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Arrangement of shapes in heap in SFBT

In 1856, Edouard Seguin (1812-1880) developed a simple performance-based

intelligence test using form boards to evaluate eye–hand coordination, shape
concept, visual perception, and cognitive ability through nonverbal means.
The Seguin Form Board Test is based on the single factor theory of intelligence,
measures speed and accuracy. It is useful in evaluating a child's eye-hand co-
ordination, shape-concept, visual perception and cognitive ability. The test
primarily used to assess visuo-motor skills.
Blocks are put just below the lower border of the board towards the subject’s
The Board’s position is so placed that the star is towards the examiner. With
the subject watching, the ten pieces are stacked in three piles, starting with
the rectangle, in the order shown by the numbers below:

Top Examiner’s left Middle Examiner’s Right

Hexagon (3) Triangle (7) Diamond (10)

Oval (2) Cross (6) Circle (9)

Square (5)

Bottom Rectangle (1) Half-Circle (4) Star (8)

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