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Torts: Intentional Torts

Major purposes of tort law:

1. To prevent “taking law into own hands”
2. To deter wrong conduct
3. To encourage responsibility
4. To restore injured parties to original condition, as far as the law can

Three kinds of torts:

1. Intentional
a. Bad actors liable for punitive damages
b. For 5 main torts of trespass (assault, battery, trespass, trespass to
chattels, false imprisonment), intent to commit one intentional tort is
transferable to another tort (e.g., assault to battery) as well as to
another person (intend to hit one person and hit another).
i. An intent to cause a harm identified in any of the torts of battery,
assault, false imprisonment, trespass to land, or trespass to
chattels is sufficient as proof of intent for any of these same
2. Negligent conduct
3. Strict liability because of public policy
a. Blasting, etc. High risk, therefore more liability.

Why is tort law based on fault?

- To prevent intentional harm/intentional negligent
- Creating societal conformity (in efficient, inexpensive way)
How? By allowing people to sue each other. (cheap for gov’t)
Be careful/ self interest: Who is regulating whose behavior?
-ethics, morality
- Who decides: Determine what the conformity will be: by what we value
o Citizens don’t determine this, but elite group of common law judges

Elements of intentional torts

1. Voluntary act
2. Mental state must be purposeful or knowing.
a. Purposeful: Conscious desire to achieve the result [Subjective
b. Knowing: Actual knowledge to a substantial certainty that the result
will occur. [Subjective Standard]
c. Reckless: Actual awareness of a substantial risk that the result will
occur [Subjective Standard]
d. Negligent: A reasonable person in similar circumstances should have
been aware of an unreasonable risk of harm.
i. Objective standard: the Reasonable Person
3. Particular element, dependent on situations.
4. Also, causation (covered in detail in negligence).

Who’s liable?

- Insane people are responsible for their torts except when tort requires malice
(mental state) they aren’t capable of.
- Children can be held liable for their torts, too, depending on their age and activity.
- Why? Policy: so that innocent Ps can be compensated.

Transferred Intent
- intent can be transferred from tort to tort and from person to person.
o Only the five torts of trespass
 Assault
 Battery
 Trespass to land
 Trespass to chattels
 False Imprisonment

1. To cause
2. With a purposeful or knowing mental state
3. Intent to cause harmful or offense contact
4. And the contact occurs

Underlying social value: personal dignity is important.

Can be battery, even if person isn’t touched directly – Fisher v. Carrousel Motor Hotel,
Inc: P was called Negro and plate was snatched out of his hand. Was invasion of
person, though no physical harm done to him.

 Person does not have to be aware of the battery (surgery)

1. To cause
2. With a purposeful or knowing mental state
3. an imminent apprehension of a harmful or offensive contact on the part of the
4. And a reasonable person in similar circumstances would also have had this
Underlying social value: people have a right to live free from fear.
Must have apprehension of imminent harmful or offensive contact. Don’t have to be

 Person must be aware of the assault. (dignitary tort)

 If based on a condition not yet occurring, there’s no assault (there’s no immediacy).

False Imprisonment
- To Cause
- Unlawful Restraint
o Either by force or threat of force
 Threat of future action not enough
 Submitting to persuasion isn’t enough
o Must be aware of the restraint
 Dignitary tort
o Can’t be any reasonable means of escape
- Of a person
- By another
- Without legal justification (unlawful)

 Person must be aware of the restraint. (dignitary tort)

Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress

To cause mental distress to another person

- must be intentional
 Purposeful: conscious desire to achieve result
 Knowing: knowledge to a substantial certainty that result will
 ALSO Reckless: Actual awareness of a substantial risk that the
result will occur [This makes this intentional tort unusual] –
easiest to prove, because probability is lower.
o must know other person is there, seeing it
o must be excessive conduct
o must be strong causal connection between the action and the distress

 Intent not transferable (liability would extend too far).

 New, evolving tort (there is some fear, resistance to it).
 Some jurisdictions require physical manifestations
 conduct should be extreme & outrageous
 Thick skin standard – to protect against too many lawsuits [dignity v. freedom of

Trespass to Land
- Intentional (purposeful/knowing) action
- To cause
- Unauthorized/unlawful entry on land (close) [of the other – don’t have to know it’s
another’s to prove trespass!]
o Above and below the ground
o Access can be limited by time
o Access can be limited by purpose
- Nominal damages sufficient for intentional torts
o What is nominal damage? Typically $1.
o Function: but can also attach punitive damages of amount determined by
- Actual damages – actually realized
o Include medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages, loss of use or
enjoyment (if talking about property)

 In environmental cases, must show actual and substantial damages

(e.g., particles on land) – industry more important now than
 Space above and below land (what’s reasonable) is trespass.
 Any damage leading from tort of trespass can be sued for under

Trespass to Chattels

1. Purposeful or Knowing Mental State

2. Meddling with chattel in the possession of another
a. Chattel must be damaged, owner must be deprived of use
b. No knowledge necessary – intent applies to meddling, not to knowing
whether it’s someone else’s chattel.
i. High burden on people to be absolutely certain the chattel they’re
taking is theirs.
3. Damages – enough to deprive owner of use.

Case: dog snapped at little girl who’d pulled on his ears. Dog’s owner alleged trespass
to chattels, but court said no. No damage to dog.

Case: Compuserve v. Cyber Promotions Inc.: Tresspas to chattels because of spam.

Ds meddled with the property of Compuserve.
1. Intent – Purposeful or Knowing
2. Dominion or control over chattel (serious interference)
3. D can be liable even if it’s an innocent behavior – no knowledge necessary.

Closely related to Trespass to Chattels – no hard line between trespass to chattels and
Conversion: when a P loses something, D finds and uses it as if it’s his own. (Converts
for use)

Restatement 2d Definition: Intentional exercise of dominion or control over a chattel

which so seriously interferes with the right of another to control it that the actor may
justly be required to pay the other the full value of the chattel.

How to convert something:

- acquiring possession (stealing
- damaging or altering (intentionally running over animal)
- using it
- receiving it (possessing stolen goods – even if unknowing!)
- disposing of it
- misdelivering it so that it’s lost
- refusing to surrender it
Defenses to Intentional Torts

- it is always a defense to prove that one element of a tort doesn’t exist.

- P must prove every element of a tort to a preponderance of the evidence to win.

A defense of privilege
Look at the mental state of P
Consent is limited by its scope

Elements of Consent:
1. P must manifest consent in words or conduct
2. A reasonable person under the circumstances would have believed there was
consent (and D actually believed it)
a. Can be express or implied
b. Can’t be induced by fraud

- Consent can come from another or be implied by another in an emergency

- Consent is limited by scope
o Of original consent (ear operation)
o We value people’s choice
- Law outlaws some types of consent defenses
o Reflecting public policies (??)
- Consent must be given before the act (conduct or result)


- Case: ship vaccination case – she consented.

- Case: football player – he didn’t consent to extent of damage – not “rule of the
- Case: ear operation: no consent for operation on second ear.
- Case: illegal prizefight: P consented to the blow that killed him.
o Shouldn’t compensate people doing something illegal.

Self Defense

- D must have been threatened with imminent threat or use of physical force
- Force must have been reasonably apprehended by D
o Must be actual apprehension (subjective
o Must be something a reasonable person would have believed in similar
o D can be mistaken, but if a reasonable person would believe it, it works as
a defense.
 P’s intent is irrelevant. It’s what the D believes.
 D has burden of proof.
- Force is necessary
o Only degree of force necessary to stop the P, in proportion.
o Verbal threats aren’t force, must be serious threat
 Like assault & battery

Defense of Others

- Can defend third persons

o Centers again on reasonable force in the circumstances
o “Stand in the shoes of the victim”
o Must actually believe the threat – actual and reasonable.
o Reasonable Mistake – disagreement in approach.
 Some courts hold that if someone intervenes and helps the
aggressor, then he’s liable.
• Why impose requirement on person that comes to rescue?
Don’t want people intervening without knowledge. Create
higher burden for discovery.

Defense of Property

- Invasion of the property

- Force must be reasonable to situation as it appears to the D
- What constitutes reasonable force is up to the jury
o Only what’s necessary to defend property
 Before use force, you must ask the person to leave.
• Request to leave doesn’t have to be made when the conduct
of the intruder would indicate to a reasonable person that it
would be useless or that it couldn’t be made safely in time.
- If intruder threatens personal safety of D, D may use deadly force (if it’s
- There’s no protection for a mistake – the property owner acts at his own peril.
- Case: the shotgun trap – Ds are not allowed to put up lethal traps.

Defense of Public Necessity

A reasonable person in similar circumstances would believe the action was necessary.

- An apparent necessity that

- A reasonable person in similar circumstances (in good faith)
- Would see as necessary to prevent
- Imminent danger to the greater good – needs of the man outweigh the needs of
the few (or the one)
Case: Surocco v. Geary – blowing up house during SF fire. D defends saying he
destroyed the building in order to stop the progress of the fire & court agrees.

The private rights of the individual must yield to the considerations of society.

Defense of Private Necessity

A partial defense – not a defense from liability. Simply changes what damages are

- imminent danger
- apparent necessity
o risk is real, action is necessary
- reasonable person standard
- have liability – but limited to actual damages, no punitive damages, no nominal

Property you’re acting to protect is more valuable than the property destroyed. (Not for
the greater public good, but for private purposes.)

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