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THIS AGREEMENT made as of the ________________, 2016, between *************(herein

after referred to as “the Employer”), a corporation incorporated under the laws of the
Province of Abuja, and having its principal place of business at 18 Furo Ezimora Street,
Lekki Phase 1 (the “Employer”); and


(hereinafter referred to as “the Employee”).

WHEREAS the Employer desires to obtain the benefits of the services of the Employee, and
the Employee desires to render such services on the terms and conditions set forth.

IN CONSIDERATION of the promises and other good and valuable consideration (the
sufficiency and receipt of which are hereby acknowledged) the parties agree as follows:


The Employee agrees that she will at all times faithfully, industriously, and to the best of her
skill, ability, experience and talents, perform all of the duties required of her position. In
carrying out these duties and responsibilities, the Employee shall comply with all Employer
policies, procedures, rules and regulations, both written and oral, as are announced by the
Employer from time to time. It is also understood and agreed to by the Employee that her
assignment, duties and responsibilities and reporting arrangements may be changed by the
Employer in its sole discretion without causing termination of this agreement.
Position Title

As an Architect, the Employee is required to perform the following duties and undertake
the following responsibilities in a professional manner.

Producing detailed blue prints, workings, drawings with specifications and making any
necessary corrections

Develop ideas keeping in mind the client’s needs, building’s usage and environmental

Compile project specifications including finishing schedule;

Accurately preparing and presenting detailed plans and working drawings, including
applications, construction details and specifications for the project using computer-aided
design (CAD) packages or similar design software with traditional drawing methods;

Assisting the CEO with the detailed design process and coordinating design information;

Follow architectural trends and advancements

Understanding how the design aspects of a construction project influence and relate to
performance and functional issues so that practical questions can be addressed at the

Developing project briefs and working on these as the project progresses;

Attending regular meetings with clients, contractors and other specialists;

Regular site visits to check on progress, ensuring that the project is running on time and to

Liaising with other professionals on the project;

Ensure that all works are carried out to specific standards, building codes, guidelines and

Assessing what surveys (e.g. land surveys) are required before work can commence and
ensuring such surveys are undertaken and their results fed into the project;

Resolving problems and issues that arise during construction;

Control project from start to finish to ensure high quality, innovative and functional


Other duties as may arise from time to time as may be assigned to the employee.

Wage, Compensation & Benefits

As full compensation for all services provided the employee shall be paid at the rate of
N150,000.00. Such payments shall be subject to such normal statutory deductions by the
Employer. These deductions included taxes, pension and such other deductions as may be
required by law.

The Employers in special situations shall provide the following additional allowances. Such

Travel Allowances

Telephone Allowances


The Employees wage shall be paid with bank transfer on


the last working day of every month and shall be


The Employee shall be entitled to the following

allowances/payments (3b).


A monthly transport allowance of



Meals per month to the value of



Accommodation per month to the value of


Telephone allowance per month to office line for the value




A Entertainment allowance per month of



Utility allowance per month to the value of

Total Monthly Value shall be


The total value of the above remuneration per annum shall



The salary mentioned in paragraph (a) shall be review on a 3 months basis.

All reasonable expenses arising out of employment shall be reimbursed assuming same
have been authorized prior to being incurred and with the provision of appropriate receipts.

4. Hours of work

a. Normal working hours will be from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays.

b. Overtime will only be worked if agreed upon between the parties from time to

5. Meal Intervals

The Employee agrees to a lunch break of 30 minutes. Lunch time will be taken at anytime
appropriate time daily where the time scheduled does not to cause any delay of work

Weekend Work (Saturday & Sunday)

Any work on Saturday will be by agreement between the parties from time to time.

Public Holiday

The Employee will be entitled to all official public holidays on full pay.

If an Employee does not work on an unofficial public holiday, she shall not receive normal
payment for that day.

These official public holiday include:

New Years

Sallah Day

New Year’s Eve

Christmas Eve

Workers Day

Christmas Day etc.

Annual Leave/Vacation

The Employee shall be entitled to vacations in the amount of 2 weeks paid leave after every
12 months of continuous service. Such leave is to be taken at times convenient to the
employer and the employer may require the employee to take her leave as coincide with
that of the employer.

Sick Leave

During the first six months of employment the employee will be entitled to one day’s paid
sick leave for every 26 days worked.

If the Employee is absent for more than 3 days based on illness, she MUST provide a
doctor’s report stating her illness.

The employee is to notify the employer as soon as possible in case of her absence from
work though illness.


If the Employee is provided with accommodation during her employment, it shall

part of her accommodation allowance and is bound to the service of the Employer.


The accommodation may only be occupied by the worker, unless prior

arrangement with the employer.



3x sets of uniforms will be supplied to the employee by the employer and will remain the
property of the employer.

Probation Period

It is understood and agreed that the first ninety days of employment shall constitute a
probationary period during which period the Employer may, in its absolute discretion,
terminate the Employee’s employment, for any reason without notice or cause.

Performance Reviews

The Employee will be provided with a written performance appraisal at least once every 3
months and said appraisal will be reviewed at which time all aspects of the assessment
can be fully discussed.


The Employee may at any time terminate this agreement and her employment by giving not
less than two weeks written notice to the Employer. In the case where an employee is
illiterate, notice may be given by that employee verbally.
The Employer may terminate this Agreement and the Employee’s employment at any time,
without notice or payment in lieu of notice, for sufficient cause.

The Employer may terminate the employment of the Employee at anytime without the
requirement to show sufficient cause pursuant to (b) above, provided the Employer pays to
the Employee an amount as required by the Employment Standards Act 2000 or other such
legislation as may be in effect at the time of termination. This payment shall constitute the
employees entire entitlement arising from said termination.

The Employee agrees to return any property of Iroko Interior Design at the time of


It is further acknowledged and agreed that following termination of the employee’s

employment with Iroko Interior Design for any reason the employee shall not hire or
attempt to attempt to hire any current employee of Iroko Interior Design.

It is further acknowledged and agreed that following termination of the employee’s

employment with Iroko Interior Design for any reason the employee shall not solicit
business from current clients or clients who have retained Iroko Interior Design in the 6
month period immediately preceding the employer’s termination.


This agreement shall be governed by the Laws of Abuja High Court, Nigeria.

Independent Legal Advice

The Employee acknowledges that the Employer has provided the Employee with a
reasonable opportunity to obtain independent legal advice with respect to this agreement,
and that either:

The employer has had such independent legal advice prior to executing this agreement, or;

The Employee has willingly chosen not to obtain such advice and to execute this agreement
without having obtained such advice.

Entire Agreement

This agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties, superseding in all
respects any and all prior oral and written agreements or understandings pertaining to the
employment of the Employee by the Employer and shall be amended or modified only by
written instrument signed by both of the parties hereto.


The parties hereto agree that in the event any article or part thereof this agreement is held
to be unenforceable or invalid then said article or part be stuck and all remaining provision
shall remain in full force and effect.


Managing Director (**************)

We congratulate you on your appointment and wish you a good working relationship with
us. Please signify your acceptance of this offer by signing a copy of this letter and return the
same to us on or before _________________________.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Employer has caused this agreement to be executed by its
duly authorized officers and the Employee has set her hand as of the date first above

SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED in the presence of:

Name of Employee Name of Employer/Employer Rep

Signature of Employee Signature of Emplyer/ Employer Rep

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