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Compensatory Off or Comp Off leaves are provided in order to reward the employee for the extra effort that he/she
puts in, for the development of the organization. This is a means of taking care of the employee on behalf of the
organization so that the employees, in-turn take equal care of the organization by maximizing their efforts.

Compensatory Off/or Comp Off is a type of leave granted to employees as a compensation for the extra worked hours
or something similar. It is an entitled leave that an employee can take on a working day as a compensation for
working at employers request on a holiday or weekend. In simple terms, when an employee works overtime at the
request of his employer, then later he/she can take time off or compensatory off from their work.
 When a supervisor/or HOD so requests an employee may be required to work on public holidays or on
weekends. In such a case the employee will be entitled to compensatory off in lieu of working on a holiday.
This will be governed by the following Rules:
 Individuals at times are called upon to work on holidays and weekly off.
 The management is desirous of compensating for such extra work and consequently, these rules are being
 These rules will facilitate the grant, monitoring and provision of "Compensatory Off" (as applicable)

 All regular employees of the company.
 Probationers
 Trainees.
Not applicable for:
 Temporary employees
 Contractual employees
 Trial Cases.

 On holiday or Weekly Off the Compensatory Off will be computed as under:
1. Be actually working for a minimum of 4 hours on a declared holiday.
2. After working for 4 Hours, he will be entitled to total period worked for compensatory off.
3. Traveling time to & fro from Residence will be excluded, while computing total hours for compensatory
4. Eight hours will constitute one full working day.
 Individual can avail compensatory off only on the basis of its being pre-sanctioned by Supervisor/ or
Department HOD.
 Not more than 3 days compensatory off can be availed at a time in a month.
 While on compensatory off, weekly off and paid Holidays will be excluded for computation.

 If employee does not avail the Compensatory Off accumulation within that year, then all Compensatory off
leaves accumulated during that year shall automatically lapse. No further compensation will be given to the
concerned employee.

 Compensatory off can be availed only when the supervisor/ or HOD at his/her discretion requests the
employee to work on holiday/weekend.
 The employee cannot decide to work on a holiday and then seek compensatory off.
 Supervisor/or HOD requires to intimate a employee and mark a copy to HR(HOD) if any employee needs to
work on public holiday or weekly off in advance offering his approval for the same with a short justification.
 HR(HOD) shall verify employee’s presence on said days by the matrix system/ attendance/security register.
The supervisor will also be held accountable in case records show that an employee who was expected to
turn up on a holiday did not turn up for work.
 Supervisors/or HOD are advised to use their discretion and minimize instances of Compensatory off
requirements, this is to enable employees to have rest every week from work.
 If an employee is working during weekly off or public holiday, he needs to work
Min of 3 Hr for 1/2 day’s compensatory off
Min of 4 Hr for 1 day’s compensatory off
 An employee is allowed to earn maximum of 3 compensatory offs in a month.
 Validity of a compensatory off will be 90 days after which they will expire.
 Compensatory Off can be sanctioned/ rejected depending on the work exigencies.
 Due to work exigencies, approving authority (HOD/Unit Head) may cancel the sanctioned availed
Compensatory Off before its starts or even at a later stage,
 All Compensatory off/or Leave application must be made in a standard format (annexure-A )with due notice.
 The above rules are subject to amendment or modification by the Management at its sole discretion at any
time in future.
 HR-Dept. should ensure the correctness of Compensatory Record maintenance at all the time.
 In case of any dispute/or any point not touched/cover under any of the above rules, the discussion of the
Matter-Unit Head will be the final.

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