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Grade and Class: English 10

Unit Concept: Identity
Unit Essential Skill: Personal Expression

Day 1 (Thursday) Day 2 (Monday) Day 3 (Wednesday)

Lesson What is Identity? Putting the “I” in Identity What is Intersectionality?

Title/Content - Definition of identity - More on identity - Definition of
- What makes up an intersectionality

Essential What makes up one’s identity? What makes up one’s identity? What makes up one’s identity?
What makes up my own What makes up my own What makes up my own identity?
identity? identity?
What makes identity

Skills - I can identify parts that - I can identify parts that - I can identify
make up one’s identity. make up one’s identity. intersectionality in
- I can brainstorm parts - I can reflect upon my someone else’s identity.
about my own identity. own identity.

Instructional Hook on Identity -- Class Introduce Performative Review of Identity

Strategies and Wordle Word Art Assessment - Maybe an entrance ticket
Activities - To introduce students to - At the beginning of class, in the form of a padlet,
identity, we will ask we will hand out the unit sticky note wall, etc.
them to submit 2-3 assessments, talk about - think-pair-share?
adjectives that they it with students, and
would use to describe answer any questions. Lesson on Intersectionality
themselves. - We will be working - Watch the TED Talk on
- We will compile these in toward this throughout Intersectionality by
a class Wordle and talk the entire unit, starting Kimberle Crenshaw
about the most common with our journal writing - Analyze examples of
attributes that unite us, today, which is a intersectionality in pieces
as well as how we might brainstorm or draft for the of expression as a class
be different. writing component of this - Maybe students can then
- This will then lead into project. explore a text that they
talking about what choose with a partner and
makes up someone’s Exploring Identity Activity fill out a graphic organizer
identity -- did we include - Read “I am a Black on the two identities that
everything here or did Woman” by Mari Evan in overlap in that person’s
we maybe miss groups and analyze what life? (can be our
something? Evans focuses on about assessment for the day)
her identity and which
Exploration of Identity details are most powerful Mari Evans – “I am a Black
Lesson - As a class, we could talk Woman” (1975)
- Slideshow introducing about how the poet could - We will revisit this poem as
the definition of identity adapt this to become a a class to talk about the
- Show examples of piece of prose. intersectionality in the
identity including videos, - In those groups, students author’s identity
poems, songs, etc. will talk about what from - As a class and in groups
- Talk about what makes their “I Am” poem they (teacher-led interactions
up the identity of those think would be powerful and instruction), we will fill
people and craft a class to write about before out a graphic organizer on
list of what makes up an heading into the writing the two identities explored
identity -- this will help portion of the class. in this piece and how they
them when doing their “I interact with one another to
Am” poem next First reflective journal form a more complex
- Students will use their “I identity.
“I Am” poem Am” poems to write a
- Introduce “I Am” poem journal entry about one Exit Ticket
with our teacher aspect of their identity - Brainstorm: How do your
example and talk about that they connect with multiple identities impact
what we included in the most the person that you are?
ours (like we did with - Prompt: Choose one
the expressions of aspect of your identity
identity in the lesson) that comes from your “I
- Give students class time Am” poem. Write a
to write their own “I Am” paragraph or two that
poem reflects on that part of
your identity in detail.

Resources - Powerpoint for Identity - Student copies of the - TED Talk by Kimberle
Lesson final project sheet and Crenshaw:
- “I Am” poem mentor text rubrics - Mari Evans – “I am a Black
(by the teacher) - Powerpoint for Woman” (1975) poem
- Students will need Exploration Lesson - Powerpoint for
computers for the - Mari Evans – “I am a Intersectionality Lesson
Wordle and to work on Black Woman” (1975) - Exit Ticket
their poem poem
- Students will need to
start a google drive folder
as their “journal” to start
writing today
Assessment “I Am” Poem Reflective Journal (Identity) Exit Ticket
- The “I Am” poem will - Formative Assessment - Formative Assessment
serve as today’s - Prompt: Choose one - Brainstorm: How do your
formative assessment aspect of your identity multiple identities impact
and will assess if that comes from your “I the person that you are?
students can “reflect on Am” poem. Write a
their identity through paragraph or two that
writing” (D3). reflects on that part of
- These will serve as a your identity in detail.
brainstorm for
tomorrow's writing
assignment, so they will
just be checked for
completion and

Day 4 (Friday) Day 5 (Tuesday) Day 6 (Thursday)

Lesson Putting the “I” in My Changing Identity Pulling Identity All Together
Title/Content Intersectionality
- Ensure that students - The goal of this day is to
- Definition and know that identity is fluid ensure students
understanding of as it can change and understand the
intersectionality/complex evolve over time and complexities of identity and
identities circumstance have brainstormed ideas
for their writing project.

Essential What makes up one’s identity? How does identity change What makes up one’s identity?
Questions across time and space?
What makes up my own What makes up my own identity?
What makes identity
What makes identity intersectional?
How does identity change across
time and space?

Skills - I can identify - I can identify how other - I can explain how my
intersectionality in people’s identities identity has developed or
someone else’s identity. change across space changed through the
- I can begin exploring the and time. course of my life.
complexity of my own

Instructional Exploring the Complexity of Lesson on Change Third Reflective Journal

Strategies and Our Identities using Moth - Hook: do you act (Change)
Activities Episodes differently in certain - The teacher will prompt
- As a class, we will environments? Have you students to think about
watch each of the Moth become a different what we did last class and
Episodes. person as you have ask them to think about
- After each one, the gotten older? their own identity.
teacher will start a group - First, we will read and - Prompt: Think about how
discussion about the discuss an article on your identity has changed
identity of that particular what code-switching is over time or currently
author and then prompt and why it is used. changes across different
students with a question - environments. Write 1-2
to talk about in their g/sections/codesw paragraphs explaining this
table groups (x3). itch/2013/04/13/17 part of your identity.
7126294/five- Consider if you have to
Second Reflective Journal reasons-why- code-switch, how you have
(Intersectionality) people-code- evolved as a student or
- Using the feedback switch athlete, or how past
given on their exit - Students will then read generations have
tickets from the day and annotate the short influenced who you are
before, students will story, “Woman Hollering today.
write a journal exploring Creek” by Sandra
a more complex part of Cisneros Prepping for Writing
their identity. This might - The teacher will review the
build off of the previous final performance
journal or could be 711205/cisneros-woman- assessment requirements,
something entirely new. hc-_02_v._popescu.pdf the rubrics, and introduce
- Prompt: Explore two - Once students have examples (either past
parts of your identity annotated the text, they student examples of
that interact to form who will individually answer teacher-made examples
you are in a paragraph one discussion question - Students will then have
or two. How is your about how the author time to go through their
identity complex? Think represents her identity in journal and pick one that
about gender, race, age, this piece. they would like to
your role in family, your elaborate on for Part 1 of
place in school, etc. Part 2 of Lesson: Counting the final project
Descent - Once they choose their
- As a class, we will watch topic and get the teacher’s
the poem read aloud. approval, they can begin
- As a class (WE Do), we writing.
will fill out a family tree - Students will be
together that tracks the responsible for a full draft
poet’s family ties and (two pages) by the middle
how those multiple of next class. If they don’t
generations have get to a good point in their
impacted his identity in draft today during class,
the present. they will need to do some
work on it over the

**Note: this day will serve as a

catch-up day during which the
teacher can work with small
groups for remediation and
students can start prepping for
the writing workshop for the next

Resources - Moth episodes and - Code-switching article: - Virtual or physical journals

discussion prompts for for student writing
each in a PowerPoint ons/codeswitch/2013/04/ - Examples of the final
- 13/177126294/five- project (from past students
stories/prom reasons-why-people- or the teacher)
- code-switch - Student rubrics for the
stories/jenny - Counting Descent Poem performance assessment
- Read Aloud Video and
stories/unusual- lesson PowerPoint
- Virtual or physical .com/watch?
journals for student v=FdN4ITOE2Rw
writing - Virtual or physical
journals for student

Assessment Second Reflective Journal Annotation and Discussion Third Reflective Journal
(Intersectionality) Response Question (Change)
- Formative assessment - Formative Assessment - Prompt: Think about how
- Prompt: Explore two - Once students have your identity has changed
parts of your identity annotated the code- over time or currently
that interact to form who switching text, they will changes across different
you are in a paragraph individually answer one environments. Write 1-2
or two. How is your discussion question paragraphs explaining this
identity complex? Think about how the author part of your identity.
about gender, race, age, represents her identity in Consider if you have to
your role in family, your this piece. code-switch, how you have
place in school, etc. evolved as a student or
athlete, or how past
generations have
influenced who you are

Day 7 (Monday) Day 8 (Wednesday) Day 9 (Friday)

Lesson Writing Workshopping -- Writing Workshopping -- Writing Workshopping --

Title/Content Peer Review Teacher Conferences Teacher Conferences

- Students will mostly be - This will mostly be a - This will mostly be a

given writing time writing day writing day
- They will also be taught - Students will receive - Students will receive
best practices for peer teacher feedback on their teacher feedback on their
reviewing writing writing

Essential How can I improve my writing How can I continue to improve How can I continue to improve
Questions with peer feedback? my writing with teacher my writing with teacher
feedback? feedback?

Skills I can give constructive I can receive constructive I can receive constructive
feedback on my partner’s feedback from my teacher on my feedback from my teacher on my
essay. own essay. own essay.

I can receive constructive I can implement the teacher's I can implement the teacher's
feedback from a partner on my feedback within my essay. feedback within my essay.
own essay.

Instructional Mini-Lesson: How Authors Mini-Lesson: Rubric Review Mini-Lesson: Adapting Your
Strategies and Write About Identity - For the first 20 minutes of Writing Artistically
Activities - The teacher will take 20 class, the teacher will - The teacher will introduce
minutes at the teach a mini-lesson to Part 2 of the performance
beginning of the class review the rubric for the assessments for students
to revisit the mentor writing performance who finish their writing and
texts in this unit. assessment. are ready to begin working
- During this mini-lesson, - After reviewing the rubric, on their adaptation.
the teacher will guide the teacher will give - This will involve showing
students in looking at students a sample piece students past student
the writing and of writing (with some examples of artistic
storytelling techniques successes and some adaptations.
of authors when writing errors). In groups,
on identity. students will use the Writing Time
rubric to assess that - The whole class period will
Writing Time (20 minutes) piece of writing to better be dedicated to writing
- This writing time for understand the - Students will be instructed
students to continue to requirements for this to consult the rubric and
develop their drafts project. will be given choices of
before doing the peer what they can do during
review. Writing Time this time (write, guided
- The whole class period revision with a teacher
Peer Review (Question will be dedicated to check-list, more peer
Flood) writing review, etc.)
- Halfway through the - Students will be
class, the teacher will instructed to consult the Teaching Conferences
stop writers to begin the rubric and will be given - We will try to meet with
peer review process. choices of what they can each student at least once
- The teacher will teach a do during this time (write, over the next two days.
mini-lesson on the guided revision with a - Each conference will be
question flood teacher check-list, more different and will be
technique, using their peer review, etc.) dedicated to whatever
own writing as an each student needs at
example. Teaching Conferences their stage in writing.
- Students will then be - We will try to meet with
able to choose a each student at least **Note: If we notice patterns in
partner to peer review. once over the next two student writing that should be
Students without a days. addressed as a whole class, we
partner will then be - Each conference will be will do a Mini-lesson today;
guided by the teacher different and will be however, priority will be given to
to find a partner. If they dedicated to whatever being able to conference with
are uncomfortable with each student needs at each student at least once this
a classmate reading their stage in writing. week. Potential mini-lesson
their work, the teacher topics could include audience,
will provide some **Note: If we notice patterns in narrative techniques, grammar,
feedback. student writing that should be authorial voice, etc.
addressed as a whole class, we
will do a mini-lesson today;
however, priority will be given to
being able to conference with
each student at least once this
week. Potential mini-lesson
topics could include audience,
narrative techniques, grammar,
authorial voice, etc.

Resources - Past mentor texts from - Brief PowerPoint to - Past student examples of
the unit compiled in a explain the rubric to Part 2 of the project (or
PowerPoint for the mini- students. teacher examples if the
lesson - Sample piece of writing former are not readily
- Writing workshop created by the teacher for available).
materials and students to “grade.” - Writing workshop
resources: rubrics, - Writing workshop materials and resources:
check-lists, peer review materials and resources: rubrics, check-lists, peer
guides, etc. rubrics, check-lists, peer review guides, etc.
- Question Flood review guides, etc. - Conference resources for
instructions handout for - Conference resources for the teacher: note taking
students the teacher: note taking system, etc.
system, etc.

Assessment N/A; Nothing formal will be N/A; Nothing formal will be Final Draft for Part 1 of the
assessed, but the peer review assessed, but the writing Summative Assessment is due
activity will serve as a way to conferences will serve as Sunday at 11:59pm
tell us if students are thinking observational data on how
about writing and the topic of students are progressing in the
identity correctly. writing process and in
accomplishing our learning

Day 10 (Tuesday) Day 11 (Thursday) Day 12 (Monday)

Lesson Creative Expression/ Finalizing Artistic Projects Presentation Day!!

Title/Content Starting Adaptation
- Students will be given - Students will be given the
- Students will work time today entirety of the class period
understand various - Students will understand to showcase their artistic
ways of expression what an artist statement adaptation of their identity.
(other than prose

Essential How can identity be expressed How can I express my written How can I express my own
Questions through performance in work on identity in a identity and appreciate others’
various mediums? performance-based way? identities in artistic ways?

Skills I can analyze various forms of I can express my identity in a I can express my identity in an
expression. creative way that best artistic way of my choosing.
represents who I am.
I can identify how I best I can better understand and
express myself. appreciate my classmates’
identities through their
performance-based work.

Instructional Introduction to Creative Mini-Lesson on Artist Performance Day!!

Strategies and Expression Statements - This class period will be
Activities - The teacher will lead - The teacher will give a treated like an artist's
the class through a brief introduction on what showcase.
presentation on information is - Students/the teacher can
expression, featuring incorporated in an artist bring in refreshments to
various modes and statement and why it is have during the show.
forms of expression. important to a personal - Students will each
- See the mentor texts piece of work. showcase their artistic
that we will use in this - Students will be provided adaptation and read their
lesson below in with examples on how to artist statement to the
Resources. integrate this information class.
into their own adaptation. - While students are
Brainstorm and Plan for - Examples will be shown presenting, audience
Creative Adaptation and discussed from a members are expected to
- Students will re-read blog post: be attentive and respectful
their written narrative classmates.
on identity and 10-artist-statement- - If a student does not want
brainstorm potential examples-from-modern- to present to the whole-
expressive forms that day-masters/ class, they will have
they can use for their already made other
adaptation. Creative Adaptation arrangements with the
- By the end of class, Workshop teacher.
students should choose - The teacher will return
their form of expression the exit tickets from the Feedback Task
that they will use for the previous day to the - Each student will be
final project and may students indicating a assigned three peers that
begin working with the check mark if the highest they will fill out a feedback
time left in class. ranked project idea is form for during their
- Their brainstorm and approved or if the student presentation.
plan will serve as a should pursue another - This way, every student
formative assessment option. will get at least three
for today (see extra - Students will be given the feedback forms on their
directions below) rest of the class period to project and audience
work on their artistic members will have a
adaptation. purpose when watching
their peers present.

Resources - PowerPoint for the - PowerPoint for mini- - Students will bring in their
expression lesson lesson on artist own materials needed for
today with mentor texts: statements with their presentations
- Frida Kahlo, The examples: - Printed feedback forms for
Two Fridas, students to fill out during
1939 (painting) 10-artist-statement- presentations
- Landslide by examples-from-modern- - Possible show
Fleetwood Mac day-masters/ refreshments for the class
(song) - Computers for students
- “Something You to write their own artist
Should Know” statements - Any materials that
g/poems/somethi students indicated
ng-you-should- needing for their artistic
know (poem) adaptation
- “Revelations” by
Alvin Ailey
(modern dance)
- Brainstorm sheets (exit

Assessment Exit Ticket Final Draft for Part 2 (Artistic In-Class Presentations and
- Brainstorm at least 3 Adaptation) and the Artist Peer Feedback Forms
ideas that you could do statement is due by Sunday at - These will be assessed
for your artistic 11:59pm according to the rubric in
adaptation. our summative
- Rank each according to assessment
preference and indicate - Students will also have to
if you would really like complete three peer
to do a specific form of feedback forms while
expression for your others are presenting.
project. These will be graded on
- In 1-2 sentences, briefly completion.
explain your plan for
working on this second
part of the final project.
List any special
materials that you might
need to complete this

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