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Violence and the Supernatural
The fictional worlds of Palladium Books® are violent, deadly and filled with supernatural monsters.
Other-dimensional beings, often referred to as “demons,” torment, stalk and prey on humans. Other alien
life forms, monsters, gods and demigods, as well as magic, insanity, and war are all elements in these
Some parents may find the violence, magic and supernatural elements of the games inappropriate for
young readers/players. We suggest parental discretion.
Please note that none of us at Palladium Books® condone or encourage the occult, the practice of
magic, the use of drugs, or violence.

The Rifter® Number 67

Your Guide to the Palladium Megaverse®!
PDF Edition – August 2016

Pirst Printing – August 2014

Copyright 2014 Palladium Books® Inc.

All rights reserved, world wide, under the Universal Copyright Convention. No part of this book may be reproduced in part or whole,
in any form or by any means, without permission from the publisher, except for brief quotes for use in reviews. All incidents, situations,
institutions, governments and people are fictional and any similarity, without satiric intent, of characters or persons living or dead, is
strictly coincidental.

Robotech® and Robotech® The Shadow Chronicles® are Registered Trademarks of Harmony Gold USA, Inc.

Palladium Books®, Rifts®, The Rifter®, Chaos Earth®, Coalition Wars®, After the Bomb®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid In-
vasion®, Megaverse®, Nightbane®, Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, RECON®, and Splicers® are registered
trademarks owned and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc.
The slogan “A Megaverse of adventure – limited only by your imagination,” RPG Tactics, and titles and names such as Armaged-
don Unlimited, Aliens Unlimited, Arzno, Atorian Empire, ARCHIE-3, Beyond Arcanum, Beyond the Supernatural, BTS-2, Brod-
kil, Biomancy, Biomancer, Bio-Wizardry, ‘Burbs, ‘Borg, ‘Bot, Dead Reign, Dimensional Outbreak, Dinosaur Swamp, Dyval, Elf-
Dwarf War, Heroes Unlimited, I.S.P., Land of the Damned, Lazlo, Victor Lazlo, Lazlo Agency, Lazlo Society, Palladium of Desires,
C.A.M.E.L.O.T., Chi-Town, CS, Coalition States, Cosmo-Knight, Crazy, Cyber-Knight, D-Bee, Dark Day, Dead Boy, Doc Reid, Dog
Boy, Dog Pack, Dweomer, Emperor Prosek, Erin Tarn, Fadetown, Free Quebec, Gadgets Unlimited, Gargoyle Empire, Glitter Boy,
Gramercy Island, Hardware Unlimited, Heroes of the Megaverse, Heroes Unlimited, HU2, Juicer, Ley Line Walker, M.D.C., Mecha-
noid Space, Mega-Damage, Mega-Hero, Megaversal, MercTown, Minion War, Morphus, Mutant Underground, Mysteries of Magic,
Merc Ops, Naruni, Naruni Enterprises, NEMA, Ninjas & Superspies, NGR, Northern Gun, The Nursery, P.P.E., Powers Unlimited, Psi-
Stalker, Psyscape, SAMAS, S.D.C., Shifter, Siege on Tolkeen, Skelebot, Skraypers, Sorcerer’s Forge, Splugorth, Splynncryth, Splynn,
Techno-Wizard, Temporal Magic, Temporal Wizard, Three Galaxies, Tome Grotesque, Triax, Vampire Kingdoms, Warpath: Urban
Jungle, Void Runners, Wilk’s, Wolfen, Wolfen Wars, Wormwood, Wulfen, Xiticix, and other names, titles, slogans, and the likenesses
of characters are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc.

Palladium Online

Also visit us at

The Rifter® #67 RPG sourcebook series is published by Palladium Books Inc., 39074 Webb Court, Westland, MI 48185. Printed in
the USA by McNaughton & Gunn of Saline, Michigan.

Palladium Books® Presents:

Sourcebook and Guide to the Palladium Megaverse®

Coordinator & Editor in Chief: Wayne Smith

Editor: Alex Marciniszyn

Contributing Writers:
Jeff Duncan
Michael J. Osborne
Kevin Siembieda
Kris Tipping
Alex Tulloch
Anthony Uyl

Proofreader: Julius Rosenstein

Cover Illustration: Michael Wilson

Interior Artists:
Nick Bradshaw
Tanya J. Ramsey
Benjamin Rodriguez
Charles Walton

Cover Logo Design: Steve Edwards

Credits Page Logo: Niklas Brandt

Typesetting & Layout: Wayne Smith

Art Direction: Kevin Siembieda

Based on the RPG rules, characters,

concepts and Megaverse® created by Kevin Siembieda.

Special Thanks to all our contributors, writers and artists this issue, especially new contributors. Our apologies
to anybody who may have gotten accidentally left out or their name misspelled.
– Kevin Siembieda, 2014
Contents – The Rifter® #67 – Summer, 2014
Page 6 – From the Desk of Kevin Siembieda Page 27 – Rusty Nail
Page 28 – Deadwood
Publisher Kevin Siembieda talks about new releases like
Page 30 – Lockjaws
Rifts® Megaverse® in Flames™ and Future Visions™ (both
Page 31 – Snafu and Coffin
available now), Gen Con, an upcoming release for Palladium
Page 33 – Lasher
Fantasy® and other projects, as well as the ups and downs with
Page 33 – Howler Pods
Robotech® RPG Tactics™.
Page 34 – Iron Wood Blades
Page 34 – Template Biotic: Widow
Page 7 – Palladium News
Page 37 – Template Biotic: Gemini
Get an idea of what’s out, what’s coming and what’s going on Page 39 – Template Biotic: Gorillephant
in this issue’s news section. Page 41 – Template Biotic: Shield Maiden/Youth
Page 42 – Nova Enhancement (secret)
Page 8 – 2015 Palladium Open House Artwork by Charles “Splicehead” Walton.
We can only squeeze in 300 or so gamers to the Palladium
Open House. Are you one of them? If you’re planning on com- Page 43 – Outpost F279
ing to next year’s event, you should order your admissions ticket – Optional Adventure and Source Material for Rifts®
sooner than later. Read about all the juicy details. Anthony Uyl has returned to serve up an adventure centering
around revenge and betrayal that could shake the very founda-
Page 10 – Coming Attractions tions of Lazlo and the Coalition States. Deception, treachery and
New books are coming your way. You are holding the lat- a new Alien Intelligence are all part of this growing menace. And
est issue of The Rifter®, and by the time you see this, Rifts® only your characters can stop things going from bad to worse.
Megaverse® in Flames™ and Future Visions™ (the Chuck Page 43 – Introducing the Characters
Walton art book) will have shipped to stores. “Paper Minia- Page 44 – Londesborough
tures” for the Palladium Fantasy RPG® are also available. Page 46 – Coalition Outpost F279
Next in line for book releases are Graveyard Earth™, Chaos Page 50 – New Monsters
Earth® Sourcebooks, and Robotech®: Expeditionary Force Page 50 – Timral Lieutenants
Marines™ Sourcebook One. The big release is Robotech® Page 51 – Timral Familiar
RPG Tactics™. The game looks amazing and is a blast to play. Page 51 – Timral Pod
It really captures the look and feel of Robotech®. Containers full Page 52 – Consumed Human
of product are on their way to us. Robotech® RPG Tactics™ Page 52 – Timral Soldier
will ship to our Kickstarter backers in August and September, Page 53 – NPCs (Non-Player Characters)
ship to distributors in September and hit store shelves in October. Artwork by Nick “the Brick” Bradshaw

Page 16 – House Pandorum™: The Chaos Spreads Page 55 – The Mutant Bees of Earth™
– Optional Source Material for Splicers® – Optional Adventure and Source Material for
Kris Tipping has provided us with more background on House After the Bomb®, Plus Alternative M.D.C. Stats
Pandorum, new O.C.C.s, an array of new bio-enhancements, for Rifts®
armor, venom, weapons and gear, as well as Biotics, adventure
The imaginative Michael J. Osborne has represented geneti-
ideas and more. Be prepared to take your Splicers® campaign in
cally altered, intelligent, humanoid mutant bees. Martial artist
new directions with this fun selection of optional source material.
bees, at that. Note: Though conceived for the post-apocalyptic
Page 16 – Photonic Nervous System
After the Bomb® world setting, these unique and fun beings can
Page 17 – The Beginning of the End
be easily dropped into a Heroes Unlimited™, Aliens Unlim-
Page 17 – Day Care or a Prison?
ited™, or Palladium Fantasy RPG® setting, or even Rifts®,
Page 18 – Hook, Line & Sinker Adventures
Chaos Earth® or Phase World®/Three Galaxies™.
Page 19 – The Gardener Daughters
Page 57 – The Bee Colony of Timbuk
Page 19 – New Enhancements for the Gardener Biotic
Page 59 – Elite Militia: Samurai
Page 20 – Earthen Flesh
Page 59 – Hand to Hand: Bee-Chi
Page 21 – Gaia’s Voice
Page 60 – Hand to Hand: Bug-Fu
Page 21 – Third Daughter
Page 60 – Adventure: Day of the Z.O.M. Bees
Page 22 – New Enhancements for the Hand of Death
Page 61 – The Ruins
Page 23 – Sons of Chaos
Page 62 – After the Bomb®/Rifts® Crossover
Page 23 – Unique Plant Creations of House Pandorum
Page 65 – Adventure Ideas
Page 24 – Arch Vine
Artwork by Ben Rodriguez.
Page 25 – Dandelion
Page 26 – Red Dragon and Dragon Fang

Page 66 – Rifts® Africa: Creatures & Monsters can submit articles, G.M. advice, player tips, house rules, adven-
– Optional Source Material for Rifts® tures, new magic, new psionics, new super abilities, monsters,
villains, high-tech weapons, vehicles, power armor, short works
Jeff Duncan presents an array of new supernatural beings and of fiction and more. So think about writing up something short
creatures of magic for the Rifts Africa setting. While most of (even something as small as 4-6 pages). Newcomers and regular
these beings are most common to Africa, they may make their contributors are always welcome.
way up into India and China, and just about anywhere via dimen- The Rifter® needs new material, especially when it comes to
sional Rifts, the slave trade and demons. Enjoy. adventures and source material, for all of our game lines, espe-
Page 66 – Abiku, Tectonic Entity cially Rifts®, Chaos Earth®, Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Heroes
Page 69 – African Gorgon Unlimited™, Ninjas and Superspies™, Beyond the Supernatu-
Page 70 – Ambize ral™, Dead Reign™, Splicers®, and Nightbane®.
Page 71 – Bunyip Pay is lousy, fame is dubious, but you get to share your ideas
Page 73 – Corrocotta and adventures with fellow gamers and get four free copies to
Page 74 – Criosphinx show to your friends and family.
Page 76 – Giant Mason Wasp
Page 77 – Hieracosphinx The Cover
Page 78 – Horned Serpopard
Page 79 – Inkanyamba Every 2014 cover of The Rifter® will celebrate the 30th An-
Page 81 – Pegomastax Africanus niversary of the Heroes Unlimited™ RPG. This cover from Mi-
Page 82 – Werehyena chael Wilson is called Villains Triumphant, for obvious reasons.
Page 83 – Werejackal
Page 84 – Yumboes Optional and Unofficial Rules & Source Material
Artwork by Tanya J. Ramsey. Please note that most of the material presented in The Rifter®
is “unofficial” or “optional” rules and source material.
Page 86 – Power Behind the Throne They are alternative ideas, homespun adventures and material
– Optional Source Material for Heroes Unlimited™ mostly created by fellow gamers and fans like you, the reader.
Things one can elect to include in one’s own campaign or simply
Alex Tulloch provides us with a shadowy group of characters
enjoy reading about. They are not “official” to the main games or
working for the UK government. Or are they controlling it? Mov-
world settings.
ers and shakers, spies and super-beings behind the scenes who
As for optional tables and adventures, if they sound cool or
possess the savvy and super abilities to influence the world. Who
fun, use them. If they sound funky, too high-powered or inap-
is really in charge and how do they use the secrets at their dis-
propriate for your game, modify them or ignore them completely.
All the material in The Rifter® has been included for two
Page 87 – The St. George Committee Today
reasons: One, because we thought it was imaginative and fun,
Page 88 – Current Membership
and two, we thought it would stimulate your imagination with
Page 90 – The Queen’s Own Warlock Guard
fun ideas and concepts that you can use (if you want to), or which
Page 91 – Lt. Colonel Riddle
might inspire you to create your own wonders.
Page 92 – Major Storm
Page 93 – Warlock Guard Fireteams – Palladium Online
Page 93 – Saxon Team
Page 96 – Adventure Ideas
The Rifter® #68
The Theme for Issue 67
The Rifter® #68 Summer issue will present a nice variety
The theme of The Rifter® #67 is secrets and betrayal with of new source material for Heroes Unlimited™ and other Pal-
a touch of the alien and exotic. From secret invasions to secret ladium RPG settings.
agencies, to strange creatures. Please note that we are celebrat- ! Cover by John Zeleznik (tentative).
ing the 30th Anniversary of Heroes Unlimited™ all year. That ! Source material for Rifts®.
means every 2014 issue of The Rifter® will contain something ! Source material for Heroes Unlimited™.
for it. New Heroes Unlimited™ and Palladium Fantasy® titles ! Source material for other settings.
should be coming your way in 2015. ! News, coming attractions and much more.
! And maybe YOUR submission. Send us something and see
The Rifter® Needs You if you get published.
We need new writers and artists to fill the next few decades
of The Rifter®. You do not need to be a professional writer to Bringing you infinite possibilities
contribute to The Rifter®. This publication is like a “fanzine,”
written by fans for fans. A forum in which gamers just like you limited only by your imagination™

Celebrating 30 years of Heroes Unlimited™

From the Desk of Kevin Siembieda
It has been another truly wild and busy three months since last There will be a dozen Palladium creators available to sign
issue. The entire year has been like that. books and chat with fans, nearly our entire product line, new re-
Robotech® RPG Tactics™ has occupied much of our time, leases, collectibles, some test products, art prints, original art and
as Palladium has been involved in every step of product devel- plenty of fun to be had by all.
opment from game design and packaging to manufacturing and The big release at Gen Con should have been Robotech®
shipping. We have learned a great deal about this table top gam- RPG Tactics™, but we just received the devastating news that
ing, Kickstarters, miniatures and manufacturing. We’ve most US Customs has tagged our first container of Robotech® RPG
recently learned about overseas shipping and the many require- Tactics™ games and expansion packs for examination. This is
ments of US Customs as well as the ins and outs of professional a painfully slow process that will keep our container held up in
miniatures painting. Holy Cats, talk about extensive and intensive customs for one or two weeks. Wahhhh.
on the job training. Not at what we expected at all when we joined Barring a miracle, i.e. the container is one of the first to be
forces with Ninja Division to produce and publish Robotech® inspected and promptly released in only a few days (a very, very
RPG Tactics™. But what an exciting new product line, and the unlikely proposition), we will NOT be able to have Robotech®
final product is gorgeous. I think our Kickstarter backers and Ro- RPG Tactics™ for sale at Gen Con Indy. We know this news
botech fans will be quite happy with the final product. will disappoint everyone (no one more than us), but it is totally
The game starts shipping to our backers in August and to the out of our hands. This could hurt the release on a lot of different
rest of the world by the end of September. Can hardly wait till it levels, but we’re powering through it as best we can.
ships. We are having our China manufacturer express mail us a few
box games so we can display them at Gen Con along with MANY
Fear not, we have ALL KINDS painted and unpainted game pieces and sprues. There will be
of RPG products coming your way demonstration games going on at the booth and we’ll be happy to
talk about Robotech® RPG Tactics™ all weekend long.
Rifts® Megaverse® in Flames™ is done and available now!
We are confident that Robotech® RPG Tactics™ is going
So is the Charles Walton art book; and if you love Chuck’s
to be a hot seller, so we’ll be offering the gamers at Gen Con a
work, you NEED this art book.
chance to place pre-orders to GUARANTEE they get all the RRT
Graveyard Earth™, a sourcebook for Dead Reign™ is next,
products they want. Of course, you guys and gals can place a pre-
along with Robotech®: Expeditionary Force Marines Source-
order anytime via Palladium Books’ online store. We’ll ship out
book, Coalition States: Heroes of Humanity, the next issue of
all pre-orders after we have shipped to our Kickstarter backers
The Rifter®, and a NEW Palladium Fantasy® sourcebook:
and as we are shipping to our distributors.
Bizantium and the Northern Islands, 160 pages of new materi-
We even designed and built a special, enclosed booth to func-
al that expands the world. And Bizantium is just the first of many
tion as a store, but without Robotech® RPG Tactics™ to sell,
new Fantasy titles coming from Palladium over the next year.
we’ll hang onto it until next year and go with a much simpler,
Then there are new titles for Rifts®, Chaos Earth®, Beyond the
basic booth display that is faster and easier to put up and tear
Supernatural™, and so much more.
down this year.
2014 Gen Con Indy In the meanwhile, we are working away on a number of prod-
As I write this, Gen Con Indy is one week away. Gen Con is ucts and secret projects that we think will surprise and delight
always a big deal. And this year we have really, really big plans you. Palladium’s freelance artists and writers have been kicking
for it. Robotech® RPG Tactics™ is going to be the main attrac- out some epic material, and ideas are flying around in swarms.
tion, but we are hyping up the ENTIRE Palladium RPG product Nothing but good things are coming your way.
line with new releases, upcoming releases and dozens and dozens The next Rifter® is our Fall issue and that means a focus
of official Palladium Books gaming events being run at Gen Con on horror, so I hope we get a cool, spooky Heroes Unlimited™
— 50+ of them! That’s three times more than we’ve ever held a article or adventure to include. There will be some extra, offi-
Gen Con. This big gaming event effort was spearheaded by Gary cial material for the Minion War™ and Rifts® Megaverse® in
Miller, Victor Petersen, Nathan Bingham, Jeff Ruiz, and Bill Kor- Flames™.
sak. If my memory serves me right, it was Bill Korsak who first We hope you continue to enjoy Heroes Unlimited™ being
came to me with the idea, and then Gary Miller and the rest of featured in each issue of The Rifter® to help celebrate its 30th
the four guys in charge of managing the M.A.s jumped in to help Anniversary. We have some sourcebooks being developed for re-
make it a reality. Of course, we could not have done any of it lease in the future, too. I’m also dying to dive deep into Beyond
without the 20+ Megaversal Ambassadors/G.M.s running games, the Supernatural™ sourcebooks and several other projects.
so this is very much a team effort. My thanks go out to each and Keep the faith and those beautiful imaginations burning bright.
every one of our Game Masters/Megaversal Ambassadors. You Enjoy the new releases.
guys are awesome.
On top of that, there will be free role-playing game events and – Kevin Siembieda, Publisher & Game Designer
demos of RRT (Robotech® RPG Tactics™) at the Palladium
Palladium News a final review. I hope to be assigning artwork for it after Gen Con and
see the book released later this year. See the full description elsewhere in
this issue. I’m excited about this. Are you excited?

By Kevin Siembieda, the guy who should know

NEW! Palladium Fantasy RPG®
New RPG products are available now “Paper Miniatures” on DriveThruRPG
with much more on their way This is another secret project that we have launched in the beginning
of August. Paper miniatures created by artist “Madman” Mike Leonard
Rifts® Northern Gun™ Two is available now. for use with the Palladium Fantasy RPG. They are full color images de-
Rifts® Megaverse® in Flames™ is available now. signed to be downloaded, printed on a card stock, trimmed and used as
Future Visions™ – Artistry of Charles Walton II is available now. two-dimensional images. They look great.
The Rifter® #67 is in your hands! You can get a FREE Sample, and buy two sets of Paper Miniatures
Graveyard Earth™, a new sourcebook for the popular Dead from (for only $5.99 each). A Great Horned Dragon
Reign™ series, has been rescheduled for October release, and another is next, with more planned over the next few months. And don’t for-
manuscript for the game line has just arrived. get, first edition rules of The Palladium Fantasy RPG® and 90+ out
Robotech® RPG Tactics™, Wave One is shipping to Kickstarter back- of print titles, including the first edition rules for Rifts® RPG, Heroes
ers as you read this, and to the rest of the world in September and October! Unlimited, Splicers® and more, are also available as PDFs from Drive-
Robotech®: Expeditionary Force Marines™ should see release no Thru. The rest of Palladium’s vast RPG library of books are available in
later than November.
stores everywhere. Have fun.
Palladium Fantasy®: Bizantium and the Northern Islands™
should be an October release.
Chaos Earth®: Rise of Magic™ should be back in print this Fall. UPDATE: Robotech® RPG Tactics™
Another Dead Reign™ sourcebook.
The first container of product is on its way from China. In fact, by
And a few new Chaos Earth® and Rifts® sourcebooks. the time you read this, we should have begun shipping out Wave One
product to our Kickstarter backers.
NEW! Rifts® Megaverse® in Flames™ On July 25th, we received 31 pallets full of boxes for the shipping of
the Robotech® RPG Tactics™ products that are going to just our Kick-
This long awaited book is done and available now. It is truly epic in starter backers! By the way, that’s $10,000 in cardboard boxes! That
scope and jam-packed with all kinds of fun and horrifying source mate- should give you some idea of the scale of this operation. Wild, eh? We
rial. You will have plenty of fuel for adventures to last you for months to have also upgraded our shipping hardware and software. Meanwhile, we
come. The softcover edition is available now. have Blue Table Painting (and a couple other guys) working on some
The signed and numbered Rifts® Megaverse® in Flames™ Gold display pieces for Gen Con. They are painting something like 60 figures
Edition (yes, there is a gold edition) will be ready to ship in September. for us.
See the complete description later in this issue. We will begin shipping Robotech® RPG Tactics™ Wave One
products to our Kickstarter backers later this month, August 2014. By
NEW! Future Visions™ the end of September, we expect to have shipped all of our Kickstarter
backers and any pre-orders Palladium has received. Then it’s shipping
– The Artistry of Charles Walton II to our Distributors and getting product into the retail stores. Robotech®
RPG Tactics™ products should be hitting store shelves the first few
The Chuck Walton art book, Future Visions™, is a dynamic and weeks of October, 2014. We have a feeling we could sell out before
impressive art book that will give you a big look at what we have in Christmas, so if you want this awesome product, grab it fast.
store for upcoming Splicers® titles, as well as a bit of behind the scenes Robotech® RPG Tactics™ is awesome. Everyone who has seen
insight about Chuck Walton and Palladium Books. If you like the art of the sample box of the game and expansion packs goes wild over them.
Charles Walton, you will love this book. And at only $13.95 it is a steal. They love the box, they love the artwork on the inner box, they love
See the description later in this issue. the cards and rule book, and they go wild over the quality of the actual
I wrote an introduction and talk a bit about the creative process at Pal- game pieces. The comment from the owner of Blue Table Painting was,
ladium. Chuck wrote about his love for Splicers® and why he is com- “you can tell somebody put a lot of love into making these figures.”
pelled to draw mountains of material for it. Carmen Bellaire, the co-author of the Robotech® RPG Tactics™ rules
People love Chuck Walton’s artwork so much we thought it would be was impressed too. “Kev, I know it has been hell to get this game made,”
fun to release a book that, a) presents his artwork, and b) provides you he said, “but the end product is really something. You should be very
a “visual showcase” for upcoming Palladium titles. Some art is finished. proud.” I think everyone involved can be proud of this finished product.
Some is concept art. All of it rocks. This is the kind of stuff that tran- I cannot wait until we can start shipping out product to our Kickstarter
spires behind the scenes. backers and the rest of the world. Very exciting.
Note: As always, Palladium stands behind all of its products, so if
NEW! Palladium Fantasy RPG®: you should encounter a problem with Robotech® RPG Tactics™ like
a missing or defective game piece/sprue, etc. just give the office a call
Bizantium and the Northern Islands™ (734-721-2903) or contact us via most any other form of communication
(email through [email protected], help board, snail mail,
This is another one of the surprises we’ve been kicking around be-
etc.), they should all get a result. For those of you in the USA, calling
hind the scenes. A nice, meaty sourcebook for the Palladium Fantasy
the office is your best bet for a fast response. Those of you in countries
RPG®. The author is Glen Evans (you’ve seen his work in many issues
of The Rifter®), and writer Matthew Clements is finishing his first edit- outside the United States, use the Kickstarter email.
ing pass on the book and making a few tweaks before it comes to me for

2015 Palladium Open House scripts, collectibles, books from the Erick Wujcik collec-
tion, and more.
! Get new releases, back stock items and collectibles.
The Palladium Open House is an increasingly rare event. The
! Get original artwork and limited edition prints.
last one was held in 2012. It is also limited, as we can only ac-
! See (and play games in) the Palladium warehouse.
commodate around 350 people total – including 30-50 Palladium
! Intimate setting. Easy access to Palladium creators.
creators and staff. By the way, that’s more creators assembled in
! Held at the Palladium warehouse and offices.
one place than any game convention we have ever attended.
! Meet fans from across the USA and around the world –
What makes the POH (Palladium Open House) all the more
Canada, England, Germany, Spain, Uruguay, etc.
special is that these creators are available to you every day for
! Events run by G.M.s who are the designers, writers & art-
8, 10, 12 hours a day. Writers and game designers are available
ists who make the games, right where the magic happens.
to chat, sign books and run gaming events. Artists are likewise
! This is not a media event. It is a role-playing game event.
available to chat and sign books, as well as sell original artwork,
That mean ROLE-PLAYING GAMES for three days straight!
prints and do character sketches. Everyone is a gamer geek like
(And for those of you who can make it, VIP Thursday too.)
you, happy to talk about gaming, the creative process and all
In addition to scheduled games, there is an area for “open
kinds of subjects. You can have in-depth conversations because
gaming” for ANYBODY who wants to start a game.
the venue is small and intimate, not at all like big conventions.
Sit down with Kevin Siembieda, the Palladium staff and Start planning NOW! We plan to make the 2015 Palladium
our creators to talk and laugh about just almost anything. Open House as fun and memorable as ever, so start making your
We’ve been told repeatedly by those who have attended past plans now. Also spread the word, bring a friend, and have the
POHs that the atmosphere is more like a family reunion where time of your life.
they feel welcomed as friends. Our secret? We’re gaming geeks
like you, and really are happy to see you. Whether you are some- “Tentative” Palladium Creators,
one we’ve come to know over the years and consider a friend, Artists, Writers & Personalities:
or a gamer we’ve never met before, we are happy to spend this
special weekend gaming and talking about games, comic books, - The Palladium Staff (Kevin, Wayne, Alex, Julius, Jeff, Matthew
movies, writing, drawing and just about anything else you’d like and Kathy)
to chat about. And you do it all in the Palladium office and ware- - Amy L. Ashbaugh (Artist)
house where the magic happens. - Brandon Aten (Writer; Triax 2, Madhaven, The Sovietski, The
The price of admission covers ALL events. The price of ad- Rifter®)
mission gives you access to all the guests, Kevin and crew, as - Matthew Balent (Author of Weapons & Armor, Weapons &
well as the gaming events (first come, first served), panel talks, Castles, Monsters and Animals, and other titles; he was pres-
auction and other activities. ent at the start of Palladium Books!)
Three days of non-stop Palladium gaming, laughs and fun. - Carmen Bellaire (Writer; Powers Unlimited 1-3, Splicers®)
- Joseph Bergmans (Honorary Staff Member, Helper and Con-
100+ Gaming Events: sultant)
- After the Bomb® - Phase World®/Three Galaxies™ - James Brown (Game Master Supreme, Megaversal Ambassa-
- Beyond the Supernatural™ - Rifts® dor)
- Dead Reign™ - Rifts® Chaos Earth® - Kent Burles (Artist)
- Heroes Unlimited™ - Robotech® - Nick Bradshaw (Artist)
- Nightbane® - Robotech® RPG Tactics™
- Braden Campbell (Writer; Fleets, Thundercloud Galaxy, The
- Ninjas & Superspies™ - Splicers®
- Palladium Fantasy RPG®
- and more . . .
- Steven Dawes (Writer; Dark Places, The Rifter®)
! Plus open gaming at the main site and designated hotel. - Greg Diaczyk (Writer; Rifts Lemuria and The Rifter®)
! Game with the very people who make your favorite games - Mark Dudley (Artist)
and sourcebooks like Kevin Siembieda, Julius Rosenstein, - Carl Gleba (Writer: Megaverse® in Flames, Minion War series,
Brandon Aten, Carmen Bellaire, Matthew Clements, Greg and many others, and awesome G.M.)
Diaczyk, Carl Gleba, and others. - Chris Guertin (Honorary Staff Member/Helper)
! No fees for the individual games or panel talks. ALL events - Jeffry Scott Hansen (Writer & Author; Warpath)
are covered under the price of admission. - Irvin Jackson (Writer & Artist)
! Meet 40+ Palladium creators – the largest gathering of Pal- - Doug Lamberson (Honorary Staff Member/Helper; tentative)
ladium creators in the world! Most available every day, - Lonnie Langston (G.M. and Megaversal Ambassador; tentative)
the entire day. - “Madman” Mike Leonard (Artist and Writer)
! Chat with Palladium artists and writers from across the - Allen Manning (Artist)
country. - Brian Manning (Artist)
! Get autographs from all the Palladium creators. - Mike Majestic (Artist)
! Live panel talks and interviews. - Mike Mumah (Artist)
! Events from 9:00 A.M. to 12:30 A.M. (possibly longer). For - Apollo Okamura (Artist)
you all-night gamers, gaming continues at the hotel. - John Philpott (Writer)
! Live auction (Saturday evening) with rare, out of print - Ben Rodriguez (Artist)
books, original artwork, proofreader copies of manu- - Jeff “NMI” Ruiz (Palladium Online Administrator)
- Charles Walton (Artist) Check or Money Order by Mail: Sent via the USPS or other
- Taylor White (Writer and Musician) delivery service. Send check or money order to:
- And we’ll try to get more creators to join the fun. Palladium Books
Note: No Costume Contest. We’re skipping the costume Dept. POH
contest, unless we hear from a large number of you who were 39074 Webb Court
planning to compete. Westland, MI 48185-7606
Please include your FULL address and apartment number.
Price of Admission Also include the complete NAME of EACH person you are or-
dering a ticket for, as well as your telephone number in case there
Advance Ticket Purchase Guarantees Your Admission – May is a problem and we need to contact you.
15, 16 & 17, 2015 (VIP Night, May 14, 2015 is an additional day All tickets are be sold on a first come, first served basis,
and extra cost of $87). so get your reservations in as soon as possible! Due to space and
! 3-Day Weekend Admission: Friday, Saturday and Sunday parking limitations and safety concerns, attendance will be lim-
– $45 per person ited to approximately 350 admission tickets.
! Friday Only – $25 Cancellation: You can cancel your Open House or V.I.P. or-
! Saturday Only – $25 der up to March 1, 2015 and get a FULL refund. But please don’t
place an order unless you REALLY think you’ll be able to attend.
! Sunday Only (the day ends at 5:00 PM) – $12
Order early to guarantee your place at the 2015 Palladium
! VIP Thursday (this is an ADDITIONAL cost) – $87 – if you Open House. Ordering early also gets you a lower cost, and peace
are planning to attend the rest of the weekend you’ll need to get of mind.
a weekend admission as well. VIP Thursday is limited to around We NEED to know in advance how many gamers are coming
100 people plus the Palladium Staff and Freelancers. You get so we have enough games and events to keep everyone busy. The
the delicious meal catered by Palladium’s very own Kathy Sim- sooner you order, the better for Palladium. Credit Cards will be
mons (people rave about her meal), plus you get an extra af- charged immediately, but you can get a refund up to March 1, 2015.
ternoon and evening of gaming (opens late afternoon), a more All “advance” reservations must be in by April 12, 2015. A
intimate chance to talk with Palladium staff, artists and writers, name must be assigned to each ticket. No refunds for cancella-
and first crack at rare collectibles, prints and original art. tions after March 1, 2015. No refunds for no-shows.
$45 per person for the Three Day Weekend (Friday, Sat- Tickets will be available at the door, provided there is still
urday & Sunday) when ordered in advance per each individual. room! Kathy Simmons will be handling reservations and tickets,
($60 at the door and after April 12, 2015, if space is available.) so you know everything will be timely and organized.
$25 for Friday, 9:00 AM till Closing (about midnight). Same
price at the door, if space is available. Open House Hotel
$25 for Saturday, 9:00 AM till Closing (about midnight). $109.00 per night – Reserve your room as soon as possible.
Same price at the door, if space is available. If you know you are coming, reserve your room NOW. The ho-
$12 for Sunday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Same price at the door, tel does not charge your credit card till the day of the event and
if space is available. you can cancel up to a few days before the event. No risk. No
$87 additional for VIP Night – Thursday – May 14, 2014. cost to you now. And you guarantee your room. Furthermore, the
The VIP Night always sells out within weeks, so make your res- number of rooms with double beds is limited. Book your room
ervation as soon as possible. First-come, first-served. VIP Night NOW to get this great price and location (five minutes from the
is a special, one-evening event limited to around 100 gamers – 60 Palladium office).
are available right now. VIP Thursday, May 14, 2014: 3:00 P.M.
till 12:00 P.M. This event sells out every year in a week or two Hotel information:
(sometimes in a day or two). NOTE: As has become tradition, we $109.00 (plus tax) per night at the Comfort Inn, a.k.a.
hold 30 VIP slots to be offered at a later date – typically February “Plymouth Clock Tower Hotel.” That’s $109 (plus tax) for a
– so that gamers who decide to attend at a later date have a chance room with two queen beds or one king with a sofa that has a pull-
at getting into the coveted VIP Night too. out sleeper. ALL rooms have a micro-fridge, FREE high-speed
wired/wireless Internet and there is a FREE hot breakfast from 6
Methods of Payment A.M. to 10 A.M. near the lobby.
Placing Your Order: Please include your FULL address and Comfort Inn
apartment number. Also include the complete NAME of EACH 40455 Ann Arbor Road
person you are ordering a ticket for, as well as your telephone Plymouth, MI 48170
number in case there is a problem and we need to contact you. Phone: 734-455-8100
Credit Cards: Visa, MasterCard and most credit cards are Group Code: Palladium Books – you MUST request the
accepted. All Credit Card orders must include: Credit Card No. Group Code “Palladium Books” at the time of booking to ensure
– Name on the card – Address of the Credit Cardholder – Expira- the correct rate will be quoted and billed to you.
tion Date – Telephone Number of the cardholder. Dates of the 2015 Palladium Open House (POH): May 15-
By Telephone: Call (734) 721-2903 – have your credit card 17 (May 14 is VIP Thursday), 2015. May 14 is V.I.P. Night.
information ready. You may place your reservation online in a - Plenty of places to eat just down the road (Denny’s, Wen-
similar way as placing a book order or you may use Palladium’s dy’s, McDonald’s, 275 Restaurant, and many others).
order line (734) 721-2903. - Palladium Books – 39074 Webb Court – Westland, MI 48185
Coming Attractions Ordering from Palladium Books: You can also order direct-
ly from Palladium Books, but you will pay extra for shipping. For
customers with access to a computer, we recommend ordering
online to get the most accurate shipping costs and more shipping
Palladium’s 2014 Release Checklist options (or by telephone; 734-721-2903, order line only). For
customers without such access, use the following “mail order”
Recent Releases process.
- Rifts® World Book 34: Northern Gun™ Two – Available
1. Send the cost of the books or items being ordered. 2. In the
USA: Add $5 for orders totaling $1-$50 to cover shipping and
- The Rifter® #65
handling. Add $9 for orders totaling $51-$100. Add $15 for or-
- The Rifter® #66
ders totaling $101-$200. Outside the USA: Double the shipping
- Palladium Fantasy RPG® – Back in Print
amount for orders going to Canada, and triple it for overseas or-
- Palladium Fantasy RPG® 30th Anniversary Hardcover –
ders. Any and all additional costs incurred as a result of customs
Available only from Palladium Books.
fees and taxes are the responsibility of the foreign customer, NOT
- Heroes Unlimited™ RPG 30th Anniversary Hardcover –
Palladium Books.
Available only from Palladium Books.
3. Make checks or money orders payable to Palladium Books.
- Heroes Unlimited™ RPG – Back in Print
4. Please make sure to send us your complete and correct ad-
August 2014 dress. Note: These costs are for the least expensive and slowest
- Rifts® Megaverse® in Flames™ – Available now! method of shipping only. Allow 2-4 weeks for delivery. Order
- Future Visions™ – The Artistry of Charles Walton II – online or call the office for a superior but more costly shipping
Available now! method.
- Palladium Fantasy RPG® “Paper Miniatures” – Available now!
- The Rifter® #67 – Available now!
September 2014 (on the way from China)
- Rifts® Megaverse® in Flames™ Gold Edition
- Robotech® RPG Tactics™ Box Game – September 29
- Six Robotech® RPG Tactics™ Expansion Packs – Sept. 29
October 2014
- Dead Reign™ Sourcebook 5: Graveyard Earth™
- The Rifter® #68
- Palladium Fantasy RPG®: Bizantium and the Northern Is-
lands™ (tentative)
November 2014
- Robotech®: Expeditionary Force Marines Sourcebook One
- Rifts® Chaos Earth®: Rise of Magic™ – Back in Print (tenta-
Also in Development for 2014-2015
- Rifts® Chaos Earth® Sourcebook: First Responders
- Rifts® Chaos Earth® Sourcebook: Resurrection
- Rifts® Coalition States: Heroes of Humanity™ Sourcebook
- Rifts® Secrets of Atlantis™ Sourcebook
- Beyond the Supernatural™ Sourcebook: Beyond Arca-
- Beyond the Supernatural™ Sourcebook: Tomes Gro-
- Rifts® sourcebooks
- Splicers® sourcebooks (tentative)
- Heroes Unlimited™ sourcebook (tentative) Available now – Rifts® World Book 34:
- Palladium Fantasy® sourcebooks (tentative)
- Robotech®: Expeditionary Force Marines™ Sourcebook Northern Gun™ Two
Two (tentative) Rifts® Northern Gun™ Two is an epic World Book that
Palladium RPGs are available in many hobby and game contains a wealth of information, power armor suits, ride armor,
stores around the world. We encourage people to support their drones, vehicles and gear from the largest arms dealer on the con-
local stores. Going to a store enables you to see the product be- tinent: Northern Gun™. Plus details about the Robot Gladiatorial
fore purchasing it, and many stores are happy to place special or- Arena whose battles are being televised throughout Michigan,
ders for you, provided you pay in advance, enabling you to avoid Canada and the Chi-Town ‘Burbs. May be used with Northern
the cost of shipping and possible damage in the mail. Gun™ One or as a standalone sourcebook.

! 30+ NG power armor suits; an expansive range. ! 50+ Soulmancy Spells.
! 30+ suits of M.D.C. body armor and 20+ types of armored ! Lord Kreelo and Megaversal Armaments.
clothing. ! 40+ new weapons, armor and vehicles including the Walk-
! NG robot haulers and drones. ing Death, Meat Grinder, Carnage Tank, Flesh Armor,
! NG combat vehicles and amphibious watercraft. Bone Armor, Chaos Warrior Armor, charms, talismans,
! NG hovercycles, aircraft, jet packs and ground vehicles. guns and more.
! Robot Gladiator O.C.C. and robot gladiators. ! Demonic armies, strongholds and places of evil.
! The Robodome – Robot Gladiatorial Arena. ! Calgary, the Kingdom of Monsters.
! Pirates, amphibious gear and more. ! Rifts® Cuba/Ciudad de Diablo, Harpies’ Island and other
! Interior Artwork by Chuck Walton, Nick Bradshaw, and notable Hell holes on Earth.
others. ! Seven Demon Lords, their Hell Pits and armies.
! Wraparound cover by John Zeleznik. ! Seven Deevil Lords, their Hell Pits and plans.
! Written by Matthew Clements and Kevin Siembieda. ! Lord Doom, Pain and other forces in the Minion War.
! 256 pages – $26.95 retail – Cat. No. 888. Available now! ! It is battleground Earth! Ideas for adventures galore.
! Written by Carl Gleba. A part of the Minion War™ “Cross-
over” series.
! 192 pages – $24.95 retail – Cat. No. 876. Available now.

NEW! Megaverse® in Flames™

“Gold Edition” – Ships September
This book has so much cool stuff in it, we thought it deserved
the Gold Hardcover treatment. Printed gold foil on black leather-
ette, signed by the Palladium staff, Matthew Clements and Chuck
Walton. (You can get Carl Gleba’s signature at the Palladium
Open House next May.)
! Limited to 300 signed and numbered copies.
! Signed and numbered on the credits page by Kevin Siem-
bieda and the Palladium staff. We’ll get Matthew Clements
and Chuck Walton to sign as well.
! Black Leatherette cover with gold foil imprinting.
! Interior pages are exactly the same as the softcover edition.
! Written by Carl Gleba. Additional text by Kevin Siem-
! Hardcover art by Nick Bradshaw.
! 192 pages – $50 while supplies last – Cat. No. 876HC – only
available direct from Palladium Books. Sorry, this product
is not available in stores.
! Ships September.

Palladium Fantasy RPG®

“Paper Miniatures” – available now
Available now! Rifts® World Book 35:
Palladium Fantasy RPG® “Paper Miniatures” is a new
Megaverse® in Flames™ digital product line created by artist and writer “Madman” Mike
The Minion War is here and the demons seek to conquer Rifts Leonard. They are designed as full color paper game pieces that
Earth. They are bringing demonic armies by the tens of thousands you print on a card stock, cut out and slide into a paper stand (all
across the dimensional divide, unleashing plagues, seeking out part of the package you purchase). A FREE Sample and the first
magic artifacts, recruiting monsters and mortal allies, and test- two sets of Palladium Fantasy RPG® Paper Miniatures are
ing their strength against Earth’s military powers. Worse, they available NOW on
are building Hell Pits so that they can unleash Hell on Earth! In a couple weeks a Great Horned Dragon will be added,
Not to be outdone, the Minions of Dyval are doing all the same and two more Volumes are coming in the next month or two.
things. Clashes between demons and Deevils are increasing every And don’t forget, first edition rules of the Palladium Fantasy
day and turn into titanic free-for-alls when Earth forces join the RPG® and several sourcebooks (and 90+ other titles including
battle. As demonic supernatural forces ramp up, enslave people the Rifts® and Splicers® RPGs) are also available as PDFs.
and wreak havoc across the globe, the question becomes: Is this Have fun.
the beginning of a new Dark Age? ! Palladium Fantasy RPG® “Paper Miniatures” FREE
! Seven Hell Plagues. Sample.
! Soulmancer and Blood Warrior O.C.C.s as NPC villains.
! Volume One: O.C.C.s – 24 O.C.C.s representing each of the ! All interior art is black and white.
primary character classes – Men-at-Arms, Men of Magic, ! Splicers® art galore.
Clergy and Psychics. ! Color cover by Charles Walton.
28mm figures with a one inch base. ! Introduction by Kevin Siembieda.
All figures are designed in full color and look great. ! Behind the scenes insight by Siembieda and Walton.
$5.99 for the PDF download. ! 96 pages – $13.95 retail – Cat. No. 2562 – Available now.
! Volume Two: Monster Races – 28 R.C.C.s representing 4
Trolls, 4 Ogres, 8 Orcs, 8 Goblins and 4 Hob-Goblins. More
nonhuman races to come.
28mm scale figures.
All figures are designed in full color and look great.
$5.99 for the PDF download.

Coming Soon
! Great Horned Dragon. 28mm scale figure with a 10 inch
wingspan. Designed in full color. $3.99 for the PDF down-
! Coming – Volume Three: Additional O.C.C.s
! Coming – Volume Four: Skeletons and Undead

Dead Reign™ Sourcebook 5:

Graveyard Earth™ – Ships October
When the dead rise and communications and power grids col-
lapse, nothing matters except your own survival. But what about
the rest of the world? What’s happening in other places? Has any
government survived? Is anyplace safe? Dead Reign™ Grave-
yard Earth™ tries to answer those questions and others. And in
doing so, provides gamers and G.M.s with more fuel for adven-
! Zombie World Tour – How the Wave and the Zombie
Apocalypse have played out across the globe.
! A Thousand Miles of Dead – Getting home from abroad in
a world of zombies.
Future Visions™ ! American military forces overseas and their journey home.
The Artistry of Charles Walton II – Available now ! Alternative campaign settings and Random Campaign Set-
Future Visions is a glimpse into the future of what is coming ting tables.
from Palladium Books. It is jam-packed with black and white ! Random Encounters by Region and Random Survivor
artwork and concept art for several of the upcoming Splicers® Leaders.
sourcebooks and a couple other Palladium projects. People can’t ! Level of Zombie Threat table. Zombies and exposure to
seem to get enough of Chuck Walton’s artwork, so here is an en- the elements.
tire 96 page, black and white book filled with it. ! Walled cities and other Alternative Safe Havens.
! A 96 page trip into the future. ! Car problems, aircraft landing conditions and encounters
! All artwork is by Charles Walton II. on the road and by sea.
! Written by Matthew Clements. Cover by E.M. Gist.
! 48-64 pages – $12.95 retail (tentative) – Cat. No. 235. Ships ! The Iceborn, a forgotten race who worships death, uses un-
Fall (shooting for October, 2014). In final development; dead sea serpents as ships, and threatens Bizantium from
page count and date of release yet to be determined. the North.
! New animals and sea serpents of the North Sea and Sea of
The Rifter® #68 ! Sea serpent generation table for creating your own sea
Every issue of The Rifter® is an idea factory that helps play-
ers and Game Masters to generate new ideas and keep their games
! Political intrigue as Noble Houses, Warlocks and foreign
powers all try to subvert the king and claim the throne of
fresh. It provides useful, ready to go, source material gamers can
Bizantium for themselves!
just drop into their ongoing games. A doorway to new possibili-
ties and numerous Palladium role-playing worlds. It offers new
! Written by Glen Evans with additional text by Kevin Siem-
bieda and Matthew Clements.
characters, O.C.C.s, powers, magic, weapons, adventure and
ideas for your games. It presents new villains, monsters and dan-
! 160 pages – $20.95 retail (page count and price are subject
to change) – Cat. No. 474 – Fall release.
gers to battle, and new ideas to consider. Every issue has material
for Rifts® and at least two or three other Palladium game lines.
The Rifter® #68 – Autumn, 2014: Robotech®: Expeditionary
! Heroes Unlimited™ source material. Force Marines Sourcebook One
! Rifts® Megaverse® in Flames™ adventure/source mate-
rial. Robotech®: Expeditionary Force Marines sourcebook is
! Optional source material for 2-5 settings. set in space with the UEEF (United Earth Expeditionary Force)
! News, coming attractions, product descriptions and more. led by Admiral Rick Hunter. This valiant force of mecha-clad
! 96 pages – $13.95 retail – Cat. No. 168. October or Novem- heroes travel across the galaxy liberating planets from the bond-
ber release. age of the Invid Regent, the Robotech Masters and other tyrants
and monsters.
Coming for the Palladium Fantasy RPG®: ! New mecha and weapons of the UEEF Marines.
! New UEEF Marine character classes and background.
Bizantium and the Northern Islands™ ! Alien species and allies.
! Planet hopping, adventure and much more.
Journey to the Island Kingdom of Bizantium, situated at the ! Epic battles and adventure ideas galore.
far northern peak of the Palladium World. Its vast fleets of mer- ! Written by Irvin Jackson. Additional text by Kevin Siem-
chant vessels and warships travel the high seas and bring untold bieda.
wealth back to the kingdom, as well as exotic goods, people, ! 160 pages – $20.95 retail – Cat. No. 553 – Fall release
customs, weapons and foreign magic. With rich, ambitious Mer- (shooting for November).
chant-Princes all around him, Bizantium’s colonies on the Shad-
ow Coast in a state of near-revolt, and powers from the Western
Empire to the Eastern Territory trying to exert their influence on
the throne, the oblivious King Raedaen IV is in troubled waters –
and the sharks are starting to gather.
! Full timeline of the history of Bizantium, from its mythi-
cal founding to the kings, queens and high priests of the
Northern Islands.
! Bizantian society, culture, religion and attitudes towards
non-humans and magic.
! The Eoten, the traditional inhabitants of the Northern Is-
lands, their mythology and influence on modern-day Bi-
! The Northern Islands described in full, cities and geogra-
phy as well as threats to sailors in the North Sea and Sea
of Despair.
! Bizantium’s many shipyards, possibly the kingdom’s
greatest asset.
! Key figures of Bizantium, from King Raedaen IV to the

Robotech® RPG Tactics™

long list of people eager to replace him.
! New O.C.C.s including the Serpent Chaser and Bizantium
! New weapons and equipment for sailors, mariners, soldiers The sample of Robotech® RPG Tactics™ is in our hands
and adventurers at large. and the final product is fantastic. Everyone who has seen it goes
! New Bizantium ships including the Bireme, Ice Breaker absolutely wild over it. We believe Robotech® RPG Tactics™
and Battleship. will be HUGE.

Reminder, all Palladium Robotech® products can be sold and
distributed to the EU (European Union), Australia, New Zea-
land and Canada. That’s everything from the RPG book titles to
Robotech® RPG Tactics™ and expansion packs.
Robotech® RPG Tactics™ is a fast-paced, tabletop combat
game that captures the action and adventure of the Robotech®
anime. Two or more players can engage in small squad skirmish-
es or scale up to massive battles. Relive the clashes of the First
Robotech War, engage in stand-alone tactical games, or use the
dynamic game pieces to enhance your Robotech® RPG experi-
ence. Or simply collect your favorite mecha from an expanding
range of top-notch game pieces.
Mecha vs Mecha. Take command of the fighting forces of the
United Earth Defense Force (UEDF) valiantly defending Earth
from alien annihilation. Or lead the massive clone armies of the
Zentraedi Armada to recover an alien artifact of immense power
and enslave humankind.

Robotech® RPG Tactics™ Box Set – Cat. No. 55100

! Size of Box: 11.5 inches by 11.5 inches by 6 inches tall.
! 112 page, full color, softcover rule book. Includes a compre-
hensive 15 page color guide (more than 100 images) for all
Macross mecha in the series. UEDF Valkyrie Wing
! 24 Battle Dice, 12 UEDF and 12 Zentraedi. Build your fleet of Earth defenders with the Valkyrie Veritech
! 53 color game cards (unit cards, etc.). Fighter; six figures total.
! 4x VF-1A Valkyries (in Fighter, Guardian, and Battloid ! 2 Valkyries in Fighter mode.
modes). ! 2 Valkyries in Guardian mode.
! 1x VF-1J “Officer” in all three modes. ! 2 Valkyries in Battloid mode.
! 4x Destroids: 2 Tomahawks and 2 Defenders. ! Multiple heads for making the VF-1A, VF-1J, VF-1R and
! 12x Regult Zentraedi Battlepods. VF-1S.
! 1x Glaug Officer’s Battlepod. ! Plastic game pieces require assembly and painting.
! 1x Quel-Regult Recon Battlepod. ! Not a toy. Small parts, not suitable for children under the
age of 13.
! 1x Quel-Gulnau Recovery Pod. ! Cat. No. 55201 – $36.95 retail.
! 1/285th (6 mm) scale, high quality, multi-pose plastic game
pieces (40mm to 70mm tall). World-class sculpts from sculp-
tors around the world.
! Game rules use D6.
! Turn-based system of play.
! Scalable from small squad skirmishes to mass battles. Can
accommodate two to several players.
! Combat is fast and designed to emulate the anime action.
! Measuring tape required to determine targets and distance.
! Small parts and some assembly required. Game pieces
come unpainted.
! Brought to you by Palladium Books®, created with Ninja
Division (the creative minds behind Soda Pop Miniatures and
Cipher Studios).
! Retail Release Date: September/October, 2014.
! $99.95 retail price – Cat. No. 55100 (Main Box Game). UEDF Tomahawk/Defender Destroids
Expand your Destroid squad with these formidable walking
The First Six Robotech ® tanks; four figures total.
! 2 Tomahawk Destroids – the main battle tank of Destroids,
RPG Tactics™ Expansion Packs brimming with powerful particle beam cannons for arms, and
The first six expansion packs will be available to retail at the wielding a battery of missiles and an array of other weapons.
same time as the main box game. Here are the “official” SKUs ! 2 Defender Destroids – a long-range, anti-aircraft juggernaut
and retail prices. capable of shooting down incoming Zentraedi Battlepods and
Gnerl Fighters.

! Plastic game pieces require assembly and painting. ! Plastic game pieces require assembly and painting.
! Not a toy. Small parts, choking hazard. Not recommended ! Not a toy. Small parts, choking hazard. Not recommended
for children under the age of 13. Adult supervision advised. for children under the age of 13. Adult supervision advised.
! Cat. No. 55202 – $32.95 retail. ! Cat. No. 55401 – $36.95 retail.

Zentraedi Artillery Battlepods

Give your Zentraedi legion greater firepower with these artil-
lery and support Battlepods; four figures total.
! 4 Zentraedi Support Battlepods, each of which can be
made into any of the following:
Gluuhaug-Regult – Light Artillery Battlepod
Serauhaug-Regult – Heavy Artillery Battlepod
Telnesta-Regult – Experimental Particle Beam Battlepod
UEDF Spartan/Phalanx Destroids Four figures total.
Add some long-range power and up-close punch to your army ! Plastic game pieces require assembly and painting.
with these valuable Destroids; four figures total. ! Not a toy. Small parts, choking hazard. Not recommended
! 2 Spartan Destroids – civil defense, riot control and deadly in for children under the age of 13. Adult supervision advised.
hand to hand combat. ! Cat. No. 55402 – $36.95 retail.
! 2 Phalanx Destroids – a walking, long-range missile artillery
! Plastic game pieces require assembly and painting.
! Not a toy. Small parts, choking hazard. Not recommended
for children under the age of 13. Adult supervision advised.
! Cat. No. 55203 – $32.95 retail.

Zentraedi Glaug Command

! 1 Glaug Officer’s Battlepod – the fast and deadly mecha of
Zentraedi field leaders.
! 1 Quel-Regult Scout Battlepod – the stealthy eyes and ears
of your Zentraedi battle force; electronic warfare capabilities.
! 1 Quel-Gulnau Recovery Pod – enhances the Glaug’s ability
Zentraedi Regult Battlepods to bring in Battlepod reinforcements. Note: This figure has
Expand your Zentraedi forces with their main infantry battle NEVER before been offered by any company.
mecha; six figures total. ! Plastic game pieces require assembly and painting.
! 6 Regult Tactical Battlepods – the lightning quick Regults, ! Not a toy. Small parts, choking hazard. Not suitable for
armed with a pair of particle cannons and auto-cannons, attack children under the age of 13. Adult supervision advised.
in wave after wave. ! Cat. No. 55403 – $36.95 retail.
House Pandorum:
The Chaos Spreads
Optional Source Material for the Splicers® RPG By Kris Tipping

(Again; Game Master’s eyes only!) At some point during your game, Hope can make a vital break-
through, the key element towards the manifestation of psychic
abilities, the Photonic Nervous System.
Progress Made Physical Enhancement – Photonic Nervous System
After years of research and countless failed experiments, Li-
A quick lesson in Anatomy & Physiology: The way our nerve
brarian Hope came to the realization that the human brain, in its
cells (neurons) communicate is via wires called Dendrites (in-
current form, could not develop psychic abilities. The brain is a
formation towards the cell) & Axons (information away from the
bad processor and is not efficient. The Nervous System needed
cell). These wires use a charge difference between Sodium & Po-
to be completely redesigned; requiring faster and more efficient
tassium to conduct an electrical signal along the wires.
communication lines between neurons, and she has come up with
Though this method of signal transfer can be fast, the Photonic
a revolutionary design to resolve these issues.
Nervous System is the equivalent of Organic Fiber Optics.
What this means is; for the Sensory Division of your nervous of two pairs at a time, with the same time frame between batches
system (Afferent Division), you become aware more quickly to and the same number of batches.
changes in the internal & external environments (sounds, vibra- It is suggested that once Hope realizes that the Photonic Ner-
tion, wind direction, pressure, temperature, injury/trauma etc.). vous System is the solution, that in Origins such as In Bed/League
For your Motor Division (Efferent Division), faster signals with the Enemy, or The Devil Within, she may need to sever ties
will be sent to muscles & glands; and in the game context, signals and vanish, or take control.
to the weapons as well.
Bonuses: +4 to Perception, +3 to Initiative, Automatic Dodge
& Parry, +4 to automatic dodge, +2 to parry, +2 to strike, +2 to Is it a Day Care or a Prison?
dodge and +2 attacks, +4 to roll will punch or fall, +4 to pull “When you accept that some plans may fail, you can plan to
punch, +2D6+8 Spd, and P.P. 14+2D4 (minimum of 18). minimize their ramifications.” – Librarian Hope
Important Note: This form of enhancement cannot be selected.
This is because the Nervous System has been redesigned on a “If you don’t plan for failure, you are doomed to fail.” – Cha-
genetic level, so anyone with this system has to be born with it. os Lord
The House might even go to the lengths of introducing another
Engineer (called Chronos) solely for producing Neo-Sapien test Failure should be expected in any plan or research attempt,
subjects in an effort to minimize the potential corruption of the but a failure in this plan could be the escape of an uncontrollable
gene-pools of Typhus and Cyclonus. force, something they wish to never occur.
Pandorum is at a critical junction on the path to achieving their
goal and much can go wrong. Hope has already considered the
The Beginning of the End possibility that her goal might never come to fruition, as there
are many unknown factors, especially when you are reaching so
“We have finally found the path, and taken our first steps on far into the future and attempting to manifest it in the present.
the journey towards a new beginning.” – Librarian Hope But that doesn’t deter her from attempting to achieve what she
This journey that they are now on will be a long road, but now Raising children which have the potential to cause consid-
they have the fundamental piece of the design, and their determi- erable destruction with the power of their mind alone can be a
nation and vigilance have been given new vigor. daunting thought; so the House will implement measures that
This new Nervous System is completely uncharted territory would put maximum security prisons to shame. They will go
in the evolution of the human race, and attempting to manifest above and beyond to keep the test subjects veritable prisoners
psychic abilities in a world that has never witnessed them before while maintaining the illusion that it is not a prison. Pandorum is
(going on the premise that no psychic R.C.C.s from other dimen- constantly focused on:
sions have visited) introduces a dangerous amount of unpredict- 1. The safety of the personnel of the House (this does not in-
able variables into the process. clude the Scarecrows or worker Biotics).
Because of these variables, Hope has decided not to introduce 2. The secrecy of the plan. A major component of this is fo-
age accelerators into the gene sequence. What this means for the cused around the potential escape of a test subject.
plot is that Pandorum will be producing infants that will be raised Pandorum is trying to bring about a potential evolutionary
by the House. path for the human race that would have taken millions of years
IMPORTANT NOTE: Any infant Neo-Sapien born will to develop naturally.
only be raised by Pandorum itself. No front of any form will ever Let your imagination run free; there are countless ways the
be involved. House could respond to an escaped test subject, but bear in mind
How do you train a psychic? Because psychic abilities are not that containing the situation quickly and silently is the key.
native to Splicers, there is no basis for comparison, no guide. It is Quickly, because the longer a test subject is a fugitive, the
this element that will slow progress to a crawl. They have to in- greater the chances of someone seeing something.
vent and continually assess the exercises and tests (both physical Silently, because even if you plan to bury them by rigging their
and mental) they will employ for the development of the desired underground habitat with explosives, an explosion of consider-
psychic abilities. able size will be detected by both Splicers and the Machine.
Progress will also be slowed because Hope has decided that The Children of Chaos will definitely play a big role in secur-
they will only be producing a small number of test subjects at a ing their territory and the test subjects.
time. This decision is based on the logical management of one out The environment needs to feel safe, secure and with the free-
of control psychic, compared to twenty. dom to move around, but still dangerous and cautious due to the
Hope assumes that some form of psychic ability should begin ever-present threats from the Machine and monsters (some even
to manifest in the teenage years, but they honestly don’t know (a made by Pandorum) that stalk everywhere topside.
dangerous assumption that they may learn from quickly). For example, each pair of test subjects could be housed in their
As a guide, Hope will initially order the creation of only 2 of own self-sustaining underground habitat that is not far from the
these humans at a time, one male and one female, and another House’s primary base, and Hope has to go topside to reach the
pair every second year, until there are three to four batches (6 – 8 habitat in order to carry out her tests.
subjects of varying ages) of test subjects. Any explosion of significant size (even underground) will def-
Once they have established some level of understanding as to initely draw attention, especially due to seismic activity, so the
the direction of the exercises and tests, they may go to the level House could go with alternatives, such as:
! Flooding the chambers with water, acid, magma, liquid con-
crete or even resin.
Hell of Our Own Making
! Belly of the Whale: Like the story of Jonah and the whale, “Even we tread carefully in the hell of our own making.” –
the living quarters could actually be the inside of the hollow Chaos Lord
organs of a new type of Splicer creation that can collapse the
“We balance on the tip of the Devil’s tooth, his maw eagerly
space similar to how a stomach contracts the muscles in its
anticipating; and his belly always hungry.” – Librarian Hope
walls to mechanically break down the food.
! Multiple forms of gas. Attention is something they wish to avoid at all costs, but
! Each subject has some form of Splicer-created organism im- delving into the mind’s potential is fraught with danger.
planted in their body or attached to their skin, rigged to ex- If you wish to have Pandorum only as a short story arc in your
plode or introduce a poison or toxin into their system. game, the following is a list of suggestions for story plots focus-
ing on the chaos that Pandorum unleashes upon itself, which can
filter out into the game, increasing the chances of themselves and/
The Illusion of Control or their plan being discovered. Here you could introduce a little
chaos into House Pandorum itself by:
Until Hope is absolutely certain that the Neo-Sapiens have ! Adding age accelerators into the gene sequence and creating
developed, and more importantly, learnt to control their psychic some unforeseen effect to the development of the Photonic
abilities, she will not introduce the other desired traits into the Nervous System.
genome. This will keep the test subjects physically frail, which ! Create an initial batch of say 20-100 test subjects, allow them
simplifies the management of any dangerous test subjects; at least to develop psychic abilities during childhood and then let
that is what they believe, as again, the psychic element introduces them lose control.
unpredictable variables. ! There could be a miscommunication between Hope and the
Engineer and one or all of the other desired traits are put into
The Web of Chaos Grows the gene sequence at the beginning, making the test subjects
The following is a potential story plot that the Game Master can too powerful too soon. Or when she introduces the other de-
choose to implement into his game for House Pandorum. Librarian sired traits into the gene sequence, it causes some unexpected
Hope might be finding it quite a mounting challenge to develop and negative side effect, creating something worse than the Furies.
perfect the many elements that she wishes to incorporate into her ! The additional Librarians know of the plan, or their curiosity
Neo-Sapiens and also create new and ever more terrifying plants gets the better of them and they begin investigating. If any of
and Template Biotics. This could cause her to outsource certain them are captured, they could reveal the plan. Or they diverge
elements to trusted Librarians. This could be designing new Biotics from the plan and have ideas of their own. One or more could
or plants or even a part of the design for the Neo-Sapien. even vanish and start their own personal research.
These Librarians could be disillusioned individuals from nearby ! The measures implemented to contain the test subjects are in-
Houses, or ones born from the Saints of House Pandorum. They adequate and one or more escape. Any discovered will raise
might stay and work alongside Hope; or they could leave and es- questions and draw the attention of unwanted eyes.
tablish a Cell, enabling them to spread the chaos whilst contribut- ! The Maidens imprint too deeply onto their charge and they
ing to the design. Each Cell would be responsible for one element help one of their children escape.
of the design, and they would be in constant contact with Hope.
The Cell could create a front, such as a band of savage Waste Hook, Line & Sinker: Heavy Heart
Crawlers, or simply establish a research outpost deep under- One Shield Maiden (see later description) might become too
ground just on the edge of the House’s loose territory, thus ex- bonded to her charge and take measures into her own hands and
panding that territory. help a test subject escape.
Please note that though Hope might outsource certain elements Hook: Your House is visited by a number of refugees asking
of the design to trusted Librarians, she alone will be responsible to join your House; and among them will be a woman (Shield
for the psychic component. Maiden) and a child (Neo-Sapien Test Subject).
For the On Wind and Wave origin, the Librarians could easily Line: The woman will claim that she is the mother of the child
stay with the House, or another ship could be added to the fleet. and she appears to be very protective.
Keeping the Secret: The problem with outsourcing is control- Sinker: Someone or something endangers the child and the
ling the secrecy, which becomes more challenging as the number true nature of the woman is revealed; and/or the child has a psy-
of people who know grows exponentially. Unfortunately, resolv- chic outburst that will cause significant damage and loss of life.
ing the issue is not as simple as getting people to sign a confiden- The pair escapes and the hunt is on.
tiality agreement. However, this potential issue can be controlled
by not informing the Librarians of the end goal. They can be
given a task to accomplish and nothing more, or lied to about the Hook, Line & Sinker: Magic Isn’t Real
project’s true intentions. Having Hope as the only one developing Hook: Reports are coming in that there is a mysterious indi-
the psychic abilities can go a long way to hiding their goal. vidual roaming the area that has Magic Powers.
The Deliverymen and Geneticists could easily maintain the Line: A team is assembled to investigate these stories. They
communication lines between the cells; or there could be other will have to travel far and interview many, whilst also trying to
means for Hope to maintain real-time updates of their progress. track the movements of this mysterious individual.
Sinker: The team could finally track this mysterious indi- plants and saplings directly to their body, however, they give up
vidual, but he obviously does not want to be caught, and does the ability to wear Host Armor at all, the biggest sacrifice made
anything he can to make it difficult for the team to corner him. as a price of changing from one form to another.
If there is a member of the team that has Stealth Field, he may
find that this individual can always see/sense them.
If they corner and scare the individual, they might witness
New Enhancements
some form of powerful outburst. for the Gardener Biotic
They will observe that the individual is extremely fast, acro-
batic, tireless and strong.
Giving the Gift of Independence
During their investigation they are met by the Third Daughter The consensus within the Family is once they are absolutely
and an entourage of elite Scarecrows and Biotics. positive they have created their Neo-Sapien, they will not wait to
release them upon the planet; then they will step aside and walk
into the shadows. This means that, at some point, there will no
When the Time Comes longer be Engineers to provide upgrades, which means that any-
Eventually, the Children of Chaos will step out of their Host one who becomes a Non-Mind-Wiped Biotic will be capped at
Armor and become Biotics like their parents. The Family was of- a certain level of enhancement. This is an important point, even
fered this path by Librarian Hope initially to make them stronger more so for the two Gardener Daughters if they are to take on
in order to spread the chaos and aid in the plan. the mantle of being nature Elementals (as Hope has envisioned
The truth about the conversion offered by Hope is far more them).
significant than just aiding her in the plan for a new race of hu- For all their hard work topside inconspicuously securing their
mans. The Family is part of Plan B. territory and spreading the chaos beyond, Hope has created two
Even if they are successful in achieving a Neo-Sapien, it is not key improvements that will free them from the bind of requiring
a guarantee that the new race of humans will succeed in cleansing enhancements, whilst also giving them what you could describe
the planet of Machine and Splicer alike. as a flexible platform. They are Gaia’s Womb & Earthen Flesh.
Their goal is the manifestation of their unified attitude towards
the present Homo-sapiens and their hatred for the Machine. If Gaia’s Womb:
they fail in that goal, that attitude will not change; it will only The reproductive system has been modified with an organ that
find other forms. is encoded with the designs of every Splicer-created plant (more
Addendum: Every Non-Mind-Wiped Biotic created by House than most due to Pandorum‘s contributions), that can produce a
Pandorum has their physiology modified so they can survive in a seed and expel it via the navel, upon which the daughter can plant
low-oxygen environment (up to 6% oxygen) and they have inter- the seed or attach it to herself to allow it to grow into a sapling
nal gills located inside their mouth and throat, allowing them to (the seeds are precursors to the sapling).
breathe underwater. Their air lungs have a valve that shuts to stop It takes 3 hours to grow a seed in the womb (8 a day), and they
water entering, and like a crocodile, they can hold their breath for are roughly the size of a golf ball.
1D4 hours at a time. If the seed is attached to the body, it takes 24 hours for the seed
They have also been modified to live longer than most Biotics, to become a sapling (which is the standard level of maturity for
and can potentially reach 150 years in age. the plant), then the daughter can remove the sapling whenever
Becoming a Non-Mind-Wiped Biotic raises the Family above she desires to plant it.
the human race, and the Children of Chaos eagerly await their A seed planted in the soil takes 36 hours before it becomes a
transformation. sapling, upon which it follows the growth cycle as stipulated in
the plant’s description.
“I wait with eager anticipation for the day of my transforma- Note: If the Daughters plant the seeds directly into the ground,
tion, where I will rise above the pathetic, short-sighted, childish they have to make the same rolls against their Botany skill to de-
human race and become something more. I will either watch the termine the chance of the seed becoming a sapling.
new species cleanse the world of Machine and Splicer alike, or I Any new plants designed after the introduction of the womb
will deliver death and destruction down upon the world until my into the Biotic can be easily introduced into the gene matrix of
end.” – Son of Chaos the organ by an Engineer. The Engineers will continue to do this
for the Daughters until the House is disbanded following their
Please Note: For the continuity of the descriptors for the trans- success of the Neo-Sapien.
formation of the Children of Chaos, many New Enhancements
are incorporated into their unique transformation instead of being Optional Enhancement: Gaia’s Womb could have a system
removed and put into another section. that acts similar to that of the Butcher’s Organ. The Daughter
can introduce a sample of an unknown Splicer plant through the
navel, and the organ can process, record and incorporate the code
The Gardener Daughters into its matrix, enabling her to now grow the plant. If one of the
Daughters does this, they cannot produce any more seeds for
Both Daughters have informed Hope that they wish to become
three days while their Womb analyzes the sample.
Gardener Biotics. Hope has gone back to the drawing board to
provide the Daughters with abilities similar to that of their Host If you wished to introduce this design into something else that
Armor, whilst still looking humanoid but with the flexibility to is not associated with Pandorum, the enhancement would cost
change the configuration of the plants on their body. By affixing quite a considerable amount, as the gene sequence of every plant
has to be incorporated into the organ, which means the cost of during the process of growing the armor it begins to provide some
every plant has to be factored in, plus the organ itself. level of protection after 6 hours.
The seeds are encoded to the Daughter who created them as The daughters can eat the entire 44 pounds (20 kg) in one sit-
well, so they will not take seed in the flesh of anyone else, even ting, or in 11 pound (5 kg) increments over the period of a day.
their other sister. The armor’s weight is an insignificant amount for the daugh-
ter, and it is only when it reaches its full capacity that the daugh-
Earthen Flesh: ter receives any form of penalty. Much like the Dryad Biotics, the
When concerned with their new body, one thing Hope wanted bark armor develops natural blade weapons over the body (finger,
for the Daughters was not to be locked into one configuration. elbows, knees, heels and toes) that increase damage delivered by
What this means is that she didn’t want them to have plants per- those appendages during combat.
manently attached to one specific part of their body; she wanted Mega-Damage of Ablative Bark Armor as it grows on the body:
them to have a flexible platform that enables them to swap and Head: 20/40/60/80
change the types of plants and their location on the body. Main Body: 50/100/150/200
Their skin has been modified to receive the seeds from Gaia’s Arms (2): 25/50/75/100
Womb, allowing them to take root and become a sapling. How- Hands (2): 15/20/25/35
ever, once the sapling is removed from the flesh of the Biotic Legs (2): 40/80/100/125
and planted, the Biotic body does not regrow the sapling. If they Feet (2): 20/40/50/65
require another of that particular plant, they have to grow another Permanent Weapons*: 10/15/20/25
seed and plant it in their flesh. Every seed implanted into their
* Any permanent weapon attached to the daughter at the time
flesh increases their daily food requirements by 2%. So, if they
of the growth of the bark armor will incur a bonus to its base
have 20 seeds on their body, it will increase their daily food re-
M.D.C. (without interfering with its systems) at the same incre-
quirement by 40%. Their physical form should only be allowed
mental amount per the armor’s growth period, which has to be
to have 28+2D6 seeds implanted in their flesh at one time, mainly
destroyed before damage is done to the weapon.
due to available space on the skin.
Note: The number of seeds able to be implanted in the Earthen Stage 1: 11 pounds (5 kg) of food and 6 hours growth time.
Flesh is completely dependent on the size of the Daughter. They The first numbers on the list above indicates the amount of
could have up to 50–60 seeds implanted if they are 12–15 feet M.D.C. per region. The developed blade weapons now provide
(3.7-4.6 m) tall. +1D8 M.D. to strike with those appendages.
Critical Hit Note: Because the seeds grow in the skin, when Stage 2: 22 pounds (10 kg) of food. Now 12 hours into the
removed they expose underlying flesh, and though technically, process and the second number indicates the M.D.C. provided
removal doesn’t cause any damage, and the raw flesh regenerates by the armor. All bladed appendages now provide +2D6 M.D. to
quite quickly, any damage inflicted to the exposed site has an strike, and until the bark is removed the Daughters incur a penalty
increased chance of being a Critical Hit. Reduce the natural roll of –10% to any skill that requires the use of the hands.
required by 1. If you need to roll an 18 for a Critical Hit, now you
only need to roll a 17. Stage 3: 33 pounds (15 kg) of food. Now 18 hours into the
Alternative: You can make an Aimed Shot at the exposed flesh, process and the third set of numbers indicate the M.D.C. provided
but with a penalty of –2. If successful, damage is doubled. by the armor. All bladed appendages now inflict +2D6+5 M.D.
to strikes.
The ability of the skin to be receptive to seeds but not able to
regrow the sapling allows them to place whatever plant they want Stage 4: 44 pounds (20 kg) of food and 24 hours have passed.
wherever they want to (except palms, soles of feet and the face). The last number indicates the amount of M.D.C. provided. Blad-
For the various permanent weapons (such as the Pilobolus Can- ed appendages are still at +3D6 M.D.
non from The Rifter® #60), they are simply absorbed back into At this stage, the Daughters do suffer a penalty of –15% to
the body via bio-reclamation (pages 85-86 of The Rifter® #50), acrobatic skills and –17% to swimming speed due to drag caused
thus freeing up the space for a different plant. by the dimensions and texture of the bark.
Note: If the Ablative Bark Armor is active, then no new seeds Once the process to grow the armor has begun, it becomes a
can be planted into the flesh. permanent fixture for the Daughter, until it is either destroyed, or
the Daughter wishes to shed her armored flesh. If at any point the
Ablative Bark Armor: Daughter wishes to remove the armor, it takes 3 melee rounds for
This amazing ability allows the Daughters to grow their own it to detach and fall from the underlying flesh.
armor, which has to be destroyed before damage is inflicted upon Bonus: The bark armor is impervious to S.D.C. Fire and
their body below. The bark armor is form-fitting, lightweight, S.D.C. and M.D. Cold, whilst also reducing all impacts and blunt
multi-layered and overlapping, providing tremendous protection force damage inflicted by half. Edged weapons, spears, chain-
and resistance to damage. saws, etc, deal full damage.
During the process of growing the Armor, the Earthen Flesh If the daughter wishes to only develop a quick layer of the
begins to turn a dark brown and appears to dry and flake as it armor, she can incrementally increase the bark one quarter at a
thickens. time. Each level of the bark provides the same resistance, the only
For the armor to reach its maximum capacity, it takes 24 hours difference is the amount of M.D.C., the bonus to strike and the
and 44 pounds (20 kg) of organic matter to be eaten. However, potential penalties incurred.
Any level of the armor will provide a +10% bonus to Camou- Growth Time: 24 hours to grow from sapling to immature
flage in any natural environment due to the bark appearance of plant, and another 1D4 weeks to grow from immature to mature.
the armor, reduced to +5% when moving. M.D.C.: The immature plant has 15 M.D.C., while the mature
Additional Penalty: For all levels of Bark Armor, because of plant has 40 M.D.C.
the overlapping nature of the multilayered armor, no new seeds They are normally planted in nooks and crannies of rock for-
can be implanted into the wearer’s flesh. Any seeds or saplings mations or junctions and depressions in trees to at least partially
(that are not permanent weapons) already attached can either be conceal them, but it wouldn’t be hard for someone to follow the
removed, or, as the bark grows, they are depressed into the flesh sound back to its source, though it is quite disorientating and ee-
and the bark grows over them, unable to be accessed (pulled out) rie to hear her voice projected from every direction.
until the bark armor is destroyed or removed. Any seed or sapling Range: The speakers only become active when they reach ma-
that is depressed into the Daughter’s flesh does not hinder her turity, and every Speaker that is within 2 miles (3.2 km) of the
movement or physical combat. Daughter can receive her signal and broadcast her voice.

Tree of Slumber: Heartless:

This optional enhancement could be a gift from Hope to the Even with Regeneration: Superior, any severe wound to the
daughters to extend their lifespan even further than normal by heart or brain is fatal. Though Hope could not do much about
entering long periods of hibernation/stasis/dormancy. To achieve the brain, she completely redesigned the Cardiovascular System,
this, they have to cover their Earthen Flesh with the seeds of a spe- and removed the heart from it completely. The pumping mecha-
cific plant from Gaia’s Womb. Once these seeds establish them- nism of the heart has now been integrated into every main artery.
selves and become saplings, the daughter can now select a location, Much like your intestines use the muscles in their walls to move
bury herself, get comfortable and begin to grow into a tree (techni- food through your digestive tract (a process called Peristalsis),
cally, a tree grows around her), developing a root system, a main the arteries have had cardiac muscle incorporated into their walls,
trunk and multiple branches. There they enter their period of stasis, allowing them to move the blood through the system. Instead of
which can be maintained for 5D6+10 years safely cocooned within relying on a pump to do the work, the arteries themselves are now
the root system of the tree that grew around them. the pump.
During this period of stasis, their metabolic processes slow What this means for the individual is that they are impervious
down to a crawl, with one breath every few hours and one undula- to fatal heart strikes. To kill them in that fashion, you have to
tion of the new circulatory system. destroy the entire main body.
If the Game Master wishes, the Daughters could periodically Note: The removal of the heart from the cardiovascular system
enter a slumber to extend their life for an additional 30 years, as frees up some space in the chest cavity. Here you can introduce
long as the tree receives plenty of air, water and sunlight to sus- something of your own making into the design, or you could sim-
tain itself and the Daughter remains sealed inside. ply increase the lung capacity for the Biotic form, thus improving
The tree can be of any kind of significant size (Game Master’s their endurance.
choice), but as a guide, nothing much bigger in dimensions and
M.D.C. than the Deadwood Plant (see later description). Other Suggested/Recommended Enhancements:
Also when concerned with the Growth Time of the plant, fol- ! Supernatural Strength & Endurance.
low the Deadwood Growth Time for a dead tree for the time it
! Bio-Force Field.
takes for the tree to grow to its maturity.
After the allotted time of stasis, they naturally wake up and
! Additional Pairs of Eyes.
exit the tree. However, if the tree experiences significant dam- ! Advanced & Armored Eyes.
age for whatever reason, this will wake the Daughter from her ! Organic Thrusters.
slumber prematurely. ! Regeneration: Superior.
Upon waking, for the first 2 melee rounds they have no initia- ! They could maintain their natural Omnivorous Metabolism, or
tive, their number of attacks are reduced by half, they receive no if you like, you can make them herbivorous.
combat bonuses, and are penalized a –3 to strike as their eyes ! Their thermal and pheromone signature could be masked/
adjust and muscles regain flexibility. However, the Daughter’s shielded.
M.D.C. is full and their Bio-Force Field will be fully functional. ! A plant version of Lion’s Mane (see later description). It
If the Daughters periodically enter slumber, the Game Master cannot grow through the bark armor, and therefore has to be
may consider additional extensions of their life by a decade or two. grown prior. The Mane has to be destroyed before damage is
inflicted to the bark armor in those regions.
Gaia’s Voice:
This plant is a modification of the Bio-Comm Roots (page 67
of The Rifter® #50). Instead of being relays to extend the range
Third Daughter
of Bio-Comms, they act as speakers, projecting the Daughter’s The third daughter has predicted that experimentation focused
voice throughout the network, making it appear as if she is speak- on producing psychic abilities will have unforeseen dangers to
ing from all directions. the House, but more importantly, exposure of their goal.
Their throats have been modified so when they wish to speak Because of this, she has decided to become both the Nanny/
via the speakers their own voice is filtered and cannot be heard, Wet Nurse/Mother Figure/Teacher to the Neo-Sapiens, and the
while it is heard clearly and fully through the network. Hand of Death for Librarian Hope. She wishes to be a guardian
for Hope, and a protector of the secret, until the Neo-Sapiens are M.D.C.: 3D4x10+80, plus 2D6+6 M.D.C. per level of experi-
ready to take the stage. ence, starting the level after the procedure.
Ever since Hope introduced the design, the Third Daughter If they are already an M.D.C. being this is added to the origi-
has always been infatuated with the Zapper Template Biotic. So nal base. If they were an S.D.C. creature then this becomes their
she has decided that this is the path she wishes to take for her base M.D.C.
conversion. Because the Third Daughter is converted to a Zapper first, this
Modifications/Variations from the Standard Template Zapper M.D.C. is added to her base.
Design: The flesh regenerates at a rate of 2D6 every 5 minutes. For
the Third Daughter, simply follow the regeneration rate you have
! Selecting the process in which the lobes are internalized.
given her.
! Her dietary requirements have increased by only 20% from Requirements: None, other than needing to go through the gruel-
normal due to the Increased Metabolism Enhancement, which ing conversion process; something most people would be hesitant
supports her Lightning Strikes. She has had significant chang- about.
es done to her body, including modifications to her metabolic Bonuses: They are impervious to M.D fire and cold, and the
processes. flesh also provides partial resistance to Kinetic Energy/Attacks
and Physical Attacks, which inflict half damage (see descriptions
Quick Physiology Lesson: for all Resistance Enhancements as described in the Splicers®
- Carbohydrates are the only fuel source that the Nervous Sys- RPG).
tem can use for energy. Note: The skin provides all the levels of resistance without the
- You can get more energy out of the same amount of fuel if standard physical modification as described for some resistances.
more oxygen is present (aerobic metabolism). For example, Nemean Flesh does not require the heftier, blubbery
Her body can store and produce (convert) more carbohydrates appearance that those gain when selecting Resistance to Physical
to provide ample fuel for her Lightning Strikes. Attacks.
So the third daughter has had her physical body modified to Penalties:
store more carbohydrates and provide better aerobic metabolism. Acid Nodules, Chameleon Skin & Stealth Field cannot be in-
However, even with her altered body, this daughter still requires corporated into Nemean Flesh.
outside sources of nutrition and fluids for her body to sustain it- Also, once the flesh is attached, any form of enhancement
self, which is why Hope has retained some elements of an omni- (weapon, sensor etc.) that the individual wishes to have incorpo-
vore metabolism. rated into their flesh that requires a weapon port or a means to exit
The minor alterations she underwent for her Host Armor days through the flesh will cost an additional 10 Bio-E for its initial
are a great addition to her new form as she can store a consider- integration, but not for any of its enhancements or upgrades.
able amount of energy for her powers.
! She does not wish to have the Short-Range Spore Discharger, Lion’s Mane:
as she wishes to look as close to humanoid (an angel of death) This enhancement was Hope’s attempt to provide additional
as possible. protection to the head without being cumbersome or requiring
! M.D.C.: P.E. x 8, +1D6+2 per level of experience starting at prerequisites. The name of the enhancement says it all. Thick,
Level 2. tough hair grows over the scalp, neck and throat.
Bio-E: 20
New Enhancements for the M.D.C.: The hair is as thick and dense as an otter’s, providing
70 M.D.C. to the head and neck area which has to be destroyed
Hand of Death (Third Daughter) before any damage is inflicted to the head, neck and throat.
Bonuses: Impervious to M.D. Fire and Cold, and gets all the bo-
Nemean Flesh: nuses from Resistant to Kinetic Attack/Energy (as well as half-
Nemean Flesh is a revolutionary design by Hope that amal- damage from Physical Attack) as described on page 85 of the
gamates the many Resistance enhancements into an extremely Splicers® RPG. The face is still exposed though and does not
sturdy, flexible and strong skin. Named after the lion slain by receive the same bonuses as the head, neck and throat.
Hercules, the individual has to undergo a procedure similar to Penalties: Like Nemean Flesh, once this enhancement is incor-
that of the Skinjob. The process includes 3 weeks of coordinated, porated into the design, any weapon or sensory enhancement that
intentional tissue scarring, followed by partial healing treatments, they wish to place on the head or neck incurs an increase of 10
repeated over and over. This process creates a flexible yet dura- Bio-E to its initial cost as the fur of the Mane is thick and dense,
ble, callused skin plating. The scar tissue becomes natural armor taking up the entire surface of the skin. Because of this, it is sug-
and the epidermis (skin) is artistically grafted onto the scar tissue gested that it is incorporated into the design at a later date, as it
to provide a smooth and pleasing aesthetic to the individual. This will grow around any weapon or sensor in the region.
process can only be conducted by an Engineer. All three of the Daughters have the ability to shed this Mane
The final product appears to look like polished stone (color of and grow another at their discretion. If they wish to grow a mane,
skin is chosen by the individual), making them appear statuesque it takes 24 hours to reach its full thickness, and like the incremen-
and angelic, with well-defined angles to the facial features and tal bonus of the Ablative Bark Armor, the hair will provide +15
other regions of the body. M.D.C. to the head, neck and throat, per 6 hours of growth until
Bio-E: 80 it reaches its maximum of +65 M.D.C. after the 24 hour period.

Modified Chameleon Skin: in the Biotic O.C.C. that plagues most beings that are overly ex-
posed to such drastic transformations (see the Splicers® RPG).
This Chameleon Skin system works nearly the same way as
he original (page 83, Splicers® RPG), it just operates on differ-
! 2 Bio-Energy Expulsion Vents, one for each forearm, that are
as streamlined and inconspicuous as possible, with the en-
ent principles. Instead of being incorporated into the skin, there
hancement of Bio-Blades.
is a field generator system that is built into the connective tissue
that is on the surface of every bone (Periosteum). The field is not
! Organic Thrusters.
only capable of replicating Chameleon Skin but also enjoys a few
! Supernatural Strength & Endurance.
features common to the Stealth Field (page 85 of the Splicers®
! Heartless (see description).
RPG), such as becoming mostly invisible to normal vision or
! Regeneration: Superior.
infrared optics. This provides deterrence against infrared optics
! Advanced & Armored Eyes.
and targeting beams often utilized by the machines without the
prerequisite of Chameleon Skin. It costs a little more than the
original at Bio-E: 35.
The Son of Chaos
I leave his path in your capable hands. I have imagined numer-
Crystal Nails: ous paths for him, but I honestly couldn’t settle on one specifi-
Her fingernails have been modified to grow strong shard crys-
tals to deliver savage claw strikes (+2D6 M.D. to strikes with the Some of My Thoughts:
hand). Normally, they are kept at a length that does not hamper
the use of the fingers, but there are also special glands (similar ! He becomes a Metamorph (pages 19–30, The Rifter® #51)
to tear ducts) at the base of each nail that secrete a liquid form that focuses on multiple demon forms, both humanoid and
of the crystal that then binds with the original nail and hardens, animalistic.
thus extending the length of the nail, converting them into wicked ! He requests cloned versions of himself that have his memories
crystal claws. She can grow these finger claws to two lengths, 6 and experiences. The heads and other parts of the bodies of
inches (15 cm) and 1 foot (30 cm). the clones are grafted to the original’s body in some form of
Duration: It takes 1 minute (4 melee rounds) to grow the 1 foot multi-headed monster.
(30 cm) claws, and 30 seconds (2 melee rounds) to grow the 6
inch (15 cm) claws. Once established, they can stay attached per- Hope Springs Eternal
manently if the Daughter wishes. As a subplot, Hope may be planning to transfer her conscious-
M.D.C.: Each 1 foot claw has 30 while every 6 inch claw has 15. ness into the body of a Neo-Sapien, or she could be designing a
Damage: Naturally, the normal claws do 2D6 M.D. + Splicer P.S. completely new form of sapient species (a one of a kind) for her
The 1 foot claws do 8D6 M.D. + Splicer P.S. The 6 inch claws do personal transformation, so she can join the fight and contribute
4D6 M.D. + Splicer P.S. to the chaos.
Payload: Her Biotic form has enough of the liquid crystal me-
dium to grow 3 sets of the 1 foot claws for each hand (6 sets of
6 inch claws for each hand, or any combination possible of the
two). It takes 8 hours for the body to produce enough of the liquid
Unique Plant Creations
crystal medium for one set of 1 foot claws for both pairs of hands.
At any point that she does not wish to have the claws, another
of House Pandorum
substance is secreted that dissolves the crystal, returning them to With a smile, the Chaos Lord said, “My daughters are doing a
normal. wonderful job of creating Hell on Earth.”
The terrifying ability of these crystal claws is that they allow
her to channel her lightning strikes. What this means is that if she “The land, the terrain, is the inconspicuous ally, the ever-vig-
strikes you with the claws, not only will you receive the damage ilant defender, the stalwart sentinel. The requirement of a large
from the claws themselves, but the lightning damage, and all its contingency of troops to defend a territory is made redundant
side effects (including the Electrical Stunner), making this an ex- when the land itself is Hell’s Pass.” – Chaos Lord
ceptionally crippling attack.
Penalty: When either length of the crystal claws is active, the The requirement of large numbers of defenders would give
daughter cannot use her hands for any skill that requires the use unwanted attention to a faction that wishes to remain secret and
of her hands as the nails are too long. The only thing she could do hidden; so much of Hope’s effort has gone into designing plants
is hold something like a melee weapon. the Daughters of Chaos can distribute far and wide throughout
their loose territory and beyond.
Suggested/Recommended Enhancements: Some of their plants are deliberately distributed throughout the
land as the traveling parties make their rounds. This is achieved
The following list has suggested enhancements for the third
via a nifty creation nicknamed the Eggpot, because they look like
daughter that is inclusive to the enhancements already suggested
an egg, and function like a plant pot. This one-time-use device
for the Zapper Biotic. Unlike the Zapper, the Third Daughter will
houses one plant sapling in a state similar to when they are on the
receive enhancements every two levels of advancement, with
Host Armor, and the Eggpot can keep the sapling alive for one
45 Bio-E available for her transformations. However, the third
month once it is removed from the genepool. After that time has
daughter has a 15% chance of succumbing to an insanity listed
elapsed, the plant dies.

All anyone has to do is break the shell and place the sapling The runner between the vine and the Surge Land Mines has a
in the ground. The shell is biodegradable, leaving no evidence minimal M.D.C. of 1 per meter of its length for both the Imma-
behind. Only plants that are designed to be planted in the ground ture and Mature versions of the plant.
can be put in plant pots, no plant that is designed to be a perma- Damage:
nent attachment to the Host Armor can be used. The Electric Fence Vine delivers an electrical attack that is not
The catch is that it takes constant attention and nurturing from visible to anyone, as the electricity is conducted through/within
a Gardener to ensure the success of a plant progressing through the victim, while the Surge Land Mines create a visible Ball of
sapling, immature and mature phases. These plants do not receive Lightning in all directions from its source.
any attention. There is a 50% chance of the sapling becoming im- Non-Lethal version: A strong Voltage is felt in the vines, jolt-
mature, and if it reaches that level, it has a 30% chance of reach- ing the individual and causing 2D6 S.D.C., while the surge mines
ing Maturity. If it is successful in achieving immaturity, but not do 5D6 S.D.C.
maturity, the plant stays at the immature level. Lethal version: Instead of just a high voltage the plant also has
“Predators are the embodiment of ingenuity, reflected in the high amperage, causing 3D12 M.D. for the vine and 1D4X10+5
many methods they have devised to catch their prey.” – Librar- M.D. for the mines.
ian Hope Note: The effect of Electrical Stunner (page 85, The Rifter®
#50) is included with all damage caused by the Arch Vine, for
Combining the many weapons employed by predators into in- both lethal and non-lethal versions.
conspicuous plants, House Pandorum now has an assortment of It is not uncommon for the daughters to plant multiple Arch
plants that are the ultimate ambush predators and contributors to Vines in close proximity to create spider web-style arrangements
mayhem. that cause overwhelming damage to a target.
Please Note: Most of the plants listed here have been engi- Range: Immature: The Electric Fence Vine grows to a length of
neered to be either lethal or non-lethal. The House usually prefers 16.5 yards (15 m). The vine can simply be stretched between two
to use the non-lethal versions within their territory, but beyond trees as one continuous line, or guided between many trees and
that, let chaos reign. rocks. The Surge Land Mines can reach a distance of 5.5 yards (5
It is also common practice for the House to plant generic ver- m) from the vine and are normally connected to the vine at each
sions of the many plants they have designed to reduce suspicion end and one centrally.
until it is too late. Mature: The Electric Fence Vine grows to a length of 33 yards
The Game Master may also wish to look at implementing (30 m), while the Surge Land Mines can reach 11 yards (10 m)
some level of nutritional requirement for each of the carnivorous from the vine.
plants before they die of starvation if they do not get a good feed The Arch Vine’s method of attack is delivered via direct con-
between tackling the Machine horde. tact only. Until someone literally touches the vine or steps on a
mine, the plant will do nothing.
Arch Vine The Surge Mine is roughly 1 foot (30 cm) in diameter and is
triggered on direct contact, but the Ball Lightning it creates cov-
Electric fences had been used for decades to keep livestock
ers a 10 foot (3 m) radius, damaging everything in its range.
from getting out or stopping trespassers from getting in. The Arch
The pressure switch on the mines can be adjusted by the
Vine is the plant version of an electric fence, with the added arse-
Daughters, so they are not set off by the likes of a tiny animal
nal of surge land mines. The Electric Eel was used as a base for
like a rabbit or rat.
this design and implemented into the plant.
Optional Effect: Electricity is an amazing energy, and there
When on the Host Armor, it appears like a piece of rope with
are many factors that can be considered when concerning a plant
three knots in it, and when planted, it acts like a creeper, growing
that is designed to operate like an electric fence. The creation of a
over trees and rocks. The Daughters put a lot of effort into guid-
circuit for the electricity to flow (whether it’s through the individ-
ing the plant to grow a certain way over the landscape.
ual to the earth, or just through the individual) and whether or not
The rope-like part of the plant is an Electric Fence Vine, while
the individual is Resistant to Electricity, are just some factors. If
the knots are Surge Land Mines.
you wish to keep it simple for game purposes, you could simply
It is not uncommon for the Daughters to encourage the growth
have the individual who comes in contact with the Electric Fence
of the surge mines around the bases of trees or in open areas.
Vine be the one who suffers damage, and for the Surge Land
This plant is commonly only found around the House’s base
Mines, simply everyone within a mine’s radius of effect. When
of operations, the heart of their territory.
concerned with the Electric Fence Vine component specifically;
Bio-E Cost: 20 if the Game Master wishes, he can allow the Arch Vine to have a
Growth Time: Sapling to Immature: 1D6+6 days. Immature to strong enough electrical current (voltage) to move through more
Mature: 1D4 weeks. than just the individual who is getting electrocuted. For Immature
plants, the voltage could be strong enough to jump to a second
M.D.C.: person if they come in contact with the victim being electrocuted.
Immature: 10 M.D.C. per meter of the Electric Fence Vine, For Mature plants the voltage could be strong enough to jump to
while each Surge Land Mine has 5 M.D.C. a third person, via the electrocuted second person.
Mature: Each meter of the Electric Fence Vine has 20 M.D.C.,
while each Surge Land Mine has 10 M.D.C. Payload:
The M.D.C. per meter of the vine is the amount required to Immature: The Electric Fence Vine has enough stored energy
sever the vine. for four electrical attacks. Once an attack is delivered, it takes 2
hours to recharge one attack (8 hours for all four attacks). The The plant is quite an appetizer for herbivorous animals (natu-
Surge Land Mine has enough energy for one attack and will take ral and Splicer alike) and a delicious tea can be made from the
12 hours to recharge that attack. seeds, as well as a spice for cooking (the toxins have no effect if
Mature: The Electric Fence Vine has enough stored energy they are ingested), so it is not uncommon to see a rabbit or goat
for six electrical attacks, while the Surge Land Mine has enough eating the flowers. Allowing the plant to be edible to fauna was
stored energy for two attacks. deliberate to reinforce its inconspicuous nature.
It still takes 2 hours to recharge one attack for the vine and 12 Bio-E Cost: 10, +5 for the formication enhancement (see later
hours for the mine. description).
Autonomous Combat Capabilities: The plant has a set payload Note: Once the enhancement is chosen, the plant can only pro-
of charges. For the Electric Fence Vine, these can be delivered duce one of the chemicals in its seeds at a time, so the controller
simultaneously or consecutively. must select which chemical they want the Dandelion to have each
Simultaneously, if more than one victim comes in contact with time a new plant grows on the Host Armor.
the vine at the same time. The standard flower has white seeds, while the formication
Consecutively, if one individual unfortunately grabs onto the version has yellow seeds.
vine, as the electrical current will cause the muscles in the hands Growth Time: It takes 1D4 weeks for the plant to grow from a
to contract involuntarily and strongly making a fist, thus gripping sapling to a mature plant covering an area of roughly two square
the vine unintentionally. meters (21.5 sq. feet.)
The plant is also impervious to Acid, Electricity, and normal Each plant has 2D6+8 flowers.
(not M.D.) Fire & Cold. Each flower of the plant grows to a height of one to three feet
Control Bonus: The Daughters can take control of the Arch Vine (0.3-0.9 m).
and suppress the automatic discharge of the plant, but that is rare- Any flower (seeds and all) eaten or damaged, grows back in
ly done. Taking control of the plant is done to alter the lethality 2D4 days).
of its electrical attacks. Any seeds ejected from a flower take 72 hours (3 days) to
Elder Plant Bonuses: grow back.
These times have been deliberately kept at a longer period to
Each year the plant gains:
avoid suspicion.
- An additional 5 M.D.C. per meter of the Electric Fence Vine It is not uncommon for the generic plant to be grown among
until it reaches 40 M.D.C. per meter. the Splicer form to contribute to the ruse.
- An additional 5 M.D.C. towards each Surge Land Mine until
they reach 50 M.D.C. M.D.C.: Each square meter (10.7 sq. ft) of ground covered will
have an S.D.C. of 30.
- An additional 1D4 M.D. to the fence vine until it reaches
1D4x10 M.D. while the surge mine gains an additional 1D6 M.D. Damage/Effect:
towards its Ball Lightning until it reaches 1D6x10 M.D. (the non- Sea Wasp Venom: The chemical binds with the many sen-
lethal version does not increase in damage). sors (thermal, mechanical, etc.) in the skin and excites them to
- The radius of the Surge Land Mine Ball Lightning increases such a level that it induces an intense, debilitating pain, to the
by 1.5 feet (0.46 m) until it reaches a radius of 19 feet (5.8 m). point where it feels like the skin is on fire (this sensation has been
- The vine gains an additional charge until it reaches 10 charg- nicknamed by the Family as shadow/phantom fire). The informa-
es. tion being sent back to the victim becomes an extreme blinding,
burning pain, upon which the victim loses initiative, half of their
- The time required to recharge the Surge Land Mine is re-
melee attacks for 1D4 melee rounds and is -2 to strike, parry and
duced by 30 minutes, until it reaches 8 hours.
dodge (if they have any automatic combat bonuses such as auto-
matic dodge, they are lost for the first melee round as well).
Dandelion There is a 15% chance that the pain is so intense that the vic-
Hope remembers with fondness the times when, as a little girl, tim will pass out for 1D4 melee rounds.
she would run through the fields, picking dandelions and blowing The non-lethal version simply causes the intense pain, where-
their seeds into the wind, watching as they drifted in the breeze. as the lethal version has an additional chemical that also attacks
Based off the plant Taraxacum officinale, Hope took a page the heart’s nervous system and shuts it down.
out of the method of hunting employed by jellyfish and put it into Any living thing exposed to the non-lethal version has to roll
the common Dandelion. to save vs non-lethal poison/toxin at 15 or better.
Each seed of the flower houses a harpoon that is designed to Any living creature exposed to the lethal version first has to
activate on contact. The venom of choice is from a species of Box roll to save vs lethal poison/toxin at 12 or better. If successful,
Jellyfish, known as the Sea Wasp (Chironex fleckeri). then make a roll to save vs non-lethal poison/toxin at 14 or better.
The harpoon within the seed only becomes active when a spe- If this is too deadly for your campaign style then please feel free
cific mechanism that is connected to the plant triggers it, ejecting to remove the lethal version accordingly.
the seed at the most opportune time. If someone simply brushes The Sea Wasp Venom is ineffective against: Slime Coating,
past the flower and dislodges seeds, the harpoon will not activate. Thick Fur, Reinforced Armor, Heavy Bio Armor plating, thick
This inconspicuous plant is slightly bigger and sturdier than scales, or an active Bio-Force Field. The reason for this is be-
the original. Each flower has up to one hundred seed-barbs (80 + cause the sea wasp venom has to be injected into the skin so it can
1D4x5) that can be dispersed into the air. enter the blood stream.

Formication: Formication is the medical term for the disturb- Payload:
ing sensation that can only be described as the feeling of insects The Dandelion has enough seeds among its flowers for three
crawling on your skin. It is extremely uncomfortable and distract- dispersals. It takes 48 hours for the plant to grow enough seeds
ing, and only the Swarm Lord is immune to the effects, as that is for one dispersal/payload.
what they experience every second they are in their Host Armor. Autonomous Combat Capabilities: The Dandelion is a static
If he fails to save vs the toxin, for 1D4 melee rounds the vic- plant; the only thing it can do is eject its seeds into the air. This
tim loses initiative and is completely consumed with the need to plant is indiscriminate; it will release its seeds upon anything that
scratch and brush at his flesh to get the insects off. He is also –2 to has enough weight to trigger the pressure sensors.
strike, parry and dodge (if he has any automatic combat bonuses Once the plant has dispersed one of its payloads, it will not
such as automatic dodge, he loses them too). release another for 2D4+2 minutes. Not even the Daughters can
The formication version of the plant does have a slight modi- speed this up when they take control of the plant.
fication to the seeds. They do not have the same harpoons as the
original version, instead they look like miniature shuttlecocks Control Bonus (in addition to the bonuses above): If one of the
that release the chemical onto a surface upon impact. Daughters wishes, they can suppress the plant’s reflexive reaction
Any living thing that has exposed skin (areas lacking protec- and activate the seed pods when they so desire, but even they
tive armor, scales, chitin or thick fur) subjected to the formication cannot release another payload of seeds until the plant’s internal
has to roll to save vs non-lethal toxin at 14 or better. clock permits it. They mainly take control to adjust the pressure
The formication venom is only ineffective against an active switches.
Bio-Force Field or an individual completely sealed-off and pro- Elder Plant Bonuses: None
tected by armor of thick fur. The Swarm Lord is also undeterred
by the sensation.
To reduce suspicion of the plant’s true nature, the toxins’ ef-
Red Dragon and Dragon Fang
fects are delayed 1D4x10 minutes after the victim comes in con- Based off the Opium poppy plant (Papaver somniferum), Red
tact with the seeds. However they do give off a pungent odor that Dragon has hollow bulbs that are filled with an aerosol chemical
Gorehounds and any Host Armor or Warmount equipped with the cocktail (adrenaline, serotonin inhibitors, testosterone) that is de-
carnivore, omnivore or herbivore metabolism will easily detect signed to trigger an uncontrollable violent rage within the victim.
this plant’s scent within a 10-foot radius (3 m). As a guide, the When released into the atmosphere, it is quickly absorbed into
poison could compromise a Host Armor, Gorehound and possi- the bloodstream of its victims via the lungs and mucosal tissue of
bly even a light war mount the size of a Strider with 1D4 melee the eyes, nose and mouth. Because these chemicals are naturally
rounds of severe pain, placing them into a temporary shock. produced by creations like Host Armor and Warmounts, they do
not trigger a defensive response. Instead, it has a similar effect
Range: The plant is designed to act like an explosion, dispersing
to Adrenaline Surge on the victim, causing increased aggression.
the seeds over an area covering a 16 foot (4.9 m) radius around
the plant, where they casually descend to the ground like min- Dragon Fang is an enhancement for Red Dragon (different
iature paratroopers, and sticking to anything that they land on color flower) that utilizes a different chemical. Instead of trigger-
during their descent. ing uncontrollable rage, the chemical used is based off the venom
The plant’s root system acts like a series of pressure switches, from the Funnel-Web Spider for more lethal intent. It is not un-
covering a 6.5 foot (2 m) radius around the plant and only activat- common for the Daughters to plant both plants in close proximity
ing when significant weight is applied (say 330 lbs/149 kg) to a to each other. The reason for this is because Red Dragon has an
specific area. When they sense weight they send a signal to the immediate effect on the victim (normally one melee round after
flowers to eject their seeds. inhalation), while Dragon Fang has a delayed effect (1D4+4 min-
Number of Affected: I leave this to the Game Master. You utes after inhalation).
could simply have everyone within the range of the plant be af-
Bio-E Cost: 15 for Red Dragon, +10 for the Dragon Fang en-
fected, or a specific number, depending on their size and protec-
tion, such as: the dispersal of one payload of seeds will affect one
Once the enhancement is added to the plant, it can only pro-
“exposed” War Mount and its pilot, who both have to roll, or 2
duce one chemical cocktail at a time, so the Gardener has to
Host Armor soldiers, or 4 humanoid-sized targets, (Roughneck,
choose which chemical the plant will have every time a sapling
Biotic, Skinjob, Scarecrow etc.), or 1 Host Armor and 2 human-
grows on the Host Armor.
oids even in Living Body Armor, or 1-2 GoreHounds and the
Pack Master, etc. However, please remember this affects only Growth Time: It takes 1D4 weeks for the plant to grow from
those who have open exposed skin or wounds that bypass dense seedling to maturity and covers an area of roughly 1 square meter
protective armor, thick fur, chitin or scaled plating, as the small (10.7 sq. ft.)
needles simply can’t penetrate such thick hides. Each plant has 9+1D6 flowers.
As wind can play a part in reducing the targeted effect of the
Any flower eaten or damaged takes 1D4 days to regrow.
seeds, the Daughters plant the Dandelions in areas shielded from
Again, these plants are edible and a delicious tea or spice can
the strongest of winds.
be made from the bulbs/flowers.
However, if there is a strong breeze (above 20 mph, 32 km),
the seeds will move with the direction of the wind and will dis- The plant’s edibility is achieved by storing the chemicals in an
perse at a slow rate. Anything beyond a distance of 108 feet (33 inert state within the bulb, which only become dangerous when the
m) from the plant is safe from the plant’s effects. Anything within plant activates the bulb to disperse the chemicals. If someone pops
range that is downwind of the plant will be affected, however. the bulb the chemicals will be released but will have no effect.
M.D.C.: Either form has a number of bulbs with a total S.D.C. The plant’s root system acts like pressure switches, covering
of 30. a 6.5 foot (2 m) radius around the plant and only activates when
Damage/Effect: significant weight is applied (say 330 lbs/149 kg) to a specific
Red Dragon is always non-lethal and if a victim fails their area. They send a signal to the flowers to release the chemical
role they enter a Blind Fury, savagely and uncontrollably attack- cocktail.
ing friend or foe within their vicinity for 1D4 minutes. After the Much like the Dandelion, if the wind is too strong (above 20
body breaks down the chemicals, their heightened aggression and mph/32 km) it disperses the chemicals too much for them to be
physical effort tires them, causing them to lose initiative, half effective. But anyone downwind up to 61 feet (20 m) from the
their attacks and leaves them at –2 to strike, parry and dodge. plant will still suffer the effects. That is why these types of plants
They also cannot run for 1D6 minutes. are placed in areas shielded from strong winds.
When the aerosol chemicals are dispersed over its area of ef-
Red Dragon: Roll to save vs non-lethal poison/toxin at 17 or fect, they stay in an effective concentration for 1D4 melee rounds
better. before becoming ineffective and breaking down due to dilution
The reason for such a high penalty for the victim is that all in the atmosphere.
these chemicals are produced naturally in the body; they are not Note: The Dandelion’s chemicals can also be reversed rapidly
synthetic or foreign in nature, so the creature has to literally me- by washing away and thoroughly diluting the exposed area with
tabolize (break down) the chemical for the effect to wear off. water. If swallowed, induce vomiting with plenty of water and
Because there is a delayed effect between Red Dragon and repeat at least four times to reduce the affects by half.
Dragon Fang, when the victim is recovering from the effects of Number of Affected: Again, I leave this to the Game Master,
the Red Dragon the symptoms from Dragon Fang begin. and the plant could have the same effect as the Dandelion.
Dragon Fang can be either lethal or non-lethal. Payload:
Dragon Fang, Non-Lethal Version: Roll to save vs non-lethal The plant has enough bulbs for three full aerosol dispersals.
poison/toxin 17 or better. Like the Dandelion, the plant will release only one of its pay-
On a failed roll to save, Dragon Fang proceeds to incapacitate loads every 2D4+2 minutes and will continue to release its pay-
the victim by overloading the body’s many chemical processes, load while the pressure sensors are triggered or unless the Daugh-
accelerating everything. ters choose to inhibit the release. It takes the plant 48 hours to
For game purposes, it would place the victim into something produce enough of the chemicals for one dispersal/payload.
akin to uncontrollable convulsions as their muscles would experi- Autonomous Combat Capabilities: The plant is static; it simply
ence severe spasms, causing them to become rigid due to continu- releases its chemical cocktail when anything of significant weight
ous contraction. They would sweat profusely whilst also having triggers the pressure sensors.
goosebumps. Their heart rate and blood pressure would increase
dramatically. They will also experience the sensation of tingling Control Bonus (in addition to the bonuses above): If the
in the face, hands and feet, shortness of breath, nausea and vomit- Daughters wish, they can take control of the plant and inhibit
ing. This continues for 1D4 minutes. the trigger mechanism, and release the chemical cocktail at their
If the victim was only affected by Dragon Fang, then like Red discretion. But they cannot speed up the release of the aerosol.
Dragon, they lose initiative, half their attacks, they cannot run, The main reason the Daughters take control is to adjust the pres-
and are -2 to strike, parry and dodge for 1D6 minutes. sure switch.
If the victim is affected by Dragon Fang after the effects of Elder Plant Bonuses: None.
Red Dragon, he loses initiative, all but two attacks, cannot even
walk for 1D6+10 minutes, and is -3 to strike, parry and dodge for
1D4x10 minutes. It would not be out of the realm of possibility
Rusty Nail
for the victim to require up to an hour of sleep to recover from This is another enhancement for Red Dragon, but this one is
the ordeal. targeted against the Machine and not organic creatures. The name
Rusty Nail was taken from a popular cocktail in the day, and to
Dragon Fang, Lethal Version: First, roll to save vs lethal poi- reflect the effect of the plant. The chemical cocktail is actually the
son/toxin at 13 or better, and if you are successful, then roll to same as the Viral Immobilizer. The bulbs of this version have a
save vs non-lethal poison/toxin. golden brown color to them.
If you are successful then you experience no ill effects; if you
fail, follow the effects for the non-lethal version as described ear- Bio-E: +10. The creator must choose what chemical the plant will
lier. produce every time a sapling grows on the armor.
If one fails to save vs lethal poison/toxin then he will experi- Damage/Effect: Follow the processes as described on pages 106-
ence the effects of the non-lethal version. The victim loses half 107 of the Splicers® RPG.
their attacks per melee round, cannot walk for 3D6+20 minutes, This version of the plant was designed solely for the Machine.
and is –5 to strike, parry and dodge for 1D6x10 minutes, requir- To make sure that it only attacks the Machine, a clever sensory
ing 1D4 hours to fully recover from the ill effects. In the field system that acts like a metal detector is incorporated into the
where machines, Wastecrawlers and other rival Splicers or dead- bulbs. The plant can detect metal within a range of 30 feet (9.1
ly predators roam, this is often a death sentence for Splicers. m), and, when combined with the information from the pressure
Range: The chemicals are sprayed into the air, covering a range switches in the root system, its deadly payload is always on tar-
of 16 feet (4.9 m) around the plant. get.

Deadwood mond-tipped teeth of a sawblade, whilst being covered in sticky
mucus that is rich in a substance called glycoprotein.
“Every time I saw a dead tree, I imagined they were the hands The tongue also secretes a powerful anticoagulant which in-
of the dead reaching from their earthen grave to drag us to Hell. hibits the blood from clotting; those who have the Quick Clotting
Now, when I see them, I know that Hell will never go hungry.” Blood enhancement are immune.
–Daughter of Chaos The tongues are designed to constrict/crush the victim, while
the thorns shred the flesh. It is the shredding that allows the plant
Due to the success of Cape Fear, Librarian Hope designed a
to feed on the blood as it is absorbed into pores found along the
new plant along the same path. Deadwood, as the name suggests,
channels between the thorns.
is an accurate description of the illusion the plant employs to con-
Each tongue also ends in a wicked bone barb that it commonly
ceal its true nature. To look at it, it appears to simply be a dead
uses to impale victims.
tree, dotted with holes on the trunk and branches, but hidden in-
It is not uncommon for the plant to wrap a number of its
side is the cousin of Cape Fear.
tongues around a victim, bleed it dry, then proceed to tear it limb
Hope wanted a carnivorous plant that looked and functioned
from limb and deliver the flesh into its waiting maw.
similar to an octopus, whilst employing the nature of the hermit
The maw is commonly accessible by one of the larger hol-
crab and able to set up home in a tree.
lows, normally at the base of the main trunk. The maw always
Appearing on the Host Armor as a hairy mole the size of a
faces down and is recessed above the large hollow to provide
Lawn Bowl, half embedded in the flesh. When removed, the octo-
protection, and avoid direct access. The tongues emerge from the
pus appearance is revealed. Though Deadwood appears similar to
tree via the many holes dotting its surface.
an octopus when not in a tree, its body also has the same dynamic
Once established in its new home (seedling to immature),
flexibility of octopi (if the beak of an octopus can fit through a
the plant begins to petrify the plant matter of the tree into dense
hole, its whole body can); so its shape adjusts in accordance with
M.D.C. bone extracted from its victims. If the Daughters wish the
the tree it inhabits.
plant to be fully operational before it begins to tackle their chosen
Because this predatory plant is designed to take on the likes
targets, they could assist the plant in its conversion of the tree by
of Dreadguards and most War Mounts, it needs space to grow,
providing a constant source of Blood & Bone fertilizer.
but mainly, it needs adequate protection, and that is why a tree of
The fine hair on the surface of the body of the plant (not on the
significant size is required to protect the plant from attack, whilst
tongues or the maw) is both a root system and sensors. The roots
being a great way to conceal its true nature.
don’t feed the plant, but instead penetrate the wood of the tree and
It is recommended that the tree to be selected for the plant
slowly convert it into M.D.C. bone.
should have a diameter of no less than 3 feet (0.9 m) for the main
The sensors travel through the tree until they are through the
trunk and a height of 10 feet (3 m). Main branches are definitely
bark. There they provide the plant with an assortment of sensory
preferable but not required.
information about its environment. Thermal and Chemical sen-
Live trees are preferred, as they are easier for the plant to inte-
sors dominate the bark of the tree, while Seismic and Pressure
grate into and convert, due to the amount of water in a living tree
sensors are dotted just below the surface of the soil around the
compared to a dead one.
The maximum the tree should be is about 15-25 feet (4.6-7.6
Once the tree has been fully converted to bone and the sensors
m) in height as it would take considerable time to convert the
have been established, the plant sheds the hair, like a snake shed-
whole tree, and the plant will overextend itself and incur penalties
ding its skin. Once this is done, the plant secretes mucus that acts
to its combat abilities. (Game Master’s discretion, but it is sug-
like a conductive gel, relaying the information from the sensors
gested that their range and combat bonuses are reduced.)
to the main body.
The discerning difference between Deadwood and Cape Fear
The plant sheds the hairs, so as to separate itself from its home,
is that Deadwood is an active predator; it senses its environment
thus enabling it to go through the same process again with another
and will strike at the most opportune time. Because of this ap-
tree. This allows the Daughters to remove the plant and establish
proach, the design of the plant is dangerously pushing the bound-
it in another location. It is not uncommon for the Daughters to
ary of sentience. Though lacking a central nervous system, it
have a considerable number of trees transformed in a designated
does have a series of neural lobes distributed at specific points
zone where they rotate the placement of the plants.
throughout the main body to aid in processing sensory informa-
tion, coordinating strikes and responding to threats. Bio-E Cost: 40
With the octopus design, the eight tentacles are actually Growth Time: The gelatinous mount is placed at the base of the
tongues, one of the two ways the plant feeds. The plant feeds tree where it proceeds to burrow into the heart of the trunk and
vampirically via the tongues while it eats flesh with its beaked slowly convert the tree matter into M.D.C. bone.
maw, located centrally on the belly side of the main body. Ini-
tially, like Cape Fear, Deadwood feeds on insects and small ani- Conversion of the Tree to M.D.C. Bone:
mals such as rodents, birds and snakes. But once it has matured it 2D4+6 weeks to convert half the tree into M.D.C. bone. An-
can tackle larger prey like Biotics, Dreadguards and War Mounts. other 3D4+4 weeks to complete the process, converting the entire
The tongues of Deadwood can be described as a combination tree into M.D.C. bone.
of the long, sticky tongues employed by insect-eating animals Note: If a dead tree is selected for conversion, add an addi-
and the rough, sandpaper textured tongue of cats. In actuality, tional 2 weeks for both periods of conversion required, as it takes
the tongues are covered in very small thorns that act like the dia- longer for the root system to penetrate the tree and convert it to

The Deadwood Plant: Combination Crush Attack & Shredding Attack: 3D6 M.D.
Sapling to Immature: 1D6+2 weeks. Immature to Mature: per Crush Attack + Splicer P.S. punch damage, while the Shred-
2D6+2 weeks. ding action of the Thorned Tongues adds an additional +1D8
M.D.C. of the Plant: M.D. per attack.
Immature: 50 M.D.C. for the Main Body, 25 M.D.C. per Impaling Attack: The bone spear tips of the tongue are used
tongue (amount required to sever the tongue), and the maw has for this attack, inflicting 3D8 M.D. On a Critical Strike, it does
20 M.D.C. twice the damage but also impales the target, upon which the
Mature: 100 M.D.C. for the Main Body, 50 M.D.C. per tongue, tongue deliberately breaks the bone spear off inside its victim’s
and 40 M.D.C. for the maw. body. The spear can either be surgically removed or forcefully
pulled out with a combined Splicer/Robot Strength of 36, but
M.D.C. of the Converted Tree: an additional 1D10 M.D. is inflicted in doing so. The spear also
Immature: The plant will have converted half of the tree to has a 15% chance of injecting the wound with the same antico-
bone, providing 1D4x50+100 M.D.C. for the trunk and 1D4x25 agulant, which stops the victim’s blood from clotting. Note: This
M.D.C. for every main branch. anticoagulant is potent, but is neutralized by the enhancement of
There may be a number of small branches, but they are merely Quick Clotting Blood or rinsing 1D4 melee rounds with water or
cosmetic and play no part in the function of the plant, but each 1 melee action with antibiotics or medical cleansers.
will have 5-15 M.D.C. Slash Attack: Instead of attempting to impale the victim,
Mature: By this stage the plant has converted the entire tree sometime the tongues use the bone barbs to slash and cut. The
into M.D.C. bone, providing 1D4x100+200 M.D.C. for the trunk, bone barb adds +2D4 M.D. to the normal strike damage from the
while each main branch has 1D8x10+100 M.D.C. There may be strength of the tongue.
a number of smaller branches but they are merely cosmetic and Maw: The powerful beaked maw does an impressive 3D10
play no part in the home of the plant but each will have from 10- M.D. as it is designed to cut through flesh and bone.
25 M.D.C.
The amounts mentioned above are for aboveground; the root Range: The 8 tongues for immature plants have a reach of 13
system is also converted. feet (4 m) outside the tree. Mature plants have tongues that have
Immature Root System: Has 1D4x10+120 M.D.C., while the a reach of 26 feet (8 m) outside the tree.
Mature Root System has 1D8x100+220 M.D.C. Note: Though it might appear as a discrepancy with the reach
Note: Once Deadwood has fully converted one tree to bone, of the tongues outside the tree, considering that branches from the
if the Daughter coaxes it out and begins the process again with main trunk are at different heights, but bear in mind that the main
another tree, the plant itself would have already reached its ma- body is quite flexible and moves with the tongue through the tree.
ture level and will progress to its Elder Plant Bonuses. It will be When not in a tree, the tongues are the same length/reach.
the tree itself that goes though the Immature and Mature Growth The neural lobes help the plant process sensory information
Phases. from the four senses (Seismic, Pressure, Thermal and Chemical)
The plant can repair the tree at a rate of 4D6 M.D.C. per 4 to determine the size, location and number of potential victims.
hours. The Thermal receptors that act like Heat-Pits (page 81, Splic-
ers® RPG) enable it to sense heat in a 30 foot (9.1 m) radius
Damage: Once the plant has determined that its prey is within around the plant.
range, a coordinated attack from a number of the tongues will For the chemical senses, as a guide, the Enhanced Senses &
strike with lightning speed in an attempt to pierce it with their Forked Tongue (page 81, Splicers® RPG) may help in under-
bone spikes, whilst others attempt to entangle it, crushing and standing how the plant could use this sense. The Seismic Sense
shredding. Each tongue has a Splicer P.S. of 30. (page 82, Splicers® RPG) provides a little heads up for the ap-
The plant’s initial attack is an ambush strike and it receives a proach of potential victims.
+2 for initiative for the first melee round of combat, but no con-
secutive bonuses are given to initiative once combat has begun. Autonomous Combat Capabilities: Immature: Each tongue has
When the plant entangles a victim, the rough surface of the 2 attacks per melee round, +1 to entangle & strike. Mature: Each
tongue acts like Velcro, digging into the flesh, while the glyco- tongue has 3 attacks per melee round, +3 to entangle & strike.
protein also aids in restraining the victim and reducing the odds For both immature and mature versions of the plant, four of
of escape, incurring a penalty of -20% to the Escape Artist skill. the tongues can attack the same target at the same time.
If the victim has Slime Coating they still receive a penalty of The bonus to entangle & strike is high due to the glycoprotein,
-10% to Escape Artist. the texture of the tongues and the speed they possess.
Each tongue that contributes to entangling the victim will in- Fish out of Water: If the Deadwood plant leaves its tree it is
crease the penalty to escape by an additional 20%/10% (the sec- completely vulnerable, losing all of its senses other than the sen-
ond percentage is for those with Slime Coating). If three or more sation of touch. It instinctively rolls around and flails its tongues
of the tongues entangle a victim they are unable to escape. to keep threats at a distance, but anything willing to destroy the
The damage inflicted by the plant is twofold. Once entangled, plant should do it from afar, as the plant has the same number of
the plant simultaneously crushes you while the tongues drink attacks and combat bonuses, but now is up close and personal.
your blood – blood that you will begin to lose immediately. A common tactic the plant uses in this situation is to completely
Each tongue is filled with muscle, providing a Splicer P.S. of wrap itself around a victim and proceed to bite into them with its
30. The plant attempts to crush its victim quickly so as to mini- maw.
mize damage to itself from struggling prey. Panic Room: The plant establishes a chamber for itself at the
heart of the tree trunk, carving a series of tunnels that connect

to the main chamber, allowing its tongues to move through the When planted, the bulb is placed 6.5 feet (2 m) underground,
tree. When the plant is significantly threatened, it will retract all where four vines proceed to grow just under the surface of the
its tongues and enter its panic room. The plant creates a number soil. When they reach their designated length, the lockjaw traps
of small chambers (2-3) that it enters through an opening just big begin to grow at the end of the vine.
enough for its beak to squeeze through. The traps are the only visible part of the plant from the surface.
Solid Ground: Similar to Cape Fear, Deadwood reinforces the To help completely conceal itself, the exposed portions are cov-
ground around it, making it difficult to uproot the tree. It does ered with fine hairs that can vibrate to shift sand and soil over its
this by expanding the existing tree root system (greater depth and surface, camouflaging itself. Once the trap is set, it takes 6 hours
radius) while converting it into M.D.C. bone as well. for the plant to cover its surface, fully concealing itself. Once this
Due to the total weight of the tree and the enhanced root sys- process is complete, the entire plant is concealed, nearly unde-
tem, it would take a combined Supernatural P.S. of 55 to uproot tectable, until you literally step on it. Characters with either the
the whole tree. skills of Hunting, Identify Plants & Fruits or Track & Trap Ani-
Because the root system is also M.D.C. bone, it cannot be eas- mals have a +15% chance of being able to recognize the foliage
ily dug through, and is easier to be dug around. Only someone and soil disruption signs of this predatory plant, able to tell that
or something using Energy weapons, M.D.C. blades or tools that one or more is hidden nearby.
cut, dig or burrow can get through the Deadwood bone. Heavy The lockjaw traps work on a pressure switch mechanism that
projectile weapons do half damage, while extreme temperature is situated at the center of the trap. The specific weight that trig-
weapons such as incendiary, napalm, plasma or fire do double gers the traps can be controlled by the Daughters, but is com-
damage. However, if one chooses to dig up and expose the entire monly set at 11 pounds (5 kg). The circumference of the traps
root system the entire weight of a Deadwood tree would be no has three rings of recessed teeth that look like metal studs which
less than 4+1D4 tons. extend when the trap is sprung.
Control Bonus (in addition to the bonuses above): This plant The Lockjaw has an impressive adaptation to help snare its
was not designed to be controlled by a Gardener; instead the Gar- victim. When the trap is sprung and it snaps shut, it begins to
dener can connect with the plant to coax it out of its home and mold itself around the target, making a snug fit like a second skin.
relocate to another. They can also take control of the plant to alter At the center of every Lockjaw there is an amazing gland that
the setting for the pressure senses. secretes a myriad of substances to attract various fauna to its loca-
tion. The odors used range from urine (commonly used for scent
Elder Plant Bonuses: marking), feces of herbivorous animals, and the acrid smell of
Each year: decaying animal matter. The decaying animal matter scent is eas-
- Another 5 M.D.C. is added to each tongue until they reach ily detected by predators and scavengers, who find the scent irre-
50 M.D.C. This is how much M.D. must be inflicted to sever the sistible. The Daughters can change what odor the plant produces
tongue. or stop it from producing anything when they take control of the
- Another 10 M.D.C. is added to the main body until it reaches plant.
150 M.D.C. Though the Lockjaw is a successful predatory plant, easily
- Another 5 M.D.C. is added to the Maw until it reaches 40 catching small animals, its primary purpose was to interrupt the
M.D.C. approach of a threat to the House.
- Another 1.6 feet (0.5 m) is added to the length of the tongues The plant was designed with both the Machine and Splicers
until they reach 32 feet (9.8 m) in length. in mind, so the House implemented special sensors in the plant
to detect whether its prey is organic or inorganic and act accord-
The next two plants (Lockjaws & Snafu) were designed with
input from the Chaos Lord.
Inorganic Victims: Catch and Release is the phrase used to
Lockjaws describe how the plant reacts to inorganic victims. Once the plant
detects that is has snared something inorganic, it immediately
“Even if the enemy marches in the thousands, you can defeat pumps a large quantity of strong acids into the jaw trap, causing
them – if you reduce their approach to a crawl.” – Chaos Lord the trap itself to distend (swell). Once that process is complete
(2 melee round), the vine that is linked to the trap severs its con-
“How can an enemy close the distance, if every step could nection (takes 1 melee action), detaching the trap from the plant.
bring death?” – Chaos Lord This method of attack substantially reduces the odds of having
Though they can kill on their own accord, they were designed a crippled robot within the immediate vicinity.
mainly to slow the enemy down, allowing members of the House This severing of connection activates a timer in the trap, rig-
to escape or to provide a quick execution from more devastating ging it to explode in one minute, spewing the acid over every-
means. thing in a 10 foot (3 m) radius.
Lockjaws are designed from the carnivorous plant known If the jaw trap is destroyed before the timer counts down, it
commonly as the Snap Trap (Dionaea muscipula). Though they will still explode, releasing its volatile payload, but only over a 3
can catch and feed on animals up to the size of an average canine, foot (0.9 m) radius.
their main purpose is to incapacitate/cripple or slow down the ap- Organic Victims: Unlike inorganic victims, the vine does not
proach of potential Splicer or Machine threats. sever the connection, instead, strong hydrostat muscles contract
When on the Gardener’s Host Armor, the Lockjaw appears and make the vine completely rigid, rendering the Lockjaw im-
like a smaller version of Cape Fear, but the shell is a dark green. movable. A combined Splicer P.S. of 40 is required to bend the

vine (bend, but not sever). To sever the vine it needs to be ex- Each trap has one attack. If it fails to catch its prey it takes
posed and damage inflicted towards it) the vine, thus allowing the 1D4+1 minutes to reset the trap, and the standard time for it to
victim some movement while trapped in the Lockjaw. conceal itself again, but by this time the plant is exposed, easily
When it captures an organic victim, pores on the trap’s sur- detectable, and with no way to protect itself. The only hope the
face rapidly secrete Digestive Enzymes into the trap to dissolve, plant has is that anything that wishes to harm it is caught by one
severely burning or at least sever the snared limb/appendage to of the concealed traps.
hopefully cause a fatal injury. Explosive End: The central bulb is similar to Cape Fear in
The plant has an unusual method of feeding. It doesn’t feed that it grows a dense M.D.C. shell, but it does not anchor the
through the traps, instead the liquefied slurry of its victim oozes plant into the ground; instead it is used as an explosive. Once the
out of the trap from the underside via pores that allow the pro- bulb is uprooted it will detonate, basically a giant biological frag
cessed matter to pass through. There the liquid is absorbed and grenade. This frag grenade does an impressive 1D4x10 M.D. to
digested through the root system. everything in a 30 foot (9.1 m) radius. The only way to avoid
Bio-E Cost: 20 damage is to dodge behind something large and heavy.
This explosion kills the plant. Much like the traps, the bulb has
Growth Time: Sapling to Immature: 1D4 weeks. Immature to a one minute timer that is triggered when the bulb is separated
Mature: 1D4 weeks. from its root system.
M.D.C.: Splicer/Robot P.S. of 40 is required to open the jaws of the
Immature: The Bulb has 3D12 M.D.C., each vine that links the Lockjaw.
jaw traps to the Bulb has 20 M.D.C. (the amount required to sever This is considerably high, due to a combination of the strength
them), and the jaw traps have 40 M.D.C. each. of the jaw trap itself, but also due to its habit of molding itself to
Mature: The Bulb has 3D12+30 M.D.C., each vine has 3D8 what it has trapped.
M.D.C. per meter, and the jaw traps have 100 M.D.C. each. Control Bonus (in addition to the bonuses above): If they
Damage: The damage from the trap is twofold. The initial snap- wish, the Daughters can take control of the plant and suppress the
ping shut of the trap inflicts 4D8 M.D. and for the for the next 8 reflexive nature of the trap being sprung, and can spring the trap
melee rounds (1 minutes), the plant continues with a crush attack, whenever they see fit, but they very rarely do this, and are content
causing an additional 1D8 M.D. per melee round. to leave the plant to its own devices.
For inorganic prey, the plant produces a powerful acid that They do, however, take control of the plant regularly to change
does minimal damage to organic creatures (1D4 S.D.C.) but will the odor the trap produces, or to alter the weight required to trig-
do 3D8 M.D. for 1D4 melee rounds to materials such as metals ger the pressure switch.
and metal alloys, plastics, ceramics, and the like. Elder Plant Bonuses:
The acid will damage everything within its splash range when Every 3 years the plant gains:
it either explodes or is destroyed. - An additional jaw trap until it reaches a total of 8.
For organic prey, the plant secretes powerful digestive en- - The Bulb increases in M.D.C. by 1D6 until it reaches 96
zymes that do 2D8 M.D. per melee round. M.D.C.
- The Vines increase by 4 M.D.C. until they reach 48 M.D.C.
Range: For Immature plants, the vines grow to a length that al-
- The Traps increase by 5 M.D.C. until they reach 150 M.D.C.
lows the traps to reach a distance of 10 feet (3 m) from the Bulb.
For Mature plants, the vines grow to a length that allows the traps
to reach a distance of 20 feet (6 m) from the Bulb. Snafu & Coffin
Immature jaw traps have a radius of 2 feet (0.6 m), while the The Snafu and Coffin were designed from the plant known
Mature jaw traps have a radius of 4 feet (1.2 m). commonly as the Pitfall Trap, or Pitcher Plant (Heliamphora
The Root System (growing off the shell of the Bulb) will reach chimantensis). A carnivorous plant that catches prey in a hollow
a range of 16 feet (4.9 m) from the Bulb for an Immature plant, tube filled with either digestive enzymes or bacteria.
while a Mature plant will have a root system that will cover an Because they were designed for much larger prey, the hollow
area of 32 feet (9.8 m) around the Bulb. tube actually grows in the ground, acting like a sinkhole, waiting
for unsuspecting victims to fall into its waiting mouth.
Payload: The Immature plant has 4 jaw traps active at any one
Initially, only the Snafu was designed, as the Chaos Lord
time. Mature plants have 6 jaw traps active at any one time. Even-
wanted a simple plant that could act as a snare trap, but the
tually the plant will have 8 jaws active at once.
Daughters saw another potential for the Snafu, and the Coffin
Autonomous Combat Capabilities: The plant is completely was conceived.
passive, with no motility in the vines linking the traps to the The Snafu was designed to be a nuisance, while the Coffin was
central bulb, as they are not prehensile. The traps work solely designed to catch some enemies whole, while also conditioning
on built-in triggers and will snap shut the moment the pressure the soil by removing the evidence of previous victims.
switch is triggered. Snafu are planted everywhere, while the Coffin is normally
Because the trap is concealed and not detected by most sen- kept close to the House, but sometimes the Daughters will plant
sors or senses (because it is a plant), its one and only attack is them away from their core territory just to cause mayhem.
a surprise attack that has an initiative of +4 (only a +1 against For both versions of the plant there is a trapdoor-like leaf at
Gorehounds familiar with its scent). The attack cannot be parried, ground level that opens downwards into the tube. Like the Lock-
but it can be dodged, only at a penalty of –3. jaw, on its top surface are tiny hairs that undulate and move soil

and leaf litter over its surface to provide camouflage. Once the action is strong enough to expel a robot as far as 4D4 feet (1.2 to
trap has been sprung, it takes a good 6 hours for the leaf lid to 4.9 m) from the plant.
reposition itself and completely conceal itself again. Once the robot has been expelled, the digestive enzymes
Though the Coffin is a successful carnivorous plant, the continue to do damage to every region exposed for 2D4 melee
Daughters designed them to dispose of the bodies from unavoid- rounds.
able skirmishes, and as a soil conditioner. The Coffin can process The inner lining that blistered off detaches from the plant like
organic matter quickly and distributes what it doesn’t eat into the a bag in a trash bin, and the now exposed surface of the tube be-
nearby soil. comes the new lining. It takes a full 2 days for the plant to draw
Bio-E Cost: 10 points for the Snafu and 15 for the Coffin (20 if enough water from the surrounding soil to refill the tube, but by
the Daughters wish to enhance the Coffin with the ability to col- the time the Coffin has filled the chamber with 3 feet (0.9 m) of
lect and process the neurochemicals). the liquid medium, the lid will return to its normal state.
If need be, the Coffin can expel 3 synthetic victims consecu-
Growth Time: It takes 1D4 weeks for the Snafu to grow from a tively without feeding on something organic, but it will die after
seedling to a mature plant. the third purge.
For the Coffin, it takes 2D6 weeks (14-56 days) for the plant To sustain itself, the Coffin needs to feed on at least one decent
to grow from a seedling to a mature plant. meal somewhere after the first purge and before the third. What
The Snafu, when mature, is 3 feet (0.9 m) deep with a diameter this means is, if the Coffin had to purge a robot, if its next victim
of 2 feet (0.6 m). was organic, the plant could then purge three robots after that. If
The Coffin, when mature, is 12 feet (3.7 m) deep, with a diam- the plant doesn’t feed on at least one decent, organic meal before
eter of 5 feet (1.5 m). the third purge, it will die. It can purge three consecutive times
The plant keeps the digestive enzymes at a constant level of 6 before it dies of malnourishment.
feet (1.8 m) for the Coffin and 2 feet (0.6 m) deep for the Snafu. Alternative to Gastric Purge: Kill Switch
M.D.C.: Because the plant suffers damage from thrashing, pan- Instead of creating such a noticeable spectacle in purging a
icking prey, Hope needed to make sure the plant could tolerate trapped robot, the Coffin can live up to its name and become the
defensive attacks and escape attempts long enough for it to drown resting place for the entombed victim. If the plant detects that the
the prey, or for the digestive process to cause enough damage. victim is synthetic, or if the plant is sustaining too much damage
Both plants have a thick, multilayered lining with an M.D.C. while the victim attempts to escape, the plant will activate the
of 50. The Coffin has a dual lining for a total of 100 M.D.C. kill switch. In doing this, the plant releases a chemical into the
Snafu Trapdoor Lid: 50 M.D.C. chamber that turns the liquid medium into a kind of rapid-setting
Coffin Trapdoor Lid: 100 M.D.C. organic concrete (3 melee rounds), trapping the victim and killing
Note: Any explosive-type weapon thrown into the plant will the plant.
do double damage to whatever is in the plant and the plant itself Escaping the Coffin: The Coffin is not inescapable, but time is
due to the liquid medium. of the essence, and the plant has some systems in place to make
escape more challenging. First and foremost, the trap-door lid
Damage: For both plants, the digestive enzymes in the tubing
needs to be destroyed or pried open first if the victim is to have
begin to digest the victim immediately on contact and will cause
any chance of escaping. For both plants, to pry the lid open, either
1D8 M.D. per melee round to every region of the body that is in
the necessary weight is required to push the lid down (see weight
contact with the medium until it is completely liquefied.
limits described later), or a combined Robot/Splicer P.S. of 32 is
This damage is continuous while the target in trapped by the
required to lift the lid up.
plant. If, for whatever reason the victim escapes, they suffer the
Once the lid is dealt with, it is simply a matter of either being
same damage to every region of their body for 1D4 melee rounds
tall enough to pull yourself out, or you or an aid has the means
or until the liquid is completely rinsed off in water.
to assist in climbing out. For gaming purposes, anything that can
Both plants are carnivorous and need to feed frequently on
fit into the tube that is 10 feet (3 m) in height/length or greater,
organic material. However, they were designed to damage ma-
should be able to reach out of the Coffin and climb out. Escaping
chines as well. For the Snafu it is not much of a problem as they
can be extremely difficult for most victims that are 8 feet (2.4 m)
were designed to be easily escapable for larger prey such as a
in height/length or less.
Host Armor or Slicer-Bot, but still cause significant damage. It
It is important to note that apart from the damage inflicted to
is the Coffins that are exposed to dangerous levels of toxic sub-
the victim by the digestive enzymes, the chemicals in the liquid
stances from synthetic prey. That is why most Coffins are kept
medium also affect the surface tension of the liquid, making float-
close to the Heart of the House’s territory – for use by the Daugh-
ing and treading water extremely difficult, if not impossible.
ters to process unfortunate wanderers. To tackle this problem, the
The inner lining of the tube is extremely smooth and slippery
plant has a remarkable adaptation coined the Gastric Purge.
with no cracks or protrusions, making it difficult to climb or brace
Gastric Purge: This ability is given to the Coffin in order to
against the inner walls. Anyone who cannot reach outside the
expel the buildup of toxic substances in the liquid medium from
tube in any way and attempts to climb up the walls of the Coffin
synthetic components which would eventually poison and kill the
will incur a penalty of –35% to their Climb skill.
plant. If whenever the plant captures a robot, after a designated
The best option is to literally dig into the walls of the tube with
period of time (2D4 melee rounds) the inner lining of the plant’s
some sort of weapon or tool that is a blade, spike or horn. If 10
tube blisters off the surface and will proceed to invert (prolapse)
M.D. is done to a fist-sized region of the tube, you can make a
itself violently, expelling the entire contents of the chamber in an
hole that can be used as a foothold.
attempt to move the robot as far away from itself as possible. This

Those with wings are unable to spread their wings far enough Payload: Each Lasher has 2 barbed thorns. Only one thorn is
to produce lift. Anyone with organic thrusters, or the equivalent, active (visible) for combat. The other is recessed inside the plant
can technically fly out of the Coffin once the lid is destroyed, but and only emerges once the first thorn has been removed. It takes
they will suffer considerable damage due to the thrusters sucking 2 melee rounds for the second thorn to move into position for
up the digestive enzymes. combat.
Snafu Mud Trap: The digestive enzymes in the Snafu have a It takes the Host Armor 6 hours to grow back one barbed thorn.
consistency similar to that of mud. This was deliberate, as anyone Damage:
who steps into the Snafu will require a combined Robot/Splicer Slash Attack: 2D8 M.D. plus Splicer P.S.
P.S. of 30 to pull the limb/appendage out of the thick enzyme mix Impaling Attack: When striking to impale the target, the dam-
due to its high viscosity and the suction effect of the medium. age caused is 2D8 M.D. plus Splicer P.S. On a Critical Strike it
Range: Direct contact only. The leaf lids of these plants are quite does twice the damage but also impales the target.
sturdy and are set to collapse after a certain weight is applied. The barbed thorn can either be surgically removed or force-
This weight is easily adjusted by the Daughters but the plants also fully pulled out with a combined Splicer/Robot strength of 30,
have a maximum limit at which the leaf lid cannot support, forc- but in doing so, an additional 1D8 M.D. is inflicted.
ing it to collapse. For the Snafu, it is normally set at 2.2 pounds (1 Thorned Vine Lash: When the Daughter draws her hand away
kg) to a maximum of 176 pounds (80 kg). The Snafu cannot resist from the target, the thorned vines are revealed. These vines im-
collapsing the lid beyond the maximum weight. For the Coffin, it mediately latch onto any surface of the victim, where they are
is normally set at 22 pounds (10 kg) to a maximum of 352 pounds dragged along the flesh as the barb retracts/recoils. It takes 2 me-
(158 kg). The Coffin cannot keep the leaf lid shut beyond the lee rounds to fully retract the vines, and in doing so, each vine
maximum weight. deals 2D8 M.D. per melee round.
Control Bonus: As stated earlier, the Daughters can adjust the If you are able to get a hold of the edge of a thorn vine and try
weight required to trigger the collapse of the trap-door leaf lid. to pry it off your skin, it will feel one hundred times worse than
trying to rip off powerful adhesive tape, causing the same amount
Autonomous Combat Capabilities, Payload, Elder Plant Bo- of damage as if you would have left it (damned if you do, damned
nus: None. if you don’t). It requires a Splicer P.S. of 30 to pull the thorn vine
off, and the victim will suffer 2D8 M.D. for their efforts.
Lasher Optional Enhancement 1: For an additional 10 Bio-E, when the
A whip can do severe damage, and when Hope looked over all Daughter successfully impales a target, the thorn extends rows of
the Tentacle Scourges at the Splicers’ disposal, she wanted the backward-facing, spined ridges, which increases the damage of
Daughters to have a plant that could cause the same damage. The the thorn if it is pulled out. If the Daughter is strong enough, she
Lasher is a permanent melee weapon available for the Gardener can opt to not detach the thorn and proceed to rip the thorn out
Host Armor. The Lasher utilizes a number of mechanisms from herself. The damage caused by the thorn if it is pulled out will
various sources to create one of the most heinous weapons on the now cause an additional 2D8+5 M.D.
battlefield. Optional Enhancement 2: For an additional 30 Bio-E, in paral-
It appears on the Host Armor as a simple, barbed, bladed thorn, lel development, Hope could have conceived of the same lethal
similar to the popular Bone Blade weapons, and it is commonly mechanism as the Pariah Gut-Whip on page 56 of the The Rift-
used in that fashion. However, its main purpose is revealed when er® #37 and incorporated it into the Lasher.
the Daughter impales a target. Chance of Entangling: The vines are not prehensile, nor do
Upon successful impalement, when the Daughter draws her they have any strength. They are moved by a muscle at the base
arm away, the barb detaches from the Host Armor, revealing a of the barb. They are designed to latch/adhere to the first thing
bulbous mass at its end. In that action, the bulbous mass unravels they come in contact with, and have been made with the same
to expose four, 6.5 foot (2 m) long, thorned vines. These vines rigid, inflexible consistency as that of a car seatbelt.
thrash around and immediately attempt to latch on to and entan- They do have the chance of entangling a limb or two, depend-
gle anything in their path. ing on where the barb was impaled. If the Game Master wishes,
Once the vines have latched onto the target, the barb then pro- he can include a chance of the vines entangling one or two limbs.
ceeds to retract the vines back towards its mass, causing the vines For example, the Lasher has a 1-15% chance of entangling one
to tear into flesh like a plough tears into the soil. limb, and a 16-20% chance of entangling two limbs.
This weapon was designed to make the victim feel as if they
experienced a thousand lashes simultaneously. Additional Combat Bonuses: +2 to strike, +1 to parry and dis-
arm, but these only apply when the Lasher is used.
Bio-E: 30
Control Bonus, Elder Plant Bonuses: None.
Growth Time: Though this is a weapon that is permanently at-
tached to the Host Armor, it takes 1D4+2 weeks for the plant to
fully mature and be operational. This is also the time required for Howler Pods
the plant to regrow if it is completely destroyed. Many ancient cultures were able to communicate vast dis-
M.D.C.: The plant has 1D6x10+20 M.D.C., the barbed thorns tances by the simplest of means. Smoke signals were an effective
have 10 M.D.C., while the four thorned vines at the end of the technique to inform others of the arrival of approaching enemies.
barb have 5 M.D.C. per vine.

Howler Pods are plants solely designed as an early warning Payload: The Howler Pod has enough seeds/spores to create 6
system, notifying the House of the location of an approaching clouds in 24 hours and they begin to automatically regrow their
potential threat. payload immediately after one is expelled. It takes 4 hours to
Bio-E: 5 grow enough spores for one cloud.

Growth Time: It takes 3 days for the plant to grow from a sap- Autonomous Combat Capabilities: The plant will automati-
ling to immature, and another 1D4+1 weeks to grow from im- cally release a cloud of spores when the pressure switches in the
mature to mature. root system are triggered, and will continue to release a cloud
every 30 seconds until either the trigger is stopped, or the plant
M.D.C.: The shrub has an S.D.C. of 20. runs out of spores.
Damage: The Howler Pod is completely harmless, with no direct Control Bonus: None; this plant was designed not to be con-
or indirect weapons or defense systems. trolled.
The only protection it has is the ability to release a large cloud
of spores. The spores are harmless, with no toxins or poisons, Elder Plant Bonuses: None.
though they may cause some respiratory agitation if someone or
something inhales a high concentration of the spores by standing Iron Wood Blades
directly above the plant when it expels them. This is another permanent weapon plant for the Host Armor
The plant is edible to herbivores, however, because it is de- or Biotic. It is the plant equivalent of the popular Bone Blade
signed to trigger its release of spores to reveal the presence of weapons, but instead of bone, it is formed from extremely dense,
large threats (roughly anything heavier than 330 pounds/149 kg). reinforced wood that is designed to grow until it reaches its maxi-
Animals such as rabbits can enter the range of the plant freely mum M.D.C. capacity. The trees commonly selected are either
without triggering the spore cloud, so the plant has a couple of the Allocasuarina luehmannii (buloke or bull-oak) and the Lig-
deterrents such as prickly stems and thorny leaves to deter small- num Vitae (Guaiacum officinale).
er herbivores.
The sole purpose of the Howler Pod is to be an alarm system Bio-E: 40
for the House. The root system has built-in seismic and pressure M.D.C.: 2D4x10+10, +5 per month of growth until it reaches
sensors to assess the size of anything that enters its range. If a maturity.
creature of suitable size enters within range, the hollow, tube-like
Mega Damage: The immature plant provides +2D6 M.D. and
structure amongst the flowers produces a howling whistle while
as it matures, increases by +1D6 per month until it reaches full
it proceeds to eject a cloud of spores into the air.
maturity and delivers +3D8 M.D.
The howling whistle is not a loud affair, as something that
sounds like the siren of a fire truck would arouse too much sus- Prerequisites: None.
picion to the nature of the plant, but anyone within range can For the Daughters, if the blades are completely destroyed or
listen out for the specific low sound the plant makes (anyone with torn from their Biotic form, another plant needs to be planted in
Enhanced Hearing, equivalent or better, will be able to hear the its place.
howl with ease if they are within range). For any Gardener Host Armor, if the growing plant is de-
The spores rise rapidly into the air with the appearance of a stroyed before it reaches maturity, it takes 48 hours for it to grow
puff of smoke. to a level where it delivers +2D6 M.D. and will need to grow
each month for it to reach its full level. If a fully mature plant was
Range: The plant is not ready to perform its task until it reaches
destroyed, it takes 72 hours to reach +4D6 M.D. and takes only
maturity, as it takes time for the pressure sensitive root system to
one week for every additional +1D6 M.D. until it reaches +3D8
establish itself. The Immature plant has a range of 10 feet (3 m)
from the heart of the shrub. The Mature plant has a radius/range
of 30 feet (9 m) from the shrub.
The spores darken as they interact with the air, creating a dark,
easily visible cloud that will rise normally on calm days, reaching Template Biotics
an altitude of roughly 328 feet/100 m before the spores dissipate. Hope continues to design new and increasingly terrifying and
Any wind speed above 20 mph (32 km) will dissipate the nightmarish Template Biotics to spread chaos.
spores before they reach their maximum altitude, but a noticeable
dark smear (similar to a jet’s contrail) is easily visible for a few
minutes. Template Biotic: Widow
With an unobstructed view, the dark cloud can be seen as far
“From a mother’s loss, a fury beyond Hell is born.” – Lady
away as 6 miles (9.6 km) on a clear day. Heavy rain and low
of Chaos
cloud cover or thick fog will obscure the spore cloud.
Nighttime Dilemma: There are a number of ways you could The Lady of Chaos is a mother full of resentment and fury
get over this hurdle. One could be a modification to the spores towards humanity’s savagery, wishing to spread her anger far and
which enable them to emit or reflect a specific light frequency, so wide. To this end, she conceived the Widow; and Librarian Hope
when the cloud is released into the air, or adheres to a target, they was more than happy to give form to such a powerful emotion.
would light up like a Christmas tree. Pandorum could create some Only women are chosen for this conversion and turned into vi-
form of sensor that could scan the landscape for that specific light cious werespiders.
frequency and raise the alarm if detected.
Alignment: Those released to fend for themselves are commonly
Diabolical, while those that are part of a Tribe or House are
Unprincipled (20%), Anarchist (30%), Aberrant (30%) or
Miscreant (20%).
Attribute Requirement: None, except the qualities the Lady of
Chaos is looking for.
Attribute (conversion) Bonuses: 2D4+5 P.S. & 2D4 Spd,
+1D6+1 P.E. All are in addition to any genetic enhancements
purchased via Bio-E points and skills selected.
Biotic O.C.C. Bonuses: Splicer P.S., +1 attack per melee round,
+3 to initiative, +2 to strike, parry & dodge, Automatic Dodge,
+4 to automatic dodge, +2 to pull punch, +5 to save vs toxins/
poison and drugs, +15% to save vs coma and death, and +6 to
save vs Horror Factor, cannot be snuck up on or ambushed due
to the positioning of the additional pair of eyes.
Base M.D.C.: P.E. x 8, +1D6 M.D.C. per level of experience
starting at level two.
The Widow regenerates at 1D6 per melee round and can
last ten times longer than normal during strenuous exercise/
activity before feeling the effects of exhaustion. This means
most can remain alert and operate at full efficiency for three
entire days (72 hours) without sleep. However, after such
sleep depravation causes the Widow to suffer –4 to strike,
parry and dodge and the Widow’s regeneration rate drops to
1D4 per melee round until the Widow gets at least 6 consecu-
tive hours of sleep.
Biotic Biological Enhancement: Initial Cost is 200. Enhance-
ments are: An Additional Pair of Arms. Each arm has an ad-
ditional forearm added to it (making 4 arms, 8 forearms and
hands total). Additional pairs of eyes (one eye just above and
behind each ear), Fangs (Medium Bite), Spinneret and Web-
bing, Resin duct, Advanced Eyes for both pairs of eyes, Bone
Blade clawed fingers for each hand, Acid Blood & one Acid
Nodule (internalized as a special weapon, see later descrip-
Note: For a potential story arc, the Lady of Chaos may seek
tion), Impervious to Acid and Heated Acid Breath (modified,
out other mothers that have experienced what she has and offer
not original weapon – cost 30 Bio-E points with Acid Blood
them the opportunity to exact revenge.
as a prerequisite).
To aid Hope in her creation of a humanoid spider, she modi-
Other Enhancements for the Widow:
fied and combined the conditions known as Ambras Syndrome
Sensor Net: Their reproductive system has been modified
(also called Hypertrichosis) and Marfan’s Syndrome.
to be able to produce sophisticated sensor nodes that can be
Ambras Syndrome can be described as an excessive and ab-
placed throughout their territory. These nodes are delivered
normal amount of hair growth over the entire body except the
via the navel and are the size of a baseball.
palms and soles of the feet.
Each node is basically a listening station and a mini Bio-
Marfan’s syndrome can be described as a connective tissue
Comm with a maximum range of 3 miles (4.8 km).
disorder which contributes to the individual being unusually tall
The organ produces the nodes in batches of seven. The first
with long, slender limbs and digits (fingers and toes).
one delivered is deemed the Collector/Receiver. Its purpose is
The Widow was designed to be a versatile predator, equally
to stay in the nest of the Widow, allowing her to tune in and
adept at ambushing and hunting, encountered as either a lone
listen to all the information relayed from the six other sensor
hunter, paired, or in a pack (1D6+2 commonly, but sometimes
up to 2D4+4).
The six sensor nodes are delivered once per week for six
They have an uncanny threat assessment, and will study prey
weeks, which the Widow can place strategically throughout
for a considerable period before making their move.
her territory.
Their cooperative nature really kicks in when prey is afoot.
Sensor Nodes:
They will instinctively work together to lure, direct, flank and
Speed and Combat: The Node has no means to move and has
ambush their prey.
no combat capabilities; they are simply designed to be a listen-
They tend to be solitary in nature, but are comfortable having
ing post.
others of their kind within their territory.
Diameter: 2.5 inches (6.3 cm).
When not hunting, they tend to wander alone or lay in ambush,
Weight: 4 ounces (113 grams).
quite content to stay in their nest waiting for the web to be trig-
Cargo: None.
Physical Strength: 0
Life Cycle: The Nodes live for roughly 1 year before they die acid into pressurized steam that reaches over 300 degrees Cel-
and degrade, leaving no trace of their existence. sius (572 F); so not only does the victim suffer burns from
Production Cycle: It takes the Widow one week to produce the temperature of the acid but the normal effect of the acid
one of these sensor nodes. as well.
Feeding: The Nodes have a Lithovore metabolism and require A Fire Breath cannon has been modified, internalized and
one ounce (28.4 grams) of rock and soil to eat every other day. incorporated into the throat, as the heating and delivery system
Special Features: that cooks the Acid Blood, and a modified Acid Nodule pro-
The Node has all of the sensory abilities of Enhanced Hear- vides the fuel utilized for this weapon.
ing, Heat Pits and Motion Detection as described on pages Note: The Fire Breath and Acid Nodule cease to function as
80-81 of the Splicers® RPG. weapons for their original purpose, but their mechanisms have
It is important to note that the Widow can hear everything been modified to contribute to this new weapon.
transmitted by the nodes clearly, but the information from the The Widow disgorges acid much like flame breath, but in-
Motion Detection and Heat Pit is experienced by the Node, not stead of fire, the acid is super-heated to a steam that then does
the Widow, but the node relays different pitched alarm sounds the equivalent damage of both fire and acid.
depending on what sensory information it takes in. Damage: 4D12 M.D. initially, then 3D8 M.D. for 1D4 melee
Note: The node does not receive any of the bonuses described rounds.
for the sensors, as they are for the likes of Host Armor and This heated acid is indiscriminate; it does equal damage to
Biotics, not a motionless passive sensor array. organics and synthetics.
M.D.C.: The Collector node has 10 M.D.C., while the sensor Those rare Splicers or machine creations impervious to
nodes have 5 M.D.C. acid will still suffer 2D12 M.D. due to the 300 degrees Celsius
If damaged, they regenerate 1 M.D.C. per day. If the M.D.C. of the steam.
of the node goes below 3 then they lose all their sensory ability Payload: 4 blasts per hour, up to a maximum of 20 blasts per
and they can only relay static through the Bio-Comm until the day before being depleted. Automatically regenerates over a
node regenerates to 3 M.D.C. and above. 24 hour period.
Range: 3 miles (4.8 km). This is the range the sensors can re- Maximum Effective Range: 30 feet (9.1 m).
lay their information back to the Collector. Any more than 6 of Rate of Fire: Once per melee round but counts as 2 attacks.
these nodes placed in their territory will overload the Widow,
Bonus: +3 to strike, but this is the only bonus that counts to-
causing nausea and headaches.
wards striking with Acid Fire.
Damage: None.
Requirements: Resistance to Heat, Flame Breath Mechanism,
Genetic Modifiers: The modified Ambras Syndrome pro- Acid Blood and one modified internalized Acid Nodule.
vides the Widow with a short, thick, fur covering that pro- This weapon cannot be Mega-Upgraded but it can be up-
vides a natural Resistance to natural cold & heat, (not extreme graded with increased range and payload.
temperatures or M.D. Heat and Cold Attacks). The modified
Marfan’s Syndrome provides natural Elongated Arms & Elon- Common (Additional) Enhancements:
gated Running Legs (bonuses not included) to the design. Level 2 – Chameleon Skin & Leaping Legs.
The fur provided by the Ambras Syndrome frees the Widow Level 3 – +2D6 M.D. to all 8 Bone Blade Finger Claws.
from the requirement of clothing, and much like the hairs on Level 6 – Bio-Force Field, Armored Eyes.
a spider, it helps the Widow catch/trap a bubble of air around Level 9 – Chemical Sprayer: Sleep, +2 Resin Shots.
her, allowing her to stay underwater quite comfortably for 45- Level 12 – +40 M.D.C. to Bio-Force Field, +2D6 M.D. to all 8
60 minutes. This ability is used to hunt and ambush prey or Bone Blade Finger Claws or Needle Death Blossom.
hide from significant threats.
Unique Combat Abilities/Mechanics:
Metabolism: Their metabolism is modified to either Vam-
The Widow is unique in many ways, and her combat abil-
piric or Carnivorous, but note that if a Widow is converted to
ity is no different. Instead of having four arms, and therefore,
the vampiric metabolism, she does not receive the standard
four hands, she has four upper arms and eight forearms (two
penalties when concerned with the Scent of Blood, as her in-
forearms for each upper arm), which means eight hands, two
stinctive hunting nature has been encoded to follow that of
for each upper arm. This introduces an interesting dynamic to
many spiders; to incapacitate the victim and entangle them in
combat mechanics.
webbing to be eaten later in a safe place, away from threats.
If engaging them in long-range combat there is no issue,
It is not uncommon for one of each metabolism to work
but when you encounter them at close quarters, things get a
together to take down prey.
little tricky.
Bonuses from metabolism have not been factored in.
Because of their unique anatomical setup, it is suggested
Altered Jaw: The jaw and mouth has been modified and
that you have a look at the Special Combat Moves available
reinforced to allow it to open not only in the vertical but in the
to the Xiticix Warrior and Xiticix Super-Warrior as described
horizontal as well, with the jaw separated at the chin line. This
on pages 68-74 of Rifts® Xiticix Invasion.
has allowed the jaw to house more powerful teeth, both verti-
Though not exactly the same (4-armed and 6-armed com-
cally and horizontally.
bat), they will give you a guide.
Acid Fire: Hope has amalgamated a number of weapon
Some Suggestions Are:
systems into an exceptionally powerful signature weapon for
the Widow’s arsenal. This weapon temporarily superheats
! The Widow can wield a two-handed melee weapon in each
! The bonus towards parry, disarm, entangle, climb, etc. is
increased incrementally as another arm (therefore, 2 hands)
Template Biotic: Gemini
is included in the action. The Gemini Biotic is a giant monstrosity. This heavy template
! The Widow can choose to either have one or both hands design is the substitute for the absence of War Mounts in most
from one arm strike at a target. of the House’s Origins. Very rarely does House Pandorum have
! It should be able to engage multiple opponents from various more than 2D4+4 of these operational at one time.
directions simultaneously. The Gemini Biotic is the merging of flesh from two individu-
als into one form. One individual designated as the Primary is lit-
Common Skills: None. They cannot speak anymore but they can erally turned into a giant (see later description) while its legs and
understand one language without any penalty. arms are elongated and become the ambulatory element of the
O.C.C. Skill Program: Athletics & Outdoorsman (selecting design. The Primary always walks with its hands on the ground,
Land Navigation), & Bio-Comm. like a gorilla.
Elective Skills: At level one the Widow receives Tracking and On the back of the Primary, the upper half (head, thorax and
Prowl two times (+10%). At Level 3, Trap & Mine Detection. arms) of another individual are grafted onto them. They are called
At Level 6, Detect Ambush. At Level 9, Trap & Mine Detec- the Secondary, and the two work as one.
tion a second time (+10%). At Level 12, no skill is selected. The Primary is enhanced with a modified version of the condi-
Secondary Skills: The Widow does not receive any Secondary tion known as Gigantism (Acromegaly in adults) which is com-
Skills. monly caused by a Growth Hormone-producing tumor called a
Note: If a Widow is simply released upon the world (aban- Pituitary Adenoma, causing them to grow into an 8 to 10 foot
doned and left to fend for itself) to cause chaos, it will only (2.4–3 m) tall giant.
have the Common Skills, Skill Programs and level one Elec- Due to their design and purpose, these Biotics are never re-
tive Skills as stated above. It will not receive any additional leased into the wild; they are always part of the last line of de-
skills. fense for the House; to hold the line while those important to the
M.D.C. Living Body Armor: The Widow does not receive any cause (mainly Hope) have a chance to escape.
Living Body Armor, but sometimes a Tribe or House may pro- Much like the combat dynamics introduced in the Widow Bi-
vide her with partial body armor or Light Leatherback Armor otic, the Gemini offers a unique combat system for a Biotic. The
to house equipment, weapons and treasures; a standard set fusion adds +30 mph (48 km) to the Gemini’s running speed and
with no enhancements. +10% to its overall balance.
The key element that you have to remember is that the Primary
Standard Equipment: The Widow has no need of clothes as her
is the one who is in control of the movement of the Biotic; the
body is covered in fur, and when part of a clan or House, she
Secondary has no control or sway over the Primary in that matter.
may receive basic toiletries.
When the Primary decides to turn left, they go left. If the Primary
Money: No money is ever given to the Widow, though she may moves backwards, then the Biotic moves backwards.
scavenge some off the fallen.
Alignment: Generally, Unprincipled (30%), Anarchist (40%),
The Upside: They are nimble and capable predators and hunt-
Aberrant (20%), or Miscreant (10%).
ers who awaken many a heightened phobia in any who they
Attribute Requirement: None.
Attribute (conversion) Bonuses for the Primary: 1D8+4 P.S.,
The Downside: Follow the Biotic Insanity list on pages 148-149 +1D4+3 P.E. All are in addition to any genetic enhancements
of the Splicers® RPG. Option: Widows could be cloned and purchased via Bio-E points and skills selected.
not converted humans, and therefore not susceptible to the Attribute (conversion) Bonuses for the Secondary: +1D6 to
standard Biotic Insanities. P.S., +1D4+3 to P.E. All are in addition to any genetic en-
hancements purchased via Bio-E points and skills selected.
Option: The Lady of Chaos may occasionally find an excep-
Biotic O.C.C. Bonuses for Both: Splicer P.S., +5 to save vs tox-
tionally strong-willed and intelligent mother who wishes to exact
ins/poison and drugs, +10% to save vs coma and death, +4 to
revenge. These women become her personal Biotic Bodyguards,
save vs Horror Factor.
and are trained in a number of melee weapon proficiencies
Biotic O.C.C. Bonuses & Penalties for Primary: +1 attack, +1
Her personal Widows receive the additional Enhancements of
to initiative, +2 to strike, +1 to pull punch, +10% to overall
Webbed Fingers for each hand, a Prehensile Tail that will eventu-
balance and -2 to dodge.
ally be converted to a Combat Tail. The most wicked enhance-
Biotic O.C.C. Bonuses & Penalties for Secondary: +2 attacks,
ment that has been added is the crab-like Pincer system between
+2 to initiative, +2 to strike, +2 to pull punch, Automatic par-
the forearms on each arm, which they use to sever limbs or de-
ry. The Secondary is incapable of dodging.
capitate victims with ease.
Cost of Conversion: Considerably high, but it is to be expected if
The Lady of Chaos normally has no more than 1D6+2 of these
they are to work in such coordination with each other’s, mor-
Biotics as her personal bodyguards at one time.
phology and skill sets. However, the Gemini does not have the
Union of Man and Beast like War Mounts and Outriders do, so
it does not have the same benefits of that which it was inspired
to compete against.
Base M.D.C.: For the Primary: P.E. x 20, +2D6 per level of ex-
perience (this is exceptionally high because of the Acromegaly
For the Secondary: P.E. x 10, +1D8 per level of experience ercise/activity before feeling the effects of exhaustion. This
(remember that the secondary does not have a complete abdo- means most can remain alert and operate at full efficiency for
men or legs). three entire days (72 hours) without sleep before feeling any
The Gemini regenerates 1D6 M.D.C. per melee round and negative side effects.
can last three times longer than normal during strenuous ex-
Points to Be Aware of Due to the Merging of Flesh from Two ceeds to blast them with Fire Breath and shots from the Bio-
Sources: Energy Expulsion Vents.
Though this Biotic is the merging/fusion of flesh from two Biotic Biological Enhancements that affect both the Primary
individuals that are now one, for the purpose of game mechan- and Secondary: Reinforced Exoskeleton, Increased M.D.C.
ics: and Bio-Force Field.
! If the head of the Primary is destroyed, the Gemini will col-
lapse where it stands, unable to move, but the Secondary Common Enhancements:
can still move its arms and control most of the weapons. Level 2 – Combat Tail (club), Omni-Upgrade to Organic
If the head of the Secondary is destroyed the Primary Rockets.
can still function, except that it loses most of its weapons Level 3 – +20 M.D.C. to the Bio-Force Field, given Plasma
and the loss of the 2 pairs of arms controlled by the Sec- Breath to one or the other.
ondary. Level 4 – Medium Bore Cannon or Medium-Range Spore Dis-
! If the main body of the Primary is destroyed, then the Gem- charger, whichever is first implemented in the beginning
ini dies, though the Secondary can remain alive for up to stage, +20 M.D.C. to Bio-Force Field.
2D6 hours after the death of the Primary. Level 6 – +20 M.D.C. to Bio-Force Field, Horned Defense or
If the main body of the Secondary is destroyed, the Sec- +2D6 M.D. to Bone Blade.
ondary dies but the Primary is still able to function – but Level 7 – +20 M.D.C to Bio-Force Field, Ultra-Upgrade to
again, it loses most of its weapons. To get to the main body Organic Rockets (speed up time to regrow ammunition).
of the Primary via the back, you have to kill the Secondary. Common Skills: None, except to understand one language
Biotic Biological Enhancements Specifically for the Primary: (+10%).
Elongated Arms, Combat Spurs on the forearms, Omega O.C.C. Skill Program: Outdoorsman (selecting Land Naviga-
Blaster*, 8 organic rockets on each shoulder, Prehensile tail tion).
(at base of the spine, where the abdomen of the Secondary Elective Skills: None.
should be), Resistant to Heat, Flame Breath. Secondary Skills: The Gemini does not receive any Secondary
* Only Resistance to Heat is required for this weapon. En- Skills.
hanced Neurological Connection is not required as it is not Who Is in Control of What Weapons?
being implemented into a Host Armor. Primary: Initially (not including other weapons the Game
Master might implement), the Primary is in control of its own
Biotic Biological Enhancements Specifically for the Second- arms and legs, determining the various types of strikes with
ary: those appendages. The Casting Weapon, the Organic Rockets,
2 Pairs of Eye Stalks*, Advanced Eyes for one pair of the Omega Blaster, its Combat Spurs, its own Flame Breath and
eye stalks, Armored Eyes for the other pair of eye stalks, 1 the Prehensile Tail.
modified Bio-Energy Expulsion Vents**, an additional Pair Secondary: Initially (not including other weapons the
of Arms, Elongated Arms for both pairs***, Light Bore Can- Game Master might implement), its own four arms, the Bore
non on one upper right forearm or optional Short-Range Spore Cannon or the Viral Immobilizer, the Spore Discharger or the
Discharger, one Viral Immobilizer on upper left forearm or Bone Blade, its own Flame Breath and the dual Cyclops Bio-
optional Bone Blade (+4D6 M.D.) and Flame Breath. Energy Expulsion Vents.
* The two sets of eye stalks are placed on either side of the M.D.C. Living Body Armor: None is usually given to the Gemi-
head, extending horizontally to provide the Secondary with ni, though the 1D6 Royal Spawn Gemini may adorn a custom-
forward and backward vision. ized Pandora Chitinous Armor (Heavy).
** The original eyes have been converted into Cyclops vi- Standard Equipment: The Gemini is given basic toiletries.
sor slits to house the Bio-Energy Expulsion Vents. The eye Money: No money is ever given to the Gemini, though it may
stalks provide the vision for the Secondary, providing them scavenge some off the fallen.
with significant accuracy (+3 to strike with the Bio-Energy The Upside: Quite possibly the largest Biotic ever created; a
Expulsion Vents). Note: The Bio-Energy Expulsion Vents fire walking human tank, heavily armored and armed.
in relay as the eyelids are now protective armored lids; thus The Downside: Follow the Biotic Insanity list on pages 148-149
the Secondary will only use these weapons two times per me- of the Splicers® RPG.
lee round to avoid any penalties during combat.
*** The two sets of Elongated Arms have had their shoul-
der joints and musculature modified to enable them to rotate Template Biotic: Gorillephant
180 degrees, allowing them to operate in both a forward and
During his time as a Roughneck, the Chaos Lord had seen
backward capacity without penalty. The hands have also been
every type of commanding officer. The ones he despised the most
modified, having an additional thumb placed on the little fin-
were either the egotistical, arrogant cowards who would sit on
ger side of the hand to provide full dexterity for the hand in
the hilltop watching at a safe distance while their troops died in
both directions.
the hundreds; or the power-hungry, callous individuals who had
The chest of the Secondary has been altered with a modi-
no qualms letting countless die to help them achieve their goals.
fied version of Pectus Carinatum (pigeon chest), which pro-
That loathing was focused towards conceiving a design to put
vides the Secondary with a natural, ridged array of horns.
these individuals to work, and the Gorillephant was created. The
These horns are sometimes used for Body-Ram attacks to
Gorillephant is a template Biotic that is given a combination of
any victim who strays within reach, where the Secondary pro-
physical traits from the gorilla and elephant.
rumored that they may remain in subtle communication with each
other via subsonic means through the ground, like elephants.
Good Omen: Because these Biotics are programmed to attack
the Machine specifically, it would not take long for any Splicer
who encounters them during a skirmish with the Machine to real-
ize that they have no interest in attacking them. This could mean
that these Biotics could be left alone by Splicer factions and even
considered a good omen if they are spotted in the vicinity during
their treks, as it most definitely means they will get involved if
the Machine ever makes an appearance.
Alignment: Anarchist would probably describe their overall na-
ture, with a blind fury towards the Machine. When the Ma-
chine is not present, they are passive, peaceful creatures that
are content to sleep and eat vegetation, and run away if threat-
ened by Splicers.
Attribute Requirement: None, except for those traits that the
Chaos Lord abhors.
Attribute (conversion) Bonuses: 2D4 P.S., +3D6 to Spd,
+1D4+3 to P.E. All are in addition to any genetic enhance-
ments purchased via Bio-E points and skills selected.
Biotic O.C.C. Bonuses: Splicer P.S., +1 attack per melee round,
+2 to initiative, +2 to strike, +2 to dodge, +2 to pull punch, +3
to save vs toxins/poison and drugs, +15% to save vs coma and
death, and immune to Horror Factor as they are fearless when
facing the Machine and wired to avoid organics.
Base M.D.C.: P.E. x 12, +2D4 M.D.C. per level of experience
starting at Level Two.
The Gorillephant regenerates 1D6 M.D. per melee round
and can last ten times longer than normal during strenuous
exercise/activity before feeling the effects of exhaustion.
This means most can remain alert and operate at full effi-
ciency for three entire days (72 hours) without sleep.
Similar to the Kamikaze Organic Cruise Missile (pages 54-56 Biotic Biological Enhancement: Total Cost 220. This includes
of The Rifter® #30), these Biotics are programmed to attack the enhancements at Levels 2-4. Enhancements are:
Machine, and avoid all organic life. Prehensile Trunk, Prehensile Tongue, Short-Range Spore
When released upon the world, they tend to stay together in Discharger, Elongated Arms, Modified Bone Blades (+6D6
a loose-knit community, and are quite peaceful when left alone, M.D.) for each arm*, Reinforced Exoskeleton, Modified Ar-
content to rest in a tree or in a cave and eat plant matter. If any mored Head Crest**, Additional Pair of Eyes, Reinforced
organic creature (Splicer created or natural) enters their territory, Wrists/Hands, Resistance to Kinetic Energy/Attack, Combat
they are weary and keep an eye on the intruder, and if threatened Spurs on the shins, 2 pairs of Combat Spurs on the end of
will run away. Even if they are attacked by organics, they fight the trunk (enabling at least 2 to strike the target), Liquid Bone
not to kill but to hinder, with the intention of escaping. It is only in both hands and at the end of the trunk***, Cosmetic: fur
when they are cornered that they will fight to defend themselves. similar in color and pattern to a Silverback Gorilla, but with a
If a machine enters their territory, that is another story. The blood tint around the face to make it look like they have been
moment they hear the sounds of machines or see one of their feasting, and red eyes.
minions, they charge without hesitation and will attack savagely * These Bone Blades are not one continuous blade, but
until every last machine is destroyed or they are killed. more like a blend of axe and mace weapon that is situated
The House never keeps these Biotics around; they are always along the edge of the hand (but not past the palm) on the side
left to the wild. In saying that, they don’t release them until level of the little finger, to provide more damage to the famous club-
four, just to give them a few more enhancements and increase bing pummel attack that gorillas have.
their odds of survival. It is not uncommon for Pandorum to keep ** The modified Armored Head Crest provides all the same
them in stasis inside Gene Pools, until they have a dozen or so M.D.C., M.D. & bonuses as described on page 83 of the Splic-
and then release them all at once. This does however tend to con- ers® RPG, without the penalties and the necessary prerequi-
gest the Engineer’s steady work as such creatures require enough sites. Instead of a crest similar to the triceratops, the skull is
storage space and may strain a gene pool of its nutrients if not simply thickened like that of the natural skull of a gorilla, or
carefully monitored. the thickened skull of the dinosaur Pachycephalosaurus.
Gorillephants tend to stay in a loose social group, sometimes *** New Physical Enhancement: Liquid Bone
seen playing with each other, but commonly aloof, spread out Bio-E Cost: 10 per striking appendage (that means 20
over a considerable range of many square miles/kilometers. It is points for both hands)
Some cheating Boxers of old used to inject their gloves
with mercury to make them heavier, thus causing more dam-
Template Biotic:
age on impact. This enhancement works on the same princi-
ple, in which a special liquid bone medium is pumped into
Shield Maiden/Youth
bladders of striking appendages in order to add more weight “Nothing is more ferocious than a mother defending her
and thus more force into the strike. young; the flames of Hell burn in her eyes.” – Librarian Hope
Damage: +4D6 to M.D towards damage inflicted by the
striking appendage. The Shield Maiden is the foresight of Hope predicting what
This enhancement can be implemented into hands, feet, the Neo-Sapien test subjects will require during their matura-
and the tips of tails, tentacles and trunks. tion. The Shield Maiden is a Template Biotic designed for a dual
Requirements: a Splicer P.S. of 25 is required to use the purpose. They are to serve as nannies for the Neo-Sapien test
appendage when the liquid bone has been pumped into the subjects, while also protecting the House and its true inhabitants
bladders. If P.S. is below 25, a penalty of -2 to strike and parry (Hope, the Engineers, and the Family).
with that appendage is incurred. Normally, three of these Biotics are made for each pair of test
It takes two actions for the liquid to fill or empty the bladders. subjects, two females and one male (Shield Youth). The three are
Penalty: If the bladders are full there is a penalty to any skill charged with the pair, and are responsible for caring, entertaining
requiring the use of the hands or trying to climb with the ap- and conducting some of the testing of the subject.
pendage of -20% due to the loss of dexterity in the appendage. Note: Their metabolism has been altered like that of the Third
Daughter, reducing the need for them to eat copious amounts of
Common Enhancements: This Biotic is kept at the House until food.
Level 4, then released to fend for itself. They are an amazing design with some exceptional enhance-
Level 4 – Light Gore Cannon (fired from the trunk), Bio- ments to assist them in any situation. They are designed to look
Force Field. Note: The Gore Cannon will receive a +6 to its completely human, not to intentionally deceive for the purposes
M.D. base due to the Gorillephant’s highly herbivorous me- of infiltration, but to actually make them look like less of a threat
tabolism. to their charges and to anyone they may encounter topside.
Level 6 – Viral Immobilizer, +40 M.D.C. to Bio-Force Shield Maidens are designed to be docile, placating servants
Field. to the test subjects; to spend time with them, play with them, con-
Common Skills: None. sole them and care for them. They have been programmed and
O.C.C. Skill Program: Outdoorsman (selecting Land Naviga- trained to be nurturing and protective parent figures, ready to die
tion) two times. Selecting the skill program a second time adds to protect their children. But at the end of the day they are loyal
an additional +10% to each skill. The House gives the Goril- to the House and if a specific catch phrase is spoken, they will kill
lephant all the basic skills it needs to survive in the wild at an the test subjects under their protection. When the phrase “all hope
exceptional level before being released. is lost” or “all hope is gone” is uttered, it will trigger the order and
Elective Skills: At level one the Gorillephant receives Trap & the Shield Maiden will attempt to kill its charge.
Mine Detection, Camouflage (of self) with a bonus of +15%
due to the fur, and Prowl (used to avoid organic life, not to Alignment: Tend to be Unprincipled (45%), Anarchist (45%),
hunt). At Level 3, Trap & Mine Detection again (+10% to base or Scrupulous (10%), but devoutly loyal to the House (Hope
skill). At Levels 6, 9 & 12, no skill is selected. and the Family) and will obey any order from them without
Secondary Skills: The Gorillephant does not receive any Sec- question.
ondary Skills. Attribute Requirement: None.
Note: Because the Gorillephant is specifically designed to Attribute (conversion) Bonuses: +2D4 to P.S., +5D8 to Spd,
be released, it will only receive the Common Skills, Skill Pro- +2D4 to P.P. (minimum 18), +1D4+3 to P.E. All are in addi-
grams and Elective Skills as stated above. tion to any genetic enhancements purchased via Bio-E points
M.D.C. Living Body Armor: Because these Biotics are de- and skills selected.
signed to always be released, they never receive any Living Biotic O.C.C. Bonuses: Splicer P.S., +2 attacks per melee round,
Body Armor. +2 to initiative, +2 to strike, +1 to parry, +2 to dodge, +2 to
Standard Equipment: The Gorillephant has no need of clothes pull punch, +5 to save vs toxins/poison and drugs, +15% to
as their body is covered in fur, and they groom themselves on save vs coma and death, and +4 to save vs Horror Factor.
a regular basis. Base M.D.C.: P.E. x 8, +1D6 M.D.C. per level of experience
Money: No money is ever given to the Gorillephant, though they starting at level two.
may scavenge some off the fallen. The Maiden regenerates 1D6 M.D.C. per melee round and
The Upside: They are a savage, brute type of fighter that will can last three times longer than normal during strenuous ex-
take down many machines in their lifetime. ercise/activity before feeling the effects of exhaustion. This
The Downside: There really isn’t a downside. These individuals means most can remain alert and operate at full efficiency for
have their identity completely wiped and reduced to basic ani- three entire days (72 hours) without sleep.
mal instincts, where they are then programmed to be a weapon Biotic Biological Enhancement: Initial Cost is: 260, Enhance-
against the Machine. These once pathetic excuses for humans ments are: Savant (page 83, The Rifter® #50, +40% towards
are now shining examples of the savagery and determination Domestic Skills), Electrical Discharge, Resistance to Electric-
required to defeat the Machine. These Biotics are never cloned ity, Electrical Stunner (page 85, The Rifter® #50), Flame
as it is a form of punishment for those the Chaos Lords de- Breath, 2 Bio-Energy Expulsion Vents, 2 Bio-Energy Blades
spises. (page 84, The Rifter® #50), Bio-Force Field, Liquid Bone
Claws (see later description) with Betrayer Blade Crystals The bone claws are permanent until either is destroyed or
(page 56, The Rifter® #37). the individual wishes to remove them.
Other Enhancements for the Shield Maiden: Payload: The Biotic has enough liquid medium stored for 4
sets of claws for each hand. Any expended set of claws re-
Electroreception: This enhancement differs from Electro- quires 6 hours to replenish the bone medium.
magnetic Vision (page 78, Splicers® RPG), in the fact that Penalty: Whenever the Bone Claws are present, the Shield
the individual feels the electromagnetic field instead of seeing Maiden receives a -15% to any skill requiring the use of the
it. Though it has the capacity to be an amazing sensory organ, hands.
providing priceless sensory information, it has been imple-
mented in the design of the Biotic for a specific purpose. Common (Additional) Enhancements:
This enhancement was specifically incorporated into the Level 2 – Lightning Strike, Plasma Breath, +60 M.D.C. to
design of the Maidens to enable them to combat a rogue Neo- Bio-Force Field.
Sapien. The enhancement works on the amazing electrorecep- Level 3 – Omni-Upgrade to Lightning Strike, +60 M.D.C. to
tion possessed by sharks thanks to a special sensory organ Bio-Force Field.
called the Ampullae of Lorenzini. These organs are noticeably Level 6 – Mega-Upgrade to Lightning Strike.
visible on sharks through the obvious large pores. Because Level 9 – Mega-Upgrade to Bio-Energy Expulsion Vents.
Hope wanted the Maidens to look completely human, she Level 12 – Mega-Upgrade to Plasma Breath.
modified them, positioning them deeper in the skin with no Common Skills: Standard, but without the standard -10% pen-
connection to an open pore, completely concealed. This modi- alty to each skill.
fication severely limits the sensory range of the organ (direct O.C.C. Skill Program: Domestic (+10% and keep Wardrobe &
contact to 1.5 feet/0.4 m away) compared to what they are Grooming), Weapon Training, Martial Arts & Survivalist.
truly capable of, but that is all the range the Maiden needs. Elective Skills: At level one the Maiden receives Climb, Swim-
Concealed Weapons: To make the Maiden look completely ming and First Aid. At Level 3, Trap & Mine Detection. At
human, all her weapons are internalized or concealed. The Level 6, Detect Concealment. At Level 9, Detect Ambush. At
Flame Breath and Lightning Strike are naturally internal but Level 12, no skill is selected.
the Bone Claws and Bio-Energy Expulsion Vents had to be Secondary Skills: No Secondary skills are given to the Shield
concealed to maintain the ruse. Hope rose to the challenge and Maiden.
has incorporated the latter two weapons into the design – com- M.D.C. Living Body Armor: Because these Biotics are de-
pletely undetectable until it is too late. signed to stay within the habitat and raise the test subjects, the
Bio-Energy Expulsion Vents: It is important to explain House will provide the Maiden with an assortment of armor,
the Maiden’s version of this weapon. Instead of simply being but commonly the medium to light armor types are used to
mounted on the top of the forearm or on the shoulder, they continue the ruse of a ‘simple, fragile human.’ They may even
have been completely internalized (not even the port is vis- have a couple of sets of custom, form-fitting Poor Man’s Ge-
ible), incorporated into the bones of the forearm. Whenever netically Enhanced Leather Armor.
the Maiden wishes to use these weapons, the hands split apart Please note that while in Living Body Armor the Biotic is
in a gruesome display (between the middle and ring finger), unable to utilize most of its bio-enhancements; at least while
and recoil past the wrist to reveal the weapon concealed in the it is worn intact.
forearm (requires two melee actions). Standard Equipment: Because the House is their benefactor,
This process does minimal damage (mainly a little blood they receive a vast amount of supplies for grooming and toi-
loss) to the Biotic as their hands and musculature have been letries, cooking, cleaning, etc. They also have a large collec-
engineered for the process, but it does render the Biotic unable tion of casual clothing and personal items such as jewelry and
to perform any skill that requires the use of the hands while the things collected over time.
weapons are present. Money: The Shield Maiden has access to a vast sum of money
When the hand returns to its natural position, it takes 1 hour if ever they need to purchase items or produce from traders.
before the hand regains full functionality. Until then, they in- The Upside: Enhanced & trained above and beyond the capa-
cur a penalty of -20% to any skill that requires the use of the bilities of most Biotics, with access to the best weapons and
hands. equipment.
Concealed Liquid Bone Claws (with Betrayer Blade The Downside: You are charged with raising test subjects which
crystals): Much like the Third Daughter’s Crystal Claws, the at any moment could kill you with a psychic outburst; your
Shield Maiden has Bone Claws that utilize a liquid bone me- role is extremely dangerous to say the least.
dium that is similar to that used by the Gorillephant Biotic (de- Due to your programming and education level, you are
scribed earlier), but the Betrayer Blade crystals are included in always balancing on a knife edge, with the internal conflict
the mix and this bone is designed to harden and set. between the loyalty and obedience for the House and the bond
Bio-E: 20/50. 20 if just selecting the liquid bone claws. 50 if made with the test subject you are charged with.
you include the Betrayer Blade crystals.
M.D.C.: Each Bone Claw has 10 M.D.C. Top Secret Enhancement:
Damage: +4D6 M.D. to strikes with the hands.
Duration: It takes 30 seconds (2 melee rounds) for the Biotic
Nova (Spontaneous Combustion):
to secrete enough of the liquid medium for the 5 inch (12.7 Because of their unique design and programming, every now
cm) finger claws and for the bone to harden/set. and again, a Shield Maiden’s bond with their charge is too strong

and they begin to believe that it is literally their biological child. If you wish, you could include the effects of impact damage
This leads the Maiden to feel the need to get her child out of this and stun effect from explosives as found on pages 116-117 of the
dangerous environment. Though there are considerable measures Splicers® RPG.
in place to thwart any escape attempt, there is still the chance The Shield Maidens are unaware that this weapon is built into
that one might somehow free itself. Hope has anticipated all this, them. Only Hope, the Engineers and the Family know of this in-
and has incorporated into the design of the Shield Maiden Bi- clusion into their design.
otic an explosive chemical compound woven into the fabric of
their red blood cells which is extremely unstable and volatile, Alternate Path for the Shield Maiden/Youth
but kept stable with the introduction of a binding chemical either
through their diet, or servicing, by one of the Engineers (Game A Mother Superior/Matron is a Shield Maiden that is enhanced
Master’s choice). This binding chemical can keep the explosive even more than normal, given Supernatural Strength, which pro-
chemical inert for 7 days, so either it is introduced into their diet vides an edge in combating any test subject. These Biotics are not
every day or the Engineer will service the Biotic every six days. charged with caring for the test subjects; instead, they stay with
The moment the binding chemical wears off, the Shield Maiden Hope and assist her in conducting some of the tests and experi-
will go into fierce convulsions for 1D4 melee rounds triggering ments.
an irreversible process that causes their body to instantaneously The House normally has 2-3 Mother/Father Superiors at one
combusts, atomizing the Shield Maiden and almost anything else time to help Hope with her tasks in assessing the test subjects,
within its blast radius. and to protect her if she is endangered.
Damage: 1D4x10 M.D. to everything within a 10 foot (3 m)
radius from the Maiden. 6D6 M.D. to everything between 10 feet
and 30 feet (3-9.1 m).

Outpost F279 An Adventure for Rifts®

By Anthony Uyl

Introducing the Adventure

This adventure is set in the year 109 P.A. in the pre-Rifts Ca- The players could also get involved just for the chance to in-
nadian province of Ontario. The player characters will involve terfere with the Coalition. They could also work for the CS as
themselves with a villain’s desire to see both Lazlo and the Co- military contractors, or could be members of the Coalition mili-
alition pay for past crimes. Obsessed with revenge, he will make tary that are ordered to intervene. In either case, the characters
a deal with an unknown Alien Intelligence in order to gain the are motivated by anger or duty, both equally good reasons for
power he needs. Of course, he has been deceived; this new alien potential heroes to get involved.
monster is using him as a way to manifest in our world. Whatever the motivation of the player characters, they will
The Alien Intelligence has sent a powerful creature to set the receive the video message below as a call for help:
stage for its master to come through. The godlike creature needs “To anyone that receives this, my name is Waine Rembrand. I
very specific elements to manifest before it can come to Earth. am calling out from the Canadian province of Ontario – a place
called Londesborough near the shores of Lake Huron. We came
Introducing the Characters here to investigate rumors about a Coalition facility that fell a
Where the Player Characters begin this adventure can be left couple of months ago. We thought the base was destroyed and
wide open. However, being anywhere near the city of Lazlo or might be a place to find some salvage.
Chi-Town would be the most convenient place to start. “The community of Londesborough is a welcoming commu-
Obviously, the PCs are going to need a motive to get involved nity and they are always willing to help, but getting there can be
in what would normally be a Coalition issue. Although it won’t be dangerous. If you can find the village, most of the locals are hon-
directly spoken of in the emergency message detailed below, the est and helpful, but some of them are...reserved, withdrawn, with
G.M. could hint at lost knowledge or goods stored in a Coalition this eerie feeling about them.
outpost that might make the players more eager to get involved. “The location of the outpost still eludes us. We have encoun-
Another possible motive is that the PCs are being paid by a tered strange monsters we are totally unable to identify. The area
third party to seek out the outpost and find out exactly what the is heavily overgrown and finding our way through has been dif-
Coalition is keeping there. Although the emergency message be- ficult; we only hope that we can survive long enough to find the
low is intercepted by anyone with a video communication device, way back out. We think the villagers might know where the out-
some players may not want to get involved in a Coalition affair. post is, but we didn’t ask, we were simply too arrogant to ask.
Therefore, it is possible that some group from either Lazlo or the “I believe there are objects there, old relics that...”
‘Burbs of Chi-Town will want that base secured and searched for
The message cuts off with a burst of static and white noise.
their own reasons. Credits or equipment could be promised – and
the G.M. is free to make these promises real or empty.
Getting Information Londesborough’s citizens were optimistic when Coalition pa-
trols began to operate in the area. Many of the inhabitants thought
As can be expected, there is little information that the charac- the Coalition would clean up the wildlands and make them safer.
ters can dig up about the outpost or the surrounding communities. This wasn’t the case. Many of the villagers pleaded with the Co-
Officially, the Coalition has shown little interest in the area, and alition to do something about the dangerous creatures, but their
has distributed the least amount of data possible to keep curious cries fell on deaf ears. Most assumed the Coalition didn’t care
interlopers out. and still hold grudges against anyone bearing official Chi-Town
Any information the player characters get confirms that there rank. Rather than attempt to protect Londesborough or pacify the
is no Coalition outpost nearby, and the closest community, said area, the patrols focused on an old, abandoned Pre-Rifts military
to be inhabited by D-Bees and other dangerous monsters (purely base just outside of nearby Clinton. (G.M. Note: This Pre-Rifts
Coalition propaganda), is a place called Londesborough. Since military base is actually the location of the new Coalition base.)
there are no surviving records about a military base of any kind The D-Bee population here is small, making up about twenty
in the area, the characters will have to head to Londesborough to or so individuals. Most of them are vagrants with nowhere else
investigate further. to go, or have come to find work on the farms. Some are former
warriors that have fled from the Tolkeen war or else have made
Approaching and Working their way from Lazlo to keep an eye on the outpost for informa-
Around Londesborough Villagers did notice, however, when the outpost suddenly went
With the information above and the dangerous setting, even silent a few months ago. It was impossible to completely hide the
approaching the village can be dangerous. Traveling through the presence of Death’s Head transports coming into the area from
area is extremely difficult and PCs will need to be on their guard. across Lake Huron, and the locals were certainly aware when the
The thick forest and foliage makes any attempt to approach regular flights ceased. What these transports were bringing and
by ground difficult, since any of the major highways that used what they were shipping is anyone’s guess. Any member of the
to lead into the area are now destroyed and heavily overgrown. population of Londesborough that are asked about the base will
Approaching by sea is possible, but sea monsters will make the most likely spit in defiance, but say that they know very little.
voyage just as perilous. Either method of approaching the village Most of them don’t even know where the base is, since all that
could take days. have gone there have been suspiciously killed in the weeks since
If the PCs are traveling by a hover vehicle or some kind of they visited or simply refuse to talk about it.
aircraft, they could get to Londesborough in a matter of hours, but
the danger of attack is still very real, especially on final approach. 1. Town Hall
For every day that the PCs spend in the immediate area around This small gathering hall isn’t the most formal of settings for a
Londesborough, roll on the table below to see if and what type of village council but the mayor does make his office here at a small
encounters they may have. desk in a corner of the community hall. Mayor Dak Emmis can
be found here while the sun is up but leaves when the sun starts
Londesborough Encounter Table: to go down to his home not far down the street.
01-25%: No encounter. Emmis doesn’t know much about what is going on at the base,
26-50%: 1D6 Consumed Humans. See below for details. but says that strange things have been happening to the members
51-60%: 1D4+2 Spirit Sasquatch. See Rifts® World Book of his community ever since the outpost went quiet.
20: Canada for details. “They’ve become reclusive and refuse to show up to meetings.
61-75%: 1D4 Demon Bears. See Rifts® World Book 20: Some of them are sorta religious folk, worshiping some of the
Canada for details. gods that have made themselves known in these strange days, but
76-90%: A Windigo Demon. See Rifts® World Book 20: they are all good people. Now they just sit there and watch folks
Canada for details. as they pass, not saying much to anyone that would ask them any
91-95%: 1D6 Timral Soldiers. See below for details. questions. Sometimes they hitch a ride into Clinton for some rea-
96-00%: A Wishpoosh. See Rifts® World Book 20: Canada son – I’m not sure why. You may want to talk to Arcturus Bouvier.
for details. He’s fairly new here but he seems to be the leader of their group.
They all gather around him as if he’s some kind of holy icon.”

Londesborough Emmis doesn’t know much beyond this but will ask that the
characters stay and help him with defending the village.
As noted above, this is small village with a population of If the PCs decide to help Emmis out they will find that the
roughly 300 people. Most of the inhabitants are family members village has measly defenses. How they have managed to survive
or farmhands that work the local farms trying to grow crops or this long is a miracle. There are no walls and little in the way of
raise cattle. Although farming is dangerous due to all the mon- fortified positions to defend. There are some bunkers that area
ster and demon attacks, the villagers still try to make a living for farmers and villagers use to take cover in when there are attacks
themselves here. Whether or not the community is inhabited by but these bunkers are small (50 M.D.C.) and barely fit the people
D-bees won’t be discovered until the characters actually arrive. they are designed for.
The village itself is always looking for brave adventurers who are When an attack does happen, Emmis will pay the PCs a small,
willing to help protect the village from violent monsters. 100 credit fee for their help, saying that this is all the village can
afford. The mayor also points out that any goods the creatures are
carrying are free game to the people that killed them. He warns, and scream all they want, but they most likely won’t be able to
however, that the villagers are also eager for any items the mon- get him to answer the front door willingly.
sters might possess, and if the characters are determined to get The Game Master is free to role-play this out as much as pos-
any of it, they will have to act fast. Other defenders in town will sible, but eventually the characters will have to kick the door in.
loot the corpses and sell whatever they can, including monster The door has an S.D.C. of 10 and no A.R. rating. Bouvier will
and demon body parts, as a way to complement their puny pay. come running out demanding to know what they are doing in his
Emmis won’t be willing to give directions to the abandoned house. He will claim that he just woke up and demands they leave
base until after they have helped defend the town or dealt with before he calls the local defenders.
Bouvier. After that, he will suggest that if the PCs are looking for If asked about the villagers in his group, he will say that it is
a Coalition facility, the old base would be a good place to start. none of their concern.
“We are free to practice our beliefs how we want. This isn’t
2. General Store the Coalition. If you want to preach their doctrine, go somewhere
This small store has everything that most of the villagers need else. No one will listen to you here.”
to survive. Most types of preserved food can be bought at a fairly
With all the noise and commotion happening at Bouvier’s
cheap price (around 40% below normal). These prices may be
home, some of his followers, 1D6 Consumed Humans (see be-
a result of the poor condition the food is in. A Cooking or Pre-
low) will come up to help their apparent leader. Bouvier will
serve Food skill check will reveal that most of the stocks are not
smile as his saviors attempt to sneak up on the PCs.
in the most edible condition. If any of the food was at one time
As the attack happens, Bouvier will start to yell about how
good quality, it was a long time ago. Those with the Basic Elec-
they’re all doomed. Lazlo and Chi-Town will fall to the new mas-
tronics or Electrical Engineering skill can make a skill roll to
ter that is coming forth. No one will be able to stand before the
see that the fridges and freezers within the general store are in a
great lord that is coming from the outpost. They have taken it and
state of disrepair, sustaining everything at an unsafe temperature.
not even lowly, insignificant humans like the PCs will be able to
If the players can fix the appliances, the store owner, Mel Yonki,
stop what is to come.
will be appreciative and let them take around 100 credits of free
Once he is done preaching, Bouvier will try to join the fight.
If he starts to realize he is losing, Bouvier will try to run in the
Probably the most important service the general store offers,
direction of Clinton. The characters can feel free to stop him or
however, is recharging E-Clips. Their small E-Clip charging sta-
kill him, depending on how they want to deal with the situation.
tion doesn’t work at peak efficiency, but will charge any clip up
Bouvier’s home also sits unprotected once he runs off or is
to 60% before it starts to malfunction. If the PCs can repair the
killed. The house is generally a mess, with clothes, food scraps
charger for Yonki he will allow them to recharge their E-Clips
and junk littered all over the floor. One piece of furniture that
here for free whenever they are in town.
stands out is a desk along the back wall that has a book open on it.
Yonki knows little about the outpost, but had hoped that when it
The book is a journal that Bouvier has been keeping ever since he
came in to service, it would increase business and trade in the town.
first encountered the Alien Intelligence. Below are a few entries
“It’s unfortunate that the Coalition isn’t doing anything to that would interest the characters.
clean up the monsters around here. They seem to be patrolling
nearby, but that is about all. I’ve personally asked them to do March 18
something about the dangers around here and you’d think with A great power, a thousand voices, has made contact with me
their attitude towards monsters and whatnot that they’d be will- today. Maybe they could feel that I was unwell and sought to help
ing to help – but so far, nothing. – or maybe they see in me a greatness that all others have failed
“I don’t know anything about a base around here. There used to notice. Regardless, they have accepted me, and I them.
to be one before the Rifts, they say, near the old village of Clin- They offered me great power to overcome those that have
ton. It’s not too far; might be a place to start.” treated me so poorly. The weaklings in Lazlo will know my anger
when the full power of my new masters goes against them. They
He has high hopes that the Dead Boys will bring with them
will soon learn that they should have heeded my warnings, should
trade and development of the region. Although not an avid sup-
have taken me in.
porter of their human supremacist policies, Yonki wants their
Next will be the Coalition and their treasured Chi-Town. They
business and hopes that they will return and start cashing in some
may have defeated Tolkeen and held off the Federation of Magic,
very valuable Coalition credits. (G.M. Note: He’s not sure where
but myriad creatures of this magnitude with all its servants? I
exactly the pre-Rifts base is located, but knows from hearsay
doubt that even they would be able to withstand such an assault.
around the village that there used to be one near Clinton.)
Once these two arrogant powers are dealt with, we shall move
on to the world as a whole – and I will rule with an iron fist.
3. Bouvier’s Home
Eventually, the PCs will have to confront Arcturus Bouvier March 26
about the cult-like activity he has been involved with, whether The first plans for my masters’ arrival are coming to fruition.
they seek him out directly, encounter him in the streets or have First, they wish to send a scout that will prepare the coming of
a run-in with his followers. Bouvier stays at home most of the my master. They need very specific circumstances to take place
time, tending to his flock. If visited, at first he doesn’t answer the before they can enter our world. The stage must be prepared for
door, but anyone that passes a Perception Roll of 10 or higher them, and to do that they must send creatures called Timral and
can clearly see lights on in the house and someone trying to peek their familiars here to adjust the local climate and temperatures
out through the windows without being seen. The PCs can yell to suit their needs. From what I’ve heard, they need to transform
a vast area the size of many old American states in order for their out. If the Game Master wants to make a mini-adventure out of
master to come to Earth. To help with the process, they are going getting there they could put a penalty on the roll to make it more
to send what they call a “pod.” difficult and have the characters run into a series of encounters on
the encounter table above.
April 16 Regardless of how the G.M. decides to play out the journey,
They have chosen the old town of Clinton as their center of op- there should be at least one encounter from the table above. It’s a
erations. Unfortunately, the Coalition has already established an decent distance (about 10 miles or 16 km) from Londesborough
outpost there. Although I am fairly confident the masters’ scouts to Clinton and the chances of not running into a monster during
can handle the CS troops, I don’t want this all to unfold before the journey is low.
the final conquest is ready to commence. I don’t let my masters
know that I am nervous but they seem fairly confident that this
will work. Outpost F279
June 4 When the PCs finally find their way to the base they will notice
The outpost has been taken and the great creature Mezensoff that the area shows signs of a battle. There are wrecked Coalition
has taken up office in the upper level of the base. He is an arro- vehicles and slain Dead Boys all over the grounds and within the
gant, blob-like creature that does not give me my due, but I have base itself. The 10 foot (3 m) walls that surround the base are bat-
been promised power and vengeance. Part of me doesn’t think tered and broken at certain locations, but are for the most part, in-
that this Timral has been properly informed from the masters tact. A character with the Military Fortification skill will be able
about me, but soon all will be revealed. to determine on a successful roll that whatever did the damage to
He has descried his masters as being great creatures of pow- the walls was able to either fly or slide over the walls. On a suc-
erful abilities. They care nothing for life and want to consume our cessful Perception Roll of 10 or more, a character will also find
universe as they have their own. From what Mezensoff has said, a gel-like substance that covers the outside and top of the wall (as
they are massive creatures, bigger than even the Splugorth, and well as inside once they enter the base), indicating that something
bear incredible power. I shall open the door for these masters, did slide over the wall. A successful roll with the Biology skill
and in return they shall give me my revenge. will indicate that the gel is organic and not native to Earth.
The countdown has begun. The front gates are blasted open and otherwise non-functional,
making entrance into the base fairly easy. The base itself has a
There is also a cat present that at first, is hiding in Bouvier’s basic layout with a vehicle garage, barracks and armory. The key
house, but that comes out to investigate the players. Although feature of the base is the two-story, black, cylindrical building
the cat doesn’t seem interested in attacking the characters, if the in its center. If the characters passed the Perception Roll above,
characters provoke it or try to shoo it away, it transforms into a they will notice that the slime goes right in through the entrance
cat-sized worm with a 2 foot long tentacle for a head. This is a to this central building.
Timral familiar (see below) and it will immediately attack the Everything seems quiet and PCs may feel the need to look for
PCs once it takes on its true form. Coalition equipment. Once they get about halfway to the central
building (around 50 feet/15 m from the main gates), they will
After Bouvier be attacked by 1D6+2 Consumed Humans. Once this menace is
dealt with, the characters can loot all they want. They won’t be
Once their leader has been dealt with, the villagers that fol-
able to scavenge much, but will be able to get a hold of 1D6 C-10
lowed him will scatter into the surrounding wilderness. Most of
Laser Rifles, 2D6 C-18 Laser Pistols, 1D4 Vibro-Swords, 2D6
them will make it to the outpost, but others will surely die due to
E-Clips and 1D6 suits of new-style Dead Boy armor. Any other
the strange creatures and monsters in the area. The PCs can try to
equipment is broken and useless, and there aren’t enough intact
chase the followers all they want and they may be able to catch
pieces to put various parts together to make anything. A character
1D6 of them. If the PCs do catch up with them they will fight to
with the Salvage skill will be able, with a couple hours work, to
the death (use the Consumed Human stats below). They will not
get a Sky Cycle working again, but it has no mini-missiles and
answer any questions and will mysteriously die if captured.
the speed and M.D.C. are reduced by 50%.
Emmis insists that the PCs head to the base and find out what
With the external threats gone, the PCs can search the garage,
is going on. If they can restore the base, it may be a boon to their
barracks and armory but there is nothing of value nor any clues
community that will help them prosper. Of course, if the PCs are
for the characters to find. Over the few months since the base was
anti-Coalition this may be a perfect opportunity to deliver a seri-
attacked the place has fallen into disuse and is covered in dust and
ous blow to the human supremacists.
other debris. It looks like the armory and garage have been stripped
Getting to Outpost F279 clean, so the PCs were lucky to find the few weapons that they did.
The last place to go will be the central building.
The road from Londesborough to Clinton will be rough and
unwelcoming. With the amount of demons and monsters that
stalk the area it would make sense that the woods are hard to
Central Building – First Floor
traverse. This doesn’t mean that it will take overly long to make
the journey, but obviously it will take longer than it would on a 1. Entrance
perfectly flat and maintained road. This entranceway would have been grand before the base was
The G.M. should ask for Land Navigation rolls here to make taken over, but now is rundown and filled with the smell of death
sure that the PCs are following the directions that Emmis gave and decay. There is a reception desk in the middle of the room
with a dead soldier slumped over it. The computers behind the The PCs may also try and get information about the outpost
desk are non-functional but the elevators on the right-hand side itself from the computers. Most of the computers here are still
of the room still work. running, although their connection to a central database may be
There are three doors, one on each side of the room (areas 3 damaged, making them slow and inconsistent.
and 8) and one that leads to the central room of the outpost (area The following information may be accessed with a successful
2). The two side doors are smashed and missing, while the door Computer Operation roll (or the Game Master may allow the
to the central room is jammed shut. A sensor above the door ap- characters to see the information without a roll to help them out):
pears to be working, and characters will be able to hear the door’s 1. The outpost was established as a listening post to moni-
lock release upon approach, but the door itself refuses to open. tor Lazlo, but there is no long-term plan in the computer system
PCs with the Computer Programming skill can attempt to fix regarding ongoing operations or the Coalition’s specific goals
the door, but ultimately it is something on the other side that is when it comes to Lazlo.
causing the jam. 2. An automated distress signal has been sounding ever since
Additionally, there are 2D6 cats that look the same as the one the outpost was taken over. There are some signs of help com-
in Bouvier’s house. These are more of the Timral Familiars. If ing, but many messages have been sent to the outpost to try and
provoked in any way, 1D6 of them will run off while the rest turn contact survivors or access databases. A Coalition officer by the
to fight their aggressors. If the characters are smart enough to name of Captain Padrick Rendell has been trying to reach anyone
leave them alone, the cats won’t bother them. in the base for more information, but has sent a message back
saying he is waiting on orders from Chi-Town to come to their
What’s with all the cats? aid.
For some reason Mezensoff has taken a liking to the feline 3. There are several reports about the citizens from Londesbor-
species. He finds their independence alluring and sees part of ough asking for help from the base, but the outpost commander
himself in them. He too would like to be free of his Alien Intel- states that they are a nuisance and a plan was being developed to
ligence masters, even to be a master himself, but doesn’t have eradicate them in order to conceal the knowledge of the outpost’s
the ability to break free. He admires the cats and their capacity to existence.
survive on their own and has taken all the cats he could find in the All other information available is irrelevant – standard mili-
surrounding communities as his companions, turning them into tary supply orders and reports.
the familiars found in this adventure. The creature itself won’t attack or interfere with the PCs until
they attack it or try to save the people in the center column. Once
2. Central Control Room the creature attacks, use the Timral Pod stats below. The prison-
This room is only accessible from area 5 on the map. All other ers that are stuck inside the pod will die if the creature is killed.
doors are blocked by something that the characters will not be Also, once the characters enter this room, Mezensoff becomes
able to identify until they get into the room itself. aware of their presence.
The room is filled with a large green blob of a creature that
covers most of the space, yet leaves computer consoles and other 3. Rest Area
equipment usable if needed. The floors and walls, however, are This large rest area has a small cafeteria with a full kitchen
completely covered by the fleshy substance of the creature. The and washrooms, as well as tables and couches for soldiers and
most notable part of the creature is a central pillar that stretches officers to lounge around in. Surprisingly, there is still running
from the floor to the roof in the middle of the room. Eyes, small water in this area, along with some fresh food in the refrigerators
mouths and tentacles can be seen protruding from the creature if the PCs need it.
here. The desire for food could very well be pushed aside, however,
The creature will not attack the PCs on sight but will allow them with the lingering smell of decay and the several half-consumed
to move around the room with some freedom. The PCs can use the corpses that litter the room. Whatever happened in here, it was
computers, look around the room and do some investigative work quick and violent. Blood and gore are spattered all over the walls.
with no resistance from the blob-creature. If any of them pass a There isn’t much in the way of equipment or gear that the PCs can
Perception Roll of 8 or more, they will notice people that are stuck salvage besides some jewelry (worth around 1D6x1,000 credits)
in the central pillar-like structure of the blob. There are currently that hasn’t already been snatched up by the various monsters in
eight people stuck inside, and all but one are unrecognizable. The the outpost. Most of this jewelry is of personal meaning to the
one person that the PCs will identify is the sender of the original corpses – wedding bands, lockets and some military badges and
message, Waine Rembrand, that started the adventure. other mementos given to officers for recognition.
Rembrand will be able to answer questions, but it will seem as
though something (the creature) is speaking through him. He will 4. Brig
state his name and claim that he doesn’t know how long he has This small brig is mainly just a temporary jail facility for pris-
been here. Some other things he may say somewhat incoherently: oners that need to be transferred across Lake Huron for process-
“They will consume all, galaxy after galaxy they have con- ing. The cells are high-tech with the most up-to-date equipment
sumed until their own dimension is black and dead...” and M.D. glass to hold prisoners in.
“The masters must absorb enough magic from this world to Like the rest area above, there a few deceased Dead Boys and
open a doorway to theirs...” defenseless prisoners in here who all died horrible deaths. While
“They are older than the universe itself, old when we weren’t looking around they will also awaken 1D4 Timral soldiers that
even a thought in the universe’s plan...” are hiding in the various cells. See stats below.
Another strange feature in the room is its ability to restrict to make them better and more efficient. There are files here that
magic and P.P.E. use. Any magic-using PCs in the group will im- anyone with the Weapons Engineer skill will understand, able to
mediately feel their magical powers weaken while inside. With make burst weapons fire one more round than normal (from 3 to
the Coalition’s fear of magic, it would make sense that any pris- 4) and make any single shot energy rifle do 1D6 more damage per
oners would be hindered from using their abilities while impris- shot. Any of these modifications will take 2D6 hours to complete,
oned here. The field is based on psionics and any magic user can and stopping for the better part of a day may not be an option.
attempt to overcome the field with a save vs psionics of 18 or Lastly, a PC with the Salvage skill will be able to recover
more. The Coalition spared no expense in creating this field. With 1D4 C-18 Laser Pistols all in various pieces. They will have to
the fear of magic and with Lazlo so nearby, it is understandable be assembled somewhere else and all will have a 10% chance of
why this room was built. misfiring with every shot due to the poor state they were in when
The last feature of this room is a prisoner that is still alive in brought here.
one of the upper cells, sitting on the floor meditating when the The PCs can also access area 2 without hindrance from this
PCs find him. He doesn’t move or flinch and at first doesn’t an- room.
swer any questions. After a few inquiries he simply states: “My
name is Benjamin Clemp, and I know you’re there.” He will fur- 6. Receiving Dock
ther explain that he is a prisoner from Lazlo that was caught by This dock is just as much of a mess as the break room above.
Mezensoff while he was scouting out this area. It is obvious that some kind of last stand was made here by the
Any PC that has an ability to detect lies will immediately be Coalition soldiers. There are plenty of destroyed Dead Boy armor
able to tell that Clemp isn’t being honest, but no amount of per- suits, along with mangled weapons. The bodies are all missing,
suasion will force him to tell the truth. Clemp is really a Vanguard however. The smell of blood is prevalent here with trails of it
agent that is stationed in Lazlo and was sent to the outpost to find smeared all over the floors and walls.
out what was going on. The Vanguard were secretly relying on There are many crates in the dock that mostly carry rotten
the outpost for weapons and supplies, but since the takeover they food, medical supplies and military uniforms. It will take about
have missed several scheduled shipments and so sent someone ten minutes to completely go over everything in this room but
to investigate. They have also been secretly using the outpost to there isn’t much to find of value.
communicate with the Coalition across the lake and relay infor-
mation back to them. No one in the base had any idea that their 7. First Floor Armory
informants in Lazlo were Vanguard and there are no files about
these kinds of suspicions in the outpost’s computers. This large room has many useful pieces of equipment for the
Clemp will kindly ask the PCs to turn off the anti-magic field players to investigate if they can get past the 1D6 Timral Soldiers
at the desk by the door to area 2. He will give them instructions that are in the room as well. These creatures will attack on sight
on how to do so. Once the field is dropped the PCs can release and are most likely lying in wait to ambush the group.
him from his cell. They can ask Clemp to join them, but he most Once the soldiers are dealt with, the group is free to look
likely won’t if the group contains magic users or D-bees. He can around the room. In all, there are 1D4 suits of new Dead Boy ar-
be forced but will use every opportunity to undermine the group mor, 1D6 C-10 Laser Rifles, 2D4 C-18 Laser Pistols, 1D6 Vibro-
that he can. Swords, 1D6 Vibro-Knives and 2D6 E-Clips. There are lots of
He will offer up little information about who he is. Clemp will empty weapon racks as well, making it evident that the place was
tell the group, however, that if they can manage to kill Mezensoff cleaned out by Coalition troops desperate to fight off the crea-
he will be grateful. This may be the only card the PCs can play to tures that invaded this outpost.
get him to join them. If the players don’t convince him, he will There are no bodies or wrecked equipment in this area, mak-
leave the base and hide out in the surrounding forest. Once the ing it clear that all fighting was done outside.
PCs are done in the base he will follow and try to kill them to
preserve the knowledge of this outpost and anything the PCs may 8. Conference Room
have found inside. This large, comfortable room has an oval table at its center
with high-backed, padded chairs all along both sides. Large video
5. Maintenance and Repair Shop screens adorn all sides of the room – now showing nothing but
This is a basic maintenance shop for any gear or personal static. There are several datapads that have information on duty
weapons that might need repair. There are 1D6 cats (Timral Fa- reports, shift rotations and request forms, but nothing substantial.
miliars) in the room but, like the rest, they won’t bother the PCs From the looks of it a meeting of the outpost’s senior officers was
unless attacked or provoked. taking place when they were attacked.
Scattered parts lay all over the tables with various tools ac-
companying them. Some very valuable tools are in this room,
tools that would make any Operator drool. There is around
Second Floor
1D6x10,000 credits worth of tools scattered about. 1. Reception and Security Station
The computers in this room are still working and anyone with
Computer Operation can attempt to access them. Inside the This area has a large window that looks over the front of the
computer files they will find maintenance records and schedules, base along with a large desk with surveillance screens that aren’t
along with request forms and all kinds of generalized records. showing anything at the moment. The security forces were actu-
The really valuable files here contain information that the lead ally all ISS agents, and wearing the old-style Dead Boy armor.
technical officer was tinkering around with weapons in an attempt There are 1D4 dead security officers scattered around the room
with another dead Coalition officer behind the desk. A Military 6. Second in Command’s Office
Etiquette roll will identify the officer as a member of the Coali-
The captain of the base resided in this office and the decora-
tion’s Psi-Net division.
tions in here are rather spectacular. A receptionist’s station is near
There are also 1D4 cats/Timral Familiars in this room.
the front of the office and there are two bodies, one of a secretary
in new Dead Boy armor and that of an officer in armor as well. It
2. Central Offices and Command Room
is obvious that they both died from an execution-style laser blast
This is a large room with a grand video and strategy table that to the head.
has been split in two. A large hole encompasses the middle of A search of the computer and datapads will show that the cap-
the grand room from where the Timral Pod has broken through. tain was alive right up until the end. He reports that he watched
Those that investigate the Pod closely will notice that most of the as the Pod broke into the base and started consuming bodies and
growth extends into area 9. There are also 1D6 Timral Soldiers entrapping others. The secretary and himself made a decision to
in this room. die rather than be taken, so he shot his secretary in the back of the
Around the edge of the pit are various workstations and con- head, filled out his final report, and killed himself.
soles for officers and specialists. Most of the stations are secre- The C-10 Laser Pistol he used to do the job is laying on the
tarial in nature, but a few of them are dedicated to specific opera- floor with a half-empty clip.
tions in that they receive reports from field operatives or collect
information from analysts to observe and send to the right people. 7. Intelligence Office
Some of these stations are smashed but others are still functional.
The office door here has the same logo on it as the reception-
PCs that make a Computer Operation roll will be able to ac-
ist’s station in area 1. Anyone that was able to pass the Military
cess full reports on Lazlo and information about Lazlo’s council,
Etiquette roll will see that this intelligence office was a detach-
like what race the members are, how many magic users and D-
ment of Psi-Net and the outpost relied on them to get information.
bees are within the city, along with strategic plans to infiltrate
There are many datapads and records that show reports about
and potentially overthrow the Free State. Those with Military
Lazlo, detailed information on all magical threats within the city
Etiquette or Military Fortification will be able to recognize the
and methods of torture used by their psionic operatives to access
strategies as being similar to those used against Tolkeen. The re-
information. Also contained are detailed reports on the military
ports confirm that if Chi-Town ever wanted to act against Lazlo,
capabilities of the city and where their defenses are deployed.
this outpost would be expanded into a staging point.
Much of this information is quite valuable to others outside the
If the PCs make their way to the communications consoles
Coalition and many would pay dearly to get their hands on it.
they will also notice that a mayday has been sent out. It is en-
Also included is detailed information on what Psi-Net operatives
crypted and keeps getting sent to another secret outpost in the old
are in Lazlo at this moment and what their current mission pa-
state of Michigan. Where this outpost is and what is there isn’t
rameters are.
They will also manage to find information that a Benjamin
Clemp is an informant to the outpost. It doesn’t say in this file
3. Second Floor Security Office
that he is a Vanguard operative, but the report does say to be
This large office contains duty rosters, along with radio equip- wary of him.
ment and some computer consoles. Just like the rest area and re-
ceiving docks, it looks like this room was a major battleground. 8. Communications Office
Unlike downstairs, however, there are 2D6 bodies in various
There is a lot of valuable information in this room as far as
states of decay, creating an overpowering stench. It doesn’t ap-
the Coalition is concerned. Many datapads with confidential files
pear that any of these bodies have been consumed at all and that
such as encryptions, command codes and outpost locations are
the security officers were killed and then left to rot.
all stored in here. A lot of high-tech communication equipment is
There is no salvageable equipment in this area as all the weap-
in this room and any PCs that toy around with it will realize that
ons and armor have been completely destroyed.
they can access live video feeds right from Lazlo to this office.
Players who think of it can use the command codes here to stand
4. Second Floor Armory
down some of the field agents patrolling the city. Although these
This armory isn’t nearly as grand as the one on the first floor, codes won’t order them back to base, they may delay any action
mainly just housing the ISS agent’s equipment, armor and weap- that the Psi-Net operatives were planning – enough to get some
onry. It looks like the room has been emptied of all weapons. warning to Lazlo’s council.
There are 1D6 E-Clips laying around but no other significant What the characters may realize with a successful Cryptogra-
equipment. phy roll is that once a command code is used, it is “burned” and
cannot be used again. There are only 1D4 available command
5. Sergeant Major’s Office codes here, and none of them are valid enough to send commands
The sergeant major made his office here and dealt with all the back to Chi-Town or into hidden outposts in Michigan. They are
politics and day to day duties of running the base. There is a desk only good for Lazlo field operations.
with datapads that contain reports and equipment requests, but
the office is otherwise empty. If the PCs go through the desk they 9. Colonel’s Office
will find a bottle of alcohol (valued at nearly 100 credits) that has Once the player group enters this office they encounter Me-
yet to be opened. zensoff. He is a great tentacled blob, green and slime covered.

Eyes poke out of the green skin at various points and tentacles are Betrayal of Benjamin Clemp
always moving and feeling around. A soft, comforting voice will
enter their minds and start enquiring of the PCs what they hope Once the PCs and villagers are all safe and the Coalition’s
to accomplish. mission of destruction is over, the Vanguard agent, Clemp, will
turn on the PCs. He still will not reveal that he is Vanguard but
“You cannot hope to stop us. We have been in existence long will tell them they know too much about Coalition operations in
before any of you were even conceived of. Even the gods fear us. the area and they cannot be allowed to escape with such valuable
If you manage to defeat me today, we will return, and in force.” information. Clemp will fight with everything in his personal ar-
The great creature will then send out a psychic attack that will senal and will only give up when he is dead.
make the PCs friendly towards him while he tries to kill them.
This attack can be resisted by anyone with a psychic save of 10+.
Psychic characters will save on an 8+ and Major Psychics on a
6+. This save can be reattempted every melee until the player(s)
New Monsters
break free. Once they are free they cannot be enthralled this way
again. Once Mezensoff sees that he has failed he will attack and
try to kill the players directly. These creatures are the main lieutenants of the Alien Intelli-
Once he is dead the familiars, soldiers and Consumed Humans gences that they simply call “the masters.” Although not as large
will die. The PCs will also be able to use the Colonel’s computer and powerful as those that they serve, they are still quite capable
to realize that the mayday call has been answered and Coalition combatants and their magic and psionic knowledge is thorough.
troops will be there within two hours. Within the mayday re- They are also cold, evil beings that think nothing of consuming
sponse are orders to neutralize the base and all surrounding com- and destroying the world around them.
munities. Luckily, Londesborough is the only community within Alignment: Mostly Diabolic (95%).
the proposed distance, so characters will need to get there as soon Attributes: I.Q. 3D6+12, M.A. 2D6+10, M.E. 2D6+12, P.S.
as possible to get everyone out. 3D6+12 (Supernatural), P.P. 3D6+6, P.E. 3D6+12 (Super-
Players that wish to stay and fight the Coalition will have quite natural), P.B. 1D6, Spd 1D6.
a fight on their hands as there are 2 Death Head’s transports, 16 Size: Giant blob that is usually 20 feet (6.1 m) in width and stands
Smiling Jack SAMAS and 20 Sky-Cycles comprising this strike 6 feet (1.8 m) tall.
force. The transports are also fully loaded with Dead Boys that M.D.C.: 1D6x100. (In S.D.C. environments it has 2D4x10+P.E.
will deploy once they have a chance to land. The best bet is to get attribute number for Hit Points, 2D4x10+60 S.D.C. and an
everyone out of there immediately. The troop numbers are avail- A.R. of 12.)
able in the mayday response. Horror Factor: 14
P.P.E.: 1D4x100+2D6+6 per level of experience.
10. Rest Area Disposition: Smart, clever, cruel and determined.
This rest area was designed for the Colonel only. It is here that Life Span: Effectively immortal.
the Colonel made his last stand – his body is slumped backwards Natural Abilities: Supernatural P.S. and P.E., nightvision 200
over an expensive couch. His armor and weapons are useless as feet (61 m), see the invisible, impervious to disease and poi-
it looks like a tentacle ripped through his torso and out the side. sons/toxins/drugs, bio-regeneration 2D6 per melee, does not
breathe air nor sleep, fatigues at 1/10th the rate of normal hu-
11. Central Computer Room mans, impervious to possession and magically understands
and speaks all languages at 98%. Can seduce mortals with
The central computer for the entire outpost rests in this room.
a psychic attack that makes them unable to attack back. The
The room is kept cool to help with overheating and there are
psychic save for such an attack is 10 for normal people, 8 for
several consoles and many datapads scattered about. A PC with
Minor Psychics and 6 for Master Psychics.
Computer Programming could upload the entire computer da-
R.C.C. Skills: Advanced and Basic Math 98%, Anthropology
tabase onto the datapads to sell or give to someone who may be
75%, Astronomy & Navigation 98%, Astrophysics 98%, Biol-
interested in such information. The whole download will take
ogy 75%, Chemistry 85%, Detect Ambush 65%, Detect Con-
nearly an hour but if the PCs want to risk getting caught in the
cealment 70%, Lore: D-bee 85%, Lore Demons & Monsters
Coalition’s cross-hairs to get this info, now is the only time it will
98%, Lore: Magic 98%, Lore: Psychics and Psionics 98%,
be an option.
Mythology 90%, Xenology 75%.
Level of Experience: 1D4+2 on average or by determination of
The Destruction of Outpost F279 the Game Master. Not available as a player character.
Once the PCs have managed to escape and, if they can, to get Attacks per Melee: Four attacks at level one, +1 at levels 2, 4,
the residents of Londesborough to safety, they can watch from 6, 8, 11 and 14.
afar as the Coalition destroys the base. Laser beams, rail guns Mega-Damage: As per Supernatural Strength. A tentacle attack
and missiles will all light up the horizon in a fantastic display of does an extra 2D6 M.D.
firepower. There will be nothing left to salvage or recover; quite Bonuses (in addition to attributes and skills): +1 on initiative,
literally everything is destroyed. +6 on Perception rolls, +2 to strike and parry (cannot dodge,
Next the force will turn its sights on Londesborough and the but can parry energy and ranged attacks), +6 to disarm and
townsfolk will cry as they watch their homes destroyed. Hope- entangle, +4 to pull punch, +3 to roll with impact, +6 on magic
fully the PCs were able to get everyone to safety. saving throws, +15 to save vs Horror Factor.
Vulnerabilities: These minor Alien Intelligences are vulnerable Alignment: Diabolic.
to magic and psionic attacks. They also take double damage Attributes: I.Q. 1D4 (animal intelligence), M.A. 1D6, M.E.
from fire and explosions, including magic and psionic-based 3D6+6, P.S. 3D6+24 (Supernatural), P.P. 3D6+20, P.E.
fire attacks. 3D6+24 (Supernatural), P.B. 1D6, Spd 1D6.
Magic: 1D6x100+1D6+6 P.P.E. per level of experience. Timral Size: Giant blob that is usually 60+ feet (18+ m) in width and
are fascinated by magic and track down all sources of magical stands 30 feet (9.1 m) tall.
knowledge they can find. They know all rituals and invoca- M.D.C.: 3D6x100. (In S.D.C. environments it has 2D4x100+P.E.
tions from levels 1-4. attribute number for Hit Points, 2D4x100+60 S.D.C. and an
Psionics: I.S.P. 1D6x200 and knows all Sensitive and Healing A.R. of 14.)
psionic powers. Horror Factor: 14
Habitat: Not previously known to exist anywhere but their own P.P.E.: 1D6x1000, +2D6x10 per level of experience.
dead, swamp-like world in another dimension. If they have Disposition: All-consuming creatures that care nothing for the
ever been to Rifts Earth before it has never been documented lives around them except those of its masters and allies.
or witnessed. Life Span: Effectively immortal.
Allies and Alliances: Usually competes with others of its own Natural Abilities: Supernatural P.S. and P.E., nightvision 1000
kind to gain credibility with their full Alien Intelligence mas- feet (305 m), see the invisible, impervious to disease and poi-
ters, but will join with them to achieve a common goal. sons/toxins/drugs, bio-regeneration 4D6 per minute (1D6 per
Rivals and Enemies: All other living beings, including de- melee), does not breathe air nor sleep, fatigues at 1/10th the
mons, Deevils and gods. The Timral and their masters want rate of normal humans, impervious to possession and magi-
to destroy and consume everything in their great hunger. cally understands all languages at 98%. On solstices and equi-
When they conquer they leave nothing behind but cold, dead noxes the creature can open a Rift to its Alien Intelligence
worlds. masters’ home dimension without the use of a ley line or ley
line nexus. They can also terraform the local environment to
Timral Familiar suit their masters’ needs, increasing the temperature by up to
20 degrees Fahrenheit and making the land around them more
These minor beings are a large part of the Timral’s attempt to swamp-like. They also consume all living things in the ter-
infiltrate any given world. The familiars mostly take on the form raforming process.
of a native species of the target world (in this case, cats) and are R.C.C. Skills: Concealment 75%, Tracking 98%, Wilderness
used to get into places that the Timral themselves can’t. Although Survival 98%.
the familiars aren’t as intelligent as their lieutenants, they are still Level of Experience: 1D4 on average or by determination of the
cunning enough to know some combat abilities. Game Master. Not available as a player character.
Alignment: Diabolic. Attacks per Melee: Two attacks at level one, +1 at levels 2, 4,
Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 16, M.A. 14, P.S. 22, P.P. 16, P.E. 20, 6, 8, 11 and 14.
P.B. 8, Spd 26. Mega-Damage: As per Supernatural Strength. A tentacle attack
Horror Factor: None, but 10 when they take natural form or eat. does an extra 4D6 M.D.
M.D.C.: 80 Bonuses (in addition to attributes and skills): +1 on initiative,
I.S.P.: 80 +2 on Perception rolls, +1 to strike and parry (cannot dodge,
P.P.E.: 20 but can parry energy and ranged attacks), +4 to disarm and en-
Natural Abilities: Speak in animal form, allow Witch/master (if tangle, +2 to pull punch, +1 to roll with impact, +12 on magic
applicable) to see, hear, feel, taste and smell everything the saving throws, immune to Horror Factor.
familiar experiences. Vulnerabilities: These minor Alien Intelligences are vulnerable
Psionic Knowledge: Knows all Sensitive psychic powers. to magic and psionic attacks. They also take double damage
Magic Knowledge: None. from fire and explosions, including magical and psionic-based
Attacks per Melee: 4 physical or psionic. fire attacks.
Damage: 2D6 M.D. or 4D6 on a power strike (counts as two Magic: 1D6x1000+2D6x10 P.P.E. per level of experience. Have
attacks). a basic instinctual understanding of magic and can cast Armor
Bonuses: +2 to strike, +2 to parry, +3 to dodge, +5 to save vs of Ithan (10), Cloak of Darkness (6), Electric Arc (8), Energy
magic, +4 to save vs Horror Factor. Bolt (5) and Fear (5).
Size and Weight: Same as a house cat. Psionics: I.S.P. 2D6x200 and knows all Sensitive psionic pow-
Timral Pod Habitat: Not previously known to exist anywhere but their own
dead, swampy world in another dimension. If they have ever
These large, overgrown creatures are one of the main forces been to Rifts Earth before it has never been documented or
used by the Timral and their masters to consume worlds and to witnessed.
prepare them for the coming of the Alien Intelligences. Once a Allies and Alliances: Only their masters and those their masters
pod enters a world it starts to consume local life forms, convert- have determined to be allies.
ing them into enough P.P.E. to open a Rift to their home dimen- Rivals and Enemies: They exist only to consume and bring forth
sion. While this happens, they also terraform the world they are their masters. Once the Pod on Rifts Earth is able to bring forth
on to make it a dead and swampy place like that their masters its Alien Intelligence master, it will move from the base and
need to survive. start to consume the world around it.
Magic: 1D6x10+1D6 per level of experience. They know all
rituals and invocations from levels 1-2.
Psionics: I.S.P. 1D6x20 and knows all Sensitive psionic powers.
Habitat: Not previously known to exist anywhere but their own
dead, swampy world in another dimension. If they have ever
been to Rifts Earth before it has never been documented or
witnessed. They prefer wet conditions but make due with
whatever environment their Timral lord or Alien Intelligence
masters inhabit.
Allies and Alliances: Others of their kind, plus those that the
Timral have determined as allies.
Rivals and Enemies: All other living beings, including demons,
Deevils and gods. The Timral and their masters want to de-
stroy and consume everything in their great hunger. When
they conquer they leave nothing behind but cold, dead worlds.

Timral Soldier
These are the main fighting unit of the Timral forces. They
usually don’t appear in large numbers until the world is prepared
for the Alien Intelligence. They are powerful and cunning and as
ruthless as their masters in any combat.

Consumed Human Alignment: Mostly Diabolic (95%).

Attributes: I.Q. 2D6+6, M.A. 2D6+4, M.E. 2D66, P.S. 4D6 (Su-
After a Timral Pod drains a being of its P.P.E. it is turned into pernatural), P.P. 2D6, P.E. 3D6+6 (Supernatural), P.B. 1D6,
a consumed version of its former self. These beings are linked Spd 1D6.
both body and mind to the Timral lieutenant they serve and will Size: Giant blob that is usually 6 feet (1.8 m) in width and stands
obey them without question. Oftentimes, where the familiars are 4 feet (1.2 m) tall.
incapable of getting the information the Timral may need, they M.D.C.: 1D6x10. (In S.D.C. environments it has 1D4x5+P.E. at-
will send consumed people in to do more refined work. tribute number for Hit Points, 1D4x10+10 S.D.C. and an A.R.
Alignment: Mostly Diabolic (95%). of 10.)
Attributes: I.Q. 2D6+3, M.A. 2D6, M.E. 3D6+6, P.S. 3D6+6 Horror Factor: 12
(Supernatural), P.P. 2D6, P.E. 3D6+12 (Supernatural), P.B. P.P.E.: 1D4x10+1D6 P.P.E. per level of experience.
3D6, Spd 3D6. Disposition: Smart, clever, cruel and determined.
Size: A worm-like creature the size of a household cat inhabits Life Span: Effectively immortal.
a human. Natural Abilities: Supernatural P.S. and P.E., nightvision 100
M.D.C.: 1D6x10. (In S.D.C. environments it has 3D6+P.E. at- feet (30.5 m), see the invisible, impervious to disease and poi-
tribute number for Hit Points, 3D6 S.D.C. and an A.R. of 10). sons/toxins/drugs, bio-regeneration 1D6 per melee, does not
Horror Factor: 14 breathe air nor sleep, fatigues at ½ the rate of normal humans,
P.P.E.: 3D6x10+1D6 per level of experience. impervious to possession and magically understands and
Disposition: Smart, clever, cruel and determined. speaks all languages at 98%.
Life Span: Effectively immortal. R.C.C. Skills: Advanced and Basic Math 65%, Astronomy &
Natural Abilities: Supernatural P.S. and P.E., nightvision 100 Navigation 70%, Detect Ambush 75%, Detect Concealment
feet (30.5 m), see the invisible, impervious to disease and 70%, Lore: Demons & Monsters 85%, Lore: Magic 80%,
poisons/toxins/drugs, bio-regeneration 1D6 per minute, does Lore: Psychics and Psionics 70%, Mythology 65%.
not breathe air nor sleep, fatigues at 1/10th the rate of normal Level of Experience: 1D2+2 on average or by determination of
humans, impervious to possession and magically understands the Game Master. Not available as a player character.
and speaks all languages at 98%. Attacks per Melee: Four attacks at level one, +1 at levels 4, 8
R.C.C. Skills: Advanced and Basic Math 60%, Camouflage and 14.
70%, Concealment 65%, Pick Locks 35%, Prowl 45%, Street- Mega-Damage: As per Supernatural Strength. A tentacle attack
wise 70%, Wilderness Survival 90%. does an extra 1D6 M.D.
Level of Experience: 1D4 on average or by determination of the Bonuses (in addition to attributes and skills): +2 on Percep-
Game Master. Not available as a player character. tion Rolls, +1 to strike and parry (cannot dodge, but can parry
Attacks per Melee: As per Hand to Hand: Basic. energy and ranged attacks), +2 to disarm and entangle, +4 to
Mega-Damage: As per Supernatural Strength. pull punch, +6 to roll with impact, +2 on magic saving throws,
Bonuses (in addition to attributes and skills): +2 to parry and +12 to save vs Horror Factor.
dodge, +2 to pull punch, +2 to roll. Vulnerabilities: These minor Alien Intelligences are vulnerable
Vulnerabilities: These minor aliens are vulnerable to magic and to magic and psionic attacks. They also take double damage
psionic attacks. They also take double damage from fire and from fire and explosions, including magic and psionic-based
explosions, including magic and psionic-based fire attacks. fire attacks.
Magic: 1D4x10+1D6 per level of experience. Timral Soldiers will be the master of this new Earth rather than the monsters he
see magic as a means to an end. They know all rituals and made a deal with.
invocations from levels 1-4. Name: Arcturus.
Psionics: I.S.P. 1D4x100 and knows all Sensitive psionic pow- Real Name: Arcturus Bouvier.
ers. Race: Human.
Habitat: Not previously known to exist anywhere but their own Alignment: Aberrant.
dead, swampy world in another dimension. If they have ever Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 12, M.A. 11, P.S. 8, P.P. 20, P.E. 18,
been to Rifts Earth before it has never been documented or P.B. 14, Spd 16.
witnessed. Height: 5 feet, 6 inches (1.6 m). Weight: 175 lbs (78.75 kg).
Allies and Alliances: Whoever they are told to take sides with. Hit Points: 35. S.D.C.: 19.
They generally will not work with anyone outside their own Age: 26. P.P.E.: 7.
kind unless ordered to. Experience: 5th level Witch.
Rivals and Enemies: All other living beings, including demons, Description: An average human with moderate to good looks.
Deevils and gods. The soldiers, like their Timral lords and Has brown eyes and dirty blonde hair. Is always wearing his
masters, want to destroy and consume everything in their body armor which has some meaningless runes on it (though
great hunger. When they conquer they leave nothing behind he thinks they’re powerful magic symbols).
but cold, dead worlds. Disposition: Easily spooked and antisocial. He feels he deserves
more out of life and often goes to bother Mezensoff to get

NPCs things that he thinks he needs. Suffers from the Recluse insan-
ity found in Rifts® Ultimate Edition.
O.C.C. Skills: Language: Dragonese 72%, Language: Timran
(language of the Alien Intelligence) 72%, Lore: Demons and
Monsters 65%, Lore: Faerie Folk 55%, Pilot Hovercraft 80%,
W.P. Archery, W.P. Energy Pistol, Land Navigation 52%,
Wilderness Survival 50%, Concealment 46%, Pick Locks
60%, Pick Pockets 55%, Astronomy and Navigation 55%,
Chemistry 55%, Mathematics: Basic 70%, History: Pre-Rifts
Special Abilities: Impervious to poisons, toxins, drugs, gases
and diseases, and increased physical prowess.
Psionics: None.
Magic Knowledge: None.
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Basic.
Attacks per Melee: 5
Bonuses: +4 to strike, +5 parry and dodge, +2 to pull punch, +2
to roll, +1 to disarm, +6% to save vs coma/death, +4 to save vs
magic, +3 to strike with a bow, +3 to strike with energy pistol.
Weapons of Note: C-18 Laser Pistol.
Body Armor: Gladiator Full Environmental Body Armor (65
M.D.C. remaining).
Other Equipment of Note: Sacrificial dagger (1D4 S.D.C.),
short sword (2D4 S.D.C.).
Vehicles: Speedster Hovercycle (75 M.D.C.).

Benjamin Clemp
Born into the Vanguard legacy, Clemp has been a field agent
Arcturus Bouvier for several years now. His superiors find him reliable and loyal,
This human is ambitious and willing to do whatever it takes to and as a result, let him pretty much decide for himself what mis-
get what he wants. He grew up in Free Quebec, and after being sions to undertake and how to carry them out.
rejected by the Québécois and Coalition militaries, made his way Unfortunately, he set out to find out what happened to Outpost
down to Lazlo to work as a double agent with them. The forces at F279 and was captured by the Timral. He was ambushed in the
Lazlo also had no need for him and so sent him out to live on the woods around the area and interrogated before being locked up
streets to his own devices. in the outpost brig. Mezensoff intends to have the Pod consume
Feeling betrayed and alone, he decided to try and make a Clemp once he is of no further use. That time is drawing close,
witch’s pact with a more powerful being to pursue his vengeance however, since the Timral grows tired of Clemp’s refusal to re-
against the Coalition and Lazlo. His desires became bigger, how- veal secrets of magic and the Vanguard to him.
ever, as time went on and he decided to go after all of Earth. The Name: Benjamin.
Alien Intelligence that controls the Timral answered to his desires Real Name: Benjamin Clemp.
but held back their true intentions to him. Bouvier believes he
Race: Human. him to that level and grant him the powers that go along with
Alignment: Anarchist. it. Unfortunately, these ambitions could be his undoing. Mezen-
Attributes: I.Q. 15, M.E. 16, M.A. 12, P.S. 11, P.P. 15, P.E. 16, soff’s masters use him as a scout, because he is effective, and
P.B. 10, Spd 14. because if he is killed in the process, it is one headache they don’t
Height: 5 feet, 11 inches (1.8 m). Weight: 210 lbs (94.5 kg). have to deal with at a later time.
Hit Points: 30. S.D.C.: 23. Alignment: Diabolic.
Age: 32. P.P.E.: 73. I.S.P.: 85. Attributes: I.Q. 22, M.A. 17, M.E. 19, P.S. 22 (Supernatural),
Experience: 4th level Vanguard Mystic Spy. P.P. 17, P.E. 23 (Supernatural), P.B. 3, Spd 4.
Description: With a medium build and short brown hair, Clemp’s Size: Giant blob that is usually 20 feet (6 m) in width and stands
appearance is neutral and unremarkable; perfect for infiltra- 6 feet (1.8 m) tall.
tion work. M.D.C.: 400. (In S.D.C. environments he has 93 Hit Points, 130
Disposition: Clemp is cold and calculating, slow to betray his S.D.C. and an A.R. of 12.)
feelings, good at revealing nothing to the people around him. Horror Factor: 14
All skills that are very useful to an undercover agent. P.P.E.: 378
O.C.C. Skills: Basic Electronics 55%, Climbing 50%/55%, Disposition: Smart, clever, cruel and determined.
Computer Operation 60%, Computer Programming 50%, Life Span: Effectively immortal.
Cryptography 50%, Escape Artist 55%, Find Contraband Natural Abilities: Supernatural P.S. and P.E., nightvision 200
48%, Forgery 45%, Land Navigation 60%, Language: Span- feet (61 m), see the invisible, impervious to disease and poi-
ish and Euro 74%, Literacy: American 70, Literacy: Spanish sons/toxins/drugs, bio-regeneration 2D6 per melee, does not
60%, Lore: Demons and Monsters 45%, Mathematics: Basic breathe air nor sleep, fatigues at 1/10th the rate of normal hu-
90%, Pick Locks 55%, Prowl 50%, Radio: Basic 70%, Rec- mans, impervious to possession and magically understands
ognize Weapon Quality 55%, Seduction 39%, Sensory Equip- and speaks all languages at 98%, and can seduce mortals with
ment 75%, Streetwise 42%, Tracking 55%, W.P. Sword, W.P. a psychic attack that makes them unable to attack the psychic
Energy Rifle. in return. The save for such an attack is 10 for normal people,
Special Abilities: See the Vanguard Mystic Thief O.C.C. in Ad- 8 for Minor Psychics and 6 for Master Psychics.
venture Sourcebook 3, Chi-Town ‘Burbs: The Vanguard. R.C.C. Skills: Advanced and Basic Math 98%, Anthropology
Psionics: Alter Aura (2), Deaden Pain (4), Deaden Senses (4), 85%, Astronomy & Navigation 98%, Astrophysics 98%, Biol-
Death Trance (1), Detect Psionics (6), Intuitive Combat (10), ogy 80%, Chemistry 98%, Detect Ambush 75%, Detect Con-
Mask I.S.P. and Psionics (7), Mask P.P.E. (4), Mentally Pos- cealment 80%, Lore: D-bee 95%, Lore: Demons & Monsters
sess Others (30), Object Read (6), Remote Viewing (10), Re- 98%, Lore: Magic 98%, Lore: Psychics and Psionics 98%,
sist Fatigue (4), See the Invisible (4), Sense Evil (2), Sense Mythology 90%, Xenology 95%.
Time (2), Telepathy (4). Level of Experience: Six.
Magic Knowledge: Armor Bizarre (15), Chameleon (6), Cloud Attacks per Melee: Seven.
of Smoke (2), Energy Bolt (5), Fear (5), Fire Bolt (7), Heal Mega-Damage: 4D6 M.D. on a regular tentacle attack, 6D6
Self (20), Invisibility: Simple (6), Lantern Light (1), Levita- M.D. on a power attack (counts as two attacks).
tion (5), Lightblade (30), Mask of Deceit (15), Paralysis: Less- Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +6 on Perception Rolls, +3 to strike
er (5), Sense Magic (4). and parry (cannot dodge, but can parry energy and ranged at-
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts. tacks), +6 to disarm and entangle, +4 to pull punch, +3 to roll
Attacks per Melee: 4 with impact, +2 to save vs psionic attacks (considered a Major
Bonuses: +2 to strike, +3 to parry and dodge, +1 to initiative, Psychic), +10 on magic saving throws, +15 to save vs Horror
+3 to pull punch, +3 to roll, +1 to save vs psionic attack, +1 Factor, trust/intimidate 45%.
to save vs insanity, +3 to save vs Horror Factor, +2 to save vs Vulnerabilities: Mezensoff is vulnerable to magic and psionic
magic, +1 to Spell Strength, +2 to strike and parry with sword, attacks. He also takes double damage from fire and explo-
+2 to strike with energy rifle. sions, including magic and psionic based fire attacks.
Weapons of Note: C-10 Light Assault Laser Rifle (2D6 M.D.) Magic: 378 P.P.E. and Mezensoff knows all rituals and invoca-
and Vibro-Sword (2D6 M.D.). tions from levels 1-6.
Body Armor: Light M.D.C. cloak (20 M.D.C.). Psionics: I.S.P. 600 and knows all Sensitive and Healing psionic
Equipment of Note: Several sets of clothes that change his basic powers.
appearance. Allies and Alliances: Doesn’t really like anyone, including his
own kind. Sees all other potential allies as a means to an end.
Mezensoff Rivals and Enemies: Anyone or anything that gets in his way.
This powerful being is thousands of years old and has been
the forerunner of his masters’ domination on many worlds. He
has scouted and learned of so many different cultures that the
Minor NPCs
Alien Intelligence personally decided Mezensoff was the perfect
creature for infiltrating Rifts Earth. Dak Emmis
Mezensoff is a little frustrated, as he feels he was designed for The Mayor of Londesborough, Emmis is happy enough to
something greater. He thinks he has it in him to be an Alien Intel- bury his head in the sand and ignore things like Coalition intrigue
ligence himself and doesn’t know why his masters don’t promote and monster attacks even as they happen all around him. He has
extensive knowledge of Londesborough and the surrounding wil- Typical Town Soldier
derness, but wishes the problems of the outside world would just
stay away from his little town. Alignment: Anarchist.
Attributes: All average.
Alignment: Anarchist. S.D.C.: 25
Attributes: I.Q. 18, M.A. 17, all others average. Hit Points: 25
S.D.C.: 35 Combat Skills: Hand to Hand: Basic, W.P. Energy Rifles.
Hit Points: 35 Level of Experience: Two.
Combat Skills: Hand to Hand: Basic, W.P. Energy Pistols, W.P. Number of Attacks: Four.
Energy Rifles. Bonuses: +2 to parry and dodge, +2 to roll, +1 to strike with
Level of Experience: Four. Energy Rifle.
Number of Attacks: Five. Equipment: Wilk’s 447 Laser Rifle (3D6 M.D.), Plastic-Man
Bonuses: +2 to parry and dodge, +2 to roll, +2 to strike with Body Armor (30 M.D.C.).
Energy Pistol and Rifle. Disposition: Grateful for help but just wishes the nightmare with
Equipment: Wilk’s 447 Laser Rifle (3D6 M.D.), Huntsman these monsters would end.
Plate & Padded Armor (40 M.D.C.).
Disposition: Friendly, but wants something in return for the help
he offers. Wishes the Coalition would help them and get this
mess with the outpost figured out.

The Mutant Bees of Earth

Adventure and Optional, Unofficial Source Material for After the Bomb®
By Michael J. Osborne

Introduction Length: Up to 1 inch (25 mm).

Weight: Negligible.
I have always liked After the Bomb® Earth. It is a fun post- Build: Medium.
apocalyptic setting, which, by itself, is a massive contradiction
that works. I wanted to write in that fun environment. I used Mutant Changes & Cost: Total BIO-E: 125. Attribute Bonuses:
the mutant bees of Mars as a starting point, but fundamentally +3 P.P. & +3 Spd.
changed them to fit the mutant population of Earth. I hope you
enjoy it. Human Features
Wings: All bees have wings but not all of the mutants’ wings
work. Consider all mutant bees to have Vestigial Wings unless
The Mutant Bees of Earth flight is taken or no wings are taken.
The mutant bees on Earth are very different than the bees Hands: 5 BIO-E for a partial pair of hands. This lets the player
from Mars. The Martian bees were genetically engineered by Dr. determine how many pairs of hands he wants. Taking one pair of
Matthew Walters to thrive on the Martian surface. On Earth they hands, for 5 BIO-E, gives the player one pair of hands and four
evolved in the genetic chaos that affected the mutant animals and legs. Taking two pair of partial hands, for 10 BIO-E, gives the
have a greater range of bee and human mutations. player four partial hands and two legs. 10 BIO-E for one pair
Bees originally evolved from wasps millions of years prior. of full hands. 20 BIO-E for two pair of full hands. Four arms
Some prehistoric bee/wasp traits lost through the evolutionary provides +1 attack per melee. Four legs provide +1D6 to speed.
process have returned in some individuals. Also, specialized Biped: 5 BIO-E for partial or 10 BIO-E for full.
traits held by specific species of bees have mixed in the mutant Speech: 5 BIO-E for partial or 10 BIO-E for full.
population. A mutant bee colony may contain mutant bees with Looks: None. Looks like a bee with whatever other features
traits from bumblebees, honeybees, killer bees or any other natu- are taken.
ral bee species. With the genetic development of speech, these 5 BIO-E for partial. Looks like a half bee, half man hybrid.
particular bees have lost their chemical communication powers. Covered with bee hair and has bee colorization, huge eyes and
Their chemical sacks are still in their bodies, but are vestigial and walks hunched over. They have thin lips and a small nose.
unused. 10 BIO-E for full. The bee looks human. They tend to have a
narrow waist, wide hips and thin, but well-defined arms and legs.
Original Animal Characteristics Instead of normal hair they have the specialized bee hair with the
Description: Bees come in many sizes and colors, but they are same color & patterns of the dominant bee strain in the mutant.
all insects with antennae, six legs, wings, a light exoskeleton and A mutant honeybee with full looks will have a head of hair that
compound eyes. is dark yellow to orange with black stripes. The bee is likely to
Size Level: 1 have fine, yellow arm/leg hair capable of collecting pollen as the

mutant walks through a field of flowers. This gives a diverse col- Automatically has Vestigial Antennae: BIO-E points already
oration and functionality to the mutant bee population. applied. These are non-functioning antennae that provide the
same disadvantages as Vestigial Ears. Taking any antenna pow-
Natural Weapons: In M.D. environments Natural Weapons do ers removes vestigial disadvantages.
M.D. when combined with Beastly Strength. Otherwise they in- -15 BIO-E Barbed Stinger: 1D4 damage. This stinger is at-
flict S.D.C. damage. Exoskeletons are M.D.C. in M.D. environ- tached to the bee’s digestive system. Stinging any creature with
ments as well. any kind of natural armor, like the thick skin of an elephant, has
5 BIO-E Claws: Climbing 1D4 damage. 10 BIO-E Claws: a 75% chance of pulling out the stinger as the barb gets caught
Climbing 2D4 damage, must be size level 3 or more. in the natural armor. This will kill the bee within minutes as the
10 BIO-E Arm/Leg Spurs: +1D4 damage to claw/punch/kick bee’s digestive system is also pulled out of the bee’s body. Unless
damage depending on spur location. there is a trauma team ready, the bee will die. The stinger also has
10 BIO-E Mandibles: 1D4 damage. the same penalties as a vestigial tail.
10 BIO-E Short Stinger: 1D6 damage. 15 BIO-E Long Sting- -5 BIO-E Vestigial Long Tongue: Many Bees have a long,
er: 2D6 must be size level 3 or more. complex tongue called a Proboscis. While this tongue may help
5 BIO-E Retractable Stinger: This allows the stinger to com- collecting nectar, it would make speaking difficult. The charac-
pletely retract into the bee’s body, making it undetectable, cannot ter with this tongue slurs his speech and gets a -5% to language
be a barbed stinger. skills.
-10 Vestigial Chemical Sack (musk gland). This is a leftover
10 BIO-E Venomous Stinger: This is poison injected by a
organ when the bees communicated with chemical scents. This
bee’s stinger. Roll to save vs poison. A failed save means the
acts very much like a musk gland but sends out either alarm or
victim swells up, speed and attacks per melee are reduced by half
death scents that confuse bees who still communicate via chemi-
and takes 1D6 damage to Hit Points. The poison wears off in 2D6
cals and smells bad.
hours. A vestigial barbed stinger will stay in the victim doing an
-10 BIO-E Diet: Insectivore.
additional 1D4 damage to Hit Points every 30 minutes. Cutting
-5 BIO-E Diet: Herbivore. -10 BIO-E Nocturnal.
out the stinger causes 1D6 S.D.C. damage. (Poison is taken from
-5 BIO-E Reptile Brain: Predator; it is not actually a reptile
Mutants of the Yucatan pg. 44-45, Mutant Killer Bees.)
brain but a more aggressive strain of bee.
Mutant Animal Powers: -10 BIO-E No Antennae. Removes Vestigial Antenna and pre-
5 BIO-E Advanced Hearing (must have antennae). vents any of the antennae powers. It does make the bee appear
5 BIO-E Advanced Smell (must have antennae). more human.
10 BIO-E Advanced Taste (must have antennae). -15 BIO-E No extra arms/legs. Removes one pair of arms/
10 BIO-E Brute Strength. legs, leaving the bee with two arms and two legs only. It does
15 BIO-E Beastly Strength. make the bee appear more human.
10 BIO-E Extra Physical Beauty. -20 BIO-E No Wings. Removes Vestigial Wings but also pre-
15 BIO-E Extra Physical Endurance. vents flight. It does make the bee appear more human.
15 BIO-E Basic Flight, maximum speed 60 mph (96 km).
Psionics: Mutant bees can take the same abilities available to
30 BIO-E Acrobatic Flight.
other mutants.
15 BIO-E Advanced Eye (removes compound eye). The com-
Reproduction: Mutant bees can mate with any species of a
pound eye is replaced with a human-like eye, but these eyes are
similar size level, but can only reproduce with another mutant
much larger than normal human eyes.
bee. If a mutant bee and fox meet they can fall in love & enjoy re-
5 BIO-E Nightvision.
lations but cannot bear offspring. Mutant bees lay eggs and from
10 BIO-E Polarized Sight.
the egg comes the bee larva. The baby bee will share character-
5 BIO-E Ultraviolet Vision.
istics of its parents.
5 BIO-E Advanced Touch. The pollen collecting hairs are
Lifespan: Same as a human, Queen Bees live twice as long.
very sensitive.
Royal Jelly: This is a rare food product used by bees to cre-
5 BIO-E Exoskeleton, Light Armor: A.R. 13 and 100 S.D.C.
ate a new Queen. It is given to a bee larva stage and the larva
(130 M.D.C.).
becomes a Queen Bee. Bonuses: +4 to I.Q. in addition to other
10 BIO-E Exoskeleton, Medium Armor: A.R. 16 and 200
S.D.C. (240 M.D.C.).
20 BIO-E Exoskeleton, Heavy Armor: A.R. 18 and 300 S.D.C.
(400 M.D.C.), but cannot fly due to weight of exoskeleton. See
Rifts®: Mutants in Orbit, page 43.
The Bee Colony of Timbuk
Orientation & Disposition: Strong Family Ties.
Vestigial Disadvantages: Type & Size of Community: Clan Collective.
Automatically has Compound Eyes: BIO-E points already ap- A. Weapons and Armor: Good, 10 points. Thirty percent of
plied. Has the disadvantages of Color Blindness, Nearsightedness the colony have hunting rifles, shotguns and a few military rifles.
and Prey Eyes. Buying Advanced Eye removes Compound eyes Ten percent of the colony have G-9A Energy Rifles and G-9B
and all of its disadvantages. Energy Pistols, stolen from the Empire of Humanity. Four per-
Automatically has Vestigial Wings: BIO-E points already ap- cent of the civilian population use homespun body armor. The
plied. Player may buy a flight power which negates Vestigial Sheriff, his deputies and the militia all have light to medium body
Wings. armor. The rest rely on their natural weapons and armor.
B. Medicine: The Basics, 5 points. The bees use holistic medi- distant to strangers, but they are warm and loving to each other.
cine to treat minor illnesses but if a bee is seriously sick or injured Non-bees can live, work and even join the colony.
he must be taken to a neighboring community or a traveling doc- J. Trade: Limited, 5 points. They trade with nearby mutant
tor must be called upon to visit. settlements within Cardania. Mostly, Timbuk’s neighbors visit to
C. Agriculture and Natural Resources: Good, 15 points. The buy and sell at its markets.
colony has vast fields of wildflowers used by the bees to produce K. Threats: Dangerous, 3 points. Living on the fringes of Car-
many goods. Most of the larger bees walk through the flowers to dania they are subject to frequent threats but the bees are a hardy
gather pollen and to pollinate. Some farmers have built Flower folk and can give as much as they get. An enraged mutant bee
Mills which are used to mill Wild Flowers to extract oils, fra- colony is about as dangerous as it gets.
grances, nectar and pollen. L. Skill Levels & Professionalism: Builder, 10 points. Farmer,
D. Real Estate/Land: Fine, 5 points. Timbuk is within the bor- 4 points.
ders of Cardania but lays toward the outskirts of the republic. As M. The Community Overall: Average, 5 points.
a result, they are more likely to have to battle rampaging mutants, N. Shelter: Good, 7 points. Individual bee families live in their
bandits and Imperial incursions. own homes and the queen lives in her castle. Most buildings are
E. Vehicles & Fuel: Very Basic, 6 points. There are a few made from stone, wood and even beeswax. Some will take over
good, strong riding beetles and others bred to work. Non-flying abandoned or ruined buildings.
Samurai use war-beetles to ride into warzones. Farmers use work O. Security & Fighting Force: Sheriff & Militia, 12 points.
beetles to transport their goods to market. In addition to that there The colony contributes to Cardania’s militia. Criminals and trou-
are a couple of privately owned vehicles. blemakers are exiled to the Cardanian militia to serve out their
F. Administration & Social Structure: Sound Structure, 10 time. When that time is up, they are welcomed back if they served
points. The colony is a Matriarchy, ruled by the Queen Bee. honorably. Elite militia, like the Sheriff and Royal Guards, are
Should she die, one of her larva will be fed Royal Jelly. It will be Samurai. Twenty percent of the population are trained as militia,
raised, educated and trained to be queen. While she enjoys abso- peasants are trained as part-time warriors. When a serious threat
lute authority over the colony, the colony is part of Cardania and endangers the colony, nearly one hundred percent of the colony
subject to all of its laws. rises to defend it; only infants and the infirm stay behind.
G. Alignment: Scrupulous, 6 points. P. Power/Energy: None, they use mostly wind and water mills
H. Chi: Vague Understanding, 3 points. for mechanical labor.
I. Racial Tolerance: Reasonably Tolerant, 5 points. While the Q. Special Features: None.
bees are part of a much larger mutant nation and benefit from Total Points: 107
trade, they generally do not trust outsiders. They seem cold and Total Population: 800
History: A family of Japanese beekeepers moved to Canada, do all of the menial chores that make life possible for the elite in
importing a small colony of Japanese honeybees for genetic ex- society. As a result, they rarely have any specialized training, but
perimentation. They hoped to raise bees that could not only pro- they can do most chores well. When war comes, they are also the
duce honey but also fragrances and oils which could be turned first to be rounded up to fight.
into perfume. To make their bees bigger and smarter they mixed Apprenticeship: None.
some of their own DNA into the bee DNA soup. When the Crash Primary Skills: Farming & Gardening, Identify Plants &
hit the colony drifted further genetically after the family of bee- Fruits, Language: Native. Four skills from physical and a total of
keepers died. The bees used their human-like intelligence and five skills from Domestic, Military (militia only), Rogue, Techni-
their natural abilities to survive the chaos and are members in cal and/or Weapon Proficiencies (militia only).
good standing of Cardania. Secondary Skills: Select any six.
Culture: This colony has developed a feudal, Japanese-style Special Bonuses: +10 BIO-E, +12 S.D.C., +2 P.S., +3 P.E.
society. Walking into Timbuk is like walking backward in time Money: 1D6 x100 bucks.
to that ancient culture. These bees tend to mate for life and raise Equipment: One weapon per weapon proficiency. Basic gear
large families in their own homes. Bees’ houses are built close to- for the bee’s occupation as well as personal and travel gear.
gether for mutual protection, but some build their homes far from Relatives and Connections: Peasants have strong family ties.
the colony. This particular colony uses medieval to renaissance- Bees are communal animals and are willing to lend a hand to
era technology. There is no prohibition against technology, this another bee in trouble.
particular group is simply not that advanced yet.
Harvest: The community produces a wide variety of agricul-
tural produce that is popular among many nearby mutant animal New Martial Arts
towns. They produce pollen balls that are a popular health food,
nectar that is used as a sweetener, honey, beeswax, mead, per-
fume and Royal Jelly; a rare product that is used by Herbalists as
Hand to Hand: Bee-Chi
a medicine and a dietary supplement. This is an advanced martial art that was developed for the fly-
ing Samurai who guard the queen bee. Only creatures with flying
insect wings can learn this art. What makes this martial art differ-
New Backgrounds ent from other forms is that you fight while flying. It is the unique
ability of insect wings that allow the combatant to hover while
fighting. As a result, there are no leap or jumping moves practiced
Elite Militia: Samurai since the combatant can already fly. Other creatures, even birds,
The Samurai are Royal Guards to the Queen. They enforce the cannot learn this martial art unless they have flying insect wings.
laws, as well as train and lead the militia. They protect the colony This art teaches the combatant to dodge incoming attacks and to
from the air, land and sea. The Samurai of Timbuk are perfectly able strike, preferably with natural weapons, at the most opportune
to learn to use technology after they acquire it. Not only are they time and at the most vital spot on the opponent. A fighter can fight
Samurai warriors but they are artists and scientists as well. Each on his feet when necessary.
Samurai chooses an area of expertise to excel in outside of war. I.S.P.: Calculate I.S.P. as if the character is a Major Psychic.
Apprenticeship: Armorer, Mariner or Weaponsmith. I.S.P. is M.E. times two plus 4D6 and add 1D6+3 per level of
Primary Skills: Hand to Hand: Bee-Chi or Bug-Fu. Can be experience. See page 30 in After the Bomb.
replaced with Zanji Shinjinken-Ryu. Intelligence, Leadership,
Tactics, Fencing (Kendo), Language: Native, three Physical, Basic Moves: Automatic Dodge, Claw Hand Strike, Dodge,
three from Domestic, Scientific and/or Technical, W.P. Archery Drop Kick, Kick, Parry, Power Punch, Pull Punch, Punch (Bare
(Longbow) W.P. Knife and W.P. Sword. Hand), Roll with punch/fall/impact, Wheel Kick. Additional
Secondary Skills: Select any seven. Skill: Meditation; see Mystic China. In After the Bomb it will be
Special Bonuses: +2 M.E., +2 P.P., +8 S.D.C. a Domestic skill.
Money: 1D6x100 bucks. 1st Karate Punch or +1 die of damage to Natural Weapon:
Equipment: Good quality military gear including ancient ar- Claw. +3 to Pull Punch.
mor, a longbow, a paired Katana and Wakizashi. They have their 2nd +1 Animal Psionic Power: Danger Sense.
own personal and traveling gear. Anyone who takes Horseman- 3rd Karate Kick or +1 die of damage to Natural Weapon: Any
ship will have a sturdy non-sentient horse, or a giant beetle if except Claw. +2 to Strike.
Horsemanship: Exotic is taken. 4th +1 attack per melee.
Relatives and Connections: They are generally welcomed 5th Critical Strike on a natural 18, 19 or 20. +1 Animal Psion-
into any Timbuk household. They will be fed and taken care of ic Power. Choose the desired power and convert the necessary
and it is considered a great honor to have a Samurai as a guest. I.S.P. into BIO-E for that one power only, on a point for point
As her guards and military/political advisors, Samurai also have basis. If you want Psionic Claws then you must convert 25 I.S.P.
the ear if the queen. into BIO-E to purchase it.
6th Combat Flying: Bonuses while in flight only. +2 to dodge,
+3 to roll with impact, half penalties for airborne stunts & maneu-
Peasants vers and reduce stunt/maneuver penalty by one point per level.
Peasants are the true backbone of any feudal society. They +3 to parry.
grow and harvest food, produce goods and transport items. They 7th +3 to Roll with punch/fall/impact.

8th +1 Attack pet Melee. +1 Animal Psionic Power. Convert
the necessary I.S.P. into BIO-E.
9th Flying Power Claw: Character flies at an opponent and
strikes him. Any Hand Strike or Natural Claw Strike plus Col-
lision Damage (character suffers no collision damage from this
attack). +3 to dodge.
10th Knockout on a natural 18, 19 or 20.
11th +3 to Initiative.
12th +1 Attack per Melee. Falling Drop Kick: The character
flies to a desired height and performs a drop kick while falling
(character suffers no falling damage). Drop Kick plus Falling
13th +1 Animal Psionic Power. Convert the necessary I.S.P.
into BIO-E to purchase it.
14th +2 to Damage.
15th Death Blow on a natural 20. Paralysis Attack.

Hand to Hand: Bug-Fu

This is a Kung-Fu martial art that takes advantage of a crea-
ture’s natural armor. Unlike Bee-Chi, any creature can learn it.
This art is a down and dirty fighting style that teaches the com-
batant to go straight in for the kill, parrying incoming attacks and
allowing its natural armor absorb the damage. The purpose is to
knockdown an opponent and beat him into submission. If you can
keep an opponent off balance you can dominate him in a fight.
There is no inner growth or personal improvement, just improved
fighting. Many Samurai who cannot fly practice this fighting style
to protect their queen.
Basic Moves: Automatic Parry, Backflip, Backward Sweep,
Body Flip/Throw, Crescent Kick, Dodge, Kick, Knife Hand,
Leap, Parry, Palm, Punch (Bare Hand), Power Punch, Pull Punch,
Roll with punch/fall/impact.
1st +3 to all Parries. +3 to Pull Punch. +3 to Strike.
2nd Automatic Flip/Throw.
3rd +1 Attack per Melee. Double-Knuckle Strike.
4th Leap Attack. +2 to Roll with punch/fall/impact.
5th Body Block/Tackle. Critical Strike on a natural 18, 19 or
6th +1 Attack per Melee. Disarm.
7th Jump Kick.
8th +3 to Disarm. +3 to Initiative.
9th +1 Attack per Melee. Power Block/Parry.
10th Knockout/Stun on a natural 18, 19 or 20.
11th Flying Jump Attack.
12th +1 Attack per Melee. +3 to Dodge.
13th Combination: Parry/Attack.
14th Death Blow.
15th +3 to Damage.

Adventure: Day of
the Z.O.M. Bees
Hook: Timbuk is ready to expand. They have scouted a nearby
pre-Crash ruin and determined it safe for habitation. The Queen
Bee has sent one of her daughters, Princess Asalona, with 90 bees
to colonize the ruins.

Line: A sickness swept through the colony, making a quarter against nuclear, biological and chemical contamination, allow-
of the settlers deathly ill. They were forbidden from returning to ing for force projection into hazardous areas. Each turret sports a
Timbuk until the illness has run its course, but they were also re- flamethrower as well.
quired to send back frequent reports. The reports that came back Type: Military Utility Truck.
read that the victims developed erratic, violent behavior and the Class: NBC Light Assault Truck.
skin of the victims appeared to rot. Not having any doctors, it was Seats: Cab: 3, Main Body: 4 Gunners.
impossible for the settlers to identify the disease. A.R. and S.D.C. by Location:
Sinker: The queen bee of Timbuk has contacted President Swivel Turrets (4) – A.R.: 10. S.D.C.: 350 each.
Thana and asked for help. Thana is gravely concerned over the Ram-Prow – 75.
situation. Any serious contagion found within the Cardanian Re- Cab, Light Armor with Window Slits – A.R.: 14. S.D.C.: 300.
public must be identified and cured, isolated or burned out. She Main Body, Medium Armor – A.R.: 16. S.D.C.: 700.
has asked that the player characters escort a team of doctors and Tires (6) – A.R.: 10. S.D.C.: 20.
scientists to the ruins, make contact with the settlers and try to Weapon Systems: Flamethrower (4): 4D6 damage. Range: 60
cure the disease. If a cure cannot be found the team is to inciner- feet (18 m), 8 square foot (0.74 sq m) area.
ate the sick and the ruins. The lives of hundreds of thousands Special Features: Multi-Fuel Engine. Loudspeaker: Range: 400
could be at stake if the disease spreads to the rest of the Republic. feet (122 m). Ram-Prow. Searchlight. Trailer Hitch. Winch
Equipment provided by Cardania: One Fireman and one Mo- and Cable: Range: 100 feet (30.5 m). Can pull 300 pounds
bile laboratory. (135 kg).

Military Utility Truck (The MUT) The Lab

The MUT is a universal military truck used by the Cardanian This is also a truck provided to the player characters. This
Republic. It is a six wheel-drive vehicle that uses a Multi-Fuel laboratory truck is a variation of the M.U.T. This too is an NBC-
engine, extending its operational range into areas where gasoline resistant truck designed to enter suspect areas where the doctors
or diesel may not be available. The engine can run on alcohol, and scientists carried aboard can study plant and animal life, as
aviation fuel, biofuels, diesel, gasoline, kerosene, oil (cooking well as water, soil or air conditions. The back of the truck has a
and heating) and any other combustible liquid. There are a wide full laboratory for studying chemicals and diseases.
variety of variations of this truck used by Cardania, such as the Type: Military Utility Truck.
ambulance, mobile anti-aircraft battery, armored personnel car- Class: Laboratory Truck.
rier, exploration vehicle and cargo hauler. Using variations of Seats: Cab: 3, Main Body: 6.
the same vehicle is a boon to mechanics, allowing them to use A.R. and S.D.C. by Location:
interchangeable parts from one variant to another. The six wheel- Cab, Light Armor with Plexiglas Windows – A.R.: 12. S.D.C.:
drive system is equipped with oversized tires, giving the truck not 250. Ram-Prow – 75.
only excellent mobility but also balance. With special buoyancy Main Body, Light Armor – A.R.: 14. S.D.C.: 350.
tires, the truck can also be made amphibious. (Note: To build Tires (6) – A.R.: 10. S.D.C.: 20.
this truck I used the Road Hogs Sourcebook, pages 14-17, and Weapon Systems: None.
Heroes Unlimited™, pages 136-143.) Special Features: Multi-Fuel Engine. Laboratory Shop Kit.
Type: Military Utility Truck. Loudspeaker: Range: 400 feet (122 m). Ram-Prow. Search-
Nickname: The MUT. light. Trailer Hitch. Winch and Cable: Range: 100 feet (30.5
Class: Cargo Truck. m). Can pull 300 pounds (135 kg).
Seats: Cab: 3.
A.R. and S.D.C. by Location:
Cab, Light Armor with Glass Windows – A.R. 10 & S.D.C.
The Ruins
200. The outskirts of the ruins look like most ruins, crumbling
Main Body, Light Armor – A.R. 14 & S.D.C. 350. buildings of a long-gone era. Roads are covered completely by
Tires, Armored (6) – A.R. 10 & S.D.C. 20. grass and weeds, but the old roads are identifiable by the long
Speed: 60 mph (96 km) maximum, 45 mph (72 km) cruising. stretches of treeless, grassy lanes going in and out of the city. De-
Range: 500 miles (800 kilometers). Cargo: 20,000 pounds (10 spite being covered, the old roads are the easiest path in and out
tons). of any ruin. There is little trouble traveling into the old urban cen-
Power System: Multi-Fuel Engine. ter, but observant characters may notice the lack of non-sentient
Weapon Systems: None standard. wildlife. There are no birds singing and no woodland critters run-
Special Features: Trailer Hitch. Winch & Cable: Length: 100 ning around. All of the animals seem to have abandoned the area.
feet (30.5 m). When they encounter their first Z.O.M. Bee they are going to
see a mutant bee, of any variety, stumbling around. The bee is
Fireman likely going to be missing its antennae and have ratty, torn wings.
Any bee with skin will have discolored spots of rotting flesh. The
This is an up-armored vehicle with riveted plates and two rot oozes ichor. The infected will ignore other infected and turn
swivel turrets on each side of the main body. The turrets look on the healthy. They will shamble over to the potential rescue
like British Mark III tank guns, with one on each side pointed workers, reaching out to them as if they are seeking help. If the
forward that swivel out to the side and one on each side that point heroes get within arm’s length they will reach out and attack,
toward the rear, that also swivel to the side. They are shielded clawing and biting. Any doctors or scientists with the group will
oppose killing the sick and try to encourage the players to capture about the disease, including its cure. Keyword searches will help
one so they can try and find out what the sickness is and how to the players find the right file.
cure it.
What Next?
The Disease So far, no one has died from the disease. If the players act
The disease, Zoonotic Occipital Microbe, was created before quickly they can determine that the bees are sick and cure every-
the Crash by one of many domestic pranksters trying to make a one. If the players help in finding a cure and healing the sick, they
name for himself. It inflamed the brain, making the victim irra- will be considered heroes of both Timbuk and the greater Carda-
tional and violent. It also turned healthy flesh into necrotic flesh. nian Republic. The bees will continue to move into the ruins and
Fortunately, the disease was curable with antibacterial drugs. De- Cardania will acquire a great deal of salvage. If the players fail
pending on how long the person has been infected, many of the to find a cure then every bee will eventually die in agony. There
symptoms of the disease are reversible. If treated within the first is no possibility that any infected person will live without the
month, the inflammation of the brain subsides and the necrotic right drugs. Should an infected person escape the ruins there is
flesh regenerates, becoming healthy again. If cured after the first a chance that this disease will spread into the environment like
month there will be some permanent scarring around the worst of wildfire.
the necrotic flesh; also some brain damage due to the swelling.
The disease eventually leads to death, and is highly infectious.
Save vs disease at -5; the infected will start to develop symptoms
Free Animal Alliance: Optional
within a week and are themselves contagious. After the Bomb®/Rifts® Crossover
This group of mutant animals works and lives within the Pecos
Places of Interest: Empire, under the control of queen bee Commander Muja Teek.
1) Palace. The first thing that was rebuilt was an old court- They are wrongly known as scoundrels and bandits but that is a
house. This building was a classically built structure. It is floored misconception that arose when they first came to Rifts Earth. In
with cement, has columns, grand entrances, statuary, decorative their home dimension they were independent, long-range raiders
tiles and all of the other fancy architectural devices one might see that would attack Imperial supply depots deep in the Empire of
from an advanced culture with too much money and time on its Humanity where they are lightly defended. After one successful
hands. raid they ran straight into a Ley Line Storm and were transported
2) Houses. The bee homes are easy to spot. The debris around to the Pecos Empire. These strange-looking mutants were seen as
the houses has been cleared into piles and wildflowers have been an immediate threat. They engaged in battle with a local bandit
planted around them. Holes or damage to occupied buildings lord and won because of their natural and psionic abilities. Their
have been repaired with pieces of debris cemented with beeswax, “liberated” S.D.C. power armor and tanks were useless in that
mortar and anything else that is cheap and easy to make. Some battle.
homes have boarded windows, done in a hasty fashion, likely Once Commander Teek got the lay of the land, she hired Chip-
nailed up after the disease already started to spread. Some of the well Armaments to refit her soldiers, converting S.D.C. war ma-
boarded homes are still occupied by the healthy waiting for help, chines into M.D.C. versions. Now they continue operating within
others are empty and others still are occupied by the sick, ready the Pecos Empire, much like they did in their home dimension.
to attack rescue workers. They raid lightly guarded Coalition convoys and supply depots,
as well as any community who keeps slaves, which makes them
3) Ruins. There are plenty of unexplored building of all shapes unpopular with some Warlords within Pecos. They focus on res-
and sizes. There could be a treasure trove of pre-Crash relics left cuing enslaved or abused mutant animals first and alien and hu-
undisturbed. Since the Crash did not occur too long ago, within man slaves second. To help make ends meet they also engage in
the life span of the oldest mutant animals, some artifacts may still mercenary work and do business with the Black Market. While
be in working order. they are a noble force who fight for freedom, they are seen as
4) Contagion Containment and Research Center (CCRC). This scoundrels due to their combative nature and their willingness to
is one of the facilities that studied and cured the designer dis- fight those within the Pecos Empire as well as the Coalition.
eases that plagued Canada at the time. Inside are the skeletons The FAA has a small piece of land they call their own and
of the scientists who stayed in their facility, destroying the worst it is here they bring rescued mutants to rehabilitate them. Most
of the diseases while the world collapsed. They died at their sta- of their new recruits come from the very mutants they rescue.
tions trying to protect the world as best they could. This is ground It is possible that if this company is able to continue their work
zero for the outbreak. Bee peasants were exploring the ruins and a prosperous community of aliens, mutant animals and humans
came across the complex, unsealing the containment locker and could one day form.
becoming infected without even knowing it. They brought the Size and Orientation: Minor Company.
disease home to their families and infected them. Quickly, within
the close-knit community, the microbe spread out of control. It is Sponsorship: Small-Time Bandits.
here that the players are likely to find the drugs needed to save the A. Outfits: Open Wardrobe, 10 pts.
bees. The computers here could still work if a power source could B. Equipment: Electronic Supplies and Good Gear, 5 pts.
be provided. The operating systems use voice commands, and a Medical Equipment, 10 pts.
scanned blood or tissue sample will bring up everything known C. Vehicles: Combat Vehicles, 20 pts.

D. Weapons, Power Armor & Bots: Advanced Weaponry, 20 but strong arms and legs. She has a narrow waist and wide
pts. hips. She also sports a set of bee wings and a long Proboscis
E. Communications: Secure Service, 10 pts. tongue which makes her slur her speech.
F. Internal Security: Tight, 10 pts. Disposition: Hothead. She can be emotional and temperamental,
G. Permanent Bases: Headquarters, 10 pts. especially when dealing with slavers. She always treats her
H. Intelligence Resources: Scout Detachment, 5 pts. troops and the less fortunate with respect. Honor is very im-
I. Special Budget: None. portant to Teek.
J. General Alignment of Personnel: Unprincipled & Scrupu- Human Features: Wings. Hands: Full x2: 20 BIO-E. Biped: Full
lous, 7 pts. 10 BIO-E. Speech: Full 10 BIO-E. Looks: Full 10 BIO-E.
K. Criminal Activity: Cyber-Doc, 10 pts. Smugglers and Sell- I.S.P.: 50
ers of Contraband, 15 pts. Psionics: Danger Sense.
L. Reputation/Credentials: Scoundrels, 1 pt. Natural Weapons: None.
M. Salary: Freelance, 2 pts. Powers: Advanced Eyes 15, Basic Flight 15, Beastly Strength
Total Points Spent: 135. Total Personnel: 92 Troops plus 6 15, Extra Physical Beauty 10.
scouts, 1 Cyber-Doc and 8 Black Market Smugglers. They are Vestigial Disadvantages: Reptile Brain: Predator. Vestigial
close to becoming a Free Company, but they are not there yet. Tongue. No Antennae.
Level of Experience: 4th. Level of Education: Samurai.
Company Makeup: Background: Elite Militia.
Apprenticeship: Weaponsmith.
Each armored platoon consists of four, ten-man squads. Each Specialty Weapon: Sword (Katana/Wakizashi), +1 to Strike.
squad is commanded by a Bee Samurai, with the most experi- Main Skills: Blacksmith: 82%, Recognize Weapon Quality:
enced designated as platoon leader. Troops are a mix of inexperi- 67%.
enced Samurai (roughly 10%) and Peasants (roughly 90%). Core Skills: General Repair & Maintenance: 62%, Language:
Tactics: The FAA prefers to engage in guerrilla warfare. They English 62%, Literacy: English 57%, Mathematics: Basic
do not have the firepower for a stand-up fight against the Coali- 88%, Mechanics: Basic 67%, Sculpting & Whittling: 57%.
tion so they use ambush strikes and booby traps, like roadside Military & Weapon Proficiency: Optics: 47%, W.P. Blunt,
IED’s, to weaken opponents. W.P. Paired Weapons, W.P. Targeting, W.P. Revolver, W.P.
Finances: The FAA makes most of its money by committing Automatic & Semi-Automatic Rifle, W.P. Shotgun. Pilot:
banditry against the Coalition and trading with Bandito Arms. Navigation 67%, Read Sensory Equipment: 47%.
They also sometimes do legitimate mercenary work to help pay Primary Skills: Antiquarian 57%, Athletics (General), Fencing
the bills. (Kendo), Intelligence 46%, Language (Native) Japanese 77%,
Colors and Banners: Free Animal Alliance forces still wear Leadership 44%, Literacy (Native) Japanese 57%, Prowl 42%,
the Cardanian Republic dress and battle uniforms. They also fly Tactics 31%, Wrestling, Writing 42%, W.P. Archery (Long
the Cardanian Battle flag and wear its patches. Bow), W.P. Knife, W.P. Sword and Hand to Hand: Bee-Chi.
Secondary Skills: Baseball (Pitcher): 74%, Baseball (Base
Commander Teek Player): 74%, Baseball (Batter): 74%, Body Building, Track-
ing: 47%, Wardrobe & Grooming: 64%, Wilderness Survival:
Commander Teek was born in Timbuk. Her parents went be-
hind the current queen’s back and secretly fed her medicinal royal
Attribute Bonuses: Charm/Impress: 55%. Damage: +9. Trust/
jelly when she was a larva. This was considered a serious breach
Intimidate: 65%.
of cultural protocol since there can only be one queen at a time
Combat Bonuses: Attacks per Melee: 6. Back Flip. Body Block/
in Timbuk. She was trained as a Royal Guard and was placed in
Tackle, +1 to dodge, +2 to parry, +3 to pull punch, +2 to roll
the queen’s honor guard, but when she entered the presence of the
with impact, +3 to strike, +1 to strike with katana, +3 to strike
queen, the queen immediately recognized Muja Teek as a fellow
and parry with a baseball bat, +2 to strike with katana.
queen bee and a threat. She was arrested and exiled, sent to the
Combat: Automatic Dodge, Claw Hand Strike, Crush Squeeze,
Cardania military to serve as part of their Elite Militia. She served
Dodge, Drop Kick, Karate Kick, Karate punch, Kick, Parry,
honorably until her term of service was up and set off on her own
Pin/Incapacitate on a roll of 18, 19 or 20, Power Punch, Pull
to build a life of her own.
Punch, Punch (Bare Hand), Roll with punch/fall/impact,
Name: Muja Teek.
Wheel Kick.
Species: Queen Bee.
Equipment: Standard equipment is a Big Bore “Last Stand”
Alignment: Scrupulous.
Scattergun, Big Bore “Big Boss” Revolver, Specialty Vibro-
Attributes: I.Q. 16, M.E. 14, M.A. 21, P.S. 24, P.P. 17, P.E. 10,
Wakizashi, +1 to parry, 2D6 M.D. & Specialty Vibro-Katana,
P.B. 21, Spd 18.
3D6+1 M.D.
P.P.E.: 20
Age: 20. Sex: Female.
Size Level: 9 Sub-Commander Diaj
Weight: 163 pounds (73 kg). Height: 5 feet, 8 Inches (1.75 m). Seag Diaj was a peasant in Timbuk who moonlighted as an
Hit Points: 23. S.D.C.: 76. underground fighter. He used his time in the ring to earn extra
Description: She appears to be a beautiful Japanese woman with money, but also to release his aggression. Diaj was a minor ce-
long, bright yellow hair and black stripes, along with six thin lebrity and rising star until he accidentally killed his opponent

during a bout and was exiled to the Cardanian Militia. It was Line Troops: 6 Air Cavalry pilots (Scouts), 44 Armored Cav-
there where he met Commander Teek, eventually serving under alry crewmen, 48 Mechanized Infantry soldiers.
her command. He grew to respect her and after a time the two
became friends. When his term of service was up, he followed
Teek to battle the Empire.
Weapons, Equipment and Resources:
-Big Bore “Universal” Assault Rifle or “K” series LPR9M La-
Name: Seag Diaj. ser Pulse Rifle.
Species: Bee. -IP-12M Ion Pistol.
Alignment: Unprincipled. -Vibro-Bayonet.
Attributes: I.Q. 9, M.E. 14, M.A. 14, P.S. 25, P.P. 15, P.E. 14, -1D4 Grenades.
P.B. 7, Spd 13. -1 in 5 are issued an MM-16 “Coffin” Missile Launcher or a
P.P.E.: 19 RPM-6X Skyhammer Mortar.
Age: 18. Sex: Male. -Infantry Body Armor: GAW Mark II Battlefield Armor (38
Size Level: 11 M.D.C.). -Elite Body Armor: Urban Warrior Armor (50 M.D.C.).
Weight: 240 pounds (108 kg). Height: 6 feet, 6 inches (2 m). -Power Armor Body Armor: GAW Mark I Flight Suit Armor
Hit Points: 24. S.D.C.: 89. M.D.C. Exoskeleton: 400. (16 M.D.C.).
Description: Quite frightening. He is a giant, armored, upright -Basic Combat or Survival Pack.
Disposition: Born complainer. It is in his nature to be constantly
aggravated. Warfare helps ease his frustration, but so does
Combat and Transport Vehicles
Human Features: Wings: None. Hands: Full x2. Biped: Partial. Armored Cavalry
Speech: Full. Looks: None. I.S.P.: 0. Platoon Alpha: 2 IH-12B Tanks & 2 Iron Maiden APCs.
Psionics: None. Platoon Beta: 2 IH-12B Tanks & 2 Iron Maiden APCs.
Natural Weapons: Claws: Climbing, 2D4 damage. Mandibles: Platoon Kappa: 2 Desert Skull Frankentanks & 2 Iron Maiden
1D4 damage. Spurs: Arms, +1D4 to punch damage. APCs.
Powers: Antennae: Advanced Hearing, Smell & Taste. Beastly Platoon Delta: 4 Iron Maiden APCs.
Strength. Heavy Exoskeleton.
Vestigial Disadvantages: Diet: Insectivore. No Wings. Reptile Air Cavalry
Brain: Predator.
Parrot Squadron: 2 CAI-77 Sky Power Armor & 1 Black Mar-
Level of Experience: 2 ket Scout Skycycle.
Level of Education: Fighter. Hummingbird Squadron: 2 CAI-77 Sky Power Armor & 1
Background: Peasant. Black Market Scout Skycycle.
Apprenticeship: None.
Primary Skills: Boxing, Detect Ambush 35%, Farming & Gar- Mechanized Infantry
dening 44%, Identify Plants & Fruits 30%, Land Navigation
Alligator Squad: 4 Type One Power Armor & 5 Improved
40%, Language: Native Japanese 70%, Wrestling, W.P. Auto-
Combat Hummers.
matic & Semi-Automatic Rifle, W.P. Knife, W.P. Semi-Auto-
Armadillo Squad: 4 Type One Power Armor & 5 Improved
matic Pistol and Hand to Hand: Expert.
Combat Hummers.
Secondary Skills: Breed & Control Insects: 45/25%, Body
Building, First Aid: 50%, Language: English 45%, Literacy:
Type One Power Armor, Refitted
English 35%, Mathematics: Basic 68%.
Attribute Bonuses: Damage: +10. This is the heavy armor used by the Empire of Humanity to
Combat Bonuses: Attacks per Melee: 6. +5 to dodge and parry, destroy and enslave non-humans. The FAA had it refitted by
+2 to pull punch, +5 to roll with impact. Chipwell. While not as powerful as other power armor in its
Equipment: Standard equipment. weight class, it is a rugged, versatile suit.
Model: Type One.
Other Notable Personnel Class: Power Armor.
Crew: One.
Lt. Yutoy Foolu: Air Cavalry Squadron Leader. Background: M.D.C. by Location:
Townie. Species: Raccoon. Mini-Lasers (2) – 12 each
Lt. Vea Qujan: Armored Cavalry Platoon Leader: Back- Retractable Blasters (2) – 15 each
ground: Imperial Special Forces (Deserter). Species: Human Mu- Head – 30
tant. Arms (2) – 60 each
Etu Muny: Infantry Squad Leader. Background: Guerrilla Hands (2) – 15 each
Warrior. Species: Arkansas Razorback. Legs (2) – 90 each
Nya Radgo: Mechanized Infantry Squad Leader. Background: Main Body – 174
Elite Militia. Species: Guinea Pig.
Speed: 67.5 mph (108 km).
Dr. Lea Sosev: Cyber-Doc.

Statistical Data: Height: 14 feet, 6 inches (4.4 m). Width: 6 feet, 2. HF Double-Barreled Plasma Ejector: Mega-Damage:
6 inches (2 m). Length: 6 feet, 1 inch (1.9 m). Weight: 935.8 5D6 from a single blast. 1D6x10 from a double-barreled blast.
pounds (421 kg). Physical Strength: Bionic 30. Cargo: None. Range: 1,600 feet (488 m). Rate of fire: Equal to gunner’s attacks
Power System: Nuclear, average energy life 5 years. per melee. Payload: Unlimited.
Weapon Systems: 3. HF Mini-Missiles: Mega-Damage: As per missile type.
1. Retractable Blasters (2): These are ion guns salvaged from Range: 1 mile (1.6 km). Rate of Fire: In volleys of 1, 2, 4 or 8.
a Coalition Glitter Boy Killer. Mega-Damage: 3D6 per blast. Payload: 32; 16 per launcher.
Range: 1,200 feet (365.8 m). Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of 4. IH Medium-Range Missile Launchers (2): Mega-Dam-
hand to hand attacks per melee. Payload: Unlimited. age: As per missile type. Range: 40 miles (64 km). Rate of Fire:
2. Mini-Lasers (2): These are the integral lasers used in the In volleys of 1, 2 or 4. Payload: 10 missiles; 5 per launcher.
CAS-30. Mega-Damage: 3D6+2 per shot, 1D6x10 per pulse 5. Sensors: 1. Enhanced Radar: I.D. & track 96 targets. Range:
burst. Range: 2,000 feet (609.6 m). Rate of Fire: Equal to the 50 miles (80 km). 2. Thermo-Imager: Range: 2,000 feet (609 m).
number of hand to hand attacks per melee. Payload: Unlimited. 3. Infrared & Ultraviolet Optics. 4. Nightvision & Video Cam-
3. Handheld Weapons: May use any large handheld weapon. era System. 5. Infrared Searchlights: Range: 500 feet (152 m). 6.
4. Hand to Hand Combat (Elite Training): +3 to Strike, +2 Sensor Bonus: +1 to strike with long-range cannons.
to Parry, -4 to Dodge, power punch does 1D6 M.D., punch does
3D6+15 S.D.C., stomp does 4D6+15 S.D.C., running body block
does 1D6x10 S.D.C.; counts as two attacks, +2 to pull punch. +1
Adventure Ideas
attack per round. +1 to strike with weapon systems.
5. Sensor System: Built-in telescopic, passive nightvision
Mine Your Business
optics: Range: 2,000 feet (609.6 m). Active Nightvision: Range: Hook: An escaped Dog Boy stumbles upon the players. He
3,000 feet (914.4 m). Thermo-Optics: 600 feet (182.8 m). Target- is dehydrated and has clearly been abused. He needs water and a
ing: Range: 1 mile (1.6 km). Onboard Computer. Video Camera. safe place to rest.
Video and Audio Transmitter: Range: 100 miles (160 km). Radio Line: When he has had a chance to rest and hydrate, he tells
Com-Link: 100 miles (160 km). Searchlight: 400 feet (121.9 m). of a nearby gang using slave labor to mine a pre-Rifts gold mine
Loudspeaker. Radiation Detector. Compass. Depth Gauge. Air that they have recently discovered.
Purge and Circulatory System: 12 hour supply. Sinker: There is more than gold in those mines. The mine
was abandoned long before the Rifts struck and converted into a
Desert Skull (Frankentank) data collection center. The bandits have not been able to access
the data yet, but depending on what Golden Age information was
This tank was put together from battlefield salvage following
stored here, and how much of it (if any) is retrievable, the data
a Coalition engagement. They replaced the turret of a damaged
could be more valuable than whatever gold veins are left. The
IH-1B Iron Hammer Tank and replaced it with the main body of
Coalition States is also keen to investigate any reports of intact
an IAR-5 Hellfire. With the destruction of Iron Heart Armaments,
pre-Rifts sites, so the player characters may soon have a Coalition
spare parts are expensive and the clever mechanics of the FAA
scouting team to contend with.
are forced to make do with whatever they can find.
Model: Frankentank.
Class: Infantry Fighting Tank. What Goes Bump in the Night
Crew: Turret: 2 gunners. Main Body: 1 commander, 1 driver & Hook: Bandito Arms is smuggling contraband through Coali-
2 gunners. tion territory and they need to hire protection.
M.D.C. by Location: Line: Bandito’s scouts have detected an area with relatively
Rail Guns (2) – 90 few patrols. Bandito believes it is the safest path for their cargo.
Plasma Ejector – 50 Sinker: It is a safe route and no Coalition patrols will pass
Mini-Missile Launchers (2) – 120 through the area. Unfortunately, a pack of mixed Coalition mu-
Reinforced Crew Compartment – 180 tant animals has deserted and is trying to escape through the same
Turret (Hellfire Main Body) – 480 open corridor – with a Mutant Containment and Retrieval team
Side Mini-Missile Launchers (2) – 40 hot on their tail. They cannot tell the difference between Lone
Main Body – 650 Star runaways and mutants from another dimension, and most of
Track Tread (2) – 120 the troops honestly don’t care.
Speed: 66 mph (106 km).
Statistical Data: Height: 23 feet (7 m). Width: 12 feet (3.7 m).
Length: 35 feet (10.7 m). Weight: 57.1 Tons. Cargo Turret: 3
Pest Control
feet (.9 m). Cargo Main Body: 4 feet (1.2 m). Hook: In a hilly region of the Pecos Empire, a small, five-story
Power System: Nuclear; average energy life 20 years. Xiticix Tower has formed. This has caused quite a stir among the
empire’s warlords. These Xiticix are acting very different from
Weapon Systems:
standard Xiticix, raiding villages and stealing valuables.
1. HF Rail Guns (2): Mega-Damage: 1D4x10 from a 40
Line: Emperor Lasar is planning a full-scale assault on the
round burst. 2D4x10 from a simultaneous burst. Range: 4,000
tower, assuming it is best to destroy the Xiticix now before they
feet (1,219 m), Rate of fire: Equal to gunner’s attacks per melee.
grow. Their unusual behavior concerns him and he wants to send
Payload: 10,000 rounds per drum.

Rifts Africa: ®
someone ‘expendable’ to investigate the tower before the assault
– and the player characters seem to fit the bill perfectly.
Sinker: This rogue hive has been hijacked from the normal
Xiticix life cycle. Desa Trax, a psionic Spider Goat from the Af-

Creatures &
ter the Bomb dimension, has taken control of a young queen’s
mind and through her, controls the tower. He intends to use his
tower as a weapon of terror, relying on Xiticix shock troopers to
take over the Pecos Empire, and then the world. Only the player

characters can stop Desa in time.

Desa Trax
Due to his strange psionic powers and inability to stop himself
from trying to control the minds of others, Desa lived as an out-
cast amongst his own people, a hermit and pariah, until one day Optional Source Material for Rifts®
he wandered off into the wastes to die. Instead of death, however,
Desa found a Rift that teleported him to a new world, Rifts Earth. By Jeff Duncan
Unfortunately for Desa, the Rift deposited him onto the edge
of Xiticix territory, where he was quickly discovered by scouts,
subdued, and brought back to the nest. Fortunately for Desa, the New Creature & Monster Listing
same psionic powers that made his family and friends cast him Abiku: Tectonic Entity
out allowed him to dominate the young queen who mothered that African Gorgon: Magical Creature
particular hive. Soon the insects were acting as his personal ser- Ambize: Magical Creature
vants and bodyguards, and Desa began to formulate a plan. He Bunyip: Supernatural Demon
forced the Xiticix to migrate, riding atop the queen’s back him- Corrocotta: Supernatural Predator
self as he flew down to Texas, the land of the Pecos Empire and Criosphinx: Magical Creature (Optional R.C.C.)
territory he knew well. Once there, Desa began to use his insect Giant Mason Wasp: Supernatural Insect
followers to kidnap passers-by, steal desirables and keep others Hieracosphinx: Magical Creature
away from ‘his’ hive. After he has amassed a suitable army of Horned Serpopard: Supernatural Predator
Xiticix, his only question is which Pecos Warlord to lay siege to Inkanyamba: Supernatural Predator
first? Pegomastax Africanus: Dinosaur
Alignment: Diabolic. Werehyena: Werebeast (Optional: R.C.C.)
Species: Spider Goat. Werejackal: Supernatural Demon
Attributes: I.Q. 19. M.E. 22. M.A. 15. P.S. 21. P.P. 21. P.E. 15. Yumboes: African Faerie (Optional R.C.C.)
P.B. 6. Spd 23.

P.P.E.: 30
Background: Feral.
Primary Skills: Climbing 65/55%, Escape Artist 55%, Hunting,
Prowl 52%, Tracking 60%, Wilderness Survival 55%, W.P. Tectonic Entity
Net, W.P. Targeting. Among Tectonic Entities, the Abiku specialize in generating
Secondary Skills: Body Building, Running, Swimming 75%. painful emotions in living beings. It is the Entity’s power to ac-
Experience Level: 5. Hit Points: 35. S.D.C.: 64. celerate these painful emotions that enables it to feed from the
Spider Powers: Adhesion Pads. Web Shooters. potential psychic energy of its targets. Human and humanoid vic-
Combat: Hand to Hand: Basic. Attacks per Melee 5. +6 S.D.C. tims are preferred, as these beings are most susceptible to the
damage, +5 to dodge, +1 on initiative, +5 to parry, +2 to pull Abiku’s impersonations and psionic abilities. Over time, in envi-
punch, +2 to roll vs impact, +4 to strike, +4 to save vs psion- ronments rich in human prey, the Entities have come to prefer the
ics, +5 to save vs insanity. P.P.E. of humans above most other beings.
Using their psionic abilities, the Abiku employs numerous
Psionics: Communicate with Mutant Insects, Control Mutant
methods through which to appease their hunger for life energy.
Insects (New): Range: Touch, Natural Armor or Skin. Dura-
One tactic is to imitate a young child who has recently died and
tion: Unlimited, Minimum M.E.: 22. Saving Throw: Standard.
present itself as the soul or spirit of the deceased child. Whether
Cost: 25 BIO-E. Description: This power creates a two-way
the child died of natural causes or by the Abiku’s own evildoing
telepathic communication where the victim feels compelled
is a simple matter of convenience or intent. Once a form is chosen
to obey the psychic and cannot raise a hand against him. The
to mimic, the Abiku selects one family member to convince of
victim cannot be forced to commit suicide and when the power
its ruse. If successful, the entity absorbs the P.P.E. of the fam-
is removed, remembers everything he was forced to do. The
ily member and will continue to do so night after night. It is the
control lasts until the mutant activates another power or drops
victim’s emotions, particularly grief, loss and regret, that enable
the control. I.S.P.: 91.
the Abiku to draw P.P.E. from the victim, all the more easily
due to their vulnerable psychological state. Once the first fam-
ily member is fooled by the mimic, and convinced that they are
being visited by the soul of the deceased, the Abiku will turn its if the death of the loved one was recent, but over time, as death
attentions to each member of the family one by one. accumulates, through many families and throughout an entire vil-
The Abiku accomplishes its mimicry by using tectonic shap- lage, while murders also occur oddly with no evidence of a killer,
ing to form a physical impersonation of the deceased, and relies a supernatural reason (a curse on the whole village) might be the
on psionic abilities to perceive and understand the mind of its only rational deduction left.
prey and those it plans to deceive using its mimicked form. The The Entities always remain close to their victims at all hours,
Abiku’s understanding of other beings is limited; the Entity is day or night, and once they begin feeding, never venture farther
able to draw out human emotions which make the victim vulner- than 2 miles (3.2 km) from their prey. There is no reason to wan-
able, not achieve actual intellectual understanding. Entities as a der about, when all it desires is situated in one area. Those with
whole have little need to learn the limits of human intellect or special psionic or magic sensory abilities will be able to detect
empathize in any way. Their only relationship with flesh-and- (by invocation or power) the evil supernatural presence of the
blood beings is the energy that can be taken from them. The abil- creature; those with the ability to See the Invisible will witness
ity to create a semi-physical appearance is essential, but equally the Abiku’s shapeless energy substance often hovering near its
important is the Abiku’s ability to focus the impression of the victims. Needless to say, without any supernatural sense abilities
mimicked voice, by psionic ability, into the mind of a victim, the Abiku is virtually impossible to detect until it is too late.
particularly because they cannot speak aloud and are totally re- The name Abiku originates from the pre-Rifts African tribe of
liant upon psionics for communication. The phrases the Abiku the Yoruba, which, though diminished, still exists as of 109 P.A.
chooses to communicate to its victims are based only on the en- The name has several meanings in other African languages such
tity’s experience and what it thinks will draw out the most emo- as, “that which possesses,” and “death.” In the native trade lan-
tion. Conversations that actually occurred between the deceased guages the name has a direct word translation that means, “Death
child and the person it is trying to convince are used; drawn out of a child or infant.” In other dark corners of the Megaverse (Be-
by the Entity’s psionic abilities. Victims “spoken” to in this man- yond the Supernatural-Palladium World) this rarely encountered
ner seldom realize that the sound of the voice makes no sound at Tectonic Entity is called the Spirit Mimic.
all and is entirely inside their own head. Many who are already Alignment: Diabolic.
grief-stricken care little about such details. The victim’s commu- Attributes: Not applicable. Abiku are crafty and cruel, with
nication and response to Abiku in its mimicked form is irrelevant an IQ equivalent to between 10-12. Physical attacks are the
to the Entity. No intellectual understanding or communication equivalent to a supernatural P.S. of 36. The creature’s natu-
actually transpires or is gained from the Entity’s point of view; if ral energy form is invisible and intangible; Spd: 30 (about 20
the victim leads with a certain word or phrase, that the Abiku will mph/32 km).
cater its response around a key word or two. This makes many of M.D.C.: The Entity itself has 1D6x10+30 M.D.C., becoming
the victims believe in the authenticity of the conversation, and so a Mega-Damage creature on Rifts Earth, plus the additional
increases their belief that they are communicating with the soul damage capacity that it constructs or inhabits (See Conversion
or spirit of a deceased loved one. Notes).
There are those who cannot be convinced, who see through the Horror Factor: 14
evil being behind the mimic and whose P.P.E. is unavailable to P.P.E.: 10
the Entity, or sometimes in short supply. There are those, at least Magic: None.
from the Abiku’s point of view, that must be slain. Their energy I.S.P.: 30
is not drained slowly, not consumed by nightly visits, but gobbled Size: The mimicked physical body of a human child is usually
up in one last (doubled) release. Murder is common if, upon the between 2 to 4 feet (0.6-1.2 m) tall, but as with all Tectonic
second or third visit, the victim cannot or will not be convinced, Entities an Abiku can utilize material to become as large as 12
or the amount of energy consumed during the Entity’s visits is feet (3.6 m).
determined unsatisfactory. The only way that an Abiku can draw Weight: Varies with the size and makeup of the material used for
energy (without the victim rolling saving throw vs psionic attack composition; in natural energy form the creature is essentially
each time) is for the victim to be convinced by the mimicry; with- weightless.
out being convinced the victim is more resistant to the Abiku’s Psionics: Empathy (4), Mind Block (4), Object Read (6), Pres-
ability to draw the victim’s life energy from them. ence Sense (4), See the Invisible (4), See Aura (6), Sixth Sense
Abiku are never satisfied by the P.P.E. gained from one per- (2), Telepathy (4) and Telekinesis (varies).
son, let alone one family. No amount of sorrow or death will ap- The Abiku can draw on the resident I.S.P. around it to per-
pease their greedy desire to feast on this energy. Human beings form psionic feats. This means they have a nearly unlimited
are only vessels to the Abiku and the entities are as drawn to amount of I.S.P. on a ley line or nexus point. Four points of
human energy as alcoholics are to drinking, and unfortunately I.S.P. can be converted into one P.P.E. point. Converting the
for the victims, the Entity is as equally prone to excess. Though points from P.P.E. to I.S.P. is automatic and requires no melee
the process is slow, in Africa as well as across the Megaverse, actions. The Entity will only draw from its own I.S.P. base
the cursed presence of the Abiku has cause the collapse of entire when other sources are unavailable. Should a mimic success-
villages, leaving in its wake only death and demoralized souls as fully convince a victim then the Abiku can draw I.S.P./P.P.E.
the Entity moves from one family to next until there is no one from that being without a saving throw; see Special Abilities.
left. The only signs (without the ability to sense/see the Entity by No matter how much energy is available the Abiku will end-
way of magic or psionics) that let one deduce that an Entity has lessly desire to take life energy from humans and other sen-
begun its feeding are the tell-tale signs of depression and anxiety tient beings. To the Abiku, energy from humans has a particu-
among the victims. More often than not, depression is expected
lar “taste,” which they no doubt enjoy above other sources of tity. The G.M. rolls a saving throw vs magic and if the Abiku
P.P.E. does not save, the creature will suffer an effect as if the spell
Natural Abilities: Able to compose a physical body which spe- Befuddle were cast on it (spell’s effect/duration at level one).
cifically mimics a being of their choosing, most often a human Potential Value: Not generally applicable; like all Entities Abi-
child. The Abiku usually uses fine material such as sand, rice, ku are much too elusive.
salt or fine grain to accomplish the likeness. The Entity is able Average Life Span: Unknown.
to inhabit and animate objects such as dolls, puppets, statues, Habitat: Prefer areas where human emotion and feeling is in
and robots. The energy form is impervious to all physical and exploitable abundance. This makes the southern and eastern
energy attacks, but is vulnerable to magic and psionics. The temperate grasslands and savannas of Rifts Africa ideal. These
energy form can fly and hover at a maximum speed of 20 mph are areas of land which most of the surviving native African
(32 km) and is invisible to the human eye. tribes have been carving out a relatively peaceful life for them-
The physical body that the Abiku constructs or inhabits is selves. Though rarely encountered (or at least rarely perceived
not alive; consequently it is impervious to cold, poison, drugs as what they truly are), the evil supernatural Entities can be
and gases. It does not require air to breathe and feels no pain. found throughout the Megaverse. Favorite destinations are
Although the Entity has a structural damage capacity (S.D.C.) isolated towns and villages in which the bulk of the popula-
or M.D.C., S.D.C. bullets, stab attacks, blunt weapons and hit- tion are human beings.
ting inflict no or little damage even to S.D.C. bodies, except Enemies: Humans and magical creatures of good.
to cause a temporary void within the borrowed body of the Allies: None, though other Entities of its kind are viewed as
creature. Fire and explosives are effective against most S.D.C. equals.
bodies. Even M.D. attacks only inflict half damage for the rea- Physical Appearance: Varies.
sons mentioned. The creature feels no pain and there are no Conversion Notes
internal systems to damage. However, magic and psionics are Note: Conversion guidelines here apply to what is written in
always effective against the Entity and do full damage. Rifts Conversion Book One.
Destroying the Abiku’s physical mimic is to only destroy Hit Points: 1D6x10+30 (same as M.D.C. above).
the Entity’s artificial body. When the body is destroyed, the Natural Armor Rating: Not applicable.
Abiku will exist in its energy form, though it cannot create or S.D.C.: See M.D.C.; the physical body created by a Tectonic
inhabit a new body until 12 hours have passed. If the energy Entity will have the following S.D.C. or M.D.C. Note: Among
form of the creature is destroyed, only then is the Abiku de- Tectonic Entities the Abiku is less likely to utilize these physi-
stroyed permanently. cal forms, preferring to coerce their intended victims unless
Special Abilities: Stealing Psychic Energy: Each attempt to draw pushed into direct combat.
on a being’s I.S.P. or P.P.E. is considered a psionic attack and Leaves and rags: 100 S.D.C. (or 1 M.D.C.)
the intended victim must roll to save vs psionic attack. A suc- Grain, seed or fine sand: 200 S.D.C. (or 2 M.D.C.)
cessful roll to save means the Entity did not get the energy it Twigs and wood: 400 S.D.C. (or 4 M.D.C.)
needed and must use its own energy reserve or skip its plans Plastic, tin cans and/or rubbish: 800 S.D.C. (or 8 M.D.C.)
to use the energy. A failed saving throw means the Entity can Dirt or Clay: 1,000 S.D.C. (or 10 M.D.C.)
draw up to 20 I.S.P. or 5 P.P.E. from that specific being. That Dirt and Rock: 4,000 S.D.C. (or 40 M.D.C.)
individual loses the points as if he had used the I.S.P. or P.P.E. Granite and/or bedrock: 9,000 S.D.C. (or 90 M.D.C.)
A being that willingly offers their I.S.P. or P.P.E., such as the Metal Alloys: 10,000 S.D.C. (or 100 M.D.C.)
victim believing that the Entity is the spirit of the departed, Mega-Damage debris: 200 M.D.C.
does not roll a saving throw vs psionic attack, and the energy Note: Animated bodies, like a stuffed doll or toy, puppet,
is automatically taken. If an Abiku has successfully convinced mannequin, stone statue, body armor or a deactivated bot, will
their victims that they are in fact the spirit of a recently de- all have the same M.D.C. (or S.D.C.) as originally designed
ceased family member, those victims are at an additional -6 into them but M.D. attacks do half damage, because the Entity
to save vs the Entity’s energy siphons. Most normal humans feels no pain and can keep going until the artificial body has
(not player characters) are unaware a saving throw should be been completely destroyed! See natural abilities.
made to determine success/failure. (Note: See New Tectonic
Abilities below for additional powers.)
Attacks per Melee: Three psionic or four physical attacks per
New Tectonic Abilities (Exclusive)
melee round.
Damage: Physical attacks: 5D6+12 S.D.C. damage in an S.D.C. Mimic Physical Form
form such as dirt, clay, or stone. 4D6 M.D. in a granite/bedrock Range: Self.
or metal body, 5D6 M.D. in any other Mega-Damage body, Duration: Unlimited.
and 2D6+21 S.D.C. damage in all other forms. Note: Some I.S.P.: 25; 5.
special alloys and magic properties may inflict more damage; Saving Throw: Standard.
may use (typically ancient) weapons, with no bonuses. The Entity uses its mimic ability to shape fine earthen material
Bonuses: +2 to strike, parry, and dodge, +1 to initiative, +2 to such as dust, salt, grain or similar material, around their energy
save vs magic, +1 to save vs psionic attack and +10 to save vs form. This ability is hardly perfect, and there is no doubt to the
Horror Factor. mimic’s unnaturalness, which is why the Abiku uses this ability,
Vulnerabilities: The sound of genuine and true laughter within the way that it does in seeming that they are a spirit of the recently
30 feet (9.1 m) has a strange and disabling effect on the En- deceased. In short, the mimic is never convincing enough to fool
anyone that the form is in fact real flesh and blood. The fine mate- At first glance or from a moderate distance, a herd of the Af-
rial can even be used to imitate human facial expressions and in rican Gorgon will appear like some sort of strange species of
using the exclusive psionic ability: Telepathic Voice of the De- cattle. However, getting closer (typically within 30 feet/9.1 m),
parted, a very convincing impression of the dead person they are or startling the creature with sudden movement or sounds per-
trying to mimic can be attained. Once the form has been chosen, ceived by the beast as aggressive or hostile, the beast will better
the Entity will only have to expend 5 I.S.P. to reform the shape. position itself and raise its head and with its lidless red eye gaz-
Note: A saving throw is rolled to convince the victim that the ing towards the oncomer. Those ignorant of the beast and who
Entity is actually a recently departed family member. If the po- look directly into this gaze could possibly (roll saving throw vs
tential victim successfully saved then the Entity can NEVER con- magic) find themselves turned to stone! If petrified, those that
vince them (though they may convince others). spooked the creature are usually no longer deemed a threat and
rightly so; however, if during the encounter a beast among the
Telepathic Voice of the Departed herd was struck or attacked directly, African Gorgon herds have
Range: 90 feet (27 m). been known to aggressively defend themselves from their attack-
ers. Should one among the attackers be petrified, the beasts will
Duration: One hour.
pierce the newly turned stone figure with their horns and stomp
I.S.P.: 8; special.
the fragments to dust.
Saving Throw: Standard. Another means which the beast protects itself is by flatulence.
The Abiku’s ability to imitate a voice using telepathy to broad- Literally yes, the beast’s nasty farts are a means of defense. Af-
cast that voice into their intended victim’s consciousness is an rican Gorgon are unique in their ability to digest the various and
exclusive ability. It’s important to note that the voice can only be many poisonous species of plant life that exists (and has come to
perceived and is never actually heard in a physical sense; in other exist) on the warm savannas of Africa. In fact, poisonous roots
words it is only perceived to have been heard by the victim. A and plants are what the creature spends the majority of its time
failed saving throw from the victim means that he or she is con- searching for, though it also supplements its diet with other plant
vinced; believing the voice they hear to be genuine. Strangely, life, insects and rock minerals.
the voice of a living being cannot, under any circumstance, be Though the African Gorgon is dangerous, they do not behave
imitated. This ability has no limit and can only be used after the much differently from wild cattle and are relatively passive in
mimic has worked (saving throw unsuccessful). The first attempt nature; only attacking in defense when directly threatened. A
at the voice requires 8 I.S.P. After being established only 1 I.S.P. heard can be anywhere from thirty to well over a hundred
is required to communicate to the victim in this way. strong (3D6x10). On the savannas of Africa beasts are common
It is vital to realize that the voice is just that-and that is all. throughout the continent and estimated to be in the hundreds of
Communication is conveyed in simple phrases and the voice will thousands.
say things very general in nature, focusing on the experiences Alignment: Selfish only.
and knowledge of the deceased and the victims which have been Attributes: I.Q. 1D4 (animal intelligence), M.E. 2D6, M.A.
drawn from other psionic abilities. The voice will say things like: 3D6+2, P.S. 4D6+2, P.P. 2D6, P.E. 3D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd 4D6;
“Daddy, you hurt me,” or ask questions like, “Why did I die?” or +20 to Spd attribute when the creature charges. Strength and
similar creepy phrases, which for the victim will dredge up pain- Endurance are considered to be Supernatural.
ful emotions. M.D.C.: 4D6x10+20
Note: The Abiku must use its other psionic abilities to read Horror Factor: 5
and understand the pitch and sound of the recently departed voice P.P.E.: 6D6
and/or have heard the voice for itself. Magic: None; see special abilities.
I.S.P.: None.
Psionics: None.
African Gorgon
Magical Creature
The African Gorgon is a thickly muscled, four-hoofed beast.
The creature’s body is covered in long, black, tangled hair and its
oversized head has two black horns that extend at a slight upward
angle from the skull. The horns curve upward into two sharp
points. In the center of the face is a single, lidless, solid red eye.
The head and body of the creature is cartoonishly wide, while the
neck is disproportionally skinny in comparison. This strange im-
balance of physiology makes it difficult for the creature to turn its
neck and head side to side, and requires great effort for the beast
to lift its head above its shoulders. The African Gorgon spends
the majority of its life with its head pointed at the ground. In
this pose the horns lay flat and are used as a bridge to the ground
which provides a means of support for the neck while the creature
grazes among the African savanna.
Natural Abilities: Keen normal vision and smell. The creatures Armor Rating: Not applicable.
have a very strong resistance to magical and psionic attack, as Damage: Convert M.D. from attacks to S.D.C. straight across.
well as can bio-regenerate 1D6 M.D.C. per minute.
Special Abilities: Looking directly into the gaze of the African
Gorgon is to potentially risk petrification. Victims of this at-
tack must roll a successful save vs magic of 13 or higher or
else suffer the effects. The furthest range that the stare can be
effective is 100 feet (30.5 m). The creatures are immune to the
effect of their own stares, and the effect of the gaze can only
be reversed by the stone to flesh spell. The gaze does not take
up any melee attacks.
Those that attack the beast directly may inadvertently ex-
cite the beast to flatulence. There is a 60% happen chance (the
beast recently fed on some poisonous plant) that the poison-
ous gas is emitted and will have the following effects; unless
the characters are supernatural/magical by virtue of nature or
inside a contained suit of armor: roll a saving throw vs poison
(12). Those that succeed can remain (coughing and vomiting)
within the area but are -2 strike, parry and dodge; and lose one
melee attack per round. Those that fail the saving throw are
dizzy, discombobulated and will seek to immediately leave
the area of the herd. No exceptions!
Attacks per Melee: Three attacks per melee round.
Damage: Charge Attack: 3D6 M.D., Back Leg Kick: 5D6 M.D.
(counts as two melee attacks), Horn Gouge: 2D6 M.D.
Bonuses: +2 to strike and dodge. +5 to save vs magic and psion-
ics and immune to poison.
Vulnerabilities: Even when spooked they will never gain initia-
tive in a melee round; it simply requires too much effort to
raise their head from the ground. Also, the creatures have poor
peripheral vision and cannot turn their heads very well from
side to side. Note: G.M.s may consider allowing their players
to make a skill check: Lore Demons & Monsters, as the Afri-
can Gorgon is raising its head the first time and gives them the
opportunity to avoid the chance of petrification.
Potential Value: The creature’s head is sold throughout nec-
romancy and magic shops in Africa. Even if the head is de- Magical Creature
capitated, the gaze of the red eye still petrifies for up to 1D4
months after beheading. Market Cost: 20,000-35,000 credits. The Ambize is an intelligent though elusive creature of magic
Availability: Common. and considered a bastion of good will among the African people.
Average Life Span: 60 years. There are countless African and Pygmy stories, or once thought
Habitat: Most common in the south, on the temperate grasslands mythologies, of the creature, many of which date to pre-Rifts
and savannas of the African continent; tends to shy away from times. The exact number of these sacred creatures which inhabit
forests and desert regions. Rifts Earth is believed to be very slight, though the impact and
Enemies: Any who act in an aggressive nature towards the beast. realization of the creature has raised the spirits of the African and
Allies: Native Africans are almost an ally, as they do not hunt the Pygmy peoples. The creature’s presence in the Congo, as well as
creature. Some tribes plant the seeds of the African Gorgon’s throughout the ocean waters surrounding the continent of Africa,
favorite poisonous plants, so the creatures graze throughout has brought good medicine, hope and promise.
the areas that surround native territories. The physical appearance of the Ambize is that of a large, pug-
Physical Appearance: From a distance the creatures look like nosed seal. Except for the face, the body of the creature is cov-
oversized bulls, though upon closer inspection the large single ered in thousands of fine, multi-colored scales. The Ambize can
red eye gives away their true identity. Both male and female blend the color and texture of its scales to mimic the environ-
are horned. Dominant adult males have a large mane that runs ment by thought alone. This natural chameleon ability hides the
the length of the neck, typically grayish in color. creature when it does not wish its location to be discovered. The
Size: 8 feet (2.4 m) at the shoulder; 14 feet (4.2 m) long. eyes of the Ambize are large and expressive; and those few that
Weight: 3,000 pounds (1,350 kg); average. The head makes up have looked into them will swear they feel a strange sense of the
nearly 1/3 of this weight. creature’s empathy, as well as experience a lifting of the spirit.
Conversion for an S.D.C. Setting: The Ambize has a gentle disposition and is a psychic sensitive
Hit Points: P.E. x 2 +10. similar to the unicorn. The magical creature will typically only
S.D.C.: 2D6x10.
show itself to those of good alignments and has even been known Attacks per Melee: Four physical attacks per melee or three us-
to give aid to those in need. ing magic or psionics.
Ambize have few natural enemies or beings that would pur- Damage: Bite: 1D4 M.D. Fin Swipe: 1D6 M.D. The Ambize will
posefully do the creatures direct harm. However, there are a only use physical attacks as a last resort. Typically, the crea-
growing number of dark magic practitioners and trappers that ture depends on its magic and psionic abilities.
specialize in capturing supernatural and magical creatures/ani- Bonuses: +2 to parry and dodge, +1 to initiative; bonuses apply
mals. Ambize are (to those few that know of the creature) at the in water only. +3 to save vs magic, +4 to save vs psionic attack
top of this list. On Africa, most of these organizations are based and +6 to save vs Horror Factor.
out of the Phoenix Empire, but occasionally Splugorth minions Vulnerabilities: On land, the creatures have no physical bonuses
from the city of Gorth are known to venture into the Congo for and are -2 attacks per melee round. Even an Ambize that is
sport. Though few have been successful at capturing and mak- basking in the sun will never be further than 10 feet (3 m) from
ing it out of the Congo with the creature, the potential payoff is the salvation of a waterway or river channel.
what drives some to try. The creature’s natural magical aptitude Potential Value: The creature has the most worth to necroman-
is of high value to necromancers and evil mages that practice dark cers and those who practice dark or sacrificial magic. Market
sacrificial magic. Value: 250,000 credits; Availability: Exceedingly rare.
Alignment: Good only! Average Life Span: 2,000 years.
Attributes: I.Q. 3D4 Extremely high animal intelligence; M.E. Habitat: The Ambize spend most of their time eating and play-
2D6, M.A. 2D6+2, P.S. 6D6+6, P.P. 4D6+2, P.E. 10+2D6, ing in the turbulent waters of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans;
P.B. 4D6+4 Spd 1D6+2 on land with flippers; +30 Spd in the only coming to land to mate and rest for 2-3 months out of the
water. Strength and Endurance are considered to be Super- year. It is unknown if they inhabit a continent or region other
natural. than the African Congo or are common in other places across
M.D.C.: 3D4x100 the Megaverse.
Horror Factor: 10; awe. Enemies: Lord of the Deep and Ocean Pirates, as well as the min-
P.P.E.: 6D6x10+40 ions of the Splugorth and the Phoenix Empire; and generally
Magic: Can cast the spells naturally (subtract from P.P.E. base). those of evil alignments.
Ocean Magic: G.M.s can select eight Ocean Magic invo- Allies: Native African and Pygmy people consider the Ambize
cations (Rifts Book of Magic) at or below 6th level and four to be a sacred animal and many would go out of their way
additional invocations at 7th level or higher. These spells are to help the magical beast should the creature be captured or
known naturally by the creature. an attempt was being made to take them out of the Congo.
I.S.P.: M.E. x 8. Lemurians, dolphins and many other friendly aquatic species
Psionics: Healing Touch (6), Induce Sleep (4), Meditation (0), are considered allies.
Suppress Fear (8), Mind Block (4), Telekinesis (varies), Clair- Physical Appearance: A large and overly rotund, flat-nosed seal
voyance (4), Empathy (4), See Aura (6), Sense Evil (2), Sense like creature, covered in fine scales except for the finer fea-
Magic (3), Sixth Sense (2), and Telepathy (4). tures of the face. The creature also has large, empathic eyes.
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 200 feet (61 m) and can see in Size: 11 to 13 feet (3.3-4 m) long on average.
total darkness, keen normal vision, See the Invisible, sense the Weight: 1,000 to 2,000 pounds (450-900 kg).
location of water up to 10 miles (16 km) away, sense ley lines Conversion for an S.D.C. Setting:
20 miles (32 km) away. The ability of Echo-location at 60% Hit Points: P.E. x 2.
(does not increase) similar to a dolphin at twice the range! The S.D.C.: 1D6x100+50.
creature creates a low vibrating sound within their throat to Armor Rating: 10.
utilize this ability. Intuitively understands all spoken languag- Damage: Bite: 2D4 S.D.C., Fin Swipe: 2D6 S.D.C.
es but will only speak to unleash a magic spell. Bio-Regenera-
tion: 1D4x10 M.D.C. per hour once injured. The creatures can
hold their breath at a maximum depth of 500 feet (152 m) for Bunyip
2 minutes per P.E. point.
Special Abilities: The Ambize’s ability to change the color of its Supernatural Demon
scales is equal to the standard invocation Chameleon, but does The Bunyip is a large, walrus-like creature with two or four
not require any expenditure of P.P.E. The invocation is instant (males 2; females 4) oversized ivory tucks that protrude outward
and considered at 8th level. from their maw. The creature’s snarled mouth features a row of
Those who have been lucky to gaze into the eyes of the tiny, razor-sharp teeth that protrude from the gum line. The spine
Ambize do in fact experience a lifting of the spirit; player of the Bunyip is severely humped as well as misshapen, and in-
characters receive the following bonuses in combating truly stead of legs the creature has a wide, finned tail similar to that of
evil creatures/beings: +2 to initiative, +2 parry and dodge. The a mermaid. Each hand has up to seven (sometimes less) sharp,
blessed effects (rolled for each player) last for 1D4 days! The clawed fingers and a specialized gill that runs along both sides of
blessing only offers half bonuses for those with selfish align- the rib cage. The gills enable the creature to breathe underwater
ments and no bonuses for those with evil alignments. The Am- as well as above.
bize will never willingly reveal itself to player characters that While the Bunyip is best suited for water, with various aquat-
are of evil alignment, no matter what the majority of align- ic species making up most of its regular diet, its aquatic nature
ments are among the group. doesn’t prevent the creature from making short ventures onto

land in search of its favorite prey: humans. Human communities Attributes: I.Q. 1D4 (low animal), M.E. 2D6, M.A. 1D6+1, P.S.
near the ocean or the beach are the most susceptible to the Bu- 5D6+2, P.P. 2D6+2, P.E. 2D6, P.B. 1D4 Spd 2D6; +30 in wa-
nyip’s taste for land-dweller flesh. ter. Strength and endurance are considered to be supernatural.
It is at night that these attacks occur, as the Bunyip drags it- M.D.C.: 2D6x10+20
self as quickly and quietly as it can into the beach community Horror Factor: 8
and searches for a potential victim. The creatures are none-too- P.P.E.: 2D6
choosey and usually try to subdue the first human they come Magic: None.
across. The Bunyip stops its chosen quarry first by choking the I.S.P.: None.
victim unconscious with its long, maligned fingers, intending to Psionics: None.
take the victim back to the water to drown it. If the victim puts Natural Abilities: Nightvision 90 feet (27 m; can see in total
up too much of a fight or is killed in the melee, the Bunyip will darkness), poor daytime vision, track by sound or smell 65%,
leave the body of the victim where it was slain and move on to swim 85%, climb 25% (no hind legs) and can breathe under-
find a replacement. Though aggressive, the creatures possess a water as well above.
low animal intelligence. While it would be simpler for the beast Special Abilities: Regenerates 3D6 M.D.C. per hour and can re-
to wait out in the open water for the occasional small fishing ves- generate an entire limb within 48 hours.
sel or slip aboard larger craft; attacks that occur in the water are Attacks per Melee: Five.
almost nonexistent. Even late-night swimmers on the open water Damage: Tusk Pierce/Bite: 3D6 M.D., Claw Strike: 2D6 M.D.,
are not attacked. Double Claw Strike: 4D6 M.D. (counts as two melee attacks),
The appearance of the Bunyip shortly after the arrival of the Tail Fin Swipe: 1D4 M.D.
Apocalypse Demons (see Rifts® Africa™) leads native Africans Bonuses: +3 to strike and parry; no physical bonuses in the sun-
to believe the creatures are not of this earth. Whether the Bunyip light. +2 to save vs magic, +1 to save vs psionics.
is some sort of ocean dwelling hell spawn that was attracted to Vulnerabilities: Terrible daylight vision and is much slower on
all the death that occurred in the aftermath of the Apocalypse De- land, which makes it easy to escape from. The Bunyip is also
mons’ arrival or whether they are just one of many creatures that not terribly bright and cannot distinguish between easy or dif-
have stumbled upon Rifts Earth via the African Triangle remains ficult human prey. Once they have decided on a target, nothing
unknown, as does the Bunyip’s dimension of origin. will relinquish their attack, only death. The creature cannot
Alignment: Miscreant only. regenerate damage/injury in daylight.

Potential Value: Little. Cannot be trained and are too instinctual;
other than perhaps as flesh-eating garbage disposals. The Bu- Corrocotta
nyip will eat almost anything. The tusks have some value to
collectors and native Africans use the tusks (most ivory mate- Supernatural Predator
rials for that matter) for tools and carving. Market Value: 500 The Corrocotta is one of the most dangerous and cunning su-
credits; Availability: Rare. pernatural predators (currently) native to Rifts Africa. The Cor-
Average Life Span: 70 years. rocotta’s size, strength, and quickness is usually unmatched when
Habitat: Coastal beaches. On Rifts Earth (so far), the African compared to other supernatural creatures. Beyond the beast’s im-
Ivory Coast to the southern tip of the continent. The creature pressive physical attributes, Corrocottas are known for simulating
usually prefers deep areas (twilight) on the ocean floor to rest the mating call of animal prey such as the gazelle and wildebeest,
out of the sun. Alternately, some create burrows to rest among and are even capable of imitating the sound of human voices,
rocky outcroppings to stay out of the sunlight. A Bunyip that often with false cries of help or distress. These tactics are very
locates a human community of some size will typically stay effective in luring prey closer, though as intelligent as the Corro-
within the region indefinitely or until slain. cotta seems, there is little evidence that the predator distinguishes
Enemies: None in any sense; lives by the mantra of eat or be or has any preference for one type of flesh over another. The Cor-
eaten. rocotta is no ordinary predator in that the creatures’ hunger is
Allies: None. nearly three times that of a normal animal of the same size and it
Physical Appearance: Walrus-like with grayish, fatty flesh. The is this (cursed) hunger that dominates their behavior. While stalk-
body is usually heavily scarred. The Bunyip’s cold, unblinking ing their prey, they can be bold and aggressive, attacking without
eyes are a solid royal blue color; with a red iris at the center. warning; solely depending on the level of hunger the Corrocotta
Size: 9-12 feet (2.7-3.7 m) long. is experiencing at the time.
Weight: 1,800 pounds (810 kg) average. Identifying the Corrocotta by sight alone can be difficult.
Conversion for an S.D.C. Setting: Though each is indeed menacing, the creatures seem to have a
Hit Points: 20+2D6. split anatomy, sharing the physical attributes of both the wild
S.D.C.: 2D4x10+20. dogs and big cats of Africa. Some Corrocottas will have the look
Armor Rating: 8. of jackals and hyenas, while others will look more like lions,
Damage: Tusk Pierce/Bite: 3D6 S.D.C., Claw Strike: 3D6 leopards and cheetahs. In physical comparison, Corrocottas are
S.D.C., Double Claw Strike: 6D6 S.D.C. (counts as two melee much larger predators. The only physical features shared by all
attacks), Tail Fin Swipe: 3D4 S.D.C. Corrocottas are the sharp, bony spines that run the length of the

creatures’ vertebrae. From the tail to the shoulders, spines pro- Habitat: On Africa, the creatures are migratory predators, usual-
trude 6 to 8 inches (15-20 cm) from the creatures’ back, and a ly found in the southern and eastern savannas of the continent
Corrocotta’s tail is much thicker than that of a typical African during the summer months and the northern and western sa-
predator. vannas during the winter months. This has more to do with the
The Corrocotta is typically a lone stalker that hunts by the availability of wild game (easy prey) than climate preference.
light of the moon. Daytime attacks do happen, depending on the Enemies: The Horned Serpopard is the Corrocotta’s predatory
beast’s hunger, though this is the exception rather than the rule. rival and it will attack and kill it above all other creatures. Any
Occasionally, the beasts have been witnessed collaborating in other creatures, including humans, are killed for no reason
pairs. Some have speculated that this occurs only during mat- other than sustenance.
ing season, but in truth, no one actually knows. Corrocottas have Allies: None; not even members of its own species are tolerated
no set hunting grounds and seem to migrate across the diverse beyond mating, and sometimes not even then.
African climate regions with no distinguishable pattern, from the Physical Appearance: Other than the creatures’ noticeable size,
desert borders of the Sahara Desert to the coastal beaches of the they have thick tails and sharp, bony spines that protrude from
Atlantic and Indian Oceans; though the creature avoids moving the vertebra. Most seemingly share a combination of physical
water at all costs. Modern society, including advanced technolog- features similar to the big cats and wild canines that inhabit
ical cities or places of magic, are areas that are avoided as well. Africa.
The free native peoples of the continent have many names for
Size: 3 feet (0.9 m) at the shoulder; ten to twelve feet (3-3.7 m)
the Corrocotta, names that translate to mean “the crying stalker”
in length.
or “hunter of mourns.” Some in the Phoenix Empire reason that
the beast is an alien bio-engineering anomaly, though whether of Weight: 800 to 1,000 pounds (360-450 kg).
this dimension or another is highly speculative. Conversion for an S.D.C. Setting:
Hit Points: P.E. x 2.
Alignment: Miscreant only. S.D.C.: 4D6x10+20.
Attributes: I.Q. 2D4+3 (high animal intelligence), M.E. 3D6, Armor Rating: 6.
M.A. 3D6, P.S. 5D6+8, P.P. 4D6, P.E. 6D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd Damage: Covert M.D. from attacks to S.D.C. straight across.
50+4D6; average sprint speed varies between 35-50 mph (56-
80 km). Strength and endurance are considered to be super-
M.D.C.: 6D6x10+20
Horror Factor: 12
P.P.E.: 3D6 (Sphinx Variant)
Magic: None.
I.S.P.: None. Creature of Magic: Optional R.C.C.
Psionics: None. Highly intelligent, most ram-headed sphinx have a genuine
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 1,000 feet (305 m), phenomenal curiosity of magic and share a high regard for life and freedom.
day vision: see its prey up to two miles (3.2 km), track by Like all sphinx, the body of the Criosphinx shares a similar physi-
smell 65%, does not swim (see vulnerabilities), and Climb cality to a lion’s, but with a signature wingspan that sets them
35%. apart as a clearly different creature.
Special Abilities: See the invisible: 90 feet (27 m). In the world of Palladium the Criosphinx are believed to be
Attacks per Melee: Seven. all but extinct, some wonder if they ever existed at all. Howev-
Damage: Bite Attack: 3D6+2 M.D., Claw Swipe: 4D6+4 M.D., er, some, though few, do remain on the world of Palladium and
Tail Swipe: 6D6 M.D. (counts as two melee attacks). The tail most use magic to hide their true nature, living amongst the more
swipe has a 01-30% chance of knocking the victim off his feet common races, while others prefer lives of solitude and eke out
(lose initiative and one melee attack). humble existences on the outer edges of the known world.
Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +3 to strike and +3 to parry, +2 to On Rifts Earth, Criosphinxes can be encountered in any re-
Dodge, +2 to roll with the impact/fall, +4 to save vs disease gion of the world (as well as throughout the Megaverse), but they
and poison, +1 to save vs psionic attack, +5 to save vs Horror seem to be specifically drawn to areas of social and supernatural
Factor. conflict. Most are familiar with spell magic and use their learned
Vulnerabilities: Corrocottas have one phobia: flowing/running abilities to blend in with their given environments (Metamorpho-
water. Corrocottas do not swim and even the prospect of death sis spell), fighting against supernatural evil in all its shapes and
is more appealing to them than crossing a moving body of forms, often under the guise of lesser beings.
water. Not even the extreme sense of hunger the predators are Many Criosphinxes were among the “gathering of heroes,” the
accustomed to will release them from the conditions of this movement, that ensured the defeat of the Four Horsemen of the
phobia. Apocalypse. During the conflict they found themselves taking on
Potential Value: Corrocottas are bought, sold and even bred the role of stewards, guiding innocent people from danger. Some
with regularity within the Phoenix Empire. In the Capital city even stayed after as advisors, offering council to assist mortals,
of Rama, popular bloodsport events pit Corrocottas against helping them rebuild and retool their societies. A few remain in
each other or other unfortunate souls in matches to the death. that role (109 P.A.) today. Like the Chiang-Ku, the Criosphinx
Market Value: 35,000 credits; Availability: Common. see themselves as an elder race and are usually more than willing
Average Life Span: 120 years, 8 years in captivity; reaches full to lend a hand (or wing) to those under the oppression of evil.
maturity at age 7.
In Africa, the Criosphinx and their free brethren (the Sphinx km) away; Prowl 55%, track by sight 65%, Swimming 30%.
and Hieracosphinx) are most common among the southern and Is able to leap without the use of its wings up to 30 feet (9.1
eastern shores. Both Egyptian and African mythologies across m) high, straight up and 150 feet (45.7 m) lengthwise or across
several nations/peoples have numerous stories and accounts of with a running start. Note: Prowl and Swimming do not ad-
the creature, many of which date to Pre-Rifts time. To the native vance unless selected as part an O.C.C. or secondary skill.
people of Africa, the Criosphinx is highly revered and respected. Special Abilities: Magically speaks and understands all spoken
Due to the stories of old and recent events many view the once languages (97%). Bio-Regeneration: heals 3D6 M.D.C. per
mythical creature as heroes and champions of light. day (24 hours); cannot regenerate completely severed limbs
Alignment: Any, though usually Unprincipled or Scrupulous. or wings.
Attributes: I.Q. 3D6+2, M.E. 4D6+6, M.A. 3D6+4, P.S. Attacks per Melee: Four at level one. A player character gains
20+2D6, P.P. 10+2D6, P.E. 12+3D6, P.B. 3D6+6, Spd 5D6 one additional melee attack at levels 4, 8 and 12.
running; 3D6x10+20 flying (top speed averages around 90 Damage: Head Butt: 4D6 M.D., Paw Strike: 2D6 M.D., Back
mph/148 km). Strength and Endurance are considered to be Leg Thrust: 5D6 M.D. (counts as two melee attacks), Flying
Supernatural. Pounce: 1D6x10 M.D. plus a 01-55% chance of knocking its
M.D.C.: 4D6x10+20; 3D4+2 M.D.C. per level of experience. opponent off his feet (lose initiative and one melee attack),
Horror Factor: 12 Wing Swipe: 1D6 S.D.C. and has a 01-50% chance of knock-
P.P.E.: 1D4x10+20 base; this total is in addition to the base add- ing the victim off his feet (lose initiative and one melee at-
ed by a Magic O.C.C. (add both together) if selected. tack).
Magic: May study any form of magic (deemed appropriate by the Bonuses: In flight: +1 additional attack per melee round, +1 to
G.M.) common to the Palladium or Rifts setting. Most com- initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to dodge. Bonuses are in addition to
mon are Elemental Magic, Wizard, and Ley Line Walker. those gained through O.C.C. selection and attributes (if any).
I.S.P.: None unless rolled for or selected as an O.C.C. Vulnerabilities: Cannot regenerate wings.
Psionics: Standard. Potential Value: Value as a slave highly varies based on health
R.C.C. Skills: Literate in four languages of choice (+25%). and spirit. Those with magic abilities/skills or knowledge may
Math: Basic and Advanced (+20%), Anthropology (+15%), demand 2-3 times as much! Market Value: 75,000 credits;
any two Lore Skills (+10%), Sing, Writing, and Art. Availability: Rare.
Player characters can select up to 12 additional skills with Average Life Span: 2,000 years.
no restrictions and 4 secondary skills at first level. Select one Habitat: Most prefer mountainous regions or places not easily
additional skill at levels 3, 5, 7, 9, 12 and 15. The Criosphinx accessible to modern civil societies. Less than 1% ever inte-
can select any O.C.C. within reason (G.M.s discretion) and so grates themselves to city centers or urban environments. The
gain that O.C.C.s additional powers and special abilities, but island of Madagascar is just such a place.
skill selections are limited to what is listed here. Enemies: Supernatural Evil, & general dislike of dragons; the
Natural Abilities: Winged flight and is able to stay in the air only exception being (good) Chiang-Ku.
indefinitely. Nightvision 120 feet (36.6 m), Keen vision; able Allies: None; but occasionally might befriend a being of similar
to tell the difference between a mouse and a rat 2 miles (3.2 alignment.

Physical Appearance: The creature has the body of a lion, large and through, with strong instincts and adherence to a natural so-
feathered wings, and the head of a ram. Color tone of the cial structure. Large, black-bodied queens rule the hives and lay
creature’s body and wings are typically black, brown, red and eggs, perpetuating the species. Female drones are tasked with
white. Rare is a Criosphinx that is one color, body to wings. protecting the hive as well as the queen, while male drones are
Size: 6 feet (1.8 m) tall at the shoulder; 10 feet (3 m) long. Wing- the builders, gatherers, and caretakers of the hive.
span averages 30 to 35 feet (9.1-10.6 m) wide. A Giant Mason Wasp’s hive is made mostly from sand
Weight: 1,000 to 1,200 pounds (450-540 kg). strengthened by a natural secretion produced by the wasp. Other
Conversion for an S.D.C. Setting: fibrous materials (plants-trees) are sometimes used to reinforce
Hit Points: P.E. +40. the hive’s network of tunnels and chambers. The structure itself
S.D.C.: 3D6x10. is mostly underground, but usually visible against the desert floor
Armor Rating: 9. as a series of connected mounds. These mounds and the connect-
Damage: Head Butt: 3D6 S.D.C., Paw Strike: 3D4 S.D.C., ing passages often form a circular spiderweb pattern. The pas-
Back Leg Thrust: 4D6 S.D.C. (counts as two melee attacks), sages are hardened from the inside with water gathered by male
Flying Pounce: 1D4x10 S.D.C. plus a 01-55% chance of drones from rivers and lakes as far as 200 miles (320 km) away.
knocking its opponent off his feet (lose initiative and one me- Combined with the wasp’s natural secretion, this creates a mate-
lee attack), Wing Swipe: 1D6 S.D.C. and has a 01-50% chance rial similar in consistency to hard clay. Along the outer edges of
of knocking the victim off his feet (lose initiative and one me- the sand hive, a few entrance openings will be visible as compact
lee attack). mounds that rise 5 to 7 feet (1.5-2.1 m) above the regular surface
of the desert floor. The entrance openings are circular and typi-
cally are 2 to 3 feet (0.6-0.9 m) in diameter. The tunnels of these
sand hive networks can run from about 1,000 feet (305 m) in
length, to as long as 2 miles (3.2km). Though sturdy, entrance
and tunnel areas of a sand hive can only sustain 5 S.D.C. per 1
foot (0.3 m) area before the entrance or tunnel will collapse.
Giant Mason Wasps are only aggressive if attacked or an “in-
truder” is within 100 feet of the hive (30.5 m).
Killing a single wasp may be easy enough for those carrying
M.D. weapons and wearing M.D.C. armor, but as the wasp dies
it releases a chemical that other wasps can sense, drawing more
wasps to the area. Only burning or total vaporization (exceed
M.D.C. base by 20 M.D.) will prevent the release of the chemi-
cal. If the wasp is killed within 100 feet (30 m) of the hive, 1D4
additional wasp will arrive every minute and begin attacking until
the “intruders” are some 500 feet (152 m) from the hive.
Alignment: None; insect species.
Attributes: I.Q. Instinct only, M.E. 3D4, M.A. Not applicable,
P.S. 2D4+2, P.P. 3D8+2, P.E. 3D6, P.B. 1D4, Spd 2D6 crawl-
ing; 1D6x10+25 flying (averages around 45 mph/72 km). En-
durance is considered to be Supernatural.
M.D.C.: Drone: P.E.+3D6; Queen: P.E.+1D6x10.
Horror Factor: 6; 12 for a swarm (4D4 or more).
P.P.E.: 2D4
Magic: None.
I.S.P.: None.
Psionics: None.
Natural Abilities: Has limited daytime vision up to 200 feet (61
m) and is almost totally blind at night, 20 feet (6 m).
Special Abilities: The wasps track movement with a pair of sen-

Giant Mason Wasp sor receptors, which can be seen as two bright, yellow bulges
on top of their heads. Additionally, these receptors are sensi-
tive to certain vibrations in the air such as the wing movement
Supernatural Insect of its fellow wasps, and are utilized for location and relocation
There is uncertainty as to the origin of the Giant Mason Wasp, of the hive over long distances.
a creature thus far unknown beyond the Sahara Desert. Some be- Attacks per Melee: Four.
lieve the large insect species is similar to the Xiticix of North Damage: Sting Attack: 5D6 S.D.C. (counts as two melee at-
America, an invader from a dimensional Rift, while others sus- tacks) piercing damage, Mandible Bite: 1D4 M.D. The pinch
pect the large insectoids were the results of the Egyptian God is strong enough to decapitate heads and sever unprotected
Set’s (failed) experiments in Bio-Wizardry. limbs! Those who suffer a sting attack directly to their flesh
What is known is that the Giant Mason Wasps behave very will also receive a small dose of venom, though supernatural
similar to their smaller wasp cousins. They are insects through beings and creatures of magic are immune to the effects of the
venom. Roll standard saving throw vs poison; failure to save also because throughout many of the darker corners of the Mega-
means the character suffers 3D6 damage direct to Hit Points verse Hieracosphinx are bred in captivity.
and will lose initiative and two melee attacks for the next com- Higher-end slave markets both in Atlantis and the Phoenix Em-
bat round. Those who save vs poison suffer no damage, but pire sell and deal the creatures at high prices, usually as winged
feel a little nauseous and lose one melee attack for the next mounts. A Hieracosphinx which has been properly trained to per-
combat round. form its duties as a mount will command some of the highest
Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +3 to dodge in flight. of prices among any slave stock. As slaves, the Hieracosphinx
Vulnerabilities: Has terrible vision in full sunlight. seem unusually content and are treated with respect because of
Potential Value: To supernatural minions, most parts of the Gi- the great price they garner once they reach market. Abused Hi-
ant Mason Wasp are not only edible, they are downright tasty! eracosphinx often make terrible mounts, and those who are cap-
In The City of Doom (Phoenix Empire), several eateries are tured after adulthood and enslaved can only be used as sires and
known to serve up the bug as a delicacy from venom sauce mares for breeding. Carefully trained from birth, most enslaved
(very tart), to chips made from the creatures wings. Market Hieracosphinx have no idea of their true heritage, and as beasts
Value: 150 credits; Availability: Very common. Venom can of burden the creature’s genuinely come to love battle and enjoy
be extracted and sold by the single ounce. The average Giant serving their masters. It is common for a Hieracosphinx’s align-
Mason Wasp has 1D4 ounces of venom: Market Value: 50 ment to be similar to their master’s.
credits; Availability: Very common. Wild and free Hieracosphinx are rumored to inhabit the is-
Average Life Span: 3 years for male and female drones; seven lands to the southern end of the African continent as well as parts
years for a queen. of Madagascar. They are not as inclined as their smarter cousins
Habitat: Only known to inhabit the border regions of the Sahara to be involved in the affairs of other races and beings, but are
Desert within the Phoenix Empire. A small hive; 1D4x10, a often follow the directions and suggestions of the other sphinx.
medium hive; 3D4x10, a large hive; 4D6x10. If called to conflict, Hieracosphinxes make excellent winged sol-
Enemies: Only those beings that are perceived as threatening the diers, fighting bravely, valiantly and more often than not without
hive, within 100 feet (30.5 m). fear. Many were called upon by their cousins upon the arrival of
Allies: None. the Apocalypse Demons and though it remains unrecorded his-
Physical Appearance: A large wasp, black or brownish in color, tory, many died bravely.
with two yellowish sensor receptors on top of the head, which Alignment: Any, though most wild Hieracosphinx are consid-
are used in sensing movement as well as for vision. ered to be Anarchist. Hieracosphinx trained as mounts usually
Size: A male or female (females are slightly bigger) drone is 1 to come to have a similar alignment to that of their riders; usually
2 feet (0.3-0.6 m) long; a queen is typically 3 to 5 feet (0.9-1.5 evil.
m) in length; the wingspan of the creature is approximately Attributes: I.Q. 2D4 (low human intelligence), M.E. 2D4, M.A.
twice the total length of the body. 3D6, P.S. 30+2D6, P.P. 16+1D6, P.E. 20+3D6, P.B. 3D6+2,
Weight: A drone is 4 to 9 pounds (1.8-4 kg); a queen is typically Spd 6D6 running; 2D6x10+20 flying (top speed averages
20 to 30 pounds (9-13 kg). around 75 mph/120 km). Strength and Endurance are consid-
Conversion for an S.D.C. Setting: ered to be Supernatural.
Hit Points: 10; Queen: 25. M.D.C.: 6D6x10+50
S.D.C.: 12; Queen: 50. Horror Factor: 14
Armor Rating: 6. Queen 8. P.P.E.: 1D6x10
Damage: Sting Attack: 3D6 S.D.C., Mandible Bite: 2D4 Magic: None.
S.D.C. I.S.P.: Standard.
Psionics: Standard as per humans; roll for it.

Hieracosphinx Natural Abilities: Winged flight and is able to stay in the air
indefinitely. Nightvision 120 feet (36.6 m), Keen vision; able

Creature of Magic
The Hieracosphinx is also known as the hawk-headed Sphinx.
The creature is far more instinctual in nature than its human or
ram-headed cousins and its sheer physical size is unmatched.
Though close in physicality to other Sphinx as a winged beast,
the Hieracosphinx compares to its fellows as apes compare to
men. The Hieracosphinx are more animal in nature and do not
possess their cousin’s intelligence nor their affinities or natural
aptitude for magic.
The Hieracosphinx’s origins can be traced to the world of Pal-
ladium. Though rarely, if ever, encountered on the world of Pal-
ladium currently, the creature is more common than any other
sphinx throughout the Megaverse. This is in part because the
creatures are less independent or inclined to strike out on their
own, forming stronger family structures than most Sphinx, but

to tell the difference between a mouse and a rat 2 miles (3.2
km) away; Prowl 45%, track by sight 75% and Swim 35%. Is Horned Serpopard
able to leap without the use of its wings up to 40 feet (12 m)
high straight up and 200 feet (61 m) lengthwise or across with Supernatural Predator
a running start. The Horned Serpopard is a genetic oddity as a supernatural
Special Abilities: A trained Hieracosphinx understands (does predator, sharing the traits of both serpent and leopard. The body,
not speak) one language at 75%; as long the commands of its the muscle tone of the legs and torso, is very leopard like, but the
master/rider are kept simple, the creature will obey without skin of the Serpopard is made up of black-colored scales. The
question. See additional bonuses of a trained animal in the Bo- Serpopard’s head is flat as well as narrow and has several small
nuses section. Heals 4D6 M.D.C. per day (24 hours); cannot horns that protrude from the top of the skull, above the eyes and
regenerate completely severed limbs or wings. below the ears. The vertebrae of the creature, the neck and tail
Attacks per Melee: Five. are elongated from the body and flexible. The Horned Serpopard,
Damage: Beak Bite/Attack: 2D6 M.D., Talon Grab/Swipe: 5D6 like any snake, can bend the vertebrae of its neck and tail almost
M.D., Back Leg Thrust: 1D6x10+10 (counts as two melee at- 180 degrees. The tail is thick and needled at the end, which the
tacks), Flying Dive Attack: 1D6x10+10 M.D. plus a 01-60% Horned Serpopard uses as a spiked bludgeon in attacking its prey.
chance of knocking its opponent off his feet (lose initiative These predatory creatures stalk a wide variety of prey including
and one melee attack), Wing Swipe: 1D6 M.D. and has a 01- humans, but are solitary hunters. Beyond this, not much is known
50% chance of knocking the victim off his feet (lose initiative about the Horned Serpopard.
and one melee attack).
Alignment: Miscreant only.
Bonuses: +3 to strike, parry and dodge. +4 to dodge in flight,
Attributes: I.Q. 1D4 (animal intelligence), M.E. 3D4, M.A. 2D4,
+2 to initiative, +3 to roll with the impact/fall, +2 to save vs
P.S. 10+2D6, P.P. 6D6, P.E. 6D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd 20+6D6; (25
magic, +1 to perception. As a trained mount, add the following
mph/40 km average). Note: See Special Abilities. Strength
bonuses: +2 to strike parry and dodge, +1 to dodge in flight, +1
and Endurance are considered to be Supernatural.
to initiative, and +1 to perception.
M.D.C.: 1D6x10+20
Vulnerabilities: A creature that has lost its wing(s) cannot re-
Horror Factor: 5
generate them.
P.P.E.: None.
Potential Value: As a trained mount, Market Value: 1,000,000
Magic: None.
credits; Availability: Slightly common. A wild Hieracosphinx
I.S.P.: None.
can only be sold for breeding purposes but still demands a fair
Psionics: None.
price. Market Value: 50,000 credits; Availability: Uncommon.
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 90 feet (27 m), decent daytime vi-
Prices in the Phoenix Empire are typically 5% less than what’s
sion, track by smell 75%, Swimming 85% and Climbing 45%;
listed here which is based on the Atlantis slave markets.
Climb Tree: 85%.
Average Life Span: 2,000 years.
Special Abilities: Endurance Sprint: Can break into a sprint
Habitat: Most prefer to inhabit secluded islands and mountain
which is two times (double) their top speed for one minute
regions, or places relatively secluded from society. On Rifts
per point of P.E.; about 50 mph/80 km on average. Ability is
Earth, the Hieracosphinx is most common on Madagascar as
limited to their P.E. points per 24 hours.
well as the southern and eastern coasts of the African conti-
Natural Nighttime Chameleon: 75% undetectable if un-
moving. 65% undetectable if moving 2 feet (0.6 m) per melee
Enemies: Wild Hieracosphinxes view most other beings with
round or slower. 10% undetectable moving 6 feet (1.8 m) per
suspicion and all have a general dislike of dragons.
melee round; ability is totally ineffective if moving any faster.
Allies: Varies; an untrained creature may befriend any being who
Attacks per Melee: Five.
is similar in alignment.
Damage: Bite Attack: 2D6 M.D., Claw Swipe: 3D6 M.D., Tail
Physical Appearance: The feathering on the head and wings is
Swipe: 4D6+2 M.D. (counts as two melee attacks). The tail
generally brown, black or beige in color. The lion portion of
swipe has a 01-12% chance of knocking the victim off his feet
the body is brown or reddish brown. Muscles are well defined
(lose initiative and one melee attack).
and much more pronounced than any other sphinx.
Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +5 to strike and +5 to parry, +3 to
Size: 6 feet (1.8 m) tall at the shoulders; 11 feet (3.3 m) long, plus
dodge, +2 to roll with the impact/fall, +4 to save vs disease
tail. Wingspan averages 32 to 38 feet (9.7-11.5 m) wide.
and poison.
Weight: 1,600 to 2,200 pounds (720-990 kg).
Vulnerabilities: The slightly elongated neck makes the head/
Conversion for an S.D.C. Setting:
neck area easier to strike (and/or dismember). Any critical
Hit Points: P.E. +50.
strike rolled as long as the weapon used is an M.D.C. sword or
S.D.C.: 5D6x10.
bladed weapon (irrelevant to damage), will successfully sever
Armor Rating: 10
the head from the body. Attackers are +1 to strike when target-
Damage: Beak Bite/Attack: 3D6 S.D.C., Talon Grab/Swipe:
ing the neck.
4D6 S.D.C., Back Leg Thrust: 1D4x10+10 S.D.C. (counts as
Potential Value: Not applicable. The creature is rare and untam-
two melee attacks), Flying Dive Attack: 1D4x10 S.D.C., plus
able; most die in captivity after only a few weeks.
a 01-60% chance of knocking his opponent off his feet (lose
Average Life Span: 35 years.
initiative and one melee attack), Wing Swipe: 1D6+2 S.D.C.
Habitat: In Africa, the areas that the Horned Serpopard hunts
and has a 01-50% chance of knocking the victim off his feet
and lives is almost exclusively in areas of large, thick jungle,
(lose initiative and one melee attack).
typically along the border of the Congo, excluding areas that
are within 20 miles (32 km) of the Atlantic Ocean. Even the Inkanyamba
temperate grasslands which can be found to the north of the
Congo are mostly avoided as the creature is relatively untrust- Supernatural Predator
ing of large, open areas of land. The Inkanyamba is a massive serpent that was witnessed by
Enemies: The Corrocotta is a much bigger and stronger predator some of the first African Zulu tribesmen many hundreds of years
and will kill a Serpopard on sight. ago and long before the Apocalyptic Cataclysm ravaged the land.
Allies: None. Pretty much anything that walks is considered The Zulu’s oral legends concerning the Inkanyamba were passed
food. A male and female will hunt together while mating. This down from generation to generation. As the many years came
paired hunting behavior never extends longer than three days and went, even tribesmen themselves came to believe the sto-
out of a full year. ries concerning the mighty snake to be mere myths; and despite
the occasional claimed sighting or missing tribesman. More than
Physical Appearance: The Serpopard’s scale tone is a flat black
a few scholars and biologists through the 20th and 21st centu-
color which does not reflect light well. The creature has an
ry searched the Congo in efforts to find proof of the legendary
elongated (snake-like) neck and tail with sharp barbs, as well
snake, however, no conclusive evidence was found and the crea-
as a feline body. Only a serpopard which is sick or dying has
ture’s legacy was added to the lists of African myth and fable.
scales which are not black in color.
The truth is that the Inkanyamba is no myth but had lain in
Size: 6 to 8 feet (1.8-2.4 m); nose to tail. the murkiest, muddiest and darkest parts of the Congo in a very
Weight: 150 to 250 pounds (68-113 kg). deep state of hibernation until the natural energies of the earth
Conversion for an S.D.C. Setting: returned. In its deepened state of slumber, decades passed before
Hit Points: P.E. x 2. the Inkanyamba needed to feed, after which it would again seek
S.D.C.: 1D4x10. safe refuge and descend into hibernation. The Inkanyamba did
Armor Rating: 8. this for hundreds of years and now that the mystic energies of the
earth have returned, so too has the great snake.
Damage: Bite Attack: 2D6 S.D.C., Claw Swipe: 2D6 S.D.C.,
For the last 300 years, the Inkanyamba has slithered among
Tail Swipe: 3D6+2 S.D.C. (counts as two melee attacks). The
the wetlands and water channels among the southern regions of
tail swipe has a 01-12% chance of knocking the victim off his
Africa all the way to the northern borders of the Congo. Though
feet (lose initiative and one melee attack).
the Inkanyamba typically preys by hiding itself in the shallows of

Special Abilities: Coil Attack: The only way to prevent the start
of a coil attack is to dodge (out of the way) or parry the at-
tempt. A failed dodge or parry indicates that the victim is par-
tially within the snake’s coil. Each attack in which the snake
attempts the coil takes up 2 melee attacks. If the target fails the
initial dodge or parry, then the coil attack has begun. However,
no damage is suffered until an additional 2 melee attacks are
used for the snake to establish its position on (or as it secures
its body around) the target. During these two attacks (which
uses four melee attacks total), the target can attempt to escape
the coil using dodge but if the target fails do so, then the coil
is firmly established on the target. If the target successfully
escapes then combat resumes as normal. The squeeze is the fi-
nal move of the coil attack and the only move where the snake
is actually causing damage to the target. Coil Attack: +2 to
strike/begin; Establish Coil: +4 to strike/establish.
Once the snake is established, damage is subtracted for
each squeeze, equal to two of the snake’s attacks. Only M.D.C.
creatures (not those in M.D.C. armor) can roll with the impact/
fall and potentially have the damage of the suffocating squeez-
ing attack cut in half. A player character within the coils of the
snake suffers the following penalties: -2 melee attacks, -10 to
dodge. Those with supernatural or robotic strength suffer only
half of these listed penalties. The only circumstance in which
the coil can be broken is if the Inkanyamba loses two-thirds
of its base M.D.C., at which point it slithers away, seeking the
closest stream or water channel for escape.
Attacks per Melee: Four.
Damage: Bite: 2D4 M.D., Squeeze Coil Attack: 1D4x10+10
M.D. (counts as two melee attacks).
Bonuses: +2 to strike and +1 to dodge; in the water. +1 to initia-
murky or muddied waters and striking those who step too close,
Vulnerabilities: Slow on land and the creature’s great length and
native Africans and Pygmy people have more recently reported
size make it vulnerable to certain strategies of attack.
the snake dropping down on its victims from the tops of trees.
Potential Value: Pygmy people make a variety of tools from the
Similar to the Anaconda of South America, the snake is a
Inkanyamba’s bones. The skin is tanned and made into things
constrictor and non-venomous, preferring to wrap its powerful
like clothes, backpacks, and rope.
coils around its victim, and the coil wrap of an Inkanyamba is
Average Life Span: Unknown; the creatures’ hibernation state
powerful enough to crush M.D.C. armor! Human victims without
allows them to live for eons.
M.D.C. armor and caught in the Inkanyamba’s coil, are usually
Habitat: In Africa, native to the African Congo and some of the
dead within seconds and even those with modern protection or
dense, forested waterways to the south. Never ventures very
supernatural ability have only a few minutes to escape.
far from an accessible waterway.
Alignment: Miscreant only. Enemies: Native Africans or Pygmy people.
Attributes: I.Q. 1D4 (animal intelligence), M.E. 2D4, M.A. Allies: None; any animal or human is considered a food source.
2D4, P.S. 20+1D6, P.P. 2D6, P.E. 3D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd 2D6 on Physical Appearance: A large snake with a very large head. The
land; +10 in the water. Strength and Endurance are considered color of skin and pattern varies from dark greens, black, brown
to be Supernatural. and occasionally, oranges and yellows. The thicker parts of
M.D.C.: 5D6x10+20 the body are as thick as 3 feet (0.9 m) around; a creature that
Horror Factor: 8 has just fed, perhaps as much as 7 feet (2.1 m).
P.P.E.: None. Size: 60 feet (18 m) long.
Magic: None. Weight: 1,000 pounds (450 kg); average.
I.S.P.: None. Conversion for an S.D.C. Setting:
Psionics: None. Hit Points: Equal to P.E. attribute.
Natural Abilities: Poor daytime vision and hearing, excellent S.D.C.: 3D6x10.
sense of smell: range 200 feet (61 m); track animal by smell Armor Rating: Not applicable.
85%, track human by smell 70%, sense the location of motion Damage: Bite: 1D6 S.D.C., Coil Attack: 1D4x10 S.D.C.
in still water 75%.

Pegomastax Africanus chance of knocking regular (human) strength victims, who are
wearing regular M.D.C. armor, off their feet; lose initiative
and one melee attack.
Dinosaur Bonuses: +1 to initiative and strike.
The Pegomastax is a small, two-legged dinosaur that hunts Vulnerabilities: Short attention span and tends to lose track of
the dense woodlands of the Congo as well as the lightly forested what it cannot see.
regions to the east and all the way to the southern coasts of Af- Potential Value: No real value, except perhaps as a combatant in
rica. About the size of a large house cat, this narrow-headed di- a gladiatorial arena; in that case, 200-1,000 credits.
nosaur has a powerful aquiline jaw, perfect for tearing soft flesh. Average Life Span: 15 to 25 years.
The body of the Pegomastax is covered in finely bristled quills Habitat: The African Congo.
like that of a porcupine and provides the small predator a decent Enemies: Those that got away.
deterrent from the many larger carnivores that stalk the African Allies: None; the creature views nearly all life as potential prey.
Congo. Physical Appearance: The creature’s face is long with beady
Fleet of foot, the Pegomastax has powerful legs, giving the eyes; much like a vulture. The body is covered with short,
creature excellent speed and jumping ability for which the small- coarse feathers.
ish dinosaur utilizes to leap upon its prey. The creature tightly Size: 2.5 feet (0.76 m); from beak to tail average.
grasps and tears into its victims using the sharp talons of its three- Weight: 15 to 20 pounds (6.8-9 kg).
toed feet. Much like a tyrannosaurus, the Pegomastax’s arms are Conversion for an S.D.C. Setting:
much smaller in relation to the body, but both the feet and hands Hit Points: Equal to P.E. attribute.
of the creature have razor-sharp claws. A peck from the beak of S.D.C.: 20.
a Pegomastax reveals two six-inch (5 cm) semi-retractable fangs Armor Rating: Not applicable.
(which are revealed only in biting and from the lower mandible) Damage: Bite: 1D6+2 S.D.C., Leg kick/swipe: 2D6 S.D.C.,
which the dinosaur uses to hold its prey steady. During an attack, Double leg kick: 4D6 S.D.C. (counts as two melee attacks);
it is common for Pegomastaxes to work together in attacking 01-15% chance of knocking regular (human) strength victims,
larger prey, while some use their beaks to hold and spread the vic- who are wearing regular M.D.C. armor, off their feet; lose ini-
tim’s limbs wide, others will gorge themselves on the softer parts. tiative and one melee attack.
Pegomastaxes are not solitary hunters and commonly pursue
victims in pack-swarms of 4-14 (2D6+2), overwhelming their
chosen prey. Though small in stature, the creatures are decep-
tively strong and more than able to take down an average human
with relative ease. Among the native and Pygmy tribes on Africa,
there are many such harrowing tales that can attest to the carnivo-
rous savagery of the Pegomastax.
Writer’s Note: Yes, the remains of a real Pegomastax Africa-
nus was discovered in the 1960s and properly classified in 2010.
Paleontologists are relatively certain the creature was a herbi-
vore. But what fun is that? A good reason to keep game books
and school books separate. You’ve been told!
Alignment: Miscreant only.
Attributes: I.Q. 1D4 (animal intelligence), M.E. 2D4, M.A. 2D4,
P.S. 10+1D6, P.P. 4D6, P.E. 3D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd 1D6+10 on
land. Strength and Endurance are considered to be Supernatu-
M.D.C.: 1D4x10
Horror Factor: 8; pack swarm.
P.P.E.: 2D4
Magic: None.
I.S.P.: None.
Psionics: None.
Natural Abilities: Great peripheral vision, can track by sight
65%, and leap 8 feet (2.4 m) high and 12 feet (3.7 m) long
from a standing position; range is doubled for a running start.
Hearing and smell are poor; track by sound or smell 20%.
Climbing is impossible due to the shortness of their arms.
Special Abilities: None.
Attacks per Melee: Five.
Damage: Bite: 2D4+2 M.D., Leg kick/swipe: 1D6 M.D. Double
leg kick: 3D6 M.D. (counts as two melee attacks); 01-15%

On Rifts Earth, the Werehyena population is concentrated
on Africa, specifically throughout the south and central savanna
regions of the continent. Werehyenas are not exclusive to Rifts
Earth or to Africa and can be found in a variety of locations
throughout the Megaverse. Like all werecreatures, werehyenas
have a natural disdain for vampires and the undead and for this
reason most (even rogue werehyenas) avoid the Phoenix Empire.
Alignment: Usually Unprincipled or Anarchist (80%).
Attributes: I.Q. 3D4, M.E. 3D6+2, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 2D6+8, P.P.
2D6+10, P.E. 3D6+2, P.B. 1D6, Spd 6D6 in human form or
44 (30 mph/48 km) as a hyena. Physical attributes are Super-
Hit Points (Special): 4D6+10; see natural armor rating, plus
an additional 1D6+1 Hit Points per each additional level of
experience. Like all werebeasts, the creature is invulnerable
to most weapons, including Mega-Damage energy weapons,
explosives, bullets, fire, wood, steel, poisons and toxins. How-
ever, the beast is also vulnerable to ordinary silver and weap-
ons that consist of at least 50% silver inflict double (normal)
damage. A silver-plated dagger that normally would inflict
1D6 S.D.C. damage would inflict 2D6 points of damage to the
Werehyenas Hit Points.
M.D.C.: None; see Hit Points.
Horror Factor: 8 in hyena form; 14 when facing a group of 8 or
more members.
P.P.E.: 1D6x10+10
Magic: All Werehyenas can cast the following spells provided
they have the P.P.E. to do so: Tongues, Chameleon, Repel
Animals; Metamorphosis: Animal, and Metamorphosis: Hu-
man. Note: Metamorphosis: Human only has the limited effect
explained under the Shape-Changing Power.
I.S.P.: I.S.P.: 5D4+6.
Psionics: Sixth Sense and See the Invisible.
R.C.C. Skills: Werehyenas can speak African Trade (the most
Werehyena common native language) at 85% and one additional language
at 65%. Player Characters that wish to start this character
somewhere other than Africa can choose another two lan-
Optional R.C.C. guages of their choice. Player characters can choose a total
Werehyenas are nomadic and like all Werebeasts, dangerous of six secondary skills at first level, and one additional skill at
supernatural predators. Their true from is that of a half-man half- levels three, six, nine, and twelve. Players should utilize the
hyena, but the Werehyenas of Africa spend the greatest energy same experience tables as the Psi-Stalker. Hit points and skill
in their metamorphosis abilities maintaining their animal guise proficiency increase with each level. Available skill categories
above all other forms. Though commonly looked down on by include Domestic, Espionage, Technical: Language and Lore
other werebeasts in their preference for their animal shape as well only, W.P. any, and wilderness any at +20%.
as their much smaller size in comparison to other Werecreatures, Natural Abilities: Speak while in animal shape, prowl 85%,
Werehyenas are arguably the most loyal to their own kind and are swim 65%, track by smell 70%, nightvision 300 feet (91.4 m),
rarely, if ever, encountered alone. In Africa, Werehyena packs Keen vision (black and white) and hearing, Climb 55%, Leap
roam the savannas and typically range between twenty to forty 20 feet (6 m) high or lengthwise from a standing position, and
members (8D6 is average); indeed, an unfortunate fact for those bio-regeneration: restores 2D4+1 Hit Points an hour.
that come across them. Special Abilities: Limited Invulnerability: The creature is vul-
As hunters, Werehyenas heavily depend on their numbers nerable to magic, psionic attack and weapons made of silver
rather than brute force, commonly using tactics in tiring their (double damage). Wolfsbane and garlic will hold the were-
prey before moving in for the kill. Hunts occur at night as well beast at bay like a vampire, but the cross, sunlight and run-
as the daytime for Werehyenas do not let an easy meal escape. ning water have no adverse effect. Powerful Mega-Damage
Though mistakenly regarded but often smartly mistrusted by na- attacks and explosions that inflict great amounts of damage
tive Africans and Pygmies, the creatures do not exclusively hunt may knock the creature down or stun it. Same as Knockdown/
or kill humans for food or leisure. Humans are mostly avoided by Impact table for vampires.
Werehyena packs; though occasionally some individual werehy- Shape-Changing Power: The creature can shape-change at
enas develop roguish tendencies from the norm, break from the will by day or by night; though most prefer to remain in hyena
pack and do in fact become man-eaters. form. The metamorphosis takes about 15 seconds (one melee
action) and there is no limit to the amount of metamorphosis words Individuals cannot be imitated. If Werejackals have a true
that can be performed or the amount of time that one can be form, few have actually seen it.
retained. On Rifts Earth, Werejackals feel at home in places frequented
Attacks per Melee: 5; in either form. by other supernatural evil creatures and demons, such as Atlan-
Damage: Human-shape punch: 2D4 S.D.C. + P.S. bonus, Re- tis and the Phoenix Empire, however, as with all shape-changers
strained claw: 2D6+2 S.D.C. + P.S. bonus, Full strength claw: the demon is highly disliked and mistrusted and so the Were-
2D4 M.D., Power punch claw: 3D6 M.D. (counts as two me- jackal keeps the true identity of its nature hidden. As one might
lee attacks), Normal Bite: 2D4 S.D.C., Power Bite: 1D4 M.D. guess, how many currently exist on Rifts Earth is unknowable as
Bonuses: In addition to attribute bonuses, +2 to initiative, +1 is where they come from, though the few scholars that know of
to strike, +2 to dodge, +1 to save vs psionics, +1 to save vs the Werejackal believe they hail from the world of Palladium. In
magic, and +1 to Perception Rolls. Africa, Rama Set is rumored to have taken a liking to the demons
Vulnerabilities: Weapons and projectiles of silver do double or very well may have brought them to the continent; several are
damage. said to be under his employ.
Value: Too stubborn to have a high market value. Werejackals are intelligent and cunning demons. They are
Average Life Span: 90 to 150 years; average. truly evil at the core and hate those they consider weaker races;
Habitat: Werehyenas are the most nomadic and wild of the were- werecreatures, above all others. Most Werejackals hate werec-
species, mostly avoiding areas of technology, and concentrat- reatures to such a degree that should the opportunity arise they
ed human population. That being said, small packs (1D8+2) will use their abilities to spread chaos as well as death, and do so
will occasionally infiltrate a city and discreetly prey upon its without any semblance of conscience, and only to satisfy their
inhabitants! Though most common in Central and South Af- own bloodletting desire.
rica (dense forest and savanna regions), a few packs migrated Alignment: Any evil.
during the arrival of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Attributes: I.Q. 2D4+8, M.E. 3D6+3, M.A. 3D6+3, P.S. 5D6+8,
and currently inhabit and hunt in regions south of the NGR, P.P. 3D6+10, P.E. 3D6+4, P.B. 3D6, Spd 6D6 in human/hu-
along with secluded areas of former Russia. Less than 1% of manoid form; see special abilities. Physical attributes are Su-
Werehyenas strike out on their own as a lone hunter and those pernatural.
that do, being without a pack, are sometimes attacked on sight M.D.C.: 2D4x100+50
by other Werecreatures, including their own kind. Horror Factor: 10
Enemies: Most outsiders are viewed as an enemy until proven P.P.E.: 1D4x10+20
Allies: Varies.
Physical Appearance: One human form is for their entire life
and one hyena form. The human form tends to have blonde-
brown to reddish hair.
Size: 5 to 6 feet (1.5 to 1.8 m) tall in human form; 4 to 5 feet (1.2-
1.5 m) long in hyena form.
Weight: 200 to 250 pounds (90-113 kg).
Conversion for an S.D.C. Setting:
Hit Points: Same; special.
S.D.C.: Not applicable.
Armor Rating: 11.
Damage: Human-shape punch: 1D6 S.D.C. + P.S. bonus, Re-
strained claw: 1D6+2 S.D.C. + P.S. bonus, Full strength claw:
2D6 S.D.C., Power punch claw: 4D6 S.D.C. (counts as two
melee attacks), Normal Bite: 2D6 S.D.C., Power Bite: 3D6

Changeling Demon
The Werejackal is not a true Werecreature or a full-fledged
changeling for that matter, but a supernatural demon that has
the ability to imitate the physical likeness of other beings. The
Werejackal’s favorite guise is to pass itself off as a genuine
Werecreature, which it can do because, unlike a Changeling, the
Werejackal can utilize its shape-change ability to mimic animals.
However, unlike Changelings, Werejackals are unable to imitate
specific likenesses and are limited to general physical qualities
such as build, hair color/length, skin tone, eye color, etc. In other

Magic: None. Damage: Human-shape punch: 2D6 S.D.C. + P.S. bonus, Re-
I.S.P.: None. strained claw: 2D6+2 S.D.C. + P.S. bonus, Full strength claw:
Psionics: None. 3D6 S.D.C., Power punch claw: 5D6 S.D.C. (counts as two
Optional Skills: G.M.s should choose skills from an appropriate melee attacks), Normal Bite: 2D6 S.D.C., Power Bite: 3D6
O.C.C. Most Werejackals will have leanings towards combat S.D.C.
and physical skills. Most will be fluent in three languages or
Natural Abilities: Speak while in animal shape, Prowl 85%,
Swimming 70%, track by smell 75%, nightvision 300 feet
(91.4 m), keen vision and hearing, Climb 55%, bio-regenera- African Faerie (Optional R.C.C.)
tion: 3D6 M.D.C. an hour.
Yumboes are one of the most populous Faeries in all of Af-
Special Abilities: Shape-Change: The creature can shape-change
rica, referred to by native Africans as “the little good people.”
at will by day or by night; limited to the general shape as spe-
Yumboes are a modest-sized Faerie and very rarely, if ever, grow
cific likeness (mimic) cannot be performed. Animal shapes
to over two feet (0.6 m) tall. Their body and physical features
can be maintained, however, the animal imitated will never be
are humanoid, their long, silver hair has a luminescent quality
much bigger or smaller than the creature is in its natural form.
and their pale skin possesses a slightly bluish pigment. Yumboes
Among some Werecreatures, the Werejackal might seem to
genuinely seem to find enjoyment among the company of humans
be the runt while others a giant. Flying and winged creatures
(who they seem to literally as well as figuratively look up to),
cannot be imitated. The metamorphosis takes about 15 sec-
specifically native Africans who have embraced the “old ways.”
onds (one melee action) and there is no limit to the amount of
The Faeries are not as untrusting of Big Folk as most Faeries
metamorphosis that can be performed or the amount of time
commonly are, at least specifically in regards to native Africans,
that one can be retained.
and a strong kinship has developed over time between the two
Increased Speed: For each animal form, add the following
speed modifiers; Bear: +6, Jackal: +7, Hyena: +8, Tiger: +10,
A free, proud Faerie Folk, with their own Faerie traditions and
Jaguar and Panther: +12. Wolf: +16.
heritage, Yumboes have a strong disdain for the many dangerous
Attacks per Melee: 6; in either form.
supernatural menaces that plague the African continent. It is this
Damage: Human-shape punch: 3D6 S.D.C. + P.S. bonus, Re-
that they have in common with the African natives. Some elders
strained claw: 5D6 S.D.C. + P.S. bonus, Full strength claw:
among the African tribes believe that the Yumboes are the very
4D6 M.D., Power punch claw: 1D6x10 M.D.C. (counts as
spirits or incarnations of their ancestors. Good spirits who have
two melee attacks), Normal Bite: 2D4 M.D., Power Bite: 2D6
come back to the “realms of earth” to offer aid and assistance.
For their part, Yumboes neither confirm nor deny their human
Bonuses: In addition to attribute bonuses, +3 to initiative, +2
friends’ assertions and if they know more on this or many of the
to strike, +4 to dodge, +1 to save vs psionics, +1 to save vs
other mysteries as to what their African friends hypothesize and
magic, and +2 to Perception Rolls.
guess, none are talking.
Vulnerabilities: Holy weapons and weapons of light do twice
Yumboes build and maintain simple earthen burrows for their
the amount of damage listed. Cannot be injured by silver,
homes, preferring locations near fresh water and rich flora. They
though conventional attacks, magic, psionics or weapons that
can be found anywhere across Africa save the desert climate re-
inflict M.D., do normal damage.
gions. A clan will usually consist of five to six families (2D4x10
Value: Not usually sold on the open slave markets; prices vary.
members), sometimes more. Yumboe clans that have taken a lik-
Average Life Span: 200 years; average.
ing or formed a bond with an African settlement or tribe will
Habitat: The Phoenix Empire of Rifts Africa, though can be
commonly participate in the fashions and traditions of their hu-
found anywhere. That being said, the current population on
man allies, as well as adding their own unique sense of Faerie
Rifts Earth is less than 1,000.
culture to the mix.
Enemies: Creatures of good. Werejackals will often go far out of
The Yumboes are fond of a variety of food and drink and
their way to torment and kill werebeasts. Some even go as far
when the moon is full, hold rich banquet feasts to mark the occa-
as to infiltrate packs and do this from within.
sion. Their celebrations include dancing and merriment, as well
Allies: Creatures of evil; if any. The Werejackal has little loyalty
as games of sport and chance. The Yumboes’ moonlight gather-
to others of its kind.
ings often include humans (native Africans and Pygmies), and
Physical Appearance: Most will stick to a typical human form as
sometimes even new friends who just happened to be passing
long as it serves its purpose, though the form can be changed
by. After all, Yumboes view it as a shame to let the opportunity
at the creature’s desire. Werecreature forms are treated much
of a new friendship pass below a full moon. While Yumboes are
the same, and how the physical form appears is usually not
kind natured, they are not above playing a prank or two. Usually
changed until the form has worn out its use.
these pranks are relatively harmless in comparison to the vindic-
Size: 4 to 6 (1.2-1.8 m) feet long in jackal or Werecreature form;
tive sort performed by other Faerie kind. Most pranks include the
5 to 6 feet (1.5-1.8 m) in human form.
placement of large insects, for instance, in one’s sleeping com-
Weight: 250 to 300 pounds (113-135 kg).
partment or sheets, the “borrowing” of food from a plate, or other
Conversion for an S.D.C. Setting:
good-natured funny business.
Hit Points: P.E. x 2.
Bonds of friendship between human and Faerie have spanned
S.D.C.: 6D6x10+20.
generations (during the last 300 years) and, as a vast majority
Armor Rating: 14.
of African tribes that practice the old ways are nomadic or at
least semi-nomadic, it is common that when they seek a new
(often safer) location, that their Yumboe friends go with them.
Should a supernatural menace threaten the area that cannot be
safely avoided, the Yumboes will fight alongside them. There is
no question of the Yumboes’ bravery in regards to their friends,
and more often than not threats are first noticed by them.
Independent clans of Yumboes are common in Africa and are
often less trusting of humans, though they don’t often go out of
their way to harm or dissuade them. Evil supernatural creatures of
almost any ilk are met with careful strategy and often not just by
one clan but usually several; and they often do whatever is neces-
sary to rid them from the area. Though they are brave, Yumboes
are never interested in a fair fight and clans are always loyal to
one another as Faerie kind. Clan rivalries are common but no
dispute will keep Yumboes from defending their fellow kin or
disrupt their own sensibilities of right and wrong.
Alignment: Good to selfish only.
Attributes: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 3D6+2, P.S. 1D6+2, P.P.
4D6+4, P.E. 2D6, P.B. 3D6+4, Spd 4D6.
M.D.C.: 1D4x10+20
Horror Factor: 5; awe.
P.P.E.: 1D6x100
Magic: Can cast any of the following spells naturally (does not
expend P.P.E.) as described under Faerie Magic.
Spells: Cure Minor Disorders (10), Sleep (10), Tongues
(12), Faeries Dance (6); Invisibility: Simple (6) and Befuddle
(6). Note: Faeries Dance is described in Rifts® Conversion
Book One; page 102.
I.S.P.: None.
Psionics: None.
R.C.C. Skills: Speaks Faerie and Gobblely 98%, player char-
acters can select two additional languages at the base skill
(+10% skill bonus), Identify Plants & Fruits 75%, Holistic
Medicine 55%, Land Navigation 75%, Wilderness Survival
80%, Track Animals 60%, Preserve Food 75%, Farie Lore
85%, Sing 40%, Dance 80%, Prowl 80%, Climb 88%/85%,
Acrobatics 60%, Swim 85%, Pilot Exotic: Large Birds 65%,
Pilot other of choice: (+15%) and two ancient W.P. of choice.
Skills do not increase over time and for players, no experience
table is needed.
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 90 feet (27 m), keen normal vi-
sion and excellent hearing.
Special Abilities: See the invisible, sense the direction/location
of water 75%, sense the location of ley lines 60%, and Sense
Evil (same as the spell/psionic ability).
Attacks per Melee: Four or three using magic.
Damage: One point of S.D.C. damage from most weapons, along
with the effect of an enchantment (see #16 under the Faeries
section in Rifts® Conversion Book One). Yumboes do not
typically rely on physical combat but heavily on magic, sheer
cunning and trickery.
Bonuses: +4 to initiative, +4 to strike, +3 to parry, +4 to dodge,
+2 to roll with impact/fall, +4 to save vs magic, +7 to save vs
Horror Factor, +2 vs any other saving throw not mentioned.
Note: Bonuses are in addition to possible attribute bonuses,
but have been accumulated from the “some things common
to most Faerie Folk” section & Yumboes as a specific Faerie
kind. I.E.: There is no need to add additional bonuses other
than from attributes.
Vulnerabilities: All common ones described in Rifts® Conver- tacting various inventors and geniuses. Their legacy culminated during
sion Book One under Protection from Faeries. World War I with Operation Stratford, when many of these marvels were
Potential Value: Valuable to evil Alchemists, and creators of unleashed upon their German equivalents. During the Second World
dark magic devices that utilize Faeries as a power source. War, their role was taken on by the St. George Committee.
Market Cost: 6,000 credits; Availability: Common in Africa.
Average Life Span: 300+ years. The Founding of the St. George Committee
Habitat: Most common among to the savanna regions which During the interwar period, many of the old members of Operation
make up the southern and eastern portions of Africa; areas Stratford grew old and passed away, or disappeared and were never
which are also most common to native Africans. heard from again. During the 1930s, the majority of new superpowered
Enemies: Any supernatural predators or those of purely evil individuals who appeared were American and German, although few in
alignments. Britain paid them much attention. One of those who did was Winston
Allies: Native Africans, beings of good alignment. Also, most Churchill, during what he would later call his “wilderness years,” when
get along with the Tree People and most Agogwe (see Rifts® he was left outside of the inner circles of power. Already derided for
his warnings about a rearmed Germany, his calls for investigations into
American mystery men and the German Master Race experiments also
Physical Appearance: The skin is a pale blue tone, the hair is a fell on deaf ears. In the end, he was allowed to form a committee to ex-
silvery color that reflects moonlight. The rest of the body is amine these heroes and villains simply to pacify him and stop Churchill
hairless. The features of the face are pleasant to beautiful; they from kicking up a fuss. Realizing this was all he would get from his
have an exceedingly slender figure, two arms and legs, five colleagues, he decided to make the most of what he had, forming the St.
fingers and toes. George Committee, naming it after the patron saint of England, a dragon
Size: 2 feet (61 cm) tall; average. slayer and hero.
Weight: 10 to 15 pounds (4.5-6.8 kg). As the Nazi war machine began its expansion into Eastern Europe,
Conversion for an S.D.C. Setting: Churchill gathered what fragments he could find about the German ef-
Hit Points: P.E. x 2. forts to create a “perfect” Aryan superhuman. What he saw worried him,
as just a single Nazi supersoldier could devastate a British force of far
S.D.C.: 3D6+10.
superior numbers. The only counter he could see were the American
Armor Rating: 8. mystery men, the first generation of heroes who were emerging to fight
Damage: Same as above. the gangsters, bank robbers and the early supervillains of the USA. But
with the United States determined to remain out of European conflicts,
Churchill and the St. George Committee could see little chance of con-

Power Behind
vincing them to cross the ocean and help.
It was then that Churchill first took the Committee beyond its remit.
He had a junior member of the Committee, Francis Hawthorne, approach
one of the supermen, the Fighting Patriot. Hawthorne set out the crimes

the Throne
of the Nazis, the theft, disenfranchisement and murder of Jews and oth-
ers caught in the path of Hitler’s rise to power. He argued that if the
Fighting Patriot did nothing, he would be letting the biggest crime in
history go unpunished. Hawthorne put his heart and soul into the most
impassioned speech he would ever give, but he needn’t have bothered;
Optional Source Material Churchill had chosen his target well. The Fighting Patriot was Jewish as
well, and growing ever more uncomfortable with tales of his people’s
for Heroes Unlimited™ treatment in Europe.
When the Fighting Patriot came over to Britain in the winter of 1939,
he brought several fellow heroes with him. Francis Hawthorne remained
By Alex Tulloch their contact within the British government, with Churchill already back
at the Admiralty as the war started. As the Nazis attacked Europe the
Introduction Committee helped coordinate the super-heroes’ actions for the first two
years of the war, ensuring that wherever the Nazis deployed one of their
It is hard to say when the rulers of Britain first turned to superpow- supersoldiers there was an American there to counter them. By 1940,
ered aid, or decided to control their people’s superhuman elements. If Churchill, now installed as Prime Minister, insured that the heroes’ ac-
there really was a King Arthur, then Merlin could be seen as an early su- tions were well publicized back in the United States. As a result there
perpowered advisor. Tales of the Sheriff of Nottingham and Robin Hood was a small but regular trickle of superpowered recruits crossing the
may have been the first attempt to rein in a superpowered/phenomenally Atlantic until 1941.
talented group that chose to defy the ruling authorities. The first group Once America entered the war they took control of the American su-
that is known to exist were a shadowy collection of individuals known per-heroes, leaving the Committee to look to those few individuals with
as the Warlock Guard. In the 17th Century, they persecuted those they extraordinary powers who had emerged in Britain during the war. Some
suspected of opposing the newly restored monarchy using supernatural were already in uniform, such as the formidable Captain Samson Storm,
means, though legend says they were themselves wizards of the highest while others like the Android Army (actually only six primitive robots),
order. During the 19th Century, the Steelwright’s Guild were high-level were developed by a boy genius to help the war effort. The Committee
government officials who operated from a London gentlemen’s club. brought all these odd characters and devices under their purview and put
These men gathered burgeoning scientific talent from around the world them to use, benefitting from what they had learned working with the
to create mighty iron machines, experimental drugs to unleash untapped Americans. They also realized how few they were in number (perhaps a
potential from the darker areas of the soul, and, according to one source, dozen to the nearly seventy strong American contingent) and for the sec-
a fully functioning time machine. It was said that one member entered ond time went beyond their charter to examine German and American
into a bet to travel around the world as a cover for his mission of con- superhumans – they began to think about deliberately making their own.

When the war ended the need for the St. George Committee came to portunity to lunch with friends at the government’s expense. They could
an end. But unless it is positively stopped a Whitehall committee will not be more wrong.
continue to run, even if its subject no longer exists. The St. George Com- A closer examination would reveal that a large number of extremely
mittee was no exception. Every week the committee members received high level documents are brought to these meetings, concerning the ex-
more intelligence on the activities of superhumans from around the act number, type and power level of government-controlled or patriotic
world. Every week they analyzed every detail, looking for any possible superpowered individuals/groups in every nation of the world. The dis-
threat to England. As the years passed they looked into every conceiv- cussions that go on at these meetings are carefully minuted to cover their
able means of granting superpowers and initiated a hundred projects to thoughts on which countries’ efforts may be most deleterious to Britain.
try and bring them about, with only occasional successes. During the Officially that is their remit.
1960s, when the American superhuman population soared, the Commit- Outside of Whitehall it is another matter. All the Committee mem-
tee became frustrated with their lack of progress and what they saw as an bers are also members of the Athenaeum, a London club often fre-
unfair tactical advantage in the hands of the Americans. That was when quented by the higher levels of the Civil Service. When they meet here
a new and junior member of the Committee (a mere 32 years old at time) their talk will often turn to other matters. The Committee sees itself
devised their most radical step yet. That it may become necessary to as in a superhuman arms race, and much of their plotting concerns
eliminate some of the American advantage. ways to put England at the forefront of that competition. They con-
Recruits were found and persuaded either through patriotism, ambi- tinue to seek out ways to increase Britain’s superhuman population,
tion, or greed, to subject themselves to the experiments with the highest with agents scouring the world in search of mystic artifacts that could
success rates in creating powers and then embark to the United States. bestow superpowers. Some of these are used to outfit agents, helping
They were there to do what they liked as long as when they came into them in their attempts to discover other relics. Others are passed on to
conflict with super-heroes they did their best to kill them. There were the Warlock Guard to increase their effectiveness. They also help fi-
never more than a dozen or so of these British supervillains/hero-killers nance and support British companies that are interested in superhuman
sent at any one time, but between them they did manage to claim a few development, either through chemical, energy-based or genetic means.
scalps. Some even passed on their abilities to their children and created Any business which might be in a position to attempt to develop su-
a legacy of villainy that had no idea where their initial powers had come perhumans may also come under discussion. In this case they discuss
from. ways to help their friends in business take control of them and start
The Committee does have some superpowered operatives directly at devoting their energy towards such matters.
its beck and call. During World War II the Committee had created the The Committee’s position allows them to shape British government
King’s Special Regiment for the newsreels to describe Britain’s own policy. They are always pressing the government of the day to support
superpowered heroes. When the war ended only three of its members superhuman development, and they had a major hand in the creation of
stayed on in the armed services. The others returned to civilian life, but Britain’s current government superteam. They also press for a loosening
found themselves unable to give up the thrill of using their abilities. Sev- of ethical restrictions on human and animal experimentation to lessen the
eral members of the team who had kept in touch decided to form a loose legal difficulties of any projects they are running.
group of crime fighters calling themselves the Special Guard. Although Their efforts are not just limited to the United Kingdom, though. Any
not an official government team, they did receive some attention and country which seeks to create its own superhumans will find themselves
were initially seen as a good thing. During one fight, though, the last on the receiving end of any number of sabotage attempts (even other
member of the Android Army was damaged and its malfunctioning brain friendly nations will find themselves subjected to their efforts). Some
led to it smashing up several cars with their passengers still inside. The attempts will be direct, using black ops agents from the UK’s Secret
Committee decided to intervene and the Special Guard were disbanded. Operative program. Most of the time, however, they prefer the subtle ap-
Its members were offered a deal: be put on trial for their part in the ac- proach, leaking information to the media and trying to use the press and
cident or return to military service as part of a secret superpowered mili- news agencies to force their rivals to close experiments down on ‘ethical
tary force they had never known existed until that very moment. They grounds’ (the same ethics they oppose in their own land). They will also
went for the second option and in 1953, while the country’s attention do their best to prevent any UN attempt to place an international ban on
was diverted by the coronation celebrations they were inducted into the superhuman creation.
Queen’s Own Warlock Guard. Although it was officially part of the War Their efforts to create British superhumans also extend to the educa-
Office (later the Ministry of Defense) since the early 50s it has always tion system. Contacts within various local government offices are al-
been the St George Committee that pulled the regiment’s strings. This ways on the lookout for gifted children in schools around the country.
wasn’t hard when a senior civil servant from the War Office/Ministry of When one is found, the Committee will look to see if he/she can be
Defense was always a member of the Committee. pushed to become the skilled equivalent of a superhuman (in gaming
Secrecy has always surrounded the Queen’s (or King’s) Own War- terms a Hardware/Special Training/Physical Training character). Some
lock Guard. Ever since the 17th century there has been a regiment of the of the children they find are mentored by older members of the right
British Army dedicated to the pursuit of the supernatural and the magi- category to help them achieve their potential (Hardware and Hunters
cal. Loyal to the crown, these wizards, sorcerers and wielders of arcane are usually mentored). Others will be invited to attend special schools/
items were the British royal family’s last and best line of defense. Their academies where they are instructed in the art of becoming superagents
existence has always remained one of the greatest secrets in the land and (Physical Training and Secret Operatives/Super Spies are the usual re-
their sacrifices have always remained unknown. Patriots to the end, they cipients of such training). Neither system is a guaranteed method; nearly
have never questioned their duty. Only halfway through the 20th century three-quarters of children mentored by a Hardware specialist will turn
has their purpose become skewed by the St. George Committee. Today out as just expert mechanics, but every few years the system results in a
the Committee use the Guard as a tool in their bid for power and only a genuine Hardware character, and one who is usually loyal to those who
few officers have any suspicions that the regiment’s fine name is being helped train him or her.
poisoned from without. On top of all this, the Committee still outfits supervillains to hunt
and kill foreign heroes, though not to the same extent as they did in the
The St. George Committee Today 1960s. These days the Committee has adopted more subtle techniques,
such as exposing secret identities, providing expert legal counsel for
Officially, the St. George Committee is a minor Whitehall irrele- those who wish to bring lawsuits against superpowered individuals, and
vance, just a weekly meeting between a group of civil servants and a few spinning the media against foreign heroes. In all such cases they them-
outside parties in the worlds of business and academia, all old friends selves are always ten steps removed from anyone the heroes come into
of the officials. Many on the outside see it as nothing more than an op- contact with and it is virtually impossible to trace their hand in it. A hero
can face ten crises in one week, all brought about by the St. George Com- Sir Percy Whitehead
mittee, and there would be no way to connect any of them to each other.
They are the shadows behind a hero’s woes. Few ever even realize their The CEO of Whitehead Defense Solutions, one of Britain’s top arms
problems have a name. manufacturers, Sir Percy is an ardent supporter of the British army’s
investment in high-tech superweapons, especially if Whitehead Defense
Solutions has the contract to develop them. Sir Percy is another Com-
Current Membership mittee member who is primarily a businessman, but who understands
enough of what his lab boys tell him to get by. He was initially suspi-
cious of Geoffrey Farnsworth’s admission to the Committee, suspect-
Sir Jeremy Cochrane ing him of being brought in as his replacement, but their companies are
It was Sir Jeremy’s plan in the 1960s that led the St. George Com- different enough for there to be little real competition. Indeed, on some
mittee to begin outfitting supervillains in America. Although a junior of the military contracts where they have worked together their organiza-
civil servant at the time, he was the son of one of the original Committee tions have complemented each other quite well.
members and he has spent his entire life dealing with super-heroes in one The big difference between the two businessmen is in their patrio-
way or another. Now in his seventies and retired from all official work tism. Where Farnsworth would never consider offering genetic upgrades
(except the Committee), he remains a vital and active man, still keen to foreign soldiers, Sir Percy sees nothing wrong in selling his outdated
to serve his country in his own twisted way. In his mind he is a patriot, superweapons to foreign armies (or in certain clandestine deals to ter-
fighting a secret war against the rest of the world in which England is rorists, though not to any who might target British citizens, he hopes).
vastly outnumbered. As far as he is concerned the world would be a Sir Jeremy has his suspicions about Sir Percy but has no real evidence
different, and far less civilized place if he had not been active all these to support them. For the time being Sir Percy will continue to develop
years. advanced technology for the British army, all while quietly selling off
As the chairman of the Committee Sir Jeremy is an excellent leader, his fifteen year-old stock to any who can afford it and calling it good
giving everyone a chance to air their views and careful not to leave mem- business.
bers ignored or unheard. When he makes a decision, however, he expects
his orders to be obeyed without question. He is not cruel for personal Sir Norman Daykin
pleasure, but is willing to do anything to protect his country. Outside of
If Geoffrey Farnsworth is one of Sir Jeremy’s favorite people, then
his position as head of the Committee he is a warm, generous and loving
Sir Norman is one of his most constant headaches. The man is a tech-
man, beloved by his family, especially his super-hero daughter (who has
nologist and genius with a public persona of affable boffin that makes
no idea of what her father is up to).
him a media favorite. Since he filed his first patents in the 1970s he has
steered his company into a positions as one of the country’s top manu-
Sir Randolph Hawthorne facturers of household goods. He is also a strong proponent of artificial
Sir Randolph is another career civil servant and the son of Francis intelligence and has created several artificial personalities that assist at
Hawthorne, the man originally responsible for bringing the mystery men his factories. It is this aspect of his work, along with his much-lauded
to Britain. Growing up around super-heroes, Sir Randolph was always patriotism, that has put him on the Committee. He is a decent man, and
attracted to the more mystical side of superhumans. Although he lacked often clashes with the more suspect members of the Committee on how
the ability to learn magic himself he became an expert on myths, leg- they should act. On occasions Sir Jeremy has left Sir Norman out of the
ends and esoteric arts. Considered a bit strange outside his own depart- loop when truly despicable actions have to be ordered.
ment, he grew to be an invaluable member of the St. George Committee,
highlighting places where magical artifacts might be found, entities who Professor Kelvin Newton
might be contacted to empower agents and identifying which super-he-
Sir Norman’s best friend on the Committee is the young robotics
roes and villains were using magical powers.
expert Kelvin Newton. Another scientist with a strong media profile,
He currently serves as the Committee’s mystic affairs expert. Haw-
this time as an overeager proponent of cybernetics and robotics, Pro-
thorne is the one who can order the magical relics acquisition unit into
fessor Newton is the only member of the Committee to have anything
action on the Committee’s behalf, something which he has on occasion
that might be considered a superpower. He has several implants in his
done without consulting Sir Jeremy and the Committee first. In each case
body that allow him to communicate with the computers in his office and
it has worked out for the Committee and his censures have so far been
laboratories at the London School of Advanced Technologies, as well as
mild, but Sir Jeremy is concerned that Sir Randolph may be making a
with his laptops and other computers. Unfortunately, the budget he has
play for chairmanship of the Committee and is (rightly) worried about
for research from the LSAT doesn’t extend to much more than that. He
Sir Randolph’s ambitions. Unlike Sir Jeremy, who is a patriot, albeit a
does, however, keep on top of all the latest developments in cybernetics
twisted one, Sir Randolph’s priority is Sir Randolph.
and bionics, bringing them to the attention of the Committee. Sir Jeremy
has begun to suspect that he is not bringing everything he knows to meet-
Geoffrey Farnsworth ings and (correctly) assumes that his continual arguing with Sir Percy is
The head of Genewerx, a successful biotechnology company that the reason why.
has been in constant growth since the 1990s, Geoffrey Farnsworth is Professor Newton is both a well-known peace campaigner and a
actually not a scientist. While he understands enough biology and ge- strong proponent of open scientific research. Sir Percy as a ‘death mer-
netics to understand what his scientists are telling him, he is primarily chant’ (as he has called him in Committee meetings more than once) is
a member of the committee for his skills as a businessman. He built certainly not the sort of person he would ever want to meet by choice.
his company up by understanding which of the many ideas his labo- The sniping between the two has been a continual problem ever since
ratories brought to him would be commercially successful and which Professor Newton was asked to join the Committee. He also has prob-
should be passed by. He has also used inside information, provided lems with the idea of sabotaging anyone’s research and development,
by the Committee, to make hostile takeovers of rival companies that believing that any advances made in other countries will eventually be-
were not interested in pursuing human enhancement projects. He has come useful to those researchers performing similar research in Brit-
pushed his company and those he has acquired into developing several ain. He is left out of the decision-making even more frequently than
genetic experiments for the military, making him one of the Commit- Sir Norman, usually by planning crucial meetings of the Committee to
tee’s favored members. coincide with Newton’s lectures or public appearances. Sir Norman has
spotted this activity, and suspects the same is done to him on occasion,
but chooses to let it go. If Professor Newton were to realize the same Despite this unusual attitude the Professor is a valuable member of
then his response would be more fiery, and might cause him to say some- the Committee, for there are few people who can identify as many alien
thing he would regret. species from a single glance, who can recognize (and in some cases re-
pair and operate) alien technology or understand the nuances of alien
Derek Grimes political conflicts. If you can keep him on topic there is little this man
doesn’t know about the rest of the galaxy.
Another Whitehall appointment is Derek Grimes, the Personal Pri-
vate Secretary to the Minister of Defense. A young protégé of Sir Jere-
my’s (by Whitehall standards anyway; he is already in his early thirties), So how are they so dangerous?
Grimes has one of the crucial posts in the Committee. As PPS to the De-
All the members of the Committee are normal human beings. Even
fense Minister he is responsible for providing information to and gaining
first level super-hero characters should have no problem beating up any
permission from the Minister who controls the armed forces. When the
of them (except perhaps Sir William). They are never going to be able to
Committee requires the Warlock Guard to ‘acquire’ a magical item it
physically threaten your heroes, so why are they a menace?
is Grimes who slips the required paperwork into the Minister’s hands
The key to understanding the members of the St. George Commit-
(“And this is the orders for one of the Guards units to leave for training
tee is to realize that they are true believers. They believe England to
and exercises in the Andes. Just a signature there, sir.”). He will also
be the greatest nation in the history of the world, a nation that civilized
ensure that while the Minister is kept informed of the Warlock Guard’s
huge swathes of the globe, that ended barbarism where it was found and
activities it is done in such a way that he actually doesn’t know what they
brought the light and hope of Christian truth to the darkest places of the
have done. (“You only had a chance to glance at the Guards report from
world. They see her fall from the greatest world power as a blip; that
the Andes? Yes, I know it was near the bottom of the red box. There
things will turn around once they have established England as the pre-
wasn’t much to it really, sir.”)
eminent world political power again – and they believe that being the
Grimes comes across as a slightly nervous young man with a great
pre-eminent force in the superpowers arms race will do just that. That
deal of work and not enough time, which is certainly true. Under Sir
is their core belief, and they are willing to do anything (lie, cheat, steal,
Jeremy’s influence he is becoming a very accomplished liar, though he
and murder) to make it happen. In their minds, they are heroes, bringing
tries never to give an outright lie, settling instead for half-truths and eva-
about a rebirth of English power, and nothing should stand in their way.
sion. It is Grimes that Sir Jeremy is grooming for the leadership of the
Secondly, they are powerful and influential people in their own
Committee when he finally gives up the role, once the young lad has a
rights. Two of them have strong media profiles. Three are senior civil
few more years experience and has learned how to calmly lie to a man to
servants with great sway over the politicians who come and go around
his face – in the national interest, of course.
them. Two are businessmen with tremendous financial clout, able to buy
virtually anything they need for their plans. And one is a mastermind at
Sir William Tanner running shadowy projects and clandestine affairs. They represent many
For many years Sir William was the Director of Operations at the of the forces that control our lives, and unless your heroes live in a re-
SIS (MI6). Whenever the British government wanted something done mote sanctuary totally removed from modern civilization they will con-
overseas in the last fifteen years, quietly and efficiently, ‘Tanner’s Boys’ trol aspects of their lives as well.
were given the task. Sir William had created a corps of agents, each Few heroes will ever have anything like the financial resources of
trained to the peak of efficiency and given the best available technology Committee members. Money can hire protection, from highly-trained
from Britain’s high-tech resource facility: the Foundry. These agents, bodyguards to superhuman muscle if necessary. Lawyers, lawsuits,
known only by the letter B and an identification number, were feared and criminal charges (real or fabricated), restraining orders and public slan-
respected amongst the intelligence community, especially after it was der are all also options for a wealthy villain willing to drown a hero in
discovered that another war in the Balkans almost erupted in 2006, only legal papers.
to be stopped single-handedly by Agent B-5. Another tool used by the St. George Committee is reputation. Most of
It was an attempt to keep the supply of new agents flowing that even- the members of the Committee are part of upper-class society. They dress
tually led to Tanner’s downfall. Acquiring a run-down public school (the well, eat at all the right restaurants, and meet with all the right celebrities.
rather confusing British name for a private school) and then replacing all If a street-fighting, costumed character from the Bronx suddenly starts
the teachers with ex-intelligence officers, he had turned the place into claiming that all his woes are caused by this pillar of society, who is the
a functioning school for spies – exactly the headline the tabloids used more likely to be believed by the authorities? If your heroes track down
when they discovered its existence and published the fact that they were a clue that names their enemy as a genial technology expert who special-
training thirteen year old children as future agents. Tanner was publicly ises in making better washing machines, even they may doubt the clue.
disgraced, forced to resign and the school was closed. In reality, the The fact they have never been accused of any crimes makes them less
school was simply moved to a remote part of Scotland and Tanner was likely villains than the many cat’s paws they use as patsies.
given his post as intelligence advisor to the St. George Committee, help- Which leads us to the Committee’s biggest advantage; secrecy. It
ing them with his contacts in all the intelligence services. Though he should be the work of several adventures to work out that they even ex-
greatly misses his old role Tanner gives the Committee his all and is one ist. Even more adventures should roll by before they can get a name. It
of its most ardent members. should take a whole campaign to bring them to justice. They will simply
pass an instruction to an ally who would suggest the advantages in tak-
Professor Brian Todd ing the action on to an acquaintance who would hire someone to do it,
who then contacts someone he knows to actually do the deed. And so the
A professor of exobiology at Cambridge and a frequent advisor to the Committee keeps its hand hidden.
military and the British Rocket Force in alien matters, Professor Todd For example, the Committee spots that Welles Electronics is trying
has the manner of a passionless research scientist right up until the sub- to buy into Whitehead Defense Solutions, and that their CEO, Hank
ject of aliens comes up. At that point, the Professor’s calm resolve will Welles, is well known for buying arms manufacturers and refitting them
vanish and a torrent of bile will spew forth about any alien super-heroes as non-military firms, something which makes his publicly-known su-
currently in public favor, about the numerous attempts by aliens to con- per-hero identity of Tekarmor extremely popular. Sir William chooses to
quer the Earth and why humanity should rise up and cast out all things talk to one of his old intelligence officers, Samuel Vernon, who agrees to
extraterrestrial. What makes the Professor’s behavior odd is that it is so take a quick trip to Washington. Claiming to be out there on holiday he
at odds with his usual demeanor and there is nothing in the Professor’s arranges to meet Matt Carver, an old comrade still working for the CIA,
past to explain where this anger comes from. ‘to talk about old times.’ While having drinks on the porch the conversa-
tion switches to super-heroes and Vernon asks Carver why the CIA has his followers attacked. The sorcerous battle that raged that evening was
never got super-heroes to turn over their technology to the government. wild, frenetic and, most amazingly, quiet. The king’s defenders had pre-
He will mention Tekarmor, but only amongst other heroes. Carver then pared a long time for this battle and the wards they had set up around
starts planning how he could get the technological devices of several the palace kept the battle invisible and the ordinary folk of London un-
heroes ‘to help the CIA keep America safe’ as Vernon put it. He, of aware of what was going on right in their midst. By the end of it, Mac-
course, doesn’t want to seem like he is acting against American citizens Rae and his most ardent followers were dead, though he had left a son
and so hires a private security firm, New Atlas Security, to arrange ‘inci- whose descendants would continue to plague the Warlock Guard and
dents’ for his targets. However, they survived a hostile takeover by Hank the world for many centuries. Four of the seven warlocks were dead, but
Welles two years back and don’t want to look like they are attacking a they vowed to recruit more and keep the king and his descendants from
rival business. So they use some shady deals to contact Tekarmor’s old harm until the end of time.
foe, Hi-Caliber, and give him a copy of Hank Welles’ schedule and some Over the next half-century they kept their word, as did their recruits,
upgrades for his weapon-suit, and away he goes. and a secret army built up around the king, silently saving his life on
So if one of your players is playing Tekarmor and fights off an attack numerous occasions. Even when his son, Charles I, lost the Civil War
from an upgraded Hi-Caliber he might just consider it a distraction. But and Charles’ son was forced into exile the wizards followed him to main-
it’s more likely that he’ll try and find out why it happened, which with a land Europe. When Charles II was restored to the throne they returned
little digging should lead him to New Atlas Security. He might assume with him. Only when James II took the throne did their loyalty start
that the attempted hostile takeover was the motive and just settle down to waver. James’ Catholic faith was a worry for the warlocks, terrified
for a legal suit against the company. If he does a bit more probing though of a papal inquisition being launched across Britain. They supported
then he is likely to find rogue CIA operative Matt Carver, especially the nobles who ousted the king in what became known as the Glorious
if the G.M. has dropped background details of the other tech-powered Revolution, and so were at the side of the new king, William III, when
heroes being attacked into the adventure. But that’s probably about as magic-wielding Irish Jacobites unleashed a surprise supernatural attack
far as they can track the trail. Carver isn’t likely to name Samuel Ver- while the king was out on campaign. For the first time in their history
non because Vernon didn’t actually ask him to do anything. Carver may the wizards were forced to defend their king openly, and when the attack
mention he was having a conversation with an old comrade from MI6 was finished the king demanded to know how the wizards had done what
when he had the idea, but as far as he is concerned it was his idea to get they had done. Finally the truth came out.
his hands on Tekarmor’s suit, not Vernon’s. Vernon’s conversation just William was a pragmatic military man and he decided that since he
led him towards it, which was Vernon’s real plan. Only after several had a loyal group of men and women he should use them. The twenty-
adventures lead to ‘conversations with a friend from Britain’ might they four wizards and witches were enlisted into the army and given the po-
start to get suspicious and see the connections. sition of the fourth unit in the Household Division (later moved to the
In the meantime, with all of Hank Welles’ time taken up with the Hi- sixth to hide their existence when the Irish Guards and Welsh Guards
Caliber attack and its follow-up he can’t properly conduct his takeover were founded). Almost immediately, though, the king wanted to increase
of Whitehead Defense Solutions, giving the Committee and Sir Percy their numbers and provided some of his finest soldiers to be trained in the
time to adequately fight off the takeover bid. For them it has been a arcane arts. The wizards tried to comply with the order, but many of the
success. men brought to them were simply incapable of learning what they had
to teach. Desperate to appear willing, they instead turned to their col-
The Queen’s Own Warlock Guard lections of arcane artifacts and gave these to the soldiers. Magic blades
dating back to Arthurian times, relics brought back by knights from the
In the early years of the seventeenth century, the Scottish King James Crusades, rings plucked from the last dragons’ hoards. The wizards
VI acceded to the English throne as James I. The new king brought with brought them forth and the soldiers took to them at once. The few who
him several strong opinions, including a loathing for smoking and a could complete the training were added to the Warlock Guard, whose
fear and hatred of witches. His ascendancy sent a shiver of uncertainty numbers expanded from two dozen to three score. And that was only
through the hidden community of wizards, sorcerers and cunning folk the beginning.
that lived all over England at the time. Many were in favor of a preemp- Since that time the Warlock Guard has collected the greatest collec-
tive strike to kill the new king, fearing that he would bring an English In- tion of arcane weaponry in the world. Over one hundred magic rings,
quisition down on their heads. Others spoke out against the idea, fearing swords, cloaks, helmets, boots, masks, wands, staffs, books, cubes, me-
that to attack would be to reveal their true strength, numbers and power dallions, axes, bottles and cauldrons are ready to be issued to a soldier
and incite the very persecution the others feared was coming. When a upon his arrival in the regiment. In addition, the regiment continues to
conclave of the most powerful warlocks of the age debated what to do test each applicant for arcane skill when they join, and they possess
the vote went marginally in favor of those against the attack. As the several shrines, relics and blessed groves that will once in a generation
conclave ended, though, a powerful young mage called Angus MacRae bless a soldier with great power. Four bloodlines are always members,
told the assembled wizards that they were being fools if they thought because each produces mystical champions who try to match or outdo
that secrecy would be enough. His mother had lived in Scotland under their ancestors. Some non-mystical supersoldiers are added to the mix
King James’ rule and though she had never hurt anyone and had lived a when they appear, making this secret unit one of the largest collections
simple life as a healer and wise woman the king’s men had swept into of superhumans in the world. Their effect on the world is minimal, how-
her village, torn down her cottage and used its thatch to make the fire ever, as they are primarily focused on the same task they have under-
they burned her on. Their way, he said, would be the death of them all. taken since their founding; the protection of the monarchy and the royal
As the others left, seven witches and warlocks stayed behind, con- bloodline.
vinced that MacRae was planning something and would bring disaster Unfortunately, in the last forty years the Warlock Guard has come
down upon their heads. They discussed what they could do all night, under the sway of the St. George Committee and their current command-
and when they returned to their homes it was only to collect their most ing officer is a willing supporter of the Committee and its aims. Three
valued possessions and then travel to London, where they all moved into hundred and fifty years of duty and service are being threatened because
dwellings close to James’ palace. When the king went traveling around of a small group of evil men. Several times the Committee has involved
the country two of them always shadowed him. Two stayed awake at all them in actions that were illegal, immoral and threatened the unit’s long
times when he was in London and one even took on work as a servant in maintained secrecy. Some of the officers are beginning to become aware
the palace. They made it their life’s work to keep the king safe. Eventu- of what is poisoning their unit, but most still loyally do what they are
ally their decision proved wise, as one midwinter evening MacRae and told, believing they are upholding the fine history of the Warlock Guard.

Order of Battle he is content with that. Unfortunately this also makes him a pawn for
Cochrane and the St. George committee.
At present, the Warlock Guard, like most of its fellow units in the This means that, even though he knows that many of the missions
Division of Guards, is held at battalion strength. There are 346 men and he sends the Guard on are not officially covered by their mandate, he is
women in the unit, divided into a headquarters company, a support com- willing to turn a blind eye to that as long as they do fit the greater mission
pany and three rifle companies. The majority of the headquarters and that he and Cochrane believe in. Raids on foreign soil to snatch arcane
support companies are non-spellcasters and are not issued magical arti- items are justified in his eyes as long as they make Britain more power-
facts. The exceptions are made for medical and engineering staff, both ful. Unknown even to the Committee, he has already made outlines of
of whom can use some magical powers to better perform those roles. how to take down several US magic heroes and steal their arcane equip-
Even the rifle companies are not exclusively magical, with A company ment. He would never jeopardize the primary duty to protect the mon-
having 67 magically-enhanced troops out of 90 men and women, and B archy, but he is becoming more and more willing to risk the regiment’s
and C companies similar, but progressively less, supernatural soldiers. secrecy on the Committee’s side-missions which is a worry to some of
That does not make the non-powered troops less scary. Those guards his junior officers.
who do not have magical abilities are recruited because they have proved
Real Name: Darius Riddle.
themselves to be the best in top units such as the SAS or the SRR. Many
Aliases: Daniel Ridley; alternate identity set up to allow him to have a
are issued advanced technology, and the unit also includes two dozen
normal life. He rarely uses it, but will go by this name when visiting
non-magical supersoldiers as well. All are trained to recognize and neu-
Sir Jeremy.
tralize supernatural threats and are routinely issued crucifixes, stakes,
Alignment: Still just about Scrupulous (but heading towards Aberrant).
silver bullets, cold iron weapons and a variety of herbs and plants known
Attributes: I.Q. 15, M.E. 21, M.A. 11, P.S. 11, P.P. 13, P.E. 14, P.B.
to repel supernatural opponents.
9, Spd 23.
The Colonel in Chief of the regiment, as it is for all Guard regiments,
Hit Points: 42
is her majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. The day-to-day commanding officer
S.D.C.: 35
(CO) of the Warlock Guard is Lieutenant Colonel Darius Riddle, with
Height: 6 feet, 1 inch (1.85 m).
Major Daniel Storm as his second in command. The majority of B and C
Weight: 142 pounds (63.9 kg).
companies are in rotation on royal protection duties (covering the Queen
Age: 39
and the next twelve heirs in the line of succession) at home, while A
Disposition: Riddle is a quiet man who keeps his emotions strongly in
company will be in preparation for the protection of the monarch and her
check. Some people call him passionless, but the truth is that he is
family when they go overseas. Therefore it is A company that is usually
pulled by strong passions but chooses not to let others see them. He is
tasked by Riddle to carry out the wishes of the St. George Committee,
a strong believer in self-control and discipline, and likes and admires
under the guise of tracking down threats to the monarchy in foreign ter-
those who show his level of restraint. On the few times his men have
ritory. All three rifle companies use the fireteam system, breaking down
seen him get angry or upset they have said he was a fury to behold.
the company into four-man teams consisting of three guards and one
Experience Level: Eleventh.
lance-sergeant (equivalent to a corporal in non-guard units) or lance-
Combat Skills: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts.
corporal. These make small but highly effective teams who are capable
Attacks per Melee: Six.
of beating numerically superior opponents through training and familiar-
Bonuses: +2 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge, +4 to damage, +3 to
ity with each other. The regimental kill record for a fireteam is 149 Stur-
initiative, +4 to disarm, +3 to roll with punch/fall/impact, +3 to pull
mwolf (Nazi werewolves) who attempted to assassinate the Queen only
punches, +3 to save vs psionic attack, +4 to save vs insanity, +3 to
a few weeks before the coronation at her Scottish home of Balmoral. A
save vs magic, +3 to save vs possession, +4 to save vs Horror Factor.
sample fireteam is detailed later.
Other Bonuses: Spell Strength 16, Critical Strike on unmodified 18, 19
or 20, Paired Weapons, karate kick, snap kick, roundhouse kick, axe
Senior officers kick, tripping/leg hook, jump kicks (all), leap attack, body flip/throw.
Super Power Category: Magic.
Lieutenant Colonel Riddle P.P.E.: 169
The premier combat sorcerer of the British Army, Lieutenant Colonel Spell Knowledge: Riddle knows all spells of levels one to six, as well as
Darius Riddle, is a devout monarchist and a patriot who has saved the the following spells; Circle of Concealment, Constrain (supernatural
Queen’s life on two occasions and prevented an attempt to kill Prince beings), Dispel Magic Barriers, Fly as the Eagle, Invisibility: Supe-
Harry through a succubus attack. Though a dour and solemn man who rior, Wind Rush, Eyes of the Wolf, Metamorphosis: Human, Negate
rarely socializes with other officers and never with the men, he neverthe- Magic, Age, Speed of the Snail, Dimensional Pocket, Mystic Portal,
less has the respect of the soldiers under his command. They understand Finger of Lictalon, Remove Curse, Summon Fog, Call Storm, Sum-
that he is completely devoted to his career and willingly puts all consid- mon & Control Storm, Impenetrable Wall of Force, Teleport: Supe-
erations of his personal life to one side as a result. Sadly it is this devo- rior. Riddle has an unusually large number of spells, mainly because
tion to duty that is putting his career at risk. he is able to draw upon the Warlock Guard’s library. The Library has
Riddle has come to respect and admire Sir Jeremy Cochrane over a large number of spells for evasion and defense, ideal for mystical
the last ten years after meeting him at a Whitehall dinner a decade ago. bodyguards.
Cochrane has cultivated the relationship, as well as introducing him to Mystic Knowledge: Astral Projection, 55 minute duration. Sense En-
Derek Grimes. The three of them will often have long conversations into chantment 71%, Spell Translation 28%, Demon and Monster Knowl-
the night over a bottle of brandy about the state of the world and how edge 80%, Geomancy 75%, Religion 85%, Archaeology 80%,
much things would improve if only Britain had a greater role in global Chemistry 90%, Holistic Medicine 80%.
affairs. Cochrane has become a sort of father figure to Riddle, replacing Education Level: Military Specialist.
the arrogant sorcerer father Darius barely remembers, who left Darius’ Skills of Note: Business & Finance 95%, Climbing 98%, Computer Op-
mother after he discovered that while she might have the potential to be eration 98%, Detect Ambush 98%, Impersonation 96%/76%, Intelli-
a magician she had no inclination to follow that path. Riddle has often gence 92%, Interrogation 98%, Military Etiquette 98%, Radio: Basic
wondered if his decision to become a wizard was an attempt to reconcile 98%, Research 98%, Running, Wilderness Survival 98%, Writing
himself with his now-dead father. Now, however, he has another father (reports) 85%, W.P. Automatic Pistol, W.P. Automatic & Semi-
figure, one who respects him and takes pride in his achievements and Automatic Rifles, W.P. Bolt-Action Rifles, W.P. Submachine-Guns.

Secondary Skills: Language: Egyptian 75%, Language: French 60%, Attributes: I.Q. 13, M.E. 13, M.A. 22, P.S. 54, P.P. 18, P.E. 20, P.B.
Language: Greek 75%, Language: Latin 90%, Language: Russian 23, Spd 135.
90%, Photography 85%, Pilot Automobile 80%, Prowl 75%, Recog- Hit Points: 56
nize Weapon Quality 35%, S.C.U.B.A./Advanced Swimming 98%, S.D.C.: 245
Swimming 98%. Height: 6 feet, 2 inches (1.88 m).
Appearance: Tall and thin with a dark complexion, Riddle is not unat- Weight: 170 pounds (76.5 kg).
tractive, but always looks undernourished and underdeveloped when Age: 26
surrounded by other soldiers. He rarely smiles, and his eyes are al- Disposition: A confident, smiling demeanor with a rock-hard core of
most always scanning the area, assessing it for threats. To see him out determination when lives are on the line. Daniel’s only blind spot is
of uniform is a rare occurrence. his boundless trust in authority, which is why it has taken so long for
Occupation: Commanding officer of the Queen’s Own Warlock Guard. him to become disturbed by his colonel’s secret collusion with the St.
Weapons: On duty he usually has his service issue pistol, and can req- George Committee. When push comes to shove though, his duty is to
uisition most army weaponry he desires. Due to a long-standing ordi- Queen and country rather than to any specific government.
nance he rarely carries any magical artifacts, as the regiment prefers Experience Level: Seventh.
to spread its mystic powers out rather than concentrate them in one Combat Skills: Hand to Hand: Expert.
person. Attacks per Melee: Six.
Vehicles: As the colonel of an important regiment he has access to a Bonuses: +2 to strike, +6 to parry, +6 to dodge, +2 to initiative, +4 to
wide variety of British military vehicles. roll with punch, fall or impact, +6 to pull punch, +7 to save vs magic,
Body Armor: Usually wears a light vest, often concealed, but when +3 to save vs possession, +8 to save vs Horror Factor, +6 to save vs
entering a conflict he will wear a heavy suit of modern army armor poison, +3 to save vs psionics, +30% to save vs coma/death.
(A.R. 16, S.D.C. 260). Other Bonuses: Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18, 19, or 20,
Money: With a tendency to have little in the way of a social life and Paired weapons, Karate kick, Axe kick, Tripping/leg sweep, 65% to
having spent most of his life in army accommodation, Riddle has ac- charm/impress.
cumulated a decent-sized nest egg. His only real expense is the latest Super Power Category: Magic.
digital cameras, as he enjoys taking pictures of the British country- Major Super Ability: Supernatural Strength.
side. Minor Super Abilities: Healing Factor, Extraordinary Physical Beauty.
Weaknesses: As mentioned above, Major Storm’s strength is related to
Major Storm the length of his hair. The score listed above is his maximum level
and represents him after a trim. After a haircut his hair will grow
Daniel Storm is everything a soldier could want in a commanding of- quicker than most people’s because of his accelerated healing factor,
ficer. Loyal to his men and loyal to his Queen, he is a courageous leader and he will lose one point of P.S. per hour. While on base he will
who is always the first into the field and the last to leave it. Though he have his hair cut at 8:00 am and 8:00 pm, and his battle gear usually
is supernaturally strong, he is well aware of the capabilities of his men includes a battery-powered trimmer. His hair stops growing and his
and he never leads them into extreme danger unless he has to. Even then strength stops dropping after 36 hours. Family legend says that if he
he would place himself in harm’s way before risking any of his men ever has his hair completely shaved off his strength will disappear
unnecessarily. Naturally this attitude has made him the hero of most of for good. (G.M.’s note; it is up to individual G.M.s to decide on the
the Warlock Guard, with some saying he may be even greater than his truth of this legend and what would happen to his other powers if
illustrious grandfather, Captain Samson Storm. this occurred. This weakness is included instead of the usual need to
Daniel is the latest in a long line of members of the Storm family to transform into a heroic identity.)
join the army and then the Warlock Guard. His grandfather was a hero Education Level: Military.
of World War II who eschewed the brightly colored costumes of his Skills of Note: Basic Electronics 70%, Basic Mechanics 70%, Boxing,
similarly powered American colleagues, claiming khaki was as colorful Climbing 80%/70%, Demolitions 88%, Demolitions Disposal 88%,
a shade as he intended to wear. Two generations before that, Ezekiel Military Etiquette 75%, Prowl 65%, Radio: Basic 85%, Running,
Storm wore a redcoat in Africa and before that Joshua Storm helped S.C.U.B.A./Advanced Swimming 85%, Swimming 85%, Underwa-
defeat Napoleon at Waterloo prior to joining the Warlock Guard. Why ter Demolitions 90%, W.P. Automatic Rifle.
this family produces two or three superpowered individuals a century is Secondary Skills: Astronomy 55%, Athletics (general), Computer Op-
unknown, though the family legend has it that they are descendants of eration 70%, Cook 65%, First Aid 75%, Fishing 60%, Law (general)
Samson and Delilah, and they have inherited the Biblical hero’s strength. 30%, Language: Hebrew 80%, Language: Latin 55%, Pilot Automo-
But where Samson’s strength was greater the longer his hair grew, the bile 72%, Pilot: Motorcycle 84%, Sing 55%.
Storms claim the blessing was reversed by God after his death, so his Appearance: Major Storm’s dark brown hair is always cut as short as
descendants become stronger the shorter their hair is (though the fam- possible and sits atop an olive-complexioned face, which usually
ily legend also says that if it is all cut off the strength is gone forever). wears a quiet smile. He is tall, but only imposes when he wants to.
Whatever the truth of this, it seems there will always be a Storm in the Occupation: Second in command of the Queen’s Own Warlock Guard.
Warlock Guard. Weapons: When on duty he usually has his service issue pistol, and
In recent months, Major Storm has become concerned over the in combat uses an L85A2 assault rifle. Due to a long standing ordi-
actions of Colonel Riddle. While he has no problem with the idea of nance he rarely carries any magical artifacts, as the regiment prefers
strengthening the regiment’s resources by the acquisition of arcane to spread its mystic powers out rather than concentrate them in one
weapons, he is concerned about the reckless way they go about it. An person.
old friend who used to be with MI5, Michael Days, has warned him that Vehicles: As a major in an important regiment he has access to a wide
at least three other nations believe the UK may have recently created a variety of British military vehicles.
magic-hunting army unit. If they were to discover the age and magical Body Armor: Usually wears a light vest, often concealed, but when
firepower of the unit they may see its very existence as an aggressive act. entering a conflict he will wear a heavy suit of modern army armor
He is now seriously trying to keep the reins on his commanding officer. (A.R. 16, S.D.C. 260).
Money: Major Storm has spent most of his adult life in one barracks
Real Name: Daniel Storm. or another and does not have extravagant tastes. Though not by any
Aliases: Sam Snow. means rich, he is comfortable and should remain able to maintain his
Alignment: Principled. lifestyle for the rest of his life.
Warlock Guard Fireteams Saxon Team
A typical Warlock Guard fireteam consists of an NCO armed with Saxon Team is included as a sample team of the kind used by the
an L85A2 (the latest version of the SA80 assault rifle family) with an Warlock Guard. Though the Warlock Guard do not have super-hero
L17A2 under-slung grenade launcher, and three soldiers. One will also names as such, they do use callsigns in the field, used to describe them
carry an L85A2 assault rifle, another has an L110A1 machine-gun (the below.
British variant of the American M249) and the third an L86A2 light sup-
port weapon (an SA80 configured for long range accuracy). Usually two Saxon
or three of the team will be equipped with magical equipment.
The huge store of magical equipment possessed by the Warlock Saxon is a young soldier who is clearly on his way to great things.
Guard may at first make them look unstoppable, but many of their ar- The son of an army sergeant, he decided from an early age he was going
tifacts and weapons are not as powerful as those listed in the Heroes to outdo his mother, who left the forces to have her children. His mother
Unlimited rulebook. When creating a Warlock Guard fireteam roll on has supported him in this and is proud of her son (who she believes is a
this table to determine the superpowered abilities of each special soldier. member of the SAS). While he would love to tell her the truth, he is loyal
01-10 Enchanted Weapon: As per Heroes Unlimited™, Revised to his team, the regiment and the army (in roughly that order) and knows
Second Edition, page 144. his duty is too important and his secret too strange for him to be able to
11-30 Minor Enchanted Weapon: See below for details on minor tell. Her pride in what she thinks he does is enough.
magic weapons. In the field Saxon is a great tactician. He is always focused on the
31-40 Enchanted Object: As per Heroes Unlimited™, Revised Sec- mission and upon getting his team back alive. He does not get distracted
ond Edition, page 149. and does not have an ego that has to be satisfied by beating an opponent
41-60 Minor Enchanted Object: See below for details on minor mag- if he can achieve the objective without conflict. Several of his most suc-
ic weapons. cessful missions were achieved without the enemy even knowing his
61-80 Mystic Study: As per Heroes Unlimited™, Revised Second team were there. Both Colonel Riddle and Major Storm have him in
Edition, page 150. mind for promotion when a position becomes available.
81-90 Mystically Bestowed: As per Heroes Unlimited™, Revised Saxon’s mystical equipment is the Rædwald Helmet, discovered in
Second Edition, page 154. the ship burial at Sutton Hoo. Once the Warlock Guard had discovered
91-00 Non-magical Soldier: Roll on the Random Power Category its magical nature they had a copy made, and it is this copy that currently
Table found in Heroes Unlimited™, Revised Second Edition, page sits in the British Museum. The real helmet has proven to possess a be-
20. Reroll any results of 71-80 Magic, but try and give the resulting roll wildering array of powers, which, combined with his military training
a magical spin. makes Saxon a formidable opponent.

Real Name: Andrew Lucas.

Minor Enchanted Weapons Alignment: Scrupulous.
Treat Minor Enchanted Weapons as normal Enchanted Weapons Attributes: I.Q. 13, M.E. 14, M.A. 17, P.S. 16, P.P. 12, P.E. 15, P.B.
with the following exceptions. 10, Spd 25.
∙ Only possesses numbers 1-5 of the Properties Common to all En- Hit Points: 30
chanted Weapons (good & evil). S.D.C.: 54 (94 with the helmet).
∙ Does not have an alignment and does not give any of the alignment Height: 6 feet, 2 inches (1.88 m).
specific powers. Instead it grants the powers below: Weight: 150 lbs (67.5 kg).
∙ Adds 1D6x10 S.D.C. to its owner. Age: 24
∙ Provides its owner with resistance against possession and Horror Disposition: A smart and confident leader who isn’t aware of just how
Factor, +4 to save. good he is at his job. He is therefore always looking for ways to be
∙ Provides a bonus of +3 to save against all magic spells and enchant- better himself and takes himself a little too seriously.
ments. Experience Level: Sixth.
∙ Enables its owner to see the invisible. Combat Skills: Hand to Hand Martial Arts.
∙ Provides its owner with five powers rolled from the tables of Pow- Attacks per Melee: Six.
ers Held by Weapons of Order (good) or Powers Held by Weapons of Bonuses: +2 to strike, +2 with aimed shots, +6 to parry, +6 to dodge, +5
Chaos (evil). Three powers must be rolled from one table and two from to roll with punch, fall or impact, +2 to initiative, +3 to pull punch,
the other. +2 to disarm and (while wearing the helmet) +2 to save vs magic.
Other Bonuses: Automatic knockout on a natural 20, Critical Strike on
Minor Enchanted Objects an unmodified roll of 18, 19 or 20, karate kick, crescent kick, back-
ward sweep, snap kick, axe kick.
Treat the Minor Enchanted Object as a normal Enchanted Object
Super Power Category: Magic: Enchanted Object.
with the following exception.
The Helmet’s Abilities: +2 to save vs magic, +40 S.D.C. (both included
∙ The minor enchanted object does not have a built-in P.P.E. reservoir
above), Invisibility at will (up to 30 minutes at a time, as many times
as a normal enchanted object does. Instead it is reliant upon its user to
a day as required), spell casting with a P.P.E. of 200.
provide the P.P.E. required. The Warlock Guard has a training program
Spell Knowledge: The Rædwald Helmet knows the following spells:
designed to allow its soldiers to build up an impressive P.P.E. score, even
Armor of Ithan, Energy Bolt, Multiple Images, Energy Disruption,
if they cannot learn how to cast spells or use powers other than through
Impervious to Energy, Mystic Shield, Dispel Magic Barriers, Heal
their chosen item. The permanent P.P.E. base is 2D4x10+20+P.E. at-
Self, Wind Rush, Eyes of the Wolf, Negate Magic, Age. All spells are
tribute number. In addition, the soldier gets 2D6 P.P.E. per each level
cast at a power of sixth level, regardless of the wearer’s level.
of experience. The soldier can draw additional P.P.E. from select other
Education Level: Military Specialist.
sources, like ley lines, as described in the section entitled Magic Ex-
Skills of Note: Armorer (Field) 65%, Athletics (general), Boxing, Cam-
plained in the Heroes Unlimited, Revised Second Edition rulebook. The
ouflage 45%, Climbing 65%, Detect Ambush 55%, Intelligence 52%,
Warlock Guard’s rules forbid blood sacrifice, but the Ministry of De-
Military Etiquette 60%, Radio: Basic 70%, Parachuting 65%, Prowl
fense has for many years used Salisbury Plain as a training ground, giv-
50%, Running, Sniper, Swimming 75%, Tracking 50%, Trap/Mine
ing the Warlock Guard easy access to Stonehenge and many of the other
Detection 45%, Wilderness Survival 55%, W.P. Automatic Pistol,
ley line nexus points in the area.
W.P. Automatic & Semi-Automatic Rifle, W.P. Energy Pistol, W.P. Education Level: Military.
Heavy Weapons. Skills of Note: Climbing 70%, Demolitions 82%, Demolitions Disposal
Secondary Skills: Computer Operation 65%, First Aid 70%, Language: 82%, Locksmith 50%, Military Etiquette 65%, Parachuting 70%,
Arabic 50%, Language: French 75%, Language: German 75%, Lan- Prowl 50%, Radio: Basic 75%, Recognize Weapon Quality 55%,
guage: Latin 50%, Pilot Automobile 70%, W.P. Knife, W.P. Bolt- Running, Surveillance Systems 55%, W.P. Automatic Rifle.
Action Rifle. Secondary Skills: Athletics (general), Card Sharp 40%, Pilot Automo-
Appearance: Aside from being well-built, there is little to mark out Sax- bile 64%, Pilot Motorbike 76%, Sing 45%, Streetwise 32%, Swim-
on. He has light brown hair, brown eyes and an unremarkable face ming 60%, W.P. Knife.
that could be passed without a second glance on the street. Appearance: A rather short, scrawny lad with ginger hair and a reddish
Occupation: Lance-Sergeant of the Queen’s Own Warlock Guard. complexion.
Weapons: Saxon carries an L85A2 assault rifle with an L17A2 under- Occupation: Soldier of the Queen’s Own Warlock Guard.
slung grenade launcher as his standard weapon in a combat situation. Weapons: Scotopus carries an L85A2 assault rifle as his standard weap-
Vehicles: As an NCO in an important regiment he has limited access to on in a combat situation.
a wide variety of British military vehicles. Vehicles: As a soldier in an important regiment he has limited access to
Body Armor: Usually wears a light vest, often concealed, but when a wide variety of British military vehicles.
entering a conflict he will wear a heavy suit of modern army armor Body Armor: Usually wears a light vest, often concealed, but when
(A.R. 16, S.D.C. 260) though topped by the Saxon helmet of King entering a conflict he will wear a heavy suit of modern army armor
Rædwald. The helmet has an S.D.C. of 200 and can only be targeted (A.R. 16, S.D.C. 260).
by a called shot. Any strike to the helmet will do half damage to Money: Scotopus receives decent pay for his duties, higher than most
Saxon and half damage to the helmet. other soldiers of his rank. He is not frugal though, and only has about
Money: Saxon receives decent pay for his duties, higher than most other £500 in savings.
soldiers of his rank. He has about £2000 in savings.
Scotopus A career soldier with over ten years in the field as either a member of
Coming from the poorer side of Glasgow, Scotopus became an ac- the Black Watch, the SRR or the Warlock Guard, Scalpel has no ambi-
complished fighter at a young age; his talent for this being encouraged tions to rise in rank and is happy to follow any good commander into
by his uncle who began to employ the teenager as an enforcer for his loan the field. Taking his call sign from his precision aim and his father’s
shark operation. By the time he reached nineteen though, the young Scot profession as a doctor, he is the only member of Saxon team to possess
had tired of beating up terrified young parents, being watched by the tiny no magical equipment. Instead he is equipped with a wide variety of
eyes of children as he reclaimed televisions unwisely bought by new non-magical weaponry and gear designed to help him take on an equally
families. He quit the family business, signed up for the army and found wide variety of supernatural opponents. He is regularly equipped with
a new output for his brawling talents. wooden stakes, silver bullets and a host of weapons designed to scupper
Being spotted as a potential bodyguard for his awareness of his sur- sorcerers in their spell casting.
roundings, a keenness of the senses built up in the roughest of surround- Though sometimes seen by his opponents as a weak link in the team,
ings, he was brought into the Guard and discovered a talent for using Scalpel has shown himself on many occasions to be one of its most lethal
the Cloak of Splynn, said to be the ceremonial trappings of a priest in members. He is always careful to ensure that he has the right weapons
an evil cult destroyed by the Warlock Guard in New England in 1940, at for the targets he knows he will face and also has an array of generally
a time when there was a chance the Royal Family would be evacuated useful weapons when he doesn’t know what he’s up against. More than
to Canada and American occult threats had to be eliminated. Despite its one supernatural foe has found the last thing they see to be his cool, pas-
evil associations he soon discovered its potential and combined its ten- sionless face, his hands aiming a pistol loaded with just the right kind
tacle imagery with his origins to make the call sign Scotopus. of bullets.
Real Name: Sean Loftus. Real Name: David Seward.
Alignment: Anarchist. Alignment: Unprincipled.
Attributes: I.Q. 9, M.E. 15, M.A. 11, P.S. 14, P.P. 17, P.E. 16, P.B. 8, Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 12, M.A. 10, P.S. 19, P.P. 18, P.E. 22, P.B.
Spd 35. 12, Spd 31.
Hit Points: 31 Hit Points: 52
S.D.C.: 84 S.D.C.: 92
Height: 5 feet, 7 inches (1.7 m). Height: 5 feet, 11 inches (1.8 m).
Weight: 145 lbs (65.25 kg). Weight: 200 pounds (90 kg).
Age: 26 Age: 31
Disposition: A spiky fierceness is what most people encounter when Disposition: Scalpel is a consummate professional who treats his job
they talk to Scotopus, an aggressiveness used as a defensive mech- with utter seriousness, and away from work is a quiet, cheerful man
anism to keep other people away. The few who get past that find who loves to listen while others talk around him, only occasionally
a slightly more subdued person who is scared of hurting people he jumping in with a joke that usually floors the room.
cares about and as a result, keeps everyone else at arm’s length to Experience Level: Eighth.
prevent them ever getting hurt. Combat Skills: Martial Arts.
Experience Level: Fifth. Attacks per Melee: Six.
Combat Skills: Hand to Hand: Expert. Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to strike, +5 to parry, +5 to dodge, +6 to roll
Attacks per Melee: Five. with punch, fall or impact, +3 to pull punches, +4 to disarm.
Bonuses: +3 to strike, +5 to parry, +5 to dodge, +2 to initiative, +3 to roll Other Bonuses: Karate kick, snap kick, crescent kick, tripping/leg hook,
with punch, fall or impact, +2 to pull punch, +3 to save vs magic, +1 backward sweep, jump kicks (all), leap attack, critical strike on an
to save vs poison, +4 to save vs coma/death. unmodified roll of 18, 19 or 20, Paired Weapons.
Other Bonuses: Kick attack, Tripping/Leg Hook, Roundhouse Kick. Super Power Category: None.
Super Power Category: Magic: Minor Enchanted Object. Major Super Ability: None.
Super Abilities: Tentacles, Impervious to poison (includes deadly gas- Education Level: Military Specialist.

Skills of Note: Boxing, Camouflage 75%, Climbing 98%, Detect Ambush Real Name: Trafalgar.
80%, Detect Concealment 75%, Gymnastics 81%/91%/84%/94%, Alignment: Scrupulous.
Intelligence 79%, Military Etiquette 90%, Nuclear, Biological & Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E. 12, M.A. 12, P.S. 40, P.P. 15, P.E. Not ap-
Chemical Warfare 90%, Parachuting 95%, Prowl 75%, Radio: Basic plicable, P.B. 12, Spd 44.
98%, Recognize Weapon Quality 80%, Running, Sniper, Swimming Hit Points: Not applicable.
85%, Wilderness Survival 80%, W.P. Automatic Pistol, W.P. Au- S.D.C.: 750
tomatic & Semi-Automatic Rifle, W.P. Energy Pistol, W.P. Heavy Length: 20 feet (6.1 m).
Weapons. Weight: 5,000 lbs (2,250 kg).
Secondary Skills: Computer Operation 75%, Cooking 70%, Language: Age: 2
Arabic 75%, Language: Latin 60%, Pilot Automobile 76%, Play Disposition: Trafalgar is a cheerful, determined and courageous soldier.
Musical Instrument: Harmonica 60%, Sewing 75%, Sing 70%, W.P. Experience Level: Third.
Knife. Combat Skills: Basic intuitive combat.
Appearance: Fair-haired and clean-shaven, there is little to really mark Attacks per Melee: Six.
out Scalpel as anything out of the ordinary, a trait he uses to his ad- Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +1 to strike, +1 to parry, +1 to dodge, +25 to
vantage when he wishes to remain unnoticed. He has the strong, ath- damage, +4 to pull punch, +1 to roll with punch, fall or impact.
letic build of a distance runner rather than a muscleman, and always Super Power Category: Robot. Trafalgar is essentially a magical robot
keeps himself in top shape. following the rules for Robots given in Heroes Unlimited, pages 192-
Occupation: Soldier of the Queen’s Own Warlock Guard. 210, with the following differences. He cannot be fixed using any
Weapons: Scalpel carries an L86A2 light support weapon (an SA80 mechanical or electronics skills, but a Stone to Flesh spell, while not
configured for long-range accuracy) as his standard weapon in a com- transforming him to flesh, will allow other healing spells and psychic
bat situation. Treat it as the standard SA80, with the exception that it abilities to restore S.D.C. as they would any normal flesh and blood
grants a +2 bonus to single aimed shots and a -1 penalty to burst fire. being for the next hour. Any effects that would affect mechanical and
He usually carries regular ammunition, hollowpoint bullets, sil- electrical systems in robots would not affect Trafalgar, but a Negate
ver-tipped bullets, iron tipped bullets and incendiary rounds. Rarer Magic spell will affect him as if was a Speed of the Snail spell.
ammunition choices include hazel-tipped rounds, Kisentite rounds Construction: Step one: Budget – $11 million (equivalent).
and bluestone bullets (tipped with fragments of stone from Stone- Step two: Intelligence – Advanced artificial intelligence (equiva-
henge). lent).
For the most dangerous opponents he has an experimental par- Step three: Body – Type 2; machine body (increase of three extra
ticle beam rod based upon an alien design discovered by the British attacks per melee).
Rocket Force during their explorations of the galaxy in the 1950s. It Step four: AI Programming – Physical Science Program.
can fire blasts that will rock even the toughest of opponents. Range: Step five: Background Data – Military, excellent relationship, ad-
200 feet (61 m), Damage 6D6+20. 3 shot energy clip. vanced field model.
Vehicles: As a soldier in an important regiment he has limited access to Step six: Robot Construction – A: Giant animal body, feline, rein-
a wide variety of British military vehicles. forced frame. B: Powered by mystic connection to sun (as super-solar
Body Armor: Usually wears a light vest, often concealed, but when engine). C: Animal legs (medium), Spd. increased to 44, P.S. in-
entering a conflict he will wear a heavy suit of modern army armor creased to 40. Trafalgar is also capable of phenomenal jumps (equiv-
(A.R. 16, S.D.C. 260). alent to having Jump Jets, boosted to allow jumps of 300 feet/91.4 m
Money: Scalpel receives decent pay for his duties, higher than most straight up and 400 feet/122 m across). D: None. E: Advanced audio
other soldiers of his rank. He is extremely careful and organized with system, loudspeaker, modulating voice synthesizer, sound analysis
his money and has built up savings of about £9,000. computer, advanced robot optics system, telescopic vision, spotlight
eye beams, motion detector and warning system. F: Flamethrower
Trafalgar (fires from mouth, requires half an hour’s rest to recharge), magi-
cal eye-blasts (counts as a human-sized Eye Laser), large retractable
A superpowered battle on the streets of London nearly two years ago claws, giant fangs and canines.
had its epicenter in Trafalgar Square. During the fight, a demonic being Step seven: Other available features – Body armor and S.D.C.
that had erupted from the very earth beneath the square brought to life 750. Armor Rating – 16. Trafalgar can also make himself as immo-
the four bronze lions that sat around the base of Nelson’s Column and set bile and unyielding as the bronze he was cast from. Treat this as lock-
them upon Romeo, the strongman of British supergroup, Team Shake- ing joints at the ankles, knees, shoulders, hips, waist and neck.
speare. When the creature was defeated and sent back to its own hellish Total cost: $10,743,800
domain, the bronze lions returned to the column and to their immobile Education Level: Instinctive.
status. Well, three of them did... Skills of Note: Biology 88%, Climbing 88%, French 92%, Gymnastics
Quite why the bronze lion now called Trafalgar remained active, or 88%, Mathematics: Advanced 98%, Mathematics: Basic 98%, Mili-
why once the creature was gone it chose to side with the British govern- tary Etiquette 86%, Prowl 88%, Swimming 88%, W.P. Black Powder
ment, is unknown. But after a year of being tested and psychoanalyzed, (quite why Trafalgar knows how to operate black powder weapons
it was deemed fit to enter service and placed on Saxon’s team to replace when he doesn’t have the capacity to use them remains a mystery,
their recently retired machine-gunner. The big bronze cat has become though some have pointed out his connection to the statue of 19th
a much-liked member of the team and gives them a formidable combat Century Britain’s greatest sailor...), W.P. Claws (as W.P. Knife),
presence with his strength and magical attacks. He cannot operate in W.P. Flame Breath (as a Modern W.P.).
normal society like the other members of the team, but on operations he Secondary Skills: None.
can often be turned invisible to allow him to accompany his comrades Appearance: Trafalgar resembles a giant bronze statue of an African
on their missions. lion, dark and weather-beaten with the scuff and wear marks of thou-
Incidentally, the plinth where Trafalgar had stood was covered for sands of tourists and, more recently, the impacts of bullets, super-
some time after his awakening, with the public being told it was while powered punches and magical fire from his life in the Warlock Guard.
the lion was being repaired after damage caused by the battle. Only once Occupation: Soldier of the Queen’s Own Warlock Guard.
a new lion had been cast and transported to the square were the cover- Weapons: None. Uses his own built-in weaponry and strength.
ings taken away.

Vehicles: As a soldier in an important regiment he has limited access powers though, and the plan was hatched to swap their powerless child
to a wide variety of British military vehicles, but must be carried in for the original. The only slight flaw was that their child was conceived
them, being unable to operate them himself. a month and a half after the real child which explains the discrepancy
Body Armor: To prevent damage to his metalwork, which must be mag- in size. Investigation into the church break-in may lead to the agents,
ically repaired, Trafalgar goes into combat situations in a custom- as will tracking down the patsies who have done the actual kidnaping.
designed suit of armor which offers 450 S.D.C. and an A.R. of 14.
Money: Trafalgar has no needs that aren’t supplied by the Warlock Deception at the Doorstep
Guard and has no interest in money.
Hook: A spell casting hero, either a friend and ally of the players’
heroes or one of the players themselves, receives an ominous prophecy
Hook, Line & Sinker™ Adventures that the sins of his family will come crashing down upon him and his
friends, possibly dooming them all.
Chase the Amulet Line: The heroes have a few other adventures, enough that they do
not immediately connect the following events with the prophecy. Then
Hook: A colleague of the heroes, the Hispanic hero Dragonfeather,
one dark night a stranger will appear on the wizard hero’s doorstep,
contacts them with the news that he has been attacked, and the Amulet of
bleeding from several bullet wounds. The stranger says he is a fellow
Quetzalcoatl that grants him his powers has been stolen. He pleads with
wizard and more than that, he is the hero’s distant cousin. He says he
them to help him recover it.
is under attack from the family’s enemies, an ancient society who hunt
Line: The leading suspects are a modern-day Aztec cult, the Sons of
down wizards to steal their secrets and artifacts. If the heroes can detect
Tenochtitlan, that have long wished to regain the Amulet (Dragonfeather
the truth they will find the stranger is not lying.
originally took it from them in his first adventure). But after a little detec-
Sinker: He isn’t lying, but he isn’t telling the whole truth either. He
tive work enables them to discover the current hideout of the cult, they
is being hunted by the Warlock Guard who know him for the villain he
arrive to find the place has been attacked. All evidence makes it appear
is, a necromancer, a trafficker with demons, and a sorcerer who regularly
that another group of villains were responsible, but as far as the heroes
sacrifices children for power. He (and the heroic wizard) is a descen-
know the new group never had much interest in the supernatural.
dant of Angus MacRae, the wizard whose attack on the King led to the
Sinker: The second group were hired to steal the Amulet from the
founding of the Warlock Guard. He is a monster who tries to do what his
Sons of Tenochtitlan, and the group who hired them were themselves
ancestors couldn’t and destroy the monarchy, and it was after the Guard
hired and so on. This is the chance to bring in all your favorite old vil-
prevented such an attempt that he cast a desperate spell to take him to
lainous groups and have the players take them on one after the other,
a member of the family who could protect him. The bad news is that a
until finally they catch up with the amulet, just before it is handed over to
Warlock Guard fireteam is on its way to finish the job.
the mysterious Englishman who was responsible for all of this, but who
will not turn up once he realizes the heroes are on the scene.
The Red Knight
Cradle Robbers Hook: The heroes are about to engage a group of supervillains when
another figure turns up, wearing a modified version of the costume of
Hook: A pair of mutant heroes, Ghostdance and Eyestorm, are finally
an old villain, the Blood Knight. Calling herself the Red Knight, the
tying the knot after too many years and the players’ heroes are invited
young woman helps the heroes take down the villains, despite a num-
to the wedding. Everything is kept nice and secure thanks to the help of
ber of rookie mistakes. Afterwards she confides in them that she is the
the rest of the hero community, the only glitch being a couple of Brit-
daughter of the Blood Knight and is seeking to redeem the powers and
ish paparazzi following Hank Welles, the public identity of Tekarmor.
identity her father misused.
They have to be chased off, but everything goes as planned. Soon after
Line: The Red Knight continues to bump into the heroes as they go
the wedding the reason for the big day being so rushed becomes obvi-
about their heroic activities. She remains overeager, but begins to mold
ous, as Eyestorm announces she is pregnant. The local hero community
herself into an effective hero. Then, on a few occasions when they meet
celebrates, especially when the birth goes well and a little baby is born,
her, she starts to look nervous and paranoid. If they ask her about this she
inheriting Eyestorm’s distinctive golden colored eyes.
confides that she is sure she’s being followed.
Line: About six months after the birth, Eyestorm and Ghostdance
Sinker: She is being followed. Her unseen foes are a Warlock Guard
seem to go into shock one day, claiming that their little girl has been
fireteam who have been sent to reclaim the Red Knight’s magical equip-
kidnaped and replaced with an impostor. Blood tests and genetic analysis
ment. The Blood Knight was one of the villains outfitted by the St.
show it is their daughter, though she is looking small for her age. One of
George Committee and they are not happy with his daughter’s decision
the couple’s teammates will also mention that her eyes seem a slightly
to turn them against them in the superpowers arms race (as they see it).
different shade of gold, but that may be a trick of the light.
If they see the heroes talking to the Red Knight they will assume they are
Sinker: Ghostdance and Eyestorm are right. Their daughter has been
foes as well and try to discover who they are and what powers they pos-
kidnaped by the St. George Committee through a number of cat’s-paws.
sess. They will then try and take down the Red Knight when she is on her
The paparazzi were agents of theirs’ who raided the church after the
own and take her magical gear. If the players intervene though, they will
wedding to obtain genetic material from both parents, used by Genewerx
find a disciplined military fireteam ready with a plan to take them down.
to create a test-tube baby, a ‘sister’ to their daughter in the hope it would
have the awesome powers of both parents. The sister had no potential for


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