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Name: Date:
Section: Quarter 4 – Week 3


Background Information

Test Statistic is a statistic used in statistical hypothesis testing, provides a basis for testing a
Null Hypothesis. A test statistic is random variable that is calculated from sample data and used in a
hypothesis test. The sample statistic is use to either reject Ho (null hypothesis) or not to reject Ha
(alternative hypothesis). There are two types of test statistic, we have z-test statistic and t-test statistic.

1. z – test
A z-test is a statistical test used to determine whether two population means are different
when the variances are known, and the sample size is large. The test statistic is assumed to have a
normal distribution and nuisance parameters such as standard deviation should be known for an
accurate z-test to be performed. z-tests are used when we have large sample size (n≥30). Large
enough for the Central Limit Theorem to apply. Below is the formula to be used in solving z-value
where the population variance is assumed to be known.

Where: z = z – test
𝑥̅ = sample mean
μ = population mean
σ = population standard deviation
n = sample size

2. t – test
A t-test is a calculation used to test a hypothesis, but they are useful when we need to
determine if there is a statistically significant difference between two independent sample groups.
Usually t-tests are most appropriate when dealing with problems with a limited sample size (n<30).
t-tests are used when the sample size is below 30 and the population standard deviation is unknown.

𝒙̅ − 𝝁
Where: t = t – test
𝑥̅ = sample mean
μ = population mean
s = standard deviation of the sample
n = sample size

How to identify what test statistic to be used.

Example 1. Identify the appropriate test statistic given the information below:
𝜇 = 50 σ=7 n = 150 𝑥̅ = 9.2
Since the population standard deviation is known, and n  30, the appropriate test
statistic is the z-test.

Example 2. Given the following data: 𝐻𝑜: μ = 80, 𝐻𝑎: μ ≠ 80, n = 100, 𝜎2 = 8100, 𝑥̅ = 105. Determine the test
Since the population variance is known, and n  30, the appropriate test statistic is the z-

Example 3. The assistant principal of the Senior High School Department announced that the mean
score of Grade 11 students in the first quarter examination in Statistics was 89 and the
standard deviation was 12. One teacher who believed that the mean score was less than
this, randomly selected 34 students and computed their mean score. She obtained a
mean score of 85. At 0.01 level of significance, Determine the appropriate test statistic.
Since it is the population mean that is being tested, the population standard deviation is
known, and n ≥ 30, the appropriate test statistic is the z-test for a single mean.

Example 4. Identify the appropriate test statistic given the information below:
𝜇 = 11 s=3 n = 12 𝑥̅ = 14

Since the population standard deviation is unknown, and n < 30, the appropriate test
statistic is the t-test.

Example 5. Given the following data: 𝐻𝑜: μ = 400, 𝐻𝑎: μ ≠ 400, α = 0.01, n= 15, s = 21.5, 𝑥̅ = 390.
Determine the test statistic.
Since the population standard deviation is unknown, and n < 30, the appropriate test
statistic is the t-test.

Example 6. During the Covid-19 pandemic crisis local officials in the province announced that the
average price of a kilogram of chicken in the province is ₱195.00. However, a sample of
15 prices randomly collected from different markets in the province showed an average
of ₱200.00 and a standard deviation of ₱9.50. Using a 0.05 level of significance, is this
sufficient evidence to conclude that the average price of chicken in the province is more
than ₱195.00? Normality is assumed over the population. Select the test statistic.
Since it is the population mean that is being tested, the population standard deviation is
unknown, and n < 30, the appropriate test statistic is the t-test.

Example 7. Determine the test statistic to be used and identify whether the Central Limit Theorem is
applicable or not given the following information:
a. 𝐻𝑜: μ = 250, 𝐻𝑎: μ < 250, α = 0.05, σ = 5, n= 100, μ = 11, 𝑥̅ = 14
Since n=100, the Central Limit Theorem is applicable, the distribution is normally
distributed. The appropriate test statistic is the z-test statistic.

b. 𝐻𝑜: μ = 8, 𝐻𝑎: μ ≠ 8, α = 0.05, σ = 5, n= 16, μ = 11, 𝑥̅ = 7.6

Since n=16, the Central Limit Theorem cannot be applied. The appropriate test statistic
is the t-test statistic.

A rejection region is the set of all values of the test statistic that cause us to reject the null
hypothesis. It is also called as critical region. Below are the notes to remember about the rejection
• If the test statistic falls into the rejection region, we reject the null hypothesis in favor
of the alternative hypothesis.
• If the test statistic falls in the non-rejection region, we say that we do not have evidence
to reject the null hypothesis.

A non-rejection region is a set of values not in the rejection region that leads to non-rejection
of the null hypothesis (Ho).
Considering the type of hypothesis test is also vital such as one-tailed test (left or right-tailed)
and two-tailed test to determine the critical values to be used.

When do we use two-tailed test?

* If the sample mean can be lesser than or greater than the population mean the test is two
* If the alternative hypothesis contains the inequality (≠) symbol then the test is two- tailed.
* The test is two tailed if the probability (shaded region) is found on both tails of the distribution.

When do we use right-tailed test?

* If the hypothesis contains the greater than symbol (>), then the rejection region is on the
right tail of the curve.
* If the sample mean is greater than the population mean the test is one tailed, right tail.

When do we use left-tailed test?

* If the hypothesis contains the less than symbol (<) then, the rejection region is on the left tail
of the curve.
* If the sample mean is lesser than the population mean the test is one tailed, left tail.

As we can see in the three illustrations above, there are lines that separates the rejection and
the non-rejection region. This line corresponds to a number called critical values. Critical values are
very important in concluding whether the null hypothesis is to be rejected or not. The critical values
could be determined using the z-table (pls see the attach z-table after the references), if n ≥ 30, large
enough to apply the central limit theorem and the population is assumed to be known and t-table (pls
see the attach t-table after the references) if n < 30, where central limit theorem cannot be applied
and the population variance is assumed to be unknown.

Let us consider the examples below:

Example 1. Identify the rejection region and the critical values when the test is two tailed, the level
of significance is 0.05, the variance is known and n = 35?

Given: Two-tailed
Variance is known
α = 0.05
n = 35
𝛼 = 0.025 Divide the level of significance (α) by 2
0.5 – 0.025 = 0.4750 Subtract the quotient from 0.5

Use the z-table since n = 35 to find the critical values.

Note: The area 0.4750 is under column headed 0.06. Move along this row to the left until 1.9 under
column headed z is reached. Therefore, Zα/2 = 1.96 at 5% level of significance, the critical values are

In the figure, the two tailed tests with α = 0.05, the critical value for the rejection region cuts off 𝛼/2
=0.025 or 2.5% in the two tails of the z distribution, so that Z0.025 = ±1.96. The null hypothesis (Ho)
will be rejected if z > 1.96 or z < -1.96.

Example 2. Identify the rejection region and the critical values when the test is two tailed, the level
of significance is 0.05, the variance is unknown and n = 20?

Given: Two-tailed
Variance is unknown
α = 0.05
n = 20
df = n – 1 = 20 – 1 = 19 Solve for the degrees of freedom using
the formula n – 1.

Use the t-table since the variance is unknown and n = 20 to find the critical values.

Note: In the table of critical values of t locate 19 in the first column headed df. Because the test is two
tailed with α = 0.05, refer to the column indicating an area of 0.05 in two tails. The critical values are
± 2.093.

The null hypothesis (Ho) will be rejected if t > 2.093 or t < -2.093.

REJECTION REGIONS FOR COMMON VALUES OF α if n ≥ 30, variance is known, and central
limit theorem is used.

Learning Competencies
1. Identifies the appropriate form of the test-statistics when: (a) the population variance is assumed
to be known, (b) the population variance is assumed to be unknown, (c) the Central Limit Theorem is
to be used (M11/12SP-IVb-2).
2. Identifies the appropriate rejection region for a given level of significance when: (a) the population
variance is assumed to be known, (b) the population variance is assumed to be unknown and (c) the
Central Limit Theorem is to be used (M11/12SP-IVc-1).

GENERAL DIRECTIONS. Read carefully the directions indicated in the following activity, then,
provide what is needed or asked in each item. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Directions: Identify the appropriate test statistic to be used in the following:
1. μ = 8 s=3 n = 12 x̄ =6
2. μ = 9.3 s = 31.6 n = 15 x̄ =7.4
3. μ = 12 s = 5.2 n = 10 x̄ =8.8
4. μ = 400 σ = 92 n = 100 x̄ =425
5. μ = 73 σ=8 n = 200 x̄ =78

Directions: Find the critical value of the following.
1. A right tailed test; α = 0.05; df = 20
2. A two tailed test; α = 0.01; df = 26

3. A left tailed test; α = 0.05; df = 28

4. A right tailed test; α = 0.1; df = 28
5. A two tailed test; α = 0.05; df = 16


Directions: Find the appropriate rejection region in each case.
1. Ha: μ > μ0; α = 0.05
2. Ha: μ < μ0; α = 0.05
3. Ha: μ ≠ μ0; α = 0.05
4. A right-tailed test at 10% level of significance.
5. A left -tailed test at 10% level of significance.

At this point, make an output by completing the table. Apply your knowledge about identifying the
appropriate test statistic and identifying the appropriate rejection region. The scoring rubric will be
used in assessing your outputs.
Directions: Fill out the missing parts of the table. Some parts of the table are already fill out for your

Rubrics for Scoring the Output



Name: Date:
Section: Quarter 4 – Week 4


Background Information

A test statistic is used in a hypothesis test when you are deciding to support or reject the null
hypothesis. The test statistic takes your data from an experiment or survey and compares your results
to the results you would expect from the null hypothesis.
In large sample test concerning the population mean, the test statistic to be used is the z.
The Z -test statistic is use when the sample size is greater than 30(n ≥ 30), or when the
population is normally distributed and α is known. The formula and the steps below will be used and
followed to solve problems concerning the mean of the population.

Formula for z-test statistic:

𝒙 −𝝁
𝒛= 𝝈

where: x = mean score of the sample

μ = population mean
σ = population standard deviation
n = sample size

Steps in hypothesis testing using the Z-test statistic.

1. State the hypotheses.
2. Identify the level of significance.
3. Determine the critical values and rejection region.
4. State the decision rule.
5. Compute the test statistic.
6. Make a decision.

Let us consider the examples illustrating the steps in hypothesis testing using the z-test statistic.

Example 1. A manufacturer claims that the average lifetime of his lightbulbs is 3 years or 36 months.
The standard deviation is 8 months. Fifty bulbs are selected, and the average lifetime is
found to be 32 months. Should the manufacturer’s statement be rejected at α = 0.01?

Step 1. State the hypotheses.
H𝑜: μ = 36 months
H𝑎: μ ≠ 36 months
Step 2. Level of Significance, α = 0.01
Thus, 0.01 = 0.005
Step 3. Determine the critical values and rejection region.
Since α = 0.01, and it is two-tailed, the critical values are 𝑍𝑡 =  2.57
Step 4. Compute the test-statistic.
Given: x = 32 μ = 36 σ=8 n = 50
32 − 36
𝑧 = 𝑥̅ − 𝜇 = = −𝟑. 𝟓𝟒
𝜎 8
√𝑛 √50
Step 5. Decision Rule: Reject 𝐻𝑜 if the test statistic is lesser than critical value.

Illustrating our solution in the normal curve, we have

Step 6. Conclusion: Since -3.54 < -2.5, which falls in the rejection region in the left tail. we reject H0.
Therefore, the average lifetime of lightbulbs of the manufacturer is not 6 months.

Example 2. A test on car braking reaction times for men between 18 and 30 years old have produced
a mean and standard deviation of 0.610 sec and 0.123 sec. respectively. When 40 male
drivers of this age group were randomly selected and tested for their breaking reaction
times, a mean of 0.587 second came out. At the α= 0.10 level of significance, test claim
of the driving instructor that his graduates had faster reaction times.
The claim of instructor means that his graduates have a mean breaking reactions time of less
than 0.610 sec.

Step 1. H𝑜: μ = 0.610 sec

H𝑎: μ < 0.610 sec
Step 2. α = 0.10
Step 3. Since α = 0.10 and the test is left-tailed, 𝑍𝑡 = −1.28
Step 4. Test statistics
Given: x = 0.587 μ = 0.610 σ = 0.123 n = 40
𝑥̅ − 𝜇 0.587 − 0.610
𝑧= = = −𝟏. 𝟏𝟖
𝜎 0.123
√𝑛 √40
Step 5. Decision Rule: Reject 𝐻𝑜 if 𝑍𝑐 > -1.28.
Illustrating our solution in the normal curve, we have

Step 6. Conclusion. Since the test statistic falls within the noncritical region, do not reject Ho. There
is not enough evidence to support the instructor’s claim.

Example 3. A researcher reports that the average salary of College Deans is more than P 63,000. A
sample of 35 College Deans has a mean salary of P 65,700. At α = 0.01, test the claim that
the College Deans earn more than P63,000 a month. The standard deviation is P 5,250.
Step 1. State the hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis.
H𝑜: μ  P 63,000
H𝑎: μ > P 63,000
Step 2. The level of significance: α= 0.01
Step 3. The Z critical value is 2.326 (it is a one-tailed test since it does mention about the direction of
the distribution.)
10 | P a g e

Step 4. Compute the Z-test value using the formula,

Given: x = P 65,700, μ = P 63,000 σ = P 5,250 n= 35
𝑥̅ − 𝜇 65,700 −63,000 = 𝟑. 𝟎𝟒𝟑
𝑧= 𝜎=
√𝑛 √35
Step 5. Decision Rule: Reject the null hypothesis at α = 0.01, since 3.043 > 2.326.

Step 6. Conclusion: Since we reject the null hypothesis, we can conclude that there is enough
evidence to support the claim that the monthly salary of College Deans is more than P 63,000.

Learning Competencies:
1. Computes for the test-statistic value (population mean) (M11/12SP-IVd-1).
2. Draws conclusion about the population mean based on the test-statistic value and the rejection
region. (M11/12SP-IVd-2)

GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read carefully the directions indicated in the following activity, then,
provide what is needed or asked in each item. Write the answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Test Me!
Directions: Complete the solution in each of the following problem.
1. The average score in the entrance examination in Mathematics at Victoria National High School is
80 with a standard deviation of 10. A random of 40 students was taken from this year’s examinees
and it was found to have a mean score of 84.
a. Is there a significant difference between the known mean and the sample mean? Test at α= 0.05
Step 1. Ho: μ = 80: There is no significant difference between the hypothesized and the sample mean.
Ha: μ ≠ 80:
Step 2. Level of significance, α = 0.05,
Step 3. two tailed tests, find the critical value, Zt =
Step 4. Compute the test-statistic value:
Zc =
Step 5. Decision Rule:

b. Does this indicate that this year’s batch is better in mathematics than the previous batches?

Step 1. Ho: μ This year’s batch is as good as the previous batches in mathematics.
Ha: μ
Step 2. Level of significance, α =
Step 3. Find the critical value, Zt =
Step 4. Compute the test statistic: Zc=
Step 5. Decision Rule:
Step 6. Conclusion:
11 | P a g e

2. A diet clinic states that there is an average loss of 24 pounds for those who stay on the program
for 20 weeks. The standard deviation is 5 pounds. The clinic tries a new diet reducing salt intake to
see whether that strategy will produce a greater weight loss. A group of 40 volunteers loses an
average of 16.3 pounds each over 20 weeks. Should the clinic change the new diet? Use α= 0.05
Step 1: H0: μ
Ha: μ
Step 2: α =
Step 3: Zt =
Step 4: Zc
Step 5: Decision Rule:
Step 6. Conclusion:

3. The manufacturer of a certain brand of auto batteries claims that the mean life of these batteries is
45 months. A consumer protection agency that wants to check this claim took a random sample of 36
such batteries and found that the mean life for this sample is 43.75 months with the standard deviation
of 4 months. Using the 0.025 significance level, would you conclude that the mean life of these
batteries is less than 45 months?

Step 1. State the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis:
(Ho) μ
Ha: μ _
Step 2. What is the level of significance?
Step 3. What is the critical value? Zt =
Step 4. Compute the test – statistic value: Zc=
Step 5. What is your decision rule?
Step 6. What would be your conclusion based on the test-statistic value?

Answer the following questions.

1. A paint manufacturing company claims that the mean drying time for its paints is 45 minutes. A
random sample of 35 gallons of paints selected from the production line of this company showed that
the mean drying time for this sample is 50 minutes with standard deviation of 3 minutes. Assume that
the drying time for these paints have a normal distribution, using the 1% significance level.

2. A researcher claims that the monthly load consumed of Grade 11 for their online learning class is
more than P 3,000. In a sample of 35 randomly selected students, the mean monthly load consumed
was P2,700 with the standard deviation of P 600. Is there sufficient evidence at 0.01 level of
significance that the average monthly load consumed is more than P 3,000?

3. Average college cost of tuition fee for all private institutions last year was P 36,400. A random
sample of costs this year for 45 institutions of higher learning indicated that the sample mean was P
37,900 and a sample standard deviation was P 5,600. At the 0.10 level of significance, is there
sufficient evidence to conclude that the cost has increased?
12 | P a g e


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