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Question 1: The new soap opera on Channel 3. ________ new depths in terms of
A. fill B. reaches C. plumbs D. achieves

● in terms of = regarding = relating to = concerning = when it comes to: khi nói về,
liên quan tới …..
● plumb the depths: chạm ngưỡng thấp nhất

Question 2: Somebody as conceited as Ron needs bringing down a _________ or two.

A. step B. notch C. rung D. peg

● bring/take sb down a peg (or two): cho thấy rằng ai không quan trọng như họ

Question 3: I have no appetite and I am lethargic. I’ve been feeling under ________
for ages.
A. pair B. threat C. stress D. par

● under par: bị ốm; không đạt tiêu chuẩn

Question 4: Victoria went to great _______ to complete a high quality presentation.

A. efforts B. torment C. pains D. difficulty

● go to great pains: cố gắng hết sức

Question 5: Frank was informed at the ________ that the assignment would be no
easy matter.
A. offset B. upset C. reset D. outset

● at/from the outset: ngay từ đầu

Question 6: The school playing fields are out of _______ while equipment is being set
up for the cricket match.
A. boundsB. brim C. verge D.border

● out of bounds: bị cấm, không được phép cho vào

Question 7: Isn’t packing three suitcases for a weekend away going a bit _______?
A. overload B. overhead C. overboard D. overskill

● go overboard: quá lố, quá nhiều

Question 8: “ How often do you visit your parents? “

“ _______ so often, even though they live some distance away. “
A. Even B. Ever C. Every D. Never

● Every so often: thỉnh thoảng

Question 9: “ Do you think I should ask Andy? “

“ I’m sure he’ll be only _______ willing to help you with the project “
A. just B. too C. that D. so

● only too = very

Question 10: The professor looked as if he were ________ away in a world of his own.
A. yards B. kilometres C. streets D. miles

● be miles away: không để ý gì cả, nghĩ ngợi lung tung việc khác

Question 11: I think you _______ a nerve when you mentioned Ralph’s forthcoming
A. touched B. had C. drilled D. hit

● hit/touch a (raw) nerve: làm ai đó buồn bã

Question 12: Enjoy your “Sunwoy” cruise, safe in the _______ that everything has
been taken care of.
A. awareness B. recognition C. knowledge D. fact

● be safe/secure in the knowledge: cứ yên tâm rằng

Question 13: Were you on the ______ when you said you had resigned from work?
A. wagon B. flat C. level D. town

● be on the level: đáng tin

Question 14: Judging from the noise it is making, the washing machine is on its last
A. gasp B. legs C. resort D. breath

● be on its last leg: sắp hỏng, tàn tạ

Question 15: The optician says you have to wear glasses, like it or ______ it.
A. jump B. loathe C. dislike D. lump
● like it or lump it: không thích cũng phải chấp nhận

Question 16: Sally was laying it on ______ when she said that Tom was the best
singer she had ever heard.
A. fine B. broad C. thin D. thick

● lay it on a bit thick/ lay it on thick: tán thưởng/ca ngợi ai nhiều quá

Question 17: his friends and family left him in the ______ when he went bankrupt.
A. church B. lurch C. end D. street

● leave sb in the lurch: bỏ mặc ai lúc hoạn nạn

Question 18: I’ll reserve ________ on Ben Shipley’s latest novel until I’ve read it.
A. condemnation B. thought C. judgement D. criticism

● reserve sb’s judgment (on something): không nhận xét cái gì cho đến khi mình
hiểu rõ về nó

Question 19: You will be putting your life on the ________ if you take up skydiving.
A. line B. way C. lane D. ground

● put your life on the line: liều mạng

Question 20: After making several bad business deals, the company was losing money
hand over ______.
A. finger B. wrist C. fist D. thumb

● lose money hand over fist: ném tiền qua cửa sổ

Question 21: For busy people in today’s society, lifestyle management is gaining _____.
A. points B. speed C. terrain D. ground

● gain ground: trở nên phổ biến

Question 22: The art teacher gave the children a free ______ in their creative
A. offer B. gift C. kick D. hand

● a free hand: quyền được sáng tạo tự do

Question 23: We at Buyrite throw down the _______ to competitors to match us for
price, quality and service.
A. gauntlet B. mitten C. sword D. hat

● throw down the gauntlet: chịu thua, đầu hàng

Question 24: The teacher was adamant and stuck to his _______ about the date of
the final exam.
A. weapons B. neck C. thumb D. guns

● stick to one’s guns: kiên định

Question 25: It was only when he had been unemployed for six month that Neil’s
situation hit _____.
A. base B. down C. home D. back

● hit home: khiến ai hiểu, nhận ra chính xác mức độ của vấn đề gì

Question 26: It was ______ justice for Ted to receive a parking fine when he was at
the doctor’s.
A. poetic B. only C. rough D. small

● rough justice: bất công

Question 27: The new political party came to the ______ after the general election.
A. fore B. back C. side D. front

● come to the fore: trở nên nổi bật, quan trọng

Question 28: On the eighth day of the strike, the Minister _______ fit to make a
A. appeared B. showed C. looked D. saw

● see fit to do sth: đồng ý làm gì, thấy làm thế là tốt, cần thiết

Question 29: Once at the skating rink, Ivan was allowed to skate to his heart’s
A. happiness B. delight C. content D. contentment

● to one’s heart’s content: bao lâu tùy thích, tẹt ga

Question 30: Many forest-______ animals were killed in the fire.

A. settling B. residing C. inhabiting D. dwelling

● forest-dwelling (adj): sống ở trong rừng

Question 31: This lovely new dress fits like a _______.

A. glove B. gauntlet C. gown D. treat

● fit like a glove: vừa khít

Question 32: During pioneer days a lot of land in the United States was up for _____.
A. gain B. promotion C. grabs D. taking

● up for grabs: có sẵn

Question 33: I was thrilled to meet Ed Sheeran in the ______ when I sat next to him
at the stadium.
A. meat B. blood C. flesh D. vein

● in the flesh: bằng xương bằng thịt

Question 34: Despite her poor exam results, Alice put a _______ face on the
A. tough B. brave C. courageous D. bold

● put a brave face on sth: kiên cường, dũng cảm đối mặt
Question 35: After buying an expensive new penthouse, Marianna was flat _____.
A. shattered B. torn C. smashed D. broke

● be flat broke: rỗng túi

Question 36: Our firm is so successful because it is at the cutting _______ of

computer technology.
A. limit B. edge C. verge D. fringe

● at the cutting edge of sth: ở giai đoạn tân tiến, hiện đại nhất

Question 37: It’s fifteen years since Timothy worked in Holland and his Dutch is
pretty now ______.
A. stale B. scratchy C. sloppy D. rusty

● rusty (adj): (ngôn ngữ) tệ do lâu không dùng -) cần tập luyện thêm

Question 38: Add the essence ________ until the teaspoonful is beaten into the
A. drop by drop B. inch by inch C. leaf by leafD. spot by spot

● inch by inch: từng chút một

Question 39: It was during my stay in India that I ______ taste for very hot curry.
A. gained B. acquired C. powerful D. received

● acquire a taste for something: bắt đầu thích cái gì mà lúc đầu không thích

Question 40: If the terrorists are not sent to prison, there will be a public ______.
A. attack B. onslaught C. recrimination D. outcry

● public outcry: sự phẫn nộ công chúng

Question 41: They said they could order it for me because they didn’t have my size in
A. shop B. hold C. stock D. store

● in stock: trong kho hàng

Question 42: The government has declared a state of _______ after yesterday’s
A. crisis B. emergency C. urgency D. danger

● state of emergency: tình trạng khẩn cấp

● declare a state of emergency: ban bố luật lệ để phòng chống tình trạng khẩn cấp

Question 43: This course _______ no previous knowledge of the subject.

A. assembles B. assumes C. assigns D. assures

● to assume: giả định, coi như là, nghiễm nhiên là (mặc dù không có dấu hiệu nhất
định) -) cái khóa học này sẽ dạy lại từ đầu; họ mặc định là học sinh chưa có kiến
thức gì hết

Question 44: The nurse took his ________ and checked that he was comfortable.
A. heat B. fever C. temperature D. thermal

● take one’s temperature: lấy nhiệt độ

Question 45: Let me ______ the bill before we leave this restaurant.
A. arrange B. conclude C. settle D. pay up

● settle the bill: thanh toán hóa đơn

Question 46: He criticised her in the meeting and I’m afraid she’s really taken it to
A. heart B. brain C. mind D. chest

● take sth to heart: để tâm, ghi nhớ cái gì (trò đùa, lời khuyên,...)

Question 47: Mr Discontent wanted to complain to the waiter but was afraid of making
a(n) _______.
A. act B. drama C. play D. scene

● make a scene: gây ra tiếng ồn, phiền hà (chỗ đông người)

Question 48: “ Were you told to get dinner ready? “
“ No, I did it of my own _____.”
A. desire B. accord C. idea D. will

● of my own accord: tự làm, không nhờ sai

Question 49: If you have a minor illness, it’s usually better just to let the nature take
its ______.
A. course B. time C. path D. way

● let nature take its course: để tự khỏi, để tự nhiên

Question 50: He took ______ with many of the points she made, claiming they were
A. exception B. issue C. account D. trouble

● take issue with: phản đối, không đồng ý

Question 51: You just never lift a _______ to help me - I have to do everything
A. shoulder B. hand C. finger D. wrist

● never lift a finger: không động tay làm 1 chút nào

Question 52: I won’t act in films that are too violent - I _______ the line at that.
A. paint B. make C. draw D. write

● draw the line at sth: không chấp nhận

Question 53: Everything included, the cost of our new living room came to a _______
total of 10000.
A. full B. great C. gross D. grand

● grand total: tổng cộng

Question 54: Suddenly I understood perfectly and everything fell ______ place.
A. down B. for C. into D. out

● fall into place: trở nên sáng tỏ

Question 55: Mr Wellbred went to a school which _______ good manners and
A. blossomed B. planted C. harvested D. cultivated

● cultivate: nuôi dưỡng, phát triển (tính cách)

Question 56: Falling the final exam was a big _______ to my hopes.
A. band B. kick C. hit D. blow

● a blow to sth: 1 nỗi bất hạnh đối với

● deal a blow to sth: gây tổn hại đến cái gì

Question 57: Unfortunately, state schools don’t have much in the ______ of sports
facilities compared to private schools.
A. part B. case C. means D. way

● not much in the way of: không có nhiều (cái gì)

Question 58: Tom handed in the test and awaited the results ________.
A. in the same breath B. out of breath
C. with bated breath D. under her breath

● with bated breath: hồi hộp

Question 59: Waiting outside the examination room, I trembled with _______.
A. comprehension B. apprehension
C. expectation D. tension

● tremble with: run bần bật

● apprehension: lo lắng = worry

Question 60: Investors have taken _______ from the improving economic situation
A. consolation B. courage C. heart D. meaning

● take heart from: cảm thấy tự hào, hạnh phúc vì …

Ừ thì phải có lo lắng, run sợ nhưng phải luôn cảm thấy tự hào (take heart from) vì mình
đã làm hết mình rồi. Bước ra khỏi phòng thi mà không phải nói hai từ “giá như” thì có
nghĩa là không thất bại <3



A. Có.
B. Không bao giờ không.
C. “Page dở tệ, ai thèm quan tâm.” - đấy là người khác nói thế chứ mình thì luôn kề
vai sát cánh với page.
D. Cho em vàng em cũng không bỏ, vì có page là quý báu nhất gòi.

HOY KẺO PHẢN TÁC DỤNG <3 Luv all ^_^

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