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Version 1.40.

Release Notes

Musoni Release Notes 1.40.1 1

Release Notes Overview

The Release Notes are a comprehensive overview of the new features and
functionality added as part of Musoni’s latest release. These notes are designed to
give you all the information you need to immediately understand and start benefitting
from the new features.

For each new feature, we give a high level description of the functionality, and provide
a step-by-step walkthrough, along with screenshots of how to start using the feature.

If you would like to learn more about any new feature, please contact the Musoni
support team on [email protected] who will be happy to answer any
questions you have.

Musoni Release Notes 1.40.1 2

Table of Contents
1. Early close non-interest recalculation loans 4
2. Advanced accounting mapping for suspension of interest and fees 5
3. New entities added to data export module 6
3.1 Client Transfer Entity 6
3.2 Mobile Money Payments Entity 6
3.3 Savings and Loan Product Entities 7
3.4 New fields added to loan entity 7
4. Loan Creation Original Channel 7
5. Smaller enhancements to task management 8
6. Depreciation of Self-API endpoints 9
7. Smaller features and improvements 10

Musoni Release Notes 1.40.1 3

1. Early close non-interest recalculation loans

We have now extended the “prepay loan” feature to non-interest recalculation loans
(both flat and declining balance). This means that users now have the option to close
a loan on today’s date, with the client only being required to pay the amount of
interest accrued on the loan up to the date of closure.

Previously a user would have had to manually accrue interest on the loan, manually
waive future interest and then pay off the loan with the correct amount as a normal
repayment. This new approach is therefore much more efficient for organisations who
wish to give clients the benefit of lower interest when closing loans early.

To prepay a loan, the user can click on the “More Actions” dropdown and then click
on the “Prepay Loan” button, as shown in red below.

The system will then calculate the amount needed to repay and close the loan today,
and will automatically waive any future interest and fees.

Once the user has reviewed the amount and confirmed that they are comfortable
proceeding, they can click on the green “Prepay” button. They are then taken to the
normal (prefilled) repayment page where they can then enter a receipt and click add
to complete the process.

Musoni Release Notes 1.40.1 4

After clicking “Add” the repayment is posted and the loan automatically closed. All
future interest on the loan are waived. Future Fees are not waived and need to be
paid manually (as in most cases MFIs would expect to continue to receive payment for
installment based fees).

2. Advanced accounting mapping for suspension of interest and fees

Musoni already permits organisations to configure which GL accounts are used

whenever interest, fee or penalty income is suspended on a loan (this occurs when a
loan goes into NPA). The pre-existing menu options within the loan product
accounting configuration as shown below.

We have now extended this to also support advanced accounting mapping of different
GL accounts for each fee or penalty type that is suspended. For example, you can have
multiple fees linked to an overdue loan, and have each fee booked into a different
suspended income account in the event the loan goes into NPA.

To configure fee or penalty suspended income to specific GL accounts, navigate to the

loan product configuration, and then click on the accounting tab. At the bottom of the
page, shown in red below, you will be able to configure which GL account is used for
each fee or penalty linked to the loan.

Musoni Release Notes 1.40.1 5

3. New entities added to data export module

The data export module has been extended with a number of new entities and new
fields on existing entities.

3.1 Client Transfer Entity

Users can now run data exports linked to Client Transfers in the system. Similar with
other data exports, the tool enables the user to extract all data related to client
transfers from the system. To use this feature, when creating a data export please
select the base entity “client transfer” from the dropdown list.

3.2 Mobile Money Payments Entity

The data export tool has also been extended with the base entity for incoming mobile
money payments, making it easier for organisations to export all mobile money
transactions from Musoni for further analysis. To use this feature, when creating a
data export please select the base entity “Mobile Money Inbound Transactions” from
the dropdown list.

Musoni Release Notes 1.40.1 6

3.3 Savings and Loan Product Entities

Users can now also download the configuration information data related loan and
savings configuration using the new Savings and Loan Product entities in the data
export module.

3.4 New fields added to loan entity

Finally we have also added new fields to the loan entity to enable users to extract the
amount of principal, interest, penalties or fees overdue on any loan from the data
export tool.

4. Loan Creation Original Channel

To make it easier for organisations to track the original channel used to create a loan
(for example whether the loan was created from the main system, the digital field
application or a third-party integration), we have extended the loan creation API call

Musoni Release Notes 1.40.1 7

to support setting an origination channel. This attribute is available on the loan and in
the future will be extended to other entities in the system.

The original channel will be automatically populated by Musoni for all new loans
created in either the main system, the Digital Field Application, or the Musoni client
facing app. Existing loans will not be applicable and so will show the field as blank.

Any organisations with custom integrations submitting loans can populate this
channel using the standard APIs. The attribute is added to the GET /loan/{id} endpoint
and the data export for using it in analysis or integrations.

For any questions about how to utilise the new API endpoints, please feel free to
contact our support team.

5. Smaller enhancements to task management

Following on from the release of the task management module in 1.40, we have made
a few smaller tweaks to improve the end user experience. It is now possible to create
a task from the main menu, as shown in red below.

Musoni Release Notes 1.40.1 8

We have also separated the editing and completion of tasks into separate actions,
each with their own linked permissions and audit trail.

6. Depreciation of Self-API endpoints

Musoni has now updated our online API documentation

( to reflect the
depreciation of our self-API endpoints (previously used for self onboarding of new
customers who are then provided with login details directly to the system. All features
that were previously available in the self-API endpoints continue to be available
through the regular API endpoints.

We encourage MFIs looking to provide direct access to the system to their end
customers to put in place middleware that limits the API calls to the scope of a self-
service user. That middleware can be provided access to the Musoni API using the

Musoni Release Notes 1.40.1 9

normal procedure of creating a user and defining permissions on a role dedicated to
the API user.

7. Smaller features and improvements

Here we document some of the smaller improvements that have been made to the
system alongside this release.

• MS-2336 Show warning to user if the “maker” user who initiated the
transaction is deleted
• MS-3090 Automatically prevent waiving of paid penalties on interest
recalculation Loans
• MS-3141 Warn user about the “start interest calculation date” when setting
or editing the actual disbursement date on a loan
• MS-3389 Allow the company name on create client SMS to be configurable
• MS-3401 Support Product Category on Create / Edit / Clone FTD
• MS-3402 Support Product Category on Savings Accounts Report for FTDs
• MS-4423 Ability to delete attached files before saving record
• MS-3424 Harmonize Loan Create with Bulk Edit solution
• MS-3429 Improve help text on "provision for as reschedule loan" option
• MS-3431 Group Report: align column headers with text
• MS-3432 Custom Forms: Limit the number of fields on any one form to a
maximum number (currently 200) to prevent unusable large forms
• MS-3437 Order PAR per branch from worst to best
• MS-3438 Improve consistency in order of Fee/Penalty GL Account
configuration page
• MS-3440 Create Bulk Loans: Rename button text
• MS-3446 Add top-up loan markers to Loan entity on Document Templates
• MS-3448 Extend Full BankBI export
• MS-3452 Edit Task: Add Back button
• MS-3464 Switch dashboard to Light dashboard by default on all tenants
• MS-3469 Vietnamese Translation added to UI
• MS-3473 Transunion: Monthly data export for Individual (Corporate) Clients
• MS-3474 Transunion: Monthly data export for Group Clients (Zambia)
• MS-3483 Extend Institutional Arrears Report with PIF columns for overdue
• MS-3493 Support “OR” operator on custom forms
• MS-3494 Add "submitted by user" to custom form entry output in data
• MS-3496 Show loading icon beside "Get Loans/Clients" button
• MS-3511 Separate out disbursement fees on Accrued Interest in Period
• MS-3517 Extend password policies with new policy (12 characters)
• MS-3520 Bulk Create Loans from Group Details Page

Musoni Release Notes 1.40.1 10

• MS-3528 Disable/redirect after hitting “Run Data Export” to avoid duplicate
• MS-3539 Improve group details page input fields
• MS-3552 Extend Data Export with Branch entity
• MS-3553 Generate "Product Groups" file as custom data export
• MS-3572 Navigate all reports on a single page
• MS-3576 Implement dynamic loading of modals on Loan Transaction tab to
improve performance
• MS-3583 Run the NPA job for a specific loan
• MS-3584 Direct link in a flash message to view the newly created loan
• MS-3604 Populate “Created By” in Task Management Filtering with correct
• MS-3611 Direct link in a flash message to view the newly created Savings
• MS-3632 Direct link in a flash message to view the newly created Share
• MS-3633 Share Product: add button " Dividends " and change display grid
with " Dividends "
• MS-3635 Create Share Account: Change label to Select Client
• MS-3667 Direct link in a flash message to view the updated product
• MS-3668 Format the amounts on early close preview with thousand
• MS-3669 Do not show Early Pay on loans that are past their expected
maturity date
• MS-1857 Change text when clicking on "Enter Repayment
• MS-3583 Run NPA Job for specific loan
• MS-3653 Skip locked savings amounts when running a standing instruction
• MS-3658 Sizing of dropdown for data entities on demo
• MS-3653 Skip locked savings amounts when running a standing instruction
• MS-3693 Update label on min/max savings balance for closing small balance

Musoni Release Notes 1.40.1 11

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