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Contents Page

1. Executive Summary 4

2. Introduction 6

3. Local Strategic Context 9

4. East Lothian Council’s Housing Stock 14

5. Capital Investment and Works Plan 22

6. Option Appraisal 27

7. Risk Assessment 29

8. Tenant Consultation 30

9. Milestones 31


1 – Scottish Housing Quality Standard

2- Stock Condition Survey
3- Baseline Proforma (SDP Guidance Appendix 2)
4- Schedule of Rates and Lifecycles
5- 30 Year Programmed Renewals and Improvement Costs
6- Capital Investment Proposed to Meet the Standard (SDP
Guidance Appendix 3)
7- Financial Summary Worksheet (SDP Guidance Appendix 5)
8- Assumptions underlying Investment Plan
9- Project Position Statement on Implementation of Standard
Delivery Plan (SDP Guidance Appendix 4)
10- Risk Register
 Appendix 10.1 – Summary of Risks
 Appendix 10.2 – Analysis of Risks
 Appendix 10.3 – Notes
11 – Tenant Consultation
Tables Page

1 – Progress Against Milestones 7

2 – Housing Stock by Management Area 14
3 – Housing Stock by Date of Construction 15
4 – Housing Stock by Property Class/Level 16
5 – Housing Stock by Property Style 16
6 –Housing stock by Apartment Size 17
7 – East Lothian Standard by SHQS Criteria 21
8 – Planned Programme Renewals and Improvements 23
– Capital Investment Programme
9 – Profile of Required Investment Against Key 24
Elements of Failure
10 – Comparison of SDP Requirement Against Past 24
11 – Summary of Option 2001 27
12 – Milestones 31

1. Executive Summary

East Lothian Council’s commitment is to ‘deliver good quality, sustainable and

affordable housing for all’.

This Standard Delivery Plan substantially updates the Council’s original Standard
Delivery Plan, submitted to Communities Scotland in April 2005. It sets out how the
Council proposes to meet the Scottish Housing Quality Standard (SHQS) by 2015.

This is a ‘live’ document which will be reviewed and updated periodically.

A summary of the main points of the SDP are set out below:

 The Council’s own stock strategy is based on retention of its housing stock.

 This strategy can be supported in an affordable and sustainable manner by the

Council’s HRA Investment Programme and can deliver the SHQS by 2015.

 Currently 90% of the Council’s stock fails the SHQS.

 The principle reason for failure of those properties which do not meet the
Standard is in the ‘Modern Facilities’ category, in particular, in relation to
modern kitchen fittings and modern bathroom facilities.

 Other failures are in relation to roof related elements, external wall finishes,
energy efficiency, and safe electrical systems.

 It is anticipated that housing investment of £49 million is required (an average

of £5.5 million per annum over 9 years) to meet the SHQS by 2015. Resources
are available to meet the investment requirement to achieve the delivery of
both the SHQS and also the East Lothian Standard.

 The Council will continue to deliver its current capital programme but will
shortly commence a bathroom programme, increase its kitchen programme
and substantially increase its roof and render programme.

 The Council is committed to ensuring that its stock condition database is

populated to 100% with survey data replacing current cloned data. The
additional survey work will be carried out in house by Maintenance and
Repair Officers and will be achieved over a period of 3 years.

 While the impact of operational risk is assessed as being high, the Council is
confident that the low and medium assessments of the likelihood of
occurrence will continue to be adequately managed by the Council.
Furthermore, the Communities Scotland Inspection report of East Lothian
Council in 2004 concluded that ELC has maintained its housing stock in good
condition through high levels of investment and that its maintenance
programmes are well planned.

 The Council continues to work closely with East Lothian Tenants and
Residents Panel in relation to investment and timing of its capital programme,
most recently undertaking extensive consultation to set a standard for a
bathroom replacement programme.

 Key milestones have been identified to ensure that progress towards meeting
the Standard is monitored. These include specific milestones in specific years
and annual performance indicators.

2. Introduction

2.1 Scottish Housing Quality Standard (SHQS)

2.1.1 In February 2004, the Minister for Communities announced that the
Scottish Executive was setting a cross-tenure Scottish Housing Quality
Standard (SHQS) in line with the commitment in the Partnership
Agreement1 to introduce a decent homes standard.

2.1.2 The Standard is intended to provide an objective measure or

benchmark against which the standard of accommodation provided to
tenants and the spending plans of social landlords can be measured.

2.1.3 In summary, to meet the SHQS, a dwelling must be:

 Compliant with the Tolerable Standard
 Free from serious disrepair
 Energy Efficient
 Provided with modern facilities and services
 Health, Safe and Secure

Appendix 1 sets out the SHQS in more detail.

2.1.4 A target date of 2015 was set for local authorities and registered social
landlords to achieve the Standard.

2.2 Purpose of the Standard Delivery Plan

2.2.1 The purpose of this Standard Delivery Plan (SDP) is to set out how the
Council proposes to meet the Scottish Housing Quality Standard by

2.2.2 The aims of a Standard Delivery Plan are set out in Communities
Scotland guidance2 and are as follows:

 To demonstrate clearly and robustly, using adequate and up to date

information on the stock, the extent to which the stock currently
complies with the Standard and the nature and extent of any
 To set forth a programme of works which will bring the stock
above the Standard by 2015.
 To set forth the level of investment required to carry out the
programme of works and the landlords intended source(s) of
revenue, including a full account of the financial operating context
of the operation.

A Partnership for a Better Scotland: Partnership Agreement, The Scottish Executive, 2003
Scottish Housing Quality Standard: delivery plan guidance and assessment criteria, Communities
Scotland, July 2004

 To propose a series of milestones against which the plan can be
assessed over time towards 2015 and if necessary adjusted in light
of the information.

2.2.3 This Standard Delivery Plan updates the Standard Delivery Plan the
Council submitted to Communities Scotland in April 2005.

2.3 Summary of Progress against original milestones

2.3.1 The table below sets out progress against milestones set for Year 0-1
(2005/06) in the Council’s last SDP:

Table 1: Progress against Milestones

Timescale Milestone Delivered Comment
Year 0 – 1 Complete new stock condition survey. June 2006
(2005/06) Develop process for continuous
programme of re surveys to develop a
robust and up to date 100% data record all
as recommended in the guidance.
To procure and set up software systems to June 2006
systematically record / monitor and report
on stock condition data.
Review, revise and re submit Standard August
Delivery Plan to fully reflect the findings of 2006
the new stock survey
Submit annual monitoring report. Review No Annual
Annually and revise Appendix 4 – measure positive monitoring
progress to achieving the ‘Standard’ report not
yet specified
PI – Target to maintain proportion of 69%
investment on planned capital projects at achieved
70% or greater relative to overall spend on 2005/06
repairs and maintenance.
PI – Target to achieve 100 % spend on 100%
annual Planned Programme achieved
PI – Target to achieve 100% budgeted Not Currently no
spend on element replacement programmes achieved bathroom
critical to achieving the ‘Standard’ programme
o Kitchen Replacement in place.
o Rewiring Have carried
o Bathrooms out
o Energy Efficiency extensive
o Stair Improvement consultation
on bathroom
with tenants
to inform

2.3.2 Milestones set for Year 1 have been delivered, although slightly out
with the timescale set.

3 Local Strategic Housing Context

3.1 East Lothian Housing Context

3.1.1 The 2001 census estimates the population of East Lothian at just over
90,000 and households at 38,000. In 2004, housing tenure in East
Lothian was as follows:

Owner-occupied 66%
Rented from Council 21%
Housing Association 4%
Private rented 5%
Other 4%

3.1.2 It is anticipated that by 2024 there will be a 22% increase in

households bringing the number of households to over 48,0003. This is
amongst the largest projected household population increase in

3.2 Local Housing Strategy

3.2.1 East Lothian’s Local Housing Strategy 2003 – 2013 sets out the
housing challenges facing East Lothian.

3.2.2 The Local Housing Strategy has five strategic objectives:

 To promote and enable sustainable communities

 To increase the supply of affordable housing
 To provide and enable appropriate housing provision (including
support) for those people with particular needs
 To promote and enable sustainable housing
 To prevent and reduce homelessness

The overall aim is to develop an additional 2,750 affordable homes for

East Lothian over the lifetime of the strategy.

3.2.3 The features of the housing system that the Local Housing Strategy
presents are that of:

 dealing with anticipated population and household growth

 high demand for social rented properties
 high house prices
 high levels of right to buy
 high and increasing number of homelessness presentations

Household Projections for Scotland 2004 Based, GROS

3.2.4 The key challenge that emerged in the development of the Local
Housing Strategy is the requirement to increase the supply of
affordable housing to meet housing need in the area. The target set of
2750 affordable homes is likely only to replace those sold under right
to buy.

3.3 Local Housing Strategy – Update 2006

3.3.1 A Local Housing Strategy Update was submitted to Communities

Scotland at the end of June 2006.

3.3.2 The Update focused on the following:

 A review of national and local policy changes and developments

 A review of progress against tasks contained within the LHS
Action Plan
 A review of key housing indicators which measure changes in the
housing system

3.3.3 Information on housing indicators is collected across 25 Local

Investment Framework (LIF) areas in East Lothian, based on primary
school catchment areas. These indicators allow changes to be
monitored over the 10-year period of the LHS. The key indicators used

 Stock
 Percentage of 1980 East Lothian Council Stock sold
 House prices
 Homelessness Presentations
 Income

3.3.4 The key indicators noted above show the following changes over a
four year period:

 Council and RSL stock has decreased by 6%

 Cumulative sales now exceed 50% of 1980 stock, with no LIF area
experiencing less than 39% cumulative sales.
 Homeless applications have increased by 33.5%
 The mean house price in 2005 was £164,702, a 45% increase from
 Household incomes have increased by 5%, well below the increase
in house prices.

3.3.5 In summary the indicators show that East Lothian has a falling level of
social rented stock, high house prices, increased homeless applications
and sustained high levels of right to buy although this now shows signs
of tailing off.

3.4 Assessment of Housing Need/Demand

3.4.1 East Lothian Council jointly commissioned a Housing Needs and

Market Study with Midlothian, West Lothian and the City of
Edinburgh Councils in 2004. This study was published in October

3.4.2 The Study identified a shortfall of affordable housing in East Lothian

using a range of assumptions. Over a five year period (2005-2010), the
shortfall ranges from 873 to 2007.4 The Council noted at its meeting
on the 31 January 20065 that the most likely scenario was that based on
a shortfall of 2007 units over a five year period.

3.4.3 The Study also noted that East Lothian Council had experienced a
steady increase in new waiting list applicants, representing a 121%
increase over a five year period to 2003/04. The Council is currently
undertaking a waiting list review which is due to be completed at the
end of 2006. Prior to the commencement of the review, approximately
8000 households were registered on the list.

3.4.4 East Lothian Council has low turnover of its housing stock of about
5%, meaning that only around 400-500 properties become available
each year for all transfer, homeless and waiting list applicants.

3.4.5 As noted in 3.3.4. homeless applications and those applicants in

priority need have been rising. This together with the Homeless
Persons (Unsuitable Accommodation)(Scotland) Order 2004 means the
percentage of allocations to homeless applicants has increased
substantially and overall demand for social rented accommodation
remains high.

3.4.6 Current evidence therefore indicates that the overall need and demand
for social housing in East Lothian remains high.

3.5 Localised Pockets of Low Demand

3.5.1 Low demand did not emerge as an issue in the development of the
Local Housing Strategy or its subsequent updates, nor through the
development of the Council’s Regeneration Outcome Agreement or
Community Plan. There are localised areas within East Lothian that
may experience lower demand than others in the form of a higher
number of allocation refusals, a situation exacerbated by the fact
general waiting list applicants are not currently limited in their number
of refusals. These areas are not, however, low demand in the national

4 HNA - printed version Oct 2005-10797.PDF

3.6 Regeneration and Demolition Strategies

3.6.1 During the development of the Local Housing Strategy and its
subsequent Updates, issues of regeneration and demolition have not
been identified for inclusion.

3.6.2 In July 2004 East Lothian Council reviewed how East Lothian
reflected in the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation. The following
was noted:

 No parts of East Lothian feature in the most deprived 15% across

Scotland, and only 3 individual data zones feature in the most
deprived 20%.
 Only the 3 island authorities plus Moray Council feature less than
East Lothian in the low scoring end of the Index.

East Lothian can therefore be described as one of the least deprived

council areas in Scotland.

3.6.3 The three areas identified as being within the most deprived 20% in
Scotland are:

 An area in Tranent, covering Northfield/Lindores and Foresters

 An area in Prestonpans immediately around Pennypit
 Cuthill area in Prestonpans

3.6.4 East Lothian Council has been allocated the following monies from the
Scottish Executive’s Community Regeneration Fund over the next 2

 2006/07 £101,000
 2007/08 £100,000

3.6.5 East Lothian Council has submitted a bid to Communities Scotland for
Housing Estate Regeneration Fund monies to deliver environmental
improvements in Prestonpans. It is understood that the outcome of this
bid will be determined on the submission of this updated Standard
Delivery Plan.

3.6.6 East Lothian Community Planning Partnership has a Regeneration

Outcome Agreement (ROA) in place, which outlines how the
partnership will use its Community Regeneration Fund allocation,
along with partner contributions, to concentrate regeneration efforts
within Tranent and Prestonpans. The five objectives in the ROA are:

 Building a strong, safe and attractive East Lothian

 Engaging young people in East Lothian
 A healthier East Lothian
 Getting people into work in East Lothian

 Improving educational attainment in East Lothian

The actions noted under the above five objectives are not focused on
physical housing regeneration although some initiatives such as home
security are related.

3.6.7 Low levels of deprivation, the high demand for Council stock and the
low debt status of the authority mean that demolition strategies are not
generally applicable to East Lothian.

3.7 Summary

3.7.1 The key housing issue in East Lothian is one of supply. East Lothian
Council experiences high demand for its housing stock. Issues of low
demand and demolition are not applicable, while deprivation and
associated physical regeneration issues are not as dominant as
elsewhere in Scotland. The projected population growth, high house
prices and increase in homeless applicants mean this demand is likely
to continue.

4 East Lothian Council’s Housing Stock

4.1 Stock Profile

4.1.1 Management Area

At 14th August 2006 the Council’s housing stock stood at 8270

dwellings which are organised over the 4 management areas of East,
Musselburgh, Prestonpans and Tranent.

Table 2: Housing Stock by

Management Area

Area No %

East 2293 27.73

Musselburgh 2360 28.54
Prestonpans 1820 22.00
Tranent 1797 21.73
Total 8270

4.1.2 Age of Stock

The housing stock is mixed in terms of age with a representation of

dwellings from all building eras. Overall the housing stock is split
approximately 30/70 between pre and post-war construction. Of
greatest significance is the high overall proportion of housing stock
constructed in the inter-war and early post-war periods. Inter-war
dwellings number 2484 accounting for 30% of total housing stock,
dwellings constructed 1945-1964 number 3131 accounting for a further
38% of total housing stock. Standards of provision and design in inter-
war housing nationally are known to be poor, while this sector of the
housing stock is now averaging c. 75 years of age.

Table 3: Housing Stock by Date of

Age No %

pre 1919 52 0.63

1919 - 1944 2484 30.04
1945 - 1964 3131 37.86
post 1964 2603 31.47
Total 8270

4.1.3 Property Type [Class / Level / Style]

The housing stock is homogeneous in type and configuration and is

dominated by traditional two-storey houses, bungalows and flats.
Using the Council’s current house type definition, 3844 (46%)
dwellings are two storey houses, while 1421 (17%) are single storey
houses. Four-in-a-block flats represent the most common flat type
accounting for 1607 dwellings or 19%. Tenemental flats account for
1315 dwellings or 16%.

Table 4: Housing Stock by Property Class /

Property Class / Level No %

House Single Storey House 1421 17.18

Double Storey House 3844 46.48
Flat Flat - Ground Floor 1364 16.49
Flat Upper Floor 1641 19.85
Total 8270

Table 5: Housing Stock by Property Style

Style No %

House Detached 71 0.86

Semi-detached 2204 26.65
Mid terraced 1713 20.71
End terraced 1277 15.44
Flat Maisonette 83 1.00
4 in Block Flat 1607 19.43
Tenemental 4 in block 467 5.65
Tenemental 6 in block 848 10.26
Total 8270

4.1.4 Apartment Size

Three apartment accommodation predominates, accounting for 4345

[52.54%] of dwellings with an additional 2280 [28%] of dwellings
offering four apartment or larger accommodation.

Table 6: Housing Stock by
Apartment Size

Apartment Size No %

1 Apt 55 0.66
2 Apt 1590 19.23
3 Apt 4345 52.54
4 Apt 2062 24.93
5 Apt 217 2.62
6 Apt 1 0.02
Total 8270

4.1.5 Garages

The Council owns a stock of 1202 garages. The garages were

predominantly built in the 1960 – 70 period [85 %] and are generally
in terraced blocks [81 %] which are brick built with a render / dash
finish [90%]. Most roofs are flat felt or asphalt roofs [76 %]. The roofs
recorded as being of asbestos cement have for the most part been re
roofed since the survey with colour coated metal profile sheeting.
Garage doors are of metal [75 %] or timber [25 %].

4.2 Stock Condition Data

4.2.1 East Lothian Council commissioned a survey of the condition of its

housing stock in June 2005, recognising that the previous survey
carried out in 1998 meant that the stock information used to underpin
the Council’s first Standard Delivery Plan was not up to date. Key
outputs required from this survey were:

 To collect information to provide an up to date and robust assessment

of the Council’s housing stock against the Scottish Housing Quality
 To be able to use the results of the survey to support strategic
planning to highlight areas of the stock that need targeting to ensure
that the properties are maintained to an acceptable standard.
 To be able to use the results to assist in the identification of packages
of work, year on year.
 Survey results to be provided on a database capable of being updated,
interrogated and analysed.

Delivering these outputs were key milestones identified for Year 0-1 in
the Council’s first SDP submission.

4.2.2 A representative sample of 25% of the Council’s housing stock was
surveyed, stratified by property type, date built and location. The
survey data has been provided to the Council on a bespoke database
fully populated with survey data and cloned data to 100%. The data
can be fully maintained in all respects. Individual properties can be
added or deleted with data added from either survey results or cloned
from a like type property. The database can be interrogated quickly
and easily to provide continuous monitoring and reporting capability to
assess the Council’s position in relation to the Scottish Housing
Quality Standard and inform forward programme planning. (Appendix
2 – Stock Condition Survey Report)

4.2.3 The need for robust and current information on stock condition is
acknowledged by the Council. This up to date condition data is now
available along with the software package to manage and report on that
data. The Council is committed to extending the condition database to
be populated fully with survey data, replacing the cloned data currently

4.2.4 The additional survey work will be carried out in-house by

Maintenance and Repair Officers and will be achieved over a period of
3 years. The additional resource requirements are being provided for
within a restructuring of the Repairs and Planned Maintenance and
Procurement sections currently being undertaken.

4.2.5 The survey work will be carried out using ‘Palm’ handheld hardware.
Training on how to use the hardware, mobile data and survey
management is to be delivered to East Lothian Council by Savills
Consultancy in mid September 2006.

4.2.6 In tandem, the database will also be maintained through desktop

updates to reflect planned capital investment works.

4.3 Stock Information

4.3.1 Construction characteristics reflect a bias towards traditional

construction methods and also the broad 30/70 % split between pre and
post-war housing. 68% of Council dwellings were constructed using
traditional construction techniques, 81% are of cavity wall construction
and 91% of external wall finishes are in render.

4.3.2 Remaining external construction materials reflect both the broad

spectrum of pre and post-war building and variable programmes for
dwelling improvement and element upgrading. There is a high
retention of original building materials including flashings [70% lead],
rainwater goods [70% cast iron], roof coverings and wall finishes.

4.3.3 There are 90 two storey houses of Orlit construction which are
designated as defective in terms of the Housing Defects Scotland Act.
These houses are subject to inspection on the recommended 5 year
cycle. Through the most recent structural inspection in adherence with
BRE guidance, they were found not to exhibit any significant structural
deterioration. The Engineer also noted that this may have been aided
by the good condition of the houses in terms that they are double
glazed, centrally heated, are externally insulated and have pitched tiled
roofs. It is assumed therefore that they have at least a remaining 30
year life expectancy.

4.3.4 There are no serious issues concerning the structural integrity of other
non-traditional building forms, which were not examined in detail as
part of a general house condition survey. All non traditional stock has
been modernised in past programmes which included the addition of
external wall insulation.

4.3.5 The Council is therefore not seeking the exemption of any stock type
from the Scottish Housing Quality Standard.

4.4 Key findings from the Survey

4.4.1 Key findings about the condition of the stock are set out below:

 The majority of roof coverings are pitched with coverings of

clay/concrete tile or natural slate. Whilst the pitch roof coverings are
generally in satisfactory condition, the survey identified a number of
properties which will require re-roofing in the short term which is
provided for within the current capital investment plan. In 2005/06 65
properties were re-roofed and budget provision has been included in
the current year to reflect the increasing requirement for re roof works.

 Most wall finishes are either pointed or rendered brickwork and

although currently in reasonable condition a significant programme of
re-pointing/ re-rendering will be required during the next 15 years.

 The Council has had a significant programme of installing timber

double glazed windows and doors and all properties have benefited
from this work.

 An ongoing modernisation programme has concentrated on the

replacement of kitchens and associated works. This programme
needs to continue to ensure that all properties will meet the Scottish
Housing Quality Standard.

 Rewiring is carried out at the same time as the kitchen replacement.

There is in addition a programme to install kitchens only in houses that
have been rewired to current standard in recent years but prior to the
start of the kitchen replacement programme. Rewiring includes the

provision of extract fans, external lighting and mains wired smoke and
CO detectors.

 There has been a significant programme of stair upgrades within the

last 2 years.

 All properties have central heating and whilst the Council has had a
significant programme of renewing older systems, there remain a large
number of boilers which require renewal in the next 5 years.

 An energy efficiency report was produced using the National Home

Energy Rating Scheme (NHER). The results show that the housing
stock has an average NHER of 6.1 which is higher than the social
rented sector average of 6.0. The average SAP rating of the stock is
63.0, higher than the national average of 51. Significant past
programmes of wall and loft insulation, fuel switching and heating
replacements using higher efficiency boilers and controls have all
contributed to this.

4.5 Stock Condition and the Scottish Housing Quality Standard

4.5.1 As outlined in Paragraph 2.1.3, compliance with the Scottish Housing

Quality Standard is assessed against criteria including the extent of
disrepair, energy efficiency, provision of modern facilities and services
and safety and security. In terms of compliance with the Scottish
Housing Quality Standard, 90% of the stock currently fails – 27% on a
single criterion and 63% on 2 or more criteria.

4.5.2 The principal area of failure is under the Modern Facilities category
particularly in relation to modern kitchen fittings and modern
bathroom facilities. Other failures are in relation to roof coverings and
related elements, external wall finishes and to a lesser extent energy
efficiency and safe electrical systems. (Appendix 3 – Baseline
Proforma (SDP Guidance Appendix 2) sets out the number of
dwellings projected to fail the Scottish Housing Quality Standard
annually in the absence of capital investment.)

4.6 East Lothian Standard

4.6.1 In conjunction with tenants, the Council developed a standard for its
properties know as the ‘East Lothian Standard’. The Standard was
initially developed through a Rent Review Group which looked at
property attributes and linked them to a rent structure. This Standard
will continue to be used as the basis for the Council’s capital
programme and exceeds the standard set by the Scottish Housing
Quality Standard. Table 7 sets out on which elements the East Lothian
Standard exceeds the SHQS.

Table 7: East Lothian Standard by SHQS Criteria

SHQS Criteria East Lothian Standard

Energy Efficiency Full thermostatically controlled heating system also
includes ‘feature’ fire suite with surround
Modern Services Kitchen Standard
and Facilities  Quality range of kitchen fittings and worktops offered
in a choice of finishes.
 Storage provision above minimum standard
 Decoration allowance paid
 Kitchen standard developed in consultation with
tenants reps.
Bathroom Standard [currently in development through
consultation with tenants)]
 Electric over bath shower in addition to bath
 Multi wall board coverings around bath walls
 Floor finish
 Shower curtain and rail
 Quality decorative bath panel

Healthy Safe and Provision of mains wired CO detectors [replaces battery

Secure CO detectors fitted to all houses]

5 Capital Investment and Works Plan

5.1 Strategic Financial Context

5.1.1 The strategic financial context in which East Lothian Council’s HRA
operates can be summarised as follows:

• Low Debt – as a result of buoyant house sale numbers and high sale
prices East Lothian was able to extinguish its housing debt by the end
of the 2004/2005 financial year. Debt has re-appeared in 2005/2006 as
a result of planned increases in capital work (Kitchen
replacement/Electrical rewires/House Repurchases etc). However, the
absolute level of debt remains low (£4.6 million).

• Low average rents – East Lothian is within the lowest quartile of

housing rents within Scotland. There has been a rent freeze for the past
two years.

• Falling Right To Buy (RTB) sales – RTB sales have fallen

significantly since the last SHQS Delivery Plan. This may be as a
result of the new Scottish Secure Tenancy or may be a reflection on the
increased capital programme. The fall has been reflected in the
assumptions made. However, the capital receipt from each sale has
risen by 23%.

• Capital From Current Revenue (CFCR) contributions – East Lothian

has historically been able to make CFCR contributions from the
Housing Revenue Account.

5.1.2 In terms of forward planning ELC currently maintains a thirty year

financial model for the Housing Revenue Account to form the basis of
planning future budgets and rent levels in East Lothian. The longer
time horizon is considered good practice and required so that the
Council’s intentions to significantly increase the supply of affordable
housing can be properly assessed and planned.

5.2 Financial Operating Context

5.2.1 Appendix 4 sets out the Schedule of Rates and Lifecyles used to
generate the 30 year Programmed renewals and Improvement costs
which are detailed in Appendix 5. These cost projections have
informed the Business Plan model. The costs estimated for elements
relating to the Housing Capital Investment Programme are affordable
within the Council’s budget of £13 million for the current year
2006/07 and are sustainable over the remaining life of the plan.

5.2.2 The table below sets out the average capital investment over 30 years.

Table 8: Planned Programmed Renewals and Improvements – Capital

Investment Programme

Average for Years 1 - 5 £10.623million

Average for Years 6 – 10 £6.985 million
Overall average for £8.878 million
Years 1 – 30

5.2.3 The overall level of housing investment required to meet the Scottish
Housing Quality Standard by 2015 has been assessed at just over £49
million. This equates to an average investment of £6.123 million /
annum in the five years up to 2010 and an average £3.678 million
each year for the remaining period of the plan to 2015. Appendix 6 –
(Appendix 3 of SHQS Guidance) sets out the Capital Investment
proposed to meet the Standard.

5.2.4 Appendix 7 contains a Financial Summary Worksheet (Appendix 5

SDP Guidance). Key points of this worksheet can be summarised as

 The cost of meeting the Scottish Housing Quality Standard remains

manageable to East Lothian Council with some room for manoeuvre.

 The primary source of funding for capital investment to 2015 will be

receipts from RTB sales along with capital funded from current
revenue. The updated Delivery Plan relies less on capital receipts from
RTB sales. Instead there will be a gradual increase in debt. However,
the debt per house will remain at relatively modest levels – peaking at
£2,759 by the end of 2016/2017.

 No assumption has been made regarding a real term increase in rents.

Given the low average rents within East Lothian this could be re-
assessed and a greater proportion of funds necessary to ensure SHQS
could come from CFCR.

 In 2005/06 the Council increased the budget for capital investment in

homes as a result of the Scottish Housing Quality Standard and the
implications of the Local Housing Strategy. The current housing
capital investment budget has been set at £13 million – which is in
excess of the amount required to deliver the SHQS in the current year.

5.2.5 The key assumptions underlying the Investment Plan have been
outlined in Appendix 8. The assumptions used in the SDP process in
respect of house sales, capital receipts, rental income, tender prices and
inflation, will be subject to ongoing review in order that consideration
can be given to any necessary adjustments to budget provision or
expenditure plans

5.3 Delivering the Scottish Housing Quality Standard

5.3.1 The profile of required investment against the main elements of failure
in relation to the SHQS is set out in Table 9.

Table 9: Profile of Required Investment Against Key Elements of

Element Required Investment (%)
Kitchen 37
Bathroom 13
Energy Efficiency 15
Roofs 16
Walls 8
Paths 5
Safety 5

5.3.2 The most significant programmes of work, by value, required to be

delivered to meet the SHQS within the period of the plan are shown in
Table 10 alongside a comparison of delivery of recent programmes.
The number of houses have been extracted from the stock condition
database reporting facility.

Table 10: Comparison of SDP Requirement Against Past Programme

Element No of Houses Avg No of Completions External
to be Houses to be 2005/06 Contractor
completed by delivered / Programme Or
2015 year ELC Works
Roofs 1448 161 65 Contractor
Wall finishes 1881 209 106 Contractor
Kitchens 5009 557 650 ELC
Bathrooms 2840 316 Not started ELC
Heating 5076 564 530 Contractor
Electrical 3212 357 376 ELC

5.3.3 The cost of all of the above works is included in the Stock Condition
Whole Cost results. Budget provision is included in the current
investment programme or can be contained within future programmes
over the period of the delivery plan.

5.3.4 From the above table the rate of completions at the current
programmed level for kitchens, heating and electrical rewiring requires
to be sustained at or around the same level to deliver on the anticipated
programme completion numbers. Budget provision for these
programmes has been running at this level over the previous 3 year
period and the cost of continuing these programmes at the required
level are included in forward planned maintenance estimates.

5.3.5 Kitchens and rewiring are carried out by ELC in house within the
Planned Maintenance and Procurement section. This work will
continue to be carried out by this team subject to periodic review.

5.3.6 Heating installations are carried out by external contractors. The

current contract expires within the year and will be re tendered or
renegotiated within this time.

5.3.7 The Bathroom Standard is currently being finalised and the

installations are planned to be carried out by ELC in house. This work
will continue to be carried out by this team subject to periodic review.

5.3.8 From the table, the programmes for Roofing and External Wall
Finishes require to be substantially increased if the survey estimates
are to be met. Budget provision has been increased in the current
year’s programme to provide for this anticipated increase in demand. It
is likely that the existing contractors will be able to partially absorb
this additional work but in the longer term the Council may look to
spreading the work load using additional contractors.

5.3.9 The survey demand for re roofing and rendering works is not
immediate but it is recognised that there is a need to bring forward
some of these works to more evenly spread the work load.

5.3.10 An allowance has been made for garage maintenance in the survey
summary costs and is included within the heading of Related Assets.

5.3.11 The delivery of the Capital Investment Programme will be

continuously reviewed and monitored against set budget provision and
programmes of work to identify slippage in delivery or spend.
(Appendix 9 – Projected Position Statement on Implementation of
Standard Delivery Plan (SDP Guidance Appendix 4)).

5.4 Working in a Mixed Tenure Environment

5.4.1 Within the current housing stock there are 3005 house types that are
maisionettes, 4 in block flats and tenemental flats which feature
common or shared elements that involve us in dealing with owner
occupiers or private landlords over shared cost repair or replacement of
these elements.

5.4.2 The range of works commonly include works such as:

 Painter – both internal and external to common stairs
 Painter – colourwash to external walls
 Stair – maintenance and improvement
 Re Roofing
 Re Rendering to walls
 External elements – such as sills, lintels, stone repairs /
repointing etc.

5.4.3 The availability of Repair and Improvement Grant funding has been
the key to obtaining willing participation by owners in maintenance
and improvement schemes such as stair upgrading works. The Council
offers 2 options to owners in a stair:

 Maintenance items – mainly repair and redecoration works – works for

which there is provision in the feu conditions.
 Maintenance works as above plus improvements such as controlled
door entry, improved internal and external lighting and repair or
replacement of close doors as required.

5.4.4 The maintenance plus improvement work was offered with grant
funding – making it the best value option to owners – and achieving a
high success rate in providing stair upgrading works to satisfy the
requirements of the SHQS by voluntary agreement with all owners.

5.4.5 For certain larger scale shared cost common repair projects the Council
appointed independent Building Surveyors to produce a condition
report on the fabric of the common elements of the building and
provided this to all owners together with costed repair proposals. This
report and proposal would also be presented at a meeting with the
owners and participation in the repair scheme invited. In the absence of
agreement the option of serving statutory repair notice provides a final
step to ensure the completion of necessary repair and maintenance
works to the building.

5.4.6 Repair and Improvement Grant funding is currently constrained. The

Council is reviewing future policy in this area and will assess the likely
impact on the Council’s own stock capital programme in due course.

5.4.7 The Council is also considering the introduction and implementation of

a factoring service. The promotion of the formation of tenement
management schemes is considered essential in encouraging willing
participation in the maintenance and improvement of ‘tenement‘

6 Option Appraisal

6.6 Background

6.1.1 East Lothian Council commissioned DTZ Pieda to undertake a stock

option appraisal in 2000 and the appraisal was completed in 2001. The
Option Appraisal Study Steering Group included Scottish Homes,
elected members, UNISON, East Lothian Tenants’ Panel and local
housing associations. The appraisal examined the options of retention,
partial stock transfer and full stock transfer of the Council’s housing

6.2.2 It concluded that a ‘Retention Plus’ option (i.e. Stock remaining with
the Council and the delivery of an ‘East Lothian Standard’) was most
favourable to enable the Council to meet its housing and broader
corporate and regeneration objectives over the long term. The main
factors which contributed to ensuring that this option was possible

 Low debt per unit

 Good condition of stock
 Maintenance of affordable rents
 Pro-active approach of the Council to its landlord and enabling role

6.2 Table 11: Summary of Stock Options 2001


Council can maintain and Like for like investment Like for like
improve its stock to the like requirements would be met investment
for like standard and enhanced within a rent profile of RPI + 1% requirements would be
East Lothian standard and and would be related to a long met within a rent
finance associated housing term business plan and rent profile of RPI + 1%
debt through rent increases of guarantees for tenants over a increases and would be
RPI +1% and RPI only specified period of time. related to a long term
business plan and rent
BUT The Council’s strategic and guarantees for tenants
Borrowing consent may be enabling role would be enhanced over a specified period
even more restricted than and control of the strategic of time.
projected. budget would pass to the
This may impact on the Council.
Council’s ability to maintain
rents at an affordable level. BUT
Financial risk may impact on The delivery of improved
the contribution to partner condition (East Lothian
organisations. Standard) may require cost
Gaining control of the local reflective increases.
strategic budget would not be
certain under retention or
retention plus.

6.3 Key Changes since 2001

6.3.1 Since the Option Appraisal Study 2001 the following key changes have

 Modernised Right to Buy

 Local authorities are able to apply for Pressured Area Status
 Prudential borrowing regime
 Capital receipt set aside rules abolished
 Introduction of supporting people regime
 Introduction, then suspension and review of Transfer and
Management of Development Funding
 New homelessness legislation
 Strengthening of local authorities strategic role
 Comprehensive tenant participation strategy
 Regulation and Inspection report

6.4 Summary

6.4.1 East Lothian Council considers that the main factors that contributed to
ensuring that ‘Retention Plus’ was the favoured option in 2001 remain
to this day. East Lothian is still a low debt authority with affordable
rents. East Lothian Council will however review the requirement to
undertake a new Option Appraisal or refresh the 2001 Option
Appraisal on a regular basis.

7 Risk Assessment

7.1 Risk Assessment Register

7.1.1 Appendix 10 contains the risk register which was contained in the
Council’s original Standard Delivery Plan and it assesses the risk in
delivering the Scottish Housing Quality Standard. This identifies the
key risks, analyses the rationale behind them, highlights the key steps
required to manage these risks and notes the responsible person(s)
involved. This risk register needs to be reviewed in light of this
revised Standard Delivery Plan and will be a key action contained in
the Milestones section of this Plan.

7.1.2 The risk register will again be constructed with regard to the Strategic
Risk Register for Community Housing and Property Management.
This strategic risk register identifies the most significant threats to
achieving the objectives contained in the corporate and divisional
business plans. The same methodology and assessment techniques will
be employed for the purposes of this Standard Delivery Plan.

8 Tenant Participation and Consultation

8.1 Tenant Participation Strategy

8.1.1 The Council and East Lothian Tenants and Residents Panel launched
their Tenant Participation Strategy in early 2005. This is currently
under review.

8.2 Consultation on the Standard Delivery Plan

8.2.1 Consultation on the Scottish Housing Quality Standard and the

Standard Delivery Plan has taken place with East Lothian Tenants and
Residents Panel, recognising that the constituent parts of the Plan are
influenced and consulted on through a variety of mechanisms. It is
recognised that further progress needs to be made in relation to the
production of the Plan document itself.

8.2.2 Appendix 11 outlines in full the how the Council has consulted on the
Scottish Housing Quality Standard and Standard Delivery Plan

8.3 Capital Programme Group

8.3.1 The key mechanism for tenant involvement in capital programme

issues is through the Capital Programme Group. The group meets
quarterly and its membership consists of representatives from East
Lothian Tenants and Residents Panel and Council officers. The
business of the Group primarily focuses on feedback from projects,
programming of works and policies, such as decoration allowances,
that directly impact on tenants. The Group has also looked at
specification issues. It has, for example discussed kitchen and rewiring
standards that contribute to an East Lothian Property standard.This
group will oversee the programme to deliver the Scottish Housing
Quality Standard.

9. Milestones

The table below sets out the Milestones against which the Council will monitor
delivery of the Plan.

Table 12: Milestones

Timescale Milestone
Year 1-2 (2006/07) Implement continuous programme of re
surveys to develop a robust and up to date
100% data record all as recommended in the

Review risk register

Submit annual monitoring report when

Annually prescribed.

PI – Target to maintain proportion of

investment on planned capital projects at 70%
or greater relative to overall spend on repairs
and maintenance.
PI – Target to achieve 100 % spend on annual
Planned Programme
PI – Target to achieve 100% budgeted spend
on element replacement programmes critical
to achieving the ‘Standard’
o Kitchen Replacement
o Rewiring
o Bathrooms
o Roofs and Render
o Energy Efficiency
o Stair Improvement
Year 3 Full review and assessment of Standard
Delivery Plan and progress towards achieving
set targets.
Year 4 Stock condition database 100% populated
with survey data
Year 5 Full review and assessment of Standard
Delivery Plan and progress towards achieving
set targets.
Year 8 Full review and assessment of Standard
Delivery Plan and progress towards achieving
set targets.



Housing Quality Criteria definition Criteria elements Failure assessed by:

Complaint With The Tolerable • Below Tolerable Standard • Single Primary
The Tolerable Standard Failure
Free From Primary Building • Wall structures • Single Primary
Serious Disrepair Elements • Internal floor structures Element Failure
• Foundations
• Roof structure • An element fails
where it requires
repair or
replacement of
more than 20%
Secondary • Roof covering • Failure by two or
Building Elements • Chimney stacks more elements
• Flashings
• Rainwater goods • An element fails
• External wall finishes where it requires
• Access decks/balustrades repair or
• Common access replacement of
stairs/landings, pathways more than 20%
within the curtilage of the
• Individual dwelling
attached garages, internal
• Damp Proof Course
• Windows/doors
• Common windows/roof
• Underground drainage
Energy Efficient Effective Insulation • Cavity insulation where • Single Element
technically feasible and Failure
appropriate (1)
• 100mm of loft insulation
where appropriate (2)
• Insulation of hot water
tanks and pipes (and cold
water tanks as an ancillary


(1) In some types of housing, it is not possible to install cavity wall insulation; in other cases installation may
be prohibited by building regulations because cavity wall insulation would lead to other problems such as
water penetration and dampness.
(2) 100mm is the minimum existing insulation, which will meet the standard, but where insulation is being
installed it must meet the standard required by the building regulations.
Housing Quality Criteria definition Criteria elements Failure assessed by:
Energy Efficient Efficient Heating • A full house central • Single Element
heating system that has Failure
an acceptable
efficiency rating (3), or
similarly efficient
heating system that is
developed in future
Additional Energy • Additional energy • Single Element
Efficiency Measures efficiency measures Failure where a
where technically necessary
feasible (4), necessary practical measure
to achieving a has not been
minimum NHER rating implemented
of 5 or SAP rating of


(3) An inefficient central heating system is defined here as being:

• a solid fuel boiler with an annual seasonal efficiency of 55% or less
• a natural gas boiler with an annual seasonal efficiency of 55% or less
• an oil-fired boiler with an annual seasonal efficiency of 65% or less
• a gravity or semi-gravity heating system more than 20 years old/.

An inefficient electric storage heating system is defined here as being:

• free-standing large volume storage heaters more than 20 years old.
• free-standing compact storage heaters more than 20 years old.
• electric fan-assisted storage warm air heating more than 20 years old.
• electric wired underfloor heating, set in solid floors, more than 20 years old.
• electric ceiling heating more than 20 years old.

(4) Such measures might include coated double or even triple glazing. It is recognised that it will not always
be technically feasible, without disproportionate costs, to bring certain houses up to the maximum thermal
efficiency standard. Building Standards may be relaxed if it is not reasonably practical to meet the minimum
Housing Quality Criteria definition Criteria elements Failure assessed by:
Modern Facilities Bathroom Condition • Bathroom amenities • Single Element
And Services should include a WC, Failure
bath or shower and wash • An element fails
hand basin in good and where it requires
usable condition repair or replacement
of more than 25%
Kitchen Condition • Kitchen fittings in good • Single Element
and usable condition Failure
• An item fails where it
requires repair or
replacement of more
than 25%
Kitchen Facilities • Adequate kitchen storage • Single Element
to current building Failure
standards where practical
(1m3 within or adjacent
to the kitchen; space for a
cooker and related
activity space in front of
it to allow safe use)

• Safe kitchen working

arrangements, including
worktop space on ay least
one side of, and at least
the same width as, the

• Sufficient power outlets

(6 or more sockets)
Housing Quality Criteria definition Criteria elements Failure assessed by:
Healthy, Safe And Healthy • Internal pipe work lead-free • Single Element
Secure • Mechanical ventilation in the Failure
kitchen and bathroom where • Persistent
this is required to tackle problem
persistent problems and categorised by
condensation, dampness and condensation or
mould growth mould on more
• Adequate noise insulation (5) than 5% of the
where there are problems wall and ceiling
with external noise e.g. from area of bathroom
traffic or factories or kitchen
Safe • A smoke detector present in • Single Element
the home (6) Failure
• Safe electrical systems
• Safe gas and oil systems and
• Common stairwells, lifts,
lobbies, courts, laundry and
drying areas, refuse chutes
and bin stores, where
provided, in good and safe
• Adequate lighting in
common internal and
external areas within the
curtilage of the house
Secure • Secure front and rear access • Single Element
doors Failure
• Front door entry systems and
secure rear access to enclosed
common areas


(5) In most cases, the insulation will be provided through double or triple glazing.
(6) Existing smoke detectors may be hard wired or battery powered, new installations must be hard wired.
East Lothian Council
Stock Condition Survey – Report

June 2006



1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY..............................................................................................1

3.0 PROPERTY DATABASE .............................................................................................3
4.0 SAMPLING TECHNIQUE ............................................................................................4
5.0 METHODOLOGY .........................................................................................................4
5.1 The Survey Team ..............................................................................................4
5.2 Quality Control ...................................................................................................4
5.3 Validation of Data...............................................................................................5
6.0 REPAIR CATEGORIES ...............................................................................................5
6.1 Programmed Renewals .....................................................................................5
6.2 Improvements ....................................................................................................5
6.3 Contingent Major Repairs ..................................................................................6
6.4 Related Assets / Other costs .............................................................................6
6.5 Asbestos Removal .............................................................................................7
6.6 Response and Void Property Maintenance .......................................................7
6.7 Cyclical Maintenance .........................................................................................7
6.8 Environmental Improvements ............................................................................7
7.0 SCOTTISH HOUSING QUALITY STANDARD ASSESSMENT ..................................8
8.0 ENERGY ASSESSMENT ..........................................................................................10
9.0 LEVELS OF PRICING................................................................................................11
10.0 COST REPORTS .......................................................................................................11
11.0 DATABASE ................................................................................................................11
12.0 LIMITATIONS OF SURVEY .......................................................................................11

APPENDIX 1 .........................................................................................................................12
APPENDIX 2 .........................................................................................................................13
APPENDIX 3 .........................................................................................................................14
APPENDIX 4 .........................................................................................................................15
APPENDIX 5 .........................................................................................................................16
APPENDIX 6 .........................................................................................................................19

East Lothian Council Contents

Stock Condition Survey


1.1 In accordance with your instructions we have undertaken a stock condition survey of your
housing stock with a view to assessing the current and future repairs and maintenance
liability. We have surveyed a representative sample of 25% of the Council’s housing stock of
8,344 units based on the different property types and locations.

1.2 Generally the stock is in good condition following a considerable investment programme.
There is however a need to continue with the current programmes to meet the investment

1.3 The majority of properties have pitched roofs which are covered in a mixture of concrete tiles,
natural slates and clay tiles. Whilst the pitch roof coverings are generally in satisfactory
condition we identified a number of properties that will require re-roofing in the short term. The
Council has previously had a significant programme of installing PVCu double glazed windows
and doors and virtually all properties have benefited from this work. Most wall finishes are
either pointed or rendered brick work and although currently in reasonable condition a
significant programme of re-pointing / re-rendering will be required during the next 15 years.
Environmental issues such as paths, fences and boundary walls have not been a priority and
some areas are in need of attention.

1.4 Internally, there has been an on going modernisation programme which has concentrated on
the replacement of kitchens, bathrooms and associated works. There is however a need for
the current programme to continue to ensure all properties meet the Scottish Housing Quality
Standard by 2015. All properties have some form of central heating and whilst the Council has
had a significant programme of renewing the older systems, there remain a large number of
boilers that will require renewal in the next 5 years. Additionally there are a small number of
properties which have a partial heating systems that would benefit from been upgraded to full.

1.5 We have made an assessment of the total repairs and maintenance costs of the stock for the
next 30 years. The total cost per unit on repairs and maintenance is £47,729. These costs
are based upon today's prices. They are inclusive of preliminaries but are exclusive of
professional fees, VAT, management and administration costs, or any decanting costs in the
event that this is necessary.

East Lothian Council Page 1

Stock Condition Survey
1.6 In calculating our costs, we have adopted unit rates for replacement of building components
which reflect those currently being experienced in East Lothian. The rates also assumes large
volume procurement and the benefits that can accrue from this.

1.7 As part of the survey we have assessed the properties against the Scottish Executive’s
Scottish Housing Quality Standard. The standard was issued in February 2004 with the
intention that all properties in Scotland meet the Standard by 2015. The Standard sets out
clear criteria that a property needs to meet in order to be classified as meeting the standard.
To meet the Standard a property must:

• Be compliant with the tolerable standard

• Be free from serious disrepair
• Be energy efficient
• Be provided with modern facilities and services
• Be healthy, safe and secure

1.8 In accordance with a strict interpretation of the Scottish Housing Quality Standard,
approximately 90% of the stock currently fail the standard and the majority of the remainder
will fail between now and 2015 without sufficient investment. The investment programme we
have identified will ensure that all properties are brought up to the Standard and are
maintained at the standard for the next 30 years.

1.9 All information recorded during the stock condition survey has been loaded onto a Microsoft
Access database and this has been used as the basis for analysing the data and producing
the cost reports. This database has been provided to the Council.

East Lothian Council Page 2

Stock Condition Survey

2.1 In connection with East Lothian Council’s evaluation of the investment requirements of it’s
housing stock, we were asked to submit a proposal for a Stock Condition Survey in June
2005. Our proposal submitted in July 2005 and following various discussions was
subsequently accepted.

2.2 We have undertaken a representative sample of 25% of the main housing stock to provide
reliable information on costs and programming of works. We worked with the Council to
obtain the information we required, such as address lists, location plans, details of
construction types, etc.

2.3 The survey work was undertaken during October, November and December 2005 and the
survey data was subsequently loaded onto our computer system. A summary of all costs is
included at Appendix 1, and a detailed elemental cost break down at Appendix 2.

2.4 The primary purpose of the Stock Condition Survey has been to assess the cost of the work
required to bring all properties up to the Scottish Housing Quality Standard within the next 10
years and then to maintain them at that standard for 20 years thereafter.


3.1 A database of properties was provided by the Council which was used as the basis to select
the sample and to extrapolate the costs from the survey. Great reliance has therefore been
placed on the contents.

3.2 The housing stock totals 8,344 dwellings, which we have broken into the following archetypes:

Archetype Stock Surveyed

Houses/Bungalows Pre 1945 1,116 286 26%

Houses/Bungalows 1945-64 2,231 543 24%
Houses/Bungalows post 1964 1,853 465 25%
Flats - Pre 1945 1,435 340 24%
Flats - 1945-64 959 260 27%
Flats - post 1964 532 112 21%
Sheltered Houses 16 7 44%
Sheltered Flats 114 48 42%
Non Trad Orlit Houses 88 30 34%

8,344 2,091 25%

East Lothian Council Page 3

Stock Condition Survey

4.1 The purpose of the sampling process is to present a representative financial picture of the
maintenance requirements of the stock using detailed surveys of a limited number of
properties. The most straightforward approach to this is a simple random sample, however
where characteristics are known in advance, there is benefit in creating a “stratified” sample.
Typically, maintenance requirements will correlate closely with the characteristics of the
sample data, thereby increasing the reliability of the results from a limited sample.

4.2 The properties within the archetypes within the areas are relatively similar and, as such, the
sample survey has enabled us to produce an accurate financial picture of the repairs and
maintenance liability of the stock as a whole.


5.1 The Survey Team

5.1.1 The Savills team specialising in planned maintenance and stock condition surveys undertook
the survey. The team of surveyors, all of whom are Chartered Surveyors or staff of similar
standing, have extensive experience in mass survey projects and were fully briefed on the
requirements of the survey before any inspections were carried out on site. The survey team
was based in the area whilst the on site inspections were carried out.

5.2 Quality Control

5.2.1 Prior to survey commencement, a pro-forma was devised which was used for data collection.
The information was gathered using handheld computers and later transferred onto our
computer database for it to be checked, collated and validated. The methodology and survey
objectives were shared and tested by the Savills survey team and the Council ’s house
condition surveyors during a days pilot survey held prior to the commencement of the main

5.2.2 In addition to a comprehensive briefing of all surveyors prior to commencing the inspections,
de-briefing meetings were held with all surveyors at the end of each day to enable queries to
be dealt with immediately. Spot checks were also made on site of completed surveys to check
compliance with the agreed methodology.

East Lothian Council Page 4

Stock Condition Survey
5.3 Validation of Data

5.3.1 Once the surveys were completed, they were loaded onto our computer database and
extensive validation was undertaken electronically to check for anomalies and inconsistencies.


6.1 Programmed Renewals

6.1.1 These are defined as “the provision, which should be adequate to cover the periodic overhaul
/ refurbishment / renewal of the building components and landlords’ fixtures and fittings, to
keep the property in lettable condition”.

6.1.2 All building elements have a natural life expectancy, at the end of which they have to be
replaced. The life expectancies used in generating costs were based on the following:

• Industry standards.
• RICS and BRE publications: “Life Expectancies of Building Components”.
• The Council’s experience.
• Our experience.

6.1.3 Our surveyors used their professional judgement to establish when a building component
requires replacement and inserted the appropriate year on the survey form. For older building
components or those which we believed to have a limited remaining life, our assessment was
based on the condition as found on site during our survey.

6.1.4 We have only recorded those items that will require renewal within the next 30 years and
those items falling outside that period have not been subject to a replacement cost within our

6.2 Improvements

6.2.1 Improvement work generally involves the installation of components that do not currently exist
at a property but would enhance the property. We set out below a list of the improvements
that we have assessed as part of the survey:

• Upgrade partial heating

• Install full heating
• Cavity wall insulation

East Lothian Council Page 5

Stock Condition Survey
• Solid wall insulation
• Mechanical extract fan kitchen
• Mechanical extract fan bathroom
• Wired smoke detectors
• Extra electrical sockets
• Entryphone

6.2.2 We have profiled the improvements identified over the first 5 years following discussions with
the East Lothian Council Officers.

6.3 Contingent Major Repairs

6.3.1 Contingency major repairs are defined as repairs of a kind, which cannot be specifically
foreseen and may arise from latent defects in construction. We have allowed a provision of
3% on catch-up repairs, improvements and programmed renewals over the 30-year period.

6.3.2 The allowance is specifically in respect of unforeseen work that has not been identified
elsewhere in the survey but, from both our experience and that of East Lothian Council, can
be predicted as likely to occur. Examples include but are not limited to, cavity wall tie failure,
uninsured subsidence/settlement, general structural defects, drainage failure and latent
defects in construction.

6.4 Related Assets / Other costs

6.4.1 As part of the stock condition survey we have undertaken an assessment of the Councils
financial obligation to maintain the stock’s related assets. These would generally include but
are not limited to garages, unadopted roads and footpaths, play areas, hard standings and

6.4.2 We have reviewed current Council expenditure and have allowed a provision of £419,550 per
annum for the 30-year cost profile. This cost is exclusive of VAT and administration charges.
We have assumed that miscellaneous works required to the various assets will be picked up
as part of the day to day maintenance budget.

East Lothian Council Page 6

Stock Condition Survey
6.5 Asbestos Removal

6.5.1 We have not undertaken a detailed asbestos survey as part of this exercise. However based
on our experience elsewhere we have made a total provisional of £6,282,000 per annum for
asbestos over the next 10 years to coincide with the programmes of work that we have
identified. This cost is purely for the over and above costs associated with the removal of the
asbestos and does not take into account the replacement of the component removed, making
good, decanting costs or the potential related management costs of any asbestos.

6.6 Response and Void Property Maintenance

6.6.1 Responsive and Void property maintenance is defined by the OPDM as “maintenance arising
from the landlord’s obligation to carry out repairs to a property, either upon a tenant’s request
or arising from staff inspection or in connection with the re-letting of a property”.

6.6.2 The Council provided us with information on the levels of expenditure currently being
experienced for both responsive and void property maintenance. We have analysed this
information and have made an allowance of £2,931,600 per annum for the 30 year period.
These costs are exclusive of VAT and administration charges.

6.7 Cyclical Maintenance

6.7.1 Cyclical Maintenance is defined as “maintenance and servicing, generally similar to that stated
for programmed repairs”. However, it is more specifically identified as various items recurring
on an annual basis and the servicing of installations.

6.7.2 For cyclical property maintenance we have reviewed the information supplied by the Council
and allowed a provision of £1,465,800 per annum for the 30 year profile. This cost is exclusive
of VAT and administration charges.

6.8 Environmental Improvements

6.8.1 Following discussions with the East Lothian Council, we have made an allowance of
£4,188,000 over the first 10 years in respect of general Environmental Improvement works.
This will cover work not identified in the stock survey such as additional fencing, landscaping,
lighting, enhanced security measures etc. There is almost limitless work that could be
undertaken in this regard but the provision we have made is to cover the areas in most need
of this type of work.

East Lothian Council Page 7

Stock Condition Survey

7.1 As part of our survey we have made an assessment of the level of non-compliancy in the
housing stock against the Scottish Housing Quality Standard. This assessment has been
measured in accordance with the guidelines set out by Scottish Executive at Appendix 4.

7.2 We have identified that approximately 90% of properties fail this assessment, however, of
more concern is that we predict the remainder of the stock will fail the standard by the year
2015 if the work we have identified is not undertaken.

7.3 The works identified in the first 10 years of our costs will bring the currently non-compliant
properties up to the standard and prevent further properties becoming non decent. The works
identified in the following 20 years will ensure the properties will not fall below the standard
during this period.

7.4 A home that meets the standard, as described by Scottish Executive, is one must meet the
following criteria:

• compliant with the tolerable standards;

• free from serious disrepair;
• energy efficient;
• provided with modern facilities and services;
• healthy, safe and secure.

More details of these headings is set below:

A – It is compliant with tolerable standard

The Tolerable Standard was defined in Section 86(1) of the Housing (Scotland) Act 1987 and
updated in Section 6 (102) of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001. A dwelling meets the Standard
if it:

• is structurally stable;
• is substantially free from rising or penetrating damp;
• has satisfactory provision for natural and artificial light, for ventilation and for heating;
• has an adequate piped supply of wholesome water within the property;
• has a sink provided with a satisfactory supply of both hot and cold water;

East Lothian Council Page 8

Stock Condition Survey
• has a fixed bath or shower and a wash-hand basin, each provided with a satisfactory
supply of both hot and cold water and suitably located;
• has a water closet available for the exclusive use of the occupants of the property
suitably located;
• has an effective system for the drainage and disposal of foul and surface water;
• has satisfactory facilities for cooking food;
• has satisfactory access to all external doors and outbuildings.

Failure to meet any of the standards above results in the dwelling being declared Below the
Tolerable Standard (BTS). The number and location of BTS dwellings is a topic of
considerable policy importance and it is therefore very important that an accurate assessment
of tolerability is undertaken.

It should be remembered that a property which passes the standard is not necessarily a
desirable dwelling or one in a good state of repair, but that dwellings must be lacking in basic
amenities, or be in an extremely poor condition, to actually fail.

B – Is it free from serious disrepair

Dwellings which fail to meet this criterion are those where either:

• one or more of the primary building components needs replacing or major repair; or
• two or more of the secondary building components needs replacing or major repair.

C – It is energy efficient

A property which is energy efficient has:

• effective insulation;
• efficient heating;
• has additional energy efficiency measures (where technically feasible) to ensure that the
property must achieve a minimum NHER rating of 5 and SAP rating of 50.

East Lothian Council Page 9

Stock Condition Survey
D – Provided with modern facilities and services

A property which passes this criteria would have:

• a bathroom, that would include a WC, bath or shower and wash hand basin in good and
usable condition;
• a kitchen in good and usable condition;
• the kitchen must have reasonable facilities, these being;

Ø adequate storage facilities where practical;

Ø safe kitchen working arrangements;
Ø sufficient power outlets.

E – Healthy, safe and secure

A property with is healthy, safe and secure will

• be free from lead pipework;

• have mechanical extract fan if necessary;
• adequately insulated from external noise;
• have smoke detectors;
• have safe electrical, gas and oil appliances where applicable
• common areas in a good and safe order, where applicable;
• provides adequate lighting in common internal and external areas;
• secure front and back doors;
• a front door entry system and secure rear access to enclosed common areas.

Full details of the Scottish Housing Quality Standard are included at Appendix 3.


8.1 As part of the stock condition survey, we have undertaken an assessment of the energy
performance of the properties by carrying out an NHER Enhanced Level 0 survey. The data
collected has been processed by our energy consultants, Powergen Energy Solutions, and
they have analysed the results and prepared a report with their findings. A copy of this report
is included at Appendix 6.

East Lothian Council Page 10

Stock Condition Survey

9.1 The work recorded as part of the Stock Condition Survey has been priced using a Schedule of
Rates, a copy of which is included at Appendix 4. The Schedule has been based on the
Council’s experience of letting contracts locally and our experience with other Local
Authorities with similar numbers and types of property. If the work is planned and procured
correctly, we believe that the unit rates identified can be achieved. However, poor
planning/procurement could result in large volumes of work put on the market at the same
time resulting in “overheating” and cost increases as a consequence.


10.1 We have made an assessment of the total repairs and maintenance costs of the stock and a
summary of all costs is included at Appendix 1 and an elemental breakdown of costs is
included at Appendix 2. All costs are exclusive of management and administration charges,
professional fees, any decanting costs and VAT. All costs are on a day one basis and take no
account of future inflation.


11.1 In the first instance, we have loaded all survey data into our own specialist software to enable
us to validate the survey results, undertake the necessary analysis and produce the cost
reports. The completed survey database has been provided to the Council in Microsoft
Access 2002.


12.1 The inspections and report are subject to the limitations set out at Appendix 5.

East Lothian Council Page 11

Stock Condition Survey


East Lothian Council Appendices

Stock Condition Survey

Stock Total = 8,344

East Lothian Council
Updated Stock Condition Survey
Whole Stock Results

Grand Total

Element Years 1 to 5 Years 6 to 10 Years 11 to 15 Years 16 to 20 Years 21 to 25 Years 26 to 30 30 year total

Programmed renewals £38,092,745 £26,790,202 £45,435,187 £36,201,017 £39,436,724 £41,170,393 £227,126,268

Improvements £6,545,450 £0 £0 £2,790,350 £0 £0 £9,335,800
Contingent Major Repairs @ 3% £1,142,782 £803,706 £1,363,056 £1,086,031 £1,183,102 £1,235,112 £6,813,788
Related Assets £2,097,750 £2,097,750 £2,097,750 £2,097,750 £2,097,750 £2,097,750 £12,586,500
Asbestos Contingency £3,141,000 £3,141,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £6,282,000
Responsive/Void Maintenance £14,658,000 £14,658,000 £14,658,000 £14,658,000 £14,658,000 £14,658,000 £87,948,000
Cyclical Maintenance £7,329,000 £7,329,000 £7,329,000 £7,329,000 £7,329,000 £7,329,000 £43,974,000
Environmental Improvements £2,094,000 £2,094,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £4,188,000

Grand Total £75,100,727 £56,913,658 £70,882,993 £64,162,148 £64,704,576 £66,490,255 £398,254,356

Total per annum £15,020,145 £11,382,732 £14,176,599 £12,832,430 £12,940,915 £13,298,051 £13,275,145

Total cost per property over 30 years £47,729

Price Base January 2006

All costs are exclusive of Professional Fees, VAT, management and administration costs and are based on today's prices. Costs are inclusive of preliminaries.

June 2006


East Lothian Council Appendices

Stock Condition Survey

Stock Total = 8,344

East Lothian Council
Updated Stock Condition Survey
Whole Stock Results

Programmed Renewals

Description 2005-09 2010-14 2015-19 2020-24 2025-29 2030-34 Total

Kitchen £12,712,850 £4,655,000 £2,831,500 £8,737,000 £12,670,500 £4,655,000 £46,261,850

Bathroom £4,639,850 £1,952,200 £4,856,500 £2,733,600 £2,195,000 £2,373,700 £18,750,850
Central heating boiler £3,221,500 £1,739,700 £4,189,300 £3,187,700 £1,739,700 £4,189,300 £18,267,200
Central heating carcass £1,971,550 £740,000 £3,477,200 £2,282,000 £2,928,000 £6,717,000 £18,115,750
Room heating £699,700 £404,750 £852,600 £696,250 £389,000 £852,350 £3,894,650
Electrics CCU £729,600 £150,000 £329,700 £372,900 £349,200 £577,800 £2,509,200
Electrics wiring01 £3,802,500 £826,800 £1,685,100 £1,872,300 £1,482,900 £2,671,500 £12,341,100
Internal lead pipework £5,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £5,000
Ext ent doors 01 £93,000 £115,050 £381,550 £315,900 £2,132,650 £3,086,850 £6,125,000
Ext ent doors 02 £25,050 £37,700 £105,300 £106,600 £637,650 £2,395,250 £3,307,550
Entry phone £40,700 £80,600 £89,800 £38,000 £80,600 £89,800 £419,500
Smoke detectors £279,600 £699,900 £997,800 £260,100 £699,900 £997,800 £3,935,100
Extract fans £108,500 £356,700 £791,700 £85,350 £356,700 £791,700 £2,490,650
Internal floor structure £104,730 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £104,730
Internal staircase £2,700 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £2,700

Grand Total £28,436,830 £11,758,400 £20,588,050 £20,687,700 £25,661,800 £29,398,050 £136,530,830

Total Per Annum £5,687,366 £2,351,680 £4,117,610 £4,137,540 £5,132,360 £5,879,610 £4,551,028

All costs are exclusive of Professional Fees, VAT, management and administration costs and are based on today's prices. Costs are inclusive of preliminaries.

June 2006

Stock Total = 8,344

East Lothian Council
Updated Stock Condition Survey
Whole Stock Results

Programmed Renewals

Description 2005-09 2010-14 2015-19 2020-24 2025-29 2030-34 Total

Roof Structure £8,750 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £8,750

Pitched roof £1,330,370 £4,115,993 £4,090,834 £4,505,850 £2,722,069 £2,099,538 £18,864,654
Flat roof £178,441 £290,076 £84,310 £204,945 £144,226 £121,229 £1,023,227
Chimney £375,603 £252,202 £559,126 £260,953 £105,203 £187,551 £1,740,638
Flashings £111,840 £518,292 £482,384 £786,541 £233,833 £185,150 £2,318,040
Fascia/soffit/barge £234,741 £497,258 £347,919 £167,179 £43,978 £49,634 £1,340,709
Rainwater goods £1,719,629 £1,245,136 £452,922 £62,319 £225,221 £466,090 £4,171,317
Porch £56,462 £46,321 £34,082 £22,988 £25,778 £25,125 £210,756
Wall structure £60,065 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £60,065
Wall finish 1 £1,029,082 £2,411,139 £5,427,692 £2,195,114 £1,143,474 £817,306 £13,023,807
Wall finish 2 £421,150 £569,024 £1,783,283 £329,503 £186,839 £127,713 £3,417,512
Windows - Double glazed £189,031 £159,552 £1,787,887 £4,854,304 £7,604,606 £2,996,833 £17,592,213
Foundations £21,478 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £21,478
Balcony structure £2,500 £1,520 £0 £737 £0 £0 £4,757
Balcony finish £35 £5,227 £14,983 £1,198 £35 £5,458 £26,936
Balcony rail/guard £9,070 £1,935 £1,818 £6,613 £1,277 £6,878 £27,591
Ext com doors £127,010 £124,536 £96,773 £34,796 £118,594 £124,536 £626,245
Paths £1,877,239 £1,358,590 £3,936,295 £584,636 £222,109 £1,305,707 £9,284,576
Fencing £886,691 £2,427,218 £4,478,121 £783,369 £515,133 £2,427,218 £11,517,750
Boundary walls £163,520 £163,902 £175,575 £94,037 £89,822 £122,465 £809,321
Retaining walls £150,007 £37,687 £117,844 £101,575 £104,717 £211,780 £723,610
Gates £236,245 £245,182 £577,212 £180,843 £36,667 £81,324 £1,357,473
Garage doors £135,260 £87,448 £78,580 £12,561 £11,909 £134,860 £460,618
Garage roof £72,179 £70,382 £15,494 £62,594 £54,623 £16,530 £291,802
Garage walls £155,711 £98,704 £83,834 £57,155 £7,896 £26,858 £430,158
Underground Drainage £3,600 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £3,600
Comm walkway finish £4,952 £27,801 £42,745 £10,842 £619 £23,824 £110,783
Comm walkway rail/guard £14,640 £15,291 £40,594 £19,681 £13,701 £3,685 £107,592
Stairs finish £20,904 £41,817 £24,345 £30,718 £3,571 £28,147 £149,502
Corridor finish £10,955 £66,364 £12,070 £35,795 £6,836 £32,245 £164,265
Comm doors £17,389 £31,163 £40,786 £20,312 £14,973 £31,163 £155,786
Communal windows £31,366 £27,042 £59,629 £86,159 £137,215 £18,496 £359,907
Lift £0 £95,000 £0 £0 £0 £95,000 £190,000

Grand Total £9,655,915 £15,031,802 £24,847,137 £15,513,317 £13,774,924 £11,772,343 £90,595,438

Total Per Annum £1,931,183 £3,006,360 £4,969,427 £3,102,663 £2,754,985 £2,354,469 £3,019,848

All costs are exclusive of Professional Fees, VAT, management and administration costs and are based on today's prices. Costs are inclusive of preliminaries.

June 2006

Stock Total = 8,344

East Lothian Council
Updated Stock Condition Survey
Whole Stock Results

Description 2005-09 2010-14 2015-19 2020-24 2025-29 2030-34 Total

Upgrade partial heating £255,200 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £255,200

Install full heating £23,100 £0 £0 £7,700 £0 £0 £30,800
Cavity wall insulation £1,679,800 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £1,679,800
Solid wall insulation £860,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £860,000
Mech extract fan kitchen £664,200 £0 £0 £664,200 £0 £0 £1,328,400
Mech extract fan bathroom £609,000 £0 £0 £609,000 £0 £0 £1,218,000
Wired smoke detectors £1,339,050 £0 £0 £1,339,050 £0 £0 £2,678,100
Extra elec sockets excl ki £944,700 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £944,700
Entryphone £170,400 £0 £0 £170,400 £0 £0 £340,800

Grand Total £6,545,450 £0 £0 £2,790,350 £0 £0 £9,335,800

Total Per Annum £1,309,090 £0 £0 £558,070 £0 £0 £311,193

All costs are exclusive of Professional Fees, VAT, management and administration costs and are based on today's prices. Costs are inclusive of preliminaries.

June 2006


East Lothian Council Appendices

Stock Condition Survey
Development Department Mike Neilson
Head of Housing and Area Regeneration Group
Chief Executives – Local Authorities Victoria Quay
Directors of Housing/ Edinburgh EH6 6QQ
Chief Housing Officers – Local Authorities
Directors of RSLs in Scotland Telephone: 0131-244 0768
Fax: 0131-244 0786
Copies to: Chief Executive, COSLA [email protected]
Director, SFHA
Chief Executive, CIH
Your ref:
Scottish Director, CML Our ref:
Director, Shelter
Other Consultees 4 February 2004

_____ _____
Dear Colleague


The Minister for Communities has made an announcement today about the Scottish Housing Quality
Standard in a statement to the Scottish Parliament. This gives details of the content of the Standard
and sets a target date for bringing houses in the social rented sector up to this Standard.

The Scottish Executive’s consultation paper “Modernising Scotland’s Social Housing”, issued in
March 2003, set out proposals for a national standard based on a minimum set of quality measures
for all houses in the social rented sector (at the time this was referred to as the Scottish Social
Housing Standard). In the meantime, Scottish Ministers announced that, following recommendations
of the Housing Improvement Task Force, they would bring in a cross-tenure Scottish Housing
Quality Standard in line with the Partnership Agreement to introduce a decent homes standard.
Decisions on the final version of the Standard have taken account of the responses to the consultation
and a summary of the responses is available from the Executive and on the Executive’s website – Account has also been taken of the
results of the Scottish House Condition Survey which was published in November 2003.

The intention has been to define a standard which is relevant to the 21st Century and is consistent
with views on what constitutes acceptable, good quality housing. It differs from the statutory
Tolerable Standard (a very basic standard of acceptability) and the Building Standards as they apply
to new housing.

As initially proposed in “Modernising Scotland’s Social Housing” the Standard is based on a number
of broad quality criteria. To meet the Standard the house must be:

• compliant with the tolerable standard;

• free from serious disrepair;
• energy efficient
• provided with modern facilities and services;
• healthy, safe and secure.


.abcde abc a SE Approved

Version 1.1
The precise way in which these broad criteria are to be defined is set out in the attached note which
sets out a detailed specification of the Standard. A number of changes have been made to the detailed
specification in the light of the responses to the consultation and you may wish to note, in particular:

• there is now an explicit requirement for the required full central heating system to be energy

• the standard for loft insulation is 100mm;

• although there is not a standard requirement for double glazing, this may be necessary in certain
houses if there are problems with external noise or to ensure that the house meets the thermal
efficiency standard;

• there is a requirement for adequate noise insulation where there are problems with external noise
(the possibility of having a noise insulation standard for noise generated within the building was
considered but rejected on grounds of practicality);

• mechanical ventilation should be provided in either the kitchen or bathroom, or both, if there are
persistent problems of condensation dampness;

• the suggested requirement for a second WC in houses with 3 or more bedrooms has been dropped
because of the practical difficulties of adapting existing houses to add an additional WC;

• there is a requirement to ensure that common areas and facilities linked to the house but external
to the dwelling are in good and safe order with adequate lighting.

Careful consideration was given to whether the Standard should include accessibility requirements.
There is an existing ‘visitability’ standard for new build properties that aims to make it much easier
for disabled persons to visit the house in question. A higher standard is promoted by Communities
Scotland for new build socia l housing in accordance with the ‘Housing for Varying Needs’ design
guidance based on the ‘barrier free’ concept. As well as containing many similar features to the
‘visitability’ standard, it provides for additional specifications to help disabled occupants.

Many respondents commented that these standards could not be realistically applied to all existing
properties. There were concerns that it could give rise to significant rebuilding at disproportionate
cost. It was also recognised that different occupants have different needs and that many houses
which could never be adapted to provide suitable housing for persons with disabilities, nevertheless
provide quite satisfactory housing for most households. Whilst the Executive has, therefore, decided
not to include any accessibility requirements in the Standard itself, it fully recognises the need to
ensure that there is suitable housing for persons with disabilities. The Executive expects each local
authority, through the process of preparing Local Hous ing Strategies, to identify, over time, the scale
and nature of these needs and to draw up proposals for meeting any shortfall.

The intention is that the Scottish Housing Quality Standard is relevant to the housing stock as a
whole. Its application will, however, vary according to tenure.

In the social rented sector, the Minister has made it clear that she expects local authorities and
registered social landlords to ensure that their stock meets the standard by 2015. However they will
be able to set the ir own milestones for progressing towards the 2015 target date, taking account of
their local circumstances. They will also be expected to prepare Standard Delivery Plans for
submission to Scottish Ministers by April 2005 at the latest; these will be assessed by Communities


.abcde abc a SE Approved

Version 1.1
Scotland on behalf of Scottish Ministers. In the case of local authorities, these will take the form of
an update to, or revision of, the Local Housing Strategy. Further guidance on the content of Delivery
Plans and the criteria for assessing them will be issued in due course.

Social landlords may, following consultation with their tenants, wish to augment the Standard with
additional local specifications. The Executive has no difficulty with this providing there are clear
plans for achieving the national Standard and the additional resources are available.

In the private sector, aside from instances where owners may be required to, for example, bring
properties up to the Tolerable Standard or rectify serious disrepair that has been subject of a statutory
notice, it is ultimately a matter for individual owners to decide whether to make improvements if
their properties do not meet the Standard. However, local authorities will wish to take account of the
Standard in monitoring the condition of the private sector housing stock in their areas; they will need
to consider what measures might be adopted to encourage private owners to undertake relevant
works and to report on this in future Local Housing Strategies.

If you have any queries on the Standard, please contact Mary MacDonald (tel: 0131 244 5569)
(e-mail [email protected]) or Helen Jones (tel: 0131 244 5570)
(e-mail [email protected]) in the first instance.

Yours sincerely



.abcde abc a SE Approved

Version 1.1

Housing Quality Criteria Criteria definition Criteria elements Failure assessed by:
COMPLIANT WITH THE The Tolerable Standard Below Tolerable Standard Single Primary Failure
FREE FROM SERIOUS Primary Building Elements Wall structures Single Primary
DISREPAIR Internal floor structures Element Failure.
Foundations An element fails where
Roof structure it requires repair or
replacement of more
than 20%
Secondary Building Roof covering Failure by two or more
Elements Chimney stacks elements.
Flashings An element fails where
Rainwater goods it requires repair or
External wall finishes replacement of more
Access decks/ balustrades than 20%.
Common access stairs /
landings, pathways within
the curtilage of the
Individual dwelling
balconies / verandas
Individual dwelling,
attached garages, internal
Damp Proof Course
Windows/ doors
Common windows/ roof
Underground drainage
ENERGY EFFICIENT Effective Insulation Cavity insulation where Single Element Failure
technically feasible and
100mm loft insulation
where appropriate 2
Insulation of hot water
tanks and pipes (and cold
water tanks as an ancillary

In some types of housing, it is not possible to install cavity wall insulation; in other cases installation may be
prohibited by building regulations because cavity wall insulation would lead to other problems such as water
penetration and dampness.
100mm is the minimum existing insulation which will meet the standard, but where insulation is being
installed it must meet the standard required by the building regulations.


.abcde abc a SE Approved

Version 1.1
Efficient Heating A full house central Single Element Failure
heating system that has an
acceptable efficiency rating
, or similarly efficient
heating system that is
developed in the future
Additional energy Additional energy Single Element Failure
efficiency measures efficiency measures, where where a necessary,
technically feasible 4 , practical measure has
necessary to achieving a not been implemented
minimum NHER rating of
5 or SAP rating of 50
MODERN FACILITIES AND Bathroom Condition Bathroom amenities should Single Element Failure
SERVICES include a WC, bath or An element fails where
shower and wash hand it requires repair or
basin in good and usable replacement of more
condition than 25%
Kitchen Condition Kitchen fittings in good Single Element Failure
and usable condition An item fails where it
requires repair or
replacement of more
than 25%
Kitchen Facilities Adequate kitchen storage Single Element Failure
to current building
standards where practical
(1m3 within or adjacent to
the kitchen; space for a
cooker and related activity
space in front of it to allow
safe use)
Safe kitchen working
arrangements, including
worktop space on at least
one side of, and at least the
same width as, the cooker
Sufficient power outlets (6
or more sockets )

An inefficient central heating system is defined here as being:
• a solid fuel boiler with an annual seasonal efficiency of 55% or less
• a natural gas boiler with an annual seasonal efficiency of 55% or less
• an oil-fired boiler with an annual seasonal efficiency of 65% or less
• a gravity or semi-gravity heating system more than 20 years old.

An inefficient electric storage heating system is defined here as being:

• free-standing large volume storage heaters more than 20 years old

• free standing compact storage heaters more than 20 years old
• electric fan-assisted sto rage warm air heating more than 20 years old
• electric wired underfloor heating, set in solid floors, more than 20 years old
• electric ceiling heating more than 20 years old.

Such measures might include coated double or even triple glazing. It is recognised that it will not always be
technically feasible, without disproportionate cost, to bring certain houses up to the minimum thermal efficiency
standard. Building Standards may be relaxed if it is not reasonably practical to meet the minimum standards.


.abcde abc a SE Approved

Version 1.1
HEALTHY, SAFE AND Healthy Internal pipe work lead- Single Element Failure
Mechanical ventilation in Persistent problem
the kitchen and bathroom categorised by
where this is required to condensation or mould
tackle persistent problems on more than 5% of
of condensation dampness the wall and ceiling
and mould growth area of bathroom or
Adequate noise insulation5 kitchen
where there are problems
with external noise from,
e.g. traffic or factories
Safe A smoke detector present Single Element Failure
in the home 6
Safe electrical systems
Safe gas and oil systems
and appliances
Common stairwells, lifts,
lobbies, courts, laundry and
drying areas, refuse chutes
and bin stores, where
provided, in good and safe
Adequate lighting in
common internal and
external areas within the
curtilage of the house
Secure Secure front and rear Single Element Failure
access doors
Front door entry systems
and secure rear access to
enclosed common areas

In most cases, the insulation will be provided through double or triple glazing.
Existing smoke detectors may be hard wired or battery powered; new installations must be hard wired.


.abcde abc a SE Approved

Version 1.1


East Lothian Council Appendices

Stock Condition Survey
East Lothian Council
Schedule of Rates

Survey Element Sub Element Unit Life House Bungalow Flat

Central heating boiler Gas warm air Per Prop 15 £900 £900 £900
Central heating boiler Elec warm air Per Prop 15 £900 £900 £900
Central heating boiler Solid fuel Per Prop 15 £900 £900 £900
Central heating boiler Communal Per Prop 15 £900 £900 £900
Central heating boiler Other Per Prop 15 £900 £900 £900
Central heating carcass Radiators Per Prop 30 £1,800 £1,800 £1,800
Central heating carcass Storage Per Prop 30 £1,800 £1,800 £1,800
Central heating carcass Gas warm air Per Prop 30 £1,800 £1,800 £1,800
Central heating carcass Elec warm air Per Prop 30 £1,800 £1,800 £1,800
Central heating carcass Solid fuel Per Prop 30 £1,800 £1,800 £1,800
Central heating carcass Communal Per Prop 30 £1,800 £1,800 £1,800
Central heating carcass Other Per Prop 30 £1,800 £1,800 £1,800
Room heating Gas fires No 15 £300 £300 £300
Room heating Elec fires No 15 £150 £150 £150
Room heating Solid fuel No 60 £250 £250 £250
Electrics CCU Rewireable Per Prop 30 £500 £500 £500
Electrics CCU MCBs Per Prop 30 £500 £500 £500
Electrics wiring01 PVC Per Prop 30 £1,750 £1,750 £1,750
Electrics wiring01 Rubber Per Prop 30 £1,750 £1,750 £1,750
Electrics wiring01 MICC Per Prop 30 £1,750 £1,750 £1,750
Gas/Oil systems Unsafe Info only 50 £1,000 £750 £500
Electrical systems Safe Info only
Electrical systems Unsafe Info only 50 £1,000 £750 £500
Internal lead pipework None Lm
Internal lead pipework Yes Lm 30 £50 £50 £50
Ext ent doors 01 Timber solid No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 01 Timber single glazed No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 01 Timber double glazed No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 01 PVC solid No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 01 PVC single glazed No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 01 PVC double glazed No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 01 Aluminium single glazed
No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 01 Aluminium double glazed
No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 01 Composite solid No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 01 Composite single glazed
No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 01 Composite double glazed
No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 02 None No
Ext ent doors 02 Timber solid No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 02 Timber single glazed No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 02 Timber double glazed No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 02 PVC solid No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 02 PVC single glazed No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 02 PVC double glazed No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 02 Aluminium single glazed
No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 02 Aluminium double glazed
No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 02 Composite solid No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 02 Composite single glazed
No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 02 Composite double glazed
No 30 £500 £500 £500
Secure front door No Info only 30 £200 £200 £200
Secure front door Yes Info only 30
Secure rear door Not applicable Info only 30
Secure rear door No Info only 30 £200 £200 £200
Secure rear door Yes Info only 30
Entry phone None Per Prop 15
Entry phone Yes Per Prop 15 £700 £700 £700
Smoke detectors None No
Smoke detectors Battery No 15 £150 £150 £150
Smoke detectors Mains wired No 15 £150 £150 £150
Extract fan kitchen None No
Extract fan kitchen Yes No 15 £150 £150 £150
Extract fan bathroom None No
Extract fan bathroom Yes No 15 £150 £150 £150
Extensive condensation/damp None Info only
Extensive condensation/damp Yes Info only 15 £500 £500 £500
Internal floor structure Solid M2 50 £55 £55 £55
East Lothian Council
Schedule of Rates

Survey Element Sub Element Unit Life House Bungalow Flat

Internal floor structure Timber M2 50 £55 £55 £55

Internal staircase None No
Internal staircase Timber No 50 £800 £800 £800
Internal staircase Concrete No 50 £800 £800 £800
Internal staircase Other No 50 £850 £850 £850
Loft insulation Not applicable Info only
Loft insulation None Info only 50 £200 £200 £200
Loft insulation 50mm Info only 50 £150 £150 £150
Loft insulation 100mm Info only 50 £150 £150 £150
Loft insulation 150mm Info only 50 £150 £150 £150
Loft insulation >150mm Info only 50
Insulation cold water tanks Not applicable Info only 50
Insulation cold water tanks None Info only 50 £400 £400 £400
Insulation cold water tanks Partial Info only 50 £200 £200 £200
Insulation cold water tanks Full Info only 50
Insulation hot water storage Not applicable Info only 50
Insulation hot water storage None Info only 50 £400 £400 £400
Insulation hot water storage Partial Info only 50 £200 £200 £200
Insulation hot water storage Full Info only 50
Insulation pipework None Info only 50 £400 £400 £400
Insulation pipework Partial Info only 50 £200 £200 £200
Insulation pipework Full Info only 50
External noise penetration Satisfactory Info only
External noise penetration Unsatisfactory Info only 50 £2,500 £2,500 £2,500
Internal noise penetration Not applicable Info only
Internal noise penetration Satisfactory Info only
Internal noise penetration Unsatisfactory Info only 50 £2,000 £2,000 £2,000
Lighting common parts Not applicable Info only
Lighting common parts Adequate Info only
Lighting common parts Inadequate Info only 20 £250 £250 £250
Lighting external Not applicable Info only
Lighting external Adequate Info only
Lighting external Inadequate Info only 20 £250 £250 £250
Imp upgrade partial heating No Info only
Imp upgrade partial heating Yes Info only 50 £3,200 £3,000 £2,800
Imp install full heating No Info only
Imp install full heating Yes Info only 15 £1,100 £1,100 £1,000
Imp cavity wall insulation No Info only
Imp cavity wall insulation Yes Info only 50 £250 £200 £200
Imp solid wall insulation No Info only
Imp solid wall insulation Yes Info only 50 £6,000 £5,000 £4,000
Imp mech extract fan kitchen No Info only
Imp mech extract fan kitchen Yes Info only 15 £150 £150 £150
Imp mech extract fan bathroom No Info only
Imp mech extract fan bathroom Yes Info only 15 £150 £150 £150
Imp wired smoke detectors No Info only
Imp wired smoke detectors Yes Info only 15 £300 £150 £150
Imp extra elec sockets excl kitchen No Info only
Imp extra elec sockets excl kitchen Yes Info only 30 £300 £300 £300
Imp entryphone No Info only
Imp entryphone Yes Info only 15 £300 £300 £300
Imp parking inside boundary No Info only
Imp parking inside boundary Yes Info only 50 £2,000 £2,000 £2,000
Imp parking outside boundary No Info only
Imp parking outside boundary Yes Info only 50 £4,000 £4,000 £4,000
Access gained flat roof Not applicable Info only
Access gained flat roof No Info only
Access gained flat roof Yes Info only
Roof Structure Timber M2 90 £30 £30 £30
Roof Structure Concrete M2 90 £35 £35 £35
Roof Structure Other M2 90 £35 £35 £35
Pitched roof None M2
Pitched roof Clay M2 60 £40 £40 £40
Pitched roof Concrete M2 60 £40 £40 £40
Pitched roof Slate M2 80 £50 £50 £50
East Lothian Council
Schedule of Rates

Survey Element Sub Element Unit Life House Bungalow Flat

Pitched roof Synthetic M2 40 £40 £40 £40

Pitched roof Other M2 50 £40 £40 £40
Flat roof None M2
Flat roof Felt M2 15 £40 £40 £40
Flat roof Asphalt M2 20 £40 £40 £40
Flat roof Other M2 50 £45 £45 £45
Flat roof conversion No Info only
Flat roof conversion Yes Info only
Chimney None
Chimney Brick No 50 £750 £750 £750
Chimney Rendered No 50 £750 £750 £750
Chimney Other No 50 £750 £750 £750
Flashings None Lm
Flashings Lead Lm 50 £75 £75 £75
Flashings Other Lm 50 £75 £75 £75
Fascia/soffit/barge None Lm
Fascia/soffit/barge Wood Lm 30 £17 £17 £17
Fascia/soffit/barge PVC Lm 30 £17 £17 £17
Fascia/soffit/barge Asbestos Lm 30 £19 £19 £19
Fascia/soffit/barge Asbestos/Wood Lm 30 £19 £19 £19
Fascia/soffit/barge Other Lm 30 £19 £19 £19
Rainwater goods None Lm
Rainwater goods PVC Lm 20 £20 £20 £20
Rainwater goods Cast iron Lm 40 £20 £20 £20
Rainwater goods Aluminium Lm 40 £20 £20 £20
Rainwater goods Other Lm 30 £20 £20 £20
Porch None M2
Porch Felt M2 15 £40 £40 £40
Porch Asphalt M2 20 £40 £40 £40
Porch Other M2 45 £65 £65 £65
Wall structure Brick M2 60 £60 £60 £60
Wall structure Block M2 60 £30 £30 £30
Wall structure Other M2 60 £65 £65 £65
Wall finish 1 Pointed M2 30 £30 £30 £30
Wall finish 1 Rendered M2 30 £30 £30 £30
Wall finish 1 Timber clad M2 30 £30 £30 £30
Wall finish 1 Tile clad M2 30 £30 £30 £30
Wall finish 1 Other M2 30 £45 £45 £45
Wall finish 2 None M2
Wall finish 2 Pointed M2 30 £30 £30 £30
Wall finish 2 Rendered M2 30 £30 £30 £30
Wall finish 2 Timber clad M2 30 £30 £30 £30
Wall finish 2 Tile clad M2 30 £30 £30 £30
Wall finish 2 Other M2 30 £45 £45 £45
Windows Single glazed No 30 £400 £400 £400
Windows Double glazed No 30 £400 £400 £400
Foundations Satisfactory Lm 60 £250 £250 £250
Foundations Failed Lm 60 £250 £250 £250
DPC Satisfactory Lm 60 £90 £90 £90
DPC Failed Lm 60 £90 £90 £90
Balcony structure None M2
Balcony structure Concrete M2 60 £80 £80 £80
Balcony structure Timber M2 60 £85 £85 £85
Balcony structure Metal M2 60 £85 £85 £85
Balcony structure Other M2 60 £95 £95 £95
Balcony finish None M2
Balcony finish Non slip M2 25 £30 £30 £30
Balcony finish Vinyl M2 20 £25 £25 £25
Balcony finish Tile M2 30 £35 £35 £35
Balcony finish Timber M2 30 £35 £35 £35
Balcony finish Asphalt M2 20 £30 £30 £30
Balcony finish Mixed M2 25 £40 £40 £40
Balcony finish Other M2 25 £40 £40 £40
Balcony rail/guard None Lm
Balcony rail/guard Timber Lm 40 £35 £35 £35
East Lothian Council
Schedule of Rates

Survey Element Sub Element Unit Life House Bungalow Flat

Balcony rail/guard Glass Lm 40 £25 £25 £25

Balcony rail/guard Brick Lm 40 £45 £45 £45
Balcony rail/guard Metal Lm 40 £20 £20 £20
Balcony rail/guard Other Lm 40 £35 £35 £35
Ext com doors None No
Ext com doors Timber No 20 £650 £650 £650
Ext com doors PVC No 20 £650 £650 £650
Ext com doors Steel No 20 £1,500 £1,500 £1,500
Ext com doors Other No 20 £650 £650 £650
Paths None M2
Paths Concrete slab M2 25 £25 £25 £25
Paths Concrete in situ M2 25 £25 £25 £25
Paths Tarmac M2 25 £45 £45 £45
Paths Brick M2 25 £30 £30 £30
Paths Other M2 25 £55 £55 £55
Fencing None Lm
Fencing Chain link Lm 20 £25 £25 £25
Fencing Post & wire Lm 20 £25 £25 £25
Fencing Timber panel Lm 20 £35 £35 £35
Fencing Metal bow top Lm 30 £55 £55 £55
Fencing Other Lm 20 £55 £55 £55
Boundary walls None M2
Boundary walls Brick M2 50 £60 £60 £60
Boundary walls Block M2 50 £25 £25 £25
Boundary walls Drystone M2 100 £300 £300 £300
Boundary walls Other M2 50 £65 £65 £65
Retaining walls None M2
Retaining walls Brick M2 50 £250 £250 £250
Retaining walls Block M2 50 £250 £250 £250
Retaining walls Drystone M2 100 £300 £300 £300
Retaining walls Other M2 50 £250 £250 £250
Gates None No
Gates Metal No 25 £65 £65 £65
Gates Timber No 25 £95 £95 £95
Gates Other No 25 £110 £110 £110
Garage doors None No
Garage doors Wood No 25 £550 £550 £550
Garage doors Metal No 25 £400 £400 £400
Garage doors Other No 25 £400 £400 £400
Garage roof None M2
Garage roof Concrete M2 40 £40 £40 £40
Garage roof Clay M2 50 £50 £50 £50
Garage roof Slate M2 70 £50 £50 £50
Garage roof Asbestos M2 50 £52 £52 £52
Garage roof Non asbestos M2 50 £47 £47 £47
Garage roof Steel M2 50 £50 £50 £50
Garage roof Copper M2 50 £105 £105 £105
Garage roof Felt M2 15 £26 £26 £26
Garage roof Asphalt M2 20 £35 £35 £35
Garage walls None M2
Garage walls Brick M2 50 £63 £63 £63
Garage walls Block M2 50 £45 £45 £45
Garage walls Concrete M2 50 £94 £94 £94
Garage walls Render M2 25 £20 £20 £20
Garage walls Timber M2 30 £58 £58 £58
Garage walls Metal M2 30 £79 £79 £79
Underground Drainage Satisfactory Lm 60 £150 £150 £150
Underground Drainage Failed Lm 60 £150 £150 £150
Disabled grabrails Ext None Info only
Disabled grabrails Ext Yes Info only
Disabled ramps None Info only
Disabled ramps Yes Info only
Comm walkway structure None M2
Comm walkway structure Concrete M2 60 £80 £80 £80
Comm walkway structure Timber M2 60 £85 £85 £85
East Lothian Council
Schedule of Rates

Survey Element Sub Element Unit Life House Bungalow Flat

Comm walkway structure Metal M2 60 £85 £85 £85

Comm walkway structure Other M2 60 £95 £95 £95
Comm walkway finish None M2
Comm walkway finish Non slip M2 25 £35 £35 £35
Comm walkway finish Vinyl M2 20 £25 £25 £25
Comm walkway finish Tile M2 30 £35 £35 £35
Comm walkway finish Timber M2 30 £35 £35 £35
Comm walkway finish Asphalt M2 20 £60 £60 £60
Comm walkway finish Mixed M2 25 £40 £40 £40
Comm walkway finish Other M2 25 £40 £40 £40
Comm walkway rail/guard None Lm
Comm walkway rail/guard Timber Lm 40 £35 £35 £35
Comm walkway rail/guard Glass Lm 40 £100 £100 £100
Comm walkway rail/guard Brick Lm 40 £100 £100 £100
Comm walkway rail/guard Metal Lm 40 £50 £50 £50
Comm walkway rail/guard Other Lm 40 £35 £35 £35
Stairs finish None M2
Stairs finish Vinyl M2 10 £25 £25 £25
Stairs finish Non slip M2 25 £40 £40 £40
Stairs finish Concrete M2 30 £30 £30 £30
Stairs finish Tile M2 25 £20 £20 £20
Stairs finish Carpet M2 10 £25 £25 £25
Stairs finish Other M2 30 £35 £35 £35
Corridor finish None M2
Corridor finish Vinyl M2 10 £20 £20 £20
Corridor finish Non slip M2 25 £40 £40 £40
Corridor finish Concrete M2 30 £30 £30 £30
Corridor finish Tile M2 25 £20 £20 £20
Corridor finish Carpet M2 10 £25 £25 £25
Corridor finish Asphalt M2 20 £35 £35 £35
Corridor finish Mixed M2 25 £40 £40 £40
Corridor finish Other M2 30 £35 £35 £35
Comm doors None No
Comm doors Timber No 20 £650 £650 £650
Comm doors PVC No 20 £650 £650 £650
Comm doors Steel No 20 £1,500 £1,500 £1,500
Comm doors Other No 20 £650 £650 £650
Communal windows None No
Communal windows Single glazed No 30 £310 £310 £310
Communal windows Double No 30 £310 £310 £310
Lift None No
Lift Passenger No 20 £30,000 £30,000 £30,000
Safe communal stairwells Not applicable Info only
Safe communal stairwells No Info only 15
Safe communal stairwells Yes Info only
Safe lobbies/courts Not applicable Info only
Safe lobbies/courts No Info only 30
Safe lobbies/courts Yes Info only
Safe drying areas Not applicable Info only
Safe drying areas No Info only 30
Safe drying areas Yes Info only
Safe refuse chutes Not applicable Info only
Safe refuse chutes No Info only 20
Safe refuse chutes Yes Info only
Safe bin stores Not applicable Info only
Safe bin stores No Info only 20
Safe bin stores Yes Info only
Secure access to communal Not applicable Info only
Secure access to communal No Info only 30
Secure access to communal Yes Info only
Communal good/safe order Not applicable Info only
Communal good/safe order No Info only 30
Communal good/safe order Yes Info only
Walls structure garage None M2 0 £0 £0 £0
Walls structure garage Brick M2 60 £60 £60 £60
East Lothian Council
Schedule of Rates

Survey Element Sub Element Unit Life House Bungalow Flat

Walls structure garage Block M2 60 £30 £30 £30

Walls structure garage Concrete M2 60 £80 £80 £80
Walls structure garage Steel M2 60 £85 £85 £85
Walls structure garage Timber M2 50 £90 £90 £90
Walls structure garage Other M2 60 £95 £95 £95
Walls finish garage None M2 0 £0 £0 £0
Walls finish garage Pointed M2 30 £22 £22 £22
Walls finish garage Rendered M2 25 £26 £26 £26
Walls finish garage Tile hung M2 30 £30 £30 £30
Walls finish garage Timber shiplap M2 25 £26 £26 £26
Walls finish garage PVC shiplap M2 30 £10 £10 £10
Walls finish garage Metal panel M2 25 £24 £24 £24
Walls finish garage Concrete panel M2 25 £28 £28 £28
Walls finish garage Other M2 25 £35 £35 £35
Roof garage None M2 0 £0 £0 £0
Roof garage Clay M2 60 £25 £25 £25
Roof garage Concrete M2 60 £30 £30 £30
Roof garage Slate M2 80 £30 £30 £30
Roof garage Felt M2 15 £30 £30 £30
Roof garage Asphalt M2 20 £30 £30 £30
Roof garage Asbestos M2 20 £50 £50 £50
Roof garage Non asbestos M2 50 £45 £45 £45
Roof garage Steel M2 50 £45 £45 £45
Roof garage Copper M2 40 £55 £55 £55
Roof garage Other M2 50 £65 £65 £65
Fascia/soffit/barge garage None Lm 0 £0 £0 £0
Fascia/soffit/barge garage Wood Lm 30 £10 £10 £10
Fascia/soffit/barge garage PVC Lm 30 £17 £17 £17
Fascia/soffit/barge garage Asbestos Lm 30 £19 £19 £19
Fascia/soffit/barge garage Non asbestos Lm 30 £17 £17 £17
Fascia/soffit/barge garage Other Lm 30 £22 £22 £22
Rainwater goods garage None Lm 0 £0 £0 £0
Rainwater goods garage PVC Lm 20 £9 £9 £9
Rainwater goods garage Cast iron Lm 40 £36 £36 £36
Rainwater goods garage Aluminium Lm 40 £18 £18 £18
Rainwater goods garage Asbestos Lm 30 £24 £24 £24
Rainwater goods garage Concrete Lm 25 £35 £35 £35
Rainwater goods garage Other Lm 40 £38 £38 £38
Doors garage None No 0 £0 £0 £0
Doors garage Wood No 25 £390 £390 £390
Doors garage Metal No 25 £390 £390 £390
Doors garage Other No 25 £400 £400 £400
Hardstanding garage None M2 0 £0 £0 £0
Hardstanding garage Concrete M2 25 £58 £58 £58
Hardstanding garage Tarmac M2 25 £60 £60 £60
Hardstanding garage Brick M2 25 £70 £70 £70
Hardstanding garage Other M2 25 £50 £50 £50


East Lothian Council Appendices

Stock Condition Survey

1.1 Repairs and replacements have been costed on a “like for like” replacement basis, with
improvements and contingency works dealt with as a separate exercise where they do not
clearly form part of the repair process. In the event of remedial works requiring vacation of the
property, no allowance has been made in the costings for such relocation.

1.2 Savills have not undertaken structural surveys of the properties and have not inspected
woodwork or other parts of the structure, which were covered, unexposed or inaccessible. It is
therefore not possible to report that such parts are free from defects.

1.3 Inspections have not been made of flues, ducts, voids or any similarly enclosed areas, access
to which was not readily available at the time of our inspection and we are therefore unable to
report that such areas remain free from defect.

1.4 No specific inspection or specialist testing has been undertaken to establish whether high
alumina cement concrete, calcium chloride additives, woodwall slab permanent formwork
construction, asbestos or other deleterious materials are present within the construction.

1.5 No samples have been taken nor any analysis made of the sulphate content of the load
bearing sub-soil adjacent to the foundations.

1.6 No testing of electrical, mechanical, water, drainage, air conditioning, lifts or other services
have been undertaken by Savills.

1.7 Savills have not made any formal enquiries in respect of existing user rights, town planning
and road widening, legal interests, fire certificates, effluent agreements, party wall
agreements, prescriptive rights, easements, wayleaves, statutory consents or contaminated

1.8 We have not included in our calculations any costs or fees incurred which might arise from the
application of the Party Wall Act 1996.

1.9 We have not inspected areas of the property/structure which are covered, unexposed or
inaccessible and we are, therefore unable to report that any such part is free from asbestos.

East Lothian Council Appendices

Stock Condition Survey
1.10 For reasons set out in this report, the results cannot give an assurance that all asbestos
materials have been found and must not be thought to do so. During the course of the survey
all reasonable efforts were made to identify the physical presence of materials containing
asbestos within areas of the building which are subject to future refurbishment works.

1.11 It is known that asbestos materials are frequently concealed within the fabric of buildings or
within sealed building voids so that it is not possible to regard the findings of any survey as
being definitive. It must always remain a possibility that further asbestos containing materials
may be found during refurbishment or demolition activities.

1.12 This type of survey does not include for the accessing of cavity wall voids, ceiling voids, risers,
ducts or concealed spaces in the fabric of the building, where access would require the use of
specialist equipment or tools, or where inspection would cause damage to redecoration,
fixtures, fittings or the structure of the building. Areas will not be inspected which require the
removal or relocation of carpets, furniture, fixtures or fittings unless specifically requested by
the Client.

East Lothian Council Appendices

Stock Condition Survey


East Lothian Council Appendices

Stock Condition Survey
XXXX_EE Report House Ltd cover AW 28/9/05 11:19 Page 1

report for the housing stock
of East Lothian Council

Section Description

1.0 Executive summary

2.0 Introduction

3.0 The measures of performance


A Individual national home energy ratings

Powergen National Home Energy Rating

Executive summary
This report details the energy efficiency of a sample of the housing stock of East Lothian

The report has been produced using the National Home Energy Rating Scheme (NHER). This
measures the energy efficiency of a home on a scale of 0-10. A house scoring 0 would have
very high running costs and very low levels of insulation. A house scoring 10 would be built
to Scandinavian levels of insulation with a very efficient heating system and very low running
costs. The average score of a house in the UK is approximately 5.0 . A house built to 1995
building regulations would score around 7.0.

A sample of two thousand and eighty seven properties of the housing stock was surveyed by
Savills Commercial Limited. The information was subsequently entered into the ProBase
Database Management System. This is a system, which holds a unique record for every
individual property yet enables you to look at the energy efficiency of large numbers of
properties all at once.

Through the continued use of the ProBase Database Management System and utilising the
information contained in this report, East Lothian Council will be able to look at the
effectiveness of various improvement options and aid in the planning of maintenance
programs by applying measures where they are most needed and prove most cost effective.

It is essential that an energy policy is developed in order to set targets and to set out how
those targets are going to be achieved. It is recognised that the commissioning of this report
is a step in the right direction.

The surveys were carried out to NHER enhanced level 0. This is the most basic level of survey
and includes floor areas.

The average values stated in this report for the NHER, Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP)
and Building Energy Performance Index (BEPI) are calculated from the raw data for the
individual properties and have not been rounded down.

The results show that the housing stock has an average NHER of 6.1; which is higher than
the Social Housing average of 6.0. The average SAP rating of the stock is 63.0; this is higher
than the national average of 51.

Powergen National Home Energy Rating

This report details the energy efficiency of East Lothian Council's housing stock.

The National Home Energy Rating is the country's leading provider of energy labels. The
scheme is administered by National Energy Services Limited, part of the National
Energy Foundation, an educational charity dedicated to the promotion of energy

Most of the country's Local Authorities and Social Housing Providers are members of
the scheme and it is the biggest provider of energy labels in the social housing sector.

The survey data was then entered into the ProBase Database Management System.
This allows all the energy information on the surveyed properties to be stored. There is
a unique record for every property.

Once 2087 of the housing stock records were complete, the files were processed in
order to create an energy rating for each property. The ratings produced were NHER,
BEPI, SAP and Carbon Dioxide.

Powergen National Home Energy Rating

The measures of performance
National Home Energy Rating (NHER)

The NHER is a score of a homes energy efficiency on a scale of 0 to 10. The rating is based on
total running costs per square metre of floor area under standard occupancy conditions.

A home scoring 0 would be very energy inefficient and consequently very expensive to run. A
home scoring 10 is very efficient and cheap to run. Most homes in the UK score about 5.0; while a
house built to current building regulations would score between 8 and 9 on the scale. The average
of East Lothian Council's properties is 6.1.

Building Energy Performance Index (BEPI)

The BEPI is a measure of the performance of the fabric of the building, independent of the
heating system. It's based upon the calculation used in the energy target method of meeting the
1995 Building Regulations.

A score of approximately 120 means that the insulation in the building will meet the requirements
of the 1995 Building Regulations.

A score of 150 means that the insulation in the house is 25% better than the 1995 Regulations.
The average BEPI of the housing stock is 94.1.

Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP)

The SAP is the Government's preferred energy rating initially introduced as a way to compare
different energy labels being delivered within the UK.

The SAP is a subset of the NHER and uses simplified versions of the same algorithms. The
simplifications have been made so it conforms to the requirements of the Building Regulations.

The main differences between the SAP and the NHER are that the SAP is independent
of location and does not take into account energy used by lights and appliances.

The average SAP for the housing stock is 63.0, which is higher than the national average of 51.

CO2 emissions

The CO2 emissions are those calculated for the fuel used in the dwelling under standard
occupancy conditions.

The calculated emissions include upstream effects associated with fuel conversion, refining
and delivery.

Powergen National Home Energy Rating

Appendix A

Individual national home energy rating

Powergen National Home Energy Rating

East Lothian Council 1
Results 2005

UPRN Address NHER SAP BEPI TonnesCO2 TotalRunningCost

340020001 1 Albert Place 6.0 61 73 4.3 £492.55
030010001 1 Ash Grove 7.0 67 99 5.0 £583.27
010600001 1 Auction Mart 6.6 79 120 3.2 £388.01
060060001 1 Burnside 5.5 54 75 8.5 £911.47
230010001 1 Buxley Road 1.7 31 74 7.4 £769.81
280010001 1 Clark Buildings 4.9 54 70 7.1 £740.71
060640001 1 Cuthill 7.2 70 99 3.2 £425.82
010140001 1 Davidson Terrace 6.2 64 91 4.0 £461.81
330320001 1 Eskview Terrace 3.6 41 108 6.6 £825.36
050090001 1 Gosford Walk 5.4 58 89 4.5 £539.28
220050001 1 Gylers Road 5.8 58 73 6.1 £668.03
250020001 1 Hamilton Crescent 5.4 57 74 4.7 £521.86
330510001 1 Lewisvale Avenue 5.1 53 71 6.8 £722.38
330680001 1 Mayfield Place 6.4 62 107 6.6 £719.28
070730001 1 Muirpark Wynd 5.8 62 88 4.9 £535.18
060290001 1 New Street 6.7 66 66 3.1 £395.84
070530001 1 Northfield 7.5 73 104 3.4 £424.28
070560001 1 Ormiston Avenue 6.1 62 90 4.5 £506.52
240020001 1 Park Crescent 3.8 50 102 9.0 £784.76
060430001 1 Preston Crescent 6.9 65 97 5.7 £641.45
210060001 1 Rig Street 5.7 58 73 4.9 £532.81
030400001 1 Warrender Crescent 6.2 63 100 5.1 £558.83
260100001 1 Wemyss Place 2.4 44 86 5.9 £594.79
060600001 1 West Loan 6.2 62 74 4.3 £485.71
270070001 1 Westbank Gardens 2.2 39 94 5.8 £644.74
050220001 1 Winton Court 3.0 42 99 8.0 £791.62
060620001 1 Woodbine Gardens 4.6 53 69 4.9 £528.23
340010010 10 Albert Crescent 6.9 67 90 5.0 £589.42
270010010 10 Brierbush Crescent 2.3 30 112 12.4 £998.16
060060010 10 Burnside 8.8 83 124 3.1 £417.05
070060010 10 Caesar Way 6.1 64 73 3.9 £455.55
010100010 10 Carlyle Gardens 8.5 83 119 2.6 £376.31
220020010 10 Chapelhill 5.3 56 74 4.5 £548.22
040030010 10 Dundas Road 6.3 66 108 3.2 £412.20
330240010 10 Edenhall Road 6.6 67 87 3.0 £367.24
070160010 10 Elphinstone Road 4.2 47 73 9.3 £873.11
030330010 10 Floors Terrace 3.5 46 79 5.4 £619.45
070220010 10 Foresters View 6.5 66 85 4.8 £533.30
260040010 10 Forthview Road 7.4 70 111 4.5 £547.38
330370010 10 Galt Road 4.8 50 59 7.2 £748.28
250010010 10 Garleton Court 4.7 56 70 4.3 £463.56
050080010 10 Golf Drive 7.9 74 114 4.8 £573.58
250020010 10 Hamilton Crescent 5.4 57 74 4.7 £521.86
050110010 10 Inglis Avenue 6.1 62 73 4.2 £485.56
070370010 10 Kingslaw Court 6.9 68 103 5.0 £589.99
310050010 10 Kirk Brae 2.0 32 74 8.0 £820.09
070380010 10 Lammerview 1.6 24 71 15.0 £1,168.43
330510010 10 Lewisvale Avenue 4.6 50 69 6.2 £696.71
330550010 10 Links View 7.0 66 90 5.0 £628.89
060250010 10 McLeod Crescent 5.9 60 74 4.2 £517.42
070430010 10 McPhail Square 7.1 69 106 4.1 £475.89
070460010 10 Morrison Avenue 4.8 51 71 6.8 £784.36
250070010 10 Muirfield Drive 5.7 56 75 7.8 £815.88
070500010 10 Muirpark Terrace 5.2 57 74 4.9 £532.68
070730010 10 Muirpark Wynd 7.0 71 112 4.1 £475.05
060280010 10 Nethershot Road 6.1 61 75 4.7 £522.61
030190010 10 Pine Street 3.1 43 91 7.5 £833.43
330860010 10 Pinkie Drive 8.3 78 118 3.5 £432.92
010440010 10 Priory Walk 7.0 68 96 7.2 £838.64
210060010 10 Rig Street 7.3 68 104 4.5 £508.19
060530010 10 Robertson Avenue 5.0 50 69 7.3 £838.63
270050010 10 Robins Neuk 4.4 55 107 6.5 £678.84
050190010 10 South Seton Park 6.7 65 105 5.5 £629.08
240040010 10 Station Road 1.5 26 76 11.0 £872.22
030240010 10 Summerfield Road 6.3 64 89 4.2 £479.22
060580010 10 Summerlee 7.1 69 101 4.9 £580.79
East Lothian Council 2
Results 2005

UPRN Address NHER SAP BEPI TonnesCO2 TotalRunningCost

280160010 10 Tynemount Avenue 7.0 68 104 5.6 £635.30
240060010 10 Walden Place 3.3 41 121 10.9 £915.78
331120010 10 Windsor Park Terrace 7.8 74 117 4.1 £474.05
060200100 100 High Street 5.3 55 69 7.3 £767.37
030170100 100 Lammermuir Crescent 7.6 73 106 3.7 £445.49
070490100 100 Muirpark Road 6.4 65 98 4.5 £506.06
350120100 100 Whitecraig Road 6.7 64 81 4.7 £521.17
030170101 101 Lammermuir Crescent 5.0 58 123 4.6 £551.34
010010102 102 Abbot's View 5.4 55 74 8.6 £924.51
070120102 102 Coalgate Avenue 7.0 69 94 5.5 £630.94
060200102 102 High Street 7.5 72 107 5.1 £600.93
070390102 102 Lindores Drive 7.7 73 108 4.5 £549.73
330600102 102 Macbeth Moir Road 7.2 67 86 5.5 £628.87
340140102 102 Salters Road 6.5 67 93 6.2 £489.05
270020103 103 Brierbush Road 5.0 57 98 7.7 £562.08
060220104 104 Inchview North 6.5 66 89 5.1 £557.28
340140104 104 Salters Road 7.9 75 93 3.9 £464.08
040020105 105 Lochbridge Road 8.2 78 116 3.1 £400.30
280110105 105 Moffat Road 7.4 74 122 4.8 £570.90
330290106 106 Eskview Crescent 5.7 59 73 4.3 £521.77
340140106 106 Salters Road 6.2 63 72 3.8 £452.88
330600106D 106D Macbeth Moir Road 9.1 88 127 3.2 £453.78
010010107 107 Abbot's View 5.5 55 74 8.6 £921.82
040020107 107 Lochbridge Road 8.5 81 120 2.9 £388.31
060340107 107 North Grange Avenue 7.1 67 105 5.5 £629.53
060410107 107 Polwarth Terrace 5.4 57 74 4.7 £520.17
040040108 108 Craigleith Avenue 7.0 67 105 5.7 £643.84
070530108 108 Northfield 8.2 79 113 3.0 £396.47
060410108 108 Polwarth Terrace 5.5 57 77 5.1 £555.28
050100108C 108C High Street 2.0 40 56 4.5 £511.17
040020109 109 Lochbridge Road 7.6 72 111 4.5 £552.70
330720010B 10B Moir Crescent 8.1 77 113 3.4 £422.61
330400010D 10D Goose Green Crescent 8.7 82 115 2.8 £380.42
330720010E 10E Moir Crescent 9.0 87 120 2.9 £385.82
010020011 11 Aberlady Road 6.2 64 91 4.0 £461.81
010600011 11 Auction Mart 2.0 40 80 6.9 £671.78
050010011 11 Bayview 4.8 58 103 3.8 £493.77
070080011 11 Caponhall Drive 6.0 62 95 5.6 £676.83
050030011 11 Castle Road 3.0 45 73 4.7 £561.25
060640011 11 Cuthill 5.9 68 122 2.9 £423.42
020040011 11 Drylaw Gardens 6.1 62 78 4.3 £487.48
040070011 11 Eastfield Road 7.8 73 112 4.4 £541.53
330280011 11 Eskview Avenue 6.5 62 80 5.7 £643.49
070180011 11 Fa'side Avenue 5.1 56 68 6.0 £626.15
070190011 11 Fa'side Crescent 7.8 76 118 3.9 £465.58
070280011 11 Harkness Crescent 7.6 75 106 3.3 £434.60
060200011 11 High Street 5.1 54 65 5.9 £611.52
310050011 11 Kirk Brae 1.9 31 73 8.1 £834.53
060240011 11 Longdykes Road 6.4 64 88 4.9 £541.42
310060011 11 Manse View 1.3 24 71 11.4 £893.37
060260011 11 Middleshot Square 8.0 75 118 4.2 £527.69
070580011 11 Ormiston Crescent West 8.1 78 114 3.5 £427.55
050150011 11 Osborne Terrace 7.9 75 121 4.8 £579.18
260090011 11 Parkview 5.3 52 72 7.5 £858.46
060430011 11 Preston Crescent 7.8 74 116 4.8 £574.25
060650011 11 Sir Walter Scott Pend 6.0 69 124 2.8 £416.91
030700011 11 Springfield 5.1 55 73 5.3 £561.99
330960011 11 Stoneybank Crescent 2.9 39 78 7.1 £759.16
280170011 11 Tynemount Road 5.8 62 95 4.4 £500.02
331080011 11 Whitehill Gardens 1.9 38 86 5.4 £578.06
040160011 11 Wishart Avenue 7.4 72 104 4.2 £489.10
330600110D 110D Macbeth Moir Road 8.9 85 125 3.4 £463.33
330600110E 110E Macbeth Moir Road 7.9 74 101 4.1 £519.44
060120111 111 Gardiner Road 8.1 76 122 4.1 £522.87
060310112 112 North Bank Road 7.8 74 118 4.3 £538.68
350120112 112 Whitecraig Road 6.7 64 81 4.7 £521.17
East Lothian Council 3
Results 2005

UPRN Address NHER SAP BEPI TonnesCO2 TotalRunningCost

350070113 113 Whitecraig Avenue 1.8 25 76 11.0 £871.61
060120117 117 Gardiner Road 7.7 71 112 5.0 £594.73
040020117 117 Lochbridge Road 8.6 82 125 2.9 £384.22
060430117 117 Preston Crescent 7.8 72 116 4.9 £588.68
060310118 118 North Bank Road 8.2 77 126 4.0 £515.48
060220119 119 Inchview North 2.8 40 89 7.5 £792.44
040020119 119 Lochbridge Road 4.5 56 116 4.1 £511.76
060340119 119 North Grange Avenue 7.7 73 118 4.9 £588.48
330490011A 11A Kilwinning Terrace 7.0 68 85 4.1 £475.94
330540011A 11A Links Avenue 6.4 62 78 5.3 £609.94
330490011D 11D Kilwinning Terrace 7.7 73 89 3.7 £444.24
070010012 12 Annfield 4.9 55 85 4.7 £560.67
330030012 12 Ashgrove View 5.3 52 74 8.1 £960.26
010600012 12 Auction Mart 6.0 75 114 3.4 £403.33
070020012 12 Balfour Square 4.0 48 65 6.3 £640.85
050010012 12 Bayview 4.3 54 102 4.2 £521.86
030670012 12 Brunt Court 5.8 61 90 4.7 £521.13
070050012 12 Caesar Road 5.7 61 73 3.9 £486.80
330110012 12 Campie Gardens 1.8 30 69 8.6 £874.80
070080012 12 Caponhall Drive 6.5 65 91 6.1 £673.34
050020012 12 Castle Avenue 5.4 54 69 7.3 £763.08
050050012 12 Castle Walk 6.0 58 73 7.3 £768.68
330150012 12 Cottage Lane 5.0 54 69 6.2 £635.65
040180012 12 Couper Avenue 6.1 62 103 4.9 £579.23
060640012 12 Cuthill 4.7 60 118 3.5 £468.33
030730012 12 Forth View 6.7 65 103 5.9 £658.06
060110012 12 Gardiner Crescent 5.2 52 72 7.1 £819.92
050110012 12 Inglis Avenue 7.0 68 78 3.7 £447.91
050120012 12 Johnston Terrace 8.3 80 129 3.9 £506.80
050130012 12 Kay Gardens 4.9 51 66 7.1 £744.29
310050012 12 Kirk Brae 1.8 25 76 11.8 £929.24
010330012 12 Lammermuir Crescent 2.0 29 75 13.9 £1,408.66
010340012 12 Langriggs 7.3 71 114 4.4 £572.94
010350012 12 Lennox Road 7.3 71 105 3.6 £465.15
040020012 12 Lochbridge Road 6.0 61 93 4.1 £505.97
060240012 12 Longdykes Road 7.7 71 113 4.4 £545.16
330600012 12 Macbeth Moir Road 2.1 32 61 10.1 £957.08
020110012 12 McCall Gardens 6.8 66 88 5.2 £601.22
070430012 12 McPhail Square 7.0 68 106 4.1 £479.14
060340012 12 North Grange Avenue 6.3 62 90 4.3 £487.96
070530012 12 Northfield 8.1 78 113 3.1 £398.25
070570012 12 Ormiston Crescent East 8.1 78 120 3.7 £443.89
060410012 12 Polwarth Terrace 5.5 57 77 5.1 £555.28
030210012 12 Poplar Street 7.3 70 108 4.2 £486.97
010440012 12 Priory Walk 6.9 68 107 5.6 £639.95
330910012 12 Ravensheugh Crescent 5.1 53 66 6.3 £645.48
210050012 12 Rig Place 5.3 55 65 5.7 £595.72
030310012 12 Rigg Park 3.6 49 108 5.6 £635.35
060520012 12 Rigley Terrace 6.6 65 92 4.3 £494.26
210070012 12 School Road 6.0 58 73 6.6 £709.23
060650012 12 Sir Walter Scott Pend 6.2 70 130 2.7 £410.13
030680012 12 Springfield Terrace 4.8 52 68 6.0 £682.63
340150012 12 St Clements Crescent 8.3 79 115 3.6 £442.40
030720012 12 Stenton Road 5.8 59 80 5.7 £603.28
070660012 12 Stiel Grove 3.2 44 92 7.3 £819.71
331010012 12 Stoneybank Place 7.2 69 79 3.7 £444.57
331020012 12 Stoneybank Road 6.5 63 78 5.0 £548.35
030240012 12 Summerfield Road 6.6 66 93 4.0 £467.97
070300012 12 The Heugh 3.3 39 106 10.0 £849.22
350060012 12 The Lane 4.8 50 61 7.4 £762.17
060680012 12 The Pottery High Street 8.2 78 117 3.0 £407.19
260070012 12 Wemyss Road 5.2 55 68 5.3 £570.21
060220120 120 Inchview North 6.6 67 89 4.8 £529.93
040020120 120 Lochbridge Road 3.6 45 99 6.7 £775.04
060220121 121 Inchview North 6.4 64 89 4.9 £538.80
060340121 121 North Grange Avenue 5.5 57 104 8.9 £674.48
East Lothian Council 4
Results 2005

UPRN Address NHER SAP BEPI TonnesCO2 TotalRunningCost

060430121 121 Preston Crescent 8.3 78 128 4.7 £574.95
050190122 122 South Seton Park 7.6 74 119 4.7 £568.57
330620123A 123A Inveresk Road 4.7 69 85 4.2 £445.02
330620123B 123B Inveresk Road 4.4 66 82 4.4 £457.70
330620123C 123C Inveresk Road 5.5 74 94 4.1 £444.83
330620123F 123F Inveresk Road 4.7 69 85 4.2 £445.02
330620123G 123G Inveresk Road 4.7 69 85 4.2 £445.02
330620123H 123H Inveresk Road 4.7 69 85 4.2 £445.02
280110125 125 Moffat Road 3.4 50 106 7.8 £782.79
330620125E 125E Inveresk Road 7.0 87 107 3.2 £389.88
330620125I 125I Inveresk Road 6.1 80 91 3.3 £394.07
330620127A 127A Inveresk Road 6.1 80 91 3.3 £394.07
330620127B 127B Inveresk Road 6.1 80 91 3.3 £394.07
330620127C 127C Inveresk Road 6.1 80 91 3.3 £394.07
330620127D 127D Inveresk Road 6.1 80 91 3.3 £394.07
330620127E 127E Inveresk Road 6.1 80 91 3.3 £394.07
330620127F 127F Inveresk Road 6.1 80 91 3.3 £394.07
330620127H 127H Inveresk Road 6.1 80 91 3.3 £394.07
060410128 128 Polwarth Terrace 5.4 57 74 4.7 £520.17
270020129 129 Brierbush Road 6.3 62 96 4.8 £563.88
280110129 129 Moffat Road 7.4 73 122 4.8 £574.92
330620129D 129D Inveresk Road 5.1 72 81 3.9 £427.62
330620129E 129E Inveresk Road 5.1 72 81 3.9 £427.62
330620129G 129G Inveresk Road 5.1 72 81 3.9 £427.62
330620129H 129H Inveresk Road 5.1 72 81 3.9 £427.62
330090012A 12A Bush Street 5.9 60 74 4.3 £521.57
330550012A 12A Links View 8.4 80 98 4.1 £522.13
330720012B 12B Moir Crescent 8.1 77 113 3.4 £422.61
330330012C 12C Fishers Wynd 7.7 71 99 4.7 £564.96
330720012C 12C Moir Crescent 9.4 92 131 2.6 £367.69
330330012D 12D Fishers Wynd 8.1 76 115 4.3 £537.83
330720012F 12F Moir Crescent 8.7 84 119 3.0 £396.45
060010013 13 Acheson Drive 7.9 74 112 4.2 £530.92
030350013 13 Ashfield Court 5.8 58 95 6.9 £800.61
010600013 13 Auction Mart 6.8 80 121 3.1 £382.84
010050013 13 Baird Terrace 6.4 64 94 4.4 £496.22
010080013 13 Briery Bank 7.3 69 102 5.4 £621.24
230020013 13 Cinderhall Place 3.5 49 120 5.8 £654.17
330200013 13 Delta Gardens 7.1 67 84 4.9 £580.92
060090013 13 Drummore Drive 8.4 81 127 3.9 £502.22
330310013 13 Eskview Road 6.3 62 75 4.6 £513.52
070190013 13 Fa'side Crescent 7.7 75 116 4.0 £468.27
340090013 13 Forthview Crescent 6.4 64 88 5.5 £623.41
330410013 13 Goose Green Place 6.8 65 99 4.9 £618.41
250020013 13 Hamilton Crescent 1.9 33 74 6.9 £734.53
250030013 13 Hamilton Road 5.0 54 74 4.7 £565.57
010240013 13 Hawthornbank Road 6.4 64 94 4.4 £496.22
070290013 13 Henderson Gardens 6.9 69 90 4.5 £506.53
070360013 13 Kings Road 5.1 55 64 5.5 £583.10
070370013 13 Kingslaw Court 7.8 76 120 4.4 £538.97
060230013 13 Kirk Street 5.4 57 74 4.7 £520.17
010340013 13 Langriggs 7.3 71 114 4.4 £572.94
330510013 13 Lewisvale Avenue 6.5 64 90 5.4 £617.72
330520013 13 Lewisvale Court 6.4 64 88 5.5 £623.25
070390013 13 Lindores Drive 7.8 75 108 4.4 £541.89
210040013 13 Luffness Court 4.9 55 74 5.1 £547.45
010390013 13 Monkrigg Place 6.9 67 106 6.2 £694.24
250060013 13 Muirfield Crescent 7.0 69 93 3.4 £423.51
060300013 13 Nimmo Avenue 6.8 66 90 4.3 £490.86
060310013 13 North Bank Road 7.7 73 111 4.4 £544.11
060350013 13 North Grange Grove 6.8 66 98 4.3 £490.94
331140013 13 North High Street 6.4 79 116 4.0 £439.59
330910013 13 Ravensheugh Crescent 5.4 56 70 6.0 £621.91
060540013 13 Rope Walk 6.4 63 76 4.5 £505.76
030220013 13 Rowan Street 3.3 39 106 9.9 £846.99
060550013 13 Schaw Road 7.2 68 105 5.4 £620.40
East Lothian Council 5
Results 2005

UPRN Address NHER SAP BEPI TonnesCO2 TotalRunningCost

340160013 13 St Clements Gardens North 7.1 67 80 4.5 £510.40
340170013 13 St Clements Gardens South 7.8 73 107 4.0 £472.23
240040013 13 Station Road 3.3 48 98 6.5 £647.67
330950013 13 Stoneybank Avenue 6.5 63 78 5.0 £548.35
331000013 13 Stoneybank Grove 5.9 60 74 4.2 £517.42
060600013 13 West Loan 5.9 60 74 4.2 £517.42
331080013 13 Whitehill Gardens 6.4 66 108 3.2 £406.90
040020130 130 Lochbridge Road 4.1 53 97 4.3 £532.23
040020132 132 Lochbridge Road 8.2 78 116 3.1 £400.30
070530132 132 Northfield 8.1 78 115 3.9 £502.81
050190132 132 South Seton Park 7.3 70 113 4.4 £504.27
330440133 133 Inveresk Road 6.0 61 94 4.7 £525.45
280110133 133 Moffat Road 7.0 70 106 5.1 £594.90
350070133 133 Whitecraig Avenue 6.6 64 79 4.3 £491.82
330670135 135 Mayfield Crescent 6.7 64 102 6.1 £680.43
060410138 138 Polwarth Terrace 5.5 57 77 5.1 £555.28
040020139 139 Lochbridge Road 3.1 41 99 7.1 £867.82
330440139A 139A Inveresk Road 6.7 65 88 4.0 £503.43
330440139B 139B Inveresk Road 6.7 65 88 4.0 £503.43
010460013A 13A Riverside Drive 7.4 71 74 3.8 £455.42
331040013A 13A South Street 6.4 64 74 4.1 £476.05
330980013A 13A Stoneybank Gardens North 6.4 61 80 5.8 £649.05
331040013B 13B South Street 3.3 46 84 5.2 £599.33
330980013C 13C Stoneybank Gardens North 6.7 63 82 5.2 £648.19
330710013D 13D Moir Avenue 8.9 85 125 3.4 £463.33
340010014 14 Albert Crescent 5.1 50 64 8.8 £885.94
010050014 14 Baird Terrace 6.0 61 94 4.4 £533.79
270010014 14 Brierbush Crescent 4.5 58 112 6.3 £665.08
230010014 14 Buxley Road 1.7 27 77 11.4 £899.23
030090014 14 Countess Road 6.9 67 103 5.2 £599.49
350040014 14 Deantown Drive 6.7 64 81 4.7 £521.11
040010014 14 Dunbar Road 5.5 60 94 4.0 £499.94
030690014 14 Edinburgh Road 5.0 54 68 6.1 £627.40
260110014 14 Elcho Court 5.5 59 92 4.4 £533.92
040080014 14 Gilbert Avenue 7.8 75 94 3.0 £394.18
300020014 14 Glebe Crescent 2.3 33 73 9.0 £945.78
040050014 14 Glenburn Road 6.9 67 103 5.1 £590.35
010260014 14 Herdmanflatt 7.2 72 119 4.8 £571.86
010300014 14 Hopetoun Drive 7.6 74 113 4.3 £491.99
070310014 14 Hungerage Square 6.9 68 104 5.1 £591.07
290020014 14 Huntlaw Road 6.7 67 99 5.3 £605.93
330490014 14 Kilwinning Terrace 6.8 65 88 4.7 £599.20
070740014 14 Lammermoor Terrace 7.4 71 79 4.1 £482.46
040020014 14 Lochbridge Road 6.5 65 95 4.0 £468.42
210040014 14 Luffness Court 6.2 64 89 4.2 £481.40
220100014 14 Maxwell Road 7.1 70 105 5.4 £625.71
330670014 14 Mayfield Crescent 6.7 64 105 6.1 £679.00
070410014 14 McNeill Walk 6.8 67 104 5.7 £646.75
070430014 14 McPhail Square 5.6 58 79 5.1 £551.25
280080014 14 Meadowbank 5.1 55 71 6.8 £722.88
040100014 14 Melbourne Road 5.8 57 77 9.4 £1,003.29
330710014 14 Moir Avenue 5.6 55 66 7.1 £754.12
010380014 14 Monkmains Road 5.2 58 89 4.3 £528.02
060350014 14 North Grange Grove 7.8 74 111 3.7 £446.96
060360014 14 North Grange Road 7.6 72 102 3.8 £456.94
070570014 14 Ormiston Crescent East 8.8 85 124 3.2 £412.76
060420014 14 Preston Avenue 8.1 77 123 4.6 £561.90
060480014 14 Preston Terrace 7.9 75 116 4.7 £570.91
210060014 14 Rig Street 7.5 72 99 3.8 £454.03
060530014 14 Robertson Avenue 5.4 54 69 7.4 £774.14
270050014 14 Robins Neuk 3.6 41 108 10.6 £901.53
070630014 14 Ross Crescent 7.5 73 104 3.5 £428.66
010480014 14 Seggarsdean Crescent 6.4 64 110 5.3 £647.07
060560014 14 South Grange Avenue 2.6 38 90 6.2 £677.53
030680014 14 Springfield Terrace 5.0 54 68 6.1 £627.40
280130014 14 Sprinty Avenue 1.9 39 92 6.2 £671.89
East Lothian Council 6
Results 2005

UPRN Address NHER SAP BEPI TonnesCO2 TotalRunningCost

340150014 14 St Clements Crescent 7.1 67 80 4.5 £510.40
340160014 14 St Clements Gardens North 7.1 67 80 4.5 £510.40
340170014 14 St Clements Gardens South 8.3 79 115 3.6 £442.40
070660014 14 Stiel Grove 6.7 67 90 5.2 £601.76
330940014 14 Stoneyhill Rise 6.7 68 110 3.7 £473.32
030270014 14 Victoria Street 6.2 64 80 4.9 £539.46
060600014 14 West Loan 7.7 73 106 3.7 £446.71
050210014 14 Whin Park 6.1 61 75 4.7 £522.66
070690014 14 Windygoul Crescent 6.5 65 99 5.5 £624.85
070700014 14 Young Avenue 5.1 56 68 6.0 £626.15
330440140A 140A Inveresk Road 4.2 55 115 3.7 £487.32
330440140D 140D Inveresk Road 5.7 62 125 4.0 £511.33
330440141A 141A Inveresk Road 6.7 65 88 4.0 £503.43
330440141B 141B Inveresk Road 6.7 65 88 4.0 £503.43
330440141C 141C Inveresk Road 8.0 76 101 3.5 £428.32
330440141D 141D Inveresk Road 7.6 72 98 3.5 £456.83
330440143 143 Inveresk Road 5.1 56 84 4.6 £550.78
270020144 144 Brierbush Road 6.7 66 104 5.0 £624.17
330440145A 145A Inveresk Road 6.7 65 88 4.0 £503.43
330440145C 145C Inveresk Road 7.7 73 101 3.5 £451.99
270020146 146 Brierbush Road 7.6 74 121 4.3 £563.29
070530146 146 Northfield 7.6 74 104 3.4 £421.97
350070149 149 Whitecraig Avenue 6.9 66 79 4.1 £477.73
330720014A 14A Moir Crescent 8.2 77 113 3.4 £422.30
330720014D 14D Moir Crescent 9.4 92 131 2.6 £367.69
330650014E 14E Market Street 8.1 77 99 3.7 £446.80
060010015 15 Acheson Drive 7.9 74 112 4.2 £530.92
030070015 15 Cedar Street 5.5 57 75 7.1 £751.79
220020015 15 Chapelhill 5.7 59 74 4.5 £507.51
260020015 15 Churchway 6.9 66 106 5.7 £643.37
350030015 15 Deantown Avenue 4.4 47 97 12.4 £859.48
030100015 15 Doon Avenue 7.8 74 107 3.9 £465.03
060090015 15 Drummore Drive 8.3 78 119 4.0 £510.49
020040015 15 Drylaw Gardens 7.2 68 98 3.6 £441.43
030730015 15 Forth View 6.7 66 101 5.2 £601.96
340100015 15 Forthview Drive 3.4 44 91 7.2 £814.78
040050015 15 Glenburn Road 7.6 73 104 3.4 £424.77
330410015 15 Goose Green Place 6.8 65 99 4.9 £618.41
020060015 15 Hardie Terrace 7.2 69 79 4.0 £465.87
070280015 15 Harkness Crescent 7.6 75 106 3.2 £434.28
340120015 15 Inchview Crescent 5.1 53 71 6.8 £722.47
260050015 15 John Knox Road 3.4 48 95 6.0 £605.75
310050015 15 Kirk Brae 1.8 28 78 11.0 £875.86
010350015 15 Lennox Road 3.0 35 102 12.7 £1,039.68
330510015 15 Lewisvale Avenue 5.1 53 71 6.8 £722.38
280060015 15 Limeylands Crescent 1.6 27 78 11.7 £917.66
070390015 15 Lindores Drive 8.1 78 116 4.1 £520.97
280240015 15 Linlithgow Terrace 2.5 40 86 9.9 £658.15
310060015 15 Manse View 1.7 31 71 7.4 £769.08
010380015 15 Monkmains Road 6.3 66 101 3.9 £455.35
030190015 15 Pine Street 6.7 67 91 5.3 £606.13
030310015 15 Rigg Park 4.2 53 117 5.0 £588.62
070610015 15 Robertson Avenue 8.7 84 122 3.0 £398.41
070650015 15 Seton Court 5.8 61 93 5.0 £586.58
060650015 15 Sir Walter Scott Pend 4.2 56 107 3.7 £487.32
340160015 15 St Clements Gardens North 6.1 60 78 5.0 £589.74
000030253 15 The Paddock 7.2 78 129 4.4 £521.10
060680015 15 The Pottery High Street 6.7 66 105 5.2 £602.94
240060015 15 Walden Place 2.5 38 112 8.5 £706.85
030320015 15 Wingate Crescent 2.4 38 76 7.3 £770.40
070700015 15 Young Avenue 5.1 56 69 6.0 £623.42
070530150 150 Northfield 7.6 74 104 3.4 £421.97
330820151G 151G North High Street 8.3 79 97 2.6 £339.18
270020152 152 Brierbush Road 6.4 63 97 5.8 £700.53
050190152 152 South Seton Park 6.7 65 103 5.5 £630.44
270020158 158 Brierbush Road 6.4 63 95 5.3 £648.01
East Lothian Council 7
Results 2005

UPRN Address NHER SAP BEPI TonnesCO2 TotalRunningCost

070530158 158 Northfield 7.6 72 107 4.3 £533.44
350070159 159 Whitecraig Avenue 6.6 64 79 4.3 £491.82
010170015A 15A Florabank Road 3.5 50 103 4.4 £534.18
330710015A 15A Moir Avenue 8.8 84 124 3.4 £467.32
010100015B 15B Carlyle Gardens 7.5 74 103 3.0 £413.44
330980015B 15B Stoneybank Gardens North 6.5 62 80 5.7 £643.38
060010016 16 Acheson Drive 7.0 69 97 3.8 £453.04
020010016 16 Braeview 1.1 30 67 6.6 £677.83
010080016 16 Briery Bank 7.3 69 102 5.4 £621.24
350010016 16 Carberry Court 5.8 57 91 6.9 £803.90
070110016 16 Civic Square 7.9 75 80 3.6 £436.88
330170016 16 Delta Avenue 5.2 53 61 6.7 £713.38
060090016 16 Drummore Drive 7.6 71 102 5.1 £600.49
330240016 16 Edenhall Road 6.5 67 87 3.0 £367.95
330290016 16 Eskview Crescent 8.2 78 114 3.6 £439.53
030330016 16 Floors Terrace 4.2 58 91 3.4 £419.15
040080016 16 Gilbert Avenue 7.6 73 103 3.1 £401.75
250020016 16 Hamilton Crescent 2.2 36 74 6.7 £704.60
070280016 16 Harkness Crescent 8.4 82 114 2.9 £400.24
030140016 16 Hazel Court 3.7 40 111 11.9 £996.25
070290016 16 Henderson Gardens 5.8 57 77 7.6 £797.09
010300016 16 Hopetoun Drive 6.7 66 100 5.0 £543.94
070370016 16 Kingslaw Court 7.5 74 103 3.2 £404.43
280060016 16 Limeylands Crescent 5.5 59 77 5.0 £547.95
060240016 16 Longdykes Road 1.9 26 70 12.1 £949.81
330670016 16 Mayfield Crescent 6.8 65 105 6.0 £673.68
070440016 16 Meetinghouse Drive 6.5 65 91 6.1 £673.34
250050016 16 Middleshot Road 5.4 57 74 4.7 £521.86
060260016 16 Middleshot Square 5.8 57 74 6.9 £733.71
070450016 16 Millar Road 6.3 64 84 5.6 £633.24
330710016 16 Moir Avenue 6.0 59 72 6.5 £707.05
070460016 16 Morrison Avenue 5.2 55 71 6.8 £716.98
330750016 16 Mucklets Avenue 6.5 63 105 6.0 £669.32
070500016 16 Muirpark Terrace 5.2 57 74 4.9 £532.68
070520016 16 New Row 7.7 75 118 4.0 £468.00
331140016 16 North High Street 6.7 90 97 2.5 £311.39
070530016 16 Northfield 7.7 76 104 3.3 £413.18
020120016 16 Orchardfield 5.7 59 74 4.4 £498.89
070570016 16 Ormiston Crescent East 8.3 80 126 3.5 £434.98
070580016 16 Ormiston Crescent West 6.2 63 90 4.4 £502.63
280120016 16 Park Road 7.0 69 102 5.0 £584.65
060420016 16 Preston Avenue 8.1 77 123 4.6 £561.90
330910016 16 Ravensheugh Crescent 6.8 66 89 4.8 £530.47
030310016 16 Rigg Park 3.2 45 103 6.0 £670.29
070610016 16 Robertson Avenue 8.7 84 122 3.0 £398.41
270050016 16 Robins Neuk 4.1 52 100 6.8 £702.78
060650016 16 Sir Walter Scott Pend 6.2 70 130 2.7 £410.13
030700016 16 Springfield 5.1 55 73 5.3 £561.99
340170016 16 St Clements Gardens South 8.3 79 115 3.6 £442.40
331010016 16 Stoneybank Place 3.3 46 79 5.1 £592.63
331020016 16 Stoneybank Road 7.2 68 84 4.5 £506.50
060580016 16 Summerlee 4.9 56 77 4.3 £522.66
280170016 16 Tynemount Road 4.3 51 118 9.9 £710.74
240060016 16 Walden Place 1.7 31 95 9.2 £752.51
320060016 16 West Crescent 3.3 43 72 12.4 £833.43
070690016 16 Windygoul Crescent 4.6 50 63 8.0 £810.82
030320016 16 Wingate Crescent 4.5 57 110 4.2 £526.57
060200162A 162A High Street 6.9 66 71 4.1 £478.29
330810166A 166A New Street 6.3 63 74 4.3 £489.35
330820168B 168B North High Street 6.2 62 74 4.3 £485.65
330720016A 16A Moir Crescent 8.5 80 127 3.0 £416.03
010460016A 16A Riverside Drive 7.5 72 76 4.1 £477.44
330980016A 16A Stoneybank Gardens North 7.1 68 86 4.4 £501.96
010070016B 16B Beechwood Road 7.5 74 102 3.0 £363.52
330550016B 16B Links View 6.8 65 84 5.4 £621.06
010460016B 16B Riverside Drive 8.2 79 88 3.3 £418.68
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010070016D 16D Beechwood Road 8.4 81 117 2.6 £334.19
010460016E 16E Riverside Drive 6.6 64 72 4.9 £541.77
330720016F 16F Moir Crescent 8.7 83 120 3.0 £397.66
060010017 17 Acheson Drive 7.8 72 113 4.8 £581.82
340020017 17 Albert Place 6.1 61 75 4.7 £522.54
070010017 17 Annfield 6.1 66 102 3.3 £417.69
010040017 17 Artillery Park 7.4 71 106 5.2 £605.77
060040017 17 Bankton Terrace 7.3 68 104 5.3 £616.64
030020017 17 Beech Street 7.1 67 101 5.4 £625.04
030070017 17 Cedar Street 5.6 57 77 7.9 £824.92
070210017 17 Fleets Road 6.5 66 102 4.7 £525.01
010240017 17 Hawthornbank Road 6.3 63 94 4.4 £499.95
060230017 17 Kirk Street 6.4 64 91 4.0 £470.77
280070017 17 Limeylands Road 6.2 63 88 4.6 £516.28
060250017 17 McLeod Crescent 6.4 62 78 5.1 £552.90
070400017 17 McNeill Path 6.5 64 95 5.4 £617.80
280090017 17 Meadowbank Crescent 5.1 55 71 6.8 £722.94
060310017 17 North Bank Road 7.8 74 116 4.8 £577.23
060320017 17 North Crescent 6.9 67 94 4.2 £485.07
060340017 17 North Grange Avenue 3.5 43 102 7.5 £837.41
360010017 17 Old Craighall 3.8 50 104 4.6 £551.77
060410017 17 Polwarth Terrace 5.8 56 81 10.1 £1,075.91
010430017 17 Princess Mary Road 5.6 56 71 7.0 £743.34
060500017 17 Redburn Road 7.7 73 114 4.9 £588.09
210060017 17 Rig Street 1.8 33 79 6.3 £687.17
270050017 17 Robins Neuk 3.3 38 102 11.1 £931.29
060540017 17 Rope Walk 5.9 61 72 3.9 £461.67
030220017 17 Rowan Street 7.4 69 106 4.7 £562.87
210070017 17 School Road 2.1 38 88 5.5 £589.34
060650017 17 Sir Walter Scott Pend 5.8 67 127 2.9 £424.57
060670017 17 South Crescent 7.0 68 94 4.2 £481.70
340150017 17 St Clements Crescent 7.8 73 107 4.0 £472.23
010520017 17 St Martins Place 6.4 66 108 3.9 £488.89
331010017 17 Stoneybank Place 6.3 63 74 4.2 £482.18
280160017 17 Tynemount Avenue 7.5 71 110 5.2 £608.96
270100017 17 Whiteloch Road 3.3 46 99 7.5 £753.28
070530170 170 Northfield 7.6 74 104 3.4 £421.97
070530178 178 Northfield 7.6 74 104 3.4 £421.97
050190178 178 South Seton Park 7.4 71 117 4.4 £499.21
060200017C 17C High Street 6.3 64 73 3.6 £469.68
060200017E 17E High Street 7.8 74 73 3.0 £410.11
060200017F 17F High Street 7.8 74 73 3.0 £410.11
010460017F 17F Riverside Drive 6.5 64 72 4.8 £531.16
010010018 18 Abbot's View 5.5 57 72 7.1 £751.03
340020018 18 Albert Place 6.2 61 76 5.1 £551.85
010600018 18 Auction Mart 6.0 75 114 3.4 £403.33
010070018 18 Beechwood Road 6.5 63 100 5.4 £658.16
020010018 18 Braeview 1.2 31 69 6.5 £666.18
330110018 18 Campie Gardens 2.0 30 72 9.7 £1,005.91
050030018 18 Castle Road 6.0 59 74 5.6 £679.55
040040018 18 Craigleith Avenue 6.9 67 103 4.2 £520.83
330200018 18 Delta Gardens 6.9 65 79 5.1 £594.36
020050018 18 Drylaw Terrace 6.5 64 88 4.0 £468.53
040010018 18 Dunbar Road 5.2 58 89 4.2 £512.24
330240018 18 Edenhall Road 6.5 67 87 3.0 £367.95
330300018 18 Eskview Grove 7.2 68 82 4.0 £468.76
330320018 18 Eskview Terrace 7.7 72 108 4.7 £565.64
030330018 18 Floors Terrace 4.0 57 86 3.5 £428.72
070220018 18 Foresters View 6.2 62 78 5.2 £562.55
030730018 18 Forth View 6.8 67 103 5.1 £596.31
330370018 18 Galt Road 5.2 52 61 6.7 £714.01
010240018 18 Hawthornbank Road 6.3 63 94 4.4 £499.95
070320018 18 John Crescent 5.3 55 85 7.7 £763.78
050120018 18 Johnston Terrace 8.3 79 128 4.0 £510.89
070370018 18 Kingslaw Court 7.5 74 103 3.2 £404.43
310050018 18 Kirk Brae 1.8 28 78 11.0 £875.86
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Results 2005

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070380018 18 Lammerview 6.7 67 90 5.2 £601.76
060250018 18 McLeod Crescent 6.3 63 74 4.2 £482.18
070440018 18 Meetinghouse Drive 6.1 63 84 5.8 £642.27
280110018 18 Moffat Road 2.6 35 106 11.6 £955.06
060340018 18 North Grange Avenue 6.9 67 97 4.6 £515.99
360010018 18 Old Craighall 4.8 58 120 3.8 £494.04
330860018 18 Pinkie Drive 7.8 73 106 3.8 £458.08
060440018 18 Preston Cross Cottages 5.5 59 83 4.7 £516.66
330910018 18 Ravensheugh Crescent 6.2 62 82 5.0 £588.02
070610018 18 Robertson Avenue 8.2 79 120 3.3 £419.19
210070018 18 School Road 6.0 61 78 4.3 £488.77
330940018 18 Stoneyhill Rise 5.7 61 95 4.3 £521.65
240050018 18 Walden Terrace 2.0 33 95 9.5 £773.38
020130018 18 Walker Terrace 7.0 68 79 3.7 £446.37
050230018 18 Winton Park 5.2 53 60 5.1 £600.17
070530182 182 Northfield 7.6 74 104 3.4 £421.97
060200189 189 High Street 7.1 69 84 3.2 £381.97
330480018A 18A Kilwinning Street 7.0 68 85 4.1 £475.94
331050018B 18B Watt's Close 7.8 74 106 3.0 £411.16
030080018D 18D Church Street 6.6 64 66 5.0 £549.51
330480018D 18D Kilwinning Street 8.1 77 96 3.4 £426.23
060040019 19 Bankton Terrace 5.8 57 74 6.8 £725.87
330210019 19 Delta Road 5.4 53 62 6.5 £699.51
030100019 19 Doon Avenue 7.7 73 107 4.0 £468.84
340030019 19 Drummohr Avenue 6.4 63 85 4.6 £557.38
340040019 19 Drummohr Gardens 6.7 66 85 4.7 £520.54
010160019 19 Dunpender Drive 6.7 67 97 4.6 £520.03
330230019 19 Edenhall Crescent 4.9 53 68 6.2 £638.23
030110019 19 Elm Street 6.3 61 86 5.9 £711.13
330320019 19 Eskview Terrace 8.5 81 129 4.0 £513.64
060130019 19 Gardiner Terrace 6.7 65 97 4.2 £486.22
040050019 19 Glenburn Road 7.6 73 104 3.4 £424.77
060160019 19 Grange Grove 7.7 73 111 3.7 £449.58
070280019 19 Harkness Crescent 7.6 75 106 3.2 £434.28
010340019 19 Langriggs 6.5 64 101 5.1 £630.49
040020019 19 Lochbridge Road 6.4 64 93 4.1 £472.57
070400019 19 McNeill Path 7.3 71 105 4.7 £566.55
070410019 19 McNeill Walk 6.5 64 95 6.0 £667.24
330780019 19 Mucklets Drive 5.9 58 91 6.6 £709.59
250060019 19 Muirfield Crescent 5.4 59 72 4.3 £487.71
060340019 19 North Grange Avenue 7.8 74 119 4.6 £561.36
060360019 19 North Grange Road 2.1 38 89 5.6 £629.76
331140019 19 North High Street 6.7 90 98 2.5 £313.36
070540019 19 Northfield East 8.4 81 128 4.0 £514.90
360010019 19 Old Craighall 3.8 50 104 4.6 £551.77
020120019 19 Orchardfield 3.5 47 102 4.7 £565.35
070580019 19 Ormiston Crescent West 8.3 80 122 3.3 £419.24
070590019 19 Ormiston Road 7.9 77 105 3.0 £393.04
050260019 19 Osborne Court 5.4 53 62 5.9 £704.26
330850019 19 Pinkie Avenue 8.2 79 119 3.7 £450.83
060440019 19 Preston Cross Cottages 5.5 59 82 4.6 £515.18
010460019 19 Riverside Drive 6.7 66 72 3.8 £453.86
060540019 19 Rope Walk 6.9 68 73 3.4 £421.53
340150019 19 St Clements Crescent 7.8 73 107 4.0 £472.23
270060019 19 St Germains Terrace 5.6 57 78 5.9 £702.93
331000019 19 Stoneybank Grove 5.2 52 72 7.9 £813.51
070670019 19 Swan Road 4.5 53 66 5.4 £568.35
230050019 19 Tranent Road 2.1 33 88 9.1 £746.48
280160019 19 Tynemount Avenue 2.6 45 95 6.4 £636.76
240050019 19 Walden Terrace 2.0 33 95 9.5 £773.38
331060019 19 Whitehill Avenue 3.0 40 99 7.7 £848.55
050230019 19 Winton Park 5.3 55 64 5.3 £563.77
050190192 192 South Seton Park 6.6 65 102 5.0 £544.91
060200193 193 High Street 6.7 63 84 5.5 £627.51
060200195 195 High Street 8.1 77 104 4.9 £593.66
331050019A 19A Watt's Close 9.0 86 122 2.4 £361.55
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UPRN Address NHER SAP BEPI TonnesCO2 TotalRunningCost

330040019D 19D Balcarres Road 8.7 83 113 2.8 £380.92
330800019D 19D Newbigging 7.9 74 83 4.3 £536.13
330800019E 19E Newbigging 7.6 70 83 4.3 £566.78
331050001A 1A Watt's Close 4.3 55 107 3.9 £499.05
010100001B 1B Carlyle Gardens 7.6 75 103 2.9 £406.43
330490001B 1B Kilwinning Terrace 6.7 64 82 5.1 £588.75
330710001B 1B Moir Avenue 8.9 85 125 3.4 £463.33
330490001C 1C Kilwinning Terrace 7.2 69 82 4.0 £466.64
330630001C 1C Mansfield Place 8.5 80 124 3.0 £412.39
330730001C 1C Moir Drive 8.9 85 125 3.4 £463.33
330720001E 1E Moir Crescent 8.7 83 120 3.0 £397.96
010530001F 1F Station Court 3.2 54 70 4.4 £459.84
280290001 1Tynebank Main Street 6.2 63 99 5.4 £656.22
060060002 2 Burnside 8.8 83 124 3.1 £421.95
010130002 2 Caponflat Crescent 6.7 66 100 4.8 £532.80
260020002 2 Churchway 3.0 40 102 7.7 £845.87
060070002 2 County Square 7.5 71 105 4.6 £553.49
040040002 2 Craigleith Avenue 6.4 64 106 5.2 £641.24
070140002 2 De Quincey Walk 6.4 63 97 6.2 £680.62
060090002 2 Drummore Drive 7.6 70 102 5.0 £592.19
040070002 2 Eastfield Road 7.6 72 111 4.5 £552.42
070160002 2 Elphinstone Road 5.0 54 71 6.9 £729.41
060190002 2 Hawthorn Road 5.8 56 77 8.7 £941.38
240010002 2 High Street 3.6 50 104 4.8 £566.60
280050002 2 Hillview Road 5.4 57 72 6.5 £696.91
050110002 2 Inglis Avenue 6.1 62 73 4.2 £485.56
320160002 2 Kippithill 1.1 29 88 10.5 £831.65
070760002 2 Loch Square 5.0 61 84 3.4 £428.95
330590002 2 Manse Lane 7.2 70 99 3.2 £425.82
310060002 2 Manse View 1.8 32 73 7.2 £754.56
070450002 2 Millar Road 5.1 59 79 4.2 £457.52
330780002 2 Mucklets Drive 6.5 63 105 6.0 £669.32
070480002 2 Muirpark Drive 6.6 68 99 4.3 £492.45
060340002 2 North Grange Avenue 6.5 64 93 4.2 £479.78
020120002 2 Orchardfield 6.0 60 100 5.4 £663.12
290040002 2 Park View 6.7 67 97 3.8 £450.73
030200002 2 Plane Street 7.5 71 111 4.6 £554.72
010430002 2 Princess Mary Road 5.4 55 70 6.7 £714.23
330910002 2 Ravensheugh Crescent 5.1 53 66 6.3 £645.48
210060002 2 Rig Street 5.8 59 73 4.7 £524.22
060530002 2 Robertson Avenue 5.4 54 69 7.3 £764.80
030710002 2 School Brae 6.4 64 113 5.5 £671.12
260060002 2 School Green 2.3 37 75 7.6 £731.35
210070002 2 School Road 6.0 58 71 5.9 £654.17
000030248 2 St Ninians Way 6.3 75 115 3.5 £408.68
331010002 2 Stoneybank Place 6.3 63 74 4.2 £482.18
330940002 2 Stoneyhill Rise 6.2 64 95 4.2 £484.39
060580002 2 Summerlee 6.1 63 94 3.7 £474.62
070300002 2 The Heugh 7.1 67 108 4.7 £598.77
210080002 2 The Pleasance 7.0 65 100 9.3 £1,074.82
060590002 2 Thorntree Crescent 5.8 57 74 6.6 £708.88
280170002 2 Tynemount Road 6.0 61 93 5.1 £551.93
340190002 2 Wemyss Gardens 5.4 55 67 6.5 £696.14
270090002 2 Westbank Terrace 4.9 54 77 5.4 £621.75
010590002 2 Whittingehame Drive 8.7 84 120 2.8 £378.89
050220002 2 Winton Court 3.0 42 100 7.9 £788.90
070010020 20 Annfield 5.2 60 87 3.7 £457.13
010600020 20 Auction Mart 5.0 66 107 3.9 £443.39
070030020 20 Blawearie Road 3.4 44 89 10.4 £692.70
010130020 20 Caponflat Crescent 7.5 73 115 4.5 £550.12
030100020 20 Doon Avenue 8.2 79 115 3.6 £439.35
020040020 20 Drylaw Gardens 5.7 59 72 4.5 £505.58
070190020 20 Fa'side Crescent 5.1 56 69 6.0 £623.42
250010020 20 Garleton Court 6.1 65 92 3.5 £404.75
330390020 20 Goose Green Avenue 7.8 74 112 3.9 £464.01
290020020 20 Huntlaw Road 1.6 23 72 16.7 £1,293.27
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Results 2005

UPRN Address NHER SAP BEPI TonnesCO2 TotalRunningCost

050110020 20 Inglis Avenue 7.1 68 80 3.7 £443.77
060250020 20 McLeod Crescent 7.2 70 76 3.6 £441.21
050140020 20 North Seton Park 7.9 75 118 4.2 £527.48
050150020 20 Osborne Terrace 7.8 73 115 4.9 £588.80
330860020 20 Pinkie Drive 8.5 81 123 3.4 £421.13
060420020 20 Preston Avenue 6.8 67 97 3.8 £455.86
210050020 20 Rig Place 8.2 77 113 4.1 £517.49
210060020 20 Rig Street 8.2 78 112 3.6 £436.88
010610020 20 Riverside Place 5.7 61 87 4.5 £509.44
060530020 20 Robertson Avenue 5.0 50 69 7.4 £849.35
030710020 20 School Brae 5.2 59 90 3.7 £455.81
210070020 20 School Road 5.6 58 72 4.6 £507.20
030680020 20 Springfield Terrace 5.3 56 65 5.7 £601.15
070660020 20 Stiel Grove 6.7 67 90 5.2 £601.76
330960020 20 Stoneybank Crescent 2.8 37 78 7.4 £777.96
290060020 20 Trevelyan Crescent 5.3 57 75 5.6 £592.22
060200201 201 High Street 7.2 67 79 7.3 £856.40
060200207 207 High Street 7.5 72 78 3.5 £427.66
050190208 208 South Seton Park 6.9 67 105 5.4 £619.55
331050020A 20A Watt's Close 4.9 61 112 3.5 £468.53
030010021 21 Ash Grove 5.4 55 69 6.5 £699.28
010100021 21 Carlyle Gardens 7.5 74 103 3.0 £413.75
030070021 21 Cedar Street 4.8 51 68 8.1 £826.83
350040021 21 Deantown Drive 6.8 64 85 6.5 £719.04
230030021 21 Durie's Park 1.8 32 73 8.0 £823.07
030690021 21 Edinburgh Road 6.5 66 85 4.8 £531.40
030110021 21 Elm Street 6.1 62 83 6.4 £698.18
330290021 21 Eskview Crescent 5.8 59 75 4.6 £555.48
070190021 21 Fa'side Crescent 5.1 56 68 6.0 £626.15
070220021 21 Foresters View 1.6 29 67 9.5 £943.20
330350021 21 Galt Avenue 6.7 65 76 5.2 £603.14
250010021 21 Garleton Court 6.1 65 92 3.5 £404.75
070240021 21 George Walk 6.8 67 104 5.7 £646.75
330390021 21 Goose Green Avenue 7.8 74 112 3.9 £464.01
070280021 21 Harkness Crescent 7.6 75 106 3.2 £434.28
340120021 21 Inchview Crescent 6.3 62 86 6.3 £692.88
010330021 21 Lammermuir Crescent 6.0 62 75 4.6 £509.68
040020021 21 Lochbridge Road 7.5 73 103 3.2 £404.22
070490021 21 Muirpark Road 7.8 75 118 4.4 £539.56
060310021 21 North Bank Road 8.1 76 120 4.1 £522.33
070590021 21 Ormiston Road 7.9 77 105 3.0 £393.04
060420021 21 Preston Avenue 7.3 69 106 4.8 £569.79
270050021 21 Robins Neuk 3.6 40 109 10.6 £898.16
060540021 21 Rope Walk 7.3 69 102 5.3 £614.71
010480021 21 Seggarsdean Crescent 7.1 70 122 4.7 £598.04
060670021 21 South Crescent 5.5 57 76 5.2 £561.13
330940021 21 Stoneyhill Rise 7.1 69 119 5.2 £645.34
030240021 21 Summerfield Road 8.4 80 125 2.8 £388.84
290060021 21 Trevelyan Crescent 5.2 57 74 5.3 £568.77
060600021 21 West Loan 6.2 62 74 4.3 £485.71
270080021 21 Westbank Road 2.6 44 92 6.4 £636.20
070690021 21 Windygoul Crescent 4.6 50 63 8.0 £810.82
331050021A 21A Watt's Close 7.8 74 106 3.0 £411.16
330800021B 21B Newbigging 5.8 60 72 3.8 £479.23
331050021B 21B Watt's Close 4.2 55 106 4.0 £503.80
330800021F 21F Newbigging 7.6 70 83 4.3 £566.78
070050022 22 Caesar Road 7.5 73 73 3.2 £404.38
050050022 22 Castle Walk 6.1 60 78 6.4 £694.75
230020022 22 Cinderhall Place 2.5 35 103 10.2 £823.52
330240022 22 Edenhall Road 6.5 67 87 3.0 £367.95
330280022 22 Eskview Avenue 7.7 72 108 4.7 £565.64
330300022 22 Eskview Grove 6.2 62 75 4.6 £514.79
060110022 22 Gardiner Crescent 5.4 55 70 6.5 £694.92
330390022 22 Goose Green Avenue 7.8 74 111 3.8 £458.35
060160022 22 Grange Grove 7.7 73 111 3.7 £449.58
010240022 22 Hawthornbank Road 6.3 63 94 4.4 £499.95
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Results 2005

UPRN Address NHER SAP BEPI TonnesCO2 TotalRunningCost

280050022 22 Hillview Road 3.0 38 106 11.8 £978.31
050110022 22 Inglis Avenue 6.1 62 73 4.2 £485.56
030160022 22 Lamer Street 8.1 77 112 6.8 £889.02
070380022 22 Lammerview 4.1 53 118 5.3 £616.11
010340022 22 Langriggs 7.4 72 117 4.1 £511.94
330510022 22 Lewisvale Avenue 6.5 64 90 5.4 £617.72
070390022 22 Lindores Drive 7.7 73 108 4.5 £549.73
060240022 22 Longdykes Road 8.1 76 122 3.7 £448.18
270040022 22 Merryfield Avenue 5.8 61 90 4.2 £521.05
250080022 22 Muirfield Terrace 6.4 63 84 6.2 £685.13
070510022 22 Muirside Drive 7.2 72 113 4.2 £486.87
060300022 22 Nimmo Avenue 5.2 54 68 5.9 £615.29
060310022 22 North Bank Road 8.2 78 127 4.0 £514.92
070590022 22 Ormiston Road 7.2 71 109 4.3 £492.77
060420022 22 Preston Avenue 7.7 74 112 3.3 £418.53
060470022 22 Preston Road 7.9 75 120 4.7 £568.28
210070022 22 School Road 5.8 57 75 5.3 £566.53
030680022 22 Springfield Terrace 4.8 52 68 6.0 £682.63
331050022 22 Watt's Close 2.0 37 87 6.2 £677.01
350080022 22 Whitecraig Crescent 2.6 37 76 7.3 £770.07
030320022 22 Wingate Crescent 4.1 52 106 4.8 £570.31
020020022A 22A Browns Place 2.8 53 69 2.9 £383.32
070370022 22B Kingslaw Court 8.5 82 123 2.7 £370.27
020020022E 22E Browns Place 7.1 69 77 3.6 £437.48
010040023 23 Artillery Park 7.3 71 106 4.5 £583.09
010130023 23 Caponflat Crescent 7.4 72 114 4.4 £498.22
070080023 23 Caponhall Drive 2.8 48 73 5.5 £563.56
330230023 23 Edenhall Crescent 4.9 54 68 5.7 £595.01
330290023 23 Eskview Crescent 6.8 65 82 4.0 £499.83
330320023 23 Eskview Terrace 7.8 73 108 4.6 £562.30
040050023 23 Glenburn Road 5.1 56 99 8.7 £643.36
050080023 23 Golf Drive 7.9 75 120 4.7 £568.09
220050023 23 Gylers Road 5.6 57 71 5.2 £605.99
070280023 23 Harkness Crescent 7.6 75 106 3.2 £434.28
060200023 23 High Street 6.9 66 73 4.5 £509.04
310050023 23 Kirk Brae 2.0 29 82 11.2 £892.02
010350023 23 Lennox Road 6.6 64 102 5.9 £717.31
330510023 23 Lewisvale Avenue 4.9 53 67 6.3 £642.92
330520023 23 Lewisvale Court 4.9 53 68 6.2 £638.23
040020023 23 Lochbridge Road 8.4 80 118 2.7 £373.39
330670023 23 Mayfield Crescent 6.5 62 106 6.0 £725.20
330680023 23 Mayfield Place 6.5 63 107 6.5 £713.24
070410023 23 McNeill Walk 6.6 64 97 7.1 £814.94
060340023 23 North Grange Avenue 7.0 66 102 5.4 £618.37
331140023 23 North High Street 7.8 94 132 2.9 £365.86
330850023 23 Pinkie Avenue 7.3 70 99 4.4 £504.61
030220023 23 Rowan Street 7.4 69 106 4.7 £562.87
030240023 23 Summerfield Road 7.6 74 104 3.3 £413.97
010560023 23 Tyne Court 5.0 51 63 7.9 £808.18
280160023 23 Tynemount Avenue 7.5 71 110 5.2 £608.96
020130023 23 Walker Terrace 7.0 68 79 3.7 £446.37
331050023 23 Watt's Close 4.0 54 103 4.1 £512.26
290090023 23 Woodhall Road 1.4 23 71 15.5 £1,205.86
060200233 233 High Street 7.0 67 86 5.6 £635.52
020020023D 23D Browns Place 6.2 63 64 3.7 £445.02
010220023E 23E Hardgate 6.8 67 77 4.0 £472.75
330050023F 23F Beach Lane 7.0 65 84 5.7 £645.55
060010024 24 Acheson Drive 7.5 71 108 3.5 £429.06
070010024 24 Annfield 4.9 58 81 3.9 £472.28
030010024 24 Ash Grove 6.9 67 82 4.1 £475.92
270020024 24 Brierbush Road 3.1 44 96 6.5 £706.84
010100024 24 Carlyle Gardens 7.5 74 103 3.0 £413.75
040040024 24 Craigleith Avenue 7.7 75 119 3.7 £472.73
000033834 24 Eskview Crescent 8.2 78 114 3.6 £439.53
030330024 24 Floors Terrace 4.5 60 96 3.2 £408.04
030730024 24 Forth View 6.2 63 90 4.4 £499.70
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340080024 24 Forthview Avenue 5.4 56 71 6.5 £693.58
330390024 24 Goose Green Avenue 7.9 76 114 4.6 £563.78
020060024 24 Hardie Terrace 7.1 69 79 3.7 £443.63
070360024 24 Kings Road 4.9 53 67 7.1 £744.85
030170024 24 Lammermuir Crescent 7.8 74 108 4.1 £479.33
280100024 24 Meadowbank Road 3.1 44 73 9.9 £665.48
010380024 24 Monkmains Road 5.6 61 93 4.3 £486.56
060350024 24 North Grange Grove 6.8 66 98 4.3 £490.94
060370024 24 Northfield Gardens 5.0 52 71 7.2 £747.76
240030024 24 Park Road 3.4 48 99 6.6 £658.61
280120024 24 Park Road 7.9 77 122 4.3 £533.37
330860024 24 Pinkie Drive 8.4 80 129 3.9 £506.42
060470024 24 Preston Road 7.6 72 107 5.0 £589.13
060460024 24 Prestongrange Terrace 6.1 60 75 5.8 £643.94
210060024 24 Rig Street 7.5 72 100 4.0 £472.05
070620024 24 Robertson Drive 7.0 68 88 5.6 £635.24
030680024 24 Springfield Terrace 5.1 54 68 5.6 £645.05
331010024 24 Stoneybank Place 5.3 53 72 7.8 £805.36
210080024 24 The Pleasance 5.5 57 74 5.1 £549.30
030270024 24 Victoria Street 7.1 70 92 4.3 £493.59
030400024 24 Warrender Crescent 5.8 59 99 5.2 £612.36
331090024 24 Windsor Park 8.1 78 113 3.0 £391.66
030320024 24 Wingate Crescent 4.1 52 106 4.8 £570.31
330970024A 24A Stoneybank Gardens 7.0 67 86 4.5 £505.61
330970024B 24B Stoneybank Gardens 6.1 60 76 5.2 £556.66
010040024C 24C Artillery Park 8.3 80 90 3.5 £432.60
010020025 25 Aberlady Road 7.6 74 116 4.0 £471.74
340020025 25 Albert Place 1.7 28 69 10.4 £1,056.06
230010025 25 Buxley Road 1.6 30 68 9.1 £909.58
010100025 25 Carlyle Gardens 7.5 74 103 3.0 £413.75
050020025 25 Castle Avenue 7.2 69 104 4.8 £572.57
010140025 25 Davidson Terrace 6.1 62 90 4.5 £504.81
030100025 25 Doon Avenue 4.2 51 108 5.6 £637.07
340040025 25 Drummohr Gardens 6.8 66 85 4.6 £517.65
060090025 25 Drummore Drive 7.6 71 104 5.0 £597.41
040110025 25 East Road 7.4 71 91 3.8 £451.05
060170025 25 Grange Road 7.7 73 111 3.7 £449.58
220050025 25 Gylers Road 4.8 51 70 7.3 £756.03
070280025 25 Harkness Crescent 7.6 75 106 3.2 £434.28
010290025 25 Hope Park Crescent 7.7 75 120 4.4 £542.94
010350025 25 Lennox Road 3.0 36 105 12.5 £1,024.97
010370025 25 Lynn Lea Avenue 7.5 71 109 5.1 £605.42
280080025 25 Meadowbank 1.3 24 61 11.6 £1,154.66
250050025 25 Middleshot Road 5.4 57 74 4.7 £521.86
060370025 25 Northfield Gardens 4.1 46 61 7.4 £726.37
060430025 25 Preston Crescent 7.8 74 116 4.8 £574.25
010430025 25 Princess Mary Road 5.3 55 72 7.3 £767.45
060550025 25 Schaw Road 5.7 56 76 8.2 £896.62
030710025 25 School Brae 6.1 63 101 5.5 £622.52
010480025 25 Seggarsdean Crescent 6.0 64 99 4.3 £489.87
340190025 25 Wemyss Gardens 7.5 71 108 5.6 £644.03
330800025A 25A Newbigging 6.2 64 72 3.8 £448.20
070050026 26 Caesar Road 6.1 64 73 3.9 £455.55
010100026 26 Carlyle Gardens 8.5 83 119 2.6 £376.31
030070026 26 Cedar Street 1.6 21 70 16.8 £1,300.02
350040026 26 Deantown Drive 6.6 64 79 4.3 £491.82
330210026 26 Delta Road 9.4 92 120 2.4 £352.40
030730026 26 Forth View 7.5 73 109 3.6 £439.82
280050026 26 Hillview Road 3.7 52 103 7.3 £741.39
070320026 26 John Crescent 4.1 56 115 6.7 £698.30
070390026 26 Lindores Drive 7.6 73 108 4.6 £552.95
330560026 26 Lochend Road North 7.5 70 95 5.9 £721.42
210040026 26 Luffness Court 5.1 54 69 6.1 £627.28
010370026 26 Lynn Lea Avenue 7.1 70 106 4.9 £580.60
070450026 26 Millar Road 6.1 65 89 4.2 £479.02
010380026 26 Monkmains Road 6.4 67 101 3.8 £452.32
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Results 2005

UPRN Address NHER SAP BEPI TonnesCO2 TotalRunningCost

060310026 26 North Bank Road 8.2 77 126 4.0 £515.48
331140026 26 North High Street 6.9 86 118 3.3 £392.36
070530026 26 Northfield 7.6 74 104 3.4 £421.97
070540026 26 Northfield East 8.7 84 125 3.7 £495.85
060460026 26 Prestongrange Terrace 7.7 72 109 4.5 £546.80
210060026 26 Rig Street 5.1 55 65 5.9 £616.73
050190026 26 South Seton Park 6.6 65 102 5.0 £544.70
340190026 26 Wemyss Gardens 3.9 43 71 13.6 £920.76
010040026A 26A Artillery Park 8.9 86 123 2.9 £386.60
330920026A 26A Rothesay Place 7.3 70 88 4.2 £488.42
010040026B 26B Artillery Park 9.1 90 130 2.9 £388.02
330920026B 26B Rothesay Place 7.3 70 88 4.2 £488.42
330920026C 26C Rothesay Place 8.5 82 97 3.4 £424.42
340020027 27 Albert Place 4.8 51 69 7.2 £752.34
330010027 27 Ashgrove 7.9 76 118 3.8 £457.14
030070027 27 Cedar Street 4.8 51 68 8.1 £826.83
330230027 27 Edenhall Crescent 1.7 29 69 9.1 £915.23
330280027 27 Eskview Avenue 6.5 62 80 5.7 £643.49
330290027 27 Eskview Crescent 2.6 38 75 6.6 £711.51
070190027 27 Fa'side Crescent 6.7 67 88 4.7 £524.04
300020027 27 Glebe Crescent 1.8 25 70 13.9 £1,101.54
060160027 27 Grange Grove 6.8 66 97 4.7 £519.90
070280027 27 Harkness Crescent 7.6 75 106 3.2 £434.28
010290027 27 Hope Park Crescent 6.7 67 102 4.6 £517.50
060210027 27 Inchview 7.8 73 115 3.4 £443.72
010330027 27 Lammermuir Crescent 5.8 60 75 4.5 £545.12
330510027 27 Lewisvale Avenue 4.9 53 68 6.2 £637.55
060240027 27 Longdykes Road 7.5 72 120 4.6 £556.54
330850027 27 Pinkie Avenue 8.2 78 117 3.8 £453.31
060410027 27 Polwarth Terrace 5.5 57 77 5.1 £555.28
060440027 27 Preston Cross Cottages 6.6 67 103 3.9 £461.82
210070027 27 School Road 6.6 65 99 4.6 £518.31
030700027 27 Springfield 6.3 63 90 4.4 £499.42
030240027 27 Summerfield Road 8.5 81 120 2.8 £382.08
060200272 272 High Street 5.7 57 70 6.2 £674.62
330820273J 273J North High Street 8.7 83 100 2.5 £329.11
330820275I 275I North High Street 7.6 72 83 3.8 £453.24
330050027A 27A Beach Lane 7.0 66 86 5.7 £648.23
330800027A 27A Newbigging 6.2 64 72 3.8 £448.20
330050027F 27F Beach Lane 7.5 70 89 5.2 £609.46
340010028 28 Albert Crescent 7.0 66 82 4.5 £506.93
340020028 28 Albert Place 7.5 72 121 4.6 £555.36
010040028 28 Artillery Park 7.1 69 108 5.4 £624.21
070050028 28 Caesar Road 6.1 64 73 3.9 £455.55
280020028 28 Cockburn Drive 7.5 72 112 4.6 £554.50
030330028 28 Floors Terrace 3.2 51 82 4.1 £474.57
010240028 28 Hawthornbank Road 6.4 64 95 4.5 £507.76
010260028 28 Herdmanflatt 6.7 67 106 5.3 £605.00
280050028 28 Hillview Road 3.7 52 103 7.3 £741.39
010290028 28 Hope Park Crescent 3.5 45 116 5.5 £679.94
340120028 28 Inchview Crescent 5.1 53 71 6.8 £722.47
030170028 28 Lammermuir Crescent 3.7 45 107 8.1 £688.42
280060028 28 Limeylands Crescent 2.6 37 101 10.1 £820.21
010370028 28 Lynn Lea Avenue 7.5 74 122 4.6 £558.33
330670028 28 Mayfield Crescent 7.6 72 120 5.3 £617.15
020110028 28 McCall Gardens 7.5 71 110 5.0 £597.15
070430028 28 McPhail Square 7.1 68 109 4.7 £559.57
010380028 28 Monkmains Road 6.4 67 101 3.8 £452.32
060300028 28 Nimmo Avenue 5.2 54 68 5.9 £615.29
060340028 28 North Grange Avenue 7.0 66 102 5.4 £618.37
240030028 28 Park Road 3.4 47 101 7.2 £702.12
030180028 28 Parsonspool 5.2 55 73 5.6 £644.73
060670028 28 South Crescent 5.4 56 74 5.3 £565.86
010520028 28 St Martins Place 7.1 70 116 4.9 £581.24
330950028 28 Stoneybank Avenue 2.9 39 78 7.1 £759.16
330940028 28 Stoneyhill Rise 7.1 68 118 5.2 £649.98
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Results 2005

UPRN Address NHER SAP BEPI TonnesCO2 TotalRunningCost

210080028 28 The Pleasance 5.9 60 76 4.8 £529.98
060600028 28 West Loan 6.4 63 76 4.5 £510.49
331090028 28 Windsor Park 8.2 78 120 3.6 £441.72
030320028 28 Wingate Crescent 5.1 62 120 3.8 £493.81
010100028A 28A Carlyle Gardens 7.5 74 104 3.3 £438.11
330800028B 28B Newbigging 6.2 63 72 3.8 £452.82
330800028C 28C Newbigging 8.2 78 94 2.9 £383.16
330920028C 28C Rothesay Place 8.5 82 97 3.4 £424.42
330920028D 28D Rothesay Place 8.3 79 97 3.4 £444.66
060340028H 28H North Grange Avenue 6.4 62 95 5.5 £626.16
010010029 29 Abbot's View 5.2 55 67 6.7 £714.39
270020029 29 Brierbush Road 2.5 40 88 5.6 £629.25
030670029 29 Brunt Court 6.8 66 106 6.9 £800.48
330140029 29 Champigny Court 2.9 44 85 7.4 £723.25
060160029 29 Grange Grove 7.0 67 100 4.5 £511.17
070280029 29 Harkness Crescent 7.2 71 104 3.5 £453.82
010240029 29 Hawthornbank Road 6.4 64 94 4.4 £496.22
340130029 29 Inchview Road 6.4 63 90 6.2 £686.70
010320029 29 Kirkview 5.2 55 69 6.6 £705.92
010340029 29 Langriggs 7.4 72 117 4.1 £511.94
330520029 29 Lewisvale Court 6.4 64 88 4.9 £541.42
010370029 29 Lynn Lea Avenue 3.5 41 108 10.7 £903.00
070440029 29 Meetinghouse Drive 6.2 63 85 6.3 £689.81
010380029 29 Monkmains Road 6.8 68 114 4.9 £616.61
070460029 29 Morrison Avenue 5.9 62 73 4.4 £496.05
060310029 29 North Bank Road 7.9 74 111 4.3 £534.01
060340029 29 North Grange Avenue 7.0 66 102 5.4 £618.37
331140029 29 North High Street 7.9 96 135 2.8 £361.29
070570029 29 Ormiston Crescent East 8.7 84 124 3.5 £476.94
030180029 29 Parsonspool 5.8 59 78 5.3 £620.62
330850029 29 Pinkie Avenue 8.2 78 117 3.8 £453.31
060470029 29 Preston Road 7.8 74 116 4.8 £574.25
060450029 29 Prestongrange Road 7.1 67 105 5.5 £627.63
290050029 29 Queen's Drive 1.4 23 76 14.5 £1,113.89
060500029 29 Redburn Road 5.4 53 70 8.3 £853.95
030710029 29 School Brae 5.8 59 91 5.9 £647.56
210070029 29 School Road 7.4 72 113 4.1 £477.48
340150029 29 St Clements Crescent 7.8 73 107 4.0 £472.23
330960029 29 Stoneybank Crescent 6.4 62 78 5.1 £552.90
330990029 29 Stoneybank Gardens South 6.7 64 82 5.9 £665.90
030240029 29 Summerfield Road 8.2 79 120 2.9 £397.69
280160029 29 Tynemount Avenue 7.4 70 107 4.7 £562.92
020130029 29 Walker Terrace 6.5 65 90 5.5 £618.01
340190029 29 Wemyss Gardens 7.1 68 91 4.9 £580.70
320060029 29 West Crescent 1.6 29 89 10.5 £836.98
010220029A 29A Hardgate 6.0 62 75 4.6 £509.61
010100029B 29B Carlyle Gardens 7.5 74 104 3.3 £438.11
010220029E 29E Hardgate 6.8 67 77 4.0 £472.75
060290002A 2A New Street 7.4 71 66 3.6 £437.03
331050002A 2A Watt's Close 7.1 69 85 3.8 £451.10
060690002A 2AAldhamm High Street 5.7 65 128 3.4 £459.11
330060002B 2B Bellfield Court 5.3 65 118 2.9 £380.31
060690002B 2BAldhamm High Street 6.2 69 132 3.1 £440.57
330710002C 2C Moir Avenue 8.9 85 125 3.4 £463.33
060290002C 2C New Street 7.4 71 66 3.6 £437.03
330090002D 2D Bush Street 7.6 72 76 3.6 £438.83
330210002D 2D Delta Road 9.2 91 130 3.0 £451.00
060290002D 2D New Street 6.9 68 62 3.1 £402.88
330920002F 2F Rothesay Place 7.3 69 83 4.2 £489.72
070020003 3 Balfour Square 4.1 49 67 6.2 £632.53
030020003 3 Beech Street 6.8 64 101 5.4 £669.65
270010003 3 Brierbush Crescent 3.1 47 89 5.8 £589.09
040210003 3 Brodie Court East Road 2.9 50 80 3.8 £451.25
010100003 3 Carlyle Gardens 7.5 74 103 3.0 £413.75
060070003 3 County Square 7.9 75 119 4.3 £533.39
280030003 3 Cross Loan 6.7 67 103 5.2 £602.22
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Results 2005

UPRN Address NHER SAP BEPI TonnesCO2 TotalRunningCost

060630003 3 Doo'cot Place 5.5 59 90 4.1 £502.77
260110003 3 Elcho Court 2.3 38 92 6.3 £686.31
030110003 3 Elm Street 6.1 62 83 6.4 £698.18
070150003 3 Elphinstone Court 6.2 63 85 6.3 £689.81
060180003 3 Harlaw Hill 6.6 64 70 4.3 £492.94
010240003 3 Hawthornbank Road 2.8 41 94 6.2 £679.62
030140003 3 Hazel Court 7.7 73 111 4.9 £584.43
340120003 3 Inchview Crescent 6.1 61 90 5.5 £664.51
260050003 3 John Knox Road 6.1 61 83 4.6 £516.10
330490003 3 Kilwinning Terrace 7.1 68 88 4.7 £562.90
010330003 3 Lammermuir Crescent 5.1 53 72 8.1 £831.70
330510003 3 Lewisvale Avenue 6.4 64 88 5.5 £623.25
070390003 3 Lindores Drive 8.2 79 115 3.5 £433.29
060240003 3 Longdykes Road 6.4 64 89 4.9 £538.80
330590003 3 Manse Lane 4.7 54 82 4.2 £499.52
010390003 3 Monkrigg Place 7.0 69 106 5.0 £586.27
070470003 3 Muirpark Court 5.7 62 92 4.1 £472.70
060360003 3 North Grange Road 7.8 74 111 3.7 £446.96
331140003 3 North High Street 5.9 78 106 3.5 £403.10
310030003 3 Papana Cottages 1.3 23 69 12.7 £982.92
060420003 3 Preston Avenue 7.2 68 102 4.8 £575.04
060440003 3 Preston Cross Cottages 5.4 57 71 4.7 £522.14
060480003 3 Preston Terrace 3.2 40 107 5.7 £697.32
010440003 3 Priory Walk 8.6 82 121 2.8 £388.57
070610003 3 Robertson Avenue 9.0 89 125 3.3 £460.69
070620003 3 Robertson Drive 8.1 78 114 3.5 £427.55
270050003 3 Robins Neuk 4.0 51 100 6.9 £713.88
030710003 3 School Brae 6.0 61 100 6.2 £679.73
010510003 3 St Martins Court 6.1 62 101 5.5 £667.88
280150003 3 Stanley Place 6.8 68 103 5.1 £595.32
330930003 3 Stoneyhill Wynd 7.1 69 119 5.2 £645.34
070670003 3 Swan Road 5.9 61 82 6.0 £660.78
070300003 3 The Heugh 7.9 75 122 4.1 £546.91
030260003 3 Victoria Place 6.8 66 78 4.4 £502.68
320060003 3 West Crescent 1.5 22 73 17.3 £1,332.46
270070003 3 Westbank Gardens 2.2 40 97 5.8 £641.33
270090003 3 Westbank Terrace 1.9 32 77 7.9 £811.21
050230003 3 Winton Park 5.3 55 64 5.3 £563.67
060620003 3 Woodbine Gardens 4.6 53 69 4.9 £528.23
070030030 30 Blawearie Road 5.4 56 72 6.6 £702.15
060090030 30 Drummore Drive 7.6 71 102 5.1 £600.49
020050030 30 Drylaw Terrace 6.5 64 88 4.0 £468.53
230030030 30 Durie's Park 1.7 30 73 8.3 £847.40
330240030 30 Edenhall Road 6.2 64 87 3.0 £390.41
010330030 30 Lammermuir Crescent 6.4 66 88 4.1 £471.91
280090030 30 Meadowbank Crescent 5.2 57 77 5.4 £573.33
280100030 30 Meadowbank Road 5.2 57 77 5.4 £573.33
270040030 30 Merryfield Avenue 5.3 58 91 4.5 £547.17
070510030 30 Muirside Drive 6.9 67 106 7.1 £825.47
060430030 30 Preston Crescent 7.5 69 117 6.1 £792.49
060480030 30 Preston Terrace 7.8 74 116 4.8 £574.25
070620030 30 Robertson Drive 6.3 62 80 6.2 £683.17
340150030 30 St Clements Crescent 8.3 79 115 3.6 £442.40
010520030 30 St Martins Place 7.3 72 119 4.7 £566.95
060600030 30 West Loan 7.7 73 106 3.7 £446.71
331080030 30 Whitehill Gardens 6.2 61 101 5.4 £658.72
270100030 30 Whiteloch Road 4.7 56 114 6.8 £714.55
331090030 30 Windsor Park 8.3 79 124 3.6 £437.52
070700030 30 Young Avenue 6.7 67 90 5.2 £601.76
331030030A 30A Stoneybank Terrace 7.7 72 92 4.4 £536.18
331030030B 30B Stoneybank Terrace 7.7 72 92 4.4 £536.18
010120030C 30C Craig Avenue 7.4 71 77 4.5 £545.66
010020031 31 Aberlady Road 6.8 66 102 5.2 £597.01
340010031 31 Albert Crescent 7.0 66 82 4.5 £506.99
270020031 31 Brierbush Road 2.5 41 87 5.4 £617.39
050020031 31 Castle Avenue 5.9 58 74 6.0 £655.33
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Results 2005

UPRN Address NHER SAP BEPI TonnesCO2 TotalRunningCost

070280031 31 Harkness Crescent 7.2 71 104 3.5 £453.82
010240031 31 Hawthornbank Road 6.3 63 94 4.4 £499.95
010260031 31 Herdmanflatt 6.6 66 99 4.8 £530.32
280060031 31 Limeylands Crescent 6.8 68 102 4.6 £518.29
280070031 31 Limeylands Road 8.8 86 118 2.5 £368.81
060260031 31 Middleshot Square 6.0 58 76 6.7 £723.54
010380031 31 Monkmains Road 6.0 60 103 6.9 £806.36
330750031 31 Mucklets Avenue 6.8 66 106 5.2 £597.97
060340031 31 North Grange Avenue 7.8 73 115 4.7 £567.10
060360031 31 North Grange Road 2.2 39 92 5.6 £627.13
330830031 31 Park Lane 6.3 63 85 5.0 £546.22
030180031 31 Parsonspool 6.4 62 72 5.2 £559.60
060440031 31 Preston Cross Cottages 5.9 62 85 4.4 £492.96
010460031 31 Riverside Drive 6.8 67 84 5.2 £601.71
070630031 31 Ross Crescent 6.4 64 97 4.5 £504.64
030240031 31 Summerfield Road 7.7 75 104 3.2 £410.63
280160031 31 Tynemount Avenue 7.5 71 109 5.1 £602.36
340190031 31 Wemyss Gardens 5.5 56 67 6.4 £692.52
350080031 31 Whitecraig Crescent 7.0 66 82 4.5 £506.99
270100031 31 Whiteloch Road 4.3 60 112 4.7 £501.42
330050031B 31B Beach Lane 8.3 79 102 4.3 £565.17
330920031B 31B Rothesay Place 7.3 70 88 4.2 £488.42
330800031C 31C Newbigging 8.2 78 90 4.0 £514.81
330800031D 31D Newbigging 7.9 74 83 4.3 £536.13
330920031D 31D Rothesay Place 8.5 82 97 3.4 £424.42
330170032 32 Delta Avenue 5.4 52 63 7.3 £766.68
030330032 32 Floors Terrace 3.6 53 75 3.8 £452.92
060110032 32 Gardiner Crescent 5.5 55 72 7.1 £749.32
250060032 32 Muirfield Crescent 5.6 56 73 7.1 £754.65
250080032 32 Muirfield Terrace 5.6 56 74 7.1 £751.00
060350032 32 North Grange Grove 6.8 66 98 4.3 £490.94
060460032 32 Prestongrange Terrace 7.8 73 110 4.2 £528.43
210060032 32 Rig Street 7.5 73 117 4.0 £472.59
070620032 32 Robertson Drive 6.6 65 86 5.7 £639.18
280130032 32 Sprinty Avenue 5.4 61 90 4.3 £487.17
340150032 32 St Clements Crescent 8.3 79 115 3.6 £442.40
331010032 32 Stoneybank Place 5.3 53 72 7.8 £805.43
050200032 32 Thomson Crescent 5.9 58 87 4.8 £527.79
050210032 32 Whin Park 6.1 61 75 4.7 £522.61
331060032 32 Whitehill Avenue 3.9 49 120 6.4 £745.87
050060033 33 Castle View 7.2 69 88 4.8 £571.62
040180033 33 Couper Avenue 6.9 69 118 4.3 £525.94
030100033 33 Doon Avenue 7.8 74 108 4.1 £480.30
010220033 33 Hardgate 5.5 61 67 3.9 £437.82
010260033 33 Herdmanflatt 6.5 65 97 4.8 £531.78
260050033 33 John Knox Road 6.6 65 92 3.9 £462.00
280070033 33 Limeylands Road 7.9 77 116 3.1 £398.98
040020033 33 Lochbridge Road 8.2 78 112 3.1 £398.63
330670033 33 Mayfield Crescent 5.3 53 72 7.8 £805.43
330810033 33 New Street 6.1 60 98 5.2 £604.59
060310033 33 North Bank Road 7.7 73 112 4.4 £543.67
331140033 33 North High Street 6.9 86 118 3.3 £392.36
070570033 33 Ormiston Crescent East 7.3 70 78 4.3 £490.81
070580033 33 Ormiston Crescent West 7.7 75 106 3.7 £447.22
240030033 33 Park Road 3.9 52 107 6.0 £611.05
330850033 33 Pinkie Avenue 8.2 78 117 3.8 £453.31
070630033 33 Ross Crescent 6.4 64 97 4.5 £504.64
340150033 33 St Clements Crescent 7.8 73 107 4.0 £472.23
060600033 33 West Loan 5.9 60 74 4.2 £517.42
290090033 33 Woodhall Road 6.3 66 90 5.6 £627.88
330920033A 33A Rothesay Place 7.3 70 88 4.2 £488.42
330800033B 33B Newbigging 6.3 64 76 3.5 £457.30
330800033C 33C Newbigging 7.6 70 83 4.3 £566.78
330350033D 33D Galt Avenue 8.2 78 119 3.8 £526.56
060010034 34 Acheson Drive 8.4 80 126 3.9 £502.80
060060034 34 Burnside 6.2 62 85 5.6 £626.73
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UPRN Address NHER SAP BEPI TonnesCO2 TotalRunningCost

070090034 34 Caponhall Road 5.0 53 69 7.9 £806.87
350040034 34 Deantown Drive 6.6 64 79 4.3 £491.82
010160034 34 Dunpender Drive 6.5 64 101 5.5 £675.22
330240034 34 Edenhall Road 6.5 67 87 3.0 £367.95
070160034 34 Elphinstone Road 2.6 39 84 8.4 £898.55
330290034 34 Eskview Crescent 5.7 59 73 4.3 £521.77
070190034 34 Fa'side Crescent 6.7 67 90 5.2 £601.76
050070034 34 Fishers Road 7.3 70 104 4.8 £566.62
030330034 34 Floors Terrace 3.6 53 75 3.8 £452.92
340120034 34 Inchview Crescent 4.9 55 73 5.1 £549.59
010330034 34 Lammermuir Crescent 5.2 54 71 7.7 £795.99
070390034 34 Lindores Drive 7.5 72 106 4.0 £466.62
060310034 34 North Bank Road 8.2 77 126 4.0 £515.48
070530034 34 Northfield 7.6 74 104 3.4 £421.97
060550034 34 Schaw Road 5.6 56 73 7.0 £742.87
050190034 34 South Seton Park 3.4 46 105 8.2 £813.13
030700034 34 Springfield 6.2 62 90 4.5 £503.24
340150034 34 St Clements Crescent 8.3 79 115 3.6 £442.40
030240034 34 Summerfield Road 7.5 71 107 4.0 £494.85
350080034 34 Whitecraig Crescent 6.2 61 76 5.1 £551.89
331120034 34 Windsor Park Terrace 7.8 74 119 4.5 £548.84
070700034 34 Young Avenue 5.1 56 68 6.0 £626.15
330800034B 34B Newbigging 6.8 67 82 3.3 £439.89
330800034D 34D Newbigging 7.9 75 86 3.0 £392.76
030670035 35 Brunt Court 5.8 61 91 4.9 £537.07
070080035 35 Caponhall Drive 7.7 75 81 2.9 £405.91
030090035 35 Countess Road 6.4 64 89 4.1 £475.82
030100035 35 Doon Avenue 8.3 80 124 3.7 £445.23
010200035 35 Gifford Road 7.3 69 110 4.6 £552.56
220050035 35 Gylers Road 4.8 52 69 7.0 £729.81
010240035 35 Hawthornbank Road 6.3 63 94 4.4 £499.95
060200035 35 High Street 6.9 66 73 4.5 £509.04
060210035 35 Inchview 7.4 69 102 3.6 £459.13
070360035 35 Kings Road 6.1 63 84 5.8 £642.27
060240035 35 Longdykes Road 6.4 64 89 4.9 £538.80
250050035 35 Middleshot Road 5.3 57 73 4.8 £525.99
010380035 35 Monkmains Road 5.1 57 87 4.3 £529.19
030190035 35 Pine Street 6.9 68 98 3.3 £437.13
060460035 35 Prestongrange Terrace 7.7 73 111 4.4 £544.11
070620035 35 Robertson Drive 5.2 55 73 7.5 £778.17
030710035 35 School Brae 5.6 62 90 3.7 £422.52
030240035 35 Summerfield Road 8.2 79 120 2.9 £397.69
350090035 35 Whitecraig Gardens 7.3 69 101 7.1 £838.28
330350035A 35A Galt Avenue 9.5 91 117 2.0 £296.47
330050035B 35B Beach Lane 6.9 65 86 5.8 £653.11
330350035C 35C Galt Avenue 7.2 79 129 3.8 £437.07
010220035D 35D Hardgate 7.5 72 76 3.6 £442.17
010220035E 35E Hardgate 7.7 74 90 3.5 £433.49
010220035F 35F Hardgate 6.8 67 77 4.0 £472.75
340020036 36 Albert Place 5.0 53 69 6.9 £728.07
330240036 36 Edenhall Road 6.5 67 87 3.0 £367.95
330310036 36 Eskview Road 6.2 62 75 4.6 £514.79
060120036 36 Gardiner Road 5.7 57 71 6.2 £677.41
010260036 36 Herdmanflatt 7.2 72 119 4.8 £571.86
290020036 36 Huntlaw Road 5.0 57 71 5.0 £542.86
010330036 36 Lammermuir Crescent 6.2 62 89 6.0 £716.75
330510036 36 Lewisvale Avenue 4.7 49 69 7.0 £797.64
280110036 36 Moffat Road 7.4 73 122 4.8 £574.92
010380036 36 Monkmains Road 5.4 59 87 4.4 £494.79
070730036 36 Muirpark Wynd 5.8 62 88 4.9 £535.18
060320036 36 North Crescent 5.3 55 68 5.8 £609.38
331140036 36 North High Street 6.9 86 118 3.3 £392.36
280120036 36 Park Road 7.1 71 109 3.7 £443.41
060420036 36 Preston Avenue 6.8 67 97 3.8 £455.86
290050036 36 Queen's Drive 5.5 56 81 7.7 £798.22
060550036 36 Schaw Road 5.6 56 73 7.0 £742.87
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UPRN Address NHER SAP BEPI TonnesCO2 TotalRunningCost

330960036 36 Stoneybank Crescent 6.4 62 78 5.1 £552.90
331010036 36 Stoneybank Place 5.3 53 72 7.8 £805.43
030670037 37 Brunt Court 5.5 58 83 5.2 £558.86
050020037 37 Castle Avenue 6.0 59 74 5.9 £649.98
350040037 37 Deantown Drive 6.6 64 79 4.3 £491.82
030100037 37 Doon Avenue 7.7 73 108 4.2 £483.40
230030037 37 Durie's Park 1.4 29 76 12.9 £891.16
330230037 37 Edenhall Crescent 5.0 54 69 6.1 £630.34
030300037 37 Floors Terrace 3.8 47 111 7.0 £803.16
060120037 37 Gardiner Road 4.1 47 104 10.2 £723.70
250040037 37 Hopetoun Terrace 4.7 48 63 8.9 £894.49
280060037 37 Limeylands Crescent 2.4 36 97 9.0 £743.88
010370037 37 Lynn Lea Avenue 7.7 73 114 5.0 £595.42
070510037 37 Muirside Drive 6.9 70 109 4.0 £473.04
331140037 37 North High Street 6.9 86 118 3.3 £392.36
070530037 37 Northfield 7.5 73 104 3.4 £424.28
020120037 37 Orchardfield 2.9 46 111 5.0 £585.46
070570037 37 Ormiston Crescent East 8.7 84 123 3.3 £416.79
070580037 37 Ormiston Crescent West 7.7 75 106 3.7 £447.22
280120037 37 Park Road 7.4 70 107 4.7 £562.92
330850037 37 Pinkie Avenue 7.3 70 99 4.4 £504.61
331010037 37 Stoneybank Place 5.2 52 72 7.9 £813.51
270100037 37 Whiteloch Road 3.1 43 112 7.4 £639.59
330800037A 37A Newbigging 5.8 60 72 3.8 £479.23
330800037D 37D Newbigging 7.9 74 85 4.6 £558.83
070030038 38 Blawearie Road 5.1 56 68 6.0 £626.15
350010038 38 Carberry Court 7.0 67 113 6.0 £678.57
070130038 38 Coalgate Road 6.7 66 87 5.8 £653.75
060120038 38 Gardiner Road 5.7 57 72 6.2 £674.41
070280038 38 Harkness Crescent 8.4 82 114 2.9 £400.24
060210038 38 Inchview 7.1 66 107 4.5 £581.76
070320038 38 John Crescent 4.8 53 67 7.2 £749.23
070390038 38 Lindores Drive 7.6 73 106 3.9 £463.70
280080038 38 Meadowbank 5.3 54 66 7.4 £770.98
270040038 38 Merryfield Avenue 4.2 54 108 8.0 £806.93
060310038 38 North Bank Road 7.8 73 117 4.8 £575.96
050140038 38 North Seton Park 7.2 68 106 5.4 £621.98
070540038 38 Northfield East 8.7 84 122 3.0 £398.41
060370038 38 Northfield Gardens 6.1 60 89 5.7 £688.05
060400038 38 Polwarth Crescent 5.3 55 69 5.9 £610.45
060420038 38 Preston Avenue 7.7 74 112 3.3 £418.53
330950038 38 Stoneybank Avenue 6.8 65 106 6.0 £672.43
331000038 38 Stoneybank Grove 3.2 40 102 8.8 £941.76
210080038 38 The Pleasance 4.8 51 68 5.4 £622.69
010040039 39 Artillery Park 6.4 64 91 4.5 £503.75
230010039 39 Buxley Road 1.4 24 68 13.2 £1,023.29
070080039 39 Caponhall Drive 5.1 55 71 6.9 £724.66
050020039 39 Castle Avenue 4.9 56 128 5.3 £661.99
030090039 39 Countess Road 4.6 55 115 5.7 £590.78
350030039 39 Deantown Avenue 7.6 71 99 5.6 £651.74
030100039 39 Doon Avenue 8.2 79 115 3.8 £452.47
280060039 39 Limeylands Crescent 6.4 66 97 4.1 £479.15
020120039 39 Orchardfield 2.2 39 95 5.9 £652.43
280120039 39 Park Road 7.4 70 107 4.7 £562.92
060480039 39 Preston Terrace 8.0 77 116 4.6 £563.69
030700039 39 Springfield 5.9 60 90 4.4 £537.48
330960039 39 Stoneybank Crescent 3.5 43 84 6.3 £692.60
030240039 39 Summerfield Road 3.8 52 104 4.4 £534.91
240050039 39 Walden Terrace 2.5 34 93 12.0 £975.43
350080039 39 Whitecraig Crescent 7.0 66 82 4.5 £506.93
270100039 39 Whiteloch Road 3.3 50 98 5.9 £595.51
010320039A 39A Kirkview 7.2 71 104 3.2 £431.15
010320039C 39C Kirkview 8.0 77 112 2.9 £401.11
330900039C 39C Promenade 6.0 58 73 5.4 £655.95
010320039D 39D Kirkview 4.5 58 112 3.8 £489.07
330260003A 3A Eskside East 3.9 55 103 3.6 £435.47
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UPRN Address NHER SAP BEPI TonnesCO2 TotalRunningCost

330630003A 3A Mansfield Place 7.2 68 90 5.1 £597.39
330710003A 3A Moir Avenue 8.9 85 125 3.4 £463.33
330210003B 3B Delta Road 9.4 93 130 3.0 £437.02
330400003B 3B Goose Green Crescent 8.0 77 104 3.2 £406.60
330210003C 3C Delta Road 9.1 89 130 3.2 £451.60
330720003C 3C Moir Crescent 9.1 87 131 2.8 £380.40
060690003C 3CAldhamm High Street 5.1 61 131 3.7 £486.05
330180003D 3D Delta Crescent 6.2 66 129 3.7 £484.62
330630003D 3D Mansfield Place 8.3 79 94 3.5 £435.11
330720003D 3D Moir Crescent 9.3 90 134 2.7 £371.46
330730003D 3D Moir Drive 9.1 89 125 3.2 £450.32
330180003E 3E Delta Crescent 8.3 78 114 3.6 £437.88
330710003E 3E Moir Avenue 3.5 39 115 9.2 £798.37
060050004 4 Bellfield Square 5.9 58 73 6.0 £662.46
060060004 4 Burnside 7.3 67 113 6.1 £787.30
070080004 4 Caponhall Drive 5.0 53 69 7.8 £802.07
330130004 4 Carlyle Place 7.4 70 89 4.0 £466.66
220010004 4 Castlemains Place 5.7 62 87 4.0 £466.96
320010004 4 Council Houses 3.0 37 105 10.3 £867.21
030100004 4 Doon Avenue 3.6 44 107 8.2 £698.66
330300004 4 Eskview Grove 6.2 62 75 4.6 £514.79
250010004 4 Garleton Court 6.9 67 96 5.8 £652.28
320040004 4 Hall Terrace 2.3 34 97 9.8 £794.60
240010004 4 High Street 4.6 57 114 4.2 £526.80
010290004 4 Hope Park Crescent 7.7 74 118 4.5 £545.86
050110004 4 Inglis Avenue 7.0 68 78 3.7 £447.91
310050004 4 Kirk Brae 3.2 38 106 10.1 £859.93
030380004 4 Latch Road 2.5 38 96 7.7 £799.77
010350004 4 Lennox Road 7.6 73 105 3.6 £439.59
040090004 4 Lime Grove 6.8 65 94 5.2 £596.26
070390004 4 Lindores Drive 8.2 79 116 4.1 £518.41
010360004 4 Lydgait 4.4 51 62 5.9 £607.65
280080004 4 Meadowbank 5.1 55 71 6.8 £722.88
280100004 4 Meadowbank Road 2.1 38 77 8.0 £761.20
070440004 4 Meetinghouse Drive 6.5 65 91 6.1 £673.34
330760004 4 Mucklets Court 6.6 64 104 5.6 £639.12
060350004 4 North Grange Grove 7.7 73 111 3.7 £449.58
310030004 4 Papana Cottages 1.3 23 69 12.7 £982.92
290040004 4 Park View 5.8 59 82 5.7 £600.50
210070004 4 School Road 2.3 32 71 8.9 £943.62
070660004 4 Stiel Grove 6.6 66 85 4.8 £529.07
050220004 4 Winton Court 6.5 66 107 3.5 £452.12
290100004 4 Woodhall Place 5.4 60 87 4.7 £521.92
060010040 40 Acheson Drive 7.4 68 103 5.2 £607.36
010130040 40 Caponflat Crescent 7.5 73 113 4.3 £495.32
040040040 40 Craigleith Avenue 7.2 70 101 4.2 £487.97
330210040 40 Delta Road 6.2 61 59 4.2 £484.14
330230040 40 Edenhall Crescent 6.4 64 88 4.9 £541.42
330320040 40 Eskview Terrace 7.9 75 110 4.5 £548.79
030330040 40 Floors Terrace 4.2 58 91 3.4 £419.15
340080040 40 Forthview Avenue 5.4 55 70 6.6 £708.41
330350040 40 Galt Avenue 3.8 49 93 7.1 £731.29
070280040 40 Harkness Crescent 7.9 77 115 4.1 £545.73
290020040 40 Huntlaw Road 4.6 53 71 5.0 £591.00
030170040 40 Lammermuir Crescent 7.4 72 104 3.3 £432.50
010350040 40 Lennox Road 6.8 67 103 5.5 £627.33
010370040 40 Lynn Lea Avenue 7.4 73 120 4.7 £561.37
060260040 40 Middleshot Square 5.9 58 76 6.7 £723.62
070460040 40 Morrison Avenue 4.6 53 65 5.8 £603.90
250070040 40 Muirfield Drive 5.5 59 73 4.2 £484.40
070500040 40 Muirpark Terrace 5.3 55 73 7.6 £787.45
070530040 40 Northfield 7.5 73 104 3.4 £424.28
060410040 40 Polwarth Terrace 5.5 57 77 5.1 £555.28
060420040 40 Preston Avenue 4.6 60 112 4.5 £489.54
290050040 40 Queen's Drive 5.6 59 80 6.0 £658.95
060500040 40 Redburn Road 5.2 54 68 6.1 £624.24
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UPRN Address NHER SAP BEPI TonnesCO2 TotalRunningCost

010460040 40 Riverside Drive 7.0 69 92 5.5 £631.84
070630040 40 Ross Crescent 6.4 64 97 4.5 £504.64
210070040 40 School Road 6.6 65 99 4.6 £518.31
280130040 40 Sprinty Avenue 2.6 46 108 5.2 £598.72
330950040 40 Stoneybank Avenue 5.3 53 72 7.8 £805.43
060600040 40 West Loan 6.9 66 78 4.2 £481.67
030320040 40 Wingate Crescent 3.9 51 106 4.8 £570.77
330010041 41 Ashgrove 6.8 66 85 4.6 £517.57
340040041 41 Drummohr Gardens 1.6 34 67 5.8 £616.23
330320041 41 Eskview Terrace 8.0 76 110 4.4 £545.80
030300041 41 Floors Terrace 2.8 42 98 6.6 £714.15
040050041 41 Glenburn Road 7.5 73 103 3.2 £404.22
070360041 41 Kings Road 6.1 63 84 5.8 £642.27
010330041 41 Lammermuir Crescent 5.0 53 69 7.5 £777.68
060240041 41 Longdykes Road 6.5 65 92 5.4 £614.75
070530041 41 Northfield 7.6 74 104 3.4 £421.97
020120041 41 Orchardfield 1.0 22 95 11.3 £876.47
030180041 41 Parsonspool 4.8 50 71 7.2 £825.76
330850041 41 Pinkie Avenue 8.0 76 117 3.9 £464.61
030710041 41 School Brae 5.5 57 74 5.4 £576.89
030240041 41 Summerfield Road 7.4 72 104 3.3 £432.50
030070042 42 Cedar Street 5.2 53 70 7.6 £784.75
330210042 42 Delta Road 7.0 67 61 3.7 £443.89
330230042 42 Edenhall Crescent 4.9 53 68 6.2 £638.23
330290042 42 Eskview Crescent 2.3 37 73 6.3 £683.60
010260042 42 Herdmanflatt 7.4 72 119 5.0 £593.69
060200042 42 High Street 6.2 63 73 4.1 £471.25
070740042 42 Lammermoor Terrace 7.4 71 79 4.1 £482.46
040090042 42 Lime Grove 7.8 75 104 3.0 £394.94
210040042 42 Luffness Court 2.3 42 92 5.0 £547.07
280090042 42 Meadowbank Crescent 4.9 52 74 9.0 £905.77
330740042 42 Monktonhall Terrace 2.9 39 78 7.0 £749.01
250080042 42 Muirfield Terrace 5.6 56 73 7.1 £754.65
070490042 42 Muirpark Road 6.2 63 98 5.4 £579.55
070520042 42 New Row 5.0 53 68 7.9 £814.73
050140042 42 North Seton Park 7.7 73 117 4.9 £585.23
070530042 42 Northfield 7.5 73 104 3.4 £424.28
070590042 42 Ormiston Road 6.9 67 105 5.7 £650.53
030180042 42 Parsonspool 1.7 28 67 10.5 £1,066.96
060410042 42 Polwarth Terrace 5.5 57 77 5.1 £555.28
060420042 42 Preston Avenue 3.5 50 97 5.4 £557.76
340140042 42 Salters Road 7.2 70 84 3.6 £435.58
030710042 42 School Brae 5.9 59 80 5.1 £553.34
030700042 42 Springfield 6.3 63 90 4.4 £499.42
280130042 42 Sprinty Avenue 1.8 38 90 6.3 £679.03
331020042 42 Stoneybank Road 5.3 53 72 7.8 £805.43
331120042 42 Windsor Park Terrace 7.8 74 113 4.1 £476.03
331030042A 42A Stoneybank Terrace 7.7 72 92 4.4 £536.18
030010043 43 Ash Grove 5.4 55 69 6.5 £699.28
030670043 43 Brunt Court 3.3 47 99 7.8 £786.22
030090043 43 Countess Road 7.6 72 107 4.2 £488.69
060090043 43 Drummore Drive 7.7 73 112 4.5 £546.52
030300043 43 Floors Terrace 3.7 50 112 5.5 £624.04
260050043 43 John Knox Road 3.4 48 95 6.0 £605.75
030170043 43 Lammermuir Crescent 7.6 72 107 4.2 £488.69
330670043 43 Mayfield Crescent 6.7 65 106 6.1 £675.22
280080043 43 Meadowbank 5.9 60 75 6.0 £662.38
020120043 43 Orchardfield 2.9 46 111 5.0 £585.46
330850043 43 Pinkie Avenue 8.2 78 117 3.8 £453.31
050210043 43 Whin Park 6.2 61 70 4.6 £515.42
060010044 44 Acheson Drive 7.7 73 111 3.7 £449.58
040040044 44 Craigleith Avenue 6.8 66 101 4.3 £523.17
330210044 44 Delta Road 6.2 61 59 4.2 £484.14
330230044 44 Edenhall Crescent 4.9 53 68 6.2 £638.23
330280044 44 Eskview Avenue 7.7 72 108 4.7 £565.64
030330044 44 Floors Terrace 2.7 42 75 5.7 £640.96
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UPRN Address NHER SAP BEPI TonnesCO2 TotalRunningCost

290020044 44 Huntlaw Road 5.0 57 71 4.8 £570.83
060210044 44 Inchview 7.8 73 115 3.4 £443.72
060250044 44 McLeod Crescent 7.0 66 85 4.5 £542.22
070520044 44 New Row 5.9 62 73 4.4 £496.05
060350044 44 North Grange Grove 7.8 74 111 3.7 £446.96
070530044 44 Northfield 8.2 79 113 3.0 £396.47
060410044 44 Polwarth Terrace 5.5 57 77 5.1 £555.28
060430044 44 Preston Crescent 8.0 75 128 4.8 £616.58
060480044 44 Preston Terrace 8.0 76 123 4.6 £565.05
340190044 44 Wemyss Gardens 7.9 75 115 4.3 £533.83
030320044 44 Wingate Crescent 4.4 52 117 6.6 £769.89
340020045 45 Albert Place 4.7 50 71 6.9 £790.98
350010045 45 Carberry Court 7.6 72 125 5.4 £633.61
040040045 45 Craigleith Avenue 6.0 62 103 4.9 £582.35
340040045 45 Drummohr Gardens 7.0 71 85 3.1 £374.53
070530045 45 Northfield 7.5 73 104 3.4 £424.28
060370045 45 Northfield Gardens 5.0 52 71 7.2 £747.80
070580045 45 Ormiston Crescent West 7.6 73 106 3.8 £454.77
331080045 45 Whitehill Gardens 1.9 38 92 5.3 £576.23
060010046 46 Acheson Drive 7.4 71 108 3.8 £455.97
280040046 46 George Crescent 2.3 31 96 12.6 £1,018.93
050120046 46 Johnston Terrace 7.1 68 105 5.0 £582.78
030170046 46 Lammermuir Crescent 7.6 74 104 3.3 £413.42
070440046 46 Meetinghouse Drive 6.0 65 70 3.5 £407.72
020120046 46 Orchardfield 2.9 46 111 5.0 £585.46
340140046 46 Salters Road 8.8 85 91 2.7 £372.94
330950046 46 Stoneybank Avenue 4.9 50 72 7.8 £886.01
070670046 46 Swan Road 6.1 63 84 5.8 £642.27
050200046 46 Thomson Crescent 6.1 60 90 4.7 £519.25
331120046 46 Windsor Park Terrace 7.8 74 113 4.1 £476.03
030090047 47 Countess Road 8.2 78 115 3.8 £454.99
340040047 47 Drummohr Gardens 5.4 61 67 3.9 £434.57
040080047 47 Gilbert Avenue 7.8 75 118 3.9 £465.61
070510047 47 Muirside Drive 7.2 72 113 4.2 £486.87
330850047 47 Pinkie Avenue 7.3 70 101 4.4 £501.83
060480047 47 Preston Terrace 2.2 26 103 14.5 £1,145.72
010460047 47 Riverside Drive 8.1 78 100 2.5 £345.05
350080047 47 Whitecraig Crescent 4.7 49 60 7.3 £757.81
330820047B 47B North High Street 7.2 68 86 5.0 £591.99
030670048 48 Brunt Court 2.6 43 91 7.1 £695.55
280020048 48 Cockburn Drive 8.0 77 124 4.2 £528.07
060090048 48 Drummore Drive 5.8 57 73 6.7 £722.39
050070048 48 Fishers Road 7.8 74 118 4.8 £578.86
060210048 48 Inchview 7.8 74 111 3.8 £458.38
070440048 48 Meetinghouse Drive 5.6 62 70 3.5 £437.96
060310048 48 North Bank Road 7.7 74 112 3.3 £418.53
280120048 48 Park Road 3.6 55 96 5.3 £551.39
010460048 48 Riverside Drive 9.0 87 123 2.5 £358.51
070620048 48 Robertson Drive 6.1 62 82 5.8 £642.83
030320048 48 Wingate Crescent 4.2 49 111 6.9 £794.75
340040049 49 Drummohr Gardens 4.9 53 67 5.8 £668.87
230030049 49 Durie's Park 2.8 44 90 5.6 £628.03
040080049 49 Gilbert Avenue 7.8 75 118 3.9 £465.61
010290049 49 Hope Park Crescent 7.7 74 118 4.5 £545.86
050140049 49 North Seton Park 7.1 67 103 5.5 £628.42
060480049 49 Preston Terrace 8.0 76 123 4.6 £565.05
060450049 49 Prestongrange Road 6.9 66 87 5.1 £590.13
060550049 49 Schaw Road 7.2 68 110 6.7 £793.80
330950049 49 Stoneybank Avenue 2.9 38 91 9.3 £982.31
330960049 49 Stoneybank Crescent 6.3 63 74 4.2 £482.18
050200049 49 Thomson Crescent 6.1 60 90 4.7 £519.25
331060049 49 Whitehill Avenue 1.9 38 92 5.3 £576.23
270100049 49 Whiteloch Road 2.3 30 104 12.4 £997.97
070700049 49 Young Avenue 5.1 56 68 6.0 £626.12
040240049A 49A Forth Street 4.4 62 102 2.9 £381.99
060500049C 49C Redburn Road 6.4 63 76 4.5 £510.56
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Results 2005

UPRN Address NHER SAP BEPI TonnesCO2 TotalRunningCost

330600049E 49E Macbeth Moir Road 8.4 79 99 3.5 £433.59
330210004A 4A Delta Road 9.1 89 130 3.2 £451.60
330400004A 4A Goose Green Crescent 8.0 77 107 3.2 £406.56
330400004B 4B Goose Green Crescent 8.0 77 104 3.2 £406.60
331050004B 4B Watt's Close 7.2 70 85 3.7 £448.31
330630004C 4C Mansfield Place 8.4 80 98 4.1 £521.84
070310004D 4D Hungerage Square 7.9 77 105 3.0 £393.04
330630004E 4E Mansfield Place 8.0 76 103 4.4 £544.03
070010005 5 Annfield 6.1 66 102 3.3 £417.69
030010005 5 Ash Grove 6.7 64 99 5.0 £622.66
010600005 5 Auction Mart 2.1 42 84 6.6 £651.00
010050005 5 Baird Terrace 6.1 61 95 4.5 £546.78
030030005 5 Boroughdales 7.5 71 107 4.0 £494.85
280010005 5 Clark Buildings 6.4 65 86 4.6 £556.24
060070005 5 County Square 7.2 68 100 4.8 £574.11
060640005 5 Cuthill 3.6 51 99 4.3 £527.75
060630005 5 Doo'cot Place 6.3 65 100 3.6 £465.80
340030005 5 Drummohr Avenue 6.8 66 85 4.6 £517.65
060090005 5 Drummore Drive 8.4 81 127 3.9 £502.22
020040005 5 Drylaw Gardens 5.7 59 72 4.5 £505.58
260110005 5 Elcho Court 3.0 45 107 5.3 £610.88
330280005 5 Eskview Avenue 6.4 61 80 5.8 £648.53
330310005 5 Eskview Road 2.6 38 75 6.6 £711.51
340090005 5 Forthview Crescent 6.9 67 90 5.0 £589.42
300020005 5 Glebe Crescent 2.8 40 70 11.7 £868.80
060140005 5 Glebe Gardens 5.2 57 69 4.4 £496.30
070260005 5 Glennie Gardens 5.8 61 78 5.4 £576.12
330410005 5 Goose Green Place 6.7 64 98 4.9 £621.64
250020005 5 Hamilton Crescent 5.0 54 74 4.7 £565.57
070280005 5 Harkness Crescent 8.4 82 114 2.9 £400.24
010240005 5 Hawthornbank Road 6.3 63 94 4.4 £499.95
070290005 5 Henderson Gardens 6.9 69 90 4.5 £506.53
070360005 5 Kings Road 4.7 51 64 5.5 £638.11
010330005 5 Lammermuir Crescent 6.4 65 91 6.5 £713.92
280240005 5 Linlithgow Terrace 6.5 67 93 4.0 £465.16
040020005 5 Lochbridge Road 6.4 64 93 4.1 £472.57
060250005 5 McLeod Crescent 6.2 62 74 4.3 £485.71
070400005 5 McNeill Path 6.5 64 95 5.4 £617.80
070430005 5 McPhail Square 5.7 59 79 5.0 £546.52
070460005 5 Morrison Avenue 6.7 67 101 4.6 £518.93
070720005 5 Muirpark Place 6.0 62 91 5.8 £646.08
060310005 5 North Bank Road 4.9 48 70 8.9 £1,027.96
360010005 5 Old Craighall 5.9 65 104 5.5 £445.98
240030005 5 Park Road 2.3 36 80 9.5 £913.83
330860005 5 Pinkie Drive 3.3 43 82 6.1 £676.66
060440005 5 Preston Cross Cottages 2.5 36 89 5.5 £679.80
060480005 5 Preston Terrace 7.4 70 105 4.1 £477.13
060490005 5 Pyper's Wynd 6.4 63 77 4.8 £527.80
060530005 5 Robertson Avenue 5.4 54 69 7.3 £764.80
070620005 5 Robertson Drive 7.5 73 106 3.9 £457.55
060650005 5 Sir Walter Scott Pend 6.0 69 128 2.8 £417.51
320050005 5 South Crescent 2.0 27 70 15.1 £1,189.60
010510005 5 St Martins Court 7.5 73 123 5.1 £602.33
010530005 5 Station Court 3.4 49 70 4.6 £555.54
330990005 5 Stoneybank Gardens South 6.6 63 82 6.0 £671.15
331020005 5 Stoneybank Road 6.1 60 78 5.0 £593.71
020130005 5 Walker Terrace 5.9 60 75 4.5 £546.75
340190005 5 Wemyss Gardens 7.0 68 89 5.0 £586.27
331080005 5 Whitehill Gardens 2.7 45 108 4.5 £513.27
270100005 5 Whiteloch Road 3.7 47 99 7.0 £718.83
270020050 50 Brierbush Road 3.8 48 67 6.3 £623.11
260040050 50 Forthview Road 5.7 57 73 6.9 £733.48
050110050 50 Inglis Avenue 5.4 55 72 7.3 £770.05
010350050 50 Lennox Road 7.7 74 119 4.8 £571.95
070390050 50 Lindores Drive 7.8 75 108 4.4 £541.89
330670050 50 Mayfield Crescent 6.7 64 105 6.1 £679.00
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Results 2005

UPRN Address NHER SAP BEPI TonnesCO2 TotalRunningCost

330740050 50 Monktonhall Terrace 6.4 62 78 5.0 £546.00
060310050 50 North Bank Road 7.7 74 112 3.3 £418.53
070620050 50 Robertson Drive 6.4 65 83 5.5 £621.56
340140050 50 Salters Road 7.9 75 88 3.2 £409.19
331030050 50 Stoneybank Terrace 6.7 64 89 5.2 £647.76
030240050 50 Summerfield Road 6.2 63 93 4.0 £500.23
060090051 51 Drummore Drive 6.6 65 84 5.3 £607.84
280040051 51 George Crescent 2.3 31 96 12.6 £1,018.93
010370051 51 Lynn Lea Avenue 7.6 72 112 5.0 £592.58
330840051 51 Pinkiehill Crescent 7.5 72 105 4.3 £490.77
330600051A 51A Macbeth Moir Road 9.1 89 130 3.2 £451.60
330820051B 51B North High Street 7.5 71 92 4.7 £568.36
060270051C 51C Middleshot Square 6.5 64 74 5.0 £547.44
330600051E 51E Macbeth Moir Road 8.3 78 98 3.8 £498.69
060270051E 51E Middleshot Square 6.7 65 72 4.9 £539.00
330600051F 51F Macbeth Moir Road 7.8 72 96 4.2 £527.03
070030052 52 Blawearie Road 5.0 52 72 8.1 £831.04
060060052 52 Burnside 6.4 63 100 5.5 £619.33
330290052 52 Eskview Crescent 7.1 68 80 3.7 £443.87
010290052 52 Hope Park Crescent 3.9 50 114 6.3 £743.09
010330052 52 Lammermuir Crescent 4.6 49 69 7.6 £855.72
010350052 52 Lennox Road 6.6 65 105 5.4 £665.44
070390052 52 Lindores Drive 8.0 76 116 4.1 £543.97
010370052 52 Lynn Lea Avenue 7.4 72 121 4.9 £585.84
250070052 52 Muirfield Drive 5.5 56 71 6.4 £691.93
070490052 52 Muirpark Road 5.7 62 92 4.1 £472.70
070530052 52 Northfield 8.1 78 113 3.1 £398.25
280120052 52 Park Road 6.8 69 93 3.9 £457.18
010460052 52 Riverside Drive 8.9 86 121 2.7 £369.28
030240052 52 Summerfield Road 2.7 41 89 5.8 £648.37
050210052 52 Whin Park 6.1 61 75 4.7 £522.61
060270052A 52A Middleshot Square 6.5 64 74 5.0 £547.44
050100052B 52B High Street 6.4 62 77 4.2 £516.71
050100052D 52D High Street 7.7 73 75 3.3 £416.83
060270052D 52D Middleshot Square 6.5 64 74 5.0 £547.44
010010053 53 Abbot's View 6.6 66 90 5.1 £630.17
060010053 53 Acheson Drive 8.2 79 122 4.3 £538.40
330310053 53 Eskview Road 5.8 59 75 4.6 £555.48
040050053 53 Glenburn Road 7.5 73 103 3.2 £404.22
330810053 53 New Street 2.5 36 82 8.1 £837.42
060310053 53 North Bank Road 7.4 69 102 4.6 £560.30
060340053 53 North Grange Avenue 7.0 66 102 5.9 £663.81
060480053 53 Preston Terrace 8.0 76 120 4.6 £565.06
050200053 53 Thomson Crescent 6.1 60 90 4.7 £519.25
331060053 53 Whitehill Avenue 2.8 47 108 4.4 £502.21
331090053 53 Windsor Park 7.3 71 100 3.2 £408.64
330600053A 53A Macbeth Moir Road 8.8 84 121 3.4 £467.16
330600053D 53D Macbeth Moir Road 9.1 88 127 3.2 £453.78
060270053E 53E Middleshot Square 6.7 65 72 4.9 £539.00
060270053H 53H Middleshot Square 6.8 66 74 5.2 £601.58
010010054 54 Abbot's View 7.0 69 90 5.0 £588.19
070030054 54 Blawearie Road 4.8 52 69 6.0 £682.57
330230054 54 Edenhall Crescent 6.1 62 81 5.1 £557.82
280040054 54 George Crescent 6.2 62 96 5.7 £641.65
050100054 54 High Street 4.2 44 58 9.0 £890.27
070530054 54 Northfield 8.2 79 113 3.0 £396.47
330890054 54 Pinkie Terrace 7.3 70 90 4.3 £492.49
340140054 54 Salters Road 7.5 73 82 3.2 £405.65
060270054B 54B Middleshot Square 6.5 64 74 5.0 £547.44
060270054D 54D Middleshot Square 6.1 61 74 5.0 £598.51
230010055 55 Buxley Road 1.6 26 68 12.6 £985.27
260040055 55 Forthview Road 6.7 65 102 5.2 £602.61
010200055 55 Gifford Road 7.2 69 105 3.6 £441.01
340120055 55 Inchview Crescent 6.1 61 90 5.5 £664.51
030170055 55 Lammermuir Crescent 7.7 74 107 4.1 £481.36
070440055 55 Meetinghouse Drive 6.4 66 67 3.7 £440.16
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Results 2005

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010380055 55 Monkmains Road 6.7 69 108 3.9 £458.42
070510055 55 Muirside Drive 7.0 69 115 4.2 £516.27
070530055 55 Northfield 8.2 79 113 3.0 £396.47
060420055 55 Preston Avenue 7.9 75 116 4.7 £570.91
010010056 56 Abbot's View 6.7 66 92 5.6 £679.65
330230056 56 Edenhall Crescent 5.0 54 69 6.2 £635.65
330290056 56 Eskview Crescent 8.5 81 124 2.9 £386.01
050070056 56 Fishers Road 7.4 69 108 5.9 £670.12
060210056 56 Inchview 7.0 68 90 3.2 £435.16
030170056 56 Lammermuir Crescent 7.7 75 104 3.2 £410.63
010380056 56 Monkmains Road 6.8 70 112 3.8 £454.07
060280056 56 Nethershot Road 6.6 64 76 4.3 £493.57
050140056 56 North Seton Park 8.3 79 126 3.9 £509.24
280120056 56 Park Road 6.9 70 96 3.8 £452.76
060550056 56 Schaw Road 5.8 56 77 8.7 £941.38
050210056 56 Whin Park 5.7 58 75 4.7 £564.93
350070056 56 Whitecraig Avenue 6.7 64 83 5.8 £656.43
350080056 56 Whitecraig Crescent 6.9 65 82 4.5 £510.69
330430056C 56C Hercus Loan 5.2 64 114 3.1 £439.07
330430056F 56F Hercus Loan 4.7 60 111 3.4 £458.49
270020057 57 Brierbush Road 4.5 58 111 6.0 £607.78
060210057 57 Inchview 7.7 75 102 3.1 £396.54
070490057 57 Muirpark Road 6.5 65 103 5.4 £619.17
070510057 57 Muirside Drive 7.2 72 111 4.0 £468.04
330890057 57 Pinkie Terrace 8.4 80 129 3.9 £506.42
060430057 57 Preston Crescent 7.1 67 103 5.5 £625.65
060480057 57 Preston Terrace 7.9 75 116 4.7 £570.91
030240057 57 Summerfield Road 6.6 66 93 4.0 £467.97
331060057 57 Whitehill Avenue 1.9 38 86 5.4 £578.06
060090058 58 Drummore Drive 8.0 77 118 4.2 £527.20
070160058 58 Elphinstone Road 4.4 49 67 7.2 £823.38
260040058 58 Forthview Road 6.7 65 94 4.1 £476.36
060210058 58 Inchview 7.7 73 104 3.6 £441.89
050140058 58 North Seton Park 8.2 78 122 4.0 £514.05
060430058 58 Preston Crescent 7.8 72 117 6.1 £747.88
340140058 58 Salters Road 8.5 81 89 2.7 £370.69
331030058 58 Stoneybank Terrace 7.0 66 89 5.3 £609.95
070670058 58 Swan Road 5.6 61 80 4.5 £502.85
331090058 58 Windsor Park 8.4 81 120 3.5 £429.94
330430058D 58D Hercus Loan 5.8 67 121 2.9 £421.65
040080059 59 Gilbert Avenue 7.8 75 118 3.9 £465.61
060200059 59 High Street 7.2 70 82 3.3 £413.61
060240059 59 Longdykes Road 6.6 65 103 4.8 £528.87
070440059 59 Meetinghouse Drive 6.0 65 70 3.5 £407.72
050140059 59 North Seton Park 7.6 72 113 5.0 £591.46
330840059 59 Pinkiehill Crescent 7.9 75 107 3.8 £453.59
000030241 59 Schaw Road 4.7 50 69 6.8 £688.04
030240059 59 Summerfield Road 6.2 63 93 4.0 £500.23
340190059 59 Wemyss Gardens 7.0 68 89 5.0 £586.27
350080059 59 Whitecraig Crescent 7.0 67 91 5.1 £596.73
330210005A 5A Delta Road 8.9 85 125 3.4 £463.33
330210005B 5B Delta Road 9.1 89 125 3.2 £450.32
330540005B 5B Links Avenue 6.9 66 78 4.4 £502.54
330630005B 5B Mansfield Place 7.1 68 86 4.4 £501.86
330720005B 5B Moir Crescent 4.2 52 112 4.7 £564.19
330980005B 5B Stoneybank Gardens North 7.0 67 86 4.5 £505.61
070760005D 5D Loch Square 3.8 60 56 4.5 £444.67
330710005D 5D Moir Avenue 9.1 89 125 3.2 £450.32
330800005D 5D Newbigging 7.8 73 80 3.9 £465.31
330720005E 5E Moir Crescent 8.8 84 120 2.9 £403.54
330710005F 5F Moir Avenue 8.5 81 115 3.7 £486.79
330720005F 5F Moir Crescent 8.4 80 119 3.2 £409.30
330800005F 5F Newbigging 7.9 74 99 3.7 £471.72
070760005H 5H Loch Square 6.9 84 112 3.0 £369.67
070760005L 5L Loch Square 7.4 89 118 2.6 £320.74
070760005P 5P Loch Square 6.4 82 105 3.0 £345.67
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Results 2005

UPRN Address NHER SAP BEPI TonnesCO2 TotalRunningCost

070760005S 5S Loch Square 6.9 85 112 2.8 £333.84
070760005V 5V Loch Square 7.4 89 118 2.6 £320.74
050010006 6 Bayview 4.4 55 102 4.1 £514.17
020010006 6 Braeview 6.4 64 100 5.5 £625.15
070060006 6 Caesar Way 7.2 71 73 3.2 £424.92
350010006 6 Carberry Court 7.2 69 109 5.8 £659.67
010100006 6 Carlyle Gardens 8.5 83 119 2.6 £376.31
350030006 6 Deantown Avenue 7.1 68 95 6.2 £689.99
350040006 6 Deantown Drive 6.6 64 79 4.3 £491.82
010160006 6 Dunpender Drive 6.5 65 92 4.8 £531.55
330240006 6 Edenhall Road 6.5 67 87 3.0 £367.95
330280006 6 Eskview Avenue 7.8 73 108 4.6 £562.30
330290006 6 Eskview Crescent 7.6 72 106 4.0 £472.29
330310006 6 Eskview Road 5.8 59 75 4.6 £555.48
070200006 6 Fa'side Road 5.2 56 69 6.0 £621.17
220040006 6 Foreshot Terrace 6.5 65 86 3.6 £438.41
340110006 6 Forthview Terrace 3.8 44 90 11.0 £761.59
060110006 6 Gardiner Crescent 5.6 56 73 7.0 £742.87
070240006 6 George Walk 3.1 42 95 7.5 £829.93
060140006 6 Glebe Gardens 5.3 57 69 4.4 £492.71
010210006 6 Glebe Terrace 2.7 33 101 13.9 £1,118.03
060190006 6 Hawthorn Road 5.8 56 77 8.7 £941.38
070370006 6 Kingslaw Court 7.8 76 120 4.4 £538.97
310050006 6 Kirk Brae 3.2 38 106 10.1 £859.93
010340006 6 Langriggs 6.5 64 101 5.1 £630.49
290030006 6 Lempockwells Road 5.3 57 68 5.7 £601.03
280070006 6 Limeylands Road 4.8 53 70 5.7 £600.00
070440006 6 Meetinghouse Drive 6.3 65 89 5.6 £628.20
060320006 6 North Crescent 7.0 68 94 4.2 £481.70
331140006 6 North High Street 6.1 80 109 3.7 £418.77
060370006 6 Northfield Gardens 5.0 52 70 7.3 £753.78
360010006 6 Old Craighall 4.8 58 120 3.8 £494.04
030180006 6 Parsonspool 5.9 60 68 4.2 £515.32
070600006 6 Pinkie Walk 6.1 64 82 5.0 £547.79
060400006 6 Polwarth Crescent 5.4 55 71 6.5 £698.45
010430006 6 Princess Mary Road 4.5 48 64 8.5 £852.42
060490006 6 Pyper's Wynd 6.8 67 82 4.6 £513.50
210050006 6 Rig Place 3.0 42 82 6.5 £706.86
070610006 6 Robertson Avenue 8.4 81 128 4.0 £514.90
300030006 6 Saltire Gardens 2.8 42 97 6.8 £725.86
210070006 6 School Road 5.8 55 73 8.1 £878.11
070650006 6 Seton Court 6.0 62 79 5.1 £551.21
030680006 6 Springfield Terrace 5.5 56 71 6.4 £689.07
340160006 6 St Clements Gardens North 8.3 79 115 3.6 £442.40
030720006 6 Stenton Road 5.1 55 73 5.3 £561.99
330930006 6 Stoneyhill Wynd 6.8 67 113 4.3 £531.45
350060006 6 The Lane 5.7 57 70 6.2 £674.02
010560006 6 Tyne Court 7.1 70 68 3.4 £421.79
280170006 6 Tynemount Road 7.6 74 115 4.0 £473.43
340190006 6 Wemyss Gardens 5.5 56 67 6.4 £687.72
060600006 6 West Loan 6.4 63 76 4.5 £510.49
270070006 6 Westbank Gardens 2.2 40 97 5.8 £641.33
270090006 6 Westbank Terrace 1.9 32 77 7.9 £811.21
030320006 6 Wingate Crescent 4.0 53 108 4.7 £561.66
290090006 6 Woodhall Road 4.8 55 73 5.5 £578.50
030330060 60 Floors Terrace 2.7 45 65 4.5 £510.56
260040060 60 Forthview Road 6.7 65 94 4.1 £476.36
010290060 60 Hope Park Crescent 6.6 66 97 4.7 £524.06
060210060 60 Inchview 7.4 71 102 3.1 £420.32
030170060 60 Lammermuir Crescent 8.6 82 122 2.6 £360.41
070490060 60 Muirpark Road 5.8 63 94 4.0 £468.99
340140060 60 Salters Road 7.9 75 90 3.4 £425.68
340190060 60 Wemyss Gardens 5.5 56 67 6.4 £692.52
060600060 60 West Loan 7.8 74 114 3.7 £445.46
331060060 60 Whitehill Avenue 2.9 39 101 7.9 £865.45
270100060 60 Whiteloch Road 4.4 56 104 6.4 £670.65
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Results 2005

UPRN Address NHER SAP BEPI TonnesCO2 TotalRunningCost

330270060A 60A Eskside West 3.5 51 102 3.8 £456.83
331030060A 60A Stoneybank Terrace 7.7 72 92 4.4 £536.18
330430060B 60B Hercus Loan 3.6 51 99 4.2 £518.77
330430060C 60C Hercus Loan 5.9 68 121 2.8 £418.17
040050061 61 Glenburn Road 7.6 73 104 3.4 £424.77
330600061 61 Macbeth Moir Road 7.6 70 112 6.2 £752.82
060480061 61 Preston Terrace 7.2 68 106 5.4 £619.08
030240061 61 Summerfield Road 6.3 64 89 4.2 £479.22
331120061 61 Windsor Park Terrace 7.7 73 113 4.1 £479.07
330690061B 61B Millhill 6.9 66 76 3.7 £446.01
330690061C 61C Millhill 8.4 80 77 2.9 £386.09
330690061E 61E Millhill 7.8 74 76 3.2 £410.47
330230062 62 Edenhall Crescent 5.1 54 70 6.3 £647.63
070320062 62 John Crescent 5.0 53 69 7.9 £806.87
030180062 62 Parsonspool 4.9 52 67 7.5 £778.31
330890062 62 Pinkie Terrace 5.6 57 70 5.5 £586.46
060410062 62 Polwarth Terrace 5.5 57 77 5.1 £555.28
050210062 62 Whin Park 6.1 61 75 4.7 £522.61
331080062 62 Whitehill Gardens 6.3 62 105 5.3 £648.34
330270062A 62A Eskside West 3.9 49 109 5.4 £621.99
330270062C 62C Eskside West 4.7 56 120 4.7 £561.27
070080063 63 Caponhall Drive 5.0 54 70 7.0 £735.26
060210063 63 Inchview 7.3 70 104 3.7 £472.69
040020063 63 Lochbridge Road 7.6 73 104 3.4 £424.77
330670063 63 Mayfield Crescent 6.8 65 105 6.0 £673.68
060310063 63 North Bank Road 8.1 76 119 4.1 £522.89
060340063 63 North Grange Avenue 7.1 67 102 5.3 £614.00
330840063 63 Pinkiehill Crescent 8.2 77 117 3.4 £445.70
060420063 63 Preston Avenue 7.5 72 116 5.1 £598.15
330810063D 63D New Street 8.4 80 91 2.9 £386.86
030170064 64 Lammermuir Crescent 7.7 74 107 4.2 £484.47
050190064 64 South Seton Park 4.4 56 119 6.8 £704.91
070700064 64 Young Avenue 5.1 56 68 6.0 £626.15
330270064C 64C Eskside West 4.8 57 120 4.6 £552.54
350010065 65 Carberry Court 5.5 60 93 3.7 £448.92
060120065 65 Gardiner Road 5.6 55 75 7.9 £823.74
070490065 65 Muirpark Road 2.9 41 103 7.8 £856.45
330890065 65 Pinkie Terrace 7.9 76 120 4.2 £530.58
060450065 65 Prestongrange Road 7.9 75 120 4.5 £554.17
070030066 66 Blawearie Road 5.2 56 69 5.9 £618.46
060090066 66 Drummore Drive 7.3 69 107 6.3 £754.06
330230066 66 Edenhall Crescent 5.0 54 69 6.1 £630.34
070160066 66 Elphinstone Road 6.1 63 84 5.8 £642.27
330290066 66 Eskview Crescent 6.1 62 73 4.2 £485.62
060210066 66 Inchview 8.0 77 111 3.7 £447.91
250070066 66 Muirfield Drive 5.6 56 73 7.1 £754.65
060280066 66 Nethershot Road 6.1 61 75 4.7 £522.61
330840066 66 Pinkiehill Crescent 8.4 80 117 3.4 £424.96
050190066 66 South Seton Park 6.7 65 105 5.5 £629.08
331090066 66 Windsor Park 7.6 72 109 4.1 £475.93
070080067 67 Caponhall Drive 5.1 54 72 7.6 £790.75
230030067 67 Durie's Park 0.9 24 68 10.0 £779.21
040080067 67 Gilbert Avenue 7.5 75 101 2.5 £330.68
060200067 67 High Street 4.8 50 67 7.2 £744.42
070440067 67 Meetinghouse Drive 6.0 65 70 3.5 £407.72
060310067 67 North Bank Road 7.8 73 109 5.1 £607.20
060370067 67 Northfield Gardens 6.3 63 88 5.1 £552.81
030240067 67 Summerfield Road 6.5 65 93 4.1 £471.21
050210067 67 Whin Park 6.3 62 70 4.6 £511.37
060280068 68 Nethershot Road 6.6 64 76 4.3 £493.57
330840068 68 Pinkiehill Crescent 7.9 75 107 3.8 £453.59
330960068 68 Stoneybank Crescent 3.9 48 76 2.7 £587.13
060600068 68 West Loan 7.7 73 111 3.7 £449.58
350120068 68 Whitecraig Road 6.7 64 81 4.7 £521.17
070030069 69 Blawearie Road 3.2 45 103 6.4 £696.82
040050069 69 Glenburn Road 7.6 73 104 3.4 £424.77
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Results 2005

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280070069 69 Limeylands Road 3.0 36 106 12.7 £1,040.34
330370069B 69B Galt Road 9.1 89 129 3.0 £391.85
330190006A 6A Delta Drive 7.1 81 124 3.0 £370.01
030370006A 6A Goldenstones Avenue 4.7 60 112 6.1 £649.42
330630006A 6A Mansfield Place 7.2 68 90 5.1 £597.39
060700006A 6A Salt Preston Place 6.0 67 129 3.3 £449.23
330980006A 6A Stoneybank Gardens North 7.0 67 86 4.5 £505.61
010260006B 6B Herdmanflatt 6.3 78 119 3.0 £349.28
330050006C 6C Beach Lane 8.9 86 118 2.9 £395.72
330060006C 6C Bellfield Court 5.0 59 121 4.4 £540.85
330190006C 6C Delta Drive 9.3 91 129 2.9 £401.38
030370006D 6D Goldenstones Avenue 6.9 81 122 2.8 £333.79
330190006E 6E Delta Drive 5.3 63 115 5.4 £593.50
010020007 7 Aberlady Road 6.3 63 94 4.4 £496.14
070020007 7 Balfour Square 4.0 48 65 6.3 £640.85
050240007 7 Cadell Place 5.2 56 79 4.9 £532.13
010100007 7 Carlyle Gardens 3.6 52 103 4.2 £525.45
320130007 7 Council Houses 1.5 26 77 12.5 £977.26
060640007 7 Cuthill 4.7 60 118 3.5 £468.33
340030007 7 Drummohr Avenue 6.8 66 85 4.6 £517.65
340040007 7 Drummohr Gardens 6.3 64 79 4.9 £543.70
010160007 7 Dunpender Drive 6.7 67 97 4.6 £520.03
260030007 7 Elcho Terrace 5.2 53 71 7.5 £783.33
030110007 7 Elm Street 4.8 51 68 8.1 £826.83
070190007 7 Fa'side Crescent 7.7 75 116 4.0 £468.27
220030007 7 Fidra Avenue 5.2 56 68 4.9 £536.09
030300007 7 Floors Terrace 4.5 57 116 4.3 £528.50
060120007 7 Gardiner Road 5.5 56 71 6.4 £689.42
070240007 7 George Walk 4.9 53 67 7.1 £744.85
050080007 7 Golf Drive 7.1 68 104 4.9 £576.53
220060007 7 Harpenside Crescent 5.2 58 68 4.2 £455.15
070310007 7 Hungerage Square 7.7 75 116 4.0 £468.27
210020007 7 Kilspindie Court 5.0 54 69 6.0 £618.66
070360007 7 Kings Road 4.7 51 64 5.5 £638.11
320160007 7 Kippithill 3.9 52 98 10.7 £746.81
280090007 7 Meadowbank Crescent 5.1 55 71 6.8 £722.94
010390007 7 Monkrigg Place 7.0 69 113 5.2 £600.76
300050007 7 New Houses 2.9 46 111 4.9 £576.61
360010007 7 Old Craighall 3.8 50 104 4.6 £551.77
240020007 7 Park Crescent 3.0 46 102 8.0 £794.27
240030007 7 Park Road 1.7 25 81 14.0 £1,107.35
060500007 7 Redburn Road 7.3 69 93 5.3 £615.39
010610007 7 Riverside Place 6.5 65 100 6.0 £671.01
060530007 7 Robertson Avenue 5.4 54 69 7.3 £764.80
030220007 7 Rowan Street 7.4 69 106 4.7 £562.87
060650007 7 Sir Walter Scott Pend 6.0 69 124 2.8 £416.91
030680007 7 Springfield Terrace 5.5 58 69 5.5 £585.13
330930007 7 Stoneyhill Wynd 6.8 67 113 4.3 £531.45
030240007 7 Summerfield Road 6.4 64 89 4.1 £475.82
060590007 7 Thorntree Crescent 5.7 56 74 7.0 £739.34
020130007 7 Walker Terrace 7.0 68 79 3.7 £446.48
260100007 7 Wemyss Place 3.3 53 105 4.9 £516.25
270070007 7 Westbank Gardens 2.9 47 112 4.9 £578.16
331080007 7 Whitehill Gardens 2.7 45 108 4.5 £513.27
050220007 7 Winton Court 3.2 44 99 7.7 £773.02
040160007 7 Wishart Avenue 3.8 49 104 5.8 £656.09
340020070 70 Albert Place 5.9 59 81 6.0 £660.03
230030070 70 Durie's Park 2.0 33 90 9.5 £773.55
330290070 70 Eskview Crescent 6.1 62 73 4.2 £485.62
010260070 70 Herdmanflatt 7.3 72 119 4.7 £566.95
340120070 70 Inchview Crescent 5.1 53 71 6.8 £722.47
040090070 70 Lime Grove 7.3 71 123 4.6 £585.27
070390070 70 Lindores Drive 6.8 66 102 5.9 £655.99
060280070 70 Nethershot Road 6.1 61 75 4.7 £522.61
060310070 70 North Bank Road 7.4 70 107 4.9 £583.61
070530070 70 Northfield 8.2 79 113 3.0 £396.47
East Lothian Council 29
Results 2005

UPRN Address NHER SAP BEPI TonnesCO2 TotalRunningCost

330880070 70 Pinkie Road 7.8 74 112 3.9 £464.38
270020071 71 Brierbush Road 2.2 34 91 8.2 £687.82
330310071 71 Eskview Road 7.2 68 82 4.0 £468.76
040080071 71 Gilbert Avenue 6.5 68 87 2.8 £354.14
060200071 71 High Street 4.7 50 64 7.3 £756.06
060210071 71 Inchview 6.5 63 97 4.5 £541.20
330670071 71 Mayfield Crescent 6.7 64 105 6.1 £679.00
060420071 71 Preston Avenue 7.1 68 101 4.9 £578.33
060430071 71 Preston Crescent 7.1 67 103 5.5 £625.65
050200071 71 Thomson Crescent 6.1 60 90 4.7 £519.25
330370071A 71A Galt Road 8.7 84 122 3.5 £473.96
330370071E 71E Galt Road 8.8 85 118 3.5 £471.91
330370071F 71F Galt Road 8.1 76 99 4.0 £510.42
070320072 72 John Crescent 6.2 63 85 6.3 £689.81
330880072 72 Pinkie Road 7.0 68 102 4.4 £503.17
330840072 72 Pinkiehill Crescent 8.4 80 117 3.4 £424.96
050100072B 72B High Street 5.2 56 61 4.4 £496.56
060310073 73 North Bank Road 8.2 77 126 4.0 £515.48
330840073 73 Pinkiehill Crescent 7.2 67 85 4.1 £505.66
010460073 73 Riverside Drive 6.8 67 86 5.7 £647.55
270020074 74 Brierbush Road 3.3 46 97 8.8 £863.74
050110074 74 Inglis Avenue 5.0 50 71 7.5 £852.51
070530074 74 Northfield 7.6 74 104 3.4 £421.97
060410074 74 Polwarth Terrace 5.5 57 77 5.1 £555.28
060430074 74 Preston Crescent 5.3 54 74 7.5 £781.99
330960074 74 Stoneybank Crescent 6.2 62 74 4.3 £485.71
050210074 74 Whin Park 6.1 61 75 4.7 £522.61
060010075 75 Acheson Drive 7.0 68 100 4.1 £476.39
070120075 75 Coalgate Avenue 7.8 75 113 4.8 £576.14
230030075 75 Durie's Park 3.1 35 107 14.6 £1,219.96
060310075 75 North Bank Road 7.4 68 109 4.5 £579.30
060420075 75 Preston Avenue 7.6 71 106 5.4 £625.66
050200075 75 Thomson Crescent 6.1 60 90 4.7 £519.25
350120075 75 Whitecraig Road 6.7 63 82 6.6 £726.68
331060075 75 Whitehill Avenue 3.9 47 122 7.1 £812.49
010010076 76 Abbot's View 5.1 54 70 6.4 £751.27
070320076 76 John Crescent 5.0 53 69 7.9 £806.87
070390076 76 Lindores Drive 7.0 68 104 5.7 £644.13
330840076 76 Pinkiehill Crescent 8.3 79 118 3.5 £431.89
010460076 76 Riverside Drive 6.7 66 92 5.6 £679.65
340140076 76 Salters Road 7.5 71 83 3.8 £453.76
050190076 76 South Seton Park 6.7 65 105 5.5 £629.08
050210076 76 Whin Park 6.1 61 75 4.7 £522.61
270100076 76 Whiteloch Road 1.8 23 92 14.2 £1,111.15
280110077 77 Moffat Road 7.4 74 122 4.7 £562.84
330840077 77 Pinkiehill Crescent 7.9 75 107 3.8 £453.82
060340077B 77B North Grange Avenue 7.4 71 120 5.1 £599.01
060340077C 77C North Grange Avenue 2.7 32 104 12.5 £1,018.09
040050078 78 Glenburn Road 6.9 67 102 5.1 £593.35
060280078 78 Nethershot Road 6.0 60 75 4.8 £526.85
060410078 78 Polwarth Terrace 1.6 25 77 11.5 £908.17
340140078 78 Salters Road 7.3 70 86 3.9 £463.79
330840079 79 Pinkiehill Crescent 8.0 76 100 3.7 £444.68
050200079 79 Thomson Crescent 6.1 60 90 4.7 £519.25
330540007A 7A Links Avenue 8.3 81 94 2.2 £327.60
330630007A 7A Mansfield Place 7.1 68 86 4.4 £501.86
290100007A 7A Woodhall Place 6.0 75 115 3.7 £424.60
330330007B 7B Fishers Wynd 6.8 64 84 5.5 £625.53
330630007B 7B Mansfield Place 6.2 61 76 5.1 £551.89
330710007B 7B Moir Avenue 9.4 93 130 3.0 £437.02
330980007B 7B Stoneybank Gardens North 7.0 67 86 4.5 £505.61
330630007D 7D Mansfield Place 7.5 71 90 4.1 £476.57
330540007E 7E Links Avenue 9.2 88 104 2.0 £302.49
330710007E 7E Moir Avenue 4.9 58 99 5.7 £616.83
060010008 8 Acheson Drive 6.8 66 97 3.9 £462.95
340010008 8 Albert Crescent 6.6 63 70 4.8 £529.26
East Lothian Council 30
Results 2005

UPRN Address NHER SAP BEPI TonnesCO2 TotalRunningCost

070010008 8 Annfield 5.2 60 87 3.7 £457.13
270010008 8 Brierbush Crescent 3.7 43 114 10.1 £861.81
230010008 8 Buxley Road 1.9 33 74 7.0 £740.98
010130008 8 Caponflat Crescent 7.5 73 118 4.0 £495.13
050020008 8 Castle Avenue 6.9 67 89 5.1 £590.11
330140008 8 Champigny Court 4.9 53 68 6.2 £637.55
020040008 8 Drylaw Gardens 6.4 64 82 4.1 £472.03
040030008 8 Dundas Road 5.3 60 92 3.7 £451.05
330300008 8 Eskview Grove 6.8 65 82 4.0 £499.83
070210008 8 Fleets Road 7.4 73 120 4.6 £559.31
340100008 8 Forthview Drive 2.4 36 71 9.7 £932.67
060130008 8 Gardiner Terrace 7.1 67 101 5.5 £630.19
040050008 8 Glenburn Road 3.8 51 104 4.5 £557.30
330410008 8 Goose Green Place 7.1 67 102 4.9 £580.73
060160008 8 Grange Grove 6.8 66 98 4.3 £490.94
030140008 8 Hazel Court 6.3 61 84 7.1 £759.37
070330008 8 Kerr Road 5.0 54 71 6.9 £729.41
070760008 8 Loch Square 5.2 59 86 3.9 £474.17
030390008 8 Lochend Road 2.6 39 100 7.5 £784.22
330590008 8 Manse Lane 8.3 79 118 2.7 £384.67
310060008 8 Manse View 1.7 31 71 7.4 £769.08
280090008 8 Meadowbank Crescent 6.7 67 103 5.2 £602.22
280100008 8 Meadowbank Road 4.8 53 70 5.7 £600.00
280110008 8 Moffat Road 4.9 56 75 5.1 £552.39
010380008 8 Monkmains Road 6.3 62 103 7.0 £747.98
070720008 8 Muirpark Place 2.2 32 87 10.3 £833.45
060310008 8 North Bank Road 5.9 58 77 7.5 £793.04
060370008 8 Northfield Gardens 6.5 64 91 5.6 £632.43
030180008 8 Parsonspool 3.0 45 83 5.4 £616.62
010420008 8 Peachdales 7.4 72 113 5.1 £604.10
030210008 8 Poplar Street 7.0 67 108 4.2 £520.28
060440008 8 Preston Cross Cottages 6.5 65 89 3.8 £482.66
040170008 8 Rhodes Cottages 2.0 40 83 5.2 £566.22
010610008 8 Riverside Place 7.2 71 112 5.1 £600.74
070610008 8 Robertson Avenue 8.8 85 126 3.7 £490.79
010510008 8 St Martins Court 7.5 73 123 5.1 £602.13
010520008 8 St Martins Place 7.2 71 115 4.8 £572.60
030720008 8 Stenton Road 5.4 57 75 5.1 £548.38
060680008 8 The Pottery High Street 8.9 85 128 2.6 £373.24
331120008 8 Windsor Park Terrace 7.7 73 113 4.1 £479.07
070690008 8 Windygoul Crescent 6.5 65 99 5.5 £624.85
030280008 8 Writers Court 7.5 72 107 3.8 £453.77
010010080 80 Abbot's View 5.6 57 71 6.3 £685.47
340120080 80 Inchview Crescent 5.1 53 71 6.8 £722.47
070530080 80 Northfield 7.6 74 104 3.4 £421.97
060410080 80 Polwarth Terrace 5.2 55 75 5.1 £603.76
350120080 80 Whitecraig Road 6.7 64 81 4.7 £521.11
350010081 81 Carberry Court 5.9 63 93 3.6 £416.74
060120081 81 Gardiner Road 5.5 55 73 7.2 £761.87
070490081 81 Muirpark Road 6.6 67 100 4.3 £493.65
060340081 81 North Grange Avenue 7.6 72 116 5.0 £591.90
330840081 81 Pinkiehill Crescent 7.4 70 101 4.4 £498.40
030330082 82 Floors Terrace 3.2 43 84 7.4 £825.07
070390082 82 Lindores Drive 7.6 73 108 4.6 £552.95
330840082 82 Pinkiehill Crescent 7.5 70 85 4.1 £474.56
330960082 82 Stoneybank Crescent 1.9 28 72 13.9 £1,171.18
050210082 82 Whin Park 6.1 61 75 4.7 £522.61
070120083 83 Coalgate Avenue 7.8 75 113 4.8 £576.14
030170083 83 Lammermuir Crescent 4.1 51 107 5.4 £616.07
070390083 83 Lindores Drive 8.2 79 116 4.1 £518.41
030330084 84 Floors Terrace 3.2 43 84 7.4 £825.07
010370084 84 Lynn Lea Avenue 1.8 26 104 14.0 £1,097.35
070490084 84 Muirpark Road 4.9 55 68 5.7 £598.09
060310084 84 North Bank Road 7.3 69 106 5.3 £613.19
070530084 84 Northfield 8.2 79 113 3.0 £396.47
330880084 84 Pinkie Road 8.0 77 112 3.8 £454.06
East Lothian Council 31
Results 2005

UPRN Address NHER SAP BEPI TonnesCO2 TotalRunningCost

340140084 84 Salters Road 7.5 71 86 4.2 £486.75
340020084A 84A Albert Place 7.9 74 109 3.3 £413.32
270020085 85 Brierbush Road 2.9 37 100 10.7 £899.02
070120085 85 Coalgate Avenue 8.1 78 128 4.5 £556.78
070390086 86 Lindores Drive 7.6 73 106 3.9 £463.70
060340086 86 North Grange Avenue 7.7 73 118 4.9 £588.48
330880086 86 Pinkie Road 7.8 74 112 3.9 £464.38
330840086 86 Pinkiehill Crescent 8.3 79 118 3.5 £430.05
350070086 86 Whitecraig Avenue 6.5 63 77 4.8 £534.72
270020087 87 Brierbush Road 3.5 42 112 9.2 £797.28
060420087 87 Preston Avenue 6.3 63 80 4.3 £492.92
040040088 88 Craigleith Avenue 8.4 80 122 3.6 £441.02
070530088 88 Northfield 8.2 79 113 3.0 £396.47
050210088 88 Whin Park 6.1 61 75 4.7 £522.61
330430089 89 Hercus Loan 6.2 62 97 5.6 £631.67
060340089 89 North Grange Avenue 6.9 64 99 7.4 £849.96
060410089 89 Polwarth Terrace 5.5 57 77 5.1 £555.28
060420089 89 Preston Avenue 6.3 63 80 4.4 £496.92
010460089 89 Riverside Drive 7.0 69 92 5.5 £633.29
050200089 89 Thomson Crescent 6.1 60 90 4.7 £519.25
330210008A 8A Delta Road 9.4 93 130 3.0 £437.02
330210008B 8B Delta Road 8.9 85 125 3.4 £463.33
330650008B 8B Market Street 7.0 67 89 4.4 £535.87
330190008C 8C Delta Drive 7.5 81 132 3.7 £424.34
330190008E 8E Delta Drive 8.3 79 100 3.8 £496.07
060010009 9 Acheson Drive 7.7 72 112 4.4 £542.79
260010009 9 Amisfield Place 2.0 30 76 8.5 £861.57
330030009 9 Ashgrove View 5.4 53 71 8.5 £909.44
030030009 9 Boroughdales 7.6 72 107 4.1 £473.76
020010009 9 Braeview 2.9 39 93 8.7 £935.93
040060009 9 Brodie Avenue 7.3 70 106 4.1 £478.69
330110009 9 Campie Gardens 5.3 54 67 6.6 £708.12
330130009 9 Carlyle Place 7.5 72 94 3.4 £422.88
300010009 9 Council Houses 2.7 39 90 6.2 £680.05
030090009 9 Countess Road 6.4 64 89 4.1 £475.82
350050009 9 Deantown Path 3.3 39 85 9.4 £996.77
260110009 9 Elcho Court 2.1 36 92 6.5 £703.40
330290009 9 Eskview Crescent 7.2 68 82 4.0 £468.76
030300009 9 Floors Terrace 4.5 57 116 4.3 £528.50
070250009 9 George Way 5.5 56 72 7.2 £757.06
010210009 9 Glebe Terrace 6.8 67 99 5.1 £591.14
030370009 9 Goldenstones Avenue 7.1 67 101 5.4 £625.04
250030009 9 Hamilton Road 5.4 57 74 4.7 £521.86
280050009 9 Hillview Road 6.9 68 105 5.6 £639.45
290020009 9 Huntlaw Road 6.2 64 91 4.5 £510.60
010330009 9 Lammermuir Crescent 5.3 54 75 9.3 £978.43
320150009 9 Main Street 1.6 24 72 15.9 £1,235.09
310060009 9 Manse View 1.7 31 71 7.4 £769.08
070400009 9 McNeill Path 6.7 66 101 5.2 £603.89
020090009 9 Mill Wynd 1.2 25 62 9.8 £965.90
010390009 9 Monkrigg Place 3.4 40 117 12.2 £1,010.71
070470009 9 Muirpark Court 5.7 62 92 4.1 £472.70
070480009 9 Muirpark Drive 6.6 67 94 5.3 £608.04
060320009 9 North Crescent 5.5 57 76 5.2 £561.13
331140009 9 North High Street 6.3 79 110 4.0 £436.59
070580009 9 Ormiston Crescent West 7.6 73 106 3.8 £454.77
330860009 9 Pinkie Drive 8.3 78 118 3.5 £432.92
010440009 9 Priory Walk 6.8 67 106 5.5 £629.82
270050009 9 Robins Neuk 2.7 33 88 11.3 £936.79
060540009 9 Rope Walk 6.5 62 96 6.2 £680.90
070630009 9 Ross Crescent 6.4 65 95 4.1 £474.73
030680009 9 Springfield Terrace 5.4 57 68 5.6 £589.84
340160009 9 St Clements Gardens North 7.8 73 107 4.0 £472.23
270060009 9 St Germains Terrace 4.7 50 72 7.8 £876.48
070670009 9 Swan Road 5.3 58 80 4.7 £517.88
030260009 9 Victoria Place 6.9 66 84 5.1 £594.55
East Lothian Council 32
Results 2005

UPRN Address NHER SAP BEPI TonnesCO2 TotalRunningCost

240060009 9 Walden Place 3.0 39 118 10.5 £886.03
060600009 9 West Loan 5.9 60 74 4.2 £517.42
050210009 9 Whin Park 6.3 62 70 4.6 £511.48
270100009 9 Whiteloch Road 3.3 46 92 6.8 £668.70
070530090 90 Northfield 7.7 73 107 4.3 £530.44
340140090 90 Salters Road 7.3 70 86 3.9 £463.79
050210090 90 Whin Park 5.7 58 75 4.7 £564.93
350120090 90 Whitecraig Road 7.0 66 82 4.5 £506.99
331060090 90 Whitehill Avenue 3.7 47 114 6.6 £761.35
070120091 91 Coalgate Avenue 5.7 57 78 7.9 £819.88
070390091 91 Lindores Drive 8.1 78 115 3.6 £435.57
330840091 91 Pinkiehill Crescent 7.6 73 108 4.0 £471.63
330290092 92 Eskview Crescent 7.1 68 80 3.7 £443.87
060220092 92 Inchview North 6.1 63 88 4.7 £568.30
060430092 92 Preston Crescent 6.7 65 94 5.9 £665.31
040080093 93 Gilbert Avenue 2.3 46 84 3.9 £462.31
030170093 93 Lammermuir Crescent 7.1 69 99 4.3 £495.20
010460093 93 Riverside Drive 7.0 69 92 5.5 £631.84
330290094 94 Eskview Crescent 2.3 37 73 6.3 £683.60
070320094 94 John Crescent 4.4 49 67 7.2 £823.38
250070094 94 Muirfield Drive 5.4 58 72 4.3 £487.90
340140094 94 Salters Road 8.8 85 98 3.3 £418.13
270020096 96 Brierbush Road 3.6 54 112 5.3 £552.26
270020097 97 Brierbush Road 3.8 45 103 10.9 £757.51
040020097 97 Lochbridge Road 8.2 78 116 3.1 £400.30
060420097 97 Preston Avenue 7.5 72 116 5.1 £598.15
350070097 97 Whitecraig Avenue 6.8 66 77 3.8 £454.59
070160098 98 Elphinstone Road 6.6 66 104 5.4 £613.87
330290098 98 Eskview Crescent 6.1 62 73 4.2 £485.62
040080099 99 Gilbert Avenue 7.8 75 118 3.9 £465.61
030170099 99 Lammermuir Crescent 7.7 73 107 4.0 £470.75
040020099 99 Lochbridge Road 4.9 59 120 3.8 £491.57
060430099 99 Preston Crescent 7.6 70 117 7.7 £950.79
330400009A 9A Goose Green Crescent 7.7 73 105 3.6 £438.25
330540009A 9A Links Avenue 6.3 62 76 4.9 £536.40
330710009A 9A Moir Avenue 8.9 85 125 3.4 £463.33
330800009A 9A Newbigging 7.3 70 88 4.2 £488.35
330060009B 9B Bellfield Court 4.1 49 112 6.2 £730.00
330400009B 9B Goose Green Crescent 8.0 77 107 3.2 £406.56
330800009C 9C Newbigging 8.5 82 97 3.4 £424.32
330710009D 9D Moir Avenue 8.9 85 125 3.4 £463.33

Total 12795.7 131432.0 196407.0 10834.2 £1,206,110.46

Average 6.1 63.0 94.1 5.2 £577.92
Name Of Organisation East Lothian Council Name Of Contact: Alistair Easton Phone Number: 01620 827583



This proforma should capture the number of dwellings you project will fail the Scottish Housing Quality Standard in the absence of your capital works investment,
which you should set out in appendix 3.


Criteria NOW 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Tolerable Standard 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Free From Serious Disrepair 1026 2123 3036 3796 4464 5087 5414 5591 5653
Energy Efficient 4303 4755 5189 5610 5796 5935 6054 6207 6369
Modern Facilities 4167 4592 4984 5350 5548 5760 5947 6115 6320
Healthy Safe and Secure 5483 5483 5483 5483 5483 5483 5483 5483 5483


NOW 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Dwelings failing on a single criteria 2287 1802 1479 1175 1010 869 700 606 514
Dwellings failing on two or more criteria 5243 5941 6513 6967 7223 7440 7644 7738 7830
Number of dwellings failing the standard 7,530 7,743 7,992 8,142 8,233 8,309 8,344 8,344 8,344
Total stock Number 8,344 8,344 8,344 8,344 8,344 8,344 8,344 8,344 8,344
% of stock failing the Standard 90% 92% 95% 97% 98% 99% 100% 100% 100%

Technical Notes
1. The Standard criteria (Tolerable Standard, Free from Serious Disrepair, Energy Efficient, Modern Facilities and Services and Healthy, Safe & Secure)
Landlords should record the number of properties under each of these categores for each year. If a property fails on more than one category (e.g. Tolerable Standard and Energy Efficient), please record that
property under every category on which it fails the Standard. Please also note that the Free from Serious Disrepair category is subject to pass/fail rules that are different from the pass/fail rules for the other
categories of the Standard. Landlords should refer to the Scottish Executive's letter of definition on the Standard, issued in February 2004, for guidance to help them determine whether a property passes or fails
the Standard. They might also wish to refer to a clarification letter on the Standard, issued in July 2004.
2. Total Stock Number
The total stock number is taken as at the end of the financial year, which is assumed to be 31 March. If the year end is not 31 March, please make this clear on the form.
East Lothian Council Savills
Draft Schedule of Rates

Survey Element Sub Element Unit Life House Bungalow Flat

Central heating boiler Gas warm air Per Prop 15 £900 £900 £900
Central heating boiler Elec warm air Per Prop 15 £900 £900 £900
Central heating boiler Solid fuel Per Prop 15 £900 £900 £900
Central heating boiler Communal Per Prop 15 £900 £900 £900
Central heating boiler Other Per Prop 15 £900 £900 £900
Central heating carcass Radiators Per Prop 30 £1,800 £1,800 £1,800
Central heating carcass Storage Per Prop 30 £1,800 £1,800 £1,800
Central heating carcass Gas warm air Per Prop 30 £1,800 £1,800 £1,800
Central heating carcass Elec warm air Per Prop 30 £1,800 £1,800 £1,800
Central heating carcass Solid fuel Per Prop 30 £1,800 £1,800 £1,800
Central heating carcass Communal Per Prop 30 £1,800 £1,800 £1,800
Central heating carcass Other Per Prop 30 £1,800 £1,800 £1,800
Room heating Gas fires No 15 £300 £300 £300
Room heating Elec fires No 15 £150 £150 £150
Room heating Solid fuel No 60 £250 £250 £250
Electrics CCU Rewireable Per Prop 30 £500 £500 £500
Electrics CCU MCBs Per Prop 30 £500 £500 £500
Electrics wiring01 PVC Per Prop 30 £1,750 £1,750 £1,750
Electrics wiring01 Rubber Per Prop 30 £1,750 £1,750 £1,750
Electrics wiring01 MICC Per Prop 30 £1,750 £1,750 £1,750
Gas/Oil systems Unsafe Info only 50 £1,000 £750 £500
Electrical systems Safe Info only
Electrical systems Unsafe Info only 50 £1,000 £750 £500
Internal lead pipework None Lm
Internal lead pipework Yes Lm 30 £50 £50 £50
Ext ent doors 01 Timber solid No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 01 Timber single glazed No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 01 Timber double glazed No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 01 PVC solid No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 01 PVC single glazed No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 01 PVC double glazed No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 01 Aluminium single glazed No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 01 Aluminium double glazed No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 01 Composite solid No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 01 Composite single glazed No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 01 Composite double glazed No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 02 None No
Ext ent doors 02 Timber solid No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 02 Timber single glazed No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 02 Timber double glazed No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 02 PVC solid No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 02 PVC single glazed No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 02 PVC double glazed No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 02 Aluminium single glazed No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 02 Aluminium double glazed No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 02 Composite solid No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 02 Composite single glazed No 30 £500 £500 £500
Ext ent doors 02 Composite double glazed No 30 £500 £500 £500
Secure front door No Info only 30 £200 £200 £200
Secure front door Yes Info only 30
Secure rear door Not applicable Info only 30
Secure rear door No Info only 30 £200 £200 £200
Secure rear door Yes Info only 30
Entry phone None Per Prop 15
Entry phone Yes Per Prop 15 £700 £700 £700
Smoke detectors None No
Smoke detectors Battery No 15 £150 £150 £150
Smoke detectors Mains wired No 15 £150 £150 £150
Extract fan kitchen None No
Extract fan kitchen Yes No 15 £150 £150 £150
Extract fan bathroom None No
East Lothian Council Savills
Draft Schedule of Rates

Survey Element Sub Element Unit Life House Bungalow Flat

Extract fan bathroom Yes No 15 £150 £150 £150

Extensive condensation/damp None Info only
Extensive condensation/damp Yes Info only 15 £500 £500 £500
Internal floor structure Solid M2 50 £55 £55 £55
Internal floor structure Timber M2 50 £55 £55 £55
Internal staircase None No
Internal staircase Timber No 50 £800 £800 £800
Internal staircase Concrete No 50 £800 £800 £800
Internal staircase Other No 50 £850 £850 £850
Loft insulation Not applicable Info only
Loft insulation None Info only 50 £200 £200 £200
Loft insulation 50mm Info only 50 £150 £150 £150
Loft insulation 100mm Info only 50 £150 £150 £150
Loft insulation 150mm Info only 50 £150 £150 £150
Loft insulation >150mm Info only 50
Insulation cold water tanks Not applicable Info only 50
Insulation cold water tanks None Info only 50 £400 £400 £400
Insulation cold water tanks Partial Info only 50 £200 £200 £200
Insulation cold water tanks Full Info only 50
Insulation hot water storage Not applicable Info only 50
Insulation hot water storage None Info only 50 £400 £400 £400
Insulation hot water storage Partial Info only 50 £200 £200 £200
Insulation hot water storage Full Info only 50
Insulation pipework None Info only 50 £400 £400 £400
Insulation pipework Partial Info only 50 £200 £200 £200
Insulation pipework Full Info only 50
External noise penetration Satisfactory Info only
External noise penetration Unsatisfactory Info only 50 £2,500 £2,500 £2,500
Internal noise penetration Not applicable Info only
Internal noise penetration Satisfactory Info only
Internal noise penetration Unsatisfactory Info only 50 £2,000 £2,000 £2,000
Lighting common parts Not applicable Info only
Lighting common parts Adequate Info only
Lighting common parts Inadequate Info only 20 £250 £250 £250
Lighting external Not applicable Info only
Lighting external Adequate Info only
Lighting external Inadequate Info only 20 £250 £250 £250
Imp upgrade partial heating No Info only
Imp upgrade partial heating Yes Info only 50 £3,200 £3,000 £2,800
Imp install full heating No Info only
Imp install full heating Yes Info only 15 £1,100 £1,100 £1,000
Imp cavity wall insulation No Info only
Imp cavity wall insulation Yes Info only 50 £250 £200 £200
Imp solid wall insulation No Info only
Imp solid wall insulation Yes Info only 50 £6,000 £5,000 £4,000
Imp mech extract fan kitchen No Info only
Imp mech extract fan kitchen Yes Info only 15 £150 £150 £150
Imp mech extract fan bathroom No Info only
Imp mech extract fan bathroom Yes Info only 15 £150 £150 £150
Imp wired smoke detectors No Info only
Imp wired smoke detectors Yes Info only 15 £300 £150 £150
Imp extra elec sockets excl kitchen No Info only
Imp extra elec sockets excl kitchen Yes Info only 30 £300 £300 £300
Imp entryphone No Info only
Imp entryphone Yes Info only 15 £300 £300 £300
Imp parking inside boundary No Info only
Imp parking inside boundary Yes Info only 50 £2,000 £2,000 £2,000
Imp parking outside boundary No Info only
Imp parking outside boundary Yes Info only 50 £4,000 £4,000 £4,000
Access gained flat roof Not applicable Info only
Access gained flat roof No Info only
East Lothian Council Savills
Draft Schedule of Rates

Survey Element Sub Element Unit Life House Bungalow Flat

Access gained flat roof Yes Info only

Roof Structure Timber M2 90 £30 £30 £30
Roof Structure Concrete M2 90 £35 £35 £35
Roof Structure Other M2 90 £35 £35 £35
Pitched roof None M2
Pitched roof Clay M2 60 £40 £40 £40
Pitched roof Concrete M2 60 £40 £40 £40
Pitched roof Slate M2 80 £50 £50 £50
Pitched roof Synthetic M2 40 £40 £40 £40
Pitched roof Other M2 50 £40 £40 £40
Flat roof None M2
Flat roof Felt M2 15 £40 £40 £40
Flat roof Asphalt M2 20 £40 £40 £40
Flat roof Other M2 50 £45 £45 £45
Flat roof conversion No Info only
Flat roof conversion Yes Info only
Chimney None
Chimney Brick No 50 £750 £750 £750
Chimney Rendered No 50 £750 £750 £750
Chimney Other No 50 £750 £750 £750
Flashings None Lm
Flashings Lead Lm 50 £75 £75 £75
Flashings Other Lm 50 £75 £75 £75
Fascia/soffit/barge None Lm
Fascia/soffit/barge Wood Lm 30 £17 £17 £17
Fascia/soffit/barge PVC Lm 30 £17 £17 £17
Fascia/soffit/barge Asbestos Lm 30 £19 £19 £19
Fascia/soffit/barge Asbestos/Wood Lm 30 £19 £19 £19
Fascia/soffit/barge Other Lm 30 £19 £19 £19
Rainwater goods None Lm
Rainwater goods PVC Lm 20 £20 £20 £20
Rainwater goods Cast iron Lm 40 £20 £20 £20
Rainwater goods Aluminium Lm 40 £20 £20 £20
Rainwater goods Other Lm 30 £20 £20 £20
Porch None M2
Porch Felt M2 15 £40 £40 £40
Porch Asphalt M2 20 £40 £40 £40
Porch Other M2 45 £65 £65 £65
Wall structure Brick M2 60 £60 £60 £60
Wall structure Block M2 60 £30 £30 £30
Wall structure Other M2 60 £65 £65 £65
Wall finish 1 Pointed M2 30 £30 £30 £30
Wall finish 1 Rendered M2 30 £30 £30 £30
Wall finish 1 Timber clad M2 30 £30 £30 £30
Wall finish 1 Tile clad M2 30 £30 £30 £30
Wall finish 1 Other M2 30 £45 £45 £45
Wall finish 2 None M2
Wall finish 2 Pointed M2 30 £30 £30 £30
Wall finish 2 Rendered M2 30 £30 £30 £30
Wall finish 2 Timber clad M2 30 £30 £30 £30
Wall finish 2 Tile clad M2 30 £30 £30 £30
Wall finish 2 Other M2 30 £45 £45 £45
Windows Single glazed No 30 £400 £400 £400
Windows Double glazed No 30 £400 £400 £400
Foundations Satisfactory Lm 60 £250 £250 £250
Foundations Failed Lm 60 £250 £250 £250
DPC Satisfactory Lm 60 £90 £90 £90
DPC Failed Lm 60 £90 £90 £90
Balcony structure None M2
Balcony structure Concrete M2 60 £80 £80 £80
Balcony structure Timber M2 60 £85 £85 £85
East Lothian Council Savills
Draft Schedule of Rates

Survey Element Sub Element Unit Life House Bungalow Flat

Balcony structure Metal M2 60 £85 £85 £85

Balcony structure Other M2 60 £95 £95 £95
Balcony finish None M2
Balcony finish Non slip M2 25 £30 £30 £30
Balcony finish Vinyl M2 20 £25 £25 £25
Balcony finish Tile M2 30 £35 £35 £35
Balcony finish Timber M2 30 £35 £35 £35
Balcony finish Asphalt M2 20 £30 £30 £30
Balcony finish Mixed M2 25 £40 £40 £40
Balcony finish Other M2 25 £40 £40 £40
Balcony rail/guard None Lm
Balcony rail/guard Timber Lm 40 £35 £35 £35
Balcony rail/guard Glass Lm 40 £25 £25 £25
Balcony rail/guard Brick Lm 40 £45 £45 £45
Balcony rail/guard Metal Lm 40 £20 £20 £20
Balcony rail/guard Other Lm 40 £35 £35 £35
Ext com doors None No
Ext com doors Timber No 20 £650 £650 £650
Ext com doors PVC No 20 £650 £650 £650
Ext com doors Steel No 20 £1,500 £1,500 £1,500
Ext com doors Other No 20 £650 £650 £650
Paths None M2
Paths Concrete slab M2 25 £25 £25 £25
Paths Concrete in situ M2 25 £25 £25 £25
Paths Tarmac M2 25 £45 £45 £45
Paths Brick M2 25 £30 £30 £30
Paths Other M2 25 £55 £55 £55
Fencing None Lm
Fencing Chain link Lm 20 £25 £25 £25
Fencing Post & wire Lm 20 £25 £25 £25
Fencing Timber panel Lm 20 £35 £35 £35
Fencing Metal bow top Lm 30 £55 £55 £55
Fencing Other Lm 20 £55 £55 £55
Boundary walls None M2
Boundary walls Brick M2 50 £60 £60 £60
Boundary walls Block M2 50 £25 £25 £25
Boundary walls Drystone M2 100 £300 £300 £300
Boundary walls Other M2 50 £65 £65 £65
Retaining walls None M2
Retaining walls Brick M2 50 £250 £250 £250
Retaining walls Block M2 50 £250 £250 £250
Retaining walls Drystone M2 100 £300 £300 £300
Retaining walls Other M2 50 £250 £250 £250
Gates None No
Gates Metal No 25 £65 £65 £65
Gates Timber No 25 £95 £95 £95
Gates Other No 25 £110 £110 £110
Garage doors None No
Garage doors Wood No 25 £550 £550 £550
Garage doors Metal No 25 £400 £400 £400
Garage doors Other No 25 £400 £400 £400
Garage roof None M2
Garage roof Concrete M2 40 £40 £40 £40
Garage roof Clay M2 50 £50 £50 £50
Garage roof Slate M2 70 £50 £50 £50
Garage roof Asbestos M2 50 £52 £52 £52
Garage roof Non asbestos M2 50 £47 £47 £47
Garage roof Steel M2 50 £50 £50 £50
Garage roof Copper M2 50 £105 £105 £105
Garage roof Felt M2 15 £26 £26 £26
Garage roof Asphalt M2 20 £35 £35 £35
East Lothian Council Savills
Draft Schedule of Rates

Survey Element Sub Element Unit Life House Bungalow Flat

Garage walls None M2

Garage walls Brick M2 50 £63 £63 £63
Garage walls Block M2 50 £45 £45 £45
Garage walls Concrete M2 50 £94 £94 £94
Garage walls Render M2 25 £20 £20 £20
Garage walls Timber M2 30 £58 £58 £58
Garage walls Metal M2 30 £79 £79 £79
Underground Drainage Satisfactory Lm 60 £150 £150 £150
Underground Drainage Failed Lm 60 £150 £150 £150
Disabled grabrails Ext None Info only
Disabled grabrails Ext Yes Info only
Disabled ramps None Info only
Disabled ramps Yes Info only
Comm walkway structure None M2
Comm walkway structure Concrete M2 60 £80 £80 £80
Comm walkway structure Timber M2 60 £85 £85 £85
Comm walkway structure Metal M2 60 £85 £85 £85
Comm walkway structure Other M2 60 £95 £95 £95
Comm walkway finish None M2
Comm walkway finish Non slip M2 25 £35 £35 £35
Comm walkway finish Vinyl M2 20 £25 £25 £25
Comm walkway finish Tile M2 30 £35 £35 £35
Comm walkway finish Timber M2 30 £35 £35 £35
Comm walkway finish Asphalt M2 20 £60 £60 £60
Comm walkway finish Mixed M2 25 £40 £40 £40
Comm walkway finish Other M2 25 £40 £40 £40
Comm walkway rail/guard None Lm
Comm walkway rail/guard Timber Lm 40 £35 £35 £35
Comm walkway rail/guard Glass Lm 40 £100 £100 £100
Comm walkway rail/guard Brick Lm 40 £100 £100 £100
Comm walkway rail/guard Metal Lm 40 £50 £50 £50
Comm walkway rail/guard Other Lm 40 £35 £35 £35
Stairs finish None M2
Stairs finish Vinyl M2 10 £25 £25 £25
Stairs finish Non slip M2 25 £40 £40 £40
Stairs finish Concrete M2 30 £30 £30 £30
Stairs finish Tile M2 25 £20 £20 £20
Stairs finish Carpet M2 10 £25 £25 £25
Stairs finish Other M2 30 £35 £35 £35
Corridor finish None M2
Corridor finish Vinyl M2 10 £20 £20 £20
Corridor finish Non slip M2 25 £40 £40 £40
Corridor finish Concrete M2 30 £30 £30 £30
Corridor finish Tile M2 25 £20 £20 £20
Corridor finish Carpet M2 10 £25 £25 £25
Corridor finish Asphalt M2 20 £35 £35 £35
Corridor finish Mixed M2 25 £40 £40 £40
Corridor finish Other M2 30 £35 £35 £35
Comm doors None No
Comm doors Timber No 20 £650 £650 £650
Comm doors PVC No 20 £650 £650 £650
Comm doors Steel No 20 £1,500 £1,500 £1,500
Comm doors Other No 20 £650 £650 £650
Communal windows None No
Communal windows Single glazed No 30 £310 £310 £310
Communal windows Double No 30 £310 £310 £310
Lift None No
Lift Passenger No 20 £30,000 £30,000 £30,000
Safe communal stairwells Not applicable Info only
Safe communal stairwells No Info only 15
Safe communal stairwells Yes Info only
East Lothian Council Savills
Draft Schedule of Rates

Survey Element Sub Element Unit Life House Bungalow Flat

Safe lobbies/courts Not applicable Info only

Safe lobbies/courts No Info only 30
Safe lobbies/courts Yes Info only
Safe drying areas Not applicable Info only
Safe drying areas No Info only 30
Safe drying areas Yes Info only
Safe refuse chutes Not applicable Info only
Safe refuse chutes No Info only 20
Safe refuse chutes Yes Info only
Safe bin stores Not applicable Info only
Safe bin stores No Info only 20
Safe bin stores Yes Info only
Secure access to communal Not applicable Info only
Secure access to communal No Info only 30
Secure access to communal Yes Info only
Communal good/safe order Not applicable Info only
Communal good/safe order No Info only 30
Communal good/safe order Yes Info only
Walls structure garage None M2 0 £0 £0 £0
Walls structure garage Brick M2 60 £60 £60 £60
Walls structure garage Block M2 60 £30 £30 £30
Walls structure garage Concrete M2 60 £80 £80 £80
Walls structure garage Steel M2 60 £85 £85 £85
Walls structure garage Timber M2 50 £90 £90 £90
Walls structure garage Other M2 60 £95 £95 £95
Walls finish garage None M2 0 £0 £0 £0
Walls finish garage Pointed M2 30 £22 £22 £22
Walls finish garage Rendered M2 25 £26 £26 £26
Walls finish garage Tile hung M2 30 £30 £30 £30
Walls finish garage Timber shiplap M2 25 £26 £26 £26
Walls finish garage PVC shiplap M2 30 £10 £10 £10
Walls finish garage Metal panel M2 25 £24 £24 £24
Walls finish garage Concrete panel M2 25 £28 £28 £28
Walls finish garage Other M2 25 £35 £35 £35
Roof garage None M2 0 £0 £0 £0
Roof garage Clay M2 60 £25 £25 £25
Roof garage Concrete M2 60 £30 £30 £30
Roof garage Slate M2 80 £30 £30 £30
Roof garage Felt M2 15 £30 £30 £30
Roof garage Asphalt M2 20 £30 £30 £30
Roof garage Asbestos M2 20 £50 £50 £50
Roof garage Non asbestos M2 50 £45 £45 £45
Roof garage Steel M2 50 £45 £45 £45
Roof garage Copper M2 40 £55 £55 £55
Roof garage Other M2 50 £65 £65 £65
Fascia/soffit/barge garage None Lm 0 £0 £0 £0
Fascia/soffit/barge garage Wood Lm 30 £10 £10 £10
Fascia/soffit/barge garage PVC Lm 30 £17 £17 £17
Fascia/soffit/barge garage Asbestos Lm 30 £19 £19 £19
Fascia/soffit/barge garage Non asbestos Lm 30 £17 £17 £17
Fascia/soffit/barge garage Other Lm 30 £22 £22 £22
Rainwater goods garage None Lm 0 £0 £0 £0
Rainwater goods garage PVC Lm 20 £9 £9 £9
Rainwater goods garage Cast iron Lm 40 £36 £36 £36
Rainwater goods garage Aluminium Lm 40 £18 £18 £18
Rainwater goods garage Asbestos Lm 30 £24 £24 £24
Rainwater goods garage Concrete Lm 25 £35 £35 £35
Rainwater goods garage Other Lm 40 £38 £38 £38
Doors garage None No 0 £0 £0 £0
Doors garage Wood No 25 £390 £390 £390
Doors garage Metal No 25 £390 £390 £390
East Lothian Council Savills
Draft Schedule of Rates

Survey Element Sub Element Unit Life House Bungalow Flat

Doors garage Other No 25 £400 £400 £400

Hardstanding garage None M2 0 £0 £0 £0
Hardstanding garage Concrete M2 25 £58 £58 £58
Hardstanding garage Tarmac M2 25 £60 £60 £60
Hardstanding garage Brick M2 25 £70 £70 £70
Hardstanding garage Other M2 25 £50 £50 £50
Stock Total = 8,344 East Lothian Council
Updated Stock Condition Survey
Whole Stock Results

Grand Total

Element Years 1 to 5 Years 6 to 10 Years 11 to 15 Years 16 to 20 Years 21 to 25 Years 26 to 30 30 year total

Programmed renewals £38,092,745 £26,790,202 £45,435,187 £36,201,017 £39,436,724 £41,170,393 £227,126,268

Improvements £6,545,450 £0 £0 £2,790,350 £0 £0 £9,335,800
Contingent Major Repairs @ 3% £1,142,782 £803,706 £1,363,056 £1,086,031 £1,183,102 £1,235,112 £6,813,788
Related Assets £2,097,750 £2,097,750 £2,097,750 £2,097,750 £2,097,750 £2,097,750 £12,586,500
Asbestos Contingency £3,141,000 £3,141,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £6,282,000
Responsive/Void Maintenance £14,658,000 £14,658,000 £14,658,000 £14,658,000 £14,658,000 £14,658,000 £87,948,000
Cyclical Maintenance £7,329,000 £7,329,000 £7,329,000 £7,329,000 £7,329,000 £7,329,000 £43,974,000
Environmental Improvements £2,094,000 £2,094,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £4,188,000

Grand Total £75,100,727 £56,913,658 £70,882,993 £64,162,148 £64,704,576 £66,490,255 £398,254,356

Total per annum £15,020,145 £11,382,732 £14,176,599 £12,832,430 £12,940,915 £13,298,051 £13,275,145

Total cost per property over 30 years £47,729

Price Base January 2006

All costs are exclusive of Professional Fees, VAT, management and administration costs and are based on today's prices. Costs are inclusive of preliminaries.

19th December 2006

Stock Total = 8,344 East Lothian Council
Updated Stock Condition Survey
Whole Stock Results

Programmed Renewals

Description 2005-09 2010-14 2015-19 2020-24 2025-29 2030-34 Total

Kitchen £12,712,850 £4,655,000 £2,831,500 £8,737,000 £12,670,500 £4,655,000 £46,261,850

Bathroom £4,639,850 £1,952,200 £4,856,500 £2,733,600 £2,195,000 £2,373,700 £18,750,850
Central heating boiler £3,221,500 £1,739,700 £4,189,300 £3,187,700 £1,739,700 £4,189,300 £18,267,200
Central heating carcass £1,971,550 £740,000 £3,477,200 £2,282,000 £2,928,000 £6,717,000 £18,115,750
Room heating £699,700 £404,750 £852,600 £696,250 £389,000 £852,350 £3,894,650
Electrics CCU £729,600 £150,000 £329,700 £372,900 £349,200 £577,800 £2,509,200
Electrics wiring01 £3,802,500 £826,800 £1,685,100 £1,872,300 £1,482,900 £2,671,500 £12,341,100
Internal lead pipework £5,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £5,000
Ext ent doors 01 £93,000 £115,050 £381,550 £315,900 £2,132,650 £3,086,850 £6,125,000
Ext ent doors 02 £25,050 £37,700 £105,300 £106,600 £637,650 £2,395,250 £3,307,550
Entry phone £40,700 £80,600 £89,800 £38,000 £80,600 £89,800 £419,500
Smoke detectors £279,600 £699,900 £997,800 £260,100 £699,900 £997,800 £3,935,100
Extract fans £108,500 £356,700 £791,700 £85,350 £356,700 £791,700 £2,490,650
Internal floor structure £104,730 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £104,730
Internal staircase £2,700 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £2,700

Grand Total £28,436,830 £11,758,400 £20,588,050 £20,687,700 £25,661,800 £29,398,050 £136,530,830

Total Per Annum £5,687,366 £2,351,680 £4,117,610 £4,137,540 £5,132,360 £5,879,610 £4,551,028

All costs are exclusive of Professional Fees, VAT, management and administration costs and are based on today's prices. Costs are inclusive of preliminaries.

19th December 2006

Stock Total = 8,344 East Lothian Council
Updated Stock Condition Survey
Whole Stock Results

Programmed Renewals

Description 2005-09 2010-14 2015-19 2020-24 2025-29 2030-34 Total

Roof Structure £8,750 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £8,750

Pitched roof £1,330,370 £4,115,993 £4,090,834 £4,505,850 £2,722,069 £2,099,538 £18,864,654
Flat roof £178,441 £290,076 £84,310 £204,945 £144,226 £121,229 £1,023,227
Chimney £375,603 £252,202 £559,126 £260,953 £105,203 £187,551 £1,740,638
Flashings £111,840 £518,292 £482,384 £786,541 £233,833 £185,150 £2,318,040
Fascia/soffit/barge £234,741 £497,258 £347,919 £167,179 £43,978 £49,634 £1,340,709
Rainwater goods £1,719,629 £1,245,136 £452,922 £62,319 £225,221 £466,090 £4,171,317
Porch £56,462 £46,321 £34,082 £22,988 £25,778 £25,125 £210,756
Wall structure £60,065 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £60,065
Wall finish 1 £1,029,082 £2,411,139 £5,427,692 £2,195,114 £1,143,474 £817,306 £13,023,807
Wall finish 2 £421,150 £569,024 £1,783,283 £329,503 £186,839 £127,713 £3,417,512
Windows - Double glazed £189,031 £159,552 £1,787,887 £4,854,304 £7,604,606 £2,996,833 £17,592,213
Foundations £21,478 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £21,478
Balcony structure £2,500 £1,520 £0 £737 £0 £0 £4,757
Balcony finish £35 £5,227 £14,983 £1,198 £35 £5,458 £26,936
Balcony rail/guard £9,070 £1,935 £1,818 £6,613 £1,277 £6,878 £27,591
Ext com doors £127,010 £124,536 £96,773 £34,796 £118,594 £124,536 £626,245
Paths £1,877,239 £1,358,590 £3,936,295 £584,636 £222,109 £1,305,707 £9,284,576
Fencing £886,691 £2,427,218 £4,478,121 £783,369 £515,133 £2,427,218 £11,517,750
Boundary walls £163,520 £163,902 £175,575 £94,037 £89,822 £122,465 £809,321
Retaining walls £150,007 £37,687 £117,844 £101,575 £104,717 £211,780 £723,610
Gates £236,245 £245,182 £577,212 £180,843 £36,667 £81,324 £1,357,473
Garage doors £135,260 £87,448 £78,580 £12,561 £11,909 £134,860 £460,618
Garage roof £72,179 £70,382 £15,494 £62,594 £54,623 £16,530 £291,802
Garage walls £155,711 £98,704 £83,834 £57,155 £7,896 £26,858 £430,158
Underground Drainage £3,600 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £3,600
Comm walkway finish £4,952 £27,801 £42,745 £10,842 £619 £23,824 £110,783
Comm walkway rail/guard £14,640 £15,291 £40,594 £19,681 £13,701 £3,685 £107,592
Stairs finish £20,904 £41,817 £24,345 £30,718 £3,571 £28,147 £149,502
Corridor finish £10,955 £66,364 £12,070 £35,795 £6,836 £32,245 £164,265
Comm doors £17,389 £31,163 £40,786 £20,312 £14,973 £31,163 £155,786
Communal windows £31,366 £27,042 £59,629 £86,159 £137,215 £18,496 £359,907
Lift £0 £95,000 £0 £0 £0 £95,000 £190,000

Grand Total £9,655,915 £15,031,802 £24,847,137 £15,513,317 £13,774,924 £11,772,343 £90,595,438

Total Per Annum £1,931,183 £3,006,360 £4,969,427 £3,102,663 £2,754,985 £2,354,469 £3,019,848

All costs are exclusive of Professional Fees, VAT, management and administration costs and are based on today's prices. Costs are inclusive of preliminaries.

Description 2005-09 2010-14 2015-19 2020-24 2025-29 2030-34 Total

19th December 2006

Stock Total = 8,344 East Lothian Council
Updated Stock Condition Survey
Whole Stock Results

Upgrade partial heating £255,200 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £255,200

Install full heating £23,100 £0 £0 £7,700 £0 £0 £30,800
Cavity wall insulation £1,679,800 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £1,679,800
Solid wall insulation £860,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £860,000
Mech extract fan kitchen £664,200 £0 £0 £664,200 £0 £0 £1,328,400
Mech extract fan bathroom £609,000 £0 £0 £609,000 £0 £0 £1,218,000
Wired smoke detectors £1,339,050 £0 £0 £1,339,050 £0 £0 £2,678,100
Extra elec sockets excl ki £944,700 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £944,700
Entryphone £170,400 £0 £0 £170,400 £0 £0 £340,800

Grand Total £6,545,450 £0 £0 £2,790,350 £0 £0 £9,335,800

Total Per Annum £1,309,090 £0 £0 £558,070 £0 £0 £311,193

All costs are exclusive of Professional Fees, VAT, management and administration costs and are based on today's prices. Costs are inclusive of preliminaries.

19th December 2006

Name Of Organisation East Lothian Council Name Of Contact: Alistair Easton Phone Number: 01620 827583



This proforma sets out the capital investment that landlords propose in order to meet and maintain the Scottish Housing Quality Standard

Landlords may find that remedial works might cover more than one category. For instance repairs to ensure the property meets the Tolerable Standard might also improve the bathroom. Where this is
the case, landlords should take care to record the cost only once. For more information on this part of the Standard delivery plan, please see paragraph 4.22 in the delivery plan guidance. For more
information on the categories that make up the Standard, please see appendix 1 in the delivery plan guidance, or consult the Scottish Executive's letter of clarification from July 2004.

Note: All figures include preliminaries, but exclude contingencies and fees.

Criteria NOW 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Tolerable Standard £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

Primary Building Element - Wall Structure £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

Primary Building Element - Internal Floor Structure £10,230 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0
Primary Building Element - Foundations £34,750 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0
Primary Building Element - Roof Structure £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0
Serious Disrepair - Primary £44,980 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0
Free From Serious Disrepair

Secondary Building Element - Roof Covering £113,100 £269,185 £264,245 £234,425 £667,985 £793,770 £836,510 £861,010 £770,015 £722,935
Secondary Building Element - Chimney Stacks £9,792 £6,250 £0 £0 £7,500 £0 £5,000 £7,500 £6,250 £6,563
Secondary Building Element - Flashings £21,131 £13,650 £23,438 £23,063 £76,931 £100,160 £98,375 £85,729 £110,700 £83,731
Secondary Building Element - Rainwater Goods £69,500 £378,764 £383,911 £370,876 £208,145 £196,113 £214,770 £216,979 £181,822 £49,780
Secondary Building Element - External Wall Finishes £214,860 £277,320 £260,580 £306,350 £644,970 £558,510 £464,640 £593,910 £521,190 £1,221,930
Secondary Building Element - Access Decks / Balustrade £5,400 £6,450 £750 £0 £1,300 £850 £850 £4,000 £3,500
Secondary Building Element - Common Access Stairs £150 £2,280 £3,335 £2,200 £16,595 £4,460 £9,405 £9,425 £10,525 £6,875
Secondary Building Element - Pathways £621,488 £220,338 £222,398 £195,763 £225,920 £285,326 £257,694 £249,997 £261,098 £683,529
Secondary Building Element - Balconies / Verandas £770 £1,680 £2,660 £1,520 £2,710 £1,750 £1,610 £410 £1,490 £1,340
Secondary Building Element - Attached Garages £235,230 £50,432 £37,912 £34,112 £39,076 £50,406 £65,708 £42,366 £56,882 £37,410
Secondary Building Element - Internal Stairs £4,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0
Secondary Building Element - Damp Proof Course £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0
Secondary Building Element - Windows £27,900 £10,850 £17,360 £18,290 £25,730 £61,380 £62,000 £36,270 £11,780 £426,084
Secondary Building Element - Doors £15,600 £0 £6,500 £0 £2,600 £1,950 £0 £6,500 £10,400 £68,900
Secondary Building Element - Common Windows / Roof Lights £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0
Secondary Building Element - Underground Drainage £3,600 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0
Serious Disrepair - Secondary £1,337,120 £1,236,148 £1,228,789 £1,187,348 £1,918,162 £2,055,125 £2,016,562 £2,110,946 £1,946,151

Effective Insulation - Cavity Insulation £1,675,700 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

Energy Efficient

Effective Insulation - Loft Insulation £15,200 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

Effective Insulation - Hot Water Tank & Pipes Insulation £16,800 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0
Effective Insulation - Cold Water Tank Insulation £465,200 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0
Effective Insulation £2,172,900 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0
Efficient Heating - Full Central Heating £888,400 £874,900 £829,400 £880,300 £363,100 £329,900 £326,300 £349,000 £357,300 £777,000
Additional Energy - Additional Energy Efficiency Measures £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0
Heating £888,400 £874,900 £829,400 £880,300 £363,100 £329,900 £326,300 £349,000 £357,300

Modern Bathroom - Full Bathroom Amenities £1,690,100 £835,200 £891,900 £896,200 £375,200 £331,800 £409,200 £451,000 £380,600 £962,600
Facilities &

Modern Kitchen - Kitchen Fittings £7,960,500 £1,597,500 £1,603,000 £1,471,000 £909,500 £983,000 £920,000 £918,000 £938,000 £581,000
Kitchen Facilities - Adequate Kitchen Storage £11,500 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0
Kitchen Facilities - Safe Working Arrangements £420,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0
Kitchen Facilities - Sufficient Power Outlets £160,400 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0
Modern Facilities £10,242,500 £2,432,700 £2,494,900 £2,367,200 £1,284,700 £1,314,800 £1,329,200 £1,369,000 £1,318,600

Healthy - Internal Pipe Work Lead Free £8,600 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

Healthy, Safe & Secure

Healthy - Mechanical Ventilation £38,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

Healthy - Adequate Noise Insulation £8,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0
Safe - Smoke Detector £22,050 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0
Safe - Safe Electrical System £1,139,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0
Safe - Safe Gas & Oil Appliances £591,600 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0
Common Areas -Good and safe order £277,650 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0
Common Internal & External Lights £283,750 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0
Front & Rear Doors £19,875 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0
Secure - Front Door Entry Systems £9,300 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0
Healthy Safe and Secure £2,397,825 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

GRAND TOTAL £17,083,725 £4,543,748 £4,553,089 £4,434,848 £3,565,962 £3,699,825 £3,672,062 £3,828,946 £3,622,051
Name of local authority: East Lothian Council Name of contact: Anthony Gillespie
Phone: 01620-827702
Financial summary worksheet 3 of 3 - CAPITAL SUMMARY
Note: these figures should be in nominal terms. In other words, they should not be adjusted to take account of inflation.

Year 2006/7 2007/8 2008/9 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 TOTAL
£000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s
Capital investment to meet SHQS 6,123 6,123 6,123 6,123 6,123 3,678 3,678 3,678 3,678 3,678 49,005.0
Other capital investment 5,268 5,268 5,268 5,268 5,268 3,213 3,213 3,213 3,213 3,213 9,173 51,577.0
Total Capital Investment 11,391 11,391 11,391 11,391 11,391 6,891 6,891 6,891 6,891 6,891 9,173 100,582.0

Year 2006/7 2007/8 2008/9 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 TOTAL
£000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s
Capital funded from current revenue2 0 2,000 2,000 1,750 1,400 1,219 1,219 1,219 1,219 1,219 1,500 14,745.0
Capital borrowing 3,829 1,829 2,774 3,969 4,319 0 0 0 0 0 2,001 18,721.0
Income from Right to Buy receipts 7,562 7,562 6,617 5,672 5,672 5,672 5,672 5,672 5,672 5,672 5,672 67,114.9
Other income (please specify) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Total Funding 11,391 11,391 11,391 11,391 11,391 6,891 6,891 6,891 6,891 6,891 9,173 100,580.9

Year 2006/7 2007/8 2008/9 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
£000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s
Opening debt 4,604 8,216 9,740 12,143 15,642 19,367 20,013 19,346 18,701 18,077 17,475
New borrowing 3,829 1,829 2,774 3,969 4,319 0 0 0 0 0 2,001
Debt repayment 217 304 371 471 593 646 667 645 623 603 616
Debt carried forward3 8,216 9,740 12,143 15,642 19,367 20,013 19,346 18,701 18,077 17,475 18,860

Stock number at end of financial year4 8097 7937 7797 7677 7557 7437 7317 7197 7077 6957 6837
Debt per house5 1,015 1,227 1,557 2,037 2,563 2,691 2,644 2,598 2,554 2,512 2,759

Technical notes
1 How the landlord will finance the total capital investment.
2 This figure should match the figure provided on appendix 5, sheet 1, "Assumptions".
3 Debt carried forward = (opening debt + new borrowing) - debt repayment
4 This figure should be the same as that quoted in appendix 5, sheet 1, "Assumptions".
5 Debt per house = debt carried forward/total stock numbers at the end of the financial year

Description Assumption
House Valuations The assumed figures for house valuations are based
upon the average District Valuer valuations, net of
discount, over the past two years. The figure in the
Updated SHQS Delivery Plan is £47,264 which is
a 23% increase from the assumption in the original
House Rents Rental income within the various appendices is
based upon the average rent for ELC properties as
calculated for the CIPFA Rents and Service
Charges return for 2006/2007. East Lothian
Council has had a rent ‘freeze’ for the past two
years and the Updated rent figures will be the same
as those originally submitted.
House Sale Numbers Revisions have been made to these assumptions in
the Updated Delivery Plan. House Sale numbers
for 2006/2007 within the financial model now total
160 for the year. This is close to the actual number
achieved during 2005/2006 and is a significant fall
from the figures in previous years. However, this is
predicted to remain relatively stable for the next
five years with a declining trend thereafter as more
tenants move over to the new Scottish Secure
Tenancy and new RTB entitlements. An impact is
also noted from the reducing pool of stock and
tenants who wish to purchase their properties.
Government Grants The updated Financial Model assumes zero income
from Government Grants. This is in line with the
ending of Secure Tenancy Grant.

It is our understanding that Supporting People

should not be credited to the Housing Revenue
Account. For this reason this income has been
Responsive Repairs Spend The Responsive Repairs Spend is based upon
budgeted levels in 2006/2007 and budgeted
expenditure for 2004/2005.

The quoted level of £792 is higher than the

amounts quoted in the stock condition survey
Planned Investment to Appendix 3 figures relating to the Planned
meet the Quality Standard Investment to meet the Quality Standard have been
adjusted in three regards from those supplied by

Firstly, costs provided by Savills for responsive

repairs and cyclical maintenance have been
deducted to exclude an element of ‘double
counting’. These costs have already been
accounted for within the Plan. Secondly, costs have
been increased by a factor of 12.5% to account for
repairs and cyclical maintenance have been
deducted to exclude an element of ‘double
counting’. These costs have already been
accounted for within the Plan. Secondly, costs have
been increased by a factor of 12.5% to account for
Professional Fees – these have been excluded from
the work provided by Savills.

Finally, work on the stock condition survey was

based upon the current stock of 8,344. Adjustment
has also been made for prospective changes in
stock numbers over the period of monitoring.
Description Assumption
Pooled Rate of Interest The current Pooled rate of interest within East
Lothian is approximately 5.2%. Our debt profile is
such that we do not expect significant changes in
this rate over the medium term.
Reserves Carried Forward The reserve policy within East Lothian Council is
that the reserves carried forward each year on the
HRA are £0.5 million.

Allowance has been made within this model for

possible transfers to the General Services.
Loans Charges The figures included in Appendix 5 – HRA include
elements repayable to finance companies in
relation to leases for equipment.
Debt Profile Housing debt at the end of 2005/2006 was £4.6
million. This is a very low level and the Authority
was debt-free at the end of the 2004/2005 financial

The costs of the SHQS will now be me through an

increase in debt up to 2016/2017
Name of organisation: East Lothian Council Name of contact: Alistair Easton Phone: 01620 827583



This form sets out a 10 year 'projected position statement' to show how the pattern predicted in the baseline pro forma is likely to change as a result of the capital
programme that you propose in your Standard Delivery Plan. For more information, please


Financial Year Ending (input figures for March 31st of each year)
Criteria 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Tolerable Standard 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Free from Serious Disrepair 1026 1473 1736 1846 1864 1837 1514 1041 453 100
Energy Efficient failures 4303 4005 3689 3360 2796 2185 1554 957 369 100
Modern Facilities and Services 4167 3892 3584 3250 2748 2260 1747 1215 720 100
Healthy, Safe & Secure 5483 4583 3683 2783 1883 983 0 0 0 0


Financial Year Ending (input figures for March 31st of each year)
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Dwellings failing on single 1800 1000 500 100 100 100 100 100 100
criterion 2287
Dwellings failing on two or more 4789 4648 4207 3666 2725 1784 845 400 250
criteria 5243
Number of dwellings failing the 350
Standard 7,530 6589 5648 4707 3766 2825 1884 945 500
8257 8097 7937 7797 7677 7557 7437 7317 7197 7077
Total stock number2
% of stock failing the Standard 91% 81% 71% 60% 49% 37% 25% 13% 7% 5%

Technical notes
1. The Standard criteria (Tolerable Standard, Free from Serious Disrepair, Energy Efficient, Modern Facilities and Services and Healthy, Safe & Secure)

Landlords should record the number of properties under each of these categores for each year. If a property fails on more than one category (e.g. Tolerable Standard and Energy Efficient), please record that
property under every category on which it fails

2. Total stock number

The total stock number is taken as at the end of the financial year, which is assumed to be 31 March. If the year end is not 31 March, please make this clear on the form.
Appendix 10 – Risk Register

Appendix 10.1 - Summary of Risks

Ref Objective/Aim of Strategic Operational Risk Description Risk Key Planning Process to Process Owner
Delivery Plan Risk Score Manage the Risk
1 To demonstrate clearly Option Appraisal • Planning Data and Assumptions 8
and robustly, using is unsatisfactory Turn out to be Inaccurate
adequate and up-to-date
information, the extent to - All assumptions • HRA Financial Model • Head of Corporate
which the stock complies Finance, Head of CH&PM
with the Standard • Methodology in accordance • Head of CH&PM, Finance
with professional guidance Manager
• Independent corroboration of • Head of CH&PM
data and analysis
• Sensitivity Analysis • Finance Manager
• Contingency Planning/BCP • Head of CH&PM
• Annual review of criteria • SHQS Working Group
• Budget monitoring of actual • Head of CH&PM, Budget
income/spending versus Adviser
budget, including
investigation of reasons for

• Housing Stock Survey • Head of CH&PM

Stockcondition information • Tenant Participation Strategy • ELC/ELTRP

• ELC Local Housing Strategy • LHS Stakeholders Steering

ELC Strategic Directions Group
• Maintain a watching brief on • Head of CH&PM
legislative changes
RTB assumptions • Monitoring RTB levels • Service Manager - CHPM
• Affordable Housing Policy • Housing Forum

Management costs (including cost • DLO contract / contract • Head of CH&PM

of Procurement) and Capacity to procurement
Deliver • Structure and organisation of • Head of CH&PM
services (including option
appraisal for Service
• Production of Trading • Finance Manager

2 To set forth a programme Failure to • Changes in Level of Demand 6 • ELC Local Housing Strategy • LHS Stakeholder Steering
of works (including repair, respond to the cannot managed Group
improvement and demand for local • Lothian Housing Needs • Head of CH&PM
demolition) which will housing Assessment 2005
bring the stock above the • Waiting List Review of All • Service Manager – CHPM
standard Applicants
• Investment decision in light • LHS Stakeholder Steering
of Housing Needs Group

3 To set forth the level of Failure to deliver • Income and Expenditure levels are 6 • Budget allocation and • Head of CH&PM/
investment required to capital not achieved due to pressures in the monitoring Financial Adviser
carry out the programme investment system • Improvement and repair • Service Manager – HSD
of works and the intended programme grants
source(s) of revenue • Rent setting process • Council Executive
• Rent arrears and collection • Head of Revenues & IT

Appendix 10.2 - Analysis of Risks

Risk: 1 Planning Data and Assumptions Turn out to be Inaccurate
Impact H Accurate data and assumptions are crucial in helping to plan the allocation of staff and resources and in matching accommodation with
changes in housing requirements. This will impact on everything relating to how the SHQS Plan is delivered.

Failure to make accurate predictions and allocate the necessary resources, will have a significant impact on the lives of people, families,
parents, staff and the local community. Ultimately, this could threaten ELC’s ability to fulfil its statutory obligation under the Housing
Act (2001) to deliver housing services. The assumptions and data collection will directly impact the strategic path of ELC. This is
because the data and assumptions will ultimately influence the option appraisal decision (i.e. the decision to retain, partially or fully
transfer housing stock) and the subsequent management of that delivery method. It will thus directly influence:

- Successful achievement (or otherwise) of housing objectives,

- Successful achievement (or otherwise) of other Council objectives,
- Impact on staff/employment (e.g. under TUPE regulations),
- Impact on other organisations (e.g. Homes for Life Partnership, voluntary organisations),
- How significant investments are made (and the associated financial consequences).

If assumptions are incorrect, or change and are not adjusted for, much time and effort would be required to resolve the problem, resulting
in resources being diverted away from ongoing service delivery.

Likelihood M Perfect forecasting accuracy is unachievable, although there are many ways of making forecasts as accurate as possible. Demographic
changes are a constant feature in many parts of East Lothian. A wide range of issues will have a bearing on strategic planning in the
region, both in the immediate and longer term. These factors are constantly changing and the ELC may have little direct influence over
these. This makes forecasting and planning more complex:

Stock condition information

The Communities Scotland Inspection report of East Lothian Council in January 2004 concluded that a fair property management service
is provided. ELC has maintained its housing stock in good condition through high levels of investment and its maintenance
programmes are well planned. However, while the Council provides an accessible repairs service, its performance at completing
response repairs on time was found to be very poor.
In recent years, there have been important internal and external drivers that have shaped the repairs and maintenance framework,
• Tenant satisfaction and demands for more tenant involvement in standard setting and monitoring,
• Tenant-landlord statutory and contractual obligations,
• Pressures to demonstrate Best Value (which has been translated in to doing more, to a higher standard, with less resources)
coupled with increased expectations from tenants,
• Unpredictable factors such as sudden and/or prolonged bad weather can also have a significant impact on the service (e.g.
property damage as a result of flood, storm, water penetration of structural damage),
• The changing policy and legislative environment within which services are provided.

The environment is therefore one of constant change, which will have a resultant effect on stock condition information.

Local authority’s strategic decisions

The need for investment in housing needs to be recognised alongside other community priorities such as transport, education and health.
There is also a need for working with other services within the framework of the Community Plan to make sure there are adequate
schools, buses, trains, shops, community centres and other public services to make successful communities. Attitudes towards the
relative importance of these competing priorities will have a knock on effect on the ability to deliver the SHQS plan (e.g. within housing
itself, there are several competing housing needs and objectives such as homelessness, particular needs, sustainable communities and
housing standards). Moreover, the introduction of Proportional Representation in the 2007 local government elections could impact the
strategic direction of the authority (e.g. the consequences from a new political climate).

RTB assumptions

It is widely acknowledged that the Right to Buy (RTB) legislation has allowed many households on lower incomes to access the owner-
occupied market, primarily through the operation of the discount system.

It is clear that the RTB resale market has increased the range of choice in the second-hand market in East Lothian. Because resale prices
are relatively high, however, it has been less successful in widening access to owner-occupation. Entry prices appear to be well beyond
the financial capacity of current applications on the waiting list.

Management costs (including cost of Procurement) and Capacity to Deliver

There are 3 factors affecting the pressure for change in how all Council services are delivered, including:

- The duty to secure Best Value under the Local Government in Scotland Act 2003,
- The replacement of Compulsory Competitive Tendering (CCT) legislation with Trading Operations,
- The legal requirement to improve workforce equalities.

The intention of this new legislation is to remove barriers to innovation within a framework that secures Best Value, including
accountability for the use of public assets and public funds, provided the Council stays within the parameters set by competition law and
state aid rules.
accountability for the use of public assets and public funds, provided the Council stays within the parameters set by competition law and
state aid rules.

CH&PM has 2 significant trading operations of note, both of which spend large sums of money. Building Services (former DLO) need
to demonstrate that external charges cover their costs and the Housing Revenue Account is a long-standing trading operation based on
legislative requirements and has to demonstrate that rents cover costs without subsidy from the taxpayer.

One key requirement is that the finances of each trading operation must at least break-even over any three-year period, which is intended
to demonstrate that public funds are not being used to distort competition. Failure to achieve this is very likely to be interpreted by
External Audit as evidence that Best Value has not been achieved.

Another important pressure is the impending implementation of the new pay and grading system for all former APT&C and Manual staff
as part of Single Status. This is part of a wider requirement across local authorities to improve workforce equalities. Cross-assessment
of jobs could lead to some services being adversely affected by down-grading of staff that have historically been overpaid relative to
other jobs in the Council. This could likely affect predominantly male manual jobs, many of which are in former DLOs. In these
services, wages and terms & conditions may have to worsen even though they are sustainable and representative of the labour market
within which they operate. However, most of the workforce is excluded from Single Status, which means the cost of this service is
unlikely to change significantly. Moreover, there are well-established processes for operating Property Maintenance/Building Services
DLO as part of the wider property maintenance market. The practice of obtaining competitive quotes for this work is familiar although
the challenge will be to develop and modernise the established DLO processes in conjunction with the development of housing services
to tenants.

However, one management cost that ELC may be exposed to (and unable to control) is the consequential costs from the construction
industry. Recent trends in real tender prices (as reported by the Scottish Executive) demonstrate the increasing costs facing local
authorities in this field. Unexpected cost inflation is a further pressure.

Overall Assessment 8

Source(s): Option Appraisal Study : Final Report : April 2001. Report by DTZ Pieda Consulting
Communities Scotland Pathfinder Inspection Report of the Housing Service, January 2004
Community Housing and Property Management Strategic Risk Register, March 2004

Risk: 2 Changes in Levels of Demand Cannot be Managed

Impact H The Housing Act (Scotland) 2001 places significant statutory duties on the authority to deliver housing services. The standard of the
housing service is a central concern of tenants. Tenants and many others want to see first-class, modern council housing available for all
who need it. Failure to meet these increasing demands and expectations will result in tenant dissatisfaction and increased levels of
complaints. Dealing with these complaints is a reactive, resource intensive process which can be demoralising for Council housing
workers as well as the tenants themselves.
who need it. Failure to meet these increasing demands and expectations will result in tenant dissatisfaction and increased levels of
complaints. Dealing with these complaints is a reactive, resource intensive process which can be demoralising for Council housing
workers as well as the tenants themselves.

Waiting lists for Council houses and other standards of the housing service are typical measure by which Councils are compared and
criticised. Housing is a highly emotive process which can have consequences if fairness and probity are not exercised. If there is a
perception that the Council houses or intends to house people who should not be at the top of the housing list, this will result in
complaints and potential challenges.

In the longer term, failure to provide an effective service within acceptable timescales and to required standards is likely to result,
following a further inspection by Communities Scotland of the homelessness services, in a second D (the lowest) grade. Communities
Scotland might then consider the need to take enforcement action.

Lack of affordable housing also contributes to social exclusion and hinders integration. Lack of housing tends to have a negative effect
on the under privileged and socially/economically week groups in the society. Every home not built means another family remaining
homeless, overcrowded, or in sub-standard housing conditions.

Likelihood L East Lothian’s population is predicted to grow significantly in the next decade. More households mean increasing demand for homes
(and other public services, e.g. repairs and maintenance). Whilst the number of households increases, household sizes are set to
decrease, including a growth in single-person households. This is a particular challenge to the Housing Sector as single-income
households generally have lower disposable incomes, and there may be problems with affordability and access to a relatively high-priced
owner-occupier market.

There is also a growing number of low-paid workers which has the associated problems of affording homes, particularly given recent
price trends in the Scottish housing market. Affordable housing options need to be made available to households in low paid sectors who
contribute to the local economy and delivery of key services, services where demand for workers will increase (e.g. to deal with the
substantial predicted growth in the number of elderly people and also young families).

There is also the potential large implications from the relocation of the new higher education facility from Edinburgh (QMC) on the
housing system in East Lothian.

The high demand for the Council’s houses is a major challenge, with the lack of affordable housing a central issue for East Lothian as a
whole. In many areas of the region, it is the result of a combination of the high cost of housing to buy, and a low level of alternative
provision in the social rented sector. Moreover, stock turnover is relatively low and there are no difficult ‘To Let’ areas in the region.

Therefore it is evident that a significant stream of applicants join the housing list every year providing further additions to the large
number of people seeking social rented housing in East Lothian. At present demand for housing far exceeds supply. This trend is
predicted to continue in the medium term at least.
number of people seeking social rented housing in East Lothian. At present demand for housing far exceeds supply. This trend is
predicted to continue in the medium term at least.

Overall Assessment 6

Source(s): Communities Scotland Pathfinder Inspection Report of the Housing Service, January 2004
East Lothian Local Housing Strategy, ELC 2001
“A Smart, Successful East Lothian”, ELC Economic Development Dept, October 2002

Risk: 3 Income and Expenditure levels are not achieved due to pressures in the system
Impact H The ability to achieve SHQS targets will largely be influenced by the ability to maximise revenues and effectively allocate the allocation
of these monies.
Maximising rental income and minimising void losses & bad debts within a local context is of fundamental importance, as it effectively
determines ELC’s spending capabilities. Housing rents represent a significant proportion of HRA income and the provision of cyclical
and responsive maintenance services is therefore dependent on securing high collection levels. Poor performance in collection could
mean key services do not receive the monies they could otherwise have been allocated. This has obvious consequences for the ability to
deliver good housing standard services.

Likelihood L There are many volatile pressures to the financial viability of the delivery plan, including:

Revenue Account

- Rent Levels

The average weekly rent charged to tenants in East Lothian is one of the lowest local authority rents in Scotland and below the Scottish
average. There are pressures to sustain these rent levels, limiting the scope for significantly improving income generation. Moreover,
the Council has historically not dealt effectively with serious rent arrears or arrears for former tenants. Performance indicators have also
shown there is scope for improving the re-letting ratio of empty houses, therefore voids may be an important factor in income generation.

- Supporting People Grant

ELC continues to face real challenges in delivering national initiatives such as Supporting People, whilst remaining within budget.
Escalating demand for both new and increased care packages, including housing support, will threaten the risk of an overspend. Recent
spending on Supporting People activities has been in line with the amount of Supporting people grant. The planned reduction in the
level of this grant by the Scottish Executive in future years will have important budget and service implications for the authority.

The average weekly rent charged to tenants in East Lothian is one of the lowest local authority rents in Scotland and below the Scottish

- Common Repairs and Shared Costs

Pressures include the funding of the private sector grants budget to assist RTB owners to contribute to shared costs. ELC is increasingly
being faced with the threat of imposing charges on properties for common repairs carried out but where the bill has not been settled.
This can represent a large amount of lost income.

- Housing Benefit Changes

Any legislative changes will have a direct impact on the support offered to, and income generated from, tenants.
Capital Account

There are also pressures on the capital investment programme, although the low debt position and the premise that ELC will not borrow over the
remaining timescale of the Delivery Plan and will match capital receipts and CFCR contributions with capital spending on the stock. The Prudential
Code will also provide a challenge and opportunity for the capital programme.

Overall Assessment 6

Source(s): Communities Scotland Pathfinder Inspection Report of the Housing Service, January 2004
East Lothian Local Housing Strategy, ELC 2001

Appendix 10.3 - Notes

6.3.1. The risk assessment has been undertaken by applying the same methodology used for the Corporate Risk Assessment across all
departments within East Lothian Council. The impact and probability are assessed as being low, medium or high. These combine to
give an overall risk rating as follows:

High 4 7 9

Medium 2 5 8
Low 1 3 6

Low Medium High


It is worth noting that the risk scores identified are the Gross Risk Scores, i.e. before considering how well placed the Council is to
manage these risks. As the Corporate Risk Assessment framework progresses, an overall assessment of the adequacy of the internal
control environment will become possible and thus a Net Risk Score can be arrived at. In the meantime, while the operational risks have
been assessed as being High, senior staff within the CH&PM department are confident that these can be adequately managed by the
Council in light of the favourable context of East Lothian’s Housing circumstances and the procedures, checks and reviews already in
6.3.2. The following abbreviations have been used in the documents above

- CH&PM = Head of Community Housing and Property Management

- ELTRP = East Lothian Tenants and Residents Panel

Tenant Consultation

Tenant Consultation on the Scottish Housing Quality Standard

Following the introduction of the Scottish Housing Quality Standard (SHQS), it was
discussed at the April 2004 East Lothian Housing Forum. The workshop discussed the
following issues:

 Whether the standard went far enough.

 How landlords will fund the standard.
 The omission of accessibility from the standard.
 Resources required to meet the standard.
 Information landlords have on their stock.
 Implications of stock transfer stock.

The workshop was summarised in the June LHS Bulletin, which is on East Lothian
Council’s web site,1094,428,00.html.

The discussions on the Scottish Housing Quality Standard continued after the April
East Lothian Housing Forum at the LHS Stock Management and Standards Group. In
August 2004 the Stock Management and Standards Group received a briefing paper
on the Scottish Housing Quality Standard. This was followed by updates on progress
at subsequent meetings. In 2005, a review of groups set up to support the LHS
process was carried out. The outcome of this was that the Stock Management and
Standards Group ceased to exist.

In January 2005 the Head of Community Housing and Property Management gave a
presentation to the East Lothian Tenants and Residents Panel on the Scottish Housing
Quality Standard. The presentation gave information on the Standard and then went
onto discuss data collection, options appraisal, East Lothian Council’s project plan
and East Lothian Council’s HRA Business Plan.

A meeting was held in August 2005 with East Lothian Tenants and Residents Panel
(ELTRP) specifically to discuss the Scottish Housing Quality Standard and the
Council’s Standard Delivery Plan. A Briefing Note was produced for this meeting
and was reproduced in East Lothian Tenants and Residents Panel’s ‘Panel News’ in
September 2005.

Following the appointment of Savill’s to carry out the Council’s stock condition
survey, a representative of Savill’s attended a meeting of ELTRP to give a
presentation on how they were going to carry out the stock condition survey and how
the results could be used.

Savill’s presented the results of the stock condition survey on 7 June 2006. ELTRP
were invited to attend this meeting.

At the Housing Strategy and Development Unit’s quarterly liaison meeting with
ELTRP on 29 August 2006, the key aspects of the revised SDP were discussed.

Tenant Consultation on Stock Standards

East Lothian Council and East Lothian Tenants and Residents Panel launched the
Tenant Participation Strategy in February 2005. The Strategy makes reference to
consultation on capital programming and developing the East Lothian Standard.

There has been extensive participation and consultation on property standards through
the Capital Programme Group (referred to in the main report) and the Rent Review

The Rent Review Group operated until last year and was remitted with proposing and
implementing a new rent structure. The membership of the group included Council
officers and representatives of East Lothian Tenants and Residents Panel. The Rent
Review Group considered property attributes and linked them to a rent structure. As
part of this work the Group also approved a draft East Lothian Property Standard,
now used as a basis for the Council’s Capital Programme.

In 2005 a service review of the voids process commenced. As part of the review a
Voids Implementation Group was established, which includes tenants representatives.
The Group aims to develop guidance to staff on void management which will improve
re-let times and ensure consistency of practice across area offices. Part of the Group’s
work will involve looking at property standards and what constitutes a lettable

A quarterly meeting is also held between East Lothian Tenants and Residents Panel,
councillors and senior officials. The issues discussed at these meetings are wide
ranging and include the Scottish Housing Quality Standard and other stock standard

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