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Cruz, Lourdes Loren C.

3BLM Reflection
Beyond the Books and Towards Greater Heights:
What Kind of Lawyer Do We Want to Become?

“Great lawyers – not brilliant lawyers. A scoundrel may be, and often is brilliant, and the
greater the scoundrel, the more brilliant the lawyer. But only a good man can become a great

I wanted to become a lawyer long before I ever understood anything else about my life.
Long before I graduated elementary school, long before I recognized the life of a lawyer is not how
the actors portray them on television reruns of How to Get Away with Murder or Suits. I had this
aspiration I could not explain, this yearning to serve people and it has always been absolutely
instinctive. Every single thing that has ever happened in my short life happened in the framework
of this profound, embedded understanding that I would earn my degree; that I would someday
become an attorney.
A lawyer is defined as, “a person whose profession is to represent clients in a court of law
or to advise or act for clients in other legal matters.” However, these past few seminars have
enlightened me. Practice of law extends beyond simply the representation of clients in a court. Law
offers many different opportunities to those who are persistent enough to carry on to law school,
and beyond. Being a lawyer obviously requires a large amount of intellect, work ethic,
organization, dedication, and an ability to debate effectively. If one lacks in these skills, one could
find being a lawyer harder than if they possessed them. In terms of alternative careers, or potential
job market, a degree in law is of a wide variety and can give one the ability to perform in many
different job positions. 
As our society grows in complexity, the lawyer’s role grows as well. No longer is it
possible for one single lawyer to handle every aspect of every client’s legal needs. Therefore, it is
necessary for lawyers to specialize on certain areas of law. Lawyers have a lot of options when it
comes to work environments. Some lawyers choose to work with big companies, while others
choose to work for nonprofit agencies. When I become a lawyer, I would like to fight for the rights
of average people. It seems like the justice system favors the wealthy, so my dream is to seek
justice for all. I would love to help those people who always seem to get lost in the system. I desire
to know that I have made a positive difference in the lives of others. I want my clients to see me as
a professional who is dedicated to seek justice. Being a lawyer is not, and should not be, simply
about earning a high salary. Being a lawyer means understanding that there is a responsibility to
serve the public.
It is true that lawyers do not build bridges, nor do they raise towers. They do not
construct no engines; they do not paint pictures – unless as amateurs for our own principal
amusement. There is little of all that lawyer do which the eye of man can see. But, lawyers
smooth out difficulties, they relieve stress, they correct mistakes, they take up other men’s
burdens and by their efforts, they make possible the peaceful like of men in a peaceful state.

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