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Department of Metallurgical& Materials Engineering

B Tech (Metallurgical) II Year

MT-201: Transport Phenomena


Q1. Define and discuss momentum transfer coefficients for external and internal flow.
Using the concept of friction factor, analyse the steady state laminar flow through a
circular tube of constant cross section to show that friction factor would be
inversely proportional to Renolds number when the situation is experimentally

Q2. Water is pumped through a horizontal pipe of 0.05 m internal diameter and 60 m
length at a rate of 2.5 10-3 m3/sec. The pipe wall roughness may be taken as 510-5
m. Calculate the pressure difference and theoretical power required to maintain the
flow. Given: viscosity of water ()=0.8510-3 Kg m-1s-1, density of water()=1103
Kg m-3. Reading from friction factor chart indicates f=.0058, for Re=7.47104 and

Q3. A fluid is flowing external to a solid body. The force F exerted on the body is a
function of the fluid velocity v, fluid density , fluid viscosity  and a dimension of
the body L. Using Buckinghum  method, obtain the dimensionless groups formed
from the variables given.

Q4 .In the heat treatment of a small sphere of steel by quenching in a constant

temperature bath, it is assumed that the temperature of the sphere above the bath
temperature (T-T) depends on the following parameters,
(i) The time “t” after immersion
(ii)The temperature of the sphere above the bath temperature at the time of
immersion (Ti-T).
(iii)The thermal heat capacity of sphere, C=VCp, where V is volume of sphere.
(iv)The thermal surface resistance of sphere R=hAs, where h is heat transfer
coefficient and As, the surface area of sphere.
If these assumptions are correct, show that the functional form of the governing
equation will be as follows,
T - T
= f (Rt/C)
Ti − T

Q5. Calculate the pressure difference under which 30,000 litres of water flow under
steady state conditions per hour through a horizontal cylindrical pipe of diameter 20
cm and length 10 m. Assume viscosity of water to be 1 cp and its density 1 g cm -3.
The following empirical relationship is said to hold good for 3000Re105,
f = 0.079 (Re)-1/4. Ans: 36.52 Pa

Q6. A vacuum chamber 0.5 m high is cooled by running cooling water through copper
tubing soldered to the chamber wall. The cooling water is supplied at 2.758X106 gs-
2 -1
s above the atmosphere. The copper tubing is 0.4 cm ID and 20 m long. The
water viscosity and density are 1X10-2 gcm-1s-1 and 1 gcm-3, respectively. Assuming
that the inner wall of the tubing is smooth as an approximation, (a) Draw a neat
sketch of this system, (b) find the Fanning friction factor and (c) calculate the water
flow rate through the copper tubing. The following empirical relation is said to hold
good for the cases of turbulent flow in smooth pipes using Moody friction factor
log Re = 0.380 + 1.115 log (Ref) Ans: 0.033, 22.90 g/s

Q7. Consider the vacuum furnace chamber arrangement being cooled by running water
through copper tubing soldered to the chamber wall. If water flow rate of 30 g/s is
needed for proper cooling of the chamber wall, at what pressure should the cooling
water be supplied? The copper tubing is 0.4 cm ID and 20 cm long. Assume smooth
inner surface of the copper tubing. The following experimental relationship has
been reported for turbulent flow in smooth pipes. The reported friction factor is
Moody friction factor.
log Re = 0.380 + 1.115 log (Ref)

Q8. Determine the flow rate of water in kg/hr through a 300 m long 0.2 m internal
diameter straight horizontal steel pipe, under a pressure difference of 20X103 kg/m2.
For such a pipe, assume e/D = 2.3X10-4. Ans: 5.09X105 kg hr-1

Q9. Show that for internal flows in two arbitrary systems having geometric similarity,
friction factors are equal when Reynolds numbers are equal.

Q10. Consider the flow of an incompressible fluid through a circular pipe of diameter
‘D’. Work out the dimensional analysis of this flow system with the view that
surface roughness also affects the behavior of the flow. Surface roughness ‘e’ may
be represented by the average height of the protrusions projecting from the internal
wall of the pipe.

Q11. Calculate the frictional pressure drop for a commercial steel pipe with the following
characteristics: length L=30.48 m, inside dia d=0.0526 m, pipe roughness
e=.000045 m, steady liquid flow rate Q=9.085 m3/hr, liquid dynamic viscosity
ɳ=0.01 Pa.s, liquid density ρ=1200 kg/m3 (Ans: 15720 Pa)

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