Urban Sanitation Problem in Addis Ababa

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SUB DATE-13/09/2021
1.1. Background of the study..........................................................................................4
1.2. Statement of problem...................................................................................... ........4
1.3. Research Objective .................................................................................................5
1.4. Research Question...................................................................................................5
1.5. Significance of the study...........................................................................................5
1.6. Scope of study .........................................................................................................5
1.7. Organization of the paper ........................................................................................6
2. Literature review......................................................................................................... .....7
2.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................... ........7
2.2. Urban sanitation….......................................................................................................7
2.3 Summary literature review..........................................................................................7

3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.......................................................................... .............8

3.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................... ........8
3.1.1. Research and Research Methodo..........................................................................8
3.1.3. Research Approach ................................................................................................9
3.2. Research Methods Adopted.......................................................................................9
3.2.1. Technology and Literature Review .........................................................................9
3.3. Data collection ..........................................................................................................10
3.4. Interview Technique..................................................................................................10
3.5. Data analysis ............................................................................................................10
3.6. Summary...................................................................................................................11
Urban sanitation problem in Addis Ababa
There are sanitation problems on every street corner in the city. The most common problems
in Addis Ababa are well known. Sanitation problems are a major cause of poor sanitation in
the city. Dissatisfaction with all stakeholders and is now becoming a major obstacle to the
development of developing countries like Ethiopia.

Although the number of public and private sanitation projects in Addis Ababa is increasing, it
will be difficult to complete the projects within the allotted time and time. Given the
country's limited financial resources, inflation is one of the main problems in Addis Ababa.
Therefore, research is being done to dig into the causes of this overcrowding and its impact
on urban sanitation and public sanitation projects in Ethiopia.

1.1. Background of the study

Ethiopia is one of the fastest growing oil-rich economies in Africa. The country's gross
domestic product (GDP) has grown at an average annual rate of 10.9% over the past decade.
Recent contribution to the industry sector (which is 21.2%).

Addis Ababa is the most populous city in Ethiopia and the capital of Africa. There is a great
demand for housing. Addis Ababa is not only the capital of Ethiopia but also the seat of the
African Union.

Addis Ababa is a very large and beautiful city and a center for the country, which is growing
in terms of trade, industry, tourism and other ways. And in particular, urban sanitation is
important for the country, but there are many shortcomings. One of the major problems in the
sector is urgent action, and delays in infrastructure and sanitation projects that could hinder or
damage the project would be a major problem for the city.

As a result, demand, the city is growing, but the city's sanitation is delayed, and in addition,
the quality of the structure (pavement and other infrastructure) is very poor. Many sanitation
projects are lagging behind although the region is similar in terms of researchers, many
publications point to (100%) public sanitation in our country.

1.2. Statement of problem

In Addis Ababa, poor sanitation is widespread in various parts of the city. This is due to the
fact that there is a large amount of land that is not used by various government and private
organizations for various development and construction, but also for garbage dumps and
toilets for various reasons and places and for dumping various dead animals. Due to poor
visibility and air pollution, the quality of the city is reduced. This will directly or indirectly
affect Ethiopia. Because it is a fast growing industry and capital and the capital of Ethiopia,
this problem needs to be addressed.
1.3. Research Objective

General objective

To find out the cause of the city's lack of sanitation and unresolved vacancies.

Specific objective

 To clean the city

 Placing clean garbage cans in different places
 Establish a portable and portable toilet in a variety of places that are clean and
aesthetically pleasing to the city
 Resolving unresolved areas for development and construction
 Stopping the guards of fenced areas
 As well as planting plants

1.4. Research Question

 What are the reasons for the lack of sanitation in the city?
 Will it change the climate?
 What will be the impact on Land Scopes?

1.5. Significance of the study

The result of this research is to identify the root causes of urban sanitation and improvements
in this regard will affect stakeholders and the country in the following ways:

 Reducing air pollution (getting fresh air)

 Highlighting ongoing developments
 Highlighting the beauty of architecture and landscaping
 Creating a healthy society
 Indirectly improving the Ethiopian economy
1.6. Scope
This study will be limited to the city of Addis Ababa, which is 98 km away. From its
headquarters to Adama. The study also focuses on sanitation problems in Addis Ababa.

1.7 Organization of the Study

The study is divided into three chapters. Its contents organized as follows: Chapter one
provides a general background, statement of the research problems, objectives, research
questions, significance of the study, scope of the study, Chapter two consist general review of
the literature under the considering of both theoretical and empirical literatures which are
related to construction time delay and cost overrun. And chapter three focuses on methods of
data collecting.
2. Literature review
2.1. Introduction

If the cleaning project is completed on a budgeted basis, it will be considered successful,

taking into account the timing, quality and also the health and safety of the staff. Public
sanitation projects in Ethiopia are part of the country's development initiative. It shares a
large portion of the country's financial resources.

Another issue in the cleaning project is cost savings. Cost loss is common and is a
phenomenon associated with most projects. This is difficult in many developing countries.

2.2 Urban sanitation

Urban sanitation is caused by the negligence of the community. And because there are no
solutions beyond that.

Delays can be seen as in these four main categories

 Not thinking about the health of the community

 Not to worry about the beauty of the city
 Not giving room for a solution
 Not considering the development of the city

2.3 Summary literature review

This research is intended to overestimate urban sanitation shortages and costs Addis Ababa
context. It is a literary review of this research proposal an international event in any sanitation
project. This is a study in a context that supports this assumption in the previous study it will
be implemented in Addis Ababa.

3.1. Introduction

This chapter describes the methods and techniques we can use to overcome it. He it begins
with an introduction to the following general research methods Reviews of various
approaches and sanitation and cost studies. Of Approved methods for different levels of
research are presented below and approved.

3.1.1. Research and Research Methodology

Referring to English dictionaries (Dictionary, 2006) ,research can be defined as a detailed and
systematic investigation into a subject to establish facts or discover new information.
According to (Greenfield, 1996)research is an art aided by skills of inquiry, experimental
design, data collection, measurement and analysis, by interpretation and by presentation.

There are two different types of research namely pure and applied (Liu, 2003). Pure research
is undertaken to develop knowledge and to contribute to the body of theory which exists;
while applied research seeks to address issues of applications, to help solve a practical
problem. Typically, research involves solving either a close-ended or an open-ended problem.
Close-ended problems are simple problems each with a correct solution. The existence of the
problem, its nature and the variables involved can be identified easily. In contrast, open-
ended problems tend to be complex. The existence of the problem may be difficult to
identify, the situation is likely to be dynamic and the variables are difficult to isolate.

Research methodology refers to the principles and procedures of logical thought that are
applied to a specific investigation (Liu, 2003). (Kagioglou, 2000) provides a holistic and
integrated research method. The research philosophy created by the outer box guides and
energizes the inner research approaches and techniques. The research approaches incorporate
qualitative and quantitative methods. Research techniques consist of data collection tools
such as literature review, interview, questionnaire survey, experiment, observation and
3.1.2. Research Philosophy

According to (Bryman, 2012) there are two main philosophical schools of thought in social
research: ontological and epistemological. Ontology involves the logical investigation of the
different ways in which different types of things are thought to exist and the nature of the
various kinds of existences. On the other hand, epistemology deals with question of
knowledge acceptability in a discipline and the methods through which knowledge is
acquired. In simple terms, ontology, epistemology and methodology are the studies of what,
why and how of a research project.

3.1.3. Research Approach

A research approach is a way of unfolding a specific style and employment of different

methods in doing research. It is also being referred to as a research strategy by some authors
such as (Naoum, 2007), who stated that the research strategy is a way in which the research
objectives can be questioned. It is a strategy of enquiries which moves from philosophical
assumptions to research design and data collection (Myers, 1997).The research approach or
strategy can be categorized in various ways. One of the most common categorizations is
quantitative, qualitative or a combination of both methods – called triangulation or mixed
research methods (Liu, 2003).Many research projects use more than one method. The reasons
for combining methods are to capitalize on the strengths of the approaches and to compensate
for any weaknesses encountered. However, the decision on which type of research strategy to
follow depends on the purpose of the study and the type and availability of the information
which is required (Liu, 2003) .

3.2. Research Methods Adopted

This section discusses the methodologies adopted for the research in order to achieve the aim
and specific research objectives
3.2.1. Technology and Literature Review

An essential early stage of virtually all research is to search for and to examine potentially
relevant theory and literature (Liu, 2003)Theory and literature are the results of previous
research projects. Theory is the established principles and laws (such as Einstein’s theory of
relativity). Literature in this context, concerns findings from research which have not attained
the status of theory; often it represents findings from research into particular applications of
theory. A literature review is based on the assumption that knowledge accumulates and that
people learn from and build on what others have.

According to (Noam, 2007)there are four main goals of the literature review:

• To demonstrate a familiarity with a body of knowledge and establish credibility

• To show the path of prior research and how a current project is linked to it

•To integrate and summarize what is known in an area

• To learn from others and stimulate new ideas

3.3. Data collection

In order to collect the relevant information the researcher will use questionnaire, direct
observation, and interview

3.4. Interview Technique

Interviews will l last from an hour to three hours, which included face-to-face interview
session and site visit to observe capital and time management which include materials
delivery, handling and storage, waste management, reworks, change orders.

3.5. Data analysis

Analysis of the collected data involved both single case and cross-case analysis. Single case
analysis produced individual case reports and cross-case analysis made a comparison of the
„embedded unit of analysis‟ across the cases. The results were used to generate realistic
scenarios to support the development of context-aware application for managing capital and
Content analysis was used to analyze the data which will gathered from personal interviews.
this is the type of research whereby data gathered is categorized in themes and sub-themes, so
as to be able to be comparable. A main advantage of content analysis is that it helps in data
collected being reduced and simplified, while at the same time producing results that may
then measure using quantitative techniques. Moreover, content analysis gives the ability to
researchers to structure the qualitative data collected in a way that satisfies the
accomplishment of research objectives. However, human error is highly involved in content
analysis, since there is the risk for researchers to misinterpret the data gathered, thereby
generating false and unreliable conclusions.

3.6. Summary

This chapter has reviewed, described and presented the research philosophies, methodologies
and methods available to address the research objectives. The general research methodologies
have been presented in order to provide the background for the methods that will be adopt in
this research. The key research steps and tools used have been presented. The methods
adopted for each research task have also been discussed.
In general, Addis Ababa's sanitation problem is not easily overlooked. Above all, sanitation is
needed for a city, and the cleaner the city is, the more important the architectural
development will be. Therefore, not only the locals but also the capital of this country, as
well as the Minister of Health, the architects and professionals in various fields must address

Watch various city documentaries, community complaints, and books as well as in

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