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Chapter 5.

Dimensional Analysis
Objective: Learn how to use dimensional
analysis to solve problems

Mrs. Baldessari
Conversion Problems

Because each country’s

currency compares
differently with the U.S.
dollar, knowing how to
convert currency units
correctly is very
important. Conversion
problems are readily
solved by a problem-
solving approach called
dimensional analysis.
What is Dimensional Analysis?

Ex: 3 cm = 50 km

Since the map is a small-scale representation of a large area,

there is a scale that you can use to convert from small-scale
units to large-scale units—for example, going from inches to
miles or from cm to km.
What is Dimensional Analysis?

Whenever you use a map or exchange

currency, you are utilizing the scientific
method of dimensional analysis.
A conversion factor is a ratio of equivalent

The ratios 100 cm/1 m and 1 m/100 cm are

examples of conversion factors.

When a measurement is multiplied by a conversion

factor, the numerical value is generally changed,
but the actual size of the quantity measured
remains the same.
Examples of Conversions

You can write any conversion as a

Be careful how you write that fraction.
For example, you can write
1 m = 100cm
as 1m or 100 cm
100 cm 1m
Examples of Conversions

Again, just be careful how you write the

The fraction must be written so that like
units cancel.
For example. How many liters do you
have with 50 mL?
1. Start with the given value.
2. Write the multiplication symbol.
3. Choose the appropriate conversion factor.
4. The problem is solved by multiplying the
given data & their units by the appropriate
unit factors so that the desired units
5. Remember, cancel like units.
Let’s try some examples together…

1. Suppose there are 12 slices of pizza in

one pizza. How many slices are in 7
1. Start with the given Given: 7 pizzas
value. Want: # of slices
2. Write the Conversion: 12 slices = one pizza
3. Choose the
conversion factor.

Check your work…

7 pizzas 12 slices 84 slices

X =
1 1 pizza
Let’s try some examples together…

2. How old are you in days?

Given: 17 years
Want: # of days
Conversion: 365 days = one year

Check your work…

17 years 365 days 6052 days

X =
1 1 year
Let’s try some examples together…

3. There are 2.54 cm in one inch. How

many inches are in 17.3 cm?

Given: 17.3 cm
Want: # of inches
Conversion: 2.54 cm = one inch

Check your work…

17.3 cm 1 inch
X 2.54 cm = 6.81 inches

Be careful!!! The fraction bar means divide.

How many quarts is 9.3 cups?

9.3 cups = ? quarts

1 quart 9.3 x 1
9.3 cups x =
4 cups 1 x 4

= = 2.325 s
Now, you try…

1. Determine the number of eggs in 23

dozen eggs.

Answer: 276 eggs

Now, you try…

2. If one package of gum has 10 pieces,

how many pieces are in 0.023
packages of gum?

Answer: 0.23 pieces

Multiple-Step Problems
Most problems are not simple one-step
solutions. Sometimes, you will have to
perform multiple conversions.
Example: How old are you in hours?
Given: 17 years
Want: # of days
Conversion #1: 365 days = one year
Conversion #2: 24 hours = one day

Check your work…

17 years 365 days 24 hours

X 1 year X 1 day =

148,920 hours
Combination Units

Dimensional Analysis can also be used

for combination units.
Like converting km/h into cm/s.
Write the fraction in a “clean” manner:

km/h becomes km
Combination Units

Example: Convert 0.083 km/h into m/s.

Given: 0.083 km/h
Want: # m/s
Conversion #1: 1000 m = 1 km
Conversion #2: 1 hour = 60 minutes
Conversion #3: 1 minute = 60 seconds

Check your work…

0.083 km X 1000 m = 83 m
1 hour 1 km 1 hour

83 m 1 hour 1 min =
X 60 min X 60 sec
1 hour

0.023 m
Section Quiz

1. 1 Mg = 1000 kg. Which of the following

would be a correct conversion factor for this

 1000.

 1/1000.

÷ 1000.

1000 kg/1Mg.
Now, you try…

Complete your assignment by yourself.

If you have any questions, ask me as I
will be walking around the room.

The following slides provide more

worked examples for students who need
more practice.
Extra practice # 1
Extra practice # 1

Start with what value is known, proceed to the unknown.

Extra practice # 1
Extra practice # 1
Extra practice # 2
Extra practice #2
extra practice # 2
Extra practice # 2
Extra practice # 3
Extra practice # 3
Extra practice # 3
Extra practice # 3
Extra practice # 4

Hint: When converting between

units, it is often necessary to use
more than one conversion factor.
Extra practice # 4
Extra practice # 4
Extra practice # 4
Converting Between Units

Converting Complex Units

Many common measurements are

expressed as a ratio of two units. If you
use dimensional analysis, converting
these complex units is just as easy as
converting single units. It will just take
multiple steps to arrive at an answer.
Extra practice # 5
Extra practice # 5
Extra practice # 5
Extra practice # 5

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