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NASA/TM—2006-214390 AIAA–2006–4913

Responding to Mechanical Antigravity

Marc G. Millis
Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio

Nicholas E. Thomas
University of Miami, Miami, Florida

December 2006
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NASA/TM—2006-214390 AIAA–2006–4913

Responding to Mechanical Antigravity

Marc G. Millis
Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio

Nicholas E. Thomas
University of Miami, Miami, Florida

Prepared for the

42nd Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit
cosponsored by the AIAA, ASME, SAE, and ASEE
Sacramento, California, July 9–12, 2006

National Aeronautics and

Space Administration

Glenn Research Center

Cleveland, Ohio 44135

December 2006
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Responding to Mechanical Antigravity
Marc G. Millis
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Glenn Research Center
Cleveland, Ohio 44135

Nicholas E. Thomas
University of Miami
Miami, Florida 33124

Based on the experiences of the NASA Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Project, suggestions are
offered for constructively responding to proposals that purport breakthrough propulsion using mechanical
devices. Because of the relatively large number of unsolicited submissions received (about 1 per
workday) and because many of these involve similar concepts, this report is offered to help the would-be
submitters make genuine progress as well as to help reviewers respond to such submissions. Devices that
use oscillating masses or gyroscope falsely appear to create net thrust through differential friction or by
misinterpreting torques as linear forces. To cover both the possibility of an errant claim and a genuine
discovery, reviews should require that submitters meet minimal thresholds of proof before engaging in
further correspondence; such as achieving sustained deflection of a level-platform pendulum in the case
of mechanical thrusters.


BPP Breakthrough Propulsion Physics

dl Increment of length (m)
dt Increment of time (s)
F Force (N)
f frequency (Hz)
g gravitational acceleration (9.8 m/s2)
I Impulse (N-s)
l length (m)
m mass (kg)
t duration time (s)
θ deflection angle (radians)

From 1996 to 2002, NASA sponsored research into Breakthrough Propulsion Physics (BPP) that
produced 14 peer-reviewed articles (ref. 1). A summary of these findings and research by others indicates
that this is a nascent topic encompassing many differing approaches and challenges (ref. 2). Because of
the provocative nature of seeking breakthroughs, this work receives much media attention, being cited in
Newsweek (ref. 3), Wired (ref. 4), the cover of Popular Science (ref. 5), New York Times (ref. 6), The
Boston Globe (ref. 7), and in the books Centauri Dreams (ref. 8), and in I’m Working On That (ref. 9); as
just some prominent examples.

NASA/TM—2006-214390 1
As a consequence of the media exposure, the NASA BPP Project became overwhelmed with
submissions from amateur enthusiasts wishing to contribute their ideas (ref. 7). To quantify this situation,
statistics were compiled during 2000 through 2001 on all unsolicited correspondence sent into the NASA
Project. The findings are presented in table I. Roughly a third of the submissions were from amateurs
requesting reviews or other support for their ideas.


1000 Unsolicited submissions per year (2000–2001) 100
Professional researchers: 32
• News of recent peer-reviewed publications
• Inquiries about future research solicitations
• Employment inquires
Amateur researchers requesting feedback 31
• “Here is my breakthrough…”
• “Please evaluate my idea…”
• “Please help me advance my idea…”
• (About a third of amateur requests, 9% of all submissions, display paranoia or delusions
of grandeur)
Public inquiries: 30
• “Please tell me more about…”
• “What is your assessment of…?”
• “Please help me with my homework.”
Invitations to conferences/workshops 4
Press interview requests 2
Public speaking requests 1

Given that an objective review and response can take roughly 3 days to prepare and considering the
rate of incoming submissions, it is estimated that a fulltime staff of 3 to 4 researchers would be needed
just to respond to the amateur requests. In addition to the technical issues, amateur submissions often
present the additional challenge of non-professional, emotionally-charged correspondence. Even though
reviews were occasionally conducted early in the BPP Project, eventually the Project had to adopt the
policy of not reviewing any unsolicited submissions.
Other organizations also face the challenge of receiving amateur submissions, but there are no
reference-able documents to help guide reviewers on how best to respond. As a service to other reviewers
and would-be submitters, the lessons from the BPP Project are summarized here.
The quintessential example chosen for illustrating this situation is the common proposal to use
oscillating masses or gyroscopes to produce net thrust. Known to violate conservation of momentum
when interpreted as a breakthrough claim, such ideas are often summarily dismissed—a response that
does little to educate or dissuade the submitters. To offer a more effective response, explanations are
offered next on why these devices appear to be breakthroughs, how they operate from the perspective of
established physics, and what the submitters can do to provide more convincing evidence of how the
device really operates.
In addition, suggestions are offered on how to phrase the response to encourage the submitters to
become more rigorous with their investigations so that they can learn from their experiences.

NASA/TM—2006-214390 2
Oscillation Thrusters
The oscillation thruster, also describable as a sticktion drive, internal drive, or slip-stick drive, is a
commonly suggested device that uses the motion of internal masses to create net thrust. One of the most
famous oscillation thrusters is the 1959 “Dean Drive” described in Patent 2,886,976 (ref. 10). A more
recent and simple example is shown in figure 1 (ref. 11). Further still, figure 2 displays an example that
uses rotating masses (ref. 12). Although there are many versions, all oscillation thrusters have the
following common components:

• Chassis to support a system of masses

• Conveyor that moves the masses through an asymmetric cycle
• Power source for the conveyor

A crucial feature is that the internal masses go through a cyclic motion where the motion in one
direction is quicker than in the other. The result is that the whole device moves in surges across the
ground, giving the appearance that a net thrust is being produced without expelling a reaction mass or
having a direct driving connection to the ground.
Because it would constitute a breakthrough to be able to move a vehicle without using a reaction mass
(ref. 2), these devices appear to be breakthroughs. Regrettably, such devices are not breakthroughs, since
they still require a connection to the ground to create net motion. The ground is the reaction mass and the
frictional connection to the ground is a necessary component to its operation.
More specifically, it is the difference between the static fiction (sometimes called sticktion) and the
dynamic friction between the device and the ground that is required for their operation. Static friction, the
amount of friction encountered when contacting surfaces are not moving relative to one another, is
typically greater than the dynamic friction between the same materials. Dynamic friction is the amount of
friction when the contacting surfaces are moving relative to one another.
Recall that the device’s internal masses move fast in one direction and slow in the other. When the
masses move quickly, the device has enough reaction force to overcome the static friction between itself
and the ground, and the device slides. When the internal masses return slowly in the other direction, the
reaction forces are not enough to overcome the static friction and the device stays in its place. The net
effect is that such slip-stick motion causes the device to scoot across the floor.

NASA/TM—2006-214390 3
If the device could be placed into orbit to follow a freefall trajectory, absent of any connection with
external masses, then the center of mass of the entire system would follow the freefall trajectory without
deviation, while the device’s external frame and its internal masses would just oscillate with respect to
one-another. Similarly, if the device were dropped with its thrusting direction pointing either up or down,
the rate of fall of the center of mass of the system would be identical regardless if the device was on or
To illustrate stick-slip operation, figure 3 offers an analogy. The right side of the figure represents
half of a cycle where the device does not move, while the left side represents half of the cycle where the
device does move. Even though the total impulse (I = F × t), as represented by the area of the rectangle, is
equal in both phases of the cycle, the force, F, represented by the width of the rectangle, and its duration,
t, represented by height of the rectangle, can vary. When they do, they vary reciprocally so that their
product remains constant. (Note that this is only a conceptual illustration whereas a more rigorous
analysis would require integrating a variable force over time.) With the impulse the same in both half-
cycles, the reaction force is less on the right-hand side than on the left. When compared to the critical
static friction force, Fc, which is the amount of force that would have to be overcome to set the device in
motion, it is clear that the reaction force for the right half-cycle is less than this critical force, while on the
left it is greater. This means that the device would move during the left hand half of the cycle, but not
during the right-hand.
More rigorous analyses of a given device can take on a variety of forms, depending on the device in
question. Options include using the impulse representation (∫F•dt) or the work representation (∫F•dl) over
all the phases of the device’s cycle. Also, depending on the device, the number of phases could vary. In

NASA/TM—2006-214390 4
figure 3 there are only two phases, but for the Foster device in figure 1 for example, at least three phases
would need to be assessed: (1) When the cam (part 60) is displacing the mass (part 50), (2) When the
mass returns under the restoring force of spring (part 80), and (3) When the Mass comes to a stop back to
its initial position.
Since such analyses are time consuming are not likely to be understood by many amateurs, it is more
effective to suggest that the submitter produce rigorous experimental proof. The challenge is to offer an
easy-to-construct test that minimizes the chance for false-positive results. A fitting test is to place the
device on a level pendulum stand, as illustrated in figure 4, and compare the deflection between the on
and off conditions of the device. A sustained net deflection of the pendulum is indicative of genuine
thrust. Alternatively, if the pendulum oscillates around its null position, which is the expected finding,
then the device is not creating net thrust.
To avoid possible spurious effects, it is advised to have the device and its power supply self-contained
on the pendulum, and to have the tallest pendulum possible (long l in fig. 4). The reason for containing
the power supply with the device is to avoid having the power cords interfere with the free motion of the
pendulum. The reasons for having a tall pendulum is to make its lateral motion (d in fig. 4) more
pronounced for a given lateral force, F, and to reduce its natural oscillation frequency to be much less
than the oscillation frequency of the device. Spurious results are possible if the oscillation frequency of
the device and the pendulum are similar. For reference, equations (1) and (2) present common equations
for using pendulums to measure lateral thrusting (valid for small deflections, approximating sine θ ≈ θ)
(ref. 13).

NASA/TM—2006-214390 5
Lateral Force as a Function of Deflection
F = mgtan θ (1)

Natural Frequency of a Pendulum

1 g
f = (2)
2π l

F lateral force acting to deflect the pendulum (N)
f pendulum frequency (Hz)
g gravitational acceleration (9.8 m/s2)
l length of the pendulum (m) (fig. 4)
m mass at the lower end of the pendulum (other masses taken as negligible) (kg)
θ deflection angle (radians) (fig. 4)

The reason that a level pendulum is recommended instead of a simple pendulum is to avoid the
misleading effects from tilting of the base, as illustrated in figure 5. Similarly, the reason that an air track
is not recommended is because of the misleading effects from the tilting of its base, as illustrated in
figure 6. When the internal masses of the device shift off center, the base can tilt. In the case of the
pendulum, this has the effect of inducing an apparent deflection of the pendulum. In the case of an air
track this has the effect of deflecting more air away from the dipped end, thereby thrusting the device
from the reaction to the asymmetric airflow.
To keep an open, yet rigorous, mind to the possibility that there has been some overlooked physical
phenomena, it would be necessary that any future proposals on these types of devices pass a pendulum
test and provide rigorous supporting data that addresses all possible false-positive conclusions. Although
a “jerk” effect (time rate change of acceleration) (ref. 14) has sometimes been mentioned as a theoretical

NASA/TM—2006-214390 6
NASA/TM—2006-214390 7
approach to understand such devices, no experiments nor physical evidence that substantiate such a jerk
effect have been reported. If successful net-thrust tests are ever produced and if a genuine new effect is
found, then science will have to be revised because it would then appear as if such devices were violating
conservation of momentum.
One venue through which to potentially address conservation of momentum in the absence of an
obvious reaction mass is to invoke a literal interpretation of Mach’s principle. Mach’s principle deals with
the relationship between an inertial frame and the surrounding mass of the universe (ref. 15). A literal
interpretation implies that the mass in the universe creates an inertial frame, and further conjectures
consider that any asymmetric interaction with such an inertial frame would impart its reaction forces to
the surrounding mass of the universe, thereby satisfying conservation of momentum. Although this notion
has been raised as a theoretical issue for contemplating space drives (refs. 2, 16, and 17), it has not been
fully explored. Any mechanical oscillation proposals invoking this approach would have to develop and
subject a formalism for this concept to the normal rigor of a peer review. This should be a prerequisite to
considering theoretical proposals along these lines.
Although there is theoretical and experimental work in the peer-reviewed literature that deals with
Mach’s principle and its propulsive implications, namely that of Jim Woodward’s transient inertia effect
(ref. 17), this transient inertia approach is not in the category of a mechanical oscillation thruster. At the
time of this writing the theories and experimental findings regarding the transient inertia claims and their
propulsive potential are still under investigation in the open literature and have not yet been
independently confirmed or refuted.

Gyroscopic Antigravity
Another category of commonly purported mechanical breakthroughs consists of a system of
gyroscopes. A famous example is from the 1973 demonstration by Eric Laithwaite, where a spinning gyro
is shown to rise upward while it is forced to presses (ref. 18). Although such upward motion is a
consequence of conservation of angular momenta, it is easily misinterpreted as an “antigravity” effect
(ref. 19). Laithwaite, a Professor of Applied Electricity at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, 1967–
1975 (ref. 20), went on to patent a device (fig. 7), that claims to produce linear force from such torques
(ref. 21).
Variations on the theme of using gyroscopes that claim linear thrust are common and typically consist
of forcing the axis of a spinning gyroscope to change its orientation in a manner that then causes the
entire gyro to shift upward, thereby creating the impression that an upward “antigravity” force exists.
Because a rigorous analysis of this dramatic motion can be difficult, the ambiguities regarding its real
physics linger.
Such concepts can be viewed as trying to reverse the effect of a spinning top. Rather than falling
immediately over, a spinning top precesses. It appears as if an invisible force is holding it up (fig. 8).
Although the gravitational field, g, which is tilting the top, is linear, the way that the top reacts to it
produces torques. These torques are working to conserve angular momentum in response to gravity. The
notion of reversing this process, of forcing the gyroscopic precessions to induce a linear force opposing
gravity (“antigravity”), seems like reasonable symmetry to expect, but this is not the case.
To illustrate the basic operation of a typical gyroscopic antigravity device, a simple version based on
the Laithwaite demonstration (fig. 9) will be used at the working example. Laithwaite’s demonstration
consisted of just a single 50 lb gyro rather than the dual version shown, but the principle of operation is
the same. With the gyro up to speed, Laithwaite was able to lift the gyro by its stem (nonrotating beam
that is coincident with the gyro’s axis), by torquing the stem around horizontally. In figure 9, a dual
version of the same thing occurs with the stems of two gyroscopes are mounted to a “main spindle.”
When this spindle is rotated, the gyros with their stems will pivot upward giving the impression of a
lifting force. A mechanical stop is included to halt the gyro’s tilting while it is still aligned to produce this
“upward” force.

NASA/TM—2006-214390 8
NASA/TM—2006-214390 9
To understand this in terms of known physics, figure 10 presents a visual means to help understand
how conservation of angular momenta can lead to such effects. Again, this diagram should only be
interpreted as a mnemonic device for understanding the direction of torques involved with such
mechanical devices, rather than as a rigorous means to fully convey the system’s dynamics. Figure 10
shows the device before and after the main spindle has been torqued. A helpful perspective to
comprehend how conservation of angular momentum functions is to only consider one axis at a time, so
this illustration only concerns itself with the angular momentum in the axis of the main spindle. To set the
initial angular momentum to zero, both the angular momentum of the main spindle and the gyroscope will
be set to zero in this view. Therefore, the position of the gyro is set perpendicular to the main spindle so
that it projects none of its angular momentum along the axis of the main spindle. Or said another way,
when viewed from the top, there are no apparent rotations. Along the view of this axis, there is a zero
angular momentum.
Next, in the after part of figure 10, the main spindle is rotating clockwise. (At this point it is not
necessary to consider what affected this change, as this illustration is only intended to help visualize the
torque directions from angular momenta conservation.) Since the rotation of the main spindle has
introduced an angular momentum in this view, the stem of the gyro has shifted its alignment so that the
gyro now presents a countering angular momentum so that their sum conserves the initial zero-valued
angular momentum. When tilted, the projection of the gyro in this view now provides a rotational
contribution. Even though it is only an ellipse in this view (circle viewed at an angle), this is enough to
project a portion of its angular momentum into the plane of rotation of the spindle. When the gyros’ stems

NASA/TM—2006-214390 10
reach the end of their allowed tilting angle, the torque that induced the tilt will still exist, but it will be
acting between the pivot, stem, and the stem’s stop. It is not an “upward” force relative to the
gravitational field, but rather a torque.
Experimental testing of these gyroscopic devices is not as easy as with the oscillation thrusters. The
key difference is that the gyroscopic thrusters require alignment with the Earth’s gravitational field to
operate. They do not produce lateral thrust that can be tested with the pendulum methods previously
discussed. Instead, their weights must be measured. This is difficult because torques are introduced
between the device and the platform on which it is mounted—reaction forces from its internal
mechanisms. Furthermore, the frequency of vibrations from the gyroscopes might interfere with the
operation of any weight-measuring device.
Drop tests, where fall times are measured to detect any changes in gravitational acceleration, are not
likely to be a viable testing option for two reasons. Typical gyroscopic thrusting devices require the
presence of the gravitational field, which vanishes in free-fall. To illustrate this with a simple experiment,
drop a spinning top that is precessing. The moment that it begins its descent, the precessing will stop. The
second reason that drop tests are not viable is because the device is not likely to survive the rapid
deceleration at the end of its fall.
One testing option, as illustrated in figure 11, is to place two identical devices on each end of a
balance beam and look for any tilting of the balance beam when one device is free to operate normally
and the other has its stems locked to prevent the upward motion of the gyros. Even this simple test can be

NASA/TM—2006-214390 11
difficult because it requires two devices and can be vulnerable to spurious effects that could tilt a sensitive
balance. Also, the transient impulses from the starting and stopping of the gyroscopes’ tilting will induce
oscillations in the balance beam.
To keep an open, yet rigorous, mind to the possibility that there has been some overlooked physical
phenomena, it would be necessary that any future proposals on these types of devices explicitly address
all the conventional objections, and provide convincing evidence to back up the claims. Any test results
would have to be rigorous, impartial, and address all possible causes that might lead to a false-positive

Similar Concepts Not in This Category

It is necessary to make clear distinctions between these gyroscopic antigravity devices and similar-
sounding devices, specifically: “reaction wheels,” spinning superconductors, rotating masses in general
relativity, anomalous right-hand rotation weight loss, and gyroscopic variants of the previously described
oscillation thrusters.
A “reaction/momentum wheel” or “torque wheel” is an established device used in satellites to change
the satellites’ pointing direction (ref. 22). Even though the angular momentum of the entire system
remains constant, the angular orientation and momentum of the external structure and its internal masses
can be changed with respect to one another. For example, by rotating an internal wheel clockwise, the
external cage (i.e., satellite body) will rotate counterclockwise. This is a simple and effective way to
change the pointing direction of satellites, but such devices cannot be used to change the position of the
center of mass of the system.
Another similar-sounding claim is the “gravity shielding” claim involving spinning superconductors
(ref. 23). These superconductor claims were later shown not to be reproducible (ref. 24). Further claims of
“Gravitomagnetic” effects using spinning superconductors (ref. 25) are still under review at the time of
this writing. These are separate effects that should not be confused with claims of gyroscopic antigravity.
The concept of using rotating masses to induce forces does have a treatment within general relativity
that can lead to acceleration fields, but it is through the very feeble effect of frame-dragging. In 1963,
Robert Forward calculated the induced acceleration field from a rapidly rotating ultra-dense toroid

NASA/TM—2006-214390 12
(ref. 26). The magnitude of the induced effect is impractically trivial compared to the configurations
needed to produce the effect. This example does serve, however, as a theoretical treatise on the subject.
In 1989 there were reports where a flywheel appeared to lose weight when rotating clockwise (when
viewed from above) when its axis was aligned parallel to the earth’s gravitational field. Oddly, no weight
change was observed during counterclockwise rotation under otherwise identical circumstances (ref. 27).
Two separate attempts to replicate these observations, using higher degrees of sensitivity, failed to
confirm any such effect (refs. 28 and 29). Since this concept does not involve changing the position or
orientation of the gyro’s axis, it is not in this category of “gyroscopic antigravity”
When gyroscopic devices constrain their motions to a single plane, instead of the multi-direction axes
versions that are the focus of this section, then they are just a variation of the oscillation thrusters
discussed previously. The version shown in figure 2 is a classic example.

Preparing Responses
Since amateurs are most often the ones who submit mechanical antigravity proposals, professional
assessment methods such as journal peer-reviews or analytical assessments are ineffective. Most amateurs
are not able to follow such processes. Furthermore, amateur correspondence can be emotionally charged,
adding to the difficulty of preparing a helpful response. This section provides suggestions for addressing
these non-technical aspects of responding to unsolicited proposals.
From the statistics collected with the Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Project shown in table I,
roughly a third of the amateur correspondences (specifically 9 percent of all unsolicited correspondence),
displayed delusions of grandeur or paranoia. Based on the advice of a psychologist, it is recommended to
not send any response at all (Author’s discussion with Dr. Joseph R. Wasdovich, Employee Assistance
Program Manger and psychologist, NASA Glenn Research Center, Dec. 11, 2002). The reason is that a
technical response will not provide the submitter with the kind of help they need and will only encourage
more unproductive correspondence. Delusions of grandeur are evidenced when the submitter states that
their device or theory is the answer to solve the worlds problems, or other statements to that effect.
Paranoia is easier to recognize, where the submitter expresses fear about their safety. Often these
characteristics coexist, such as when the submitters express concern that their submission is so valuable
that it will evoke suppression by evil conspirators.
Most of the amateur submissions, however, are curiosity-driven and the amateurs simply do not know
where to turn for guidance. As previously stated, normal venues for assessments are excessively difficult
for amateurs, so it has been found to be more effective to give the submitters a task that is within their
ability to perform and that will educate them to the critical details. Sometimes this can be as simple as
showing them an example of a similar, previously submitted, idea that was proven not to work as
claimed. The examples presented in the figures of this report might serve this purpose depending on the
nature of the device offered.
In cases where the submitters have built devices, it is recommended that the response dictate further
experimental tests as a condition of deeper inquiry. This includes recommending the level pendulum test
for oscillation thrusters (fig. 4) as well as outlining known causes of false positives, such as those
illustrated in figures 5 and 6. By giving the submitter a reasonable next step and advice on what pitfalls to
avoid, it gives them the means to learn from their own experiences. By making successful tests a
condition for engaging in future correspondence, it relieves reviewers from further time-consuming
correspondence, yet leaves open the option of learning about possible positive results.
When drafting the response letter, it is not effective to simply dismiss the ideas as violating known
physics. This tends to evoke inflammatory, emotionally charged correspondence, plus it does not give the
submitters a path to convincing themselves of the real operation of their device. It is necessary in the
response to raise the issue of a violation of known physics, but in a way that leaves them an option to
prove otherwise. For example, the following is an example of a more effective response:

NASA/TM—2006-214390 13
“Your device appears to violate conservation of momentum, a well-evidenced law of
nature. To convince us that something other than this is occurring with your device, we
require that you perform additional tests to a higher standard of proof. More detailed
suggestions are included for such tests as well as explanations for why other devices, that
appear similar to yours, were found not to be viable propulsion devices. If after following
our suggestions and ensuring that all false-positive effects have been dismissed and you
then have convincing evidence that your device is operating in an effective and novel
manner, we will gladly reconsider your submission. Until such conditions are met, we
regret that we do not have the resources to maintain correspondence or provide further
assistance in your investigations. We wish you the best in your endeavors.”

This response puts the burden of proof back on the submitter, setting clear and reasonable steps to
move ahead to the next level of legitimacy.

Unsolicited submissions of claimed breakthroughs that are based on errant interpretations of
mechanical forces are common. Two devices in particular involve oscillating masses that claim net thrust
and gyroscopic devices that claim antigravity effects. The oscillation thrusters are misinterpretations of
differential friction, while the gyroscopic devices misinterpret torques as linear thrust. To help reduce the
burden on reviewers and to give would-be submitters the tools to assess these ideas on their own,
examples of these devices, their operating principles, and testing criteria are offered. By putting the
burden of proof on the submitter and using these examples to help, the submitter has a better chance of
learning how their devices truly operate.

1. Millis, Marc, G., 2004, Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Project: Project Management Methods,
NASA/TM—2004-213406. Available at:
2. Millis, Marc, G., 2005, Assessing Potential Propulsion Breakthroughs. In New Trends in
Astrodynamics and Applications. ed. Edward Belbruno. New York: Annals of the New York Academy
of Sciences, 1065: pp. 441–461.
3. Rogers, Adam, 1998, “Department of Warp Drive and Wormholes,” Newsweek, (31 August): 12.
4. Greenwald, J., 1998, “To Infinity… and Beyond: Warp drive, wormholes, and the power of nothing,”
Wired (July): pp. 90–97.
5. DiChristina, Mariette, 2001, “Space at Warp Speed: Wormholes, negative energy, and Star Trek-like
space drives are the stuff of real research at NASA,” Popular Science (May): pp. 46–51.
6. Mallon, Thomas, 2003, “Onward and Outward,” The New York Times, (5 February): Editorial/Op-Ed.
7. Daniels, Patricia, 2002, “Actually, it does take a rocket scientist: Amateurs launch slew of ideas for
space travel,” The Boston Globe (12 November): C1.
8. Gilster, Paul, 2004, Centauri Dreams: Imagining and Planning Interstellar Exploration. New York:
Copernicus Books.
9. Shatner, William, and Chip Walter, 2002, I’m Working On That. Simon and Schuster.
10. Dean, Norman L., 1959, “System for Converting Rotary Motion into Unidirectional Motion,” US
Patent 2,886,976 (Filed Jul. 13, 1954, granted May 19, 1959).
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December 2006 Technical Memorandum

Responding to Mechanical Antigravity

WBS 599489.02.07.03

Marc G. Millis and Nicholas E. Thomas


National Aeronautics and Space Administration
John H. Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field E–15668
Cleveland, Ohio 44135 – 3191


National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Washington, DC 20546– 0001 NASA TM—2006-214390


Prepared for the 42nd Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, cosponsored by the AIAA, ASME, SAE, and ASEE,
Sacramento, California, July 9–12, 2006. Marc G. Millis, NASA Glenn Research Center; and Nicholas E. Thomas,
University of Miami, P.O. Box 248106, Miami, Florida 33124. Responsible person, Marc G. Millis, organization code
RTP, 216–977–7535.

Unclassified - Unlimited
Subject Categories: 12, 20, and 70
Available electronically at
This publication is available from the NASA Center for AeroSpace Information, 301–621–0390.
13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)

Based on the experiences of the NASA Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Project, suggestions are offered for construc-
tively responding to proposals that purport breakthrough propulsion using mechanical devices. Because of the relatively
large number of unsolicited submissions received (about 1 per workday) and because many of these involve similar
concepts, this report is offered to help the would-be submitters make genuine progress as well as to help reviewers
respond to such submissions. Devices that use oscillating masses or gyroscope falsely appear to create net thrust through
differential friction or by misinterpreting torques as linear forces. To cover both the possibility of an errant claim and a
genuine discovery, reviews should require that submitters meet minimal thresholds of proof before engaging in further
correspondence; such as achieving sustained deflection of a level-platform pendulum in the case of mechanical thrusters.


Spacecraft propulsion; Antigravity; Mechanical oscillators; Gyroscopes 16. PRICE CODE

Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified
NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39-18

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