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Submitted by:

Quizon, Nicole T.



Submitted to:

MS. Alexandra Agapito


MODULE 1 Module 1 - Assignment 1 - Chapter 1 Introduction to HRM

Module 1 - Reflection - Journal 1
Module 1 - Reflection Paper for Module 1

MODULE 2 Module 2 - Assignment 2 - Chapter 2 - Strategic Human Resource Management

Module 2 - Reflection - Journal 2

MODULE 3 Module 3 - Group Case Study - Jack Nelson’s Problem

Module 3 - Reflection Paper - News Articles / Periodicals

MODULE 4 Module 4 - Video Clip Assignment

Module 4 - Assignment 3 - A sample employment application form

MODULE 5 Module 5 - Reflection - Journal 3

Module 5 - Assignment 4 - Discussion Question

MODULE 6 Module 6 - Reflection Paper on Webinar (October 10, 2020)

MODULE 7 Module 7 - Assignment 5 - Discussion Questions

MODULE 8 Module 8 - Group Case Study

MODULE 9 HR Research Paper


Module 1 - Assignment 1 - Chapter 1 Introduction to HRM

1. Define human resource management.

Human resources is used to describe each the human beings who work for a company
or business enterprise and the department responsible for managing resources related to
employees. The time period human assets were first coined in the Sixties when the cost of labor
family members started to garner interest and when notions such as motivation, organizational
behavior, and resolution assessments started to take shape. Human resource management is a
contemporary, umbrella term used to describe the administration and development of employees
in an organization. Also referred to as personnel or talent management (although these terms are
a bit antiquated), human resource management entails overseeing all things associated to
managing an organization’s human capital.

2. Discuss and explain the goals and beliefs of human resource management.

Human resource management specializes in tending to the wants of one of their

companies' most valuable property -- their workers. While many accomplice this branch
principally with hiring, there are a variety of distinctive duties that people in these departments
entire daily. By tending to these worker-related tasks, human sources departments play a pivotal
role in preserving the business running smoothly.

3. Enumerate and define the models of human resource management.

a. The Fombrun, Tichy and Devanna Model

Being the first model (dates back to 1984), this emphasizes just 4 features and their
interrelatedness. The 4 features are: selection, appraisal, development and rewards. These 4
constituent factors of human aid management and are anticipated to contribute to organizational
effectiveness. The Fombrun model is incomplete as it focuses on solely four functions of HRM
and ignores all environmental and contingency factors that have an effect on HR functions.
b. The Harvard Model
The Harvard model claims to be comprehensive in as a good deal as it seeks to comprise six
vital factors of HRM. The dimensions covered in the model are: stakeholders, interests,
situational factors, HRM policy choices, HR outcomes, long-term consequences and a comments
loop through. The outputs flow immediately into the corporation and the stakeholders

c. The Guest Model

Yet any other human resource management model was developed by David Guest in
1997 and claims to be lots foremost to other models. The details will justify the claim. This
model claims that the HR manager has particular strategies to start with, which demand certain

practices and when executed, will end result in outcomes. These outcomes encompass
behavioral, performance related and economic rewards. The model emphasizes the logical
sequence of six components: HR strategy, HR practices, HR outcomes, behavioral outcomes,
performance effects and financial consequences.

d. The Warwick Model

The Warwick model takes cognizance of business strategy and HR practices (as in the
Guest model), the external and internal context (unlike the Guest model) in which these activities
take place, and the process by which such changes take place, including interactions between
changes in both context and content. The strength of the model is that it identifies and classifies
important environmental influences on HRM. It maps the connection between the external and
environmental factors and explores how human resource management adapts to changes in the
context. Obviously, those organizations achieving an alignment between the external and internal
contexts will achieve performance and growth.

Module 1 - Reflection - Journal 1

Impact of Human Resource Management Practices (HRM) on Performance of

SMEs in Multan, Pakistan
Fareeha Naz
MS Scholar, Dept. of Management Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology,
Islamabad, Pakistan
Junaid Aftab
MS Scholar, Dept. of Management Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology,
Islamabad, Pakistan
Muhammad Awais
MS Scholar, Dept. of Management Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology,
Islamabad, Pakistan

It says in the journal that it emphasizes how Human Resource Management and Small
and Medium Enterprises or SMEs play an important role for the improvement of any
country’s economy. One country that was mentioned in this article is Pakistan. This country is
in progress that requires high a common fund from the SMEs. Because of that, they can keep up
the economy of their country. The research main point is to simplify the impact of human
resource management application depending on the performance of the SMEs in Multan. In
terms of practices, such as recruitment and selection, training and development, these factors
came up that HRM is treated as independent. In contrast of HRM, SMEs stand toward being a
dependent variable. The statistics that were able to collect from the SMEs is by the way of
convenience sampling. By the help of this research the result would be beneficial for the
performance of SMEs to put in application of the foremost HRM practices. Another factor that it
will be helpful because the economy can take part in the present-day market requirements and
meet the demands of the customers. In the view of the fact that, when HRMs satisfied by their
own efforts it will help to escalate the performance and profit of the organization.

Part 2: Reaction to the journal.

1. How is the journal related to problems in our present-day world?

Since we are in a pandemic, the work shift of Human Resources Management has
been a new challenge. They try their best to keep everything aligned and stable.
Their most priority is to keep employees engaged and to provide essential
communication tools for remote work.
2. How is the journal related to your life, experiences, feelings and ideas? For instance,
what emotions did the journal arouse in you?
I feel happy because there are professionals who look and guide the employees for
better quality of work despite any challenges. HR professionals builds systems for
performance development, career succession planning and employee development.
This keeps people motivated, happy, personally engaged and contributing to
company success.
3. Did the journal increase your understanding of a particular issue? Did it change your
perspective in any way?
To be honest, yes. Because back then I thought that HR’s job is to interview an
employee then qualify them for the job. But, I learned that their it just not stop there.
They help the employees to grow and give recommendations for them to grow in
what they are doing.
4. Evaluate the merit of the journal: the importance of its points, its accuracy,
completeness, organization, and so on.

It gives good points on how HRM and SMEs related to each other. It also shows graphs to
clearly understand the correlation of dependent variable (SMEs) performance and HRM
practices recruitment and selection that made it accurate.
Module 1 - Reflection Paper for Module 1

II. Why are you taking this course and what you hope to learn?

It is already part in the curriculum to take the Human Resource Management course. And
in my chosen field, HRM is very related to this since I’m taking up the major in Business
Management. HRM are the one who maximize the performance of the employees that helps in
escalating the productiveness gain a competitive advantage. Aside from that they are the ones
who implement the company’s policies and processes. In this course I hope that I can learn more
on the goals of HRM and how it will affect the company without them. I also hope that the class
will discuss on how they conduct the policies and the proper way to implement it before the
company’s approval.
Module 2 - Assignment 2 - Chapter 2 - Strategic Human Resource Management

1. Discuss the conceptual basis of strategic HRM and how strategy is formulated?

Strategic management includes decisions and actions that results in the formulation and
implementation of strategies designed to achieve the objectives of an organization. Whereas its
purpose according to Kanter (1984) is to: elicit the present actions for the future’ and become an
action vehicle integrating and institutionalizing mechanisms for change. It is formulated by
emerging and adaptable process of establishing a pathway, using the best resources and make
certain strategic fit.
Module 2 - Reflection - Journal 2

Summary of the Journal

Impact of Human Resource Management Practices (HRM)
on Performance of SMEs in Multan, Pakistan
Fareeha Naz
MS Scholar, Dept. of Management Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology,
Islamabad, Pakistan
Junaid Aftab
MS Scholar, Dept. of Management Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology,
Islamabad, Pakistan
Muhammad Awais
MS Scholar, Dept. of Management Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology,
Islamabad, Pakistan

It says in the journal that it emphasizes how Human Resource Management and Small
and Medium Enterprises or SMEs play an important role for the improvement of any
country’s economy. One country that was mentioned in this article is Pakistan. This country is
in progress that requires high a common fund from the SMEs. Because of that, they can keep up
the economy of their country. The research main point is to simplify the impact of human
resource management application depending on the performance of the SMEs in Multan. In
terms of practices, such as recruitment and selection, training and development, these factors
came up that HRM is treated as independent. In contrast of HRM, SMEs stand toward being a
dependent variable. The statistics that were able to collect from the SMEs is by the way of
convenience sampling. By the help of this research the result would be beneficial for the
performance of SMEs to put in application of the foremost HRM practices. Another factor that it
will be helpful because the economy can take part in the present-day market requirements and
meet the demands of the customers. In the view of the fact that, when HRMs satisfied by their
own efforts it will help to escalate the performance and profit of the organization.

Part 2: Reaction to the journal.

1. How is the journal related to problems in our present-day world?

Since we are in a pandemic, the work shift of Human Resources Management has
been a new challenge. They try their best to keep everything aligned and stable.
Their most priority is to keep employees engaged and to provide essential
communication tools for remote work.
5. How is the journal related to your life, experiences, feelings and ideas? For instance,
what emotions did the journal arouse in you?
I feel happy because there are professionals who look and guide the employees for
better quality of work despite any challenges. HR professionals builds systems for
performance development, career succession planning and employee development.
This keeps people motivated, happy, personally engaged and contributing to
company success.
6. Did the journal increase your understanding of a particular issue? Did it change your
perspective in any way?
To be honest, yes. Because back then I thought that HR’s job is to interview an
employee then qualify them for the job. But, I learned that their it just not stop there.
They help the employees to grow and give recommendations for them to grow in
what they are doing.
7. Evaluate the merit of the journal: the importance of its points, its accuracy,
completeness, organization, and so on.
It gives good points on how HRM and SMEs related to each other. It also shows
graphs to clearly understand the correlation of dependent variable (SMEs)
performance and HRM practices recruitment and selection that made it accurate.
Module 3 - Group Case Study - Jack Nelson’s Problem

Problem Statement

The main issues in this case were the high turnover rate of the employees and the
palpable notion that the employees of unaware about their own work’s impact to the
bank. Another obvious problem is the lack of communication between the supervisors,
branch offices, and other branches as well.

Analysis of the problem

The new director (Jack Nelson) was introduced into the home office and he was curious
about the work of their employee, curiously, he asked what the name of the machine
was and what its purpose were. Shockingly, the employee told the director that she
didn’t know what its name was and what purpose it served for the company, that she
was only good at using it.

Mr. Nelson, the new director was approached by one the branch supervisors, telling him
that there’s a problem but she’s unaware of what it is. Only that the employee turnover
rate was exceptionally high and that whenever an employee leaves, usually, not much
time is spent leaving the position vacant as another one would immediately take the

The supervisors hire their new employees without any communication with the home
office or other branches. This poses a problem with the standards that an employee
must have before being hired – and thus, employees within different branches do not
offer the same bevy of qualities that they should have.

Every time they hire an applicant for a particular position, they should know if they are
qualified for the job. The qualified employee who will take over the job will be
uncomfortable for them to do their jobs well. Whenever the supervisor hires a new
employee, they should be properly trained to do the job well.

Alternative Causes of Action

It appears to be that not one employee (member or supervisor) could officially ascertain
their company's needs as both the member and the supervisor, in full confidence,
admitted that they were both in the dark about their respective jobs. This may be a
problem of inadequately trained employees and thus aren't fully taught of what and how
their jobs actually impact the company itself.
Module 3 - Group Case Study - Jack Nelson’s Problem

We wouldn't assume that a well known bank doesn't have its own HR Department,
although we can assume that if they do possess an HR they are, quite frankly, not doing
a very good job with their employee sourcing and/ or employee training as manifested
by the high turnover rates and the employees themselves not being aware of what their
own job is. This is a very delicate and important issue to handle as the people running
the company is systematically the company's backbone. A problem with this magnitude
has to include the President himself as this definitely would need a big shift in the
company's structural and systematical approaches. Leaving this issue as it is would be
detrimental with not only the morale of the company but with its financial and legal
shoulders too.

We would advise that the company should implement a system restructuring and to
focus on improving their HR Department (If they do have one) as soon as possible as
they're not only losing money, they're also losing the trust of the people around them.


The best solution is to fix the whole system by implementing a system restructuring
because the HR Department hired many employees who were not aware of the
guidelines and thus lacked the training necessary. Better recruitment and evaluation
process of employees, better management and motivation of employees, training, and
rewards programs. We think that is what the HR Department needs; that is the solution
to the problem. Standardising the job description and the qualifications needed from an
employee as it could lead to them finding better candidates for employment thus
lowering the turnover rate. The employee should have a chance to be nominated and to
receive an award for the qualities that they exhibit, situations, and tasks that they have
excelled in – this will motivate and show employees that their efforts and hard work is
much appreciated and they would feel that they are a valuable asset to the bank.

Furthermore, the Supervisor of each bank should cooperate with the main office and to
the other branches so that they will have a one goal in solving these kinds of problems.

Jack Nelson should also report on his finding to the President of the local bank so that
the president will do some strategic overhauls to enable them to solve the problems of
the company.
Module 3 - Reflection Paper - News Articles / Periodicals

PIA automates human resource management system

Philippine Information Agency It features a tool that would support fast and
08 Aug 2019, 22:38 GMT+10 efficient transactions and processing of
resources; expedite recurring tasks through
QUEZON CITY, August 8 (PIA) - The automation; upgrade technologies which are
Philippine Information Agency (PIA) is more open, flexible and scalable; support
gearing towards implementing more efficient additional or newer processes or services
web-based electronic human resource requiring automation; and to manage human
management system next year. resources more efficiently and effectively.

This, after PIA Director-General Harold E. Ebue stressed that HRMISL is a fully
Clavite and Asiagate Networks, Inc. Chief integrated system that consists of the
Operating Officer Liza A. De Los Reyes inked a following modules: Personnel Information
memorandum of agreement for the provision Management; Attendance and Logs
of a software that will integrate systems and Management; Leave Administration; Payroll,
processes to ensure easy management of Compensation and Benefits; Employee
human resources, business process and data Discipline; Personnel Services; Dashboard
of PIA. and Calendar Notifications; Self-Service
Portal; as well as the Four Human Resources
"We want a very efficient HR system which is Systems - Recruitment, Selection and
necessary to the Agency," said Clavite said Placement, Learning and Development,
during a meeting with the Asiagate team to Performance Management, as well as
discuss the project requirements. Rewards and Recognition.

Asiagate Project Manager Amor Ebue The HRMIS project consists of seven (7)
discussed HRMIS detailing its process as well phases: Inception and Project Planning;
the specific implementation timeline. System Requirements Gathering; System
Design and Analysis; Development, Testing
PIA Director-General Harold E. Clavite and Pilot Run; Training and Orientation;
discusses the HRMIS to get with PIA Project Closure; and the Technical Support
officials and personnel representatives and Warranty period phase. The inception
from Asiagate Network, Inc. (Photo by phase aims is to achieve stakeholder
William Ronquillo/HRDD) consensus regarding the objectives for the
project, define the software scope and
He explained, the web-based HRMIS would limitations, including the vision, estimate
enable PIA to generate reports on personnel schedule, define acceptance criteria and risks,
information, trainings, leave status and and prepare the project environment. Ebue
personnel performance - allowing said the entire project implementation is
management to make the right decisions and expected to be completed by November 2020.
manage human resource more efficiently and (PIA INFOCOM)
Module 3 - Reflection Paper - News Articles / Periodicals


In this article it shows that Human Resource Management seeks alternatives and
better way of production in a business. It states here the implementation of electronics so
that they can work faster and efficiency. They set an agreement for the provision of a
software that will integrate systems and processes to ensure easy management of human
resources, business process and data. It features a tool that would support fast and efficient
transactions and processing of resources; expedite recurring tasks through automation;
upgrade technologies which are more open, flexible and stable. Essentially, the purpose of
HRM is to maximize the productivity of an organization by optimizing the effectiveness of
its employees.
Module 4 - Video Clip Assignment

A. What are the 12 HR Trend's for 2020? Explain at least 1 to 2 sentences each.

1. Holistic HR- HR should be connected to different parts of organization. It enters

to different angles, connect to different parts and be present for the organization.
2. Less Focus on Process Improvement- Focus those issues that are really
important. This leads to happy more happy management and employee.
3. Be kind- It sounds very simple but if that is your guiding principle there would be
lesser issue. You don’t need lot of rules and regulation the world will be brighter.
4. More Appreciation of Complexity- Prioritize to get a better view in the complex
world. Trying to find out measures that will help us.
5. Adaptive- The technology today mainly helps the systems a lot more adaptive. It
helps also an individual to learn more and makes the work easily and faster.
6. From People Analytics to Analytics for the People- Key question is, “What
are the benefits for the employee.”
7. Learning in the flow of Work- It’s about how to help people in their work and
while working to become better. The organization needs to observe the
employees on their work and then able to give them micro learning solutions that
can help them.
8. A Tougher Approach to Diversity and Equal Opportunities- Gives everyone
the chance to work despite of gender, sexuality, status of life and many more.
Equalization of diverse teams on top of organizations.
9. Inclusive Leadership- It is not about leadership from the top but it’s about
leadership of everybody. Making leadership in shared responsibility in the
10. Productivity- It is the various measures of the efficiency of production. It also
describes the total amount of goods and services workers produce in a certain
11. Blockchain Breakthrough- Blockchain has been poised to disrupt financial
services. Blockchain technologies, once used exclusively for buying and selling
bitcoins and have entered the mainstream of computer applications.
12. Corporate and Employee Activism- This means that the company must not
only focus on their own benefit but also to make our world and society better.
Use the talent not only to help inside also to help outside.

B. What do you think are the top 3 recommended HR Trend's for 2020?
Explain at least 1 to 2 sentences each.

Holistic HR- Because the shift towards knowing and appreciating what
people are experiencing both inside and outside of the workplace is at
the heart of holistic HR. Every employee should feel that HR sees, cares the
and ready to support, develop, coach, strategize, and help them as

Learning in the flow of work- It is not enough that you have done your
work but as we work and do our tasks it is important that we learn from it.

Corporate and Employee Activism- Since everyone are working it means

every person in the production has role and each role are important. Not
just the upper position will have benefits but also to the employees in the
lower positions.

Module 4 - Assignment 3 - A sample employment application form


Module 5 - Reflection - Journal 3

Conducting Thorough Job Analyses and Drafting Lawful Job Descriptions

Kevin J. Smith
First published: 28 January 2015

A job description is a document intended to provide job applicants with an outline of the
main duties and responsibilities of the role for which they are applying. It is an essential part of
the job application process as, with the right information It helps applicants to determine
whether the role is in line with their skill set and whether it is a job they actually want to do. But,
there are times that employees rant to their company because of doing tasks that is not
mentioned to them before entering the job. Many people face a similar unhappy situation,
finding themselves in jobs that aren't what they thought they would be. Forty percent of those
who left job because they didn't like what they were doing. I think this problem still exists and is
related to job description, and I, myself experience it to my previous part time job. As a working
student I expected that my tasks is lighter than my co-workers who are actually working there
full-time because that is what the owner of the business told me. Sometimes my working hours
is extending because of too many workloads. If you end up with too many tasks that have little
bearing on the role you signed up for, you'll likely feel disappointed. You may think that you've
been "hoodwinked" or misled. But, before you march up to your manager to complain, or even
quit, take a deep breath and look at your situation calmly and objectively. It's unlikely that your
organization misled you deliberately. Chances are, misunderstandings or poor
communication are to blame. The journal helped me to understand the importance of implying
job description in the workplace to avoid confusion of the employees. But the important thing
is to allow yourself time to reconcile your expectations of the job with the reality. Give yourself a
chance to learn the role, to make the most of it, and to find opportunities to steer it in a more
fulfilling direction. Your role may be disappointing now, but it could still work out well in the long

Module 5 - Assignment 4 - Discussion Question

1. You are the HR consultant to a small business with about 40 employees. At the present
time the firm offers only five days, vacation, five paid holidays, and legally mandated
benefits such as unemployment insurance payments. Develop a list of other benefits
you believe they should offer, along with your reasons for suggesting them.

If I were to conduct benefits that I think would benefit my employees, I will consider first
some issues. The specified values to approve would be depending partially on the profile of the
employees of the firm. Since it doesn't mention the specific details, the inexpensive supplement
of benefits that I would do is include some sick leave or personal days and assess further
vacation or holidays. Sick leave benefits an employee who will be unable to work effectively
because of illness. Potentially, paid sick leave provides the time of the employees need to seek
medical care for their current illness. The next benefit that they might get would also include
the accessibility of several kind of health plan that could comprise a contributive cost to the
employee. Health benefits is generally one of the simplest but most effective steps you can
take to reward and attract talent. This would be to smaller extent cost to the corporation and
add real merit to the employees because of group discounts.

Module 6 - Reflection Paper on Webinar (October 10, 2020)

The webinar that we attended teach us a lot on how the human resource
management implies in current time and situation. As the world becomes more
technical, the people used to upgrade their ways and insights on how corporation
effectively works. As what the guest speaker, Mr. Pamintuan, he introduced to us the
current HR trends, especially about the training and development. As a summary on
what he mentioned, what I have learned in this session is, technology will play a big role
in personalized, continuous professional development in 2020 and workers with strong
behavioral skills will be highly sought after in the learning and development field. It has
been impacting the development and delivery of learning experiences for some
time. Also, he thought us briefly the best HR practices of J&J. I have perceived that
Johnson and Johnson is leading in the market and their main strength lies in their
advertising strategy. They usually use emotional appeal to induce their consumer and
the art work in their ad is also impressive. Johnson & Johnson has also integrated
inclusion throughout performance management, development and compensation
conversations. They also have launched a global diversity and inclusion honors
program. In addition, another guest speaker, Ms. Celina Dayrit teaches us about the
Positive Psychology in human resource and how the strengths are helpful in a
corporation. I like this topic because it talks about more of personal traits and let each
of us realize our strengths and weaknesses. There is some evidence to suggest that
strengths-based approaches can improve retention in treatment programs for
those who misuse assets. I have also learned that there are also pointers that it
can improve social networks and enhance well -being. As such, it concerns itself
principally with the quality of the relationship that develops between those
providing and being supported, as well as the elements that the person seeking
support brings to the process. Working in a collaborative way promotes the
opportunity for individuals to help company’s services. And M s. Dayrit said that we
should focus on our strengths rather than on our weaknesses. Various studies have
shown that when we focus on developing our strengths, we grow faster than when
trying to improve our weaknesses. Plus, people who use their strengths are happier, less
stressed, and more confident. That what all I have learned in the webinar that we
attended. For me, it is very useful because it prepares us when the time comes that we
will work in different companies. It is like a guide and reminder on what we should do
and not to do. Lastly, it is important to practice what we have learned and apply those
when needed.

Module 7 - Assignment 5 - Discussion Questions

1. What is the purpose of a performance appraisal?

First is to provide adequate feedback to each person on his or her performance;

Second is to serve as a basis for modifying or changing behavior toward more effective
working habits; and Third is to provide data to managers with which they may judge
future job assignments and compensation. Therefore, the purpose of a performance
appraisal system is to evaluate how well an employee performs her job duties and
tasks, her supervisory and leadership capabilities and other soft skills, and how well she
manages workplace relationships and conflict resolution. Performance appraisal has
three basic functions.

2. Compare and contrast career management and performance appraisal.

Contrast career management is a life-long process that set of experiences and

activities that every people engage in related to their job to accomplish their future
career goals in life. Employees are introduced to the concept and then instructed to
take responsibility for it. They are asked to assess their skills and abilities, set goals,
develop plans, and implement developmental activities – often with little or no
information or support from management. In many cases, career development is
augmented by employee training in how to move from personal assessments to
planning. But managers are seldom involved. As a result, they are not prepared to help
employees by advising them about their current areas of competence or future

Performance appraisal is a systematic evaluation of performance of an

employee. It determines the degree of employees if the job is effective. Performance
appraisal has been little more than a written “report card,” sometimes with additional
face-to-face meetings for goal setting (for example, management by objectives.
Typically, however, the performance-appraisal process is merely an annual occasion
for managers to assess the performance of those they supervise and, often, to link that
assessment to compensation decisions.
3. Discuss the Performance Appraisal Process.

Step 1: Establish performance standards

Performance standards are set to ensure achievement of departmental goals and
objectives and the organization’s overall strategy and objectives. Standards are based
on the position, rather than an individual. In order to be clearly understood and
perceived as objective, standards should adhere to the same rules that apply to goal-
setting; that is, they should be “SMART:” specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and

Step 2: Communicate performance standards

In order to be effective, performance standards must be clearly communicated and
understood to be expectations. Performance standards assume that an individual is
competent, so initial and corrective training should be factored into the performance
management process. If there is a specific training period after which an employee is
assumed to be competent and performing to standards, that should be
communicated as well.
Step 3: Measure performance
Performance that is expressed in numeric terms—for example, cost, quantity, quality,
timeliness—is relatively easy to measure. Performance in the area of soft skills—for
example, communication, customer service and leadership—is more difficult to
Step 4: Compare actual performance to performance standards
In this step of the appraisal process, actual performance is compared to the
performance standards.
Step 5: Discuss the appraisal with the employee
This is generally the step in the process that is the most difficult for managers and
employees alike and it can be a challenge to manage emotions and expectations.
Even when performance is strong, there can be differences of opinion on the next
Step 6: Implement personnel action
The final step in the appraisal process is the discussion and/or implementation of any
next steps: a reward of some sort—a raise, promotion or coveted development
opportunity—or corrective action—a performance plan or termination. Note, however,
that corrective action that might help an employee achieve expectations shouldn’t be
tabled until the next formal appraisal.

Module 8 - Group Case Study

The tense talks by the parties composed of the Writers Guild of America and the
Alliance of Motion Picture & Television Producers began with a conflict of
interest concerning the splitting of revenues.


Splitting the revenue was the biggest concern for the tense confrontations
between WGA (Writers Guild of America) and the AMPT (Alliance of Motion
Picture & Television) producers. Both parties were concerned and are
consequently affected with the presupposed outcome, and despite having met
and discussed the problem six times, altercations were still prevalent as a
common ground for both parties were not reached.


The actions that correspond to the effects of the altercations between these
two parties heavily impact the length of time for which decisions must be made,
in an industry where time is the most crucial element. Considering that both
were aware of the importance of time and timing (as referenced by the time by
which the WGA were trying to execute a strike), they should have roped a third
party in this regard as they, by themselves, obviously can’t resolve the issue.

The problem should not have escalated if the ones concerned were receptive
enough of the opposing group’s proposals and suggestions. Their childish,
capitalistic mindsets were the ones that caused the friction to increase and
eventually not getting settled within the six different times that they had a
meeting. They obviously should have already considered getting some outside
help if they themselves couldn’t fix the issue with those many meetings held. We
would also propose that the parties both dissolve their prior interest if it weren’t
beneficial for the two groups. Marathon Bargaining sessions must only be
considered a viable option if both groups are reluctant to trust each other’s

This was a conflict between professional and creative people (the WGA) and TV
and movie producers. Do you think the conflict was therefore different in any

Module 8 - Group Case Study

way than are the conflicts between, say, the Autoworkers or Teamsters unions
against auto and trucking companies? Why? We think that the conflict between
professional and creative people (the WG) and the TV and movie producers is
different from that of the auto workers or teamsters’ unions against auto or
trucking companies. For terms and conditions between the management and
auto or track unions can be easily arrived at, since they could be quantified and
measured with the available resources and data across industries. However, in
case of WG and producers, since it dealt with creativity that is not quantifiable it
has snowballed into a complex dispute.

What role (with examples) did negotiating skills seem to play in the WGA
producers’ negotiations? They were able to reach the common ground that
both parties were satisfied with, using bargaining sessions in successions
(Searching for smart tradeoffs.)

MODULE 9 HR Research Paper


In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement of the Course:

Human Resource Management

Presented to:
Mrs. Alexandra D. Agapito
Presented By:

Canlas, Crisologo

Dizon, Vince

Medallon, Kenny

Quizon, Nicole

Salunga, Denzel

Tua, Kim Mariel

B – 222

MODULE 9 HR Research Paper

Table of Contents:

 Brief Company Background___________________________________________________3

- Mission and Vision___________________________________________________________3
 HR Descriptions and Compositions______________________________________________4
- HR Department Organization Structure/Chart____________________________________4
- Recruitment Process________________________________________________________5
- Functions/ Roles of the HR Department________________________________________6
- Services extended by the Department__________________________________________
Employees at A2B Outsourcing_________________________________________________6
 Recruiting, Selection, And Training & Development________________________________7
-Training & Development_______________________________________________________7
 Compensation and Benefits___________________________________________________8
 Performance Appraisal and Career Management__________________________________9
-Performance Appraisal________________________________________________________9
-Career Management_________________________________________________________9
 Labor Relations_____________________________________________________________10
-Labor Relations_____________________________________________________________10
 Occupational Safety and Health Standards(OSHS)_________________________________10
 Safety_____________________________________________________________________10
 Health____________________________________________________________________10
 Well-being_________________________________________________________________10
 Security___________________________________________________________________11
 Conclusion_________________________________________________________________11
 Recommendation___________________________________________________________11
 Verbatim Interview Answers________________________________________________12 - 13
 Official Request Letter_______________________________________________________14
 References_________________________________________________________________15


We began to develop the concepts for A2B Outsourcing when we saw a void in the
outsourced market for companies that needed a specialized field of bookings,
dispatch, and logistics.
By 2015, with the Philippines and its outstanding and talented workforce, we have
begun strong and enduring relationships. We wanted to take it to the next stage
when we experienced first-hand the work ethic, capability, and expertise of the
A2b outsourcing was established in 2016 by 3 Australian businessmen to cater
their own business at first; it is an outsourcing company based in Clark Philippines.
Its goal is to reach 150 employees.
Annual Kick-off party to welcome the new year.
They give Health Insurance up to 90k.

To provide safe, challenging yet rewarding environment for its staff
To provide excellent service to clients
To be highly profitable

A2B Outsourcing’s vision is to become a recognized leader in the outsourcing
industry. This Vision will be achieved through the delivery of world-class

workforce solutions to businesses and the development of client-centered standards

and processes.

in the Philippines, it’s easy to be generous”, we look after our staff and aim
to be the best Australian owned Global BPO in Clark.


HR Department Organization Structure/Chart

HR Manager
HR specialists
HR Managers
The basic functions of hr manager in A2B Outsourcing is to support the business to
deliver people-related processes, vision and strategy across the company, aligned
with the law. Their duties involve managing activities such as job design,
recruitment employee relations, performance management, training & development
and talent management. They also support other colleagues within the business to
resolve challenging issues related to the employment and dismissal of staff.
HR Specialists
The responsibilities of human resources specialists revolve around the recruitment
and placement of employees; therefore, their job duties may range from screening
job candidates and conducting interviews to performing background checks and
providing orientation to new employees.


Recruiters will work from resumes or by actively soliciting individuals qualified

for positions. A recruiter’s job includes reviewing a candidate’s job experiences,
negotiating salaries, and placing candidates in agreeable employment positions.

1. Open position
The first step of this process occurs when a client calls with an open position that
they need help filling. Recruiters will then get all the details they need to start
working on the role. This involves more than just getting a job description.
2. Posting a job
Recruiters in A2B Outsourcing Company post all of their open jobs on their
company website, relevant job boards, and may also be advertised on social media
3. Finding Great Candidates
Recruiters review all of the resumes to identify the candidates that have the hard
and soft skills their clients are looking for. Once they do, they will reach out for
telephone or in-person interviews, or a combination of both.
4. Client Interview Stage
After the interview, the recruiter will collect feedback from both the candidate and
client. Recruiters want to make sure they can give their candidates as much
feedback as possible - good or bad – so they know where they stand.
5. Job Offer
Recruiters may be involved in the onboarding process and can provide the first day
details that candidates will need.
6. Stay in contact
Recruiters will follow up with clients and candidates on their first day, end of the
first month, and at the end of a probation period.


Functions/ Roles of the HR Department

• Responsible for recruitment of new hires.

• Preparing and signing of employment contract.
• Make sure the company follow DOLE guidelines.
• Retention of employees.
• Termination of employees.
• Act as the voice of the staff to the executives.

Services extended by the Department

• Filing of government mandated offices.
• Payroll disputes.
• Coaching.
• Performance evaluation.

Employees at A2B Outsourcing

Farhana Tansin (Customer Service Representative)

She serves customers by providing product, service information, resolving product
and service problems. She resolves product or service problems by clarifying the
customer’s complaint, determining the cause of the problem, selecting and
explaining the best solution to solve the problem, expediting correction or
adjustment, and following up to ensure resolution.


Marvin Ramirez (Workforce Manger)

His work involves performing all the activities needed to maintain high
productivity in employees. A workforce manager works in the human resources
department where he ensures staff optimization, sets goals and objectives,
maintains employee records and facilitates effective communication among
Leanne Cunanan (Virtual Assistant)
As a virtual assistant, she helps their employers with daily administrative tasks and
schedules. Other responsibilities include organizing employer’s files, answering
emails, arranging meetings and travel plans, and helping to create presentation
materials. A virtual assistant must be able to manage expense reports, orders, and
confidential financial information.
Stephen Richmond (Sales Manager)
He is responsible for leading and coaching a team of salespeople in their company.
A sales manager's tasks often include assigning sales territories, setting quotas,
mentoring the members of his sales team, assigning sales training, building a sales
plan, and hiring and firing sales people.


In this company, good recruitment is vital. It focuses in finding the right people for the right
roles at the right time. It ensures that the workforce has the relevant skills and abilities for the
organisation's current and future needs.

For the A2B Outsourcing, they hiring an employees by interviewing and evaluating candidates
for a specific job and selecting an individual for employment based on certain criteria.



At A2B Outsourcing, they tailor solutions to meet the needs of their business and therefore they
hire only the best and highly reliable. They ensure that their staffs will understand their business
process and the environment to which you operate.
They offer the following:
Virtual Assistant Services
Marketing Services: Blog management, SEO, Social Media management, Adwords, Google
Analytics, and more.
Appointment Setting
Logistics Services
Administration / Data Entry and Research
Graphic Designers, Web Designers
Web Development Services
IT Staffing Services
Customer Service / Sales / Lead Generation
Accountants, Bookkeepers, and Debt Collection

The company have fully equipped with facilities from the computer system up to the telephone
equipment system with highest internet connections that will increase business productivity.
They have the best and the latest technology and facilities. The way of recruiting and selecting
an employee for the company is really a proper way to ensure if the employees that they are
applying is suit to their qualifications.
The company’s training program is essential for ensuring that their workers have the knowledge
and skills they need to perform their duties safely. The right training will reduce the risk of
injuries and illnesses and help create a less hazardous environment for everyone.
The company’s safety program outlines the practices that all workers should follow while on the
job. It also instructs them on how to identify and report potential hazards to prevent incidents
from occurring in the first place.



The A2B Outsourcing will let you know the desired salary of their staff on a monthly basis,
including their office accommodation and facilities such as phones, computers (hardware and
software) and the like. Basically, that is less than half of what they are paying for an in house

Working in A2B Outsourcing, benefits they were given are Dental, Medical, Parking, Regular
hours, Mondays - Fridays, Supplied Uniform and black pants.

The company’s compensation is commonly the basic pay of other companies out
there. Based on your performance and position your salary can earn up to higher
than the basic. The benefits that they offer is truly what we need.


In A2B Outsourcing they evaluating by Monitoring software that can be installed on computers
as per client request and they have biometrics to manage staff attendance. Their main priority is
to make sure that you are fully satisfied with the service that you receive.

Client-focused, solution-oriented, and transparent, A2B prides itself on the culture it has
Each A2B Talent is encouraged to maintain an optimum work-life balance. a mentoring and a
collaborative environment support productivity and efficiency. Team building and learning
activities help create a reprieve from day-to-day work.

A2B Outsourcing is not just connecting ‘YOU’ to other people, but also taking you out from the
box to where you find yourself most comfortable with. Moving people is one good way to make
them realize their true value and worth and thus giving them a better understanding on how to


deal not just with their environment, but also with different fields they might not have
encountered yet. A2B prides itself on the culture it has developed by career management client-
focused, solution-oriented, and transparent. Each A2B Talent is encouraged to maintain an
optimum work-life balance. a mentoring and a collaborative environment support productivity
and efficiency. Team building and learning activities help create a reprieve from day-to-day
work. Also, it is a part of their goal to reach out with various people of different culture and then
taking them to an experience to live a life they never used to, considering their needs and
requirements – all through A2B Outsourcing.

With A2B Outsourcing unions they help employers create a more stable, productive workforce—
where workers have a say in improving their jobs. And it help bring workers out of poverty and
into the middle class. In fact, in states where workers don't have union rights, workers' incomes
are lower.

As a worker you have a federally guaranteed right to form or join a union, and bargain
collectively with your employer. Business agents and/or stewards are the representatives of the
union who help workers deal with unfair treatment, discrimination and with other workplace
issues. This helps balance the power that an employer has over individual employees.
The company’s union gives you rights under the law that you do not have as an individual. Once
you have formed a union, your employer must bargain with your union over your wages,
benefits, hours and working conditions. Union workers, on average, earn higher wages and get
more benefits than workers who don’t have a voice on the job with a union.
The A2B Outsourcing team keep their working place by having their monthly deep clean to
protect their Staff who are working at the office. Medical and First Aid Kit are kept.


With the health benefits you will get when you are working in A2B Outsourcing, they will make
sure that you are protected and happy with your working days.

In terms in well-being, your concerns and performance are what their focuses. You can directly
talk and delegate tasks to the outsourced staff.

Keeping employees, visitors, contractors and building occupants safe involves staying up to date
on the latest effective safety programs and services for assurance. Regardless of industry, safety
and health professionals must stay educated on the resources available.

The A2B Outsourcing allows you to receive help with health and safety-related services for as
long as you need. The consultants are free from their company and from the burdens of staffing
full-time organizational employees. Instead, fund the services they are require and let them
implement an appropriate system with their staff of experts.
The company becomes a viable option for managers who need help fulfilling safety
responsibilities. You might find yourself in between hires for a new safety professional, but
health and safety cannot be neglected for extended periods of time. They keep their company's
safety processes in professional hands.
It is an employer's responsibility to provide a safe workplace. But this company enables you to
stay up to date on key obligation. The benefits they are giving is truly appreciated and well in



In relation to that the company A2B, need to have employees who have the capabilities of having
a skills that will expand their company needs. Communication skills and media skills is one of
the most important skills that a employee must possess because those categories are the one who
expand the company. A company needs employees who has knowledge on communicating to
others especially in introducing their company, and a employees who are good in media skills
who promote their company because social media is so powerful, that it can get the attention of
many people.

Since many companies are relaying to A2B Outsourcing they should be more observant in
choosing employees for the companies who's needing their help. The employers of A2B
Outsourcing should have social media skills who can create or access websites because as we all
know that most of the people are now basing their life in the social media. Social media has
proven to be one of the most effective marketing tools of recent years, and many organizations
are hiring social media specialists to help them maximize their reach and improve engagement
with existing and potential customers that's why A2B should hire an employee who has social
media skills. It is big help to them if they will post what are the benefits that the company is
giving to their employee because people will be encourage to apply to them. A2B outsourcing
employees should improve their communication skills because they are facing different people
every day and people will think that their company has professional employees and for the sake
of the company.




1. May we ask for the brief history and/or business profile of the company?

A2b outsourcing was established in 2016 by 3 Australian businessmen to cater their own
business at first. it is an outsourcing company based in Clark Philippines.

2. May we also ask the company vision, mission, and objectives including the
logo so that we can be able to include them in the company history?

Mission and Vision

To provide safe, challenging yet rewarding environment for its staff
To provide excellent service to clients
To be highly profitable

3. In your present HR department, may we ask of the following:

a. HR Department Organization Structure/Chart.

HR Manager
HR specialists


Compensation and Benefits

b. Brief description of each position

HR Manager - oversee entire department operations from recruitment up to termination.
Decision maker of the department.
Recruitment - responsible for scouting new hires, posting ads, interview, and endorsement of
final candidates
Compensation and benefits - responsible for preparing government mandated benefits and

c. Functions/Roles of the HR Department

Responsible for recruitment of new hires
Preparing and signing of employment contract
Make sure the company follow DOLE guidelines
Retention of employees
Termination of employees
Act as the voice of the staff to the executives
d. Services extended by the Department
Filing of government mandated offices
Payroll disputes
Performance evaluatio



Working at ABC A2B OUTSOURCING PHILIPPINES company profile and information | Philippines Retrieved from:
Learn How to Be a Successful Sales Manager Retrieved from:
Workforce Management Position Description Retrieved from:

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