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Name: Helen Bueno Intriago


Complete Jack’s family tree with the words in the box. Listen and Check



2 Marion= Grandmother 10 Paula= Niece 16 Evie= Daughter
3 Diane= Aunt 11 Louise= Sister in law 18 Solomon=cousin
4 Robert = Father in law 12 Carrie= sister in law 19 Carmen=cousin
6 Harry = father 13 Andy=Brother
9 Stephen=Nephew 14 Sarah=Sister
2 Complete the sentences with the correct names.
1 Harry and Jane are Jack's parents.
2 Robert and Christine are Jack’s in-laws (mother-and father-in-law).
3 Bill and Marion are Jack’s grandparents.
4 Evie and Zach are Jack’s children.
5 Evie , Zach , Solomon and Carmen are Harry And Jane’s grandchildren.
6 Jack is Robert and Christine's son-in-law.
7 Carrie is Harry and Jane's daughter-in-law.
8 Jack is Carrie’s husband.
9 Jack, Andy and Sarah are Bill and Marion’s grandsons.
10 Evie is Robert and Christine’s granddaughter.

3 Complete the chart with the family words from exercises 1 and 2
Male Female Male and female

Father Wife Wife / sister-in-law

Father-in-law sister-in-law daughter /sister
Brother daughter niece / aunt / cousin
Nephew sister grandmother / mother-in-law
Grandfather niece
Brother-in-law aunt Father / Brother / son
son cousin(x2) Father-in-law
grandmother Nephew
mother-in-law Grandfather
4 Find three false definitions. Write the correct definitions
1 My nephew is my brother's son
2 My mother-in-law is my wife's sister / My mother-in-law is my husband's mom
3 My daughter is my son's sister
4 My granddaughter is my daughter's daughter
5 My niece is my cousin's daughter / My niece is my sister's daughter
6 My father-in-law is my husband's father.
7 My grandparents are my nephew's parents / My grandparents are my parents' parents
8 My cousins are my aunt's children

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