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Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
As on 2076 Poush End (14 January 2020)
Amount is Rs.
Group Bank
This Quarter Ending Immediate Previous Year Ending This Quarter Ending Immediate Previous Year Ending
Cash and cash equivalent 9,941,865,090 8,202,478,030 9,933,567,602 8,194,978,236
Due from Nepal Rastra Bank 11,788,441,665 12,359,997,257 11,788,441,665 12,359,997,257
Placement with Bank and Financial Institutions 272,160,000 373,490,000 272,160,000 373,490,000
Derivative financial instruments. - - - -
Other trading assets - - - -
Loan and advances to B/FIs 4,300,955,200 4,537,605,600 4,300,955,200 4,537,605,600
Loans and advances to customers 147,897,991,689 142,022,875,931 147,897,991,689 142,022,875,931
Investment securities 44,240,177,046 40,260,548,334 44,171,277,683 40,181,642,944
Current tax assets 2,063,326,522 2,428,488,970 2,063,326,522 2,425,828,777
Investment in subsidiaries - - 200,000,000 200,000,000
Investment in associates 97,858,000 131,441,537 97,858,000 97,858,000
Investment property 114,812,504 114,812,504 114,812,504 114,812,504
Property and equipment 1,258,522,464 1,128,281,073 1,251,594,821 1,124,034,040
Goodwill and Intangible assets 58,419,655 44,782,227 58,419,655 44,603,617
Deferred tax assets 310,881,658 500,436,244 310,881,658 389,021,830
Other assets 2,627,971,551 14,343,155,238 2,623,925,389 14,343,429,145
Total Assets 224,973,383,044 226,448,392,946 225,085,212,388 226,410,177,881
Due to Bank and Financial Institutions 1,761,974,271 7,860,034,385 1,761,974,271 7,860,034,385
Due to Nepal Rastra Bank 287,067,423 352,044,206 287,067,423 352,044,206
Derivative financial instruments - - - -
Deposits from customers 194,780,168,107 189,140,853,862 194,901,927,399 189,255,335,577
Borrowing 60,338,621 60,687,258 60,338,621 60,687,258
Current Tax Liabilities - - - -
Provisions 292,493,506 355,873,853 292,493,506 355,873,853
Deferred tax liabilities - - - -
Other liabilities 4,889,183,639 6,941,468,574 4,887,414,036 6,940,399,014
Debt securities issued - - - -
Subordinated Liabilities - - - -
Total liabilities 202,071,225,567 204,710,962,138 202,191,215,256 204,824,374,293
Share capital 9,004,795,700 9,004,795,700 9,004,795,700 9,004,795,700
Share premium - - - -
Retained earnings 1,415,172,635 1,806,085,133 1,407,012,290 1,394,490,944
Reserves 12,482,189,142 10,926,549,975 12,482,189,142 11,186,516,944
Total equity attributable to equity holders 22,902,157,477 21,737,430,808 22,893,997,132 21,585,803,588
Non-controlling interest - - - -
Total equity 22,902,157,477 21,737,430,808 22,893,997,132 21,585,803,588
Total liabilities and equity 224,973,383,044 226,448,392,946 225,085,212,388 226,410,177,881
Contingent liabilities and commitment 16,687,947,874 12,079,154,596 16,687,947,874 12,079,154,596
Net assets value per share 254.33 241.40 254.24 239.71

Page 2
Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss
For the Second Quarter of FY 2076/77 ended on 2076 Poush End (14 January 2020)
Amount is Rs.
Group Bank
Current Year Previous Year Current Year Previous Year
Upto this Upto this Upto this Upto this
This Quarter This Quarter This Quarter This Quarter
Quarter(YTD) Quarter(YTD) Quarter(YTD) Quarter(YTD)
Interest income 4,680,011,397 8,728,155,427 3,516,019,528 7,235,530,528 4,679,042,020 8,726,427,384 3,515,266,853 7,234,385,853
Interest expense 1,883,685,061 3,660,516,896 1,164,768,434 2,274,191,434 1,886,306,873 3,665,801,311 1,168,023,311 2,280,694,311
Net interest income 2,796,326,336 5,067,638,532 2,351,251,094 4,961,339,094 2,792,735,147 5,060,626,074 2,347,243,542 4,953,691,542
Fees and commission income 32,649,303 359,990,546 12,804,361 365,903,361 32,328,328 358,756,901 11,865,692 364,317,692
Fees and commission expense 35,797,726 69,788,531 23,974,074 85,365,074 35,797,726 69,788,531 23,974,074 85,365,074
Net fee and commission income (3,148,424) 290,202,015 (11,169,713) 280,538,287 (3,469,399) 288,968,370 (12,108,382) 278,952,618
Net interest, fee and commission income 2,793,177,912 5,357,840,546 2,340,081,381 5,241,877,381 2,789,265,748 5,349,594,443 2,335,135,160 5,232,644,160
Net trading income 18,061,148 33,832,060 13,801,051 27,602,101 18,061,148 33,832,060 13,801,051 27,602,101
Other operating income 316,050,138 379,743,373 266,207,556 262,945,506 313,238,665 377,261,900 266,325,566 263,173,516
Total operating income 3,127,289,198 5,771,415,980 2,620,089,988 5,532,424,988 3,120,565,561 5,760,688,404 2,615,261,777 5,523,419,777
Impairment charge/(reversal) for loans and
360,539,914 201,308,782 (387,300,055) (135,603,055) 360,539,914 201,308,782 (388,145,482) (136,448,482)
other losses
Net operating income 2,766,749,283 5,570,107,197 3,007,390,043 5,668,028,043 2,760,025,646 5,559,379,621 3,003,407,259 5,659,868,259
Operating expense
Personnel expenses 943,432,859 1,793,344,050 866,362,158 1,718,366,158 941,613,495 1,789,750,465 864,976,274 1,715,139,274
Other operating expense 295,914,097 588,875,056 185,824,030 407,787,030 291,343,579 583,272,140 185,841,087 406,572,087
Depreciation & Amortisation 70,093,512 120,945,235 101,723,209 101,723,209 70,093,512 120,945,235 100,608,571 100,608,571
Operating Profit 1,457,308,815 3,066,942,858 1,853,480,646 3,440,151,646 1,456,975,061 3,065,411,783 1,851,981,327 3,437,548,327
Non operating income 91,885,243 90,991,596 (6,741,928) 11,362,072 88,660,968 90,991,596 (6,741,928) 11,362,072
Non operating expense - - - - - - - -
Share of profit of associates - - - - - - - -
Profit before income tax 1,549,194,058 3,157,934,453 1,846,738,718 3,451,513,718 1,545,636,029 3,156,403,378 1,845,239,399 3,448,910,399
Income tax expense 463,690,808 946,921,013 554,353,408 1,038,948,408 463,690,808 946,921,013 554,353,408 1,038,948,408
Current Tax 463,690,808 946,921,013 554,353,408 1,038,948,408 463,690,808 946,921,013 554,353,408 1,038,948,408
Deferred Tax - - - - - - - -
Profit for the period 1,085,503,250 2,211,013,440 1,292,385,310 2,412,565,310 1,081,945,221 2,209,482,365 1,290,885,991 2,409,961,991

Page 3
Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the Second Quarter of FY 2076/77 ended on 2076 Poush End (14 January 2020)
Amount is Rs.
Group Bank
Current Year Previous Year Current Year Previous Year
Upto this Upto this Upto this Upto this
This Quarter This Quarter This Quarter This Quarter
Quarter(YTD) Quarter(YTD) Quarter(YTD) Quarter(YTD)
Profit/Loss for the period 1,085,503,250 2,211,013,440 1,292,385,310 2,412,565,310 1,081,945,221 2,209,482,365 1,290,885,991 2,409,961,991

Other comprehensive income, net of income

a) Items that will not be reclassified to profit
or loss
- Gains/(losses) from investments in equity
256,123,805 256,123,805 - - 256,123,805 256,123,805 - -
instruments measured at fair value
- Gains/(losses) on revaluation - - - - - - - -
- Actuarial gains/(losses) on defined benefit
- - - - - - - -
- Income tax relating to above items (76,837,141) (76,837,141) - - (76,837,141) (76,837,141) - -
Net Other Comprehensive Income that will
179,286,663 179,286,663 - - 179,286,663 179,286,663 - -
not be reclassified to profit or loss

b) Items that are or may be reclassified to

profit or loss
- Gains/(losses) on cash flow hedge - - - - - - - -
- Exchange gains/(losses) (arising from
translating financial assets of foreign - - - - - - - -
- Income tax relating to above items - - - - - - - -
- Reclassify to profit or loss - - - - - - - -
Net Other Comprehensive Income that are or
- - - - - - - -
may be reclassified to profit or loss

c) Share of other comprehensive income of

- - - - - - - -
associate accounted as per equity method

Other comprehensive income for the period,

179,286,663 179,286,663 - - 179,286,663 179,286,663 - -
net of income tax

Total Comprehensive Income 1,264,789,913 2,390,300,103 1,292,385,310 2,412,565,310 1,261,231,884 2,388,769,028 1,290,885,991 2,409,961,991

Basic earnings per share 56.18 53.09 57.41 53.58 56.02 53.06 57.34 53.53
Diluted earnings per share 56.18 53.09 57.41 53.58 56.02 53.06 57.34 53.53
Profit attributable to:
Equity holders of the Bank 1,264,789,913 2,390,300,103 1,292,385,310 2,412,565,310 1,261,231,884 2,388,769,028 1,290,885,991 2,409,961,991
Non-controlling interest - - - - - - - -
Total 1,264,789,913 2,390,300,103 1,292,385,310 2,412,565,310 1,261,231,884 2,388,769,028 1,290,885,991 2,409,961,991

Page 4
Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited
Significant Ratios
up to the Second Quarter ended on 2076 Poush End (14 January 2020) as per NRB Directives

Group Bank
Current Year Previous Year Corresponding Current Year Previous Year Corresponding
Upto this Upto this Upto this Upto this
This Quarter This Quarter This Quarter This Quarter
quarter(YTD) quarter(YTD) quarter(YTD) quarter(YTD)
Capital Fund to RWA 13.15% 11.73% 13.15% 11.73%
Non-performing loan(NPL) to total loan 4.77% 3.40% 4.77% 3.40%
Total loan loss provision to Total NPL 95.45% 99.79% 95.45% 99.79%
Cost of Funds 4.05% 3.01% 4.05% 3.01%
Credit to Deposit Ratio (Calculated as per NRB
Directives) 72.66% 69.24% 72.66% 69.24%
Base Rate 6.60% 5.60% 6.60% 5.60%
Interest Rate Spread 5.53% 4.78% 5.53% 4.78%

Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited

Statement of Distributable Profit or Loss
up to Second Quarter of FY 2076/77 ended on 2076 Poush End (14 January 2020)
Particulars Amount (Rs.)
Net profit or (loss) upto Second Quarter of F/Y 2076/77 2,209,482,365
1. Appropriations:
1.1 Profit required to be appropriated to statutory reserve 474,185,417
a. General reserve 441,896,473
b. Capital redemption reserve -
c. Foreign exchange fluctuation fund -
d. Corporate social responsibility fund 11,247,594
e. Employees' training fund 21,041,350
f. Other -
1.2 Profit required to be transferred to Regulatory Reserve 642,200,118
a.Transferred to Regulatory Reserve 720,340,290
b.Transferred from Regulatory reserve (78,140,172)
Distributable Profit or (Loss) 1,093,096,830

Page 5
Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
For the Second Quarter of FY 2076/77 ended on 2076 Poush End (14 January 2020)
Attributable to equity holders of the Bank Amount in Rs.
Share Exchange Regulatory Fair Value Revaluation
Particulars Share Capital General Reserve Capital Reserve Retained Earning Other Reserve Total controlling Total Equity
Premium Equalisation Reserve Reserve Reserve

Balance as at Shrawan 1, 2076 9,004,795,700 - 8,178,908,597 97,319,666 6,726,597,250 481,195,653 860,893,657 77,183,784 1,806,085,133.00 (5,495,548,631) 21,737,430,809 - 21,737,430,809
Adjustment/Restatement - - - - - - - - (404,964,919.12) - (404,964,919) - (404,964,919)
Adjusted Restated Balance at
9,004,795,700 - 8,178,908,597 97,319,666 6,726,597,250 481,195,653 860,893,657 77,183,784 1,401,120,213.88 (5,495,548,631) 21,332,465,889 - 21,332,465,889
Shrawan 1, 2076
Comprehensive Income for the year -
Profit for the year - - - - - - - - 2,211,013,439.77 - 2,211,013,440 - 2,211,013,440
Other Comprehensive income, net of
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Gains/(losses) from investments in
- - - - - - 439,253,631 - - - 439,253,631 - 439,253,631
equity instruments measured at fair value
- Gains/(losses) on revaluation - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Actuarial Gains/(losses) on defined
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
benefit plans
- Gains/(losses) on cash flow hedge - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Exchange gains/(losses) arising from
translating financial assets of foreign - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
Total comprehensive income for the
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Transfer to reserve during the year - - 441,896,473 - 720,340,290 - - - (1,194,525,706.65) 32,288,944 (0) - (0)
Transfer from the reserve during the
- - - - (78,140,172) - - - 78,140,172.00 - - - -

Transactions with owners, directly

- - - - - - - - - -
recognized in equity
Right share issued - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Share based payments - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dividends to equity holders: - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bonus Shares issued - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cash Dividend Paid - - - - - - - - (1,080,575,484.00) - (1,080,575,484) - (1,080,575,484)
Total contributions by and
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Balance as at Poush End, 2076 9,004,795,700 - 8,620,805,070 97,319,666 7,368,797,368 481,195,653 1,300,147,288 77,183,784 1,415,172,635 (5,463,259,687) 22,902,157,477 - 22,902,157,477

Page 6
Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited
Statement of Changes in Equity
For the period ended 2076 Poush End (FY 2076/77)

Attributable to equity holders of the Bank Amount in NPR
Share Exchange Regulatory Fair Value Revaluation
Particulars Share Capital General Reserve Capital Reserve Retained Earning Other Reserve Total controlling Total Equity
Premium Equalisation Reserve Reserve Reserve

Balance as at Shrawan 1, 2076 9,004,795,700 - 8,178,908,597 97,319,666 6,726,597,250 481,195,653 1,120,860,625 77,183,784 1,394,490,944 (5,495,548,631) 21,585,803,588 - 21,585,803,588
Adjustment/Restatement - - - - - - - - - - - -
Adjusted Restated Balance at
9,004,795,700 - 8,178,908,597 97,319,666 6,726,597,250 481,195,653 1,120,860,625 77,183,784 1,394,490,944 (5,495,548,631) 21,585,803,588 - 21,585,803,588
Shrawan 1, 2076
Comprehensive Income for the year -
Profit for the year - - - - - - - - 2,209,482,365 - 2,209,482,365 - 2,209,482,365
Other Comprehensive income, net of
- - -
- Gains/(losses) from investments in
- - - - - - 179,286,663 - - - 179,286,663 - 179,286,663
equity instruments measured at fair value
- Gains/(losses) on revaluation - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Actuarial Gains/(losses) on defined
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
benefit plans
- Gains/(losses) on cash flow hedge - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Exchange gains/(losses) arising from
translating financial assets of foreign - - - - - - - - - - - -

Total comprehensive income for the

- - - - - - - - - - -
Transfer to reserve during the year - - 441,896,473 - 720,340,290 - - (1,194,525,707) 32,288,944 - - -
Transfer from the reserve during the
- - - - (78,140,172) - - - 78,140,172 - - - -

Transactions with owners, directly

recognized in equity
Right share issued - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Share based payments - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dividends to equity holders: - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bonus Shares issued - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cash Dividend Paid - - - - - - - - (1,080,575,484) - (1,080,575,484) - (1,080,575,484)
Total contributions by and
- - -
Balance as at Poush End, 2076 9,004,795,700 - 8,620,805,070 97,319,666 7,368,797,368 481,195,653 1,300,147,288 77,183,784 1,407,012,290 (5,463,259,687) 22,893,997,132 - 22,893,997,132

Page 7
Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow Statement
For the Period ended on 2076 Poush End (From 2076 Shrawan 01 to 2076 Poush End)

Group Bank
Corresponding Corresponding
Up to Up to
Particulars Note Previous Year up to Previous Year up to
This Quarter This Quarter
This Quarter This Quarter


Interest received 9,763,927,269 6,344,046,361 9,762,199,226 6,375,848,417
Fees and other income received 359,990,546 648,841,138 358,756,901 647,255,469
Dividend received - - - -
Receipts from other operating activities 399,711,843 20,018,026 398,829,508 20,611,976
Interest paid (3,660,516,896) (2,274,191,434) (3,665,801,311) (2,280,694,311)
Commission and fees paid (69,788,531) (85,365,074) (69,788,531) (183,708,373)
Cash payment to employees - -
Other expense paid (1,977,254,185) (2,127,754,016) (2,373,022,604) (2,122,197,551)
Operating cash flows before changes in operating assets
4,816,070,046 2,525,595,000 4,411,173,189 2,457,115,627
and liabilities

(Increase)/Decrease in Operating Assets 3,542,765,522 (7,917,586,764) 3,952,050,510 (7,924,235,369)

Due from Nepal Rastra Bank 989,853,719 989,853,719
Placement with bank and financial institutions - -
Other trading assets - -
Loan and advances to bank and financial institutions 286,050,000 657,939,025 286,050,000 660,868,028
Loans and advances to customers (8,112,259,304) (13,915,833,939) (8,112,259,304) (13,945,833,939)
Other assets 11,368,974,826 4,350,454,431 11,778,259,814 4,370,876,823

Increase/(Decrease) in operating liabilities (2,565,206,519) 10,836,584,831 (2,527,780,895) 10,924,275,830

Due to bank and financial institutions (6,098,060,114) (1,450,105,246) (6,098,060,114) (1,450,105,246)
Due to Nepal Rastra Bank - -
Deposit from customers 5,639,314,245 13,584,905,940 5,646,591,822 13,544,903,164
Borrowings - -
Other liabilities (2,106,460,650) (1,298,215,863) (2,076,312,603) (1,170,522,088)
Net cash flow from operating activities before tax paid 5,793,629,049 5,444,593,066 5,835,442,805 5,457,156,089
Income taxes paid (584,418,758) (760,480,018) (584,418,758) (762,761,490)
Net cash flow from operating activities 5,209,210,291 4,684,113,048 5,251,024,046 4,694,394,598


Purchase of investment securities (3,470,544,306) (4,308,410,407) (3,514,957,878) (4,267,111,290)
Receipts from sale of investment securities - - -
Purchase of property and equipment (225,316,647) (73,493,014) (222,636,037) (87,238,857)
Receipt from the sale of property and equipment (3,088,043) - (3,088,043) -
Purchase of intangible assets (14,321,519) (19,408,543) - (47,458,252)
Receipt from the sale of intangible assets - - (14,424,878) -
Purchase of investment properties - -
Receipt from the sale of investment properties - - - -
Interest received 1,404,268,004 485,037,597 1,404,268,004 474,560,867
Dividend received 45,418,806 - 44,643,675 -
Net cash used in investing activities (2,263,583,705) (3,916,274,366) (2,306,195,156) (3,927,247,533)


Receipt from issue of debt securities - - - -
Repayment of debt securities - - - -
Receipt from issue of subordinated liabilities - - - -
Repayment of subordinated liabilities - - - -
Receipt from issue of shares - - - -
Dividends paid (1,080,575,484) - (1,080,575,484) -
Interest paid (111,157,520) 11,230,068 (111,157,520) 11,230,068
Other receipt/payment (14,506,521) (58,646,170) (14,506,521) (58,646,170)
Net cash from financing activities (1,206,239,525) (47,416,102) (1,206,239,525) (47,416,102)

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 1,739,387,060 720,422,579 1,738,589,365 719,730,963
Cash and cash equivalents at Shrawan 1 8,202,478,030 28,352,742,315 8,194,978,237 28,333,121,095
Cash and cash equivalent acquired from merger - - - -
Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash and cash
- - - -
equivalents held
Cash and cash equivalents at Ashadh end 2076 9,941,865,090 29,073,164,894 9,933,567,602 29,052,852,058

Page 8
G. Notes to Interim Financial Statements

1. Basis of preparation
The interim financial statements of the Bank have been prepared in accordance with the Nepal
Financial Reporting Standards(NFRS) adopted by Accounting Standard Board of Nepal.
2. Statement of Compliance
The financial statements were prepared in accordance with Nepal Financial Reporting Standards
(NFRS) read along with the approved carve-outs and in the format as per Directive No. 4 of
NRB Directives, 2076. Historical cost convention was used for financial statement recognition
and measurement except otherwise required by NFRS. Where, other method(s), other than
historical costs, such as fair value has been applied, these have been disclosed in accordance with
the applicable reporting framework. The adoption of NFRS for preparation of financial
statements was brought in effect from fiscal year 2074/75.
The amounts of financial statements were presented in Nepalese Rupees (NPR) being the
functional currency of the Bank. The figures were rounded to the nearest rupee except where
indicated otherwise.
The financial statements comprise the Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Profit or
Loss, Statement of Other Comprehensive Income, the Statement of Changes in Equity, the
Statement of Cash Flows and the Notes to the Accounts.
The financial statements have been prepared on accrual basis of accounting in accordance with
Nepal Financial Reporting Standards (NFRS) and as published by the Accounting Standards
Board (ASB) Nepal and pronounced by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nepal
(ICAN). The interim financial statements have been prepared based on the circular
no.19/075/076 issued by NRB on 2075/11/14 and are NFRS compliant. The Bank has opted
carve-outs on NFRSs as issued by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nepal on 2018
September 20.
3. Use of Estimates, assumptions and judgments

The Bank, under NFRS, is required to apply accounting policies to most appropriately suit its
circumstances and operating environment. Further, the Bank is required to make judgments in
respect of items where the choice of specific policy, accounting estimate or assumption to be
followed could materially affect the financial statements. This may later be determined that a
different choice could have been more appropriate. It is also required to make estimates and
assumptions that will affect the assets, liabilities, disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities,
and profit or loss as reported in the financial statements. The Bank applies estimates in preparing
and presenting the financial statements and such estimates and underlying assumptions are
reviewed periodically. The revision to accounting estimates are recognized in the period in which
the estimates are revised, and are applied prospectively.
The accounting policies as explained in Section 3 herein were consistently applied to all the
years presented except otherwise stated. They were further included in the relevant notes for
each item of the financial statements, and the effect and nature of the changes, if any, were

Page 9
disclosed. The accounting estimates were appropriately disclosed in the relevant sections of the
Notes wherever the estimates have been applied along with the nature and effect of changes of
accounting estimates, if any.
The accounting policies are to be applied consistently. Changes in accounting policies, if any, are
to be disclosed with the financial impact to the extent possible. When polices are not guided by
the reporting framework, NFRS, other reporting standards and generally accepted accounting
principles are to be followed.

4. Changes in Accounting policies

There is no any significant changes in accounting policies during the period.

5. Significant Accounting Policies

5.1 Basis of Measurement

The financial statements are prepared on a historical cost basis except for the following items
which were measured or recognized as stated:
1) financial assets and liabilities are measured at fair value at it’s initial recognition. Subsequent
recognition of FVTOCI and FVTPL financial instruments are measured at fair value.
2) liabilities for defined benefit obligations are recognized at the present value of the defined
benefit obligation after deducting the net of the plan assets, plus unrecognized actuarial
gains, less unrecognized past service cost and unrecognized actuarial losses.

5.2 Basis of Consolidation

a. Business Combination
The assets and liabilities from business combination with the acquisition of NIDC during the FY
2074/75 were accounted for using the pooling of interest method as at the acquisition date when
control was transferred to the Bank.
As both the erstwhile entities of RBB and NIDC were under common control of the government,
the assets and liabilities of the combined entity were accounted using the existing book values of
pre merged entities. No bargain purchase gain / goodwill was recognised as a result of the
merger. Any difference between the book values was reflected within equity.
There is no business combination up to Second Quarter of the fiscal year 2076-77.

b. Non-Controlling Interest (NCI)

For each business combination, the Bank elects to measure any non-controlling interests in the
acquiree either at fair value; or at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net
assets, which are generally at fair value.
Changes in the Bank’s interest in a subsidiary that do not result in a loss of control are accounted
for as transactions with owners in their capacity as owners. Adjustments to non-controlling

Page 10
interests are based on a proportionate amount of the net assets of the subsidiary. No adjustments
are made to goodwill and no gain or loss is recognised in profit or loss.
The Bank does not have any NCI as on reporting date.

c. Subsidiaries
Subsidiaries are the entities controlled by the Bank. The Bank controls an entity if it is exposed,
or has rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the investee and has the ability to
affect those returns through its power over the investee. The Financial Statements of subsidiaries
are included in the Consolidated Financial Statements from the date that control commences
until the date that control ceases.
The Bank reassesses whether it has control if there are changes to one or more of the elements of
control. In preparing the consolidated financial statements, the financial statements are combined
line by line by adding the like items of assets, liabilities, equity, income, expenses and cash flows
of the parent with those of its subsidiary. The carrying amount of the parent’s investment in
subsidiary and the parent’s portion of equity of subsidiary are eliminated in full. All intra group
assets and liabilities, equity, income, expenses and cash flows relating to transactions between
entities of the group (such as interest income and technical fee) are eliminated in full while
preparing the consolidated financial statements.

d. Loss of Control
Upon the loss of control, the Bank derecognizes the assets and liabilities of the subsidiary,
carrying amount of non-controlling interests and the cumulative translation differences recorded
in equity related to the subsidiary. Further parent’s share of components previously recognized in
Other Comprehensive Income (OCI) is reclassified to profit or loss or retained earnings as
appropriate. Any surplus or deficit arising on the loss of control is recognized in the profit or
loss. If the Group retains any interest in the previous subsidiary, then such interest is measured at
fair value at the date that control is lost. Subsequently, it is accounted for as an equity-accounted
investee or in accordance with the Group’s accounting policy for financial instruments
depending on the level of influence retained
e. Transaction Elimination on Consolidation
All intra-group balances and transactions, and any unrealized income and expenses (except for
foreign currency transaction gains or losses) arising from intra-group transactions are eliminated
in preparing the consolidated financial statements. Unrealized losses are eliminated in the same
way as unrealized gains, but only to the extent that there is no evidence of impairment

5.3 Cash and Cash equivalent

Cash and cash equivalents include notes and coins on hand and highly liquid financial assets
with original maturities of three months or less from the acquisition date that are subject to an
insignificant risk of changes in their fair value and are used by the Bank in the management of its
short-term commitments. Cash and cash equivalents are carried at amortised cost in the statement
of financial position.

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5.4 Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities
a. Recognition
The Bank initially recognizes a financial asset or a financial liability in its statement of financial
position when, and only when, it becomes party to the contractual provisions of the instrument.
The Bank initially recognize loans and advances, deposits and debt securities/ subordinated
liabilities issued on the date that they are originated which is the date that the Bank becomes
party to the contractual provisions of the instruments. Investments in equity instruments, bonds,
debenture, Government securities, NRB bond or deposit auction, reverse repos, outright purchase
are recognized on trade date at which the Bank commits to purchase/ acquire the financial assets.
Regular way purchase and sale of financial assets are recognized on trade date at which the Bank
commits to purchase or sell the asset.

b. Classification
Financial Assets
The Bank classifies the financial assets as subsequently measured at amortized cost or fair value
on the basis of the Bank’s business model for managing the financial assets and the contractual
cash flow characteristics of the financial assets. The two classes of financial assets are as
1. Financial assets measured at amortized cost: a financial asset is measured at amortized
cost if the asset is held within a business model whose objective is to hold assets in order
to collect contractual cash flows and if the contractual terms of the financial asset give
rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on
the principal amount outstanding.
2. Financial assets measured at fair value: a financial asset other than those measured at
amortized cost are measured at fair value. They are further classified into two categories
as below:
a. Financial assets are measured at fair value through profit or loss if they are held
for trading or are designated at fair value through profit or loss. Upon initial
recognition, transaction cost are directly attributable to the acquisition are
recognized in profit or loss as incurred. Such assets are subsequently measured at
fair value and changes in fair value are recognized in Statement of Profit or Loss.
b. Financial assets are measured at fair value through other comprehensive income if
the Investment in an equity instrument that is not held for trading and at the initial
recognition, the Bank makes an irrevocable election that the subsequent changes
in fair value of the instrument is to be recognized in other comprehensive income
are classified as financial assets at fair value though other comprehensive income.
Such assets are subsequently measured at fair value and changes in fair value are
recognized in other comprehensive income.

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Financial Liabilities
The Bank classifies its financial liabilities, other than financial guarantees and loan
commitments, as follows:

 Financial Liabilities at Fair Value through Profit or Loss: Financial liabilities are
classified at fair value through profit or loss if they are held for trading or are designated
at fair value through profit or loss. Upon initial recognition, transaction cost are directly
attributable to the acquisition are recognized in Statement of Profit or Loss as incurred.
Subsequent changes in fair value is recognized at profit or loss
 Financial Liabilities measured at amortised cost: Financial liabilities other than those
measured at fair value though profit or loss are classified as subsequently measured at
amortized cost using effective interest method.

c. Measurement
Initial Measurement
A financial asset or financial liability is measured initially at fair value plus or minus, for an item
not at fair value through profit or loss, transaction costs that are directly attributable to its
acquisition or issue. Transaction cost in relation to financial assets and liabilities at fair value
through profit or loss are recognized in Statement of Profit or Loss.

Subsequent Measurement
A financial asset or financial liability is subsequently measured either at fair value or at
amortized cost based on the classification of the financial asset or liability. Financial asset or
liability classified as measured at amortized cost is subsequently measured at amortized cost
using effective interest rate method.
The amortized cost of a financial asset or financial liability is the amount at which the financial
asset or financial liability is measured at initial recognition minus principal repayments, plus or
minus the cumulative amortization using the effective interest method of any difference between
that initial amount and the maturity amount, and minus any reduction for impairment or
Financial assets classified at fair value are subsequently measured at fair value. The subsequent
changes in fair value of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are recognized in
Statement of Profit or Loss whereas of financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive
income are recognized in other comprehensive income.

d. De-recognition
De-recognition of Financial Assets
The Bank derecognizes a financial asset when the contractual rights to the cash flows from the
financial asset expire, or it transfers the rights to receive the contractual cash flows in a
transaction in which substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset are
transferred or in which the Bank neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and
rewards of ownership and it does not retain control of the financial asset.

Page 13
On de-recognition of a financial asset, the difference between the carrying amount of the asset
(or the carrying amount allocated to the portion of the asset transferred) and the consideration
received (including any new asset obtained less any new liability assumed) shall be recognized in
profit and loss account.
In transactions in which the Bank neither retains nor transfers substantially all the risks and
rewards of ownership of a financial asset and it retains control over the asset, the Bank continues
to recognize the asset to the extent of its continuing involvement, determined by the extent to
which it is exposed to changes in the value of the transferred asset.

De-recognition of Financial Liabilities

A financial liability is derecognized when the obligation under the liability is discharged or
canceled or expired. Where an existing financial liability is replaced by another from the same
lender on substantially different terms, or the terms of an existing liability are substantially
modified, such an exchange or modification is treated as a derecognition of the original liability
and the recognition of a new liability. The difference between the carrying value of the original
financial liability and the consideration paid is recognized in Statement of Profit or Loss.

e. Determination of Fair Value

Fair value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between
knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm’s length transaction on the measurement date. The fair
value of a liability reflects its non-performance risk. The fair values are determined according to
the following hierarchy:
Level 1 fair value measurements are those derived from unadjusted quoted prices in active
markets for identical assets or liabilities.
Level 2 valuations are those with quoted prices for similar instruments in active markets or
quoted prices for identical or similar instruments in inactive markets and financial instruments
valued using models where all significant inputs are observable.
Level 3 portfolios are those where at least one input, which could have a significant effect on the
instrument’s valuation, is not based on observable market data.
When available, the Bank measures the fair value of an instrument using quoted prices in an
active market for that instrument. A market is regarded as active if quoted prices are readily and
regularly available and represent actual and regularly occurring market transactions on an arm’s
length basis. If a market for a financial instrument is not active, the Bank establishes fair value
using a valuation technique. Valuation techniques include using recent arm’s length transactions
between knowledgeable, willing parties (if available), reference to the current fair value of other
instruments that are substantially the same, discounted cash flow analyses.
The best evidence of the fair value of a financial instrument at initial recognition is the
transaction price – i.e. the fair value of the consideration given or received. However, in some
cases, the fair value of a financial instrument on initial recognition may be different to its
transaction price. If such fair value is evidenced by comparison with other observable current
market transactions in the same instrument (without modification) or based on a valuation

Page 14
technique whose variables include only data from observable markets, then the difference is
recognized in profit or loss on initial recognition of the instrument. In other cases the difference
is not recognized in profit or loss immediately but is recognized over the life of the instrument on
an appropriate basis or when the instrument is redeemed, transferred or sold, or the fair value
becomes observable.
All unquoted equity instruments are recorded at average of price determined as per Capitalised
Earning Method and Net Assets Value per share. Entities of which no data is whatsoever
available, valuation has been done at cost net of impairment if any.

f. Impairment
At each reporting date the Bank assesses whether there is any indication that an asset may have
been impaired. If such indication exists, the recoverable amount is determined. A financial asset
or a group of financial assets is impaired and impairment losses are incurred if, and only if, there
is objective evidence of impairment as a result of one or more events occurring after the initial
recognition of the asset (a loss event), and that loss event (or events) has an impact on the
estimated future cash flows of the financial asset or group of financial assets that can be reliably
The Bank considers the following factors in assessing objective evidence of impairment:

 Whether the counterparty is in default of principal or interest payments.

 When a counterparty files for bankruptcy and this would avoid or delay discharge of its
 Where the Bank initiates legal recourse of recovery in respect of a credit obligation of the
 Where the Bank consents to a restructuring of the obligation, resulting in a diminished
financial obligation, demonstrated by a material forgiveness of debt or postponement of
scheduled payments.
 Where there is observable data indicating that there is a measurable decrease in the
estimated future cash flows of a group of financial assets, although the decrease cannot
yet be identified with specific individual financial assets.
The Bank considers evidence of impairment for loans and advances and amortised cost
investment securities at both a specific asset and collective level. All individually significant
loans and advances and amortised cost investment securities are assessed for specific
impairment. Those found not to be specifically impaired are then collectively assessed for any
impairment that has been incurred but not yet identified.
Loans and advances and amortised cost investment securities that are not individually significant
are collectively assessed for impairment by grouping together loans and advances and amortised
cost investment securities with similar risk characteristics. Impairment test is done on annual
basis for trade receivables and other financial assets based on the internal and external indication
In assessing collective impairment, the Bank uses statistical modelling of historical trends of the
probability of default, the timing of recoveries and the amount of loss incurred, adjusted for

Page 15
management’s judgment as to whether current economic and credit conditions are such that the
actual losses are likely to be greater or less than suggested by historical trends. Default rates, loss
rates and the expected timing of future recoveries are regularly benchmarked against actual
outcomes to ensure that they remain appropriate.

Impairment losses on assets measured at amortized cost

As per NAS 39
Financial assets carried at amortized cost (such as amounts due from Banks, loans and advances
to customers as well as held–to–maturity investments is impaired, and impairment losses are
recognized, only if there is objective evidence as a result of one or more events that occurred
after the initial recognition of the asset. The amount of the loss is measured as the difference
between the asset's carrying amount and the deemed recoverable value of loan.
Loans and advances to customers with significant value (Principal outstanding Rs 100 million or
more) and borrowers classified as Non Performing as per Nepal Rastra Bank Directives are
assessed for individual impairment test. The recoverable value of loan is estimated on the basis
of realizable value of collateral and the conduct of the borrower/past experience of the bank.
Assets that are individually assessed and for which no impairment exists are grouped with
financial assets with similar credit risk characteristics and collectively assessed for impairment.
The credit risk statistics for each group of the loan and advances are determined by management
prudently based on the past experience. For the purpose of collective assessment of impairment,
the assets are categorized in to the following nine broad product as follows:
a. Term Loan
b. Auto Loan
c. Home Loan
d. Personal Loan
e. Overdraft
f. Other Working Capital Loan
g. Gold Loan
h. Deprived & Priority Sector Loan
i. Other Loan
If, in a subsequent year, the amount of the estimated impairment loss increases or decreases
because of an event occurring after the impairment was recognized, the previously recognized
impairment loss is increased or reduced by adjusting the income statement. If a future write–off
is later recovered, the recovery is credited to the ’Income Statement’.

As per Loan Loss Provision of Nepal Rastra Bank

Loan loss provisions in respect of non-performing loans and advances are based on
management’s assessment of the degree of impairment of the loans and advances, subject to the
minimum provisioning level prescribed in relevant NRB guidelines. Provision is made for
possible losses on loans and advances including bills purchased at 1% to 100% on the basis of
classification of loans and advances, overdraft and bills purchased in accordance with NRB

Page 16
Policies Adopted
As per the NFRS Carve out, the Bank measured impairment loss on loan and advances as the
higher of amount derived as per norms prescribed by Nepal Rastra Bank for loan loss provision
and amount determined as per paragraph 63 of NAS 39.

5.5 Trading Assets and Liabilities

Trading assets and liabilities are those assets and liabilities that the Bank acquires or incurs
principally for the purpose of selling or repurchasing in the near term, or holds as part of a
portfolio that is managed together for short-term profit or position taking. They are initially
recognized at fair value and subsequently measured at fair value in the statement of financial
position, with transaction costs recognized in profit or loss. All changes in fair value are
recognized as part of net trading income in profit or loss as regarded as fair value through profit
& loss account.

5.6 Derivatives Assets and Derivative Liabilities

Derivatives held for risk management purposes include all derivative assets and liabilities that
are not classified as trading assets or liabilities. Derivatives held for risk management purposes
are measured at fair value in the statement of financial position. Hedge accounting is not adopted
for certain derivatives held for risk management such as Forward Exchange Contracts.

5.7 Property and Equipment

a. Recognition and Measurement
The cost of an item of property and equipment shall be recognized as an asset, initially
recognized at cost, if, and only if it is probable that future economic benefits associated with
the item will flow to the entity; and if the cost of the item can be measured reliably.
Cost includes expenditure that is directly attributable to the acquisition of the asset. The cost
of self-constructed assets includes the following:

 the cost of materials and direct labour;

 any other costs directly attributable to bringing the assets to a working condition for their
intended use;
 when the Bank has an obligation to remove the asset or restore the site, an estimate of the
costs of dismantling and removing the items and restoring the site on which they are
located; and
 Capitalized borrowing costs.
The Bank adopts cost model for entire class of property and equipment. Neither, class of the
property and equipment are measured at revaluation model nor is their fair value measured at
the reporting date. Any revaluation reserve acquired from the merger accounted for using
pooling of interest method are shown at the carrying amount. The items of property and
equipment are measured at cost less accumulated depreciation and any accumulated
impairment losses.
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Purchased software that is integral to the functionality of the related equipment is capitalized
as part of that equipment.
Subsequent expenditure is capitalized if it is probable that the future economic benefits from
the expenditure will flow to the Bank. Ongoing repairs and maintenance to keep the assets in
working condition are expensed as incurred. Any gain or loss on disposal of an item of
property and equipment (calculated as the difference between the net proceeds from disposal
and the carrying amount of the item) is recognized within other income in profit or loss.

b. Capital Work in Progress

Fixed assets under construction and cost of assets not ready for use are shown as capital work
in progress.

c. Depreciation
Straight line method of depreciation on fixed assets is applied to allocate their cost to their
residual values over their estimated useful life as per management judgment, as follows:

Class of assets Revised useful life

Computer up to 5 Years 1%

Furniture and Fixtures up to 5 Years 2%

Office Equipment up to 5 years 1%

Vehicle up to 7 Years 5%

Building up to 50 Years 10%

Leasehold Lower of 15 Years or Lease Period 0

5 years or expiry period whichever is 0


Assets costing less than Rs 2,000 are fully charged to profit loss account in the year of

d. De-recognition
The carrying amount of Property and Equipment is derecognized on disposal or when no
future economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal. The gain or loss arising from
the de-recognition of an item of property and equipment is included in profit or loss when the
item is derecognized (unless on a sale & lease back). The gain shall is classified as revenue.
5.8 Intangible Assets

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Acquired Intangible Assets
Intangible assets are initially measured at fair value, which reflects market expectations of the
probability that the future economic benefits embodied in the asset will flow to the Bank, and are
amortized on the basis of their expected useful lives.

Computer software
Acquired computer software licenses are capitalized on the basis of the costs incurred to acquire
and bring to use the specific software. Costs associated with the development of software are
capitalized where it is probable that it will generate future economic benefits in excess of its cost.
Computer software costs are amortized on the basis of expected useful life. Costs associated with
maintaining software are recognized as an expense as incurred.
At each reporting date, these assets are assessed for indicators of impairment. In the event that an
asset’s carrying amount is determined to be greater than its recoverable amount, the asset is
written down immediately. Amortization methods, useful lives and residual values are reviewed
at each reporting date and adjusted if appropriate.

5.9 Investment Property/Non-Current Assets Held for Sale

Investment Property
Investment properties includes land or land and buildings other than those classified as property
and equipment and non-current assets held for sale. Generally, it includes land, land and building
acquired by the Bank as non-banking assets but not sold as on the reporting date.
The Bank holds investment property that has been acquired through enforcement of security over
the loans and advances.

Non-Current Assets Held for Sale

Non-current assets (such as property) and disposal groups (including both the assets and
liabilities of the disposal groups) are classified as held for sale and measured at the lower of their
carrying amount and fair value less cost to sell when: (i) their carrying amounts will be recovered
principally through sale; (ii) they are FVTOCI in their present condition; and (iii) their sale is
highly probable.
Immediately before the initial classification as held for sale, the carrying amounts of the assets
(or assets and liabilities in a disposal group) are measured in accordance with the applicable
accounting policies described above.

5.10 Income Tax

Tax expense comprises current and deferred tax. Current tax and deferred tax are recognised in
profit or loss except to the extent that they relate to items recognised directly in equity or in other
comprehensive income.

Current Tax
Page 19
Current tax is the expected tax payable or recoverable on the taxable income or loss for the year,
using tax rates enacted or substantively enacted at the reporting date, and any adjustment to tax
payable in respect of previous years. Current tax payable also includes any tax liability arising
from the declaration of dividends.

Deferred Tax
Deferred tax is recognized in respect of temporary differences between the carrying amounts of
assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and the amounts used for taxation purposes.
Deferred income tax is determined using tax rate applicable to the Bank as at the reporting date
which is expected to apply when the related deferred income tax asset is realized or the deferred
income tax liability is settled.
Deferred tax assets are recognized where it is probable that future taxable profit will be available
against which the temporary differences can be utilized.

5.11 Deposits, debts securities issued and subordinated liabilities

a. Deposits
The Bank accepts deposits from its customers under savings account, current account, term
deposits and margin accounts which allows money to be deposited and withdrawn by the account
holder. These transactions are recorded on the bank's books, and the resulting balance is recorded
as a liability for the Bank and represents the amount owed by the Bank to the customer.

b. Debt Securities Issued

Deposits, debt securities issued and subordinated liabilities are initially measured at fair value
minus incremental direct transaction costs, and subsequently measured at their amortised cost
using the effective interest method, except where the Group designates liabilities at fair value
through profit or loss.

c. Subordinated Liabilities
Subordinated liabilities are those liabilities which at the event of winding up are subordinate to
the claims of depositors, debt securities issued and other creditors. The bank does not have any
of such subordinated liabilities.

5.12 Provisions
The Bank recognizes a provision if, as a result of past event, the Bank has a present constructive
or legal obligation that can be reliability measured and it is probable that an outflow of economic
benefit will be required to settle the obligation.
A disclosure for contingent liability is made when there is a possible obligation or a present
obligation that may but probably will not require an outflow of resources. When there is a
possible obligation or a present obligation in respect of which the likelihood of outflow of
resources is remote, no provision or disclosure is made.

Page 20
A provision for onerous contract is recognized when the expected benefits to be derived by the
Bank from a contract are lower than the unavoidable cost of meeting its obligation under the
Provisions are reviewed at each reporting date and adjusted to reflect the current best estimate. If
it is no longer probable that an outflow of resources would be required to settle the obligation,
the provision is reversed. Contingent assets are not recognized in the financial statements.
However, contingent assets are assessed continually and if it is virtually certain that an inflow of
economic benefits will arise, the asset and related income are recognized in the period in which
the change occurs.

5.13 Revenue Recognition

Revenue is the gross inflow of economic benefits during the period arising from the course of the
ordinary activities of an entity when those inflows result in increases in equity, other than
increases relating to contributions from equity participants. Revenue is recognized to the extent it
is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the Bank and the revenue can be reliably
measured. Revenue is not recognized during the period in which its recoverability of income is
not probable. The Bank’s revenue comprises of interest income, fees and commission, foreign
exchange income, cards income, remittance income, bancassurance commission, etc. and the
bases of incomes recognition are as follows:

a. Interest Income
Interest income on FVTOCI assets and financial assets held at amortised cost shall be recognized
using the bank’s normal interest rate which is very close to effective interest rate using effective
interest rate method.
For income from loans and advances to customers, initial charges are not amortised over the life
of the loan and advances as the income so recognized closely approximates the income that
would have been derived under effective interest rate method. The difference is not considered
material. The Bank considers that the cost of exact calculation of effective interest rate method
exceeds the benefit that would be derived from such compliance.
The effective interest method is a method of calculating the amortised cost of a financial asset or
a financial liability and of allocating the interest income or interest expense over the relevant
period. The effective interest rate is the rate that discounts estimated future cash payments or
receipts through the expected life of the financial instrument or, when appropriate, a shorter
period, to the net carrying amount of the financial asset or financial liability. When calculating
the effective interest rate, the Bank estimates cash flows considering all contractual terms of the
financial instrument (for example, prepayment options) but does not consider future credit losses.
The calculation includes all fees paid or received between parties to the contract that are an
integral part of the effective interest rate, transaction costs and all other premiums or discounts.
The Bank recognizes the interest income on loans and advances as per Guideline on Recognition
of Interest Income, 2019 issued by Nepal Rastra Bank. The guideline requires bank to cease to
accrue interest in case of loan where contractual payments of principal and/or interest are more
than 12 months in arrears, irrespective of the net realizable value of collateral. Further, it also
requires the bank to cease accrual of interest income in case of loans where contractual payments

Page 21
of principal and/or interest are more than 3 months in arrears and where the “net realizable
value” of security is insufficient to cover payment of principal and accrued interest.
Gains and losses arising from changes in the fair value of financial instruments held at fair value
through profit or loss are included in the statement of profit or loss in the period in which they
arise. Contractual interest income and expense on financial instruments held at fair value through
profit or loss is recognized within net interest income.

b. Fees & Commission

Fees and commissions are recognized on an accrual basis when the service has been provided or
significant act performed whenever the benefit exceeds cost in determining such value.
Whenever, the cost of recognizing fees and commissions on an accrual basis exceeds the benefit
in determining such value, the fees and commissions are charged off during the year.

c. Dividend Income
Dividend income are recognized when right to receive such dividend is established. Usually this
is the ex-dividend date for equity securities. Dividends are presented in net trading income, net
income from other financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss or other revenue
based on the underlying classification of the equity investment.

d. Net Trading Income

Net trading income comprises gains less losses related to trading assets and liabilities, and
includes all realised and unrealised fair value changes, interest, dividends and foreign exchange
Net Income from other financial instrument at fair value through Profit or Loss
Net income from other financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss relates to non-
trading derivatives held for risk management purposes that do not form part of qualifying hedge
relationships and financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss. It
includes all realised and unrealised fair value changes, interest, dividends and foreign exchange

5.14 Interest expense

Interest expense on all financial liabilities including deposits are recognized in profit or loss
using effective interest rate method. Interest expense on all trading liabilities are considered to be
incidental to the Bank’s trading operations and are presented together with all other changes in
fair value of trading assets and liabilities in net trading income.

5.15 Employees Benefits

a. Short Term Employee Benefits
Short term employee benefit obligations are measured on an undiscounted basis and are
expensed as the related service is provided. A liability is also recognized for the amount expected
to be paid under bonus required by the Bonus Act, 2030 to pay the amount as a result of past

Page 22
service provided by the employee and the obligation can be estimated reliably under short term
employee benefits. The Bank provides bonus at 5% of Net Profit before tax. The Bank is a
wholly owned enterprise of Government of Nepal. The percentage of bonus which is to be
distributed by the Government owned enterprises has been determined by the Government of
Nepal at 5%.
Short-term employee benefits include all the following items (if payable within 12 months after
the end of the reporting period):
wages, salaries and social security contributions,
paid annual leave and paid sick leave,
profit-sharing and bonuses and
non-monetary benefits

b. Post-Employment Benefits
Post-employment benefit plan includes the followings;

i) Defined Contribution Plan

A defined contribution plan is a post-employment benefit plan under which the Bank pays fixed
contributions into a separate entity and has no legal or constructive obligation to pay further
amounts. Obligations for contributions to defined contribution plans are recognised as personnel
expenses in profit or loss in the periods during which related services are rendered.
Contributions to a defined contribution plan that are due more than 12 months after the end of
the reporting period in which the employees render the service are discounted to their present
All permanent employees of the Bank are entitled to receive benefits under the provident fund, a
defined contribution plan, in which both the employee and the Bank contribute monthly at a pre-
determined rate of 10% of the basic salary. The Bank does not assume any future liability for
provident fund benefits other than its annual contribution.
All permanent employees of the Bank are entitled to receive benefits under welfare provident
fund, a defined contribution plan, in which both the Bank contribute two months basic salary and
such amount is transferred to separate retirement fund. The Bank does not assume any future
liability for provident fund benefits other than its annual contribution.
All permanent employees of the Bank are entitled to receive benefits under medical fund, a
defined contribution plan, in which both the Bank contribute certain percentage of annual basic
salary based on level of employees and such amount is transferred to separate retirement fund.
The Bank does not assume any future liability for provident fund benefits other than its annual

Page 23
ii) Defined Benefit plan
A defined benefit plan is a post-employment benefit plan other than a defined contribution plan.
The Bank’s net obligation in respect of defined benefit plans is calculated separately for each
plan by estimating the amount of future benefit that employees have earned in return for their
service in the current and prior periods. That benefit is discounted to determine its present value.
Any unrecognised past service costs and the fair value of any plan assets are deducted.
The Bank recognises all actuarial gains and losses net of deferred tax arising from defined
benefit plans immediately in other comprehensive income and all expenses related to defined
benefit plans in employee benefit expense in profit or loss.
The Bank recognises gains and losses on the curtailment or settlement of a defined benefit plan
when the curtailment or settlement occurs. The gain or loss on curtailment or settlement
comprises any resulting change in the fair value of plan assets, any change in the present value of
the defined benefit obligation, any related actuarial gains and losses and any past service cost
that had not previously been recognised.
The bank has pension plan to the permanent employees hired before 2050 B.S and gratuity plan
to employees enrolled after 2050 B.S. Employees are also entitled to receive retirement benefit
on endowment life insurance scheme and leave as per human resource by-laws of the Bank.

iii) Termination Benefits

Termination benefits are recognised as an expense when the Bank is demonstrably committed,
without realistic possibility of withdrawal, to a formal detailed plan to either terminate
employment before the normal retirement date, or to provide termination benefits as a result of
an offer made to encourage voluntary redundancy. Termination benefits for voluntary
redundancies are recognised as an expense if the Bank has made an offer of voluntary
redundancy, it is probable that the offer will be accepted, and the number of acceptances can be
estimated reliably. If benefits are payable more than 12 months after the reporting date, then they
are discounted to their present value.

5.16 Leases
Lease payments under an operating lease shall be recognized as an expense on a straight-line
basis over the lease term unless either:
(a) Another systematic basis is more representative of the time pattern of the user’s benefit even
if the payments to the lessors are not on that basis; or
(b) The payments to the lessor are structured to increase in line with expected general inflation
to compensate for the lessor’s expected inflationary cost increases. If payments to the lessor vary
because of factors other than general inflation, then this condition is not met.
Majority of lease agreements entered by the bank are with the clause of normal increment of 5%-
10% every two years which the management assumes are in line with the lessor’s expected
inflationary cost increases.

Page 24
5.17 Foreign Currency Translation
The financial statements are presented in Nepalese Rupees (NPR).
Transactions in foreign currencies are initially recorded at the functional currency rate of
exchange ruling at the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in
foreign currencies are retranslated at the functional currency rate of exchange at the statement of
financial position date.
Foreign exchange gains and losses resulting from the settlement of such transactions, and from
the translation at year-end exchange rates of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in
foreign currencies are recognised in the statement of profit or loss.
Non-monetary assets and liabilities are translated at historical exchange rates if held at historical
cost, or year-end exchange rates if held at fair value, and the resulting foreign exchange gains
and losses are recognized in either the statement of profit or loss or shareholders’ equity
depending on the treatment of the gain or loss on the asset or liability.

5.18 Financial guarantee and loan commitment

Financial guarantees are contracts that require the Bank to make specified payments to reimburse
the holder for a loss it incurs because a specified debtor fails to make payment when due in
accordance with the terms of agreement.
Loan commitments are firm commitments to provide credit under pre-specified terms and
conditions. Loan commitment is the commitment where the Bank has confirmed its intention to
provide funds to a customer or on behalf of a customer in the form of loans, overdrafts, future
guarantees, whether cancellable or not, or letters of credit and the Bank has not made payments
at the reporting date, those instruments are included in these financial statement as commitments.

5.19 Share Capital and Reserves

The Bank classifies capital instruments as financial liabilities or equity instruments in accordance
with the substance of the contractual terms of the instruments. Equity is defined as residual
interest in total assets of the Bank after deducting all its liabilities. Common shares are classified
as equity of the Bank and distributions thereon are presented in statement of changes in equity.
Dividends on ordinary shares and preference shares classified as equity are recognized in equity
in the period in which they are declared.
Incremental costs directly attributable to the issue of an equity instrument are deducted from the
initial measurement of the equity instruments considering the tax benefits achieved thereon.
The reserves include retained earnings and other statutory reserves such as general reserve, bond
redemption reserve, foreign exchange equalization reserve, regulatory reserve etc.
Regulatory reserve includes any amount derived as result of NFRS convergence with effect in
retained earning computed as per NRB Directive No. 4.

Page 25
5.20 Earnings per share including diluted
The Bank presents basic and diluted earnings per share (EPS) data for its ordinary shares. The
basic EPS is calculated by dividing the profit or loss attributable to ordinary shareholders of the
Bank by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period. Diluted
EPS is determined by adjusting the profit or loss attributable to ordinary shareholders and the
weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding for the effects of all dilutive potential
ordinary shares.

6. Segment Reporting

The Bank’s segmental reporting is in accordance with NFRS 8 Operating Segments. Operating
segments are reported in a manner consistent with the internal reporting provided to the bank’s
management committee, which is responsible for allocating resources and assessing performance
of the operating segments. Bank has no practice of accounting intra segment revenue or
expenses. Income and expenses directly associated with each segment are included in
determining business segment performance.

Page 26
A. Information about Reportable Segments:

Central Office Bagmati Province 1 No. Province 2 No. Province

Current Quarter

Current Quarter

Current Quarter

Current Quarter



Previous Year

Previous Year

Previous Year

Previous Year




Revenue from external

customers 1,118,335,374 1,182,521,221 3,789,558,480 2,364,863,048 1,404,419,599 1,050,068,616 1,123,782,312 1,022,654,892
Inter-segment revenues - - - - - - - -
Net revenue 1,118,335,374 1,182,521,221 3,789,558,480 2,364,863,048 1,404,419,599 1,050,068,616 1,123,782,312 1,022,654,892
Add: Tax Expenses 1,759,676,426
Segment profit/(loss)
before Tax (543,715,920) 323,716,302 1,225,086,007 475,614,372 653,459,058 579,488,650 483,125,774 722,778,217
Segment assets 56,438,327,484 19,001,853,007 99,847,194,124 85,239,677,989 29,258,046,319 34,133,003,482 24,995,972,237 22,041,393,717
Segment liabilities 36,890,433,475 4,485,178,188 98,622,108,117 80,958,970,355 28,604,587,261 34,133,003,482 24,512,846,463 21,318,615,500

5 No. Province Gandaki Province All other Segments Total

Current Quarter

Current Quarter

Current Quarter

Current Quarter



Previous Year

Previous Year

Previous Year

Previous Year




Revenue from external

customers 1,113,377,581 994,499,528 961,740,838 1,132,811,798 789,127,844 - 10,300,342,027 7,747,419,104
Inter-segment revenues - - - - - - -
Net revenue 1,113,377,581 994,499,528 961,740,838 1,132,811,798 789,127,844 - 10,300,342,027 7,747,419,104
Add: Tax Expenses 1,759,676,426 -
Segment profit/(loss)
before Tax 564,085,423 637,277,278 600,840,689 712,638,898 339,648,840 - 3,322,529,872 3,451,513,717
Segment assets 22,911,331,135 24,056,516,959 10,966,034,664 24,056,516,959 19,069,774,410 - 263,486,680,373 208,528,962,112
Segment liabilities 22,347,245,711 23,343,881,061 10,365,193,975 23,343,881,061 18,730,125,570 - 240,072,540,572 187,583,529,647

Page 27
B. Information about Reportable Segments:

Particulars Current Quarter
previous year Quarter

Profit Before tax for reportable segment 3,322,529,872 3,451,513,717

Profit before tax for other segment - -
Elimination of intersegment Revenue - -
Elimination of discontinued operation - -
Unallocated amount - -
Other corporate expenses - -
Profit before Tax 3,322,529,872 3,451,513,717

7. Related party disclosures

The Bank identifies the following as the related parties under the requirements of
NAS 24.

Name Relationship Remarks

RBB Merchant Banking Company Limited Subsidiary
Everest Foods Limited (w.e.f 1 May 2018) Subsidiary
Himal Cement Company (w.e.f 1 May 2018) Associates
Sunrise Capital Limited Associates
Rastra Utthan Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. Associates
Butwal Suti Dhago Udhyog Associates
Kiran Kumar Shrestha, Chief Executive Member, Management
Officer Committee
Kabi Raj Adhikari, Deputy Chief Executive Member, Management
Officer Committee
Keshav Prasad Lamsal, Deputy Chief Member, Management
Executive Officer Committee
Member, Management
Tek Raj Joshi, Deputy Executive Officer
Mahendra Prasad Awasthi, Deputy Executive Member, Management
Officer Committee
Member, Management
Sarswati Adhikari, Deputy Executive Officer
Debesh Prasad Lohani, Deputy Executive Member, Management
Officer Committee

Page 28
Devendra Raman Khanal, Deputy Executive Member, Management
Officer Committee
Member Secretary,
Bhola Nath Poudel, Senior Manager Management

a. Board Member Allowances and Facilities

The Chairperson and other members of the Board are paid NPR 4,000 per
meeting respectively for Board and Board Level Committees meeting.

In addition to the above meeting allowances, the Board Members have been
provided with a monthly allowance of NPR 2,000 for newspapers, NPR 2,500 for
telephone and for those directors who are not using transportation facility from
the Bank are provided with amount equivalent to 20 litre of fuel.

b. Amount paid to Chief Executive Officer

The Board of Directors have appointed Mr. Kiran Kumar Shrestha as Chief
Executive Officer of the Bank with effect from 2072/12/29 for the period of 4

c. Compensation Details for Key Management Personnel

Key Management Personnel includes members of Management Committee of

the Bank and includes the following members;

Name Designation
Kiran Kumar Shrestha, Chief Executive Officer Key Managerial Personnel
Kabi Raj Adhikari, Deputy Chief Executive Officer Key Managerial Personnel
Keshav Prasad Lamsal, Deputy Chief Executive
Key Managerial Personnel
Tek Raj Joshi, Deputy Executive Officer Key Managerial Personnel
Mahendra Prasad Awasthi, Deputy Executive
Key Managerial Personnel
Sarswati Adhikari, Deputy Executive Officer Key Managerial Personnel
Debesh Prasad Lohani, Deputy Executive Officer Key Managerial Personnel
Devendra Raman Khanal, Deputy Executive Officer Key Managerial Personnel
Bholanath Poudel, Senior Manager Member Secretary

Page 29
d. Transaction with Subsidiaries and Associates:

All transactions between the Bank and Subsidiary are executed on arm’s length principle. Effects
of all inter-company transactions and outstanding balances are excluded in group statements.

8. Dividends paid (aggregate or per share) separately for ordinary shares and other shares.

The bank has paid 12% cash dividend from distributable profit up to FY 2075/76 during the year.

9. Issues, repurchases and repayments of debt and equity securities

There is no issue, repurchases and repayments of debt and securities.

10. Events after reporting period.

Events after the reporting date are those events, favorable and unfavorable, that occur
between the reporting date and the date when the financial statements are authorized for issue.
There are no material events after reporting period affecting financial status of the bank as on
2076 Poush End.

11. Effect of changes in the composition of the entity during the interim period including
merger and acquisition.
There are no merger and acquisition affecting changes in the composition of the entity
during the interim period as on 2076 Poush End.

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