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A Thesis

Presented to the Faculty of Cainta Catholic College

Cainta, Rizal

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Degree of Bachelor of Secondary Education

Major in English

Alniema A. Mayo

Jonna May P. Roxas

June 2021

This undergraduate thesis entitled “Impact of Daily Learning Activities in

Learning English among Grade 10 Students of Cainta Catholic College”, prepared

and submitted by Alniema A. Mayo and Jonna May P. Roxas, in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English is

hereby recommended for approval.

____________________ _______________________________

Approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Secondary

Education Major in English on Oral Examination Committee.

____________________________________ ________________________________
Member Member

Chairperson, Education Department

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree Bachelor of

Secondary Education Major in English.

____________________ _________________________________
College Dean

All thanks and honor belong to our God, for His guidance and giving the

researchers strength and wisdom to finish this thesis.

Finishing of writing this thesis is actually a miracle for the researchers since it

was firstly regarded as a task would be very hard to do. However, it has now been

denied since this thesis has finally been written. Then, the researchers would like to

thank God for the blessing given to the researchers so that the writing of this thesis has

been finished without any meaningful problem. Additionally, the researchers are grateful

to the following for their supports and helps.

Dr. Henry Santiago as the dean of College Department.

Dr. Maricar Manuel as research professor who gives guidance, dedication, and

support during writing this thesis.

Mrs. Marilou Valencia as advisor of the researchers who has given her charm

ideas, suggestion, correction, beneficial opinion and encouragement in process

of writing this thesis.

The principal of Cainta Catholic College High School Department, Ms. Rita

Ramos and the Assistant of Principal Mr. Daniel San Pedro, and all of the

students of Grade 10 who helped the researchers during this thesis.

Mrs. Kathleen Jane Palma for her time and compassion in assisting the

researchers throughout their study.

Mrs. Gloria Dumaliang our dearest professor, who have provided the

researchers with valuable suggestions, advice, and recommendations. For

making herself available as needed, for her ongoing support, guidance and

patience throughout the entire research.

To our beloved friends, Angelo Jude, Cecilia, Christine, Erika, Richard, and

Rohanne for giving us courage, support, advice and love. For listening to all of

our rants and for sharing their ideas that may help us.

Finally, we would like to thank our family who have supported us through the

entire process. Thank you for the love, inspiration, financially and morally

support, and endless encouragements. Thank you for believing in us and for all

the prayers that you have made for us.

This thesis is far from being perfect, but it is expected that this thesis will be

useful not only for the researchers, but also for the readers. For those reasons,

constructive thoughts, full suggestions, and critics are welcome to make this thesis


Again, thank you for all your love, support and encouragement!

The Researchers


This study is wholeheartedly dedicated to our parents, who have been our source of

inspiration and gave us strength where we thought of giving up, who continually provide their

moral, spiritual, emotional and financial support.

To our brothers, sisters, mentors, professors, and friends who shared their words of

advice and encouragement to finish this study. Without their love and support this study would

not have been made possible.

And lastly, we wholeheartedly dedicated this study to our Almighty God, thank you for

the guidance, strength, power of mind, protection, skills and for giving us a healthy life amidst

this pandemic. All of these, we offer to you!

Alniema and Jonna May





RESEARCHERS: Alniema A. Mayo

Jonna May P. Roxas

ADVISER: Mrs. Marilou Valencia

COURSE: Bachelor of Secondary Education Major inn English

TYPE OF DOCUMENT: Undergraduate Thesis

NAME OF INSTITUTION: Cainta Catholic College

(A. Bonifacio Avenue, Cainta, Rizal)

Daily learning activities are actions that the instructor plans or does in order to

facilitate or create the conditions for learning. Some learning activities encourage or

promote hands-on learning, improve understanding, or expand vocabulary.

This study aims to determine if there is a significant difference between the

profile of the respondents in terms of gender, monthly family income, and parents’

educational attainment to the Impact of Daily Learning Activities in Learning English

among Grade 10 Students.

The hypothesis investigated that there is a significant difference between the

profile of the respondents in terms of gender, monthly family income, and parents’

educational attainment to the Impact of Daily Learning Activities in Learning English

among Grade 10 Students.

The researchers used a survey questionnaire to collect data from Cainta Catholic

College Grade 10 students. The Google Form has been the primary platform used.

Students, on the other hand, can quickly access the surveys they need to complete.

The study found that reading comprehension has a greater impact in the

performance of the students along with the motivation that the teacher placed to

encourage her students to perform and actively participate in the learning activity.

Based on the findings of this study that classroom activities engage the learners despite

their economic status or the educational attainment of their parents.

In conclusion, based on the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on the Significant

Difference between the Impact of Daily Learning Activities in Learning English and the

Demographic Profile of Respondents, the F value obtained is 23.54545 which is greater

than the F –critical tabular value of 5.143253 at 0.05 level of confidence. The P-value

obtained is 0.001443 which is less than 0.05 Probability Value. Therefore, the null

hypothesis is “Rejected” (R) and Significant (S).

Hence, there is a significant difference between the Impact of Daily Learning

Activities in Learning English and the Demographic Profile of Respondents.

This implies that the Daily Learning Activities in English have significant impact to

the Demographic Profile of Grade 10 Students of Cainta Catholic College A.Y. 2020-












Introduction 1

Background of the Study 2

Theoretical Framework 2

Conceptual Framework 4

Statement of the Problem 6

Hypothesis of the Study 7

Scope and Delimitation 7

Significance of the Study 7

Definition of Terms 9


Literature and Studies (Thematic Approach) 10

Synthesis of Literature and Studies 15


Research Design 16

Setting of the Study 17

Subject of the Study 18

Research Instrument 18

Data Collection Procedure 18

Validation of the Instruments Used 19

Statistical Treatment 19


Frequency and Percentage Distribution of 20

Respondents in Terms of Gender

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents 21

in Terms of Monthly Family Income

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of 22

Respondents in Terms of Educational Attainment

Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of 46

Daily Learning Activities in Learning

English and the demographic of Respondents
in Terms of Students Motivation and Participation

Average Weighted Mean on the 49

Impact of Daily Learning Activities in

Learning English and the Demographic Profile
of Respondents in Terms of Reading Comprehension

Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of 51

Daily Learning Activities in Learning English

and the Demographic Profile of Respondents in
Terms of Vocabulary

Composite Table on the Overall Average 53

Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily Learning

Activities in Learning English and the
Demographic Profile of Respondents

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on the 55

Significant Difference between the

Impact of Daily Learning Activities in
Learning English and the Demographic Profile of Respondents


Summary of Findings 57

Conclusions 59

Recommendations 59



a. Appointment of the Thesis Adviser 64

b. Certificate of Content Validator 65

c. Survey Questionnaires 66

d. Request Letter 67

e. Letter of Approval 68

f. Gantt Chart 69



Table Page

1. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of

Respondents in Terms of Gender

2. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of

Respondents in Terms of Monthly Family Income

3. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents

in Terms of Educational Attainment

4. Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily Learning

Activities in Learning English in Terms of Students Motivation
and Participation and Gender

5. Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily Learning

Activities in Learning English in Terms of Reading
Comprehension and Gender

6. Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily

Learning Activities in Learning English in Terms of
Vocabulary and Gender

7. Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily Learning

Activities in Learning English in Terms of Students Motivation
and Participation and Monthly Income

8. Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily

Learning Activities in Learning English in Terms of
Reading Comprehension and Monthly Income

9. Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily

Learning Activities in Learning English in Terms of
Vocabulary and Monthly Income

10. Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily

Learning Activities in Learning English in Terms of
Students Motivation and Participation and Parents’
Educational Attainment
11. Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily Learning
Activities in Learning English in Terms of Reading
Comprehension and Parents’ Educational Attainment

12. Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily

Learning Activities in Learning English in Terms of
Vocabulary and Parents’ Educational Attainment

13. Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily

Learning Activities in Learning English and the
demographic of Respondents in Terms of
Students Motivation and Participation

14. Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of

Daily Learning Activities in Learning English
and the Demographic Profile of Respondents in
Terms of Reading Comprehension

15. Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of

Daily Learning Activities in Learning English and the
Demographic Profile of Respondents in Terms of Vocabulary

16. Composite Table on the Overall Average

Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily Learning Activities
in Learning English and the Demographic Profile of Respondents

17-18. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on the Significant Difference

between the Impact of Daily Learning Activities
in Learning English and the Demographic Profile of Respondents


Chapter 1



Learning is enforced when there are meaningful activities which ensure student

development and advancement especially in English class. These activities should be

built on previous lesson and should enable students to engage with and develop their

skills, knowledge and understandings in different ways. Daily learning activities are

activities designed or deployed by the teacher to bring about, or create the conditions

for learning. Some leaning activities motivate or stimulate experiential learning, develop

comprehension skills, or enrich vocabulary.

Daily Learning Activities are tasks for the students after the discussion of a

lesson. The students should answer the activities and comply after the given time that

the teacher gave. This study, which surveys the Impact of Daily Learning Activities in

Learning English among Grade 10 Students of Cainta Catholic College A.Y. 2020-2021

has two variables – independent and dependent variables. The independent variable of

this study is the Daily Learning Activities because in every grade level the activities

does not change because it is always connected to the curriculum guide and to the

lesson plan of the teachers. It is constant all over the academic year. While the

dependent variable is the learning in English because every student has their own

capacities to understand a lesson. The learning of the students always relies on the

activities itself.

Background of the Study

This study entitled Impact of Daily Learning Activities in Learning English among

Grade 10 Students is quantitative research. The respondents of this research are the

Grade 10 Students from Cainta Catholic College. The Researchers used an online

survey tool since the face-to-face class is still prohibited because of Corona Virus

Disease 2019 (COVID19) that the Filipinos and the whole world currently face.

In 2018, according to English Proficiency Index (EPI), the Philippines ranked

second rank among the twenty-five countries in Asia that speak the English language.

The country scored 60.14% out of 100%, but is still considered as high in proficiency

level in speaking the universal language despite that the vernacular of every individual

in the Philippines is Filipino. In this premise, the researchers decided to pursue the

study to know how daily learning activities help the students to determine its impact in

understanding the English language and how it works all along.

Daily learning activities have become an important matter for secondary schools

especially this pandemic. In present time, daily learning activities aim to help the

students to improve their learning performance and to achieve high academic

performance. The researchers conducted this study to show what are the possible

impact of daily learning activities and how it helps the students to learn better in their

English subject. It is important to know how daily learning activities affect or enhance

one’s capability to excel in class.


Theoretical Framework

Behaviorism stems from the work of B.F. Skinner and the concept of operant

conditioning (Kelly, 2012). Behaviorism theorists believe that knowledge exists

independently and outside of people. They view the learner as a blank slate who must

be provided the experience. Behaviorists believe that learning actually occurs when new

behaviors or changes in behaviors are acquired through associations between stimuli

and responses. Thus, association leads to a change in behavior. The learning process

is based on objectively observable changes in behavior. Behavior theorists define

learning simply as the acquisition of a new behavior or change in behavior. The theory

is that learning begins when a cue or stimulus from the environment is presented and

the learner reacts to the stimulus with some type of response. Consequences that

reinforce the desired behavior are arranged to follow the desired behavior (e.g., study

for a test and get a good grade). The new behavioral pattern can be repeated so it

becomes automatic. The change in behavior of the learner signifies that learning has

occurred. The researchers use behaviorism because it tackles about the reward and

punishment of the students and how they get motivated from it.

According to Flippen (n.d.), Cognitivism focuses on the mind, and more

specifically, mental processes such as thinking, knowing, memory, and problem-solving,

with the goal of opening the “black box” of the human mind, the process of which is

deemed valuable and necessary for learning to occur. Knowledge is approached as

schema constructions, and learning is viewed as a change in the learner's schemata, or

the redefining of prior knowledge. The best way for a teacher to approach using

cognitivism in the classroom is to ask questions to help students refine their thinking

and recognize where they may be wrong. You want to approach topics that they may

think they already know and introduce some new aspect to make them redefine

something. Alternately, for entirely new topics, you want to draw upon background

knowledge before you challenge existing ideas (schema) and create learning toward

amplification or change of those schemata.

Conceptual Framework

This study used an IPO (Input-Process-Output) type of conceptual framework. By

having it, ideas from the study organized and easily show the purpose of the research.

Figure 1 shows that the input of the Impact of Daily Learning Activity in terms of

Student’s Motivation, Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary. Also, it showed if there

was significant difference between the Profile of the Respondents (Gender, Monthly

Family Income, and Parents’ Educational Attainment) and the Impact of Daily Learning

Activities in Learning English among Grade 10 Students of Cainta Catholic College. On

the other hand, the process contains the title proposal, research about the related

literature and studies, construction of the instrument, collecting of data through survey

questionnaire, analysis and interpretation of data, and the conclusion and

recommendations based on the data that have gathered. Finally, in the output section, it

shows the desired outcome of the study. In this area, the students should attain and

determine the Impact of Daily Learning Activity in Learning English.



1. What is the profile of  Title Proposal The students
the respondents in  Research of should
terms of: Related recognize and
Literature and understand the
1.1 Gender Studies Impact of Daily
1.2 Monthly Family  Construction of Learning
Income Instrument Activities in
1.3 Parents’  Collecting of Learning
Educational English.
Data through
2. What is Impact of Daily Questionnaire
Learning Activities as  Analysis and
perceived by the Interpretation
respondents in terms of Data
of:  Conclusion and
2.1 Students’ on based on
Motivation and the Gathered
Participation Data
2.2 Reading
2.3 Vocabulary

3. Is there a significant
difference between the
profile of the
respondents in terms
of gender, monthly
family income, and
parents’ educational
attainment to the
Impact of Daily
Learning Activities in
learning English
among Grade 10

FIGURE 1. Illustration of Impact of Daily Learning Activities in Learning English among

Grade 10 Students of Cainta Catholic College.

Statement of the Problem

This research explored the Impact of Daily Learning Activities in Learning English

among Grade 10 Students of Cainta Catholic College A.Y. 2020-2021. Also, the study

aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Gender

1.2 Monthly Family Income

1.3 Parents’ Educational Attainment

2. What is the Impact of Daily Learning Activities as perceived by the respondents in

terms of:

2.1. Students Motivation and Participation

2.2. Reading Comprehension

2.3 . Vocabulary

3. Is there a significant difference between the profile of the respondents in terms of

gender, monthly family income, and parents’ educational attainment to the Impact of

Daily Learning Activities in Learning English among Grade 10 Students?



This study investigated on the null hypothesis that there is a significant difference

between the profile of the respondents in terms of gender, monthly family income, and

parents’ educational attainment to the Impact of Daily Learning Activities in Learning

English among Grade 10 Students.

Scope and Delimitation

The coverage of this study tackled the Impact of Daily Learning Activities in

Learning English among Grade 10 Students of Cainta Catholic College for the

Academic Year 2020-2021. The researchers elaborated the data through an online

survey using Google form. The focus is on the grade 10 students were asked to answer

the survey instrument through online platforms such as Facebook and Gmail.

Researchers did not choose the respondents outside the school premises of Cainta

Catholic College since the communication to the authorities of other school is limited

because of COVID-19 issue.

Significance of the Study

English is our second language and it is a fact that not easy at all especially to

the people who have their own vernacular. However, the generalization of this study

expounded the Impact of Daily Learning Activities and how it helps the students to learn

more about the English language and the importance of its lessons. The result of this

study will benefit the following:



The result of this study hopes to enlighten the school head on how daily learning

activities affect the students its objectives. The principal should support the teachers in

the preparation and implementation of DLA because creating a suitable DLA in the

midst of pandemic needs careful planning. This study aims to help school academic

administration to extend support to teachers until everything in school gets back to its

normal way.


It is the aim of this study that teachers increase learning and by intensifying the use of

activities to supplement learning. There are different activities which the teachers could

use to motivate students and develop their comprehension and vocabulary skills while

considering the economic status of the students.


Parents’ awareness to the positive and negative impact of daily learning activities is also

essential. Somehow, it may boost them to help and check their child’s DLA

assignments. The findings of this study will help them understand why daily learning

activities as assigned to the students and how it works into their child’s performance.


This study mainly benefits the students to be more aware of how Daily Learning

Activities impacts on their English class learning and become more responsible

managing their time to do the activities. The study provides students a deeper

understanding on the skill in comprehension and vocabulary to effectively perform the

daily learning activities.

Future Researchers

The results of this study help the future researchers to continue and enhance the study

that the researchers had done.

Definition of Terms

Behaviorism Theory. It is also known as behavioral psychology, is a theory of learning

which states all behaviors are learned through interaction with the environment through

a process called conditioning.

Cognitivism Theory. It is a learning theory that focuses on the processes involved in

learning rather than on the observed behavior. 

Daily Learning Activity (DLA). It refers to the asynchronous activities after the class

discussion in a specific subject.

English Proficiency Index (EPI). It is an international education company, and draws

its conclusions from data collected via English tests available for free over the internet.

Input-Process-Output Paradigm (IPO). Inputs are the conditions that exist prior to

group activity, whereas processes are the interactions among group

members. Outputs are the results of group activity that are valued by the team or the


Schema. It is a mental structure to help us understand how things work.


Chapter 2


This chapter shows the literature relevant to the concept of the present study. It

also analyzes some studies and materials from the internet provides sufficient

background and information essential for the accomplishments of this study.

Related Literature and Studies

Daily Learning Activities are a reflection of an actual individual activity inside the

classroom. In today’s generation, students are being guided by their teachers while

doing the activities. However, after the school hours there are asynchronous activities

called daily learning activities that the students should comply on.

Technological innovations have significantly influenced learning of students. It is

no surprise then that such developments in technology have likewise affected

classroom instruction (De Guzman, 2015). In learning English with the use of DLA, it is

important to use technologies especially these days that a pandemic happened. In

using technologies and different types of gadgets, learnings and adaptations to the

lesson continuous. Teachers put an instruction online with the use of google classroom

and different online platforms. Thus, students should follow it to answer the assigned

activities. There are factors that could affect the learning of the students. These are:


The gender differences have an impact in learning English. A reason why female are

better language learners than males is because girls (women) engage more skills

(speaking, reading, listening, etc.) and language elements (vocabulary, pronunciation,

etc.), than boys (men), who tend to stick with merely a handful of practical study

methods (, n.d.). Female are more flexible to learn new language

nowadays because they tend to be more active in different academic clubs and

organizations. However, some male does the opposite thing. They barely communicate

with others that’s why they are having a hard time to learn a new language unless the

specific person is a bilingual or multilingual.

Monthly Family Income

The family’s monthly income could also affect the learning of a student. According to

Amirah Farzan (n.d.) in her study about “Effects of Families Income on Students

Academic Achievement”, says that “…not each family can help their students outside

schools with all the materials or technology they need. As a result, the family income

can play an important role in student’s achievement.” Indeed, when a family has a

higher income, the students are capable to buy gadgets that can support them in

answering the daily learning activity inside and outside the school premises. However,

when a family has a lower income, basic needs inside the school are limited and

students could be affected because of lack of resources. The family income is a serious

problem that may face the student’s success. Schools and teachers must have a

background about the student’s family income. All students cannot do some homework

and assignments with many requirements. Not all houses are having technology or the

ability to develop a project with high price requirements (Farzan, n.d.). As cited by

Domingo (2020), Philippine Institute for Development Study (PIDS) shows the identified

social classes according to the following income brackets: 

 Poor: Below P10,957 monthly income 

 Low-income but not poor: P10,957 to P21,914 monthly income 

 Lower middle: P21,914 to P43,828 monthly income

 Middle: P43,828 to P76,668 monthly income

 Upper middle: P76,669 to P131,484 monthly income

 Upper middle but not rich: P131,483 to P219,140 monthly income

 Rich: P219,140 and above monthly income

Unfortunately, in a classroom set-up, one of the biggest problems of the students

is the income of their nuclear family, it could tell how far do the family can support the

child in his education.

Parents’ Educational Attainment

The parents’ educational attainment could affect the students’ academic

performances as well. In the society that different kinds of people are living, some

parents did not finish elementary, high school, and even college degree and it would

affect child’s learning. The home is the first place of learning for the child. The quality of

home environment goes a long way in determining the eventual personality and

achievement of the child (George, 2014). If the parents did not reach the educational

level of their child, probably, they were going to have a hard time to teach the specific

lessons that the child should be handed. Also, it would be a factor to the students if their

parents cannot help them in solving a problem or even in answering a simple daily

learning activity.

Online class is a new normal scenario to the students of the Philippines. Yes, in

some countries online class is already implemented but in the country like Philippines,

online class and daily learning activities have an impact to the students in terms of

students’ motivation or participation, reading comprehension, and vocabulary.

Students Motivation and Participation

The students caught an interest to a subject when the teachers have motivated

them. It can be a normal motivation such as reinforcing students with the use of

rewards, commend the student when he had done great things in a specific subject

area, show support when the students are answering an activity, and many more.

Motivation refers to reasons that underlie behavior that is characterized by willingness

and volition. Motivation involves a constellation of closely related beliefs, perceptions,

values, interests, and actions (Lai, 2011). By getting motivation from the teachers,

students will be spirited in learning and they will be more motivated to utterly study

English. According to Alizadeh (2016), motivation is a key factor for explaining the

success or failure of any difficult activity. We know that success in a task is due to the

fact that someone is motivated. Students could get an excellent academic performance

when the students are being well-guided and motivated at the same time.

Reading Comprehension

Most of the students have an ability to read passages in a journal, book, article,

and other reading materials. However, not all the students can comprehend the

meaning of the certain readings. Without proper comprehension skills, students lack the

ability to understand what they read. The point of reading isn't to make sounds in your

brain or out loud, but rather, to understand important lessons, stories and arguments

(Rutzler, 2020). It is important that the students have an excellent reading

comprehension for them to answer their daily learning activities and be able to

understand things in their surroundings. Reading is not just a reading. It involves

comprehension that can support someone’s standpoint.


In reading, vocabulary increases and make an individual more flexible. In

communicating with other people, right choice of words is needed to have an effective

conversation. The teaching of vocabulary is important because without vocabulary

nothing can be conveyed. People need to use words to express themselves in the

English language, most learners acknowledge the importance of vocabulary acquisition.

This is why most of the words need to be taught so that it could not have many

problems in communication due to a lack of vocabulary. Some other students might be

confronted with the problem of forgetting the words immediately after the teacher has

elicited the meaning of the words or after looking at the dictionary and this also is

caused by lack of vocabulary. The more words students learn, the easier they memorize

(Dunsmore, 2020). When reading or encountering new words, students should gather

the unfamiliar words in their mind and use it in a daily conversation. In that way, they

can avoid forgetting the words and it can be added to their vocabulary.

English is the language that most of the people use inside the school premises,

in churches and even in the government. According to Lyons (2017), out of the world’s

approximately 7.5 billion inhabitants, 1.5 billion speaks English — that is the 20% of the

Earth’s population. That is why people should know the opportunity of this language. By

speaking the English language, everything is possible and you can connect to different

ethnicity and have an effective conversation with them. Universal language is not hard

to understand, as long as the people are willing to discover the said language.

Synthesis of Literature and Studies

The above collection of foreign studies provides information that supported the

study. The proponents of these previous studies are being cited properly. Through the

use of internet, the study that has been conducted and being more expounded along

the way.

Chapter 3


This chapter feature the research design, subject of the study, research

instrument, data collection procedure, and data analysis. It shows the flow and the

procedure of the study and there are instructions that helps the respondents how to

answer the given survey questionnaires.

Research Design

The researchers used a descriptive research design because the study seeks for

an overall summary of the variables. Descriptive research aims to accurately and

systematically describe a population, situation or phenomenon. It can

answer what, where, when and how questions, but not why questions. A descriptive

research design can use a wide variety of research methods to investigate one or

more variables (McCombes, 2020).

According to Bhandari (2020), Quantitative research is the process of collecting

and analyzing numerical data. It can be used to find patterns and averages, make

predictions, test causal relationships, and generalize results to wider populations.

Quantitative research is the opposite of qualitative research, which involves collecting

and analyzing non-numerical data (e.g., text, video, or audio).


Setting of the Study

This study was conducted at the Cainta Catholic College during the school year


Cainta Catholic College is a Catholic School located at A. Bonifacio Ave.

Poblacion, Cainta, 1900 Rizal. It was founded by Rev. Fr. Jose Tajon, a parish priest of

Our Lady of Light, in 1931.

The school offers different programs and services which included curricular

program, co-curricular and extra-curricular program, religious education programs,

community extension program, guidance services program, health services, canteen

services, scholarship program, learning resources development program, computer and

information technology development program, laboratory development program, and

sports development program.

Location Map of Cainta Catholic College


Subject of the Study

The respondents of the study are the Grade 10 students of Cainta Catholic

College. There are 135 total numbers of students as respondents, 33 are male and 72

are female. In this section, it could be seen that there are more female than male who

comprises the sample.

Research Instrument

The data gathered in this study was taken through a survey questionnaire. The

researchers conducted the survey to determine the results of the study by using the

Likert Scale; (4) Strongly Agree, (3) Somewhat Agree, (2) Somewhat Disagree, (1)

Strongly Disagree. It was the most widely used approach to scaling responses in survey


The research subjects were asked to choose their preferred response by clicking

their desired answer in a google form. It is also based on their personal feelings and

perception along the given area.

The survey questionnaire had statements that relate to the study and these

statements were answered consequently.

Data Collection Procedure

To gather the needed data, researchers would be providing a survey

questionnaire for the Grade 10 Students of Cainta Catholic College. But before that,

researchers would create a letter regarding to the said study and when the adviser (or

authority) of the class gives signal, that’s the time that the researchers would send the

survey questionnaire through the use of google form.

Validation of the Instruments Used

For validation of instruments, the researchers had chosen members of the admin

and faculty of Cainta Catholic College as expert validators for they were credible to

approve the tools for the research.

Statistical Treatment

To analyze the data gathered there are following statistical tools that were used.

To determine the profile of the respondent, the frequency and percentage

distribution were used.

The weighted mean was utilized to determine the Impact of Daily Learning Activities

in Learning English and the Demographic Profile of the Respondents.

ANOVA was used to determine the Significant Difference between the Impact of

Daily Learning Activities in Learning English and the Demographic Profile of




This chapter presents the comprehensive analysis and interpretation of results

from the data gathered.

For problem number 1: What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. Gender

1.2. Monthly Family Income

1.3. Parents’ Educational Attainment

Table 1 shows that the gender profile of the 105 respondents, indicates that there

were 33 or 31.43% percent of the respondents were male which ranked as 1, and 72 or

68.57% percent were females in rank 2.

The data shows that most of the respondents were female and this implied that

there were more females that cooperated with the researchers during the study at

Cainta Catholic College (High School Department in Grade 10 level).

Table 1.0

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents in Terms of Gender

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 33 31.43%
Female 72 68.57%
Total 105 100%

Table 2.0

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents in Terms of Monthly

Family Income

Family Income Frequency Percentage

LI - Low Income
46 43.81%
(P10,957 to P21,914)
LM - Lower Middle Income
26 24.76%
(P21,914 to P43,828)
MI - Middle Income
20 19.05%
P43,828 to P76,668
UM -Upper Middle Income
8 7.62%
(P76,669 to P131,484)
UI - Upper Income
5 4.76%
(P131,483 to P219,140)
Total 105 100%

This table 2 shows that there were 46 students equivalent to 43.81% who

answered that their monthly family income is ranging from P10,957 to P21,914 which is

under the low income and ranked as 1. The rank 2 has 26 students equivalent to

24.76% who answered that their monthly family income is ranging from P21,914 to

P43,828 which under the lower middle income. The rank 3 has 20 students equivalent

to 19.05% who answered that their monthly family income is ranging from P43,828 to

P76,668 which under the middle income. The rank 4 has 8 students equivalent to 7.62%

who answered that their monthly family income is ranging from P76,669 to P131,484

which under the upper middle income. The rank 5 has 5 students equivalent to 4.76%

who answered that their monthly family income is ranging from P131, 483 to P219, 140

which under the upper income in the given table.


According to Amirah Farzan (n.d.) in her study about “Effects of Families Income

on Students Academic Achievement”, says that “…not each family can help their

students outside schools with all the materials or technology they need. As a result, the

family income can play an important role in student’s achievement.” The family’s income

has a big impact to the students. If the family has a lower income, it may not support the

needs of the students inside the school. This may include the gadgets that the students

are using. However, if the family’s income is in the middle or much higher than the

usual, the parents can provide a good resource for their children.

Table 3.0

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents in Terms of Educational


Parents’ Educational
Frequency Percentage

EU - Elementary Undergraduate 6 5.71%

EG - Elementary Graduate 5 4.76%

HSU - High School
5 4.76 %
HSG- High School Graduate 26 24.76 %
CU- College Undergraduate 13 12.38 %
CG- College Graduate 42 40.00 %
PG - Post Graduate 8 7.62%
Total 105 100%

Table 3 shows the Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents in

Terms of Educational Attainment. The frequency of elementary undergraduate is 6 and

the equivalent percentage is 5.71%. The frequency of elementary graduate and high

school undergraduate is 5 and the equivalent percentage is 4.76%. The frequency of

high school graduate is 26 and the equivalent percentage is 24.76%. The frequency of

college undergraduate is 13 and the equivalent percentage is 12.38%. The frequency of

college graduate is 42 and the equivalent percentage is 40.00%. The frequency of post

graduate is 8 and the equivalent percentage is 7.62%. Overall, the highest frequency

and percentage in the given table is under college graduate and the lowest frequency

and percentage is under elementary graduate and high school undergraduate because

the two has the same frequency and percentage.

The home is the first place of learning for the child. The quality of home

environment goes a long way in determining the eventual personality and achievement

of the child (George, 2014). This relates to the study because if the parents did not

reach the educational level of their child, probably, they were going to have a hard time

to teach the specific lessons that the child should be handed. Also, it would be a factor

to the students if their parents cannot help them in solving a problem or even in

answering a simple daily learning activity.

For the second problem: What is the Impact of Daily Learning Activities as

perceived by the respondents in terms of:

2.1. Students Motivation and Participation

2.2. Reading Comprehension

2.3. Vocabulary

Table 4 shows the Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily Learning

Activity in Learning English in Terms of Students Motivation and Participation and


Table 4.0

Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily Learning Activities in Learning

English in Terms of Students Motivation and Participation and Gender

A. Students Motivation and Male Femal AWM VI RANK

Participation e
1. The teacher gives motivational
comments after I answered an activity 3.12 3.07 3.10 A 5
2. I receive compliment/praises from
the teacher after the recitation. 3.30 3.17 3.19 A 2
3. I participate in every activity. 3.24 3.08 3.16 A 4
4. I submit my activities on time. 3.18 3.31 3.25 SA 1
5. I hear my parents appreciate my
achievements. 3.15 3.13 3.14 A 3
Average 3.20 3.15 3.17 A
4.00-3.25 Strongly Agree (SA) 3.24-2.50 Agree (A), 2.49-1.75 Disagree (DA), 1.74-1.00

Strongly Disagree (SD)

In student motivation and participation, the statement number 4 “I submit my

activities on time” has 3.18 weighted mean in male and 3.31 weighted mean in female.

The average weighted mean of the two gender is 3.25, ranked as 1, and interpreted as

strongly agree (SA). This means that the students are capable to submit the activities

on time. The statement number 2 “I receive compliment/praises from the teacher after

the recitation” has 3.30 weighted mean in male and 3.17 weighted mean in female. The

average weighted mean of the two gender is 3.19, ranked as 2, and interpreted as

agree (A). This means that the students love to hear compliments/praises from the

teacher after they answered the given activities. The statement number 5 “I hear my

parents appreciate my achievements” has 3.15 weighted mean in male and 3.13

weighted mean in female. The average weighted mean of the two gender is 3.14,

ranked as 3, and interpreted as agree (A). It indicates that the students somehow hear

an appreciation from their parents. The statement number 3 “I participate in every

activity” has 3.24 weighted mean in male and 3.08 weighted mean in female. The

average weighted mean of the two gender is 3.16. ranked as 4, and interpreted as

agree (A). This means that not all the students can participate in every activity inside

the class. The statement number 1 “The teacher gives motivational comments after I

answered an activity correctly” has 3.12 weighted mean in male and 3.07 weighted

mean in female. The average weighted mean of the two gender is 3.10, ranked as 5,

and interpreted as agree (A). It indicates that not all the students are capable to hear

motivational comments from their teachers that is why it has the lowest rank of all.

Table 5 shows the Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily Learning

Activity in Learning English in Terms of Reading Comprehension and Gender. In

reading comprehension, the statement number 3 “I read and comprehend daily learning

activities before answering it carefully” has 3.36 weighted mean in male and female.

The average weighted mean of the two genders is 3.36, ranked as 1, and interpreted as

strongly agree (SA). This means that the students always comprehend the given

activities to avoid mistakes while answering it.

Table 5.0

Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily Learning Activities in Learning

English in Terms of Reading Comprehension and Gender
B. Reading Comprehension Male Femal AWM VI RANK
1. I clearly understand the given 3.24 3.07 3.16 A 2.5
2. I fully comprehend the previous
activities before proceeding into a new
reading. 3.12 3.19 3.16 A 2.5
3. I read and comprehend daily
learning activities before answering it
carefully. 3.36 3.36 3.36 SA 1
4. I read books or articles related to
the assigned daily learning activities. 2.79 2.96 2.88 A 5
5. I read the text related to daily
learning activities with
comprehension. 3.12 3.17 3.15 A 4
Average 3.13 3.15 3.14 A
4.00-3.25 Strongly Agree (SA) 3.24-2.50 Agree (A), 2.49-1.75 Disagree (DA), 1.74-1.00

Strongly Disagree (SD)

The statement number 2 “I fully comprehend the previous activities before

proceeding into a new reading” has 3.12 weighted mean in male and 3.19 weighted

mean in female. The average weighted mean of the two gender is 3.16, ranked as 2.5,

and interpreted as agree (A). This means that the students want to fully comprehend

the previous activities before proceeding into a new reading for them to learn more.

The statement number 1 “I clearly understand the given activities” has 3.24 weighted

mean in male and 3.07 in female. The average weighted mean of the two gender is

3.16, ranked as 2.5, interpreted as agree (A). This means that the students clearly

understand the given activities that the teacher had provided. Based on the table

above the statement 1 and 2 has the same rank and verbal interpretation. The

statement number 5 “I read the text related to daily learning activities with

comprehension” has 3.12 weighted mean in male and 3.17 weighted mean in female.

The average weighted mean of the two gender is 3.15, ranked as 4, and interpreted as

agree (A). This means that not all the students can comprehend the text provided that

is related to daily learning activities. The statement number 4 “I read books or articles

related to the assigned daily learning activities” has 2.79 weighted mean in male and

2.96 weighted mean in female. The average weighted mean of the two gender is 2.88,

ranked as 5, and interpreted as agree (A). It indicates that most of the students did not

read books or articles that is related to the assigned daily learning activities and that’s

why it has the lowest rank of all.

Table 6 shows the Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily Learning

Activity in Learning English in Terms of Vocabulary and Gender. In vocabulary, the

statement number 4 “I always look for the meaning of unfamiliar words that I read from

reading materials” has 3.48 weighted mean in male and 3.39 weighted mean in female.

The weighted average of the two genders is 3.44, ranked as 1, and interpreted as

strongly agree (SA). This means that the students always look for the meaning of the

unfamiliar words that they encounter to the reading materials that have been provided.

Table 6.0

Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily Learning Activities in Learning

English in Terms of Vocabulary and Gender

C. Vocabulary Male Femal AWM VI RANK

1. I use the dictionary to find the 3.24 3.35 3.30 SA 3
meaning of the unfamiliar words in the
given activities.
2. I use the unfamiliar words in my
sentences, paragraphs and even in
essays that I write. 3.06 3.04 3.05 A 4
3. I keep a vocabulary notebook of the
unfamiliar words that I learn from the
activities. 2.55 2.47 2.51 A 5
4. I always look for the meaning of
unfamiliar words that I read from
reading materials. 3.48 3.39 3.44 SA 1
5. I look for the synonyms of the
unfamiliar words and use it in a daily
conversation. 3.45 3.28 3.37 SA 2
Average 3.16 3.11 3.13 A
4.00-3.25 Strongly Agree (SA) 3.24-2.50 Agree (A), 2.49-1.75 Disagree (DA), 1.74-1.00

Strongly Disagree (SD)

The statement number 5 “I look for the synonyms of the unfamiliar words and

use it in a daily conversation” has 3.45 weighted mean in male and 3.28 weighted

mean in female. The average weighted mean of the two gender is 3.37, ranked as 2,

and interpreted as strongly agree (SA). This means that the students look for the

unfamiliar words that they encountered and they will use it in a conversation for them

to enhance their vocabulary. The statement number 1 “I use the dictionary to find the

meaning of the unfamiliar words in the given activities” has 3.24 weighted mean in

male and 3.35 weighted mean in female. The average weighted mean of the two

gender is 3.30, ranked as 3, and interpreted as strongly agree (SA). This means that

students usually used dictionary to find the meaning of the unfamiliar words that they

have encountered in the given activities. The statement number 2 “I use the unfamiliar

words in my sentences, paragraphs and even in essays that I write” has 3.06 weighted

mean in male and 3.04 weighted mean in female. The average weighted mean of the

two gender is 3.05, ranked as 4, and interpreted as agree (A). This means that not all

the students are using unfamiliar words into a sentence, paragraphs and even in

essays. The statement number 3 “I keep a vocabulary notebook of the unfamiliar

words that I learn from the activities” has 2.55 weighted mean in male and 2.47

weighted mean in female. The average weighted mean of the two gender is 2.51,

ranked as 5, and interpreted as agree (A). This means that not all the students are

capable to keep a vocabulary notebook for the unfamiliar words that they have

encountered that is why it has the lowest rank of all.

Table 7 shows the Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily Learning

Activity in Learning English in Terms of Students Motivation and Participation and

Monthly Income. In student’s motivation and participation, the statement number 4 “I

submit my activities on time” has 3.33 weighted mean under the lower income, 3.5

weighted mean under lower middle income, 3.40 weighted mean under the middle

income, 3.38 weighted mean under the upper middle income, and 3.4 weighted mean in

upper income.

Table 7.0

Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily Learning Activities in Learning

English in Terms of Students Motivation and Participation and Monthly Income

A. Students Motivation and LI LM MI UM UI AW VI RANK

Participation M
1. The teacher gives 3.02 3.38 3.25 3.5 3.6 3.35 SA 2
motivational comments after I
answered an activity correctly.
2. I receive compliment/praises 3.13 3.23 3.15 3.38 3.4 SA 3
from the teacher after the
recitation. 3.26
3. I participate in every activity. 3.20 3.23 3.1 2.88 3.4 3.16 A 5

4. I submit my activities on time. 3.33 3.5 3.40 3.38 3.4 3.40 SA 1

5. I hear my parents appreciate 3.24 3.23 2.95 3.38 3.4 3.24 A 4
my achievements.
AVERAGE 3.18 3.31 3.17 3.30 3.44 3.28 SA
4.00-3.25 Strongly Agree (SA) 3.24-2.50 Agree (A), 2.49-1.75 Disagree (DA), 1.74-1.00

Strongly Disagree (SD)

The average weighted mean of the said monthly family income in the statement

number 4 is 3.40 and it is under rank 1 and interpreted as strongly agree (SA). This

means that most of the students answered strongly agree because they are capable to

submit their daily learning activities on time. The statement number 1 “The teacher

gives motivational comments after I answered an activity correctly” has 3.02 weighted

mean under the lower income, 3.38 weighted mean under the lower middle income,

3.25 weighted mean under the middle income, 3.5 weighted mean under the upper

middle income, and 3.6 weighted mean in upper income. The average weighted mean

of the said monthly family income in the statement number 1 is 3.35 and it is under rank

2 and interpreted as strongly agree (SA). This means that students want to hear

motivational comments from their teacher after answering the given activities. The

statement number 2 “I receive compliment/praises from the teacher after the recitation”

has 3.13 weighted mean under the lower income, 3.23 weighted mean under the lower

middle income, 3.15 weighted mean under the middle income, 3.38 weighted mean in

upper middle income, 3.34 weighted mean in upper income. The average weighted

mean of the said monthly family income in the statement number 2 is 3.26 and it is

under rank 3 and interpreted as strongly agree (SA). This means that the students

somehow receive compliment/praises from the teacher after they answered the

recitation. The statement number 5 “I hear my parents appreciate my achievements”

has 3.24 weighted mean under the lower income, 3.23 weighted mean under the lower

middle income, 2.95 weighted mean under the middle income, 3.38 weighted mean in

upper middle income, 3.4 weighted mean in upper income. The average weighted mean

of the said monthly family income in the statement number 5 is 3.24 and it is under rank

4, and interpreted as strongly agree (SA). This means that not all the students hear

appreciation whenever they’ve got achievements at school that is why its rank is on

number 4. The statement number 3 “I participate in every activity” has 3.20 weighted

mean under the lower income, 3.23 weighted mean under the lower middle income,

3.1 weighted mean under the middle income, 2.88 weighted mean in upper middle

income, and 3.4 weighted mean in upper income. The average weighted mean of the

said monthly family income in the statement number 3 is 3.16 and it is under rank 5,

and interpreted as agree (A). This means that not all the students participate in the

given activities that is why it has the lowest rank of all.

Table 8.0

Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily Learning Activities in Learning

English in Terms of Reading Comprehension and Monthly Income

B. Reading Comprehension LI LM MI UM UI AWM VI RANK

1. I clearly understand the 3.02 3.08 3.35 3.38 3.4 3.25 SA 4
given activities.
2. I fully comprehend the
previous activities before
proceeding into a new reading. 3.20 3.27 3.15 3.38 3.4 3.28 SA 3
3. I read and comprehend daily
learning activities before
answering it carefully. 3.28 3.54 3.30 3.00 3.8 3.38 SA 2
4. I read books or articles
related to the assigned daily
learning activities. 3.17 3.08 3.15 2.88 3.3 3.12 A 5
5. I read the text related to
daily learning activities with
comprehension. 3.17 3.38 3.5 3.63 3.8 3.50 SA 1

Average 3.17 3.27 3.29 3.25 3.54 3.31 SA

4.00-3.25 Strongly Agree (SA) 3.24-2.50 Agree (A), 2.49-1.75 Disagree (DA), 1.74-1.00

Strongly Disagree (SD)

This table shows the Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily Learning

Activity in Learning English in Terms of Reading Comprehension and Monthly Income.

In reading comprehension, the statement number 5 “I read the text related to daily

learning activities with comprehension” has 3.17 weighted mean under the lower

income, 3.38 weighted mean under lower middle income, 3.5 weighted mean under

the middle income, 3.63 weighted mean under the upper middle income, and 3.8

weighted mean under in upper income. The average weighted mean of the said

monthly family income in the statement number 5 is 3.50 and it is under rank 1 and

interpreted as strongly agree (SA). This implies that the students are strongly agree

that they read the text with the comprehension which is related to their daily learning

activities to learn English and the students who have the highest weighted mean that

is under upper income. The statement number 3 “I read and comprehend daily

learning activities before answering it carefully” has 3.28 weighted mean under the

lower income, 3.54 weighted mean under the lower middle income, 3.30 weighted

mean under the middle income, 3.00 weighted mean under in upper middle income,

and 3.8 weighted mean in upper income. The average weighted mean of the said

monthly family income in the statement number 3 is 3.38 and it is under rank 2 and

interpreted as strongly agree (SA). This means that the students are carefully

answering their daily learning activities after they read and comprehend it. The

statement number 2 “I fully comprehend the previous activities before proceeding into

a new reading” has 3.20 weighted mean under the lower income, 3.27 weighted mean

under the lower middle income, 3.15 weighted mean under the middle income, 3.38

weighted mean under in upper middle income, and 3.4 weighted mean in upper

income. The average weighted mean of the said monthly family income in the

statement number 2 is 3.28 and it is under rank 3 and interpreted as strongly agree

(SA). It indicates that before the students proceed into a new reading, they make sure

that they already fully comprehend the previous activities. The statement number 1 “I

clearly understand the given activities” has 3.02 weighted mean under the lower

income, 3.08 weighted mean under the lower middle income, 3.35 weighted mean

under the middle income, 3.38 weighted mean under in upper middle income, and 3.4

weighted mean in upper income. The average weighted mean of the said monthly

family income in the statement number 1 is 3.25 and it is under rank 4 and interpreted

as strongly agree (SA). This means that the given daily learning activities of the

teachers can clearly understand of the students. The last in rank is the statement

number 4 stated that “I read books or articles related to the assigned daily learning

activities” has 3.17 weighted mean under the lower income, 3.08 weighted mean

under the lower middle income, 3.15 weighted mean under the middle income, 2.88

weighted mean under in upper middle income, and 3.3 weighted mean in upper

income. The average weighted mean of the said monthly family income in the

statement number 4 is 3.12 and its verbal interpreted as agree (A). It indicates that

through reading a book or article which is related to the assigned activities can help

the students to learn in English.

Table 9.0

Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily Learning Activities in Learning

English in Terms of Vocabulary and Monthly Income


1. I use the dictionary to find 3.52 3.38 3.3 3.5 3.4 3.42 SA 2
the meaning of the unfamiliar
words in the given activities.
2. I use the unfamiliar words in 2.93 3.08 3.4 3.00 3.6 3.20 A 3
my sentences, paragraphs and
even in essays that I write.
3. I keep a vocabulary 2.80 2.62 3.25 2.75 3.8 A 5
notebook of the unfamiliar 3.04
words that I learn from the
4. I always look for the 3.43 3.54 3.40 3.38 3.6 3.47 SA 1

meaning of unfamiliar words

that I read from reading
5. I look for the synonyms of 3.26 3.27 3.00 2.88 3.00 3.08 A 4
the unfamiliar words and use it
in a daily conversation.
Average 3.19 3.18 3.27 3.10 3.48 3.24 A
4.00-3.25 Strongly Agree (SA) 3.24-2.50 Agree (A), 2.49-1.75 Disagree (DA), 1.74-1.00

Strongly Disagree (SD)

Table 9 shows the Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily Learning

Activity in Learning English in Terms of Vocabulary and Monthly Income. In vocabulary,

the statement number 4 “I always look for the meaning of unfamiliar words that I read

from reading materials” has 3.43 weighted mean under the lower income, 3.54

weighted mean under lower middle income, 3.40 weighted mean under the middle

income, 3.38 weighted mean under the upper middle income, and 3.6 weighted mean

under in upper income. The average weighted mean of the said monthly family income

in the statement number 4 is 3.47 and it is under rank 1 and interpreted as strongly

agree (SA). This implies that when the students read unfamiliar words from their

reading materials, they look its meaning and it helps them to learn English. The

statement number 1 “I use the dictionary to find the meaning of the unfamiliar words in

the given activities” has 3.52 weighted mean under the lower income, 3.38 weighted

mean under the lower middle income, 3.3 weighted mean under the middle income,

3.5 weighted mean under in upper middle income, and 3.4 weighted mean in upper

income. The average weighted mean of the said monthly family income in the

statement number 1 is 3.42 and it is under rank 2 and interpreted as strongly agree

(SA). It indicates that the students learn English through using dictionary to find the

meaning of the unfamiliar words in their activities. The statement number 2 “I use the

unfamiliar words in my sentences, paragraphs and even in essays that I write.” has

2.93 weighted mean under the lower income, 3.08 weighted mean under the lower

middle income, 3.4 weighted mean under the middle income, 3.00 weighted mean

under in upper middle income, and 3.6 weighted mean in upper income. The average

weighted mean of the said monthly family income in the statement number 2 is 3.20

and it is under rank 3 and interpreted as agree (A). This means that the students

agree that they use the unfamiliar words they learn in writing a sentence, paragraph

and even in their essay. The statement number 5 “I look for the synonyms of the

unfamiliar words and use it in a daily conversation” has 3.26 weighted mean under the

lower income, 3.27 weighted mean under the lower middle income, 3.00 weighted

mean under the middle income, 2.88 weighted mean under in upper middle income,

and 3.00 weighted mean in upper income. The average weighted mean of the said

monthly family income in the statement number 5 is 3.08 and it is under rank 4 and

interpreted as agree (A). This implies that in the daily conversation of the students

they use the synonyms of the unfamiliar words after looking at it. The last rank is the

statement number 3 stated that “I keep a vocabulary notebook of the unfamiliar words

that I learn from the activities” has 2.80 weighted mean under the lower income, 2.62

weighted mean under the lower middle income, 3.25 weighted mean under the middle

income, 2.75 weighted mean under in upper middle income, and 3.8 weighted mean in

upper income. The average weighted mean of the said monthly family income in the

statement number 3 is 3.04 and interpreted as agree (A). This means that the

students use a vocabulary notebook where they take note of the unfamiliar words that

they encountered and learned from their activities.


Table 10.0

Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily Learning Activities in Learning

English in Terms of Students Motivation and Participation and Parents’

Educational Attainment


Motivation and
1. The teacher gives 3.33 3.60 3.20 3.1 3.31 3.29 3.63 3.36 SA 1
motivational 9
comments after I
answered an activity
2. I receive 3.83 3.40 3.00 3.1 3.31 3.10 3.25 3.29 SA 3
compliment/praises 2
from the teacher after
the recitation.
3. I participate in 3.33 3.40 3.6 3.2 2.92 3.21 3.5 3.32 SA 2
every activity. 7
4. I submit my activities 3.17 3.20 3.20 3.2 3.15 3.52 3.38 3.26 SA 5
on time. 3
5. I hear my parents 3.67 3.40 3.00 3.1 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.28 SA 4
appreciate my 9
3.2 3.28 SA
3.47 3.40 3.20 0 3.18 3.27 3.40
4.00-3.25 Strongly Agree (SA) 3.24-2.50 Agree (A), 2.49-1.75 Disagree (DA), 1.74-1.00

Strongly Disagree (SD)

Table 10 shows the Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily Learning

Activity in Learning English in Terms of Students Motivation and Participation and

Parents’ Educational Attainment. In student’s motivation and participation, the statement


number 1 “The teacher gives motivational comments after I answered an activity

correctly” has 3.33 weighted mean under the elementary undergraduate, 3.60 weighted

mean under the elementary graduate, 3.20 weighted mean under the high school

undergraduate, 3.19 weighted mean under in high school graduate, 3.31 weighted

mean in college undergraduate, 3.29 weighted mean under college graduate, and 3.63

weighted mean in post graduate. The average weighted mean of the said parents’

educational attainment in the statement number 1 is 3.36 and it is under rank 1 and

interpreted as strongly agree (SA). This means that after the students correctly

answered the activities, they receive a motivational comment from their teacher which

help them to be motivated. The statement number 3 “I participate in every activity” has

3.33 weighted mean under the elementary undergraduate, 3.40 weighted mean under

the elementary graduate, 3.6 weighted mean under the high school undergraduate,

3.27 weighted mean under in high school graduate, 2.92 weighted mean in college

undergraduate, 3.21 weighted mean under college graduate, and 3.5 weighted mean

in post graduate. The average weighted mean of the said parents’ educational

attainment in the statement number 3 is 3.32 and it is under rank 2 and interpreted as

strongly agree (SA). It indicates that the students love to participate in every activity

they have. The statement number 2 “I receive compliments/praises from the teacher

after the recitation” has 3.83 weighted mean under the elementary undergraduate, 3.40

weighted mean under the elementary graduate, 3.00 weighted mean under the high

school undergraduate, 3.12 weighted mean under in high school graduate, 3.31

weighted mean in college undergraduate, 3.10 weighted mean under college

graduate, and 3.25 weighted mean in post graduate. The average weighted mean of

the said parents’ educational attainment in the statement number 2 is 3.29 and it is

under rank 3 and interpreted as strongly agree (SA). This implies that a simple

compliments or praises from the teacher after the recitation can help the students to

motivate them to participate. The statement number 5 “I hear my parents appreciate my

achievements” has 3.67 weighted mean under the elementary undergraduate, 3.40

weighted mean under the elementary graduate, 3.00 weighted mean under the high

school undergraduate, 3.19 weighted mean under in high school graduate, 3.23

weighted mean in college undergraduate, 3.24 weighted mean under college

graduate, and 3.25 weighted mean in post graduate. The average weighted mean of

the said parents’ educational attainment in the statement number 5 is 3.28 and it is

under rank 4 and interpreted as strongly agree (SA). This means that the students

somehow hear their parents’ appreciation for their achievements. The last rank is

statement number 4 “I submit my activities on time” has 3.17 weighted mean under the

elementary undergraduate, 3.20 weighted mean under the elementary graduate, 3.20

weighted mean under the high school undergraduate, 3.23 weighted mean under in

high school graduate, 3.15 weighted mean in college undergraduate, 3.52 weighted

mean under college graduate, and 3.38 weighted mean in post graduate. The average

weighted mean of the said parents’ educational attainment in the statement number 4

is 3.26 and interpreted as strongly agree (SA). It indicates that not all students are

capable to submit their activities on time that is why the statement number 4 is the

lowest rank.

Table 11.0

Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily Learning Activities in Learning

English in Terms of Reading Comprehension and Parents’ Educational


Comprehension M
1. I clearly 3.33 3.40 3.8 3.04 3.38 3.38 3.63 3.42 SA 2
understand the given
2. I fully comprehend 3.33 3.60 3.6 2.96 3.38 3.33 3.25 3.35 SA 4
the previous activities
before proceeding
into a new reading.
3. I read and 3.67 3.20 3.8 3.27 3.62 3.38 3.38 3.47 SA 1
comprehend daily
learning activities
before answering it
4. I read books or 2.33 3.20 3.6 3.19 3.31 3.26 3.13 3.15 A 5
articles related to the
assigned daily
learning activities.
5. I read the text 3.17 3.20 3.8 3.38 3.15 3.33 3.63 3.38 SA 3
related to daily
learning activities with
Average 3.17 3.32 3.72 3.17 3.37 3.34 3.40 3.35 SA
4.00-3.25 Strongly Agree (SA) 3.24-2.50 Agree (A), 2.49-1.75 Disagree (DA), 1.74-1.00

Strongly Disagree (SD)

This table shows the Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily Learning

Activity in Learning English in Terms of Reading Comprehension and Parents’

Educational Attainment. In reading comprehension, the statement number 3 “I read and


comprehend daily learning activities before answering it carefully” has 3.67 weighted

mean under the elementary undergraduate, 3.20 weighted mean under the elementary

graduate, 3.8 weighted mean under the high school undergraduate, 3.27 weighted

mean under in high school graduate, 3.62 weighted mean in college undergraduate,

3.38 weighted mean under college graduate, and 3.38 weighted mean in post graduate.

The average weighted mean of the said parents’ educational attainment in the

statement number 3 is 3.47 and it is under rank 1 and interpreted as strongly agree

(SA). This means that the students will read and comprehend their activities first before

they answer it. The statement number 1 “I clearly understand the given activities” has

3.33 weighted mean under the elementary undergraduate, 3.40 weighted mean under

the elementary graduate, 3.8 weighted mean under the high school undergraduate, 3.04

weighted mean under in high school graduate, 3.38 weighted mean in college

undergraduate, 3.38 weighted mean under college graduate, and 3.63 weighted mean

in post graduate. The average weighted mean of the said parents’ educational

attainment in the statement number 1 is 3.42 and it is under rank 2 and interpreted as

strongly agree (SA). It indicates that the students strongly agree that they clearly

understand their activities given by their teachers. The statement number 5 “I read the

text related to daily learning activities with comprehension” has 3.17 weighted mean

under the elementary undergraduate, 3.20 weighted mean under the elementary

graduate, 3.8 weighted mean under the high school undergraduate, 3.38 weighted

mean under in high school graduate, 3.15 weighted mean in college undergraduate,

3.33 weighted mean under college graduate, and 3.63 weighted mean in post graduate.

The average weighted mean of the said parents’ educational attainment in the

statement number 5 is 3.38 and it is under rank 3 and interpreted as strongly agree

(SA). This indicates that the students read comprehend some text which is related to

their activities to help them to learn in English. The statement number 2 “ I fully

comprehend the previous activities before proceeding into a new reading” has 3.33

weighted mean under the elementary undergraduate, 3.60 weighted mean under the

elementary graduate, 3.6 weighted mean under the high school undergraduate, 2.96

weighted mean under in high school graduate, 3.38 weighted mean in college

undergraduate, 3.33 weighted mean under college graduate, and 3.25 weighted mean

in post graduate. The average weighted mean of the said parents’ educational

attainment in the statement number 2 is 3.35 and it is under rank 4 and interpreted as

strongly agree (SA). It indicates that the students somehow comprehend their previous

activities before they proceed into a new reading. The last rank is the statement number

4 “I read books or articles related to the assigned daily learning activities” has 2.33

weighted mean under the elementary undergraduate, 3.20 weighted mean under the

elementary graduate, 3.6 weighted mean under the high school undergraduate, 3.19

weighted mean under in high school graduate, 3.31 weighted mean in college

undergraduate, 3.26 weighted mean under college graduate, and 3.13 weighted mean

in post graduate. The average weighted mean of the said parents’ educational

attainment in the statement number 4 is 3.15 and interpreted as strongly agree (SA). It

indicates that the students somehow read books and articles which is related to their

assigned activities.


Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily Learning Activities in Learning

English in Terms of Vocabulary and Parents’ Educational Attainment


1. I use the dictionary 3.33 4.00 3.6 3.35 3.6 3.5 3.88 3.61 SA 1
to find the meaning of 2
the unfamiliar words
in the given activities.
2. I use the unfamiliar 3.00 3.60 3.4 3.42 3.6 3.62 3.5 3.45 SA 3
words in my 2
paragraphs and even
in essays that I write.
3. I keep a 2.67 3.2 2.8 2.85 3.3 3.21 3.25 3.04 A 5
vocabulary notebook 1
of the unfamiliar
words that I learn
from the activities.
4. I always look for 3.83 3.4 3.2 3.31 3.3 3.45 3.88 3.48 SA 2
the meaning of 1
unfamiliar words that
I read from reading
5. I look for the 3.17 3.2 3.2 3.46 3.0 3.12 3.00 3.16 A 4
synonyms of the 8
unfamiliar words and
use it in a daily
Average 3.20 3.48 3.24 3.28 9 3.38 3.50 3.35 A
4.00-3.25 Strongly Agree (SA) 3.24-2.50 Agree (A), 2.49-1.75 Disagree (DA), 1.74-1.00

Strongly Disagree (SD)

This table shows the Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily Learning

Activity in Learning English in Terms of Vocabulary and Parents’ Educational


Attainment. In vocabulary, the statement number 1 “I use the dictionary to find the

meaning of the unfamiliar words in the given activities” has 3.33 weighted mean under

the elementary undergraduate, 4.00 weighted mean under the elementary graduate, 3.6

weighted mean under the high school undergraduate, 3.35 weighted mean under in

high school graduate, 3.62 weighted mean in college undergraduate, 3.5 weighted

mean under college graduate, and 3.88 weighted mean in post graduate. The average

weighted mean of the said parents’ educational attainment in the statement number 1 is

3.61 and it is under rank 1 and interpreted as strongly agree (SA). It indicates that the

students strongly agree that they use the dictionary to find the meaning of the unfamiliar

words they encountered in their given activities. The statement number 4 “I always look

for the meaning of unfamiliar words that I read from reading materials” has 3.83

weighted mean under the elementary undergraduate, 3.4 weighted mean under the

elementary graduate, 3.2 weighted mean under the high school undergraduate, 3.31

weighted mean under in high school graduate, 3.31 weighted mean in college

undergraduate, 3.45 weighted mean under college graduate, and 3.88 weighted mean

in post graduate. The average weighted mean of the said parents’ educational

attainment in the statement number 4 is 3.48 and it is under rank 2 and interpreted as

strongly agree (SA). This implies that when the students read unfamiliar words from

their reading material, they will look the meaning of it. The statement number 2 “I use

the unfamiliar words in my sentences, paragraphs and even in essays that I write” has

3.00 weighted mean under the elementary undergraduate, 3.60 weighted mean under

the elementary graduate, 3.4 weighted mean under the high school undergraduate, 3.42

weighted mean under in high school graduate, 3.62 weighted mean in college

undergraduate, 3.62 weighted mean under college graduate, and 3.5 weighted mean in

post graduate. The average weighted mean of the said parents’ educational attainment

in the statement number 2 is 3.45 and it is under rank 3 and interpreted as strongly

agree (SA). This means that the students use the unfamiliar words they learn in writing.

The statement number 5 “I look for the synonyms of the unfamiliar words and use it in a

daily conversation” has 3.17 weighted mean under the elementary undergraduate, 3.2

weighted mean under the elementary graduate, 3.2 weighted mean under the high

school undergraduate, 3.46 weighted mean under in high school graduate, 3.08

weighted mean in college undergraduate, 3.12 weighted mean under college graduate,

and 3.00 weighted mean in post graduate. The average weighted mean of the said

parents’ educational attainment in the statement number 5 is 3.16 and it is under rank 4

and interpreted as agree (A). It indicates that the students somehow agree that they use

in their daily conversation the synonyms of the unfamiliar words after they find it. The

last rank is the statement number 3 stated that “I keep a vocabulary notebook of the

unfamiliar words that I read from reading materials” has 2.67 weighted mean under the

elementary undergraduate, 3.2 weighted mean under the elementary graduate, 2.8

weighted mean under the high school undergraduate, 2.85 weighted mean under in

high school graduate, 3.31 weighted mean in college undergraduate, 3.21 weighted

mean under college graduate, and 3.25 weighted mean in post graduate. The average

weighted mean of the said parents’ educational attainment in the statement number 3 is

3.04 and interpreted as agree (A). This implies that the students somehow keep a

vocabulary to take note the unfamiliar words that they learn from their reading materials.


Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily Learning Activities in Learning

English and the demographic of Respondents in Terms of Students Motivation

and Participation

A. Students Motivation and Profile Overall VI RANK

Participation AWM
Gende Monthl Educationa
r y l
Income Attainment
1. The teacher gives 3.10 3.35 3.36 3.27 SA 2
motivational comments after I
answered an activity correctly.
2. I receive compliment/praises 3.19 3.26 3.29 3.25 SA 3
from the teacher after the
3. I participate in every activity. 3.32 3.21 A 5
3.16 3.16
4. I submit my activities on time. 3.25 3.40 3.26 3.30 SA 1

5. I hear my parents appreciate 3.14 3.24 3.28 3.22 A 4

my achievements.
Average 3.28 3.24 A
3.17 3.28
4.00-3.25 Strongly Agree (SA) 3.24-2.50 Agree (A), 2.49-1.75 Disagree (DA), 1.74-1.00

Strongly Disagree (SD)

This table shows the Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily Learning

Activity in Learning English and the demographic of Respondents in Terms of Students

Motivation and Participation. In student’s motivation and participation, the statement

number 4 “I submit my activities on time” has 3.25 average weighted mean in gender,

3.40 average weighted mean in monthly income, 3.26 average weighted mean in

educational attainment, and the overall average weighted mean is 3.30. Based on the

given table, it ranked as 1, and interpreted as strongly agree (SA). This means that the

students are capable to submit their activities on time. The statement number 1 has

3.10 average weighted mean in gender, 3.35 weighted mean in monthly income, 3.36

average weighted mean in educational attainment, and the overall average weighted

mean is 3.27. Based on the given table, it ranked as 2, and interpreted as strongly

agree (SA). This means that in overall average weighted mean the students wanted to

hear motivational comments from their teacher after answering the given activities. The

statement number 2 “I receive compliment/praises from the teacher after the recitation”

has 3.19 average weighted mean in gender, 3.26 average weighted mean in monthly

income, 3.29 average weighted mean in educational attainment, and the overall

average weighted mean is 3.25. Based on the given table, it ranked as 3, and

interpreted as strongly agree (SA). This means that students somehow receive

compliments/praises from the teacher after the recitation. The statement number 5 “I

hear my parents appreciate my achievements” has 3.14 average weighted mean in

gender, 3.24 average weighted mean in monthly income, 3.28 average weighted

mean in educational attainment, and the overall average weighted mean is 3.22.

Based on the given table, it ranked as 4, and interpreted as agree (A). This means

that not all the students are capable to hear appreciation from their parents after

receiving achievements. The statement number 3 “I participate in every activity” has

3.16 average weighted mean in gender, 3.16 average weighted mean in monthly

income, 3.32 average weighted mean in educational attainment, and the overall

average weighted mean is 3.21. Based on the given table, it ranked as 5, and

interpreted as agree (A). This means that not all the students are capable to

participate in every activity that is happening.

Table 14 shows the Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily Learning

Activities in Learning English and the Demographic Profile of Respondents in Terms of

Reading Comprehension. In reading comprehension, the statement number 3 “I read

and comprehend daily learning activities before answering it carefully” has 3.36 has

average weighted mean in gender, 3.38 average weighted mean in monthly income,

3.47 average weighted mean in monthly income, and overall average weighted mean is

3.40. Based on the given table, it ranked as 1, and interpreted as strongly agree (SA).

This means that students always comprehend the given daily activities before

answering it. The statement number 5 “I read the text related to daily learning activities

with comprehension” has 3.15 average weighted mean in gender, 3.50 average

weighted mean in monthly income, 3.38 average weighted mean in educational

attainment, and overall average weighted mean is 3.34. Based on the given table, it

ranked as 2, and interpreted as strongly agree (SA). This means that students always

read related text to their daily learning activities with comprehension. The statement

number 1 “I clearly understand the given activities” has 3.16 average weighted mean in

gender, 3.25 average weighted mean in monthly income, 3.42 average weighted mean

in educational attainment, and overall average weighted mean is 3.28. Based on the

given table, it ranked as 3, interpreted as strongly agree (SA). This means that the

students somehow understand the given activities.


Table 14.0

Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily Learning Activities in Learning

English and the Demographic Profile of Respondents in Terms of Reading

Profile Over VI RANK

B. Reading Comprehension Gender Monthly Educational
Income Attainment
1. I clearly understand the given 3.16 3.25 3.42 3.28 SA 3
2. I fully comprehend the previous 3.16 3.28 3.35 3.26 SA 4
activities before proceeding into a
new reading.

3. I read and comprehend daily 3.36 3.38 3.47 3.40 SA 1

learning activities before answering
it carefully.

4. I read books or articles related to 2.88 3.12 3.15 3.05 A 5

the assigned daily learning

5. I read the text related to daily 3.15 3.50 3.38 3.34 SA 2

learning activities with

Average 3.35 3.27 SA

3.14 3.31
4.00-3.25 Strongly Agree (SA) 3.24-2.50 Agree (A), 2.49-1.75 Disagree (DA), 1.74-1.00

Strongly Disagree (SD)

The statement number 2 “I fully comprehend the previous activities before

proceeding into a new reading” has 3.16 average weighted mean in gender, 3.28

average weighted mean in monthly income, 3.35 average weighted mean in

educational attainment, and overall average weighted mean is 3.26. Based on the

given table, it ranked as 4, and interpreted as strongly agree (SA). This means that not

all the students are capable to understand the previous activity before proceeding into

a new reading. The statement number 4 “I read books or articles related to the

assigned daily learning activities” has 2.88 average weighted mean in gender, 3.12

average weighted mean in monthly income, 3.15 average weighted mean in

educational attainment, and overall average weighted mean is 3.05. Based on the

given table, it ranked as 5, and interpreted as agree (A). This means that not all the

students are capable to read books or articles that are related to the assigned



Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily Learning Activities in Learning

English and the Demographic Profile of Respondents in Terms of Vocabulary

Profile Over VI RANK

Gende Monthl Educational
C. Vocabulary AW
r y Attainment
1. I use the dictionary to find the 3.30 3.42 3.61 3.44 SA 1
meaning of the unfamiliar words
in the given activities.
2. I use the unfamiliar words in 3.05 3.20 3.45 3.23 A 3
my sentences, paragraphs and
even in essays that I write.
3. I keep a vocabulary notebook 2.51 3.04 3.04 2.86 A 5
of the unfamiliar words that I
learn from the activities.
4. I always look for the meaning 3.44 3.47 3.48 3.46 SA 2
of unfamiliar words that I read
from reading materials.
5. I look for the synonyms of the 3.37 3.08 3.16 3.20 A 4

unfamiliar words and use it in a

daily conversation.
Average 3.24 A
3.13 3.24 3.35

4.00-3.25 Strongly Agree (SA) 3.24-2.50 Agree (A), 2.49-1.75 Disagree (DA), 1.74-1.00

Strongly Disagree (SD)

This table shows the Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily Learning

Activities in Learning English and the Demographic Profile of Respondents in Terms of

Vocabulary. In vocabulary, the statement number 1 “I use the dictionary to find the

meaning of the unfamiliar words in the given activities” has 3.30 average weighted

mean in gender, 3.42 average weighted mean in monthly income, 3.61 average

weighted mean in education attainment, and over average weighted mean is 3.44.

Based on the given table, it ranked as 1, interpreted as strongly agree (SA). This

means that majority of the students were using dictionary to look for the meaning of

the unfamiliar word that they have encountered in the given activities. The statement

number 4 “I always look for the meaning of unfamiliar words that I read from reading

materials” has 3.44 average weighted mean in gender, 3.47 average weighted mean

in monthly income, 3.48 average weighted mean in educational attainment, and

overall average weighted mean is 3.46. Based on the given table, it ranked as 2, and

interpreted as strongly agree (SA). This implies that the students always look for the

meaning of unfamiliar words that they have read from the reading materials that have

been provided. The statement number 2 “I use the unfamiliar words in my sentences,

paragraphs and even in essays that I write” has 3.05 average weighted mean in

gender, 3.20 average weighted mean in monthly income, 3.45 average weighted

mean in educational attainment, and overall average weighted mean is 3.23. Based on

the given table, it ranked as 3, interpreted as agree (A). This means that students

somehow used unfamiliar words in a sentence, paragraphs, and even in an essay.

The statement number 5 “I look for the synonyms of the unfamiliar words and use it in

a daily conversation” has 3.37 average weighted mean in gender, 3.08 average

weighted mean in monthly income, 3.16 average weighted mean in educational

attainment, and overall average weighted mean is 3.20. Based on the give table, it

ranked as 4, interpreted as agree (A). This means that not all the students are using

the unfamiliar words in a daily conversation. the statement number 3 “I keep a

vocabulary notebook of the unfamiliar words that I learn from the activities” has 2.51

average weighted mean in gender, 3.04 average weighted mean in monthly income,

3.04 average weighted mean in educational attainment, and overall average weighted

mean is 2.86. Based on the given table, it ranked as 5, interpreted as agree (A). This

implies that not all the students are capable to keep a vocabulary notebook of the

unfamiliar words that they have encountered in the given activities.


Composite Table on the Overall Average Weighted Mean on the Impact of Daily
Learning Activities in Learning English and the Demographic Profile of

Daily Learning Activity Gender Monthly Income Parents’

in Learning English Educational
AWM Rank AWM Rank AWM Rank
A. Students Motivation 3.17 3.28 3.28
and Participation 1 2 3
B. Reading 3.14 3.31 3.35
Comprehension 2 1 1.5
C. Vocabulary 3.13 3 3.24 3 3.35 1.5
Average 3.15 3.28 3.33

This tables shows Composite Table on the Overall Average Weighted Mean on

the Impact of Daily Learning Activities in Learning English and the Demographic Profile

of Respondents. In student’s motivation and participation, the average weighted mean

of the gender is 3.17 and ranked as 1. In reading comprehension, the average weighted

mean of the gender is 3.14 and ranked as 2. In vocabulary, the average weighted mean

of the gender is 3.13 and ranked as 3. In reading comprehension, the average weighted

mean of the monthly income is 3.31 and ranked as 1. In student’s motivation and

participation, the average weighted mean of the monthly income is 3.28 and ranked as

2. In vocabulary, the average weighted mean of the monthly income is 3.24 and ranked

as 3. In reading comprehension and vocabulary, the average weighted mean of the

parents’ educational attainment is 3.35 and ranked as 1.5. In student’s motivation and

participation, the average weighted mean of the parents’ educational attainment is 3.28

and ranked as 3.

For problem number 3 asking if there is a significant difference between the

profile of the respondents in terms of gender, monthly family income, and parents’

educational attainment to the Impact of Daily Learning Activities in Learning English

among Grade 10 Students, the hypothesis is Rejected (R) and Significant (S) if the

Probability computed is less than or equal to 0.05 Probability Value if the Probability

value is greater than 0.05 Probability Value the hypothesis is accepted (A) and Not

Significant (NS).

Table 17.0

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on the Significant Difference between the Impact of

Daily Learning Activities in Learning English and the Demographic Profile of


Computation Results using Statistical Analysis System (SAS) software ANOVA:

Single Factor

ANOVA: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Column1 3 9.44 3.146667 0.000433
Column 2 3 9.83 3.276667 0.001233
Column 3 3 9.98 3.326667 0.001633


Source of SS df MS F-value P-value F crit


Between 0.0518 2 0.0259 23.54545 0.001443 5.143253


Within 0.0066 6 0.0011


Total 0.0584 8

Table 17.0 presents the results of the computation using Statistical Analysis

System (SAS) software ANOVA: Single Factor showing the summary of groups by

column. The second table of computation shows the F value, P-value and F-crit that will

determine if the hypothesis is a significant or not and if the null hypothesis is rejected or


Table 18.0

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on the Significant Difference between the Impact of

Daily Learning Activities in Learning English and the Demographic Profile of


F- value P –value F – crit Ho VI

23.54545 0.001443 5.143253 R S

Less than or equal to 0.05 Probability Value that is Reject (R) and Significant (S):

greater than 0.05 Probability Value that is Accept (A) and Not Significant (NS)

Table 18 revealed the significant difference the between the Impact of Daily

Learning Activities in Learning English and the Demographic Profile of Respondents.

The F value obtained is 23.54545 which is greater than the F –critical tabular

value of 5.143253 at 0.05 level of confidence. The P-value obtained is 0.001443

which is less than 0.05 Probability Value. Therefore, the null hypothesis is “Rejected”

(R) and Significant (S).

Hence, there is a significant difference between the Impact of Daily Learning

Activities in Learning English and the Demographic Profile of Respondents.


This implies that the Daily Learning Activities in English have significant impact to

the Demographic Profile of Grade 10 Students of Cainta Catholic College A.Y. 2020-


Chapter 5

Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions drawn and

recommendations offered.

Summary of Findings

From the analysis and interpretation of data, the following findings are hereby


1. The Profile of the Respondents in terms of Gender.

There are 105 respondents, it indicates that there were 33 or 31.43% of the

respondents were male and ranked as 1, and 72 or 68.57% were females and ranked

as 2. This implied that there were more females who cooperated with the researchers

during the study at Cainta Catholic College.

More than forty-three percent of the parents of the Grade 10 students belong to

the low-income group. If the family has a lower income, it may not support the needs of

the students inside the school which may include the gadgets that the students need to


Forty percent of the parents of the respondents are college degree holders. This

makes an impact because parents with higher education may have easier time helping

or help in answering a simple daily learning activity.

2. The Impact of Daily Learning Activities in Learning English and the

Demographic Profile of Respondents in terms of student’s motivation and

participation, reading Comprehension, and vocabulary.

In student’s motivation and participation, the average weighted mean of the

gender is 3.17 and ranked as 1. In reading comprehension, the average weighted mean

of the gender is 3.14 and ranked as 2. In vocabulary, the average weighted mean of the

gender is 3.13 and ranked as 3. In reading comprehension, the average weighted mean

of the monthly income is 3.31 and ranked as 1. In student’s motivation and participation,

the average weighted mean of the monthly income is 3.28 and ranked as 2. In

vocabulary, the average weighted mean of the monthly income is 3.24 and ranked as 3.

In reading comprehension and vocabulary, the average weighted mean of the parents’

educational attainment is 3.35 and ranked as 1.5. In student’s motivation and

participation, the average weighted mean of the parents’ educational attainment is 3.28

and ranked as 3.

Over-all, comprehension has a greater impact on the students’ Daily Learning

Activities. Vocabulary has the least impact.

3. There is a significant difference between the Impact of Daily Learning Activities

in Learning English and the Demographic Profile of Respondents.


It means that the demographic profile of the respondents has significant

difference in the Impact on the DLA that the students do in their English class.


Based on the summary of finding the following conclusions were formulated:

Using Statistical Analysis System (SAS) software ANOVA: Single Factor showing

the summary of groups by column. The F value obtained is 23.54545 which is greater

than the F –critical tabular value of 5.143253 at 0.05 level of confidence. The P-value

obtained is 0.001443 which is less than 0.05 Probability Value. Therefore, the null

hypothesis is “Rejected” (R) and Significant (S).

Hence, there is a significant difference between the Impact of Daily Learning

Activities in Learning English and the Demographic Profile of Respondents.

This implies that the Daily Learning Activities in English have significant impact to

the Demographic Profile of Grade 10 Students of Cainta Catholic College A.Y. 2020-



Looking at the result of this study, the researchers recommend the following:

1. The school should consider conducting or sponsoring a seminar for teachers on

the many types of daily learning activities.

2. We encourage the school to provide additional reading materials in the library

that will help the students enhance their capability to read with comprehension.

3. Teachers must strive to ensure that activities meaningful specifically connect

them with students' previous knowledge and experiences, highlighting the value


4. To encourage mastery activities should have various approaches which will

challenge their critical thinking skills.

5. Finally, students' perception of the daily learning activities impacts their level of

engagement. When students perform an activity because they want to learn and

rather than merely to obtain a good grade to please their parents their learning

will be more efficient and proficient.



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Lai, E. (2011). Motivation: A Literature Review. 2.

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ACTIVITIES Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June Oct.

Formulating of
Three Titles
Title Defense
Gathering Related
Literature and
Development of
1 to 3
Checking and
Revision of
1 to 3
Validation of Test
Administration of
Accomplishment of

Chapters 4 to 6
Final Defense
Submission of the
Revised Thesis


Name: Alniema Ampang Mayo

Date of Birth: July 24, 199

Place of Birth: Antipolo City

Home Address: #51 Kasunduan St. Brgy. Commonwealth, Quezon City

Civil Status: Single

Name of Mother: Omiensalam A. Mayo

Name of Father: Alimoding S. Mayo



• Cainta Catholic College 2018-2022

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English


Senior High School

• Piagapo National High School 2016-2018

Junior High School

• Piagapo National High School 2012-2016


• Piagapo Central Elementary School 2006-2012



Name: Jonna May P. Roxas

Date of Birth: May 14, 2021

Place of Birth: Pasig, City

Home Address: 0279 del Rosario Comp. Brgy. San Juan Taytay, Rizal

Civil Status: Single

Name of Mother: Juanita P. Roxas

Name of Father: Angelito P. Roxas Sr.



• Cainta Catholic College 2018-2022

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English


Senior High School

• Taytay Senior High School 2017-2018

• Taytay United Methodist Christian School Inc. 2016-2017

Junior High School

• Benjamin B. Esguerra Memorial National High School 2012-2016


• Sta. Ana Elementary School 2006-2012

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