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1. My father buys…..

car today
a. a
b. an
c. also
d. too
2. I eat……cupcake from my mom
a. an
b. a
c. but
d. also
3. Diana reads…..newspaper today
a. an
b. a
c. the
d. but
4. I use…..uniform today
a. an
b. a
c. but
d. also
5. Cindy has….. new boyfriend
a. the
b. also
c. a
d. an
6. Is it……new album of you?
a. an
b. a
c. the
d. either
7. My mom cook……delicious food
a. an
b. either
c. a
d. the
8……beautiful doll is very expensive
a. an
b. a
c. either
d. also
9……..University that you want is very good
a. an
b. a
c. either
d. also
10……man that you love is very kind
a. an
b. a
c. either
d. also
11. I see….beutiful girl here
a. an
b. a
c. the
d. also
12. I drive…
a. an
b. the
c. a
d. also
13. I see…..teacher in the class
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. also
14. I know that he buys …….house in this area
a. an
b. a
c. the
d. also
15……..pill that you buy is very expensive
a. an
b. a
c. also
d. either
16. I see…….elephant in the zoo
a. a
b. an
c. the
d.e ither
17. Diana sees…….apple in the refrigerator
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. either
18………car that you buy is very cheap
a. an
b. a
c. either
d. also

19. She buys…….motorcycle here

a. an
b. a
c. the
d. either
20……orange is very important for your body
a. an
b. a
c. also
d. either

1. I…..not do my homework
a. does
b. do
c. did
d. are
2. He…..not love me anymore
a. do
b. did
c. does
d. are
3. Diana ….. not write a story alone
a. do
b. is
c. being
d. does
4……..they play football here?
a. does
b. do
c. did
d. being
5………..she swim alone?
a. do
b. did
c. does
d. is
6……….we care to each other?
a. did
b. does
c. do
d. being
7. I…..not know them
a. did
b. does
c. do
d. is
8. Sinta…….not sing a new song
a. does
b. do
d. is
9. We… you so much
a. do
b. did
c. does
d. being
10. Diana and Andi…..not come to my house
a. do
b. does
c. is
d. are
11. Lika and Manda…… with me again
a. does
b. do
c. is
d. are
12………my daddy drive a car?
a. do
b. does
c. is
d. are
13…………Andi talk to me?
a. did
b. does
c. do
d. is
14. I……not cook a food for him
a. does
b. did
c. do
d. are
15. Sintia…….not write a letter for her family
a. do
b. does
c. did
d. is
16. I……not read a newspaper this morning
a. does
b. did
c. do
d. is
17…………they go to German this week?
a. Did
b. is
c. are
d. do
1. I…… 5 am
a. get up
b. gets up
c. getting up
d. got up
2. I …….a letter for my mom
a. write
b. writing
c. wrote
d. writes
3. They… so well
a. know
b. knew
c. knew
d. known
4. We…….this food here
a. ate
b. eat
c. eaten
d. eating
5. She…….a homemade cake
a. made
b. make
c. makes
d. making
6. I……a delicious food for you
a. cooking
b. cooks
c. cooked
d. cook
7. She…….a picture here
a. drew
b. drawn
c. drawing
d. draws
8. it most…….. all the time
a. happen
b. happening
c. happens
d. hapen
9. He often….to my gym
a. come
b. came
c. coming
d. comes
10. you can…..fresh vegetables
a. gets
b. get
c. getting
d. got
11. The ships…… tonight
a. arrive
b. arrives
c. arrived
d. arriving
12. She ……a bread every morning
a. eating
b. ate
c. eats
d. eat
13.Diana …….every morning
a. takes a bath
b. take a bath
c. taking a bath
d. took a bath
14. They…..badminton every weekend
a. playing
b. plays
c. played
d. play
15. They…..some fruits for my family
a. bought
b. buys
c. buy
d. buying
16. We…..not do the task
a. did
b. be
c. are
d. do
17. They……us so well
a. know
b. knew
c. knowing
d. known
18. we……a letter for me
a. sending
b. sent
c. send
d. sends
19. we…..lyric of the song
a. made
b. making
c. makes
d. make
20. He…… me
a. laughs
b. laugh
c. laughing
d. lauged
1. I………to the school alone yesterday
a. walk
b. walked
c. walks
d. walking
2. we……in this restaurant 2 days ago
a. ate
b. eaten
c. eating
d. eat
3. I……in this sofa with him
a. sleeping
b. sleep
c. slept
d. sleped
4. We…… each other 2 years ago
a. love
b. be loving
c. are love
d. loved
5. I……this scissors to cut the grass yesterday
a. cuted
b. cuting
c. cut
d. be cutted
6………he read novel last night?
a. do
b. did
c. done
d. are
7. We….. to aceh two weeks ago
a. gone
b. come
c. went
d. go
8. They……. this musc two hours ago
a. listened
b. listen
c. listening
d. be listen
9. Anita……me in this market yesterday
a. meeting
b. meets
c. met
d. meet
10. Dona……. this delicious food for us, 1 hour ago
a. cooking
b. cooked
c. cooks
d. cook
11. I….. this floor yesterday
a. swept
b. sweep
c. sweeps
d. sweeped
12. My brother…….this novel yesterday
a. reading
b. reads
c. read
d. readed
13. We……to the collage yesterday
a. walking
b. walk
c. walked
d. be walking
14. My lil bro……..a new motorcycle yesterday
a. has
b. have
c. having
d. had
15.I….. sad when my bestfriend left me yesterday
a. am sad
b. were
c. was
d. did
16. I……in this office 2 years ago
a. working
b. worked
c. work
d. be working
17.I……my wallet in this market two months ago
a. loose
b. losed
c. lose
d. lossing
18. My brother…….a letter for me
a. write
b. wrote
c. writing
d. was writting
19. My students……hard last night
a. study
b. studied
c. was study
d. studying
20. When I…….it is raining 5 minutes ago
a. got up
b. getting up
c. gets up
d. get up
21. They……about this project in this restaurant yesterday
a. talking
b. talked
c. talk
d. talks
22. I…….an elephant last night
a. draw
b. drew
c. drawn
d. drawing
23. My teacher…… about this mathematic last year
a. taught
b. teaching
c. teaches
d. teach
24. I……a cake to your house last night
a. bring
b. brought
c. brings
d. bringing
25. Julio…….an active student last year
a. were
b. was
c. is
d. are

1. They……….accompany me tomorrow
a. will
b. will not
c. is
d. are
26. I will …….. to your party
a. come
b. came
c. comes
d. coming
27. I will …… myself
a. eating
b. ate
c. eat
d. eaten
28. They will…….my birthday here
a. celebration
b. celebrate
c. celebrating
d. celebrates
29. My daddy will……..tomorrow morning
a. calls
b. call
c. called
d. calling
30. My mom …… accompany me to the market
a. will
b. be
c. is
d. are
31. we will…….this task together
a. did
b. doing
c. do
d. does
32. Diana is …….a new car now
a. drove
b. drives
c. driving
d. drive
33. Chika will…….a delicious food for me
a. cooking
b. cooks
c. cooked
d. cook
34. Sinta ……… a story about an elephant
a. write
b. wrote
c. writing
d. writes
35. Mia will……a new bag and shoes
a. buying
b. buys
c. buy
d. bought
36. I will meet you in this mall……
b. tomorrow
c. last month
d. last year
37. They are accompanying me……
a. now
b. yesterday
c. next week
d. this morning
38. Sella will…… a new song for us
a. sung
b. sing
c. sang
d. singing
39. We listened your new story here,……
a. this month
b. last week
c. next weekend
d. in afternoon
40. I ……….go to school tomorrow
a. will
b. will not
c. is
d. are

1.Penambahan (Addition)

–> add, plus, added by

Example :

10+20 = 30

(Ten plus ten equals thirty)

2.Pengurangan (Substraction)

–> Minus, Substracted by


(Ten minus five equals 5)

3.Perkalian (Multiplication)
–>Multiplied by, times

5×2 = 10

(five times two equals ten)

4.Pembagian (Division)

—> Divided by

10-2 = 8

(Ten divided by two equals eight)

Berikut ini soalnya coba kerjakan ya guys!

1. 5+2 = 7
2. 10-3 =7
3. 6×2 =12
4. 80-10=70
5. 80-70+1=11
6. 73-3+10=80
7. 10 x 5 : 2 = 25
8. 5+3+7 x 2 = 22
9. 6 + 7 + 19 = 32
10. 60 + 70 – 10 = 120
11. 15 – 6 + 1 = 10
12. 2 x 9 + 10 = 28
13. 17 + 10 + 20 =47
14. 50 + 50 +30 = 130
15. 6 + 2 : 2 =4
16. 80 + 10 – 20 = 70
17. 30 – 10 = 20
18. 50 – 10 : 2 = 20
19. 180 : 2 = 90
20. 19 + 10 – 5 = 21
21. 35 + 5 +65 = 105
22. 60 + 20 -10 = 70
23. 70 + 10 – 20 =60
24. 40 – 20 : 5 = 4
25. 60 – 10 + 20 =70
26. 120 + 10 + 30 =160
27. 90 : 3 = 30
28. 100 – 50 = 50
29. 100 : 2 = 50
30. 50 + 30 – 10 = 70

Itu loh; are, is, am,were,was,

Ordinary Verb (kata kerja utama)

Ordinary verb adalah kata kerja utama atau inti dalam sebuah kalimat.

e.g/:bring             lend              play           sell             write

Nah kalau Verbal itu kalimat yang mangandung unsur kata kerja.

e.g/: I work in the office

Kalau Nominal Kalimat yang tidak mengandung unsur kata kerja.

e.g/: I am happy

Bagaimana, mudah bukan?

Selamat Mengerjakan!

Name : 


Tentukan auxiliary, ordinary, verbal, nominal!

1. She had been singing many songs

2. You will be a wonderful actress
3. Don’t you see my wallet?
4. How can I change the world?
5. He must be sharing his stories
6. Does she go to Elfast everyday?
7. Brown does a research
8. Nobody knocked my door last night
9. Did you eat your lunch?
10. Norman has been famous
11. I’am is calling me
12. Will she have been the next superstar?
13. This book seems new
14. My T-Shirt will be dirty because of mud
15. Players play plays
16. The seller is interesting
17. He drives me crazy
18. The last play is this play
19. A great movie is watched by a lot of people
20. Have little children chosen the games?
21. If life is so short
22. Someone special would have given me a flower
23. The power of dream can show you the power of life
24. These are mine
25. Everything has not been over

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