phosphorescent purple. The southern hallway eye from which a corona of tentacles radiates
leads to a simple wooden door and the northern carved into it (DC 20 to recognize as the unholy
hallway leads to a nicer wooden door with no symbol of Dagon).
handle that is reinforced with iron. The center most eastern door is reinforced, locked,
The northern door is reinforced, locked, and slides and slides upwards to open (Disable Device DC
upwards to open (Disable Device DC 30, Break 30, Break DC 27 [+2 to Break DC from sliding
DC 27 [+2 to Break DC from sliding upwards upwards included]; Hardness 5, hp 20).
included]; Hardness 5, hp 20).

The southernmost eastern door is stuck (Break DC any characters fall under the effect of the symbol
13 to unstick [DC 20 to break open, use the higher of hypnosis. Feel free to have them proselytize.
result]; Hardness 5, hp 10) and trapped with a
The northern door is reinforced with iron and
falling block trap on the other side.
barred from the other side (Break DC 25;
The southern door has a lidless eye from which a Hardness 5, hp 20).
corona of tentacles radiates carved into it (DC 20
The southern door is stuck (Break DC 13 to
to recognize as the unholy symbol of Dagon).
unstick [DC 20 to break open, use the higher
result]; Hardness 5, hp 10).
1-3: Storeroom
The secret door on the southern wall is made of
This room has warped shelves lining its walls, all stone, trapped with a symbol of hypnosis and
empty. locked (Perception DC 30; Disable Device DC 30,
Break DC 28; Hardness 8, hp 60).
1-4: Teleporter Crystal
At the end of this hallway is a 4-foot-tall crystal
that floats about a foot off the ground and pulses Symbol of Hypnosis Trap CR 4
with sea foam green light. On the floor underneath XP 1,200
it is a glowing circle.
Type magic; Perception DC 20; Disable Device
The teleporter crystal is at location X. DC 22
Trigger location; Reset none
Teleporter Crystal CR 4 Effect hypnosis (dazed for 1d4 rounds, DC 14 Will
XP 1,200 save negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10-
ft.-radius burst)
Type magic; Perception DC 24; Disable Device
DC 22
Trigger touch; Reset automatic (1 round) Ghoul (5) CR 1

Effect teleport (teleport to Area 2-9; DC 10 Will XP 400

save negates) hp 13 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary,

1-5: Obligatory Ghoul Room Treasure: The offering pile in the corner contains
This room has 5 humanoid figures with long sharp 5 offering plates (worth 1 sp each), 64 pp, 350 gp,
teeth and pallid flesh standing in tattered robes of and a masterwork club carved with a tentacle
green and purple. Piled in the northeastern corner motif.
are abandoned offering plates overflowing with
coin. There are doors to the north and south
exiting this room, as well as archways exiting the
room to the north and east.
The 5 creatures are ghouls, though they do not
immediately attack unless the party has said
negative comments about Dagon in this or an
adjacent room, as they feel full due to the
sustaining effects of this dungeon. They will also
attack if the offerings to Dagon are disturbed or

1 Square =
7 10 feet
1-6: A Spooky Hallway Will-o’-Wisp CR 6

This hallway has a portcullis and a door that both XP 2,400

exit it to the east, as well as a door exiting it to the hp 40 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary,
south. The southern door is reinforced with iron. “Will-o’-Wisp”)
The eastern portcullis is not locked (Lift DC 25,
Break DC 18; Hardness 5, hp 30). The eastern
door is stuck (Break DC 13 to unstick [DC 20 to Electricity Arc Trap CR 4
break open, use the higher result]; Hardness 5, hp
10) and trapped with a falling block trap. XP 1,200
Type mechanical; Perception DC 25; Disable
Device DC 20
Falling Block Trap CR 5
Trigger touch; Reset none
XP 1,600
Effect electricity arc (4d6 electricity damage, DC
Type mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable 20 Reflex save for half damage); multiple targets
Device DC 20 (all targets in a 30-ft. line)
Trigger location; Reset manual
Effect Atk +15 melee (10′ stone block; 6d6); Treasure: Strewn about the floor lays 4,790 cp.
multiple targets (all targets in a 10-ft. square) Hidden behind false masonry where the electricity
arc trap lays is a locked iron chest (Perception DC
25; Disable Device DC 20, Break DC 28;
At location A, leeches seem to swarm over a fresh Hardness 10, hp 60) that contains 168 gp, 692 sp,
skeleton. alabaster (10 gp), bloodstone (50 gp), milky quarts
(40 gp), red spinel (55 gp), rhodochrosite (10 gp),
rock quartz (10 gp), tiger eye (10 gp), turquoise
Leech Swarm CR 4 (10 gp), zircon (65 gp), a scroll of spark, a scroll of
summon nature’s ally III, a wand of cause fear
XP 1,200
(fully charged), and a wand of chill touch (42
hp 39 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary, charges remaining).
“Leech Swarm”)
1-8: The Mouth of Dread
At location B, someone has scrawled “The Looking into this room you see an enormous green
gemstone is cursed” here on the floor in Aquan. skull with jaws open wide jutting from the southern
wall, as well as a door to the north and east.
1-7: A Shocking Surprise
Hiding on the Ethereal Plane in this room is a Xill.
As you heave open the portcullis, you glimpse into It will emerge to attack the most lightly armored
a room that has coins strewn all about the floor once every character has entered the room and will
with no apparent exits. attempt to return to the Ethereal Plane if it takes 20
or more damage, assuming it has gotten a chance
Hidden invisibly within this room is a Will-o’-
to full attack at this point. It will fight to the death
Wisp that is prepared to trigger the electricity arc
if given no other choice and dealt 35 or more
trap as soon as it can hit either 3 characters or
damage before it can begin the process to enter the
someone openly wearing any holy symbol other
Ethereal Plane.
than Dagon and one other character.

Xill CR 6 Guillotine Blade Trap CR 6
XP 2,400 XP 2,400
Type mechanical; Perception DC 18; Disable
hp 67 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary,
Device DC 22
Trigger location; Reset manual
Effect guillotine blade (Atk +20 melee, 6d6
The northern door is stuck (Break DC 13 to
damage); multiple targets (all creatures in
unstick [DC 20 to break open, use the higher
entrance, plus all adjacent creatures in hallway
result]; Hardness 5, hp 10).
Hidden in the mouth of the skull is a wooden door
that has been painted black that can be located
with a DC 20 Perception check. Scrawled on the
ceiling, floor, and walls of the hallway behind the 1-10: Empty Room
secret door are repeating geometric symbols This room has a stone door to the north that is
extending 10 feet into the hallway that are trapped as described in Area 1-9 and an iron door
reminiscent of riptides. to the east that is engraved with lightning bolts on
Treasure: Easily found within the mouth of the both sides and trapped with a thunderstone mine
skull is an unlocked chest containing 46 gp, a trap.
masterwork dagger, masterwork hide armor, a
potion of sanctuary, a potion of shield of faith, and
a wand of mage hand (fully charged). Thunderstone Mine Trap CR 7
XP 3,200
1-9: Hex Blade Type mechanical; Perception DC 22; Disable
This room has several small holes carved into the Device DC 22
north and east walls and the floor is covered in
perfect hexagonal tiles alternating in color Trigger location; Reset manual
between purple and green. Against the center of Effect thunder blast (7d6 sonic damage, DC 16
the eastern wall is a statue of a looming, skeletal Fortitude save for half damage); multiple targets
figure with a beaked skull clutching a spear with (all targets in a 10-ft.-radius burst)
one hand, the other hand outstretched. There are
doors exiting this room to the north and south.
The figure the statue represents can be identified
with a DC 20 Knowledge (religion) check as
1-11: A Fountain of
Yaazotsh, the Eater of the Dead. The statue is also Information
the trigger for the secret door hidden behind it Against the western wall of this chamber is a
(Perception DC 25), opening if a pound of flesh is fountain flowing with clear water and engraved
put into the outstretched hand (though this can be with glowing symbols. On the northern wall next
bypassed with a DC 25 Disable Device check). to the door is a message scrawled in Aquan.
Another door exits the room on the eastern wall.
The southern door is made of stone and trapped
with a guillotine blade. The water in the fountain is cool and refreshing,
the symbols representing the create water
enchantment that it has. The words written on the
wall are in Aquan and read “Lightning comes
before thunder.”

1-12: A Hall of Horrors room’s treasure. They will attack anyone not
bearing an unholy symbol of Dagon on sight.
At location A, there are 3 skeletons hanging from
chains and manacles on the wall.
At location B, someone has scrawled “The Skum (4) CR 2
gemstone is cursed” here on the floor in Aquan. XP 600
At location C, part of the ceiling has collapsed and hp 20 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary,
made this path unusable until 12 man-hours of “Skum”)
labor are put in.
One Skum has a masterwork longsword and
1-13: Acolyte Beds masterwork scale mail armor in addition to its
The stone door of this room slides northward and trident. This increases it to AC 18, flat footed 17
clicks into place, revealing four bunk beds with and adds Attack masterwork longsword +5 (1d8 +
mildewed mattresses. 2) in place of the trident attack.

1-14: The High Priest’s Chair The secret door to the south is hidden behind the
A simple stone dais and ornate throne made of a phosphorescent fungus of this floor, above the
sea green agate with coiling tentacles and stone dais (Perception DC 30; Disable Device DC
monstrous merfolk featuring heavily in the 30, Break DC 18; Hardness 5, hp 18).
decorative carvings sit in the southeastern corner
The western portcullis is wooden and unlocked
of this room. The sounds of running water can be
(Lift DC 25, Break DC 18; Hardness 5, hp 30).
faintly heard from the southern wall. An archway
exits the room to the east, as do doors to the north The eastern portcullis is made of iron and
and south. unlocked (Lift DC 25, Break DC 28; Hardness 10,
hp 60).
The southern door is locked by an intricately
designed piece that suggests 8 tentacles slowly The westernmost northern door is trapped with a
expanding outward as it is unlocked (Disable frost fang line trap.
Device DC 40).
The northern door is stuck (Break DC 13 to
unstick [DC 20 to break open, use the higher Frost Fang Line Trap CR 7
result]; Hardness 5, hp 10). XP 3,200
Type mechanical; Perception DC 25; Disable
1-15: Four Arms Are Better Device DC 20
Than None Trigger location; Duration 3 rounds; Reset none
Within this chamber, there are four hunchbacked,
Effect water jets (3d6 cold damage, DC 20 Reflex
green-skinned humanoids with wide, frog-like
save for half damage); multiple targets (all targets
heads and mouths more akin to that of a toothy
in a 10 ft. wide 120 ft. line)
fish. Against the southern wall is a small stone
dais. There are two doors exiting this room to the
north and portcullises exiting the room to the east
and west. The easternmost northern door is made of stone
(Break DC 28; Hardness 8, hp 60) and trapped
The four creatures are skum. One is wielding the with a falling block trap.
longsword and wearing the scale mail from this

Falling Block Trap CR 5 1-18: 1 in 6 Chance of
XP 1,600 Treasure
Type mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable Adorning the northern wall of this room are six
Device DC 20 demonic battle masks on display. Beneath them is
Trigger location; Reset manual script written in Draconic. Against the eastern
wall are two ornate chests of Xi’an design. Against
Effect Atk +15 melee (10′ stone block; 6d6); the western wall are two more such chests, with
multiple targets (all targets in a 10-ft. square) two more between them against the southern wall.
Doors exit this room to the south, east, and west.
Treasure: The treasure of this room is laid out on 5 of the 6 chests are mimics. Roll a d6 each time
the dais of this room, other than the masterwork the party attempts to open one of the chests, on a 6
longsword and masterwork scale mail armor being that is the treasure chest. Add 1 to the roll for each
worn by the skum leader. It consists of 25 gp, a chest they have opened in this room so far (if they
bloodstone (worth 50 gp), a masterwork lance, a have opened 3 mimic chests, the chest containing
masterwork longsword (location noted above), the treasure will be the one they open on a 3, 4, 5,
masterwork scale mail armor (location noted or 6).
above), oil of bless weapon, oil of remove
paralysis, 2 potions of cure light wounds, and a
wand of endure elements (49 charges remaining). Mimic (5) CR 4
XP 1,200
1-16: Checkmate
hp 52 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary,
The floor of this room is laid out in with 5 ft. “Mimic”)
square tiles that alternate between black and
white. Against the eastern wall of the room lay
several copper coins bent cleanly in half. There The Draconic text reads “You cannot kill them
are two portcullises exiting this room to the north with swords.”
and one to the west.
The western door is locked (Disable Device DC
The western portcullis is made of iron and 20).
unlocked (Lift DC 25, Break DC 28; Hardness 10,
hp 60). Treasure: Each of the six masks on the wall
function as standard battle masks (see Pathfinder
Both northern portcullises are wooden and Roleplaying Game Advanced Race Guide) and are
unlocked (Lift DC 25, Break DC 18; Hardness 5, worth 50 gp each. Within the treasure chest is 417
hp 30). gp, a citrine (worth 50 gp), a deep blue spinel
Treasure: There are 12 bent cp in a pile against (worth 150 gp), a jasper (worth 50 gp), and an opal
the eastern wall. (worth 550 gp).

1-17: Decking the Halls 1-19: Going Batty

At location A, there are 2 withered corpses nailed Flying about this room are two blackened, bat-
to the wall. winged fiend’s heads. Tentacles dangle from chin
and scalp, and their fanged mouths hang agape.
At location B, the walls have been engraved with There are doors exiting this room to the west and
geometric patterns. south, as well as archways leading out of this room to
the east and west.
The flying creatures are Vargouille.

Vargouille (2) CR 2 anything in the pile of treasure on the floor. It has
hidden its snacks in a trapped and iron chest that is
XP 600
beneath the tile in the northeastern corner
hp 19 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary, (Perception DC 25; Disable Device DC 20, Break
“Vargouille”) DC 28; Hardness 10, hp 60).

Xorn CR 6
1-20: Nothing but Net
XP 2,400
At location T, there is a barbed net trap.
hp 66 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary,
Barbed Net Trap CR 7
XP 3,200 Acid Arrow Trap CR 3
Type mechanical; Perception DC 22; Disable XP 800
Device DC 22 Type magic; Perception DC 27; Disable Device
Trigger location; Reset manual DC 27
Effect barbed net attack +15 (grappled, DC 26 Trigger proximity (alarm); Reset none
Escape Artist check to break free [each attempt to Effect spell effect (acid arrow, Atk +2 ranged
break free deals 1 damage]); multiple targets (all touch, 2d4 acid damage for 4 rounds)
targets in a 10 ft. area)

Treasure: Piled against the northern wall are two

1-21: Checkered Past potions of reduce person, two potions of virtue, a
scroll of disguise other, a scroll of forbid action, a
The floor of this room is laid out in with 5 ft. scroll of hide from undead, a scroll of lightning
square tiles that alternate between black and bolt, a scroll of shield of faith, a scroll of summon
white. Against the northern wall of the room is a monster I, a wand of ant haul (fully charged)
small pile of potions, scrolls, and wands. Scrawled carved to make it look like hundreds of ants are
over this pile is an arrow pointing east. There are covering it, and a wand of divine favor (fully
two doors exiting this room, one to the north and charged) inscribed in Aquan with “Dagon’s hand
one to the south. An archway exits this room to the guides my trident.” Hidden within the chest is 54
west. pp, 678 gp, 498 sp, 2100 cp, an azurite (worth 10
Hiding in the floor of this room is a Xorn, waiting gp), a rhodochrosite (worth 10 gp), a rose quartz
for a grand meal of gemstones to come into the (worth 50 gp), a crystal egg with silver stand
room. It will emerge to attack whoever is carrying (worth 50 gp), a golden goblet bearing the royal
the most value in gemstones on them. The Xorn no crest of Hyperborea (worth 550 gp due to the
longer actively hunts due to the effects of history, only 50 gp if sold as a standard golden
SUSTAIN, but still enjoys collecting and eating goblet), two polished darkwood chalices (worth 50
rare and exotic gemstones. gp for the set), a silver brazier with religious
markings for the Neolithic pantheon (worth 100
If the party wishes to negotiate with it, it will gp), a silver chess set (worth 50 gp), and a silver
accept a gemstone worth 100 gp or more from flagon etched with images of satyrs (worth 100
each character to secure safe passage through this gp).
room. If the characters have negotiated with him,
he will allow the trading of any gemstone for

1-22: Chained to Kill Rust Monster (2) CR 3

The floor of this room is laid out in with 5 ft. XP 800

square tiles that alternate between black and hp 27 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary,
white. Against the northern wall of the room are “Rust Monster”)
four skeletons hanging from chains and manacles.
Standing before the skeletons is a figure adorned
with wickedly barbed chains, gazing at his work. Treasure: Hidden amongst the trash is 27 pp, 142
There are three doors exiting this room, one to the gp, 20 sp, a freshwater pearl (worth 10 gp), a
north, one to the south and one to the east. A malachite (worth 10 gp), and a smoky quartz
portcullis exits this room to the east. (worth 50 gp).
The figure is a chain devil. He was originally
bound as the guardian of this temple, but now he 1-24: Statue of Limitation
eagerly attempts to add characters to his collection. At location B, someone has scrawled “The
The portcullis is not locked, but is stuck (Lift DC gemstone is cursed” here on the floor in Aquan.
27, Break DC 18; Hardness 5, hp 30). At location C, a statue of the shark god, Dajobas
The eastern door is made of stone and stuck (Knowledge [religion] DC 15) lies toppled here,
(Break DC 18 to unstick [DC 28 to break open, blocking the way unless one man-hour is spent
use the higher result]; Hardness 8, hp 60). clearing the path.

1-25: Final Offering Room

Chain Devil CR 6
A stone dais sits in the southwest corner of this
XP 2,400 room, with offerings laid out upon it. The eastern
wall has been carved with the faces of aquatic
hp 60 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary, dragons and sea serpents. Doors exit this room to
“Kyton, Chain Devil”) the south and west and a portcullis exits this room
to the east.
Treasure: In a small wooden box below the Hiding within this room is a will-o’-wisp.
skeletons there is 64 gp, 50 sp, an amethyst (worth The portcullis is unlocked (Lift DC 25, Break DC
100 gp), an aquamarine (worth 600 gp), a black 18; Hardness 5, hp 30).
pearl (worth 500 gp), a bloodstone (worth 50 gp),
a carnelian (worth 50 gp), a deep blue spinel (100 The southern door is trapped with insanity mist.
gp), a jasper (worth 50 gp), a lapis lazuli (worth 10
gp), a sardonyx (worth 100 gp), a turquoise (worth
10 gp), a zircon (worth 50 gp), a masterwork Will-o’-Wisp CR 6
shortbow, and an oil of bless weapon.
XP 2,400
1-23: A Rusty Pit hp 40 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary,
A pit covered by rusted iron bars lays in the center
of this room and a pile of trash lies in the
northeast corner of the room. Insanity Mist Trap CR 8
The pit is a 10 ft. square that is 10 ft. deep and XP 4,800
contains 2 rust monsters that will attack if they Type mechanical; Perception DC 25; Disable
sense metal in a square adjacent to the pit. Device DC 20

Trigger location; Reset repair 1-28: The Clean Room
Effect poison gas (Insanity mist); never miss;
onset delay (1 round); multiple targets (all targets Not a spot of dust can be in this room and the
in a 10-ft.-by-10-ft. square) walls have been cleared of their glowing fungus,
plunging this room into darkness. Three doors exit
this room to the east and one exits it to the south.
Insanity Mist
Stationary within this room are 2 gelatinous cubes
Type poison (inhaled); Save Fortitude DC 15; (Perception DC 15 to notice).
Frequency 1/rounds for 6 rounds; Cure 1 save
The southern door is locked (Disable Device DC
Effect 1d3 Wis damage 20, Break DC 18; Hardness 5, hp 15).

Treasure: On the dais is 35 pp, 155 gp, 140 sp, a Gelatinous Cube (2) CR 3
masterwork bolas, a potion of endure elements,
and a scroll of cure light wounds. XP 800
hp 50 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary,
1-26: Stairs Down “Gelatinous Cube”)
The stairs here lead to Area 2-1.
Treasure: Floating within the cubes is 32 gp, 50
1-27: Sitting Room sp, 291 cp, a rhodochrosite (worth 10 gp), a scroll
This room has six inches of water coating its floor, of delay poison, and a wand of chill touch (41
which has ruined what may have once been a charges).
sitting room.

1-29: Hexes and Cubes pages. Two doors exit this room to the west and an
archway exits this room to the north.
Not a spot of dust can be in this room and the
walls have been cleared of their glowing fungus, This altar is to Dagon. If the characters have not
plunging this room into darkness. This room has recognized this as a Dagon area yet, the altar is
several small holes carved into the ceiling and the labeled in Aquan.
floor is covered in perfect hexagonal tiles The northernmost western door is locked (Disable
alternating in color between purple and green with Device DC 25, Break DC 15; Hardness 5, hp 10).
holes carved in between the tiles. There are doors
exiting this room to the north and west. The southernmost western door is stone and
trapped with a fireball trap.
Stationary within this room are 3 gelatinous cubes
(Perception DC 15 to notice).
The western door is stone and trapped with a Fireball Trap CR 5
falling block trap (Break DC 28; Hardness 8, hp XP 1,600
Type magic; Perception DC 28; Disable Device
DC 28
Gelatinous Cube (3) CR 3 Trigger proximity (alarm); Reset none
XP 800 Effect spell effect (fireball, 6d6 fire damage, DC
hp 50 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary, 14 Reflex save for half damage); multiple targets
“Gelatinous Cube”) (all targets in a 20-ft.-radius burst)

Falling Block Trap CR 5 1-31: Bodies in the Hall

XP 1,600 At location A, there are 4 withered corpses nailed
Type mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable to the wall.
Device DC 20
Trigger location; Reset manual
1-32: Tapestry Room
Hanging on the southern wall is a faded and torn
Effect Atk +15 melee (10′ stone block; 6d6); tapestry depicting eighteen deific figures. Two
multiple targets (all targets in a 10-ft. square) doors exit this room to the west, one to the north,
and one to the east.
Treasure: Floating within the cubes is 27 pp, 358 The eighteen figures represented are the Neolithic
gp, 770 sp, 3100 cp, an alabaster (worth 10 gp), pantheon and can be recognized as such with a DC
three azurites (worth 10 gp each), a freshwater 15 Knowledge (religion) check, knowing the name
pearl (worth 10 gp), a lapis lazuli (worth 10 gp), a and additional information about any particular
milky quartz (worth 50 gp), an onyx (worth 50 figure based off the images represented in this
gp), a red spinel (worth 50 gp), two rock quartz tapestry is a DC 25 Knowledge (religion) check
(worth 10 gp each), a shell (worth 10 gp), a tiger- for each one. If the tapestry is repaired, which
eye (worth 10 gp), and a scroll of enlarge person. must be done while it is still on the wall with make
whole, it is worth 500 gp. Restoring the tapestry
1-30: Altar to Dagon also reduces the DC for identifying the pantheon
and each individual deity by 5.
An altar of aquatic evil fills the southern side of
this room, surrounded by the remnants of torn

Removing it from this area prevents the item from bloodstone (worth 50 gp), a moonstone (worth 100
being repaired due to the fact that parts of it will gp), a pyrite (worth 10 gp), a rhodochrosite (worth
be left in this room unless 2 man-hours are spent 10 gp), a saltwater pearl (worth 100 gp), a smoky
gathering every last fragment of the tapestry with a quartz (worth 50 gp), a zircon (worth 100 gp), a
successful DC 25 Perception check. set of six ivory dice (worth 30 gp), a silver unholy
symbol of Dagon (worth 25 gp), a potion of resist
The southernmost western door is trapped as
energy, a scroll of bull’s strength, a scroll of
described in Area 1-6.
protection from law, and a wand of magic fang
(fully charged).
1-33: Hallway to Nowhere
At location C, a statue of the goddess of elements, 1-35: Censory Overload
Ninevah (Knowledge [religion] DC 15) lies
Against the southern wall of this room is a stone
toppled here, blocking the way unless one man-
dais, on which a scepter and censor rest, in
hour is spent clearing the path.
addition to other offerings. A door exits this room
to the north.
1-34: Xilliness
The northern door is made of iron and locked
This long room seems slightly cleaner than the (Disable Device DC 40, Break DC 28; Hardness
others you have passed through, but otherwise 10, hp 60).
disused. Doors exit it to the north and east.
There is an unlocked secret door concealed by an
The northern door is locked (Disable Device DC illusion behind the stone dais (Perception DC 30).
20, Break DC 18; Hardness 5, hp 15).
Hiding on the Ethereal Plane in this room is a Xill.
Hiding on the Ethereal Plane in this room is a Xill. It will emerge to attack the most lightly armored
It will emerge to attack the most lightly armored once every character has entered the room and will
once every character has entered the room and will attempt to return to the Ethereal Plane if it takes 20
attempt to return to the Ethereal Plane if it takes 20 or more damage, assuming it has gotten a chance
or more damage, assuming it has gotten a chance to full attack at this point. It will fight to the death
to full attack at this point. It will fight to the death if given no other choice and dealt 35 or more
if given no other choice and dealt 35 or more damage before it can begin the process to enter the
damage before it can begin the process to enter the Ethereal Plane.
Ethereal Plane.

Xill CR 6
Xill CR 6
XP 2,400
XP 2,400
hp 67 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary,
hp 67 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary, “Xill”)

Treasure: Atop the dais rests a copper scepter

Treasure: The Xill has 15 gp, a black pearl (worth with gold inlay (worth 50 gp), an electrum censor
450 gp), a bloodstone (worth 50 gp), a jet (worth with silver filigree (worth 70 gp), a gold and silver
100 gp), an onyx (worth 50 gp), a potion of remove hand mirror (worth 120 gp), a gold chess set
fear, and a wand of entangle (fully charged) with (worth 500 gp), an ivory drinking horn with silver
thin netting embedded in it. Hidden in a locked ends (worth 110 gp), and a silver chess set (worth
iron chest (Perception DC 30; Disable Device DC 50 gp).
25, Break DC 28; Hardness 10, hp 60) is 86 gp,
650 sp, 2700 cp, a black pearl (worth 500 gp), a

1-36: Stalactites? Darkmantle (4) CR 1

This room appears much the same as the others, XP 200

apart from the stalactites on the ceiling. It appears hp 15 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary,
the walls and ceiling of this chamber were left “Darkmantle”)
rough and unfinished with a dais carved directly
from this against the western wall with a tapestry
of geometric patterns above it. Doors exit this Electricity Arc Trap CR 4
room to the west and south.
XP 1,200
5 of the stalactites are actually darkmantles.
Hidden behind the tapestry is a secret door made Type mechanical; Perception DC 25; Disable
of iron and locked (Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC 20
Device DC 30, Break DC 28; Hardness 10, hp 60). Trigger touch; Reset none

Effect electricity arc (4d6 electricity damage, DC

Darkmantle (5) CR 1 20 Reflex save for half damage); multiple targets
(all targets in a 30-ft. line)
XP 200
hp 15 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary,
“Darkmantle”) 1-38: Warning Room
This room has several small holes carved in the
eastern wall and a message scrawled in Draconic
1-37: The Fountain of on the western wall. Placed centrally in the room
Wisdom is a piece of worked bog wood. Doors exit the
room to the south and east.
This room appears much the same as the others,
apart from the stalactites on the ceiling. It appears The words scrawled in Draconic are “You cannot
the walls and ceiling of this chamber were left kill it with wizardry.”
rough and unfinished with a crystal-clear pool of The eastern door is locked (Disable Device DC
water in the northwest corner of the room. 20).
Scrawled on the southern wall in blood are the
words “Veta died here.” Doors exit the room to the Hiding on the Ethereal Plane in this room is a Xill.
north and south, with an archway exiting to the It will emerge to attack the most lightly armored
east. once every character has entered the room and will
attempt to return to the Ethereal Plane if it takes 20
4 of the stalactites are actually darkmantles. or more damage, assuming it has gotten a chance
Drinking from the pool magically ages the target to full attack at this point. It will fight to the death
1d20 years, applying age bonuses and penalties as if given no other choice and dealt 35 or more
needed. This only happens the first time a creature damage before it can begin the process to enter the
drinks from the water and cannot kill it (though if Ethereal Plane.
they have now “lived” past their races natural
lifespan they only have 1d12 months to live).
Xill CR 6
The southern door is made of stone (Break DC 28;
Hardness 8, hp 60) and trapped with an electricity XP 2,400
arc trap. hp 67 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary,

Treasure: A single masterwork greatclub lays in Type mechanical; Perception DC 22; Disable
the center of the room. Device DC 22
Trigger location; Reset manual
1-39: The Poisoned Portcullis
Effect barbed net attack +15 (grappled, DC 26
An acrid smell fills your nostrils as you enter this Escape Artist check to break free [each attempt to
room and you see several pieces of rotten leather break free deals 1 damage]); multiple targets (all
spread about the room. Two archways and a targets in a 10 ft. area)
portcullis exit this room to the east.
The eastern portcullis is wooden, trapped and
unlocked (Lift DC 25, Break DC 18; Hardness 5, Teleporter Crystal CR 4
hp 30).
XP 1,200
Type magic; Perception DC 24; Disable Device
Poisoned Portcullis Trap CR 6 DC 22
XP 2,400 Trigger touch; Reset automatic (1 round)
Type mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable Effect teleport (teleport to Area 2-9; DC 10 Will
Device DC 20 save negates)
Trigger touch; Reset none
Effect contact poison (malyass root paste)
1-41: Pits of Hell
The floor of this room slowly slopes downwards
into a pit lined with large spikes in the northwest
Malyass Root Paste
corner of this room. Adorning the southern wall is
Type poison (contact); Save Fortitude DC 16; a set of six demonic battle masks.
Frequency 1/minute for 6 minutes; Cure 1 save
Treasure: Each of the six masks on the wall
Effect 1d2 Dex damage function as standard battle masks (see Pathfinder
Roleplaying Game Advanced Race Guide) and are
worth 50 gp each.

1-40: Trapped Teleporting 1-42: Crazy, But That’s How

Hall It Goes
At location C, a statue of the great creator, This chamber smells strongly of mildew and rotten
Ellashah (Knowledge [religion] DC 20) lies furniture is arranged in a way reminiscent of a
toppled here, blocking the way unless one man- lecture hall. Doors exit this room to the south and
hour is spent clearing the path. east.
At location T, there is a barbed net trap. The southern door is trapped with insanity mist.
There is a teleporter crystal is at location X.

Barbed Net Trap CR 7

XP 3,200

Insanity Mist Trap CR 8
XP 4,800 Treasure: Hidden among the debris is a set of +1
Type mechanical; Perception DC 25; Disable horn lamellar armor and a scroll of eagle’s
Device DC 20 splendor.
Trigger location; Reset repair
Effect poison gas (Insanity mist); never miss; 1-44: Another One Down
onset delay (1 round); multiple targets (all targets At location C, a statue of the Dagon (Knowledge
in a 10-ft.-by-10-ft. square) [religion] DC 15) lies toppled here, blocking the
way unless one man-hour is spent clearing the
Insanity Mist
Type poison (inhaled); Save Fortitude DC 15; 1-45: Workroom
Frequency 1/rounds for 6 rounds; Cure 1 save
This unusually clean room has a workbench
Effect 1d3 Wis damage against the southern wall with a gong sitting next
to it. A door exits this room to the east and a
portcullis exits to the west.
1-43: Thunderstruck Stationary within this room are 3 gelatinous cubes
(Perception DC 15 to notice).
Wandering about this room are four insectile
monsters with four legs, a strange propeller- The portcullis is made of iron and unlocked (Lift
shaped protrusion at the end of their tails, and two DC 25, Break DC 28; Hardness 10, hp 60).
long, feathery antennae. Against the southern wall
is a stone dais.
Gelatinous Cube (3) CR 3
These creatures are rust monsters. In the middle
of the dais is a thunderstone mine that the XP 800
creatures are careful to avoid stepping on.
hp 50 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary,
“Gelatinous Cube”)
Thunderstone Mine Trap CR 4
XP 1,200 Treasure: Floating within the cubes is 110 gp, 399
sp, 1250 cp, a malachite (worth 10 gp), an onyx
Type mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable
(worth 50 gp), an opal (worth 550 gp), a saltwater
Device DC 22
pearl (worth 100 gp), a turquoise (worth 20 gp), a
Trigger location; Reset manual zircon (worth 50 gp), a potion of feather step, and
a potion of keen senses.
Effect thunder blast (6d6 sonic damage, DC 14
Fortitude save for half damage); multiple targets
(all targets in a 10-ft.-radius burst) 1-46: Get Stoned
Within this room are five hideous avian creatures
with the bodies of emaciated roosters, bat wings,
Rust Monster (4) CR 3 and long, scaly tails. In the northwestern corner of
the room is a simple well. Lining the southern wall
XP 800
are incredibly realistically sculpted humanoids.
hp 27 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary,
“Rust Monster”)

The creatures are cockatrices. These statues
(except for the one in front of the secret door) are
Why are there so many Xill?
their victims. Feel free to use this as an The first Xill to arrive here found a home perfectly
opportunity to introduce replacement characters if suitable for breeding that was impossible for
needed or give information that you feel your adventurers and hunters to accidentally wander
characters need that they have missed. If you go into while having a ready supply of hosts to
this route, the victims do not speak Common, but implant into both within and above. However, the
High Boros. The well is full of clean, crisp water. skum quickly abandoned the areas the growing
Xill family lived in, resulting in the small Xill
The secret door is hidden behind a beautiful population living here today.
maiden screaming in terror and is opened by
removing her head (Perception DC 20).
The northern door is trapped with a rune of dread
that is revealed when the door is opened.

Rune of Dread Trap CR 5

XP 1,600
Type magic; Perception DC 24; Disable Device
DC 20
Trigger location; Reset none
Effect fear (frightened for 1d4 rounds, DC 14 Will
save negates); multiple targets (all targets in a 10-
ft.-radius burst)

Cockatrice (5) CR 3
XP 800
hp 27 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary,

Part 3: The Dark Den of The white squares are trapped with a single frost
fang trap.
Dagon, 2nd Floor
Standard Features Frost Fang Trap CR 7
Unless otherwise noted, all doors are made of XP 3,200
wood and are unlocked. All archways are carved
with an aquatic motif. The entire area is lit by the Type mechanical; Perception DC 25; Disable
shadowy light from purple phosphorescent fungus Device DC 20
growing from the walls. The rooms all have 12 ft. Trigger location; Duration 3 rounds; Reset none
high ceilings unless otherwise noted, with masonry
walls carved with geometric patterns and flagstone Effect water jets (3d6 cold damage, DC 20 Reflex
floors. All creatures in the dungeon function as save for half damage); multiple targets (all targets
though under the effect of a ring of sustenance. on white squares)
There is a six-inch layer of water on this floor
except otherwise noted.
Treasure: Hidden in a locked wooden chest
Wandering Monsters beneath the tile that the rusted axe (Perception DC
Check for wandering monsters every 30 minutes 20; Disable Device DC 20, Break DC 25;
by rolling a d20 and consulting the chart below: Hardness 5, hp 20) rests on is 27 pp, 273 gp, 130
Roll Result sp, 1100 cp, a black pearl (worth 650 gp), a citrine
1 1d3 Gibbering Mouthers (from Area 2-3) (worth 50 gp), a jasper (worth 50 gp), a tourmaline
2 1 Aboleth (from Area 2-5) (worth 100 gp), a copper and glass decanter (worth
3 4 Skum (from Area 2-4) 25 gp), a gold statue of a dolphin (worth 110 gp),
4 4 Skum (from Area 2-4) an ivory bowl carved with fish (worth 40 gp), an
5 4 Skum (from Area 2-4) ivory drinking horn with copper ends (worth 60
6 1 Aboleth (from Area 2-5) gp), a marble idol of Dagon (300 gp), a platinum
7-20 No Encounter unholy symbol of Dagon (worth 500 gp), and a
silver flagon etched with images of satyrs (worth
When you use a wandering monster remove it
100 gp).
from the room you drew it from, if you have no
more of that monster remaining, treat the roll as
No Encounter. 2-3: Gibbering Goons
Moving about this room are three horrid masses of
2-1: Entrance Hall eyes, mouths, and formless flesh staring in all
directions, their countless maws yammering
A tile labyrinth covers the floor of this hall and the
ceaselessly. Two doors exit this room to the south,
walls are covered in carvings of geometric
two to the west, and another door exits this
patterns. Two doors exit this hall to the north.
chamber to the east.
The westernmost door is locked (Disable Device
The creatures are gibbering mouthers.
DC 20).
The northernmost western door is locked (Disable
2-2: Chest Board Device DC 20).
The floor of this room is laid out in with 5 ft. The southernmost western door is locked (Disable
square tiles that alternate between black and Device DC 40) and trapped with an energy drain
white. A rusted axe lays in the northwest corner of trap.
this room. There are two doors exiting this room to
the south, one to the north and one to the east.

Gibbering Mouther (3) CR 5 creatures with green bodies glistening with thick, clear
slime and tentacles writhing from their flanks. Two
XP 1,600
archways exit this room to the south and a door exits
hp 46 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary, this room to the west.
“Gibbering Mouther”)
These aboleths stand guard over the tablet because it is
what sustains their temple. It bears the word
“SUSTAIN” in Foundation (see sidebar). The tablet
Energy Drain Trap CR 10
functions as a page of spell knowledge (Power Word:
XP 9,600 Sustain [see Appendix B: New Spells]). The aboleths
are not afraid of pursuing outside the water due to the
Type magic; Perception DC 34; Disable Device DC necklace of air adaptation that each wears, granting
34 them a land speed of 30 ft. and the ability to breath air.
Trigger touch; Reset none If the skum in Area 2-4 have not been slain yet, they
will come over to aid their masters as soon as they hear
Effect spell effect (energy drain, 2d4 negative levels, the sounds of combat.
DC 23 Fortitude save negates after 24 hours)
Foundation is a written interpretation of the Language
Eternal, the words of the gods. A DC 25 Knowledge
Treasure: Spread beneath the water in this room is 95 (religion) can identity Foundation as the legendary
gp, 370 sp, 2300 cp, a potion of cure light wounds, a source of writing passed down to mortals by Yenomesh
scroll box containing a scroll of bull’s strength and a the God of Glyphs in the days before the rise of
scroll of stone shield, a wand of produce flame, and a mythical Phoromycaea. It cannot be read or interpreted
wand of shocking grasp. by any mundane means that the characters possess.
However, as the root source of such magical languages
2-4: A Skummy Place as Azhar, Loquatia Arcana, Necronomus, and
Draconic, the writing can be interpreted with a simple
About halfway into this room the depth of the water on read magic spell.
the floor increases to about 5 foot deep. Within this
chamber, there are twelve hunchbacked, green-skinned Azhar is the spoken language of spells, and if known
humanoids with wide, frog-like heads and mouths more allows spells to be identified as they are being cast
akin to that of a toothy fish. A door exits this room to without a Spellcraft check. Loquatia Arcana is the
the south. An archway and door both exit this chamber written language of spells, and if known allows written
to the north. spells to be identified without a Spellcraft check.
Necronomus is the language of undeath and is
This room contains 12 skum. understood by all undead, even if they do not know the
language or are mindless.

Skum (12) CR 2
XP 600 Aboleth (2) CR 7
hp 20 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary, XP 3,200
hp 84 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary,

2-5: Aboleth Time Other Gear necklace of air adaptation

About halfway into this room the depth of the water on
the floor increases to about 5 foot deep. The geometric
patterns that have been carved into the walls here
Treasure: The aboleths wear two necklaces of air
seem to glow a bright purple, barely perceptible over adaptation and the tablet set in the northern wall
the glow of the fungus. Set into the northern wall is a functions as a page of spell knowledge (Power
tablet with an arcane symbol on it that seems to be Word: Sustain [see Appendix B: New Spells]).
where the glow is originating from. Swimming guard
before it are two enormous three-eyed fishlike

2-6: The Cursed Gemstone At location B, there are 5 withered corpses nailed
to the wall.
Several dozen candles stand throughout this room
unlit around a podium on which a large diamond At location C, part of the ceiling has collapsed and
rests. Doors exit this room to the south, west, and made this path unusable until 12 man-hours of
east. An archway exits the room to the north. labor are put in.

This diamond, called the Eye of Dagon by his 2-9: Teleport Landing Zone
worshipers, is worth 5,000 gp and was “blessed”
by Dagon to transform his followers into skum if Any character teleported via the teleport crystals
they carry it for 24 hours and to transform a skum on the first floor arrives at location X.
into an aboleth if they carry it for one month. The
transformation into skum can be undone with
remove curse, however the transformation into an
aboleth is irreversible, except for a miracle or
wish. Using this diamond for raise dead
transforms the target into a skum, reversible only
with miracle or wish.
The transformation to skum removes all racial
ability scores, applies +2 Strength, +4
Constitution, and -4 Charisma. It also removes all
abilities granted by the original race and gives
Speed 20, Swim 20; 2 claws (1d4) and a bite (1d6)
natural attack; changes to Type Monstrous
Humanoid (aquatic) and grants the amphibious
special quality; and finally, grants a racial +4
bonus to Perception and Stealth underwater. The
transformation to Aboleth causes the character to
lose all abilities and gain the exact stat block
presented in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

2-7: The Way Out

This chamber contains row after row of bookcases,
covered in empty jackets of books. The flow has a
layer of water soaked, shredded paper covering it.
Two archways exit this room to the north, as well
as one to the east. A portcullis and door also exit
this room to the east.
A secret door is hidden in the stone of the western
wall (Perception DC 30) leading back towards the

2-8: Corpse Corridor

At location A, there is a skeleton hanging from
chains and manacles on the wall.

1 Square = 10 feet

Part Four: Return to the Elder Sabratha’s Reward
As you enter the town hall, you are greeted by the
Surface sight of the wizened old woman you know to be
Elder Sabratha standing with a hopeful Tryn. A
Tryn’s Trinkets chest has been dragged into the room containing
Waiting for you as you emerge from beneath the gold.
shop is the white-haired man wearing tattered Elder Sabratha pays the characters for their
clothes and a stained blindfold that you met efforts as was agreed upon earlier and gives them
earlier. He is seated at Tryn’s table, patiently her heartfelt thanks. She offers her spare bedroom
waiting. Sitting before him is the agate he offered to the group for the night, so that they may
you earlier. recuperate. Tryn thanks the party as well, saying
The walking stick man waits patiently for the that she will be gladly offer the characters 10% off
characters to address him and will attempt to items from her shop (but not trade goods) for the
conclude the deal he offered earlier. If the next week, but she won’t be open until tomorrow
characters refuse, he asks them to allow him to as she needs to double check her inventory. If
copy down the word and offers a 5,000 gp anything is missing, she will ask the characters
diamond as payment. After getting what he wants about it in the morning.
he will walk into the dungeon below (where he
will ethereal jaunt away when he is certain he is
no longer within earshot or sight of any other Elder Sabratha CR 6
creatures). XP 2,400
hp 38 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Walking Stick ManCR 14 GameMastery Guide, “Hermit”)
XP 38,400
hp 73 (Appendix A: New Monsters, “Walking Tryn CR 5
Stick Man”) XP 1,600
hp 31 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game NPC Codex,
“Successful Merchant”)
Outside Tryn’s Trinkets
Outside of the shop are 8 guards who prevent
anyone from entering, though four of them run to
announce the emergence of the characters to Elder Concluding the
Sabratha and Tryn. The guards are adamant that
they did not let anyone past them if questioned and Adventure
will grow concerned if pushed too hard. No matter what the characters decided to do with
the Walking Stick Man, if he saw the word for
SUSTAIN, he got what he came for. The people of
Guard (8) CR 1 Chesmire laud the group as heroes and help them
with anything they need for about a week before
XP 400
growing weary of the presence of adventurers.
hp 22 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game NPC Codex, Shortly after they leave town, they will run into
“Guard”) the Walking Stick Man again. Those events will be
detailed in the sequel to this adventure named
“The Eldest Path” set in the Elder Forest.

Appendix A: New 1st (8/day)—comprehend languages, cure light
wounds, ears of the city, endure elements, entropic
Monsters shield, fallback strategy, read weather

Walking Stick Man CR 14 0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, detect

poison, guidance, light, mending, purify food and
XP 38,400 drink (DC 16), read magic, stabilize
Male old human evangelist of the Nameless One Mystery Dark tapestry
10/oracle 5
Str 7, Dex 10, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 22
N Medium humanoid (human)
Base Atk +10; CMB +8; CMD 22 (24 vs. trip)
Init +7; Senses blindsense 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft.;
Perception +19 Feats Deific Obedience, Divine Protection,
Diviner's Delving, Greater Spell Focus
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+2 deflection, +2 (conjuration), Mage’s Tattoo, Minor Spell
dodge, +2 natural) Expertise, Noble Scion of War, Spell Focus
(conjuration), Spell Focus (divination)
hp 73 (15d8+5)
Skills Acrobatics +5, Appraise +7, Bluff +11,
Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +9; +2 enhancement bonus
Climb +3, Diplomacy +11, Disguise +11, Escape
to avoid being tripped
Artist +5, Fly +5, Heal +5, Intimidate +11,
Speed 35 ft. Knowledge (arcana) +21, Knowledge
(dungeoneering) +4, Knowledge (engineering) +4,
Melee agile alpenstock +8/+3 (1d6-2) Knowledge (geography) +4, Knowledge (history)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th; concentration +21) +21, Knowledge (local) +21, Knowledge (nature)
+4, Knowledge (nobility) +9, Knowledge (planes)
3/day—acid splash, liberating command +21, Knowledge (religion) +21, Perception +19,
2/day—ears of the city Ride +5, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +21, Stealth
+5, Survival +5, Swim +3, Use Magic Device +22
Oracle Spells Known (CL 14th; concentration
+20) Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Infernal,
7th (3/day)—mass cure serious wounds, ethereal
jaunt, insanity (DC 23) SQ crossroads of fate, fated, oracle's curse
(clouded vision), revelations (cloak of darkness,
6th (6/day)—mass cure moderate wounds, find dweller in darkness, many forms, wings of
the path, geas/quest, planar binding (DC 24) darkness), spiritual form, the spiral dance
5th (7/day)—commune, mass cure light wounds, Other Gear agile alpenstock, amulet of natural
feeblemind (DC 21), plane shift (DC 23), scrying armor +2, ring of protection +2, ring of resistance
(DC 22) +1, sleeves of many garments, stone of good luck
4th (7/day)—black tentacles, cure critical (luckstone), traveler's any-tool, diamond (worth
wounds, divination, freedom of movement, 5,000 gp), 50 gp
guardian of faith, planar adaptation SPECIAL ABILITIES
3rd (7/day)—borrow fortune, create food and Cloak of Darkness +8/+6 (14 hours/day) (Su) You
water, cure serious wounds, guiding star, locate conjure a cloak of shadowy darkness that grants
object, tongues you a +4-armor bonus and a +2-circumstance
2nd (8/day)—augury, consecrate, cure moderate bonus on Stealth checks. At 7th level, and every
wounds, dust of twilight (DC 20), influence wild four levels thereafter, these bonuses increase by
magic, lay of the land, lesser restoration +2. You can use this cloak for 1 hour per day per

oracle level. The duration does not need to be The Spiral Dance (Su) You are one with the dance
consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-hour of fate, using magic to move easily through the
increments. daylight world. You gain the ability to cast shadow
step three times per day, as well as shadow walk
Crossroads of Fate (Su) Once per day, you can
one per day.
glimpse the crossroads of fate. At the end of any
creatures turn that you could see at any point Wings of Darkness (14 minutes/day) (Su) As a
during their turn, you can cause them to re-roll all swift action, you can manifest a set of translucent,
dice rolls for the turn. You choose which set of inky wings that grant you a fly speed of 60 feet
results occurs. You can use this ability even if the with good maneuverability. You can use these
initial results killed you. wings for 1 minute per day per oracle level. This
duration does not need to be consecutive, but it
Dweller in Darkness (Phantasmal Killer, 1/day)
must be spent in 1-minute increments. At 11th
(Sp) Once per day, you cast your psyche into the
level, you can use these wings to fly as if with
void of space to attract the attention of a terrible
overland flight once per day. Used in this way, the
otherworldly being. The dweller in darkness
ability lasts for up to 1 hour per level and counts as
behaves in all ways as if you had cast phantasmal
your total use of this ability for the day.
killer. At 17th level, the dweller in darkness can be
perceived by more than one creature, as if you had
cast weird.
Mage’s Tattoo (Conjuration) Spells from chosen Appendix B: New Spells
school gain +1 caster level.
Power Word Sustain
Many Forms (14 minutes/day) (Su) As a standard
action, you can assume the form of a Small or School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-
Medium humanoid, as the alter self spell. At 7th affecting]; Level psychic 6, sorcerer / wizard 6,
level, you can assume the form of a Small or witch 6
Medium animal, as beast shape I. At 11th level, Casting Time 1 standard action
you can assume the form of a Small or Medium
magical beast, as beast shape III. At 15th level, Components V
you can assume a variety of forms, as greater Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
polymorph. You can use this ability for 1 minute
per day per oracle level. This duration does not Target one creature with 250 hp or less
need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-
Duration see text
minute increments.
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes
Spiritual Form (Charisma, Gills, 15 minutes/day)
Assuming this form is a standard action, and the
evangelist can remain in spiritual form for a You utter a single word of power that causes a
number of minutes per day equal to their character creature to become sustained, whether the creature
level. This duration does not need to be can hear the word or not. The duration of the spell
consecutive, but it must be used in 1-minute depends on the target's hit point total. Any creature
increments. Returning to her normal form is a free that has 251 or more total hit points is unaffected.
action. The sustained creature does not need to eat or
drink for the duration of the spell and needs only
The evangelist’s spiritual form grants her telepathy
sleep 2 hours per day to gain the benefit of 8 hours
to a range of 100 feet, as well as gills (ability to
of sleep. This allows a spellcaster that requires rest
breathe water and a swim speed of 30 feet) and a
to prepare spells to do so after only 2 hours, but
+4 bonus to Charisma.
this does not allow a spellcaster to prepare spells
more than once per day.

Hit Points
1 day
Appendix C: New Deific
151-200 1d4 + 1 days
101-150 1 week Obedience
51-100 1d4 + 1 weeks
50 or less 1 month The Nameless One
Optional Presentation Using Nameless One Obedience
Words of Power Deliberately lose yourself in a strange place. If
If you use the Words of Power system for magic there is nowhere for you to lose yourself, blindfold
(or are considering using it via feats like yourself and wander boldly for 200 steps. Gain a
Experimental Spellcaster from Pathfinder +4 profane or sacred bonus to AC against attacks
Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic), I have of opportunity provoked by casting spells or using
presented Sustain as an effect word below. This is spell-like abilities. The type of bonus depends on
the way I run it at my table, but I understand that your alignment—if you’re neither good nor evil,
not every GM wants to use every optional system you must choose either sacred or profane the first
so I am presenting the spell both ways (and will do time you perform your obedience, and this choice
so for the other adventures in this series). This can’t be changed.
makes no impact on the story but does create a
sense of ancientness and proto-magic in players Evangelist Boons
and that is definitely a goal, as we are interacting 1: Fated (Sp) liberating command 3/day, twisted
with relics of the Neolithic pantheon and pursuing futures 2/day, or borrow fortune 1/day
the goals of a Neolithic deity.
2: The Spiral Dance (Su) You are one with the
Sustain (Power) dance of fate, using magic to move easily through
School enchantment (compulsion) [mind- the daylight world. You gain the ability to cast
affecting]; Level sorcerer/wizard 6 shadow step three times per day, as well as shadow
walk one per day.
Duration varies, see text
3: Crossroads of Fate (Su) Once per day, you can
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes
glimpse the crossroads of fate. At the end of any
creatures turn that you could see at any point
Target Restrictions selected during their turn, you can cause them to re-roll all
dice rolls for the turn. You choose which set of
This effect word causes a living creature to results occurs. You can use this ability even if the
become sustained, whether the creature can hear initial results killed you.
the wordspell or not. The duration of the spell
depends on the target's hit point total. Any creature Exalted Boons
that has 251 or more total hit points is unaffected.
The sustained creature does not need to eat or 1: Knowledge of Fate (Sp) identify 3/day, augury
drink for the duration of the spell and needs only 2/day, or clairaudience / clairvoyance 1/day
sleep 2 hours per day to gain the benefit of 8 hours 2: Parting the Veil (Su) You can lace spells you
of sleep. This allows a spellcaster that requires rest cast with the raw madness that waits beyond space
to prepare spells to do so after only 2 hours, but and time. Activating this ability is a swift action
this does not allow a spellcaster to prepare spells that you may use as you cast a spell that targets a
more than once per day. single creature and that allows a saving throw to
Hit Points Duration negate or reduce the spell’s primary effect. If the
201-250 1 day
101-200 1 week target fails to resist the spell, the target is also
100 or less 1 month confused for a number of rounds equal to the
spell’s level as visions of paths they did not follow

cause temporary insanity. The victim may attempt
a new Will saving throw each round to end the
effect—these additional saving throws apply only
to the additional confusion effect and not to the
original spell effect. Parting the veil is a mind-
affecting effect. You can use this ability a number
of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma mod.
3: Entering the Beyond (Su) Your form grows
shadowed and indistinct. You gain a +6 profane or
sacred bonus on Stealth checks. The type of bonus
depends on your alignment—if you’re neither
good nor evil, you must choose either sacred or
profane based on the bonus that your obedience
grants. In any condition of illumination other than
full daylight, physical attacks against you have a
20% miss chance. In addition, you are constantly
under the effect of true seeing, and can reactivate it
as a swift action.

Sentinel Boons
1: Warrior of Fate (Sp) true strike 3/day, aid
2/day, or urban step 1/day
2: Walking the Path (Su) You constantly see a
few moments down your own line of fate, and thus
are never surprised or flat-footed. In addition, you
gain a +2-insight bonus to AC and on Reflex
3: Home at the Crossroads (Sp) Once per day,
you can cast maze—the resulting extradimensional
labyrinth takes the form of an endless network of
empty roads running through a lonely forest.
Conversely, you can also choose to target yourself
with this ability, in which case you travel to the
same extradimensional crossroads yourself, along
with any willing targets within 100 feet, and can
stay there indefinitely without needing food or
drink. Anyone brought there by this second
method can leave the crossroads at any time by
willing it, but cannot return without another use of
this ability.

1 Square =
31 10 feet
1 Square =
10 feet 32
1 Square = 10 feet

1 Square = 10 feet

LEGAL APPENDIX 10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every
Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.
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copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Reference Document. © 2011, Paizo Publishing,
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upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook, © 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason
work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
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means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide, © 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author
works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Jason Bulmahn.
Identity” means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, © 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason
including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Tim Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason
and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C. Stephens, and
spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special Russ Taylor.
abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Tim Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason
trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C. Stephens, and
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Equipment © 2012, Paizo Publishing,
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2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a McCreary, Mark Moreland, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Patrick
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Open Game Content distributed using this License. Robin Laws, Tito Leati, Rob McCreary, Hal Maclean, Colin McComb, Jason
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3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your
Schneider, Amber Scott, Doug Seacat, Mike Selinker, Lisa Stevens, James L.
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4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Unchained © 2015, Paizo Inc.;
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license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. Bulmahn, Robert Emerson, Tim Hitchcock, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Stephen
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original Radney-MacFarland, Thomas M. Reid, Robert Schwalb, Mark Seifter, and Russ
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6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE Moreland, David N. Ross, F. Wesley Schneider, Amber E. Scott, Tork Shaw, James
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Bulmahn, Joshua J. Frost, Ed Greenwood, Stephen S. Greer, Jeff Grubb, James
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9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated
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This adventure is designed for a group of 4-6 characters
of levels 5-7 playing the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.
A few weeks ago, a shopkeeper named Tryn was
expanding her underground storerooms on the edge of
town and broke into an ancient dungeon beneath the
town. The laborers she hired vanished with screams as
the passage opened, leaving Tryn to report the incident
to Elder Sabratha who sent for adventurers from Port
Manden and placed militia to prevent anyone or
anything from entering or leaving the business.
After arriving in town, the characters are intercepted by
an older man who appears blind with a walking stick
before they get to Elder Sabratha. He requests they
retrieve an ancient tablet from the dungeon that they are
headed to and offers some odd items in return. Elder
Sabratha arranges payment with the characters for
clearing and securing the
area but does not know the
walking stick man if asked.

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