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Lesson plans

A1 Movers Listening Part 4 – Teacher’s Notes

This activity gives students practice in describing pictures and in listening for specific information in the
form of a game.

Time  15–20 minutes.

Materials  A1 Movers Sample Paper downloaded from the website 
 A1 Movers Listening Part 4 recording

Aims:  to introduce students to Part 4 of the A1 Movers Listening paper and to the task
 to give students practice in describing pictures and differences between pictures.

1. Introduce the activity
• Choose 5 or 6 themes from the combined thematic vocabulary list (in the Cambridge
English: Young Learners 2018 Handbook for Teachers).
• Write these on the board or dictate them to the students.
• Call out a letter of the alphabet.
• In groups of three or four, students have to think of as many words as possible starting with
this letter for each of the themes.
•  Set a time limit of 90 seconds.
• Repeat with two or three different letters.
This part of the Listening test often covers a wide range of vocabulary and children
should be confident with all the words on the Pre A1 Starters and A1 Movers vocabulary
2. Sample Task – game
• Hand out a copy of the Sample Task to each student.
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use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms and Conditions.
• Ask a student to read the question for the example.
Give the answer, i.e. it’s a story about a boy and some dolphins.
• Elicit from students which picture this is (the one on the left).
Elicit sentences to describe the other two pictures, e.g.
It’s about sharks. It’s about fish.

• Elicit the three possible answers to questions 1–5, making use of all three pictures each time.
• Make sure students remember appropriate vocabulary and use the past tense correctly.
It is a good test strategy to look at all the pictures before you listen and think about
what you can see (in English!). This helps to prepare children for what they are going to
• Put students into pairs. Tell them they are going to play a game.
• They should put a book up between them so they can’t see each other’s worksheets.
• Each student chooses one of the pictures for each question as his/her answer, and marks it in
pencil. They can choose any picture they want.
• They think about how they are going to describe the picture they have chosen as an answer to
the question (but they don’t write anything), e.g. for question 2, they could say Nick wants to
wear clothes for a pirate / clothes for a doctor / clown clothes depending on the picture they’ve
• Students then take turns in asking and answering the questions and in marking the picture
which matches their friend’s answer.
• Monitor and help students if necessary.
• When they have finished, students check if they have marked the correct picture by looking at
each other’s worksheets.
3. Sample Task – complete the task
• Tell students that they are going to use the same pictures to do a Sample Task from the A1
Movers test.
• Tell students they are going to listen which will give them the answer to each question.
• They have to listen and decide which picture is being described and tick the picture.
• Students could label the pictures A, B and C, as in the exam task.
• Play the recording or read the transcript aloud to the class.
• Do the example together to check that students know what do to.
• After you have listened once, students check their answers in pairs.
• Remind students that they can decide on an answer by crossing out ones that don’t fit, as well
as by choosing the correct one.
• Play the recording/read the transcript again so students can check their answers.
© UCLES 2017. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom
use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms and Conditions.
• Before you check with the class, tell them not to leave a question
blank if they don’t know the answer. They should always guess.

A1 Movers Listening Part 4 – Answer Key

Key to Sample Task
© UCLES 2017. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom
use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms and Conditions.
Transcript for Step 3:
Original can be found in the A1 Movers Listening Sample Paper, which can be downloaded from:

Part 4.
Look at the pictures.
Listen and look. There is one example
R What is the DVD about?
Fch Dad, come and watch this DVD with me.
M What’s it about?
Fch It’s a story about the sea.
M What – sharks and fish and things?
Fch No, it’s about a boy and some dolphins.
R Can you see the tick? Now you listen and tick the box.

R One. Who is Vicky’s piano teacher?

Fch Oh, look. There’s my piano teacher.
Mch The man with the moustache?
Fch Yes. And he’s very thin.
Mch Is he nice?
Fch Yes. Very.

R Two. What clothes does Nick want to wear at school today?

Mch Mum, we can go to school in funny clothes today. You know, like a pirate or something.
F Great. What do you want to wear, Nick?
Mch I want to wear those clown clothes from my birthday.
F They’re dirty. I know. Get your dad’s white coat and you can be a doctor.
Mch OK. (reluctantly)

R Three. Where did Peter find the shell?

F This shell’s beautiful, Peter. You can find lots of beautiful shells on the beach.
Mch Yeah, and sometimes you find them near waterfalls.
F That’s right.
Mch Yeah. But I found this one in a different place. In a big forest. Isn’t that great?
F Wow, I am surprised.

R Four. What is Daisy doing now

F Is Daisy getting dressed? We must go.
M She’s eating her breakfast.
F Oh, that’s good.
M Yes. I woke her up when you were in the bathroom.
© UCLES 2017. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom
use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms and Conditions.
R Five. What sport did Anna get a cup for?
Fch Mum, Anna got a cup today for sport.
F Did she? She’s very good at skating. Was it for that?
Fch No it was for table tennis.
F That’s great.
Fch Yes. And her sister got one for the long jump, too.

R Now listen to Part 4 again.

That is the end of Part 4.

A1 Movers Speaking Part 4 – Sample Task

Original can be found in the A1 Movers Listening Sample Paper, which can be downloaded from:
© UCLES 2017. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom
use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms and Conditions.
© UCLES 2017. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom
use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms and Conditions.
© UCLES 2017. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom
use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms and Conditions.

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