Astudillo V Dr. Pierre-Claude Poulin, Pédiatre

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Astudillo v Dr.

Pierre-Claude Poulin, Pédiatre

To: David Lametti, Minister of Justice of the “CANADA Inc.” PERSONA FICTA;

Criminal Referral & Ethics Complaint

Your barbarian pseudo-doctor clearly violated many laws in his interview with media
today. The Interview can be viewed here at:

Un pédiatre encourage la vaccination des enfants – Le Journal de Montréal
1. Il a une difference entre une inquiétude et un refus de consentement, crisses de

2. In his Interview, he says, kids at not at risk of any symptoms or deaths really from
the SARS-CoV-II virus infections. (1 minute 25 seconds mark)

3. He then says at 1:47 that “It’s maybe not to prevent mortality that we’re going to
vaccinate children, it’s not to prevent hospitalizations or complications because
there isn’t really any.”

4. Then he brainlessly blabblers on about how the children have been traumatized
violated by the barbarian adults running the colony & their pseudo-medical &
criminal socialist Germanic propaganda.

5. He then says that the pseudo-vaccines would protect the kids, but he just said
that the kids are not at risk from death, nor hospitalizations, nor complications
from infections of SARS-CoV-II? So to protect them from nothing? You need an
IQ of 75 to not see what’s wrong with this barbarian pleb of the Poulin family.

6. The kids need to be protected from you barbarian tribal pseudomedical socialist
nazi adults, not the virus they’re already protected against naturally. The virus
targets you, to kill you the adults, not the children. That’s the recorded pathology
of the virus post 2 years time.
7. Researchers conducted a study to investigate the transmissibility of the SARS-
CoV-2 Delta variant among vaccinated individuals in the same household.
They found that while vaccinated individuals may be less likely to get the
infection, they are just as likely to pass on the virus if they contract it.

The researchers also found evidence that vaccine protection may wane after 2–3
months of being vaccinated.

8. Backlash and reversal after CDC director says vaccinated people cannot spread

9. Here’s either intentionally lying to the camera, or extremely stupid & dangerously
so, to the point where he should not be legally allowed to have a Medical License
at all, anywhere. Barbarian stupidities from the Gauls again.

10. CDC: COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are given in the upper arm muscle. The mRNA
will enter the muscle cells and instruct the cells’ machinery to produce a
harmless* (CRIMINAL FRAUD, You’ll see in a second) piece of what is called
the spike protein. The spike protein is found on the surface of the virus that
causes COVID-19. After the protein piece is made, our cells break down the
mRNA and remove it. (but not without causing damage with the S1 Viral Protein

11. SALK Institute for Biological Studies: The novel coronavirus’ spike protein plays
additional key role in illness - Salk researchers and collaborators show how the
protein damages cells, confirming COVID-19 as a primarily vascular disease.
additional-key-role-in-illness/? (which proves the CDC is blatantly lying above)

12. BIOWEAPON DEFINITION from WHO: Biological weapons are microorganisms

like virus, bacteria, fungi, or other toxins that are produced and released
deliberately to cause disease and death in humans, animals or plants.
13. TOXIN DEFINTION from WHO: the term “toxin” means the toxic material of
plants, animals, microorganisms, viruses, fungi, or infectious substances, or a
recombinant molecule, whatever its origin or method of production, including –
(A) any poisonous substance or biological product 214 * Public health response
to biological and chemical weapons—WHO guidance that may be engineered as
a result of biotechnology produced by a living organism; or (B) any poisonous
isomer or biological product, homolog, or derivative of such a substance (4).

14. The CDC is also very stupid, because their definition of how the mRNA injections
function is self-contradicting, hence self-defeating. They are harmless but cause
an Immune Response. An Immune Response is harm.

15. MEDLINE PLUS.GOV (US Federal Government as well): The immune response
is how your body recognizes and defends itself against bacteria, viruses, and
substances that appear foreign and harmful.

So there is no Immune Response without harm, & without a harmful element to

respond to: to some level or another, be it light or heavy damage. There is
damage each time, guaranteed. It’s the only guarantee to an Immune Response.

16. According to UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance Report – Week 45: 703 Unvaccinated
have died from SARS-CoV-II infections, versus 3409 deaths in the Vaccinated.
Which means that the Injected are dying at a rate 484% of 4.84x higher than the
uninjected. You’ll get there.

17. You’re promoting a Criminal Corporation’s Fraudulent Marketed product. I

consider it to be equal to you promoting drugs from the Hells Angels. Actually
Pfizer Inc has a bigger Criminal Record than the Hells Angels.

18. DW (GERMANIA) = COVID: Germany shatters another record for case numbers.
I win, he’s going to jail too. November 18th 2021.
19. Serious violations of both Criminal Law & the Code of Ethics by barbarian pleb,
Pierre-Claude el Poulin. How dare your gallic family itself Poulin. C’est Poulet
déguisé ça. Peter-Claudius Chicken. Imagine that? Toute un nom de famille, ca
c’est peut-etre pas illégale comme nom de famille mais ça devrait l’être en osti.

How about you go spend the rest of your pathetic life in jail where you criminal
National Socialist NAZI SCUM belong!? Biden is going there too.
PS: The first SARS-CoV-II confirmed samples come from Italia, and pre-date the
Wuhan outbreak. A woman came in, with symptoms, blood samples were taken &
are still in the Italian Gov’s possession, and the woman was released & never seen
again. They have been incapable of locating her (Patient 0 as I refer to her, a
vampire cousin of mine).
The new coronavirus was circulating in Italy since September 2019, a study by the
National Cancer Institute (INT) of the Italian city of Milan shows.
Date: November 18th, 2021

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