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Frequency Response of BJT


1 Introduction
Response of an amplifier to different frequency components of input signal is called frequency
response of the amplifier. If input of an amplifier is sinusoidal signal, vin = Vm sin(wt + φ) and gain
of amplifier is Av = A∠q then output signal amplifier becomes,
vo = AVm sin (wt + φ + θ)
The amplitude of output of amplifier depends as gain of amplifier & amplitude of input signal and
phase angle of output depends on phase of input and phase angle of gain of amplifier. The frequency
characteristics of an amplifier can be split in three regions called mid band, low frequency and
high frequency. The mid band frequency region is frequency range of input signal for which gain
of amplifier fairly remains constant. In low frequency region below mid band region, the gain of
amplifier may decrease with decrease in frequency and amplifier may act as high pass circuit. In this
region gain decreases with decrease in frequency and reaches zero at f = 0. At low frequency, the
gain of amplifier is limited by coupling and bypass capacitances of the amplifier. The third region is
high frequency region above the mid band region where gain reduces with increase in frequency. In
sigh frequency region, an amplifier acts like a low pass filter. The gain of amplifier in high frequency
region is limited by parasitic or junction capacitance of the device i.e. BJT or MOSFET. The amplifier
response discussed so far is essentially small signal low frequency response where amplitude of input
signal is very low in comparison of biasing signals of the amplifier. The analysis mainly focused on
mid-band frequencies. The frequency range of an amplifier used to amplify a video signal is totally
different from frequency range of amplifier used for amplification of audio signals. Similarly, if an
amplifier is used to amplify a signal at power frequency (i.e. 50 Hz) then its response is different
from an amplifier used to amplify a radio frequency signal. The amplification of a signal by an
amplifier depends on many factors like amplitude of signal, frequency range of input signal, the
characteristic of active device (r.e. BJT or FET) and external circuit components including biasing
signals. Analysis of amplifier discussed so for ignored the effect of different capacitances of BJT and
parameters of amplifier circuits. This chapter presents the effect of internal capacitances as well as circuit
capacitances on response of the FET and BJT amplifiers. The voltage gain, current gain and power gain
will be considered in decibel in order to caver wide range of frequencies and large variations.
v,dB = 20log10 A v = 20log10
(i) Voltage gain in dB, A (1)
Vin [email protected]
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(ii) Current gain in dB, Ai,dB = 20log10 A i = 20log10 (2)

(iii) Power gain in dB

Power gain of amplifier,
Po Vo Io
Ap = = A v A i (3)
Pin Vin Iin
Power gain in dB, Ap, dB = 10log10 A p = 20log10 (4)

Vo Io V I

⇒ AP, dB = 20log
= 10 20log10 o + 20log10 o (5)
Vin Iin Vin Iin

⇒ AP, dB = Av, dB + Ai,dB (6)
Note : i. Power gain is product of voltage gain and current gain but on dB scale power gain is sum of
voltage gain in dB and current gain in dB.
ii. In case of a RC coupled amplifier gain at low frequencies is decreased due to coupling and
bypass capacitors and at high frequencies it is decreased due to internal parasitic capacitances
and frequency dependence of gain. The frequency response of RC coupled amplifier is shown in
Fig. 1.

Av, mid
0.707 Av, mid
mid band

h fv f(log scale)

Fig. 1 Frequency response of RC coupling amplifier

iii. In case of a transformer coupled amplifiers, the gain a low frequencies is decreased because
the coupling transformer at low reactance (XL = 2πfL) at low frequencies and gain at high
frequencies decreases due to increase in inter-tern capacitance of winding of transformer at high
frequencies. The frequency response of transformer coupled amplifier is shown in Fig. 2.


Av, mid
0.707 Av, mid
mid band

fL fv
f(log scale)
Fig. 2 Frequency response of transforms coupling amplifier [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [3]
iv. In of case of a direct coupled amplifier with no coupling and bypass capacitors the low frequency
response is almost flat and same as midband but gain at high frequencies decreases due to para-
sited internal capacitance of the device. The frequency response of direct coupled amplifier is
shown in Fig. 3.


Av, mid
0.707 Av, mid

fv f(log scale)
Fig.3 Frequency response of direct coupling amplifier

Therefore, the effect of coupling and bypass capacitors cannot be ignored at low frequencies .
Similarly the response of the amplifier is limited by internal parasitic capacitances and frequency
dependence of gain of BJT and FET.

Cut-Off Frequency :
The frequencies at which the gain of amplifier falls to or 0.707 times of the mid band gain are
called cut-off frequencies of the amplifier. The output power at cut off frequencies become half of
output power at midband, so, cutoff frequencies are also called half power frequencies. At cut off
frequency gain of amplifiers falls by 3dB  = 20log 1  .
 2

Band width (BW) :

The difference between upper and lower cut off frequencies of the amplifier is called band width of
the amplifier.
BW = fH – fL
Where fH is upper cutoff frequency and fL is lower cutoff frequency of the amplifiers.
Note : The frequency in frequency response of amplifiers is normally taken in log scale to cover wide range
of frequencies.
Note : In common Emitter BJT amplifier and common source FET amplifier,
(i) The output leads input by 180° at mid band frequencies i.e. between lower and upper cutoff
(ii) The output leads input by angle more than 180° below lower cutoff frequencies.
(iii) The output leads input by angle less than 180° above upper cutoff frequencies. [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [4]

fL fH f
Fig.4 Phase Vs frequency response of common emitter BJT or common source FET amplifier

2. Frequency Response of High Pass RC Circuit

BJT and FET amplifiers behave like high pass RC circuit at low frequencies. If gain of active device
is ignored then the amplifier can be modeled as high pass RC circuit as shown in Fig. 5.

+ +
vi R vo
– –

Fig. 5 High RC circuit

The output voltage of the circuit,
Vo = ⋅ Vi (8)
j wC

Voltage transfer ratio or gain of the circuit,

Vo 1 1 1
= = = (9)
Vi 1 w 2π f L
1+ 1- j L 1- j
jw RC w 2π f
Vo 1
⇒ = (10)
Vi fL
1- j

Where fL = (11)
2π RC

Magnitude of transfer function,

Vo = 1

Vi f 
1+  L 
f 

Phase angle, ∠(Vo / Vi ) = - tan -1 f L (13)

f [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [5]
Vo 1
At f = fL, = and ∠(Vo / Vi ) = 45o (14)
Vi 2

The frequency fL is called lower cutoff frequency of the circuit.

When frequency is varied from 0 to infinity the gain changes as given in table 1 below,
Table 1 : Gain Vs Frequency
f A v A v,dB = 20log A v
0 0 –
fL 1 -3dB

∞ 1 0dB

The variation in gain or voltage ratio of high pass RC circuit with frequency of input signal is shown
in Fig. 6.


Fig. 6 Frequency response of high RC circuit
3. Low Frequency Response of BJT Amplifier
Consider potential divider bias common emitter BJT amplifier shown in Fig. 7.

Cci Cco

VS ~ RE 1 k C1

Fig. 7 Frequency response of BJT amplifier [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [6]
The low frequency response of the amplifier is determined by coupling capacitors Cei, Cco and emitter
bypass capacitor CE.

Case-I : Lower cutoff frequency in terms of Cci

The effects of output coupling capacitor, Cco and emitter bypass capacitor, CE on lower cutoff
frequency are neglected for determination of lower cutoff frequency in terms of input coupling
capacitor, Cci. Therefore, Cco and CE are replaced by short circuit for determination of effect of Cci.
The AC equivalent circuit of the amplifier will be as show in Fig. 8.
Input resistance of amplifier,
Ri = R1 || R2 || rπ (15)
Output resistance of amplifier,
Ro = ro || RD (16)


+ +
Vi R1 R2 r ro Vo
Ri ib
VS +

– –

BJT amplifier

Fig. 8 small signal equivalent consider effect of Cci

Input voltage of amplifier, Vi = ⋅ Vs (17)
R i + R s - jX ci

Where Xci = (18)
jw Cci
Output voltage of amplifier,
Vo = Avo Vi (19)

Where Avo = = Voltage gain neglecting Rs & Cci (20)
b ( ro || R D )
Here Avo = (21) [email protected]
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⇒ Vo = A vo ⋅ (22)
R i + R s - jX ci

V A vo R i A vo R i
⇒ =
Avs = o = (23)
Vs R i + R s - jX ci  X ci 
( R i + R s ) 1 - j 
 Ri + Rs 

The combination of source resistance (Rs) and input resistance (Ri) of amplifier forms a high pass RC
circuit as shown in Fig. 9.
Total resistance of RC circuit on input side of amplifier will be,
R = Rs + Ri (24)
The lower cutoff frequency in terms of Cci can be given by,
1 1
fLi = = (25)
2π RCci 2π ( R s + R i ) Cci


+ +
Ri + Vo
+ Vi – AV
v i –
VS ~ –

Fig. 9 BJT amplifier with input coupling capacitor behaving as

low pass RC circuit on input side

Case-II : Lower cutoff frequency in terms of Cco

The effect of Cco on lower cutoff frequencies of the amplifier can be determined by neglecting the
effects of Cci and CE. The equivalent circuit seen from output of the amplifier becomes as show in Fig.
Ro Cco

+ +
Ri + AV
V1 – v i
Ro RL Vo

– –

Fig. 10 BJT amplifier with output coupling capacitor behaving as

low pass RC circuit on output side [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [8]
The resistance seen across terminals of capacitor Cco, R = Ro + RL (26)
The lower cutoff frequency of the amplifier in terms of Cco becomes
1 1
fLo = = (27)
R Cco 2π ( R o + R L ) Cco

Where, Ro = ro || RC = output resistance of amplifier. (28)

Case-III : Lower cutoff frequency in terms of CE

The lower cutoff frequency of amplifier in terms of emitter bypass capacitor can be obtained by
neglecting effect of Cci and Cco. The amplifier circuit seen from terminals of emitter bypass capacitor
becomes as shown in Fig. 11.


Fig. 11 BJT amplifier with emitter bypass capacitor behaving as
low pass RC circuit

The lower cutoff frequency of amplifier in terms of CE can be given by,

fLE = (29)
2π R eq CE

Where Req is total resistance seen across terminals of CE. Mathematically, Re is given by

R2 R1 r E


Fig. 12 Total resistance seen across terminals of emitter bypass capacitor

 R || R1 || R 2 + rπ 
R e = R E ||  s  (30)
 1+ b  [email protected]
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Note : Here, the resistance of base circuit when seen from emitter side is reduced by a factor of (1 + b).
Similarly, when resistance of emitter circuit is seen from base side, it is increased by a factor of (1 +
b) So, resistance RE appears as resistance (1 + b) RE on input side of the circuit.
Note : i. Cci Cco and CE have effect on lower cutoff frequency only.
ii. The largest of lower cutoff frequencies, due to Cci and Cco and CE , is called dominant frequency.
iii. The dominant frequency is overall lower cutoff frequency of the amplifier.
iv. At high frequencies the reactances offered by coupling & bypass capacitance are negligible and
these capacitors can be replaced by short circuit.

Example 1
Common Data for Questions (i) and (ii) :
Consider the common emitter amplifier shown below with the following circuit parameters :
β = 100, gm = 0.3861 A/V, ro = ∞, rπ = 259 Ω, Rs =1 kΩ, RB = 93 kΩ, RC = 250 Ω, RL = 1kΩ, C1 = ∞
and C2 = 4.7 µF.

+10 V


Rs C1 +
+ Vo RL

~ –

(i) The resistance seen by the source Vs is

(a) 258 Ω (b) 1258 Ω
(c) 93 kΩ (d) ∞

(ii) The lower cut-off frequency due to C2 is

(a) 33.9 Hz (b) 27.1 Hz
(c) 13.6 Hz (d) 16.9 Hz
Solution :

(i) Ans.(b) [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [10]
+10 V


Rs C1 +
+ Vo
Vs – RL
– ~

Equivalent circuit using π-model we have,

RS b C
+ + r vo
vs ~ R
’ B v1 RC RL
– Ri –

Given, β = 100 gm = 0.3861, ro = ∝

rπ = 259Ω, Rs = 1 KΩ, RB = 93 KΩ,
Rc = 250 Ω, RL = 1 KΩ
C1 = ∝, C2 = 4.7 µF
Resistance seen by source,
R B rπ
Ri = R s +
rπ + R B

3 93 × 103 × 259
⇒ Ri = 1 × 10 + = 1258 Ω
93 × 103 + 259
(ii) Ans.(b)
+10 V


Rs C1 +
+ Vo
– ~ –

Lower cutoff frequency of BJT amplifier shown above, is given by, [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [11]
fL =
2πCC (R L + R o )

Where, Ro = Rc || ro
Given, ro = ∞ , CC = C2 = 4.7 µF and RL = 1 KΩ
∴ Ro = Rc = 250 Ω
⇒ fL =
2πC2 (R L + R C )

⇒ fL = -6
2π × 4.7 × 10 (1000 + 250)

⇒ fL = 27.09 Hz

4. Low Frequency Response of MOSFET Amplifier

The low frequency response of MOSFET is affected by coupling and bypass capacitors, similar to a
BJT amplifier. The effects of input and output coupling capacitors and source bypass capacitor can
be studied by considering the MOSFET based amplifier with as shown in Fig.13.


vS ~ RG


Fig. 13 Frequency response of MOSFET amplifier

Case-I : Effect of Cci

The lower cutoff frequency due to Cci is determined by replacing Cco and Cs by short circuit. The AC
equivalent circuit with Cci can be drawn as shown in Fig. 14.

The lower cutoff frequency of the amplifier in terms of Cci is given by,
fLci = (31)
2π ( R sig + R i ) Cci

Where Ri = RG = input resistance of amplifier. (32) [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [12]

Rsig Cci G D

+ +
+ vgs gmvgs
vS ~ RG ro RD Ro RL
– Ri –

Fig. 14 MOSFET amplifier with input coupling capacitor behaving as

low pass RC circuit on input side

Case-II : Lower cutoff frequency in terms of Cco

The effect of coupling capacitor Cco on low frequency response can be determined by replacing Cci
and Cs by short circuit. The equivalent circuit seen across terminals of Cco becomes as shown in Fig.

Amplifier RL

Fig. 15 MOSFET amplifier with output coupling capacitor behaving as
low pass RC circuit on output side

Total resistance seen across the capacitor Cco,

R = Ro + RL (33)
The lower cutoff frequency of the amplifier in terms of Cco is given by
1 1
fLco = = (34)
2π RCco 2π ( R o + R L ) Cco

Where Ro = RD || ro = output resistance of the amplifier (35)

Case-III : Lower cutoff frequency in terms of CS

The lower cutoff frequency in terms of source bypass capacitor Cs can be determined by replacing Cci
and Cco by short circuit. Then, the equivalent circuit seen across terminals of Cs becomes as shown in
Fig. 16. [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [13]

Amplifier Cs


Fig. 16 MOSFET amplifier with source bypass capacitor behaving as

low pass RC circuit

The lower cutoff frequency in terms of Cs can be given by

fLcs = (36)
2π R ′s Cs

Where R′s is effective resistance seen across terminals of Cs. The resistance R′s can be determined
from AC equivalent circuit of the amplifier.

Note : i. Highest of lower cutoff frequencies fLci, fLco and fLcs , determines the over all lower cutoff frequency
and it is called dominant pole or frequency of the amplifier.
ii. At high frequencies the reactances offered by coupling and bypass capacitors become very small
and capacitors behave like short circuit. So, the effect of coupling and bypass capacitors can be
neglected at high frequencies.

Example 2
The ac schematic of an NMOS common source stage is shown in the figure below, where part of the
biasing circuit has been omitted for simplicity. For the n-channel MOSFET M, the transconductance
gm = 1 mA/V and body effect and channel length modulation effect are to be neglected. The lower
cutoff frequency in Hz of the circuit is approximately at

10 k 1 µF

10 k

(a) 8 (b) 32
(c) 50 (d) 200
Solution : Ans.(a) [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [14]

RD = 10 k

G D C=1µF
Vi RL = 10 k

Given, transconductance of MOSFET,

gm = 1 mA/V
Replacing MOSFET by its small signal model the equivalent circuit of amplifier can be drawn as



Output resistance of above circuit is obtained by setting Vi = 0,

So output resistance,
Ro = RD
Resistance seen across capacitor,
R = Ro + RL = RD + RL
Lower cut off frequency of amplifier can be given as,
fL =
2πC ( R D + R L )

From given circuit, C

= 1 µF, RD = 10 kΩ,
RL = 10 kΩ
⇒ fL = = 8 Hz
2π × 10 (10 + 10 ) × 103

5. Miller Effect
Consider an amplifier with a feed back impedance ,Zf, is connected between input and output
terminals as show in Fig. 17. [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [15]

Iin Ii Io Io

+ A Vo +
Av  B
Vin Vin Vo
Zif Zi Zo Zof
– –

Fig. 17 Amplifier with feedback impedance

Case-I : Effect of Zf on input impedance of Amplifier

Applying KCL at node ‘A’, we have,
Iin = If + Ii
Vin V - Vo Vin
⇒ = in + (37)
Zif Zf Zi

1 Vin 1
⇒ = + (38)
Zif Zf Zi

1 1 - Av 1
⇒ = + (39)
Zif Zf Zi

1 1 1
⇒ = + (40)
Zif Zf Zi
1 - Av
 Zf 
⇒ Zif =   || Zi (41)
 1 - Av 

Thus, the feedback impedance appears as when it is seen from input terminals.
1 - Av

Case-II : Effect of Zf on output impedance of amplifier

Apply KCL at node ‘B’ , we have,
Io = If + I′o (42)
Vo V - Vin Vo
⇒ = o + (43)
Zof Zf Zo [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [16]
1 - in
1 Vo 1
⇒ = + (44)
Zof Zf Zo

1 Av 1
⇒ = + (45)
Zof Zf Zo

1 1 1
⇒ = + (46)
Zof Z f Zo

 
1  Z 
⇒ = Zo ||  f  (47)
Zof 1- 1 
 Av 
 

Thus, the feedback impedance appears as in parallel to output impedance of amplifier when
it is seen from the output terminals of the amplifier.

It is observed from above two cases that an impedance Zf connected in feedback arrangement of
amplifier can be transferred an as shunt impedance of value on input terminals and as a shunt
1 - Av
impedance of value on output terminals as shown in Fig.18 Where Av is voltage gain of

amplifier without feedback. This effect is known as Miller’s effect.

Cof  1 
Vi (1–Av)Cf Cif Amplifier 1   C f Vo
 A v 

Fig. 18 Feedback impedances transfered to input and output side of amplifier

5.1 Miller Effect Capacitances

At high frequencies the effect of coupling and bypass capacitances becomes negligible due to [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [17]
decreased reactances offered by these capacitors. However, the effect of small parasitic or inter
electrode capacitances become predominant. Consider an amplifier in which parasitic capacitances
(Cf) appear in feedback path between input and output terminals as shown in Fig.19.

+ +
Vi Amplifier Vo
– –

Fig. 19 Miller effect capacitances

The Miller Effect can be used to study effect of the parasite capacitance appearing between input and
output terminals. A
ccording to millers effect, feedback impedance transfered to input side is given
Zif = f (48)
1 - Av

1 1
For capacitive elements, Zf = and Zif = (49)
jw C f jwCif

1 1
∴ = (50)
jw Cif jw Ci (1 - A v )

⇒ Cif= (1 - A v ) Ci (51)

The capacitance CIF is called Millers capacitance and it is also represented by CM.
Similarly, th feedback impedance transfered to output terminals is given by,
Zof = (52)

1 1
⇒ = (53)
jw Cof  1 
jw C f  1 - 
 Av 
 1 
⇒ Cof = Cf 1 -  (54)
 Av  [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [18]
5.2 Dual of Miller Theorem :
According to dual of miller theorem an impedance, Zf, connected in shunt branch series feedback
arrangement of amplifier can be transferred as series impedance of value (1 – Ai)Zf , on input terminals
 1 
and as a series impedance of value 1 -  Zf on output terminals as shown in Fig.20. Where Ai
 Ai 
represents current gain of the amplifier without feedback.
 1   Zf
(1 – Ai)Zf  Ai 
1 2
+ Amplifier + + 1 2 +
3 3
Vi Vo  Vi Vo
– – – –

Fig. 20 Dual of Miller’s effect

6. Frequency Response of Low Pass RC Circuit

At high frequencies, the effect of coupling and bypass capacitors become negligible and effect of
parasitic capacitance of BJT and MOSFET become dominant. The BJT and MOSFET amplifiers can
be modelled as low pass RC circuit as shown in Fig. 21 at high frequencies.

+ 1 +
Vi Vo
j C
– –

Fig. 21 Low pass RC circuit

Output voltage of the circuit,

1 / j wC
Vo = × Vi (55)
j wC

The voltage transfer function of the circuit,

Vo 1 1 1 1
⇒ = = = = (56)
Vi jw jw j2 πf f
1+ 1+ 1+ 1+ j
1 / RC wH 2π f H fH

Where, wH = 2π fH (57)
and fH = = higher cutoff frequency of the circuit. (58)
2π RC [email protected]
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Vo 1
Magnitude, = (59)
Vi  f 

1+  
 fH 

V  -1 f
Phase angle, ∠  o  = - tan (60)
 Vi  fH

The magnitude Vs frequency curve or frequency reponse of low pass RC circuit can be drawn as
shown in Fig.22.



f f

Fig. 22 Frequency response of low pass RC circuit.

Vo 1
At f= fH, = (61)
Vi 2
The magnitude in dB at f = fH,
Vo  1 
= 20log10   = -3 dB
Vi dB  2

Note : The magnitude of transfer function of low pass filter becomes -3dB at cutoff frequency due to which
cutoff frequency is some times called as 3dB cut off frequency.

7. High Frequency Response of BJT Amplifier

7.1 Hybrid π-model of BJT
Hybrid π-Model of BJT can be used for high frequency analysis of a BJT amplifier fig. shows the
hybrid π-model of CE configuration of BJT. The terminal B′ is not accessible but a fictitious point at
base. [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [20]

rbb C
+ +
Vbe rbe gmvbe gce RL Vce

Fig. 23 Hybrid p-model of BJT

• In hybrid π-model of the BJT shown above, the resistance rbb′ is called base spreading resistance.
• The resistance rb′e is reponsible for change in base current due to increased recombination rate
with change in base-emitter voltage vb′e.
• The capacitor Cb′e or Ce or Cp represent emitter junction diffusion capacitance.
• The base width modulation effect or early effect is taken into account by connecting a conductance
gb′c between base terminal B′ and collector terminal ‘C’.
• The conductance gce represents output conductance of BJT
• The capacitance Cb′c or Cc or Cm represents the capacitance of collector junction.

Note : i. All the parameters of hybrid π-model can be determined using h-parameters of BJT
ii. Hybrid-π model is applicable for frequencies upto proximately fT/3. Where fT is unity gain

7.2 Conductances and Resistances of Hybrid π-model of BJT

1. Transconductance gm
The transconductance of BJT is defined by,
∂ Ic
gm = (62)
∂ Vb′e
VCE = fixed

The transconductance in terms of gains of BJT and DC bias collector current is given by,
α b IC
gm = = = (63)
re rπ VT

Where, VT is thermal voltage. The thermal voltage at any temperature T (in Kelvin) is given by,
VT = (64)

2. Input conductance, gb′e

The collector current of BJT,
Ic = gm Vb′e = gm Ib rb′e (65)
⇒ gm rb′e = = h fe (66)
Ib [email protected]
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⇒ h fe = g m rb′e (67)

1 gm IC
⇒ g=
b′e = = (68)
rb′e h fe h fe VT

Note : The resistance rb′e is directly proportional to temperature and inversely proportional to collector bias

3. Feedback conductance, gb′e

From hybrid p-model of BJT,
Vb′e rb′e
hre = = (69)
Vce Ib = 0
rb′e + rb′c

or rb′e (1 – hre) = hrerb′c

The reverse voltage gain (hre) for CE configuration of BJT, hre < < 1
∴ rb′e ≈ hre rb′e (70)
h re
⇒ g b=
′c = h re ⋅ g b′e (71)

4. Base spreading resistance, rb′b

Base spreading resistance is a lumped resistance between external base terminal and terminal B′ of
hybrid π-model. The input resistance of BJT with output terminal shorted is hie.
From the hybrid p-model of BJT,
hie = rbb′ + rb′e (72)
h fe VT
⇒ rbb′ = h ie - rb′e = h ie - (73)

5. Output conductance, gce

Output conductance is given by
gce = hoe – gm hre (74)

7.3 Capacitances of BJT in Hybrid π-Model

I. Base-Emitter Diffusion Capacitance of BJT
In amplifier applications, the emitter junction of BJT is forward biased and collector junction is
reverse biased. The minority carriers (i.e. electrons for npn & hales for pnp) carriers are diffused
from emitter region to base region through emitter-base junction. The width of base region of BJT is
very small as compared as diffusion length of minority carries in base. So, the concentration of holes [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [22]
in base region of pnp transistor varies almost linearly in the base region as shown in Fig. 24.



x=0 x=W x
Fig. 24 Variation of holes concentration in base region of pnp transistor

For linear decrease in minority carrier concentration, the average concentration of excess minority
carriers stored in base region is p′(0)/2. If A is cross section of emitter
function, W is width of base region then charge of excess minority carriers stored in base region can
be given by,
QB = AW × × q (75)

The diffusion current in base region due to minority carriers holes in base region of pnp transistor can
be given by,
dp  p′(0) - 0  p′(0)
I = - Aq D pB ⋅ - Aq D pB ⋅ 
= =AqD pB ⋅ (76)
dx  0-W  W

Where DpB is diffusion constant of holes in the base region. The current I is almost equal to emitter
current of BJT.
⇒ p′(0) = (77)
Aq D pB

Putting above expression of p′(0) in equation (75), we have,

IE W 2
QB = (78)
2D pB

The static emitter diffusion capacitance due to rate of change of excess minority carrier in base
region can be given by,
d QB W 2 d IE
CDe = = ⋅ (79)
dVBE 2D pB d VBE [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [23]
d IE 1 I
For BJT, = = E (80)
d VBE re VT

W 2 IE W2 1
∴ CDe= ⋅ = ⋅ (81)
2D pB VT 2D pB re

Emitter current of BJT, IE ≈ IC (82)

∴ CDe = g m (83)
2D pB

Note : i. Diffusion capacitance is proportional emitter current

ii. For BJT, DpB = µVT
Here µ ∝ T–m
∴ DpB ∝ T–m
∴ CDe ∝ T+m
So CDe increases as temperatures increases and the increase in CDe is more for Si than Ge
iii. Diffusion capacitance of BJT for sinusoidal signals is 2/3rd of static capacitance

II. Base-Emitter Junction Capacitance of BJT

The base-emitter junction of a BJT amplifier is forward biased so the capacitance of base-emitter
junction is similar to capacitance offered by the junction of a forward biased pn junction diode. The
junction capacitance of emitter junction can be given by,

Cje =
eA (84)
Where We is width of emitter junction. The width of forward biased emitter junction can be given by,

2e  1 1 
We = ⋅ +  ( Voe - VBE ) (85)
q  ND NA 

Where, VBE → For emitter junction forward bias voltage.

Voe → Built-in potential of emitter junction.
N D → The concentration of donor impurity
NA → Concentration of acceptor impurity

III. Collector-Base Junction Capacitance of BJT (Cc or Cm)

The collector-base junction of BJT is reverse biased and its capacitance is similarity capacitance
offered by a reverse biased p-n junction diode. The collector junction capacitance of BJT can be
given by, [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [24]

Cc = (86)
Where Wc is width of reverse biased collector junction. The width of reverse biased collector junction is
given by

2e  1 1 
Wc =  +  ( Voc + VCB ) (87)
q  NA ND 

Where VCB is reverse biased collector junction voltage and Voc is built in potential of collection

Note : i. Typical value Hybrid parameters and their variations with IC, VCE and Temperature (T) of

Variation Variation Variation

Parameter Value with with with
increase in |IC | increase in |VCE | increase in T
gm 50 m A / V g m ∝ |IC | Independent g m ∝ 1 / TC
rbb′ 100 Ω decreases - increases
rce 80 K - - -
rb′e 1K rb′e ∝ 1/|IC | increases increases
rb′c 4M - - -
rce 80K - - -
Cc 3pF Independent decreases Independent
Ce 100 pF Ce ∝ |IC | decreases -

ii. In some literature Cc is denoted by Cm , Ce is denoted by Cp and rb′e is denoted by rp.

7.4 Short Circuit Current Gain of BJT Amplifier

The equivalent circuit of hybrid-π model under short circuited condition becomes as shown in Fig.


b gbc c
Iin +
Cbe gbe gce IL
e e
Fig. 25 High frequency equivalent circuit with output short circuited [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [25]
Above circuit can be redrawn as under,

rbb Iin
b c

Cc+Ce Vbe gbe+gbc gmVbe IL

e – e

Fig. 26 Simplified high frequency equivalent circuit with output short circuited

Shorted load current, IL = - g m Vb′e (88)

From input side of the circuit,

Vb′e = Iin × (89)
gb′e + gb′c + jw(Cc + Ce )

Putting above relation in equation (88), we have,

IL =
- gm × . Iin (90)
gb′e + gb′c + jw(Cc + Ce )

Short circuited current gain,

IL - gm
AIs = = (91)
Iin gb′e + gb′c + jw(Cc + Ce )

Since collector junction is reversed biased, rb′c is large and gb′c is negligible.

∴ gb′e + gb′c ≈ gb′e (92)

- gm
⇒ AIs = (93)
gb′e + jw(Cc + Ce )

From equation (68), gb′e = (94)
h fe

- h fe
⇒ AIs = (95)
jw(Cc + Ce )
1+ h fe
gm [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [26]
- h fe
⇒ AIs = (96)

where, ωb = (97)
h fe (Cc + Ce )

⇒ fb = (98)
2π h fe (Cc + Ce )

where, fβ is also called b or upper 3dB cut-off frequency of amplifier.

h fe
⇒ |AIs| = 2
 f 
1+  
 fb 
Note : i. In case of high frequency response of single CE BJT amplifier, at upper cutoff frqueny, f = fβ, the
magnitude of gain becomes 0.707 hfe and phase angle of gain becomes 135°.
ii. In case of low frequency response of single CE BJT amplifier, at lower cutoff frequency, f = fL, the
magnitude of gain becomes 0.707 hfe and phase angle of gain becomes 225°.

Short circuit unity current gain cut off frequency (fT):
At f = fT, AIs = 1 (100)

h fe
⇒ 1 = 2
 f 
1+  T 
 fb 
 fT  2
⇒  f  = h fe - 1 (102)
 b
⇒ fT = h fe - 1 fb (103)

Since, hfe is large so h 2fe >> 1

f T h fe fb ≈ bfb
⇒ = (104)

Here the frequencies up to fβ represent bandwidth of the amplifier and because of above relation fT is
represents the short circuit current gain-bandwidth product of the amplifier.
⇒ fT = h fe × (105)
2π h fe (Cc + Ce ) [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [27]
⇒ f T = (106)
2π(Cc + Ce )

Since, Ce >> Cc , therefore,

fT = (107)
2π Ce
There is one more cut off frequency defined for an amplifier called α-cutoff frequency. The α-cutoff
frequency of an amplifier is given by,
f α= (1 + b) fb (108)

Gain magnitude Plot of Short Circuit Current Gain :

On decibel scale the magnitude of current can be represented by,
|AI|dB = 20 log | AI | (109)
f 
At low frequencies, f << fβ, 1 +   ≈ 1 , | AI | = hfe and |AI|dB = 20 log hfe (110)
 fb 

f 
At low frequencies, f = fβ, 1 +   ≈ 2 | AI | = hfe / 2 and |AI|dB = 20 log hfe - 3dB (111)
 fb 
2 2
f  f 
At very high frequencies, f >> fβ, 1 +   ≈   (112)
 fb   fb 

h fe fb
∴ |AIs| ≈ and |AI|dB = 20 log hfefb - 20 log f (113)

Using above relations, the gain (dB) vs. frequency (log f) can be drawn as shown in Fig.27.
3 dB
20 log hfe
20 dB/dec

log f
log f log fT
Fig. 27 Current gain Vs frequency plot of short circuit CE amplifier [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [28]
Experimental Measurement of fT :
2 2
f  f 
At very high frequencies, f >> fβ, 1 +   ≈   (114)
 fb   fb 

h fe fb
∴ |AIs| ≈ (115)

⇒ |AIs| f ≈ hfe fβ ≈ fT (116)

If at any frequency f = f1 gain is |AIs1| then fT = AIs1f1 (117)
This measured value of fT can be and to determine the emitter junction capacitance by using the
Ce = (118)
2π f T

Variation of fT with collector current :

The value of parameter fT of BJT depends on operating condition of BJT. The variation of fT with
collector current of BJT is shown in Fig. 28.

IC (mA)
Fig. 28 Variation of parameter fT with collector current

Note : i. BJT behaves like low pass filter at high frequencies and high pass filter at low frequencies.
ii. In RC coupled amplifier the Low frequency response of BJT is limited by coupling capacitors
and bypass capacitors, in transformer coupled amplifiers it is limited by transformer turn to turn
iii. Direct coupled amplifier has good low frequency response than RC coupled and transformer
coupled amplifiers. It can amplify very low frequency signals.
iv. High frequency response of BJT amplifiers is limited by junction and parasitic capacitances.
v. For low frequency or small signal analysis, the coupling and bypass capacitors are included in
the circuit and junction and parasitic capacitances are open circuited.
vi. For high frequency analysis, the coupling and bypass capacitors are replaced by short circuit
and junction and parasitic capacitances are included into circuit.
vii. At mid band frequencies the coupling and bypass capacitors are replaced by short circuit and
junction and parasitic capacitances are replaced by open circuit.
Note : High frequency response of BJT can be impoved by adopting non-uniform doping or graded doping
profile in base of BJT in stead of uniform doping. The transistor with uniform base doping is
called diffusion transistor and transistor with graded or non-uniform base doping is called graded [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [29]
transistor. The graded base BJTs exhibit better high frequency response characteristic as compared
to their uniform base counterparts because there exists a built-in electric field in the base region
of the graded base BJT gives additional drift velocity to minority carries in base reason resulting
reduction of switching time and hence giving better high frequency response.

Example 3
An npn transistor has a beta cutoff frequency fβ of 1 MHz, and common emitter short circuit
low-frequency current gain β0 of 200. It unity gain frequency fT and the alpha cutoff frequency
fα respectively are
(a) 200 MHz, 201 MHz (b) 200 MHz, 199MHz
(c) 199 MHz, 200 MHz (d) 201 MHz, 200 MHz
Solution : Ans.(a)
The unity gain frequency in terms of β-cutoff frequency is given by
f T = hfe fβ = βfβ
fβ = β-cutoff frequency of amplifier.
Given, β = 200, fβ = 1MH
⇒ f T = 200 × 1 = 200 MHz
The alpha cutoff frequency of BJT is given by,
fβ = (1–α) fα
fα =
1- α

where, α =
1+ b

⇒ fα = (1+ β) fβ
⇒ fα = (1 + 200) × 1 MHz
⇒ fα = 201 MHz

Example 4
An npn transistor (with Cπ = 0.3 pF) has a unity - gain cutoff frequency fT of 400 MHz at a dc bias
current Ic = 1mA. The value of its Cµ (in pF) is approximately (VT = 26 mV)
(a) 15 (b) 30
(c) 50 (d) 96
Solution : Ans.(a)
The unity gain frequency of CE mode BJT amplifier is given by,
fT =
2π(Cπ + Cµ ) [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [30]
where, gm = & |VT| is thermal voltage
| VT |

Given, fT = 400 MHz,

Cπ = 0.3pF,
Ic = 1 mA
and VT = 26 mV
⇒ fT =
2πVT (Cπ + Cµ )

⇒ fT =
2πVT (0.3 × 10-12 + Cm )

⇒ 400×106 =
2π × 26(0.3 × 10-12 + Cm )

⇒ Cµ = - 0.3 × 10-12 =15 pF
2π × 26 × 400 × 106

7.5 Frequency Response of BJT Amplifier with Resistive Load

Consider hybrid-π equivalents circuit of BJT with load resistance as shown in Fig. 29.

b b
+ +
gm vbe
gbe Ce gce RL Vce
– –
e e
Fig. 29 High frequency model of CE BJT amplifier with resistive load

The conductance gb′c and capacitance Cc from feedback path can be transferred to input and output
terminals by using Mitter’s Theorem as under,
 1 
gb′ci = (1 - A v ) g b′c and g b′co =
1 -  g b′c (119)
 Av 
 1 
C ci = (1 - A v )Cc and Cco =
 1 -  Cc (120)
 Av  [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [31]
Where Av = (121)

The alternate circuit of the amplifier with conductances and capacitances transferred to input and
output terminals of the amplifier can be drawn as shown in Fig. 30.

gce gbco
Vbe gbci gbe Cci Ce Cco RL Vce
gm vbe

Fig. 30 Simplified high frequency model of CE BJT amplifier with resistive load

Above circuit has two high pass RC circuits. The overall transfer function of the amplifier has two
poles. One belong to on input circuit and another for output circuit. So, the circuit of amplifier has
two times constants corresponding to input and output circuits of the amplifier.
The time constant of RC circuit on input side can be given by,
ti = ReqCeq (122)
1 1
Where Req = (123)
g b′e (1 - A v ) g b′c

and Ceq = Ce + (1 – Av)Cc (124)

As gb′c << gb′e so gb′c can be neglected.

∴ Req = (125)
g b′e

The cutoff frequency of RC high pass circuit on input side,

1 g
fH = = b′e (126)
2π R eq Ceq 2π Ceq

Where, Ceq = Ce + (1 – Av) Cb (127)

The resistance rce and rb′c are high so gce & g b′c can neglected from circuit on output side.

then, Av = = -g m R L (128)

⇒ Ceq = Ce + (1 + gm RL) Cc (129) [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [32]

The time constant of RC circuit on output side,

 1 
to = R =
eq C co R eq 1 -  Cc (130)
 Av 

1 1
Where, Req = R L (131)
g ce  1 
1 -  g b′c
 A v 
As collector junction is reverse biased and emitter junction is forward biased so rb′c >> rb′e
∴ gb′c << gb′e
As gb′c is very small so Req is small and to is negligible.
The larger time constant of the circuit plays the dominant role as the time constant of input circuit
is larger so it gives overall time constant of the amplifier. So, the overall cutoff frequency of the
amplifier is determined by the input circuit.

Note : i. When transfer function of a high frequency equivalent of an amplifier has multiple poles then
pole with lowest cutoff frequency is dominant pole and gives overall cutoff frequency and time
constant of the amplifier. Time constant is inverse of cutoff frequency so lowest cutoff frequency
gives largest time constant of the amplifier.
ii. When high frequency voltage transfer ratio of amplifier has multiple time constants then larger
time constant determine. Thus the pole corresponding to largest constant in high frequency
resonance is dominant pole.
iii. The upper cutoff frequency is given by

fH =
2π t

where τ = ReqCeq = largest time constant

iii. Bandwidth of a two pole amplifier is smaller than bandwidth of a single pole amplifier.
iv. The transfer function of single stage CE transistor at high frequencies has one zero and two
v. When transfer function of low frequency equivalent circuit of an amplifier has multiple poles then
pole with highest cutoff frequency is dominant pole and gives oveall cutoff frequency and overall
time constant of the amplifier. The highest cutoff frequency gives lowest overall time constant of
the circuit.
vi. Gain-bandwidth product of an amplifier increases with increase in RL and decreases with increase
in Rs.
vii. Frequency response of amplifier can be determined by using four parameter hfe, fT, hie, and Cc. [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [33]
Dominant Pole :
Case-I : Dominant Pole for high frequency response
If a transfer function, determining high frequency response, has several poles and if smallest of these
is at fp1 and of each of other pole is at least two octaves higher or 4 fp1, then the amplifier behaves
like a single pole or single time constant amplifier where 3-dB cutoff frequency is fp1. The frequency
fp1 is called dominant pole of the amplifier.
Case-II : Dominant Pole for low frequency response
On other hand if a transfer function, determining low frequency response, has several poles and if
smallest of these is at fp1 and of each of other pole is at least two octaves smaller or fp1/4 then the
amplifier behaves like a single pole or single time constant amplifier where 3-dB cutoff frequency is
fp1. The frequency fp1 is called dominant pole of the amplifier.

8 High Frequency Response of MOSFET Amplifiers

8.1 MOSFET Internal Capacitances

There are two types of internal capacitance of MOSFET which are discussed in the following
I. The gate capacitive Effect
The gate electrode forms parallel plate capacitor with the channel with oxide layer in-between serving
as dielectric. The gate oxide layer capacitance per unit area is given by,
Cox = (132)
t ox

Where εox is dielectric constant of oxide and tox is thickness of oxide layer.
The gate capacitive offed can be modeled by three capacitances called gate-to-source (Cgs), gate-to-
drain (Cgd) and gate to body (Cgb). These capacitances can be deterined as under,
i. Triode or Ohmic region
The channel has uniform depth across length of the channel when MOSFET operates triode
region with small vDS . If W is width of channel and L is length of channel then gate-channel
capacitance is WLCox. This capacitance can be modeled by dividing equality between drain and
∴ Cgs = Cgd = WL Cox (133)

ii. Saturation Region

The channel has tapered shape when MOSFET operates in saturation region and it is pinched off
at or near drain end. Under this condition gate-channel capacitance is approximately WL Cox.
∴ Cgs = WL Cox (134)
3 [email protected]
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In this case Cgd is assumed to be zero.

iii. Cut-off Region

The channel disappears when MOSFET operates in cutoff region. Under this condition gate
capacitive effect is modeled as,
Cgs = Cgd = 0 (135)

and Cgb = WL Cox (136)

iv. Overlap Capacitance (Cov)
There is an additional capacitance which adds up to Cgs and Cgd due slight extension of source
and drain regions below gate electrode/oxide due to diffusion. If length of over tap is Lov then
overlap capacitance is given by,
Cov = WLovCox



Lov Lox

Fig. 31 Gate electrode overlap with drain and source

II. Junction Capacitances
There are two junctions in a MOSFETs between source & substrate/body as well as drain & substrate/
body. These junctions offer capacitances similar to the depletion layer capacitance of a p-n junction.

i. Source-Body Capacitance, Csb

The source-body capacitance of MOSFET can be given by
eA sb
Csb = (138)

Where ε is dielectric constant of semiconductor, Asb is area of contact between source & body
(substrate) and Wsb width of depletion layer between source and substrate.
The width of depletion layer between source & body/substrate can be given by,
2e  1 1 
Wsb =  +  ( Vo + VSB ) (139)
q  NA ND 

Where VSB is reverse biasing voltage between source & substrate and Vo ss built-in potential of
source-substrate junction, NA is acceptor concentration and ND is donor concentration. [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [35]

ii. Drain-body capacitance (Cdb)

The drain-body capacitance of MOSFET is similar to source-body capacitance which can be
given by,
Cdb = db
Where Adb is area of contact between drain and substrate/body and Wdb is width of depletion
layer between drain and substrate. Wdb can be given as,
2e  1 1 
Wdb =  +  ( Vo + VDB ) (140)
q  NA ND 

Where VDB is reverse bias voltage between drain & body or substrate.


Wsb Wdb
Fig. 32 Source-body and drain-body junctions of MOSFET

8.2 High Frequency Model of MOSFET

The high frequency equivalent or model of MOSFET can be drawn by including gate-to-source and
gate-to-drain capacitances of MOSFET in its small signal model as shown in Fig.33.
G Cgd D
G Cgs Vgs ro
– gmVgs


(a) MOSFET (b) High frequency model of MOSFET

Fig. 33 NMOSFET and its high frequency model

Note : Above equivalent circuit has been drawn with source connected to body and by neglecting capacitance

8.3 Short circuit current gain of MOSFET

Consider a common source circuit of MOSFET in s-domain represented by hybrid-π model as shown
below, [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [36]
G sCgd D Io

Iin Vgs sCgs ro

Fig. 34 High frequency model of Common Source MOSFET in s-domain
with drain terminal shorted with source terminal

Applying KCL drain terminal, we have,

0 - Vgs
+ g m Vgs - Io = 0
1 / sCgd

⇒ Io = gm Vgs – sCgdVgs
⇒ Vgs = (141)
g m - s Cgd

Applying KCL at node ‘G’, we have,

Vgs Vgs - 0
+ - Iin = 0
1 / s Cgs 1 / s Cgd

⇒ (s Cgs + s Cgd)Vgs = Iin

Putting expression of Vgs from equation (141) in above equations, we have,
s ( Cgs + Cgd )
× Io = Iin (142)
g m - s Cgd

Io g m - s Cgd
= (143)
Iin s ( Cgs + Cgd )

Here sCgd is very small in comparison of gm.

Io gm
∴ = (144)
Iin s ( Cgs + Cgd )

For frequency domain s = jw

Io gm wT 2π f T f T
⇒ = = = = (145)
Iin (
jw Cgs + Cgd )
jw j2πf jf

Where, wT = = 2π f T (146)
Cgs + Cgd [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [37]
⇒ fT = (147)
2π ( Cgs + Cgd )

When f = fT, the short circuit current gain of MOSFET become unity. Therefore, the parameter fT
called unity gain frequency of MOSFET.

8.4 High frequency response of common source amplifier.

Consider a common source amplifier using NMOS as shown in Fig. 35. Let Rsig is resistance of
source of input signal connected at input of the amplifier.

Vs Rsig Cci G


Fig. 35 High frequency response of common source MOSFET amplifier

The coupling and bypass capacitors of amplifier behave like short circuit at high frequencies so the
high frequency equivalent model of the common source amplifier shown above can be drawn as
shown in Fig. 36.

Rsig G Cgd

+ +
Vgs Cgs gmVgs RL
VS ~ RG ro RD
– –


Fig. 36 High frequency equivalent circuit of common source MOSFET amplifier

Above high frequency equivalent circuit of the amplifier can be redrawn by reducing the components
of the circuit as under, [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [38]

Rsig sCgd

+ +
Vs ~ Vgs sCgs

– S –

Fig. 37 Simplified high frequency equivalent circuit of common source MOSFET amplifier

Here, R′L = ro || RD || RL (148)

R′sig = Rsig || RG (149)
V′s = × Vs (150)

R sig + R G

Output voltage of circuit, Vo = –gm R′L Vgs (151)

Vgs = - (152)
g m R ′L

Applying KCL at node ‘G’, we have,

Vgs - Vo Vgs Vgs - Vs′
+ + =0
1 / sCgd 1 / sCgs R ′sig
1 V′
⇒ ( s Cgd + sCgs ) Vgs + Vgs - s Cgd Vo - s = 0
R ′sig R ′sig

 1  Vs′
⇒  + s ( Cgd + Cgs )  Vgs - sCgd V0 =
 R ′sig  R ′sig

Putting expression of Vo from equation (152) in above equation, we have,

 1  Vs′
 + s ( Cgd + Cgs ) + sCgd R ′L  Vgs =
 R ′sig  R ′sig

Vgs 1
⇒ = (153)
Vs′ 1 + s Cgs + (1 + g m R ′L ) Cgd  R ′si g

Putting expression of Vgs from equation (152), we have [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [39]
Vo g m R ′L
= - (154)
Vs′ 1 + s Cgs + (1 + g m R ′L ) Cgd  R ′sig

Putting expression of V′s from equation (150) in above equation, we have,

× g m R ′L
Vo R s + R si g
= - (155)
Vs 1 + s Cgs + (1 + g m R ′L ) Cgd  R ′sig

= (156)
Vs 1 + sCin R ′sig

Where, AM = - g m R ′L =
- × g m × ( ro || R D || R L ) (157)
R G + R sig R G + R si g

and Cin = Cgs + (1 + gm R′L)Cgd (158)

Here AM is represents the midband gain of the amplifier.
In frequency domain, s = jw.
⇒ = + (159)
Vs jw
1 1
Where, wH = = = Upper cutoff frequency of amplifier
Cin R ′sig Cin ( R sig || R G )

⇒ fH = (161)
2π Cin R ′sig
It can be observed from above equation that highs cutoff frequency of MOSFET is determined by
parasitic capacitance of MOSFET.
Note : i. Upper cutoff frequency reduces with increase in signal source resistance (Rsig)
ii. The capacitance Cgd appears as (1 + gm R′L) Cgd when it is transferred as input terminals. This
effect is called miller effect and factor (1 + gm R′L) is called miller multiplication factor or miller
iii. Emitter bypass capacitor (CE) in BJT amplifier and source by pass capacitor (CS) in MOSFET
determine overall lower cutoff frequencies because value of CE & CS as highs than coupling
Example 5
In the circuit shown in the figure, transistor M1 is in saturation and has transconductance gm = 0.01
Siemens. Ignoring internal parasitic capacitances and assuming the channel length modulation λ to
be zero, the small signal input pole frequency (in kHz) is ............. [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [40]




Solution : Ans. (56 to 63)
Small signal AC equivalent circuit of given amplifier can be drawn as under,

5 k G 50pF D
Vin Vo
RS +
Vgs gmvgs RD


Voltage gain of amplifier, Av = =-g m R D =-0.01 × 1 × 103

⇒ Av = –10
The circuit can be redrawn by applying Miller’s Theorem as under,
Rs G D Vo
Vin 5 k +  1 
(1–Av)C V gmvgs 1  C RD

Input pole frequency of amplifier,

f =
2π R s (1 - A v ) C

⇒ f = = 57.87 kHz
2π × 5 × 10 × 1 - ( -10 )  × 50 × 10-12
3 [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [41]
9 Step Response of An Amplifier
A measure of fidelity an amplifier is reproduction of an input signal. A step signal or square wave
signal can be easily generated & can be used to study response of an amplifier. There is close relation
between leading edge of step signal and high frequency response of amplifier. Similarly, there is close
relation between low frequency response and distance of flat top of a step signal. High frequency
response of amplifier measures ability of amplifier to reproduce fast varying high frequency signals
and low frequency response is measure of fidelity of amplifier for slow varying low frequency signal.
An important characteristics of step is fast or abrupt change at beginning and very small or negligible
variation during flat top position.

Rise Time :
Rise time is measure of high frequency response of an amplifier. When a step voltage is applied to
an amplifier, the response of amplifier to abrupt change of input is high frequency response. The
behavior of amplifier is similar to a low pass equivalent RC circuit as shown in Fig. 38.
R2 vo

+ + V
V 0.9V
vi C2 vo

– – tr
t t1 t2 t

Fig. 38 Response of low pass RC circuit to step signal

Where R2 is equivalent resistance amplifier & C2 is equivalent capacitance of amplifier at high
frequency. The response of high pass RC circuit is given by,
 -
R 2 C2

vo(t) =  1 - e  (162)

 
The rise time is time required when output voltage of amplifier changes from 10% to 90% of steady
value of output.
Let at t = t1, vo(t) = 0.1 V
 -
R 2 C2

⇒ 0.1 V = V 1 - e 
 (163)
 

⇒ t1 = 0.1 R2 C2 (164)
Let at t = t2, vo(t) = 0.9 V
 -
R 2 C2

⇒ 0.9 V = V 1 - e 
 (165)
 

⇒ t2 = 2.3 R2 C2 (166) [email protected]
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Rise time, tr = t2 – t1 = (2.3 – 1) R2 C2 = 2.2 R2 C2 (167)

For a low pass circuit upper cut off frequency is given by,
fH = (168)
2π C 2 R 2
⇒ C2 R2 = (169)
2π f H

∴ Rise time of amplifier, tr = (170)
2π f H
⇒ t r = (171)

Tilt or Sag :
Tilt or sag is measure of low frequency response of an amplifier. An amplifier at low frequency
behaves like a high pass RC circuit as shown in Fig. 39. When a step signal of amplitude
‘V’ is applied to a high pass filter, the output of circuit become,
R1C 1  t 
vo(t) = Ve ≈ V 1 -  (172)
 R1C1 
The output voltage at any time t1 becomes,
 t 
V′ = V 1 - 1 
 R1C1 
vi(t) vo(t)

+ + V
vi(t) R1 vo(t) V1

– – t1 t
t1 t

Fig. 39 Response of high pass RC circuit to step signal

V - V′ t1
% age sag or tilt, P = × 100= × 100 (173)
V R1C1

If input is a square wave with t1 =
T 1
Then P = × 100
= × 100 (174)
2 R1C1 2f R1 C1

For high pass filter, lower cutoff frequency, f L = (175)
2π R1C1 [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [43]
⇒ R1 C1 = (176)
2π f L

π fL
∴ P = × 100 (177)

The output amplifier for square wave input becomes as under,


Fig. 40 Response of high pass RC circuit to a square wave input signal

Example 6
An amplifier is assumed to have a single-pole high-frequency transfer function. The rise time of its
output response to a step function input is 35 nsec. The upper –3 dB frequency (in MHz) for the
amplifier to a sinusoidal input is approximately at
(a) 4.55 (b) 10
(c) 20 (d) 28.6
Solution Ans.(b)
The rise time of an amplifier response to step input is given by,
tr =

⇒ fH =

given, tr = 35 n sec.
⇒ fH =
35 × 10-9

⇒ f H = 10MHz

10. Noise
When no signal is applied to an amplifier a small output is still obtained from output of the amplifier
which is called amplifier noise. Noise is hiss or crackle sound is case of audio amplifier and it is called
snow in case of a video amplifier. The various noise sources found in an amplifier are discussed as [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [44]
1. Thermal or Johnson Noise
The electrons in a conductor possess varying amount of thermal energy which produces small noise
potential within the conductor. These random fluctuations produced by thermal agitation of electrons
are called Thermal or Johnson Noise. The rms value of thermal noise voltage of is given by,
Vn = 4k TRB

Where, k = Baltzmann constant in J/°K

T = Resistor temperature is °K
R = Resistance
B = fH – fL = Bandwidth in Hz
The thermal noise gives same noise power per bandwidth over complete bandwidth. Such distribution
giving same noise per bandwidth over complete bandwidth is called white noise.
If such resistor is connected at input of an audio amplifier then there is amplified noise at output
of the amplifier. Thermal noise can be reduced by reducing the bandwidth of amplifier & noise
resistance at input of amplifier.

Note : A transistor does not generate white noise except over midband region. The amount of noise generated
depends on center frequency, Q-point & source resistance

2. Shot or Schottky Noise

The fluctuation in number of minority carriers flowing through base from emitter to collector junction
of a BJT is the source of noise called shot noise. The rms current due to shot noise is given by,
In = 2q Idc B

Where Idc = DC current

B = Bandwidth
If RL is load resistance then noise voltage of magnitude VL = In RL appears across the load.
3. Transistor Noise or Transit Time Noise
This noise appears due to random motion of carriers crossing emitter and collector junctions and due
to random recombination of holes and electrons in the base region. There is partition effect arising
from random fluctuation in division of current between collector and base.
4. Flicker Noise
A low frequencies noise varies in proportion to 1/f and is called excess or flicker noise. Flicker noise
is proportional to emitter current and temperature. The source of flicker is not clearly known but it
is thought to be caused by recombination and generation of carriers on surface of the crystal.
Note : (i) At intermediate frequencies noise is independent of frequencies. This white noise is caused by
bulk resistance of semiconductor & statistical variations of the currents (Shot noise).
(ii) At high frequencies noise figure increases with frequency due to decreasing power gain with
frequency. [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [45]
Noise Figure :
Noise figure is the ratio of the noise power at output of the circuit to the noise power at input which
would be obtained in the same bandwidth if the only source of noise were thermal noise in the
internal resistance of the signal source.
Mathematically, it is ratio of signal t noise ratio at input to the signal to noise ratio at output of the
S / N pi
NF = 10log pi
Spo / N po
Where Sp represents signal power and Np represents noise power.

Noise in FET :
The FETs exhibit excellent noise characteristics. The main source of noise in FET is thermal noise
of conducting channel. Shot noise is caused by gate leakage current and 1/f noise caused by surface
Note : Noise figure of FET is independent of Q-point.

rrr [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [46]

Q.1 α–cut off frequency of a bipolar junction transistor
(a) Increases with the increase in base width
(b) Increases with the increases in emitter width
(c) Increases with increase in the collector width
(d) Increases with decrease in the base width
Q.2 The fT of a BJT is related to its gm, Cπ and Cµ as follows:
Cπ + Cµ eπ ( Cπ + Cµ )
fT =
(a) (b) fT =
gm gm

gm gm
fT =
(c) (d) fT =
Cπ + Cµ 2π ( Cπ + Cµ )

Q.3 From a measurement of the rise time of the output pulse of an amplifier whose input is a small amplitude
square wave, one can estimate the following parameter of the amplifier :
(a) Gain-bandwidth product (b) Slow rate
(c) Upper 3-dB frequency (d) Lower3-dB frequency
Q.4 The current gain of a bipolar transistor drops at high frequencies bacause of
(a) transistor capacitances (b) high current effects in the base
(c) parasitic inductive elements (d) the early effect
Q.5 An npn BJT has gm = 38 mA/V, Cµ = 10 −14
F, Cπ = 4×10−13
F, and DC gain β0 = 90. For this transistor
fT and fβ are
(a) fT = 1.64 × 108Hz and fβ = 1.47 × 1010Hz (b) fT = 1.47 × 1010Hz and fβ = 1.64 × 108Hz
(c) fT = 1.33 × 1012Hz and fβ = 1.47 × 1010Hz (d) fT= 1.47 × 1010Hz and fβ = 1.33 × 1012Hz
Q.6 Generally, the gain of a transistor amplifier falls at high frequencies due to the
(a) internal capacitances of the device (b) coupling capacitor at the input
(c) skin effect (d) coupling capacitor at the output
Q.7 A small signal source vi(t) = A cos 20t + B sin 106t is applied to a transistor amplifier as shown below.
The transistor has β = 150 and hie = 3kΩ. Which expression best approximates v0(t) ? [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [47]

100 k 3 k
vo (t)
100 nF
vi (t)
100 nF
900  10 µF
20 k

(a) v0 (t) = − 1500 (A cos 20t + B sin 106 t) (b) v0 (t) = − 150 (A cos 20t + B sin 106 t)
(c) v0 (t) = − 1500B sin 106 t (d) v0 (t) = − 150B sin 106 t
Q.8 A pulse having a rise time of 40 ns is passed through a dc amplifier with a bandwidth of
12 MHz. The rise time of the pulse at the output of the pulse at the output of the amplifier nearly equals
(a) 30 ns (b) 40 ns
(c) 50 ns (d) 80 ns
Q.9 In the circuit shown, the voltage source V(t) = 15 + 0.1 sin (100 t) volts. The PMOS transistor is
biased such that it is in saturation with its gate-source capacitance being 4 nF and its transconductance
at the operating point being 1 mA/V. Other parasitic impedances of the MOSFET may be ignored. An
external capacitor of capacitance 2 nF is connected across the PMOS transistor as shown. The input
impedance in mega ohm as seen by the voltage source is ............ MΩ.

V(t) 2nF PMOS

2 k

Q.10 The Miller effect in the context of a Common Emitter amplifier explains
(a) an increase in the low-frequency cutoff frequency
(a) an increase in the high-frequency cutoff frequency
(c) a decrease in the low-frequency cutoff frequency
(d) a decrease in the high-frequency cutoff frequency
GATE (EC-I/2017/1M)
Q.11 Common emitter amplifier shown in fig. below has CC1 = CE = CC2 = 1 µF, RB = 100 kΩ, RS = 5 kΩ,
RL = 5 kΩ, RC = 8 kΩ,, RE = 1 kΩ. The transconductance (gm) of BJT is 40 mA/V and input resistance
(rπ) is 2.5 kΩ. [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [48]

Vs +


The cutoff frequency of amplifier due to CE is......

(a) 1.5 kHz (b) 3.8 kHz
(c) 2.35 kHz (d) 6.2 kHz
Q.12 In the circuit shown below, capacitors C1 and C2 are very large and are shorts at the input frequency.
vi is a small signal input. The gain magnitude |vo/vi| at 10 Mrad/s is
+ 5V

10H 1nF

Q1 C2
2.7V +– vo 2k
vi ~ C1

(a) maximum (b) minimum

(c) unity (d) zero


Q.1 Ans.(d)
The β-cutoff frequency and α-cutoff frequencies of BJT are related by,
fβ = (1– α) fα
⇒ fα = fβ
1− α

When basewidth of BJT is decreased the carriers recombination in the base region reduces. So the
common base gain, α, increases. Therefore (1 – α) decreases which in turn increases fα and vice- [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [49]
versa. Hence fα increases with decrease in the base width.
Q.2 Ans.(d)
The Short circuit unity gain frequency of BJT is given by

where, Cπ = Ce = Emitter junction capacitance
Cµ = Cc = Collector junction capacitance
Q.3 Ans.(c)
The rise time of output pulse of an amplifier to small amplitude square wave is given by
tr =

where fH = 3 – dB upper cutoff frequency.

So, rise time can be used to find upper 3-dB frequency of amplifier.
Q.4 Ans.(a)
The gain of a BJT drops at high frequency due to transistors capacitance Cπ and Cµ.
Q.5 Ans.(b)
The short circuit unity gain frequency of BJT is given by
f T =
2π(Cπ + Cµ )

Given,gm = 38 mA/V, Cµ = 10−14 F, Cπ = 4×10−13 F and β0 = 90

38 × 10−3
⇒ f T =
2π(10−14 + 4 × 10−13 )

⇒ f T = 1.47 × 1010 Hz

The unity gain frequency interms of β-cutoff frequency is given by
f T = hfe fβ = βfβ
⇒ βfβ = f T
⇒ fβ = f T / β = 1.47 × 1010 / 90
⇒ fβ = 1.64 × 108Hz

Q.6 Ans.(a)
The gain of transistor amplifier falls at high frequencies due to the internal capacitances of the device

Q.7 Ans.(d) [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [50]

R1 =100 k Rc =3 k
vo (t)
Co =100 nF
vi (t)
Ci =100 nF

Re =900  Ce =10 µF
R2 =20 k

Lower cutoff frequency of above amplifier is given by,

fL = ......(i)
2πCi (R s + R i )

Here, Rs = 0, Ci = 100nF and Ri = R1||R2||hie

⇒ Ri = 100k ||20k||3k = 2.5 k
Putting above values in equation (i), we have,
fL = = 636 Hz
2π × 100 × 10−9 × 2.5 × 103

Given input signal, vi(t) = A cos 20t + B sin 106t

⇒ vi(t) = A cos 2πf1t + B sin 2πf2t
where, f1 = = 3.18Hz

and f2 = = 159kHz

As frequency f1 is less than the cutoff frequency of the amplifier so component of input with frequency
f1 is blocked by the amplifier only compenent with frequency f2 is amplified. For second component
the coupling and bypass capacitors behave like short circuit. Replacing the BJT with its equivalent
h-parameter model the ac equivalent circuit of amplifier can be drawn as under,
ib hic
+ + +
R R2 ib
vi 1 vin RC vo
– – –

Base current, ib =
h ie [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [51]
From output circuit,
βR C
vo = – βib × RC = − ·vi
h ie

150 × 3k
⇒ vo = − ·Bsin106 t

⇒ vo = − 150B sin 106 t

Q.8 Ans.(a)
The rise time of an amplifier for pulse inputs is given by,
tr =

where, fH is upper cutoff frequency of amplifier.

Given, fH = 12 MHz
⇒ tr = ≈ 30 n sec
12 × 106

Q.9 Ans.: 1
AC equivalent circuit of given amplifier can be drawn as under,

– vsg +
~ Cds


Above circuit can be redrawn by applying Miller’s Theorem as under,

V(t) ~ Zin Cgs (1–Av)Cds
RD 1   Cds
 A v 

Here Av represents voltage gain Vo/Vsg. For the given circuit, [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [52]

 
 
vD  1  ≈ g R =−1 × 10−3 × 2 × 103
Av = ≈ g m R D ||
vsg   1   m D

 jw  1 −  Cds 
  Av  
⇒ Av = –2
Impedance seen by the source,
1 1
Zin = ||
jwCgs jw (1 − A v ) Cds

⇒ Zin =

Where Ceq = Cgs + (1 – Av) Cds

⇒ Ceq = 4 + [1 – (–2)] × 2 = 10 nF
Given, input voltage, V(t) = 15 + 0.5 sin 100 t
Frequency of signal, w = 100 rad/s

1 1
∴ Zin = = − j1MΩ
jw Ceq j100 × 10 × 10−9

or |Zin| = 1 MΩ

Q.10 Ans.(d)
The Miller’s effect increases the effective capacitances of the circuit on input as well as output circuit
of amplifier. The increase in effective capacitance results in increase in time constant and decrease in
higher cutoff frequency of the amplifier.
Q.11 Ans.(c)
The ac equivalent of the given amplifier can be drawn as under,
Rs CC1 ib CC2
Vs Vo


RE CE [email protected]
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Cut off frequency due to CE is obtained by neglecting effects of CC1 & CC2 or replacing these
capacitors by short circuit.

Cutoff frequency of to CE is given by,

fC3 =
2π R eq3CE

Here, Req3 is equivalent resistance seen across CE.

 rπ + R S || R B 
Req3 = R E ||  
 1+ β 
The resistances of base circuit are reduced by factor of 1+b when referred to emitter circuit.
Gain of BJT, β = gm rπ = 40 × 2.5 = 100
5 + 100
 2.5 + kΩ
1 RS × R B  5 + 100 = 72.6Ω
×  rπ +  =
1+ β  RS + R B  101

1000 × 72.6
Req3 = = 67.68Ω
1000 + 22.6

∴ fC3 = 2π × 67.68 × 1 × 10−6 = 2.35kHz
+ 5V
12. Ans.(a)
10H 1nF

Q1 C2
2.7V +– vo 2k
vi ~ C1

Ac equivalent circuit of amplifier,

+ +
vi ~ vbe = vi r gm vi RL L R C
– –

Resonant frequency of output stage, [email protected]
Frequency Response EDC & ANALOG ELECTRONICS [54]
1 1
ωo = = = 10 M rad/sec
LC 10 × 10 6 × 1 × 10−9

Output voltage of amplifier,

V0 = (Z || RL) gm vi
∴ Voltage gain of amplifier,
vo ZRL
Av = × gm
vi Z + R L
⇒ Av = × gm
1 1

At resonant frequency impedance of parallel RLC network is maximum. So Z is maximum at

ω = 10 M rad/sec. So, is minimum and voltage gain is maximum at ω = 10 M rad/sec.

Shortcut :- Given amplifier is tuned amplifier which has maximum voltage gain at resonant
frequency of collector circuit. Given frequency is equal to resonant frequency of tank circuit so at
given frequency voltage gain of amplifier is maximum.

rrr [email protected]

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