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Multiple Choice Questions for Statistics.

1. _____________ is data that has been organized into groups known as

intervals or classes.

A. secondary data

B. disorganised data

C. Grouped data

D. none of the above

2. Which one of the following answers consist of correct data collection

methods _____________.

A. surveys, interviews and questionnaires

B. interviews, primary data and observations

C. intervals, observations and secondary data

D. experiments and organised data.

3. _____________ are components of statistics.

A. correlation

B. descriptive and statistical inferences

C. frequency tables and histograms

D. population and sampling

4. _____________ is a summary measure that is computed from the sample to

draw conclusions about the true population parameters.

A. sampling

B. descriptive statistics

C. claim

D. sample statistic
5. Which of the definitions below best explains population in business

A. is the group of all items that are of interest to the statistician

B. a portion of the group

C. number of children

D. none of the above

6. _____________makes inferences, generalisations, estimates, forecasts and

or other judgements based on sample data instead of the whole population.

A. statistical remodelling

B. population

C. inferential statistics

D. descriptive statistics

7. A quantity which during its computation is assumed to vary or capable of

varying in value is _____________.

A. independent

B. variable

C. dependant value

D. value

8. _____________ is a variable that can take different values but only in response
to a predictor variable.

A. estimator

B. independent variable

C. interval

D. dependant variable.

9 The number of a students in class is 100. This is an example of__________.

A. discrete data

B. categorised data

C. continuous data

D. qualitative data

For each of the following examples of data (questions 10, 11 and 12) determine the
scale measurement type to use:

10. Marital status __________.

A. ordinal scale

B. discrete scale

C. interval scale

D. nominal scale.

11. The mass of students in college __________.

A. qualitative

B. ratio scale

C. interval scale

D. nominal scale

12. Rating of the studying material for Business Statistics: excellent, good, fair
or poor __________.

A. ratio scale

B. ordinal scale

C. interval

D. none of the above.

13. Which notation is used to sum up all the data values in a given data set?

A. ∑ 𝑥

B. ∞
C. 𝛿𝑥

D. α

14. In statistics __________ of an event is the number of times the event

occurred in an experiment or study

A. frequency

B. histogram

C. ogive

D. none of the above

15. The class _________ is halfway between the limits of the interval.

A. frequency

B. intersection

C. midpoint

D. distribution

16. __________ means one variable (one type of data example distance travelled
in kilometres: 14, 12, 11, 22, and 44).

A. univariate data

B. bivariate data

C. tripatite data

D. all of the above.

17. __________ is found by adding up all the data values and then dividing the
total by the sample size.

A. mode

B. median

C. average

D. central location.
18. Which measure of the central location is meaningful when the data is
nominal for example colour of jerseys and marital status?

A. the arithmetic mean

B. geometric mean

C. the mode

D. A and B

19. The __________ divides an ordered set of data values into two equal halves
that is, 50 percent of the data values lie below it and the other 50 percent above

A. modal class

B. value

C. average

D. median.

20. __________ is a central location statistic that can be identified by mere

inspection of the ungrouped data set.

A. mode

B. mean

C. quartile

D. standard deviation.

21. If a distribution has more than three modes, then the distribution is

A. bi-modal

B. uni-modal

C. multi-modal

D. tri-modal
21. Sample A consists of 9, 3, 8, 12, 4, 9 and 8. What is the value of n for this

A. 14

B. 3

C. 8

D. 7

22. __________ is the nth root of the product of the given scores in the set of

A. exponential

B. geometric mean

C. harmonic mean

D. none of the above.

23. An __________ is an extreme value in a given data set.

A. range

B. minimal

C. outlier

D. quartile

24. Which of the following measurements divide a set of observations into equal

A. Quartiles

B. Standard deviations

C. correlation

D. variance

25. Which locational formulae is used to identify the upper quartile of a data set?

A. 0.75
B. 0.25n

C. 0.75(n+1)

D. 0.75n-100

26. The __________ is that data value that separates the top 25 percent of
ordered data values from the bottom 75 percent of the ordered data values.

A. lower quartile

B. upper quartile

C. middle quartile

D. none of the above

27. In statistics, dispersion is also known as __________.

A. spread

B. scatter

C. variability

D. all of the above.

28. Range is the simplest measure of dispersion. Which of the following

formulas is used to calculate range.

A. minimum value – medium value

B. maximum value – minimum value

C range – maximum value

D. none of the above

29. Which of the following is affected mostly by outliers?

A. standard deviation

B. mode

C. range

D. variance
30. Identify the major characteristics of variance below:

A. all observations are used in the calculation

B. it is not affected by extreme values

C. it is the most widely used and reliable measure of dispersion.

D. all of the above

31. __________ is the square root of the average squared distanced from the
central value.

A. variance

B. coefficient of variability

C. standard deviation

D. interquartile range

32. With regard to statistics:

A. the mode is the most frequently occurring value

B. the mode is the maximum point on a frequency distribution curve

C. the median has an equal number of values above and below it

D. all of the above is correct.

33. Numerical methods and graphical methods are specialized procedures used

A. social statistics

B. business statistics

C. descriptive statistics

D. education statistics

34. According to percentiles, median to be measured must lie in

A. 80th

B. 40th
C. 50th

D. 100th

35. Variables whose measurement is done in terms such as weight, height and length

are classified as

A. continuous variables

B. measuring variables

C. flowchart variables

D. discrete variables

36. Measures of central tendency are

A. inferential statistics that identify the best single value for representing a set of data.
B. descriptive statistics that identify the best single value for representing a set of data.
C. inferential statistics that identify the spread of the scores in a data set.
D. descriptive statistics that identify the spread of the scores in a data set

37. The mean is

A. the statistical or arithmetic average.

B. the middlemost score.

C. the most frequently occurring score.

D. the best representation for every set of data.

38. Given the following data set, what is the value of the median? [2, 4, 3, 6, 1, 8,
9, 2, 5 and 7]

A. 2

B. 4.7
C. 4.5

D. 10

39. Given the following set of data, what is the range? [12, 23, 34, 54, 21, 8, 9 and

A. 55

B. 59

C. 8

D. 56

40. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the mean?

A. It is affected by extreme scores.
B. It minimizes the sum of squared deviations.
C. The sum of the deviations about the mean is 0.
D. It is best used with ordinal data.

41. Which of the following is used to represent a known value for the
population variance?
A. s
B. σ
C. σ2
D. s2

42. Which of the following is not true about the correlation coefficient?

A. is denoted by the symbol "r"

B. is measured on a scale of 0 to 1.

C. a positive value implies that a rise in one variable accompanies a rise in the

D. describes the degree of association between two variables

43. Mu is an example of a .
A. population parameter
B. sample statistic
C. population variance
D. mode

Table 1
The following data show the number of hours worked by 200 statistics
Number of Hours Frequency
0-9 40
10 - 19 50
20 - 29 70
30 - 39 40
44. Refer to Table 1. The class width for this distribution
A. is 9
B. is 10
C. is 11
D. varies from class to class
45. Refer to Table 1. The number of students working 19 hours or less
A. is 40
B. is 50
C. is 90
D. cannot be determined without the original data
46. Refer to Table 1. The relative frequency of students working 9 hours or less
A. is 0.2
B. is 0.45
C. is 40
D. None of the above answers is correct.
47. Refer to Table 1. The cumulative relative frequency for the class of 10 - 19
A. is 90
B. is 0.25
C. is 0.45
D. cannot be determined from the information given
48. Refer to Table 1. The cumulative frequency for all the classes is
A. 1
B. 4
C. 0.4
D. 200
49. Refer to Table 1. Find the middle point of the class interval 30 - 39;
A. 69
B. 34.5
C. upper limit
D. lower limit
50. Refer to Table 1. Identify the variable of interest;
A. number of students
B. frequency
C. students
D. the number of hours worked by the students
51. If a data set has an even number of observations, the median
A. cannot be determined
B. is the average value of the two middle items
C. must be equal to the mean
D. is the average value of the two middle items when all items are arranged in
ascending order.
52. In a sample of 800 students in a university, 160, or 20%, are Business majors.
Based on the above information, the school's paper reported that "20% of all the
students at the university are Business majors." This report is an example of
A. a sample
B. a population
C. statistical inference
D. descriptive statistics
53. A tabular summary of a set of data showing the fraction of the total number
of items in several classes is a
A. frequency distribution
B. relative frequency distribution
C. frequency
D. cumulative frequency distribution
54. The standard deviation of a sample of 100 observations equals 64. The
variance of the sample equals
A. 8
B. 10
C. 6,400
D. 4,096
55. The variance of a sample of 81 observations equals 64. The standard
deviation of the sample equals
A. 0
B. 4096
C. 8
D. 6,561
56. In computing descriptive statistics from grouped data,
A. data values are treated as if they occur at the midpoint of a class
B. the grouped data result is more accurate than the ungrouped result
C. the grouped data computations are used only when a population is being
D. All of the above answers are correct.
57. The sum of the percent frequencies for all classes will always equal
A. one
B. the number of classes
C. the number of items in the study
D. 100
58. The science of collecting, organizing, presenting, analysing and
interpreting data to assist in making more effective decisions is called:
A. Statistic
B. Parameter
C. Population
D. Statistics
59. When the characteristic being studied is non-numeric, it is called a:
A. Quantitative variable
B. Continuous variable
C. Discrete variable
D. Qualitative variable
60. Listings of the data in the form in which these are collected are known as:
A. Secondary data
B. Raw data
C. Arrayed data
D. Qualitative data.
61. A survey in which information is collected from each and every individual
of the population is known as:
A. Sample survey
B. Pilot survey
C. Biased survey
D. Census survey
62. A variable that assumes only some selected values [mostly integers only]
in a range is called:
A. Continuous variable
B. Quantitative variable
C. Discrete variable
D. Qualitative variable
63. A variable that assumes any value within a range is called:
A. Discrete variable
B. Continuous variable
C. Independent variable
D. Dependent variable
64. A variable that provides the basis for estimation is called:
A. Dependent variable
B. Independent variable
C. Continuous variable
D. Qualitative variable
65. The correlation coefficient is used to determine:
A. A specific value of the y variable given a specific value of the x variable
B. A specific value of the x variable given a specific value of the y variable
C. The strength of the relationship between the x and y variables
D. None of these
66. If there is a very strong correlation between two variables then the
correlation coefficient must be
A. any value larger than 1
B. be closer or equal to 1, if the correlation is positive
C. much larger than 0, regardless of whether the correlation is negative or positive
D. None of these alternatives is correct
67. In regression analysis, the variable that is being predicted is the
A .response, or dependent, variable
B. independent variable
C. intervening variable
D. is usually x
68. The coefficient of correlation
A. is the square of the coefficient of determination
B. is the square root of the coefficient of determination
C. is the same as r-square
D. can never be negative
69. In a regression and correlation analysis if r = 1, then
A. coefficient of determination is 2.
B. coefficient of determination = 1
C. coefficient of determination is 0
D. none of the above.
70. If the correlation coefficient is 0.8, the percentage of variation in the
response variable explained by the variation in the explanatory variable is
A. 0.80%
B. 80%
C. 0.64%
D. 64%
71. If the coefficient of determination is 0.81, the correlation coefficient
A. is 0.6561
B. could be either + 0.9 or -0.9
C. must be positive
D. must be negative
72. The other name for Spearman’s rho is
A. ranked coefficient
B. difference
C. R
D. none of the above.
73. Which of the following is NOT a possible value of the correlation
A. negative 0.9
B. zero
C. positive 0.15
D. positive 1.5
74. Regression analysis is a statistical procedure for developing a
mathematical equation that best describes how
A. One independent and one dependent variables are related.
B. Several independent and one dependent variables are related
C. One dependent and more independent variables are related
D. None of the above answers is correct
75. The coefficient of correlation is computed to be -0.95 means that
A. the relationship is weak
B. average relationship
C. the relationship is strong but negative
D. the relationship is moderate.
76. An indication of no linear relationship between two variables would be:
A. coefficient of determination equal to 1.
B. a coefficient of determination equal to -1.
C. a coefficient of correlation of 0.
D. a coefficient of correlation equal to -1.
77. The variable plotted on the horizontal or X-axis in a scatter diagram is
called the:
A. scatter variable
B. independent variable
C. dependent variable
D. correlation variable
78. Which of the following is a stronger correlation than -0.54?
A. 0
B. -0.2
C. -0.45
D. -0.87
79. A regression equation is used to:
A. Measure the association between two variables
B. Estimate the value of the dependent variable based on the independent variable
C. Estimate the value of the independent variable based on the dependent variable
D. Estimate the coefficient of determination
80. A regression equation was computed to be Y = 35 + 6X.
The value of 35 indicates:
A. y-intercept where the regression line cuts the y-axis
B. the slope
C. The coefficient of determination
D. none of the above
81. What does a coefficient of determination of 0.70 mean?
A. Almost no correlation because 0.70 is close to 1.0
B. 70% of the variation in dependent variable is explained by the independent
C. Coefficient of determination is 0.49
D. Coefficient of non-determination is 0.30
82. Sample statistics are denoted by the
A. upper case Greek letter
B. associated roman alphabets
C. roman letters
D. lower case Greek letter
83. Scale used in statistics which provides difference of proportions as well as
magnitude of differences is considered as

A. satisfactory scale
B. ratio scale
C. goodness scale
D. exponential scale.

84. Largest value is 60 and smallest value is 40 and number of classes desired
is 5, then class interval is
A .20
B. 4
C. 25
D. 15
85. Summary and presentation of data in tabular form with several non-
overlapping classes is referred as
A. nominal distribution
B. ordinal distribution
C. chronological distribution
D. frequency distribution
86. Discrete variables and continuous variables are two types of
A. open end classification
B. time series classification
C. regression
D. quantitative classification

Table 2
50, 60, 40, 30,70,90 and 80

87. Refer to table 2, which of the following is the lower quartile of the data set
A. 40
B. 80
C. 2
D. none of the above.
88. Refer to table 2, the interquartile range of the data set is
A. 80
B. 40
C. 30
D. 60
89. Refer to table 2, find the semi-interquartile range of the data set
A. 50
B. 25
C. 40
D. 20
90. Using Table 2, find the 50th percentile of the data set
A. 50
B. 25
C. 40
D. none of the above is correct.
91. Students divided into different groups according to their intelligence and
gender will generate:
A. Quantitative data
B. Qualitative data
C. Continuous data
D. Constant
92. Measurement techniques used to measure extent of skewness in data set
values are called
A. measure of distribution width
B. measure of median tail
C. measure of tail distribution
D. measure of skewness
93. Frequency distribution is considered as negatively skewed if all values of
distribution moves to
A. lower tail
B. median tail
C. variance tail
D. upper tail

94. Frequency distribution is considered as positively skewed if all values of

distribution moves to
A. variance tail
B. upper tail
C. lower tail
D. median tail.
95. A modal class is the class that includes the .
A. observations
B. smallest number of observations
C. largest number of observations
D. none of the above.
96. In a sample of 400 students in a college of business, 20 of them or 30% re
marketing majors. The 30% is an example of
A. population
B. sample
C. statistical inferences
D. descriptive statistics.
Use the information below to answer questions 62 – 65.
A politician who is running for the vacant Member of Parliament [MP] seat with 50
000 registered voters conducts a survey. In the survey, 60% of the 2 000 registered
voters interviewed say they planned to vote for the MP.
97. Using the information above, which figure represents the population of
A. politician
B. 2 000
C. 50 000
D. none of the above.
98. Using the information above, what is the sample.
A. voters’ choice
B. the political choices of the 2000 registered voters
C. 200
D. the political choices of 50 000 registered voters.
99. Using the information above, is the sample statistic.
A. 60%
B. 2000
C. statistical inferences
D. 25000.
100. Using the information above, what is the random variable
A. the political choices of the registered voters
B. Member of Parliament
C. 50 000 voters
D. none of the above
Complied by Mahohoma N.

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