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Master Activity Menu

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
All Common All Common Common (CAP Office use) Y
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 2 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Anatomic Pathology Anatomic Pathology Processing Bone marrow stain (Wright/Giemsa), Y
Surgical Path
Anatomic Pathology Anatomic Pathology Processing Ex-vivo use of in-vivo microscopy Y
(IVM) technology
Anatomic Pathology Anatomic Pathology Processing FNA processed in Surgical Pathology Y
Anatomic Pathology Anatomic Pathology Processing Frozen section processing (no Y
Anatomic Pathology Anatomic Pathology Processing HER2, breast, immunohistochemistry Y
Anatomic Pathology Anatomic Pathology Processing Immunofluorescence staining, tissue Y
Anatomic Pathology Anatomic Pathology Processing Immunohistochemistry staining Y
Anatomic Pathology Anatomic Pathology Processing Routine processing (e.g., block prep, Y
H&E stain)
Anatomic Pathology Anatomic Pathology Processing Special stains, histochemistry Y
Anatomic Pathology Anatomic Pathology Processing Specimen adequacy, microscopic (at Y
Anatomic Pathology Anatomic Pathology Processing Tissue processing, Autopsy Pathology Y
Anatomic Pathology Autopsy Pathology Dissection Y
Anatomic Pathology Autopsy Pathology Forensic pathology, Autopsy Y
Anatomic Pathology Autopsy Pathology Microscopic evaluation, Autopsy Y
Anatomic Pathology Autopsy Pathology Partial performance of autopsy cases off- Y
Anatomic Pathology Circulating Tumor Cell Analysis Circulating tumor cells, tissue antigens
Anatomic Pathology Circulating Tumor Cell Analysis Laboratory developed test (LDT), CTC Y
Anatomic Pathology Digital Image Analysis CEP/locus-specific probes, quantitative, Y
Anatomic Pathology Digital Image Analysis CEP/locus-specific probes, semi-quant, Y
Anatomic Pathology Digital Image Analysis Co-expression of antigens, digital Y
Anatomic Pathology Digital Image Analysis DNA analysis/index, digital Y
Anatomic Pathology Digital Image Analysis Digital image analysis, other Y
Anatomic Pathology Digital Image Analysis Localization of antigens, digital Y
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 3 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Anatomic Pathology Digital Image Analysis Quantitative IHC, HER2, digital Y
Anatomic Pathology Digital Image Analysis Rare event detection (e.g., HPV, MRD), Y
Anatomic Pathology Digital Image Analysis Semi-quantitative IHC (e.g., Ki- Y
67,ER,PR), digital
Anatomic Pathology Electron Microscopy Electron microscopy imaging only Y
Anatomic Pathology Electron Microscopy Pathologist interpretation, Electron Y
Anatomic Pathology Electron Microscopy Specimen processing, Electron Y
Anatomic Pathology In Vivo Microscopy (IVM) In vivo microscopy technologies for Y
Technologies clinical use
Anatomic Pathology Intraoperative Consultation Ex-vivo use of in-vivo microscopy Y
(IVM) technology
Anatomic Pathology Intraoperative Consultation Intraoperative consultation (e.g. frozen Y
Anatomic Pathology Intraoperative Consultation Mohs procedures (gross, process, stain, Y
Anatomic Pathology Molecular Anatomic Pathology BK virus, ISH
Anatomic Pathology Molecular Anatomic Pathology CMV, ISH
Anatomic Pathology Molecular Anatomic Pathology Constitutional disorders, non-paraffin
embed, ISH
Anatomic Pathology Molecular Anatomic Pathology Constitutional disorders, paraffin
embedded, ISH
Anatomic Pathology Molecular Anatomic Pathology EBV, ISH
Anatomic Pathology Molecular Anatomic Pathology HER2 (ERBB2) hybrid and interp on- Y ISH2
site, CISH
Anatomic Pathology Molecular Anatomic Pathology HER2 (ERBB2) hybrid and interp on- Y CYH
site, FISH
Anatomic Pathology Molecular Anatomic Pathology HER2 (ERBB2) hybrid only (off-site
interp), CISH
Anatomic Pathology Molecular Anatomic Pathology HER2 (ERBB2) hybrid only (off-site
interp), FISH
Anatomic Pathology Molecular Anatomic Pathology HER2 (ERBB2) interp only (off-site
hybrid), CISH
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 4 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Anatomic Pathology Molecular Anatomic Pathology HER2 (ERBB2) interp only (off-site
hybrid), FISH
Anatomic Pathology Molecular Anatomic Pathology HER2 (ERBB2), gastric, FISH
Anatomic Pathology Molecular Anatomic Pathology HPV, ISH
Anatomic Pathology Molecular Anatomic Pathology HSV, ISH
Anatomic Pathology Molecular Anatomic Pathology ISH Y
Anatomic Pathology Molecular Anatomic Pathology ISH assay other
Anatomic Pathology Molecular Anatomic Pathology ISH, neoplastic disorders
Anatomic Pathology Molecular Anatomic Pathology Kappa/Lambda hybrid only (off-site
interp) ISH
Anatomic Pathology Molecular Anatomic Pathology Kappa/Lambda hybridization & interp Y ISH
on-site, ISH
Anatomic Pathology Molecular Anatomic Pathology Kappa/Lambda interp only (off-site
hybrid), ISH
Anatomic Pathology Molecular Anatomic Pathology Laboratory developed test (LDT), Y
Molecular AP
Anatomic Pathology Molecular Anatomic Pathology Neoplastic disorders, ISH, interpretation
Anatomic Pathology Molecular Anatomic Pathology Neoplastic disorders, non-paraffin
embedded, ISH
Anatomic Pathology Molecular Anatomic Pathology Neoplastic disorders, paraffin embedded,
Anatomic Pathology Molecular Anatomic Pathology Urothelial CA hybrid only (off-site
interp), FISH
Anatomic Pathology Molecular Anatomic Pathology Urothelial CA interp only (off-site
hybrid), FISH
Anatomic Pathology Molecular Anatomic Pathology Urothelial carcinoma hybrid & interp on- Y CYI
site, FISH
Anatomic Pathology Pathologist Interpretation, Flow Leukemia/lymphoma/MDS data Y
Cytometry in AP interpretation only
Anatomic Pathology Pathologist Interpretation, Flow PNH data interpretation only Y
Cytometry in AP
Anatomic Pathology Pathologist Interpretation, Flow ZAP 70 data interpretation only Y
Cytometry in AP
Anatomic Pathology Surgical Pathology Bone marrow surgical pathology Y
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.
College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS
Master Activity Menu
Page 5 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Anatomic Pathology Surgical Pathology ER and/or PgR, IHC path interp (off-site Y PM2
Anatomic Pathology Surgical Pathology ER and/or PgR,IHC staining and path Y PM2
interp on-site
Anatomic Pathology Surgical Pathology Ex-vivo use of in-vivo microscopy Y
(IVM) technology
Anatomic Pathology Surgical Pathology Gross evaluation, non-pathologist Y
Anatomic Pathology Surgical Pathology Gross evaluation, pathologist Y
Anatomic Pathology Surgical Pathology HER2, breast, IHC path interp (off-site Y HER2
Anatomic Pathology Surgical Pathology HER2, breast, IHC stain and path interp Y HER2
Anatomic Pathology Surgical Pathology HER2, gastric, IHC path interp on-site Y
Anatomic Pathology Surgical Pathology Image analysis Y
Anatomic Pathology Surgical Pathology KOH prep, Surgical Pathology Y
Anatomic Pathology Surgical Pathology Laboratory developed test(LDT), Y
Surgical Pathology
Anatomic Pathology Surgical Pathology Microscopic evaluation, Surgical Y
Anatomic Pathology Surgical Pathology Oral pathology only (oral specimen Y
Anatomic Pathology Surgical Pathology Pathologist interpretation, FNA Y
Anatomic Pathology Surgical Pathology Skin scrapings for parasites, Surgical Y
Anatomic Pathology Surgical Pathology Tzanck smears interp, Surgical Pathology Y
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 6 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Blood Gases Bilirubin, total, whole blood, non-waived Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX,
Chemistry Blood Gases Bilirubin, total, whole blood, waived Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX,
Chemistry Blood Gases CO2, whole blood, non-waived
Chemistry Blood Gases CO2, whole blood, waived
Chemistry Blood Gases Calcium, ionized, whole blood, non- Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C3, C3X, CZ,
waived CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Blood Gases Calcium, ionized, whole blood, waived Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C3, C3X, CZ,
Chemistry Blood Gases Carboxyhemoglobin Y SO
Chemistry Blood Gases Chloride, whole blood, non-waived Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X,
Chemistry Blood Gases Chloride, whole blood, waived Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X,
Chemistry Blood Gases Creatinine, whole blood, non-waived Y AQ2, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ,
Chemistry Blood Gases Creatinine, whole blood, waived Y AQ2, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ,
Chemistry Blood Gases Deoxyhemoglobin
Chemistry Blood Gases Fetal hemoglobin, blood gas method
Chemistry Blood Gases Glucose, whole blood, non-waived Y AQ2, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ,
Chemistry Blood Gases Glucose, whole blood, waived (non- Y AQ2, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ,
meter) CZ2X, CZX, HCC, LCW
Chemistry Blood Gases Hematocrit (direct measure/calc), non- Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, FH1, FH10,
waived FH10P, FH13, FH13P, FH14, FH14P,
FH15, FH1P, FH2, FH2P, FH3,
FH3P, FH4, FH4P, FH6, FH6P, FH9,
Chemistry Blood Gases Hematocrit, waived Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, FH1, FH10,
FH10P, FH13, FH13P, FH14, FH14P,
FH15, FH1P, FH2, FH2P, FH3,
FH3P, FH4, FH4P, FH6, FH6P, FH9,
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 7 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Blood Gases Hemoglobin, estimated Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, FH1, FH10,
FH10P, FH13, FH13P, FH14, FH14P,
FH15, FH1P, FH2, FH2P, FH3,
FH3P, FH4, FH4P, FH6, FH6P, FH9,
Chemistry Blood Gases Hemoglobin, total, non-waived Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, FH1, FH10,
FH10P, FH13, FH13P, FH14, FH14P,
FH15, FH1P, FH2, FH2P, FH3,
FH3P, FH4, FH4P, FH6, FH6P, FH9,
Chemistry Blood Gases Lactate, whole blood, non-waived Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C3, C3X, CZ,
Chemistry Blood Gases Lactate, whole blood, waived Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C3, C3X, CZ,
Chemistry Blood Gases Magnesium, ionized, whole blood Y AQ, AQ2
Chemistry Blood Gases Methemoglobin Y SO
Chemistry Blood Gases O2 saturation
Chemistry Blood Gases Oncotic pressure
Chemistry Blood Gases Oxyhemoglobin Y SO
Chemistry Blood Gases PCO2 Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4
Chemistry Blood Gases PO2 Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4
Chemistry Blood Gases Potassium, whole blood, non-waived Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X,
Chemistry Blood Gases Potassium, whole blood, waived Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X,
Chemistry Blood Gases Sodium, whole blood, non-waived Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X,
Chemistry Blood Gases Sodium, whole blood, waived Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X,
Chemistry Blood Gases Urea, whole blood, non-waived Y AQ2, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ,
Chemistry Blood Gases Urea, whole blood, waived Y AQ2, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ,
Chemistry Blood Gases pH, body fluid
Chemistry Blood Gases pH, venous/arterial Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 8 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Chemistry ALT, body fluid
Chemistry Chemistry ALT, serum/plasma Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry ALT, whole blood, non-waived Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry ALT, whole blood, waived Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry AST, body fluid
Chemistry Chemistry AST, serum/plasma Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry AST, whole blood, non-waived Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry AST, whole blood, waived Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Acetoacetic acid
Chemistry Chemistry Acetone, qualitative
Chemistry Chemistry Acid phosphatase Y C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Albumin, body fluid
Chemistry Chemistry Albumin, quantitative, CSF Y M, OLI
Chemistry Chemistry Albumin, serum/plasma Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Albumin, whole blood, non-waived Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Albumin, whole blood, waived Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Alkaline phosphatase, body fluid
Chemistry Chemistry Alkaline phosphatase, serum/plasma Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Alkaline phosphatase, whole blood, non- Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Alkaline phosphatase, whole blood, Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Ammonia, serum/plasma
Chemistry Chemistry Ammonia, urine
Chemistry Chemistry Amylase, body fluid
Chemistry Chemistry Amylase, isoenzymes
Chemistry Chemistry Amylase, pancreatic, body fluid
Chemistry Chemistry Amylase, pancreatic, serum/plasma Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Amylase, serum/plasma Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 9 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Chemistry Amylase, urine Y U
Chemistry Chemistry Amylase, whole blood, non-waived Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Amylase, whole blood, waived Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Beta-hydroxybutyrate, non-waived Y KET
Chemistry Chemistry Beta-hydroxybutyrate, waived Y KET
Chemistry Chemistry Bile acids, other
Chemistry Chemistry Bile acids, serum/plasma
Chemistry Chemistry Bilirubin, body fluid
Chemistry Chemistry Bilirubin, direct, diazo (neonatal), Y NB, NB2
Chemistry Chemistry Bilirubin, direct, serum/plasma Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX,
Chemistry Chemistry Bilirubin, direct, spectrophotometric Y NB, NB2
Chemistry Chemistry Bilirubin, direct, whole blood Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX,
Chemistry Chemistry Bilirubin, total, neonatal, serum/plasma Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX,
Chemistry Chemistry Bilirubin, total, neonatal, whole blood, Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX,
waived NB, NB2
Chemistry Chemistry Bilirubin, total, serum/plasma Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX,
Chemistry Chemistry Bilirubin, total, whole blood, non-waived Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX,
Chemistry Chemistry Bilirubin, total, whole blood, waived Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX,
Chemistry Chemistry C-reactive protein, qual and/or quant Y CRP, IL
Chemistry Chemistry CK-MB, serum/plasma Y CRT, CRTI, PCARI, PCARM,
Chemistry Chemistry CK-MB, whole blood Y CRT, CRTI, PCARI, PCARM,
Chemistry Chemistry CO2, body fluid
Chemistry Chemistry CO2, serum/plasma Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry CO2, whole blood, non-waived
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 10 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Chemistry CO2, whole blood, waived
Chemistry Chemistry Calcium, body fluid
Chemistry Chemistry Calcium, ionized, serum/plasma Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C3, C3X, CZ,
Chemistry Chemistry Calcium, ionized, whole blood, non- Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C3, C3X, CZ,
waived CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Calcium, ionized, whole blood, waived Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C3, C3X, CZ,
Chemistry Chemistry Calcium, serum/plasma Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Calcium, total, whole blood, non-waived Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Calcium, total, whole blood, waived Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Calcium, urine Y U
Chemistry Chemistry Carbon monoxide
Chemistry Chemistry Chloride, body fluid
Chemistry Chemistry Chloride, fecal
Chemistry Chemistry Chloride, serum/plasma Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X,
Chemistry Chemistry Chloride, urine Y U
Chemistry Chemistry Chloride, whole blood, non-waived Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X,
Chemistry Chemistry Chloride, whole blood, waived Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X,
Chemistry Chemistry Cholesterol, body fluid
Chemistry Chemistry Cholesterol, serum/plasma Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Cholesterol, whole blood, non-waived Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Cholesterol, whole blood, waived Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX,
Chemistry Chemistry Citrate, serum
Chemistry Chemistry Citrate, urine
Chemistry Chemistry Creatine
Chemistry Chemistry Creatine kinase (CK), body fluid
Chemistry Chemistry Creatine kinase (CK), serum/plasma Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 11 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Chemistry Creatine kinase (CK), whole blood, Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Creatine kinase(CK), whole blood, non- Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Creatinine, body fluid
Chemistry Chemistry Creatinine, semi-quant, urine, non- Y UMC
Chemistry Chemistry Creatinine, semi-quant, urine, waived Y UMC
Chemistry Chemistry Creatinine, serum/plasma Y AQ2, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ,
Chemistry Chemistry Creatinine, urine, quantitative Y BU, CD, U, UDC
Chemistry Chemistry Creatinine, whole blood, non-waived Y AQ2, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ,
Chemistry Chemistry Creatinine, whole blood, waived Y AQ2, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ,
Chemistry Chemistry Cryofibrinogen
Chemistry Chemistry Cryoglobulin
Chemistry Chemistry Cystine, urine
Chemistry Chemistry Fecal fat
Chemistry Chemistry Fetal fibronectin Y FF
Chemistry Chemistry Fructosamine, serum/plasma
Chemistry Chemistry Fructosamine, whole blood, non-waived
Chemistry Chemistry Fructosamine, whole blood, waived
Chemistry Chemistry G-6-PD screen
Chemistry Chemistry GGT, body fluid
Chemistry Chemistry GGT, serum/plasma Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry GGT, whole blood, non-waived Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry GGT, whole blood, waived Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Glucose, CSF Y M, OLI
Chemistry Chemistry Glucose, body fluid
Chemistry Chemistry Glucose, quantitative, urine Y U
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 12 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Chemistry Glucose, serum/plasma Y AQ2, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ,
Chemistry Chemistry Glucose, whole blood, non-waived Y AQ2, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ,
Chemistry Chemistry Glucose, whole blood, waived (glucose
Chemistry Chemistry Glucose, whole blood, waived (non- Y AQ2, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ,
meter) CZ2X, CZX, HCC, LCW
Chemistry Chemistry Glutamate dehydrogenase, serum
Chemistry Chemistry HDL cholesterol, serum/plasma Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry HDL cholesterol, whole blood, non- Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry HDL cholesterol, whole blood, waived Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX,
Chemistry Chemistry Hemoglobin A1C, waived Y GH2, GH5, GH5I
Chemistry Chemistry Hemoglobin, serum/plasma
Chemistry Chemistry Indican, urine
Chemistry Chemistry Iron, serum/plasma Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Iron, whole blood, waived Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Ischemia modified albumin
Chemistry Chemistry Ketone, serum
Chemistry Chemistry Ketone, urine (tablet)
Chemistry Chemistry Ketone, whole blood, non-waived
Chemistry Chemistry Ketone, whole blood, waived
Chemistry Chemistry LD, CSF Y M, OLI
Chemistry Chemistry LD, body fluid
Chemistry Chemistry LD, serum/plasma Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry LD, whole blood, non-waived Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry LD, whole blood, waived Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry LD1 Y CRTI
Chemistry Chemistry LDL cholesterol, serum/plasma, Y ABL, C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X,
measured CZX, LCW
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 13 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Chemistry LDL cholesterol, whole blood, non-
Chemistry Chemistry LDL cholesterol, whole blood, waived
Chemistry Chemistry LDL, oxidized
Chemistry Chemistry LDL, small dense (sd LDL)
Chemistry Chemistry Laboratory developed test (LDT), Y
Chemistry Chemistry Lactate, CSF Y M, OLI
Chemistry Chemistry Lactate, body fluid
Chemistry Chemistry Lactate, plasma Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C3, C3X, CZ,
Chemistry Chemistry Lactate, whole blood, non-waived Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C3, C3X, CZ,
Chemistry Chemistry Lactate, whole blood, waived Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C3, C3X, CZ,
Chemistry Chemistry Lipase, body fluid
Chemistry Chemistry Lipase, serum/plasma Y C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Lipase, urine
Chemistry Chemistry Lithium, serum/plasma Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX, Z
Chemistry Chemistry Magnesium, body fluid
Chemistry Chemistry Magnesium, fecal
Chemistry Chemistry Magnesium, ionized, serum/plasma Y AQ, AQ2
Chemistry Chemistry Magnesium, serum/plasma Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Magnesium, urine Y U
Chemistry Chemistry Magnesium, whole blood, non-waived Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Magnesium, whole blood, waived Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Microalbumin (urine albumin), qual, non- Y UMC
Chemistry Chemistry Microalbumin (urine albumin), Y UMC
qualitative, waived
Chemistry Chemistry Microalbumin (urine albumin), Y U
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Chemistry Mucin clot, body fluid
Chemistry Chemistry Myoglobin, serum/plasma Y CRT, CRTI, PCARM, PCARMX
Chemistry Chemistry Myoglobin, urine
Chemistry Chemistry Myoglobin, whole blood Y CRT, CRTI, PCARM, PCARMX
Chemistry Chemistry Occult blood, fecal, non-waived
Chemistry Chemistry Occult blood, fecal, waived
Chemistry Chemistry Occult blood, gastric, non-waived
Chemistry Chemistry Occult blood, gastric, waived
Chemistry Chemistry Oncotic pressure
Chemistry Chemistry Osmolality, fecal
Chemistry Chemistry Osmolality, other
Chemistry Chemistry Osmolality, serum/plasma/whole blood, Y C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Osmolality, urine Y CMP, CMP1, U
Chemistry Chemistry Ovulation test (LH), waived
Chemistry Chemistry PAMG-1 protein detection, fluid
Chemistry Chemistry Phosphorus, body fluid
Chemistry Chemistry Phosphorus, fecal
Chemistry Chemistry Phosphorus, serum/plasma Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Phosphorus, urine Y U
Chemistry Chemistry Phosphorus, whole blood Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Porphyrin screen
Chemistry Chemistry Potassium, body fluid
Chemistry Chemistry Potassium, fecal
Chemistry Chemistry Potassium, serum/plasma Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X,
Chemistry Chemistry Potassium, urine Y U
Chemistry Chemistry Potassium, whole blood, non-waived Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X,
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Chemistry Potassium, whole blood, waived Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X,
Chemistry Chemistry Protein, body fluid
Chemistry Chemistry Protein, total, CSF Y M, OLI
Chemistry Chemistry Protein, total, quantitative, urine Y U
Chemistry Chemistry Protein, total, serum/plasma Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Protein, total, whole blood, non-waived Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Protein, total, whole blood, waived Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Pseudocholinesterase Y C7
Chemistry Chemistry Pyruvate kinase
Chemistry Chemistry Pyruvate, CSF
Chemistry Chemistry Pyruvate, body fluid
Chemistry Chemistry Pyruvate, serum/plasma
Chemistry Chemistry Pyruvate, whole blood
Chemistry Chemistry RBC folate Y FOL
Chemistry Chemistry Reducing substances, fecal
Chemistry Chemistry Sodium, CSF
Chemistry Chemistry Sodium, body fluid
Chemistry Chemistry Sodium, fecal
Chemistry Chemistry Sodium, serum/plasma Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X,
Chemistry Chemistry Sodium, urine Y U
Chemistry Chemistry Sodium, whole blood, non-waived Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X,
Chemistry Chemistry Sodium, whole blood, waived Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X,
Chemistry Chemistry Sugar water test
Chemistry Chemistry Sulfate, urine
Chemistry Chemistry TIBC, measured Y C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Triglycerides, body fluid
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Chemistry Triglycerides, serum/plasma Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Triglycerides, whole blood, non-waived Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Triglycerides, whole blood, waived Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX,
Chemistry Chemistry Troponin I Y CRT, CRTI, PCARI, PCARM,
Chemistry Chemistry Troponin T Y TNT5
Chemistry Chemistry UIBC, measured Y C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Urea, body fluid
Chemistry Chemistry Urea, serum/plasma Y AQ2, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ,
Chemistry Chemistry Urea, urine Y U
Chemistry Chemistry Urea, whole blood, non-waived Y AQ2, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ,
Chemistry Chemistry Urea, whole blood, waived Y AQ2, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ,
Chemistry Chemistry Uric acid, body fluid
Chemistry Chemistry Uric acid, serum/plasma Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Uric acid, urine Y U
Chemistry Chemistry Uric acid, whole blood, non-waived Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Uric acid, whole blood, waived Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Chemistry Viscosity, body fluid
Chemistry Chemistry Viscosity, serum/plasma
Chemistry Chemistry Viscosity, whole blood
Chemistry Chemistry hCG, CSF
Chemistry Chemistry hCG, body fluid
Chemistry Chemistry hCG, free beta, quantitative, serum
Chemistry Chemistry hCG, qualitative, serum Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX,
Chemistry Chemistry hCG, quantitative, serum Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX,
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Chemistry hCG, quantitative, whole blood Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX,
Chemistry Chemistry hCG, urine, non-waived Y CMP, CMP1, HCC2, UHCG
Chemistry Chemistry hCG, urine, waived Y CMP, CMP1, HCC2, UHCG
Chemistry Chemistry pH, body fluid
Chemistry Chemistry pH, gastric, non-waived
Chemistry Chemistry pH, gastric, waived
Chemistry Chemistry pH, other
Chemistry Chemistry pH, stool
Chemistry Special Chemistry 1,5-Anhydroglucitol
Chemistry Special Chemistry 11-Dehydro-thromboxane B2, urine
Chemistry Special Chemistry 11-Deoxycortisol, serum
Chemistry Special Chemistry 11-Deoxycortisol, urine
Chemistry Special Chemistry 17-Hydroxycorticosteroids
Chemistry Special Chemistry 17-Hydroxypregnenolone, serum/plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry 17-Hydroxyprogesterone, serum Y Y, YY
Chemistry Special Chemistry 17-Hydroxyprogesterone, urine
Chemistry Special Chemistry 17-Ketogenic steroids
Chemistry Special Chemistry 17-Ketosteroids
Chemistry Special Chemistry 21-Deoxycortisol, serum/plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry 3-Methoxytryamines
Chemistry Special Chemistry 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA
reductase antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry 5' Nucleotidase
Chemistry Special Chemistry 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid screen, urine
Chemistry Special Chemistry 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid, urine, Y N, NX
Chemistry Special Chemistry ACTH Y TM, TMX
Chemistry Special Chemistry ADAMTS-13 activity, mass spectrometry
Chemistry Special Chemistry ADAMTS-13 antibody
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Special Chemistry ADAMTS-13 inhibition, mass
Chemistry Special Chemistry AFP & PP12, rapid, amniotic fluid
Chemistry Special Chemistry APT, fetal hemoglobin
Chemistry Special Chemistry ASO, qual and/or quant Y ASO, IL
Chemistry Special Chemistry ASO, semi-quantitative
Chemistry Special Chemistry ATP, immune cell function assay
Chemistry Special Chemistry Abn. Hb detection (all methods except
Chemistry Special Chemistry Acetaminophen Y CZ, CZ2X, CZX, SDS, Z
Chemistry Special Chemistry Acetylcholine receptor antibodies
Chemistry Special Chemistry Acetylcholinesterase, amniotic
Chemistry Special Chemistry Acute kidney injury assay (IGFBP-
Chemistry Special Chemistry Adalimumab, serum
Chemistry Special Chemistry Adenosine deaminase, body fluid
Chemistry Special Chemistry Adenosine deaminase, serum
Chemistry Special Chemistry Adenovirus antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Adiponectin, serum/plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Adrenal antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Albumin electrophoresis, CSF Y M, OLI
Chemistry Special Chemistry Alcohol, rapid test, saliva, non-waived
Chemistry Special Chemistry Alcohol, rapid test, saliva, waived
Chemistry Special Chemistry Alcohol/volatiles, serum/plasma Y AL1, AL2
Chemistry Special Chemistry Alcohol/volatiles, whole blood Y AL1, AL2
Chemistry Special Chemistry Aldolase, serum
Chemistry Special Chemistry Aldosterone, serum/plasma Y RAP
Chemistry Special Chemistry Aldosterone, urine Y N, NX
Chemistry Special Chemistry Alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes
Chemistry Special Chemistry Alkaline phosphatase, bone specific
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Special Chemistry Alpha-1 acid glycoprotein
Chemistry Special Chemistry Alpha-1 microglobulin
Chemistry Special Chemistry Alpha-1-antitrypsin phenotype
Chemistry Special Chemistry Alpha-1-antitrypsin, fecal
Chemistry Special Chemistry Alpha-1-antitrypsin, serum Y IG, IGX
Chemistry Special Chemistry Alpha-2 macroglobulin
Chemistry Special Chemistry Alpha-fetoprotein, L3%
Chemistry Special Chemistry Alpha-fetoprotein, amniotic fluid, Y FP, FPX
Chemistry Special Chemistry Alpha-fetoprotein, body fluid
Chemistry Special Chemistry Alpha-fetoprotein, maternal serum, Y FP, FPX, K, KK
Chemistry Special Chemistry Alpha-fetoprotein, tumor marker Y FP, FPX, K, KK
Chemistry Special Chemistry Alpha-fucosidase, tumor marker, serum
Chemistry Special Chemistry Alpha-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase
Chemistry Special Chemistry Amikacin, CSF
Chemistry Special Chemistry Amikacin, serum Y CZ, CZ2X, CZX, Z
Chemistry Special Chemistry Amiodarone
Chemistry Special Chemistry Amitriptyline Y ZT
Chemistry Special Chemistry Amphiphysin antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Amyloid beta, CSF
Chemistry Special Chemistry Androstenedione, serum Y Y, YY
Chemistry Special Chemistry Angiotensin II
Chemistry Special Chemistry Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE),
Chemistry Special Chemistry Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE),
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-Adalimumab antibodies
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-C1q antibody, IgG
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-CCP
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-DNase B
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-ENA
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-F actin
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-Infliximab antibodies
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-JO-1
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-LKM
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) Y AMH
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-RNP antibody, qualitative Y S2
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-RNP antibody, quantitative
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-RNP-70
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-SCL-70
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-SRP antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-SS-A antibody, qualitative Y S2
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-SS-A antibody, quantitative
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-SS-A/Ro 52 antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-SS-A/Ro 60 antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-SS-B antibody, qualitative Y S2
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-SS-B antibody, quantitative
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-Sm antibody, qualitative Y S2
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-Sm antibody, quantitative
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-Sm/RNP antibody, qualitative Y S2
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-Sm/RNP antibody, quantitative
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-cardiolipin IgA, qualitative
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-cardiolipin IgA, quantitative
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-cardiolipin IgG, qualitative Y ACL, APS
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-cardiolipin IgG, quantitative
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-cardiolipin IgM, qualitative Y ACL, APS
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-cardiolipin IgM, quantitative
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-cardiolipin polyclonal, qualitative Y ACL, APS
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-cardiolipin polyclonal, quantitative
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-centromere antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-centromere protein B (CENP B)
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-chromatin antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-dsDNA, qualitative Y S2, S4
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-dsDNA, quantitative
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-endomysial antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-ganglioside (GM1, GQ1b, GD1a/b)
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-gliadin antibody IgA, qualitative
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-gliadin antibody IgA, quantitative
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-gliadin antibody IgG, qualitative Y CES, CESX
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-gliadin antibody IgG, quantitative
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-gliadin deamidated antibodies Y CES, CESX
(IgA,IgG), qual
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-gliadin deamidated
antibodies(IgA,IgG), quant
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-gliadin deamidated antibodies,
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-glomerular basement membrane
(GBM) screen
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-glomerular basement membrane
(GBM), IgA, qual
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-glomerular basement membrane Y S2
(GBM), IgG, qual
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-glomerular basement membrane
(GBM), quant
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD)
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-histone antibodies
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-islet cell antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-islet cell antigen 2 (IA-2) antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-liver cytosol (LC1) antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-mitochondrial M2 antibody (AMA-
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-mitochondrial antibody Y S2
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-myeloperoxidase (MPO) antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-nuclear antibody, qual and/or quant Y ANA, IL
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-nuclear antibody, titer/pattern
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-nucleosome antibodies
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-parietal cell antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-phosphatidyl serine
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-phospholipid antibodies
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-platelet antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-proteinase 3 (PR3) antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-reticulin
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-ribosomal P antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-smooth muscle antibody Y S2
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-soluble liver antigen antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-striated muscle antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-tTG/DGP screen
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-thyroglobulin antibody, qualitative Y S2, S4
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-thyroglobulin antibody, quantitative
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-thyroid peroxidase (anti- Y S2, S4
microsomal), qual
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-thyroid peroxidase (anti-
microsomal), quant
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-tissue transglutaminase antibody, Y CES, CESX
Chemistry Special Chemistry Anti-tissue transglutaminase antibody,
Chemistry Special Chemistry Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
Chemistry Special Chemistry Antifungal drug levels, quantitative
Chemistry Special Chemistry Antineuronal nuclear antibodies
Chemistry Special Chemistry Antiretroviral drugs, other, serum/plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Apolipoprotein A1 Y ABL, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Special Chemistry Apolipoprotein A2
Chemistry Special Chemistry Apolipoprotein B Y ABL, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Special Chemistry Apolipoprotein C-I
Chemistry Special Chemistry Apolipoprotein C-II
Chemistry Special Chemistry Apolipoprotein C-III
Chemistry Special Chemistry Apolipoprotein C-IV
Chemistry Special Chemistry Apolipoprotein E
Chemistry Special Chemistry Aquaporin-4 (AQP4)/NMO antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Arbovirus antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Arsenic, RBC
Chemistry Special Chemistry Arsenic, blood
Chemistry Special Chemistry Arsenic, plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Arsenic, urine
Chemistry Special Chemistry Aspergillus Galactomannan assay
Chemistry Special Chemistry Asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA),
Chemistry Special Chemistry Atomic absorption spectrophotometer Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry BNP, non-waived Y BNP5, PCARI, PCARM, PCARMX
Chemistry Special Chemistry BNP, waived Y BNP, BNP5, PCARI, PCARM,
Chemistry Special Chemistry Bence Jones protein
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Special Chemistry Beta-2-glycoprotein
Chemistry Special Chemistry Beta-2-microglobulin, serum Y TM, TMX
Chemistry Special Chemistry Beta-2-microglobulin, urine
Chemistry Special Chemistry Bilirubin delta OD450, amniotic fluid
Chemistry Special Chemistry Bladder tumor associated antigen, non-
Chemistry Special Chemistry Bladder tumor associated antigen, waived
Chemistry Special Chemistry Blood volume (total/RBC/plasma)
Chemistry Special Chemistry Borrelia burgdorferi antibody, non-
Chemistry Special Chemistry Borrelia burgdorferi antibody, waived
Chemistry Special Chemistry Borrelia burgdorferi immunoblot
Chemistry Special Chemistry Brucella antibodies
Chemistry Special Chemistry Bullous pemphigoid antibodies
Chemistry Special Chemistry Busulfan
Chemistry Special Chemistry C-Telopeptide collagen type I (CTX),
Chemistry Special Chemistry C-peptide, serum Y ING
Chemistry Special Chemistry C-peptide, urine
Chemistry Special Chemistry C-reactive protein, high sensitivity Y HSCRP
Chemistry Special Chemistry C-reactive protein, qual and/or quant Y CRP, IL
Chemistry Special Chemistry C-telopeptide collagen type I (CTX),
Chemistry Special Chemistry C1 esterase inhibitor
Chemistry Special Chemistry CA 15-3 Y TM, TMX
Chemistry Special Chemistry CA 19-9 Y TM, TMX
Chemistry Special Chemistry CA 19-9, body fluid
Chemistry Special Chemistry CA 27-29 Y TM, TMX
Chemistry Special Chemistry CA 72-4
Chemistry Special Chemistry CA-125 Y TM, TMX
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Special Chemistry CA-125, body fluid
Chemistry Special Chemistry CEA Y K, K2, KK
Chemistry Special Chemistry CEA, body fluid
Chemistry Special Chemistry CK isoenzymes (CK1,CK2,CK3) Y CRT, CRTI, PCARI, PCARM,
Chemistry Special Chemistry CK-MB, serum/plasma Y CRT, CRTI, PCARI, PCARM,
Chemistry Special Chemistry CMV antibody, IgG Y VR3
Chemistry Special Chemistry CMV antibody, IgM Y VR3
Chemistry Special Chemistry CMV antibody, total Y VM3, VR3
Chemistry Special Chemistry Cadmium, RBC
Chemistry Special Chemistry Cadmium, blood Y CD
Chemistry Special Chemistry Cadmium, serum/plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Cadmium, urine Y CD
Chemistry Special Chemistry Caffeine Y CZ, CZ2X, CZX, Z
Chemistry Special Chemistry Calcitonin, serum Y TM, TMX
Chemistry Special Chemistry Calprotectin, fecal
Chemistry Special Chemistry Candida antigen, serum
Chemistry Special Chemistry Carbamazepine Y CZ, CZ2X, CZX, Z
Chemistry Special Chemistry Carbamazepine, free Y CZ, CZ2X, CZX, Z
Chemistry Special Chemistry Carbohydrate deficient transferrin
Chemistry Special Chemistry Carotene
Chemistry Special Chemistry Catecholamines, free
Chemistry Special Chemistry Catecholamines, total
Chemistry Special Chemistry Ceruloplasmin Y S2, S4
Chemistry Special Chemistry Chikungunya antibodies
Chemistry Special Chemistry Chlamydia antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Chlamydophila pneumoniae antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Cholinesterase (RBC, plasma, or serum)
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Special Chemistry Chromogranin A
Chemistry Special Chemistry Circulating immune complexes (C1q,
Chemistry Special Chemistry Clomipramine, serum
Chemistry Special Chemistry Clonazepam, serum
Chemistry Special Chemistry Clozapine and metabolites, serum/plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Coenzyme Q10
Chemistry Special Chemistry Collagen type IV
Chemistry Special Chemistry Colorimetry (stand alone) Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Complement C3 Y IG, IGX
Chemistry Special Chemistry Complement C3, body fluid
Chemistry Special Chemistry Complement C4 Y IG, IGX
Chemistry Special Chemistry Complement C4, body fluid
Chemistry Special Chemistry Complement, other than C3 and C4
Chemistry Special Chemistry Contactin-assoc protein 2 (CASPR2),
Chemistry Special Chemistry Coproporphyrins Y N, NX
Chemistry Special Chemistry Corticosterone, serum/plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Cortisol, free, serum/plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Cortisol, salivary
Chemistry Special Chemistry Cortisol, serum/plasma Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX, K,
Chemistry Special Chemistry Cortisol, total, urine
Chemistry Special Chemistry Cortisol, urinary free Y N, NX
Chemistry Special Chemistry Cortisone, serum/plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Cortisone, urine
Chemistry Special Chemistry Coxiella burnetii (Q fever) antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Coxsackie virus antibodies
Chemistry Special Chemistry Creatine
Chemistry Special Chemistry Cyclosporine, whole blood Y CS
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Special Chemistry Cystatin C, serum/plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Cystatin C, urine
Chemistry Special Chemistry Cytokeratin 19 fragment
Chemistry Special Chemistry D-xylose
Chemistry Special Chemistry DHEA sulfate Y Y, YY
Chemistry Special Chemistry DHEA, serum/plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Dabigatran
Chemistry Special Chemistry Delta aminolevulinic acid, quantitative
Chemistry Special Chemistry Dengue NS1 antigen, non-rapid method
Chemistry Special Chemistry Dengue antigen/antibody, rapid method
Chemistry Special Chemistry Dengue fever antibody, non-rapid method
Chemistry Special Chemistry Deoxypyridinoline (DPD)
Chemistry Special Chemistry Des-gamma-carboxy prothrombin
Chemistry Special Chemistry Desipramine Y ZT
Chemistry Special Chemistry Desmoglein 1&3 antibodies
Chemistry Special Chemistry Diazepam, serum
Chemistry Special Chemistry Digitoxin
Chemistry Special Chemistry Digoxin Y CZ, CZ2X, CZX, Z
Chemistry Special Chemistry Digoxin, free Y CZ, CZ2X, CZX, Z
Chemistry Special Chemistry Dihydrotestosterone, serum
Chemistry Special Chemistry Diphtheria antibodies
Chemistry Special Chemistry Disaccharidase, tissue
Chemistry Special Chemistry Disopyramide Y CZ, CZ2X, CZX, Z
Chemistry Special Chemistry Dopamine, plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Dopamine, urine Y N, NX
Chemistry Special Chemistry Doxepin, serum/plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry EBNA antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry EBV EA antibody
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Special Chemistry EBV VCA antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry EBV antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Echinococcus antibodies
Chemistry Special Chemistry Echovirus antibodies
Chemistry Special Chemistry Elastase, serum
Chemistry Special Chemistry Electrophoresis or isoelectric focusing Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Enzyme immunoassay Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Enzymology (Biochemical Genetics) Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Eosinophil cationic protein
Chemistry Special Chemistry Epidermal growth factor (EGF),
Chemistry Special Chemistry Epinephrine, plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Epinephrine, urine Y N, NX
Chemistry Special Chemistry Erythropoietin, serum
Chemistry Special Chemistry Estradiol Y Y, YY
Chemistry Special Chemistry Estriol, total
Chemistry Special Chemistry Estriol, unconjugated Y FP, FPX, Y, YY
Chemistry Special Chemistry Estrogen receptors
Chemistry Special Chemistry Estrogens, total
Chemistry Special Chemistry Estrone, serum
Chemistry Special Chemistry Estrone-3-glucuronide, waived
Chemistry Special Chemistry Ethosuximide Y CZ, CZ2X, CZX, Z
Chemistry Special Chemistry Everolimus
Chemistry Special Chemistry FSH, urine, non-waived
Chemistry Special Chemistry FSH, urine, waived
Chemistry Special Chemistry Fatty acid profile
Chemistry Special Chemistry Fatty acids, free (non-esterified)
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Special Chemistry Fecal leukocytes, lactoferrin
Chemistry Special Chemistry Felbamate, serum
Chemistry Special Chemistry Ferritin, serum/plasma Y C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX, K, K2,
Chemistry Special Chemistry Fetal fibronectin Y FF
Chemistry Special Chemistry Fetal lung maturity by FPIA, amniotic
Chemistry Special Chemistry Fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23)
Chemistry Special Chemistry Flame photometer Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Flecainide
Chemistry Special Chemistry Fluorescent immunoassay (FPIA) Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Folate, serum/plasma Y K, K2, KK
Chemistry Special Chemistry Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) Y Y, YY
Chemistry Special Chemistry Fructosamine, serum/plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Fungal serology (antibodies)
Chemistry Special Chemistry G-6-PD quantitative
Chemistry Special Chemistry Gabapentin
Chemistry Special Chemistry Galactose
Chemistry Special Chemistry Galectin-3
Chemistry Special Chemistry Gamma globulin electrophoresis, CSF
Chemistry Special Chemistry Gas chromatography (GC) Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Gastrin, serum Y ING
Chemistry Special Chemistry Gentamicin, CSF
Chemistry Special Chemistry Gentamicin, serum Y CZ, CZ2X, CZX, Z
Chemistry Special Chemistry Glomerular filtration rate, nuclear
Chemistry Special Chemistry Glucagon, RIA
Chemistry Special Chemistry Glucagon, non-RIA
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Special Chemistry Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1)
Chemistry Special Chemistry Glucan assay
Chemistry Special Chemistry Glycated albumin
Chemistry Special Chemistry Growth hormone Y Y, YY
Chemistry Special Chemistry Guanidinoacetate/creatine, quantitative
Chemistry Special Chemistry H. pylori antibody, IgA/IgM,
Chemistry Special Chemistry H. pylori antibody, IgG, whole blood, Y S2, S4, S5, VR3
Chemistry Special Chemistry H. pylori antibody, IgG, whole blood, Y S2, S4, S5, VR3
Chemistry Special Chemistry H. pylori antibody, IgG/total, Y S2, S4, S5, VR3
Chemistry Special Chemistry H. pylori detection, breath (collection
Chemistry Special Chemistry HAV antibody, IgG Y VM1
Chemistry Special Chemistry HAV antibody, IgM Y VM5
Chemistry Special Chemistry HAV antibody, total
Chemistry Special Chemistry HBV antibody, rapid test, non-waived
Chemistry Special Chemistry HBc antibody, IgM Y VM1, VM5
Chemistry Special Chemistry HBc antibody, total Y VM1, VM5
Chemistry Special Chemistry HBe antibody Y VM2
Chemistry Special Chemistry HBeAg Y VM2
Chemistry Special Chemistry HBs antibody, qualitative Y VM1
Chemistry Special Chemistry HBs antibody, quantitative
Chemistry Special Chemistry HBsAg, neutralization Y VM1
Chemistry Special Chemistry HBsAg, non-rapid immunoassay method Y VM1
Chemistry Special Chemistry HBsAg, rapid test, non-waived
Chemistry Special Chemistry HCV antibody, non-rapid immunoassay Y VM1
Chemistry Special Chemistry HCV antibody, rapid test, non-waived Y RHCVW
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Special Chemistry HCV antibody, rapid test, waived Y RHCVW
Chemistry Special Chemistry HCV core antigen
Chemistry Special Chemistry HCV immunoblot
Chemistry Special Chemistry HER2 dimer assay/protein expression
Chemistry Special Chemistry HER2, immunoassay
Chemistry Special Chemistry HEV antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry HHV-6 antibodies
Chemistry Special Chemistry HIV antigen
Chemistry Special Chemistry HIV western blot/immunoblot
Chemistry Special Chemistry HIV-1 antibody rapid test, non-waived Y AHIV, VM1, VM6, VM6X
Chemistry Special Chemistry HIV-1 antibody rapid test, waived Y AHIV, AHIVW, VM1, VM6, VM6X
Chemistry Special Chemistry HIV-1 antibody, non-rapid immunoassay Y AHIV, VM1, VM6, VM6X
Chemistry Special Chemistry HIV-1 p24 antigen (not HIV ag/ab combo Y VM3
Chemistry Special Chemistry HIV-1/2 antibody rapid test, non-waived Y AHIV, VM1, VM6, VM6X
Chemistry Special Chemistry HIV-1/2 antibody rapid test, waived Y AHIV, AHIVW, VM1, VM6, VM6X
Chemistry Special Chemistry HIV-1/2 antibody, non-rapid method Y AHIV, VM1, VM6, VM6X
Chemistry Special Chemistry HIV-1/2 antibody/p24 antigen, rapid test, Y AHIV, VM1, VM6, VM6X
Chemistry Special Chemistry HIV-1/2 antibody/p24 antigen,non-rapid Y AHIV, VM1, VM6, VM6X
Chemistry Special Chemistry HIV-1/2 antibody/p24 antigen,rapid Y AHIV, VM1, VM6, VM6X
Chemistry Special Chemistry HIV-2 antibody, non-rapid immunoassay Y AHIV, VM1
Chemistry Special Chemistry HLA B27 typing, ELISA (disease assoc.) Y B27
Chemistry Special Chemistry HSV antibody, IgG Y VR3
Chemistry Special Chemistry HSV antibody, IgM
Chemistry Special Chemistry HSV antibody, total
Chemistry Special Chemistry HTLV antibody, IFA
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Special Chemistry HTLV western blot/immunoblot
Chemistry Special Chemistry HTLV-1 antibody, immunoassay
Chemistry Special Chemistry HTLV-I/II antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Haloperidol, serum
Chemistry Special Chemistry Haptoglobin, qualitative
Chemistry Special Chemistry Haptoglobin, quantitative Y IG, IGX, S2, S4
Chemistry Special Chemistry Heart-type fatty acid binding protein (H-
Chemistry Special Chemistry Heavy & light chain (HLC) pairs, quant,
Chemistry Special Chemistry Hemoglobin A1C, non-waived Y GH5, GH5I
Chemistry Special Chemistry Hemoglobin A1C, waived Y GH2, GH5, GH5I
Chemistry Special Chemistry Hemoglobin A2 quantitation,
Chemistry Special Chemistry Hemoglobin A2 quantitation, non- Y HG
Chemistry Special Chemistry Hemoglobin F quantitation Y HG
Chemistry Special Chemistry Hemoglobin, quantitative, urine
Chemistry Special Chemistry Heparin-induced platelet antibody (HIT)
Chemistry Special Chemistry Hepatitis Delta antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF),
Chemistry Special Chemistry High performance liquid chromatography Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Histamine
Chemistry Special Chemistry Histoplasma Galactomannan assay
Chemistry Special Chemistry Histoplasma antigen
Chemistry Special Chemistry Homocysteine, serum/plasma Y HMS
Chemistry Special Chemistry Homocysteine, urine
Chemistry Special Chemistry Homovanillic acid, urine Y N, NX
Chemistry Special Chemistry Human anti-mouse antibodies
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Special Chemistry Human epididymis protein 4 (HE4)
antigen, serum
Chemistry Special Chemistry Human placental lactogen
Chemistry Special Chemistry Hyaluronic acid
Chemistry Special Chemistry Hydrogen, breath (collection bag)
Chemistry Special Chemistry IGF-1/Somatomedin C Y BGS, Y, YY
Chemistry Special Chemistry IGF-II
Chemistry Special Chemistry IGFBP-1, rapid, amniotic fluid
Chemistry Special Chemistry IgA subclasses
Chemistry Special Chemistry IgA, electrophoresis Y SPE
Chemistry Special Chemistry IgA, quantitative Y IG, IGX
Chemistry Special Chemistry IgA, quantitative, CSF
Chemistry Special Chemistry IgD, electrophoresis
Chemistry Special Chemistry IgD, quantitative
Chemistry Special Chemistry IgE multi-allergen screen, qualitative Y SE
Chemistry Special Chemistry IgE specific-allergen testing
Chemistry Special Chemistry IgE, electrophoresis
Chemistry Special Chemistry IgE, quantitative Y IG, IGX, K, KK, SE
Chemistry Special Chemistry IgG specific-allergen testing, food
Chemistry Special Chemistry IgG specific-allergen testing, non-food
Chemistry Special Chemistry IgG subclasses
Chemistry Special Chemistry IgG, electrophoresis Y SPE
Chemistry Special Chemistry IgG, quantitative Y IG, IGX
Chemistry Special Chemistry IgG, quantitative, CSF Y M, OLI
Chemistry Special Chemistry IgM, electrophoresis Y SPE
Chemistry Special Chemistry IgM, quantitative Y IG, IGX
Chemistry Special Chemistry IgM, quantitative, CSF
Chemistry Special Chemistry Imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Imipramine Y ZT
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Special Chemistry Immunoassay Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Immunofixation electrophoresis, CSF
Chemistry Special Chemistry Immunofixation electrophoresis, serum
Chemistry Special Chemistry Immunofixation electrophoresis, urine
Chemistry Special Chemistry Indicator patch system Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Indocyanine green (ICG) retention test
Chemistry Special Chemistry Inductively coupled plasma - Mass Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Infectious disease testing, blood donor Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Infectious disease testing, tissue donor Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Infectious mononucleosis, non-waived Y IL, IM
Chemistry Special Chemistry Infectious mononucleosis, waived Y IL, IM, IMW
Chemistry Special Chemistry Infliximab, serum/plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Influenza antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Inhibin A Y FP, FPX
Chemistry Special Chemistry Inhibin B
Chemistry Special Chemistry Insulin Y ING
Chemistry Special Chemistry Insulin antibody, RIA
Chemistry Special Chemistry Insulin antibody, all methods except RIA
Chemistry Special Chemistry Insulin growth factor binding protein-3
Chemistry Special Chemistry Interferon gamma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Interleukin receptors, other than 2
Chemistry Special Chemistry Interleukin-2 receptor
Chemistry Special Chemistry Interleukin-6 (IL-6)
Chemistry Special Chemistry Interleukins, other than 6
Chemistry Special Chemistry Intrinsic factor antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Iohexol, serum/plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Iohexol, urine
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Special Chemistry Ion exhange chromatography Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Iron, urine
Chemistry Special Chemistry Iron, whole blood, non-waived Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Special Chemistry Kappa light chain, free, quantitative,
Chemistry Special Chemistry Kappa light chain, free, quantitative,
Chemistry Special Chemistry Kappa light chain, total, quantitative,
Chemistry Special Chemistry Kappa/lambda ratio
Chemistry Special Chemistry LD isoenzymes Y CRTI
Chemistry Special Chemistry LD1 Y CRTI
Chemistry Special Chemistry Laboratory developed test (LDT), Special Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Lacosamide, serum/plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Lambda light chain, free, quantitative,
Chemistry Special Chemistry Lambda light chain, free, quantitative,
Chemistry Special Chemistry Lambda light chain, total, quantitative,
Chemistry Special Chemistry Lamotrigine
Chemistry Special Chemistry Lead, blood, non-waived Y BL
Chemistry Special Chemistry Lead, blood, waived Y BL
Chemistry Special Chemistry Lead, urine
Chemistry Special Chemistry Lecithin:Sphingomyelin (L:S) ratio,
Chemistry Special Chemistry Leflunomide
Chemistry Special Chemistry Leishmania antibodies
Chemistry Special Chemistry Leptin
Chemistry Special Chemistry Leptospira antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Leucine aminopeptidase (LAP)
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Special Chemistry Levetiracetam
Chemistry Special Chemistry Lidocaine Y CZ, CZ2X, CZX, Z
Chemistry Special Chemistry Lipid associated sialic acid (LASA)
Chemistry Special Chemistry Lipoprotein (a) Y ABL, C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Chemistry Special Chemistry Lipoprotein electrophoresis
Chemistry Special Chemistry Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2
Chemistry Special Chemistry Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2
Chemistry Special Chemistry Lipoproteins, nuclear magnetic resonance
Chemistry Special Chemistry Liquid scintillation counter Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Lithium, serum/plasma Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX, Z
Chemistry Special Chemistry Lithium, whole blood, non-waived Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX, Z
Chemistry Special Chemistry Lithium, whole blood, waived Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX, Z
Chemistry Special Chemistry Luteinizing hormone (LH) Y Y, YY
Chemistry Special Chemistry Lymphocyte proliferation assay
Chemistry Special Chemistry Lysozyme
Chemistry Special Chemistry MALDI TOF mass spectrometry Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry MS ID by selected ion monitoring Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry MS ID by total current Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Macroprolactin
Chemistry Special Chemistry Magnesium, RBC
Chemistry Special Chemistry Malaria antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Mannose-binding lectin
Chemistry Special Chemistry Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP),
Chemistry Special Chemistry Melatonin, serum/plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Mercury, RBC
Chemistry Special Chemistry Mercury, blood
Chemistry Special Chemistry Mercury, serum/plasma
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Special Chemistry Mercury, urine
Chemistry Special Chemistry Metabolic disorders, blood spot
Chemistry Special Chemistry Metanephrine, urine Y N, NX
Chemistry Special Chemistry Metanephrines, fractionated, free, plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Metanephrines, total
Chemistry Special Chemistry Methemoglobin, manual
Chemistry Special Chemistry Methotrexate, serum Y CZ, CZ2X, CZX, Z
Chemistry Special Chemistry Methylmalonic acid
Chemistry Special Chemistry Microalbumin (urine albumin), Y U
Chemistry Special Chemistry Microbial identification, gas
Chemistry Special Chemistry Multiplex bead assay Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Mumps antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Muscle specific kinase (MuSK)
Chemistry Special Chemistry Mycophenolic acid Y MPA
Chemistry Special Chemistry Mycoplasma pneumoniae antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Myelin basic protein, CSF
Chemistry Special Chemistry Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein
(MOG) antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Myeloperoxidase (MPO)
Chemistry Special Chemistry Myoglobin, serum/plasma Y CRT, CRTI, PCARM, PCARMX
Chemistry Special Chemistry Myoglobin, urine
Chemistry Special Chemistry N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase, urine
Chemistry Special Chemistry N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDA-
R) antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry N-telopeptides (NTX), serum
Chemistry Special Chemistry N-telopeptides (NTX), urine, non-waived Y BU
Chemistry Special Chemistry N-telopeptides (NTX), urine, waived Y BU
Chemistry Special Chemistry NT-proBNP Y BNP5
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Special Chemistry Natural killer cell cytotoxicity(Cr release
Chemistry Special Chemistry Neopterin
Chemistry Special Chemistry Nephelometry Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Neuron specific enolase
Chemistry Special Chemistry Neuronal voltage-gated potassium
channel antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin
Chemistry Special Chemistry Nicotine and metabolites, non-rapid test
Chemistry Special Chemistry Nitrogen, total, urine
Chemistry Special Chemistry Nordoxepin, serum/plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Norepinephrine, plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Norepinephrine, urine Y N, NX
Chemistry Special Chemistry Normetanephrine, plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Normetanephrine, urine Y N, NX
Chemistry Special Chemistry Nortriptyline Y ZT
Chemistry Special Chemistry Oligoclonal bands
Chemistry Special Chemistry Organic acids, serum/plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Osteocalcin
Chemistry Special Chemistry Ovarian antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Oxalate, serum/plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Oxalate, urine
Chemistry Special Chemistry Oxcarbazepine metabolite, serum
Chemistry Special Chemistry PM-Scl antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Pancreatic elastase, fecal
Chemistry Special Chemistry Pancreatic polypeptide
Chemistry Special Chemistry Parainfluenza virus antibodies
Chemistry Special Chemistry Paraprotein identification (M-Protein) Y SPE
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Special Chemistry Parathyroid hormone (PTH), intact, Y ING
Chemistry Special Chemistry Parathyroid hormone (PTH), serum Y ING
Chemistry Special Chemistry Parathyroid hormone-related peptide
Chemistry Special Chemistry Parvovirus B19 antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Pentobarbital, serum/plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Pepsinogen
Chemistry Special Chemistry Phenobarbital Y CZ, CZ2X, CZX, Z
Chemistry Special Chemistry Phenylalanine (PKU)
Chemistry Special Chemistry Phenytoin Y CZ, CZ2X, CZX, Z
Chemistry Special Chemistry Phenytoin, free Y CZ, CZ2X, CZX, Z
Chemistry Special Chemistry Phosphatidylglycerol, amniotic, TLC
Chemistry Special Chemistry Phosphatidylglycerol, amniotic,
Chemistry Special Chemistry Phosphofructokinase (PFK)
Chemistry Special Chemistry Phospholipase A2 receptor antibodies
Chemistry Special Chemistry Phospholipids
Chemistry Special Chemistry Placental growth factor (PLGF), serum
Chemistry Special Chemistry Pneumococcal serotypes, antibodies
Chemistry Special Chemistry Poliovirus antibodies
Chemistry Special Chemistry Porphobilinogen
Chemistry Special Chemistry Porphobilinogen deaminase
Chemistry Special Chemistry Porphyrins, quantitative
Chemistry Special Chemistry Prealbumin Y C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX, S2, S4
Chemistry Special Chemistry Pregabalin, serum/plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Pregnancy-assoc.plasma protein A
(PAPP-A), serum
Chemistry Special Chemistry Pregnenolone, serum/plasma
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Special Chemistry Prenatal screen for neural tube Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Primidone Y CZ, CZ2X, CZX, Z
Chemistry Special Chemistry Pro-gastrin-releasing peptide (ProGRP)
Chemistry Special Chemistry Procainamide and metabolite (NAPA) Y CZ, CZ2X, CZX, Z
Chemistry Special Chemistry Procalcitonin Y PCT
Chemistry Special Chemistry Procollagen type I intact N-terminal
Chemistry Special Chemistry Procollagen type III
Chemistry Special Chemistry Progesterone receptors
Chemistry Special Chemistry Progesterone, serum/plasma Y Y, YY
Chemistry Special Chemistry Proinsulin
Chemistry Special Chemistry Prolactin Y Y, YY
Chemistry Special Chemistry Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)
Chemistry Special Chemistry Prostate specific antigen (PSA) Y K, K2, KK
Chemistry Special Chemistry Prostate specific antigen (PSA), complex Y K, KK
Chemistry Special Chemistry Prostate specific antigen (PSA), free Y K, KK
Chemistry Special Chemistry Prostate specific antigen, pro (p2 PSA)
Chemistry Special Chemistry Prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) Y K, KK
Chemistry Special Chemistry Protein electrophoresis, CSF
Chemistry Special Chemistry Protein electrophoresis, serum
Chemistry Special Chemistry Protein electrophoresis, urine
Chemistry Special Chemistry Pyridinoline (PYD)
Chemistry Special Chemistry Pyruvate, CSF
Chemistry Special Chemistry Pyruvate, serum/plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Pyruvate, whole blood
Chemistry Special Chemistry Quinidine Y CZ, CZ2X, CZX, Z
Chemistry Special Chemistry RBC folate Y FOL
Chemistry Special Chemistry RNA polymerase III antibody
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Special Chemistry RPR, automated Y G
Chemistry Special Chemistry RSV antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Radioimmunoassay (RIA) Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Red cell mass
Chemistry Special Chemistry Renin Y RAP
Chemistry Special Chemistry Retinol-binding protein, serum
Chemistry Special Chemistry Retinol-binding protein, urine
Chemistry Special Chemistry Rheumatoid factor, body fluid
Chemistry Special Chemistry Rheumatoid factor, isotypes, qual and/or
Chemistry Special Chemistry Rheumatoid factor, semi-quantitative/titer
Chemistry Special Chemistry Rheumatoid factor, total, qual and/or Y IL, RF, RFX
Chemistry Special Chemistry Rubella antibody, IgG, qual and/or quant Y IL, RUB, RUBX
Chemistry Special Chemistry Rubella antibody, IgM, qual and/or quant
Chemistry Special Chemistry Rubella antibody, semi-quantitative
Chemistry Special Chemistry Rubeola antibody, IgG Y VR3
Chemistry Special Chemistry Rubeola antibody, IgM
Chemistry Special Chemistry Rufinamide, serum/plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Salicylate Y CZ, CZ2X, CZX, SDS, Z
Chemistry Special Chemistry Schillings test
Chemistry Special Chemistry Schistosoma antibodies
Chemistry Special Chemistry Serotonin
Chemistry Special Chemistry Serotonin release assay
Chemistry Special Chemistry Serum amyloid A
Chemistry Special Chemistry Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) Y DY
Chemistry Special Chemistry Sialic acid, total
Chemistry Special Chemistry Sickling test, hemoglobin solubility Y HG, SCS
Chemistry Special Chemistry Sirolimus (Rapamycin), whole blood Y CS
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Special Chemistry Soluble Transferrin Receptor
Chemistry Special Chemistry Spectrophotometry (stand alone) Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Sperm antibodies, semen
Chemistry Special Chemistry Sperm antibodies, serum
Chemistry Special Chemistry Squamous cell carcinoma antigen
Chemistry Special Chemistry Sterols, serum/plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Stone analysis
Chemistry Special Chemistry Sulfite, urine
Chemistry Special Chemistry Sweat chloride Y SW1, SW2, SW3, SW4
Chemistry Special Chemistry Sweat collection Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Sweat conductivity Y SW1, SW2, SW3, SW4
Chemistry Special Chemistry Sweat osmolality
Chemistry Special Chemistry Sweat sodium
Chemistry Special Chemistry Sweat testing for cystic fibrosis, Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Sweat testing for cystic fibrosis, Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA),
Chemistry Special Chemistry Syphilis antibodies, non-waived Y G
Chemistry Special Chemistry Syphilis antibodies, rapid test, waived Y G
Chemistry Special Chemistry T3 reverse
Chemistry Special Chemistry T3 uptake Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX, K,
Chemistry Special Chemistry T3, free Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX, K,
Chemistry Special Chemistry T3, total Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX, K,
Chemistry Special Chemistry T4 uptake
Chemistry Special Chemistry T4, free Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX, K,
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Special Chemistry T4, total Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX, K,
Chemistry Special Chemistry TB, whole blood/plasma, immunoassay
Chemistry Special Chemistry TSH rapid screen, whole blood, non- Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX, K,
waived KK
Chemistry Special Chemistry TSH rapid screen, whole blood, waived Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX, K,
Chemistry Special Chemistry TSH receptor antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry TSH, serum/plasma Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX, K,
Chemistry Special Chemistry Tacrolimus, whole blood Y CS
Chemistry Special Chemistry Tandem mass spectrometry Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Teichoic acid antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Teriflunomide, serum
Chemistry Special Chemistry Testosterone, bioavailable, measured
Chemistry Special Chemistry Testosterone, free (measured %)
Chemistry Special Chemistry Testosterone, free, measured Y DY
Chemistry Special Chemistry Testosterone, total, serum/plasma Y Y, YY
Chemistry Special Chemistry Tetanus antibodies
Chemistry Special Chemistry Theophylline Y CZ, CZ2X, CZX, Z
Chemistry Special Chemistry Therapeutic drug monitoring Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Therapeutic drugs, other,
serum/plasma/whole blood
Chemistry Special Chemistry Therapeutic drugs, other, urine
Chemistry Special Chemistry Thin layer chromatography (TLC) Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Thiocyanate
Chemistry Special Chemistry Thiopurine methyltransferase enzyme
Chemistry Special Chemistry Thyroglobulin, body fluid
Chemistry Special Chemistry Thyroglobulin, serum/plasma Y TM, TMX
Chemistry Special Chemistry Thyroid binding globulin
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Special Chemistry Thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin
Chemistry Special Chemistry Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases
Chemistry Special Chemistry Tobramycin, serum Y CZ, CZ2X, CZX, Z
Chemistry Special Chemistry Topiramate
Chemistry Special Chemistry Toxoplasma antibody Y VR3
Chemistry Special Chemistry Transferrin, beta-2, body fluid
Chemistry Special Chemistry Transferrin, serum/plasma Y C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX, S2, S4
Chemistry Special Chemistry Transferrin, urine
Chemistry Special Chemistry Transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-
Chemistry Special Chemistry Tricyclics, total, qualitative, serum Y SDS, ZT
Chemistry Special Chemistry Tricyclics, total, quantitative, serum Y ZT
Chemistry Special Chemistry Troponin I Y CRT, CRTI, PCARI, PCARM,
Chemistry Special Chemistry Troponin T Y TNT5
Chemistry Special Chemistry Trypsin, serum/plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Tryptase
Chemistry Special Chemistry Tumor necrosis factor
Chemistry Special Chemistry Tumor necrosis factor receptors
Chemistry Special Chemistry Urinary organic acids, qualitative Y BGL
Chemistry Special Chemistry Urinary organic acids, quantitative
Chemistry Special Chemistry Uroporphyrin Y N, NX
Chemistry Special Chemistry Valproic acid Y CZ, CZ2X, CZX, Z
Chemistry Special Chemistry Valproic acid, free Y CZ, CZ2X, CZX, Z
Chemistry Special Chemistry Vancomycin, CSF
Chemistry Special Chemistry Vancomycin, serum Y CZ, CZ2X, CZX, Z
Chemistry Special Chemistry Vanillylmandelic acid, urine, quantitative Y N, NX
Chemistry Special Chemistry Varicella-zoster antibody, IgG/total Y VR3
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Special Chemistry Varicella-zoster antibody, IgM
Chemistry Special Chemistry Vascular endothelial growth factor
Chemistry Special Chemistry Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)
Chemistry Special Chemistry Vedolizumab, serum
Chemistry Special Chemistry Vitamin A
Chemistry Special Chemistry Vitamin B1
Chemistry Special Chemistry Vitamin B12 Y K, K2, KK
Chemistry Special Chemistry Vitamin B12, active
Chemistry Special Chemistry Vitamin B2
Chemistry Special Chemistry Vitamin B6
Chemistry Special Chemistry Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), serum/plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Vitamin D, 1,25 dihydroxy
Chemistry Special Chemistry Vitamin D, 25-hydroxy Y ABVD, VITD
Chemistry Special Chemistry Vitamin D2, 25-hydroxy
Chemistry Special Chemistry Vitamin D3, 25-hydroxy
Chemistry Special Chemistry Vitamin E
Chemistry Special Chemistry Vitamin K, serum/plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry Voltage-gated calcium channel antibodies
Chemistry Special Chemistry West Nile virus antibody
Chemistry Special Chemistry Western blot Y
Chemistry Special Chemistry Zika antibody, IgG
Chemistry Special Chemistry Zika antibody, IgM
Chemistry Special Chemistry Zinc protoporphyrins
Chemistry Special Chemistry Zonisamide, serum/plasma
Chemistry Special Chemistry hCG, free beta, quantitative, serum
Chemistry Special Chemistry hCG, quantitative, serum Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX,
Chemistry Toxicology Alcohol, rapid test, saliva, non-waived
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 46 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Toxicology Alcohol, rapid test, saliva, waived
Chemistry Toxicology Alcohol/volatiles, serum/plasma Y AL1, AL2
Chemistry Toxicology Alcohol/volatiles, whole blood Y AL1, AL2
Chemistry Toxicology Aluminum, blood
Chemistry Toxicology Aluminum, serum/plasma Y R
Chemistry Toxicology Aluminum, urine
Chemistry Toxicology Antimony, blood
Chemistry Toxicology Antimony, urine
Chemistry Toxicology Atomic absorption spectrophotometer Y
Chemistry Toxicology Barium, blood
Chemistry Toxicology Barium, serum/plasma
Chemistry Toxicology Barium, urine
Chemistry Toxicology Beryllium, blood
Chemistry Toxicology Beryllium, plasma
Chemistry Toxicology Beryllium, urine
Chemistry Toxicology Bismuth, RBC
Chemistry Toxicology Bismuth, blood
Chemistry Toxicology Bismuth, plasma
Chemistry Toxicology Bismuth, urine
Chemistry Toxicology Body fluid toxicology, qualitative, GC
Chemistry Toxicology Body fluid toxicology, qualitative,
Chemistry Toxicology Body fluid toxicology, qualitative,
Chemistry Toxicology Body fluid toxicology, quantitative, GC
Chemistry Toxicology Body fluid toxicology, quantitative,
Chemistry Toxicology Body fluid toxicology, quantitative,
Chemistry Toxicology Body fluid toxicology, quantitative,
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 47 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Toxicology Chromium, blood
Chemistry Toxicology Chromium, serum Y R
Chemistry Toxicology Chromium, urine
Chemistry Toxicology Cobalt, RBC
Chemistry Toxicology Cobalt, blood
Chemistry Toxicology Cobalt, serum/plasma
Chemistry Toxicology Cobalt, urine
Chemistry Toxicology Colorimeter and/or spectrophotometer Y
(stand alone)
Chemistry Toxicology Copper, RBC
Chemistry Toxicology Copper, blood
Chemistry Toxicology Copper, serum/plasma Y R
Chemistry Toxicology Copper, urine
Chemistry Toxicology Cotinine, serum
Chemistry Toxicology Cotinine, urine
Chemistry Toxicology Cyanide, blood
Chemistry Toxicology Enzyme immunoassay Y
Chemistry Toxicology Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay Y
Chemistry Toxicology Ethyl glucuronide (EtG), urine
Chemistry Toxicology Ethyl sulfate (EtS), urine
Chemistry Toxicology Ethylene glycol, serum
Chemistry Toxicology Fluorescent immunoassay (FPIA) Y
Chemistry Toxicology Gas chromatography (GC) Y
Chemistry Toxicology Hair toxicology, qual, immunoassay
Chemistry Toxicology Hair toxicology, qualitative, LC/MS/MS
Chemistry Toxicology Hair toxicology, quantitative, LC/MS/MS
Chemistry Toxicology High performance liquid chromatography Y
Chemistry Toxicology Inductively coupled plasma - Mass Y
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 48 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Toxicology Iodine, blood
Chemistry Toxicology Iodine, serum/plasma
Chemistry Toxicology Iodine, urine
Chemistry Toxicology Laboratory developed test (LDT), Y
Chemistry Toxicology Lead, blood, non-waived Y BL
Chemistry Toxicology Lead, blood, waived Y BL
Chemistry Toxicology Lead, urine
Chemistry Toxicology MS ID by ion ratios and retention times Y
Chemistry Toxicology MS ID by total spectra Y
Chemistry Toxicology Manganese, RBC
Chemistry Toxicology Manganese, blood
Chemistry Toxicology Manganese, serum/plasma
Chemistry Toxicology Manganese, urine
Chemistry Toxicology Meconium toxicology, qualitative,
Chemistry Toxicology Meconium toxicology, qualitative,
Chemistry Toxicology Meconium toxicology, qualitative,
Chemistry Toxicology Meconium toxicology, quantitative,
Chemistry Toxicology Molybdenum, RBC
Chemistry Toxicology Molybdenum, blood
Chemistry Toxicology Molybdenum, serum
Chemistry Toxicology Molybdenum, urine
Chemistry Toxicology Nickel, RBC
Chemistry Toxicology Nickel, blood
Chemistry Toxicology Nickel, serum/plasma
Chemistry Toxicology Nickel, urine
Chemistry Toxicology Nicotine/Cotinine rapid test, non-waived
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 49 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Toxicology Nicotine/Cotinine rapid test, waived
Chemistry Toxicology Oral fluid toxicology, qual, auto
Chemistry Toxicology Oral fluid toxicology, qualitative,
Chemistry Toxicology Oral fluid toxicology, quantitative,
Chemistry Toxicology Pure controlled subst. requiring a license Y
Chemistry Toxicology Screening kits only (no instrumentation) Y
Chemistry Toxicology Selenium, RBC
Chemistry Toxicology Selenium, blood
Chemistry Toxicology Selenium, serum/plasma Y R
Chemistry Toxicology Selenium, urine
Chemistry Toxicology Serum/plasma toxicology, qualitative,
Chemistry Toxicology Serum/plasma toxicology, qualitative,
Chemistry Toxicology Serum/plasma toxicology, qualitative,
Chemistry Toxicology Serum/plasma toxicology, qualitative,
Chemistry Toxicology Serum/plasma toxicology, qualitative,
Chemistry Toxicology Serum/plasma toxicology, qualitative, Y SDS, T
Chemistry Toxicology Serum/plasma toxicology, quantitative,
Chemistry Toxicology Serum/plasma toxicology, quantitative,
Chemistry Toxicology Serum/plasma toxicology, quantitative,
Chemistry Toxicology Serum/plasma toxicology, quantitative,
Chemistry Toxicology Serum/plasma toxicology, quantitative, Y CZ, CZ2X, CZX, SDS, Z
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 50 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Toxicology Specimen integrity testing, creatinine
Chemistry Toxicology Specimen integrity testing, other
Chemistry Toxicology Specimen integrity testing, oxidizing
Chemistry Toxicology Specimen integrity testing, pH
Chemistry Toxicology Specimen integrity testing, specific
Chemistry Toxicology Thallium, RBC
Chemistry Toxicology Thallium, blood
Chemistry Toxicology Thallium, serum
Chemistry Toxicology Thallium, urine
Chemistry Toxicology Tin, RBC
Chemistry Toxicology Tin, blood
Chemistry Toxicology Tin, serum/plasma
Chemistry Toxicology Tin, urine
Chemistry Toxicology Tissue toxicology, qualitative,
Chemistry Toxicology Tissue toxicology, qualitative,
Chemistry Toxicology Tissue toxicology, quantitative,
Chemistry Toxicology Trace metals, serum Y R
Chemistry Toxicology Urine toxicology, qual, automated Y DMPM, T, UDC, UDS, UDS6, UT
Chemistry Toxicology Urine toxicology, qual, single use kit, Y DMPM, T, UDC, UDS, UDS6, UT
Chemistry Toxicology Urine toxicology, qual, single use kit, Y DMPM, T, UDC, UDS, UDS6, UT
Chemistry Toxicology Urine toxicology, qualitative, GC Y DMPM, T, UDC, UDS, UDS6, UT
Chemistry Toxicology Urine toxicology, qualitative, GC/MS Y DMPM, T, UDC, UDS, UDS6, UT
Chemistry Toxicology Urine toxicology, qualitative, HPLC/LC Y DMPM, T, UDC, UDS, UDS6, UT
Chemistry Toxicology Urine toxicology, qualitative, LC/MS/MS Y DMPM, T, UDC, UDS, UDS6, UT
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 51 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Chemistry Toxicology Urine toxicology, qualitative, TLC Y DMPM, T, UDC, UDS, UDS6, UT
Chemistry Toxicology Urine toxicology, quantitative, GC
Chemistry Toxicology Urine toxicology, quantitative, GC/MS
Chemistry Toxicology Urine toxicology, quantitative, HPLC
Chemistry Toxicology Urine toxicology, quantitative,
Chemistry Toxicology Urine toxicology, quantitative,
Chemistry Toxicology Whole blood tox. testing (non-alcohol) Y
Chemistry Toxicology Whole blood toxicology, qualitative, GC
Chemistry Toxicology Whole blood toxicology, qualitative,
Chemistry Toxicology Whole blood toxicology, qualitative,
Chemistry Toxicology Whole blood toxicology, qualitative,
Chemistry Toxicology Whole blood toxicology, quantitative, GC
Chemistry Toxicology Whole blood toxicology, quantitative,
Chemistry Toxicology Whole blood toxicology, quantitative,
Chemistry Toxicology Whole blood toxicology, quantitative,
Chemistry Toxicology Whole blood toxicology, quantitative,
Chemistry Toxicology Zinc, RBC
Chemistry Toxicology Zinc, blood
Chemistry Toxicology Zinc, serum/plasma Y R
Chemistry Toxicology Zinc, urine
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 52 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics 3-O-methyl-dopa (3-OMD)
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA),
Genetics CSF
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics 5-Methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF)
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Abn. Hb detection, blood spot
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Acylcarnitine
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Acylcarnitines, blood spot
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Acylglycines, quantitative, urine
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Adenosine deaminase
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Alpha-aminoadipic semialdehyde
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Amino acid, blood spot
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Amino acid, qualitative Y BGL
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Amino acid, quantitative
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Aminolevulinic acid dehydratase
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE),
Genetics serum
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Aspartylglucosaminidase
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA),
Genetics serum/plasma
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Benzoic acid, quantitative, serum
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Bile acids, serum/plasma
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Biotinidase
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.
College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS
Master Activity Menu
Page 53 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Carbohydrate deficient transferrin
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Carbohydrate, urine
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Carnitine palmitoyltransferase
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Carnitine transport, fibroblasts
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Carnitine, blood spot
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Carnitine, serum/plasma Y BGL1
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Ceramide accumulation (Farber disease)
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Ceramide trihexoside/sulfatide
Genetics accumulation, urine
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Chitotriosidase
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Cholesterol esterification (Niemann Pick
Genetics Type C)
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Coenzyme Q10
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Colorimetry (stand alone) Y
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Coproporphyrin isomers
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Coproporphyrins Y N, NX
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Creatine
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Creatine transport, fibroblasts
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Creatinine, serum/plasma Y AQ2, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ,
Genetics CZ2X, CZX, WBCR
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Creatinine, urine, quantitative Y BU, CD, U, UDC
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Cystine, urine
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.
College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS
Master Activity Menu
Page 54 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC, 8-DHC)
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Delta aminolevulinic acid, quantitative
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Deoxypyridinoline (DPD)
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Dihydropterin reductase, blood spot
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Electrophoresis or isoelectric focusing Y
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Enzymology (Biochemical Genetics) Y
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Fatty acid profile
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Fatty acid profile, peroxisomal,
Genetics serum/plasma
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Fatty acids, free (non-esterified)
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Filipin staining, cultured cells
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Frataxin
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Fructose 1,6 biphosphatase
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Fructose aldolase
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics G-6-PD screen
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Galactitol, urine
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Galactokinase, blood
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Galactose
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Galactose-1-phosphate, RBC
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.
College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS
Master Activity Menu
Page 55 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA),
Genetics free, CSF
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA),
Genetics total, CSF
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Gas chromatography (GC) Y
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry Y
Genetics (GC/MS)
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Globotriaosylceramide (GB3), urine
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Globotriaosylsphingosine
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Glucopsychosine
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Glucose tetramer (HEX4), urine
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Glucose-6-phosphatase
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Glutaryl CoA dehydrogenase
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Glutarylcarnitine, quantitative, urine
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Glycogen
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Guanidinoacetate/creatine, quantitative
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics High performance liquid chromatography Y
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Homocysteine, blood spot
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Homocysteine, serum/plasma Y HMS
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Homocysteine, urine
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Homovanillic acid (HVA), CSF
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Hormone analysis, newborn screening,
Genetics blood spot
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.
College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS
Master Activity Menu
Page 56 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Hydroxyproline
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Hyperoxaluria panel
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Immunoassay Y
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Immunoreactive trypsinogen, blood spot
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Insulin binding, fibroblasts
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Ion exhange chromatography Y
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Keto acids
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Laboratory developed test (LDT), CBG Y
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Lactate, CSF Y M, OLI
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Liquid scintillation counter Y
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Lysophosphatidylcholine
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Lysosomal enzymes (storage disorders)
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics MALDI TOF mass spectrometry Y
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics MS ID by selected ion monitoring Y
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics MS ID by total current Y
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Metabolic disorders, blood spot
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Metabolic screen, urine
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Methylmalonic acid
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Mucopolysaccharides
Genetics (Glycosaminoglycans), bld spot
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.
College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS
Master Activity Menu
Page 57 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Mucopolysaccharides Y BGL
Genetics (Glycosaminoglycans), urine
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics N-glycan
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics O-glycan
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Oligosaccharide screen
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Organic acids, blood spot
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Organic acids, serum/plasma
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Orotic acid, urine
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Oxysterols
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 1 (PPT1)
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Peroxisomal enzymes, fibroblasts
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Phenylalanine (PKU)
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Phenylbutyrate metabolites
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Phosphofructokinase (PFK)
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Phosphomannomutase (PMM)
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Phosphomannose isomerase (PMI)
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Phosphorylase B kinase
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Phosphorylase enzymes
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Pipecolic acid
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Piperideine-6-carboxylic acid
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.
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Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Polyols, urine
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Porphobilinogen
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Porphobilinogen deaminase
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Porphyrins, quantitative
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Psychosine
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Pterins, urine
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Purine/pyrimidine panel
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Pyridinoline (PYD)
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex,
Genetics fibroblasts
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Pyruvate, CSF
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Pyruvate, serum/plasma
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Pyruvate, whole blood
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Radioimmunoassay (RIA) Y
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Sialic acid, total
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Spectrofluorometry (stand alone) Y
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Sterols, serum/plasma
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Succinylacetone
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Succinyladenosine, CSF
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Succinylpurine screen
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.
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Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Sulfatides
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Sulfite, urine
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Sulfocysteine
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA),
Genetics serum/plasma
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Tandem mass spectrometry Y
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Tartrate resistant acid phosphatase
Genetics (TRAP)
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Tetrahydrobiopterin & neopterin profile,
Genetics CSF
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Thin layer chromatography (TLC) Y
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Thiopurine methyltransferase enzyme
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Transthyretin
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Trimethylamine, urine
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Tripeptidyl peptidase 1 (TPP1)
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics UDP-galactose-4-epimerase, RBC
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Urinary organic acids, qualitative Y BGL
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Urinary organic acids, quantitative
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Uroporphyrin Y N, NX
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Uroporphyrinogen III cosynthase
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Very long chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase
Genetics (VLCAD)
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.
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Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Very long chain lysophosphatidylcholine
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Vitamin B6
Clinical Biochemical Clinical Biochemical Genetics Zinc protoporphyrins
Clinical Biochemical Newborn Screening Newborn screening, blood spot Y
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Cytogenetics Conventional Cytogenetics Chromosome analysis, constitutional Y CY, CYBK
Cytogenetics Conventional Cytogenetics Chromosome analysis, interpretation only Y CY, CYBK
Cytogenetics Conventional Cytogenetics Chromosome analysis, neoplastic Y CY, CYBK
Cytogenetics Conventional Cytogenetics Laboratory developed test (LDT), Y
Cytogenetics Genomic Copy Number - Genomic Copy Number - Microarray
Cytogenetics Genomic Copy Number - Laboratory developed Y
Microarray test(LDT),Genomic Copy Number
Cytogenetics Genomic Copy Number - Preimplantation genetic diagnosis
Cytogenetics Genomic Copy Number - Preimplantation genetic screen
Cytogenetics In Situ Hybridization Constitutional disorders, non-paraffin
embed, ISH
Cytogenetics In Situ Hybridization Constitutional disorders, paraffin
embedded, ISH
Cytogenetics In Situ Hybridization HER2 (ERBB2) hybrid and interp on- Y CYH
site, FISH
Cytogenetics In Situ Hybridization HER2 (ERBB2) hybrid only (off-site
interp), FISH
Cytogenetics In Situ Hybridization HER2 (ERBB2) interp only (off-site
hybrid), FISH
Cytogenetics In Situ Hybridization HER2 (ERBB2), gastric, FISH
Cytogenetics In Situ Hybridization Laboratory developed test (LDT), ISH Y
Cytogenetics In Situ Hybridization Neoplastic disorders, ISH, interpretation
Cytogenetics In Situ Hybridization Neoplastic disorders, non-paraffin
embedded, ISH
Cytogenetics In Situ Hybridization Neoplastic disorders, paraffin embedded,
Cytogenetics In Situ Hybridization Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD),
Cytogenetics In Situ Hybridization Preimplantation genetic screen (PGS),
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.
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Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Cytogenetics In Situ Hybridization Urothelial CA hybrid only (off-site
interp), FISH
Cytogenetics In Situ Hybridization Urothelial CA interp only (off-site
hybrid), FISH
Cytogenetics In Situ Hybridization Urothelial carcinoma hybrid & interp on- Y CYI
site, FISH
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Cytopathology Cytology Processing Cytology immunohistochemistry staining Y
Cytopathology Cytology Processing FNA processed in Cytology Y
Cytopathology Cytology Processing Liquid based preparation Y
Cytopathology Cytology Processing Specimen adequacy, microscopic (at Y
Cytopathology Cytology Processing Specimen staining, cytology Y
Cytopathology Cytology Screening Automated PAP screening/re-screening Y
Cytopathology Cytology Screening Primary screening by pathologist, gyn Y
Cytopathology Cytology Screening Primary screening by pathologist, non-
gyn cytology
Cytopathology Cytology Screening Screening by cytotech, gynecologic Y
Cytopathology Cytology Screening Screening by cytotech, non-gynecologic
Cytopathology Gynecologic Cytopathology Pathologist interpretation, gynecologic Y
Cytopathology Non-Gynecologic Cytopathology Pathologist interpretation, FNA Y
Cytopathology Non-Gynecologic Cytopathology Pathologist interpretation, non-gyn Y
Cytopathology Non-Gynecologic Cytopathology Tzanck smears interp, Cytopathology Y
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Flow Cytometry Flow Cytometry CD34+ enumeration Y FL4
Flow Cytometry Flow Cytometry DNA analysis
Flow Cytometry Flow Cytometry F cell value, flow cytometry
Flow Cytometry Flow Cytometry Fetal red blood cell, flow Y HBF
Flow Cytometry Flow Cytometry Granulocyte antibody, flow cytometry
Flow Cytometry Flow Cytometry HLA B27 typing, flow cytometry Y B27
(disease assoc.)
Flow Cytometry Flow Cytometry HLA single antigen typing other than
B27, flow
Flow Cytometry Flow Cytometry Hereditary spherocytosis screen, flow
Flow Cytometry Flow Cytometry Immunodef immunophenotying, not
lymphocyte subsets
Flow Cytometry Flow Cytometry Laboratory developed test (LDT), Flow Y
Flow Cytometry Flow Cytometry Leukemia/lymphoma/MDS data
interpretation only
Flow Cytometry Flow Cytometry Leukemia/lymphoma/MDS
Flow Cytometry Flow Cytometry Leukocyte adhesion, flow cytometry
Flow Cytometry Flow Cytometry Lymphocyte proliferation assay, flow
Flow Cytometry Flow Cytometry Lymphocyte subsets/phenotyping Y FL, FL1
Flow Cytometry Flow Cytometry Minimal residual disease (MRD), flow
Flow Cytometry Flow Cytometry Natural killer cell cytotoxicity, flow
Flow Cytometry Flow Cytometry Neutrophil oxidative burst assay, flow
Flow Cytometry Flow Cytometry PNH analysis, flow cytometry
Flow Cytometry Flow Cytometry Platelet antibody, direct, flow cytometry
Flow Cytometry Flow Cytometry Platelet antibody, indirect, flow
Flow Cytometry Flow Cytometry Platelet crossmatch, flow cytometry
Flow Cytometry Flow Cytometry Platelet function (e.g.GPIIb/IIIa), flow
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Flow Cytometry Flow Cytometry Platelet granule assay, flow cytometry
Flow Cytometry Flow Cytometry Reticulocyte count, flow cytometry Y FH14, FH14P, RT, RT2, RT3, RT4
Flow Cytometry Flow Cytometry WBC, leuko-reduced PLT product, flow
Flow Cytometry Flow Cytometry WBC, leuko-reduced RBC product, flow
Flow Cytometry Flow Cytometry ZAP 70
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Hematology Body Fluid Analysis Body fluid cell count, automated
Hematology Body Fluid Analysis Body fluid cell count, manual Y HFC, HFCI
Hematology Body Fluid Analysis Body fluid differential/cell identification
Hematology Body Fluid Analysis Crystal identification or pres/abs, body
Hematology Body Fluid Analysis Eosinophils, stool
Hematology Body Fluid Analysis Eosinophils, urine
Hematology Body Fluid Analysis Fern test, vaginal fluid Y CMMP
Hematology Body Fluid Analysis Fructose, semen
Hematology Body Fluid Analysis Laboratory developed test (LDT), Body Y
Hematology Body Fluid Analysis Mucin clot, body fluid
Hematology Body Fluid Analysis Semen biochem. testing, other than
Hematology Body Fluid Analysis Sperm DNA fragmentation, stain
Hematology Body Fluid Analysis Sperm antibodies, semen
Hematology Body Fluid Analysis Sperm antibodies, serum
Hematology Body Fluid Analysis Sperm count screen, rapid test, waived
Hematology Body Fluid Analysis Sperm count, automated
Hematology Body Fluid Analysis Sperm count, manual Y PV, SC, SMCD
Hematology Body Fluid Analysis Sperm hyaluronan binding assay (HBA)
Hematology Body Fluid Analysis Sperm morphology (differential),
Hematology Body Fluid Analysis Sperm morphology (differential), manual
Hematology Body Fluid Analysis Sperm motility, automated
Hematology Body Fluid Analysis Sperm motility, manual
Hematology Body Fluid Analysis Sperm stain for WBC
Hematology Body Fluid Analysis Sperm viability Y SV
Hematology Body Fluid Analysis Sperm, pres/abs, urine (retrograde eval)
Hematology Body Fluid Analysis Sperm, presence or absence (post
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Hematology Body Fluid Analysis WBC, qualitative, semen
Hematology Body Fluid Analysis pH, body fluid
Hematology Coagulation ACT Y CT, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT5
Hematology Coagulation ADAMTS-13 activity
Hematology Coagulation ADAMTS-13 inhibition
Hematology Coagulation APC resistance
Hematology Coagulation Alpha-2-antiplasmin
Hematology Coagulation Anti-phosphatidylserine-prothrombin
Hematology Coagulation Anti-prothrombin antibodies
Hematology Coagulation Antithrombin III
Hematology Coagulation Apixaban anti-Xa
Hematology Coagulation Argatroban anti-IIa
Hematology Coagulation Bleeding time, any method
Hematology Coagulation Capillary fragility test
Hematology Coagulation Chromogenic Factor IX
Hematology Coagulation Chromogenic Factor VIII
Hematology Coagulation Chromogenic Factor X
Hematology Coagulation Circulating anticoagulants or factor
Hematology Coagulation Clot retraction
Hematology Coagulation Collagen binding assay
Hematology Coagulation D-dimer, qual/semi-quant, plasma
Hematology Coagulation D-dimer, qual/semi-quant, whole blood
Hematology Coagulation D-dimer, quantitative Y CGDF, CGL, PCARM, PCARMX
Hematology Coagulation Dabigatran
Hematology Coagulation Dilute Russel's viper venom time
Hematology Coagulation Edoxaban anti-Xa
Hematology Coagulation Euglobulin test
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Hematology Coagulation FDP, plasma
Hematology Coagulation FDP, serum
Hematology Coagulation Factor VIII assay Y CGE, CGEX, CGS3
Hematology Coagulation Factor XIII screen, solubility
Hematology Coagulation Factor assays other than VIII
Hematology Coagulation Factor assays, cryoprecipitate product
Hematology Coagulation Fibrin monomers
Hematology Coagulation Fibrinogen Y CGL
Hematology Coagulation Fibrinogen, antigen
Hematology Coagulation Fondaparinux anti-Xa
Hematology Coagulation Glycoprotein Ib receptor (von Willebrand
Hematology Coagulation Heparin anti-Xa
Hematology Coagulation Heparin assay (heparin/protamine
Hematology Coagulation Heparin dose response
Hematology Coagulation Heparin-induced platelet antibody (HIT)
Hematology Coagulation Hexagonal phospholipid neutralization
Hematology Coagulation High molecular weight kininogen
Hematology Coagulation INR calculated, plasma, non-waived Y CGB, CGL, WP3, WP4, WP6, WP9
Hematology Coagulation INR direct, plasma, non-waived Y CGB, CGL, WP3, WP4, WP6, WP9
Hematology Coagulation INR, whole blood, non-waived Y CGB, CGL, WP3, WP4, WP6, WP9
Hematology Coagulation INR, whole blood, waived
Hematology Coagulation Laboratory developed test (LDT), Y
Hematology Coagulation Lupus anticoagulant
Hematology Coagulation Mixing studies
Hematology Coagulation PT, plasma Y CGB, CGL, WP3, WP4, WP6, WP9
Hematology Coagulation PT, whole blood, non-waived Y CGB, CGL, WP3, WP4, WP6, WP9
Hematology Coagulation PT, whole blood, waived
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Hematology Coagulation PTT, plasma Y CGB, CGL
Hematology Coagulation PTT, whole blood Y CGB, CGL
Hematology Coagulation Plasminogen
Hematology Coagulation Plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1)
Hematology Coagulation Platelet aggregation (not PFA)
Hematology Coagulation Platelet function assay (PFA)
Hematology Coagulation Platelet function, rapid, GP IIb/IIIa
Hematology Coagulation Platelet function, rapid, P2Y12 inhibition
Hematology Coagulation Platelet function, rapid, aspirin, non-
Hematology Coagulation Platelet function, rapid, aspirin, waived
Hematology Coagulation Platelet mapping
Hematology Coagulation Platelet neutralization procedure (PNP)
Hematology Coagulation Prekallikrein
Hematology Coagulation Protein C
Hematology Coagulation Protein S
Hematology Coagulation Prothrombin fragment 1.2
Hematology Coagulation Reptilase time
Hematology Coagulation Ristocetin cofactor (von Willebrand
Hematology Coagulation Rivaroxaban anti-Xa
Hematology Coagulation Thrombelastograph (TEG)
Hematology Coagulation Thrombin time
Hematology Coagulation Thrombin/antithrombin complex
Hematology Coagulation Thromboelastometry
Hematology Coagulation Tissue plasminogen activator
Hematology Coagulation von Willebrand factor antigen
Hematology Coagulation von Willebrand multimer analysis
Hematology Hematology APT, fetal hemoglobin
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Hematology Hematology Abn. Hb detection (all methods except
Hematology Hematology Bone marrow collection (assist) Y
Hematology Hematology Bone marrow morphology slide
Hematology Hematology Bone marrow stain (Wright/Giemsa), Y
Hematology Hematology Buffy coat stain for organisms
Hematology Hematology Cell counts, blood product (eg, TNC,
HCT), auto
Hematology Hematology Cell counts, blood product (eg, TNC,
HCT), manual
Hematology Hematology Cryofibrinogen
Hematology Hematology Cryoglobulin
Hematology Hematology Donath Landsteiner
Hematology Hematology ESR, automated, non-waived
Hematology Hematology ESR, manual, non-waived
Hematology Hematology ESR, manual, waived
Hematology Hematology Eosinophil count
Hematology Hematology Eosinophils, nasal smear Y CMMP
Hematology Hematology Eosinophils, sputum
Hematology Hematology Fecal leukocytes, giemsa stain Y CMMP
Hematology Hematology Fecal leukocytes, stain other than giemsa
Hematology Hematology G-6-PD screen
Hematology Hematology Ham test (acidified serum)
Hematology Hematology Heinz body preparation
Hematology Hematology Hematocrit, body fluid
Hematology Hematology Hematocrit, non-waived Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, FH1, FH10,
FH10P, FH13, FH13P, FH14, FH14P,
FH15, FH1P, FH2, FH2P, FH3,
FH3P, FH4, FH4P, FH6, FH6P, FH9,
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Hematology Hematology Hematocrit, waived Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, FH1, FH10,
FH10P, FH13, FH13P, FH14, FH14P,
FH15, FH1P, FH2, FH2P, FH3,
FH3P, FH4, FH4P, FH6, FH6P, FH9,
Hematology Hematology Hematopoietic progenitor cell (HPC)
Hematology Hematology Hemoglobin A2 quantitation,
Hematology Hematology Hemoglobin A2 quantitation, non- Y HG
Hematology Hematology Hemoglobin F quantitation Y HG
Hematology Hematology Hemoglobin H preparation
Hematology Hematology Hemoglobin, non-waived Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, FH1, FH10,
FH10P, FH13, FH13P, FH14, FH14P,
FH15, FH1P, FH2, FH2P, FH3,
FH3P, FH4, FH4P, FH6, FH6P, FH9,
Hematology Hematology Hemoglobin, serum/plasma
Hematology Hematology Hemoglobin, waived Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, FH1, FH10,
FH10P, FH13, FH13P, FH14, FH14P,
FH15, FH1P, FH2, FH2P, FH3,
FH3P, FH4, FH4P, FH6, FH6P, FH9,
Hematology Hematology Hemosiderin, urine
Hematology Hematology High performance liquid chromatography Y
Hematology Hematology Immature platelet fraction (IPF)
Hematology Hematology Kleihauer-Betke stain (fetal cell Y HBF
Hematology Hematology LE cell preparation
Hematology Hematology Laboratory developed test (LDT), Y
Hematology Hematology Lamellar body count
Hematology Hematology Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase score
Hematology Hematology Osmotic fragility
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.
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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Hematology Hematology Parasite screening/identification, blood Y BP, P, P3, P4, P5
Hematology Hematology Plasmodium antigens (rapid malaria)
Hematology Hematology Platelet count, automated Y FH1, FH10, FH10P, FH13, FH13P,
FH14, FH14P, FH15, FH1P, FH2,
FH2P, FH3, FH3P, FH4, FH4P, FH6,
Hematology Hematology Platelet count, manual Y FH1, FH10, FH10P, FH13, FH13P,
FH14, FH14P, FH15, FH1P, FH2,
FH2P, FH3, FH3P, FH4, FH4P, FH6,
Hematology Hematology Platelet count, platelet-rich plasma Y TRC
Hematology Hematology RBC count Y FH1, FH10, FH10P, FH13, FH13P,
FH14, FH14P, FH1P, FH2, FH2P,
FH3, FH3P, FH4, FH4P, FH6, FH6P,
Hematology Hematology RBC indices (e.g. MCV, RDW)
Hematology Hematology Reticulocyte count, automated Y FH14, FH14P, RT, RT2, RT3, RT4
Hematology Hematology Reticulocyte count, manual Y FH14, FH14P, RT, RT2, RT3, RT4
Hematology Hematology Reticulocyte hemoglobin content
Hematology Hematology Sickling test, hemoglobin solubility Y HG, SCS
Hematology Hematology Special stains, Hematology Y
Hematology Hematology Sugar water test
Hematology Hematology Viscosity, serum/plasma
Hematology Hematology Viscosity, whole blood
Hematology Hematology WBC count, automated Y FH1, FH10, FH10P, FH13, FH13P,
FH14, FH14P, FH15, FH1P, FH2,
FH2P, FH3, FH3P, FH4, FH4P, FH6,
Hematology Hematology WBC count, manual Y FH1, FH10, FH10P, FH13, FH13P,
FH14, FH14P, FH15, FH1P, FH2,
FH2P, FH3, FH3P, FH4, FH4P, FH6,
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Hematology Hematology WBC count, microcuvette Y FH1, FH10, FH10P, FH13, FH13P,
FH14, FH14P, FH15, FH1P, FH2,
FH2P, FH3, FH3P, FH4, FH4P, FH6,
Hematology Hematology WBC differential, automated Y BCP, BCP2, FH1, FH10, FH10P,
FH13, FH13P, FH14, FH14P, FH15,
FH1P, FH2, FH2P, FH3, FH3P, FH4,
Hematology Hematology WBC differential, manual Y BCP, BCP2, FH1, FH10, FH10P,
FH13, FH13P, FH14, FH14P, FH15,
FH1P, FH2, FH2P, FH3, FH3P, FH4,
Hematology Hematology nRBC count, automated
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Histocompatibility Testing Clinical Transplantation Support BM/stem cell transplantation, related Y
Histocompatibility Testing Clinical Transplantation Support BM/stem cell transplantation, unrelated Y
Histocompatibility Testing Clinical Transplantation Support Platelet transfusion support Y
Histocompatibility Testing Clinical Transplantation Support Solid organ transplant, non-renal, Y
cadaveric donor
Histocompatibility Testing Clinical Transplantation Support Solid organ transplant, non-renal, live Y
Histocompatibility Testing Clinical Transplantation Support Solid organ transplant, renal, cadaveric Y
Histocompatibility Testing Clinical Transplantation Support Solid organ transplant, renal, live donor Y
Histocompatibility Testing Clinical Transplantation Support Transplant, other (e.g. Islet cell) Y
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Cellular Functional Tests Cellular function assay
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Cellular Functional Tests Laboratory developed test (LDT), HLA Y
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Flow Cytometry HLA B-Cell crossmatching, flow Y MX2B, MX2C, MXB, MXC
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Flow Cytometry HLA B27 typing, flow cytometry Y B27
(disease assoc.)
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Flow Cytometry HLA Class I antibody ID, flow cytometry Y MX1B, MX1C, MXB, MXC
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Flow Cytometry HLA Class I antibody screening, flow
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Flow Cytometry HLA Class II antibody ID, flow Y MX2B, MX2C, MXB, MXC
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Flow Cytometry HLA Class II antibody screening, flow
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Flow Cytometry HLA T-Cell crossmatching, flow Y MX1B, MX1C, MXB, MXC
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Flow Cytometry Laboratory developed test (LDT), HLA Y
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Flow Cytometry Virtual HLA crossmatching Y
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Molecular HLA B27 typing only, PCR Y B27, DML
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Molecular HLA Class I typing, generic (SSP/SSO) Y DML
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Molecular HLA Class I typing, high resolution Y DML
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Molecular HLA Class I typing, high resolution Y DML
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Molecular HLA Class I typing, micro-bead assay Y DML
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Molecular HLA Class II typing, generic (SSP/SSO) Y DML
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Molecular HLA Class II typing, high resolution Y DML
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Molecular HLA Class II typing, high resolution Y DML
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Molecular HLA Class II typing, micro-bead assay Y DML
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Molecular HLA disease association &/or drug risk,
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Molecular HLA single antigen typing other than
B27, PCR
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Molecular KIR genotyping, molecular methods
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Molecular Laboratory developed test(LDT), HLA Y
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Molecular MICA typing, micro-bead assay (SSO)
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Molecular Stem cell engraftment monitoring Y ME
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Serology ABO antibody titer for transplant
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Serology ABO blood grouping for transplantation Y J, J1, JAT
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Serology Group A subtyping for transplantation
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Serology HLA B-Cell crossmatching, serology Y MX2B, MX2C, MXB, MXC
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Serology HLA B27 typing, serology (disease Y B27
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Serology HLA Class I antibody ID, serology Y MX1B, MX1C, MXB, MXC
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Serology HLA Class I antibody screening, serology
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Serology HLA Class I typing, serology
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Serology HLA Class II antibody ID, serology Y MX2B, MX2C, MXB, MXC
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Serology HLA Class II antibody screening,
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Serology HLA Class II typing, serology
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Serology HLA T-Cell crossmatching, serology Y MX1B, MX1C, MXB, MXC
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Serology Laboratory developed test (LDT), HLA Y
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Serology Virtual HLA crossmatching Y
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Solid Phase Assays AT1R antibody screening, immunoassay
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Solid Phase Assays Angiotensin II type 1 receptor antibody
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Solid Phase Assays C1q complement binding antibody,
micro-bead assay
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Solid Phase Assays HLA Class I antibody ID, immunoassay Y MX1B, MX1C, MXB, MXC
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Solid Phase Assays HLA Class I antibody ID, micro-bead Y MX1B, MX1C, MXB, MXC
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Solid Phase Assays HLA Class I antibody screening,
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Solid Phase Assays HLA Class I antibody screening, micro-
bead assay
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Solid Phase Assays HLA Class II antibody ID, immunoassay Y MX2B, MX2C, MXB, MXC
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Solid Phase Assays HLA Class II antibody ID, micro-bead Y MX2B, MX2C, MXB, MXC
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Solid Phase Assays HLA Class II antibody screening,
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Solid Phase Assays HLA Class II antibody screening, micro-
bead assay
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Solid Phase Assays Laboratory developed test (LDT), HLA Y
Solid Phase
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Solid Phase Assays MICA antibody screening, micro-bead
Histocompatibility Testing HLA Solid Phase Assays Platelet antibodies for crossmatching Y PS
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Immunology Immunology 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA
reductase antibody
Immunology Immunology ABO blood grouping Y J, J1, JAT
Immunology Immunology ADAMTS-13 antibody
Immunology Immunology AFP & PP12, rapid, amniotic fluid
Immunology Immunology AMPA receptor antibody
Immunology Immunology APT, fetal hemoglobin
Immunology Immunology ASO, qual and/or quant Y ASO, IL
Immunology Immunology ASO, semi-quantitative
Immunology Immunology ATP, immune cell function assay
Immunology Immunology Acetylcholine receptor antibodies
Immunology Immunology Acute kidney injury assay (IGFBP-
Immunology Immunology Adenovirus 40/41 antigen, non-waived
Immunology Immunology Adenovirus antibody
Immunology Immunology Adenovirus antigen, non-waived Y HC2, VR2, VR4
Immunology Immunology Adenovirus antigen, waived Y HC2, VR2, VR4
Immunology Immunology Adiponectin, serum/plasma
Immunology Immunology Adrenal antibody
Immunology Immunology Aldosterone, serum/plasma Y RAP
Immunology Immunology Alpha-1 acid glycoprotein
Immunology Immunology Alpha-1 microglobulin
Immunology Immunology Alpha-1-antitrypsin, fecal
Immunology Immunology Alpha-1-antitrypsin, serum Y IG, IGX
Immunology Immunology Alpha-2 macroglobulin
Immunology Immunology Amoeba antibody
Immunology Immunology Amphiphysin antibody
Immunology Immunology Anti-C1q antibody, IgG
Immunology Immunology Anti-CCP
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Immunology Immunology Anti-DNase B
Immunology Immunology Anti-ENA
Immunology Immunology Anti-F actin
Immunology Immunology Anti-JO-1
Immunology Immunology Anti-LKM
Immunology Immunology Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) Y AMH
Immunology Immunology Anti-RNP antibody, qualitative Y S2
Immunology Immunology Anti-RNP antibody, quantitative
Immunology Immunology Anti-RNP-70
Immunology Immunology Anti-SCL-70
Immunology Immunology Anti-SRP antibody
Immunology Immunology Anti-SS-A antibody, qualitative Y S2
Immunology Immunology Anti-SS-A antibody, quantitative
Immunology Immunology Anti-SS-A/Ro 52 antibody
Immunology Immunology Anti-SS-A/Ro 60 antibody
Immunology Immunology Anti-SS-B antibody, qualitative Y S2
Immunology Immunology Anti-SS-B antibody, quantitative
Immunology Immunology Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody
Immunology Immunology Anti-Sm antibody, qualitative Y S2
Immunology Immunology Anti-Sm antibody, quantitative
Immunology Immunology Anti-Sm/RNP antibody, qualitative Y S2
Immunology Immunology Anti-Sm/RNP antibody, quantitative
Immunology Immunology Anti-Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas
Immunology Immunology Anti-cardiolipin IgA, qualitative
Immunology Immunology Anti-cardiolipin IgA, quantitative
Immunology Immunology Anti-cardiolipin IgG, qualitative Y ACL, APS
Immunology Immunology Anti-cardiolipin IgG, quantitative
Immunology Immunology Anti-cardiolipin IgM, qualitative Y ACL, APS
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Immunology Immunology Anti-cardiolipin IgM, quantitative
Immunology Immunology Anti-cardiolipin polyclonal, qualitative Y ACL, APS
Immunology Immunology Anti-cardiolipin polyclonal, quantitative
Immunology Immunology Anti-centromere antibody
Immunology Immunology Anti-centromere protein B (CENP B)
Immunology Immunology Anti-chromatin antibody
Immunology Immunology Anti-dsDNA, qualitative Y S2, S4
Immunology Immunology Anti-dsDNA, quantitative
Immunology Immunology Anti-endomysial antibody
Immunology Immunology Anti-ganglioside (GM1, GQ1b, GD1a/b)
Immunology Immunology Anti-gliadin antibody IgA, qualitative
Immunology Immunology Anti-gliadin antibody IgA, quantitative
Immunology Immunology Anti-gliadin antibody IgG, qualitative Y CES, CESX
Immunology Immunology Anti-gliadin antibody IgG, quantitative
Immunology Immunology Anti-gliadin deamidated antibodies Y CES, CESX
(IgA,IgG), qual
Immunology Immunology Anti-gliadin deamidated
antibodies(IgA,IgG), quant
Immunology Immunology Anti-gliadin deamidated antibodies,
Immunology Immunology Anti-glomerular basement membrane
(GBM) screen
Immunology Immunology Anti-glomerular basement membrane
(GBM), IgA, qual
Immunology Immunology Anti-glomerular basement membrane Y S2
(GBM), IgG, qual
Immunology Immunology Anti-glomerular basement membrane
(GBM), quant
Immunology Immunology Anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD)
Immunology Immunology Anti-histone antibodies
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Immunology Immunology Anti-islet cell antibody
Immunology Immunology Anti-islet cell antigen 2 (IA-2) antibody
Immunology Immunology Anti-liver cytosol (LC1) antibody
Immunology Immunology Anti-mitochondrial M2 antibody (AMA-
Immunology Immunology Anti-mitochondrial antibody Y S2
Immunology Immunology Anti-myeloperoxidase (MPO) antibody
Immunology Immunology Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody
Immunology Immunology Anti-nuclear antibody, qual and/or quant Y ANA, IL
Immunology Immunology Anti-nuclear antibody, titer/pattern
Immunology Immunology Anti-nucleosome antibodies
Immunology Immunology Anti-parietal cell antibody
Immunology Immunology Anti-phosphatidyl serine
Immunology Immunology Anti-phosphatidylserine-prothrombin
Immunology Immunology Anti-phospholipid antibodies
Immunology Immunology Anti-platelet antibody
Immunology Immunology Anti-proteinase 3 (PR3) antibody
Immunology Immunology Anti-prothrombin antibodies
Immunology Immunology Anti-reticulin
Immunology Immunology Anti-ribosomal P antibody
Immunology Immunology Anti-smooth muscle antibody Y S2
Immunology Immunology Anti-soluble liver antigen antibody
Immunology Immunology Anti-ssDNA antibodies, qual/quant
Immunology Immunology Anti-striated muscle antibody
Immunology Immunology Anti-tTG/DGP screen
Immunology Immunology Anti-thyroglobulin antibody, qualitative Y S2, S4
Immunology Immunology Anti-thyroglobulin antibody, quantitative
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Immunology Immunology Anti-thyroid peroxidase (anti- Y S2, S4
microsomal), qual
Immunology Immunology Anti-thyroid peroxidase (anti-
microsomal), quant
Immunology Immunology Anti-tissue transglutaminase antibody, Y CES, CESX
Immunology Immunology Anti-tissue transglutaminase antibody,
Immunology Immunology Antibody screen Y J, JAT
Immunology Immunology Antineuronal nuclear antibodies
Immunology Immunology Aquaporin-4 (AQP4)/NMO antibody
Immunology Immunology Arbovirus antibody
Immunology Immunology Aspergillus Galactomannan assay
Immunology Immunology Automated blood banking test system Y
Immunology Immunology Babesia antibody
Immunology Immunology Bacterial meningitis antigens Y CDF5, D, D4, D6, HC1, HC3, MC1,
MC2, MC4, MC5, VS
Immunology Immunology Bartonella antibody
Immunology Immunology Basement membrane zone antibodies
Immunology Immunology Beta-2-glycoprotein
Immunology Immunology Bladder tumor associated antigen, non-
Immunology Immunology Bladder tumor associated antigen, waived
Immunology Immunology Bordetella antigen
Immunology Immunology Bordetella pertussis antibodies
Immunology Immunology Bordetella pertussis, DFA
Immunology Immunology Borrelia burgdorferi antibody, non-
Immunology Immunology Borrelia burgdorferi antibody, waived
Immunology Immunology Borrelia burgdorferi immunoblot
Immunology Immunology Brucella antibodies
Immunology Immunology Brucella antigen
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Immunology Immunology Bullous pemphigoid antibodies
Immunology Immunology C-Telopeptide collagen type I (CTX),
Immunology Immunology C-reactive protein, high sensitivity Y HSCRP
Immunology Immunology C-reactive protein, qual and/or quant Y CRP, IL
Immunology Immunology C-telopeptide collagen type I (CTX),
Immunology Immunology C. difficile detection (non-molecular) Y CDF2, CDF5, D, D4, D6, HC1, HC3,
MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5, VS
Immunology Immunology C1 esterase inhibitor
Immunology Immunology CMV antibody, IgG Y VR3
Immunology Immunology CMV antibody, IgM Y VR3
Immunology Immunology CMV antibody, total Y VM3, VR3
Immunology Immunology CMV antigen, DFA Y HC2, VR2, VR4
Immunology Immunology Calcitonin, serum Y TM, TMX
Immunology Immunology Calprotectin, fecal
Immunology Immunology Candida antigen, serum
Immunology Immunology Ceruloplasmin Y S2, S4
Immunology Immunology Chikungunya antibodies
Immunology Immunology Chlamydia antibody
Immunology Immunology Chlamydia antigen, DFA Y CDF5, D, D4, D6, HC1, HC3, MC1,
MC2, MC4, MC5, VS
Immunology Immunology Chlamydia antigen, EIA Y CDF5, D, D4, D6, HC1, HC3, MC1,
MC2, MC4, MC5, VS
Immunology Immunology Chlamydophila pneumoniae antibody
Immunology Immunology Chromogranin A
Immunology Immunology Circulating immune complexes (C1q,
Immunology Immunology Cold agglutinin screen/titer
Immunology Immunology Colorimetry (stand alone) Y
Immunology Immunology Complement C3 Y IG, IGX
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Immunology Immunology Complement C4 Y IG, IGX
Immunology Immunology Complement, other than C3 and C4
Immunology Immunology Contactin-assoc protein 2 (CASPR2),
Immunology Immunology Corticosterone, serum/plasma
Immunology Immunology Coxiella burnetii (Q fever) antibody
Immunology Immunology Coxsackie virus antibodies
Immunology Immunology Cryofibrinogen
Immunology Immunology Cryoglobulin
Immunology Immunology Cryptococcal antigen Y CRYP, F, F1, F3, VS
Immunology Immunology Cryptosporidium antigen Y BP, P, P3, P4, P5
Immunology Immunology Cysticercosis antibody
Immunology Immunology Darkfield examination, syphilis
Immunology Immunology Dengue NS1 antigen, non-rapid method
Immunology Immunology Dengue NS1 antigen, rapid method
Immunology Immunology Dengue antigen/antibody, rapid method
Immunology Immunology Dengue fever antibody, non-rapid method
Immunology Immunology Desmoglein 1&3 antibodies
Immunology Immunology Dihydrotestosterone, serum
Immunology Immunology Diphtheria antibodies
Immunology Immunology Direct antiglobulin test (DAT), automated
Immunology Immunology Direct antiglobulin test (DAT), non- Y DAT
Immunology Immunology Donath Landsteiner
Immunology Immunology EBNA antibody
Immunology Immunology EBV EA antibody
Immunology Immunology EBV VCA antibody
Immunology Immunology EBV antibody
Immunology Immunology Echinococcus antibodies
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Immunology Immunology Echovirus antibodies
Immunology Immunology Entamoeba histolytica antibodies
Immunology Immunology Eosinophil cationic protein
Immunology Immunology Epidermal growth factor (EGF),
Immunology Immunology Erythropoietin, serum
Immunology Immunology Estrone, serum
Immunology Immunology FTA-ABS, serum Y G
Immunology Immunology Febrile agglutinins
Immunology Immunology Fecal leukocytes, lactoferrin
Immunology Immunology Fetal fibronectin Y FF
Immunology Immunology Filarial antibodies, rapid test
Immunology Immunology Francisella tularensis antibodies
Immunology Immunology Fungal serology (antibodies)
Immunology Immunology Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor
Immunology Immunology Gel techniques Y
Immunology Immunology Giardia antigen Y BP, P, P3, P4, P5
Immunology Immunology Glucagon, RIA
Immunology Immunology Glucan assay
Immunology Immunology H. pylori antibody, IgA/IgM,
Immunology Immunology H. pylori antibody, IgG, whole blood, Y S2, S4, S5, VR3
Immunology Immunology H. pylori antibody, IgG, whole blood, Y S2, S4, S5, VR3
Immunology Immunology H. pylori antibody, IgG/total, Y S2, S4, S5, VR3
Immunology Immunology H. pylori antigen, stool, non-waived Y CDF5, D, D4, D6, HC1, HC3, HPS,
LBAS, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Immunology Immunology H. pylori antigen, stool, waived Y CDF5, D, D4, D6, HC1, HC3, HPS,
LBAS, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Immunology Immunology H. pylori detection, breath (collection
Immunology Immunology H. pylori detection, urease, non-waived Y RUR
Immunology Immunology H. pylori detection, urease, waived Y RUR
Immunology Immunology HAV antibody, IgG Y VM1
Immunology Immunology HAV antibody, IgM Y VM5
Immunology Immunology HAV antibody, total
Immunology Immunology HBV antibody, rapid test, non-waived
Immunology Immunology HBc antibody, IgM Y VM1, VM5
Immunology Immunology HBc antibody, total Y VM1, VM5
Immunology Immunology HBe antibody Y VM2
Immunology Immunology HBeAg Y VM2
Immunology Immunology HBs antibody, qualitative Y VM1
Immunology Immunology HBs antibody, quantitative
Immunology Immunology HBsAg, neutralization Y VM1
Immunology Immunology HBsAg, non-rapid immunoassay method Y VM1
Immunology Immunology HBsAg, rapid test, non-waived
Immunology Immunology HCV antibody, non-rapid immunoassay Y VM1
Immunology Immunology HCV antibody, rapid test, non-waived Y RHCVW
Immunology Immunology HCV antibody, rapid test, waived Y RHCVW
Immunology Immunology HCV core antigen
Immunology Immunology HCV immunoblot
Immunology Immunology HEV antibody
Immunology Immunology HHV-6 antibodies
Immunology Immunology HIV antigen
Immunology Immunology HIV western blot/immunoblot
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Immunology Immunology HIV-1 antibody rapid test, non-waived Y AHIV, VM1, VM6, VM6X
Immunology Immunology HIV-1 antibody rapid test, waived Y AHIV, AHIVW, VM1, VM6, VM6X
Immunology Immunology HIV-1 antibody, non-rapid immunoassay Y AHIV, VM1, VM6, VM6X
Immunology Immunology HIV-1 p24 antigen (not HIV ag/ab combo Y VM3
Immunology Immunology HIV-1/2 antibody rapid test, non-waived Y AHIV, VM1, VM6, VM6X
Immunology Immunology HIV-1/2 antibody rapid test, waived Y AHIV, AHIVW, VM1, VM6, VM6X
Immunology Immunology HIV-1/2 antibody, non-rapid method Y AHIV, VM1, VM6, VM6X
Immunology Immunology HIV-1/2 antibody/p24 antigen, rapid test, Y AHIV, VM1, VM6, VM6X
Immunology Immunology HIV-1/2 antibody/p24 antigen,non-rapid Y AHIV, VM1, VM6, VM6X
Immunology Immunology HIV-1/2 antibody/p24 antigen,rapid Y AHIV, VM1, VM6, VM6X
Immunology Immunology HIV-2 antibody, non-rapid immunoassay Y AHIV, VM1
Immunology Immunology HSV antibody, IgG Y VR3
Immunology Immunology HSV antibody, IgM
Immunology Immunology HSV antibody, total
Immunology Immunology HSV antigen, DFA Y HC2, VR2, VR4
Immunology Immunology HSV antigen, non-DFA method
Immunology Immunology HSV immunoblot
Immunology Immunology HTLV antibody, IFA
Immunology Immunology HTLV western blot/immunoblot
Immunology Immunology HTLV-1 antibody, immunoassay
Immunology Immunology HTLV-I/II antibody
Immunology Immunology Haemophilus influenzae B antibody
Immunology Immunology Haptoglobin, qualitative
Immunology Immunology Haptoglobin, quantitative Y IG, IGX, S2, S4
Immunology Immunology Heavy & light chain (HLC) pairs, quant,
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Immunology Immunology Hemagglutination Y
Immunology Immunology Heparin-induced platelet antibody (HIT)
Immunology Immunology Hepatitis Delta antibody
Immunology Immunology Histamine
Immunology Immunology Histoplasma Galactomannan assay
Immunology Immunology Histoplasma antigen
Immunology Immunology Human Granulocytic Anaplasmosis
Immunology Immunology Human Monocytic Ehrlichiosis antibody
Immunology Immunology Human anti-mouse antibodies
Immunology Immunology Human epididymis protein 4 (HE4)
antigen, serum
Immunology Immunology IGF-1/Somatomedin C Y BGS, Y, YY
Immunology Immunology IgA, quantitative Y IG, IGX
Immunology Immunology IgD, quantitative
Immunology Immunology IgE multi-allergen screen, qualitative Y SE
Immunology Immunology IgE specific-allergen testing
Immunology Immunology IgE, quantitative Y IG, IGX, K, KK, SE
Immunology Immunology IgG specific-allergen testing, food
Immunology Immunology IgG specific-allergen testing, non-food
Immunology Immunology IgG subclasses
Immunology Immunology IgG, quantitative Y IG, IGX
Immunology Immunology IgM, quantitative Y IG, IGX
Immunology Immunology Immunoassay Y
Immunology Immunology Immunodiffusion Y
Immunology Immunology Immunofluorescence Y
Immunology Immunology Infectious disease testing, blood donor Y
Immunology Immunology Infectious disease testing, tissue donor Y
Immunology Immunology Infectious mononucleosis, non-waived Y IL, IM
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Immunology Immunology Infectious mononucleosis, waived Y IL, IM, IMW
Immunology Immunology Influenza antibody
Immunology Immunology Influenza antigen, non-DFA method, Y HC2, VR2, VR4
Immunology Immunology Influenza antigen, non-waived Y HC2, VR2, VR4
Immunology Immunology Influenza, rapid NAA, non-waived Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
GIP5, HC2, HC4, ID3, IDR, VR1,
VR2, VR4
Immunology Immunology Influenza, rapid NAA, waived Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
GIP5, HC2, HC4, ID3, IDR, VR1,
VR2, VR4
Immunology Immunology Insulin antibody, RIA
Immunology Immunology Insulin antibody, all methods except RIA
Immunology Immunology Insulin growth factor binding protein-3
Immunology Immunology Interferon gamma
Immunology Immunology Interleukin receptors, other than 2
Immunology Immunology Interleukin-2 receptor
Immunology Immunology Interleukin-6 (IL-6)
Immunology Immunology Interleukins, other than 6
Immunology Immunology Intrinsic factor antibody
Immunology Immunology Kappa light chain, free, quantitative,
Immunology Immunology Kappa light chain, free, quantitative,
Immunology Immunology Kappa light chain, total, quantitative,
Immunology Immunology Kappa/lambda ratio
Immunology Immunology LE latex
Immunology Immunology Laboratory developed test (LDT), Y
Immunology Immunology Lambda light chain, free, quantitative,
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Immunology Immunology Lambda light chain, free, quantitative,
Immunology Immunology Lambda light chain, total, quantitative,
Immunology Immunology Latex agglutination Y
Immunology Immunology Legionella antibody
Immunology Immunology Legionella antigen, bronchoalveolar Y CDF5, D, D4, D6, HC1, HC3, HPS,
lavage LBAS, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Immunology Immunology Legionella antigen, urine Y CDF5, D, D4, D6, HC1, HC3, HPS,
LBAS, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Immunology Immunology Leishmania antibodies
Immunology Immunology Leptospira antibody
Immunology Immunology Lipoprotein (a) Y ABL, C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Immunology Immunology Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2
Immunology Immunology MHA-TP/TP-PA/PK-TP Y G
Immunology Immunology Malaria antibody
Immunology Immunology Mannose-binding lectin
Immunology Immunology Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP),
Immunology Immunology Microalbumin (urine albumin), qual, non- Y UMC
Immunology Immunology Microalbumin (urine albumin), Y UMC
qualitative, waived
Immunology Immunology Microalbumin (urine albumin), Y U
Immunology Immunology Multiplex bead assay Y
Immunology Immunology Mumps antibody
Immunology Immunology Muscle specific kinase (MuSK)
Immunology Immunology Mycoplasma pneumoniae antibody
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Immunology Immunology Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein
(MOG) antibody
Immunology Immunology Myocardial antibodies
Immunology Immunology N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDA-
R) antibody
Immunology Immunology N-telopeptides (NTX), urine, non-waived Y BU
Immunology Immunology Neopterin
Immunology Immunology Nephelometry Y
Immunology Immunology Neuronal voltage-gated potassium
channel antibody
Immunology Immunology Norovirus antigen, non-waived
Immunology Immunology Occult blood, fecal, non-waived
Immunology Immunology Occult blood, fecal, waived
Immunology Immunology Occult blood, gastric, non-waived
Immunology Immunology Occult blood, gastric, waived
Immunology Immunology Ovarian antibody
Immunology Immunology PAMG-1 protein detection, fluid
Immunology Immunology PM-Scl antibody
Immunology Immunology Pancreatic elastase, fecal
Immunology Immunology Parainfluenza antigen, DFA Y HC2, VR2, VR4
Immunology Immunology Parainfluenza virus antibodies
Immunology Immunology Parvovirus B19 antibody
Immunology Immunology Phosphatidylglycerol, amniotic,
Immunology Immunology Phospholipase A2 receptor antibodies
Immunology Immunology Plasmodium antigens (rapid malaria)
Immunology Immunology Platelet crossmatch, solid phase
Immunology Immunology Pneumococcal serotypes, antibodies
Immunology Immunology Poliovirus antibodies
Immunology Immunology Prealbumin Y C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX, S2, S4
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Immunology Immunology Procalcitonin Y PCT
Immunology Immunology Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)
Immunology Immunology RNA polymerase III antibody
Immunology Immunology RPR, automated Y G
Immunology Immunology RPR, manual Y G
Immunology Immunology RSV antibody
Immunology Immunology RSV antigen, DFA Y HC2, VR2, VR4
Immunology Immunology RSV antigen, non-DFA method, non- Y HC2, VR2, VR4
Immunology Immunology RSV antigen, non-DFA method, waived Y HC2, VR2, VR4
Immunology Immunology RSV, rapid NAA, waived Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
GIP5, HC2, HC4, ID3, IDR, VR1,
VR2, VR4
Immunology Immunology Radioimmunoassay (RIA) Y
Immunology Immunology Renin Y RAP
Immunology Immunology Rh type (includes weak D) Y J, J1, JAT
Immunology Immunology Rheumatoid factor, isotypes, qual and/or
Immunology Immunology Rheumatoid factor, semi-quantitative/titer
Immunology Immunology Rheumatoid factor, total, qual and/or Y IL, RF, RFX
Immunology Immunology Rocky Mt Spotted Fever antibody
Immunology Immunology Rotavirus antigen, non-DFA method Y HC2, VR2, VR4
Immunology Immunology Rubella antibody, IgG, qual and/or quant Y IL, RUB, RUBX
Immunology Immunology Rubella antibody, IgM, qual and/or quant
Immunology Immunology Rubella antibody, semi-quantitative
Immunology Immunology Rubeola antibody, IgG Y VR3
Immunology Immunology Rubeola antibody, IgM
Immunology Immunology Salmonella antibodies
Immunology Immunology Schistosoma antibodies
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Immunology Immunology Serotonin release assay
Immunology Immunology Shigella antibody
Immunology Immunology Solid phase techniques Y
Immunology Immunology Spectrophotometry (stand alone) Y
Immunology Immunology Sperm antibodies, serum
Immunology Immunology Squamous cell carcinoma antigen
Immunology Immunology Strep A rapid antigen, non-waived Y CDF5, D, D4, D6, HC1, HC3, MC1,
MC2, MC4, MC5, VS
Immunology Immunology Strep A rapid antigen, waived Y CDF5, D, D4, D6, D9, HC1, HC3,
Immunology Immunology Strep A, rapid NAA, waived Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Immunology Immunology Strep B rapid antigen Y CDF5, D, D4, D6, HC1, HC3, MC1,
MC2, MC4, MC5, VS
Immunology Immunology Strep pneumoniae urinary antigen Y CDF5, D, D4, D6, HC1, HC3, HPS,
LBAS, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Immunology Immunology Streptococcal antibody
Immunology Immunology Syphilis antibodies, non-waived Y G
Immunology Immunology Syphilis antibodies, rapid test, waived Y G
Immunology Immunology Syphilis serology Y
Immunology Immunology TB, whole blood/plasma, immunoassay
Immunology Immunology TSH receptor antibody
Immunology Immunology Teichoic acid antibody
Immunology Immunology Testosterone, free, measured Y DY
Immunology Immunology Tetanus antibodies
Immunology Immunology Thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin
Immunology Immunology Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Immunology Immunology Toxoplasma antibody Y VR3
Immunology Immunology Transferrin, serum/plasma Y C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX, S2, S4
Immunology Immunology Trichomonas antigen, non-waived Y VS, VS1
Immunology Immunology Trichomonas antigen, waived Y VS, VS1
Immunology Immunology Tryptase
Immunology Immunology Tumor necrosis factor
Immunology Immunology Tumor necrosis factor receptors
Immunology Immunology Turbidimetric method Y
Immunology Immunology Typhus antibody
Immunology Immunology USR Y G
Immunology Immunology VDRL Y G
Immunology Immunology Varicella-zoster antibody, IgG/total Y VR3
Immunology Immunology Varicella-zoster antibody, IgM
Immunology Immunology Varicella-zoster antigen Y HC2, VR2, VR4
Immunology Immunology Vascular endothelial growth factor
Immunology Immunology Viral antigen detection other, DFA
Immunology Immunology Viral antigen detection other, non-DFA
Immunology Immunology Vitamin D, 1,25 dihydroxy
Immunology Immunology Vitamin D, 25-hydroxy Y ABVD, VITD
Immunology Immunology Voltage-gated calcium channel antibodies
Immunology Immunology Weil-Felix agglutinins
Immunology Immunology West Nile virus antibody
Immunology Immunology Western blot Y
Immunology Immunology Widal test
Immunology Immunology Yersinia antibodies
Immunology Immunology Zika antibody, IgG
Immunology Immunology Zika antibody, IgM
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Immunology Immunology hCG, qualitative, serum Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX,
Immunology Immunology hCG, quantitative, serum Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX,
Immunology Immunology hCG, urine, non-waived Y CMP, CMP1, HCC2, UHCG
Immunology Immunology hCG, urine, waived Y CMP, CMP1, HCC2, UHCG
Immunology Immunology pH, gastric, non-waived
Immunology Immunology pH, gastric, waived
Immunology Immunology pH, other
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Laboratory General Director Assessment Director Assessment (CAP office use) Y
Laboratory General Director/Organizational Assessment Laboratory director assessment (CAP Y
Office use)
Laboratory General Laboratory General Autoverification Y
Laboratory General Laboratory General Bar-coded specimen processing Y
Laboratory General Laboratory General Blood and/or clinical specimen collection Y
Laboratory General Laboratory General Chain of custody collection Y
Laboratory General Laboratory General Direct-to-consumer (DTC) testing Y
Laboratory General Laboratory General Information system interface(s) Y
Laboratory General Laboratory General Laboratory information system - local Y
Laboratory General Laboratory General Laboratory information system - none Y
Laboratory General Laboratory General Laboratory information system - off-site Y
Laboratory General Laboratory General QMS integrated with primary lab Y
(affiliated lab)
Laboratory General Laboratory General QMS integrated with primary lab Y
(primary lab)
Laboratory General Laboratory General QMS not integrated with other lab Y
Laboratory General Laboratory General Radionuclide handling and storage Y
Laboratory General Laboratory General Spec. collection for newborn screening, Y
blood spot
Laboratory General Laboratory General Spec. collection for relationship/forensic Y
Laboratory General Laboratory General Spec. referral for newborn screening, Y
blood spot
Laboratory General Laboratory General Specimen accessioning Y
Laboratory General Laboratory General Specimen collection for compatibility Y
Laboratory General Laboratory General Specimen processing Y
Laboratory General Laboratory General Specimen referral to another laboratory Y
Laboratory General Laboratory General Specimen transport to/from other Y
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Laboratory General Laboratory General Telepathology Y
Laboratory General Laboratory General Whole slide imaging Y
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Microbiology Bacteriology APT, fetal hemoglobin
Microbiology Bacteriology Antimicrobial susceptibility, aerobes Y D, D2, D4, D7, MC1, MC2, MC5
Microbiology Bacteriology Antimicrobial susceptibility, anaerobes Y D, D2, D4, D7, MC1, MC2, MC5
Microbiology Bacteriology Antimicrobial susceptibility, urine Y D, D2, D4, D7, MC1, MC2, MC5
Microbiology Bacteriology Bacterial ID, DNA probe Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Bacteriology Bacterial ID, gas liquid chromatography Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
(GLC) D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Bacteriology Bacterial antigen detection, other
Microbiology Bacteriology Bacterial culture, screen for growth only Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Bacteriology Bacterial detection in cellular therapy
Microbiology Bacteriology Bacterial detection in platelet products, Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
culture D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Bacteriology Bacterial identification, complete/partial, Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
other D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Bacteriology Bacterial identification/isolation, Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
anaerobic D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Bacteriology Bacterial identification/presumptive ID Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
gonococcus D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Microbiology Bacteriology Bacterial identification/presumptive ID, Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
throat D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Bacteriology Bacterial identification/presumptive ID, Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
urine D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Bacteriology Bacterial meningitis antigens Y CDF5, D, D4, D6, HC1, HC3, MC1,
MC2, MC4, MC5, VS
Microbiology Bacteriology Bacterial strain typing, epidemiologic
Microbiology Bacteriology Bacterial vaginosis, rapid test, non-
Microbiology Bacteriology Bacterial vaginosis, rapid test, waived
Microbiology Bacteriology Blood culture collection only Y
Microbiology Bacteriology Blood cultures Y BCS, BCS1, BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1,
D2, D3, D4, D7, D8, GIP5, HC6,
HC6X, HC7, IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4,
Microbiology Bacteriology Bordetella antigen
Microbiology Bacteriology Bordetella pertussis, DFA
Microbiology Bacteriology Brucella antigen
Microbiology Bacteriology Buffy coat stain for organisms
Microbiology Bacteriology C. difficile detection (non-molecular) Y CDF2, CDF5, D, D4, D6, HC1, HC3,
MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5, VS
Microbiology Bacteriology Calprotectin, rapid test, fecal
Microbiology Bacteriology Campylobacter antigen
Microbiology Bacteriology Chlamydia antigen, DFA Y CDF5, D, D4, D6, HC1, HC3, MC1,
MC2, MC4, MC5, VS
Microbiology Bacteriology Chlamydia antigen, EIA Y CDF5, D, D4, D6, HC1, HC3, MC1,
MC2, MC4, MC5, VS
Microbiology Bacteriology Darkfield examination, syphilis
Microbiology Bacteriology Eosinophils, nasal smear Y CMMP
Microbiology Bacteriology Eosinophils, sputum
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Microbiology Bacteriology Eosinophils, stool
Microbiology Bacteriology Eosinophils, urine
Microbiology Bacteriology Fecal erythrocytes, wet mount
Microbiology Bacteriology Fecal fat
Microbiology Bacteriology Fecal leukocytes, giemsa stain Y CMMP
Microbiology Bacteriology Fecal leukocytes, lactoferrin
Microbiology Bacteriology Fecal leukocytes, stain other than giemsa
Microbiology Bacteriology Fecal leukocytes, wet mount
Microbiology Bacteriology Fern test, vaginal fluid Y CMMP
Microbiology Bacteriology Fluorescent stain Y
Microbiology Bacteriology Gram stain, bact detection in platelet
Microbiology Bacteriology Gram stain, gonococcus Y D, D2, D3, D4, D5, D7, MC1, MC2,
Microbiology Bacteriology Gram stain, other Y D, D2, D3, D4, D5, D7, MC1, MC2,
Microbiology Bacteriology H. pylori antigen, stool, non-waived Y CDF5, D, D4, D6, HC1, HC3, HPS,
LBAS, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Bacteriology H. pylori antigen, stool, waived Y CDF5, D, D4, D6, HC1, HC3, HPS,
LBAS, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Bacteriology H. pylori detection, urease, non-waived Y RUR
Microbiology Bacteriology H. pylori detection, urease, waived Y RUR
Microbiology Bacteriology Laboratory developed test (LDT), Y
Microbiology Bacteriology Legionella antigen, bronchoalveolar Y CDF5, D, D4, D6, HC1, HC3, HPS,
lavage LBAS, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Bacteriology Legionella antigen, urine Y CDF5, D, D4, D6, HC1, HC3, HPS,
LBAS, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Bacteriology MALDI TOF mass spectrometry, Y
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Microbiology Bacteriology MRSA screen, culture Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5, MRS,
Microbiology Bacteriology Mycoplasma culture
Microbiology Bacteriology Nocardia stain
Microbiology Bacteriology Occult blood, fecal, non-waived
Microbiology Bacteriology Occult blood, fecal, waived
Microbiology Bacteriology Occult blood, gastric, non-waived
Microbiology Bacteriology Occult blood, gastric, waived
Microbiology Bacteriology Plating cultures only (set-up) Y
Microbiology Bacteriology Pneumococcal serotypes, antibodies
Microbiology Bacteriology Reducing substances, fecal
Microbiology Bacteriology Salmonella and/or Shigella typing Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Bacteriology Scored Gram stain for vaginosis
Microbiology Bacteriology Shiga-like toxin, stool
Microbiology Bacteriology Sperm, presence or absence (post
Microbiology Bacteriology Strep A rapid antigen, non-waived Y CDF5, D, D4, D6, HC1, HC3, MC1,
MC2, MC4, MC5, VS
Microbiology Bacteriology Strep A rapid antigen, waived Y CDF5, D, D4, D6, D9, HC1, HC3,
Microbiology Bacteriology Strep A, rapid NAA, non-waived Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Bacteriology Strep A, rapid NAA, waived Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Microbiology Bacteriology Strep B rapid antigen Y CDF5, D, D4, D6, HC1, HC3, MC1,
MC2, MC4, MC5, VS
Microbiology Bacteriology Strep pneumoniae urinary antigen Y CDF5, D, D4, D6, HC1, HC3, HPS,
LBAS, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Bacteriology Trichomonas antigen, non-waived Y VS, VS1
Microbiology Bacteriology Trichomonas antigen, waived Y VS, VS1
Microbiology Bacteriology Trichomonas culture
Microbiology Bacteriology Ureaplasma culture
Microbiology Bacteriology Urinary tract infection rapid screen,
Microbiology Bacteriology Urine colony count Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC3, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Bacteriology VRE screen, culture
Microbiology Bacteriology Vaginal wet mount Y CMMP
Microbiology Bacteriology Vaginal wet mount, Trichomonas only
Microbiology Bacteriology Wet mount for yeast
Microbiology Bacteriology pH, gastric, non-waived
Microbiology Bacteriology pH, gastric, waived
Microbiology Bacteriology pH, other
Microbiology Bacteriology pH, stool
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Adenovirus, nucleic acid amplif. (not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Adenovirus, nucleic acid amplification
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Antifungal resistance detection,
molecular methods
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Antimicrobial resistance detection,
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Antimycobacterial resistance detection,
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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Master Activity Menu
Page 102 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Antiviral resistance detection, molecular
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Arrays &/or Microarrays Y
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Astrovirus, nucleic acid amplif.(not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology BK virus, amplification (not FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Bact detection in plt products, PCR (not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Bact. ID other, DNA probe (not FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Bact. ID other, nucleic acid amplif.
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Bact. ID other, nucleic acid amplif. (not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Bact. ID other, nucleic acid probe (FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Bacterial ID, FISH (FDA-approved
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Bacterial ID, FISH (not FDA-approved)
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Bacterial ID, blood culture panel (FDA- Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
approved) D5, D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X,
HC7, IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Bacterial ID, blood culture panel (not Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
FDA-app) D5, D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X,
HC7, IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Bacterial ID, gastrointestinal panel Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
(FDA-app) D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Bacterial ID, gastrointestinal panel (not Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
FDA-app) D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 103 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Bacterial ID, meningitis panel (FDA- Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
approved) D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Bacterial ID, meningitis panel (not FDA- Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
approved) D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Bacterial ID, respiratory panel (FDA- Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
approved) D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Bacterial ID, respiratory panel (not FDA- Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
approved) D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Bartonella, nucleic acid amplif. (not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Bordetella parapertussis, NAA (FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Bordetella parapertussis, NAA (not FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Bordetella pertussis, NAA (FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Bordetella pertussis, NAA (not FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology C. difficile, nucleic acid amplif. (not Y BDP5, BDPV5, CDF2, CDF5, D, D1,
FDA-app) D2, D3, D4, D6, D7, D8, GIP5, HC1,
HC3, HC6, HC6X, HC7, IDR, MC1,
MC2, MC4, MC5, MRS5, MRS5M,
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology C. difficile, nucleic acid amplification Y BDP5, BDPV5, CDF2, CDF5, D, D1,
(FDA-app) D2, D3, D4, D6, D7, D8, GIP5, HC1,
HC3, HC6, HC6X, HC7, IDR, MC1,
MC2, MC4, MC5, MRS5, MRS5M,
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology CMV genotyping (not FDA-approved)
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology CMV, qualitative, amplification (FDA-
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.
College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS
Master Activity Menu
Page 104 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology CMV, qualitative, amplification (not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology CMV, quantitative, amplification (FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology CMV,quantitative, amplification (not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Candida spp., DNA probe (FDA- Y CRYP, F, F1, F3, VS
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Candida spp., DNA probe (not FDA- Y CRYP, F, F1, F3, VS
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Candida spp., nucleic acid amplif. (FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Candida spp., nucleic acid amplif. (not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Chikungunya virus, amplif.(EUA/not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Chlamydia trachomatis, DNA probe Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
(FDA-approved) D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Chlamydia trachomatis, DNA probe (not Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
FDA-app) D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Chlamydia trachomatis, NAA (FDA- Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
approved) D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Chlamydia trachomatis, NAA (not FDA- Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
approved) D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Chlamydia trachomatis, signal amp (FDA Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
approved) D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 105 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Chlamydia trachomatis, signal Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
amplif.(not FDA-app) D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Chlamydophila pneumoniae, NAA
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Chlamydophila pneumoniae, NAA (not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Cryptosporidium, nucleic acid amplif.
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology DNA probe non-amplified methods Y
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology DNA/RNA sequencing Y
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Dengue virus, amplif. (EUA/not FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology EBV, qualitative, amplification (not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology EBV,quantitative, amplification (not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Ebola virus, amplif. (EUA/not FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Enterovirus, amplification (FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Enterovirus, nucleic acid amplif. (not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Fungal ID, FISH (FDA-approved)
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Fungal ID, FISH (not FDA-approved)
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Fungal ID, nucleic acid amplification(not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Fungal ID, respiratory panel (FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Fungal ID, respiratory panel (not FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Gardnerella vaginalis, DNA probe (FDA- Y BDP5, BDPV5, CDF5, D, D1, D2,
approved) D3, D4, D6, D7, D8, GIP5, HC1,
HC3, HC6, HC6X, HC7, IDR, MC1,
MC2, MC4, MC5, MRS5, MRS5M,
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 106 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Gardnerella vaginalis, DNA probe (not Y BDP5, BDPV5, CDF5, D, D1, D2,
FDA-app) D3, D4, D6, D7, D8, GIP5, HC1,
HC3, HC6, HC6X, HC7, IDR, MC1,
MC2, MC4, MC5, MRS5, MRS5M,
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Gardnerella vaginalis, NAA (FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Gardnerella vaginalis, NAA (not FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Gel electrophoresis Y
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Giardia lamblia, nucleic acid amplif.
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HAV qualitative, nucleic acid amplif.(not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HAV quantitative, amplification (not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HAV, NAT, blood/tissue donors (not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HBV genotyping (not FDA-approved)
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HBV, NAT, blood/tissue donors (FDA- Y NAT
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HBV, NAT, blood/tissue donors (not Y NAT
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HBV, qualitative, amplification (not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HBV, quantitative, amplification (FDA- Y HBVL, HBVL5
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HBV, quantitative, amplification (not Y HBVL, HBVL5
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HCV genotyping (FDA approved)
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HCV genotyping (not FDA-app)
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HCV qualitative, amplification (FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HCV qualitative, amplification (not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HCV, NAT, blood/tissue donors (FDA- Y NAT
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.
College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS
Master Activity Menu
Page 107 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HCV, NAT, blood/tissue donors (not Y NAT
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HCV, quantitative, amplification (FDA- Y HCV2
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HCV, quantitative, amplification (not Y HCV2
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HIV genotyping (FDA-approved)
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HIV genotyping (not FDA-approved)
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HIV phenotyping (not FDA-approved)
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HIV qualitative, amplification (FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HIV qualitative, amplification (not FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HIV, NAT, blood/tissue donors (FDA- Y NAT
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HIV, NAT, blood/tissue donors (not FDA- Y NAT
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HIV-RNA, quant, amplification (FDA- Y HV2
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HIV-RNA, quantitative, amplification Y HV2
(not FDA-app)
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HPV genotyping (FDA-approved)
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HPV genotyping (not FDA-approved)
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HPV, formalin paraffin embedded, NAA
(not FDA-app)
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HPV, nucleic acid amplification (FDA- Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
approved) GIP5, HC4, HPV, ID3, IDR, VR1
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HPV, nucleic acid amplification (not Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
FDA-approved) GIP5, HC4, HPV, ID3, IDR, VR1
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HPV, signal amplification (FDA- Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
approved) GIP5, HC4, HPV, ID3, IDR, VR1
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HPV, signal amplification (not FDA- Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
approved) GIP5, HC4, HPV, ID3, IDR, VR1
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HSV, qualitative, amplification (FDA- Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
approved) GIP5, HC2, HC4, ID3, IDR, VR1,
VR2, VR4
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 108 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HSV, qualitative, amplification (not Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
FDA-approved) GIP5, HC2, HC4, ID3, IDR, VR1,
VR2, VR4
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HSV, qualitative, signal amplification Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
(FDA-app) GIP5, HC2, HC4, ID3, IDR, VR1,
VR2, VR4
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology HSV, quantitative, amplification (not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Human herpesvirus (HHV), NAA (not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Human metapneumovirus, NAA (not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Human metapneumovirus, nucleic acid
amp (FDA-app)
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology In situ hybridization (ISH) Y
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Infectious disease testing, blood donor Y
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Infectious disease testing, tissue donor Y
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Influenza genotyping (not FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Influenza subtyping (FDA-approved)
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Influenza subtyping (not FDA-approved)
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Influenza, nucleic acid amplification Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
(FDA-app) GIP5, HC2, HC4, ID3, IDR, VR1,
VR2, VR4
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Influenza, nucleic acid amplification(not Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
FDA-app) GIP5, HC2, HC4, ID3, IDR, VR1,
VR2, VR4
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Influenza, rapid NAA, non-waived Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
(FDA-approved) GIP5, HC2, HC4, ID3, IDR, VR1,
VR2, VR4
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Influenza, rapid NAA, waived (FDA- Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
app) GIP5, HC2, HC4, ID3, IDR, VR1,
VR2, VR4
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology JC virus, nucleic acid amplif. (not FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology KPC, nucleic acid amplif. (FDA-
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.
College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS
Master Activity Menu
Page 109 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology KPC, nucleic acid amplif. (not FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Laboratory developed test (LDT), Y
Molecular Micro
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Legionella spp., nucleic acid amplif.
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Legionella spp., nucleic acid amplif.(not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology MERS-CoV, amplification (EUA/not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology MRSA/SA, nucleic acid amplif. (FDA- Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
approved) D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5, MRS,
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology MRSA/SA, nucleic acid amplif. (not Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
FDA-app) D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5, MRS,
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Microbiome ratio, quantitation, PCR (not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Molecular infectious disease testing Y
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Multiplex panels, PCR Y
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Mycobacteria ID other, NAA (not FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Mycobacterium tb/complex, amplif.
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Mycobacterium tb/complex, amplif. (not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Mycobacterium tuberculosis, NAA (not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Mycoplasma pneumoniae, NAA (FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Mycoplasma pneumoniae, NAA (not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology N. gonorrhoeae, DNA probe (FDA- Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
approved) D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.
College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS
Master Activity Menu
Page 110 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology N. gonorrhoeae, DNA probe (not FDA- Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
approved) D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology N. gonorrhoeae, nucleic acid amp (FDA- Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
approved) D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology N. gonorrhoeae, nucleic acid amplif. (not Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
FDA-app) D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology N. gonorrhoeae, signal amp (FDA- Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
approved) D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology N. gonorrhoeae, signal amplification (not Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
FDA-app) D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Norovirus, nucleic acid amplif. (FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Norovirus, nucleic acid amplif. (not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Nucleic acid amplification Y
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Nucleic acid extraction Y
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Parainfluenza, nucleic acid amplif. (not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Parainfluenza, nucleic acid
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Parasite ID, gastrointestinal panel (FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Parasite ID, gastrointestinal panel (not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Parasite ID, meningitis panel (not FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Parasite ID, nucleic acid amplif. (FDA-
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 111 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Parasite ID, nucleic acid amplif. (not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Parvovirus, NAT, blood/tissue donors
(not FDA-app)
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Parvovirus, nucleic acid amplif.(not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Pneumocystis (carinii) jiroveci, NAA
(not FDA-app)
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology RSV, nucleic acid amplification (FDA- Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
approved) GIP5, HC2, HC4, ID3, IDR, VR1,
VR2, VR4
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology RSV, nucleic acid amplification (not Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
FDA-app) GIP5, HC2, HC4, ID3, IDR, VR1,
VR2, VR4
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology RSV, rapid NAA, non-waived (FDA-app) Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
GIP5, HC2, HC4, ID3, IDR, VR1,
VR2, VR4
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology RSV, rapid NAA, waived (FDA-app) Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
GIP5, HC2, HC4, ID3, IDR, VR1,
VR2, VR4
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Rhinovirus, nucleic acid amplif. (not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Rhinovirus, nucleic acid amplification
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Rotavirus, nucleic acid amplif. (not FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Southern blot Y
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Strep A, DNA probe (FDA-approved) Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Strep A, DNA probe (not FDA-approved) Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 112 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Strep A, nucleic acid amplification Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
(FDA-approved) D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Strep A, nucleic acid amplification (not Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
FDA-app) D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Strep A, rapid NAA, waived (FDA- Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
approved) D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Strep B, DNA probe (FDA-approved) Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Strep B, DNA probe (not FDA-approved) Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Strep B, nucleic acid amplif. (not FDA- Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
approved) D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Strep B, nucleic acid amplification Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
(FDA-approved) D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Trichomonas, DNA probe (FDA- Y VS, VS1
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Trichomonas, DNA probe (not FDA- Y VS, VS1
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Trichomonas, nucleic acid amplif. (not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Trichomonas, nucleic acid amplification
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology VRE, nucleic acid amplification (FDA-
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 113 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology VRE, nucleic acid amplification (not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Vaginosis panel, PCR (FDA-approved)
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Vaginosis panel, PCR (not FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Vaginosis panel, microarray (not FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Varicella-zoster virus, NAA (FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Varicella-zoster virus, NAA (not FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Viral ID other, nucleic acid amplif. (not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Viral ID other, nucleic acid amplif.(FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Viral ID, FISH (FDA-approved
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Viral ID, FISH (not FDA-approved)
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Viral ID, gastrointestinal panel (FDA- Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
approved) GIP5, HC4, ID3, IDR, VR1
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Viral ID, gastrointestinal panel(not FDA- Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
approved) GIP5, HC4, ID3, IDR, VR1
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Viral ID, meningitis panel (FDA- Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
approved) GIP5, HC4, ID3, IDR, VR1
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Viral ID, meningitis panel (not FDA- Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
approved) GIP5, HC4, ID3, IDR, VR1
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Viral ID, respiratory panel (FDA- Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
approved) GIP5, HC4, ID3, IDR, VR1
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Viral ID, respiratory panel (not FDA- Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
approved) GIP5, HC4, ID3, IDR, VR1
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Viral genotying, other (not FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology West Nile virus, nucleic acid amplif.(not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology West Nile, NAT, blood/tissue donors Y NAT
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology West Nile, NAT, blood/tissue donors (not Y NAT
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Western blot Y
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Yeast ID, blood culture panel (FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Yeast ID, blood culture panel (not FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Yeast ID, meningitis panel (FDA-
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Zika virus, nucleic acid amplif.(EUA/not
Microbiology Molecular Microbiology Zika, NAT, blood/tissue donors (FDA-
Microbiology Mycobacteriology Acid fast bacillus smear, fluorescent Y E, E1
Microbiology Mycobacteriology Acid fast bacillus smear, non-fluorescent Y E, E1
Microbiology Mycobacteriology Antimycobacterial susceptibility Y E
Microbiology Mycobacteriology Laboratory developed test (LDT), Y
Microbiology Mycobacteriology MALDI TOF mass spectrometry, Y
Microbiology Mycobacteriology Mycobacterial culture, screen for growth Y E, E1
Microbiology Mycobacteriology Mycobacterial identification Y E, E1
Microbiology Mycobacteriology Mycobacterial identification, HPLC Y E, E1
Microbiology Mycobacteriology Mycobacterial screening (inc. Y E, E1
confirmatory smear)
Microbiology Mycobacteriology Mycobacterium spp., DNA probe Y E, E1
Microbiology Mycobacteriology Mycobacterium tuberculosis, DNA probe Y E, E1
Microbiology Mycobacteriology Plating cultures only (set-up) Y
Microbiology Mycology Antifungal susceptibility Y F, F1
Microbiology Mycology Aspergillus Galactomannan assay
Microbiology Mycology Calcofluor White fluorescent stain Y
Microbiology Mycology Candida albicans by germ tube/quick test Y CRYP, F, F1, F3, VS
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Microbiology Mycology Candida antigen, serum
Microbiology Mycology Candida spp., ID / presumptive ID from Y CRYP, F, F1, F3, VS
Microbiology Mycology Candida, direct ID from vaginal
Microbiology Mycology Cryptococcal antigen Y CRYP, F, F1, F3, VS
Microbiology Mycology Dermatophyte identification Y CRYP, F, F1, F3, VS
Microbiology Mycology Dermatophyte, screen only (e.g., DTM) Y CRYP, F, F1, F3, VS
Microbiology Mycology Fungal ID, DNA probe Y CRYP, F, F1, F3, VS
Microbiology Mycology Fungal stain, direct smear, fluorescent
Microbiology Mycology Fungal stain, direct smear, non-
Microbiology Mycology Glucan assay
Microbiology Mycology India ink
Microbiology Mycology KOH prep (e.g., skin, hair, nail, vaginal) Y CMMP, FSM
Microbiology Mycology Laboratory developed test (LDT), Y
Microbiology Mycology MALDI TOF mass spectrometry, Y
Microbiology Mycology Mold and/or yeast culture, screen for Y CRYP, F, F1, F3, VS
growth only
Microbiology Mycology Mold identification Y CRYP, F, F1, F3, VS
Microbiology Mycology Nocardia stain
Microbiology Mycology Plating cultures only (set-up) Y
Microbiology Mycology Yeast identification Y CRYP, F, F1, F3, VS
Microbiology Parasitology Acanthamoeba/Naegleria culture
Microbiology Parasitology Calcofluor White fluorescent stain Y
Microbiology Parasitology Cryptosporidium antigen Y BP, P, P3, P4, P5
Microbiology Parasitology E. histolytica antigen detection
Microbiology Parasitology Fluorescent microscopy Y
Microbiology Parasitology Giardia antigen Y BP, P, P3, P4, P5
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Microbiology Parasitology Laboratory developed test (LDT), Y
Microbiology Parasitology Modified acid fast stain for intestinal Y P, P3, P4, P5
Microbiology Parasitology Parasite ID, arthropod
Microbiology Parasitology Parasite ID, fecal, direct and/or Y BP, P, P3, P4, P5
Microbiology Parasitology Parasite ID, fecal, permanent stain Y BP, P, P3, P4, P5
Microbiology Parasitology Parasite ID, other
Microbiology Parasitology Parasite screening/identification, blood Y BP, P, P3, P4, P5
Microbiology Parasitology Parasitology, Complete ID Y
Microbiology Parasitology Parasitology, Partial ID Y
Microbiology Parasitology Parasitology, Screen only Y
Microbiology Parasitology Pinworm prep Y CMMP
Microbiology Parasitology Plasmodium antigens (rapid malaria)
Microbiology Parasitology Pneumocystis, DFA
Microbiology Parasitology Pneumocystis, other than DFA
Microbiology Virology Adenovirus 40/41 antigen, non-waived
Microbiology Virology Adenovirus antigen, non-waived Y HC2, VR2, VR4
Microbiology Virology Adenovirus antigen, waived Y HC2, VR2, VR4
Microbiology Virology Antiviral susceptibility
Microbiology Virology CMV antigen, DFA Y HC2, VR2, VR4
Microbiology Virology CMV antigen, IFA
Microbiology Virology Chlamydia culture
Microbiology Virology Dengue NS1 antigen, rapid method
Microbiology Virology HSV antigen, DFA Y HC2, VR2, VR4
Microbiology Virology HSV antigen, non-DFA method
Microbiology Virology Herpes culture Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
GIP5, HC4, ID3, IDR, VR1
Microbiology Virology Human metapneumovirus, DFA
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Microbiology Virology Influenza antigen, non-DFA method, Y HC2, VR2, VR4
Microbiology Virology Influenza antigen, non-waived Y HC2, VR2, VR4
Microbiology Virology Influenza, rapid NAA, non-waived Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
GIP5, HC2, HC4, ID3, IDR, VR1,
VR2, VR4
Microbiology Virology Influenza, rapid NAA, waived Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
GIP5, HC2, HC4, ID3, IDR, VR1,
VR2, VR4
Microbiology Virology Laboratory developed test (LDT), Y
Microbiology Virology Norovirus antigen, non-waived
Microbiology Virology Parainfluenza antigen, DFA Y HC2, VR2, VR4
Microbiology Virology RSV antigen, DFA Y HC2, VR2, VR4
Microbiology Virology RSV antigen, non-DFA method, non- Y HC2, VR2, VR4
Microbiology Virology RSV antigen, non-DFA method, waived Y HC2, VR2, VR4
Microbiology Virology RSV, rapid NAA, non-waived Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
GIP5, HC2, HC4, ID3, IDR, VR1,
VR2, VR4
Microbiology Virology RSV, rapid NAA, waived Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
GIP5, HC2, HC4, ID3, IDR, VR1,
VR2, VR4
Microbiology Virology Rotavirus antigen, non-DFA method Y HC2, VR2, VR4
Microbiology Virology Tzanck smears interpretation
Microbiology Virology Varicella-zoster antigen Y HC2, VR2, VR4
Microbiology Virology Viral antigen detection other, DFA
Microbiology Virology Viral antigen detection other, non-DFA
Microbiology Virology Viral isolation/ identification Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
GIP5, HC4, ID3, IDR, VR1
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology ARX related disorders, molecular
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Alpha-1-antitrypsin, molecular methods Y AAT
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Alpha-thalassemia, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Alzheimer disease, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Apert syndrome, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Apolipoprotein B, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Apolipoprotein E, molecular methods Y APOE
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Apolipoprotein L1, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Arrays &/or Microarrays Y
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Asthma, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology BCR/ABL1 p190, qualitative, molecular
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology BCR/ABL1 p190, quantitative, molecular
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology BCR/ABL1 p210, qualitative, molecular
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology BCR/ABL1 p210, quantitative, molecular
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology BRAF, molecular methods Y BRAF, MTP
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology BRCA 1/2, molecular methods Y BRCA, MGL3
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Beta-thalassemia, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Birt-Hogg-Dube, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Bloom syndrome, molecular methods Y MGL4
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology CADASIL, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology CALR, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology CHARGE syndrome, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Canavan Disease, molecular methods Y MGL4
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, molecular
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Collagen (e.g., COL2A1, COL11A1),
molecular method
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH),
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Connexin-26, molecular methods Y MGL3
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Connexin-30, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Constitutional disorders, non-paraffin
embed, ISH
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Constitutional disorders, paraffin
embedded, ISH
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Copy number variant analysis
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Coronal synostosis, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Craniofrontonasal syndrome, molecular
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Crohns disease, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Crouzon syndrome, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Cystic fibrosis, molecular methods Y MGL2, MGL5
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology DMD/Becker, molecular methods Y MGL2
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology DNA sequencing, mitochondrial Y
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology DNA/RNA sequencing Y
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology EGFR, molecular methods Y EGFR, MTP
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Fabry disease, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Factor V Leiden, molecular methods Y MGL1, TPM
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Familial adenomatous polyposis,
molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Familial dysautonomia, molecular Y MGL4
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Familial hypercholesterolemia, molecular
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Familial hyperinsulinism, molecular
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Familial mediterranean fever, molecular
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Fanconi Anemia, molecular methods Y MGL4
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Forensic or identity testing, molecular
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Fragile X, molecular methods Y MGL1
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Friedreich's ataxia, molecular methods Y MGL2
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology GNAS, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Galactosemia, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Gaucher Disease, molecular methods Y MGL4
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Gel electrophoresis Y
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Gene dosage, QF-PCR
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Gene expression assay, multiple targets
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Genomic Copy Number - Microarray
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Genomic Copy Number -
Hybridization(e.g.BAC probes)
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Glycogen storage disease type IA, Y MGL4
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology HER2 (ERBB2) hybrid and interp on- Y CYH
site, FISH
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology HER2 (ERBB2) hybrid only (off-site
interp), FISH
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology HER2 (ERBB2) interp only (off-site
hybrid), FISH
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology HER2 (ERBB2), gastric, FISH
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology HLA B27 typing only, PCR Y B27, DML
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology HLA disease association &/or drug risk,
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology HLA single antigen typing other than
B27, PCR
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology HRAS, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Hemochromatosis, molecular methods Y MGL1
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Hemoglobin S/C, molecular methods Y HGM, MGL2
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Hereditary papillary renal carcinoma,
molec method
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Hereditary paraganglioma-
pheochromocytoma, molec.
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Histological assessment, neoplastic cell Y
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Huntington disease, molecular methods Y MGL2
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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Page 121 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology IDH1/IDH2, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology In situ hybridization (ISH) Y
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology JAK2, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Joubert syndrome, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology KIT/PDGFRA, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology KRAS, molecular methods Y KRAS, MTP
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Kappa/Lambda hybrid only (off-site
interp) ISH
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Kappa/Lambda hybridization & interp Y ISH
on-site, ISH
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Kappa/Lambda interp only (off-site
hybrid), ISH
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology LPA genotyping
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Laboratory developed test (LDT), Y
Molecular Path
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Leukemia/lymphoma IG or TCR gene
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Leukemia/lymphoma mutation(e.g.
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Leukemia/lymphoma translocation (e.g.
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Loeys-Dietz syndrome (LDS), molecular
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Long QT syndrome, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Lynch syndrome, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology MALDI TOF mass spectrometry Y
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology MPL, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Maple syrup urine disease, molec.
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Marfan syndrome, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Maternal cell contamination, molecular
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Medium-chain acyl-coA dehydrogenase Y IMD2
(MCAD), molec
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Methylation analysis, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, Y MGL1
molec. method
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Microarray, gene dosage, tumor
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Microarray, gene expression, tumor
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Microsatellite instability (MSI)
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) deletions, Y IMD1
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Mitochondrial cytopathies, molecular Y IMD3
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Molecular analysis of leukemias and Y
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Molecular genetic disease testing Y
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Molecular genetic newborn screening,
blood spot
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Molecular genetics assay, other, Sanger
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Molecular genetics assay, other, signal
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Molecular genetics assay, other, target
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Molecular oncology assay, other, Sanger
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Molecular oncology assay, other,
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Molecular oncology, solid tumor Y
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Molecular pathology techniques Y
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Mucolipidosis type IV, molecular Y MGL4
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Mucopolysaccharidosis, molecular
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Multiple endocrine neoplasia 1, molec.
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Multiple endocrine neoplasia 2, molec. Y MGL3
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.
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Page 123 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Myotonic dystrophy, molec. methods Y MGL2
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology NRAS, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Neoplastic disorders, non-paraffin
embedded, ISH
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Neoplastic disorders, paraffin embedded,
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Neuroblastoma, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Neurofibromatosis, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Niemann-Pick disease, molecular Y MGL4
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT),
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Noonan syndrome, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Nucleic acid amplification Y
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Nucleic acid extraction Y
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Opitz G/BBB syndrome, molecular meth
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology PML/RARA, qualitative, molecular
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology PML/RARA, quantitative, molecular
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Parkinson disease, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Pfeiffer syndrome, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Pharmacogenetic assays (e.g. UGT1A1,
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Phenylketonuria (PKU), molecular
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1),
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Polycystic kidney disease, molecular
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome, molec. Y MGL1
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD),
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD),
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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Page 124 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD),
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Preimplantation genetic screen (PGS),
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Preimplantation genetic screen,
molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Prostate cancer gene 3 (PCA3),
molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Prothrombin, molecular methods Y MGL1, TPM
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology RBC antigens, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Relationship testing Y PARF
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Rett syndrome, molecular methods Y RETT
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology RhD genotype, molecular methods Y MGL2
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology SNP genotyping
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Saethre-Chotzen syndrome, molecular
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Sarcoma translocation, PCR
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Severe combined immunodeficiency
(SCID), molecular
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Southern blot Y
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Spinal muscular atrophy, molecular Y MGL2
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Spinocerebellar ataxia, molecular Y MGL2
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Stem cell engraftment monitoring Y ME
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Tay-Sachs disease, molecular methods Y MGL4
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Treacher Collins syndrome, molecular
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Urothelial CA hybrid only (off-site
interp), FISH
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Urothelial CA interp only (off-site
hybrid), FISH
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Urothelial carcinoma hybrid & interp on- Y CYI
site, FISH
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Usher syndrome, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Von Hippel-Lindau, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Western blot Y
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Y chromosome, microdeletion, molecular
Molecular Pathology Molecular Pathology Zellweger syndrome, molecular methods
Molecular Pathology Next Generation Sequencing Laboratory developed test (LDT), NGS Y
Molecular Pathology Next Generation Sequencing NGS, DNA/RNA sequencing Y
Molecular Pathology Next Generation Sequencing NGS, HLA Y
Molecular Pathology Next Generation Sequencing NGS, Ig/T-cell receptor rearrangement Y
Molecular Pathology Next Generation Sequencing NGS, PGD, analytical wet bench
Molecular Pathology Next Generation Sequencing NGS, PGD, bioinformatics
Molecular Pathology Next Generation Sequencing NGS, PGD, interpretation Y
Molecular Pathology Next Generation Sequencing NGS, PGS, analytical wet bench
Molecular Pathology Next Generation Sequencing NGS, PGS, bioinformatics
Molecular Pathology Next Generation Sequencing NGS, PGS, interpretation Y
Molecular Pathology Next Generation Sequencing NGS, analytical wet bench
Molecular Pathology Next Generation Sequencing NGS, bioinformatics
Molecular Pathology Next Generation Sequencing NGS, copy number variant det.(e.g. 1 kb Y
or larger)
Molecular Pathology Next Generation Sequencing NGS, exome sequencing Y
Molecular Pathology Next Generation Sequencing NGS, genome sequencing Y
Molecular Pathology Next Generation Sequencing NGS, germline variant detection Y
Molecular Pathology Next Generation Sequencing NGS, hematologic malignancies Y
Molecular Pathology Next Generation Sequencing NGS, heritable disorders Y
Molecular Pathology Next Generation Sequencing NGS, intermed. Y
insertion/deletion(e.g.10–50 bp)
Molecular Pathology Next Generation Sequencing NGS, interpretation Y
Molecular Pathology Next Generation Sequencing NGS, large insertion/deletion (e.g. 50- Y
999 bp)
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Molecular Pathology Next Generation Sequencing NGS, microbiology Y
Molecular Pathology Next Generation Sequencing NGS, non-invasive circulating tumor
Molecular Pathology Next Generation Sequencing NGS, panel sequencing Y
Molecular Pathology Next Generation Sequencing NGS, single nucleotide variant detection Y
Molecular Pathology Next Generation Sequencing NGS, small insertion/deletion detect.(e.g. Y
<10 bp)
Molecular Pathology Next Generation Sequencing NGS, solid tumors Y
Molecular Pathology Next Generation Sequencing NGS, somatic variant detection Y
Molecular Pathology Next Generation Sequencing NGS, structural variant detection Y
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

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With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived ACT, POCT Y CT, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT5
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived AFP & PP12, rapid, amniotic fluid,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived ALT, whole blood, non-waived, POCT Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived AST, whole blood, non-waived, POCT Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Albumin, whole blood, non-waived, Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Alkaline phosphatase, whole blood, non- Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
waived, POC
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Amines, vaginal, non-waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived BNP, whole blood, non-waived, POCT Y BNP5, PCARI, PCARM, PCARMX
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Bilirubin, direct, whole blood, POCT Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Bilirubin, total, neonatal, whole blood, Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Bilirubin, total, whole blood, non- Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX,
waived, POCT NB
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Bleeding time, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived C-reactive protein, rapid, quantitative, Y CRP, IL
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived CK-MB, whole blood, POCT Y CRT, CRTI, PCARI, PCARM,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived CO2, whole blood, non-waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Calcium, ionized, whole blood, non- Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C3, C3X, CZ,
waived, POCT CZ2X, CZX
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Calcium, total, whole blood, non-waived, Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Calprotectin, rapid test, fecal, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Chlamydia antigen, EIA, POCT Y CDF5, D, D4, D6, HC1, HC3, MC1,
MC2, MC4, MC5, VS
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Chloride, whole blood, non-waived, Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Cholesterol, whole blood, non-waived, Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 128 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Creatine kinase(CK), whole blood, non- Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Creatinine, quantitative, urine, non- Y CD, U
waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Creatinine, semi-quant, urine, non- Y UMC
waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Creatinine, whole blood, non-waived, Y AQ2, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Crystal exam, fluid, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived D-dimer, quantitative, POCT Y CGDF, CGL, PCARM, PCARMX
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Deoxyhemoglobin, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived ESR, automated, non-waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived ESR, manual, non-waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Eosinophils, nasal smear, POCT Y CMMP
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Fern test, vaginal fluid, POCT Y CMMP
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Fetal fibronectin, POCT Y FF
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Fetal hemoglobin, blood gas method,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Fructosamine, whole blood, non-waived,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Fungus slide preparation, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived GGT, whole blood, non-waived, POCT Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Glucose, body fluid, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Glucose, whole blood, non-waived, Y AQ2, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Glutamate, body fluid, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Glycerol, body fluid, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Gram stain, POCT Y D, D2, D3, D4, D5, D7, MC1, MC2,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived H. pylori antigen, stool, non-waived, Y CDF5, D, D4, D6, HC1, HC3, HPS,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived H. pylori detection, urease, non-waived, Y RUR
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.
College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS
Master Activity Menu
Page 129 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived HDL cholesterol, whole blood, non- Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived HIV-1/2 antibody/p24 antigen,rapid,non- Y AHIV, VM1, VM6, VM6X
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Hematocrit (direct measure/calc), non- Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, FH1, FH10,
waived, POCT FH10P, FH13, FH13P, FH14, FH14P,
FH15, FH1P, FH2, FH2P, FH3,
FH3P, FH4, FH4P, FH6, FH6P, FH9,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Hemoglobin A1C, non-waived, POCT Y GH5, GH5I
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Hemoglobin, estimated, POCT Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, FH1, FH10,
FH10P, FH13, FH13P, FH14, FH14P,
FH15, FH1P, FH2, FH2P, FH3,
FH3P, FH4, FH4P, FH6, FH6P, FH9,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Hemoglobin, plasma, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Hemoglobin, total, non-waived, POCT Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, FH1, FH10,
FH10P, FH13, FH13P, FH14, FH14P,
FH15, FH1P, FH2, FH2P, FH3,
FH3P, FH4, FH4P, FH6, FH6P, FH9,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Heparin assay (heparin/protamine
titration), POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Heparin dose response, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived IGFBP-1, rapid, amniotic fluid, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived INR, whole blood, non-waived, POCT Y CGB, CGL, WP3, WP4, WP6, WP9
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Infectious mononucleosis, non-waived, Y IL, IM
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Influenza antigen, non-waived, POCT Y HC2, VR2, VR4
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Influenza, rapid NAA, non-waived, Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
VR2, VR4
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived KOH prep, POCT Y CMMP, FSM
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Ketone, whole blood, non-waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived LDL cholesterol, whole blood, non-
waived, POCT
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 130 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Lactate, body fluid, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Lactate, whole blood, non-waived, POCT Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C3, C3X, CZ,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Lead, blood, non-waived, POCT Y BL
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Magnesium, ionized, whole blood, POCT Y AQ, AQ2
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Magnesium, whole blood, non-waived, Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Microalbumin (urine albumin), Y U
quantitative, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Microalbumin(urine albumin) qual, non- Y UMC
waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Myoglobin, whole blood, POCT Y CRT, CRTI, PCARM, PCARMX
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived NT-proBNP, POCT Y BNP5
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Nicotine/Cotinine rapid test, non-waived,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived O2 saturation, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Occult blood, fecal, non-waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Occult blood, gastric, non-waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Osmolarity, tears, non-waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Oximetry, POCT Y SO
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived PAMG-1 protein detection, fluid, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived PCO2, whole blood, POCT Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived PO2, whole blood, POCT Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived PT, whole blood, non-waived, POCT Y CGB, CGL, WP3, WP4, WP6, WP9
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived PTT, whole blood, POCT Y CGB, CGL
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Phosphorus, whole blood, non-waived, Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Pinworm prep, POCT Y CMMP
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Plasmodium antigens (rapid malaria),
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Platelet function assay (PFA), non-
waived, POCT
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 131 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Platelet function, rapid, GP IIb/IIIa
inhibit, POC
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Platelet function, rapid, P2Y12
inhibition, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Platelet function, rapid, aspirin, non-
waived, POC
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Platelet mapping, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Potassium, whole blood, non-waived, Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Protein, total, whole blood, non-waived, Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Pyruvate, body fluid, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived RSV antigen, non-DFA method, non- Y HC2, VR2, VR4
waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived RSV, rapid NAA, non-waived, POCT Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
GIP5, HC2, HC4, ID3, IDR, VR1,
VR2, VR4
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Reducing substances, fecal, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Skin scrapings for scabies/lice, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Sodium, whole blood, non-waived, Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Specific gravity, non-waived, POCT Y CMP, CMP1, HCC2
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Sperm presence/absence, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Strep A rapid antigen, non-waived, POCT Y CDF5, D, D4, D6, HC1, HC3, MC1,
MC2, MC4, MC5, VS
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived TSH rapid screen, whole blood, non- Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX, K,
waived, POCT KK
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Thrombelastograph (TEG), POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Thromboelastometry, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Trichomonas antigen, non-waived, POCT Y VS, VS1
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Triglycerides, whole blood, non-waived, Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Troponin I, POCT Y CRT, CRTI, PCARI, PCARM,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Troponin T, POCT Y TNT5
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.
College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS
Master Activity Menu
Page 132 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Urea, whole blood, non-waived, POCT Y AQ2, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Urinalysis dipstick, automated, non- Y CMP, CMP1, HCC2
waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Urine drug screen, single use kit, non- Y DMPM, T, UDS, UDS6, UT
waived, POC
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Urine sediment, microscopic, POCT Y CMMP, CMP, CMP1
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived Vaginal wet mount, POCT Y CMMP
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived WBC count, microcuvette, POCT Y FH1, FH10, FH10P, FH13, FH13P,
FH14, FH14P, FH15, FH1P, FH2,
FH2P, FH3, FH3P, FH4, FH4P, FH6,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived hCG, qualitative, serum, POCT Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived hCG, qualitative, whole blood, POCT Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived hCG, quantitative, whole blood, POCT Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived hCG, urine, non-waived, POCT Y CMP, CMP1, HCC2, UHCG
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived pH, gastric, non-waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived pH, other, non-waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived pH, scalp, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived pH, vaginal/amniotic fluid, non-waived,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Non-Waived pH, whole blood, POCT Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Provider Direct wet mount, provider performed
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Provider Eosinophils, nasal smear, provider
Performed performed
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Provider Fecal leukocytes, provider performed
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Provider Fern test, provider performed
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Provider H. pylori detection, urease, waived,
Performed provider perf
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 133 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Provider KOH prep, provider performed
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Provider Occult blood, fecal, waived, provider
Performed performed
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Provider Occult blood, gastric, waived, provider
Performed performed
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Provider Pinworm prep, provider performed
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Provider Post-coital mucus exam, provider
Performed performed
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Provider Sperm presence/absence, provider
Performed performed
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Provider Urinalysis dipstick, waived, provider
Performed performed
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Provider Urine sediment microscopy, provider
Performed performed
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Provider pH, body fluids, waived, provider
Performed performed
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived ALT, whole blood, waived, POCT Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived AST, whole blood, waived, POCT Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Adenovirus antigen, waived, POCT Y HC2, VR2, VR4
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Albumin, whole blood, waived, POCT Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Alcohol, rapid test, saliva, waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Alkaline phosphatase, whole blood, Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Amines, vaginal, waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Amylase, whole blood, waived, POCT Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived BNP, whole blood, waived, POCT Y BNP, BNP5, PCARI, PCARM,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Bacterial vaginosis, rapid test, waived,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Beta-hydroxybutyrate, waived, POCT Y KET
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Bilirubin, total, whole blood, waived, Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX,
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 134 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Bladder tumor associated antigen,
waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived CO2, whole blood, waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Calcium, ionized, whole blood, waived, Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C3, C3X, CZ,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Calcium, total, whole blood, waived, Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Chloride, whole blood, waived, POCT Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Cholesterol, whole blood, waived, POCT Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Cotinine, rapid, oral fluid, waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Creatine kinase (CK), whole blood, Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Creatinine, semi-quant, urine, waived, Y UMC
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Creatinine, whole blood, waived, POCT Y AQ2, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived ESR, manual, waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived FSH, urine, waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Fructosamine, whole blood, waived,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived GGT, whole blood, waived, POCT Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Glucose, whole blood, waived (glucose
meter), POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Glucose, whole blood, waived (non- Y AQ2, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ,
meter), POCT CZ2X, CZX, HCC, LCW
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived H. pylori antibody, IgG, whole blood, Y S2, S4, S5, VR3
waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived H. pylori antigen, stool, waived, POCT Y CDF5, D, D4, D6, HC1, HC3, HPS,
LBAS, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived H. pylori detection, urease, waived, Y RUR
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived HCV antibody, rapid test, waived, POCT Y RHCVW
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 135 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived HDL cholesterol, whole blood, waived, Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived HIV-1 antibody rapid test, waived, POCT Y AHIV, AHIVW, VM1, VM6, VM6X
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived HIV-1/2 antibody rapid test, waived, Y AHIV, AHIVW, VM1, VM6, VM6X
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived HIV-1/2 antibody/p24 antigen, rapid, Y AHIV, VM1, VM6, VM6X
waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Hematocrit, waived, POCT Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, FH1, FH10,
FH10P, FH13, FH13P, FH14, FH14P,
FH15, FH1P, FH2, FH2P, FH3,
FH3P, FH4, FH4P, FH6, FH6P, FH9,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Hemoglobin A1C, waived, POCT Y GH2, GH5, GH5I
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Hemoglobin, waived, POCT Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, FH1, FH10,
FH10P, FH13, FH13P, FH14, FH14P,
FH15, FH1P, FH2, FH2P, FH3,
FH3P, FH4, FH4P, FH6, FH6P, FH9,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived INR, whole blood, waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Infectious mononucleosis, waived, POCT Y IL, IM, IMW
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Influenza antigen, non-DFA method, Y HC2, VR2, VR4
waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Influenza, rapid NAA, waived, POCT Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
GIP5, HC2, HC4, ID3, IDR, VR1,
VR2, VR4
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Ketone, whole blood, waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived LDL cholesterol, whole blood, waived,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Lactate, whole blood, waived, POCT Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C3, C3X, CZ,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Lead, blood, waived, POCT Y BL
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Matrix metalloproteinase 9, tears,
waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Microalbumin (urine albumin), qual, Y UMC
waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived N-telopeptides (NTX), urine, waived, Y BU
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.
College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS
Master Activity Menu
Page 136 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Nicotine/Cotinine rapid test, waived,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Occult blood, fecal, waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Occult blood, gastric, waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Osmolarity, tears, waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Ovulation test (LH), waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived PT, whole blood, waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Phosphorus, whole blood, waived, POCT Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Platelet function, rapid, aspirin, waived,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Potassium, whole blood, waived, POCT Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Protein, total, whole blood, waived, Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived RSV antigen, non-DFA method, waived, Y HC2, VR2, VR4
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived RSV, rapid NAA, waived, POCT Y CHPVD, CHPVJ, CHPVK, CHPVM,
GIP5, HC2, HC4, ID3, IDR, VR1,
VR2, VR4
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Reducing substances, urine, POCT Y CMP, CMP1, HCC2
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Sodium, whole blood, waived, POCT Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Specific gravity, waived, POCT Y CMP, CMP1, HCC2
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Specimen integrity testing, urine, waived,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Sperm count screen, rapid test, waived,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Strep A rapid antigen, waived, POCT Y CDF5, D, D4, D6, D9, HC1, HC3,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Strep A, rapid NAA, waived, POCT Y BDP5, BDPV5, D, D1, D2, D3, D4,
D7, D8, GIP5, HC6, HC6X, HC7,
IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4, MC5,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Syphilis antibodies, rapid test, waived, Y G
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.
College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS
Master Activity Menu
Page 137 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived TSH rapid screen, whole blood, waived, Y C1, C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX, K,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Trichomonas antigen, waived, POCT Y VS, VS1
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Triglycerides, whole blood, waived, Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Urea, whole blood, waived, POCT Y AQ2, AQ4, C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ,
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Uric acid, whole blood, waived, POCT Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Urinalysis dipstick, automated, waived, Y CMP, CMP1, HCC2
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Urinalysis dipstick, manual, waived, Y CMP, CMP1, HCC2
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived Urine drug screen, single use kit, waived, Y DMPM, T, UDS, UDS6, UT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived hCG, urine, waived, POCT Y CMP, CMP1, HCC2, UHCG
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived pH, gastric, waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived pH, other, waived, POCT
Point-of-Care Testing Point of Care Testing - Waived pH, vaginal/amniotic fluid, waived,
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 138 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Donor Services Apheresis collection Y
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Donor Services Donor apheresis Y
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Donor Services Donor collection, allogeneic Y
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Donor Services Donor collection, autologous Y
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Donor Services Donor collection, mobile Y
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Donor Services Donor infectious disease testing on-site Y
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Donor Services Hematocrit, donor screening Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, FH1, FH10,
Bank FH10P, FH13, FH13P, FH14, FH14P,
FH15, FH1P, FH2, FH2P, FH3,
FH3P, FH4, FH4P, FH6, FH6P, FH9,
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Donor Services Hemoglobin, donor screening Y AQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4, FH1, FH10,
Bank FH10P, FH13, FH13P, FH14, FH14P,
FH15, FH1P, FH2, FH2P, FH3,
FH3P, FH4, FH4P, FH6, FH6P, FH9,
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Donor Services Therapeutic apheresis Y
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Donor Services Therapeutic phlebotomy Y
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell Bone marrow collection (for Y
Bank Services transplantation)
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell Bone marrow processing (for Y
Bank Services transplantation)
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell Cord blood collection Y
Bank Services
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell Cord blood processing Y
Bank Services
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell Cord blood storage and issue Y
Bank Services
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell Hematopoietic progenitor cell other, Y
Bank Services collection
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 139 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell Hematopoietic progenitor cell other, Y
Bank Services processing
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell Hematopoietic progenitor cell storage Y
Bank Services and issue
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell Laboratory developed test (LDT), HPC Y
Bank Services
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell Peripheral blood stem cell collection Y
Bank Services
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell Peripheral blood stem cell processing Y
Bank Services
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Immunohematology ABO blood grouping Y J, J1, JAT
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Immunohematology Adsorptions Y
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Immunohematology Antibody elutions
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Immunohematology Antibody identification Y J, JAT
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Immunohematology Antibody screen Y J, JAT
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Immunohematology Antibody screen, non-transfusion Y J, JAT
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Immunohematology Antibody titers
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Immunohematology Automated blood banking test system Y
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Immunohematology Cold agglutinin screen/titer
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Immunohematology Compatibility testing Y J, JAT
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Immunohematology Computer crossmatch Y
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Immunohematology Cryofibrinogen
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Immunohematology Cryoglobulin
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Immunohematology Direct antiglobulin test (DAT), automated
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.
College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS
Master Activity Menu
Page 140 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Immunohematology Direct antiglobulin test (DAT), non- Y DAT
Bank automated
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Immunohematology Donath Landsteiner
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Immunohematology Donor unit retyping Y
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Immunohematology Fetal-maternal bleed screen (rosette) Y HBF
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Immunohematology Gel techniques Y
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Immunohematology Kleihauer-Betke stain (fetal cell Y HBF
Bank quantitation)
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Immunohematology Laboratory developed test (LDT), Y
Bank Immunoheme
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Immunohematology Perinatal testing Y
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Immunohematology Platelet antibodies for crossmatching Y PS
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Immunohematology Platelet crossmatch
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Immunohematology RBC antigen typing
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Immunohematology RBC antigen typing for parentage testing
Bank only
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Immunohematology Rh type (includes weak D) Y J, J1, JAT
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Immunohematology RhIG Candidate Assessment Y
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Immunohematology Sickle cell screening on donor units
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Immunohematology Solid phase techniques Y
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Tissue Storage and Issue Storage of organ donor blood vessels Y
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Tissue Storage and Issue Tissue storage and issue Y
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 141 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Transfusion Services Bact detection in plt products, oxygen Y BDP, BDP5, BDPV, BDPV5, D, D1,
Bank percent D2, D3, D4, D7, D8, GIP5, HC6,
HC6X, HC7, IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4,
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Transfusion Services Bact detection in plt products, rapid Y BDP, BDP5, BDPV, BDPV5, D, D1,
Bank immunoassay D2, D3, D4, D7, D8, GIP5, HC6,
HC6X, HC7, IDR, MC1, MC2, MC4,
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Transfusion Services Blood/comp. issued - not transfused at Y
Bank facility
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Transfusion Services Blood/component issuance for Y
Bank transfusion
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Transfusion Services Blood/component processing (pool, thaw, Y
Bank aliquot)
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Transfusion Services Blood/component storage Y
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Transfusion Services Blood/component transfusion in this Y
Bank facility
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Transfusion Services Blood/component washing Y
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Transfusion Services Blood/components irradiation Y
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Transfusion Services Blood/components preparation (e.g. Y
Bank manuf products)
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Transfusion Services Blood/components, pathogen reduction Y
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Transfusion Services Intra-operative/peri-operative blood Y
Bank services
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Transfusion Services Laboratory developed test (LDT), Y
Bank Transfusion Serv
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Transfusion Services Transfusion reaction evaluation Y
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Transfusion Services WBC, leuko-reduced, PLT prod., non-
Bank flow cytometry
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Transfusion Services WBC, leuko-reduced, RBC prod., non-
Bank flow cytometry
Transfusion Medicine/Blood Transfusion Services pH, platelet product quality control
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 142 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Urinalysis Urinalysis AFP & PP12, rapid, amniotic fluid
Urinalysis Urinalysis APT, fetal hemoglobin
Urinalysis Urinalysis Acetone, qualitative
Urinalysis Urinalysis Beta-hydroxybutyrate, waived Y KET
Urinalysis Urinalysis Bladder tumor associated antigen, waived
Urinalysis Urinalysis Creatinine, semi-quant, urine, non- Y UMC
Urinalysis Urinalysis Creatinine, semi-quant, urine, waived Y UMC
Urinalysis Urinalysis Crystal identification or pres/abs, body
Urinalysis Urinalysis Eosinophils, urine
Urinalysis Urinalysis Fat bodies, other
Urinalysis Urinalysis Fat bodies, urine
Urinalysis Urinalysis Fecal erythrocytes, wet mount
Urinalysis Urinalysis Fecal fat
Urinalysis Urinalysis Fecal leukocytes, giemsa stain Y CMMP
Urinalysis Urinalysis Fecal leukocytes, lactoferrin
Urinalysis Urinalysis Fecal leukocytes, stain other than giemsa
Urinalysis Urinalysis Fecal leukocytes, wet mount
Urinalysis Urinalysis Fern test, vaginal fluid Y CMMP
Urinalysis Urinalysis Fetal fibronectin Y FF
Urinalysis Urinalysis Hemosiderin, urine
Urinalysis Urinalysis IGFBP-1, rapid, amniotic fluid
Urinalysis Urinalysis KOH prep (e.g., skin, hair, nail, vaginal) Y CMMP, FSM
Urinalysis Urinalysis Ketone, serum
Urinalysis Urinalysis Ketone, urine (tablet)
Urinalysis Urinalysis Ketone, whole blood, waived
Urinalysis Urinalysis Laboratory developed test (LDT), Y
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 143 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Urinalysis Urinalysis Microalbumin (urine albumin), qual, non- Y UMC
Urinalysis Urinalysis Microalbumin (urine albumin), Y UMC
qualitative, waived
Urinalysis Urinalysis Myoglobin, urine
Urinalysis Urinalysis Occult blood, fecal, non-waived
Urinalysis Urinalysis Occult blood, fecal, waived
Urinalysis Urinalysis Occult blood, gastric, non-waived
Urinalysis Urinalysis Occult blood, gastric, waived
Urinalysis Urinalysis Osmolality, serum/plasma/whole blood, Y C3, C3X, CZ, CZ2X, CZX
Urinalysis Urinalysis Osmolality, urine Y CMP, CMP1, U
Urinalysis Urinalysis Ovulation test (LH), waived
Urinalysis Urinalysis PAMG-1 protein detection, fluid
Urinalysis Urinalysis Reducing substances, fecal
Urinalysis Urinalysis Reducing substances, urine Y CMP, CMP1, HCC2
Urinalysis Urinalysis Specific gravity, refractometer,
Urinalysis Urinalysis Sperm, presence or absence (post
Urinalysis Urinalysis Urinalysis confirmatory testing Y
Urinalysis Urinalysis Urinalysis dipstick, automated, non- Y CMP, CMP1, HCC2
Urinalysis Urinalysis Urinalysis dipstick, automated, waived Y CMP, CMP1, HCC2
Urinalysis Urinalysis Urinalysis dipstick, manual, waived Y CMP, CMP1, HCC2
Urinalysis Urinalysis Urinalysis microscopic, automated
(inc.crystal ID)
Urinalysis Urinalysis Urinalysis microscopic, manual (inc. Y CMMP, CMP, CMP1
crystal ID)
Urinalysis Urinalysis Urinary tract infection rapid screen,
Urinalysis Urinalysis Vaginal wet mount Y CMMP
Urinalysis Urinalysis Vaginal wet mount, Trichomonas only
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

Master Activity Menu
Page 144 of 144
With Proficiency Testing Options 05/01/2019 08:01 AM
Program: LAP As of: 05/01/2019
CAP Scope of Surveys CAP PT Options
Discipline Subdiscipline Test/Activity Accepted PT Service/Analytic
Required ** Method
Urinalysis Urinalysis Wet mount for yeast
Urinalysis Urinalysis hCG, qualitative, serum Y C1, C3, C3X, C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX,
Urinalysis Urinalysis hCG, urine, non-waived Y CMP, CMP1, HCC2, UHCG
Urinalysis Urinalysis hCG, urine, waived Y CMP, CMP1, HCC2, UHCG
Urinalysis Urinalysis pH, gastric, non-waived
Urinalysis Urinalysis pH, gastric, waived
Urinalysis Urinalysis pH, other
Urinalysis Urinalysis pH, stool
** CAP Accepted PT Required. For activities requiring alternative assessment, laboratories can use PT products supplied by the CAP or other providers. Laboratories should review the
Surveys catalog to determine which PT products are compatible with their specific methodologies.

NOTE: Activities noted as Scope of Service / Analytical Method do not require PT or alternative assessment.

College of American Pathologists MALP_MALS

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