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Renryuu: Ascension – Walkthrough

for version 21.11.14

1. Characters
1.1. Main Characters [page 2-14]
1.2. Side Characters [page 15-59]
2. Maps [page 60-82]
3. Quests [page 83-118]
4. Shop list [page 119-121]
5. Recipes [page 122-124]
6. FAQ [page 125-152]

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1. Characters
1.1. Main Characters


The main protagonist. He is a dragonic, a race that descends from a

mix of dragons and humans, who is definitely better with the sword
than with words.He can be cruel and cold-blooded at times, but he
usually doesn't enjoy murdering. He is simply so used to killing that
he has no hesitation about it and it invokes no emotions anymore.

After his troublesome and bloody past he went to a military academy. He was hoping
to change himself and find his peace of mind there.

Skills: Flameblade, Combo Attack (level 6+), Roar (level 10+), Debug Attack (All kill
for beta version only), Dark Blade (level 15+)

Traits: Sword dual wield, Magic, General/Light/Royal Armor

Elements: Fire (25%), Darkness (50%), Light (125%), Water (150%)

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A cheerful girl but none the less dangerous. She trained

swordsmanship for most of her life, as it is tradition in her family.
When Ryen joined the military academy and soon became its
strongest, she started to hang around and train with him a lot in hopes
of learning from him. Since killing is no problem to her, she was fine
with Ryen's sometimes problematic attitude.

Skills: Dual Attack, Whirlwind (level 7+)

Traits: Katana, Increased hit chance, General/Light/Heavy Armor

Elements: No special effects

Favorite present: Book [Sold at Thremten, bottom right building (Author's House)]

Character events sequence:

1. First CG scene is directly at the start of the game. (Titfuck CG)

2. Talk with Tsubaki twice at the sleeping chambers in your castle to get the quest
"Bookworm?". The needed author is in a house in Thremten.

3. Her second CG scene requires 60+ relationship and that the headmaid showed you
the hidden room behind your bedroom. (Nude CG)

4. Talk with her again at the sleeping chambers with 100+ relationship to start her
training events. During the events you get the standing blowjob CG and at the end
the sex scene with two different poses and one animation.

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The head of the royal guards. Trey is a brave and honest person, who
has fought many battles for his beloved country already. It is his duty
to protect Ryen as the new king, but he also made it clear that if Ryen
abuses his powers, Trey and the royal guards will be ready to turn
against him.

Skills: Weak Heal, Small Light, Cover

Traits: Spear, Magic. Small/Heavy Shield, General/Light/Heavy Armor

Elements: Light (75%)

Character events sequence:

1. Gives you the teleport stone to the castle when you talk with him at the sleeping

2. Talk with Trey twice again to start a short quest about finding a lesser demon at

3. After introducing yourself at the Aldlyn castle, go upstairs in the fort in Parverhill. The
fight against two traitor guards will unlock a new dialog with Trey at the sleeping chambers
and start the traitor questline.

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The angel Mira is really weak, but even if she can't fight very well,
her healing ability is still a valuable addition to every party. She is
always cheerful and loves to help people, but there seems to be quite
a big shadow hidden behind that smile.

Location: Can be found in the „Abandoned barrack“ (Map no. 3)

Skills: Heal, Small Light, Cure, Panic

Traits: Cane, Magic, General/Magic Armor

Elements: Light (25%)

Favorite present: Golden Cross [Sold at Calterburry top left store (Staff Insignia)]

Special: Mira gets a 20% M.ATK buff for 7-10 turns by praying at crosses on the

Character events sequence:

1. If you talk with Mira at the sleeping chambers before going to the big gate in the
north dungeon, you get the quest “Exploration”

2. Talk with Mira when she is level 10+ to get the “Evil Spirit” quest.

3. Talk to Mira again at the sleeping chambers. Requires Mira on level 15+,
relationship on 70+ and Headmaid Ryia must have shown you the secret room next to
your bedroom. (Oral CG)

4. After the evil spirit quest, you can meet the angel Maria in front of the Drunken
Cave in Begus. The events will lead you to the Ironholm prison, where you need the
help of the ghost girl Shey to advance. Shey can be found in the dungeon below Old

5. Maira will now appear with Aura at the Havaria port. Talk with them there to start
the temple island events.

6. Finish the Thremten festival (starts at the Aldlyn city board), have Mira at 100+
relationship, the abandoned barracks repaired and the dual blowjob scene with
Vampire done to unlock Mira's dialog at the sleeping chamber for the first sex scene.

7. Second sex scene is in the temple island dungeon.

Out of sequence: Talk to the dark sorceress at the bitterroot farm south in Central
(Map. no. 12). Requires quest No. 32 in order to get to the sorceress. (Nude CG)

Bonus Scene: Starts in Vampire's events. (Dual Blowjob CG)

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Vampire :

The mysterious vampire is the tsundere of the group. She often gets
angry when someone treats her like a child, but at the same time she
loves to be spoiled. Ryen finds her sealed away in a dungeon by
chance, but it seems as if the two of them are somehow connected.

Location: Can be found in the „North dungeon“ (Map no. 4)

Requires Mira to open the big stone gate.

Skills: Fire, Life Leech, Soul Strike

Traits: Dagger, Magic, General Armor

Elements: Light (200%), Darkness (20%)

Favorite present: Book [Sold at Thremten, bottom right building (Author's House)]

Character events sequence:

1. Talk with Vampire at the sleeping chamber with Ryen's level at 10+ to start the
quest "Friendly Turn".

2. Go to the army camp in Amagal and follow the path on the right side to get the
dialog that a volcano is over there. This will unlock Vampire's dialog for the quest
"Into The Fire".

3. Talk with Vampire with 40+ relationship and the secret room behind your bedroom
known to Ryen. (Nude CG)

4. The next step requires 70+ relationship and that the events with Mira are advanced
to step no. 3 (oral scene). Dual Blowjob CG with Mira.

5. Check the Aldlyn city board to see a note about hunting a Vampire and finish the
quest. Rewards you with the footjob CG scene when you talk with Vampire again at
the sleeping chamber after the quest is done.

6. Once you're far enough in the main story to enter Dorgania, and talked with the
woman in the nature area at the bottom of the north dungeon, a new dialog at the
sleeping chamber will start the "Vampire's Past" quest.

7. The maid Louise is now two tiles right from Vampire at the sleeping chambers. Talk
with her to start the CG scene with Vampire in maid uniform.
(Maid and teasing Cgs).

8. Talk with Vampire again with 100+ relationship for the "Library Exploration"
quest. After the quest you can talk with Vampire once more for her first sex scene.

9. After the fight against Raziel in the main story, the Windspirit will appear in the top
left corner of Aldlyn and trigger the next events of Vampire. (Sex with whip CG).

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Bonus Scene: In the bathhouse if you have 60+ relationship and the nude scene done.

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Mirel :

As most elves, Mirel is very skilled in handling her bow. After her
parents died she was raised by their towns chief.

Location: Can be found in the shed of „Blue villa“ (Map no. 6)

The shed door key is in a chest inside of the villa.

Skills: Double Shot, Take Aim, Special Shot (level 8+)

Traits: Bow, General Armor

Elements: Earth (50%), Wind (50%)

Favorite present: Flowers [Sold in Aldlyn, at the stand in the bottom left corner]

Character events sequence:

1. Talk with Mirel with 20+ relationship to get the quest to find her old bow. This
quest is skipped if you found it before talking with Mirel about it.

2. Talk to her again with 35+ relationshipafter getting the bow. (Nude CG)

3. Talk with the town chief in Ebron after solving the bandit issue in their forest and
when Mirel's relationship is 70+ to start the coming off age ceremony. (Blowjob CG)

4. You need to sleep with the Earthspirit in the forest of Ebron to get the quest
"Earth Element Magic" from Mirel.

5. Talk with Mirel at the sleeping chamber when she is level 25+, and after you've
visited the forest west of Ebron with Phraan. At the end of these events, you can
decide whether to make Mirel change her class to sniper or druid.
(Entangled CG, Kissing CG, Nude CG, and Blowjob CG)

6. After changing Mirel's class, talk to her again for the “About Racism” quest. During
this quest, you get a side quest from Seldanna in Orchel, to fix the old bow of Mirel's
father. Once that quest is done, and the relationship with Mirel is at 100+, you can
start her first sex scene at the sleeping chambers. (Sex CG)

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Sandra :

A fugitive from another country, or at least that what she claims to be.
Her ability to pick locks and other skills leave some doubts to her
honesty, but they often come in handy. It's easy to tell from those
abilities that she used to live in the streets and managed to survive
through them.

Location: Can be found in the dungeon below Witton (Map no. 8)

Skills: Pickpocket, Vanish, Backstab

Traits: Dagger dual wield, General Armor, Increased hit, evade and crit chance

Elements: No special effects

Favorite present: Jewel [Sold at the jewelry story in Thremten]

Character events sequence:

1. Special chest in the swamps near the Bitteroot farm. (Map No. 12) (Nude CG)

2. Talk with Sandra at the sleeping chamber with 60+ relationship. (Oral CG)

3. Constructing the second mine on the overview map will allow you to go to the
treasure dungeon with Sandra.

4. A stripping scene starts at Newkungu after having the event with Moriko to find
the thieves guild and help their leader with some problems. (Moriko's events begin
with a note at the Aldlyn city board after building and upgrading the police
headquarters. After purchasing the upgrade you need to leave and re-enter the map to
apply the change.)

5. Once you're far enough in the main story to have the mithril pickaxe, a new dialog
will unlock for Sandra. She wants to look for Bob, who is at the Wooden House in
Begus, where you got the mithril lockpick from Glen.

6. After finishing the events to help the dwarf Bob to find a jade vein, you can talk
with Sandra twice at the sleeping chambers to trigger her first sex scene. The scene
includes two different CGs with several variations and one animation. (It's not
necessary to finish the haunted house events to get this scene.)
Requires 100+ relationship with Sandra.

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Brad :

A former slave that ran away from his owner. Having lost everything
he ever had, he sure knows the true value of the word freedom and the
price for it. Because he had to fight for the amusement of his owner,
Brad is now a fairly good brawler.

Location: Can be found in the „South fort“ (Map no. 7)

Skills: Uppercut, Preparation, Fearless Charge (level 12+)

Traits: Glove, General Armor, Slightly decreased hit chance

Elements: No special effects

Character events sequence:

Brawl battles:

1. Seiho near the arena in Aldlyn will challenge Brad to a 1on1 brawl battle. A victory
will give you the Brawler Stamp Card item, and Brad learns the skill Leg Kick.

2. After defeating Seiho, you can challenge three more brawlers to learn more skills:
- Uruk at the military academy where the game starts. (Counter Stance skill)
- Aika Thanka in the bar of calterburry in Begus. (Footwork skill)
- Zaleria in Orchel in Dorgania. (Provocation skill)
During the event with Zaleria, you'll get the option to transform Brad into a girl for a
very short moment. (Female full body CG)

3. After defeating at least 4 other brawlers, you can challenge Ash and Grimace in
Kagabangui, the capital of Dorgania.
(Class change from Brawler to Martial Artist. New skill Bodyguard and Hook Combo)

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Chiyo :

A young mage, who is still weak and ignorant to the world, but she
has a big talent and improves fast. Her abilities are mostly magic
spells of different elements. She used to live a peaceful life in
Amagal, until the Earl gained more power.

Location: Can be found in the „Amagal castle“ (Map no. 18)

Skills: Fire, Spark, Blizzard (level 7+), Thunderstorm (level 13+)

Traits: Cane, Magic, General/Magic Armor

Elements: No special effects

Favorite present: Book [Sold at Thremten, bottom right building (Author's House)]

Character events sequence:

1. Catch her while changing when entering her room with 30+ relationship.

2. The quest "Magic License" start with 45+ relationship. You might need to talk with
her two or three times before you get the dialog.

3. When you're at the point of the main story where you have to search for Frall in
Amagal, you can talk with Chiyo for the "Varea" quest. If you meet Varea and Frall
before talking to Chiyo the quest and dialog is skipped.

4. When entering her room with Kayelinth's playlust over 80 and previous scene.
(Chiyo and Kay playing in the river CG)

5. Talk with Chiyo with 70+ relationship for her masturbation scene.

6. Her “alchemy” events start when you had the introduction dialog about alchemy
tables (all blacksmith with an alchemy table trigger the dialog) and the festival of
Thremten done. The second step requires the mithril pickaxe, which you get during the
main story events. (Kissing CGs)

7. Talk with Chiyo when the main story is at it's current end (Varea in your Castle) and
you've met King Merius of Amagal. King Merius can be found when going to the
Yang Tower and fixing the magical circle in the cellar. The circle requires that Chiyo's
magical knowledge is at 50+ to repair it.

8. Talk with Chiyo again for her second masturbation scene.

9. The next step requires that Chiyo is level 25+ and that you have constructed the big
farm on the country overview map. (The farm where you can release monstergirls)
The dialog will give you the "Gold License" quest.

10. First sex scene is available when talking with Chiyo after the gold license test.

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Elly :

One of the very few gunslingers left in the world. Because her
fighting style costs a lot of money, she works as a high prized
mercenary. Usually she is a very calm and collected person but
sometimes drinks a bit too much.

Location: Can be found at the blacksmith of the „Begus Capital“ (Map no. 31)

Skills: Taking Cover, Concentration, Barrage, Explosive/Flash/Ice/Holy Grenade

Traits: Gun, General Armor

Elements: No special effects

Favorite present: Whisky [Sold at the bar in Aldlyn]

Character events sequence:

1. The nude CG scene starts at the sleeping chamber with 21+ relationship.

2. The quest "Special Drink" becomes available with 60+ relationship after the
headache from first scene was cured. (It can be cured by sleeping in your bed for
example) (Paizuri CG scene)

3. Event starts at the sleeping chambers after you had the events with the Queen of
Begus to the point where she is ready to sleep with you. Advance the political
meetings with Begus to get the events with their Queen.
[You don't need to sleep with the Queen to unlock Elly's event.]

4. After the events with Adrianna from step 3, a new dialog will become available with
Elly at the sleeping chambers when you have 100+ relationship with her.
(Masturbation, titfuck and first vaginal sex CG scene)

Bonus: Threesome and foursome scene after events with Grey. Requires that Grey
was not turned back into a guy during his gender change events.

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Ryoko :

A demon girl who has been a slave ever since she was a child.
Because of that, she has a hard time making decisions on her own
and has a constant urge to receive orders from her master. Her need
for orders is increased by non-“Order“ skills, while the Order skills
make use of her need and set it back to 0.

Location: Can be found in the dungeon below Crysthaven. The entrance is in the
bottom left corner of the map. (Map no. 15)

Skills: Delay, Wake Up Call, Weaken, MP Transfer, MP Transfer All, TP Transfer,

Order: Attack!, Order: Move It!, Order: Protect!

Traits: Axe, General/Light/Magic Armor

Elements: Light (150%), Darkness (75%)

Favorite present: Meat [Sold at the Bitterroot farm]

Character events sequence:

1. You need 30+ relationship and the „Need For Orders“ at 50+ to get her nude CG
scene. Her need for orders is increased by certain skills during combat.

2. With 50+ relationship you get a new event, during which you go to the Aldlyn
blacksmith with Ryoko to let him make her a new weapon.

3. Event starts at the Calbridge stronghold when the first public health upgrade (clinic)
has been bought. (masturbation scene)

4. Talk with Ryoko again while Elly is in your party to trigger their drinking night.

5. A note will appear on the Aldlyn city board, which starts the quest "The Meeting"
for Ryoko's next events. Talk with Ryoko again after the quest is done to get her first
sex scene.

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Kayelinth :

A young dragonic girl, who is still completely ignorant to the world.

Her hunger and play lust value increases over time. Hunger can be
reduced with vegetables or meat, playlust with toys or by a special

Location: Can be found in the “South dungeon“ (Map no. 11)

Skills: Fire, Tough Body, Flame wall (level 9+), Roar (level 15+)

Traits: Mace, Magic, General Armor

Elements: Fire (25%), Darkness (50%), Light (125%), Water (150%)

Favorite present: Vegetables [Sold in Aldlyn, at the stand in the bottom left corner]

Character events sequence:

1. Feed her at the storage in Aldlyn until you have 30+ relationship with her.
(Nude CG)

2. Talk with Kayelinth at the sleeping chambers to get the "Vegetable Garden" quest.
You can find the “secret garden” by going up north at the right side of the castle. Don't
cross the river. The “lost and found” center for the hammer is a normal looking soldier
In the entrance of the castle (the map you get to by entering the castle through the big

3. The next step requires 70+ relationship and you need to construct the bathhouse on
the country overview map. (Oral CG)

4. You can now find Kayelinth's mother Jaylin in the Jewelry store in Thremten. After
helping her in the search of her daughter, she'll move into the castle.

5. The next event requires that you're entered Minsk Harbour during the main story,
that Mira had the event about her wings (second sex scene), and that your relationship
with Kayelinth is at 100+. It starts with a dialog in the sleeping chamber, where
Kayelinth will ask you to go to the Greencoast Tower. (First flight CGs)

6. Talk with Kayelinth to get the “Food Town” quest. Afterwards you can talk with her
again in the castle for the next step of these events. (Tail masturbation scene)

7. Talk with Kayelinth again for her next event, the construction of her own farm.
(First sex scene)

Bonus: Involved in a threesome with her mother Jaylin at the Amaranthe beach.

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1.2 Noteworthy Side Characters

CG room Central 1:


Originally Kurohime was hired as an assassin to kill you, but after catching and training her in
your secret prison she will become your personal servant. She appears in the secret room
behind your bedroom after you've finished the traitor quest line (Quest no. 14). She has one
sex and one blowjob CG during her training and 1 new sex CG after her training is done.

3 CG scenes.


You can find Lielle taking a bath by following the west path in Ebron. At first, the way is
blocked by Phraan until you accept to help her gather some herbs.
Second scene starts at the Aldlyn city board, when Ryen is level 30+. Solution for the
dungeon is in the FAQ section of the walkthrough.
Third scene starts at the magic shop in Newkungu in Dorgania. Requires Tsubaki's events to
be advanced.

3 CG scenes

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You first encounter Lind as an enemy in the battles on the overview map with your vanguard
forces. After capturing her, she'll eventually come to your side and become a general. After
giving her a lot of gold to improve your forces, you need to wait some real time while the
game is running before the upgrade is done. Afterwards you get her animated thigh scene.

1 standing CG and 2 CG scenes

Lady Akira

After the event about Grey being turned into a girl, you can meet Lady Akira at the brothel
and have a sex scene with her there.

Her second CG scene requires that you advance the events with female Grey and the artist

2 CG scene

Dark Sorceress Zady

A mysterious woman you meet at the Bitterroot farm. She's a little troublemaker and
eventually makes you angry enough at her, to make you feel the need to „punish“ her.

3 CG scene


After upgrading the police headquarters, a note will appear on the Aldlyn city board asking
for hints about a theft. Once you read the note, Moriko will be at the bar in Havaria port. The
first bad path CG scene unlocks during the chase of the criminal, second one becomes
available at the thieves' guild bar, after finishing all their quests.
The good path CG scene becomes available after advancing the events of the thieves guild
and the second raid against the assassins guild.

3 CG scene


Jenny is a bodyguard at the thieves guild. You can get to the thieves guild after building and
upgrading the police headquarters and finishing the events with Moriko at the Aldlyn city
Jenny's scene unlocks after events with Sandra at the casino in Newkungu.

1 CG scene

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The leader of the thieves guild below Thremten. After building the police headquarters and
upgrading it in site, you get a quest on the Aldlyn city board with police officer Moriko which
will bring you to the thieves guild. During the events with the guild, you'll attack a hideout of
some assassins. If you betray Flaire during this event and throw her into your secret prison,
you can rape her there.

1 CG sex scene.


Self-opinionated artist. She lives in Aldlyn. She makes a picture for Ryen, and later has a part
in the events with female Grey.

1 CG sex scene during the events with Grey.


You can obtain a quest from Sara on the city board to capture a kunoichi in Begus. After
finishing the quest, you can watch the two girls making out in the cellar of Sara's house.

1 CG scene


One CG scene with the slimegirl Lexi, after Jackie's previous events when you've build the
monsterhall in your castle.

1 CG scene


Kayelinth’s mother. You can find her at the jewelry store in Thremten after advancing
Kayelinth’ events far enough.

She will appear at the beach of the island Amaranthe after talking with Kayelinth there and re-
entering the area. This is where her CG scene starts.

1 CG scene

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CG room Central 2:


Squad leader of the vanguard forces. After saving Mira at the old barracks, and repairing them on
the overview map, you can meet Jessy there. She'll give you the quest to find the other squad
leaders, which unlocks the strategy battle system for the overview map.
Her CG scene requires that her squad is level 3+, that you had the teasing CG scene with Vampire,
and that the maid Louise is in the treasury.

1 CG scene


A squad leader of the vanguard forces. Her CG scene starts at the barracks of the vanguards when
her squad is level 3+.

1 CG scene

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A squad leader of the vanguard forces.

No CG scene


A squad leader of the vanguard forces. Her CG scene starts at the barracks of the vanguards when
her squad is level 3+.

1 CG scene


A squad leader of the vanguard forces. Her CG scene starts at the barracks of the vanguards when
her squad is level 3+, and when you unlocked the CG scene with Jessy.

1 CG scene


A squad leader of the vanguard forces.

No CG scene

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CG room Non-humans 1:


After the events with Mira at the temple island you can get to the lower cellar of the casino in
Newkungu. There you can win the slave Mai in a game of dice. Mai has a good path as your
maid and a bad path as a toy in your dungeon.

3 CG scenes


Former slave and older sister of Mai. You meet her at the entrance to your castle after Mai
becomes your mistress/ plaything. She was separated from her sister when they were young
and devoted her life to search for Mai. She eventually joined the shrine in Begus in hope that
they will help her.When you earn Mai trust to the point that she feels comfortable around you,
you can meet her just outside of your castle.

2 standing CG and 1 sex scene. The sex scene equires that you go to the temple you
constructed for her church and talk with the headmaiden there after finishing Dea's previous

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Mozaik is a Sphinx and can be found in a special dungeon during Chiyo's gold magic license

1 full body CG and 1 sex scene. Sex scene starts at the big farm in Central.


Neya is a fruit vampire that feeds by sucking out fluids from fruits. You can meet her when
you go up or down the stairs in the east in Kagabangui after Vampire's events are advanced far

1 full body CG and a CG with her in a pillory.


The mermaid Coral can be found at the beach of Amaranthe. She is a cheerful girl and a
hopeless romantic.

1 full body CG and 1 CG sex scene


After building the work area near Aldlyn on the country overview map you can enter it on
the worldmap and find Akai in her workshop. She is overflowing with curiosity and loves
her machines. Her biggest weakness is that she can't stop talking once she started to get going.

1 full body CG and 1 CG sex scene


You need to advance the political meetings and the events with Begus and their Queen, for Lili to
appear in the top right corner of Pumumu.
Her CG scene requires that you have all 12 party members, and that you rented and visited the
Amaranthe beach before.

1 CG sex scene


After advancing the main story to the point where you opened the fragment chest in Sunee, you can
meet Aiyana in Havaria Port near the dock 3 for ships to Dorgania.
The event for her CG scene requires that you had Flora's first CG scene, that you finished Aiyana's
quest "Summoning Blade" with giving her back her blade Eagle, and that you used the exit or
entrance of Havaria port after finishing the quest.

1 full body CG and 1 CG scene

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Works with Kathreena and a bunch of assassins and bandits, but secretly helps Naomi and

1 full body CG


Naomi is the owner of the casino in Newkungu. She is the younger sister of Shanna, despite
having a more mature body.
After the optional onsen scene with Shanna, you can get Naomi's solo CG scene when you go
into the secret prison area behind your hidden bedroom. Also requires that you had the
encounter with Cookie in Parverhill and met the Magicspirit.

(1 Full body CG, 1 solo CG scene, 1 optional onsen scene)


Shanna can be found on a far away temple island during the events of Mira (Step 5 of her
event sequence). After finishing the events on the island, you can find Shanna at Pumumu.
There are two different options for her following events:
> 1. When you closed the peeping hole at the secret onsen: Shanna's solo CG scene becomes
available in Pumumu immedaitely.
> 2. When you left the peeping hole at the secret onsen open: The events for Shanna's and
Naomi's onsen scene now starts when you enter the Newkungu casino. Shanna's solo CG
scene becomes available in the casino after finishing the onsen events.

(1 Full body CG, 1 solo CG scene, 1 optional onsen scene)


A succusbus who lives in the south dungeon in Central. She can raise your relationship to other
countires when you give her presents in return.

1 full body CG.

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CG room Non-humans 2:


Hellhound can be found at the bottom of the dungeon below Old Ashton. She won't join you,
but occasionally appear in random places. If you help Leneth at Calbridge Stronghold (Quest
49) you'll get the option to sleep with her at the trainings cave near the academy.

3 CG scenes


The leader of the hellhound village below the volcano in Amagal. She is feared even by the
other hellhounds for her incredible strength.

1 full body CG and 1 CG sex scene.


Dai-Xinyue's right hand and second strongest of the hellhound village below the volcano in

1 full body CG and 1 CG sex scene.

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A member of the hellhound village below the dungeon of Amagal. She is a bit troublesome at
times, but can hold back just enough to not kill you.

1 full body CG and 1 CG sex scene.


The most cheerful member of the hellhound village. She's still very strong and deadly, but in a
way cuter way.

1 full body CG and 1 CG sex scene.


The most childish of the hellhound village, but you still need to be wary of her. Many
adventurers found their death when joining Yimu to “play” with her.

1 full body CG and 1 CG sex scene.


The blacksmith of the hellhound village below the volcano in Amagal. She takes great pride
in her work.

1 full body CG and 1 CG sex scene.


This bunny girl can be found when talking to a guy in the top right area of Lalizan (Dorgania).
Requires Kayelinth in your party and 1500 gold to get access to the storage.

2 CG for her standing character. No sex scene yet


When Lind is your general, with her events are advanced far enough, and female soldiers
allowed on the finances and policies screen, you can get a dialog about Mia applying as a

1 full body CG


A centaur that can be found in the challenge floor of the Spire of Courage.

1 full body CG

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A dryad that can be found in the challenge floor of the Spire of Courage.

1 full body CG


An angel, who can be found at the drunken cave during the events of Mira.

No CGs yet

25 Back to Page 1
CG room Non-humans 3:


A spirit found deep in the „South dungeon“ (Map no. 11). She teaches Ryen „Fire Recovery“
if you beat her in a fight.

1 CG on first encounter and 1 CG scene later.


The Icespirit is met as part of Mira's character quest Evil Spirit (Quest no. 25). You can decide
to help and release the spirit or fight and seal her. In the current version this only affects your
relationship with Mira but will have more consequences later in the game.

1 CG on first encounter.


A spirit found in the forest past the map „Elf village“ (Map no. 13). She loves male seed and
makes no secret out of it.

1 CG scene on first encounter.

26 Back to Page 1

Can be found at the bottom of the south dungeon. She has a part in Vampire's events.

1 CG sex scene.


Can be found in a dungeon in Siriveta. She is part of the main story events.

No CG scene yet.


Lives in the Yin tower in Amagal. There is no direct path to get to her room, but the elf thief
girl in the bottom right corner of Parverhill opens a portal to the spirit during her events. After
those events, you can return to the spirit by using the “Teleport stone Amagal.”

No CG scene.

27 Back to Page 1
CG room Monstergirls 1:

After events at the Whisperwind farm, you can capture monstergirls with Soul Lanterns and
release them at one of the following locatons:

Big Spidergirls and Big Harpies can be released at the big farm, slightly south-west of Aldlyn.

Grey Imps, Red Imps and Ice Alraines can be released at the Whisperwind farm in Begus.

Alraunes, Mummies, Anubis, and all Salamanders can be released at the monsterhall in your castle
in Aldlyn.

You can pet them and give them presents to increase your relationship. At 100 you can get a
sex scene with them.

Blue Slimegirl:

A monstergirl which can be found in many dungeons.

1 CG on first encounter and 1 CG scene later.

28 Back to Page 1
Red Slimegirl:

A monstergirl which can be found in many dungeons.

1 CG on first encounter and 1 CG scene later.

Greem Slimegirl:

A monstergirl which can be found in many dungeons or in the swamps south of the Bitterroot
farm in Central..

1 CG on first encounter and 1 CG scene later.

Grey Imp

A monstergirl which can be found in many dungeons.

1 CG on first encounter and 1 CG scene later.

Red Imp

A monstergirl which can be found in many dungeons.

1 CG on first encounter and 1 CG scene later.


A monstergirl which can be found in many dungeons.

1 CG on first encounter and 1 CG scene later.

Ice Alraune

A monstergirl which can be found in many dungeons.

1 CG on first encounter and 1 CG scene later.

Weak Mummy

A monstergirl which can be found in many dungeons.

1 CG on first encounter and 1 CG scene later.

Strong Mummy

A monstergirl which can be found in many dungeons.

1 CG on first encounter and 1 CG scene later.

29 Back to Page 1
Small Harpy:

A monstergirl which can be found for example at the singing mountain. The only entrance to
this area is in Witton, when you follow the path up north inside of the walls of the fort.

1 CG on first encounter and 1 CG scene later.

Big Harpy:

A monstergirl which can be found for example at the singing mountain. The only entrance to
this area is in Witton, when you follow the path up north inside of the walls of the fort.

1 CG on first encounter and 1 CG scene later.

Ice Harpy

A monstergirl which can be found in many dungeons.

1 CG on first encounter and 1 CG scene later.

30 Back to Page 1
CG room Monstergirls 2:

Small Spidergirl

A monstergirl which can be found in many dungeons.

1 CG on first encounter and 1 CG scene later.

Big Spidergirl

A monstergirl which can be found in many dungeons.

1 CG on first encounter and 1 CG scene later.


A monstergirl which can be found in many dungeons.

1 CG on first encounter and 1 CG scene later.

31 Back to Page 1

This monstergirl is not in the game yet.

No CGs.


A monstergirl which can be found in many dungeons.

1 CG on first encounter and 1 CG scene later.

Black Salamander

A monstergirl which can be found in many dungeons.

1 CG on first encounter and 1 CG scene later.

Pink Salamander

A monstergirl which can be found in many dungeons.

1 CG on first encounter and 1 CG scene later.

Red Salamander

A monstergirl which can be found in many dungeons.

1 CG on first encounter and 1 CG scene later.


A monstergirl which can be found in many dungeons.

1 CG on first encounter and 1 CG scene later.

Water Lamia

A monstergirl which can be found in many dungeons.

1 CG on first encounter and 1 CG scene later.


A monstergirl which can be found in many dungeons.

1 CG on first encounter and 1 CG scene later.

32 Back to Page 1
CG room Monstergirls 3:


One of the two twins from the fire raid in the Spire of Courage. All details to the battle and
how to win it can be found in the FAQ section.

1 full body CG.


One of the two twins from the fire raid in the Spire of Courage. All details to the battle and
how to win it can be found in the FAQ section.

1 full body CG.

Frozen Queen

A boss enemy in the ice raid in the Spire of Courage. You need her panties + Memory Orb 3
for the group scene, and panties + Memory Orb 5 for the solo scene. Panties and memory orbs
can be obtained in the raid.

Full body CG + 2 CG scenes.

33 Back to Page 1

A boss enemy in the ice raid in the Spire of Courage. With need her panties and memory orb 2
for her group scene, and memory orb 4 for her solo scene. Panties and memory orbs can be
obtained in the ice raid.

Full body CG + 2 CG scenes.

Kiki Glitterfoot

Leader of the supervisors in the nature raid dungeon. After defeating all three supervisors, you
can talk with Kiki to unlock the challenge battles. In this mode, you have to fight three battles
back to back. Depending on who you fight in the last battle, you can have sex with either
Kiki, Levia, Green Lamia, or Roseris.

Full body CG + 1 CG scenes.


One of the supervisors in the nature raid dungeon. You can unlock her sex scene during Kiki's
challenge battles.

Full body CG + 1 CG scenes.

Green Lamia

An enemy in the nature raid. You can unlock her sex scene during Kiki's challenge battles.

Full body CG + 1 CG scenes.


One of the supervisors in the nature raid dungeon. You can unlock her sex scene during Kiki's
challenge battles.

Full body CG + 1 CG scenes.

Ice and Water Dragongirl

An enemy in the ice raid. You can watch their sex scene with the memory orb 1.

Full body CG + 1 CG scenes.

34 Back to Page 1
CG room Elves 1:


To start the scenes of the elves of Ebron you need to be far enough in the main story (meeting
Lucilla in Dorgania, finding the fragment chest in Sunee and then report back to Varea in
Manastyr) and finish the event with helping Eloen at the west side of Ebron.

1 foursome CG scene and 1 solo scene by talking to the headmaid after the foursome scene.


Same as Eloen above.

1 foursome CG scene and 1 solo scene by talking to the headmaid after the foursome scene.


Blacksmith in the elf village Ebron. Takes part in the foursome with Eloen and Phraan. Her
solo scene requires that you finish the racism and trade route events in Orchel.
Knocky gives you the recipe for the Katryx Blade and the Mithril Pickaxe during the main
story events.

1 foursome CG scene and 1 solo CG scene.

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You can help Nori to become a police officer at the police HQ after building it on the
overview map. Later, after the events with the raid of the thieves guild against the assassins,
you can find her on the right side of Aldlyn near Scarlett's house, where you can trigger her
CG scene.

1 CG sex scene.


You encounter Ariana in the easy dungeon area of the Spire of

Courage, where she jumps out of a teleport gate, while being chased
by an orc. If you win the battle, you can get one of two different CG
scenes depending on whether you wake her up or imprison her.

2 CG scenes


Wendy was a student with Ryen at the academy in Aldlyn, who you can meet again later at the
challenge floor the Spire of Courage in Begus. After talking to her there you can find her in
the inn of Calterburry to get her scene.

1 CG scene


An elf from Ebron. Her events at Ebron will make her move to the sleeping chambers in your

No CG scene.

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CG room Elves 2:


Villager in the elf village Orchel in Dorgania. After the events of playing with some girls in
Orchel, you get a quest to go to the old village of the tribe elves with Sariandi. At the end of
the eventline, the entire tribe will move to Central, where you get the sex scene with her.

1 CG sex scene.


Villager in the elf village Orchel in Dorgania. Has a sex scene after her tribe moves to Central.

1 CG sex scene.


Villager in the elf village Orchel in Dorgania. Has a sex scene at Bitterroot farm, after Mirel's
“About Racism” quest is done.

1 CG sex scene.

37 Back to Page 1

Villager in the elf village Orchel in Dorgania. Has a sex scene after her tribe moves to Central.

1 CG sex scene.


Villager in the elf village Orchel in Dorgania. Her sex scene requires the Orchel trading route
quest to be done.

1 CG sex scene.


Villager in the elf village Orchel in Dorgania. After the “About Racism” quest from Mirel's
events, you can talk with Seldanna to trigger a sequence of dialogs with her, which'll lead to
her sex scene.

1 CG sex scene.


Villager in the elf village Orchel in Dorgania. Her sex scene requires the cooking contest of
Keylessa to be done.

1 CG sex scene.


Villager in the elf village Orchel in Dorgania. During the “About Racism” events, you get a
“Beauty Contest” quest from Syvis. If you had sex with either Elanil or Sarya, and the beauty
contest is done, talk with Syvis again for her sex scene.

1 CG sex scene.

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Villager in the elf village Orchel in Dorgania. Talk with Saphielle for the “Orchel Trade
Route” quest. It requires a bunch of things to be done before you can start the quest:
1. The "About Racism" quest from Mirel must be done.
2. The "Old Bow repair" quest from Sledanna must be done
3. The "Alchemy Maniac" quest from Zentha must be done
4. You must've had the dialog with Darude during the main story, where he gave you the
permit to enter Dorgania. (Should be a given when you're at Orchel).
5. The storage building near the Red Keep on the overview map needs to be constructed.
6. You must've repaired the Bitterroot farm.
7. You must've finished the events about the tribe elves at Orchel
8. The border to Dorgania needs to be open on both sides.
9. The party needs to know the location of Ebron
10. You need the first events with Elina, and Maid Louise, to the point where Elina is now
standing at the noble living quarters, and not in your throne room anymore.

Talk with Saphielle again, after the trade route quest is done, to get her sex scene.

1 CG sex scene.


Villager in the elf village Orchel in Dorgania. During Saphielle's “Orchel Trade Route” quest,
you have to upgrade/repair the old shed and tent in Orchel via the overview map. The sex
scene with Cremia automatically starts after you pay for the repairs.

1 CG sex scene.


Villager in the elf village Orchel in Dorgania. During Saphielle's “Orchel Trade Route” quest,
you have to upgrade/repair the old shed and tent in Orchel via the overview map. Once the
wood shed is upgraded to a workshop, and you gathered the three research documents for
Deulari during the quest, you can talk with her there to start her sex scene.

1 CG sex scene.


Villager in the elf village Orchel in Dorgania. After talking to her and Thaola for Mirel's
“About Racism” quest, and Kayelinth's event at Rakake, you can talk to Keylessa for a
cooking contest. Her and Thaola's sex scene become available after the contest.

1 CG sex scene.

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CG room Elves 3:


Villager in the elf village Orchel in Dorgania. When Brad has the Brawler Stamp Card from
Seiho, Zaleria will challenge him to a brawl battle. After those events, you can watch Zaleria
fuck Ashryn with a magic dick.

1 futa CG scene with her sister Ashryn


Villager in the elf village Orchel in Dorgania. When Brad has the Brawler Stamp Card from
Seiho, Zaleria will challenge him to a brawl battle. After those events, you can watch Zaleria
fuck Ashryn with a magic dick.
Her solo scene requires that you advanded the “About Racism” quest from Mirel a few steps,
and have the futa scene with Zaleria unlocked.

1 futa CG scene with her sister Zaleria, and 1 bondage scene

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Villager in the elf village Orchel in Dorgania. Talk with Zentha after Ashryn's bondage scene,
and after you've finished Zentha's “Alchemy Maniac quest”, to start her sex scene.

1 CG sex scene.


Villager in the elf village Orchel in Dorgania. After constructing the brothel on the overview
map, you can invite Allisa to work there.

1 CG scene.


The twins Rina and Rena live at Orchel in Dorgania. After helping the tribe elves to find a
new home, and when you have all 12 party members, you can play hide-and-seek with them
to get their nude full body and sex scene CGs.

1 CG scene.


The twins Rina and Rena live at Orchel in Dorgania. After helping the tribe elves to find a
new home, and when you have all 12 party members, you can play hide-and-seek with them
to get their nude full body and sex scene CGs.

1 CG scene.


Villager in the elf village Orchel in Dorgania. After you've finished the “About Racism”
quest, you can talk with Elanil to trigger an event with her and Sarya. You can pick to sleep
with either of them during the events, but you can still trigger the missed scene for the other
girl afterwards.

1 CG sex scene.


Villager in the elf village Orchel in Dorgania. After you've finished the “About Racism”
quest, you can talk with Elanil to trigger an event with her and Sarya. You can pick to sleep
with either of them during the events, but you can still trigger the missed scene for the other
girl afterwards.

1 CG sex scene.

41 Back to Page 1

Villager in the elf village Orchel in Dorgania. Her scene starts at her store, after the workshop
for the “Orchel Trade Route” quest is done, and the scene if Zaleria with Ashryn is unlocked.

1 CG sex scene.


Villager in the elf village Orchel in Dorgania. Her sex scene requires Mirel's “About Racism”
quest to be done.

1 CG sex scene.


Villager in the elf village Orchel in Dorgania. Her sex scene becomes available after you had
sex with Zentha.

1 CG sex scene.


Villager in the elf village Orchel in Dorgania. During Mirel's “About Racism” quest, you get
the “Dancer Phyrra” quest from the dialog with Phyrra, which'll unlock her sex scene.

1 CG sex scene.

42 Back to Page 1
CG room Begus 1:

Queen Jeanne Apelia

You meet the Queen of Begus Jeanne Apelia during the main story line and the political
meetings with Begus. After those events, you can find an invitation from her to her castle in
Calterburry on your desk where usually the paperwork can be found.

1 CG scene


Commander of a mine in Begus (Map no. 27) , which was overrun by undead. She asks you to
get a box out of the mine without looking into it. If you ignore her plea and look into the box,
you'll find something you can use against her and obtain the CG scene.

1 CG scene.


Kimiko lives in the Norhall stronghold in Begus. After helping her with a problem, you'll
eventually get her sex scene.

1 CG scene

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A guard of Queen Jeanne Apelia. Can be found in the bar in Calterburry during Elly's events.

1 full body CG

Lady Forbes

A commander in Begus.

No CG scene


Can be found in the hard dungeon in the Spire of Courage, during the events with Naevy.

1 Battler CG and 1 special scene with 3 CGs


A succubus that lived in the Redwood Mansion in Millwater. During her events, you prove her guilt
in the murder case of Lord Redwood. Throwing her into your own dungeon gets you onto her bad
path, while giving her to the soldiers will put her on her good path. You need to remove Tsubaki's
wounded debuff, for example by sleeping, before talking to Irinlia at the Ironholm prison will
advance her good path events.

3 CG scenes (Good path, bad path, and bad path bonus scene together with Lace)


Sia is a shy but curious snow girl. She lives in an Igloo at the north-east of Begus, which she
can't leave due to the danger of the sun melting her.

1 standing CG and 2 CG scenes


You meet Naevy on the medium difficulty floor of the Spire of Courage, where she was
fighting on her own while searching for a husband.

1 Battler CG, 1 sex scene and 1 bonus CG scene

Ghost Shey:

Can be found in the dungeon below Old Ashton in Begus. She will come to your sleeping
chamber after you bury her bones in the graveyard of Old Ashton.

1 full body CG on first encounter.

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Leneth is a very clumsy wyvern who constantly stumbles and gets herself somehow into
trouble. When you find her she is kept as a prisoner in the storage of the Norhall stronghold.
You'll need to talk with the fort commander in order to release her. After she is released you'll
take you to the trainings cave near your old academy, where you can have the sex scene with

1 CG on first encounter and 1 CG scene later.


She can be found at the Jade Cave in Begus. After being chased for being a “monster” (half
cat/half dragon) she is a bit shy but very grateful for any help.

1 full body CG and a sex scene starting at the sleeping chambers.

45 Back to Page 1
CG room Begus 2:


Talk with Tami in Pumumu for a cooking event. Afterwards she’ll be interest to role play your
wife, which’ll lead to a sex scene.

1 CG scene


A villiger of Pumumu.

No CG scene


A villiger of Pumumu.

No CG scene

46 Back to Page 1

A villiger of Pumumu.

No CG scene


A villiger of Pumumu.

No CG scene


A villiger of Pumumu.

No CG scene


A villiger of Pumumu.

No CG scene


The leader of Pumumu.

No CG scene


A villiger of Millwater.

No CG scene


A villiger of Millwater.

No CG scene


A villiger of Millwater.

No CG scene

47 Back to Page 1

A villiger of Millwater.

No CG scene

48 Back to Page 1
CG room Begus 3:


Part of the raider group in the callenge floor of the Spire of Courage.

1 CG scene


Part of the raider group in the callenge floor of the Spire of Courage. Her scene can be unlocked in
the caves of the ice raid.

1 CG scene


Part of the raider group in the callenge floor of the Spire of Courage. Her scene will become
available in the nature themed raid dungeon, which hasn't been added to the game yet.

No CG scene

49 Back to Page 1

Part of the raider group in the callenge floor of the Spire of Courage. Her scene can be unlocked in
the caves of the ice raid.

1 CG scene

50 Back to Page 1
CG room Others 1:

Headmaid Ryia:

Head of the 6 maids serving you in your castle. She is dedicated to do everything needed to
help and please you. She'll show you the „hidden room“ once you talk to her at the sleeping
chambers in your castle. She has a special screen selection to bring you girls to the hidden
bedroom for your amusement.

2 CG scenes in the hidden room


The maid Vivian works at your castle and can usually be found in the noble's living quarters.
You can get her CG scene, by letting the headmaid call Vivian to the hidden room behind your

1 CG scene

51 Back to Page 1

Available for a sex scene at the headmaid's girl selection screen after you finished the Mirel's
event, where Flora teaches her earth element magic.

1 CG scene


Linda is a maid in your castle. She usually stays in the sleeping chambers. She is very caring,
and will help you to take care of Aleah, should you make Aleah a maid, and help you with the
ring for Sia.
Her CG scene starts when you select her from the screen of the headmaid.

1 CG scene


Mary grew up on a vineyard, but because of money issues left her home to earn money in
Aldlyn. Then the Headmaid took her in when she was almost starving.

1 CG scene


The scene with Bess can be started at the secret room behind your bedroom, by asking the
headmaid to bring her there.

1 CG scene


You can buy several slaves, either at the thieves guild below Thremten, or in the brothel when
buying slaves is legal. You can send bought slaves to different places. The dungeon and the
brothel allow for their „evil path“ scenes, while sending them to your castle will allow for the
„good path“ scene later. Most good path CGs are used in the brothel as well, for a „not so
forceful“ scene.

3 CG scenes (1 good path, 2 bad path)


Same as Miyako above.

2 CG scenes (1 good path, 1 bad path)

52 Back to Page 1

Same as Miyako above. On her good path events as maid in your castle, she gets renamed to

3 CG scenes (2 good path, 1 bad path)


Same as Miyako above.

2 CG scenes (1 good path, 1 bad path)


Aleah is a sex slave, you can find in a secret prison in Parverhill. Depending on your choice,
she is either thrown into your secret dungeon and becomes your toy, or you set her free and
she becomes a maid in your castle.

Good path: 69 , blowjob in maid uniform, sex scene vaginal or anal

Bad path: Rape scene with 4 different poses (vaginal, anal or blowjob)


Zonja is a slave that you can buy in Sunee. The slave trader won't offer her, unless you have at
least 100,000 gold in your pocket. She costs 50,000 gold or 60,000 if you declined the offer at
first. She can be send to the dungeon, your castle, or to the brothel if it's build. The CG scene
is basically the same in all locations.

1 CG scene

53 Back to Page 1
CG room Others 2:


The big sister of Chiyo. You meet her during the main story. By advancing the events with
Chiyo and Amagal you’ll eventually get an option to help her win the throne of Amagal.
During these events you’ll get a CG scene with her.

1 CG scene (with 2 different CGs). Require the events of Chiyo and Amagal to be advanced.


Self-proclaimed rival of Ryen at the military academy. He was the academy´s ace before Ryen
showed up. Even after Ryen left the academy and became king, Grey worked hard to surpass
Can be turned into a girl after events at the bathhouse. Requires that you have the bathhouse
constructed and went there to have the first gender bend event. The event with Grey starts on
the Aldlyn city board.

4 CG scenes and 1 full body CG as a woman

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“The violet beast” Katreena

Kathreena is the leader of a bandit group with no good intentions. She is very strong and
proud, but will retreat when the odds are too bad.

1 full body CG


Ryen's brother, who you meet during the main story events.

No CG scene


A member of Raziel's group. Her special ability is to become invisible.

No CG scene


Lace is encountered as an enemy several times during the main quest, but can be captured in
the Drunken Cave after you made a Katryx Blade to destroy her armor. She appears in The
Drunken Cave after speaking with Varea in Manastyr. Varea will be available in Manastyr
after meeting Lace during the main story line.

2 CG scenes (1 for her good, and 1 for her bad route) – 2 full body CGs


A member of Raziel's group.

No CG scene


A member of Raziel's group.

No CG scene

55 Back to Page 1
CG room Dorgania 1:


A servant in the castle of Kagabangui in Dorgania. She has no scene or name yet.

No CG scene


A pure blooded demon girl. You encounter her first in Minsk Harbour in Dorgania during the main
story events. Her scene starts at the entrance of Minsk Harbour, after the main story and events of
the Dorgania rebellion are advanced far enough.

1 CG scene


Brawler in Kagabangui. After defeating her and Grimace, you can get a new quest from her. The
quest in this event requires that you increase Brad's popularity to at least 10. You can do so by doing
various events, and with the new "Brawler Perfume" item. There are 5 such events in Kagabangui, 1
in Minsk Harbour, 2 in Newkungu, 1 in Rakake, and 1 in Tajurata Fort. You can buy the brawler
parfume in Lalizan and Orchel. Both are unique, and can be purchased only once.
1 scene with a good or bad path option.

56 Back to Page 1

Aldlyn castle monsterhall

Monstergirl Gift until affection Gift between affection Gift from affection
Alraune 20 Apple 21-50 Fish 51 Meat
Slimegirl Green 20 Hay 21-40 Bread 41 Vegetables
Cute Salamander 40 Flowers 41-70 Toys 71 Love Potion
Aggressive 40 Fish 41-70 Meat 71 Steel Mace
Tall Salamander 40 Small TP Potion 41-70 Book 71 Steel Blade
Slimegirl Red 20 Apple 21-50 Meat 51 Whiskey
Thunderkitty 50 Fish 51 Cheese
Anubis 40 Earring 41-70 E. Necklace 71 Jewel
Mummy 20 Apple 21-50 Meat 51+ Gazer Eye
Strong Mummy 20 Earring 21-50 Necklace 51+ E. Necklace
Slimegirl Blue 50 Fish 51-64 Cheese 65+ Mixed Food
Ice Harpy 20 Fish 21-50 Hay 51 Toys

Big Farm
Small Spidergirl 40 Stimulant 41-70 Fish 71+ Goldbar
Big Spidergirl 40 Meat 41-70 Gazer Eye 71+ Katryx Ore
Raijuu 40 Vegetables 41-70 Apple 71+ Thunder Blade
Small Harpy 20 Hay 21-40 Toys 41+ Vegetables
Big Harpy 20 Earring 21-40 Necklace 41+ E. Necklace
Cowgirl 40 Big Potion 41-70 Hay 71+ Excellent Potion
Water Lamia 40 Beer 41-70 Whiskey 71+ Water Shield

Whisperwind Farm
Ice Alraune 20 Whiskey 21-50 W. Dispel Herb 51+ Coal
Imp 20 Meat 21-40 Fish 41+ Iron
Red Imp 20 Meat 21-40 Fish 41+ Iron

It's possible to catch several Monstergirls with Soul Lanterns and bring them to the
whisperwind farm, the big farm in Central, or the monsterhall !in Aldlyn. You can befriend
them there and harvest their essence without harming them.

Each monstergirl has 1 Battler CG and most have 1 CG scene.

57 Back to Page 1
Monstergirl locations:


Ebron: Blue Slime Girl, Green Slime Girl, Alraune

North Dungeon:

1. Entrance: Blue Slime girl

2. North East Path: Ice Harpy, Ice Alraune

Red Keep- Blue Slime Girl, Thunder Kitty, Small Spider Girl, Lamia
NOTE: Dungeon only unlocks after event with Kayelinth's Mother.

South Dungeon:

1. Entrance: Blue Imp

2. 1F: Blue Imp

3. 2F: Blue Imp, Red Slime Girl

4. 3F: Blue Imp, Red Slime Girl

5. 4F: Red Imp

Bitterroot Farm: Green Slime Girl, Alraune

Witton: Small Harpy, Big Harpy


The Drunken Cave: 2F: Ice Harpy

Dhranholl Mine: 2F: Mummy, Strong Mummy

Old Ashton:

1. 1F: Red Slime Girl

2. 2F: Ice Harpy, Ice Alraune

Calterburry: 2F : Ice Harpy, Ice Alraune ( None after Ice Spirit leaves the place)

58 Back to Page 1

Chrysthaven : Thunder Kitty


Sunee: Small Spider Girl, Anubis

Siriveta: Floors paths starting from North East in clockwise direction at dungeon entrance map.

1. Main Map: Cow Girl

2. Entrance: Blue Slime Girl, Thunder Kitty, Alraune, Small Spider Girl, Big Spider Girl,
Gazer (Non capturable but needed for gazer eye)

3. 1F: Red Imp, Red Slime Girl, Tall Salamander, Aggressive Salamander, Cute Salamander

4. 2F: Ice Harpy, Blue Slime Girl, Ice Alraune

5. 3F: Mummy, Strong Mummy, Thunder Kitty, Anubis


1. Main Map: Small Spider Girl, Large Spider Girl

2. Cave: Tall Salamander, Aggressive Salamander, Cute Salamander

59 Back to Page 1
2. Maps

60 Back to Page 1
1. Academy/ Havaria 14. Broken fort 22. Fision tower 41. Minsk

2. Aldlyn 15. Crysthaven 23. Ironholm prison 42. Sunee

3. Abandoned 16. Yin tower 24. Meddling Castle 43. Kagabangui


4. North dungeon 17. Yang tower 25. Twin ale tower 44. Lalizan

5. Red keep 18. Manastyr 26. Wooden house 45. Lualombo

6. Blue villa 19. Army camp 27. Jade cave 46. Sinasoka

7. Calbridge 20. Lava dungeon 28. Norhall Stronghold 47. Poisonwood Keep

8. Witton 21. Tower of Ash 29. Old Ashton 48. El Arma Gravesite

9. Thremten 30. Snowruin 49. Siriveta

10. Parverhill 31. Calterburry 50. Old Lualombo

11. South dungeon 32. Whitestone Citadel 51. Newkungu

12. Bitterroot farm 33. Dhranholl mine 52. Orchel

13. Ebron 34. Whisperwind farm 53. Shrine

53. Shrine 35. Diminus Castle 54. Rakake

36. Skylo Tower 55. Greencoast Tower

37. Pumumu 56. Tajurata Fort

38. Drunken cave 57. Sinrul's Mansion

39. Millwater 58. Black Lair


40. Spire of Courage 59. Seaside Tower

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1. Academy/Havaria Port

Noteworthy events:

Fight with Grey,
Commander telling some background story (after cave event)

Chest (1 Potion) middle,
Chest (1000g) top right corner

Cave outside:
Chest (500g) right side,
Hole (Big TP Potion) bottom left corner

Havaria Port:
Chest (3 Big Potions, Iron Blade) at Dock 1 – requires a ticket
Chest (1500g) left port authority building,
Chest (Gambling Coin) bar

2. Aldlyn

2.1. Castle:

Noteworthy events:

Your 4 ministers: Theremis, Thor, Günther and Sir Edward. Headmaid Ryia in your

Throne room:
Simple Coat beside table with presents,
Chest (5000g) top left corner – requires key from David the treasurer.
Castle entrance:
Magic book usable with Chiyo in party.
Noble living quarters:
Chest (Magic Up) top room in the middle,
Chest (Elixir) top right corner
Sleeping chambers: Chest (Elixir) your bedroom

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2.2 City:

Noteworthy events:
Outside: Battlearena, Merchant Darude
Blacksmith: Elven Chief (Need Mirel)
Bar: Catgirl mercenary (For quest no. 14)
Church: Blessing choice for Trey

Outside: Hole (Beer) right side of castle, Hole (Big Potion) top right side of river,
Hole (Small TP Potion) bottom right corner
Inn: Chest (500g)
Blacksmith: Chest (500g)
Bar: Chest (300g)
Storage: Chest (Whisky)
Random houses: Chest (Gambling Coin), Chest (500g), Chest (Dispel Herb), Chest
(Golden Cross)
Barracks: Chest (Potion)
Official Storage: Chest (Gambling Coin), Chest (Simple Mace) after obtaining
Underground: Chest (Nice Dagger) available during character quest for Sandra

3. Abandoned barrack

Noteworthy events:
Fight with a ghost, acquiring location for Mira
Upstairs: Chest (Trap 500dmg),
Heavy Armor left of the chimney
4. North dungeon
4.1. Dungeon

Noteworthy events:
Stone gate requires Mira to open, acquiring location for Vampire, Windspirit on lowest
level. Mimic trap as green chest

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1st floor before gate: Chest (1000g) bottom, Chest (Iron Blade) top right corner
1st floor behind gate: Chest (1000g) left side
2nd floor: 2000g lying on the ground, Chest (Fire Gloves) top side
6th floor: Chest (Improved Cane) right side, Chest (20x Special Arrow) bottom right
4.2. Dark fort

Noteworthy events:
Part of the first character quest for Vampire. She'll take constant damage after entering
the fort.
Chest (Magic Water) main hall,
Chest (Excellent Potion) 2nd floor,
Chest (3x Raw Orangium) cellar

5. Red keep

Noteworthy events:
First political meeting with Begus in the command center, Storage door can be opened
by Sandra
Chest (Big Potion) top left corner,
Chest (Dispel Herb) top right corner
House with red roof: Chest (Dispel Herb)
Magic book usable with Chiyo in party,
Chest (Hard Leather Armor),
Chest (Big Potion),
Chest (Improved Magic Water),
Chest (Magic Mace)

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6. Blue villa

Noteworthy events:
Acquiring location for Mirel in Shed – requires Sandra or the key from inside the villa
Chest (10x Special Arrow) bottom left corner,
Chest (Gambling Coin) in the shed

7. Calbridge Stronghold

Noteworthy events:
Acquiring location for Brad in the left building either by talking to the moving box or
once you left the building once, he'll talk with a guard when you re-enter.
Gambler Hiroku in the top right corner.
Left house: Chest (1000g) below a bed
Storage: Chest (Iron) top right side

8. Witton
8.1. Outside

Noteworthy events:
Quest for cutting trees
Chest (20x Special Arrow) at the fort,
Hole (Excellent Potion) behind the right wall of the fort
8.2. Inside

Noteworthy events:
Lady Akira in the fort, entrance to a dungeon through the fort cellar
Soldier (Iron Spear) left fort building,
Chest (Strength Up) red house,
Chest (750g) grey house,
Chest (Big Potion) wooden house on bottom side

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8.3. Dungeon

Noteworthy events:
Acquiring location for Sandra
1st floor: Chest (3000g) top right corner, Chest (Iron) small room in the middle
3rd floor: Chest (Iron Knife) top right corner behind bridge – requires Sandra to unlock
4th floor: Rope lying on the ground

9. Thremten

Noteworthy events:
Grey will appear for a fight after you introduced yourself in the castle, Book author in
the bottom right building
Hole (Dispel Herb) top right corner,
Chest (600g) beside the road,
Chest (Potion) storage

10. Parverhill

Noteworthy events:
Little thief event in bottom right corner, traitors in the fort, hidden prison below the
building on a hill
Hole (Iron Katana) Top right corner,
Chest (Big TP Potion) House top left side,
Chest (Magic Up) house above church,
Chest (Skillstone) house on hill,
Chest (Elixir) house on hill,
Chest (Running Shoe) fort 1st floor,
Chest (Mana Up) fort 1st floor,
Chest (1000g) fort 1st floor,
Chest (Skillstone) fort 2nd floor

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11. South dungeon

Noteworthy events:
Mimic as green chest on 1st floor, Green Dragon on 2nd floor - acquiring location for
Kayelinth, Succubus on 3rd floor, Firespirit on 4th floor, Splitting quest on 4th floor
Chest (Strength Up) 1st floor,
Chest (750g) 2nd floor,
Chest (Iron Shield) 2nd floor,
2000g on ground 3rd floor,
Chest (Fire Plate) 3rd floor,
Chest (Earring) splitting scene room
3x 500g and 3x Goldbar behind green dragon.

12. Bitterroot farm

Noteworthy events:
Farmer selling Meat, Flowers, Vegetables and Logs. Chest for Sandras first CG scene
in the swamps below the farm.
Hole (Beer) behind the farm,
Chest (Rope) inside the farm building,
Chest (20x Special Arrow) swamps top left corner,
Chest (Simple Coat) swamps right side

13. Ebron

Noteworthy events:
Half-elf Ellanore, Battle with bandits in the forest. (Map is only accessible when Mirel
talked to the elven Chief at the capitals blacksmith and met him again south of the
Chest (20x Special Arrow) left from the Chief,
Chest (1500g) top right behind a tree,
Chest (Excellent Potion) Townhall,
Chest (2000g) Townhall,
Chest (1000g) Treehouse,
Chest (Leather Armor) Small house,
Chest (Magic Up) Big house

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Chest (20x Special Arrow) top left corner,
Hole (Improved Cane) top middle,
Chest (Old Bow) top right corner,
Chest (750g) bottom right corner,
Chest (Agility Up) past a secret way at the top right corner

Bandit camp:
Chest (3000g) in camp,
3 beer in a tent,
Leather Shoe in a tent

14. Broken fort

Noteworthy events:
Possible first meeting with Lace
Chest (2000g) top left side,
Skillstone on top of the building,
Chest (Small TP Potion) 1st floor,
Chest (Beer) 1st floor,
Chest (Stimulant) 2nd floor,
Magic book usable with Chiyo in party on 2nd floor,
Chest (Big Potion) 2nd floor

15. Crysthaven

Noteworthy events:
Acquiring location for Ryoko through a dungeon entrance in the bottom left corner.
Chest (20x Special Arrow) right side
Chest (Iron Knife) top right side,
3x Crystal at the bottom side,
Chest (Ring) bottom,
Rope on ground at bottom left corner

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16. Yin tower

Noteworthy events:
You can meet the Magicspirit on the third floor if you followed the thief girl from the
bordertown through the teleporter.
Chest (Simple Helmet) inside top right corner,
Teleportstone Amagal from the Magicspirit,
Magic book usable with Chiyo in party on 2nd floor

17. Yang tower

Noteworthy events:
Trap in the cellar – Mirel protects you if she's in the party
Chest (Gambling Coin) cellar right side,
Chest (Magic Up) cellar right side,
Chest (Fine Cloth) cellar middle

18. Manastyr

Noteworthy events:
Entering the castle requires requesting a meeting with Theremis in your castle first.
Acquiring location for Chiyo in the storage below the prison. Secret mining base
through a portal if you have the Amagal uniforms from the big camp (Map no. 19)
Chest (Book Of Resistance) library,
Magic book usable with Chiyo in party in library,
Chest (Ring of Wisdom) room on left side,
Chest (500HP damage trap) storage below the prison
Secret base:
Chest (beer) base,
Chest (Dispel Herb) base,
Chest (Iron) base,
3x box with Purple Ore in base
Secret mine:
Chest (1200g) left on first choice,
Chest (Big Potion) down on second choice,

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Chest (Iron) right on fifth choice,
Chest (Iron) right on last choice,
Chest (3000g) beside mages after cart ride, box with Purple Ore beside mages after
cart ride
Pink forest:
Chest (Mana Up) bottom left side,
Chest (2000g) right side,
Chest (3000g) right side – requires Sandra,
Chest (Small TP Potion) top center

19. Army camp

Noteworthy events:
Location to receive the „Uniforms of the Amagal Army“ item needed for entering the
secret mining base in the Amagal castle.
Hole (2000g) outside top right corner,
Chest (Big Potion) building on bottom,
Chest (Improved Magic Water) building on bottom,
Chest (Mana Up) building top left side,
Chest (Big TP Potion) building top left side,
Chest (Skillstone) building top left side,
Chest (Magic Up) officers quarters

20. Lava dungeon

Noteworthy events:
Accessible after finding the way to the Volcano at the map „Big camp“ (Map no. 19)
as part of Vampires character quests.
The “hellhound village” becomes available inside of the volcano, after you got far
enough in Hellhound's events. The event requires that you impregnanted the wyvern
Leneth, to get Hellhound's scene in maid uniform at your secret bedroom in the castle.
The maid scene is not always available, as the trigger for it is a randomly generated
number, which can be re-rolled by using the teleport stone.
Chest (Fire Shoe) center left side,
Chest (Fire Dagger) top left corner,
Chest (1500g) top center,
Chest (Big Potion) bottom center
8x Raw Orangium in center – reappears when you enter the dungeon again.

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21. Tower of ash

Noteworthy events:
Boss fight in front of main gate, teleporter to third floor in the top left corner, Old
Document for quest 18 on second floor.
First floor:
Magic book usable with Chiyo in party,
Chest (3000g), Chest (Skillstone),
Chest (Elixir)
Second floor:
Chest (3000g) requires Sandra,
Chest (Old Document)
Third floor:
Chest (Stimulant)

22. Fision tower

Noteworthy events:
Invisible enemy will block your way further into the tower at first.
Well (Big Potion) behind the tower,
Hole (Elixir) outside top left corner,
Chest (2000g) top right corner entrance hall,
Chest (Dispel Herb) 2nd floor,
Magic book usable with Chiyo in party on 3rd floor,
4th floor:
Expensive Necklace, Nice Cane, 2000g,
Excellent Potion and Improved Magic Water in chests.
2X Goldbar on table.

23. Ironholm prison

Noteworthy events:
Location to obtain Sandra, if you didn't help her during the first encounter in the
dungeon below the snowfort.
Chest (Vegetables) building with red stone walls

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24. Meddling Castle

Noteworthy events:
Lady Forbes will help you in quest no. 30.
Chest (Big Potion) storage,
Chest (Iron Blade) officer quarter,
Chest (Leather Armor) top left side in main building,
Chest (Golden Cross) on table right side from the entrance

25. Twin ale tower

Noteworthy events:

26. Wooden house

Noteworthy events:
Location for increasing Sandra's lock picking during her first character quest to open
the chest in the swamps (Map no. 12).
Chest (Iron) in the cave behind the house

27. Jade Cave

Noteworthy events:
Sex CG with Millaine, if you open her box. First fight with Lace in the dungeon.
Chest (Magic Hat) top right corner,
Chest (Fine Cloth) left side,
Chest (Golden Cross) right side,
Chest (Millaine's Box) bottom right corner,
Chest (1500g) center left side

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28. Norhall stronghold

Noteworthy events:
Quest „Crumbly Fort“ (Quest No. 30) from girl in blue dress.
Hole (Skillstone) outside top left corner,
Chest (Iron Spear) storage,
Chest (3000g) storage,
Chest (Leather Armor) storage

29. Old Ashton

Noteworthy events:
CG for Shey and Hellhound in dungeon.
Chest (800g) left house,
Chest (Golden Cross) upper house,
Chest (600g) right house,
Chest (Vegetables) right house,
Chest (Necklace) church,
Dungeon 1st floor:
Chest (Dispel Herb) top left corner,
Chest (2000g) top left side,
Chest (Running Shoe) bottom right corner
Dungeon 2nd floor:
Chest (Big TP Potion) bottom right side,
Chest (Leather Glove) bottom center,
Chest (3000g) top left corner,
Chest (Skillstone) top left corner,
Dungeon 3rd floor:
Chest (3000g) top right corner

30. Snowruin

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Noteworthy events:
Elly is required to enter the ruin. A broken switch will require a mechanic (Quest 17).
Hole (1500g) outside top left corner,
Chest (Magic Up) entrance bottom left,
rope on ground at the entrance bottom right side,
Chest (Resist Up) room on right side
Treasures behind the demon:
3x beer, 1750g, 2000g,
Magic Hat,
Good Heavy Armor.
Additional reward if Elly is in party when defeating the demon:
10,000g, Skillstone, Life Up, Iron Shield

31. Calterburry

Noteworthy events:
Acquiring location for Elly. Sneaking minigame in the church cellar for Elly's quest.
Dungeon „Haunted mines“ opens during Mira's character quest.
Chest (3000g) barrack on top left side,
Chest (500g) Inn, Chest (Mana Up)
Inn, Chest (Heavy Helmet) Inn,
Chest (Nice Shield) blacksmith,
Chest (Gambling Coin) bottom right side,
Chest (Elixir) church cellar,
Chest (Expensive Earring) church cellar
Haunted mines 3rd floor:
Chest (Frost Shield) top left corner,
Chest (Uniforms of the Begus Army) top right side,
Chest (Bunnyears) right center,
Chest (Improved Magic Water) bottom left side

32. Whitestone citadel

Noteworthy events:
Middle house at top gives a quest to help a group of mercenaries (Quest 36).
Hole (Elixir) outside bottom right,
Chest (1500g) left house,

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Chest (Small TP Potion) left house,
Chest (Hard Leather Armor) middle house,
Chest (Book Of Resistance) training hall,
Magic book usable with Chiyo in party in fort entrance room,
Chest (Dispel Herb) fort kitchen

33. Dhranholl mine

Noteworthy events:
Has katryx ore that can be mined to make the weapon during quest no. 46.
Several sources of Iron and Katryx ore that can be mined repeatedly.
1st Floor: Chest (1500g) bottom right corner.
2nd Floor: Chest (Strength Up) at the entrance,
Chest (2000g) bottom left corner,
Chest (Improved Gun Recipe) bottom right corner.

34. Whisperwind farm

Noteworthy events:
Woman that gives you a Soul Lantern to catch Imps or Slimegirls. Once you bring her
a filled Soul Lantern, the creature will run around on the farm and you can interact
with it. Up to 3 of each kind can live on the farm.
Outside: Hole (Small TP Potion),
Left house: Chest (Cooking book), Chest (Dispel Herb)
Storage: Chest (Love Potion)

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35. Diminus Castle

Noteworthy events:
Second political meeting with Begus.
Outside: Hole (Big Potion), Hole (Agility Up)
Mage Store: Chest (Excellent Potion)
Blacksmith: Chest (Goldbar)
Big house: Chest (2500 gold)
Castle cellar: Chest (Beer)

36. Skylo Tower

Noteworthy events:
Encounter with a Necromancer.
Outside: Hole (Skillstone)
2nd Floor:
Chest (Golden Cross),
Chest (Beer)
3rd Floor: Chest (Mixed Food)
4th Floor: Chest (Magic Apple),
Chest (Skillstone),
Chest (3000 gold),
2x goldbar

37. Pumumu

Noteworthy events:
Lartia's dialog about the villages history.
Chest (100x Special Arrow),
Chest (Magic Water)
Left house: Chest (Cheese)

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38. The Drunken Cave

Noteworthy events:
- Rematch with Lace if unlocked.
- Second meeting with the Ice Spirit
House: Chest (Bread)
1st Floor: Chest (Nice Axe)
Lava Floor: Chest (Fire Plate), Chest (Skillstone)
Ice Floor: Chest (Skillstone), 5x Crystal

39. Millwater

Noteworthy events:
Murder case of Lord Redwood.
Chest (Fish),
Hole (Love Potion)
Left house: Chest (Cheese)
Mansion: Chest (Golden Cross)
Church: Chest (Skillstone)
Middle house: Chest (Cheese)

40. Spire of Courage

Noteworthy events:
Easy dungeon end: Encounter with Ariana
Medium dungeon end: Encounter with the Tigergirl Naevys'yesmyâr
Advance dungeon end: Rematch with Hellhound, if you fought her before.
1st Fighting floor: Chest (Big Potion)
2nd Fighting floor: Chest (Magic Water)
3rd Fighting floor: Chest (Elixir)

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Easy dungeon 1st floor: Iron Ore
Easy dungeon 2nd floor: Iron Ore
Easy dungeon 3rd floor: Chest (Improved Magic Water)
Medium dungeon 1st floor: Coal
Medium dungeon 2nd floor: Coal x2
Advanced dungeon 1st floor: Coal x2, Chest (Resist Up), Chest (Fire Plate)
Advanced dungeon 2nd floor: Chest (Fire Shoe)

41. Minsk

Noteworthy events:
Continuation of the main story, after defeating Lace.
Chest (3000 gold),
Hole (Beer)
Left house: Chest (2500 gold)
Big house: Chest (Armored Shoe)
Wood storage: Chest (Goggles)
Farm house: Chest (Dispel Herb)
Farm storage:
Chest (Strength Up),
Chest (Elixir)
42. Sunee

Noteworthy events:
Secret dungeon when interacting with the statue in the top right corner.
Chest (Magic Up),
Chest (5000 gold),
Chest (Nice Mace),
Chest (Hard Leather Armor)

43. Kagabangui

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Noteworthy events:
None (yet)
Castle: Magic book usable with Chiyo in party
Inn: Chest (3000 gold),
Chest (Nice hat)
House: Chest (Book)

44. Lalizan

Noteworthy events:
None (yet)

45. Lualombo

Noteworthy events:
Fragment dungeon for the main story line (riddle solution in the FAQ section)
Magic book usable with Chiyo in party,
Chest (Love Potion), Chest (Iron),
Chest (Talisman of Protection)
46. Sinasoka

Noteworthy events:
Fragment dungeon for the main story line (riddle solution in the FAQ section)
Hole (Love Potion),
Chest (Skillstone),
Chest (Steel),
Chest (Elixir)

47. Poisonwood Keep

Noteworthy events:

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Fragment dungeon for the main story line (riddle solution in the FAQ section)
Chest (Big TP Potion),
Chest (Dispel Herb),
Chest (Skillstone)

48. El Arma Gravesite

Noteworthy events:
Fragment dungeon for the main story line (riddle solution in the FAQ section)
At El Arma's grave: 247,500 gold,
Gold Dagger,
2x Expensive Necklace,
4x Goldbar,

49. Siriveta

Noteworthy events:
Waterspirit in the dungeon is part of the main story events.
Hole (Improved Magic Water),
Chest (Exp. Scroll),
Chest (10000 gold),
Chest (Luck Up),
Chest (Love Potion),
Chest (Talisman of Speed),
Chest (Vegetables),
Chest (Magic Up),
Chest (Skillstone),
Chest (Elixir),
Chest (Fire Gloves),
Chest (Love Potion),
Chest (Big TP Potion),
Chest (Goldbar),
Chest (Magic Up),
Chest (Skillstone),
Chest (Resist Up)

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50. Old Lualombo

Noteworthy events:
Part of the main story events. The “empty” fort can't be entered before those events.
During the event you have the option to open a black chest, which contains a
Skillstone on the left side and a Magic Apple on the right side.
The yellow chests at the top contain 200000 gold each, but depending on your choices
only 2-5 of the 7 chests can be looted.
Chest (Weak Love Potion),
Chest (Excellent Potion),
Chest (25000 gold)

51. Newkungu
Noteworthy events:
Depending on your choices, it might be necessary to go to Newkungu during the
events with the Queen of Begus.
After the events with Mira and Maria on the faraway island, you can talk with the
foxgirl Naomi in the casino to start a new event from which you could get Mai.
Chest (Elixir),
Chest (Love Potion),
Magic book usable with Chiyo in party,
Chest (Skillstone),
Chest (Strength Up),
Chest (Bread),
Chest (Beer)

52. Orchel
Noteworthy events:
Nothing yet.

53. Shrine
Noteworthy events:
Nothing yet.

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54. Rakake
Noteworthy events:
An event for Kayelinth brings you to Rakake, the city of food and cooking.

55. Greencoast Tower

Noteworthy events:
The first flight events for Mira and Kayelinth take place at the Greencoast tower.
The connection of the doors inside is randomised every time you enter the tower from the
front door.

56. Tajurata Fort

Noteworthy events:
Nothing yet.

57. Sinrul's Mansion

Noteworthy events:
Nothing yet.

58. Black Lair

Noteworthy events:
Has two different entrances/exits. In the dungeon is a simple switch riddle. Most switches are
blocked at first, and you unlock them one by one when you activate the available switch.
Therefore, it's a lot of going back and forth.

59. Seaside Tower

Noteworthy events:
An event of Shanna and Naomi chasing after Kathreena takes place here.
The elite bandits on this map are very strong when you first come to Dorgania, but they give
a lot EXP.

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3. Quests
A Complex Spell (Quest no.86)

Starts at the Aldlyn city board, if you helped Ariana during the first encounter with

Quest location: Obtained at the Aldlyn city board.

Reward: Potion

A Dwarf Called Bob (Quest no.123)

Sandra wants to help her old friend, the dwarf she calls Bob, as he got fired from his
position as a guard for helping Sandra to escape.

Reward: 2000 exp

A Vampire's Release (Quest no.96)

Mike asked for your help to have a vampire in the prison in Kagabangui be released,
so that she can help his group with something.

Quest location: Left bottom corner of Kagabangui. Requires 35+ trust with Brad to get
the quest from Mike.

Reward: +Trust with Brad, 15000 gold, 500 exp

About Racism (Quest no.138)

Mirel wants to find a way to reduce racism. For this purpose, she wants to talk with
the elves in Orchel to learn about their stories.

Quest location: Obtained from Mirel at the sleeping chambers.

Reward: 7,000 exp

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About Servants and Princes (Quest no.95)

A slave working in the castle of Kagabangui needs help to escape from the intrusive

Quest location: Right side in the Castle of Kagabangui.

Reward: +Trust with Brad

Access Permit (Quest no.48)

In order to enter the Dhranholl mine, you need a permit from Commander Walcot of
Whitestone citadel.

Quest location: Obtained from a guard blocking the way into the Dhranholl mine if
you've been told about the katryx ore inside by Knocky before during quest no. 46
„Armor Breaking“.

Reward: 150 exp

Accommodation (Quest no.36)

You meet a group of mercenaries who're in need of a new home. The quest requires
you to talk to Sir Günther after obtaining Mirel and having the old couple of the blue
villa in the prison. If you talk to Sir Günther before meeting the requirement, he won't
be able to help you and tells you to talk to him again later. Once you have agreed to
give the blue villa to the mercenaries, you'll have to go back to them and inform them
about it.

Quest location: Obtained from Val at Begus south fort. (Map no. 32)

Reward: 300 exp, 1 Whiskey

Alchemy Maniac (Quest no.142)

This quest requires the dialog with Elmyra and Zentha during the About Racism quest.

Quest location: Elmyra in Orchel.

Reward: 500 exp

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Amagal Succession (Quest no.116)

Varea needs help to save Amagal from King Merius and Earl Rotiart. You have to
discuss with them both and choose to help one of them before it becomes possible to
talk with Varea in your castle and help her prepare for the duel.

Reward: 300 exp, Relationship with Amagal +30

An Angels request (Quest no.79)

Maria, a friend of Mira, asked you to bring her through the Drunken Cave in Begus.
She wants to summon the spirit Aura deep in the Cave.

Quest location: Obtained in front of the Drunken Cave, if you helped or sealed the Ice
Spirit during Mira's events.

Reward: None

Angel Feather (Quest no.33)

Meeting the dark sorceress from quest 32 without Mira will give you this quest to
come back with an angel or an angel feather. Talking to the sorceress again after
obtaining Mira will finish the quest. Due to the events during the dialog, the quest is
always a failure and the quest reward can't be obtained.

Quest location: Obtained from the dark sorceress. (Map no. 12)

Reward: 2000 gold

Armor Breaking (Quest no.46)

In order to defeat Lace with her impenetrable armor you'll need to find a weapon that
can nullify it's power and breaks her armor. The blacksmith you need to talk to is
Knocky in Ebron (Map no. 13). She'll tell you about Katryx ore in the Dhranholl
Mines but you need to finish quest 48 before you can enter the mine and get the ore.

Quest location: Obtained during the quest no. 44 Fragments (2).

Reward: 500 exp

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Bathhouse Request (Quest no.63)

The doctor would like the government to build a bathhouse. You can get it by buying
the second public health upgrade from Sir Edward in your castle.

Quest location: Obtained from the city board in Aldlyn if you don't have the upgrade

Reward: None

Blind Eye (Quest no.117)

After the construction of Shrine , Dea will be at sleeping chambers.You have offered
your help to remove the curse on Dea’s eye. According to Mira, Alchemist Kavrala of
Orchel can fix the problem.

Reward: 150 exp

Beauty Contest (Quest no.141)

This quest is unlocked when you talk with Syvis in Orchel during the About Racism

Quest location: Obtained from Syvis in Orchel.

Reward: 150 exp

Bodyguard Request (Quest no.60)

The catgirl Jackie needs some help to protect a merchant on his journey. You can find
her at the herbalist in Aldlyn.

Quest location: Obtained from the city board in Aldlyn.

Reward: 3500 gold

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Book Request (Quest no.50)

The girl Sheri made a request to bring her a book to Havaria Port. You can get one
from an author in Thremten. It's not a specific book but just one present item „book“.

Quest location: Obtained from the city board in Aldlyn.

Reward: 1500 gold

Bookworm? (Quest no.10)

Tsubaki asks you at the sleeping chambers for a book on warfare. You can get it from
the author in the village map no. 9.

Quest location: Obtained when talking to Tsubaki in the sleeping chamber.

Reward: 100 exp

Bordertown (Quest no.7)

Talk to Commander Brick at map no. 10.

Quest location: Obtained from Günther in the throne room. .

Reward: 150 exp, 300g

Bow Maintenance (Quest no.140)

During the quest About Racism, Seldanna will offer to repair Mirel's old bow.

Quest location: Seldanna in Orchel.

Reward: 1,250 exp

Brad's feast of gratitude present (Quest no.70)

You decided to get a first aid kit as a present for Brad. You might be able to get one in
a clinic.

Quest location: Obtained from the desk in your room after reading the note about the
feast of gratitude at the city board. Requires all previous paperwork, which requires
you to have Kurohimes training done, and the bathhouse.

Reward: None.

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Broken Home (Quest no.129)

The refugees at Orchel are treated badly, so you want to learn more about their
situation to see if you can help them.

Reward: 1500 exp

Calterburry Beer (Quest no.133)

Elly has a craving for a beer in Calterburry. You promised to visit the bar in the capital
of Begus the next time you're close by. You meet the dwarf Adrianna during this quest.

Reward: 1750 exp

Catgirl In Training (Quest no.41)

You need to train Kurohime until you can be sure she'll do anything you wish for. You
need to bring her stats to 100 Obedience and Pleasure with Health and Mind over 20.

Quest location: Kurohime in the secret prison.

Reward: 150 exp

Cave Map (Quest no.87)

Flaire wants you to get her map of the Begus cave system. You can get it in the town
Pumumu, north east in Begus.

Quest location: Obtained from Flaire

Reward: Gold armor recipe

Chiyo's feast of gratitude present (Quest no.71)

You want to get an alchemy set for Chiyo but don't know where to get one. Maybe
someone in the library of Manastyr can help you.

Quest location: Obtained from the desk in your room after reading the note about the
feast of gratitude at the city board. Requires all previous paperwork, which requires
you to have Kurohimes training done, and the bathhouse.

Reward: None.

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Chiyo's Release (Quest no.31)

If you didn't help Chiyo during your first encounter, she can be found in prison.
Talking to her will start this quest to help releasing her. All you need for this is the
item „Uniforms of the Begus Army“, which can be found in the haunted mine. (Map
no. 31)

Quest location: Obtained from Chiyo in the prison of Amagal's castle, if you choose
not to help her during the first meeting in the storage below the prison.

Reward: 300 exp

Clemency Plea (Quest no.24)

In the paperwork on your desk you'll find the clemency plea. This will allow you to
enter the prison in the capital. Talking to the prisoner will give you the choice what his
punishment shall be.

Quest location: Obtained from the desk in your room at the sleeping chambers after
finishing the previous paperwork quest. (Quest no. 22)

Reward: 150 exp

Clinic Request (Quest no.62)

The doctor would like the government to build a clinic. You can get a clinic by buying
the first public health upgrade from Sir Edward in your castle.

Quest location: Obtained from the city board in Aldlyn if you don't have the upgrade

Reward: None.

Coronation (Quest no.3)

Enter the castle in the capital and introduce yourself as the new king.

Quest location: Obtained automatically.

Reward: 150 exp

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Crime Fighting (Quest no.104)

You offered your help to get the funding for the repairs of the Norhall Stronghold in
Begus. Talk with Lady Forbes at the Meddling Castle to receive their uniforms. While
wearing the uniform, you need to defeat several criminals to improve the reputation of
the fort.

Quest location: Starts when going to the library of the castle in Calterburry after
reporting back to the girl from quest 30 "Crumbly Fort". You have three choices and
you can get either no quest, quest 104 or 105 based on your decision.

Reward: 300 exp

Criminal Hunt (Quest no.82)

You saw a note on the city board, of the police looking for the thief of several gold
armor recipes. The recipes might be of use for you, so you decide to help the police in
the search for this criminal.
Fastest solution for the switch riddle: 1x yellow, 1x green, 2x red, 2x yellow, 1x blue

The quest can't be finished successful, since the criminal is already gone by the time
you arrive at the thieves guild.

Quest location: Obtained from the Aldlyn city board.

Reward: None

Criminal Scum! (Quest no.11)

Get rid of the bandits in the forest east of the elfvillage. Afterwards report back to the

Quest location: Obtained from the elven Chief in the elfvillage. (Map no. 13)

Reward: 250 exp, 1500g

Crown Support (Quest no.118)

You get this quest when you agree to help Varea with her duel for the rulership over
Amagal. (Requires Quest 116 to be finished and Chiyo’s events to be advanced far
For the required staff you can find the recipe at Witton, the gems at the jewelry store
in Thremten, the oak staff rod in Orchel and the carsus roots in stores in Begus.

Reward: 150 exp

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Crumbly Fort (Quest no.30)

The girl in a blue dress in the map „Broken fort south„ (Map no. 28) will ask for your
help to bring a message to Lady Forbes in Meddling Castle (Map no. 24). Lady
Forbes will send you to the Capital of Begus (Map no. 31), to a priest with pink hair in
the library of the castle. After talking to the priest report back to the girl in a blue dress
to finish the quest.

Quest location: Obtained from the girl in a blue dress at the broken fort. (Map no. 28)

Reward: 300 exp, 2500g, Expensive Earring

Cursed! (Quest no.34)

Talking to the dark sorceress again at the farm south (Map no. 12) after finishing quest
no. 32 will make her curse Mira. The quest is finished by talking to Mira in the
sleeping chambers of your castle.

Quest location: Obtained from the dark sorceress. (Map no. 12)

Reward: 100 exp

Dancer Phyrra (Quest no.139)

Phyrra would like to perform in front of a crowd again, but she can't do it in Dorgania,
so you arrange for it in Central.

Quest location: Obtained from Phyrra in Orchel. Requires her dialog during the About
Racism quest.

Reward: 750 exp

Dark Sorceress (Quest no.32)

Commander Hankin will ask you to check on the farmer south from the fort (Map no.
12). When you talk to him he gives you the key to enter the building on the farm and
talk to the sorceress. Talking to her will finish the quest.

Quest location: Obtained from Commander Hankin at the south fort (Map no. 7).

Reward: 200 exp

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Demon Trouble (Quest no.43)

Trey received a report about a lesser demon in human shape near the village Thremten.
You offered to help with the problem instead of letting Trey deal with it by himself.

Quest location: Obtained from Trey at the sleeping chambers.

Reward: 150 exp

Dorgania Deserter (Quest no.99)

Queen Lancafew of Dorgania asked you to take care of a few deserters that fled to
Central. They're at the Calbridge Stronghold and the Bitterroot farm.

Quest location: Obtained from Queen Lancafew in Kagabangui.

Reward: 300 exp, Relation with Dorgania +20

Earth Element Magic (Quest no.81)

Mirel would like to learn a new skill, to use pure earth element magic. This quest
requires you to go to the Earth Spirit first and afterwards to talk with Flora. Once the
quest is complete, Flora becomes available at the headmaid's girl selection screen for
her CG scene.

Quest location: Obtained from Mirel in the castle, after her coming of age ceremony.

Reward: New skill for Mirel

Elly's feast of gratitude present (Quest no.72)

The blacksmith's wife in Calterburry can make upgrades for Elly’s gun. I should ask
her for a scope or something similar as a present for Elly.

Quest location: Obtained from the desk in your room after reading the note about the
feast of gratitude at the city board. Requires all previous paperwork, which requires
you to have Kurohimes training done, and the bathhouse.

Reward: None.

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Envoy of Hope (Quest no.108)

You got a message from Queen Jeanne Apelia of Begus for Rutia in Pumumu, a
village in the north of Begus.

Reward: 250 exp

Event: Thremten Festival (Quest no.55)

If you have Mira and Mirel in your party you can agree to go to the festival at the city
board. The forest where you festival takes place can be entered from the bottom right
corner in Thremten.

Quest location: Obtained from the city board in Aldlyn.

Reward: 300 exp

Evil Spirit (Quest no.25)

Second quest for Mira. She'll ask you to go to the haunted mine in the capital of Begus
(Map no. 31). The quest is finished after your encounter with the Icespirit is over.
Helping the Icespirit will lower your relationship with Mira, choosing to fight him will
cause several fights in a row.

Quest location: Obtained from Mira at the sleeping chamber after finding the angel
gates in the north dungeon (map no. 4) if her level is 10 or above.

Reward: 500 exp

Exploration (Quest no.6)

Mira wants to go to the north dungeon, map no. 4. The quest is finished once you
opened the gate with an angel on it. Quest is skipped if you already found the gate.

Quest location: Obtained from Mira in the sleeping chambers.

Reward: 500g

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Farm Caretaker (Quest no.137)

For Kayelinth's new farm, you need to find a suitable caretaker.

Talk with the farm clerk in the bottom left corner of Aldlyn first. She'll tell you about
her niece Amara, who you can find at the Bitterroot Farm in the south of Central.

Reward: 400 exp

Final Battle (Quest no.102)

Prepare yourself for the final battle against Raziel. Once your preparations are done,
have a meeting with the General at Lualombo to discuss the strategy.

Quest location: Given to you by Varea during the main story events.

Reward: 3000 exp, 25000 gold

Finding Lucilla (Quest no.89)

Continuation of the main storyline. After defeating Lace, Varea will tell you about a
demon called Lucilla. She might be able to tell you more about the fragments.

Quest location: Obtained from Varea in Manastyr

Reward: 3000 exp

Firewood (Quest no.9)

Cut 6 orange trees around the snowfort village. Finishing the quest will give you a
locked box. With Sandra in the party you'll get a „Magic Apple“, otherwise a
„Damaged Magical Apple".

Quest location: Obtained from a villager in the snowfort. (Map no. 8)

Reward: 150 exp

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First Meeting With Amagal (Quest no.20)

After arranging the meeting with Theremis in your throne room, you can enter the
castle of Amagal.

Quest location: Obtained from Theremis in the throne room.

Reward: 300 exp

First Meeting With Begus (Quest no.21)

After arranging the meeting with Theremis in your throne room, you can hold the
meeting in your fort in the map center. (Map no. 5)

Quest location: Obtained from Theremis in the throne room.

Reward: 300 exp

Fish Request (Quest no.58)

Get 3 fish from the fisher at Calbridge Stronghold or Calterburry in Begus and bring it
to Jackie at the herbalist in Aldlyn.

Quest location: Obtained from the city board in Aldlyn.

Reward: 2500 gold

Food Town (Quest no.136)

Kayelinth wants to visit the town Rakake in Dorgania, in the hope to get tasty
vegetables there.

Reward: 1200 exp

Foxgirl Fight (Quest no.121)

The demon catgirl Ziki has given Shanna the information that Kathreena is hiding at
the Seaside Tower in Dorgania. Shanna asked for your support to help capturing
Kathreena at the tower.

Reward: 3000 exp

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Fragment at Sunee (Quest no.90)

Negi told you about a fragment below the city Sunee in Dorgania. There is supposed
to be a hidden dungeon entrance somewhere on the outside of the city.
The dungeon entrance is at the top right corner. You need to interact with the statue to
open it.

Quest location: Obtained at the farm storage in Minsk.

Reward: 2500 exp

Fragment Hunt (Quest no.92)

Frall has given you the "Fragment Map", on which he has marked locations with
fragments in Dorgania on it. You want to get your hands on at least one of them, in
order to prevent Raziel from finishing the artifact.

[Riddle solution in the FAQ section.]

Quest location: Obtained from Varea after quest 90.

Reward: 15000 exp

Fragments (Quest no.8)

Talk to Herold in Witton (Map no. 8).

Quest location: Obtained from Commander Brick when finishing quest 7.

Reward: 3,000g

Fragments (2) (Quest no.44)

You were informed about disappearing fragments of an old artifact and a potential
dangerous group being behind it.

Quest location: Obtained from Herold in the fort of Witton when finishing the quest
Fragments (Quest no. 8).

Reward: 750 exp

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Fragments (3) (Quest no.45)

The archbishop of Begus told you about a mage named Frall in Amagal who should
know more about the Fragments and their story. Frall will appear at the broken fort in
Amagal if you have this quest and Chiyo in your group.

Quest location: Obtained during the quest no. 44 Fragments (2).

Reward: 500 exp

Framed Thief (Quest no.111)

Jenny was taken prisoner by the Central police force, but Flaire claims Jenny is framed
for a crime she didn't commit.

Reward: 200 exp, 8000 gold

Friendly Turn (Quest no.15)

Vampire wants to go to a passageway slightly below where you found her on map no.
4. Going through will bring you to a dark forest, where you can't leave until the quest
is solved. In the castle, Vampire will take constant damage until you have used the
switch upstairs to turn off the trap, found the raw orangium in the cellar and turned it
into refined orangium in the main hall. Finishing this quest will teach Vampire the skill
„Basic Instincts“.

Quest location: Obtained from Vampire in the sleeping chambers if Ryen is level 10+.

Reward: 500 exp

Gambling (Quest no.35)

You need to win a total of 20 times at gambling with Hiroku. Those wins don't need to
be consecutively and don't get reset by getting the rewards for previous wins.

Quest location: Obtained from Hiroku at the top right corner of the south fort. (Map
no. 7)

Reward: 2500 gold

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Ghost In Distress (Quest no.28)

The ghost Shey in the dungeon below Old Ashton (Map no. 29) wishes for her bones
to be buried. Her grave is the tombstone in the top right corner of Old Ashton. After
freeing her from the dungeon, she'll appear in the sleeping chambers.

Quest location: Obtained from Shey in the dungeon below Old Ashton. (Map no. 29)

Reward: 250 exp

Glen's Exam (Quest no.124)

Glen used to make custom exams for thieves. Sandra wants to take such an exam to
help her figure out how to improve herself.
[Solution to the riddles are in the FAQ section in the bottom of this walkthrough.]

Reward: 3000 exp

Gold License (Quest no.119)

Chiyo wishes to take her gold license test at the Whitestone citadel in Begus. The
supervisor Maria of the academy is responsible for the tests.
[It's not necessary to to solve all riddles in the last dungeon to finish the dungeon, it
only makes the battle against the Sphinx a bit easier.]

Reward: 100000 gold, CG scene with Chiyo

Golden Cross Request (Quest no.51)

The priest of the church in Aldlyn requests golden crosses.

Quest location: Obtained from the city board in Aldlyn.

Reward: 4000 gold

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Grey Training Request (Quest no.75)

Grey wants someone strong to accompany him during his training. You can find him at
the red keep.

Quest location: Obtained from the Aldlyn city board after you had the fight with Grey
in Thremten.

Reward: 5000 gold

Grey's Katana (Quest no.125)

Grey asked you to go to Calbridge Stronghold and give the blacksmith a note with the
request for a custom made Katana.

Reward: 500 exp

Grey's problem - Trey (Quest no.76)

To let your subordinates search for the woman that changed Grey, you need to talk
with Trey privately.

Quest location: Obtained automatically after the quest „Grey Training Request“.

Reward: None

Grey's problem - Tsubaki (Quest no.77)

For as long as Grey is a woman, he'll need the help of another female to get a grip of
his new lifestyle.

Quest location: Obtained automatically after the quest „Grey Training Request“.

Reward: None

Grey's problem - Kurohime (Quest no.78)

Kurohime might be able to help with the search for the woman that changed Grey into
a woman.

Quest location: Obtained automatically after the quest „Grey Training Request“.

Reward: None

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Gunslinger Elly (Quest no.16)

To help Elly get her gun from the church you first need to get into the cellar. The
cheapest way is by going to the priest and letting Mira talk to him. If you don't have
Mira, bribing a guard to help is possible. The bribes are cheaper with Sandra in your
group. Only the guard left from the entrance and the guard looking at a flower on the
right side will accept the bribe to help you.

In the cellar, you have to avoid being seen by guards. Most turn around regularly,
making it possible to get through the entire map without being noticed. The chest on
the bottom center can't be reached, since the guards will always see you. The room is
cleared if you find Elly's gun in the box in the top left corner.

Quest location: Obtained from Elly at the blacksmith of Begus capital. (Map no. 31)

Reward: 250 exp

Inspection (Quest no.22)

In the paperwork on your desk you'll find the request to visit the snowfort. Talking to
Lady Akira in the fort will finish the quest. (Map no. 8)

Quest location: Obtained from the desk in your room at the sleeping chambers.

Reward: 300 exp

Internal Rage (Quest no.126)

Ryen wants to get the wild feelings of the dragon inside of him under control, but
that's not that easy....

Reward: 2000 exp

Into The Fire (Quest no.23)

Second character quest for Vampire. She'll ask you to go to the lava dungeon (Map
No. 20), where you can find more raw orangium. This quest requires you to find the
way to the volcano on map no. 19 and afterwards to talk with Vampire in the sleeping
chambers. Her first character quest (Quest no. 15) has to be done before this quest can
be obtained.

Quest location: Obtained from Vampire in the sleeping chambers after finishing her
first quest and finding the way to the volcano at the big camp (map no. 19) or
alternative reaching level 12 with vampire.

Reward: 300 exp

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Iron Request (Quest no.52)

Hiroku needs 6 Iron. You can find him east of the Calbridge Stronghold.

Quest location: Obtained from the city board in Aldlyn.

Reward: 4500 gold

Kayelinth's feast of gratitude present (Quest no.74)

The old woman from the food stand in the south west of Aldlyn might have a salad
dressing I can give to Kayelinth as a present.

Quest location: Obtained from the desk in your room after reading the note about the
feast of gratitude at the city board. Requires all previous paperwork, which requires
you to have Kurohimes training done, and the bathhouse.

Reward: None.

Last chance (Quest no.103)

Prepare your country for the unavoidable battle with Raziels forces. Talk with Varea at
the sleeping chambers once you think you've done enough. [This quest can't be
advanced yet!]

Quest location: Given to you by Varea during the main story events.

Reward: 1000 exp

Library Exploration (Quest no.113)

Vampire wants to look for information about the mage Alexus, to figure out what has
really happened in her past.

Reward: 500 exp

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Lielle's Ancient Demon (Quest no.132)

After her previous events are done, you can find Lielle at the magestore in Newkungu.
She wants to break a seal and summon an ancient demon, in the hope that it'll help her
with savng her sister.
You need to bring Lielle several things before she can remove the seal, then you have
to fight the demon to finish the event.

Reward: 3000 exp

Lizzle Cold Cure (Quest no.107)

Queen Jeanne Apelia of Begus asked you to help her in the search of an alternative
cure of the lizzle cold.

Reward: 150 exp

Lookout (Quest no.135)

Kayelinth wants to explore the Greencoast Tower in Dorgania, in the hope of finding
vegetables there.
It's the quest to unlock Kayelinth's and Mira's first flight CG scene.

Reward: 3000 exp

Luminous Torch (Quest no.101)

In order to counter Fuka's invisibility, you need to make a special Torch with the help
from three spirits.

[You need the events with the thief girl in Parverhill to get to the Magic Spirit. After
those events, you can use the teleport stone to Amagal to get back to the spirit.]

Quest location: Given to you by Varea during the main story events.

Reward: 500 exp, 1 Potion

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Magic License (Quest no.42)

Chiyo wants to get her silver magical user liberty license at the Whitestone citadel in

Quest location: Obtained from Chiyo in the sleeping chamber with 45+ relationship.

Reward: 300 exp

Mechanical Parts (Quest no.17)

In order to fix the broken parts from map no. 30, you'll have to go to the mechanic in
front of your castle. He'll ask for his „Old Document“ in return to fix them (Quest no.

Quest location: Obtained when using the broken switch on map no. 30.

Reward: 350 exp

Military Corruption (Quest no.110)

Queen Jeanne Apelia of Begus needs help to fix the corruption in her military to stand
a chance against the church. She gave you the names of three people that require some
special attention.

Reward: 400 exp

Millaine's Box (Quest no.27)

In the Begus Mine 1 (Map no. 27), Millaine will ask you to get her box out of the
undead infested mine. The box can be found in the bottom right corner. Opening the
box against her wish will unlock her sex CG scene.

Quest location: Obtained when talking to Millaine at map no. 27.

Reward: 150 exp

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Millaines Errand (Quest no.61)

If you didn't open Millaines box during quest 27 you'll be able to receive this quest.
Millaine will ask you to get a package from a shop at the Whitestone citadel. This
quest will give you her CG scene at the end.

Quest location: Obtained from Millaine at the Jade Cave.

Reward: 3000 gold

Mira's feast of gratitude present (Quest no.66)

You want to ask in the church if they have any blessed or otherwise special cross
necklaces you could get for Mira.

Quest location: Obtained from the desk in your room after reading the note about the
feast of gratitude at the city board. Requires all previous paperwork, which requires
you to have Kurohimes training done, and the bathhouse.

Reward: None.

Mirel's feast of gratitude present (Quest no.68)

You want to get some wood polish as a present for Mirel. The Maid Bess at the
herbalist of Aldlyn might be able to help you with it.

Quest location: Obtained from the desk in your room after reading the note about the
feast of gratitude at the city board. Requires all previous paperwork, which requires
you to have Kurohimes training done, and the bathhouse.

Reward: None.

Mirels Bow (Quest no.12)

Mirel will ask for your help to find her old bow in the sleeping chambers. The bow
can be found in the forest east of the elfvillage in the top right corner.

Quest location: Obtained from Mirel in the sleeping chamber with 20+ relationship.

Reward: 300 exp

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New Blade (Quest no.100)

Tsubaki needs a new custom made katana in order to use the combo attack. This quest
is part relationship events with her and unlocks after the previous events done and the
relationship high enough.

Quest location: Starts in a dialog with Tsubaki at the sleeping chambers.

Reward: 300 exp, new weapon for Tsubaki

New Home (Quest no.130)

According to Trey, the Bitterroot farm in the south of Central might be a good new
home for the tribe elf refugees at Orchel.

Reward: 1200 exp

Newkungu Gambling (Quest no.130)

Naomi told you about rich people gambling in the cellar of the casino in Newkungu.
She gave you an invitation the go down to them, in order to check if they do any shady
business there.
By playing a dice game against one of the guys downstairs you win the slave Mai.

Reward: 150 exp

Next Step (Quest no.98)

Return to Varea in Manastyr to talk about your next steps.

Quest location: Obtained after defeating Lace.

Reward: 1000 exp

Old Barrack (Quest no.5)

Sir Edward in the throne room will request your help with a ghost in the old barrack.
After defeating the ghost report back and Sir Edward will ask for help to rebuild the
barrack. You can repair it on the country overview map.

Quest location: Obtained from Sir Edward in the throne room.

Reward: 1000 exp

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Old Chest (Quest no.29)

You can find the old chest in the swamps past the abandoned farm (Map no. 12). If
you have Sandra in your group, she'll fail to open the chest and start this quest. To get
the required Mithril Lockpick you have to go to Glen in the wooden house (Map no.
26). With the lockpick the chest will open, but a trap activates and dissolves Sandras
clothes. This will show her naked CG picture.

Quest location: Obtained when trying to open the old chest in the swamps past the
abandoned farm (Map no. 12) with Sandra in your party.

Reward: 350 exp

Old Document (Quest no.18)

The Old Document can be found on the second floor of map no. 21.

Quest location: Obtained from the mechanic in the capital, when you talk with him
about the broken parts from quest no. 17. This quest is skipped if you already have the
documents when you talk to the mechanic.

Reward: 250 exp

Open Your Eyes (Quest no.26)

In the Fision Tower (Map no. 22) you'll encounter an invisible enemy. In order to see
her, you'll need a „Colorful Smoke Bomb“. A stranger in the capital, in the house with
a red roof, will give you one after you gave him 3 beer and 15 Dispel Herbs.

Quest location: Obtained after meeting the invisible enemy in the Fision Tower.

Reward: 350 exp

Orchel Trading Route (Quest no.105)

After the About Racism quest, you can talk with Saphielle to help her establish a trade
route between Orchel and Cental.

Quest location: Saphielle in Orchel.

Reward: 25,000 exp

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Organisation (Quest no.105)

You offered your help to get the repairs of the Norhall Stronghold in Begus done. Talk
to the dwarf with red hair at the Drunken Cave to make a deal for the necessary
resources and manpower.

Quest location: Starts when going to the library of the castle in Calterburry after
reporting back to the girl from quest 30 "Crumbly Fort". You have three choices and
you can get either no quest, quest 104 or 105 based on your decision.

Reward: 750 exp

Playmates (Quest no.128)

Rina, Rena and Maescia want to play ball with Kayelinth. The elf Renna in Orchel can
make you a ball when you bring her the necessary items.

Reward: 600 exp

Portrait (Quest no.38)

Your butler told you about an artist near the prison in the capital who'll make a portrait
of you.

Quest location: Obtained from your butler at the sleeping chambers after the
abandoned barracks have been repaired and the butler gave you your crown.

Reward: 300 exp

Pregnant Slave (Quest no.97)

Purchase the pregnant slave at the slave trader in Kagabangui and bring her to the girl
with pruple hair in front of the building in order to get Mike's support with freeing the
servant at the castle.

Quest location: Left bottom corner of Kagabangui. Obtained when talking to Mike
during the quest 95.

Reward: 500 exp

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Protected Chest (Quest no.85)

Flaire wants the content of a green chest of a merchant living in the north-west of
Parverhill. The chest is behind a sealed iron gate, so you'll need to figure out a way to
open it first. There are several ways to solve this issue. Last of the questline for the
gold weapons recipe, but Flaire has one more quest you need to finish for the gold
armor recipe.

Quest location: Obtained from Flaire

Reward: Gold weapon recipes

Question of guilt (Quest no.80)

The Ice Spirit, Aura, claims to be innocent. Since her story is backed by the angel
Maria, you agreed to check it and figure out the truth. Maria wants to meet you again
in front of the Ironholm Prison in Begus, after she regrouped with her escort..

Quest location: Obtained after the quest „An Angels request“ is done.

Reward: 500 exp

Royal Invitation (Quest no.106)

The queen of Begus has invited you to her room at the highest floor of her castle in
Calterburry to talk in private.
The invitation can be found on the table in your bedroom.

Reward: 250 exp

Ryoko's feast of gratitude present (Quest no.73)

You decided to get a cute dress as a present for Ryoko. The headmaid may be able to
help you with this idea.

Quest location: Obtained from the desk in your room after reading the note about the
feast of gratitude at the city board. Requires all previous paperwork, which requires
you to have Kurohimes training done, and the bathhouse.

Reward: None.

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Sandra's feast of gratitude present (Quest no.69)

Try to find a gambler to get a rare gold coin as a present for Sandra. You can find the
gambler Hiroku at the Calbridge Stronghold.

Quest location: Obtained from the desk in your room after reading the note about the
feast of gratitude at the city board. Requires all previous paperwork, which requires
you to have Kurohimes training done, and the bathhouse.

Reward: None.

Second Attack (Quest no.131)

Flaire wants to destroy the assassin guild. With your help, she wants to raid them with
full force this time, which gives you the chance to backstab her and capture the thieves
guild and assassin guild member's all at once.

Quest location: Obtained from Flaire at the thieves guild below Thremten.

Reward: 100,000 gold

Shocking Collar (Quest no.134)

Part of the good path events for Lace.

In order to improve the trust with Lace, you want to let her leave the prison for a
while. But to make sure she doesn't run away or cause you problems, you need a
custom made magic collar.

Reward: 750 exp

Skilltree (Quest no.4)

Sleeping in your bedroom in the castle allows you to enter the skill tree.

Quest location: Obtained when entering the sleeping chambers in the castle.

Reward: 1 Skillstone

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Soul Lantern (Quest no.57)

Use item synthesis to create a Soul Lantern and catch a Slimgirl or Imp for Meilira.
She believes it'll be able to befriend with the monster afterwards on her farm.

Quest location: Obtained from Meilira at the Whisperwind farm in Begus

Reward: 1x Skillstone

Special Drink (Quest no.39)

Elly challenged you to another drinking party but in order to beat you she want's to use
a special drink. She didn't tell you what it is but you can't buy it in Central so she want
to buy it somewhere else.

To solve the quest you first need to go to the capital of Begus Calterburry and talk to a
clerk there. Afterwards you need to find a merchant at Crysthaven. After both dialogs
you can start Elly's 2nd scene at her room in the castle.

Quest location: Obtained from Elly with 60+ relationship and the headache from the
previous scene cured.

Reward: 2 Love Potions

Special Gem (Quest no.84)

Flaire wants you to get a special gem from a merchant in the Twin ale tower. Second
of a questline to receive the golden weapon recipes.

Quest location: Obtained from Flaire.

Reward: None

Steam Gun (Quest no.122)

The engineer Akai in the workshop of the work area near Aldlyn requires some
materials to make you a powerful steam gun.
[The required Red Flower Crystals can be found in the challenge floor of the Spire of

Reward: Steam Gun weapon

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Stone Boulder (Quest no.13)

The house on a hill on map no. 10 has a secret way in its cellar. Ryen needs to be level
15 in order to be strong enough to move the boulder. Behind is a secret prison. The
chest here contains an elixir.

Quest location: Obtained in the house on a hill on map no. 10.

Reward: 350 exp

Summoning Blade (Quest no.144)

Aiyana asks you to retrieve her blade Eagle, but you only get the blade without gems
in Kagabangui and have to search for the 6 gems.
After you found gem 4 and 5, you won't have a hint for the last gem anymore, and
Ryen will tell you to go back to Aiyana. She'll tell you about the gem in Old Ashton.

1. Tajurata Fort -> Second floor -> Shelf in the top left. (unlocks gem 3)
2. Jewelry Store in Thremten (unlocks gem 4)
3. Magic store in Witton (unlocks gem 5)
4. Yin Tower otuside (Fight against some bandits)
5. Diminus Castle (Guy in a small house)
6. House of the priester in Old Ashton (requires that you have all 5 other gems first)

Quest location: Obtained from Aiyana at Havaria Port after you advanced the main
story to the point where you found the empty fragment chest in Sunee.

Reward: Skill Crystal: Meteor Strike OR the sword Eagle

Tentacle Plants (Quest no.91)

A soldier in your secret prison offers to upgrade your secret prison with some tentacle
plants, but needs spores from similar plants in the Spire of Courage in Begus. These
are needed for a bonus CG scene with Irinlia and Lace, after both were captured and

Quest location: Obtained from a soldier in the secret prison in your castle.

Reward: 750 exp

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The King of Amagal (Quest no.93)

Varea followed the trace of the missing king until a red hexagon that was used as a
teleport before. It was broken, after use, so that no one can follow them.

Once you find the king, he'll give you hints about the riddles during quest 91.

Quest location: Obtained from Varea after quest 90.

Reward: 50000 gold

The Meeting (Quest no.114)

A note on the Aldlyn city board was posted from a person searching for Ryoko. You
want to meet him in order to make sure he doesn't cause any troubles for her and your

Reward: 200 exp

The More The Merrier (Quest no.19)

You require at least 10 party member for the splitting scene on the 4th floor of map no.

Quest location: Obtained when going to the left bottom corner in the 4th floor of map
no. 11 with less than 10 party member. If you have the needed amount of 10 party
member, the quest is skipped.

Reward: 750 exp

The Sphinx' New Dress (Quest no.120)

The Sphinx Mozaik mentioned that she would like new clothes but for someone of her
race it's difficult to find something. The elf Saphielle in Orchel is said to be able to

Reward: 2500 exp

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Trading Route (Quest no.83)

Flaire, from the thieves guild below Thremten, wants you to register a new trading
route at Havaria Port. First of a questline to receive the golden weapon recipes.

Quest location: Obtained from Flaire.

Reward: None

Training (Quest no.1)

You need to walk to the trainings cave. It's south from the Academy onto the forest
way, from which you need to go east.

Quest location: Obtained automatically.

Reward: 50 exp

Training (2) (Quest no.2)

Walk to the forest way.

Quest location: Obtained automatically.

Reward: 50 exp

Traitor? (Quest no.14)

Going to the second floor of the fort at map no. 10 after your coronation will trigger
the soldiers to attempt an assassination on you. Talking with Trey at the sleeping
chambers will lead to a search of a catgirl mercenary. You can find the catgirl in the
bar of the capital. She'll run away to the wooden storage below the bar. But once you
talk to her again, she'll turn out to be innocent. After talking to Trey again, you'll have
to look for hints in the living area of the noble families. Looking at 6 books in this
room will be enough for Trey. When you return to the sleeping chambers and talk to
Trey once more, he'll invite you for a trap on the suspect. The trap will cause 2 fights,
first with soldier and second with assassins. After winning both fights, the unveiled
traitor is arrested and will be seen in the capitals prison from now on.

Quest location: Obtained in the fort of map no. 10.

Reward: 300 exp

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Treasure Hunt (Quest no.40)

Sandra wants to check out a newly found ancient temple to search for treasures.
In the first chamber you'll need to input a code into 4 sockets. The code can be
obtained from the 8 stone plates spread out on the walls in the dungeon. Each stone
plates has one number in it to show which socket it belongs to. There are two stone
plate for each socket but only the plates that hang higher are true. Every stone plate
being directly above the ground is false and can be ignored. The description of
something in the stone plates shows what you have to count for the value needed for
the socket.
In the second chamber you need to set fire to 3 of 4 torches. At the top of the map are
stone pillars directly above each torch. The one broken pillar indicates which torch
needs to stay out.

Quest location: Obtained from Sandra in the sleeping chamber if her 60+ relationship
quest has already been done.

Reward: 500 exp

Trey's feast of gratitude present (Quest no.65)

You want to get a quill as Trey’s present. The jewelry store in Thremten might have
some for sale.

Quest location: Obtained from the desk in your room after reading the note about the
feast of gratitude at the city board. Requires all previous paperwork, which requires
you to have Kurohimes training done, and the bathhouse.

Reward: None.

Tsubaki’s feast of gratitude present (Quest no.64)

You want to get the necessary items for Tsubaki to clean her Katana. The blacksmith at
the Calbridge Stronghold knows about Katanas so you want to ask him about it.

Quest location: Obtained from the desk in your room after reading the note about the
feast of gratitude at the city board. Requires all previous paperwork, which requires
you to have Kurohimes training done, and the bathhouse.

Reward: None.

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Tulup Plant (Quest no.37)

A woman at the clinic needs a tulup plant for her treatment. She promised you 2,500
gold reward for helping her get it. To solve the quest you must talk to the clerk of a
store in Aldlyn, then with the maid Flora at the top left corner of Aldlyn and
afterwards with Liana before returning to the quest giver. Liana is the wife of the elven
Chief and can be found in Ebron after you're shown the village by the Chief.

Quest location: Obtained from a woman at the clinic of Aldlyn once you have
purchased the first public health upgrade from Edward.

Reward: 2500 gold

Vampire Hunt (Quest no.88)

A bounty has been placed on the heads of some vampires, living in a cave behind the
Norhall Stronghold in Begus.

Quest location: Obtained at the Aldlyn city board

Reward: None

Vampire's Past (Quest no.112)

Vampire wants to know what you and the woman at the bottom of the north dungeon
were talking about.

Reward: 350 exp

Vampire's feast of gratitude present (Quest no.67)

You want to get a special toothbrush for Vampire. A store in Witton makes custom
made items if you ask for them. Maybe you'll be able to get it there.

Quest location: Obtained from the desk in your room after reading the note about the
feast of gratitude at the city board. Requires all previous paperwork, which requires
you to have Kurohimes training done, and the bathhouse.

Reward: None.

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Vanguard Squad Leaders (Quest no.127)

You met the squad leader Jessy at the barracks where you first met Mira. She told you
the location about the other 5 squad leaders. You want to talk with them, and after all
of them have returned to the barracks, you can send them to fight bandits and other

Reward: Unlocks the strategy battle system.

Varea (Quest no.47)

Chiyo wants to meet her sister Varea at a broken fort in Amagal. This quest is only
available if you currently have quest no. 45 running.

Quest location: Obtained from Chiyo at the sleeping chambers.

Reward: Weak Love Potion

Vegetable Garden (Quest no.56)

Kayelinth would like to use the garden up north between the castle and the river in
Aldlyn to grow some vegetables.

Quest location: Obtained from Kayelinth in the sleeping chamber after you turned her
into her human shape.

Reward: 400 exp

Wanted: Kunoichi (Quest no.53)

Sara from the north east of Aldlyn wants you to capture a certain Kunoichi for her.
You can find the Kunoichi in the main building of the Meddling Castle. After bringing
her back to Sara you can go back into the building and see Sara having fun with the
Kunoichi in the cellar.

Quest location: Obtained from the city board in Aldlyn.

Reward: 2500 gold

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Wanted: Thief (Quest no.54)

Lady Talley wants you to get rid of a thief that stole a treasure map from her and bring
it back to her. He is in the Yang Tower in Amagal.

Quest location: Obtained from the city board in Aldlyn.

Reward: 3500 gold

Water Fetching (Quest no.94)

You agreed to help a slave in Kagabangui by fetching some water from the well in the
south east of the town.

Quest location: From a slave in a tent, top right corner of Kagabangui.

Reward: +Trust with Brad

White Silver (Quest no.109)

Queen Jeanne Apelia of Begus requires 4 silver ore and a mage able to enhance it in
order to make white silver weapons. These weapons can defeat undead enemies and
help to weaken the grip of the church on the government of Begus.

You can find silver ore at the Jade Cave or below Old Ashton.

Reward: 15000 gold

Wild Dispel Herb Request (Quest no.59)

The doctor in Aldlyn need some Wild Dispel Herbs. You can find them at the forest
near Thremten or Ebron..

Quest location: Obtained from the city board in Aldlyn.

Reward: 2000 gold

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Wyvern Leneth (Quest no.49)

You met the Wyvern Leneth imprisoned in the Norhall stronghold. She claims to be
only incredible clumsy which doesn't seem like a crime to you so you want to talk to
the commander about her release.

Quest location: Obtained from Leneth in the storage of the Norhall stronghold. You
need Sandra to open the door of the storage before you can get to her.

Reward: 1 Potion

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4. Shop list
Aldlyn Herbalist:

Without upgrade: Potion, Magic Water, Dispel Herb, Stimulant, Fabric

Added with first country tier upgrade: Big Potion, Improved Magic Water, Small TP
Added with second country tier upgrade: Excellent Potion, Elixir, Big TP Potion

Aldlyn Blacksmith:

Without upgrade: Shield, Hat, Cloth, Light Armor, Simple Shoe, Simple Coat, Simple
Helmet, Ground Ring, Simple
Added with first country tier upgrade: Iron Armor, Iron Shield, Heavy Armor, Leather
Armor, Leather Shoe, Iron Knife/Blade/Katana/Spear, Improved Cane/Bow, Fire
Magic Mace, Leather Glove
Added with second country tier upgrade: Shield Ring, Nice Coat/Hat/Helmet/Shield,
Heavy Helmet, Big Shield, Nice

Aldlyn Bar:

Beer, Magic Water, Whiskey

Aldlyn farmer in the bottom left corner of the city:

Vegetables, Flowers, Apple

Red Keep:

Potion, Magic Water, Big Potion, Small TP Potion

Calbridge Stronghold:

Iron Blade/Katana/Armor, Heavy Armor

Witton Magic store:

Potion, Magic Water, Dispel Herb, Stimulant, Big Potion, Improved Cane, Magic
Robe, Magic Hat, Fabric, Imp Leather

Thremten Jewelry:

Earring, Necklace, Expensive Earring/Necklace, Jewel

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Thremten Author:


Bitterroot Farm:

Vegetables, Flowers, Meat, Fabric, Bread, Hay

Ebron Blacksmith (Knocky):

Special Arrow, Iron, Rope, Iron Knife, Iron Blade, Improved Bow, Leather Armor,
Leather Show, Magic Robe, Grenades Recipe
After main events about the Katryx Blade also available: Katryx Armors Recipe

Crysthaven Merchant:

Magic Water, Improved Magic Water, Red Slime Essence, Map Amagal, Improved
Cane, Magic Hat

Calterburry Magic store:

Big Potion, Improved Magic Water, Big TP Potion, Beer, Simple Helmet, Magic Robe,
Earring, Necklace, Improved Cane, Magic Hat, Golden Cross, Map Begus South

Calterburry Blacksmith:

Iron Knife/Blade/Katana/Spear/Axe, Improved Bow, Iron Armor, Light Armor,

Running Shoe, Explosive/Ice/Flash/Holy Grenade

Whitestone Citadel:

Potion, Magic Water, Big Potion, Improved Magic Water, Fire Magic Mace, Nice
Cane, Hat, Simple Coat, Magic Robe, Magic Hat, Rope, Toys, Book

Whisperwind farm:

Potion, Magic Water, Dispel Herb, Small TP Potion, Vegetables, Flowers, Fabric,

Diminus Castle Magic store:

Potion, Magic Water, Big Potion, Improved Magic Water, Rope, Book, Whiskey,
Jewel, Hat, Simple Coat, Magic Robe, Magic Hat

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Diminus Castle Blacksmith:

Simple Sword/Axe, Katana, Improved Bow, Iron Spear, Nice Axe, Iron Armor, Good
Heavy Armor, Heavy Helmet, Big Shield, Wind Blade, Lightning Glove, Thunder
Simple Gun available after an event with Elly

Spire of Courage shop floor:

Vegetables, Meat, Fish, Cheese, Potion, Magic Water, Stimulant, Big Potion, Small TP
Potion, Earring, Expensive Earring, Golden Cross, Jewel, Necklace, Expensive
Necklace, Toys, Shortsword, Iron Knife, Iron Spear, Nice Dagger, Nice Bow, Simple
Shoe/Coat, Leather Shoe, Magic Robe/Hat, Headband, Nice Hat, Nice Mace, Iron
Armor, Iron Shield, Big Shield, Heavy Helmet, Heavy Armor, Thunder Gloves, Steel
Armors Recipe, Steel Weapon Recipe

Minsk Harbour Merchant:

Fish, Rope, Hay

Kagabangui Item and accessories shop

Rope, Chains, Poison, Oriental Herbs, Cheese, Bread, Goldbar, Big Potion, Oriental
Shoes/Coat/Hat, Cute Oriental Dress

Kagabangui Blacksmith:

Light Blade/Katana/Spear/Dagger/Axe/Mace, Glowing Bow/Cane, Improved Gun


Lalizan General Store:

Potion, Magic Water, Dispel Herb, Special Arrow, Earring, Necklace, Silk

Siriveta General Store:

Dispel Herb, Big Potion, Small TP Potion, Rope, Golden Cross, Book, Fabric, Fish,
Apple, Cheese, Bread, Hay, Toys, Wild Dispel Herb

Newkungu Magic Store:

Excellent Potion, Improved Magic Water, Small TP Potion, Golden Cross, Book,
Oriental Herbs, Oriental Hat, Expensive Hat

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5. Recipes:
Basic Recipes [ID 99]

Allows you to craft iron-level weapons and equipment, maps, basic potions, and steel.
You get it automatically when you have the dialog about alchemy tables with a
blacksmith or other npc.

Grenades Recipe [ID 102]

Allows you to craft grenades for Elly.

Skill Crystal Recipe [ID 103]

Allows you to craft the skill crystals for the skills “Silence”, “Confusion”, “Power
up!” and “M. Shields up!”

Improved Gun Recipe (removed?) [ID 105]

Allows you to upgrade Elly's starting gun.

Soul Lantern Recipe [ID 116]

Allows you to craft Soul Lanterns, which can capture monstergirls in order to release
them at a farm or the monsterhall in your castle, to befriend them and get their drops
without having to fight them. You get it at the Whisperwind farm in Begus.

Katryx Armors Recipe [ID 124]

Allows you to craft katryx armor, which has higher M.DEF and a little magic evasion.

Magic Potion Recipe [ID 132]

Allows you to craft magic potions, which increase the M.ATK by 25% for 1 battle.
You get the recipe from Flora during the events of Mirel.

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Steel Armors Recipe [ID 138]

Allows you to craft steel armor. You can get it at the Spire of Courage in Begus.

Steel Weapon Recipe [ID 139]

Allows you to craft steel weapons. You can get it at the Spire of Courage in Begus.

Gold Armors Recipe [ID 144]

Allows you to craft gold armor. You get it during the events with the Thremten
thieves guild.

Gold Weapon Recipe [ID 145]

Allows you to craft gold weapons. You get it during the events with the Thremten
thieves guild.

Ring of Ice Recipe [ID 148]

Allows you to craft the ring of ice. After meeting the snowgirl Sia in the igloo in the
top right corner of the worldmap, you eventually get a quest that will reward you with
this recipe when you talk with the maid Linda in your castle.

Monster Craft Recipe [ID 162]

Allows you to craft elemental weapons with the drops of monstergirls. You receive
this recipe from maid Vivian in the monsterhall in your castle.

Oak Staff Recipe [ID 210]

Allows you to craft the grey, blue and black oak staff, which give you +10% M.ATK,
+25% M.MP or +10% M.DEF.

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Protection Potion Recipe [ID 224]

Allows you to craft protection potions to raise your resistance against fire, thunder,
water, ice, earth, wind, light or darkness element attacks for a while. Can be obtained
in the fire raid on the challenge floor of the Spire of Courage.

Widowmaker Recipe [ID 227]

Allows you to craft the widowmaker gun for Elly. Can be obtained in the fire raid on t
he challenge floor of the Spire of Courage.

Jade Recipe [ID 233]

Allows you to craft jade jewelry, which are very effecive present items. You obtain the
recipe during the character events of Sandra.

Katryx Blade Recipe [ID 97]

Allows you to build the Katryx Blade. This special blade enables Ryen to use the
“Armor breaking” skill, which is needed to defeat Lace during the main story events.

Green Cooking Book [ID 309]

Allows you to cook Disgusting Food, Poisonous Food and Mushroom Soup. Can be
found in a hole in the top left corner of Greencoast Tower.

Blue Cooking Book [ID 317]

Allows you to cook Fried Fishm, Fried Mushrooms, Fermented Fish and Berry Potion.
Can be purchased in Rakake.

Yellow Cooking Book [ID 317]

Allows you to cook Berry Smoothie, Cherry Smoothie and Sparkling Smoothie. Can
be obtained during the events with Kayelinth.

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6. FAQs:
Q: Can I keep the save game from my old version when upgrading to a new one?

A: Yes, you can copy the save files from the old version into the save folder of the new
version. I made a video about updating using the update files and copying save files

Q: Why can't I see the elf village Ebron on the worldmap?

A: The party doesn't know the location of the elf village at first. If you talk to the elf at
the blacksmith of Aldlyn with Mirel in your party he'll offer you to show you the way
to their village. After talking to him again in the bottom left corner of Aldlyn you're
shown the way to the village and it'll appear on the worldmap.

Q: I can't increase the relationship with a character anymore?

A: All characters have favorite present items. With the right present you can get all
girls to a relationship of 70 after which you'll need love potions to increase it any
further. Love potions are very rare at the moment.

Q: Where do I get the Mithril Pickaxe to harvest Iron?

A: The Mithril Pickaxe is given to the party during the quest no. 46 „Armor breaking“.
You'll need to play the main storyline to obtain this quest.

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Q: What is the solution for Sandra's treasure dungeon?

A: The code in the first area is 2-5-6-4. You get it by counting the things shown on
stone plates hanging higher, not directly above the ground. A hint about the god is
given saying „In his opinion only those who were above others had any worth.“,
which is supposed to tell you which plates are correct and which to ignore.
In the second area, there are stone pillars in line with the torches at the top of the map.
The third pillar is broken, indicating that this torch should not be lit, while every other
should be. When you have the right combination, there is no sound or message, but the
iron gate will be open now.

Q: What is the solution for the murder crime in Millwater?

A: After speaking with everyone downstairs, you can go up and find a strange potion.
After finding the potion you have to talk to Winona, Lady Redwood and then Irinlia.
The order is important, since their dialog's affect each other in this order. Afterwards,
Ryen can solve the crime by talking to the soldier next to the corpse of Sir Redwood.
The right choices are Irinlia – poison – by mistake.

Q: What are the answers for the bronze license test at the Whitestone Citadel event?

A: 1. Less limbs
2. Amagal
3. Blizzard
4. 20%
5. Once
317. HP
318. Exp. Gain
319. Alfred Lambida
320. Magic Reflection
321. Silenced

Q: Where can I find the Spores for the 2. CG with Lace?

A: You have to activate the Quest by talking to the Guard in the secret prison after
Sandras Scene in the dungeon with the tentacles. Further you need to go with Naevy to
the demoness the first time and there you can get the Spores afterwards.

Q: What is needed for Lielle and her 2. scene?

A: You need to reach level 30 to get the quest on the city board. Afterwards you can
talk again to her and get into an dungeon with some riddles and a Boss that is hard to
defeat. It might be better to wait till the party is on level 40.

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Q: How do I get through Lielle's dungeon with the switches?

A: You need to turn every switch once (to the left), but the switch in the flame riddle
room has to be set back (after obtaining the chest). In the top right are 3 switches close
to each other. The lowest of those three also needs to be turned back after the other
two are active.

Lielle dungeon main area left side:

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Lielle dungeon main area right side:

128 Back to Page 1

Lielle dungeon flame area left side:

Lielle dungeon flame area right side:

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Q: How do I get upstairs in the Skylo Tower?

A: For the first floor, you need to find all things, which are different between the left
and the right room. Interact with them first in the original room on the left, then Ryen
will notice they're different when interacting with them in the right room.The 6 things
you need to find are the bookcase in the top right, the mirror on the wall, the picture
above the mirror, the statue, the big chair, and the stone pile in the bottom left corner.
On the second floor, you need Chiyo with a Magical Knowledge above 40 to get rid of
the barrier.
The locked door on the last floor require Sandra with at least 35 in her lockpicking
skill for the left, and at least 60 for the one on the right..

Q: How do I solve the riddles in the dungeons during the „Fragment Hunt“ quest?

A: In Lualombo, you need to move all switches to the left side to unlock the dungeon
at Sinasoka, or all right to unlock the dungeon at El Arma Gravesite. It's impossible to
have both unlocked at once.
The door at Lualombo requires the combination 5571, which is the count of the
switches in the dungeon at Sinasoka. The switches don't need to be used, you only
need to count them to get the number.

At the Poisonwood Keep dungeon, you need to walk on the path indicated by the tiles
with the number 7:

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Q: Where can I find the Magicspirit for the fragment hunt?

A: You can find an elf thief girl n the bottom right corner of Parverhill. Depending on
how the event goes she'll open a portal to the Magicspirit either right there, in the top
right behind a building, or in a prison cell below the fort in Parverhill.
Afterwards you can only get back to the spirit by using the Teleportstone Amagal.

Q: How can I unlock the good path scene of Ariana?

A: After you wake her up in the spire you can get a new quest on the Aldlyn city board
to help her with a spell. Once that quest is done and Ariana is in your castle you can
find Mekboss Mashgul in the dungeon below Crysthaven to continue Ariana's events.

Q: How to get to the secret hot spring?

A: You have to talk with six npcs: In Aldlyn, Ebron, Parverhill, the Red Keep,
Thremten and in Witton. But you must have Mirel in your party already.

In Ebron talk with child, in Witton talk with person near snowman, in Parverhill talk
to lonely woman in empty house, in Thremten talk with green-haired man, in Red
keep talk with sleepy guard near tent, in Aldlyn talk the visitors of the Inn.

It's also necessary that you had the events with Mira and Mirel at the festival of
Thremten and that your relationship with them is high enough.

If all conditions are fulfilled you can go to the top right corner of the Calbridge
Stronghold, pass the gamble on a small mountain path, and press the action button on
the tile directly on the border of the map.

Q: How can I craft things?

A: You can interact with alchemy tables for crafting. They’re at most blacksmith and
always look the same. It’s also possible to talk with Chiyo at the sleeping chambers for
crafting later in her events.
It’s necessary to have the recipe to craft something.
You can switch left or right between the weapon, armor and item category while in the
crafting menu.

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Q: How to make steel?

A: Steel can’t be found or bought, you need to craft it with Iron and Coal at an
alchemy table. You get the recipe for it at the Spire of Courage in Begus.

Q: How does the raid battle in the fire area against Funeral and Shika work?

- Talking with the blonde elf before the raid gives you the option to teach Elly or Mirel
the Mark Target skill. By using this skill on one of the boss enemies will focus all
damage attacks from the raid group on that target instead of switching between them.

- If you decide to go left at the first battle, your healer will be knocked out, causing
you to miss heal and buffs in the boss battle.

- When you decide to go right and save the healer, resting will have a 2/5 chance to
heal you up without having to fight again. Else it'll always be a thrid battle against
small flames.

- Staying at distance against the firewalker will do noting good but reduce the mana of
your entire party. I plan to change it after X-victories that your raid group became
"strong enough" and you can reduce his HP greatly on range and then finish him in
close combat. I like these kind of changes to make sure the choices are not always
clear or stay the same way all the time.

- The boss Shika will have red or blue glowing hands before the battle. Red hands
mean you have to wait before attacking while blue means you have to rush in

- The box of ash from the firewalker enemy is needed to remove the invulnerability of
the boss.

- Funeral can be silenced to stop her fireball, but every 3 turns Shika will check if
Funeral is silenced and will cure it if she has it.

- Shika has mana regeneration but not much MP in general. Burning her mana can
prevent her from casting her aoe spell.

- Funeral has more physical def, Shika more magic def. Since you only need to defeat
one target focusing on whichever you can kill faster makes sense.

- The burning debuff does 30% Max.HP damage after the characters action, so it can
always be healed before it triggers.

- You can get water bottles/buckets against the burning debuff from water fairies in
front of the dungeon (and later at the earth or ice area raid once it's done)

- Each piece of clothes has 5000 HP, and you need to destroy three pieces, which

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means their effectiv HP is 15000 each.

- After the battle the healer offers to heal you, which also recovers your MP.

 Legendary equipment has a 15% chance to drop but is always unique. If you
roll a legendary item you already have you'll get another one from the list until you
have all of them from a chest. Then you'll get epic (purple) items even when rolling a
legendary loot.

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Q: How to solve the riddles at the haunted mansion during Sandra's events with Glen?

Cave Rock Puzzle

If you come from the top, move the rocks like this:

- Red Arrow: Move left 1 time

- Blue Arrow: Move left 1 time

- Yellow Arrow: Move left 3 times

- Green Arrow: Move right 1 time

If you come from the bottom, move the rocks like this:

- Red Arrow: Move up 1 time

- Blue Arrow: Move right 3 time

- Yellow Arrow: Move up 2 times

- Green Arrow: Move right 1 time

Cave Switch Puzzle

All switches need to be turned to the right. If you turn one switch all adjacent ones
also turn. You only need to turn 3 switches:

- In the middle row, turn the first switch (leftmost) and third switch (third from left).

- Turn the switch in the bottom row.

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Books & Colors

When you enter the mansion you see a closed book directly ahead on a table, called "The
Alphabet - From A to Z: Learning letters in a most colorful way". It has a button which can be
pressed to reset the puzzle if you do something wrong.

In the northwest room are several bookshelves you can interact with. All have names, a short
story and a switch you can press.

The first book on the table gave you a hint about "the alphabet" and "color". In order to solve
the puzzle you need to activate the switches at the bookshelves which have colors in their title
and you have to do this starting from the letter "A" to "Z" for the colors.

If it still sounds to complicated, you need to press these buttons in order:

- First, press "Blue Mountain"

- Second, press "The Red Wedding"

- Third, press "The King in Yellow"

If you have done this, go to the three crystals blocking the eastern path and press the button
there. If you did everything correctly, the crystals should disappear. Else you did something
wrong, go back to the book on the table and press the switch and retry the puzzle.

Getting up the stairs

In front of the stairs to the first floor is an open book on a table. You need to read it first in
order to start the puzzle. It gives you a hint where you need to look next. You always have to
interact with dolls, teddy bears and other such objects. After the initial hint the rest of the
puzzle takes place in the East Wing.

- Go to the east wing and search for a room with a mirror. There, interact with the doll.

- Next, go the dining room and interact with the plush bear.

- Next, look for a room with a picture of a woman and interact with the plush bear.

- Finally, go to a room with several bookshelves and interact with the plush bear.

- Afterwards interact with the bust on the table. Now you can enter the first floor of the
mansion via the stairs in the entrance area.

The Girl and her Pictures

Going upstairs from the entrance, you find a little girl. She forgot her pictures and asks you to

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bring them to her. She wrote down hints where to find them.

After you talked to her you can find the pictures when you interact with various objects
throughout the mansion. The hints should help you find them.

- The first hint references "Time" and more specifically a "clock". Search for a clock in the
entrance area.

- The second hint is - quite literally - referencing a "sink". You can find one in the kitchen.

- The third hint is rather obscure. All those letters are musical notes. Search for a piano in the
entrance area.

- The last hint is referencing ti weapons. Look for 3 swords on the floor where the little girl is
in the north of the map.

After you found all four pictured talk to the girl again. The next path to the eastern side opens

Colored Orbs

In order to solve this puzzle you need to push every small colored orb onto the carpet in front
of the same colored big orb. However, once pushed the orbs moves until it hits an obstacle.

In order to solve this push the orbs like this:

- Move the red orb left, down, right so it's on the tile marked as "1" in the screen.

- Move the green orb left so it's on the tile marked as "2" on the screen.

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- Move the purple orb down, right so it's on the tile marked as "3" on the screen.

- Move the green orb down, right so it's on the tile marked as "4" on the screen.

- Move the red orb up, left so it's on the carpet in front of the big red orb.

- Move the green orb up, left, up so it's on the carpet in front of the big green orb.

- Move the purple orb right, up so it's on the carpet in front of the big purple orb.

- Move the blue orb down, left, up so it's on the carpet in front of the big blue orb.

And with that, the puzzle is solved. If you did something wrong you can press the blue button
and reset the puzzle.

Q: How to get to the “hellhound village”?

A: The “hellhound village” becomes available inside of the volcano in Amagal (Map no. 20),
after you got far enough in Hellhound's events. The event requires that you impregnanted the
wyvern Leneth, to get Hellhound's scene in maid uniform at your secret bedroom in the castle.
The maid scene is not always available, as the trigger for it is a randomly generated number,
which can be re-rolled by using the teleport stone.

Q: How do I unlock the turn-based strategy battle system?

A. After meeting Mira at the broken barracks, you can repair them on the country overview
map. Once the barracks are repaired, you can go there on the worldmap and meet the squad
leader Jessy inside. Jessy will give you the quest to unlock the battle system. [Quest 127.
Vanguard Squad Leaders]

Q: How do I get through the dungeon of the assassins guild below Witton?

A: The dungeon has 7 different routes to the end. There is always just 1 path that won't trigger
a trap when you walk on it, but it's randomised which path it is each time you get back to the

The clock near the entrance tells you which path is available and in which direction it is.

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Ice raid walkthrough:

The cards appearing in the ice raid are randomly decided by a dice roll. Usually it's from 1-
200 and has the following outcome:

1-30 Green heal

31-55 Blue heal
56-65 Purple heal
66-70 Orange heal
71-80 Green ATK
81-90 Green DEF
91-100 Green AGI
101-105 Blue ATK
106-110 Blue DEF
111-115 Blue AGI
116-119 purple ATK
120-122 purple DEF
123-127 purple AGI
131-160 Blue key
161-170 Purple key
171-180 Orange key

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181-185 „Chance“
186-190 Champion
191-195 Rarity orb
196-200 Memory orb

The outcome will be re-rolled if you get Champion, Rarity orb, or Memory orb when you
already had them.

A random number between 1 and 100 is rolled at the start of the raid. „1-15 Ice Dragon“ for
example means that at a number from 1-15 an ice dragongirl will appear at that spot. All
numbers that aren't mentioned have no special action, and you can only pick a card before

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Ice raid map 1:

100% chance for a green chest
No healing cards will be shown on this spot

1-15 Ice Dragon
16-30 Water Dragon
31-45 Green Chest
46-50 Blue Chest

51-65 Ice Dragon
66-80 Water Dragon
81-95 Green Chest
96+ Blue Chest

86-95 Water Dragon
96+ Blue Chest

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Nothing special

Nothing special

1-25 Blue teleport
26-50 Red teleport
51-75 Yellow teleport
76+ Green teleport

1-25 Red teleport
26-50 Yellow teleport
51-75 Green teleport
76+ Blue teleport

1-25 Yellow teleport
26-50 Green teleport
51-75 Blue teleport
76+ Red teleport

1-25 Green teleport
26-50 Blue teleport
51-75 Red teleport
76+ Yellow teleport

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Ice raid map 2:

Yellow teleport

1-10 Ice Dragon
11-20 Blue Chest
21-30 Water Dragon
31-35 Purple Chest
36 Orange Chest

Left card is always for entering the cave.
Cave outcome by a roll from 1-50:
1 Memory orb (Roll from 2-50 when the party already has this orb)
2-10 Party splits → Choice of CG scene with Firah or Kalia, or exit
11-15 Green chest loot
16-20 Blue chest loot
21-30 Trap - Reduces all buffs by 25% (min. 0%)
31-50 Battle against an Ice Dragon

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100% chance for an encounter with a Water Dragon

Nothing special

1-50 Green Chest
51-80 Blue Chest
81-90 Purple Chest
91+ Orange Chest

41-50 Ice Dragon
51-60 Water Dragon
61-70 Blue Chest
71-77 Purple Chest
78-79 Orange Chest

Red teleport

21-30 Ice Dragongirl
31-40 Blue Dragongirl
71-80 Blue chest
81-87 Purple chest
88-89 Orange chest

100% chance for an encounter with a Ice Dragon

Left card is always for entering the cave.
Cave outcome by a roll from 1-50:
1 Memory orb (Roll from 2-50 when the party already has this orb)
2-10 Party splits → Choice of CG scene with Firah or Kalia, or exit
11-15 Green chest loot
16-20 Blue chest loot
21-30 Trap - Reduces all buffs by 25% (min. 0%)
31-50 Battle against an Ice Dragon

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41-60 Green chest
61-70 Blue chest
71-75 Purple chest
76-85 Ice Dragongirl
86-100 Blue Dragongirl

Nothing special

21-30 Ice Dragongirl
31-40 Water Dragongirl

1-45 Green Chest
46-60 Orange Chest
61-80 Purple Chest
81+ Blue Chest

1-8 Purple Chest

1-30 Orange chest
31-40 Purple chest
41-50 Blue chest
81-90 Blue Dragongirl
91-100 Ice Dragongirl

Green teleport

25-35 Ice Dragongirl
36-55 Water Dragongirl

Left card is always for entering the cave.
Cave outcome by a roll from 1-50:
1 Memory orb (Roll from 2-50 when the party already has this orb)
2-10 Party splits → Choice of CG scene with Firah or Kalia, or exit
11-15 Green chest loot
16-20 Blue chest loot

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21-30 Trap - Reduces all buffs by 25% (min. 0%)
31-50 Battle against an Ice Dragon

Blue teleport

Nothing special

1-50 Tiena
51+ Frozen Queen

Both boss enemies have a total of 44,000 HP and 1,600 MP.

Has 5% EVA, 5% CRT, and 5% ,magic EVA.
Takes extra damage from lightning element attacks, and reduced damage from fire and water.

Hailstorm: Ice attack against all enemies. Lowers the AGI of all targets.
Frost: Single target ice damage spell.
Frostbite: Causes the debuff Frostbite, which decreases EVA by 100% und the target takes 3%
HP/MP damage. Debuff gets removed after the target took 30% of his max HP as damage.
Water Slash: Has a 50% chance to make the target wet. Wet targets take 300% damage from ice

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Has 5% EVA, 5% CRT, and 5% ,magic EVA.
Takes extra damage from lightning element attacks, and reduced damage from fire and water.

Hailstorm, Frost, and Frostbite are the same as for Tiena.
Forst Lance: Ice damage against one enemy.

Loot chance is a roll from 1-24. At 1-12 you get legendary loot, 13-24 purple. When you have the
rarity orb and the roll is above 12, the amount is reduced by 5 to increase your chance to get the
legendary loot.

Boss drops by a roll from 1-12:

1 Albizia, Frozen Luck
2 Bow of Aphylla
3 Icicle Blade
4 God's Fury, Fist of Steel
5 Pain Day, A Wet Surprise
6 Broken Grip of Legends
7 Celastris, Shika's Albtraum
8 Egoria, Bright as Daylight
9 Memory Orb No. 4 (Tiena only) or Memory Orb No. 5 (Frozen Queen only)
10+ Tiena's Panties (Tiena only) or Frozen Panties, A Rare Treat (Frozen Queen only)

(If you roll an item that you already have, the number is increased until you get one you don't have
yet. After 10, it starts at 1 again, if necessary.)

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Nature raid:

Location of the boss enemy Levia

Takes additional damage from fire, and reduced damage from nature and lightning.

DEF and M.DEF is equally strong. Her max MP is 600. Keeping her MP below 500 will prevent her
from using her Curse spells.

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Steal Energy: Steals 90% MP of all enemies.
Ancient Curse of Death: Requires 500 MP. Does max HP –1 as damage to one enemy, so every
character below 100% will die instantly from this spell.
Ancient Curse of Pain: Requires 500 MP. Does 75% max HP damage to all enemies.
Nature's Reclaim: Strong life leech against one enemy.
Plant Bite: Physical attack

Can drop:
3x Woolly Seed, 3x Sparkling Seed, and 3x Organic Fertilizer

5x Green Seed, and 4x Mineral Fertilizer

4x Purple Seed, and 5x Mixed Fertilizer

3x Brown Seed, 3x Magic Seed, and 3x Mixed Fertilizer

3x Brown Seed, 3x Magic Seed, and 3x Green Seed

4x Brown Seed, and 5x Woolly Seed

3x Organic Fertilizer, 3x Mineral Fertilizer, and 3x Mixed Fertilizer

4x Magic Seed, and 5x Sparkling Seed

3x Magic Seed, 3x Purple Seed, and 3x Mineral Fertilizer

3x Magic Seed, and 3x Organic Fertilizer, and 3x Mineral Fertilizer

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Location of the boss enemy Kiki

Takes additional damage from fire, and reduced damage from nature and lightning.

Kiki turns into a Golem after losing 50% of her max HP.
She has strong M.ATK and M.DEF as fairy, but when she switches into a golem, it changes to
strong physical ATK and DEF.

Small Spark: Lightning damage against 1 enemy.
Thunderstorm: Lightning damage against all enemies.
Wind Burst: Nature damage against 2 random enemies.

Skills after transforming:

Mother Nature: Nature damage against all enemies
Skull Crusher: Does damage based on the targets DEF value.

Can drop:
3x Woolly Seed, 3x Sparkling Seed, and 3x Organic Fertilizer

3x Purple Seed, 3x Black Seed, and 3x Mineral Fertilizer

5x Purple Seed, and 4x Mineral Fertilizer

4x Black Seed, and 5x Mixed Fertilizer

5x Magic Seed, and 4x Organic Fertilizer

4x Magic Seed, and 5x Organic Fertilizer

4x Magic Seed, and 5x Mineral Fertilizer

6x Organic Fertilizer, and 3x Mineral Fertilizer

5x Organic Fertilizer, and 4x Mineral Fertilizer

Nature treasure key (for the locked door at spot F in the map)

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Location of the boss enemy Roseris

Takes additional damage from fire, and reduced damage from nature and lightning.

Has a 35% chance to counter physical attacks.

Stone Spike: Nature damage against all enemies. Chance to lower the target's DEF.
Whip Strike: High physical damage against 1 enemy.
Thorny Embrace: Does 35% max HP damage against 1 enemy.
Health Convertion: If the target has 50% or more of his max HP, he dies instantly. If the target is
below 50% of his max HP, he takes 50% of his current HP as damage instead.
Wind: Nature damage against 1 enemy.

Can drop:
3x Rose Seed, 3x Sparkling Seed, and 3x Organic Fertilizer

6x Rose Seed, and 3x Mineral Fertilizer

3x Rose Seed, 3x Black Seed, and 3x Mixed Fertilizer

3x Black Seed, 3x Mineral Fertilizer and 3x Mixed Fertilizer

3x Brown Seed, 3x Magic Seed and 3x Mixed Fertilizer

3x Brown Seed, 3x Magic Seed and 3x Purple Seed

3x Black Seed, 3x Sparkling Seed, and 3x Purple Seed

4x Black Seed, and 5x Sparkling Seed

4x Magic Seed and 5x Organic Fertilizer

3x Organic Fertilizer, 3x Mixed Fertilizer and 3x Mineral Fertilizer

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4 farming spots where you can grow seeds. You can see the combinations and results in the chart

Location of the anvil, for crafting items with the materials gained from farming and fishing inside
the dungeon. There is also 1 farming spot next to the anvil.

Necessary combinations for the different armor classes:

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Possible crafting results:

Locked treasure door. You can get a key by defeating Kiki. It's mostly gold and goldbars you get
from here.

Q: I have a question/feedback/request and would like to contact the creator, how can I
do that?

A: Either leave a message at the place you found the game or send me a mail.

MAIL: [email protected]

Or join us on discord:

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