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VIDEO 4 - CHAPTER 4: ETHICAL - Tell minor what they will discuss his case to

him with his parents

Note: In the Philippines, a minor has no legal
personality yet to decide for his or himself
BIOETHICS properly. (As a lawyer, I would recommend the
nurse and the physician to talk with the parents
- The principles that govern right and proper because it is presume that the parents have the
conduct of a person regarding life, biology best interest of the minor at heart, unless the
and the health professionals. contrary is proven – Igor, 2021 Philippines).
How to make decisions safe for patients: 6.) “what should I do?”
 Ethical issue: one that involves core values 7.) “what justifies this choice?”
of practice.
 Ethical reasoning is necessary to resolve - The presumption is that adolescents should
potential tensions between personal values be involved in their healthcare decision
and professional values and among making to the extent that they are capable
professional values. and desire to be involved

Example Case: 8.) “How could this ethical problems have been
Case about a 16 year old boy with terminal
brain cancer (glioblastoma multiformw); medical *In the Philippines, the age of majority is 18 years
team wants to refer him to hospice; but parents old (RA 6809, an act lowering the age of majority
don’t want the boy to know; they want to put him from 21 to 18 yo, 1989). Anybody less than 18 yo is
through an aggressive experimental surgical a child (RA 7610, Special protection of child against
procedure. But boy found out about his condition in abuse and discrimination act, 1992).
the internet; requested to have a talk with the *In civil law, a minor is incapable of gibing a valid
resident physician and nurse without his parents, consent. Article 1327 of the New Civil Code (RA
and asked them whether “he was dying?”. 386) provides: “The following cannot give consent
MAKING: (1) unemancipated minors
1.) Ask “what is the ethical question?’ (ex: should (2) insane or demented persons, and deaf-mutes
the resident physician and the nurse disclose the who do not know how to write
patient’s diagnosis)
As a consequence, a surgery or medical
2.) Ask “what should or ought to happen according treatment is a form of contract. If a minor cannot
to the norms and standards?” enter to a contract, therefore, a minor cannot give
- what are the available evidence-based valid consent to surgical or medical procedure. The
treatments” parents have to be the one give the consent, if the
- should the minor know his diagnosis? parents are dead, it has to be the closest relative of
- what does your “gut” tell you to do? the patient who are of course within the age of
*this is important because ethics and law majority.
are different Emancipated minors – 18 yo who has job or living
3.) Gather relevant facts outside the family’s home

- why is minor asking these questions? (Note: no more emancipated minors after passage
- What is the law on decision-making by of RA 6809)
minors? *Since a physician-patient relationship, or a nurse-
4.) Ask “what are the values at stake in this patient relationship, is contractual in nature,
scenario?” consent of a minor cannot bind the parties involved.
The logical conclusion was that the authority to
- In this case, battle between beneficence, consent to medical treatment on a minor’s behalf
non-maleficence, autonomy v privacy and must be vested in someone else.
- Justice is also important to allocate *The power has devolved to the natural guardians
resources only to beneficial treatment of the minor-his or her parents.

5.) Ask “what are the options in this case?” *Article 1394, New Civil Code RA 386: Ratification
may be affected by guardian of the incapacitated
- Tell minor what they understand about his minor. (Ratification: For example, a minor buy
condition something expensive and then the parents paid for
- Tell minor to ask his parents that)
*Minor – parents or minors who have suffered Note: Whatever principles you follow whether it is
miscarriage cannot have access to modern utilitarianism or egalitarianism, make sure decisions
methods [surgery] of family planning without written do not violate criminal laws (RA 3815 and other
consent from their parents or guardian/s. statutes), civil law (RA 386), and administrative law
(RA 9173, Code of Ethics).
*Parental consent and notification is favoured if the
minor is to receive follow-up care (ex: surgery) *If you are government employee, the
administrative law you should be familiar with is
*Even the patient’s bill of the rights published by the
Executive Order 292 which is the Civil Service Law
Department of Health states that in case of minors
of the Philippines.
and incompetent persons, their informed consent is
not required; rather, the informed consent shall be *If you are a private employee, you look at PD 442,
obtained from their parents or legal guardian/s Labor Code of the Philippines.
(Patient’s bill of rights, Department of Health).
*But in some treatment situations like treatment for
sexually transmitted diseases or the side effects of
birth control pills-family ties may be strained or 1.) Criminal (RA 3815)
broken following disclosure or notification.
- burden of proof: beyond reasonable doubt
*It is not advisable to provide information to parents (it means there must be proof beyond
without permission of minor (or court order, or certainty)
statutory directive) - condequence: prison (incarceration), fines
(to society)
2.) Civil (RA 386)
Investigation of cognitively impaired individual
presented some ethical dilemmas. Which of the - burden of proof: based on a preponderance
following protocol would be considered unethical? of the evidence (it means while in criminal
law, the battle there is between the people
a. Recording interaction with the elderly with their
and the accuse, in civil law the battle here is
between one man against another man, the
b. Verbal permission from the subject is heavier or weightier evidence)
unnecessary - consequence: monetary
compensation/damages (to offended party)
C. Data coded and recorded solely by the
D. A written consent from the institution and a CIVIL LAW DAMAGES
significant other
- daños in Spanish
- the amount of losing party has to pay for the
1. Utilitarianism winning party
- the principle which is for the greatest good 1.) Actual or Compensatory (Art 2199): actual
for the greatest number expense
- this principle gives emphasis to prioritize
- Article 2199. Except as provided by law or
- maximizing strategies to achieve the
by stipulation, one is entitled to an adequate
greatest amount of good
compensation only for such pecuniary loss
- medical success principle (who to save?):
suffered by him as he has duly proved.
good prognosis
Such compensation is referred to as actual
- immediate usefulness
or compensatory damages (RA 386)
- conservation principle (save baby > adult)
- You can prove it using receipts. If this thing
- parental role (father > single)
is broken by the other party, you can
2. Egalitarianism present the receipts as to what is the value
of that thing. If receipts is not available, then
- opposite to utilitarianism
you can present an expert which knows the
- equalize
standard value of that thing at the current
- both the means and the ends must be
- restoring the equality of the people in need
- Article 2205. Damaged may be recovered:
- medical neediness (who to save? poor
(1) For loss or impairment of earning
capacity in cases of temporary or
- first come, first serve
permanent personal injury
- random selection
(2) for injury to the plaintiff’s business - Article 2229. Exemplary or corrective
standing or commercial credit damages are imposed, by way of example
or correction for the public good, in addition
2.) Moral Damages (Art 2217): most famous/most
to the moral, temperate, liquidated or
expensive (for sleepless nights; suffering)
compensatory damages (RA 386)
- Article 2217. Moral damages include - Article 2230. In criminal offense, exemplary
physical suffering, mental anguish, fright, damages as a part of the civil liability may
serious anxiety, besmirched reputation, be imposed when the crime was committed
wounded feelings, moral shock, social with one or more aggravating
humiliation, and similar injury. Though circumstances. Such damages are separate
incapable of pecuniary computation, moral and distinct from fines and shall be paid to
damages may be recovered if they are the the offended party.
proximate result of the defendant’s wrongful - Article 2231. In quasi-delicts (Philippine
act for omission (RA 386) version of American torts), exemplary
- There are certain cases wherein moral damages may be granted if the defendant
damage can be awarded immediately such acted with gross negligence.
as rape cases.
3.) Nominal Damages (Art 2221): when there is a
violation of a right, but incapable of pecuniary
estimation 3. Administrative (RA 9173, PD 442 [labor code if
private] [civil service if public]
- Article 2221. Nominal damages are
adjudicated in order that a right of the - Burden of proof: clear and convincing
plaintiff, which has been violated or invaded standard
by the defendant, may be vindicated or - Consequence: suspension or revocation of
recognized, and not for the purpose of licence
indemnifying the plaintiff for any loss
suffered by him (RA 386) NLE QUESTION 5
- Article 2223. The adjudication of nominal When a nurse breaches the duty of confidentiality,
damages shall preclude further contest he or she can be disciplined by both the employer
upon the right involved and all accessory and the Board of Nursing. In addition to this
questions, as between the parties to the discipline, he or she can:
suit, or their respective heirs and assigns.
A. be held responsible for any damages that result
4.) Temperate or Moderate Damages (Art 2224)
B. be fined by the federal government
- Article 2224. Temperate or moderate
damages, which are more than nominal but C. be sentenced for up to 1 year in jail
less than compensatory damages, may be
D. immediately lose his or her nursing license
recovered when the court finds that some
pecuniary loss has been suffered but its
amount cannot, from the nature of the case,
be provided with certainty (RA 386)
- For example, gasto sa lamay but u were not The nurse is in the hospital canteen and hears two
able to present the receipts, the court may staff nurses talking about the client confined in
award temperate damages for the expense Room 612. They mentioned his name and
of the funeral and the burial. discussed details of his condition. Which of the
following actions should the nurse take?
5.) Liquidated damages (Art 2226)
A. Approach the two nurses and tell them that their
- Article 2226. Liquidated damages are those
actions are inappropriate especially in public area
agreed upon by the parties to a contract, to
be paid in case of breach thereof (RA 386). B. Wait till the nurses finish the discussion and
For Sir Igor, this one is the easiest to prove report the situation to the supervisor
because there is already an agreement,
there is written stipulation of how much a C. Say nothing to avoid embarrassing the staff
party should pay if the contract is breach. nurse
- Article 2227. Liquidated damages, whether D. Remain quiet and ignore the discussion
intended as an indemnity or a penalty, shall
be equitably reduced if they are iniquitous or
6.) Exemplary of Corrective Damages (Art 2229): to
warn public (ex: gross offense) (amount is decided
by court)
CASE: The nurse who failed to check the patient’s B. Conflict management, trust, negotiation
respiratory status.
C. Negotiation, decision making
Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital v Spouses
D. Mutual respect, negotiation, and trust
Romeo and Regine Capanzana (GR 189218,
March 22, 2017), a nurse neglected to assess the
respiratory status of a patient experiencing
respiratory distress, and whose significant others is NLE QUESTION 2
complaining that such patient’s oxygen tank is Among children candidates for organ transplant,
running empty. As a result, the patient suffered when all selected children have appropriate tissue
cardiopulmonary arrest which caused her brain matches for the same donated organ, the basis for
damage and subsequent vegetative state, to wit: the decision as to which child gets the organ is
“hypoxic encelopathydue to pulmonary edema.” given to the child who:
The nurse was held liable along with the hospital
for Php 299,102.04 for actual damages, Php A. Will receive the most benefit from the new organ
1,330,296.80 for compensatory damages, Php 100,
B. Is most likely to die without the transplant
000 for moral damages, and Php 100,000 for
attorney’s fees. C. Is selected by the lottery system for available
 The doctors in the above case got out scot-
free, even if the RTC found out that they D. Is at the top of the list and has waited the
failed to assess the patient’s heart disease longest time
– a rheumatic heart disease with mitral
stenosis – which led to the patients NLE QUESTION 53
pulmonary hypertension, then pulmonary The use of interpersonal decision making,
edema, and eventually respiratory arrest; all psychomotor skills, and application of knowledge
because the nurse didn’t assess the expected in the role of a licensed health care
respiratory function of the patient; an professional in the context of public health welfare
assessment which, in my humble and safety is an example of:
asseveration, could and should, have been
done with greater accuracy and A. delegation
thoroughness by the admitting physician. B. supervision
 The lesson to be learned from this case, for
me, is that nurses must do everything in C. responsibility
their power not to be the “fall guy”, the
D. competence
“stodge”, or the “scapegoat”. They must
assess each patient like their jobs, liberty,
and dignity depend on it; and must never
rely solely on the good doctor’s CASE: Imbong v Ochoa Jr. (GR 204819, April 8,
proclamation that the “coast is clear” 2014)
Republic Act (RA) No. 10354, otherwise
known as the Responsible Parenthood and
Reproductive Health Act of 2012 (RH Law), was
enacted by Congress on December 21, 2012.
A perusal of the foregoing petitions show
The Code of Nurses
that the petitioners are assailing the constitutionality
A. delineates all obligations and responsibilities of of RH Law on the following grounds: The RH Law
the nurse violates the right to life of the unborn, the right to
health and the right to protection against hazardous
B. is a binding oath, which tells nurses how to make products, and to religious freedom, equal protection
ethical decisions clause, involuntary servitude among others.
C. assists the nurse in formulating a personal belief It is also contended that the RH Law
system threatens conscientious objectors of criminal
D. supports the concept of respect for all persons prosecution, imprisonment and other forms of
punishment, as it compels medical practitioners: 1]
to refer patients who seek advice on reproductive
health programs to other doctors; and 2] to provide
full and correct information on reproductive health
Nurse Rita is successful in collaborating with health programs and service, although it is against their
team members about the care of Mr. Linao. This is religious beliefs and convictions.
because she has the following competence:
Records of the Constitutional Convention
A. Communication, trust, and decision making also shed light on the intention of the Framers
regarding the term “conception” used in Section 12 hazardous products. [these provisions are self-
Article of the Constitution. From their deliberations, executing] [don’t need a law to implement them]
it clearly refers to the moment of “fertilization.”
From the deliberations, it is apparent that
The OSG counters that the redention of pro
the Framers of the Constitution emphasized that
bono services envisioned in Section 17 can hardly
the State shall provide equal protection to both the
be considered as forced labor analogous to slavery,
mother and the unborn child from the earliest
as reproductive health care service providers have
opportunity of life, that is, upon fertilization or upon
the discretion as to the manner and time of giving
the union of the male sperm and the female ovum.
pro bono services. Moreover, the OSG points out
It is also apparent is that the Framers of the
that the imposition is within the powers of the
Constitution intended that to prohibit Congress from
government, the accreditation of medical
enacting measures that would allow it determine
practitioners with Phil Health being a privilege and
when life begins.
not a right.
Conversely, contraceptives that actually
prevent the union of the male sperm and the female
ovum, and those that similarly take action prior to SUPREME COURT
fertilization should be deemed non-abortive, and
thus, constitutionally permissible. - The point of the OSG is well-taken.
- It should first be mentioned that the practice
A component to the right to life is the of medicine is undeniably imbued with
constitutional right to health. In this regard, the public interest that it is both a power and a
Constitution is replete with provisions protecting duty of the State to control and regulate it in
and promoting the right to health. order to protect and promote the public
welfare. Like the legal profession, the
practice of medicine is not a right but a
Section 15, Article II of the Constitution provides: privileged burdened with conditions as it
directly involves the very lives of the people.
Section 15. The State shall protect and promote the A fortiori, this power includes the power of
right to health of the people and instill health Congress to prescribe the qualification for
consciousness among them. the practice of professions or trades which
affect the public welfare, the public health,
the public morals, and the public safety; and
A portion of Article XIII also specifically provides for to regulate or control such professions or
the States’ duty to provide for the health of the trades, even to the point of revoking such
people, viz: right altogether.
- Moreover, as some petitioners put it, the
Section 11. The State shall adopt an integrated and
notion of involuntary servitude connotes the
comprehensive approach to health development
presence of force, threats, intimidation or
which shall endeavour to make essential goods,
other similar means of coercion and
health and other social services available to all the
compulsion. A reading of the assailed
people at affordable cost. There shall be priority for
provision, however, reveals that it only
the needs of the underprivileged, sick, elderly,
encourages private and non-government
disabled, women, and children. The State shall
reproductive healthcare service providers to
endeavour to provide free medical care to paupers.
render pro bona service. Other than non-
ARTICLE 13 accreditation with Phil Health, no penalty is
imposed should they choose to do
- Section 12. The State shall establish and
maintain an effective food and drug
- While the rendering of such service was
regulatory system and undertake
made a prerequisite to accreditation with
appropriate health, manpower development,
PhilHealth, the court does not consider the
and research, responsiveness to the
same to be an unreasonable burden, but
country’s health needs and problems.
rather, a necessary incentive imposed by
- Section 13. The State shall establish a
Congress in the furtherance of a perceived
special agency for disabled person for their
legitimate state interest.
rehabilitation, self-development, and self-
- Consistent with what the Court had earlier
reliance, and their integration to the
discussed, however, it should be
mainstream society.
emphasized that conscientious objectors
are exempt from this provision as long as
their religious beliefs and convictions do not
Finally, Section 9, Article XVI provides: allow them to render reproductive health
Section 9. The State shall protect consumers from service, pro bona or otherwise.
trade malpractices and from sunstandard or
- At any rate, as earlier expounded, the RH [4] Section 23 (a)(2)(ii) and the corresponding
Law does not sanction the taking away of provision in the RH – IRR insofar as they limit the
life. It does not allow abortion in any shape requirement of parental consent only to elective
or form. It only seeks to enhance the surgical procedures. [jig: parental consent needed
population control program of the for all surgical procedure]
government providing information and
[5] Section 23 (a) (3) and the corresponding
making non-abortifacient contraceptives nire
provision in the RH – IRR, particularly Section 5 .24
readily available to the public, especially to
thereof, insofar as they punish any healthcare
the poor.
service provider who fails and or refuses to refer
patient not in an emergency or life-threatening
case, as defined under Republic Act No. 8344, to
another health care service provider within the
Wherefore, the petitions are PARTIALLY same facility or one which is conveniently
GRANTED. Accordingly, the Court declares RA No. accessible regardless of his/her religious beliefs;
10354 as NOT UNCONSTITUTIONAL except with [jig: religious objectors don’t have to refer]
respect to the following provisions which are
[6] Section 23 (b) and the corresponding provision
in the RH – IRR, particularly Section 5.24 thereof,
insofar as they punish any public officer who
refuses to support reproductive health programs or
SOME PROVISIONS ARE UNCONSTITUTIONAL shall do any act that hinders the full implementation
(STRUCK DOWN) of a reproductive health program, regardless of his
For example: or her religious beliefs [jig: this allows for religious
[1] Section 7 and the corresponding provision in the
RH-IRR insofar as they: a) require private health [7] Section 17 and the corresponding provision in
facilities and non-maternity specialty hospitals and the RH – IRR regarding the rendering of pro bona
hospitals owned and operated by religious group to reproductive health service in so far as they affect
refer patients, not in an emergency or life- the conscientious objector in securing PhilHealth
threatening case, as defined under Republic Act accreditation; and [jig: religious objectors don’t
No. 8344, to another health facility which is have to render pro bono reproductive health
conveniently accessible [jig: so, if case is not service]
emergency, don’t have to refer for family planning] [8] Section 3.0 (a) and Section 3.01 G) of the RH –
And b) allow minor-parents or minors who have IRR, which added the qualifier “primarily” in defining
suffered a miscarriage access to modern methods abortifacients and contraceptives, as they are ultra
of family planning without written consent from their vires and, therefore, null and void for contravening
parent or guardians Section 4 (a) of the RH Law and violating Section
12, Article II of the Constitution [jig: this reflects the
[jig: meaning minor-parents or minors who have Court’s and the law’s stance against abortion]
suffered miscarriage cannot have access to
modern methods [surgery] of family planning
without written consent from their Section 12, Article 2 of 1987 Philippine Constitution
parents/guardians] provides:
[2] Section 23 (a) (I) and the corresponding The State recognizes the sanctity of family
provision in the RH – IRR, particularly Section 5 .24 life ad shall protect and strengthen the family as a
thereof, insofar as they punish any healthcare basic autonomous social institution. It shall equally
service provider who fails and or refuses to protect the life od the mother and the life of the
disseminate information regarding programs and unborn from conception. The natural and primary
services on reproductive health regardless of his or right and duty of parents in the rearing of the youth
her religious beliefs [jig: this allows for religious for civic efficiency and the development of moral
objectors] character shall receive the support of the
[3] Section 23 (a) (2) (i) and the corresponding government.
provision in the RH – IRR insofar as they allow a
married individual, not in an emergency or life-
threatening case, as defined under Republic Act
No. 8344, to undergo reproductive health
procedures without the consent of the spouse [jig:
married individuals still needs the consent of the
spouse to undergo reproductive health procedures,
unless it is an emergency or life-threatening case,
as defined under RA 8344]

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